
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
properties of genes involved in the control of isocitrate lyase production in aspergillus nidulans.the interaction between genes of aspergillus nidulans conferring constitutive synthesis of isocitrate lyase (iclc a and iclcb) and fluoroacetate resistance (facb) has been investigated. although facb mutants are unable to induce the glyoxylate cycle enzyme isocitrate lyase in response to acetate as sole carbon source, this phenotype was suppressed in recombinants of the type iclc;facb. the iclca and iclcb mutations do not alter significantly the activities of eight enzymes of intermediary metabo ...19938473860
at least four regulatory genes control sulphur metabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans.mutations in four genes: scona (formerly sua25meth, mapa25), sconb (formerly mapb1), sconc and scond, the last two identified in this work, relieve a group of sulphur amino acid biosynthetic enzymes from methionine-mediated sulphur metabolite repression. exogenous methionine has no effect on sulphate assimilation in the mutant strains, whereas in the wild type it causes almost complete elimination of sulphate incorporation. in both mutant and wild-type strains methionine is efficiently taken up ...19938479426
specific binding sites in the alcr and alca promoters of the ethanol regulon for the crea repressor mediating carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans.the crea repressor responsible for carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans represses the transcription of the ethanol regulon. the n-terminal part of the crea protein encompassing the two zinc fingers (c2h2 class family) and an alanine-rich region was expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione-s-transferase. our results show that crea is a dna-binding protein able to bind to the promoters of both the specific trans-acting gene, alcr, and of the structural gen ...19938483416
essential roles for calcium and calmodulin in g2/m progression in aspergillus nidulans.nimt encodes a protein in aspergillus nidulans that is required for tyrosine dephosphorylation of p34cdc2 and has a strong homology to cdc25-type proteins. conditional mutation of nimt (nimt23 mutation) arrests cells in g2 at the restrictive temperature. after release of the temperature-sensitive nimt23 block, p34cdc2 undergoes tyrosine dephosphorylation and we showed that as cells entered mitosis, a rapid increase in calmodulin was observed. the increase in calmodulin and progression into mitos ...19938486741
the aspergillus nidulans ya gene is regulated by abaa.the developmentally regulated aspergillus nidulans ya gene encodes a p-diphenol oxidase that is needed for synthesis of green conidial pigment. we subjected the ya 5' flanking region to mutational analysis in a. nidulans and saccharomyces cerevisiae to identify dna sequence elements involved in its transcriptional control, and identified two functionally distinct elements. element i contained potential brla binding sites and was required for full level ya transcription, but not for developmental ...19938491194
the aspergillus nidulans brla regulatory locus consists of overlapping transcription units that are individually required for conidiophore development.the aspergillus nidulans brla locus controls conidiophore development in conjunction with the products of several other regulatory loci. in this paper, we show that the brla locus consists of overlapping transcription units, designated alpha and beta, with alpha transcription initiating within beta intronic sequences. the predicted brla polypeptides differ by 23 amino acid residues at their n-termini. targeted mutations specifically eliminating either the alpha or beta transcript led to developm ...19938508769
translational repression of brla expression prevents premature development in aspergillus.the aspergillus nidulans brla developmental regulatory locus consists of two overlapping transcription units, brla alpha and brla beta, which encode functionally related polypeptides. we used translational fusions between each of the predicted brla reading frames and the escherichia coli lacz gene to test the hypothesis that developmental regulation of brla alpha and brla beta expression occurs through different mechanisms. brla alpha is transcriptionally controlled and a large portion of brla a ...19938508770
estimation of mitotic stability in conidial fungi: a theoretical framework.mitotic stability refers to the probability that genetic elements are transmitted to both daughters during mitosis. this is of practical importance in molecular genetics because autonomous cloning vectors should be transmitted at high frequency during mitosis. in filamentous coencytic fungi it is difficult to quantify mitotic stability because a fluctuation test is not feasible. we show how to get around this problem by formulating a general model of the transmission of nuclear genetic elements ...19938514143
the avr9 race-specific elicitor of cladosporium fulvum is processed by endogenous and plant proteases.the avirulence gene avr9 of the fungal tomato pathogen cladosporium fulvum encodes a race-specific peptide elicitor that induces a hypersensitive response in tomato plants carrying the complementary resistance gene cf9. the avr9 gene is highly expressed when c. fulvum is growing in the plant and the elicitor accumulates in infected leaves as a 28-amino acid (aa) peptide. in c. fulvum grown in vitro, the peptide elicitor is not produced in detectable amounts. to produce significant amounts of the ...19938208859
heat resistance of fungi from soil.the survival of fungi from soil samples has been investigated after exposure to temperatures of 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees c in sabouraud agar. the least resistant fungi surviving 60 degrees c for 60 min were the aspergillus (a.) niger group, chaetomium spp, penicillium spp, and scytalidium lignicola. none of these survived 70 degrees c for 10 min. the next group surviving 70 degrees c for 60 min included the a. glaucus group, byssochlamys nivea, dichotomomyces cejpii, gelasinospora spp, rhizocto ...19938217516
preliminary studies of two active site mutants of galactose oxidase. 19938224464
galactose oxidase: molecular analysis and mutagenesis studies. 19938224504
characterisation, cloning and integrative properties of the gene encoding urate oxidase in aspergillus nidulans.a number of mutations have been obtained which define the structural gene (uaz) coding for urate oxidase in linkage group i of aspergillus nidulans. this gene has been cloned by transformation of a uaz- null mutant. a chromosome i/viii translocation which splits the gene has been defined both genetically and physically. all known mutations are contained in a 1-kb fragment, itself contained in the probe which recognizes a 1.2-kb inducible message. plasmids carrying uaz show a strict bias towards ...19938224862
heterologous protein secretion directed by a repressible acid phosphatase system of aspergillus niger.a new expression-secretion system of aspergillus niger which directs the secretion of heterologous proteins is described. the promoter and signal peptide-encoding region of the phosphate-repressible apha gene of a. niger, when fused to the coding region of the human interferon alpha 2 (hifn alpha 2)-encoding gene (hifn alpha 2), drives the expression of this gene and the secretion of the hifn alpha 2 protein. synthesis of hifn alpha 2 in either a. niger or a. nidulans transformants carrying thes ...19938224863
a novel phage lambda replacement cre-lox vector that has automatic subcloning capabilities.we have developed a novel phage lambda replacement cloning vector, lambda pan. lambda pan allows one to automatically subclone the insert as a plasmid using the cre-loxp site-specific recombination system. this eliminates the need to subclone insert fragments and permits the rapid structural analysis of insert dna. lambda pan is similar to other phage lambda replacement vectors taking inserts ranging in size from 5 to 19 kb. we have placed the pyrg gene of aspergillus nidulans on the vector as a ...19938224901
sequence and regulation of the uapa gene encoding a uric acid-xanthine permease in the fungus aspergillus nidulans.the nucleotide sequence of the uapa gene, coding for the uric acid-xanthine permease of aspergillus nidulans, has been determined. the predicted uapa gene product comprises 595 amino acids (m(r) 63,365); it is a highly hydrophobic protein with 12-14 putative transmembrane segments and shows no striking similarity to any other membrane protein of either prokaryotes or eukaryotes, except for a short highly hydrophobic amino acid sequence conserved in a number of different permeases. the presence o ...19938226862
sequence, regulation, and mutational analysis of the gene encoding urate oxidase in aspergillus nidulans.the uaz gene of aspergillus nidulans codes for a protein of 301 amino acids. the open reading frame is interrupted by two introns. a comparison with the open reading frames of 10 other urate oxidases reveals a number of scattered universally conserved residues and four clusters of high similarity. two of these are of unknown function, and the other two are the putative sites for copper binding and the signal sequence for peroxisomal entry, respectively. this comparison also reveals that there ar ...19938226863
molecular characterization of a fungal secondary metabolism promoter: transcription of the aspergillus nidulans isopenicillin n synthetase gene is modulated by upstream negative elements.the aspergillus nidulans ipns gene, encoding isopenicillin n synthetase, is a secondary metabolism gene. it is contiguous to, but divergently transcribed from, the acvs gene at the penicillin gene cluster. the untranslated region between both orfs is 872bp long. here we present the physical and functional characterization of the ipns transcriptional unit. transcriptional start point (tsp) mapping reveals heterogeneity at the 5'-end of the mrna, with a major start at -106 relative to the initiati ...19938231816
brushing up on bristles: complex genes and morphogenesis in molds. 19938236455
arabinan degrading enzymes from aspergillus nidulans: induction and purification.the presence in aspergillus nidulans of two enzymes related to the aspergillus niger endo-arabinase and alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase b has been established using antibodies against the purified a. niger enzymes. moreover, the absence of an equivalent in a. nidulans to the alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase a of a. niger has been confirmed both at the protein and at the dna level. both a. nidulans arabinases have been purified and physico-chemically and kinetically characterized. they have a much higher ...19938243977
comparative studies on o-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase: physiological role and characterization of the aspergillus nidulans enzyme.o-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (oah shlase) from aspergillus nidulans is an oligomeric protein with a broad substrate specificity with regard to sulfhydryl compounds. as its saccharomyces cerevisiae counterpart the enzyme also reacts with o-acetylserine and is inhibited by carbonyl reagents but not by antiserum raised against the yeast enzyme. in contrast to saccharomyces cerevisiae the enzyme is not essential for aspergillus nidulans as indicated by the completely prototrophic phenotype of oa ...19938249501
regulation of sulfur and nitrogen metabolism in filamentous the filamentous fungi, n. crassa and a. nidulans, complex regulatory circuits control nitrogen metabolism and sulfur metabolism. the expression of entire sets of unlinked structural genes that encode metabolic enzymes is repressed when favored sulfur or nitrogen sources are available. these structural genes are coregulated by global positive-acting regulatory proteins and often are also controlled by metabolic inducers and pathway-specific regulatory proteins. the recent isolation of regulato ...19938257101
characterization of the 3-dehydroquinase domain of the pentafunctional arom protein, and the quinate dehydrogenase from aspergillus nidulans, and the overproduction of the type ii 3-dehydroquinase from neurospora crassa.the arom protein of aspergillus nidulans is a multidomain pentafunctional polypeptide that is active as a dimer and catalyses steps 2-6 in the prechorismate section of the shikimate pathway. the three c-terminal domains (including the type i 3-dehydroquinase) of the arom protein are homologous with the qutr-encoded qutr protein that represses transcription of the eight genes comprising the quinic acid utilization (qut) gene cluster, and the two n-terminal domains are homologous with the quta-enc ...19938257437
kinetic studies of nitrite uptake by aspergillus nidulans.1. in the filamentous mold aspergillus nidulans, net nitrite uptake is inducible by nitrate and nitrite, is probably different from the nitrate uptake system and is partially repressed by ammonium. 2. the concentration dependence of net nitrite uptake by the bia1 faca303 strain of a. nidulans shows a saturation kinetics with an apparent km value of 0.64 mm. 3. strains of a. nidulans carrying the niha1 and niha1 chla14 mutations considerably reduced the affinity of the nitrite uptake system for t ...19938257915
survey of mycoflora and mycotoxins in egyptian soybean seeds.after four months in commercial storage, 100 soybean samples from different places of egyptian governorates were assayed for filamentous fungal growth at two incubation temperatures (28 and 45 degrees c). 73 species and 8 varieties belonging to 32 genera were isolated by the dilution plate method. at 28 degrees c, the common species were aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. niger and a. alutaceus, followed by a. terreus, penicillium chrysogenum, p. citrinum, mucor hiemalis, m. racemosus, emerice ...19938271157
identification of 21 novel human protein kinases, including 3 members of a family related to the cell cycle regulator nima of aspergillus nidulans.the nima gene encodes a protein-serine/threonine kinase that is required along with the p34cdc2 kinase for mitosis in aspergillus nidulans. we have searched for human protein kinases that are related to the nima protein kinase using the polymerase chain reaction. different pairs of degenerate oligonucleotides specific for conserved amino acid motifs in the catalytic domain of nima were used as primers in the polymerase chain reaction to amplify partial complementary dnas (cdnas) of protein kinas ...19938274451
purification and characterization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from aspergillus niger and aspergillus nidulans.glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd; d-glucose 6-phosphate:nadp+ oxidoreductase, ec has been purified from aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus niger by a combination of affinity and anion exchange chromatography. a 500-1000-fold purification was obtained and the final enzyme preparations were shown to be pure but not homogeneous. for both fungi the purified enzyme preparation gave two bands on native and denaturing gels. the catalytically active form is a multimer. the molecular m ...19938277259
sulfur amino acid metabolism and its regulation in fungi: studies with aspergillus nidulans. 19938140816
the omps gene of vibrio cholerae encodes a growth-phase-dependent maltoporin.the outer membrane of vibrio cholerae contains a maltose-inducible major protein, omps (43 kda), that is common to different isolates. nucleotide sequence analysis of the corresponding structural gene, omps, revealed an open reading frame encoding a 412-amino-acid polypeptide. the amino acid sequence of omps is similar to that of lamb, the escherichia coli maltoporin, and to scry or klebsiella pneumoniae, although the antigenic determinants of these proteins are different. the cloned omps gene c ...19937934851
a study of the alkaline proteases secreted by different aspergillus species.strains from several species of aspergillus were grown in the presence of soluble collagen, and the major secreted proteins present in the culture fluid were examined for proteolytic activity. the possibility of relatedness among the alkaline proteases secreted by aspergillus was studied by probing extracts from the various species with polyclonal antisera raised to the isolated alkaline proteases of a. fumigatus and a. oryzae. the pathogenic species a. flavus, a. terreus and a. nidulans hydroly ...19937935565
characterisation of the gene encoding acetyl-coa synthetase in penicillium chrysogenum: conservation of intron position in plectomycetes.acetyl-coenzyme a synthetase (acs; ec from some plectomycete fungi is possibly involved in an accessory step of penicillin biosynthesis, in addition to its role in primary metabolism. we present the characterisation of the gene encoding this enzyme in penicillium chrysogenum, which we designated acua. sequencing of genomic and cdna clones showed that the coding region was interrupted by five introns, located at the same positions as those present in the aspergillus nidulans homologue. t ...19938103029
molecular cloning, expression and structure of the endo-1,5-alpha-l-arabinase gene of aspergillus niger.secretion of endo-1,5-alpha-l-arabinase a (abn a) by an aspergillus niger xylulose kinase mutant upon mycelium transfer to medium containing l-arabitol was immunochemically followed with time to monitor its induction profile. a cdna expression library was made from polya+ rna isolated from the induced mycelium. this library was immunochemically screened and one abn a specific clone emerged. the corresponding abna gene was isolated from an a. niger genomic library. upon southern blot analysis, a ...19937764386
characterization of an aspergillus nidulans genomic dna fragment conferring phosphate-non-repressible acid-phosphatase activity.a clone from an aspergillus nidulans library was identified by its ability to confer enhanced staining for acid phosphatase (apase) activity upon phosphatase-deficient a. nidulans mutants. this apase activity is not repressed by high phosphate concentrations in the medium. the 2.9-kb nucleotide sequence in the region of the clone responsible for the effect reveals two potential protein-coding genes with a common n terminus. one corresponds to an open reading frame (orf) with no introns, encoding ...19937916713
phytotoxic and antimicrobial activity of volatile constituents ofartemisia princeps var.orientalis.the volatile constituents ofartemisia princeps var.orientalis (wormwood) were investigated for phytotoxic and antimicrobial activities. the germination and radicle elongation of receptor plants were inhibited by volatile substances emitted from wormwood leaf and effects were concentration-dependent. essential oil of the plant extracted by karlsruker's apparatus suppressed seed germination and seedling elongation of the receptor plants at a threshold concentration of 4.8μl/100 ml.escherichia coli ...199324248725
isolation and characterization of β-glucosidases from aspergillus nidulans mutant usdb 1183.two extracellular β-glucosidases (cellobiase, ec, i and ii, from aspergillus nidulans usdb 1183 were purified to homogeneity with molecular weights of 240,000 and 78,000, respectively. both hydrolysed laminaribiose, β-gentiobiose, cellobiose, p-nitrophenyl-β-l-glucoside, phenyl-β-l-glucoside, o-nitrophenyl-β-l-glucoside, salicin and methyl-β-l-glucoside but not α-linked disaccharides. both were competitively inhibited by glucose and non-competitively (mixed) inhibited by glucono-1,5-la ...199324420198
expression of fungal genes involved in penicllin biosynthesis.carbon catabolite repression and ph regulation are regulatory circuits with a wide domain of action in the plectomycetes. penicillin biosynthesis is one of the pathways which are under their control. the conclusions obtained so far, which are based on studies of the genetic and molecular regulation of the penicillin pathway of aspergillus nidulans, would have been much harder to produce using an organism such as penicillium chrysogenum (the industrial penicillin producer). however, a. nidulans a ...199324420113
photosynthetic fractionation of the stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon.isotope discrimination during photosynthetic exchange of o2 and co2 was measured using enzyme, thylakoid, and whole cell preparations. evolved oxygen from isolated spinach thylakoids was isotopically identical (within analytical error) to its source water. similar results were obtained with anacystis nidulans richter and phaeodactylum tricornutum bohlin cultures purged with helium. for consumptive reactions, discrimination ([delta], where 1 + [delta]/1000 equals the isotope effect, k16/k18 or k1 ...199312231663
kinetics of cell growth and heterologous glucoamylase production in recombinant aspergillus the work, a study of cell growth and the regulation of heterologous glucoamylase synthesis under the control of the positively regulated alca promoter in a recombinant aspergillus nidulans is presented. we found that similar growth rates were obtained for both the host and recombinant cells when either glucose or fructose was employed as sole carbon and energy source. use of the potent inducer cyclopentanone in concentrations greater than 3 mm resulted n maximum glucoamylase concentration and ...199318609547
symmetric branching model for the kinetics of mycelial growth.a mathematical model, linking microscopic to macroscopic parameters of the kinetics of mycelial growth is presented. the model consists of two parts: (a) a microscopic description, based on the assumption that growth of a mycelium can be represented approximately by the growth of a symmetric binary tree, where the branching level (microscopic state variable) is logarithmically related to the number of tips and segments; and (b) a macroscopic description which makes use of the microscopic descrip ...199318609641
clusters of genes for the biosynthesis of antibiotics: regulatory genes and overproduction of the last decade numerous genes involved in the biosynthesis of antibiotics, pigments, herbicides and other secondary metabolites have been cloned. the genes involved in the biosynthesis of penicillin, cephalosporin and cephamycins are organized in clusters as occurs also with the biosynthetic genes of other antibiotics and secondary metabolites (see review by martín and liras [65]). we have cloned genes involved in the biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics from five different beta-lactam pr ...19921368054
mitotic gold in a mold: aspergillus genetics and the biology of mitosis.the analysis of fungal mutants has had an extraordinary impact on our understanding of the biochemistry and regulation of mitosis. in this article we review the contribution of work on the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans to the molecular genetics of mitosis.19921369734
l-lysine repression of penicillin biosynthesis and the expression of penicillin biosynthesis genes acva and ipna in aspergillus nidulans.the addition of 0.1 m l-lysine to the fermentation medium reduced the production of penicillin by about 50% in aspergillus nidulans. to analyse this effect at the molecular level, the expression of the penicillin biosynthesis genes acva and ipna, encoding delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine synthetase and isopenicillin n synthetase, was studied by using translational fusions with different reporter genes (strain axb4a, acva-uida, ipna-lacz fusions; axb4b, acva-lacz, ipna-uida fusion ...19921369977
the induction of mitotic chromosome malsegregation in aspergillus nidulans. quantitative structure activity relationship (osar) analysis with chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons.the biological activity of 24 chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons has been studied in the mold aspergillus nidulans. the ability to induce chromosome malsegregation, lethality and mitotic growth arrest has been experimentally determined for each chemical. these data, together with those of 11 related compounds previously investigated, generated a data base which was used for quantitative structure-activity relationship (qsar) analysis. to this aim, both physico-chemical descriptors and electronic ...19921373821
cloning and properties of a cyanide hydratase gene from the phytopathogenic fungus gloeocercospora sorghi.the cht gene encoding cyanide hydratase (cht, ec, which detoxifies hcn and is thought to be important in fungal infection of cyanogenic plants, has been cloned from the phytopathogenic fungus gloeocercospora sorghi. the gene was isolated by screening an expression library of g. sorghi using a cht-specific antibody and using one of the positive cdna clones as a probe in southern hybridization to identify a 3.1 kb psti genomic fragment. this psti fragment expressed cht activity when tran ...19921382413
a mammalian dual specificity protein kinase, nek1, is related to the nima cell cycle regulator and highly expressed in meiotic germ cells.screening of mouse cdna expression libraries with antibodies to phosphotyrosine resulted in repeated isolation of cdnas that encode a novel mammalian protein kinase of 774 amino acids, termed nek1. nek1 contains an n-terminal protein kinase domain which is most similar (42% identity) to the catalytic domain of nima, a protein kinase which controls initiation of mitosis in aspergillus nidulans. in addition, both nek1 and nima have a long, basic c-terminal extension, and are therefore similar in o ...19921382974
reversible inactivation of a foreign gene, hph, during the asexual cycle in neurospora crassa transformants.a plasmid construct carrying the hygromycin phosphotransferase (hph) gene fused to the expression elements of the trpc gene of aspergillus nidulans was used to obtain hygromycin b (hyg)-resistant transformants of neurospora crassa. the plasmid does not have any homology with the n. crassa genome. here we demonstrate that most of the transformants arise from integration of the transforming dna into only one of the nuclei present in the protoplasts. furthermore, in most of the transformants the in ...19921383683
transformation of cochliobolus lunatus with put 720 changes the steroid hydroxylating ability of the fungus.the filamentous fungus cochliobolus lunatus, a known 11 beta-hydroxylator of steroids, was transformed to bleomycin resistance using the heterologous plasmid put 720. this plasmid contains the sh ble gene expressed under the control of the aspergillus nidulans gpd and trpc expression signals. the bleomycin-resistant colonies appeared with a frequency of six per microgram of dna. all colonies were real transformants and no "abortive" growth was observed. in all transformants tested the plasmid mo ...19921384995
an nadp(+)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase in aspergillus nidulans is inducible by aspergillus nidulans there is an nadp(+)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase that is specifically induced on transfer to d-galacturonate medium. in contrast to the previously characterised constitutive nadp(+)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase it has a much broader substrate specificity, having activity as an ethanol dehydrogenase, and is subject to carbon-catabolite repression. in addition to the two nadp(+)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenases, alcohol dehydrogenase i and ii are also present on tr ...19921394511
an upstream activating sequence from the aspergillus nidulans gpda gene.introduction of a previously identified promoter element of the aspergillus nidulans gpda gene (encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), the so-called gpd box, into the upstream region of the highly regulated a. nidulans amds gene (encoding acetamidase), significantly increased (up to 30-fold) the expression of the lacz reporter gene fused to these expression signals. this increase was dependent on the orientation of the gpd box and on the site of introduction into the amds upstream r ...19921398125
resolution of chromosomes iii and vi of aspergillus nidulans by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis shows that the penicillin biosynthetic pathway genes pcbab, pcbc, and pende are clustered on chromosome vi (3.0 megabases).an improved electrophoretic molecular karyotype of aspergillus nidulans atcc 28901 has been obtained by contour-clamped electric field gel electrophoresis, which separates seven chromosomal bands and allows resolution of chromosomes iii and vi. the three genes of the penicillin biosynthetic pathway, pcbab, pcbc, and pende, encoding alpha-aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine synthetase, isopenicillin n synthase, and isopenicillin n acyltransferase, respectively, are clustered together on a chromosome of ...19921400258
specific binding sites for the activator protein, alcr, in the alca promoter of the ethanol regulon of aspergillus nidulans.alcr is the specific activator of the aspergillus nidulans ethanol-utilization pathway, mediating the induction of its own transcription and that of the structural genes alca and alda, encoding respectively, alcohol dehydrogenase i and aldehyde dehydrogenase. alcr is a dna binding protein in which 6 cysteines are coordinated in a zinc binuclear cluster. this domain was fused to glutathione-s-transferase (gst) and isolated as a gst-alcr(7-58*) fusion protein from escherichia coli. mobility shift ...19921400424
development of a transformation system for the thermophilic fungus talaromyces sp. cl240 based on the use of phleomycin resistance as a dominant selectable marker.a transformation system for the thermophilic cellulolytic fungus talaromyces sp. cl240 has been developed, using the phleomycin resistance gene from streptoalloteichus hindustanus (sh ble) as a dominant selectable marker. the plasmids (pan8-1 and put720) carrying the sh ble gene under the control of the aspergillus nidulans glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) promoter, allowed selection of phleomycin-resistant transformants. a new promoter sequence cloned from chromosomal dna of trich ...19921406595
cmap: contig mapping and analysis package, a relational database for chromosome the contig mapping and analysis package, cmap, we provide a foundation for reverse genetics by organizing information about dna fragments obtained from an organism's genome into a physical map. the user can store information about a particular segment of dna. this information can be both descriptive, such as any genes contained in a particular dna fragment, or experimental, such as hybridization profiles or restriction digest patterns for comparison with other fragments. the package can then ...19921422880
amino acid alterations in the bena (beta-tubulin) gene of aspergillus nidulans that confer benomyl resistance.we report the cloning and sequencing of 18 mutant alleles of the bena, beta-tubulin gene of aspergillus nidulans that confer resistance to the benzimidazole antifungal, antimicrotubule compounds benomyl, carbendazim, nocodazole, and thiabendazole. in 12 cases, amino acid 6 was changed from histidine to tyrosine or leucine. in four cases, amino acid 198 was changed from glutamic acid to aspartic acid, glutamine, or lysine. in two cases, amino acid 200 was altered from phenylalanine to tyrosine. t ...19921423663
expression of a bacterial aspartase gene in aspergillus nidulans: an efficient system for selecting multicopy transformants.the escherichia coli aspartase gene aspa has been expressed in the fungus aspergillus nidulans using the powerful constitutive gpda promoter and trpc terminator, both from a. nidulans. multiple, but not single, copies of aspa overcome nutritional deficiencies resulting from the loss of catabolic nad-linked glutamate dehydrogenase. they also circumvent certain nutritional deficiencies resulting from loss of the positive-acting regulatory gene product mediating nitrogen metabolite repression. both ...19921423725
transformation of acremonium coenophialum, a protective fungal symbiont of the grass festuca arundinacea.acremonium coenophialum is a mutualistic mycosymbiont and natural agent of biological protection of the widely distributed grass festuca arundinacea (tall fescue). an electroporative transformation system was developed for a. coenophialum. segments of dna 5' to the beta-tubulin gene (tub2) of the closely related ascomycete epichloë typhina, fused to the escherichia coli hph gene encoding hygromycin b phosphotransferase, conferred hygromycin resistance when introduced into a. coenophialum by elec ...19921423727
purification and characterization of two extracellular beta-glucosidases from aspergillus nidulans.two beta-glucosidases, p-i and p-ii, were purified from the culture filtrate of aspergillus nidulans. the m(r) values of p-i and p-ii were about 125,000 and 50,000, respectively. the isoelectric point, optimal ph and temperature, michaelis constants for several substrates and inhibition constants for glucose and glucono-delta-lactone of each enzyme were determined. we conclude that the high affinity toward cellobiose and low inhibition by glucose of these enzymes may offer significant advantages ...19921426998
the use of simulated annealing in chromosome reconstruction experiments based on binary scoring.we present a method of combinatorial optimization, simulated annealing, to order clones in a library with respect to their position along a chromosome. this ordering method relies on scoring each clone for the presence or absence of specific target sequences, thereby assigning a digital signature to each clone. specifically, we consider the hybridization of oligonucleotide probes to a clone to constitute the signature. in that the degree of clonal overlap is reflected in the similarity of their ...19921427046
selective expression of a major allergen and cytotoxin, asp f i, in aspergillus fumigatus. implications for the immunopathogenesis of aspergillus-related diseases.asp f i is a major 18-kda aspergillus fumigatus allergen and a member of the mitogillin family of cytotoxins. the nucleotide sequence of the asp f i gene was determined by sequencing polymerase chain reaction products amplified from a. fumigatus spore dna. the entire 678-bp dna includes an 81-bp leader sequence, preceding the n-terminal alanine codon, a 52-bp intron, and a 444-bp open reading frame, encoding a 149-amino acid protein (m(r) 16,899), which is 99% homologous to mitogillin from asper ...19921431110
analysis of the site of action of the amdr product for regulation of the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans.the amdr gene of aspergillus nidulans regulates a number of structural genes in response to omega amino acid inducers. the site of action of the amdr product on expression of the amds gene was investigated by studying the effects of changes in the 5' region of amds, generated in vitro, on the induction, and on responses of an amds-lacz fusion gene to an amdrc allele. a sequence was identified that is sufficient for amdr regulation and that shows identity with sequences involved in amdr regulatio ...19921435733
prediction of transmembrane topology of f0 proteins from escherichia coli f1f0 atp synthase using variational and hydrophobic moment analyses.the a subunit, a membrane protein from the e. coli f1f0 atp synthase has been examined by fourier analysis of hydrophobicity and of amino-acid residue variation. the amino-acid sequences of homologous subunits from vibrio alginolyticus, saccharomyces cerevisiae, neurospora crassa, aspergillus nidulans, schizosaccharomyces pombe and candida parapsilosis were used in the variability analysis. by fourier analysis of sequence variation, two transmembrane helices are predicted to have one face in con ...19921445940
structural and functional analysis of the amdr regulatory gene of aspergillus oryzae.we have isolated the aspergillus oryzae homologue of the amdr regulatory gene of aspergillus nidulans by cross hybridization. sequence analysis and functional studies have shown that the amdr genes are highly conserved and functionally interchangeable between the two species. the homology between the two genes extends throughout most of the coding sequences, including sequences encoding the dna-binding domain and putative activation domains. two regions of nonconserved sequence were also identif ...19921452021
an inducible expression system for the production of human lactoferrin in aspergillus nidulans.the production and secretion of human lactoferrin (hlf) in aspergillus nidulans is described. the hlf cdna was expressed under the control of the strong ethanol-inducible alcohol dehydrogenase (alca) promoter. recombinant hlf (re-hlf) is produced at levels up to 5 micrograms/ml. approximately 30% of the re-hlf produced in this system is secreted into the growth medium. the re-hlf is indistinguishable from native hlf with respect to size and immunoreactivity. furthermore, re-hlf is functional by ...19921452033
cloning and molecular characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding gene and cdna from the plant pathogenic fungus glomerella cingulata.the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (gpda) has been identified from a genomic dna library prepared from the plant pathogenic fungus glomerella cingulata. nucleotide sequence data revealed that this gene codes for a putative 338-amino-acid protein encoded by two exons of 129 and 885 bp, separated by an intron 216 bp long. the 5' leader sequence is also spliced by an intron of 156 bp. a cdna clone was prepared using the polymerase chain reaction, the sequence of which was used to con ...19921452034
purification, properties and primary structure of thioredoxin from aspergillus nidulans.this paper reports the purification and the properties of a thioredoxin from the fungus aspergillus nidulans. this thioredoxin is an acidic protein which exhibits an unusual fluorescence emission spectrum, characterized by a high contribution of tyrosine residues. thioredoxin from a. nidulans cannot serve as a substrate for escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase. corn nadp-malate dehydrogenase is activated by this thioredoxin in the presence of dithiothreitol, while fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase i ...19921459127
developmental and light regulation of eas, the structural gene for the rodlet protein of neurospora.the surface of many fungal spores is covered by a hydrophobic sheath termed the rodlet layer. we have determined that the rodlet protein of neurospora crassa is encoded by a cloned gene designated bli-7, and that bli-7 is identical to the known gene eas (easily wettable). using eas dna as a probe we show that eas mrna is abundant in illuminated mycelia and conidiophores but is not detectable or is barely detectable in dark-grown mycelia, mature macroconidia, microconidia, and ascospores. mutatio ...19921459459
the developmentally regulated aspergillus nidulans wa gene encodes a polypeptide homologous to polyketide and fatty acid synthases.the aspergillus nidulans wa gene is required for synthesis of a green pigment present in the walls of mature asexual spores (conidia); wa mutants produce colorless (white) conidia. we determined the transcriptional structure and dna sequence of the wa gene. wa consists of 5 exons separated by short (40-60 bp) introns. the processed transcript has the potential to encode a protein consisting of 1986 amino acid residues. the predicted wa polypeptide showed extensive sequence similarities with bact ...19921465094
characterization of the amda-regulated acia gene of aspergillus nidulans.the structure, function and regulation of the acetate inducible acia gene of aspergillus nidulans was analysed. the acia locus was mapped to chromosome 1 at a position where no acetate inducible gene has been previously located. the nucleotide sequence of acia was determined, the structures of two transcripts were determined and the sequences of the polypeptide products of the gene were deduced. construction of an acia loss-of-function mutant was achieved via insertional inactivation, but it did ...19921465107
identification of functional regions of the positively acting regulatory gene amdr from aspergillus nidulans.the amdr (inta) regulatory gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a 765-amino-acid polypeptide which determines the omega-amino acid induction of at least five structural genes. the amdr polypeptide contains a potential zn(ii)2cys6 dna-binding motif which has been shown to be present in the n-terminal region of a large number of fungal activator proteins. in vitro mutagenesis of the fourth cysteine of this motif abolishes amdr function as shown by loss of complementation of an amdr- mutation and b ...19921479891
mitotic regulation in aspergillus nidulans.the nima and bime genes of aspergillus nidulans respectively encode a 79 kda protein kinase that is a positive regulator of mitosis and a 229 kda protein that is a negative regulator of mitosis. either overproduction of nima or inactivation of bime can induce mitosis and override the checkpoint associated with incomplete dna replication. double mutants between temperature-sensitive nima and bime alleles undergo chromatin condensation and spindle polymerization at restrictive temperature, suggest ...19921483343
isolation of an aspergillus terreus mutant impaired in arginine biosynthesis and its complementation with the argb gene from aspergillus nidulans.using filtration enrichment techniques, an aspergillus terreus arginine auxotrophic strain which contains a mutation that abolishes ornithine transcarbamylase (otcase) activity has been isolated. this mutant has been genetically transformed with the cloned aspergillus nidulans otcase gene. prototrophic transformants arose at a frequency of about 50 transformants per microgram of plasmid dna. southern blot analysis of dna from the transformants showed that the transforming dna was ectopically int ...19921490598
requirement for esp1 in the nuclear division of saccharomyces cerevisiae.mutations in the esp1 gene of saccharomyces cerevisiae disrupt normal cell-cycle control and cause many cells in a mutant population to accumulate extra spindle pole bodies. to determine the stage at which the esp1 gene product becomes essential for normal cell-cycle progression, synchronous cultures of esp1 mutant cells were exposed to the nonpermissive temperature for various periods of time. the mutant cells retained viability until the onset of mitosis, when their viability dropped markedly. ...19921493337
a dominant selectable marker that is meiotically stable in neurospora crassa: the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans.when neurospora crassa is transformed using a neurospora gene as the selectable marker, the vegetatively stable transformants obtained cannot be used successfully in a cross because the selectable marker will be inactivated by the process of rip (repeat-induced point mutation). introduction of the acetamidase-encoding gene amds of aspergillus nidulans into n. crassa by transformation yielded transformants that would grow in minimal medium containing acetamide as a sole nitrogen source. in mitoti ...19921494342
characterization of the aspergillus niger pelb gene: structure and regulation of expression.the nucleotide sequence of pelb, a member of the aspergillus niger pectin lyase multigene family, has been determined. the pelb gene product, plb, shares 65% amino acid identity with pectin lyase a (pla) and 60% with pectin lyase d (pld). although growth of pelb multicopy transformants on pectin-containing media results in elevated pelb mrna levels, pectin lyase b (plb) is barely detectable. this is probably due to degradation of plb by acid proteases, since multicopy transformants grown on pect ...19921495474
npk1, a nonessential protein kinase gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae with similarity to aspergillus nidulans nima.a new protein kinase gene [called npk1 (for nonessential protein kinase)] has been found on chromosome i of saccharomyces cerevisiae between cdc15 and ade1. the 435 amino acid/48 kda gene product is very similar to known protein kinases. it is most closely related to the nima protein of aspergillus nidulans, displaying 45.9% identity and 63.5% similarity in the protein kinase domain. a 1.4 kb transcript of the npk1 gene was detected. disruption of the npk1 gene impedes neither growth on glucose ...19921495480
arginine and proline genes of aspergillus niger.aspergillus niger mutants defective in arginine or proline biosynthesis have been isolated and 12 genetic loci were identified. mutation was induced by low doses uv, and mutants were isolated after filtration enrichment. the mutants were classified according to their phenotype in growth tests and were further characterized in complementation tests. the arginine auxotrophic mutants represent nine complementation groups. three additional complementation groups were found for mutants that could gro ...19921497330
early developmental events during asexual and sexual sporulation in aspergillus nidulans. 19921504597
control of gene expression in the catabolic pathways of aspergillus nidulans: a personal and biased account. 19921504607
protein synthesis in aspergillus this review of protein synthesis, we have described a system for translation of mrna using extracts of a. nidulans. this system is useful for characterizing mutants suspected to have defects in protein synthesis and for assessing the toxicity of various antibiotics and their effects on misreading the genetic code. the well developed genetical system of a. nidulans has enabled us to map at least 27 new genes whose mutation disturbs the level of translational accuracy. these mutants could be us ...19921504608
mutational analysis of calmodulin in saccharomyces cerevisiae.calmodulin is well characterized as an intracellular ca2+ receptor in nonproliferating tissues such as muscle and brain. several observations indicate that calmodulin is also required for cellular growth and division. deletion of the calmodulin gene is a lethal mutation in saccharomyces cerevisiae, schizosaccharomyces pombe and aspergillus nidulans. expression of calmodulin antisense rna in mouse c127 cells causes a transient arrest at g1 and metaphase. although these results indicate calmodulin ...19921505005
isolation of a gene required for programmed initiation of development by aspergillus contrast to many other cases in microbial development, aspergillus nidulans conidiophore production initiates primarily as a programmed part of the life cycle rather than as a response to nutrient deprivation. mutations in the acod locus result in "fluffy" colonies that appear to grow faster than the wild type and proliferate as undifferentiated masses of vegetative cells. we show that unlike wild-type strains, acod deletion mutants are unable to make conidiophores under optimal growth condit ...19921508186
the polygalacturonases of aspergillus niger are encoded by a family of diverged genes.aspergillus niger produces several polygalacturonases that, with other enzymes, are involved in the degradation of pectin. one of the two previously characterized genes coding for the abundant polygalacturonases i and ii (pgi and pgii) found in a commercial pectinase preparation was used as a probe to isolate five more genes by screening a genomic dna library in phage lambda embl4 using conditions of moderate stringency. the products of these genes were detected in the culture medium of aspergil ...19921511691
effect of restrictive conditions on the growth and morphology of a temperature-sensitive mannose-requiring mutant of aspergillus nidulans.when incubated at 45 degrees c in the absence of added mannose, pregrown hyphae of a temperature-sensitive, mannose-relief mutant (mnra455) of aspergillus nidulans grew normally for a short time (4-5 h) before exhibiting an abnormal morphology consisting of the production by hyphae of discrete spherical swellings called balloons. these swellings could be up to 10 microns in diameter and were produced either at or behind the hyphal apex. often only one swelling was produced in association with ea ...19921516805
stua is required for cell pattern formation in aspergillus.the stunted (stua) gene product is required for the orderly differentiation and spatial organization of cell types of the aspergillus nidulans conidiophore. expression of the stua gene is complex. two transcripts, stua alpha and stua beta, are initiated from separate promoters. transcription of both rnas increases approximately 50-fold during the establishment of developmental competence. induction-dependent transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms further enhance expressio ...19921516832
chromatin structure of schizosaccharomyces pombe. a nucleosome repeat length that is shorter than the chromatosomal dna length.we have used new methods for chromatin isolation, together with conventional methods for measuring the nucleosome repeat length, to determine the repeat length of schizosaccharomyces pombe chromatin. we obtain a result of 156(+/- 2) bp. equivalent results are obtained using a psoralen crosslinking method for measuring the repeat length in viable spheroplasts. that result, together with other control experiments, rules out many possible artifacts. the measured value of 156(+/- 2) bp is smaller th ...19921518041
phase i study of yk-176 (2'-deoxycoformycin) in patients with adult t-cell leukemia-lymphoma. the dcf study group.yk-176 is a newly isolated 2'-deoxycoformycin (dcf), a potent inhibitor of adenosine deaminase, produced by aspergillus nidulans. in a cooperative phase i study, yk-176 was administered to 22 patients, comprising 18 with adult t-cell leukemia-lymphoma (atl), two with cutaneous t-cell lymphoma (ctcl), one with lymphoblastic lymphoma of t-cell type and one with carcinoma of the uterine cervix. doses of yk-176 ranged from 3.0 to 9.0 mg/m2 and were given intravenously for three consecutive days. gen ...19921518164
protein structure of pig liver 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase and comparison with a cdna-deduced sequence.the amino acid sequence of pig liver 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase has been determined by gas-phase sequencing of proteolytically derived peptide fragments. the sequence differs substantially from that predicted for the same enzyme on the basis of the sequence of cdna derived from pig brain in recently published work [kwon, o., park, j. & churchich, j. e. (1992) j. biol. chem. 267, 7215-7216]. apart from a few minor differences, the two sequences are completely different in the segment of pro ...19921521531
isolation and characterization of an analogue-resistant aminoacyl-trna synthetase mutant in aspergillus nidulans.six mutants resistant to p-fluorophenylalanine (fpa) were selected on a medium containing aspartate as the sole source of nitrogen using a phenylalanine-requiring (phena)auxotroph of a. nidulans as the wild type. the mutants, on the basis of genetic characterization, were found to be alleilic and located on the left arm of the linkage group iii, approximately 13 map unit left to meth h locus, henceforth assigned to the symbol fpav. at a fixed concentration of phenylalanine (23 micrograms/ml), th ...19921521872
[influence of heavy metal ions on the electrophysical properties of anacystis nidulans and escherichia coli cells].the influence of heavy metal ions (ag+, cu2+, cd2+, pb2+, mn2+, zn2+, gd3+, 1 microm-1 mm) on anacystis nidulans and escherichia coli cells has been studied by means of electrophoresis and electro-orientation spectroscopy methods. it has been shown that changes of cell electrophoretic mobility (em) and low-frequency (20 hz) electro-orientation effect (eoe) observed with the increase of metal cation concentration characterize the adsorption of these ions on surface layers of cell envelopes. the d ...19921522819
binding selectivity of rhizoxin, phomopsin a, vinblastine, and ansamitocin p-3 to fungal tubulins: differential interactions of these antimitotic agents with brain and fungal tubulins.the binding of four potent antimitotic agents, rhizoxin (rzx), phomopsin a (pms-a), ansamitocin p-3 (asmp-3), and vinblastine (vlb), to tubulins from rzx-sensitive and -resistant strains of aspergillus nidulans, schizosaccharomyces pombe, and saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. mycelial extracts to which rzx could bind contained beta-tubulin with asn as the 100th amino acid residue (asn-100) in all cases, and those without affinity for rzx contained beta-tubulins with either ile-100 or va ...19921530630
characterization of the glyoxysomal isocitrate lyase genes of aspergillus nidulans (acud) and neurospora crassa (acu-3).the nucleotide sequences of the genes encoding the acetate-inducible glyoxylate cycle enzyme isocitrate lyase from the ascomycete fungi aspergillus nidulans (acud) and neurospora crassa (acu-3) are presented. the respective a. nidulans and n. crassa genes are interrupted at identical positions by two introns and encode proteins of 538 and 543 amino acids, which have 75% identity. the predicted protein sequences do not demonstrate the c-terminal tripeptide s-k-l that has been implicated in peroxi ...19921531185
starch digestion and adsorption by beta-amylase of emericella nidulans (aspergillus nidulans).a mutant strain of emericella nidulans mnu 82 was isolated by multistep mutation. the beta-amylase produced by the mutant was able to digest raw starch. it was readily and strongly adsorbed onto raw starch at ph 5.0. the enzyme to starch ratio was 1950 u/g starch. the enzyme showed no correlation between the capacity of raw starch digestion and adsorption of the enzyme.19921533208
an extra copy of nimecyclinb elevates pre-mpf levels and partially suppresses mutation of nimtcdc25 in aspergillus nidulans.previous work has shown that nima encodes a cell cycle regulated protein kinase that is required along with the p34cdc2 histone h1 kinase (mpf) for mitosis in aspergillus nidulans. we have now identified two other gene products required for mitosis in a.nidulans. nimt encodes a protein similar to the fission yeast cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase and is required for the conversion of pre-mpf to mpf and nime encodes a b-type cyclin which is a subunit of mpf. a new genetic interaction between nimecyclin ...19921534750
nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase transcript levels in various mutants of aspergillus nidulans: confirmation of autogenous regulation.the regulation of the expression of the a. nidulans niia and niad genes (encoding nitrite reductase and nitrate reductase activities, respectively) was investigated by northern blotting. it was demonstrated that expression of the niia and niad genes is controlled at the level of mrna accumulation and that mutations within the nira and area regulatory genes, as well as certain mutations within niad itself or cnxe (for its molybdenum cofactor), markedly affect niia and niad transcript levels.19921538701
kinesin-related cut7 protein associates with mitotic and meiotic spindles in fission yeast.several mitotic and meiotic gene products are related to the microtubule motor kinesin, providing insight into the molecular basis of the complex motile events responsible for spindle formation and function. of these genes, three have been shown to affect spindle structure when mutated. the most severe phenotype is seen in aspergillus nidulans bimc and schizosaccharomyces pombe cut7 mutants. in both fungi the intranuclear spindle is bipolar, with microtubules that emanate from spindle pole bodie ...19921538784
gamma-tubulin is a centrosomal protein required for cell cycle-dependent microtubule nucleation.gamma-tubulin is a newly identified member of the tubulin family whose sequence is highly conserved from yeast to man. this minor microtubule protein is localized to the microtubule organizing centres and a mutation in the gene encoding it produces a microtubuleless mitotic arrest in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. here we investigate the in vivo function of gamma-tubulin in mammalian cells using a synthetic peptide to generate a polyclonal antibody that binds to a highly conserved ...19921538786
the aspergillus niger niad gene encoding nitrate reductase: upstream nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons.the aspergillus niger niad gene has been sequenced and the inferred nitrate reductase (nr) protein found to consist of 867 amino acid residues (97 kda). the gene is interrupted by six small introns, as deduced by comparison with the niad gene of aspergillus nidulans. the positions of these putative introns are conserved between the two fungi, although the sequences are dissimilar. the niia gene, encoding nitrite reductase, the second reductive step in the nitrate assimilation pathway, is tightly ...19921541396
inducible alkyltransferase dna repair proteins in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.we have investigated the response of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans to low, non-killing, doses of the alkylating agent mnng (n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine). such treatment causes a substantial induction of dna alkyltransferase activity, with the specific activity in treated cells increasing up to one hundred-fold. fluorography reveals the two main inducible species as proteins of 18.5 kda and 21 kda, both of which have activity primarily against o6-methylguanine (o6-meg) lesi ...19921542560
structure of the aspergillus nidulans qut repressor-encoding gene: implications for the regulation of transcription initiation.the nucleotide (nt) sequence of the qutr gene has been determined and shown to encode an inferred protein (qutr) of 929 amino acids (aa). the inferred aa sequence shows a high level of similarity throughout its length with the aa sequence of the three c-terminal domains (shikimate kinase; 3-dehydroquinase; shikimate dehydrogenase) of the pentafunctional arom protein of aspergillus nidulans that catalyses steps 2-6 in the shikimate pathway. the inferred qutr aa sequence has a completely conserved ...19921544567
transfer of isolated nuclei into protoplasts of aspergillus nidulans.nuclei were isolated from protoplasts of a haploid auxotrophic aspergillus nidulans strain. transformation of protoplasts prepared from a complementary haploid auxotrophic strain with these purified nuclei resulted in both heterokaryotic and diploid colonies. the nutritionally-complementing colonies appeared at a frequency of 5 x 10(-7) to 10(-8).19921547859
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