
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
trials with rafoxanide. 5. efficacy studies against fasciola hepatica, fasciola gigantica, paramphistomum microbothrium and various nematodes in sheep. 19724670768
[intermediate hosts of paramphistomum sp]. 19725026996
gametogenesis in paramphistomum microtothrium fischoeder, 1901. 19715569879
[epizoological survey on infestation rate of helminths in korean native cattle]the authors made a study on the species and distribution of helminths in korean native cattle. the feces and internal organs from 1,755 heads were examined in slaughter plants of taejon district. the results are summarized as follows. 1. distribution and infestation rate of helminths among the collected samples are, paramphistomum spp. 68.4%, fasciola spp. 48%, eurytrema spp. 23.5%, moniezia spp. 8%, dictyocaulus spp. 3.5%, trichostrongylus spp. 12.4%, and other species 26.8%, respectively. 2. i ...197112913616
geographic distribution of gongylonema pulchrum, gongylonema verrucosum, and paramphistomum liorchis in white-tailed deer of the southeastern united states. 19705461089
histochemical observations on the spermatogenesis of the trematode, paramphistomum (explanatum) bathycotyle. 19705487417
[intestinal paramphistomiasis in ruminants. experimental infection of sheep with metacercariae and immature forms of paramphistomum cervi (schrank, 1790)]. 19705530163
anthelmintic efficacy of 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid-4'-bromanilide (hoe 296 v) against mature and immature paramphistomum microbothrium in goats. 19695381635
pathological lesions in livers of two indian sambars (cervus unicolor niger) infected with paramphistomum explanatum creplin, 1847; nasmark, 1937 gigantocotyle explanatum. 19695389383
[on the biology of paramphistomum ichikawai fukui]. 19675618667
host-parasite relationships of paramphistomum microbothrium fischoeder, 1901, in experimentally infested ruminants, with particular reference to sheep. 19675626000
a study of the epidermal structures of the miracidia of calicophoron calicophorum (fischoeder, 1901) näsmark, 1937 and paramphistomum microbothrium (fischoeder, 1901). 19676051887
[studies on phosphatase activity in some parasitic helminths]in order to obtain some informations on the nature and relative activity of the phosphatases present in various helminths, biochemical studies have been made in thirteen kinds of worm parasites including the adults and larvae (fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum, paramphistomum sp., taenia solium, taenia pisiformis, dipylidium caninum, diphyllobothrium mansoni, cysticercus cellulosae, cysticercus fasciolaris and sparganum). a comparison based on the analysis of ph-activity curves was made ...196712913552
studies on transaminase reactions in some parasitic an application of sigma-frankel methods, two transaminase systems, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, were found to operate at a mesurable rate in 2 species of nematodes(ascaris lumbricoides and ascaridia galli), 5 species of trematodes (clonorchis sinensis, fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum, paramphistomum cervi and paragonimus westermani) and 5 kinds of cestodes (diphyllobothrium mansoni, dipylidium caninum, taenia pisiformis, cysticercus cellulosae ...196612913567
[metabolism of c(14)-acetate by some trematodes]the adult trematodes, fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum and paramphistomum cervi, employed in this experiment were obtained from the cattle slaughtered at the local abbatoir. the worms selected and washed several times in normal sterilized saline solution. each about ten of intact f. hepatica, fourty of e. pancreaticum, and twenty of p. cervi were incubated in 50 cc volume of special incubation flasks with incubation medium consisting of 10 cc. of krebs-ringer phosphate buffer(ph 7.4) th ...196512913583
[metabolism of c(14)-glucose by paramphistomum cervi]the trematode paramphistomum cervi empolyed in this experiment was obtained from the reticulum of cattle slaughtered at the local abbatoir. the worms were selected and washed several times in normal sterilized saline solution. each about ten of intact worms were incubated in 50 cc volume of special incubation flasks with incubation mixture consisting of 50 cc of krebs-ringer phosohate buffer (ph 7.4) to which were added universally labeled c(14)-glucose and non-radioactive carrier glucose concen ...196512913589
paramphistomum sukumum sp.nov. and other stomach-flukes from cattle in the sukumaland area of the lake region, tanganyika. 196414170212
[further inquiries on paramphistomosis (paramphistomum cervi) in sardinia]. 196314123058
a study on paramphistomum microbothrium in khuzistan, s.w. iran. 196214013712
paramphistomum phillerouxi sp. nov. paramphistomatidae) and its development in bulinus forskalii. 196113723003
[retention of the genus bothriophoron stiles and goldberger, 1910, and restoration of the species paramphistomum bothriophoron, (braun, 1892) fischoeder, 1901, (trematoda, paramphistomatidae), a parasite of the reticulum of the madagascan zebu]. 195813571715
development of paramphistomum sukari dinnik, 1954 (trematoda: paramphistomidae) in a snail host. 195713441318
the discovery of paramphistomum hiberniae willmott, 1950 and its intermediate host in the channel islands. 195513263552
the life cycle of paramphistomum microbothrium fischoeder, 1901 (trematoda, paramphistomidae). 195413214899
paramphistomum sukari n. sp. from kenya cattle and its intermediate host. 195413214916
[infestation of bulinus contortus with cercaria schistosoma bovis (sonsino, 1876) and with paramphistomum cervi (schrank, 1790) in various seasons of the year]. 195313160216
a new species of paramphistomum from scottish cattle. 195015404731
action of hexachloroethane-bentonite suspension on the rumen fluke, paramphistomum. 194918114816
Displaying items 201 - 228 of 228