
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
acute myocardial infarction after blunt chest trauma in young people: need for prompt intervention.we describe four cases of acute myocardial infarction in young patients, secondary to blunt chest trauma. one case was treated with intracoronary thrombolysis and angioplasty, two cases received systemic thrombolysis, and the last one did not have any reperfusion therapy. the coronary angiograms of the left anterior descending artery showed thrombosis in two cases, coronary dissection in one case, and no morphological lesions in the other. we encourage the early performance of angiographic studi ...20061764738
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
"raynaud's disease" in migraineurs: one entity or two?two cases are reported of patients who were diagnosed as having both migraine and raynaud's disease. because they were able to achieve effective control of both headaches and extremity temperature after undergoing a comprehensive approach--utilizing medication, biofeedback, and psychotherapy--it is suggested that both conditions are manifestations of the same disorder. it is recommended that a first step in approaching concurrent diagnoses of this type involve combined treatment as is often used ...20061446993
[classification and identification of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates based on gyrb gene phylogenetic analysis].in order to validate the usefulness of gyrb genotype for the classification and identification of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates, the phylogenetic analysis of 13 v. cholerae, 8 v. parahaemolyticus, 2 aeromonas hydrophila and 1 plesiomonas shigelloides strains was carried out using the partial coding sequence of gyrb, a gene that encodes the b subunit of dna gyrase (topoisomerase type ii ) in bacteria. these strains were separately clustered at species level and typed by the ...200617302148
distribution of virulent and pandemic strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus in three molluscan shellfish species (meretrix meretrix, perna viridis, and anadara granosa) and their association with foodborne disease in southern thailand.distribution of pandemic strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood, particularly in molluscan shellfish, and their serological and molecular relationships to clinical strains were examined from hat yai city in southern thailand. during 2000 to 2002, virulent strains (tdh+ or trh+) were isolated from 13 of 230 molluscan shellfish samples using alkaline peptone water enrichment followed by immunomagnetic separation. the isolates included 12 pandemic strains (tdh+, trh-, group-specific pcr posi ...200617133804
involvement of the vibrio parahaemolyticus pvsc gene in export of the siderophore vibrioferrin.the pvsc gene of unknown function has been found in the iron-regulated vibrioferrin biosynthesis operon of vibrio parahaemolyticus (tanabe, t. et al., j. bacteriol. 185: 6938-6949, 2003). the amino acid sequence deduced from the gene showed significant similarity to 12-transmembrane segment efflux pumps belonging to the major facilitator superfamily. a nonpolar deletion of pvsc in v. parahaemolyticus resulted in a reduced release of vibrioferrin into the medium. vibrioferrin release could be reg ...200617116982
analysis of bacteria degradation products of methyl parathion by liquid chromatography/electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.the biodegradation of the organophosphorus insecticide methyl parathion (mp) in aqueous environment by bacteria isolated from river sediment has been studied. two species of bacteria which show strong mp degradation ability are identified as shewanella and vibrio parahaemolyticus. the biodegradation of mp proceeded rapidly with the formation of a series of intermediate products, which were analyzed using a combination of gc/ms and hplc/esi-tofms techniques. the major products tentatively identif ...200617126847
outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by the pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 in mexico.during 2003 and during late september of 2004, more than 1230 cases of gastroenteritis were reported in the south of sinaloa state, north-western mexico. all cases were attributed to the consumption of raw or undercooked shrimp collected at the huizache-caimanero lagunary system. vibrio parahaemolyticus was identified by standard biochemical methods, and many strains were positive for pcr amplifications of the tlh and tdh genes and negative for the trh gene. a representative strain belonged to t ...200617107421
efficacy of electrolysed oxidizing water in inactivating vibrio parahaemolyticus on kitchen cutting boards and food contact determine the efficacy of electrolysed oxidizing (eo) water in inactivating vibrio parahaemolyticus on kitchen cutting boards and food contact surfaces.200617083714
effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water treatment on reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in raw oysters.contamination of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in oysters is a food safety concern. this study investigated effects of electrolyzed oxidizing (eo) water treatment on reducing v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus in laboratory-contaminated oysters. eo water exhibited strong antibacterial activity against v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus in pure cultures. populations of v. parahaemolyticus (8.74 x 10(7) cfu/ml) and v. vulnificus (8.69 x 10(7) cfu/ml) decreased quickly in eo w ...200616924906
[study on the antibacterial mechanisms of copper-bearing montmorillonite].vibrio parahaemolyticus atcc 27519 was chosen as indicator of aquacultural pathogenic bacteria to determine the antibacterial activity and mechanism of copper-bearing montmorillonite (cu-mmt) in vitro. the results indicated that montmorillonite (mmt) had no antibacterial activity. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and bactericidal concentration (mbc) of cu-mmt on vibrio parahaemolyticus were 75 and 300 mg/l, respectively. the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (ast), alanine amino ...200616933615
bactericidal effects of wine on vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters.the bactericidal effects of wines on vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters were studied to evaluate potential inactivation of v. parahaemolyticus in contaminated oysters by wine consumption. shucked whole oyster and oyster meat homogenate were inoculated with v. parahaemolyticus and mixed with red or white wine. survivals of v. parahaemolyticus in inoculated oysters were determined at 7 and 25 degrees c. populations of v. parahaemolyticus in inoculated whole oysters (5.52 log most probable number [ ...200616924905
pyrolysis mass spectrometry for distinguishing potential hoax materials from bioterror agents.pyrolysis mass spectrometry (pyms) was investigated as a rapid tool to distinguish potential bioterror hoax materials from samples containing pathogenic bacteria. a pyrolysis time-of-flight (tof) mass spectrometer equipped with an alternative ionization technique, metastable atom bombardment (mab), was used to produce sample spectra. these spectra were analyzed by principal component and discriminant analysis for pattern recognition. materials investigated were two strains of vibrio parahaemolyt ...200616841357
vibrio alginolyticus infections in the netherlands after swimming in the north sea. 200617213549
vibrio parahaemolyticus infections associated with consumption of raw shellfish--three states, 2006.during may 20-july 31, 2006, new york city, new york state, oregon, and washington health departments reported a total of 177 cases of vibrio parahaemolyticus infection, of which 122 have been associated with 17 clusters. a cluster has been defined as a group of two or more ill persons who were linked to the same shellfish source (e.g., shared a meal at the same restaurant or obtained shellfish from the same seafood market). certain clusters were associated with restaurants, certain clusters wit ...200616902397
identification of vibrio harveyi using pcr amplification of the toxr gene.the aim of this study was to develop an effective method for the identification of vibrio harveyi based on using the toxr gene as a taxonomic marker.200616910927
[development of a predictive program for microbial growth under various temperature conditions].a predictive program for microbial growth under various temperature conditions was developed with a mathematical model. the model was a new logistic model recently developed by us. the program predicts escherichia coli growth in broth, staphylococcus aureus growth and its enterotoxin production in milk, and vibrio parahaemolyticus growth in broth at various temperature patterns. the program, which was built with microsoft excel (visual basic application), is user-friendly; users can easily input ...200617228795
a reinvestigation of the secondary structure of functionally active vsglt, the vibrio sodium/galactose cotransporter.the bacterial na(+)/galactose cotransporter vsglt of vibrio parahaemolyticus is a member of the sodium:solute symporter family (sss). previous studies using electron microscopy have shown that vsglt is a monomeric protein. computational and experimental topological analyses have consistently indicated that this protein possesses 14 transmembrane alpha-helices. our previous study using attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (atr-ftir) to quantitate secondary structur ...200616445289
antiviral activities of purified compounds from youngia japonica (l.) dc (asteraceae, compositae).the ethanol extract of a biannual medicinal herb, youngia japonica (commonly known as oriental hawk's beard) was reported previously to have potent antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) cultured in hep-2 cells. three anti-microbial agents, namely 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and luteolin-7-o-glucoside were subsequently purified and chemically characterized from the ethanol extract of youngia japonica. the two dicaffeoylquinic acids exhibited promin ...200616469463
visible-light-induced bactericidal activity of a nitrogen-doped titanium photocatalyst against human pathogens.the antibacterial activity of photocatalytic titanium dioxide (tio(2)) substrates is induced primarily by uv light irradiation. recently, nitrogen- and carbon-doped tio(2) substrates were shown to exhibit photocatalytic activities under visible-light illumination. their antibacterial activity, however, remains to be quantified. in this study, we demonstrated that nitrogen-doped tio(2) substrates have superior visible-light-induced bactericidal activity against escherichia coli compared to pure t ...200616957236
quorum sensing-disrupting brominated furanones protect the gnotobiotic brine shrimp artemia franciscana from pathogenic vibrio harveyi, vibrio campbellii, and vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates.autoinducer 2 (ai-2) quorum sensing was shown before to regulate the virulence of vibrio harveyi towards the brine shrimp artemia franciscana. in this study, several different pathogenic v. harveyi, vibrio campbellii, and vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates were shown to produce ai-2. furthermore, disruption of ai-2 quorum sensing by a natural and a synthetic brominated furanone protected gnotobiotic artemia from the pathogenic isolates in in vivo challenge tests.200616957276
rapid estimation of microbial numbers in water using bulk fluorescence.enumeration of microbial cells without culturing is an essential technique for microbial ecology and water quality evaluation. here we show that bulk fluorescence using the sybr gold dna stain can be used to rapidly quantify microbial cells per millilitre in fresh, marine and estuarine waters. the bulk fluorescence method is comparable to estimating cell concentrations in cultures using optical density; however, this enhanced method enables the user to estimate microbial numbers at lower concent ...200616958758
application of real-time pcr for quantitative detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood in eastern china.vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as a leading human food-borne pathogen. a taqman pcr assay based on the gyrase b gene (gyrb) sequence of v. parahaemolyticus was developed for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus in seafood. the study involving 27 v. parahaemolyticus and 10 strains of other species indicated that the real-time pcr test was highly specific. the sensitivity of the assay was approximately a single cfu per pcr in pure culture and six to eight cfu per pcr in spiked raw ...200616487299
development of monoclonal antibodies for simple identification of vibrio alginolyticus.the present study was aimed to produce monoclonal antibodies (mabs) for simple and specific identification of vibrio alginolyticus infection in shrimp.200616965376
response of spinach and komatsuna to biogas effluent made from source-separated kitchen garbage.recycling of kitchen garbage is an urgent task for reducing public spending and environmental burdens by incineration and/or landfill. there is an interesting regional effort in ogawa, saitama prefecture, japan, in which source-separated kitchen garbage is anaerobically fermented with a biogas plant and the resultant effluent is used as a quick-release organic fertilizer by surrounding farmers. however, scientific assessments of fertilizer values and risks in the use of the effluent were lacking ...200616973635
immunostimulation of white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) following dietary administration of ergosan.ergosan an algal product containing 1% alginic acid, developed for use in aquaculture and reported to have immunomodulatory activity, was administered orally to intermoult adult white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) for 15 days. examination of haemolymph proteins using sds-page did not reveal any obvious differences between control and ergosan treated shrimp. similarly, total haemocyte counts were found to be roughly equivalent for both the control and experimental samples. however, differential a ...200616490202
vp1686, a vibrio type iii secretion protein, induces toll-like receptor-independent apoptosis in macrophage through nf-kappab inhibition.vibrio parahaemolyticus, causative agent of human gastrointestinal diseases, possesses several virulent machineries including thermostable direct hemolysin and type iii secretion systems (ttss1 and -2). in this report, we establish that ttss1-dependent secretion and translocation of a v. parahaemolyticus effector protein vp1686 into the cytosol induces dna fragmentation in macrophages. we performed yeast two-hybrid screening to identify the molecules involved in vp1686-mediated cell death pathwa ...200616984916
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish by use of multiplexed real-time pcr with taqman fluorescent probes.we developed a multiplexed real-time pcr assay using four sets of gene-specific oligonucleotide primers and four taqman probes labeled with four different fluorophores in a single reaction for detection of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus, including the pandemic o3:k6 serotype in oysters. v. parahaemolyticus has been associated with outbreaks of food-borne gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood and therefore is a concern to the seafood industry and co ...200616517652
antibacterial spectrum of plant polyphenols and extracts depending upon hydroxyphenyl structure.the relationship between the structure and antibacterial activity of 22 polyphenols was analyzed by using minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) as a criterion against 26 species of bacteria which can grow in mueller-hinton medium. there was no clear correlation between gram-staining and bacterial susceptibility to polyphenols, and the extent of the susceptibility was approximately dependent on the species of bacteria. in the same gram-negative bacteria, the antibacterial activity of the polyphe ...200617077519
high amount of dinophysistoxin-3 in mytilus chilensis collected in seno de reloncaví, chile, during massive human intoxication associated with outbreak of vibrio parahaemolyticus.this study describes the detection of high amount of 7-o-acyl-derivative dinophysistoxin-1 (dinophysistoxin-3) in filter bivalves collected on february 2005 in the seno de reloncaví, puerto montt city, southern chile, in the same period of time where an intoxication episode was associated with the presence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish. the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (dsp) mouse bioassay of mussel extract samples, performed as described for regulatory testing, were negative to dsp ...200617077585
pore formation of thermostable direct hemolysin secreted from vibrio parahaemolyticus in lipid bilayers.vibrio parahaemolyticus secretes thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), a major virulence factor. earlier studies report that tdh is a pore-forming toxin. however, the characteristics of pores formed by tdh in the lipid bilayer, which is permeable to small ions, remain to be elucidated. ion channel-like activities were observed in lipid bilayers containing tdh. three types of conductance were identified. all the channels displayed relatively low ion selectivity, and similar ion permeability. the c ...200616940013
response of vibrio parahaemolyticus to ethanol this study, the growth and survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the presence of 0.0-8.0% ethanol was first examined. v. parahaemolyticus was then exposed to a sub-lethal dose of 5.0% ethanol for 30 and 60 min (ethanol shock). morphological changes and alterations in cell leakage, thermal tolerance at 47 degrees c, and susceptibility to 8% ethanol and low temperature (4 and -18 degrees c) of v. parahaemolyticus caused by ethanol shock were investigated. in addition, recoveries of the ethanol ...200616943038
bacterial lateral flagella: an inducible flagella system.flagella are complex surface organelles that allow bacteria to move towards favourable environments and that contribute to the virulence of pathogenic bacteria through adhesion and biofilm formation on host surfaces. there are a few bacteria that possess functional dual flagella systems, such as vibrio parahaemolyticus, some mesophilic aeromonas spp., rhodospirillum centenum and azospirillum brasilense. these bacteria are able to express both a constitutive polar flagellum required for swimming ...200616978346
two type iv pili of vibrio parahaemolyticus play different roles in biofilm formation.vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd2210633 has two sets of type iv-a pilus genes. one set is similar to that found in other gram-negative bacteria, such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, vibrio cholerae (chitin-regulated pilus; chirp), and vibrio vulnificus. the other is homologous to the genes for the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (msha) pilus. in this study, we analyzed the effects of the deletions in the pilin genes for each type iv pilus (the chirp and the msha pilus) on biofilm formation. although the ...200617020553
involvement of radical species in inactivation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in saline solutions by direct-current electric treatment.the effect of pulsed low-direct-current (dc) electric treatment on the viability of vibrio parahaemolyticus in artificial seawater and 3.0% (w/v) nacl solution was studied as a function of available chlorine (ac) concentration. the amount of ac generated during the dc electric treatment increased in proportion to the amount of passed dc. the survival fraction of v. parahaemolyticus cells decreased depending on ac concentration. when the generated ac components were completely reduced in the pres ...200617189175
evaluation of an alkaline phosphatase-labeled oligonucleotide probe for the detection and enumeration of the thermostable-related hemolysin (trh) gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus.reliable methods are needed to detect total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus. one marker of v. parahaemolyticus virulence is the thermostable-related hemolysin. we developed an alkaline phosphatase-labeled dna probe method for the specific detection and enumeration of trh-positive v. parahaemolyticus by colony hybridization. the probe was tested against a panel of 200 bacterial strains and determined to be specific for trh-positive v. parahaemolyticus. additionally, the trh alkaline phosph ...200617133826
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
proceedings of the 3rd north sea conference on periodontology. maastricht, the netherlands, 16-19 may 1990. 20061679767
[eye foreign bodies. patients should be sent to the eye clinic for treatment]. 20061636298
minority student nurses' perceptions of their educational program. 20061773054
study of acute intraoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage.acute intraoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage or effusion (aish) was studied in a prospective manner over the past three years. in a general cataract surgery population of 2,523 patient eyes, 15 (0.6%) experienced an aish. results of a specific surgical management technique are presented. surgical control of the aish consisted of immediate closure of the incision and application of pressure directly to the eye. this tamponades the effusion or hemorrhage, which allows coagulation and completion ...20061403754
neonatal nurse practitioners--a view from perfidious albion? 20061586193
rating of the lesions in senile dementia of the alzheimer type: concordance between laboratories. a european multicenter study under the auspices of eurage.the study reported was intended to compare the impressions and analyses of investigators from 11 different laboratories on 2 slides, each from 6 cases with varying quantities of neuropathological change of the type found in alzheimer's disease and normal ageing. the material came from 6 selected female patients over 75 years of age all of whom had been examined in detail and assessed by the blessed test score. two were severely demented, 2 mildly demented and 2 were considered to be normal. unst ...20061698217
ventriculopleural shunting used as a temporary diversion.due to the limited absorptive capacity of the pleural cavity, infants and young children are not generally ideal candidates for ventriculopleural shunts. we report using chest cavities as alternate for temporary diversion of csf in a young child. venous access to the cervical region could not be utilized because of scarring from previous procedures, while peritoneal access was contraindicated due to repeated pseudocyst formation. pleural effusions were removed by thoracentesis when necessary, an ...20061595400
[changes in auriculoventricular conduction due to the effect of ethanol].transcoronary ablation of atrioventricular conduction by dehydrated alcohol was attempted in one patient with refractory ectopic atrial tachycardia. ethanol (1.5 ml) was delivered after selective catheterization of the atrioventricular nodal artery in a patient in whom the artery could be identified by cineangiography. the mean creatine kinase (mb fraction) at four hour to six hour after ablation was 40 u. no electrocardiographic qrs changes was seen. the procedure was successful. the patient is ...20061457004
bronchodilator effects of terbutaline and theophylline alone and in combination in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.thirteen patients with severe partially reversible chronic obstructive lung disease received long-term treatment with a sustained-release preparation of theophylline and a beta 2-agonist (terbutaline) alone and in combination. combination therapy induced significantly greater bronchodilation than treatment with terbutaline alone in the recommended dose. in 9 out of 13 patients the peak flows were higher during combination therapy than during theophylline treatment alone, but this did not reach s ...20062870630
bronchodilator effects of terbutaline and theophylline alone and in combination in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.thirteen patients with severe partially reversible chronic obstructive lung disease received long-term treatment with a sustained-release preparation of theophylline and a beta 2-agonist (terbutaline) alone and in combination. combination therapy induced significantly greater bronchodilation than treatment with terbutaline alone in the recommended dose. in 9 out of 13 patients the peak flows were higher during combination therapy than during theophylline treatment alone, but this did not reach s ...20062870630
measurement of red blood cell antibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.the enzyme-linked antiglobulin test (elat) was employed to measure the number of igg molecules per red blood cell (igg/rbc) in 11 patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (aiha). all patients with aiha had high levels of red cell-associated igg (110-3, 650 igg/rbc). the control group consisted of normal volunteers (n = 10) and patients with hereditary spherocytosis (n = 1), beta 0-thalassemia (n = 1), immunologic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 3) and igg multiple myeloma (n = 4). all control ind ...20061797282
optimizing staff scheduling by monte-carlo is a computer program which generates the staff schedule. an accounting framework is combined with an optimization technique that searches for a schedule in which all accounts are simultaneously in balance. the search is accomplished using a monte-carlo process which shuffles staff within the schedule. the shuffling is biased according to each staffer's account balance: the staffer who owes the most is most likely to be scheduled.20061482957
angiokeratoma of the clitoris: a subtype of angiokeratoma vulvae.a 24-year-old married woman had an angiokeratoma of the vulva measuring 3 x 3 x 4 mm localized at the clitoris. the nodule was noticed when she was pregnant with her first child. this tumor grew with occasional tenderness and bleeding during pregnancy, but its size did not change after delivery. the growth of this tumor might be attributable to an increase in venous pressure or serum progesterone levels; therefore this disorder might be classified as a subtype of angiokeratoma of the vulva. this ...20061479114
measurement of red blood cell antibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.the enzyme-linked antiglobulin test (elat) was employed to measure the number of igg molecules per red blood cell (igg/rbc) in 11 patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (aiha). all patients with aiha had high levels of red cell-associated igg (110-3, 650 igg/rbc). the control group consisted of normal volunteers (n = 10) and patients with hereditary spherocytosis (n = 1), beta 0-thalassemia (n = 1), immunologic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 3) and igg multiple myeloma (n = 4). all control ind ...20061797282
the use of potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser for laparoscopic removal of ovarian endometrioma.from january 1989 through january 1990, 31 patients thought to have ovarian endometrioma at ultrasonography were treated by operative laparoscopy and potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the endometriomas ranged from 2 to 9.2 cm in diameter by preoperative transvaginal ultrasonography. the operative procedure used was a three-puncture technique with a 600 micron fiber attached to a potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the power setting was 10 w with a continuous pulse. in all cases endometriomas wer ...20061828651
the use of potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser for laparoscopic removal of ovarian endometrioma.from january 1989 through january 1990, 31 patients thought to have ovarian endometrioma at ultrasonography were treated by operative laparoscopy and potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the endometriomas ranged from 2 to 9.2 cm in diameter by preoperative transvaginal ultrasonography. the operative procedure used was a three-puncture technique with a 600 micron fiber attached to a potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser. the power setting was 10 w with a continuous pulse. in all cases endometriomas wer ...20061828651
better right than quick? 20061538635
radiotherapy of malignant melanoma of the uvea with i-125 seeds.nineteen patients with malignant uveal melanomas were treated with i-125 applicators. there were 10 males and 9 females with a median age of 61 years (range 42-76). the tumour was located in the choroid in 12 eyes and in the choroid and ciliary body in 7 eyes. the size of the tumours was 7-18 mm in maximal basal diameter (median 12), 5-16 mm in minimal basal diameter (median 10), and 5.5-15 mm in thickness (median 8.5). the volume of the tumours was 123-1890 mm3 (median 540). all tumours were cl ...20061488887
a critical appraisal of the literature on the effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems on clinician performance and patient review the evaluations of computer-based clinical decision support systems (cdss's).20061482947
medical screening for occupational disease risk is not a control measure. 20061796975
medical screening for occupational disease risk is not a control measure. 20061796975
axillary artery thrombosis from handball. 20061797214
axillary artery thrombosis from handball. 20061797214
[nursing--a woman's job!]. 20061489626
diary from a week in practice. 20061595508
performance appraisal of online medline access compare the performance and cost of 11 online medline systems with medline at elhill.20061482922
electrical cardioversion after amiodarone administration.the possible effect of amiodarone administration on the effectiveness and complications of electrical cardioversion of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias has not been properly assessed. to investigate the effects of amiodarone on cardioversion, we performed 130 electrical cardioversion procedures in 116 patients who were receiving long-term amiodarone therapy (group i) and 44 cardioversion procedures in 43 patients who were receiving intravenous infusions of amiodarone (group ii). all patients in ...20061595532
psychological effects during reduced training volume and intensity in distance runners.improved mood state has ben linked with reduced training (rt). however, rt has been measured only as a reduction in training volume, either maintaining or not considering the intensity of training employed. to investigate the effects of a 4-week reduction in both training volume and intensity on running performance and mood state, 10 well-trained adult male runners trained for 4 weeks at baseline training distance and pace (bt), followed by 4 weeks training reduced in volume by 66%, with intensi ...20061428383
[advances in fetal medicine]. 20061563637
[lipid metabolism disorders: diagnosis and treatment. 4: drug therapy and dietary recommendations. national cholesterin-initiative]. 20061855762
[lipid metabolism disorders: diagnosis and treatment. 4: drug therapy and dietary recommendations. national cholesterin-initiative]. 20061855762
serum autoantibodies in patients with alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia and in nondemented control this study we sought to evaluate the clinical significance of serum autoantibodies to dementing processes.20061636181
hepatitis update. the delta virus. 20061539959
current treatment of ulcerative colitis.ulcerative colitis is a chronic relapsing disease which may become manifest either early or late in life. this article examines current drug treatment strategies and considers possible therapeutic options for the future.20061393216
health checks on patients 75 years and over in nottinghamshire after the new gp investigate annual health checks for patients of 75 years and over required by the 1990 contract for general practitioners.20061393076
urinary kallikrein excretion in non-insulin-dependent diabetes investigate the status of urinary kallikrein excretion (uke) in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (niddm), we measured uke in 31 niddm patients. they ranged in age from 40 to 70 years (mean, 54.3 +/- 7.8 years), comprising 18 males and 13 females. their creatinine clearance (ccr) was 91.6 +/- 5.5 ml/min, and the daily excretion rate of protein was 1.15 +/- 0.72 g/24 hours. twenty-five normal persons, aged from 37 to 63 years (mean, 51.7 +/- 8.2 years), comprising 14 males ...20061360304
[evaluation of the effect of proton pump inhibitors on stomal ulcer].four reports on proton pump inhibitors related to the clinical effects on stomal ulcer were reviewed. two reports were on omeprazole and the other two on lansoprazole, carried out in the pre-marketing stage. they are compared with two reports on h2-receptor antagonists (famotidine and ranitidine), which were also done in the pre-marketing stage. it appears that the proton pump inhibitors bring more rapid ulcer healing than h2-receptor antagonists without severe side effects, and there seems to b ...20061347326
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
common infections in the elderly.symptoms of infection in the elderly may be absent, vague or atypical. infection should be suspected when an elderly patient presents with a decline in well-being or with non-specific symptoms such as falls, dizziness, confusion, anorexia or weakness. common infections include bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract infection, intra-abdominal infections, gram-negative bacteremia and infection of decubitus ulcers. antibiotic therapy is not recommended for asymptomatic bacteriuria or locally infected d ...20061595517
[treatment of cryoglobulinemia]. 20061578700
[the prospects and problems of drug-induced anesthesia].the problem of pain has a major medico-social significance and necessitates detailed investigation both from the position of etiology and pathogenesis and new therapy methods. among many methods of pain control drug-induced anesthesia is of great importance. the multiplicity of pain requires optimal use of analgetics and their combination with other agents strictly in coordination with individual needs of the patient. special anesthesia systems are to be designed for this purpose.20061360730
getting your point across. communication wins over patients. 20051291279
[testicular cavernous lymphangioma in a 13-year-old boy]. 20051273002
single daily dose corticosteroid treatment.thirteen patients with rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis who had not previously received corticosteroids were treated with prednisolone in a single-dose each morning. insulin-hypoglycaemia tests were performed before starting steroids in each patient, and again at the conclusion of the study in twelve of the thirteen (duration of steroid treatment 8-40 m). there was no difference in the mean basal or peak levels of corticosteroids, or the mean peak of growth hormone (gh) in the tests done before ...20051275584
[legal abortion. review after introduction of outpatient abortions].the results of 618 legal abortions performed on 602 14-49 year old women are reported. 53.3% of the cases were 9-10 weeks advanced into the pregnancy, 30.8% 11-12 weeks, and 2.9% over 12. the average waiting period between the 1st visit to the physician and the abortion was 14 days. 14 abortions were performed, 1 by sectio parva and 13 by instillation of nacl 20% and evacuation of the uterus, with no complications. 604 abortions were performed by aspiration evacuation, 7 of which were followed b ...20051251516
[drug pulverizer with a spatula]. 20051231142
[instrument for trephine puncture of the frontal sinus]. 20051231141
editorial: amyloidosis and ankylosing spondylitis. 20051184567
letter: separation of creatine kinase isoenzymes by high-pressure liquid chromatography. 20051112062
[follow-up of 131i-therapy of hyperthyroidism (author's transl)]. 20051064000
[an unusual case of entero-vesical fistula caused by a foreign body].the authors describe a rare case of sigmoidovesical fistula due to a foreign body and giving trouble 30 years after the causative surgical procedure, namely an oopheroctomy. the cause of the fistula was apparently some suture material that had not been reabsorbed. surgical excision of the fistula produced a complete recovery.2005546533
a simple centrifuge column for desalting protein solutions. 2005543535
conductance of the sodium channel in myelinated nerve fibres with modified sodium inactivation.1. na current fluctuations in nodes of ranvier were measured under voltage clamp conditions as described in the preceding paper (conti, hille, neumcke, nonner & stämpfli, 1976) and analysed in terms of power spectral density calculated for frequencies between 30 hz and 5 khz. 2. external (10(-5) g/ml.) leiurus scorpion venom or anemonia toxin ii (3 x 10(-5) g/ml.) or internal 20 mm iodate were applied in order to remove or slow down inactivation in part of the na channels. the treatment increase ...20051087644
measurement of the conductance of the sodium channel from current fluctuations at the node of ranvier.single myelinated nerve fibres of rana esculenta were investigated under voltage clamp conditions at 13 degrees c. fluctuations of steady-state membrane current were measured during the last 152 msec of 190-225 msec pulses depolarizing the membrane by 8-48 mv. noise power spectral densities were calculated in the frequency range of 6-6-6757 hz. 2. external application of 150 nm tetrodotoxin (ttx) and/or 10 mm tetraethylammonium (tea) ion reduced the current fluctuations. the difference of curren ...20051087643
correlation of platelet survival time with occlusion of saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass grafts.platelet survival time is frequently shortened in patients with coronary artery disease, and it is one of several factors that might contribute to graft occlusion after saphenous vein coronary artery bypass (cab). in 35 patients with cab, average platelet survival (autologous labeling with 51chromium) was shortened in 20 with one or more saphenous vein grafts occluded and normal in 15 with all grafts open. of 15 with all grafts open, individual levels of platelet survival were normal in 10 while ...20051082802
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
histological analysis of forelimb regeneration in the california newt taricha granulosa.the regenerative ability of the forelimbs of the california rough-skinned newt, taricha granulosa was determined and compared to the same ability of the adult mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. forelimbs were amputated distally at the wrist and limbs removed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks post-amputation were examined by histological analysis. since vitamin a and its derivatives cause extreme changes in pattern formation in the regenerating amphibian limb, we decided to study the ability of ret ...20051525332
benserazide induces migraine attacks. irrelevance of concomitant hyperprolactinemia.migrainous women underwent acute administration of sulpiride (25 mg i.v.) and benserazide (125 mg per os), both drugs increasing prolactin secretion. a similar increase in prolactin levels was found following the administration of the two drugs. a typical migraine attack was observed only in the 4 women given benserazide. these data, though being preliminary, stress the scarce or irrelevant role of prolactin in the pathogenesis of the migraine attack.2005554794
[models of cerebral organization]. 20051230914
diphtheria toxin entry: protein translocation in the reverse direction. 20053072713
Displaying items 2901 - 3000 of 6009