
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a comparative examination of odontogenic gene expression in both toothed and toothless amniotes.a well-known tenet of murine tooth development is that bmp4 and fgf8 antagonistically initiate odontogenesis, but whether this tenet is conserved across amniotes is largely unexplored. moreover, changes in bmp4-signaling have previously been implicated in evolutionary tooth loss in aves. here we demonstrate that bmp4, msx1, and msx2 expression is limited proximally in the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta) mandible at stages equivalent to those at which odontogenesis is initiated in mic ...201525678399
the eye of the red-eared slider turtle: morphologic observations and reference values for selected ophthalmic diagnostic perform a descriptive investigation of the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) eye, performing selected ophthalmic diagnostic tests with the aim of establishing normal reference values for this species.201525209440
infant botulism due to c. butyricum type e toxin: a novel environmental association with pet terrapins.we describe two cases of infant botulism due to clostridium butyricum producing botulinum type e neurotoxin (bont/e) and a previously unreported environmental source. the infants presented at age 11 days with poor feeding and lethargy, hypotonia, dilated pupils and absent reflexes. faecal samples were positive for c. butyricum bont/e. the infants recovered after treatment including botulism immune globulin intravenous (big-iv). c. butyricum bont/e was isolated from water from tanks housing pet ' ...201525306863
enzymes of energy metabolism in a vertebrate facultative anaerobe, pseudemys scripta. turtle heart pyruvate kinase. 20154817752
multidrug-resistant salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium monophasic variant 4,12:i:- isolated from asymptomatic wildlife in a catalonian wildlife rehabilitation center, spain.wildlife can act as long-term asymptomatic reservoirs for zoonotic bacteria, such as salmonella. the prevalence and antimicrobial-susceptibility profiles of salmonella spp. were assessed in 263 cases in wildlife from 22 animal orders from a wildlife rehabilitation center in catalonia (ne spain), september 2013-may 2014. eleven of 263 tested animals were positive for salmonella spp., representing an overall prevalence of 4.2%. prevalences by taxonomic categories were 2% in mammals, 4.7% in birds, ...201525973627
efferent innervation of turtle semicircular canal cristae: comparisons with bird and the vestibular periphery of nearly every vertebrate, cholinergic vestibular efferent neurons give rise to numerous presynaptic varicosities that target hair cells and afferent processes in the sensory neuroepithelium. although pharmacological studies have described the postsynaptic actions of vestibular efferent stimulation in several species, characterization of efferent innervation patterns and the relative distribution of efferent varicosities among hair cells and afferents are also integr ...201525560461
first reported outbreak of severe spirorchiidiasis in emys orbicularis, probably resulting from a parasite spillover event.the importance of disease-mediated invasions and the role of parasite spillover as a substantial threat to the conservation of global biodiversity are now well known. although competition between invasive sliders trachemys scripta elegans and indigenous european turtles has been extensively studied, the impact of this invasive species on diseases affecting native populations is poorly known. during winter 2012-2013 an unusual event was detected in a population of emys orbicularis (linnaeus, 1758 ...201525667339
hypoxia tolerance, nitric oxide, and nitrite: lessons from extreme animals.among vertebrates able to tolerate periods of oxygen deprivation, the painted and red-eared slider turtles (chrysemys picta and trachemys scripta) and the crucian carp (carassius carassius) are the most extreme and can survive even months of total lack of oxygen during winter. the key to hypoxia survival resides in concerted physiological responses, including strong metabolic depression, protection against oxidative damage and-in air-breathing animals-redistribution of blood flow. each of these ...201525729057
a mycoplasma species of emydidae turtles in the northeastern usa.mycoplasma infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality in captive and wild chelonians. as part of a health assessment of endangered bog turtles (glyptemys muhlenbergii) in the northeastern us, choanal and cloacal swabs from these and other sympatric species, including spotted turtles (clemmys guttata), eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina), wood turtles (glyptemys insculpta), and common snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina) from 10 sampling sites in the states (us) of d ...201525574806
correspondence between visually evoked voltage-sensitive dye signals and synaptic activity recorded in cortical pyramidal cells with intracellular, multiple-site optical recording of voltage-sensitive dye (vsd) signals and intracellular microelectrode recordings were combined to characterize visually evoked neuronal responses in the visual cortex of the pond turtle, pseudemys scripta. by using an in vitro, eye-brain preparation stained with the merocyanine oxazolone voltage-sensitive dye, nk-2495 or a close analog, nk-2761, large vsd signals relatively free of vibrational noise could be recorded in single trials following a stroboscop ...20158903037
co-localization of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity and 3h-glycine uptake system in sustained amacrine cells of turtle retina.amacrine cells are axonless intrinsic neurones of the vertebrate retina which have cell bodies in the proximal inner nuclear layer and processes contributing to the synaptic network of the inner plexiform layer. they receive input from bipolar, interplexiform and other amacrine cells, and synapse onto these and ganglion cells. amino acid and monoamine transmitters are found in most retinal neurones, but peptide transmitters are exclusively located in amacrine cells. only one neuropeptide, amino ...20156387506
dietary exposure of bde-47 and bde-99 and effects on behavior, bioenergetics, and thyroid function in juvenile red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) and common snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina).juvenile red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) and snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina) were fed food dosed with brominated diphenyl ether-47 (bde-47) or bde-99 for 6 mo beginning approximately 9 mo posthatch. during the exposure period, measurements of growth, bioenergetics, and behavior were made; thyroid function and accumulation were quantified postexposure. whole-body concentrations of both congeners were lower in red-eared sliders compared with snapping turtles after 6 mo of expo ...201425210006
substrate color-induced melanization in eight turtle species from four chelonian groups.background color convergence of prey occurring through local adaptation or phenotypically plastic responses can reduce predation rates by visual predators. we assessed the capacity for substrate color-induced melanization in eight turtle species within the groups chelydridae, emydidae, kinosternidae, and trionychidae by rearing individuals on black or white substrates for 160 days. in all aquatic turtle species, integuments of the head and carapace of the individuals that were reared on a black ...201424993507
nitric oxide metabolites during anoxia and reoxygenation in the anoxia-tolerant vertebrate trachemys scripta.moderate elevations of nitrite and nitric oxide (no) protect mammalian tissues against ischemia (anoxia)-reperfusion damage by inhibiting mitochondrial electron transport complexes and reducing the formation of reactive oxygen species (ros) upon reoxygenation. crucian carp appear to exploit this mechanism by upregulating nitrite and other nitrite/no metabolites (s-nitroso and iron-nitrosyl compounds) in several tissues when exposed to anoxia. we investigated whether this is a common strategy amo ...201424143029
effects of ranavirus infection of red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) on plasma proteins.ranavirus is an emerging disease that infects fish, amphibians, and reptiles. ranavirus induces an inflammatory response leading to death in many susceptible species. red-eared sliders (res; trachemys scripta elegans) are vulnerable to ranavirus infection and are economically significant chelonians kept in the pet trade and utilized in research. early identification of res with inflammatory diseases would allow for isolation of affected individuals and subsequent disease investigation, including ...201425000690
transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts.transmission is an essential process that contributes to the survival of pathogens. ranaviruses are known to infect different classes of lower vertebrates including amphibians, fishes and reptiles. differences in the likelihood of infection among ectothermic vertebrate hosts could explain the successful yearlong persistence of ranaviruses in aquatic environments. the goal of this study was to determine if transmission of a frog virus 3 (fv3)-like ranavirus was possible among three species from d ...201424667325
lh secretion in response to gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) by superfused pituitaries from two species of turtles.a superfusion system was employed to study the dynamics of the responses of lh secretion to gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) by anterior pituitary glands (quartered) from adult turtles, pseudemys scripta and chrysemys picta. responsiveness was highly variable in both species, but in many cases, the tissues showed marked responses to relatively low doses (2-20 ng/ml) of gnrh. gnrh had no effect on lh secretion in five female p. scripta tested in the month of august, whereas it stimulated mos ...20143899857
cellular physiology of the turtle visual cortex: distinctive properties of pyramidal and stellate neurons.the electrophysiological properties of neurons in the three-layered dorsal cortex of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, have been studied in vitro. intracellular recordings suggested two distinct classes of neuronal behavior. cell labeling with either lucifer yellow or horseradish peroxidase revealed that these behaviors correlated with the two morphological classes of cortical neurons: pyramidal cells and stellate cells. examination of golgi-stained neurons of dorsal cortex did not uncover ...20143944618
enterobacterial colonization in captive red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans).the handling of turtles and other reptiles can be associated with risk of pathogenic enterobacteria transmission, mainly salmonella spp. the aim of this study was to identify the enterobacteria in cloacal swabs of 39 red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans). cloacal swabs from 39 captive individuals were analyzed. after sample enrichment in brain-heart infusion broth and 1% peptone water, bacterial isolation was performed through cultivation in blood, macconkey and xylose lysine desoxychola ...201425632683
relation of spectral types to oil droplets in cones of turtle retina.the spectral sensitivities and color of oil droplets of cone photoreceptors in the retina of the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) were investigated by intracellular recording and injections of lucifer yellow dye. six morphological types of cones could be distinguished by the color of the oil droplets located in the outermost inner segments. single cones containing either red or pale green oil droplets were sensitive to red light, cones with yellow oil droplets to green, and cones wit ...20144023716
activation of the carbohydrate response element binding protein (chrebp) in response to anoxia in the turtle trachemys scripta elegans.chrebp (carbohydrate response element binding protein) is a glucose-responsive transcription factor that is known to be an important regulator of glycolytic and lipogenic genes in response to glucose. we hypothesized that activation of chrebp could be relevant to anoxia survival by the anoxia-tolerant turtle, trachemys scripta elegans.201424931694
adenosinergic regulation of the cardiovascular system in the red-eared slider trachemys scripta.few studies have investigated adenosinergic regulation of the cardiovascular system in reptiles. the haemodynamic effect of a bolus intra-arterial adenosine injection (2.5 μm kg⁻¹) was investigated in nine anaesthetised red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta). adenosine caused a transient bradycardia, which was accompanied by systemic vasodilatation as evidenced by an increase in systemic flow and a decrease in systemic pressure. meanwhile, pulmonary flow fell significantly. both the bradycardia a ...201424726607
modelling favourability for invasive species encroachment to identify areas of native species vulnerability.we assessed the vulnerability of the native mediterranean pond turtle to encroachment by the invasive red-eared slider in southern spain. we first obtained an ecogeographical favourability model for the mediterranean pond turtle. we then modelled the presence/absence of the red-eared slider in the mediterranean pond turtle range and obtained an encroachment favourability model. we also obtained a favourability model for the red-eared slider using the ecogeographical favourability for the mediter ...201424719577
recognition of an important water quality issue at zoos: prevalence and potential threat of toxic cyanobacteria.zoo animals may be particularly vulnerable to water sources contaminated with cyanobacterial toxins given their nonvoluntary close association with this resource. however, the prevalence and potential threat of toxic cyanobacteria in this setting are unknown. several otherwise unexplained yellow-bellied slider (trachemys scripta scripta) deaths were documented in a zoo moat with recurring blooms of toxic microcystis aeruginosa. furthermore, an extremely high and potentially lethal concentration ...201424712178
a high-throughput protocol for message rna quantification using rna dot-blots.this study develops a method to rapidly measure the relative abundance of mrna in total rna samples using a dot-blotting technique and biotin-labeled detection probes that recognize the polyadenylate tail on mrna. we demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique by determining the relative total amounts of mrna in three tissues of turtles (trachemys scripta elegans) exposed to normoxic versus anoxic conditions. the data emphasize the usefulness of the method for the simple and rapid analysis o ...201424560727
upregulation of hsp72 mediates anoxia/reoxygenation neuroprotection in the freshwater turtle via modulation of ros.the neuroprotective role of hsp72 has been demonstrated in several ischemic/stroke models to occur primarily through mediation of apoptotic pathways, and a number of heat shock proteins are upregulated in animal models capable of extended anoxic survival. in the present study, we investigated the role of hsp72 on cell death and apoptotic regulators in one anoxia tolerant model system, the freshwater turtle trachemys scripta. since hsp72 is known to regulate apoptosis through interactions with bc ...201425107858
embryonic pcb exposure alters phenotypic, genetic, and epigenetic profiles in turtle sex determination, a biomarker of environmental species with temperature-dependent sex determination, embryonic gonadal differentiation can be modified by exposure to exogenous chemicals such as environmental contaminants. although phenotypic outcomes of such events are well documented, the underlying molecular mechanisms are rarely described. here we examine the genetic and epigenetic effect of the embryonic exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) on gonad differentiation in red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta). some pcb cong ...201425105783
honest sexual signaling in turtles: experimental evidence of a trade-off between immune response and coloration in red-eared sliders trachemys scripta elegans.sexual signals can be evolutionarily stable if they are honest and condition dependent or costly to the signaler. one possible cost is the existence of a trade-off between maintaining the immune system and the elaboration of ornaments. this hypothesis has been experimentally tested in some groups of animals but not in others such as turtles. we experimentally challenged the immune system of female red-eared sliders trachemys scripta elegans, with a bacterial antigen (lipopolysaccharide (lps)) wi ...201425091549
chronology, magnitude and duration of expression of putative sex-determining/differentiation genes in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination.the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta) possesses temperature-dependent sex determination (tsd) in which the incubation temperature determines gonadal sex. although a number of mammalian gene homologues have been identified in reptiles with tsd, the exact sex-determining trigger(s) is not known. to date, the current study represents the most comprehensive simultaneous evaluation of the chronology of mrna expression profiles of putative sex-determining/differentiation genes (dmrt1, sox9, ...201425427533
maternal transfer and embryonic assimilation of trace elements in freshwater turtles after remediation of a coal fly-ash spill.oviparous vertebrates maternally transfer elements to their offspring during egg production. maternal transfer occurs because elements mimic, or are incorporated into, nutrients allocated to eggs, but likely differs among species depending on the quantities of specific nutrients allocated to eggs. developing embryos are often assumed to assimilate all of the elements allocated to eggs, but this assumption has rarely been tested. we tested the hypothesis that maternal transfer and embryonic assim ...201425089891
an alternative staining method for counting red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta) blood cells using crystal violet in cells diluted with 0.45% sodium chloride.various staining methods are available for reptilian species blood cell quantification. however, these methods have shown inaccurate differentiation limitations. the current study evaluates staining effects and blood cell counting results using an alternative method, counting blood cells diluted with 0.45% sodium chloride solution and stained with crystal violet. blood samples from 8 red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta) were collected. red and white blood cell counts were performed using ...201425080443
genomic organization and identification of promoter regions for the bdnf gene in the pond turtle trachemys scripta elegans.brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) is an important regulator of neuronal development and synaptic function. the bdnf gene undergoes significant activity-dependent regulation during learning. here, we identified the bdnf promoter regions, transcription start sites, and potential regulatory sequences for bdnf exons i-iii that may contribute to activity-dependent gene and protein expression in the pond turtle trachemys scripta elegans (tbdnf). by using transfection of bdnf promoter/luciferase ...201424443176
radial glia in the proliferative ventricular zone of the embryonic and adult turtle, trachemys scripta better understand the role of radial glial (rg) cells in the evolution of the mammalian cerebral cortex, we investigated the role of rg cells in the dorsal cortex and dorsal ventricular ridge of the turtle, trachemys scripta elegans. unlike mammals, the glial architecture of adult reptile consists mainly of ependymoradial glia, which share features with mammalian rg cells, and which may contribute to neurogenesis that continues throughout the lifespan of the turtle. to evaluate the morphology ...201427504470
bending mechanics of the red-eared slider turtle carapace.the turtle shell is a natural shield that possesses complex hierarchical structure, giving rise to superior mechanical properties. the keratin-covered boney top (dorsal) part of the shell, termed carapace, is composed of rigid sandwich-like ribs made of a central foam-like interior flanked by two external cortices. the ribs are attached to one another in a 3-d interdigitated manner at soft unmineralized collagenous sutures. this unique structural combination promotes sophisticated mechanical res ...201424333673
predetermination of sexual fate in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination.egg incubation temperature determines offspring sex in many reptilian species, including red-eared slider turtles, where embryos incubated at low temperatures during the initial stages of gonad formation develop as males, while those kept at higher temperatures develop as females. incubation at the threshold, or pivotal, temperature (pvt) yields an even ratio of males and females. this strong susceptibility to temperature indicates that each embryo of this species is competent to develop as a ma ...201424316144
morphological and mechanical changes in juvenile red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) shells during ontogeny.turtles experience numerous modifications in the morphological, physiological, and mechanical characteristics of their shells through ontogeny. although a general picture is available of the nature of these modifications, few quantitative studies have been conducted on changes in turtle shell shape through ontogeny, and none on changes in strength or rigidity. this study investigates the morphological and mechanical changes that juvenile trachemys scripta elegans undergo as they increase in size ...201424301373
conserved action of β-catenin during female fate determination in the red-eared slider reptiles such as the red-eared slider turtle trachemys scripta, development of an ovary from the bipotential gonad requires a coordinated expansion of the cortical domain and regression of the medulla. while estrogen, which is necessary and sufficient for ovarian development in non-mammalian vertebrates, is thought to feminize both compartments, it remains unclear whether there is a signaling relationship between the two domains that coordinates their fates. we show that aromatase, the estrog ...201425098635
pupil constriction evoked in vitro by stimulation of the oculomotor nerve in the turtle (trachemys scripta elegans).the pond turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) exhibits a notably sluggish pupillary light reflex (plr), with pupil constriction developing over several minutes following light onset. in the present study, we examined the dynamics of the efferent branch of the reflex in vitro using preparations consisting of either the isolated head or the enucleated eye. stimulation of the oculomotor nerve (niii) using 100-hz current trains resulted in a maximal pupil constriction of 17.4% compared to 27.1% observ ...201419523265
feeding kinematics of freshwater turtles: what advantage do invasive species possess?the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta) is an invasive turtle species that is displacing the populations of native freshwater turtles in many countries. however, the mechanism that makes red-eared sliders superior competitors has been less well studied. in this study, we compare the feeding kinematics of the red-eared slider with those of reeves' pond turtle (mauremys reevesii), a turtle native to east asia, and offer an explanation as to why red-eared sliders are superior in food competition. ...201425156933
[tropical turtles chromosomes: kinosternon leucostomum, trachemys scripta and staurotypus triporcatus (testudines: kinosternidae/emydidae)].mexico is a biodiverse country in several taxa as reptiles, that include several species of freshwater and marine turtles. eventhough most of this group species are under protection, tabasco state has nine native freshwater turtles, like kinosternon leucostomum, trachemys scripta and staurotypus triporcatus that are very important in traditional dishes. this has resulted in a critical level of their populations, together with little biological knowledge for their conservation. therefore, this st ...201425102649
alfaxalone as an induction agent for anaesthesia in terrapins and tortoises.the aim of this study was to evaluate short-term intravenous anaesthesia with alfaxalone in chelonians. in the first part of the study, alfaxalone at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg was administered intravenously to 10 adult female red-eared terrapins (trachemys scripta elegans) following 24 hours of fasting. the induction time, tracheal tube insertion time, surgical plane of anaesthesia interval, and full recovery time were recorded. the head, neck and leg withdrawal reflex was lost within 21.09±8.07 se ...201424989034
highly pathogenic salmonella pomona was first isolated from the exotic red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans) in the wild in china: implications for public health.salmonella pomona, a highly pathogenic serotype, can cause severe human salmonellosis, especially in children. turtles and other reptiles are reservoirs for s. pomona, and these cold-blooded animals remain a source of human salmonella infections. since the 1980s, this serotype has become a significant public health concern because of the increasing number of cases of s. pomona infection in humans. to date, outbreaks of salmonella pomona infection in humans have mainly occurred in the united stat ...201424012893
reference values for the production of the aqueous fraction of the tear film measured by the standardized endodontic absorbent paper point test in different exotic and laboratory animal species.the aqueous fraction of the tear film and the horizontal palpebral fissure length (hpfl) were measured in exotic and laboratory animals, specifically saffron finches (sicalis flaveola), chestnut-bellied seed-finches (sporophila angolensis), red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), rats (rattus norvegicus) and mice (mus musculus). these species possess small eyes making it difficult to perform the typical schirmer tear test. measurement of the aqueous fraction of the tear was performed usin ...201423464753
dense distributed processing in a hindlimb scratch motor reduced preparations, hindlimb movements can be generated by a minimal network of neurons in the limb innervating spinal segments. the network of neurons that generates real movements is less well delineated. in an ex vivo carapace-spinal cord preparation from adult turtles (trachemys scripta elegans), we show that ventral horn interneurons in mid-thoracic spinal segments are functionally integrated in the hindlimb scratch network. first, mid-thoracic interneurons receive intense synaptic inp ...201425100606
evaluation of rebound tonometry in red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans).to evaluate feasibility and accuracy of intraocular pressure (iop) measurement by rebound tonometry in adult red-eared slider turtles and determine the effects of manual and chemical restraint on iop.201425097909
purinoceptors exert negative inotropic effects on the heart in all major groups of reptiles.the few and fragmentary studies on purinergic regulation of the reptile heart have reached equivocal conclusions. indeed, unlike fish, amphibians, and mammals, it has been suggested that the turtle heart lacks purinoceptors. here, we study the effect of adenosine and atp on isolated heart strips from three species of reptiles: the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta), the ball python (python regius) and the spectacled caiman (caiman crocodilus). both adenosine and atp markedly decreased contract ...201424521885
mercury concentrations in tissues of colombian slider turtles, trachemys callirostris, from northern colombia.this study determined the total mercury (thg) concentrations in pectoral muscle, blood and carapace tissue in turtles collected from magangué and lorica, colombia. thg concentrations in μg/g (wet weight) were 0.39 ± 0.16 in muscle, 0.15 ± 0.08 in carapace and 0.07 ± 0.03 in blood for turtles from the magdalena river and 0.25 ± 0.18 in muscle, 0.14 ± 0.09 in carapace and 0.06 ± 0.04 in blood for turtles from the sinú river. twenty-nine and ten percent of turtle muscle samples from magangué and lo ...201424458244
coelioscopic orchiectomy can be effectively and safely accomplished in chelonians.coelioscopic orchiectomy was performed in 27 male turtles (25 juvenile to adult red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), one adult eastern painted turtle (chrysems picta picta), and one juvenile male yellow-spotted amazon river turtle (podocnemis unifilis)). orchiectomy was conducted under coelioscopic visualisation using ligation and transection of the mesorchium, or transection of the mesorchium with monopolar radiosurgical scissors. in 22 cases, bilateral orchiectomy was performed throu ...201323559425
stable isotopes of c and n reveal habitat dependent dietary overlap between native and introduced turtles pseudemys rubriventris and trachemys scripta.habitat degradation and species introductions are two of the leading causes of species declines on a global scale. invasive species negatively impact native species through predation and competition for limited resources. the impacts of invasive species may be increased in habitats where habitat degradation is higher due to reductions of prey abundance and distribution. using stable isotope analyses and extensive measurements of resource availability we determined how resource availability impac ...201323675437
physical reparative treatment in reptiles.the tissue growth necessary to achieve a complete or partial restitution ad integrum as a result of injury to soft tissue and/or hard times in reptiles is variable and often needs long time in relation to the species, to the habitat and to their intrinsic physiological characteristics. the purpose of this work was to see if the tissue optimization (to) treatment with radio electric asymmetric conveyer (reac) provided good results in these animals and whether its use translates into reduced time ...201323442770
new insights into the reptilian catecholaminergic systems as revealed by antibodies against the neurotransmitters and their synthetic enzymes.the catecholaminergic systems in the lizard gekko gecko and the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans have been studied with specific and sensitive antibodies against the neurotransmitters dopamine (da) and noradrenaline (na) and the biosynthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (th), dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh) and phenylethanolamine-n-methyltransferase. our results demonstrate that: (1) the hypothalamic periventricular organ contains both da and na cerebrospinal fluid-contacting cells. these cells ...20131969276
metabolism of pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in freshwater turtles.reptile population decrease is an alarming trend all around the world. yet little is known about the role of xenobiotics in this decrease. in this study, we investigated the metabolism of pyrene in three freshwater turtle species (red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans), chinese pond turtles (mauremys reevesii) and chinese softshell turtles (pelodiscus sinensis). compared to other vertebrates, all turtles showed an unique metabolite distribution, pyrene-1-sulfate being the main metabolite. ...201323631161
partial characterization of a new adenovirus lineage discovered in testudinoid the usa and in hungary, almost simultaneously, adenoviruses of a putative novel lineage were detected by pcr and sequencing in turtles belonging to four different species (including two subspecies) of the superfamily testudinoidea. in the usa, partial sequence of the adenoviral dna-dependent dna polymerase was obtained from samples of a captive pancake tortoise (malacochersus tornieri), four eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina) and two red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans ...201323567817
varying hydric conditions during incubation influence egg water exchange and hatchling phenotype in the red-eared slider turtle.environmental conditions within the nest, notably temperature and moisture of substrate, exert a powerful influence during embryogenesis in oviparous reptiles. the influence of fluctuating nest temperatures has been experimentally examined in different reptile species; however, similar experiments using moisture as the key variable are lacking. in this article, we examine the effect of various substrate moisture regimes during incubation on different traits (egg mass, incubation length, and hatc ...201318419559
sympathetic influence on the pupillary light response in three red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans).we investigated the effects of phenylephrine and its combination with vecuronium bromide on the iris of turtles to determine if the pupillary light response is affected by sympathetic innervation.201319046290
increased activity of pre-motor network does not change the excitability of motoneurons during protracted scratch initiation.intrinsic response properties of neurons change during network activity. these changes may reinforce the initiation of particular forms of network activity. if so, the involvement of neurons in particular behaviours in multifunctional networks could be determined by up- or down-regulation of their intrinsic excitability. here we employed an experimental paradigm of protracted scratch initiation in the integrated carapace-spinal cord preparation of adult turtles (chrysemys scripta elegans). the p ...201323339173
micro-structure and mechanical properties of the turtle carapace as a biological composite shield.turtle shell is a multi-scale bio-composite in which the components are arranged in various spatial patterns, leading to an unusually strong and durable structure. the keratin-coated dorsal shell, termed the carapace, exhibits a flat bone, sandwich-like structure made up of two exterior cortices enclosing a cancellous interior. this unique structure was developed by nature to protect the reptile from predator attacks by sustaining impact loads and dissipating energy. in the present study we atte ...201323271040
isolation technique and proteomic analysis of the erythrocyte ghosts of red-eared turtle (trachemys scripta).to proceed proteomic analysis of erythrocyte of the red-eared turtle trachemys scripta, a method for obtaining turtle erythrocyte ghosts (teg) was first developed. after hypotonic lysis using a special buffer, forcing the erythrocyte through the syringe with an "n"-shaped needle, applying low speed homogenizing and differential centrifugation, highly purified teg fractions were obtained. the isolated teg proteins were treated with in-gel digestion separated by sds-page or in-solution digestion f ...201323160936
activation of the unfolded protein response during anoxia exposure in the turtle trachemys scripta slider turtles, trachemys scripta elegans, can survive for several weeks without oxygen when submerged in cold water. we hypothesized that anaerobiosis is aided by adaptive up-regulation of the unfolded protein response (upr), a stress-responsive pathway that is activated by accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (er) and functions to restore er homeostasis. rt-pcr, western immunoblotting and dna-binding assays were used to quantify the responses and/or activati ...201323124854
regulation of p53 by reversible post-transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms in liver and skeletal muscle of an anoxia tolerant turtle, trachemys scripta elegans.the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta elegans) exhibits well-developed natural anoxia tolerance that depends on multiple biochemical adaptations, including anoxia-induced hypometabolism. we hypothesized that signaling by the p53 protein could aid in establishing the hypometabolic state by arresting the cell cycle, protecting against dna damage as well as altering pathways of energy metabolism. immunoblotting was used to evaluate the regulation and post-transcriptional modifications of p ...201323124036
humoral immune responses are maintained with age in a long-lived ectotherm, the red-eared slider turtle.aging is typically associated with a decrease in immune function. however, aging does not affect each branch of the immune system equally. because of these varying effects of age on immune responses, aging could affect taxa differently based on how the particular taxon employs its resources towards different components of immune defense. an example of this is found in the humoral immune system. specific responses tend to decrease with age while non-specific, natural antibody responses increase w ...201323077164
prevalence of selected pathogens in western pond turtles and sympatric introduced red-eared sliders in california, usa.pathogen introduction by invasive species has been speculated to be a cause of declining western pond turtle emys marmorata populations in california, usa. this study determined the prevalence of ranavirus spp., herpesvirus spp., mycoplasma spp. (via polymerase chain reaction of blood and nasal flush contents), and salmonella spp. infection (via fecal culture) in native e. marmorata and invasive red-eared sliders trachemys scripta elegans and compared infection prevalence in e. marmorata populat ...201324270022
[spectra analysis reveals the sexual dichromatism of red-eared slider turtle(trachemys scripta)].in this study,spectra analysis was conducted to investigate the sexual dichromatism and relationship between body color and quality of the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta). visual modeling revealed that the differences of the hues of body colors' ultraviolet (uv) components between male and female were significant. moreover, the visible(vis)components of the hues of forelimbs were correlated with body qualities of male but not of female. our results indicated that uv might act as a si ...201324115659
effects of body position and extension of the neck and extremities on lung volume measured via computed tomography in red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans).to determine the effects of body position and extension of the neck and extremities on ct measurements of ventilated lung volume in red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans).201324094268
prevalence of antibiotic-resistant gram-negative bacteria associated with the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans).free-ranging red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) were captured from farm ponds located in the flint hills of kansas and a zoo pond in emporia, kansas, usa, to evaluate their enteric bacterial flora and associated antibiotic resistance. bacteria obtained from cloacal swabs were composed of six different gram-negative genera. although antibiotic resistance was present in turtles captured from both locations, 40 and 49% of bacteria demonstrated multiple antibiotic resistance to four of th ...201324063095
in ovo inhibition of steroid metabolism by bisphenol-a as a potential mechanism of endocrine disruption.during embryonic development, endogenous signals, for example steroid hormones, and exogenous signals, for example endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs), have the capacity to produce phenotypic effects that persist into adulthood. as the actions of steroids are mediated through the binding of steroid receptors, most studies of edcs have assumed that they too elicit their effects by binding steroid receptors. we tested an alternative hypothesis, namely that edcs elicit their effects during embryo ...201324004940
hemoglobin isoform differentiation and allosteric regulation of oxygen binding in the turtle, trachemys scripta.when freshwater turtles acclimatize to winter hibernation, there is a gradual transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, which may require adjustments of blood o2 transport before turtles become anoxic. here, we report the effects of protons, anionic cofactors, and temperature on the o2-binding properties of isolated hemoglobin (hb) isoforms, hba and hbd, in the turtle trachemys scripta. we determined the primary structures of the constituent subunits of the two hb isoforms, and we related ...201323986362
episodic ventilation lowers the efficiency of pulmonary co2 excretion.the ventilation pattern of many ectothermic vertebrates, as well as hibernating and diving endotherms, is episodic where breaths are clustered in bouts interspersed among apneas of varying duration. using mechanically ventilated, anesthetized freshwater turtles (trachemys scripta), a species that normally exhibits this episodic ventilation pattern, we investigated whether episodic ventilation affects pulmonary gas exchange compared with evenly spaced breaths. in two separate series of experiment ...201323970538
beating oxygen: chronic anoxia exposure reduces mitochondrial f1fo-atpase activity in turtle (trachemys scripta) heart.the freshwater turtle trachemys scripta can survive in the complete absence of o2 (anoxia) for periods lasting several months. in mammals, anoxia leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, which culminates in cellular necrosis and apoptosis. despite the obvious clinical benefits of understanding anoxia tolerance, little is known about the effects of chronic oxygen deprivation on the function of turtle mitochondria. in this study, we compared mitochondrial function in hearts of t. scripta exposed to eit ...201323926310
characterization of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase during anoxia in the tolerant turtle, trachemys scripta elegans: an assessment of enzyme activity, expression and of the most adaptive facultative anaerobes among vertebrates is the freshwater turtle, trachemys scripta elegans. upon a decrease in oxygen supply and oxidative phosphorylation, these turtles are able to reduce their metabolic rate and recruit anaerobic glycolysis to meet newly established atp demands. within the glycolytic pathway, aldolase enzymes cleave fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to triose phosphates facilitating an increase in anaerobic production of atp. importantly, this enzyme exists p ...201323874782
identification of a functionally distinct truncated bdnf mrna splice variant and protein in trachemys scripta elegans.brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) has a diverse functional role and complex pattern of gene expression. alternative splicing of mrna transcripts leads to further diversity of mrnas and protein isoforms. here, we describe the regulation of bdnf mrna transcripts in an in vitro model of eyeblink classical conditioning and a unique transcript that forms a functionally distinct truncated bdnf protein isoform. nine different mrna transcripts from the bdnf gene of the pond turtle trachemys scrip ...201323825634
pharmacodynamics of alfaxalone after single-dose intramuscular administration in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans): a comparison of two different doses at two different ambient temperatures.this study compares the pharmacodynamics of two different doses of alfaxalone administered intramuscularly (im) to red-eared sliders at two ambient temperatures.201323815147
role of the trochlear nerve in eye abduction and frontal vision of the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta elegans).horizontal head rotation evokes significant responses from trochlear motoneurons of turtle that suggests they have a functional role in abduction of the eyes like that in frontal-eyed mammals. the finding is unexpected given that the turtle is generally considered lateral-eyed and assumed to have eye movements instead like that of lateral-eyed mammals, in which innervation of the superior oblique muscle by the trochlear nerve (niv) produces intorsion, elevation, and adduction (not abduction). us ...201323681972
correlation between heavy metals and turtle abundance in ponds near the paducah gaseous diffusion plant, kentucky, usa.reptiles are declining globally, and environmental contamination has been suggested as a contributing factor; however, few studies have investigated the relationship between contamination and reptile populations. we performed a mark-recapture study at ponds near the paducah gaseous diffusion plant (pgdp), kentucky, to determine if heavy metals had an impact on turtle populations. we measured concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and mercury in red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scri ...201323644581
absence of post-lesion reactive gliosis in elasmobranchs and turtles and its bearing on the evolution of the mature mammalian and avian central nervous systems, neuronal destructions are followed by reactive gliosis, but data on other vertebrates are rather controversial. mammals and birds belong to different amniote groups (synapsida and diapsida, respectively), but exhibit common general features in their glial architecture, mainly the predominance of astrocytes. two vertebrate groups seem to be in special positions of glial evolution: turtles (testudiniformes) and skates and rays (batoidea). ...201323640845
sulfonation of maternal steroids is a conserved metabolic pathway in vertebrates.all vertebrate embryos develop in the presence of maternally derived steroids, and maternal steroids have been hypothesized to link phenotype of the offspring to maternal physiology. in placental vertebrates, it is known that maternally derived steroids are metabolized during development via the sulfonation pathway. we used eggs from the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta) to determine whether the same metabolic pathway is used to metabolize maternally derived steroids in an oviparous ve ...201323620254
purification and properties of white muscle lactate dehydrogenase from the anoxia-tolerant turtle, the red-eared slider, trachemys scripta elegans.lactate dehydrogenase (ldh; e.c. is a crucial enzyme involved in energy metabolism in muscle, facilitating the production of atp via glycolysis during oxygen deprivation by recycling nad(+). the present study investigated purified ldh from the muscle of 20 h anoxic and normoxic t. s. elegans, and ldh from anoxic muscle showed a significantly lower (47%) k m for l-lactate and a higher v max value than the normoxic form. several lines of evidence indicated that ldh was converted to a low ...201323533717
changes in gonadal gene network by exogenous ligands in temperature-dependent sex determination.we examined the expression of candidate sex-determining genes in the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta) during the temperature-sensitive period (tsp). aromatase and rspo1 were used as markers of ovarian differentiation and sox9 was used as a marker of testicular differentiation. eggs were incubated at a male-producing temperature (26 °c or mpt) and a female-producing temperature (31 °c or fpt). first, eggs at the beginning of the tsp (stage 16) were topically treated with the steroid ho ...201323532621
intramuscular administration of alfaxalone in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans)--effects of dose and body characterise the effects of alfaxalone by intramuscular (i.m.) injection in red-eared slider turtles and the influence of body temperature on anaesthetic duration and depth.201322726306
anoxia-responsive regulation of the foxo transcription factors in freshwater turtles, trachemys scripta elegans.the forkhead class o (foxo) transcription factors are important regulators of multiple aspects of cellular metabolism. we hypothesized that activation of these transcription factors could play crucial roles in low oxygen survival in the anoxia-tolerant turtle, trachemys scripta elegans.201323850471
the embryonic transcriptome of the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta).the bony shell of the turtle is an evolutionary novelty not found in any other group of animals, however, research into its formation has suggested that it has evolved through modification of conserved developmental mechanisms. although these mechanisms have been extensively characterized in model organisms, the tools for characterizing them in non-model organisms such as turtles have been limited by a lack of genomic resources. we have used a next generation sequencing approach to generate and ...201323840449
golgi study of medium spiny neurons from dorsolateral striatum of the turtle trachemys scripta elegans.comparative anatomy has shown similarities between reptilian and mammalian basal ganglia. here the morphological characteristics of the medium spiny neurons (msn) in the dorsolateral striatum (dls) of the turtle are described after staining them with the golgi technique. the soma of msn in dls showed three main forms: spherical, ovoid, and fusiform. the number of primary dendritic branches (3-4 dendrites/cell) was less than observed in mammals. the msn axon originates mainly from the soma, and r ...201324513300
golgi study of medium spiny neurons from dorsolateral striatum of the turtle trachemys scripta elegans.comparative anatomy has shown similarities between reptilian and mammalian basal ganglia. here the morphological characteristics of the medium spiny neurons (msn) in the dorsolateral striatum (dls) of the turtle are described after staining them with the golgi technique. the soma of msn in dls showed three main forms: spherical, ovoid, and fusiform. the number of primary dendritic branches (3-4 den-drites/cell) was less than observed in mammals. the msn axon originates mainly from the soma, and ...201324511608
the efficacy of intracoelomic fospropofol in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans).intravenous anesthetic delivery in reptiles can be challenging. current injectable techniques have varied induction/recovery times and anesthetic quality. this study hypothesized that intracoelomic administration of a new anesthetic, fospropofol, in turtles would result in dose-dependent anesthesia and respiratory depression. a two-part prospective trial using adult red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans) weighing 764 +/- 17 g was conducted to determine an effective anesthetic dose ...201324450053
the kinetic properties and sensitivity to pyruvate inhibition of tissue lactate dehydrogenase in diving and nondiving reptiles.the kinetic properties and susceptibility to pyruvate inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) were examined in three tissues of the freshwater turtle, pseudemys scripta, and two snake species, elaphe obsoleta and nerodia rhombifera. brain and heart ldh activity of the snakes surpassed that of pseudemys at pyruvate concentrations between 0.03 and 0.50 mm. the snakes also had lower apparent km and higher vmax values than pseudemys. liver ldh activity, apparent km, and vmax were highest in elaphe ...20133568616
pathogenicity of frog virus 3-like virus in red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans) at two environmental temperatures.ranaviral disease has affected several species of reptiles, but disease progression and mortality in relation to environmental temperature has yet to be determined. in this study, two separate trials challenged adult female red-eared slider turtles (trachemys scripta elegans) with a ranavirus (frog virus 3-like virus; fv3) isolate at environmental temperatures of 22 °c (n = 4) and 28 °c (n = 4). the mortality rates in the turtles in the 22 °c and 28 °c trials were 100% and 50%, respectively. med ...201323582975
forelimb muscle function in pig-nosed turtles, carettochelys insculpta: testing neuromotor conservation between rowing and flapping in swimming turtles.changes in muscle activation patterns can lead to new locomotor modes; however, neuromotor conservation-the evolution of new forms of locomotion through changes in structure without concurrent changes to underlying motor patterns-has been documented across diverse styles of locomotion. animals that swim using appendages do so via rowing (anteroposterior oscilations) or flapping (dorsoventral oscilations). yet few studies have compared motor patterns between these swimming modes. in swimming turt ...201323966596
forelimb kinematics during swimming in the pig-nosed turtle, carettochelys insculpta, compared with other turtle taxa: rowing versus flapping, convergence versus intermediacy.animals that swim using appendages do so by way of rowing and/or flapping motions. often considered discrete categories, rowing and flapping are more appropriately regarded as points along a continuum. the pig-nosed turtle, carettochelys insculpta, is unusual in that it is the only freshwater turtle to have limbs modified into flippers and swim via synchronous forelimb motions that resemble dorsoventral flapping, traits that evolved independently from their presence in sea turtles. we used high- ...201323125335
temporal dispersion windows in cortical neurons.a temporal dispersion window is the time required for a volley of action potentials on presynaptic axons to cross the dendritic arbor of a postsynaptic neuron. the volley produces a series of unitary postsynaptic potentials (psps) on the postsynaptic neuron. temporal dispersion is, thus, one factor that can influence the integration of unitary psps and the production of action potentials in cortical neurons. temporal dispersion windows for neurons in the visual cortex of the freshwater turtle, p ...201310482003
anatomy of the fully formed chondrocranium of emydura subglobosa (chelidae): a pleurodiran turtle.the chondrocranium is a cartilaginous structure that forms around and protects the brain and sensory organs of the head. through ontogeny, this skeletal structure may become more elaborate, remodeled and reabsorbed, and/or ossified. though considerable attention has been given to the formation of the chondrocranium and a great amount of data has been gathered on the development of this structure among many craniates, the anatomy of this structure in turtles often is neglected. we describe the ma ...201322972700
alleviating brain stress: what alternative animal models have revealed about therapeutic targets for hypoxia and anoxia.while the mammalian brain is highly dependent on oxygen, and can withstand only a few minutes without air, there are both vertebrate and invertebrate examples of anoxia tolerance. one example is the freshwater turtle, which can withstand days without oxygen, thus providing a vertebrate model with which to examine the physiology of anoxia tolerance without the pathology seen in mammalian ischemia/reperfusion studies. insect models such as drosophila melanogaster have additional advantages, such a ...201325264428
epigenetic control of gonadal aromatase (cyp19a1) in temperature-dependent sex determination of red-eared slider the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta), a species with temperature-dependent sex determination (tsd), the expression of the aromatase gene during gonad development is strictly limited to the female-producing temperature. the underlying mechanism remains unknown. in this study, we identified the upstream 5'-flanking region of the aromatase gene, gonad-specific promoter, and the temperature-dependent dna methylation signatures during gonad development in the red-eared slider turtle. th ...201323762231
the cloning and expression analysis of lhx9 during gonadal sex differentiation in the red-eared slider turtle, trachemys scripta, a species with temperature-dependent sex determination.many reptiles, including the red-eared slider turtle (trachemys scripta), possess a temperature-dependent sex determination (tsd) mechanism where the temperature at which the developing embryos are incubated dictates the gonadal sex of the animal. a number of mammalian gene orthologues have been identified in the sex determination/differentiation cascade of reptiles with tsd although the exact trigger(s) is not well understood. a potential early regulator of gonadal differentiation, lhx9, contro ...201323671035
experimental exposure of eggs to polybrominated diphenyl ethers bde-47 and bde-99 in red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans) and snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina) and possible species-specific differences in debromination.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) are a bioaccumulative, persistent, and toxic class of flame retardants that can potentially impact turtles in natural habitats via exposure through maternal transfer. to simulate maternal transfer in the present study, pbde congeners bde-47 and bde-99 were topically applied to the eggshell and were allowed to diffuse into the egg contents of the red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans) and snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina). eggs were topically dosed ...201323147837
biomechanics of turtle shells: how whole shells fail in compression.turtle shells are a form of armor that provides varying degrees of protection against predation. although this function of the shell as armor is widely appreciated, the mechanical limits of protection and the modes of failure when subjected to breaking stresses have not been well explored. we studied the mechanical properties of whole shells and of isolated bony tissues and sutures in four species of turtles (trachemys scripta, malaclemys terrapin, chrysemys picta, and terrapene carolina) using ...201323203474
synaptic microcircuitry of bipolar and amacrine cells with serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the retina of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans.although serotonin is thought to be a neurotransmitter in a number of retinal systems, much of the precise synaptic connectivity of serotonergic neurons is unknown. to address this issue, we used an antiserum directed against serotonin to label serotonergic bipolar and amacrine cells in the turtle retina. light-microscopic analysis of labeled amacrine and bipolar cells indicated that both had bistratified dendritic arborizations primarily in stratum 1 and in strata 4/5 of the inner plexiform lay ...20138494799
short-term effects of dopamine on photoreceptors, luminosity- and chromaticity-horizontal cells in the turtle retina.the effects of dopamine on luminosity-type horizontal cells have been documented in different vertebrate retinas, both in vivo and in vitro. some of these effects may reflect direct action of dopamine onto these cells, but indirect effects mediated by presynaptic neurons cannot be ruled out. furthermore, direct effects of dopamine on horizontal cells may affect other, postsynaptic neurons in the outer plexiform layer. to test these possibilities, we studied the effects of dopamine on photorecept ...20137654600
parasympathetic control of the pupillary light response in the red-eared slider turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans).we investigated effects of both vecuronium bromide, a nicotinic cholinergic antagonist, and atropine, a muscarinic cholinergic antagonist, on the pupil of the turtle to determine whether responses to light are controlled by parasympathetic innervations acting on the iris.201317324166
role of gaba(a)-mediated inhibition in controlling the responses of regular spiking cells in turtle visual cortex.the visual cortex of freshwater turtles contains pyramidal cells, which have a regular spiking (rs) firing pattern, and several categories of aspiny, inhibitory interneurons. the interneurons show diverse firing patterns, including the fast spiking (fs) pattern. postsynaptic potentials (psps) evoked in fs cells by visual stimulation of the retina reach their peak amplitudes as much as 200 ms before psps in rs cells (mancilla et al., 1998). fs cells could, consequently, control the amplitudes of ...201311347819
comparative effects of in ovo exposure to sodium perchlorate on development, growth, metabolism, and thyroid function in the common snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina) and red-eared slider (trachemys scripta elegans).perchlorate is a surface and groundwater contaminant found in areas associated with munitions and rocket manufacturing and use. it is a thyroid-inhibiting compound, preventing uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland, ultimately reducing thyroid hormone production. as thyroid hormones influence metabolism, growth, and development, perchlorate exposure during the embryonic period may impact embryonic traits that ultimately influence hatchling performance. we topically exposed eggs of red-eared slide ...201222871607
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1074