
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
prolonged fecal excretion of hepatitis a virus in adult patients with hepatitis a as determined by polymerase chain hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, fecal excretion of the virus has been reported to cease shortly after symptoms occur. although there have been several reports on detection of hav in feces using polymerase chain reaction (pcr), the duration of fecal hav shedding in human adult hepatitis a has not been well described. in the present study, we applied the reverse-transcription (rt)-pcr system to the detection of fecal hav rna in 10 patients with sporadic hepatitis a. the viral genomic rna was ...19968707246
determination of the inactivation kinetics of hepatitis a virus in human plasma products using a simple tcid50 assay.the transmission of hepatitis a virus (hav) associated with use of fviii concentrates has been reported in a number of european countries. all of these cases were associated with products inactivated by use of solvent detergent treatment. these reports have emphasized the necessity of evaluating virus inactivation methodologies for their ability to inactivate hav. such studies had previously been hampered by the difficulties associated with titration of hav, because of the minimal cytopathic eff ...19968732864
[seroprevalence of viral hepatitis a in at the amiens university hospital].the epidemiology of viral hepatitis a has been evolved in the past few years, resulting in an increasing number of people without immunity to this virus. health care workers are usually considered to be a group at risk of contamination by hepatitis a. a sero-epidemiologic study was performed in 525 members of the pediatry, gastroenterology, internal medicine, digestive radiology, kitchen and maintenance department staffs in the amiens university hospital. the aim of this study was to describe th ...19968734310
[viral hepatitis a with prolonged course in adults].the aim of this study was to determine the clinical and virological characteristics of patients with type a viral hepatitis and a protracted course.19968734311
quantitative determination of immune response against hepatitis a virus capsids after natural infection. 19968744565
viral hepatitis.the list of hepatitis viruses is increasing over the years. now the viruses range from a to g. hepatitis a virus is a short incubation rna virus which is transmitted oro-faecally. it does not cause chronic illness but may be fatal in a few cases especially in pregnancy. it can now be prevented by vaccination. hepatitis b virus is a long incubation dna virus which is transmitted mainly through blood and blood products. it causes chronic illness and can lead to liver cancer in some cases. it can b ...19968756033
[extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis a virus infection]. 19968758500
enterically transmitted hepatitis in saudi arabia: an epidemiological study.rates of exposure to two, enterically transmitted viruses, hepatitis e virus (hev) and hepatitis a virus (hav), were investigated among the populations of two areas of saudi arabia: gizan (a rural area) and riyadh (an urban area, with relatively good sanitation). in riyadh, 24.7% and 1.2% of children were seropositive for hav and hev, respectively, by the age of 12 years. there was a sharp increase in exposure to hav between 13 and 20 years of age (to 63.5%) and most (80.0%) of the subjects aged ...19968762410
hepatitis a in day care centre.a focal outbreak of hepatitis was detected in a day-care centre for children centrally located in pune. the source of infection was suspected to be an 11-year-old child who probably got the infection from his school. seven out of 15 children from day-care centre developed clinical hepatitis. two cases of secondary infection were identified among the family contacts of infected children. sera from all the nine sick children were positive for anti-hepatitis a virus-igm antibodies. a stool sample f ...199610830060
response to hepatitis a vaccine in children after a single dose with a booster administration 6 months later.background: children are of an age group susceptible to infection by the hepatitis a virus (hav). active immunization of children against hav became reality in 1993, when the first pediatric hepatitis a vaccine was licensed. this initial vaccine required two injections to induce a full immune response in recipients. the purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of a single dose primary vaccine plus a booster after 6 months against hepatitis a in children. methods: a total of 60 healthy ...19969815444
age-specific anti-hepatitis a virus seroepidemiology in italian travelers: indications for anti-hepatitis a vaccination.background: hepatitis a virus (hav) circulation in the environment is decreasing in most industrialized western countries. this decrease has lead to low seroprevalence rates in adults. as a consequence, many nonimmune unprotected travelers from areas of low prevalence are considered at risk of acquiring hav infection when traveling to high hav endemic areas in developing countries. the recent hav inactivated vaccine has proved safe and effective, and its use in different geographic areas should ...19969815459
day care setting ideal place for vaccination. pediatrics (hav).hepatitis a is highly endemic in developing countries. for example, in sao paulo, brazil, 100% and 40.3% of lower and middle socioeconomic level children aged 2-11 years, respectively, have antibodies to hepatitis a. 90.4% of voluntary middle class adult blood donors are infected with the virus. day care centers represent an important source of hepatitis a in several communities. richtmann et al. investigated the immunogenicity and safety of the hepatitis a virus (hav) strain gbm vaccine amo ...199612290904
[viral hepatitis: from a to g viruses].great advances has been achieved in the last 10 years in the study of acute and chronic viral hepatitis. the enigma of non-a non-b viral hepatitis was disclosed when c virus was identified and later when e virus was isolated. new viruses has been searched to explain non-a to non-e viral hepatitis, being reported recently g virus. epidemiology and clinical aspects has been reviewed identifying unusual clinical forms: choletasic and relapsing hepatitis in hav infection; escape mutants b virus hepa ...199612165788
an outbreak of hepatitis a in puglia, italy, the region of puglia, in the south east of italy (population: 4 million), the number of notifications of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection increases in a two yearly cycle. in 1992 a very large outbreak was observed, but no epidemiological investigation199612631838
assessment of virus infection in cultured cells using metabolic monitoring.a rapid, in-process assessment of virus replication is disired to quickly investigate the effects of process parameters on virus infection, and to monitor consistency of process in routine manufacturing of viral vaccines. live virus potency assays are generally based on plaque formation, cytopathic effect, or antigen production (tcid(50)) and can take days to weeks to complete. interestingly, when infected with viruses, cultured cells undergo changes in cellular metabolism that can be easily mea ...199622358917
medical microbiologythe picornaviruses are small (22 to 30 nm) nonenveloped, single-stranded rna viruses with cubic symmetry. the virus capsid is composed of 60 protein subunits, each consisting of four poly-peptides vp1–vp4. because they contain no essential lipids, they are ether resistant. they replicate in the cytoplasm. the picornaviruses that affect humans are the enteroviruses, found primarily in the gut; the rhinoviruses, found ...199621413259
seroprevalence of parvovirus b19, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis a virus and hepatitis e virus antibodies in haemophiliacs treated exclusively with clotting-factor concentrates considered safe against human immunodeficiency and hepatitis c viruses.clotting-factor concentrates (cfc) are a potential source of transmission of blood-borne viruses. newer physical and chemical methods (pasteurization, wet-heating, solvent/detergent treating) developed to inactivate viruses are effective against hiv, hbv and hcv. however, it is not clear if these methods protect against other pathogenic viruses such as parvovirus b19, cytomegalovirus (cmv), hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis e virus (hev). to evaluate the safety of current cfc we have studied ...199527214319
seroprevalence of total antibodies to hepatitis a virus in haemophiliacs in the west of scotland.serum samples taken from 73 patients with haemophilia a were tested for the presence of total antibody against hepatitis a (antihav) by radiommunoassay. 29 (39.7%) were antihav positive and 44 (60.3%) were antihav negative. these figures are comparable with local prevalence figures for immunity (40.3%) and susceptibility (59.7%) to hav in adults. 30 patients were subsequently exposed to scottish national blood transfusion service high-purity factor viii (snbts hpviii). they were re-tested for th ...199527214539
antiviral effects of bacteria isolated from manure.the objectives of this study were to determine the role of microbial activity in inactivation of hepatitis a virus (hav) and to learn how the virus is inactivated. of 31 bacterial strains isolated from animal manure, 10 efficiently inactivated hav in fluid thioglycollate medium, with d10 values (time, in days, required for a 90% reduction of virus titer) of ≤ 10 at 30°c. the d10 value of the control suspension without bacteria was 35.1. most of the 10 strains raised the ph of the medium during g ...199524185411
investigation of a hepatitis a outbreak in a primary school by sequential saliva outbreak of hepatitis a occurred in a primary school (children aged 4-11 years), starting in the autumn of 1990 and terminating some 5 months later after some spread into the local community.199515566799
reduction in the prevalence of antibody to hepatitis a virus among young saudi adults: implications for hepatitis a vaccine.viral etiology was investigated in 133 saudi patients with acute hepatitis seen in king khalid university hospital, riyadh. between july 1993-may 1994. out of the 133 patients, 51 (38.3%) were diagnosed as having acute hepatitis due to hepatitis a virus (hav). hepatitis c virus (hcv) was the second most common etiological agent (20.3%). there were 35 patients with acute hepatitis (26.3%) in whom no viral marker for hav, hbv, hcv, cmv or epstein-barr virus (ebv) was detected. among the 51 patient ...199519864857
[structure and function of hepatitis a virus rna]. 199512442482
[genotypic classification and molecular epidemiology of hepatitis a virus]. 199512442483
[specific and non-specific immune mechanisms against hepatitis a virus (hav)--research and recent progress]. 199512442484
[characteristic features of histopathology in hepatitis type a and localization of hav]. 199512442486
[hepatitis a virus marker]. 199512442489
[viral hepatitis type a. who should be vaccinated?].in order to find out the variations in the prevalence of hav ab and identify the persons who should be vaccinated against hepatitis a virus, we assessed hav ab to 200 patients without any occupational risk. they were classified by their socioeconomic status; in the following categoris: high (level i n = 0); medium-high (level ii n = 50); medium-low (level iii, n = 50); low (level iv, n = 50); and very low (level v, n = 50). the percentage of positivity ofr serum hav ab was: level ii: 12%, level ...19958762654
causes of acute exacerbations of chronic hepatitis b.the authors analyzed acute exacerbations of chronic hepatitis b in 24 chronic hbsag carriers (20 with positive hbeag, 4 with anti-hbe), more than half of whom were treated with glucocorticoids, by examining specific antigens and antibodies of the hepatitis a virus (hav), hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis delta virus (hdv), epstein-barr virus (ebv) and cytomegalovirus (cmv). of 38 observed exacerbations of the disease they found in 7 (18%) deterioration after discontinuation of glucocorticoids, ...19958718791
risk factors and prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis a virus (hav) in children from day-care centers, in goiania, brazil.a seroepidemiologic survey about hepatitis a virus (hav) infection was carried out in a group comprising 310 children, ranging in age from 3 months to 9 years, from day-care centers, in goiania, a middle sized city in the central region of brazil. the biomarkers employed in the investigation of previous infection include total igg and igm anti-hav antibodies, and for the detection of more recent infection, igm anti-hav antibodies were analyzed. the study was performed in 1991 and 1992. according ...19958729753
seroepidemiologic study of anti-hav igg in health-care workers.the seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus igg antibody (anti-hav igg) was assessed in 410 health-care workers, included 97 physicians, 174 nurses, 57 auxiliary staff, 23 cleaning staff, and 59 from various professions. the overall seroprevalence rate was 50.2% with a mean age of 38.2 years, physicians 41.9%, nurses 48.6%, auxiliary staff 47.4% cleaning staff 87.0%, various professions 57.6%. a low seroprevalence was found in young employees, while a high seroprevalence increasing with age was demo ...19958689086
seroepidemiology of hepatitis e virus in the egyptian nile delta.the seroendemicity of hepatitis e virus (hev) in an entire village population located in the egyptain nile delta is described. serum specimens were obtained from 68% of the total population of 1,850 villagers. the lack of serum specimen was greatest in the youngest age group (< 5). commercially available enzyme immunoassays (eia) for antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav), to hepatitis b virus core antigen (anti-hbc), to second-generation hepatitis c virus (anti-hcv) core and nonstructural ant ...19958636709
molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of hepatitis a in italy.the relationship of hepatitis a virus (hav) isolates associated with an outbreak in genoa, italy, in 1993 was examined using direct sequencing of amplicons derived by antigen capture pcr (ac/pcr) from faecal samples of the infected persons. forty samples recovered from 38 primary and two secondary cases were examined. the latter were household contacts of the primary cases. in addition, faecal material of 2 unrelated persons infected simultaneously with hepatitis a in genoa were tested. the pcr ...19958636721
[immunity against hepatitis a in younger age groups and the basis for an immunization program].the naturally acquired immunity to hepatitis a virus (hav) in a sample of 305 children, aged up to 15 years, in the municipality of ivanić-grad amounted to 18.7%. the study was conducted in september 1989. of those 305 children, 16.8% of the boys and 20.7% of the girls were positive. no statistically significant difference was observed with regard to sex (p < 0.01) (chi 2 = 1.4). of the children aged up to two years, 47.4% were exposed to the hepatitis a virus. seropositive for anti-hav were 8.3 ...19958656973
[evaluation of reactivity and immunogenicity of a cultured concentrated inactivated vaccine against hepatitis a "hep-a-in-vak"].clinical trials of inactivated hepatitis a vaccine hep-a-in-vac demonstrated its specific safety and moderate reactogenicity, manifesting by short-term fibrillar twitching of musculus deltoideus at the site of injection. after a course of three immunizations 87.5% seronegative vaccines developed a high level of specific antibodies to hepatitis a virus with at least 100 reverse values of titers. in controls antibody titers remained seronegative in 90% cases. these data indicate evident immunologi ...19958659177
[hepatitis a vaccine]. 19958684338
[comparative study of the immunogenicity of the inactivated hepatitis a vaccine hep-a-in-vac from experimental and clinical data].comparative analysis of the specific activities of various batches of hep-a-in-vac vaccine showed that the immunologic efficacy of the agent directly depended on the content of hepatitis a virus antigen in the vaccine dose. the results of studying the immunogenicity of the agent on volunteers are compatible with the results of experimental studies and indicate that the test of guinea pigs adequately assesses this characteristic. assessment of the immunogenic properties of hep-a-in-vac prepared u ...19958686264
immunogenicity and safety of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine amongst singaporeans.the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccine was studied in healthy singaporean adult volunteers. one hundred and forty healthy volunteers with normal alanine (alt) and aspartate (ast) transaminases and no previous exposure to hav, received three 1 ml doses (720 elisa units) of an inactivated hav vaccine (smithkline beechams biologicals) following a 0, 1, 6 months vaccination schedule. all subjects were asked to record and grade the severity of any reac ...19958629058
pattern of hepatitis a and hepatitis b virus markers in cases of acute sporadic hepatitis and in healthy school children from north west india.the pattern of viral markers in acute sporadic hepatitis in 329 children and those in 334 healthy school children from north west india were studied. hepatitis a was found to be the commonest infection in sporadic cases (78 per cent). of these, 86 per cent were under 10 years and 50 per cent less than 5 years of age. hepatitis b was positive in 8 per cent, non-a non-b in 13 per cent, a as well as b in 1 per cent, and none had delta virus infection. viral markers in healthy school children showed ...19958606437
risk factors for hepatitis a, b and c virus infection among swedish expatriates.the influence of different risk factors for viral hepatitis a, b and c, particularly if sexual contact with the indigenous population was related to an increased risk of having hepatitis b virus (hbv) markers, was assessed by multivariate analysis in a logistic regression model in a prospectively enrolled series of 563 adult swedish expatriates. the most frequently reported recognised risk factors for the acquisition of viral hepatitis (as reported in a self-administered questionnaire) were havi ...19958586840
hepaxpert-iii: knowledge-based interpretation of serologic tests for hepatitis a, b, c, and d.1. the hepaxpert-iii system. hepaxpert-iii--the successor of hepaxpert-i[1] and hepaxpert-ii [2]--is a routinely-used, integrated medical database and knowledge-based system that stores and interprets the results of serologic tests for infection with hepatitis a, b, c, and d viruses. the following tests are included: anti-hav, igm anti-hav, and hav in stool; hbsag, anti-hbs, anti-hbc, igm anti-hbc, hbeag, anti-hbe, and anti-hbs titre; anti-hcv, hcv-immunoblot, and hcv-pcr; delta-ag and anti-delt ...19958591543
[the screening of hepatitis virus and its efficacy].1. infection of hepatitis a virus (hav) was prevented with hepatitis a vaccine. high risk groups of hav infection should be inoculated this vaccine because japanese peoples less than 40 years old didn't have immunity for hav. 2. infection of hepatitis e virus (hev) was scarcely observed in japan. 3. infection of hepatitis b virus (hbv) by blood transfusion was eradicated after the screening with anti-hbc antibody for blood donors. and maternal transmissions of hbv and infections of hbv in hospit ...19958551671
seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus antibodies in a pediatric population of southern spain. 19958557393
safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine in children 2 to 5 years old.the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine were assessed. seventy healthy children aged between 2 and 5 years old, who lacked antibodies against the hepatitis a virus, were enrolled in this study. with a 0-, 1-, and 6-month vaccination schedule, the children received three doses of 360 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) units of hepatitis a vaccine intramuscularly (deltoid). safety parameters were recorded in standardized diary cards by the parents on the ...19958557400
[prospective study of the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis after the exclusion of donors positive for anti-hcv elisa 2].the incidence of post transfusional hepatitis (pth) after the exclusion of anti-hcv elisa 2 positive donors is not well known. the aim of this study was to determine the incidence and type of pth in 113 post transfused patients.19958558961
preventing hepatitis a infections in travelers to endemic 1995, 24 million travelers from the united states are anticipated to visit developing countries where hepatitis a is endemic. passive immunization with immune globulin, before exposure or within two weeks following exposure to the hepatitis a virus, protects against clinical disease in < 70-90% of immunized individuals. the duration of protection, measured in months, is relatively short. active immunization with a single dose of inactivated hepatitis a virus vaccine appears to provide greater ...19958561258
[sero-epidemiology of hepatitis a: alcoholic patients are a group at risk].the possibility of "community-acquired" viral infection has been suggested in alcoholics. in order to assess this hypothesis, we evaluated the prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis a virus, a oro-fecally transmitted virus, in heavy drinkers.19958566556
anti-hepatitis a virus antibody response elicited in mice by different forms of a synthetic vp1 peptide.peptide vp1 (11-25) of the capsid of hepatitis a virus was synthesized by the fmoc-polyamide solid phase method, and administered to mice in different forms: (1) free, (2) encapsulated in multilamellar liposomes, (3) coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (khl), and (4) incorporated into a tetrameric branched lysine core. the highest anti-vp1 peptide responses were generated by synthetic peptides entrapped into liposomes and coupled to klh. no anti-hav response was generated with the free peptide, ...19958569533
"in vitro" and in animal model studies on a double virus-inactivated factor viii improve the safety of plasma derived factor viii (fviii) concentrate, we introduced a final super heat treatment (100 degrees c for 30 min) as additional virus inactivation step applied to a lyophilized, highly purified fviii concentrate (100 iu/mg of proteins) already virus inactivated using the solvent/detergent (s/d) method during the manufacturing process. the efficiency of the super heat treatment was demonstrated in inactivating two non-lipid enveloped viruses (hepatitis a virus and pol ...19958571312
serum antibody to lipopolysaccharide antigens of shigella species among u.s. military personnel deployed to saudi arabia and kuwait during operations desert shield and desert storm.during operations desert shield and desert storm, u.s. troops were at high risk of diarrheal disease due to shigella spp., particularly shigella sonnei. in order to better understand the serologic response to shigella infection, 830 male u.s. combat troops were evaluated before and after the deployment to saudi arabia and kuwait for immunoglobulin a (iga) and igg anti-shigella lipopolysaccharide (lps) (antibody to s. sonnei form i and shigella flexneri serotypes 1a, 2a, and 3a) in serum. just be ...19958574833
recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing hepatitis a virus structural polypeptides: detection of an anti-vp0 response in convalescent-phase sera.we have generated a number of recombinant vaccinia viruses which expressed the hepatitis a virus (hav) structural polypeptides vp1, vp2, vp3, and vp4, either alone or in combination. the relevant sequences encoding these polypeptides were amplified from cloned cdna by pcr and then cloned into the insertion vector pgs62. the presence of the hav structural polypeptide-encoding sequences in the recombinant viruses was confirmed by southern blot analysis, whilst their transcription and translation w ...19958574835
risk of hepatitis a in dutch hemophilia patients.recently, clotting factor preparations transmitted hepatitis a virus (hav) to hemophilia patients. to study the risk of hav infection in dutch hemophilia patients, serum samples of 341 patients with hemophilia were tested for hav antibodies (anti-hav). 197/341 patients (group 1) were treated with clotting factor concentrates produced from large plasma pools, 144/341 patients (group 2) were treated with small pool cryoprecipitate. the test results were compared to those of healthy blood donors (n ...19958584994
virosomes as carriers for combined vaccines.immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes (iriv) are liposomes which carry the two glycoproteins of the influenza virus on their surface. a hepatitis a vaccine using iriv as carrier has very good immunogenicity and is well tolerated. the objective of this study was to produce a fivefold combined vaccine against hepatitis a and b, diphtheria, tetanus and influenza a/b, and to show that in principle irivs can serve as carriers for multiple antigens which have good immunogenicity and are ...19958585285
antiviral activity of recombinant interferon-alpha on hepatitis a virus replication in human liver cells.human recombinant interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) was assayed for its antiviral effect on hepatitis a virus (hav) replication in the human hepatoma cell line plc/prf/5. ifn-alpha resulted in concentration-dependent reduction of hav antigen expression and hav replication. ifn-alpha had a prophylactic effect, but was still effective when it was added after the infection, even at the end of the first replication cycle. an important increase in 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase activity in the ifn-treate ...19958585761
the picornaviral 3c proteinases: cysteine nucleophiles in serine proteinase folds.the 3c proteinases are a novel group of cysteine proteinases with a serine proteinase-like fold that are responsible for the bulk of polyprotein processing in the picornaviridae. because members of this viral family are to blame for several ongoing global pandemic problems (rhinovirus, hepatitis a virus) as well as sporadic outbreaks of more serious pathologies (poliovirus), there has been continuing interest over the last two decades in the development of antiviral therapies. the recent determi ...19958520469
intragastric infection induced in marmosets (callithrix jacchus) by a brazilian hepatitis a virus (haf-203).several species of non-human primates have been used in studies on experimental infection with hepatitis a virus (hav). attempts to infect a south-american marmoset (callithrix jacchus) with a brazilian hav isolate (haf-203) are described here. four seronegative animals were inoculated intragastrically and one was sacrificed on day 11, 20, 47 and 62 after infection. one uninfected animal was included as control. liver, small intestine, lymph node, spleen and kidney samples were collected for his ...19958520524
anti-hepatitis a antibody titers after passive immunization with hepatitis a hyperimmune globulin. 19958525412
relation between autoimmune liver diseases and viral hepatitis: clinical and serological characteristics in 859 etiopathological link between hepatitis virus infection and autoimmune liver disease, in particular autoimmune hepatitis has been suggested. in some patients features of both viral and autoimmune disease are present. we have studied 352 patients with autoimmune liver disease and 507 patients with viral hepatitis for diagnostic characteristics as well as for evidence of an etiological connection. 38 of the 201 patients with hepatitis c (19%) and 42 of the 306 patients with hepatitis b (14%) ha ...19958525656
direct sequencing of hepatitis a virus strains isolated during an epidemic in sequencing of pcr products was used to study the vp1 region of the hepatitis a virus (hav) genome (position 2199 to 2356) of nine strains isolated from human stools collected during a hepatitis a epidemic (western france, 1992), three strains from environmental samples (1990, 1991, and 1992), and two hav cell culture isolates (the french strain cf53/lyon and strain clf). these viruses differed from cf53/lyon (genotype i) by between 1 and 10.3%, and results indicated the existence of two g ...19958526512
transient hepatic fibrin-ring granulomas in a patient with acute hepatitis a.a case of acute hepatitis a associated with fibrin-ring granulomas in the liver is presented. because a relationship between acute hepatitis a infection and granuloma formation had not previously been established, liver specimens were examined from both the hepatitic and recovery phases. numerous fibrin-ring granulomas were observed in the parenchyma during the hepatitic phase. the cellular components of the granulomas were largely macrophages and cd4-positive t-cells. granulomas had disappeared ...19958531599
use of digoxigenin-labeled rna probe to test hepatitis a virus antiviral drugs.a nucleic acid hybridization assay was used to evaluate inhibitory activity of antiviral compounds against hepatitis a virus (hav) in cell culture and compared to radioimmunoassay by analysis of variance procedure. the 5' genomic end of the hm-175 strain was used as digoxigenin-labeled rna probe. dot-blot examination showed a reduction of detectable hav rna in infected cells when treated with amphotericin b. an antiviral dose-effect was shown by statistical analysis of densitometric measures of ...19958532379
[serum hepatitis b markers: atypical patterns detected at the hospital insular de gran canaria].two atypical serological markers of hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection were detected in 19 patients during a 18-month period study. pattern 1 (10 patients) was consistent with hbv-2 infection. reactivity of hbsag was confirmed by neutralization tests; the absence of other markers was also verified, included anti-hbcigm. three of the patients were classified in high risk groups and seven in the low risk groups for hepatitis b; in none of them was co-infection with hepatitis a virus (hav) detected. ...19958532922
role of the pyrimidine-rich tract on the translation of 'chimeric' polio-hepatitis a mrnas with engineered 5'-terminal untranslated regions.the 5'-terminal untranslated region (5'-utr) of picornavirus rna contains a series of cis-acting elements required for the internal initiation of translation, including a pyrimidine-rich tract (prt), which in entero- and rhinoviruses is located about 20 nts upstream from a silent aug triplet in the vicinity of the translation initiation site. in hepatitis a virus (hav) rna, the prt is only 12 nts upstream from the legitimate aug initiation codon, and a second, longer prt in a region far removed ...19958533464
trends in hepatitis a virus infection with reference to the process of urbanization in the greater madrid area (spain).hepatitis a is an infection transmitted by the fecal-oral route. endemicity within a specific country is directly related to sanitation and hygienic standards, while being inversely related to socioeconomic conditions. we studied how the process of urbanization witnessed in madrid had influenced the transmission of hepatitis a infection. in the madrid autonomous region, this process first began in the early sixties and was not brought to a close until the late seventies. catalytic models were us ...19958549732
an outbreak of hepatitis a among irish outbreak of hepatitis a (hav) occurred in 1992 in irish haemophilia a patients treated with high purity solvent-detergent (sd) treated factor viii. similar outbreaks were reported in italy, germany and belgium. the aim of this study was to investigate the outbreak, and to test the hypothesis that it was caused by exposure to sd-treated factor viii.19958550281
pathogenesis of hepatitis a in orally inoculated owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus).the pathogenesis of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection was studied in owl monkeys following oral administration of the wild-type hm-175 strain of hav. stools were collected daily and blood and pharyngeal swabs twice weekly for viral isolation, and animals were necropsied at various intervals after inoculation. organs were examined for the presence of virus by isolation in cell culture and for viral antigens by immunofluorescence. monkeys excreted hav in the stools for 1-4 days after inoculation, ...19958551278
age-specific prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis a and e viruses in pune, india, 1982 and 1992.the age-specific seroprevalence of antibody to hepatitis a virus (hav) and antibody to hepatitis e virus (hev) were studied in persons in pune, india, where both viruses are endemic. the data showed that hav infected the majority of persons by age 3 years and virtually 100% by late childhood. in contrast, infection with hev was rare in children and did not reach peak prevalence (33%-40%) until early adulthood. the reason for the differences in infection rates between hav and hev is not known. ag ...19957844387
vertical transmission of hepatitis a virus. 19957845152
is hepatitis a more severe in patients with chronic hepatitis b and other chronic liver diseases?there are several published case series of acute hepatitis a, with coverage ranging from epidemics to case reports, that provide information regarding the clinical course and outcome of hepatitis a in patients with underlying chronic hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection (1-12). only a few reports have addressed the outcome of hepatitis a in patients with other chronic liver diseases (2, 13). some, but not all, of these reports suggest that hepatitis a superimposed on chronic hepatitis b or other ch ...19957847285
nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure associated with hepatitis a virus infection.acute renal failure has been documented in association with hepatitis a virus (hav) infection. this report describes a temporal relationship between hav infection and immune complex mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis associated with nephrotic syndrome. animal experimental data have already shown that this is indeed a histological lesion associated with hav infection. this case report is the first english documentation associating hav infection with immune complex mesangial proliferative ...19957847304
cleavage specificity of purified recombinant hepatitis a virus 3c proteinase on natural substrates.hepatitis a virus (hav) 3c proteinase expressed in escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity, and its cleavage specificity towards various parts of the viral polyprotein was analyzed. intermolecular cleavage of the p2-p3 domain of the hav polyprotein gave rise to proteins 2a, 2b, 2c, 3abc, and 3d, suggesting that in addition to the primary cleavage site, all secondary sites within p2 as well as the 3c/3d junction are cleaved by 3c. 3c-mediated processing of the p1-p2 precursor liberated 2a an ...19957853510
the risk of helicobacter pylori infection among u.s. military personnel deployed outside the united determine whether military personnel deployed outside the united states are at increased risk of helicobacter pylori infection, 1,000 male u.s. navy and marine corps personnel (mean age 22 years) were evaluated. study subjects included 200 recruits, 500 shipboard personnel deployed for six months to south america, west africa, and the mediterranean, and 300 ground troops deployed for five months to saudi arabia. among all 1,000 subjects, 247 (25%) were seropositive for h. pylori igg antibody ...19957856819
hepatitis a vaccine: which dose is best? 19957897815
[an experimental study of immunity to hepatitis a in monkeys].in this work the experimental model of hepatitis a on monkeys, adequate to human hepatitis a, was used. ten monkeys (6 macaca mulatta and 4 cercopithecus aethiops) were reinfected with different doses of hepatitis a virus (hav) a year after recovery from spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a. the monkeys were completely resistant to the inoculation of the virus in moderate doses (10(3) id50). the inoculation of hav in large doses (10(4)-10(5) id50) induced a mild form of this infection in the ...19959381880
[seroepidemiological considerations of the incidence of viral hepatitis c in some population groups].in the interval 1985-1994, in the iaşi district, the reported cases of viral hepatitis (vh) have recorded annual morbidity rates ranging between 67/100,000 inhabitants in 1993 and 373/100,000 in 1990. vh attributed to hav and hbv has represented, with yearly differences, 62% to 94% of all cases. posttransfusion viral hepatitis (ptvh) has determined a morbidity of 0.51/100,000 inhabitants in 1986 and 8.34/100,000 in 1994. ptvh without aghbs ranged from 16.3% in 1993 to 94.0% in 1987, as compared ...19959455358
vacillate or vaccinate. 19959525123
[hepatitis a: clinical course and serology]. 19958948769
outbreak of hepatitis a in a college traced to contaminated water reservoir in cafeteria.a sharp but short outbreak of hepatitis a occurred in a college during september and october 1992. the epidemic pattern suggested a common source. the attack rate of clinically recognizable hepatitis a was 8% all cases were hav igm positive. among 31 students with minor symptoms but without jaundice 8 (26%) were also hav igm positive, as were 8 (10%) of 77 totally asymptomatic students tested. a case control study of eating and drinking habits of the students showed no other significant differen ...19959139380
solid phase synthesis and immunogenicity of a vp3 peptide from hepatitis a virus.the synthesis of a peptide belonging to the vp3 capsid protein of hepatitis a virus has been accomplished by the continuous flow fmoc-polyamide solid phase method. the use of methoxytrimethylbenzenesulphonyl (mtr) and pentamethylchromansulphonyl (pmc) as arginine side-chain protecting groups in the presence of tryptophan without lateral protection or protected with t-boc is discussed. the synthetic vp3 peptide has been administered to mice in different forms: (i) free, (ii) coupled to keyhole li ...19959346860
picornavirus internal ribosome entry segments: comparison of translation efficiency and the requirements for optimal internal initiation of translation in vitro.on the basis of primary sequence comparisons and secondary structure predictions, picornavirus internal ribosome entry segments (ireses) have been divided into three groups (entero- and rhinoviruses; cardio- and and aphthoviruses; and hepatitis a virus). here, we describe a detailed comparison of the ability of ireses from each group to direct internal initiation of translation in vitro using a single dicistronic mrna (the only variable being the ires inserted into the dicistronic region). we st ...19957478993
[seroepidemiology of hepatitis a virus infection in street children of goiânia-goiás].a cross-sectional study was performed to determine the age-prevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) among street youth from goiania city--central brazil, and to determine if any risk factors could be identified. the surveys were conducted between 1991/1992. the street youth were 397 individuals aged 7 to 21 years old living in institutions and teenagers working at streets. then, 313 adolescents working at streets and with family links, and 84 institutionalized ones without family were screened for ...19957480913
identification and site-directed mutagenesis of the primary (2a/2b) cleavage site of the hepatitis a virus polyprotein: functional impact on the infectivity of hav rna transcripts.the junction between 2a and 2b proteins of the hepatitis a virus (hav) polyprotein is processed by the virus-encoded 3c protease to liberate the precursor for capsid proteins, but details of this cleavage remain poorly defined. we identified the location of this primary cleavage by a novel approach involving expression of hav polypeptides in eukaryotic cells via recombinant vaccinia viruses. a substrate polyprotein spanning the putative hav 2a/2b site was fused at its c-terminus to a poliovirus ...19957483265
sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the vp1 gene in two cell culture-adapted hav strains from a unique pathogenic isolate.the nucleotide sequences of the vp1 coding region of two newly characterized, cell culture-adapted hepatitis a virus (hav) strains (rg-sb11 and rg-sb16) were analyzed and compared with homologous regions of previously characterized hav strains of human or monkey origin, and at different levels of tissue-culture adaptation. in particular, hm175wt and its derivative strains and mbb, lcdc1, pa21, and agm27 isolates were considered. rg-sb11 and rg-sb16 hav strains were derived from a pathogenic isol ...19957483287
vaccination against hepatitis a virus in french hemophilic children. 19957483502
safety, immunogenicity, and kinetics of the immune response to a single dose of virosome-formulated hepatitis a vaccine in thais.the safety and immunogenicity of a single dose of virosome-formulated hepatitis a vaccine was evaluated in healthy seronegative thai volunteers. immunization elicited primarily mild transient reactions which did not interfere with normal activities. all subjects possessed > 20 miu of anti-hepatitis a virus antibody per ml of serum one month after immunization. such a prolonged rise in antibody titre is characteristic of virosome-formulated vaccines. protective titres (> 20 miu ml-1) were maintai ...19957483760
antigenicity of hepatitis a virus after ultra-violet inactivation.ultra-violet (uv) treatment has been shown to inactivate hepatitis a virus (hav) in wastewater and polluted drinking water. whether this method could be used to inactivate virus preparations made for vaccine purposes is not known since the effect of uv on the antigenicity of hav has not been studied. hav vaccine preparations have been treated effectively with formaldehyde. however, this method is time-consuming, since treatment times of up to 15 days have been published as necessary for a comple ...19957483806
detection of norwalk virus and hepatitis a virus in shellfish tissues with the pcr.a method for the detection of norwalk virus and hepatitis a virus from shellfish tissues by pcr was developed. virus was added to the stomach and hepatopancreatic tissues of oysters or hard-shell clams, and viral nucleic acids were purified by a modification of a previously described method (r.l. atmar, t.g. metcalf, f.h. neill, and m.k. estes, appl. environ. microbiol. 59:631-635, 1993). the new method had the following advantages compared with the previously described method: (i) more rapid sa ...19957487032
the proposed gene for vp1 of hav encodes for a larger protein than that observed in hav-infected cells and virions.the termini of hepatitis a virus (hav) mature proteins have been assigned mainly by their homology to other picornaviruses and their apparent electrophoretic mobility; the proposed coding sequence for vp1 is supposed to encompass 900 nucleotides from position 2208 to 3107 of the hav genome. in order to further characterize this protein, we analyzed the in vitro-and in vivo-synthesized translation products of the putative vp1 gene. cdna coding for full-length vp1 was cloned under the control of a ...19957491792
virucidal short wavelength ultraviolet light treatment of plasma and factor viii concentrate: protection of proteins by antioxidants.the use of solvent/detergent mixtures and various forms of heat treatment to inactivate viruses has become widespread in the preparation of blood derivatives. because viruses that lack lipid envelopes and/or are heat resistant, eg, hepatitis a virus (hav) or parvovirus b19 may be present, the use of two methods of virus elimination that operate by different mechanisms has been advocated. we now report on short wavelength ultraviolet light (uvc) irradiation for virus inactivation and enhancement ...19957492794
epidemiology of hepatitis a in valencia, spain: public health implications.between july 1988 and july 1989, sera from 1223 persons resident in the valencia area of spain were tested for antibodies against the hepatitis a virus. sixty-five per cent of serum samples were positive for anti-hav (95% confidence interval = 62.4-67.6). the prevalence of anti-hav increased significantly with age (odds ratio > 50 years = 69.8; 95% confidence interval = 26.5-183.4) and previous history of hepatitis a (odds ratio = 2.1; 95% confidence interval = 1.4-3.2). prevalence decreased wit ...19957493309
the 3' untranslated region of picornavirus rna: features required for efficient genome replication.the role of the 3' untranslated region (3'utr) in the replication of enteroviruses has been studied with a series of mutants derived from either poliovirus type 3 (pv3) or a pv3 replicon containing the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. replication was observed when the pv3 3'utr was replaced with that of either coxsackie b4 virus, human rhinovirus 14 (hrv14), bovine enterovirus, or hepatitis a virus, despite the lack of sequence and secondary structure homology of the 3'utrs of th ...19957494295
hepatitis a virus and blood products: virus validation there have been reports of the transmission of hepatitis a virus by single units of blood, virus validation studies were carried out to determine the fate of the virus at four major steps (cryoprecipitation, solvent/detergent inactivation, deae chromatography and lyophilization) involved in the production of solvent-detergent inactivated factor viii products. if the reduction in infectivity is additive over the four steps, the total reduction would be between 8.6 and 9.3 log10. it is unlikely ...19957495962
hepatitis a virus and polymerase chain reaction amplification: methodology and results.hepatitis a infection among patients receiving solvent/detergent inactivated factor viii preparations in various locations in europe have been documented recently. in investigations in italy, germany and ireland, polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification was used to detect hepatitis a virus in frozen plasma pools, purified factor viii, patient sera and samples from animal transmission studies; nucleic acid sequencing was used to clarify and identify the virus responsible based upon genotype ...19957495964
detection of infectious hepatitis a virus in blood factor concentrates by experimental infection of the new world primate saguinus present, the hepatitis a virus cannot be detected readily by cell culture techniques. however, the new world primate saguinus fuscicolis is particularly susceptible to this virus. this paper gives details of the in vivo detection of hepatitis a virus in s. fuscicolis, and the method is used to show that a blood factor viii preparation, suspected of being contaminated with hepatitis a, did not contain the virus.19957495965
development and biochemical characterization of a double-virus-inactivated factor viii preparation.this paper describes the development of a double-virus-inactivated preparation. the original goal was to inactivate and/or remove parvovirus from plasma-derived factor viii. more recently, attention has also been focused on the controversial issue of transmission of the non-lipid-coated hepatitis a virus by preparations of factor viii which have been solvent/detergent-treated and purified by ion-exchange chromatography.19957495967
virus validation experiments on the production process of octavi sdplus.the inactivation of both transfusion-relevant and model viruses by modified pasteurization has been evaluated following the established guidelines of the european union committee for proprietary medical products ad hoc working party on biotechnology/pharmacy. this heat treatment in solution for 10 h at 63 degrees c was introduced into the manufacturing process of octavi, a very high purity factor viii concentrate stabilized by von willebrand factor. it could be demonstrated that both enveloped ( ...19957495968
autoimmune hepatitis following hepatitis a virus infection.a 7-year-old patient is reported who suffered from fatigue and jaundice due to chronic hepatitis. he had acquired hepatitis a virus infection in his community and communicated the disease to his german family 4 weeks later. while the other family members recovered from acute viral hepatitis a, the patient presented 10 weeks after the onset of hyperbilirubinemia (12 mg/dl) with the histology of chronic hepatitis, absence of markers for viral persistence, presence of autoantibodies against smooth ...19957499793
cell-mediated immunity in owl monkeys following inoculation with hepatitis a virus. 19957502862
immunogenicity and safety of a new inactivated hepatitis a vaccine in a comparative study.a multicentre, controlled, randomised, open, comparative trial including 839 healthy adult volunteers was carried out in order to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of two vaccines against hepatitis a virus (hav) during primary immunization and after booster injection. the first vaccine was produced by pasteur mérieux (pm), and the second vaccine by smith-kline beecham (skb). the vaccination schedule consisted of 2 doses (months 0, 6) for pm and 3 doses (months 0, 1, and 6) for skb. t ...19957561805
human t-lymphotropic virus type-i, and hepatitis a, b and c viruses in nepal: a serological 1987, 676 blood samples were collected from inhabitants of the bhadrakali and kotyang villages in nepal. the samples were tested for the prevalence of antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav), hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), antibody to hepatitis b core antigen (anti-hbc), second-generation antibody to hepatitis c virus (anti-hcv) and antibody to human t-lymphotropic virus type-i (anti-htlv-i). anti-hav was present in 99.3% of the people surveyed. the prevalence of anti-hav reached 100% ...19957563265
symptomatic hepatitis a virus infection during the first year of life. 19957567297
Displaying items 3501 - 3600 of 5183