
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
transformation of aspergillus nidulans by rna from rat macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide.exogenous rna molecules can be incorporated into eukaryotic cells and can exert a variety of biological effects. we have previously described a model system for correcting genetic alterations of an aspergillus nidulans mutant using homologous rna and this phenomenon was named retrotransformation. in the present study, the retrotransformation of a. nidulans was performed with heterologous rna which was extracted from rat macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (lps). protoplasts of a. nidu ...19968696260
a novel family of developmentally regulated mammalian transcription factors containing the tea/atts dna binding domain.we describe the molecular cloning of two novel human and murine transcription factors containing the tea/atts dna binding domain and related to transcriptional enhancer factor-1 (tef-1). these factors bind to the consensus tea/atts cognate binding site exemplified by the gt-iic and sph enhansons of the sv40 enhancer but differ in their ability to bind cooperatively to tandemly repeated sites. the human tefs are differentially expressed in cultured cell lines and the mouse (m)tefs are differentia ...19968702974
the quta activator and qutr repressor proteins of aspergillus nidulans interact to regulate transcription of the quinate utilization pathway genese.genetic evidence suggests that the activity of the native quta transcription activator protein is negated by the action of the qutr transcription repressor protein. when aspergillus nidulans was transformed with plasmids containing the wild-type quta gene, transformants that constitutively expressed the quinate pathway enzymes were isolated. the constitutive phenotype of these transformants was associated with an increased copy number of the transforming quta gene and elevated quta mrna levels. ...19968704987
the ribosome-inactivating protein restrictocin deters insect feeding on aspergillus restrictus.the fungus-feeding beetle, carpophilus freemani, consumed equal quantities of young mycelia, fewer phialides bearing mature spores and much fewer phialides bearing developing spores of aspergillus restrictus compared to those of aspergillus nidulans when tested in diet choice assays. the degree to which specific fungal structures were consumed was inversely related to the localization of high levels of restrictocin, a ribosome-inactivating protein, to those structures. pure restrictocin added to ...19968704996
the aspergillus nidulans penicillin-biosynthesis gene aat (pende) is controlled by a ccaat-containing dna element.analysis of the promoter of the penicillin biosynthesis aat (pende) gene of aspergillus nidulans using band-shift assays led to the identification of a ccaat-containing dna element which was specifically bound by a protein (complex). the identified dna element was localised about 250 bp upstream of the transcriptional-start sites of aat. substitution of the ccaat core sequence by gatcc led to a fourfold reduction of expression of an aat-lacz gene fusion. the identified binding site thus was func ...19968706667
the hapc gene of aspergillus nidulans is involved in the expression of ccaat-containing promoters.the 5' regulatory region of the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans, which encodes an acetamidase required for growth on acetamide as a carbon and nitrogen source, contains a ccaat sequence which is required for setting the basal level of amds expression. mobility shift studies have identified a factor in a. nidulans nuclear extracts which binds to this ccaat sequence. in saccharomyces cerevisiae the hap3 gene encodes one component of a multisubunit complex that binds ccaat sequences. a search of ...19968709944
the aspergillus nidulans genes chsa and chsd encode chitin synthases which have redundant functions in conidia formation.we previously isolated three chitin synthase genes (chsa, chsb, and chsc) from aspergillus nidulans. in the present work, we describe the isolation and characterization of another chitin synthase gene, named chsd, from a. nidulans. its deduced amino acid sequence shows 56.7% and 55.9% amino acid identity, respectively, with cal1 of saccharomyces cerevisiae and chs3 of candida albicans. disruption of chsd caused no defect in cell growth or morphology during the asexual cycle and caused no decreas ...19968709948
the glucose repressor gene cre1 of trichoderma: isolation and expression of a full-length and a truncated mutant form.the cre1 genes of the filamentous fungi trichoderma reesei and t. harzianum were isolated and characterized. the deduced crei proteins are 46% identical to the product of the glucose repressor gene crea of aspergillus nidulans, encoding a dna-binding protein with zinc fingers of the c2h2 type. the cre1 promoters contain several sequence elements that are identical to the previously identified binding sites for a. nidulans crea. steady-state mrna levels for cre1 of the t. reesei strain qm9414 var ...19968709949
regulation of acid phosphatases in an aspergillus niger pacc disruption aspergillus niger strain has been constructed in which the ph-dependent regulatory gene, pacc, was disrupted. the pacc gene of a. niger, like that of a. nidulans, is involved in the regulation of acid phosphatase expression. disruptants were identified by a reduction in acid phosphatase staining of colonies. southern analysis demonstrated integration of the disruption plasmid at the pacc locus and northern analysis showed that the disruption strain produced a truncated pacc mrna of 2.2 kb (as ...19968709960
suppression and enhancement of the aspergillus nidulans medusa mutation by altered dosage of the bristle and stunted genes.asexual reproduction in aspergillus nidulans is characterized by the orderly differentiation of multicellular reproductive structures (conidiophores) and chains of uninucleate conidia (spores). mutations in the developmental modifier medusa (meda) result in aberrant conidiophores with branching chains of reiterated reproductive cells (metulae), delayed conidial differentiation and frequent reinitiation of secondary conidiophores. we show that incorrect morphology is in part a consequence of modi ...19968722771
saccharomyces cerevisiae tec1 is required for pseudohyphal growth.diverse eukaryotic organisms share developmental transcription factors with homologous dna-binding domains. we showed that the developmental regulator abaa, a member of the atts/tea (abaa, tef-1, tec1, scalloped/tef-1, tec1, abaa) class of transcription factors of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, induces pseudohyphal development in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. the s. cerevisiae homologue of abaa, tec1p, is required for this morphological transition. we provide evidence that te ...19968730867
multiple copies of mate elements support autonomous plasmid replication in aspergillus nidulans.the ama1 sequence is an efficient plasmid replicator and transformation enhancer in aspergillus nidulans. it comprises two long perfect inverted repeats (mate elements) flanking a short, unique, central spacer. subclone analysis indicates that the complete inverted duplication, but not the unique central spacer, is necessary for efficient plasmid replication. the smallest fragments able to affect transformation efficiency lie within the at-rich portions of the inverted repeats. we demonstrate th ...19968733240
a newly identified gene cluster in aspergillus nidulans comprises five novel genes localized in the alc region that are controlled both by the specific transactivator alcr and the general carbon-catabolite repressor crea.ethanol-utilization in aspergillus nidulans is mediated by alcohol dehydrogenase i and aldehyde dehydrogenase encoded by alca and alda, respectively. both genes are under the transcriptional control of the specific activator alcr and the general carbon catabolite repressor crea. the alcr and alca genes are closely linked in chromosome vii; alda is located in chromosome viii. we have identified five other transcripts that are expressed from the same genomic region as alca and alcr. they are induc ...19968736527
characterization of a penicillium chrysogenum gene encoding a pacc transcription factor and its binding sites in the divergent pcbab-pcbc promoter of the penicillin biosynthetic cluster.previous work established that ph regulation of gene expression in aspergillus nidulans, a major determinant of penicillin biosynthesis, is mediated by the zinc-finger transcription factor pacc, an activator of transcription of the isopenicillin n synthase gene. we characterize here the pacc gene from the efficient penicillin producer penicillium chrysogenum, which functionally complements an a. nidulans pacc null mutation. it encodes a 641-residue polypeptide showing 64% identify to a. nidulans ...19968736532
isolation of opportunistic fungi from bronchoalveolar lavage of compromised hosts in isfahan, this study, bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) specimens from 247 immunocompromised patients were investigated for the incidence of opportunistic fungi. in the direct examination and culture of the specimens, 5 (2.02%) of filamentous fungi and 55 (22.26%) yeasts were isolated and identified as follows: aspergillus fumigatus (2), a. terreus (1), a. nidulans (1), mucor sp. (1), candida albicans (29), c. glabrata (3), c. parapsilosis (1), trichosporon beigelii (1), candida sp. (13) and unknown yeasts ...19968751826
the secondary structure and phylogenetic relationship deduced from complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial small subunit rrna in yeast hansenula wingei.we have accomplished the nucleotide sequence of the 1537 bp mitochondrial gene coding for small subunit (ssu) rrna of yeast hansenula wingei, and also determined the 5'- and 3'-termini by s1 nuclease mapping. eight universally conserved (u) elements of the ssu rrna were identified. comparison of u regions among five fungal mitochondrial ssu rrna shows the striking similarity between h. wingei and saccharomyces cerevisiae. the construction of the secondary structure revealed a core structure simi ...19968752867
expression of the sclerotinia sclerotiorum polygalacturonase pg1 gene: possible involvement of crea in glucose catabolite repression.northern-blot analysis of rna isolated from sclerotinia sclerotiorum grown on either glucose or polygalacturonate as the sole carbon source showed that pg1, encoding a neutral polygalacturonase, was not expressed during growth in both media. in contrast, transcripts of this gene were detected during infection of sunflower germlings. analysis of the promoter sequence revealed a number of cis-acting sequences known to regulate the expression of many fungal promoters. protein-dna-binding experiment ...19968753653
isolation of a gene involved in 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis in aspergillus nidulans and purification of the corresponding protein.saccharomyces cerevisiae has two highly homologous genes, fks1 and fks2, which encode interchangeable putative catalytic subunits of 1,3-beta-glucan synthase (gs), an enzyme that synthesizes an essential polymer of the fungal cell wall. to determine if gs in aspergillus species is similar, an fks homolog, fksa, was cloned from aspergillus nidulans by cross-hybridization, and the corresponding protein was purified. sequence analysis revealed a 5,716-nucleotide coding region interrupted by two 56- ...19968755864
the cyanobacterial thioredoxin gene is required for both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic growth.the gene encoding thioredoxin in the facultative heterotrophic cyanobacterium synechocytis sp. pcc 6803 (trxa) has been cloned by heterologous hybridization using the corresponding gene trxm from the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans as a probe. the deduced amino acid sequence of trxa predicts a protein of relative molecular weight of 11,750 and has strong identity with its cyanobacterial counterparts and other m-type thioredoxins of photo-synthetic eukaryotes. the trxa gene has been expressed e ...19968756494
nut1, a major nitrogen regulatory gene in magnaporthe grisea, is dispensable for pathogenicity.nut1, a gene homologous to the major nitrogen regulatory genes nit-2 of neurospora crassa and area of aspergillus nidulans, was isolated from the rice blast fungus, magnaporthe grisea. nut1 encodes a protein of 956 amino acid residues and, like nit-2 and area, has a single putative zinc finger dna-binding domain. functional equivalence of nut1 to area was demonstrated by introducing the nut1 gene by dna-mediated transformation into an area loss-of-function mutant of a. nidulans. the introduced n ...19968757395
the cu,zn superoxide dismutases of aspergillus flavus, aspergillus niger, aspergillus nidulans, and aspergillus terreus: purification and biochemical comparison with the aspergillus fumigatus cu,zn superoxide,zn superoxide dismutases (sods) have been purified to homogeneity from aspergillus flavus and a. niger, which are significant causative agents of aspergillosis, and from a. nidulans and a. terreus, which are much rarer causative agents of disease, using a combination of isoelectric focusing and gel filtration fast protein liquid chromatography. the purified enzymes have been compared with the previously described sod from the most important pathogen in the genus, a. fumigatus (m. d. holdom, r ...19968757871
cell cycle regulation in aspergillus by two protein kinases.great progress has recently been made in our understanding of the regulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and the central role of cyclin-dependent kinases is now clear. in aspergillus nidulans it has been established that a second class of cell-cycle-regulated protein kinases, typified by nima (encoded by the nima gene), is also required for cell cycle progression into mitosis. indeed, both p34cdc2/cyclin b and nima have to be correctly activated before mitosis can be initiated in this species, ...19968760343
the 2.8 a structure of a t = 4 animal virus and its implications for membrane translocation of rna.simple rna animal viruses generally enter cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis followed by acid ph dependent release and translocation of rna across the endosomal membrane. the t = 3 nodaviruses contain prefabricated pentameric helical bundles that are cleaved from the remainder of the subunits by an assembly-dependent auto-proteolysis and they are positioned for release through 5-fold axes of the particle. we previously proposed that these bundles may serve as conduits for rna membrane t ...19968760498
a study of the structural basis of the ability of chlorinated alkanes and alkenes to induce aneuploidy and toxicity in the mold aspergillus nidulans.a knowledge-based system (multicase) was applied to the elucidation of the structural basis of the induction of aneuploidy and growth inhibition by a group of chlorinated alkanes and alkenes in aspergillus nidulans. it was found that while there were commonalities in the structural determinants associated with fungicidal and fungostatic activities, there were none between these and the structures associated with the induction of aneuploidy. moreover, there did not appear to be a commonality betw ...19968764947
[effect of zinc oxide on aspergillus species: a possible cause of local noninvasive aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus].during the last years the appearance of radiopaque concrements in the maxillary sinus was reported. these could be identified as root-filling material for teeth of the upper jaw containing zinc oxide. this suggested that excess root-filling material containing zinc oxide in the maxillary sinus could favour the development of a local, non-invasive aspergillosis. therefore, we tested aspergillus fumigatus, a. flavus, a. terreus, a. nidulans and a. niveus for the influence of zinc oxide. cza-pek-do ...19968767264
on the consistency of a physical mapping method to reconstruct a chromosome in vitro.during recent years considerable effort has been invested in creating physical maps for a variety of organisms as part of the human genome project and in creating various methods for physical mapping. the statistical consistency of a physical mapping method to reconstruct a chromosome, however, has not been investigated. in this paper, we first establish that a model of physical mapping by binary fingerprinting of dna fragments is identifiable using the key assumption-for a large randomly genera ...19968770604
screening of medicinal plants for induction of somatic segregation activity in aspergillus nidulans.knowledge about mutagenic properties of plants commonly used in traditional medicine is limited. a screening for genotoxic activity was carried out in aqueous or alcoholic extracts prepared from 13 medicinal plants widely used as folk medicine in cuba: lepidium virginicum l. (brassicaceae): plantago major l. and plantago lanceolata l. (plantaginaceae); ortosiphon aristatus blume, mentha x piperita l., melissa officinalis l. and plectranthus amboinicus (lour.) spreng. (lamiaceae); cymbopogon citr ...19968771452
isolation and characterization of the nuclease o gene (nuco) from aspergillus oryzae.nuclease o in the mycelia of aspergillus oryzae has been purified 55-fold by successive steps of chromatography from the filtrate of the autolyzate. the molecular mass of nuclease o was 32 kda, as estimated by sds polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. the nuclease o gene (nuco) encoding this enzyme was cloned and sequenced. the open reading frame is interrupted by four introns with conserved splice sites and contains 328 amino-acid residues of the mature enzyme. a. nidulans transformants obtained ...19968781174
molecular cloning and expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae of two aspergillus nidulans xylanase genes.two aspergillus nidulans genes, xlna and xlnb, encoding the x22 and x24 xylanases from this fungus, respectively, have been cloned and sequenced. their cdnas have been expressed in a laboratory saccharomyces cerevisiae strain under the control of a constitutive yeast promoter, resulting in the construction of recombinant xylanolytic yeast strains.19968787417
mitochondrial inheritance in aspergillus nidulans.mitochondrial chloramphenicol and oligomycin resistance mutations were used to investigate mitochondrial inheritance in a. nidulans. mitochondrial rflps could not be used to distinguish between paternal and maternal mitochondria because none were detected in the 54 isolates investigated. several thousand ascospores from each of 111 hybrid cleistothecia from 21 different crosses between 7 heterokaryon incompatible isolates were tested for biparental inheritance. all mitochondrial inheritance was ...19968801189
isolation and characterization of a calmodulin-encoding cdna from the pathogenic fungus histoplasma capsulatum.we describe in this paper the isolation and complete sequence of a calmodulin (cam) encoding cdna from the dimorphic pathogenic fungus histoplasma capsulatum (genbank accession u12505). the deduced amino acid sequence was identical to the cam of aspergillus nidulans and had only one amino acid difference from the cam of neurospora crassa. saccharomyces cerevisiae cam, however, has only about 60% amino acid identity compared with h. capsulatum. these data further support the close relationship of ...19968803795
[regulation of folate metabolism in fungi: aspergillus nidulans as an experimental model]. 19968805185
the orla gene from aspergillus nidulans encodes a trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase necessary for normal growth and chitin synthesis at elevated temperatures.a cosmid carrying the orla gene from aspergillus nidulans was identified by complementation of an orla1 mutant strain with dna from the pkby2 cosmid library. an orla1 complementing fragment from the cosmid was sequenced. orla encodes a predicted polypeptide of 227 amino acids (26360 da) that is homologous to a 211-amino-acid domain from the polypeptide encoded by the saccharomyces cerevisiae tps2 gene and to almost the entire escherichia coli otsb-encoded polypeptide. tps2 and otsb each specify ...19968809779
the chsd and chse genes of aspergillus nidulans and their roles in chitin synthesis.two chitin synthase genes, chsd and chse, were identified from the filamentous ascomycete aspergillus nidulans. in a region that is conserved among chitin synthases, the deduced amino acid sequences of chsd and chse have greater sequence identity to the polypeptides encoded by the saccharomyces cerevisiae chs3 gene (also named csd2, cal1, dit101, and kti1) and the candida albicans chse gene than to other chitin synthases. chse is more closely related to the chs3 genes, and this group constitutes ...19968810520
the isolation of a dol-p-man synthase from ustilago maydis that functions in saccharomyces cerevisiae.genomic dnas from several fungi were screened for a homologous sequence to saccharomyces cerevisiae dpm1, an essential gene which encodes dolichyl phosphoryl mannose synthase. the fungi examined included aspergillus nidulans, neurospora crassa, schizophyllum commune and ustilago maydis. only u. maydis gave a significant signal after southern hybridization using dpm1 as a probe. the ustilago homolog was subsequently cloned and sequenced. the predicted protein of 294 amino acids has 60% identity t ...19968813763
purification and partial characterization of the high and low molecular weight form (s- and f-form) of invertase secreted by aspergillus nidulans.two forms of secreted invertase have been purified from aspergillus nidulans by ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. s-invertase gave a single, broad, glycoprotein band on page and sds-page corresponding in size to 185 and 78 kda, respectively, compared with 94 and 110 kda for f-invertase. the carbohydrate of s-invertase contained mainly mannose (14%) and less galactose (5%) whereas the f-form yielded mainly galactose (29%) and less mannose (12%). three sharp bands of enzymically acti ...19968814228
aspergillus endocarditis in chronic granulomatous disease.we report the first case, to our knowledge, of aspergillus endocarditis in chronic granulomatous disease in a patient who also had an atrial septal defect. a diagnosis was made on culture of the organism from the mass despite extensive prior investigation. the presence of distinctive skin lesions as a diagnostic clue of fungaemia is highlighted. possible advances in diagnosis by detection of fungal cell wall components and in prophylaxis by use of itraconazole are referred to. we conclude that f ...19968816221
fast dissociation of phe-trna synthetase from aspergillus nidulans immobilized on sepharose-6b column by nacl.phenylalanyl-trna2) synthetase from aspergillus nidulans was efficiently immobilised to sepharose 6b column containing phenylalanine as the ligand. nacl was found to be a potent dissociating agent for the immobilised enzyme. while 0.5 m nacl in discontinuous elution showed a slow impetus on dissociation giving a plateaux profile, a solution of 0.8 m nacl made the elution rapid giving a sharp peak. on the other hand, in a gradient (continuous) elution the rapidity of dissociation was found to be ...19968819846
the cloning and sequencing of the alcb gene, coding for alcohol dehydrogenase ii, in aspergillus nidulans.alcohol dehydrogenase ii (adh ii, structural gene alcb) was purified from a strain h1035, bia1; alce1; alc500 alcd1, which produces 100-times more adh ii activity than the alcaalcr deletion strain (alc500). antibodies were raised against this adh, and were used to screen a cdna library in lambda gt11. we have isolated the gene for an adh which is over-expressed in h1035, and which we believe to be the alcb gene: cdna and genomic clones were sequenced. the sequence contains three introns and enco ...19968821658
isolation of differentially expressed cdna clones from salt-adapted aspergillus nidulans.differentially expressed cdna clones were isolated from salt-adapted aspergillus nidulans (fgsc #359). poly (a)+ rna from adapted mycelia was used to construct a lambda uni-zap cdna library. the library was screened with mixed subtracted cdna probes. three-hundred and fifty-seven positive plaques were isolated in the primary screening. sixty-two randomly selected plaques were purified and placed into eight different cross-hybridization groups. a representative cdna from each group was used to st ...19968821659
isolation of laccase gene-specific sequences from white rot and brown rot fungi by pcr.degenerate primers corresponding to the consensus sequences of the copper-binding regions in the n-terminal domains of known basidiomycete laccases were used to isolate laccase gene-specific sequences from strains representing nine genera of wood rot fungi. all except three gave the expected pcr product of about 200 bp. computer searches of the databases identified the sequence of each of the pcr products analyzed as a laccase gene sequence, suggesting the specificity of the primers. pcr product ...19968837429
cloning, molecular analysis and insertional mutagenesis of the bidirectional hydrogenase genes from the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans.among cyanobacteria, the heterocystous, n2-fixing anabaena variabilis and the unicellular anacystis nidulans have recently been shown to possess an nad+-dependent, bidirectional hydrogenase. a 5.0 kb dna segment of the a. nidulans genome is now identified to harbor the structural genes hoxuyh coding for three subunits of the bidirectional hydrogenase. the gene arrangement in a. nidulans and in a. variabilis is remarkably dissimilar. in a. nidulans, but not in a. variabilis, the four accessory ge ...19968843154
an extragenic suppressor of the mitosis-defective bimd6 mutation of aspergillus nidulans codes for a chromosome scaffold protein.we previously identified a gene, bimd, that functions in chromosome segregation and contains sequences suggesting that it may be a dna-binding protein. two conditionally lethal mutations in bimd arrest with aberrant mitotic spindles at restrictive temperature. these spindles have one-third the normal number of microtubules, and the chromosomes never attach to the remaining microtubules. for this reason, we hypothesized that bimd functioned in chromosome segregation, possibly as a component of th ...19968849887
cytokinesis in aspergillus nidulans is controlled by cell size, nuclear positioning and mitosis.the mycelium of aspergillus nidulans is composed of multinucleate cellular compartments delimited by crosswalls called septa. septum formation is dependent on mitosis and requires the recruitment of actin to the site of septum formation. employing a collection of temperature sensitive nuclear distribution (nuda2, nudc3 and nudf7), nuclear division (nima5, hfab3), and septation (sepd5, sepg1) mutants, we have investigated the interdependency among nuclear positioning, mitosis, and cell growth in ...19968856514
analysis of mutations in the crea gene involved in carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans.the molecular nature of a number of crea mutant alleles has been determined. three alleles analysed are missense mutations in the dna binding domain and predicted to reduce but not abolish binding. of the other four alleles, two result from frameshifts: one has a nonsense mutilation and the other has an inversion. all four alleles result in truncations of the protein after the zinc finger domain, such that the protein no longer contains at least the carboxy terminal 145 amino acids, so identifyi ...19968864218
nuva, an aspergillus nidulans gene involved in dna repair and recombination, is a homologue of saccharomyces cerevisiae rad18 and neurospora crassa uvs-2.a 40 kb genomic clone and 2.3 kb ecori subclone that rescued the dna repair and recombination defects of the aspergillus nidulans nuva11 mutant were isolated and the subclone sequenced. the subclone hybridized to a cosmid in a chromosome-specific library confirming the assignment of nuva to linkage group iv and indicating its closeness to bimd. amplification by pcr clarified the relative positions of nuva and bimd. a region identified within the subclone, encoding a c3hc4 zinc finger motif, was ...19968868425
conformational changes and the role of metals in the mechanism of type ii dehydroquinase from aspergillus nidulans.we have investigated the involvement of metal ions and conformational changes in the elimination reaction catalysed by type ii dehydroquinase from aspergillus nidulans. mechanistic comparisons between dehydroquinases and aldolases raised the possibility that, by analogy with type ii aldolases, type ii dehydroquinases may require bivalent metal ions for activity. this hypothesis was tested by a combination of metal analysis, effects of metal chelators and denaturation/renaturation experiments, al ...19968870678
a temperature-sensitive splicing mutation in the bimg gene of aspergillus produces an n-terminal fragment which interferes with type 1 protein phosphatase function.progression through anaphase requires high levels of type 1 protein phosphatase (pp1) activity in a variety of eukaryotes, including aspergillus nidulans. a conditional lethal, temperature-sensitive mutant in one of the aspergillus pp1 genes, bimg, prevents the normal completion of anaphase when cells are grown at restrictive temperature and this has been shown to be due to a reduction in type 1 phosphatase activity. we show that the bimg11 allele is recessive to the wild-type allele in heterozy ...19968887549
isolation of two apsa suppressor strains in aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually with single nucleated conidia. in apsa (anucleate primary sterigmata) strains, nuclear positioning is affected and conidiation is greatly reduced. to get further insights into the cellular functions of apsa, aconidial apsa strains were mutagenized and conidiating suppressor strains were isolated. the suppressors fell into two complementation groups, sama and samb (suppressor of anucleate metulae), sama mapped on linkage group 1 close to pyrg. the mutant ...19968889518
rna-mediated transformation in aspergillus nidulans recovers gene functions lost by deletion or by point mutations.this work presents the results on two different approaches of rna-mediated transformation in a. nidulans: a) the receptor strain was an argb2 (iii) mutant deficient in arginine (otcase deficient), and b) the receptor was an a. nidulans mutant defective in nitrate reductase synthesis due to a deletion in the niad gene (viii). the analyses of the arg+ and the nia+ retrotransformants allowed an insight on the fate and inheritance of the newly acquired characteristics. the occurrence and the study o ...19968891357
identification of bime as a subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex.the initiation of anaphase and exit from mitosis require the activation of a proteolytic system that ubiquitinates and degrades cyclin b. the regulated component of this system is a large ubiquitin ligase complex, termed the anaphase-promoting complex (apc) or cyclosome. purified xenopus laevis apc was found to be composed of eight major subunits, at least four of which became phosphorylated in mitosis. in addition to cdc27, cdc16, and cdc23, apc contained a homolog of aspergillus nidulans bime, ...19968895470
identification of subunits of the anaphase-promoting complex of saccharomyces cerevisiae.entry into anaphase and proteolysis of b-type cyclins depend on a complex containing the tetratricopeptide repeat proteins cdc16p, cdc23p, and cdc27p. this particle, called the anaphase-promoting complex (apc) or cyclosome, functions as a cell cycle-regulated ubiquitin-protein ligase. two additional subunits of the budding yeast apc were identified: the largest subunit, encoded by the apc1 gene, is conserved between fungi and vertebrates and shows similarity to bimep from aspergillus nidulans. a ...19968895471
the aspergillus flba rgs domain protein antagonizes g protein signaling to block proliferation and allow development.flba encodes an aspergillus nidulans rgs (regulator of g protein signaling) domain protein that is required for control of mycelial proliferation and activation of asexual sporulation. we identified a dominant mutation in a second gene, fada, that resulted in a very similar phenotype to flba loss-of-function mutants. analysis of fada showed that it encodes the alpha-subunit of a heterotrimeric g protein, and the dominant phenotype resulted from conversion of glycine 42 to arginine (fada(g42r)). ...19968895563
ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase is essential for both growth and nuclear division in aspergillus nidulans.the calmodulin gene has been shown to be essential for cell cycle progression in a number of eukaryotic organisms. in vertebrates and aspergillus nidulans the calmodulin dependence also requires calcium. we demonstrate that the unique gene encoding a multifunctional calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (camk) is also essential in a. nidulans. this enzyme is required both for the nuclear division cycle and for hyphal growth, because spores containing the disrupted gene arrest with a single ...19968898358
aspergillus nidulans stcp encodes an o-methyltransferase that is required for sterigmatocystin biosynthesis.the aspergillus nidulans stcp gene was previously identified as a transcribed region associated with a cluster of genes proposed to be involved in sterigmatocystin biosynthesis (d. w. brown, j.-h. yu, h. s. kelkar, m. fernandes, t. c. nesbitt, n. p. keller, t. h. adams, and t. j. leonard, proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 93:1418-1422, 1996). stcp was predicted to encode a methyltransferase responsible for conversion of demethylsterig-matocystin to sterigmatocystin. here we demonstrate that disruption ...19968900026
parods--a study of parallel algorithms for ordering dna sequences.a suite of parallel algorithms for ordering dna sequences (termed parods) is presented. the algorithms in parods are based on an earlier serial algorithm, ods, which is a physical mapping algorithm based on simulated annealing. parallel algorithms for simulated annealing based on markov chain decomposition are proposed and applied to the problem of physical mapping. perturbation methods and problem-specific annealing heuristics are proposed and described. implementations of parallel single instr ...19968902353
three binding sites for the aspergillus nidulans pacc zinc-finger transcription factor are necessary and sufficient for regulation by ambient ph of the isopenicillin n synthase gene promoter.the isopenicillin n synthase (ipna) gene, encoding a key penicillin biosynthetic enzyme in aspergillus nidulans, represents a prototype of an alkaline-expressed gene. ipna is under ambient ph regulation, and its promoter (ipnap) contains binding sites for the zinc-finger transcription factor pacc. we show here that three of these sites, denoted ipna2, ipna3, and ipna4ab, are efficiently recognized by the protein in an isolated sequence context. single, double, and triple inactivation of these si ...19968910527
asm-1+, a neurospora crassa gene related to transcriptional regulators of fungal development.this report describes the identification, cloning, and molecular analysis of asm-1+ (ascospore maturation 1), the neurospora crassa homologue of the aspergillus nidulans stua (stunted a) gene. the asm-1+ gene is constitutively transcribed and encodes an abundant, nucleus-localized 68.5-kd protein. the protein product of asm-1+ (asm-1), contains a potential dna-binding motif present in related proteins from a. nidulans (stua), candida albicans (efgtf-1), and saccharomyces cerevisiae (phd1 and sok ...19968913744
identification, isolation and sequence of the aspergillus nidulans xlnc gene encoding the 34-kda xylanase.the xlnc gene encoding the 34-kda xylanase (x34) of aspergillus nidulans (an) has been cloned and sequenced, as has its corresponding cdna. xlnc contains nine introns and shows considerable similarity to the xyna and xylp xylanase-encoding genes of a. kawachii (ak) and penicillium chrysogenum (pc), respectively. analysis of xylanase production in an multicopy transformants showed elevated levels of x34 and increased total xylanase activity, but no elevated production of other xylanases. northern ...19968917072
molecular cloning of higher plant homologues of the high-affinity nitrate transporters of chlamydomonas reinhardtii and aspergillus nidulans.the crna nitrate transporter from aspergillus nidulans was identified as belonging to the major facilitator superfamily (mfs) of membrane transporters. degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to the crna sequences at the locations of two conserved sequence motifs were designed and used in the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to amplify related sequences from barley root poly(a)+ rna. a 130 bp cdna fragment with sequence similarities to crna was amplified and used as a probe to screen a barley r ...19968917103
20s cyclosome complex formation and proteolytic activity inhibited by the camp/pka pathway.the 20s cyclosome complex (also known as the anaphase-promoting complex) has ubiquitin ligase activity and is required for mitotic cyclin destruction and sister chromatid separation. the formation and activation of the 20s cyclosome complex is regulated by an unknown mechanism. here we show that cut4 (ref. 6) is an essential component of the cyclosome in fission yeast. cut4 shares sequence similarity with bime, a protein that regulates mitosis in aspergillus nidulans. mutations in cut4 result in ...19968918880
induction of beta-oxidation enzymes and microbody proliferation in aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus nidulans is able to grow on oleic acid as sole carbon source. characterization of the oleate-induced beta-oxidation pathway showed the presence of the two enzyme activities involved in the first step of this catabolic system: acyl-coa oxidase and acyl-coa dehydrogenase. after isopicnic centrifugation in a linear sucrose gradient, microbodies (peroxisomes) housing the beta-oxidation enzymes, isocitrate lyase and catalase were clearly resolved from the mitochondrial fraction, which con ...19968929280
sequence analysis and expression of the penicillium chrysogenum nitrate reductase encoding gene (niad).the nitrate reductase gene (niad) of the filamentous fungus penicillium chrysogenum encodes a protein of 864 amino acids. the derived protein sequence shows 78% and 72% sequence identity to the corresponding aspergillus niger and a. nidulans proteins, respectively. the coding region of the penicillium gene is interrupted by six small introns, as deduced by comparison with the niad sequences of a. niger and a. nidulans, whereby the positions of the introns are perfectly conserved between these th ...19968950182
the chsb gene of aspergillus nidulans is necessary for normal hyphal growth and development.the chsb gene from aspergillus nidulans encodes a class iii chitin synthase, an enzyme class found in filamentous fungi but not in yeast-like organisms. using a novel method, we isolated haploid segregants carrying a disrupted chsb allele from heterozygous diploid disruptants. the haploid disruptants grow as minute colonies that do not conidiate. hyphae from the disruptants have enlarged tips, a high degree of branching, and disorganized lateral walls. the mycelium is not deficient in chitin con ...19968953267
expression of human recombinant beta 2-microglobulin by aspergillus nidulans and its activity.the light chain of hla class i protein (beta 2m) has been expressed in aspergillus nidulans. the cdna of beta 2m was modified using the polymerase chain reaction to include overlapping extensions for its subsequent fusion into an aspergillus vector. this fusion resulted in beta 2m cdna being flanked by the aspergillus awamori glucoamylase promoter and the aspergillus niger glucoamylase terminator. expression of beta 2m was induced by the addition of starch to the culture medium. in preliminary m ...19968960907
aspergillus has distinct fatty acid synthases for primary and secondary metabolism.aspergillus nidulans contains two functionally distinct fatty acid synthases (fass): one required for primary fatty acid metabolism (fas) and the other required for secondary metabolism (sfas). fas mutants require long-chain fatty acids for growth, whereas sfas mutants grow normally but cannot synthesize sterigmatocystin (st), a carcinogenic secondary metabolite structurally and biosynthetically related to aflatoxin. sfas mutants regain the ability to synthesize st when provided with hexanoic ac ...19968962148
allotopic expression of mitochondrial atp synthase genes in nucleus of saccharomyces cerevisiae. 19968965711
hyma (hypha-like metulae), a new developmental mutant of aspergillus nidulans.asexual fruiting body development in aspergillus nidulans requires a precise spatial and temporal coordinated expression of many genes. insertional mutagenesis was used to isolate and characterize a new mutant of a. nidulans in which hyphal growth was slightly reduced and conidiophore development was specifically blocked at the metula stage. in contrast to the uninucleate metulae of the wild-type, in the mutant these structures were elongated, multinucleate and septate. further differentiation a ...19968969518
aspergillus fabm encodes an essential product that is related to poly(a)-binding proteins and activates development when overexpressed.overexpression of several different aspergillus nidulans developmental regulatory genes has been shown to cause inappropriate developmental activation and growth inhibition. we previously exploited this observation that induced development caused growth inhibition in designing a screen to identify other genes that could activate development when overexpressed. we identified 16 mutants in which induced expression of different random genomic dna sequences caused growth inhibition, accumulation of ...19968978035
analysis of cre1 binding sites in the trichoderma reesei cbh1 upstream region.a 1.5-kb xbai-sacii fragment containing the upstream region of the trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase i gene (cbh1) has been sequenced. the 1.5-kb fragment contains eight 6-bp sites having an identical or similar sequence to the consensus sequence for binding a catabolite repressor, aspergillus nidulans crea. results of binding assays with the maltose-binding protein::cre1(10-131) fusion protein (cre1 is a catabolite repressor of t. reesei) and the cbh1 upstream region revealed that a 504-bp x ...19968978090
characterization of a protease deficient strain of penicillium roqueforti generated by heterologous plasmid integration: potential use for protein production.a strain of penicillium roqueforti was transformed with a plasmid which confers resistance to phleomycin. stable transformants were selected. they all present a high resistance to the antibiotic. their proteolytic activity was tested. one transformant is a proteolytic deficient strain unable to degrade casein. it is characterized by a tandem integration of the transformant vector in one site of the genome. the extracellular proteins profile of the strain reveals the absence of a 43 kda polypepti ...19968987631
sequence-specific binding sites in the taka-amylase a g2 promoter for the crea repressor mediating carbon catabolite repression.the n-terminal part of the crea protein encompassing two zinc fingers was expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with the maltose binding protein (male) of e. coli. our results show that crea binds to the promoter of the taa-g2 gene encoding taka-amylase a of aspergillus oryzae. dnase i footprinting experiments showed that crea bound to three sites with high affinity and to one site with low affinity within the first 401-bp region upstream of the transcription initiation site. all of ...19968987852
analysis of nuclear migration in aspergillus nidulans. 19958824456
purification and characterization of beta 2-tomatinase, an enzyme involved in the degradation of alpha-tomatine and isolation of the gene encoding beta 2-tomatinase from septoria lycopersici.lycopersicon species often contain the toxic glycoalkaloid alpha-tomatine, which is proposed to protect these plants from general microbial infection. however, fungal pathogens of tomato often are tolerant to alpha-tomatine and detoxification of alpha-tomatine may be how these pathogens avoid this potential barrier. as an initial step to evaluate this possibility, we have purfied to homogeneity a beta-1,2-d glucosidase from the tomato pathogen septoria lycopersici that hydrolyzes the beta-1,2-d ...19958664504
extragenic suppressors of nudc3, a mutation that blocks nuclear migration in aspergillus nidulans.nuclear migration plays an important role in the growth and development of many organisms including the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. we have cloned three genes from a. nidulans, nuda, nudc, and nudf, in which mutations affect nuclear migration. the nuda gene encodes the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein. the nudc gene encodes a 22-kd protein. the nudf gene was identified as an extra copy suppressor of the temperature sensitive (ts-) nudc3 mutation. the nudc3 mutation substantially de ...19958647384
mutational analysis reveals dispensability of the n-terminal region of the aspergillus transcription factor mediating nitrogen metabolite repression.mutational analysis has enabled identification and localization of an upstream exon of the area gene of aspergillus nidulans mediating nitrogen metabolite repression. a mutation in the initiation codon and frameshift mutations, which revert by restoration of the reading frame, established the coding role of the exon and mutations affecting intron splicing in conjunction with dna sequencing of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) products localized the coding region intron. th ...19958596437
an alpha tubulin mutation suppresses nuclear migration mutations in aspergillus nidulans.microtubules and cytoplasmic dynein, a microtubule-dependent motor, are required for nuclei to move along the hyphae of filamentous fungi. nuclear migration in aspergillus nidulans is blocked by heat-sensitive (hs-) mutations in the nuda gene, which encodes dynein heavy chain, and the nudf gene, which encodes a g protein beta-subunit-like protein. hs- mutations in the nudc and nudg genes also prevent nuclear migration. we have isolated extragenic suppressor mutations that reverse the hs- phenoty ...19958601474
expression of a large number of novel testis-specific genes during spermatogenesis coincides with the functional reorganization of the male germ cell.structural and functional changes, essential for the formation of mature male germ cells, are known to take place at specific stages of the mammalian spermatogenic process. to identify novel genes that are involved in this developmental process, we have initiated a large-scale cdna sequencing project (hoog+, nucleic acids res. 19: 93-98, 1991; starborg et al., mol. reprod. dev. 33: 243-251, 1992; yuan et al., biol. reprod., 1995). five-hundred and forty cdnas have been isolated from testicular c ...19958645556
the aspergillus nidulans bime (blocked-in-mitosis) gene encodes multiple cell cycle functions involved in mitotic checkpoint control and mitosis.the bime (blocked-in-mitosis) gene appears to function as a negative mitotic regulator because the recessive bime7 mutation can override certain interphase-arresting treatments and mutations, causing abnormal induction of mitosis. we have further investigated the role of bime in cell cycle checkpoint control by: (1) coordinately measuring mitotic induction and dna content of bime7 mutant cells; and (2) analyzing epistasis relationships between bime7 and 16 different nim mutations. a combination ...19958586660
pneumonia due to fonsecaea pedrosoi and cerebral abscesses due to emericella nidulans in a bone marrow transplant recipient. 19958589181
optimization of glucose oxidase production by aspergillus niger using genetic- and process-engineering techniques.wild-type aspergillus niger nrrl-3 was transformed with multiple copies of the glucose oxidase structural gene (god). the gene was placed under the control of the gpda promoter of a. nidulans. for more efficient secretion the alpha-amylase signal peptide from a. oryzae was inserted in front of god. compared to the wild type, the recombinant strain nrrl-3 (god3-18) produced up to four times more extracellular glucose oxidase under identical culture conditions. addition of yeast extract (2 gl-1) t ...19958590664
generation and characterization of nadh: ubiquinone oxidoreductase mutants in neurospora crassa. 19958592454
organisation of the mitochondrial genome of trichophyton rubrum. dna sequence analysis of the nd4 gene, the atpase subunit-6 gene, the ribosomal rna small-subunit gene, the nd6 gene, the coxiii gene, the atpase subunit-8 gene and six trna genes that correspond respectively to the tyrosine, lysine, glutamine, asparagine, isoleucine and tryptophan isoacceptors.we present the nucleotide sequence of a 5207-bp-long region of the mitochondrial genome of the dermatophyte trichophyton rubrum. this represents about 1/5th of the total genome and extends a previous study. from the 5' end of the present sequence, the order of genes is as follows: the end of the nd4 gene, the gene coding for subunit 6 of atpase, the gene coding for the small ribosomal rna (ssu rrna), the tyrosyl trna gene, the nd6 gene, the coxiii gene, the atpase 8 subunit gene and a cluster of ...19958593686
transformations of penicillium islandicum and penicillium frequentans that produce anthraquinone-related compounds.wild-type strains of penicillium islandicum and penicillium frequentans, which produce anthraquinone and related compounds, were transformed to benomyl and hygromycin b resistance. plasmids psv50 and pbt6, with benomyl-resistant beta-tublin genes, and plasmids pan7-1 and pdh25, with a bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene under the control of aspergillus nidulans sequences, were used respectively. transformation frequencies with these plasmids were 10-20 transformants per micrograms of dn ...19958593690
biolistic transformation of the obligate plant pathogenic fungus, erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei.particle gun acceleration appears to be a possible way to transform mycelium cells of obligate plant parasites growing on host surfaces. gus expression was obtained in e. graminis f.sp. hordei cells after bombardment with the gus gene under the control of the e. graminis f.sp. hordei β-tubulin promoter. three heterologous promoters, onefrom aspergillus nidulans and two from cochliobolus heterostrophus, gave very low or no expression of gus.19958595653
two family g xylanase genes from chaetomium gracile and their expression in aspergillus nidulans.with oligonucleotides based on the amino-terminal and internal amino-acid sequences of a xylanase, two xylanase genes, cgxa and cgxb, were isolated and sequenced from chaetomium gracile wild and mutant strains. each gene isolated from both strains was essentially the same as far as nucleotide sequences were compared. the mature cgxa and cgxb xylanases comprise 189 and 211 amino acids, respectively, and share 68.5% homology. the cgxa was found to be the major enzyme in the mutant strain. comparis ...19958595661
allocation of random amplified polymorphic dna markers and enzyme activities to aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus tetrazonus chromosomes.chromosome-substituted haploid segregants of an a. nidulans x a. tetrazonus somatic hybrid were used to allocate several random amplified polymorphic dna and isoenzyme markers to parental chromosomes. twenty-six amplified dna fragments, and nine isoenzyme activities, including lactate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, and arylesterase isoenzymes were assigned to chromosomes. chromosomes-specific markers were found for each a. nidulans and a. tetrazonus chromosome. these markers could be used ...19958572683
biosynthetic pathways of glycerol accumulation under salt stress in aspergillus nidulans.a culture of aspergillus nidulans (fgsc 359) was gradually adapted for growth in media containing up to 2 m nacl or was exposed to a salt shock with 2 m nacl. the intracellular glycerol level increased by about 7.9-fold in salt-adapted and 2.4-fold in salt-shocked cultures when compared to the unadapted culture. the biosynthetic pathway involved in the accumulation of glycerol was investigated under long-term salt adaptation and short-term salt shock. glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (ec 1.1.1 ...19958574901
integrative and replicative transformation of penicillium canescens with a heterologous nitrate-reductase gene.a wild isolate of penicillium canescens was subjected to mutagenesis, and 150 chlorate-resistant mutants were isolated and classified in respect of their ability to utilize various nitrogen sources. strains supposedly deficient in nitrate reductase have been transformed with the nitrate-reductase gene from aspergillus niger. transformation probably occurred by non-homologous integration of the transforming vector into the chromosome. co-transformation with the ama 1 replicating element from a. n ...19958575022
ethanol utilization regulatory protein: profile alignments give no evidence of origin through aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase gene fusion.the suggestion that the ethanol regulatory protein from aspergillus has its evolutionary origin in a gene fusion between aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase genes (hawkins ar, lamb hk, radford a, moore jd, 1994, gene 146:145-158) has been tested by profile analysis with aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase family profiles. we show that the degree and kind of similarity observed between these profiles and the ethanol regulatory protein sequence is that expected from random sequences of the same comp ...19958580855
the nitrate reductase gene from a shoyu koji mold, aspergillus oryzae kbn616.a niad gene encoding nitrate reductase was isolated from aspergillus oryzae kbn616 and sequenced. the structural gene comprises 2973 bp and 868 amino acids, which showed a high degree of similarity to nitrate reductases from other filamentous fungi. the coding sequence is interrupted by six introns varying in size from 48 to 98 bp. the intron positions are all conserved among the niad genes from a. oryzae, aspergillus nidulans, and aspergillus niger. a homologous transformation system was develo ...19958520125
cre1, the carbon catabolite repressor protein from trichoderma order to investigate the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression in the industrially important fungus trichoderma reesei, degenerated pcr-primers were designed to amplify a 0.7-bp fragment of the cre1 gene, which was used to clone the entire gene. it encodes a 402-amino acid protein with a calculated m(r) of 43.6 kda. its aa-sequence shows 55.6% and 54.7% overall similarity to the corresponding genes of aspergillus nidulans and a. niger, respectively. similarity was restricted to the aa-reg ...19958521952
dictyostelium myosin i double mutants exhibit conditional defects in pinocytosis.the functional relationship between three dictyostelium myosin is, myoa, myob, and myoc, has been examined through the creation of double mutants. two double mutants, myoa-/b- and myob-/c-, exhibit similar conditional defects in fluid-phase pinocytosis. double mutants grown in suspension culture are significantly impaired in their ability to take in nutrients from the medium, whereas they are almost indistinguishable from wild-type and single mutant strains when grown on a surface. the double mu ...19958522584
role of tryptophans in substrate binding and catalysis by dna photolyase. 19958524158
sok2 may regulate cyclic amp-dependent protein kinase-stimulated growth and pseudohyphal development by repressing transcription.yeast cyclic amp (camp)-dependent protein kinase (pka) activity is essential for growth and cell cycle progression. dependence on pka function can be partially relieved by overexpression of a gene, sok2, whose product has significant homology with several fungal transcription factors (stua from aspergillus nidulans and phd1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae) that are associated with cellular differentiation and development. deletion of sok2 is not lethal but exacerbates the growth defect of strains ...19958524252
gaip, a protein that specifically interacts with the trimeric g protein g alpha i3, is a member of a protein family with a highly conserved core domain.using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, gaip (g alpha interacting protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric gtp-binding protein g alpha i3. interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated g alpha i3 with a gaip-glutathione s-transferase fusion protein. gaip is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kda) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase c and seven for casein kinase 2. gaip shows high homology ...19958524874
characterization of the "promoter region" of the enolase-encoding gene enol from the anaerobic fungus neocallimastix frontalis: sequence and promoter analysis.the sequence of the neocallimastix frontalis enolase gene promoter was determined up to 1800 nucleotides 5' to the major transcriptional start point. the base composition of the enolase upstream sequence revealed a very a + t-rich profile (13.5% g + c) leading to many putative hairpin structures. the functional organization of the n. frontalis enolase promoter was investigated by heterologous transient-expression assays. dna fragments obtained by the sequential removal of sequences upstream of t ...19958536317
recombinational stability of replicating plasmids in aspergillus nidulans during transformation, vegetative growth and sexual reproduction.plasmids containing the ama1 replicon are capable of autonomous maintenance in aspergillus nidulans. it has been reported previously that these plasmids can form concatenates by recombination in a transformed mycelium, and up to 10% of molecules are involved in such events. the present study demonstrates that plasmid recombination, although frequent during transformation, rarely occurs during vegetative growth. as a result, the structure and phenotypic stability of ama1 plasmids generally remain ...19958536318
quantification of dna damage and repair in amino acid auxotrophs and uv-sensitive mutants of aspergillus nidulans using an elisa used to investigate dna repair in mammalian cells has been adapted to investigate mutagen-induced dna damage and repair in protoplasts of aspergillus nidulans. the assay shows a reduced rate of repair of dna damage in methionine and arginine auxotrophs (methg and argb), which were shown previously to be hypersensitive to uv radiation and chemical mutagens. the assay also showed a considerably reduced ability to repair mutagen-induced damage in the uv-sensitive mutants uvsb and uvsh. the ...19958543032
analysis of the regulation of the aspergillus nidulans penicillin biosynthesis gene aat (pende), which encodes acyl coenzyme a:6-aminopenicillanic acid acyltransferase.the regulation of the aspergillus nidulans penicillin biosynthesis gene aat (pende), which encodes acyl coenzyme a:6-aminopenicillanic acid acyltransferase (aat), was analysed. major transcriptional start sites map within 100 nucleotides upstream from the aat initiation codon. to study the regulation of aat expression, various aat-lacz gene fusions were constructed, in which the aat promoter region was fused in frame with the escherichia coli lacz reporter gene. a. nidulans strains carrying reco ...19958544821
Displaying items 3101 - 3200 of 5149