
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
eimeria acervulina and eimeria tenella infections in ochratoxin a-compromised broiler chickens.a 2 x 6 factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the effects of coccidial infections in ochratoxin a-compromised chicks. ochratoxin a was incorporated into the feed at the dose levels of 0, .5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 micrograms/g toxin in feed (ppm), and fed to the birds from 1 day of age. birds from each treatment were inoculated with either eimeria acervulina or eimeria tenella at 14 days of age. ochratoxin a decreased the severity of lesions caused by both e. acervulina and e. tenel ...19827100060
experimental development of resistance of amprolium or dinitolmide in eimeria acervulina and its effect on inhibition of sporulation of oocysts. 19817328470
cytochemical observations on sporozoites of chicken coccidia, eimeria acervulina, e. hagani, e. maxima, and e. tenella. 19817328989
composition of heart, liver, and skeletal muscle from broilers with coccidiosis.infection with eimeria acervulina, eimeria brunetti, or eimeria tenella affected the composition of the breast, thigh, heart, and liver of 3 or 4-week-old broilers. liver glycogen was significantly increased at 6 and 8 days postinoculation (pi) with e. acervulina. conversely, liver glycogen was decreased at 4 and 6 days pi with e. tenella and was unaffected by infection with e. brunetti. the levels of rna and lipid in the liver were decreased with e. acervulina but unchanged with e. tenella. bot ...19816172783
eimeria acervulina and e. mivati: oocysts, life-cycle and ability to develop in the chicken embryo.three strains of eimeria acervulina and 3 strains of e. mivati were compared. e. acervulina was characterized by the ovoidal shape of its oocysts and their rapid sporulation, small first-generation schizonts containing few merozoites, and its inability to complete development in the chorio-allantois of chicken embryos. e. mivati had more rounded oocysts with a longer sporulation time, larger first-generation schizonts containing twice as many merozoites and it developed readily in the chorio-all ...19817329717
effect of amprolium and dinitolmide on sporulation of oocysts of field isolates of eimeria acervulina.a laboratory strain of eimeria acervulina and 9 field isolates consisting principally of e. acervulina were tested for sensitivity to amprolium (125 p.p.m.) or dinitolmide (125 p.p.m.) in the food and for effects of the drugs on sporulation of oocysts. judged by weight gains and lesion scores, medicaments were only partially effective against the 9 field isolates, but were highly effective against the laboratory strain. oocysts were produced in all the infections but the percentage sporulation o ...19817329718
eimeria acervulina infection in the chicken: a model system for estimating nutrient requirements during coccidiosis.eimeria maxima inoculations of 5 x 10(4) oocysts and e. acervulina inoculations of 2 x 10(5) to 4 x 10(5) oocysts were shown to depress growth by 15 to 20% in young chicks fed crystalline amino acid (caa) diets. the intestinal lesions produced were typical of light to moderate coccidiosis. in one experiment, the performance of chicks fed monensin was increased in the presence, but not in the absence, of e. acervulina. thus, monensin prevented the negative effects of e. acervulina on chick perfor ...19817322984
eimeria acervulina infection in the chicken: sulfur amino acid requirement of the chick during acute coccidiosis.five assays were conducted to determine whether eimeria acervulina infection would alter the chick's sulfur amino acid (saa) requirement. chicks were housed in heated starter batteries with raised wire floors and fed completely purified crystalline amino acid diets. with light to moderate e. acervulina infection, data were somewhat inconclusive. in assay 1, infected birds responded to levels of saa above those required by healthy birds; but in two subsequent assays no difference in saa requireme ...19817322985
total intestinal absorption of glucose and l-methionine in broilers infected with eimeria acervulina, e. mivati, e. maxima or e. brunetti.the in vitro absorption of glucose and l-methionine in the intestine of broiler chickens was measured 7, 14 and 21 days post-inoculation (p.i.) with sporulated oocysts of eimeria acervulina, e. mivati, e. maxima or e. brunetti. the small intestine of each bird was divided into 8 regions of equal length and absorption was measured on 3 tissue disks of equal size from each region. the absorption rate of each substrate with each coccidial species was measured based on (1) an equal area from each re ...19807393622
studies with eimeria acervulina and e. mivati: pathogenicity and cross-immunity.pathogenic effects caused by graded doses of recent isolates of eimeria acervulina, e. mivati and a new isolate, thought at first to be e. mitis, were compared. cross-immunity studies were conducted with 3 strains of e. acervulina and 2 strains of e. mivati, together with the new isolate. the results showed marked similarities between e. mivati and the new isolate and clear distinctions between these and e. acervulina. e. mivati produced scattered petechiae but did not form discrete lesions in t ...19807443295
role of coccidia in the occurrence of necrotic enteritis of chickens.clostridium perfringens type a, eimeria acervulina, and eimeria necatrix were used to produce necrotic enteritis in chickens. the disease was produced in all groups of birds that received feed contaminated with c. perfringens. mortality due to necrotic enteritis was highest (53%) in birds infected with e. acervulina before infection with clostridia. there was a significant difference in mortality rates between birds infected with e. acervulina and birds infected with e. necatrix before infection ...19806254485
anticoccidial activity of narasin in battery raised broiler chickens.the anticoccidial activity of the ionophorus antibiotic narasin was tested against six species of coccidia (eimeria acervulina, eimeria mivati, eimeria maxima, eimeria necatrix, eimeria brunetti, and eimeria tenella) in battery-raised broilers. feeding ration medicated with 60, 80, or 100 ppm narasin significantly improved weight gains during the periods of d 0 to d7 and d 0 to d 14 (d 0 = day of inoculation with sporulated oocysts), compared with the weight gains in corresponding inoculated gro ...1979530901
incidence of chicken coccidia from broiler houses in japan, 1973-1977.a survey was made on the incidence of coccidial oocysts in 11,365 fecal samples from japanese broiler houses during five years from 1973 to 1977. the eimerian species were identified by a combination of two methods, examination of oocyst morphology and chicken passage test. oocysts were detected from 7,526 (66.2%) of the samples tested during five years. annual variation was statistically significant at the 5% level. coccidial incidence during july to september (corresponding to summer season) w ...1979506554
a reappraisal of the taxonomic status of eimeria mivati edgar and seibold 1964, by enzyme electrophoresis and cross-immunity examination of 2 strains of eimeria acervulina var. mivati (since 1973 e. mivati has been regarded as a variant of e. acervulina) showed that previous confusion over the taxonomic status of e. mivati arose because the investigations were done using laboratory cultures of e. mivati which were contaiminated with e. acervulina. electrophoretic analyses of enzymes, host specificity and cross-immunity tests have revealed that: (1) the 1971 houghton strain of e. acervulina var. mivati was a mixture ...1979471536
energy and nitrogen metabolism of chickens subjected to infection and reinfection with eimeria acervulina.1. the effects of e. acervulina on energy and nitrogen metabolism were studied in respiration chambers on four groups of four broilers aged 16 d: group c was infected with 1.1 x 10(6) oocysts/bird on day 1 and fed ad libitum, while groups a, b and d were pair-fed to group c to day 16 of the experiment. on day 17, groups a and c were given 5.0 x 10(6) oocysts/bird and fed ad libitum, while group b was pair-fed to group a and group d was pair-fed to group c to the end of experiment on day 32. 2. d ...1979466524
energy and nitrogen metabolism of chickens infected with either eimeria acervulina or eimeria tenella.1. the effects of sublethal infections of e. acervulina and e. tenella on the energy and nitrogen metabolism of groups of five broilers aged 16 d were studied for 16 d in respiration chambers. 2. the metabolisable energy content of the diet for chickens infected with e. acervulina was 0.689 of its gross energy content and n retention was 42.5 g/100 g n intake compared with 0.738 and 47.1 g respectively, in uninfected pair-fed controls. chickens infected with e. tenella were similarly affected. 3 ...1979466523
the site of action of the anticoccidial salinomycin (coxistac).the anticoccidial salinomycin has a cidal effect against chicken coccidia. restricted and unrestricted medication studies and histopathological examinations of chicks infected with eimeria acervulina, e. maxima, or e. tenella showed that parasites were destroyed within host cells during asexual development. most sporozoites failed to become trophozoites and were destroyed 30--72 hr after ingestion of oocysts. the drug also affected schizonts during initial nuclear replication by either destroyin ...1979448588
speciation studies with eimeria acervulina and eimeria mivati.eimeria mivati was described as a new species of chicken coccidia in 1964 by edgar and seibold, but recently some british workers have relegated its status to that of a variety of eimeria acervulina. using strains supplied by dr. edgar, we have prepared lines of e. acervulina resistant to methyl benzoquate, sulfaquinoxaline and robenidine and a line of e. mivati resistant to methyl benzoquate. genetic transfer of resistance between the various lines of e. acervulina to produce doubly-resistant c ...1978281483
influence of dietary aflatoxin on the severity of eimeria acervulina infection in broiler chickens.broiler chicks (hubbard x hubbard) receiving 2.5 microgram of aflatoxin/g of diet and inoculated with sporulated oocysts of eimeria acervulina gained significantly less weight than chicks receiving either aflatoxin or coccidia alone. aflatoxin alone affected body weight more in females than males. blood parameters, however, showed no sex-related differences to e. acervulina or aflatoxin. e. acervulina had no effect on packed cell volume, red cell number, or hemoglobin levels. gross lesions in th ...1978697658
disaccharidase activity in the intestinal tissue of broilers infected with coccidia.maltase and sucrase activities were measured in the intestine of broilers inoculated with sporulated coccidial oocysts. infection with eimeria acervulina, e. maxima, e. necatrix, and e. brunetti decreased disaccharidase activity in the intestinal region in which maximum infection was found compared with the activity in uninoculated controls. the maximum reduction occurred on the first or second day of patency followed by a rapid recovery in activity. disaccharidase activity was inversely proport ...1978355614
anticoccidial activity of salinomycin in battery raised broiler chickens.infections with single species of eimeria acervulina, e. mivati, e. maxima, e. tenella, e. necatrix, and e. brunetti, and the six species mixed, were utilized in three separate battery experiments to evaluate the anticoccidial efficacy of various levels of salinomycin (ahr-3096), a fermentation product of a strain of streptomyces albus. at the 60 to 100 p.p.m. treatment levels, this compound showed significant anticoccidial activity for all parameters studied (mortality, weight gain, feed conver ...1977605065
studies on the growth, chemotherapy and enzyme variation of eimeria acervulina var. diminuta and e. acervulina var. mivati.eimeria acervulina var. diminuta was serially passaged 12 times in chicken embryos, but growth in cultured chick kidney cells was limited to 2 generations of schizonts. after 7 embryo passages the sensitivities of e. acervulina var. diminuta and an embryo-adapted strain of e. acervulina var. mivati to the anticoccidial drugs amprolium, methyl benzyquate, robenidine and sulphaquinoxaline were compared. both parasites were sensitive to all the anticoccidials but e. acervulina var. diminuta was mor ...1977927885
changes in the generation cycle of duodenal crypt cells in chickens infected with eimeria acervulina.changes in the duration of the progenitor cycle and its four phases were determined for duodenal crypt cells in chickens infected with eimeria acervulina. metaphase curves were constructed using percent labelled metaphase nuclei in duodenal crypt cells at short intervals after the injection of [3h]thymidine. the duration of the progenitor cycle and its four phases were calculated using the synthetic index and data obtained from the metaphase curves. the cycle time was reduced from 14 h in contro ...1977906627
reproduction of the cycle of coccidia eimeria acervulina (tyzzer, 1929) in cell cultures of chicken kidneys.the cycle of eimeria acervulina was grown in primary culture of cells of three-week-old-chicken kidneys. eht medium (eagle, hydrolysate of lactalbumine, bacto-tryptose phosphate) allowed the development of this coccidium. 44 hours after infestation of the cells with sporozoites, the first schizonts appeared. the merozoites of first generation were released after 54 hours. they invaded the neighbouring cells and developed in them into schizonts of second generation mature after 68 hours. after 72 ...19761027365
studies on site finding and site specificity of eimeria praecox, eimeria maxima and eimeria acervulina in chickens.sporozoites of 3 species of eimeria were introduced into the caecum of young chickens. e. praecox and e. maxima failed to develop in this site, but light infections of e. acervulina were detected. infection of the small intestine with all 3 species occurred when sporozoites were introduced via the caecum. infections were produced when mucosal scrapings of small intestine from birds, inoculated via the caecum 1-4 h previously, were inoculated orally to susceptible chickens. experiments with 51cr- ...19761012749
eimeria acervulina, e. brunetti, e. maxima, and e. necatrix: low doses of oocysts to immunize young chickens. 1976971728
eimeria acervulina, e. brunetti, and e. maxima: pathogenic effects of single or mixed infections with low doses of oocysts in chickens. 19761269585
[influence of eimeria acervulina duodenal coccidiosis on intestinal absorption of lysine and on the movement of water and electrolytes].the absorption rate of 14c l-lysine and net flux of water and mineral ions (na+, k+) were studied in 4-week-old male chickens infected with eimeria acervulina (10(6) sporulated oocysts/chicken). intestinal coccidiosis significantly decreased absorption rate of 14c-lysine. this effect was particularly pronounced in the jejunum. net flux of water was also modified: its absorption was decreased in the middle and distal small intestine. in the duodenum a net absorption of water was converted to a ne ...197618777344
eimeria acervulina, e. brunetti, and e. maxima: immunity in chickens with low multiple doses of mixed oocysts. 19751204712
immune responses to infections with coccidia in chickens: gut hypersensitivity.sporulated oocysts or oocyst hulls of eimeria acervulina given via the crop, and oocyst juice or sporozoites inoculated directly into the intestinal lumen, were tested for their effects on the hypersensitivity of the intestines of immunized and susceptible birds. only viable sporozoites consistently caused an increase in the permeability of the immunized intestine to macromolecules, shown by the leakage of intravenously injected dye. repulsion of epithelium and disruption of the villi were seen ...19751202410
scanning electron microscopy of the duodenal mucosa of chickens infected with eimeria acervulina.the morphology of the duodenal mucosal surface of chickens infected with eimeria acervulina has been studied on days 5, 6, 8 and 11 post-infection and compared with that of the normal duodenal mucosa using the scanning electron microscope. the normal duodenum possessed tall, spatulate villi with horizontally-arranged surface clefts upon which a regular pattern of hexagonal absorptive cells and goblet cell mouths was superimposed. a maximum degree of villous atrophy was shown on day 5 post-infec ...19751187183
infections with eimeria maxima and eimeria acervulina in the fowl: effect of previous infection with the heterologous organism on oocyst production.judged by oocyst production, infections with eimeria acervulina in birds immunized with e. maxima were consistently higher than in birds which had not been immunized. oocyst production of e. maxima in birds previously infected with e. acervulina was greater, in three out of four experiments, than in control chickens, but some of the differences were slight. the findings are discussed but no satisfactory explanation can be offered. in general there was little or no difference between the oocys ...19751168890
structure and mode of function of the organelles associated with nutrition of the macrogametes of eimeria acervulina.the macrogamete of eimeria acervulina, lay and developed within the host cell in a parasitophorous vacuole. the cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell bordering the vacuole was not smooth, but it had numerous folds extending into the vacuole. these "intravacuolar folds" varied in depth and number in different sections. in some, the majority of the folds were disconnected from the host cell. once disconnected, they evidently disintegrated forming the amorphous, particulate material present in the ...19751114870
[resistance of eimeria acervulina to statil, 3,5-dinitrobenzamide and acylinidrazone]. 19751114676
effect of eimeria acervulina infection on nutrient retention with special reference to fat malabsorption in chickens.nutritional balance studies were conducted to determine the effect of eimeria acervulina infection on the retention of nutrients and the efficiency of utilization of protein and energy in the diet during the course of intestinal coccidiosis in chickens. both light and electronmicroscopic studies were conducted to elucidate the pathogenesis of fat malabsorption in the infected chickens. the infection with e. acervulina during the acute phase of the disease (day 4 to day 8 postinfection) caused a ...1975164990
anticoccidial activity of lasalocid in control of moderate and severe coccidiosis.the fermentation product lasalocid ("antibiotic x-537a," hoffmann-laroche) showed good anticoccidial activity when administered via feed at 50 or 75 ppm in a replicated floor-pen experiment. lasalocid was compared with monensin (121 ppm) ("positive control") and also with unmedicated ("negative") controls in pens heavily seeded or indirectly seeded with eight species of coccidia (eimeria acervulina, e. brunetti, e. hagani, e. maxima, e. mitati, e. necatrix, e. praecox, and e. tenella). under sev ...19751120028
some mechanisms of reduction of carotenoid levels in chickens infected with eimeria acervulina or e. tenella.the levels of plasma carotenoids were markedly reduced in broiler cockerels infected with eimeria acervulina or e. tenella. the mechanisms of this depigmentation differed between the two species, being primarily associated with interference of absorption of xanthophyll (carotenoids) from the intestinal lumen with e. acervulina infection and with leakage through the damaged wall of the cecum with e. tenella infection. chicks reared on an essentially carotenoid-free diet and inoculated with e. ace ...1975476
effects of eimeria acervulina on intestinal ph in conventional and gnotobiotic chickens. 19744205348
presence and development of eimeria acervulina in the goblet cells of the duodenal epithelium in experimentally infected birds. 19744428879
eimeria acervulina and e. maxima: incidence and anticoccidial drug resistance of isolants in major broiler-producing areas. 19744851799
the ultrastructure of chick intestinal absorptive cells during eimeria acervulina infection. 19744841686
fine structure of the schizonts and merozoites of eimeria acervulina in the chicken. 19744814788
some physiological effects of eimeria acervulina, e. brunetti, and e. mivati infections in young chickens. 19744417272
effects of different infection rates on the oocyst production of eimeria acervulina or eimeria tenella in the chicken. 19734761768
the effect of dietary crude protein level on intestinal and cecal coccidiosis in chicken.the effect of interaction of crude protein level in the diet and coccidiosis of the cecum and small intestine of chicks was investigated. a total of 390 day-old chicks were divided in 36 groups of ten and six groups of five chicks each. twelve groups of ten and two groups of six chicks each were fed one of the three diets based on dietary crude protein level (16%, 20% and 24%). all diets contained an equal energy concentration. the chicks were on the appropriate diet for 15 days prior to infecti ...19734266700
fine structural changes associated with microgametogenesis of eimeria acervulina in chickens. 19734773437
the effect of eimeria acervulina on the reproductive potentials of four other species of chicken coccidia during concurrent infections. 19734738008
the role of chicken macrophages in the parenteral excystation of eimeria acervulina. 19734786839
mucosal morphology and cellular renewal in the intestine of chickens following a single infection of eimeria acervulina. 19734576141
disturbed intestinal absorption of vitamin a and carotenes and the effect of a low ph during eimeria acervulina infection in the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus). 19725018202
eimeria acervulina and macrophage response in chickens: behaviour of the parasite and the host cells. 19725071066
immunization by irradiated eimeria acervulina. 19725008847
[influence of duodenal eimeria acervulina coccidiosis on the free amino acid content of muscle in chickens]. 19715001368
changes in body weight and intestinal absorption during infections with eimeria acervulina in the chicken. 19705279125
strongly acid intestinal content and lowered protein, carotene and vitamin a blood levels in eimeria acervulina infected chickens. 19694316263
[eimeria acervulina coccidiosis in laying hens]. 19695388252
studies on eimeria mivati in chickens and a comparison with eimeria acervulina. 19675634116
[the effect of anticoccidiosis agents against eimeria acervulina in chickens]. 19676079431
the role of the protozoan parasite eimeria acervulina in disease of the domestic chicken. 195017648475
sulfaguanidine therapy in experimental intestinal coccidiosis (eimeria acervulina) of chickens. 194918125960
Displaying items 301 - 360 of 360