
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
hydrophobicity, cell adherence, cytotoxicity, and enterotoxigenicity of starved vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a ubiquitous gram-negative enteropathogenic bacterium that may encounter starvation or other environmental stresses during food processing or human infection. pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus st550 cultures starved in modified morita mineral salt solution with 3 or 0.5% nacl exhibited similar resistance against challenges of environmental stresses. changes in virulence of the starved v. parahaemolyticus was determined using hep-2 cell culture and suckling mouse assay. th ...200515690818
complete genome sequence of vibrio fischeri: a symbiotic bacterium with pathogenic congeners.vibrio fischeri belongs to the vibrionaceae, a large family of marine gamma-proteobacteria that includes several dozen species known to engage in a diversity of beneficial or pathogenic interactions with animal tissue. among the small number of pathogenic vibrio species that cause human diseases are vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus, the only members of the vibrionaceae that have had their genome sequences reported. nonpathogenic members of the genus vibrio, includi ...200515703294
vibrio parahaemolyticus diarrhea, chile, 1998 and 2004.analysis of clinical isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus from outbreaks in chile in the cities of puerto montt in 2004 and antofagasta in 1998 indicated that 23 of 24 isolates from puerto montt and 19 of 20 from antofagasta belonged to the pandemic clonal complex that emerged in southeast asia in 1996.200515705337
the occurrence of vibrio species in tropical shrimp culture environments; implications for food safety.the occurrence of various vibrio species in water, sediment and shrimp samples from multiple shrimp farm environments from the east and west coast of india was studied. the relative abundance was higher in west coast farms (ca. 10(4) cfu/ml water) when compared to the east coast (ca. 10(2) cfu/ml water). vibrio alginolyticus (3-19%), v. parahaemolyticus (2-13%), v. harveyi (1-7%) and v. vulnificus (1-4%) were the predominant vibrio species identified by standard biochemical testing. in some case ...200515992615
identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic group-specific dna sequence by genomic subtraction.a genomic subtraction between a pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus and a nonpandemic strain that seemed to be clonally related was performed. a subtractive dna fragment was identified to be a part of a 16-kbp insertion sequence which was present in almost all pandemic strains but not in nonpandemic strains tested.200516000499
development of a simple and rapid fluorogenic procedure for identification of vibrionaceae family members.we describe a simple colony overlay procedure for peptidases (copp) for the rapid fluorogenic detection and quantification of vibrionaceae from seawater, shellfish, sewage, and clinical samples. the assay detects phosphoglucose isomerase with a lysyl aminopeptidase activity that is produced by vibrionaceae family members. overnight cultures are overlaid for 10 min with membranes containing a synthetic substrate, and the membranes are examined for fluorescent foci under uv illumination. fluoresce ...200516000757
seasonal variation in abundance of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria in oysters along the southwest coast of india.the seasonal abundance of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters from two estuaries along the southwest coast of india was studied by colony hybridization using nonradioactive labeled oligonucleotide probes. the density of total v. parahaemolyticus bacteria was determined using a probe binding to the tlh (thermolabile hemolysin) gene, and the density of pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus bacteria was determined by using a probe binding to the tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin) gene. furthermore, the pr ...200516000764
selectivity and specificity of a chromogenic medium for detecting vibrio parahaemolyticust.the thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar (tcbs) used in the most-probable-number method for detecting vibrio parahaemolyticus cannot differentiate growth of v. parahaemolyticus from vibrio vulnificus or vibrio mimicus. this study examined the selectivity and specificity of bio-chrome vibrio medium (bcvm), a chromogenic medium that detects v. parahaemolyticus on the basis of the formation of distinct purple colonies on the medium. a panel consisting of 221 strains of bacteria, including 17 ...200516013386
thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus is a bacterial reversible amyloid toxin.thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus, is detoxified by heating at approximately 60-70 degrees c but is reactivated by additional heating above 80 degrees c. this paradoxical phenomenon, known as the arrhenius effect, has remained unexplained for approximately 100 years. we now demonstrate that the effect is related to structural changes in the protein that produce fibrils. the native tdh (tdhn) is transformed into nontoxic fibrils rich in beta- ...200516026154
pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 spread, france. 200516032794
molecular typing of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the philippines by pcr-based methods.the main aim of the present study was to use three pcr-based techniques for the analysis of genetic variability among vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the philippines.200516033470
investigation of seven vibrio virulence genes among vibrio alginolyticus and vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from the coastal mariculture systems in guangdong, investigate the distribution of the virulence of two vibrio species among different strains obtained from the mariculture systems on the coast of guangdong in china and the correlation between the virulence strains and the virulence genes among vibrio alginolyticus.200516033522
white spot syndrome virus isolates of tiger shrimp penaeus monodon (fabricious) in india are similar to exotic isolates as revealed by polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy.microbiological analysis of samples collected from cases of white spot disease outbreaks in cultured shrimp in different farms located in three regions along east coast of india viz. chidambram (tamil nadu), nellore (andhra pradesh) and balasore (orissa), revealed presence of vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and aeromonas spp. but experimental infection trials in penaeus monodon with these isolates did not induce any acute mortality or formation of white spots on carapace. infectio ...200516053274
microarray analysis identifies apoptosis regulatory gene expression in hct116 cells infected with thermostable direct hemolysin-deletion mutant of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) is considered as a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus. we observed this potential in several human cancer cell lines by using the tdh-producing wild-type (rimd2210633) as well as tdh-deletion mutant of v. parahaemolyticus and found that the deletion of tdh did not affect cytotoxicity to any of the cell lines tested. dna fragmentation and annexin v staining showed that both wild-type and tdh-mutant trigger apoptosis in these cells. to underst ...200516061205
rapid phenotypic characterization of vibrio isolates by pyrolysis metastable atom bombardment mass spectrometry.pyrolysis mass spectrometry was investigated for rapid characterization of food-borne bacterial pathogens. nine isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus and one isolate each of vibrio fluvialis, vibrio hollisae, and vibrio vulnificus were analyzed. pyrolysis mass spectra, generated via an alternative ionization method, metastable atom bombardment, were subject to principal component-discriminant analysis. the spectral patterns were used to distinguish vibrio isolates differing in species, serotype an ...200516096691
genomic characterization of non-o1, non-o139 vibrio cholerae reveals genes for a type iii secretion system.non-o1, non-o139 vibrio cholerae can cause gastroenteritis and extraintestinal infections, but, unlike o1 and o139 strains of v. cholerae, little is known about the virulence gene content of non-o1, non-o139 strains and their phylogenetic relationship to other pathogenic v. cholerae. comparative genomic microarray analysis of four pathogenic non-o1, non-o139 strains indicates that these strains are quite divergent from o1 and o139 strains. genomic sequence analysis of a non-o1, non-o139 strain ( ...200515728357
vibrio parahaemolyticus disruption of epithelial cell tight junctions occurs independently of toxin production.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a leading cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis worldwide. virulence is commonly associated with the production of two toxins, thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh). although the majority of clinical isolates produce tdh and/or trh, clinical samples lacking toxin genes have been identified. in the present study, we investigated the effects of v. parahaemolyticus on transepithelial resistance (ter) and paracellular permeability in caco-2 c ...200515731024
'in vivo' studies on the pathophysiological mechanism of vibrio parahaemolyticus tdh(+)-induced secretion.the thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) is considered to be the major virulence factors of vibrio parahaemolyticus; however, poor information is available about its mechanism of action. in our study we examined the capacity of two v. parahaemolyticus tdh-producers (strains 2067 and 3305) to induce fluid secretion in rat ileal loop and to reveal the role of calcium ions (ca(2+)), calmodulin (cam), and protein kinase c (pkc) in v. parahaemolyticus tdh(+)-induced fluid secretion. the results show ...200515748815
mrna detection by reverse transcription-pcr for monitoring viability and potential virulence in a pathogenic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus in viable but nonculturable state.this work investigates the maintenance of viability and potential virulence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in a viable but nonculturable population (vbnc) state by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr).200515752342
haemolysins in vibrio species. 200515836469
vibrio parahaemolyticus chromosomal qnr homologue vpa0095: demonstration by transformation with a mutated gene of its potential to reduce quinolone susceptibility in escherichia coli. 200515855551
[research on detection of vibrio comma and vibro parahaemolyticus from foodstuffs using mpcr methods].to establish a set of multi-pcr (mpcr) methods to detect vibrio comma o1 serogroup (evc) and o139 serogroup, and vibrio parahaemolyticus rapidly and sensitively from foodstuffs.200515862042
antibacterial potential from indian suregada angustifolia.phytochemical analysis of the leaves from indian suregada angustifolia (baill. ex muell. arg.) airy shaw (euphorbiaceae) resulted in the isolation and identification of six known compounds, viz. friedelin, epi-friedelinol, n-octacosanol, alpha-amyrin, beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol-3-beta-d-glucopyranoside. aqueous (room temperature, boiled and autoclaved) and various solvent (methanol, chloroform and hexane) extracts of leaves were tested against 12 human pathogenic bacteria by the agar we ...200515878247
the vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic. 200515891792
[review and guidelines for treatment of diarrhea caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus].in chile vibrio parahaemolyticus has been detected in 3 gastroenteritis outbreaks since 1998. the most recent outbreak occurred during the summer of 2005, affecting over 10,000 people of whom one died. affected individuals presented with one or more of the following symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and/or fever. fecal white blood cells were detected in only 6% of patients. the predominant serotype in the 3 outbreaks was the pandemic o3:k6 strain. diagnosis was confirmed by is ...200515891793
development of a quantitative real-time pcr method for estimation of the total number of vibrio parahaemolyticus in contaminated shellfish and seawater.a real-time pcr method targeting the toxr gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus was developed to quantify the number of v. parahaemolyticus cells, including those of both the hemolysin-producing and nonproducing strains. the specificity of the primer and probe set was confirmed using 25 strains of v. parahaemolyticus and 30 strains of other microbial species. we determined the threshold cycle number using the real-time pcr and the number of v. parahaemolyticus cells by plate count using serially dilut ...200515895747
polymorphism and gene conversion of the 16s rrna genes in the multiple rrna operons of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the genome sequence of a strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus holds 11 copies of rrna operons (rrn) with identical 16s rrna genes (rrs). conversely, the species type strain contains two rrs classes differing in 10 nucleotide sites within a short segment of 25 bp. furthermore, we show here that the sequence of this particular segment largely differs between some strains of this species. we also show that of the eleven rrn operons in the species type strain, seven contain one rrs class and four the o ...200515899408
evaluation of the susceptibility of the cultured shrimp litopenaeus vannamei to vibriosis when orally exposed to the insecticide methyl parathion.the causes of disease in cultured shrimp are difficult to ascertain but there is evidence that disease is correlated with environmental factors. crustaceans are particularly sensitive to insecticides due to their close phylogenetic relationship with insects. the objective of this study was to investigate whether there was an increased susceptibility of the shrimp litopenaeus vannamei to vibrio parahaemolyticus, when exposed to methyl parathion. the outline of the study was the following: an lc50 ...200515910911
flow cytometric evaluation of vibrio parahaemolyticus adhesion inhibition to human epithelial cells.the present report demonstrates the usefulness of flow cytometry for a quantitative assessment of adhesion inhibition of a vibrio parahaemolyticus strain to human epithelial cells to acquire more information about the nature of its adhesins.200515924304
pandemic serovars (o3:k6 and o4:k68) of vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with diarrhea in mozambique: spread of the pandemic into the african continent.forty-two episodes of vibrio parahaemolyticus infections were detected in beira, mozambique, from january to may 2004. the majority of the isolates (81%) belonged to the pandemic serovars (o3:k6 and o4:k68) of v. parahaemolyticus. the pandemic serovars were positive by group-specific pcr (gs-pcr) and a pcr specific for open reading frame orf8 (orf8-pcr), which are molecular markers of the pandemic clone, and were positive for tdh but negative for trh. the remaining 19% of the strains also posses ...200515956363
fatty acid composition, cell morphology and responses to challenge by organic acid and sodium chloride of heat-shocked vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus 690, a clinical strain, was subjected to heat shock at 42 degrees c for 45 min. the fatty acid profile and recovery of the heat-shocked cells of v. parahaemolyticus on tsa-3.0% nacl, aps agar (alkaline peptone salt broth supplemented with 1.5% agar) and tcbs (thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar) were compared with those of the nonheat-shocked cells. furthermore, the morphology of v. parahaemolyticus and survival in the presence of various organic acids (25 mm acet ...200515982770
bacterial food-borne illness outbreaks in northern taiwan, to reduce the occurrence of food-borne illness has always been one issue of great importance in taiwan's disease prevention and control efforts, and it is important to determine, from survey results, whether the pathogens in taiwan are the same or different from those in other countries. accordingly, data on 1171 food-borne illness outbreaks were collected from the center for disease control (cdc) of the department of health in taiwan. the patients and the cases were numbered according to th ...200515990979
[acquisition and evolution of virulence gene systems in pathogenic bacteria]. 200516411452
detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic bacteria by hybridization to oligonucleotide detect the common intestinal pathogenic bacteria quickly and accurately.200516437687
cholera epidemic in baghdad during 1999: clinical and bacteriological profile of hospitalized epidemic of cholera in iraq was anticipated for the year 1999 and a plan of notification and treatment of cases of diarrhoea was made. this paper documents the clinical and bacteriological profile of cholera cases admitted to the 6 hospitals in baghdad during the epidemic. the number of stool culture-positive cases was 874. the peak incidence of cases (june 1999) was earlier than previous epidemics with no cases registered in november/december 1999. all age groups were affected and the case f ...200516532666
i've sold my sport-utility vehicle. 200516327816
separation of active and inactive fractions from starved culture of vibrio parahaemolyticus by density dependent cell sorting.the co-existence of physiologically different cells in bacterial cultures is a general phenomenon. we have examined the applicability of the density dependent cell sorting (ddcs) method to separate subpopulations from a long-term starvation culture of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the cells were subjected to percoll density gradient and separated into 12 fractions of different buoyant densities, followed by measuring the cell numbers, culturability, respiratory activity and leucine incorporation acti ...200516329866
[symptoms of food-borne diseases and gastroenteritis in kyushu, japan].in this study we analyzed the symptoms of gastroenteritis or food-borne disease caused by the 10 most prevalent pathogens: norovirus, salmonella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter jejuni, clostridium perfringens, shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec), enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec), shigella sonnei/flexneri (shigella), staphylococcus aureus, and emetic-type bacillus cereus. the symptoms diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, and headache, and the incubation period in 646 cases i ...200516366357
[studies on extracellular virulent factors produced by potential pathogenic bacteria isolated from abalone postlarvae and biofilms].to find out the potential pathogen(s) that caused massive death of abalone postlarvae( haliotis diversicolor supertesta ) in southern china, 105 bacterial strains were isolated from the water, whitened postlarvae and their biofilms of an abalone farm in guangdong province. extra-cellular protease, gelatinase, lipase as well as haemolysis tests were performed on them. lysophospholipase (tlh)-targeted pcr was also carried out in order to reveal if the haemolysis caused by bacterial strains were re ...200516245888
[quantitative detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus by real-time taqman pcr].vibrio parahaemolyticus is one of important human food pathogens. traditional diagnostic tests for v. parahaemolyticus are laborious and always present false negative results. therefore, it is important to develop a nucleic acid-based test for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus. a taqman pcr assay was presented for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus in pure cultures and oysters. the primers and probe were designed according to the gyrase b gene (gyrb) sequence of v. parahae ...200516245889
characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from coastal seawater in peninsular malaysia.twenty-one vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates representing 21 samples of coastal seawater from three beaches in peninsular malaysia were found to be sensitive to streptomycin, norfloxacin and chloramphenicol. resistance was observed to penicillin (100%), ampicillin (95.2%), carbenicilin (95.2%), erythromycin (95.2%), bacitracin (71.4%), cephalothin (28.6%), moxalactam (28.6%), kanamycin (19.1%), tetracycline (14.3%), nalidixic acid (9.5%) and gentamicin (9.5%). plasmids of 2.6 to 35.8 mda were det ...200516295549
purification of a novel arthropod defensin from the american oyster, crassostrea antimicrobial peptide was purified from acidified gill extract of a bivalve mollusk, the american oyster (crassostrea virginica), by preparative acid-urea--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. the 4265.0 da peptide had 38 amino acids, including 6 cysteines. it showed strongest activity against gram-positive bacteria (lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and staphylococcus aureus; minimum effective concentrations [mecs] 2.4 and 3.0 microg/ml ...200516297885
use of oligonucleotide array for identification of six foodborne pathogens and pseudomonas aeruginosa grown on selective media.identification of presumptive foodborne pathogens grown on selective media may take one to several days and requires a different battery of biochemical tests for each microorganism. a molecular identification method was developed in which universal primers were used to amplify the 16s to 23s rdna intergenic spacer of target microorganisms, and pcr products were hybridized to a panel of species-specific oligonucleotides that were immobilized on a nylon membrane. the seven target microorganisms we ...200516300063
[growth inhibition of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood by tabletop dry ice cooler].tabletop dry ice coolers (three types; dome model, cap model and tripod model), which are used in kitchens and hotel banquet halls to refrigerate fresh seafood, were investigated to determine whether growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus was inhibited by their use. on tsa plates containing 1.8% nacl and fresh seafood (fillets of squid, pink shrimp and yellowtail), v. parahaemolyticus (o3:k6, tdh+) inoculated at 4 to 5 log cfu/sample and left at ambient temperature (25 degrees c) grew by 1.0 to 2.8 o ...200516305176
[vibrio parahaemolyticus infections and algal intoxications as emergent public health problems in chile].there is interest in the paradigm that relates environmental sea changes to the emergence of diseases that affect both aquatic organisms in the sea and human beings. the emergence of vibrio parahaemolyticus as an important cause of epidemic summer diarrhea in 2004 and 2005, confined mainly to the tenth region in chile, could be a manifestation of this trend. this and other areas of the country have also experienced several outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning (psp), diarrheal shellfish poi ...200516311702
prevalence and effectiveness of an education program on intestinal pathogens in food assess the prevalence of intestinal pathogens and the effectiveness of an education program in food handlers in a tertiary care hospital.200516850637
getting your point across. communication wins over patients. 20051291279
[testicular cavernous lymphangioma in a 13-year-old boy]. 20051273002
single daily dose corticosteroid treatment.thirteen patients with rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis who had not previously received corticosteroids were treated with prednisolone in a single-dose each morning. insulin-hypoglycaemia tests were performed before starting steroids in each patient, and again at the conclusion of the study in twelve of the thirteen (duration of steroid treatment 8-40 m). there was no difference in the mean basal or peak levels of corticosteroids, or the mean peak of growth hormone (gh) in the tests done before ...20051275584
[legal abortion. review after introduction of outpatient abortions].the results of 618 legal abortions performed on 602 14-49 year old women are reported. 53.3% of the cases were 9-10 weeks advanced into the pregnancy, 30.8% 11-12 weeks, and 2.9% over 12. the average waiting period between the 1st visit to the physician and the abortion was 14 days. 14 abortions were performed, 1 by sectio parva and 13 by instillation of nacl 20% and evacuation of the uterus, with no complications. 604 abortions were performed by aspiration evacuation, 7 of which were followed b ...20051251516
[drug pulverizer with a spatula]. 20051231142
[instrument for trephine puncture of the frontal sinus]. 20051231141
editorial: amyloidosis and ankylosing spondylitis. 20051184567
letter: separation of creatine kinase isoenzymes by high-pressure liquid chromatography. 20051112062
conductance of the sodium channel in myelinated nerve fibres with modified sodium inactivation.1. na current fluctuations in nodes of ranvier were measured under voltage clamp conditions as described in the preceding paper (conti, hille, neumcke, nonner & stämpfli, 1976) and analysed in terms of power spectral density calculated for frequencies between 30 hz and 5 khz. 2. external (10(-5) g/ml.) leiurus scorpion venom or anemonia toxin ii (3 x 10(-5) g/ml.) or internal 20 mm iodate were applied in order to remove or slow down inactivation in part of the na channels. the treatment increase ...20051087644
measurement of the conductance of the sodium channel from current fluctuations at the node of ranvier.single myelinated nerve fibres of rana esculenta were investigated under voltage clamp conditions at 13 degrees c. fluctuations of steady-state membrane current were measured during the last 152 msec of 190-225 msec pulses depolarizing the membrane by 8-48 mv. noise power spectral densities were calculated in the frequency range of 6-6-6757 hz. 2. external application of 150 nm tetrodotoxin (ttx) and/or 10 mm tetraethylammonium (tea) ion reduced the current fluctuations. the difference of curren ...20051087643
correlation of platelet survival time with occlusion of saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass grafts.platelet survival time is frequently shortened in patients with coronary artery disease, and it is one of several factors that might contribute to graft occlusion after saphenous vein coronary artery bypass (cab). in 35 patients with cab, average platelet survival (autologous labeling with 51chromium) was shortened in 20 with one or more saphenous vein grafts occluded and normal in 15 with all grafts open. of 15 with all grafts open, individual levels of platelet survival were normal in 10 while ...20051082802
[follow-up of 131i-therapy of hyperthyroidism (author's transl)]. 20051064000
[an unusual case of entero-vesical fistula caused by a foreign body].the authors describe a rare case of sigmoidovesical fistula due to a foreign body and giving trouble 30 years after the causative surgical procedure, namely an oopheroctomy. the cause of the fistula was apparently some suture material that had not been reabsorbed. surgical excision of the fistula produced a complete recovery.2005546533
a simple centrifuge column for desalting protein solutions. 2005543535
[models of cerebral organization]. 20051230914
diphtheria toxin entry: protein translocation in the reverse direction. 20053072713
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
the chemical use, abuse, and dependence scale (cuad). rationale, reliability, and validity.this article describes the rationale for the development of the chemical use, abuse, and dependence scale (cuad). the instrument is in a semistructured interview format; it derives both substance use severity scores and dsm-iii-r substance use disorder diagnoses and can be administered in a short period with minimal training. the reliability and validity of the cuad are reported and appear satisfactory. the cuad is recommended for use as a detection, diagnostic, and treatment selection index in ...20051317464
the impact of laboratory error on the normal range: a bayesian model.interpretation of clinical laboratory results, aside from clinical considerations, is based on the probability of the result being within a given normal range. this probability is influenced by the degree of error inherent in the analytical method. it would be advantageous to assign a more definite probability to the result of the measurement by combining the error distribution of the result around the true value and the distribution of the healthy population that serves as a reference. bayesian ...20051112041
projections from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus and mesencephalic tectum in a reptile (tupinambis nigropunctatus): a comparison of anterograde transport and anterograde degeneration. 20051111840
benserazide induces migraine attacks. irrelevance of concomitant hyperprolactinemia.migrainous women underwent acute administration of sulpiride (25 mg i.v.) and benserazide (125 mg per os), both drugs increasing prolactin secretion. a similar increase in prolactin levels was found following the administration of the two drugs. a typical migraine attack was observed only in the 4 women given benserazide. these data, though being preliminary, stress the scarce or irrelevant role of prolactin in the pathogenesis of the migraine attack.2005554794
risk assessment in geographical occupational health. 2005546685
comparison of colposcopy-directed biopsies and cold-knife conization. 20051196287
[skin diseases caused by cocci]. 20051214698
proceedings: slow recovery of the inactivation of sodium conductance in myxicola giant axons. 20051151857
restoring teeth with large complex amalgams rather than castings. 20051065128
acute toxicity of mevinphos to gerbils. 20051273839
[effect of chronic irradiation in low doses on age-related changes in the radiation-resistance of white mice]. 20051188055
[physiological and hygienic characteristics of the working conditions in laying and insulating operations in the electrical engineering industry]. 20051176014
psychiatric morbidity in a sample of a london coroner's open hundred and thirty-four deaths recorded as open verdicts in the inner west london coroner's district during 1969 and 1970 have been surveyed for evidence of mental illness. for 110 (82 per cent) of these deaths the probable verdicts were suicide or accident and they were reclassified as undetermined deaths. of these deaths 73 per cent were diagnosed as mentally ill, 54 per cent were receiving medical treatment for psychological symptoms before death, 42 per cent had a history of psychiatric ...20051182365
phloroglucinol derivatives of eleven dryopteris species from japan. 20051197418
a syndrome of acute zinc loss. cerebellar dysfunction, mental changes, anorexia, and taste and smell dysfunction.oral administration of the amino acid histidine to six patients with progressive systemic sclerosis produced anorexia, taste ans smell dysfunction, changes in mentation, and cerebellar dysfunction in each patient; these changes were associated with significant decreases in serum zinc concentration and significant increases in urinary zinc excretion. administration of zinc ion, even with continued histidine administration, returned each of the signs and symptoms to or toward normal within 8 to 24 ...20051180744
[lipid and mineral metabolism and morbidity with temporary loss of work capacity in miners].examination is performed on 87 miners from mine for copper production subject to intensive local vibrations with average rate of increase (k) of the norms for the individual octave frequencies 2.4 times for 3 h exposure of the working shift, as well as to intensive noise--113-115 db/a equivalent level, general dust--23 mg/m3, fine dust--3.5 mg/m3 and fine quartz--0.43 mg/m3. there are data for vibration effect--changes in the cold test, vibration sensoriness, ultra sound sonometry, in all miners ...20051364539
failure to consult specialist. 20051173090
[open study of clopirac in the treatment of non articular rheumatism (author's transl)]. 20051084347
morphometric analysis of the loss of chief and parietal cells after partial gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer.relative chief and parietal cell volume densities were estimated morphometrically in the remnant mucosa of 98 male patients ("series"), operated on for duodenal ulcer by the billroth ii, and in the body mucosa of 55 subjects, age and sex matched, from a random series of a finnish population ("controls"). the relative volumes of chief and parietal cells were significantly lower in the series than in the controls. the mean chief cell: parietal cell ratio was significantly higher in the series than ...2005549432
the high-fiber diet: its effect on the bowel. 20051196254
male transsexualism in england: sixteen cases with surgical intervention.the syndrome of transsexualism is now regarded as a dinstinct entity separate from transvestism and homosexuality (benjamin, 1966; green and money, 1969). it refers to those patients who since childhood have been convinced of their wrong sex assignment and who wish to attain the sexual characteristics of the opposite sex and to live as a member of that sex. the present report is an initial one referring to the first group of transsexual patients studied at a postgraduate teaching hospital by a m ...20051169047
effect of a mixture of cryoprotectants in attaining liquid nitrogen survival of callus cultures of a tropical plant. 2005544179
[obstruction of a naso-tracheal tube by an avulsed nasal concha].avulsion of a nasal concha by a nasotracheal tube obstructed the tube in a valvelike manner. the result was increased intrapulmonary pressure, hemodynamic instability, alveolar rupture, pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum without pneumothorax. the case was successfully managed by removal of the nasotracheal tube and immediate oral reintubation.20052799996
xeromammography at a community hospital. a year's experience. 20051183210
[immunological in vitro tests in the assessment of specific cellular reactivity in tuberculosis]. 20051079782
epidermal growth factor inhibits transiently the progression from g2-phase to mitosis: a receptor-mediated phenomenon in various immediate effect of epidermal growth factor (egf) on the cell cycle is described. egf, when given to replicating cells such as hela, a431, and d her 14, very rapidly inhibits the transition from g2 phase to mitosis (m) in a transient fashion. the influence of egf (10(-10) to 10(-7) m concentrations) on the g2-m transition of individual cells has been analyzed by time-lapse photography in cell lines carrying intact, mutated, or no egf receptor. the g2-m transition of cells devoid of egf recept ...20052253234
letter: vaginal candidosis. 20051276796
[ultrasonic study of the liver in the diagnosis of lung cancer metastases]. 20053320479
[calculation of integral doses and evaluation criteria in the use of forming appliances in radioisotope teletherapy]. 20051196031
[behavior of intraocular pressure following argon laser trabeculoplasty]. 20053371809
examination of federal government response to recommendations of house of representatives standing committee on industry, science and technology's inquiry into gmos. 20051369114
[epidemiological survey of dysphonia in school children. preliminary findings].in this article the authors have performed a study on 318 students in naples to estimate the incidence of the dysphonetic diseases in 6-12-18 years-old subjects. the investigation showed that 34.9% of examined patients revealed speech troubles; these troubles were more common in 6-years-old subjects. the dyslalies were the most common phonetic trouble (97.9%) with prevalence of sygmatism (87.9%). the authors mean to extend the study on more large sample, although the results of the present study ...20052291713
effect of pluronic f-68 on the mechanical properties of mammalian cells.the mechanical properties of tb/c3 hybridoma cells taken from a continuous culture were measured by micromanipulation. the culture conditions were constant except for the presence or absence of pluronic f-68 in the medium. it was found that the mean bursting membrane tension and the mean elastic area compressibility modulus of the cells were significantly greater (60% and 120%, respectively) in a medium with 0.05% (w/v) pluronic f-68 compared to that without pluronic. pluronic f-68 therefore aff ...20051369100
salting out: experience in 9,000 cases.a complete method of saline abortion has been presented. this method has been well thought out, is physiologically sound, and has been proven safe and reliable. although we have reduced the potential for complications to a minimum, those specific to the salting-out procedure as well as those inherent in any mid-trimester labor and delivery cannot be completely eliminated. therefore, there can be no shortcuts. salting out must be performed only in a hospital where well trained specialists are ava ...20051151933
lecithin---sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid, as assessed by a modified thin-layer chromatographic method in which a commercial pre-coated plate is used.commercially available pre-coated thin-layer chromatographic plates consisting of silica gel supported on aluminum sheets were used to determine the lecithin-sphingomyelin ration in samples of amniotic fluid. these lipids were separated in chloroform-methanol-water (65:25:4 by vol) solvent system (lecithin rf = 0.33; sphingomyelin, rf = 0.25), and the spots were made visible in 5-15 min by heating to 180 degrees c after spraying with a solution of copper acetate (30 g/liter) in aqueous phosphori ...20051112033
[clinical course of mitral insufficiency after commissurotomy].in 172 patients in whom transventricular mitral commissurotomy had been complicated by the development of post-operative regurgitation the immediate and remote results of the surgery were studied. among patients with mitral incompetence a complicated post-operative period with regurgitation of the i degree was registered in 51 per cent of the cases, with the ii degree-in 73 and with the iii-in 100 per cent of the patients. the principal complications included cardiac insufficiency and various de ...20051142604
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