
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[purification of a big defensin from ruditapes philippinesis and its antibacterial activity].a novel big defensin was isolated and characterized from the plasma of ruditapes philippinesis. it was purified to homogeneity by means of precipitation with (nh(4))(2)so(4), gel-exclusion chromatography, two kinds of cation-exchange chromatography and named rpd-1. its relative molecular mass was 24.8 kd by means of sds-page. by means of abi437 amino acid sequence analyser, its 11 nh(2)-terminal amino acid sequence is avpdvafnayg. two databank systems (ncbi and ebi/embl) was indexed, no sequence ...200314673509
[genetic diagnosis of thyroid diseases]. 200315067758
[epidemiological study of outbreaks and sporadic cases due to vibrio parahaemolyticus--serotype o3:k6 in aichi prefecture, japan, during 1988 and 2001].percentage of the outbreaks by o3:k6 vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. p) in aichi prefecture japan increased from 3% (3/86) for 1988-95 to 75% (33/44) for 1996-2001. the percentage of the sporadic diarrhea cases caused by o3:k6 v. p in a general hospital in aichi prefecture also increased from 0% (0/253) to 61% (135/221) during the same periods. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-positive o3:k6 were isolated from 95% (19/20) of the outbreak incidents and 100% (135/135) of the sporadic cases. only on ...200314768341
effect of methyl parathion on the susceptibility of shrimp litopenaeus vannamei to experimental vibriosis.following increasing calls for environmental safety over the past 2 decades, persistent pesticides are being replaced by more rapidly degradable products. however, even these pesticides can affect non-target species, and may be associated with slow growth and increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. in this study, juvenile white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei (also named penaeus vannamei) were challenged by intramuscular injection with vibrio parahaemolyticus after 4 d prior expo ...200314960041
evaluation of mpn method combined with pcr procedure for detection and enumeration of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in spiked and naturally contaminated seafood samples were enumerated by the mpn method combined with a pcr procedure (mpn-pcr method) targeting the species-specific thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh), and by the mpn method using subcultivation of alkaline-peptone-water (apw) enrichment culture on thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose (tcbs) agar (mpn-tcbs method). in the samples spiked with both v. parahaemolyticus and v. alginolyticus, the numbers of v. parahaemolyti ...200315038110
amlodipine: a cardiovascular drug with powerful antimicrobial property.ten cardiovascular drugs were procured in pure form from their manufacturers in india and screened for antimicrobial property against fifteen known bacteria belonging to both gram-positive and gram-negative types. these bacteria were inhibited by the common antibiotics at 1-5 mg ml(-1) level through our earlier studies. since most of the bacteria were moderate to highly responsive to amlodipine, this compound was further tested in vitro against 504 bacteria comprising 4 genera of gram-positive a ...200314743981
molecular cloning and characterization of the hmrm multidrug efflux pump from haemophilus influenzae rd.we cloned a gene responsible for norfloxacin resistance from the chromosomal dna of haemophilus influenzae rd, and designated the gene as hmrm. hmrm showed sequence similarity with norm of vibrio parahaemolyticus and ydhe of escherichia coli and others that belong to the mate family multidrug efflux pumps. the recombinant plasmid carrying the hmrm gene conferred elevated resistance not only to norfloxacin but also to acriflavine, 4 ', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, doxorubicin, ethidium bromide, te ...200314695443
genome sequence of vibrio parahaemolyticus: a pathogenic mechanism distinct from that of v cholerae.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a gram-negative marine bacterium, is a worldwide cause of food-borne gastroenteritis. v parahaemolyticus strains of a few specific serotypes, probably derived from a common clonal ancestor, have lately caused a pandemic of gastroenteritis. the organism is phylogenetically close to v cholerae, the causative agent of cholera.200312620739
seasonal abundance of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in alabama oysters.recent vibrio parahaemolyticus outbreaks associated with consumption of raw shellfish in the united states focused attention on the occurrence of this organism in shellfish. from march 1999 through september 2000, paired oyster samples were collected biweekly from two shellfish-growing areas in mobile bay, ala. the presence and densities of v. parahaemolyticus were determined by using dna probes targeting the thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) and thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) genes for confirma ...200312620838
improved recovery of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus from oysters using colony hybridization following enrichment.the traditional streak plating and alternative spread-plating methods were compared for detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp) in oyster enrichments. we found the alternative method to be more efficient: it was quicker (2d vs. 3d) and had a significantly (p < 0.05) greater detection rate than streak plating.200312459249
structure and binding mode of a ribosome recycling factor (rrf) from mesophilic bacterium.x-ray and nmr analyses on ribosome recycling factors (rrfs) from thermophilic bacteria showed that they display a trna-like l-shaped conformation consisting of two domains. since then, it has been accepted that domain i, consisting of a three-helix bundle, corresponds to the anticodon arm of trna and domain ii and a beta/alpha/beta sandwich structure, corresponds to the acceptor arm. in this study, we obtained a rrf from a mesophilic bacterium, vibrio parahaemolyticus, by gene cloning and carrie ...200312411440
serum antibody levels against select bacterial pathogens in atlantic bottlenose dolphins, tursiops truncatus, from beaufort nc usa and charleston harbor, charleston, sc, usa.concern over the emergence of zoonotic diseases in marine organisms is growing. in response to this concern, this study set out to measure antibody activities against bacterial pathogens in atlantic bottlenose dolphins, tursiops truncatus, from the coastal estuaries of nc and sc, usa. individuals from charleston sc harbor, a heavily industrialized shipping harbor estuary, and from beaufort nc, a non-shipping estuary, were examined. purified igg was obtained from pooled sera using ammonium sulfat ...200312502036
lysis of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus by 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol produced by pseudomonas sp. amsn isolated from a marine alga.previously 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg) produced by pseudomonas sp. amsn isolated from a marine alga, had demonstrated a high level of anti-methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) comparable with that of vancomycin. in this study, this substance had bacteriolytic activity against mrsa at 1 microg/ml as well as similar activity against vibrio parahaemolyticus at 24 microg/ml that suggests a novel antibacterial mode of action by this substance. heat and ph stability tests showed it ...200312507841
the norm efflux pump of neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis recognizes antimicrobial cationic neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis, we identified a gene that would encode a protein highly similar to norm of vibrio parahaemolyticus (y. morita et al., antimicrob. agents chemother. 42:1778-1782, 1998). a nonpolar insertional mutation in either the gonococcal or meningococcal norm gene resulted in increased bacterial sensitivity to compounds harboring a quaternary ammonium on an aromatic ring (e.g., ethidium bromide, acriflavine hydrochloride, 2-n-methylellipticinium, and berb ...200312533487
oyster-to-oyster variability in levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus.this study examined the variability in the levels of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in individual oysters. twenty oysters were collected on three occasions (in june, july, and september 2001) from a site near mobile bay, ala. ten of these oysters were tested immediately, and 10 were tested after 24 h of storage at 26 degrees c. levels of total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus were determined by alkaline phosphatase-labeled dna probe procedures targeting the thermolabile hemolysin ...200312540193
intercalation activating fluorescence dna probe and its application to homogeneous quantification of a target sequence by isothermal sequence amplification in a closed vessel.we developed a completely homogeneous and isothermal method of detecting rna sequences and demonstrated ultrarapid and direct quantification of pathogenic gene expression with high sensitivity. the assay is based on performing isothermal rna sequence amplification in the presence of our novel dna probe, an intercalation activating fluorescence dna probe, and measuring the fluorescence intensity of the reaction mixture. when detecting meca gene expression of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus a ...200312633605
detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster enrichments by real time pcr.a real time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed and evaluated to detect the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh), a current marker of pathogenicity in vibrio parahaemolyticus. the real time pcr fluorogenic probe and primer set was tested against a panel of numerous strains from 13 different bacterial species. only v. parahaemolyticus strains possessing the tdh gene generated a fluorescent signal, and no cross-reaction was observed with tdh negative vibrio or n ...200312654486
detection of pathogenic bacteria in shellfish using multiplex pcr followed by covalink nh microwell plate sandwich hybridization.outbreak of diseases associated with consumption of raw shellfish especially oysters is a major concern to the seafood industry and public health agencies. a multiplex pcr amplification of targeted gene segments followed by dna-dna sandwich hybridization was optimized to detect the etiologic agents. first, a multiplex pcr amplification of hns, spvb, vvh, ctx and tl was developed enabling simultaneous detection of total salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio cholerae ...200312654491
vibrio rotiferianus sp. nov., isolated from cultures of the rotifer brachionus plicatilis.five gram-negative bacterial strains, oxidase-positive, motile by means of more than one polar flagella, facultative anaerobe, arginine dihydrolase-negative, lysine- and omithine decarboxylase-positive, sensitive to the vibriostatic agent o/129, were isolated from a flow-through rotifer culture system in gent, belgium, and previously characterized by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism. comparison of the 16s rdna sequence of strain lmg 21460t indicated close relationships (approxi ...200312656179
adaptive and inflammatory immune responses in patients infected with strains of vibrio patients with diarrhea caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus, antibody-secreting cell responses to thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), lipopolysaccharide (lps), and whole-cell bacteria were seen. tdh- and lps-specific responses were seen in serum samples, and immunoglobulin a antibody responses were observed in stool. levels of c-reactive protein and nitric oxide metabolites increased in the systemic circulation at the onset of illness. tumor necrosis factor-alpha and lactoferrin levels were hig ...200312660923
pcr detection of a newly emerged pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pathogen in pure cultures and seeded waters from the gulf of mexico.this study describes the optimization of pcr parameters and testing of a wide number of microbial species to establish a highly specific and sensitive pcr-based method of detection of a newly emerged pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strain in pure cultures and seeded waters from the gulf of mexico (gulf water). the selected open reading frame 8 (orf8) dna-specific oligonucleotide primers tested were found to specifically amplify all 35 pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pandemic isolates ...200312676700
inactivation of bacteria in seawater by low-amperage electric current.seawater used in mariculture has been suspected of being a potential source of infection. in this study, the lethal effects of low-amperage electric treatment on microorganisms were examined in natural seawater and in seawater inoculated with vibrio parahaemolyticus. in both cases, bacteria including v. parahaemolyticus in seawater were completely eliminated in 100 ms by a 0.5-a, 12-v direct current. electron microscopic investigation of the electrically treated bacteria revealed substantial str ...200312676730
representation, dispersion, and variation of bacterial indicators in the coastal waters of nagore (east coast of india).the occurrence of bacterial indicators in the coastal waters of nagore on the east coast of india was studied during two monsoon and nonmonsoon cycles from 1995 to1996. proteus/klebsiella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and total coliforms were typically present at a mean level of 10(9) colony-forming units/g dry sediment, whereas other indicators such as salmonella, shigella, and v. cholerae were at the 10(5) level. in the water column, total coliforms and salmonella were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude l ...200312683465
structure and serological characterization of 5,7-diamino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-non-2-ulosonic acid isolated from lipopolysaccharides of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 and o-untypable strain kx-v212.lipopolysaccharides (lps) of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 and o-untypable (out) strain (kx-v212) isolated from an individual patient were shown to contain 5,7-diamino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-non-2-ulosonic acid (nonla), which was readily released from lps by mild acid hydrolysis. in the present study, we investigated the chemical and serological properties of nonla isolated from lps of v. parahaemolyticus o2 and out kx-v212. gc-ms and nmr analysis identified the nonla from lps of o2 to be 5,7-diacetami ...200312706971
structural analysis of the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 lipopolysaccharides.a structural investigation has been carried out on the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 lipopolysaccharides (lps) isolated by dephosphorylation, o-deacylation and n-deacylation. the carbohydrate backbone is a short-chain saccharide consisting of nine monosaccharide units i.e., 1 mol each of d-galactose (gal), d-glucose (glc), d-glucuronic acid (glca), l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (l,d-hep), d-glycero-d-manno-heptose (d,d-hep), 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (kdo), 5,7-diacet ...200312706972
flagellar basal body flg operon as a virulence determinant of vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus, a halophilic estuarine bacterium causing a rapidly progressing fatal septicemia, is highly cytotoxic to eukaryotic cells. to identify new virulence factors associated with cytotoxicity, we constructed a mariner-based transposon (tn himar1) library of the highly virulent clinical isolate mo6-24/o having a double mutation in the hemolysin and protease genes. the himar1 mutant library was extensively screened for the mutants showing decreased cytotoxicity to hela cells. we select ...200312711330
[vibrios (vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus)]. 200312718054
[noncholera vibrio infections (v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus and others)]. 200312718068
an iron-regulated gene required for utilization of aerobactin as an exogenous siderophore in vibrio parahaemolyticus.a previous investigation using the fur titration assay system showed that vibrio parahaemolyticus possesses a gene encoding a protein homologous to iuta, the outer-membrane receptor for ferric aerobactin in escherichia coli. in this study, a 5.6 kb dna region from the v. parahaemolyticus wp1 genome was cloned and two entire genes, iuta and alcd homologues, were identified which are absent from vibrio cholerae genomic sequences. the v. parahaemolyticus iuta and alcd proteins share 43 % identity w ...200312724383
dangers and interactions between drugs used in conjunction with anaesthesia. 2003262470
self-assessment removes pressures of examination. 2003153860
[the presence of acervuli in the pineal gland of prematurely born and full-term newborn (author's transl)]. 2003262724
the preservation of bacteria and fungi on anhydrous silica gel: an assessment of survival over four years. 2003165168
[association of an ossicle malformation and a congenital preauricular fistula]. 2003142810
[fate of a lavsan strip used for stenosing the small intestine]. 2003142861
an enzyme histochemical study of non-hodgkin's lymphoma and allied disease.the enzyme activity for alpha-naphthyl-acetate esterase, naphthol-as-acetate esterase, naphthol-as-d-chloroacetate esterase, acid phosphatase, l(+)-tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase was examined on the neoplastic cells of giant follicular lymphoblastoma, the so-called reticulum cell sarcoma and sézary syndrome. the neoplastic cells of giant follicular lymphoblastoma showed distinct activity for adenosine triphosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, and tho ...2003145325
[development of asphyxia in hematogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in a newborn infant]. 2003283596
[gastroschisis and omphalocele. treatment and results]. 2003150087
statistical analysis of epidemiological data from a chromium chemical manufacturing plant.a statistical analysis was performed on reported bronchogenic carcinoma incidence in a group of chromium chemical manufacturing workers over the period 1929 to 1977. the purpose was to determine if post-1950 process improvements corresponded to favorable trends in morbidity. because the paucity of data on the population at risk prevented meaningful calculations of smr's, a recently developed method called "probability window analysis" was used to evaluate for statistically valid changes in the " ...2003430272
sodium transport ouabain binding, and (na+/k+)-atpase activity in down's syndrome platelets. 2003149949
[experience of a handicapped person. 4. interview of patients at a special facility]. 2003142852
subcrestal retention of endodontically treated roots: discussion and report of case. 2003296256
[a case report of laryngeal tuberculosis with pseudotumoral appearance]. 2003142806
blood chemistry and lipid profiles of elite distance summary, we conclude that the analysis of the blood profiles of elite runners offers no explanation for their superior fitness of physical ability when compared to the good runners. selected enzymes related to cellular or tissue damage may be elevated in distance runners and could be classified as abnormal on routine clinical evaluation if unaware of their physical lifestyles. it is also important to note that certain blood profile parameters, especially the hematocrit, could be classified as ...2003201207
a new look at cavity preparation. 2003298770
[surgical treatment of cancer of the lung]. 2003219397
current trends and prospects in surgical adjuvant concepts and treatments currently available for adjuvant studies are illustrated by a review of ongoing studies sponsored by the national cancer institute. more thorough information is needed on immunotherapeutic agents to allow more rationale in the use of these agents. solid bases to properly select drugs or drug combinations for adjuvant purposes are being established. however, dose-schedule and duration of treatment are still to be defined. strategies directed at prolonging the benefit o ...2003282827
[dynamic characteristics of the physical development of preschool children]. 2003152462
[effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment by rhonidase electrophoresis and tbilisi sulfide baths of elderly patients suffering from osteoarthrosis deformans]. 2003154769
[overview of the general oncology infrastructure. results of an survey]. 2003262695
interaction of butylated hydroxytoluene (bht) with phospholipid bilayer membranes: effect on 22na permeability and membrane fluidity. 2003201255
urinary excretion of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate in normal children and those with cystic fibrosis.the urinary excretion of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic amp) and guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic gmp) was examined in 98 normal children and 46 children with cystic fibrosis between the ages of 9 months and 18 yr. diurnal variations in cyclic amp and cyclic gmp excretion were observed in subjects from either group, and peak levels of cyclic nucleotide excretion were generally observed during the period of 0700 to 2100 h. excretion rates (mumol/day) of cyclic amp and cyclic gmp incre ...2003165210
studies of dynein from tetrahymena cilia using agarose polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.described in this report is an application of agarose-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which separates protein components of crude dynein fraction (fraction i by gibbons) derived from tetrahymena cilia. by this method, the fraction was separated into three protein components (designated as bands i, ii and iii) on the gel. when the gel was actively stained for dynein atpase, a single band appeared, which coincided with the position of band i. a purified dynein prepared by controlled pore glass ...2003156562
[vectorcardiographic aspects of complete right bundle branch block following ventriculotomy (author's transl)]. 2003148862
[minor burns]. 2003254377
a scanning electron microscope study of one year in vivo amalgam-enamel interfaces. 2003298764
[study of left ventricular function with quantitative angiocardiographic methods]. 2003161533
huntington's disease--growth of fibroblast cultures in lipid-deficient medium: a preliminary report.when skin fibroblast cultures derived from subjects with huntington's disease (hd) were grown in medium supplemented with lipid-deficient serum (lds), growth rates were less than those of control cultures. the mean percentage increase in generation times for nine control cultures incurred by using lds rather than fetal calf serum (fcs) was 8.0%. four cultures from 2 patients with hd failed to grow in lds but grew well in medium supplemented with fcs. in nine other cultures derived from 7 patient ...2003152597
the bulletin turns forty. 2003150055
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans--case reports and review of literature. 2002139685
[reflection of hydroelectrolytic replacement prior to parenteral feeding]. 2002120569
[endogenous factors in acquired cochlear deafness in adults]. 2002123939
[guideline for land (provincial) laws on public health and their incorporation into current land legislation (author's transl)]. 2002150564
[postoperative esophageal stenosis (role of the laryngologist)]. 2002153373
[responsiveness of lymphocytes to stimulation by pha and autologous blasts in acute lymphatic leukemias during remission (author's transl)].the paper deals with the question how far the lymphocytes of acute lymphatic leukemia patients in remission can be stimulated by pha and autologous blasts in the mlc-test. the lymphocyte stimulation by pha showed considerable variation dependent on the phase of therapy. a significant reduction of the responsiveness to pha stimulation was found during the prophylactic reinduction treatment with vincristin and prednisolon compared with the results during maintenance therapy. the examination of lym ...2002135240
[general characteristics of the incidence of urolithiasis in chuvash assr]. 2002135390
[protective and reparative effect of deoxyribonucleic acid instilled in the cornea]. 2002135294
[congenital entropion of the eyelids (2 clinical cases)]. 2002135290
[histochemical studies on the angle of the anterior chamber in glaucoma. part i. primary open-angle glaucoma (author's transl)]. 2002130793
[lesion of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve caused by fracture of the hook of the hamate].we present a case of lesion of the deep branch of ulnar nerve at the wrist caused by fracture of the hook of the hamate. according to wu's classification (1985) based on clinical and electromyographic findings and the clinicoanatomic correlations, our case corresponds to type iv of this classification with a pure motor ulnar neuropathy with sparing of hypothenar muscles. improvement was observed after surgery.20022290409
differences in length of hospital stay for medicaid and blue cross patients and the effect of intensity of services. 2002113844
long-term treatment with beta-blockers after myocardial infarction.162 patients discharged from hospital after mycardial infarction were randomly allocated to two groups, one received alprenolol 400 mg daily and the other served as the control. the period of follow-up was two years and all other treatment given was standardized. the two groups did not differ with respect to risk factors for myocardial infarction, the course of the acute infarct or treatment during follow-up. after two years one patient in the group treated with alprenolol had died suddenly as c ...2002134897
multiple forms of phosphofructokinase in animals from the phylum chordata. 2002134863
removal of an extrauterine iud by combined laparoscopy and colpotomy. 2002139572
clinical comparison between glibornuride (glutril) and tolbutamide in maturity-onset diabetes: a controlled double-blind trial. 2002134878
[late diagnosis of a nasal foreign body]. 2002135308
[turakulov ialkin khalmatovich (on his 60th birthday)]. 2002139606
[laparoscopy in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal non-organ tumors]. 2002135356
[desmoid tumor of the abdominal wall in a young child]. 2002126412
[details of a denounced physician (e.n.t.) suspected of bodily injury, and the following expert judgement (author's transl)].an otologist was denounced and the patient's case history was confiscated because after tonsillectomy an absecess and a thrombosis of the vena jugularis interna had developed. the procedure and the medical aspect how at first being judged by the lawyer and the public prosecutor are described. on the base of the given medical opinion the court quashed proceedings. because of the growing number of denouncements this casuistic paper ends with four guiding principles to protect against unjustified m ...2002135139
rna biosynthesis in the chick embryo during development and its relation to collagen synthesis.a study of rna synthesis in the legs and wings of chick embryos suggests synthesis of specific rna's as a function of development. an increase in rna at day 10 was followed by an increase in collagen synthesis. that rna had a sedimentation coefficient of 23s and several of the characteristics of mrna. thus it appeared to contain a poly a sequence since it was retained on poly u coated-filters, it was not methylated, and its synthesis was not inhibited by low doses of actinomycin d. that rna was ...2002134868
[public health in the russian federation during the 9th five-year plan]. 2002135354
oligoclonal igg and virus antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid in progressive myoclonus epilepsy. 2002117579
oligoclonal igg and virus antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid in progressive myoclonus epilepsy. 2002117579
[laparoscopy of adhesions. diagnostic use]. 2002134429
a child of 3 years who developed an encephalitic reaction to mmr (mumps, measles, rubella) immunisation at age 15 months. 20022373602
[valve of the study of the mechanism of discoveries. apropos of some medical discoveries, including ménière's disease and perforation of the tympanum by astley-cooper]. 2002123949
carbamazepine serum levels in children with epilepsy: a micro immuno-assay part 1 of this study, 26 children with seizures were given 20 mg/kg/day carbamazepine and five developed side-effects. with this initial dose, equilibrium was reached in the serum within four to six days in 25 of the 26 children. the sudden withdrawal of other anticonvulsants did not usually affect the rise of carbamazepine in serum, unless given in high doses. in part 2 of the study it was shown that satisfactory levels were obtained in the serum of 38 children given carbamazepine either twi ...2002118072
a symposium on the chronic pain syndrome in problem low back cases. psychiatric evaluation and feasibility of psychiatric therapy. 2002127024
application of a microchamber array for dna amplification using a novel dispensing method.we recently developed a microchamber array chip for dna amplification by adopting semiconductor microfabrication technology; a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed in the microchamber array, and the amplified dna was detected using a fluorescent dye. in order to manipulate a single cell or sample into each microchamber individually in this system, the chip was directly sealed with a cover glass slip which impeded the retrieval of the products from each chamber. the present study was the ...200212680464
clinical, epidemiological, and socioeconomic analysis of an outbreak of vibrio parahaemolyticus in khanh hoa province, vietnam.from 1996 onward, a pandemic spread of vibrio parahaemolyticus infections due to one clone has been reported in several asian countries. during a population-based study that relied on passive surveillance, 548 cases of v. parahaemolyticus infection were detected between 1997 and 1999 in the khanh hoa province of vietnam. detection of cases of v. parahaemolyticus infection abruptly stopped in november 1999, although vibrio species other than v. parahaemolyticus continued to be isolated throughout ...200212447738
[discovery of vibrio parahaemolyticus by tsunesaburo fujino]. 200212451646
bactericidal activity of phlorotannins from the brown alga ecklonia kurome.the bactericidal activity of phlorotannins from brown algae against food-borne pathogenic bacteria (25 strains), methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) (nine strains) and streptococcus pyogenes (one strain) was examined and compared with that of catechins. in addition, the effect of the oral administration of phlorotannins on mice was investigated. phlorotannins, which are oligomers of phloroglucinol, were extracted from thalli of the brown alga ecklonia kurome and prepared by silici ...200212461009
characterization by pcr of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates collected during the 1997-1998 chilean outbreak.between november 1997 and april 1998, several human gastroenteritis cases were reported in antofagasta, a city in the north of chile. this outbreak was associated with the consumption of shellfish, and the etiologic agent responsible was identified as vibrio parahaemolyticus. this was the first report of this bacterium causing an epidemic in chile. v. parahaemolyticus was the only pathogenic bacterium isolated from patient stools and from shellfish samples. these isolates were analyzed by polyme ...200212462995
automated postprocessing of electrospray lc/ms data for profiling protein expression in bacteria.we describe an integrated approach for automating protein analysis of bacterial cell extracts. the method uses electrospray lc/ms to generate chromatographic profiles of proteins present in an extract, along with a software program that automates the data analysis. the software program, retana, automates the sequential summing, centroiding, and deconvolution of multiply charged proteins present in consecutive scans of the lc/ms analysis. this procedure generates a concise, single spectrum of pro ...200212463365
phylogenetic study and identification of human pathogenic vibrio species based on partial hsp60 gene sequences.the use of hsp60 gene sequences for phylogenetic study and identification of pathogenic marine vibrios was investigated. a 600-bp partial hsp60 gene was amplified by pcr and sequenced from 29 strains representing 15 vibrio species within the family vibrionaceae. sequence comparison of the amplified partial hsp60 gene revealed 71-82% sequence identity among different vibrio species and 96-100% sequence identity among epidemiologically distinct strains with the same species designation. this degre ...200212489780
density of total and pathogenic (tdh+) vibrio parahaemolyticus in atlantic and gulf coast molluscan shellfish at harvest.the densities of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in 671 samples of molluscan shellfish harvested in 1999 and 2000 from 14 sites in seven gulf and atlantic coast states were determined at 2-week intervals over a period of 12 to 16 months in each state. changes in v. parahaemolyticus densities in shellfish between harvest and sample analysis were minimized with time and temperature controls. densities were measured by direct plating techniques, and gene probes were used for identifica ...200212495004
phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of begonia malabarica.phytochemical investigation of the various extracts of the leaves of begonia malabarica lam. (begoniaceae) resulted in the isolation and identification of six known compounds, viz. friedelin, epi-friedelinol, beta-sitosterol, luteolin, quercetin and beta-sitosterol-3-beta-d-glucopyranoside. the aqueous and organic solvent extracts were also tested against ten human pathogenic bacteria and four fungal strains by the agar-well diffusion method. all the extracts were devoid of antifungal activity a ...200211744306
vmra, a member of a novel class of na(+)-coupled multidrug efflux pumps from vibrio parahaemolyticus.gene vmra, cloned from vibrio parahaemolyticus, made escherichia coli resistant to 4',6-diamino-2-phenylindol, tetraphenylphosphonium chloride, acriflavine, and ethidium bromide. vmra belongs to the dinf branch of mate family efflux transporters. vmra catalyzed acriflavine efflux and showed na(+)/drug transporter activity because the addition of tetraphenylphosphonium to na(+)-loaded cells caused na(+) efflux.200211751837
prevalence of the pandemic genotype of vibrio parahaemolyticus in dhaka, bangladesh, and significance of its distribution across different serotypes.sixty-six strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus belonging to 14 serotypes were isolated from hospitalized patients in dhaka, bangladesh, from january 1998 to december 2000. among these, 48 strains belonging to four serotypes had the pandemic genotype and possessed the tdh gene. a marker (open reading frame orf8) for a filamentous phage previously thought to correspond to the pandemic genotype was found to have a poor correlation with the pandemic genotype.200211773134
Displaying items 3301 - 3400 of 6009