
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
growth of group iv mycobacteria on medium containing various saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.seventy-one strains of 15 species of rapidly growing mycobacteria were studied for their susceptibilities to fatty acids with 2 to 20 carbons by the agar dilution method at ph 7.0. most mycobacteria other than potential pathogens (mycobacterium fortuitum and mycobacterium chelonei) were resistant to saturated fatty acids, except for lauric acid (c12:0) (mic, 6.25 to 25 micrograms/ml) and capric acid (c10:0) (mic, 50 to 100 micrograms#ml). m. fortuitum and m. chelonei were substantially insuscept ...19846486760
dna-methylating activity of mycobacteria.the methylating activity of the four mycobacterium strains mycobacterium phlei, mycobacterium smegmatis strain butyricum, mycobacterium smegmatis strain rabinowitz, lysogenic mycobacterium smegmatis strain rabinowitz was studied in vitro. all the four strains were found to have methylating activity; enzyme containing extracts of m. smegmatis strain butyricum and m. phlei showed a stronger activity than those of m. smegmatis strain rabinowitz and the lysogenic rabinowitz strain. the methylases of ...19836659854
purification and functional properties of the dccd-reactive proteolipid subunit of the h+-translocating atpase from mycobacterium phlei.interaction of n,n'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (dccd) with atpase of mycobacterium phlei membranes results in inactivation of atpase activity. the rate of inactivation of atpase was pseudo-first order for the initial 30-65% inactivation over a concentration range of 5-50 microm dccd. the second-order rate constant of the dccd-atpase interaction was k = 8.5 x 10(5) m-1 x min(-1). the correlation between the initial binding of [14c]dccd and 100% inactivation of atpase activity shows 1.57 nmol dccd b ...19836221756
incorporation of thymine, thymidine, adenine and uracil into nucleic acids of mycobacterium phlei and its other prototroph bacteria, mycobacterium phlei was found to incorporate thymine into its dna very poorly. as a result of a rapid thymidine-to-thymine conversion, thymidine incorporation also proved to be inefficient. thymidine incorporation could be somewhat enhanced by pretreatment of the cells with uridine. when radioactive adenine, and particularly uracil, were used as precursors, highly labelled dna could be obtained from the cells, although the majority of radioactivity was found in th ...19836847034
interaction of lanthanide cations and uranyl ion with the calcium/proton antiport system in mycobacterium phlei.uranyl ions (uo2+(2)) and lanthanide cations (la3+, nd3+, sm3+, eu3+, tb3+ and dy3+) at 100-200 microm concentration inhibited active transport of ca2+, mediated by respiratory linked substrates as well as by atp hydrolysis, without affecting respiration and membrane-bound atpase activity, in inside-out membrane vesicles of mycobacterium phlei. the extent of inhibition in the uptake of ca2+, mediated by atp hydrolysis, increased with increase in ionic radii of these cations. lanthanide cations d ...19836838872
[characteristics of the immobilization and transformation of sterols by mycobacterium phlei 1026 cells incorporated into paag].experiments were carried out to study the effect of polymerization conditions and polyacrylamide gel structure on the enzyme activity of mycobacterium phlei immobilized cells degrading sterols to c19-steroids. the modified sterol 4-chlostene-3(o-carboxymethyl)oxime was used as substrate. the polymerization conditions (the number of the cells incorporated and the reaction temperature) significantly affected the ability of the immobilized cells to degrade the sterol side chain. the monomer contact ...19836878209
methylated nucleic acid bases in mycobacterium and mycobacteriophage dna.methylated bases of the dna of two mycobacteria (mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium smegmatis var. butyricum) and two mycobacteriophages (phage phlei and phage butyricum) have been studied. in both the bacterial and the phage dnas 5-methyl-cytosine and 6-methyl-aminopurine could be detected. using l-(methyl-h3)-methionine as methyl donor not only the methylated bases of bacterium and phage dna proved to be radioactive, but also the non-methylated purine residues and thymine. possible pathways ...19827168369
immunotherapy of guinea pigs with a transplanted hepatoma: comparison of intralesionally injected emulsions containing heat-killed nocardia rubra, mycobacterium bovis (bcg) and mycobacterium phlei.heat-killed cells of mycobacterium bovis (bcg), mycobacterium phlei and nocardia rubra were each tested in emulsified form for their ability to cause regression of established dermal transplants and lymph node metastases of a syngeneic hepatocarcinoma in guinea pigs. on a weight basis, bcg was superior to n. rubra in causing tumor regression. under the conditions tested n. rubra was inferior to m. phlei in its antitumor activity. m. phlei and bcg were approximately the same in their therapeutic ...19827099513
enzymatic synthesis, characterization, and metabolism of the coenzyme a ester of o-succinylbenzoic acid, an intermediate in menaquinone (vitamin k2) biosynthesis.the enzymatic synthesis of the "active" o-succinylbenzoic acid is described and the factors controlling its formation are investigated. tritium-labeled coenzyme a is incorporated into "active" o-succinylbenzoic acid, but label from [2-3h]atp or [gamma-32p is not, indicating that the active compound is a coenzyme a thio ester(2). the compound is shown by two different methods to contain 1 mol only of coenzyme a per mol of o-succinylbenzoic acid. the o-succinylbenzoic and coenzyme a ester (2) is u ...19827045104
characterization of escherichia coli men mutants defective in conversion of o-succinylbenzoate to 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate.four independent menaquinone (vitamin k(2))-deficient mutants of escherichia coli, blocked in the conversion of o-succinylbenzoate (osb) to 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate (dhna), were found to represent two distinct classes. enzymatic complementation was observed when a cell-free extract of one mutant was mixed with extracts of any of the remaining three mutants. the missing enzymes in the two classes were identified by in vitro complementation with preparations of osb-coenzyme a (coa) synthetase or ...19826754698
identification of bacillus subtilis men mutants which lack o-succinylbenzoyl-coenzyme a synthetase and dihydroxynaphthoate synthase.menaquinone (vitamin k2)-deficient mutants of bacillus subtilis, whose growth requirement is satisfied by 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid but not by o-succinylbenzoic acid (osb), have been analyzed for enzymatic defects. complementation analysis of cell-free extracts of the mutants revealed that there are two groups, as already indicated by genetic analysis. the missing enzyme in each group was identified by complementation of the cell-free extracts with o-succinylbenzoyl-coenzyme a (coa) synthet ...19816780515
isolation of a specific atp: d-fructose 6-phosphotransferase from mycobacterium phlei. 19816303235
interaction of vanadate with membrane-bound atpase from mycobacterium phlei.vanadate inhibited the formation of proton gradient and membrane potential as well as ca2+ transport by everted membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei, with half-maximal inhibition occurring at 5 to 14 microm. that this is due to the inhibition of the proton-translocating atpase was suggested by the observation that the inhibition described above occurred only when the processes were driven by the hydrolysis of atp but not when energized by the oxidation of succinate and nadh. furthermore, v ...19816457832
specific skin-reactive protein from culture filtrate of mycobacterium bovis bcg.a highly purified protein, named mpb70, was isolated from the culture filtrate of mycobacterium bovis bcg. this protein accounted for more than 10% of the proteins secreted into the culture medium. mpb70 was purified by precipitation with ammonium sulfate, followed by treatment with diethylaminoethyl ion exchanger, with or without 3 m urea, and by gel filtration. the final mpb70 preparation was homogenous as judged by several analyses. the molecular weight was estimated to be 18,000 by electroph ...19817014457
mutagenic effect of n-methyl-n-nitrosourea on mycobacterium phlei.n-methyl-n-nitrosourea was used to induce auxotrophic, scotochromogenic and isonicotinic acid hydrazide resistant mutants in mycobacterium phlei and its effect was compared with that of nitrosoguanidine. seventeen auxotrophic mutants requiring amino acids or vitamins and 52 scotochromogenic mutants with orange colonies were induced. the frequency of isonicotinic acid hydrazide-resistant mutants increased by two orders of magnitude.19817203289
steroid transformation with immobilized microorganisms. vi. the reverse reaction of steroid-1-dehydrogenases from different micoorganisms in immobilized state.whole cells of nocardia erythropolis, n. opaca and mycobacterium phlei containing 4-en-3-oxosteroid: (acceptor)-1-en-oxidoreductase activities were immobilized by adsorption on deae-cellulose and silica and by entrapment in polyacrylamide gel. the obtained biocatalysts were used in an anaerobic continuous column process to transform 1,4-dien-3-oxo-steroids into 4-en-3-oxo- steroids. the half life of steroid-1(2)-reductase activity of the n. erythropolis was found to be up to 15 days. the deae-ce ...19817222747
inactivation of l-lactate monooxygenase with 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxal.l-lactate monooxygenase from mycobacterium phlei is inactivated by reaction either with 2,3-butanedione in borate or in 2,6-lutidine buffer or with phenyglyoxal in 2,6-lutidine buffer. the activation with 2.3 butanedione in borate buffer is irreversible in the presence of excess borate, but essentially complete recovery of activity occurs on exchange of phosphate for borate buffer. in 50 mm borate, inactivation with 2,3-butanedione exhibits saturation kinetics with respect to increasing concentr ...19817236621
relationship between the composition of the regulatory complex of esterases and the age of mycobacterium phlei culture. 19817286851
use of nalidixic acid for constructing the replication map of the mycobacterium phlei chromosome.nalidixic acid was used for describing more accurately the terminal replication region of the mycobacterium phlei chromosome. cell division in synchronized cultures was not sensitive to this acid any more between 185-190 min, i.e. about 10 min after replication of the ser gene, the last of 24 genes of the replication map described so far. the replication of the chromosome was controlled by determining the position of the bac gene. microscopic studies in phase contrast of the cells that were subj ...19817286850
[bacteriophage occurrence in "mycobacterium phlei" (author's transl)].surface growth of synchronized bacteria was obtained by means of a suspension of mycobacterium phlei cells in pentane, the dispersion of which resulted from passage through glass (ballotini) column. by using standardized conditions, a series of identical cultures were obtained, suitable for studying their evolution as a function of time. by counting colonies every twenty minutes, during ten hours, two doublings were observed, with a generation time of five hours. at the end of a plateau, just be ...19817235453
the completion of the replication map of the mycobacterium phlei facts about the replication map of mycobacterium phlei chromosome are summarized. replication positions of two genes located in marginal regions of the replication map, ile close to the origin and ser near the terminus, were determined. known positions of replication of some genes were defined with more precision within 2.5--5-min intervals using the method of sequential mutagenesis in synchronized cultures (leu, met, bac, pyr, stm, tet, cyc, his). replication positions of genes responsible ...19817203288
[untersuchungen zur biosynthese des vitamin k2. isolierung des aktivierten derivates der o-succinylbenzoesäure aus zellfreien extrakten von mycobacterium phlei.] 198117401912
separation and properties of polyhydric alcohol dehydrogenases from mycobacterium sp. 279 and mycobacterium phlei.glucose- or polyol-grown mycobacteria were disrupted by ultrasonication and cell-free extracts fractionated with ammonium sulfate, sephadex g-100 and deae-cellulose chromatography. in various enzyme preparations, nad-coupled polyol dehydrogenase activities were determined spectrophotometrically at 340 nm. evidence is presented forthe occurrence of three types of enzymes called after the most active substrates: ribitol dehydrogenase, d-arabitol dehydrogenase and d-sorbitol dehydrogenase. the enzy ...198019852109
restoration of active transport of solutes and oxidative phosphorylation by naphthoquinones in irradiated membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei.irradiation of the inverted membrane vesicles of mycobacterium phlei with light at 360 nm inactivated the natural menaquinone [mk(9)(ii-h)] and resulted in a loss of substrate oxidation, ph gradient, membrane potential, active transport of proline or calcium ions, and oxidative phosphorylation. restoration of the protonmotive force and active transport occurred on addition of naphthoquinones such as vitamin k(1), menadione, or lapachol to the irradiated membrane vesicles. however, coupled phosph ...19806928606
the entry process as the target for energy input in active transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid by mycobacterium phlei.mycobacterium phlei was shown to accumulate alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, establishing a concentration gradient of approximately 15,000-fold. the apparent affinity constant of the carrier for alpha-aminoisobutyric acid was 1.8 microm. the system exhibited a broad specificity provided two structural requirements were satisfied: the presence of a free amino and carboxyl group on the alpha carbon and the absence of a net charge. the role of energy coupling on the accumulation of alpha-aminoisobutyric ...19807217039
reclassification of mycobacterium phlei pn-bb as rhodococcus bronchialis pn-bb.mycobacterium phlei pn-bb, induced in the parental strain pn by gamma-radiation and ethyl methanesulfonate, should be reclassified as rhodococcus bronchialis pn-bb. the reclassification is based on the results of lipid analysis, dna-dna hybridization and several biochemical tests, performed in comparison with the parental strain pn, earlier reclassified as r. bronchialis, and r, bronchialis (n654).19807469254
regulation of cell wall mycolic acid biosynthesis in acid-fast bacteria. i. temperature-induced changes in mycolic acid molecular species and related compounds in mycobacterium phlei.molecular species of two major subclasses of mycolic acids from mycobacterium phlei, alpha-mycolic acids (m1) and dicarboxy mycolic acids (m3), were separated gas-chromatographically and identified mass-spectrometrically. the mycolic acid compositions of extractable and cell wall bound lipids were markedly influenced by growth temperature. increasing growth temperature from 20 degrees c to 50 degrees c resulted in an increase in longer chain species of both mycolisc acid subclasses with a concom ...19807410334
conversion of o-succinylbenzoate to dihydroxynaphthoate by extracts of micrococcus luteus.cell-free extracts were prepared from either freshly grown or spray-dried cells of micrococcus luteus atcc 4698 by treatment with deoxyribonuclease and lysozyme. these extracts converted o-succinylbenzoic acid (osb) to 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (dhna) as shown by spectrophotofluorometric and radioactivity assays. the conversion required the presence of atp, coa, and mg2+. by use of [2-14c]osb, the simultaneous production of the spirodilactone form of osb was also demonstrated. the two produ ...19807356957
[steroid transformation with immobilized microorganisms. iii. degradation of the side chain of cholesterol derivatives with immobilized mycobaterium phlei and m. smegmatis cells].the cholesterol derivatives 3,3-ethylendioxycholest-5-en i and 4-cholesten-3-(o-carboxymethyl)oxime ii were transformed into the corresponding androstenedione derivatives by selective cleavage of the sterol side chain with immobilized preparations of mycobacterium phlei imet sg 1026 and m. smegmatis imet h 124. the influence of three immobilization methods on fermentation activity and stability was investigated. the immobilized cells of m. phlei imet sg 1026 were found to be suitable to transfor ...19807424049
isoniazid interaction with tyrosine as a possible mode of action of the drug in mycobacteria.the antitubercular drug isoniazid (inh) was hown by radio-chromatographic studies to react with tyrosine in growth medium. exogenous tyrosine added to the growth medium interfered with the inhibitory action of inh on mycobacterium phlei. these observations were confirmed by difference spectra studies which showed that tyrosine would react with inh as long as the tyrosine phenolic hydroxyl group was not blocked. these results led to the hypothesis that inh could exert its influence by interfering ...19807387139
site of action of isoniazid on the electron transport chain and its relationship to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide regulation in mycobacterium phlei.isoniazid (inh) interacts with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nad+) in the regulation of reduced nad (nadh) oxidation in electron transport particles from mycobacterium phlei. the interaction was shown to be at the level of the nadh dehydrogenase by the use of menadione as an artificial electron acceptor. binding studies indicated that inh and nad+ did not compete for a common regulatory site. unlabeled inh was unable to displace [14c]nad+ from electron transport particles, and unlabeled nad ...19807425605
tuberculin peptide from culture filtrate of mycobacterium tuberculosis.a highly purified tuberculin peptide, named tph71u, was isolated from the heated culture filtrate of mycobacterium tuberculosis strain h37rv. this peptide was prepared by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and by treatment with diethylaminoethyl-sephadex, sephadex g-75, and preparative gel electrophoresis in the presence of a high concentration of urea. the presence of urea remarkably increased the sensitivity of the gel analysis and the efficiency of the preparation procedure. the isolated pep ...19806774637
identification of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase and an associated inhibitor in isoniazid-susceptible and -resistant mycobacterium phlei.nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase (nadase) activity was demonstrated in the catalases fraction of sephadex g-200-chromatographed sonic extracts of isoniazid (inh)-susceptible (inhs) and -resistant (inhr) mycobacterium phlei. since crude extracts had no demonstrable activity even after heating, active fractions of the nadase were purified chromatographically by removing the inhibitor with sephadex g-200. assays for oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nad+) hydrolytic activi ...19806249194
immunotherapy of experimental cancer by intralesional injection of emulsified nonliving mycobacteria: comparison of mycobacterium bovis (bcg), mycobacterium phlei, and mycobacterium smegmatis.mycobacterium bovis (bcg), mycobacterium phlei, and mycobacterium smegmatis were each tested in emulsified form for their potency to cause regression of transplants of a syngeneic murine fibrosarcoma and of a syngeneic guinea pig hepatoma. on a weight basis, m. phlei and m. smegmatis were as effective as bcg in causing tumor regression. m. phlei and m. smegmatis were comparable to bcg in provoking delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in guinea pigs sensitized to m. phlei or m. smegmatis. ...19806995326
[dehydrogenases reducing nad+ in the presence of d (-) 3- phosphoglycerate in mycobacteria (bcg, h37ra, m. phlei)].referring to the elution volume on a sephadex g-150 column only one specific peak is obtained, the same for the bcg, h37ra and mycobacterium phlei strains grown on sauton synthetic medium. some properties of these partially purified dehydrogenases are studied (conservation and dialysis in media of different salt concentrations, equilibrium constant, km, heat stability). all enzyme preparations from tubercle bacilli (bcg, h37ra) are readily inactivated by heat and are very unstable in solutions o ...1979385063
resolution and reconstitution of active transport of calcium by a protein(s) from mycobacterium phlei.membrane protein(s) responsible for the active transport of calcium in membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei have been solubilized from membranes by sodium cholate treatment and partially purified using a hydrophobic resin. reconstitution of calcium transport was demonstrated by reconstitution of detergent extracted membranes with the partially purified protein. the uptake of calcium in the reconstituted system was sensitive to proton-conducting uncouplers. liposomes prepared with partially ...1979378992
comparative studies of the strains pa and pn of mycobacterium phlei leading to their reclassification: examination of lipids and dna, biochemical tests and phage of lipid and dna, biochemical tests and phage typing performed on the strain pa previously labelled mycobacterium phlei, lead to the conclusion that this strain belongs to the species m. smegmatis. parallel studies performed on strain pn, isolated from a culture of strain pa, as well as dna homology percentage of the two strains, do not support the assumption that strain pn could have resulted from a mutation of strain pa strain pn produces mycolic acids similar to those found in rhodococc ...1979539691
menaquinone (vitamin k2) biosynthesis: conversion of o-succinylbenzoic acid to 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid by mycobacterium phlei enzymes.the coenzyme a (coa) and adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent conversion of o-succinylbenzoic acid (4-[2'-carboxyphenyl]-4-oxobutyric acid) to 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acids is an important step in menaquinone (vitamin k2) biosynthesis. cell-free extracts catalyzing this conversion, obtained from mycobacterium phlei, were separated into three protein fractions by treatment with protamine sulfate. the second fraction (fraction b) and the supernatant (fraction s) alone did not catalyze dihydroxyna ...1979500558
isolation, purification, and reconstitution of a proline carrier protein from mycobacterium phlei.membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei contain carrier proteins for proline, glutamine, and glutamic acid. the transport of proline is na+ dependent and required substrate oxidation. a proline carrier protein was solubilized from the membrane vesicles by treatment with cholate and triton x-100. electron microscopic observation of the detergent-treated membrane vesicles showed that they are closed structures. the detergent-extracted proteins were purified by means of sucrose density gradient ...1979444450
limited proteolysis of coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei. effects of different enzymes and modifying agents.the activation of the coupling factor-latent atpase enzyme by tryptic proteolysis may resemble the activation of many proenzymes by limited proteolysis. the beta (53 000 dalton) subunit of solubilized coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei was selectively lost in some trypsin-treated samples. since a concomitant loss of atpase activity was not observed, the beta subunit may not be essential for atpase catalytic activity. treatment of solubilized coupling factor with chymotrypsin ...1979157159
properties of energy-transducing systems in different types of membrane preparations from mycobacterium phlei--preparation, resolution, and reconstitution. 1979156832
immunodiffusion studies of ribosomes in classification of mycobacteria and related taxa.ribosomal preparations consisting of crude ribosomes (cr), 30s subunits (30s) and 16s core particles (16s) from four strains of the species mycobacterium bovis (bcg), mycobacterium fortuitum, mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium smegmatis were analyzed by immunodiffusion technique for taxonomical purposes. the ribosomal preparations tested contained several interspecies cross-reacting precipitinogens. the number of precipitinogens demonstrated at the homologous reactions was generally larger th ...1979109401
immunodiffusion studies of various structural preparations from mycobacterial cells.various structures and other preparations from mycobacterial cells were analyzed by immunodiffusion. the preparations were obtained from four strains referred to the species mycobacterium bovis (bcg), mycobacterium fortuitum, mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium smegmatis. they represented cell walls (cw), culture filtrates (cf), artificially disintegrated cell material (xp), protoplasms (pp), crude ribosomes (cr), ribosomal 50s subunits (50s), ribosomal 30s subunits (30s), ribosomal 16s core p ...1979109402
affinity labeling of coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei with 2',3'-dialdehyde derivatives of adenosine 5'-triphosphate and adenosine 5'-diphosphate. 1979154517
tryptic proteolysis of coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei. theoretical modeling of structure-function relationships.trypsin treatment of solubilized coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei alters its subunit structure and functional properties. this coupling factor exhibits atpase activity following trypsin treatment. concurrently, both the ability of the enzyme to rebind to membranes depleted of coupling factor and its capacity for coupled phosphorylation are lost. the native alpha (64 000 dalton) subunit undergoes limited proteolytic digestion, and the delta (14 000 dalton) subunit is partial ...1979157157
active transport of calcium in membrane vesicles from mycobacterium transport of calcium ions has been demonstrated in inside-out membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei mediated by respiratory linked substrates as well as by atp hydrolysis. the uptake of calcium exhibited an apparent km of 80 microm and v of 16.6 nmol calcium uptake x min-1 x mg protein-1. a fortyfold concentration gradient for calcium ions was calculated for both the atp-induced and the respiration-induced transport of calcium. removal of coupling-factor-latent atpase resulted in the ...1979159818
purification, physicochemical properties, and localization of cytochrome c in energy-transducing membranes from mycobacterium phlei. 1979220917
an adenosine diphosphoglucose glucohydrolase of mycobacterium phlei. 1979226469
various antigenic reactivities in delayed hypersensitivity among crystalline proteins from mycobacterium phlei.comparisons were made of the delayed-type skin reactivity of 6 crystalline proteins purified from the cell extract of mycobacterium phlei in guinea pigs sensitized with whole cells of the heat-killed bacillus. these highly purified proteins elicited varying degrees of cutaneous reaction. the most active protein had almost the same reactivity as purified protein derivative prepared from the culture filtrate of mycobacterium phlei. on the other hand, the weakest protein did not elicit a marked cut ...1979484936
asymmetric distribution of phospholipids in membranes from mycobacterium phlei. 1979507841
the variable response of bacteria to excess ferric iron in host tissues.the enhancement by exogenous ferric iron, both systemic and local, of the infectivity of 120 strains of bacteria, representing 17 genera, was measured in the skin of guinea-pigs. systemic iron enhanced only 23% of 115 strains, and local iron 49% of 71 strains. systemic iron, by an apparently anti-inflammatory action, depressed the size of lesions produced by 27 of the non-enhanced strains from nine of the genera tested. for most strains, the degree of enhancement was small, ranging from 2- to 8- ...1979372534
isolation and properties of naphthoate synthetase from mycobacterium phlei. 1978677895
the replication map of the chromosome of mycobacterium was the aim of the present work to construct the replication map of the chromosome of mycobacterium phlei. the method of mutagenesis of the replication point by n-methyl-n-nitroso-n'-nitroguanidine in synchronously dividing populations and the method of analysis of gene frequency were applied. the order of replication of 19 genes on the chromosome was determined by means of induction of back mutations and forward mutations in auxotrophic mutants pa leu and pa met and in double auxotrophic mut ...1978689571
evidence for the incorporation of molecular oxygen, a pathway in biosynthesis of n-glycolylmuramic acid in mycobacterium phlei.the hypothesis that the biosynthesis of the glycolyl group of muramic acid in the peptidoglycan of mycobacterium phlei is catalyzed by a n-acetyl hydroxylase is strongly supported by the experiments reported in this paper. 18o is incorporated into the n-substituent of muramic acid isolated from the peptidoglycan of m. phlei grown under pure oxygen enriched with the 18o isotope.1978718994
separation of c50--60 and c70--80 mycolic acid molecular species and their changes by growth temperatures in mycobacterium phlei. 1978720589
synthesis and quantitative structure--activity relationships of some antibacterial 3-formylrifamycin sv n-(4-substituted phenyl)piperazinoacethydrazones.a series of 14 3-formylrifamycin sv n-(4-substituted phenyl)piperazinoacethydrazones has been synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial activity. the compounds were found active against bacillus subtilis, staphylococcus aureus, mycobacterium phlei, and mycobacterium tuberculosis but not as active as rifampin. the compounds also exhibited significant activity against clostridium perfringens and in this bacterial system some were more active than rifampin. the qsar showed that the activity ...1978722738
a model proteoliposomal system for proline transport using a purified proline carrier protein from mycobacterium phlei. 1978736936
turnover of lipids in mycobacterium smegmatis cdc 46 and mycobacterium phlei atcc 354.the rates of breakdown and renewal of individual lipids in cultures of mycobacterium smegmatis cdc 46 and mycobacterium phlei atcc 354 were investigated by means of a pulse labelling technique using palmitate-1-14c. the results indicated that in growing cultures of both strains phospholipids were broken down, and cardiolipin had a very rapid turnover. in chase experiments, almost 45% and 40% of the radioactivity of this component were lost respectively from m. smegmatis and m phlei during one ge ...1978623497
induction of a morphological mutant in mycobacterium phlei by gamma-radiation and ethyl methanesulfonate. 1978625303
effect of tween 80 on lipids of mycobacterium phlei atcc 354.addition of tween 80 to the growth medium brings about qualitative and quantitative changes in the lipids of mycobacterium phlei atcc 354. the results suggest that tween 80 itself may be a variant in the system.1978631247
cupric ion-mediated active transport of amino acids in membrane vesicles of mycobacterium phlei. 1978632259
induction of a morphological mutant in mycobacterium phlei by gamma-radiation and ethyl methanesulfonate. 1978207206
purification and characteristics of hydrophobic membrane protein(s) required for dccd sensitivity of atpase in mycobacterium phlei.the energy-transducing n,n'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive (dccd-sensitive) atpase complex consists of two parts, a soluble catalytic protein (f1), and an intrinsic membrane protein (f0). the bacterial coupling factor complex, bcf0-bcf1, has recently been purified from mycobacterium phlei, and used to reconstitute oxidative phosphorylation in detergent-extracted membranes. the bcf0 moiety has been purified by being recovered from the purified bcf0-bcf1 complex by affinity chromatography. bcf ...1978153436
antibacterial activity of n-(beta-styryl) formamides related to tuberin.a series of para-substituted n-(beta-styryl)formamides, analogues of tuberin (4a), has been prepared and assayed for antibacterial activity. the methylthio, ethoxy, and methyl analogues 4e, 4j, and 4t were about twice as active as tuberin against mycobacterium phlei. although tuberin lacks activity against staphylococcus aureus, several of the analogues described were found to inhibit this organism. the phenyl group of tuberin is not a prerequisite for activity since analogues based on naphthyl ...1978671458
mycobacterium phlei pn-bb colonies: a morphological characterisation by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.colonies of a non-acid-fast mutant of mycobacterium phlei--termed "pn--bb"--were examined by scanning electron microscopy of gold-sputted whole colonies and by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections. inspection of the colonies before and after preparation showed that the fixed colonies had retained their original appearance. colonies are about 2-5 mm in height and width. they are made up of converging ridges forming a cone. these ridges consists of rounded bodies which are made up of ...1978666218
the variations of sensitivity to gamma radiation in different strains of mycobacterium phlei. 1978649420
purification and properties of beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from mycobacterium phlei atcc354.beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (ec was purified 145-fold from mycobacterium phlei atcc354 by ammonium sulphate fractionation and deae-cellulose chromatography. the ph optima for oxidation and reduction reactions were 8.4 and 6.8 respectively. the purified enzyme was specific for nad, nadh, acetoacetate and d(-)-beta-hydroxybutyrate. km values for dl-beta-hydroxybutyrate and nad were 7.4 mm and 0.66 mm respectively. the enzyme was inactivated by mercurial thiol inhibitors and by hea ...197824083
polyol dehydrogenases in mycobacteria (author's transl).contrary to the the tubercle bacilli (h37ra, bcg), mycobacterium phlei, grown on sauton medium, formed the nad+ dependent dehydrogenases that catalyse the oxidation of ribitol, sorbitol and mannitol. these enzymes were separated by chromatography on deae-cellulose and sephadex g-200. in the present work we have principally studied the ribitol dehydrogenase. all the experiments for induction of the ribitol dehydrogenase in h37ra or bcg were negative; whereas after the adaptation of m. phlei to ri ...197829546
[nucleotide makeup of the dna of fast-growing mycobacteria and related microorganisms].the melting points of dna were used to determine the nucleotide composition of dna from the following microorganisms with a high growth rate: mycobacterium phlei, m. smegmatis, m. fortuitum, nocardia asteroides, the organism of the "rhodochrous"--n. opaca group, and organisms related to strain "mycobacterium" rhodochrous atcc 13808. m. fortuitum had a higher mol% g+c (67.5--69.5) than m. phlei (66.9--67.5) and m. smegnatis (64.4--68.1); the strains of m. smegmatis were characterized by the most ...1978351339
[petroleum-oxidizing microflora of the arctic seas of the ussr].active petroleum-oxidizing bacteria of the ussr arctic seas are represented by mycobacterium mucosum (non-colored), mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium brevicale (red-orange) which inhabit the yenisei bay, the kara sea and the laptev sea. vertical distribution of the petroleum-oxidizing mycobacteria is characterized by substitution of non-coloured forms for coloured ones with depth: "white" strains are found mainly in the surface layer while red and yellow-orange strains are detected in deep w ...1978703651
differentiation of catalases in mycobacterium phlei on the basis of susceptibility to isoniazid: association with peroxidase and acquired resistance to isoniazid.mycobacterium phlei contains two catalase activities and a single peroxidase activity. the latter is associated with one of the catalases. the single catalase-peroxidase enzyme accounted for 75% of the total catalase activity and was lost upon acquisition of resistance to the antitubercular drug isoniazid (inh). heat-treated (68 degrees c) wild-type cells showed similar decreases in catalase activity as well as complete loss of peroxidase activity. catalase activity in the inh-resistant strain o ...1977921249
studies on the purification and characterization of malate dehydrogenase from mycobacterium phlei.malate dehydrogenase (l-malate:nad+ oxidoreductase, ec was purified from mycobacterium phlei using (nh4)2so4 precipitation followed by chromatography on sephadex g-200, deae-cellulose on deae sephadex a-50. the purified preparation homogeneous on column chromatography, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis had a molecular weight of 86 860. the native enzyme was composed of four subunits of equal molecular weight (21 550) and was thermostable ...1977922015
purification and properties of a triacylglycerol lipase from mycobacterium order to study the metabolism of triacylglycerol in mycobacteria, an intracellular particulate triacylglycerol lipase (ec was purified 800-fold from stationary phase cells of mycobacterium phlei. extraction of whole cell suspensions with 5% triton x-100, followed by ion-exchange chromatography of the extract on two successive deae-cellulose columns produced a preparation which was nearly homogeneous by the criterion of analytical isoelectric focusing in acrylamide gels (one band, pi. ...197718200
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide -- independent formate dehydrogenase in mycobacterium phlei.formate dehydrogenase activity (ec has been demonstrated in cell-free preparations of mycobacterium phlei by following the reduction of 2,6 dichlorophenolindophenol. thiazolyl blue tetrazolium, or equine cytochrome c. the reduction of equine cytochrome c was inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-n-oxide. neither nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate were reduced by this formate dehydrogenase. the enzyme was constitutive and associated with ...197713920
specificity of isoniazid on growth inhibition and competition for an oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide regulatory site on the electron transport pathway in mycobacterium phlei.the mechanism of action of isoniazid (inh) on saprophytic and atypical mycobacteria is thought to be different from that on mycobacterium tuberculosis because higher concentrations are required to be effective in these species. in this investigation, m. phlei was inhibited by inh at a concentration of 25 mug/ml. benzoic acid hydrazide (bzh) and nicotinic acid hydrazide (nah) were inhibitory at levels of 300 and 500 mug/ml, respectively. inhibition by these compounds was not inoculum dependent. a ...1977197885
quantitation of seven elements in mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium bovis by neutron activation analysis.quantitative determination of the elements potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, cobalt and zinc was performed in mycobacteria by neutron activation analysis. mycobacterium phlei atcc 19 249 at different phase of growth (4, 8, 13, 23 and 37 days old cultures), and 14 days old mycobacterium bovis bcg cultures and uninoculated semi-synthetic sauton culture media were examined. the elements studied could be divided into three groups; sodium, potassium and magnesium could be regarded as maj ...1977341656
effects of trypsin treatment on the structure and function of solubilized coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei. 1977140685
trypsin-induced changes in the orientation of latent atpase in protoplast ghosts from mycobacterium phlei.latent atpase, located on the inner surface of protoplast ghosts of mycobacterium phlei, was unmasked either by trypsin or an impermeable form of trypsin, ethylene maleic anhydride-trypsin. density gradient experiments showed that the ghost preparations remained intact following trypsin treatment. evidence was obtained that 125i-trypsin failed to penetrate the ghost membranes. thus, attempts were made to determine whether the atpase molecule in the ghost membranes is accessible from the outer su ...1977144135
different binding sites for entry and exit of amino acids in whole cells of mycobacterium phlei.on the basis of mutual inhibition of uptake with different amino acids in whole cells of mycobacterium phlei, it was demonstrated that the binding site of proline was different from those of all other amino acids studied. other groups of amino acids share a common binding site: lysine, histidine, and arginine; valine, leucine, and isoleucine; tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine; glutamic acid and aspartic acid. the exit and entry processes were studied for proline, glutamine, and glutamic ac ...1977263821
mycobacterial antigens relating to experimental pulmonary cavity formation.lipid-protein mixtures were obtained from 2 strains of mycobacteria, and their cavity-forming activities were examined in rabbit lungs. the mixtures were separated into lipid and protein fractions by gel filtration on sephadex lh-20 column. neither lipid nor protein fraction alone had cavity-forming activity; however, restoration of the cavity-forming activity was observed by recombining the fractions. the activity was also reconstructed by combining the protein fraction with cell walls of bacil ...1977403839
[enzymatic differences in mycobacteria. ribitol dehydrogenase].contrary to the tubercle bacilli (h37ra, bcg), mycobacterium phlei has a ribitol-nad dehydrogenase (that also oxidizes, although to a lesser extent, erythritol and glycerol). this difference is observed with the bacteria grown on sauton's medium, as well as after their adaptation to ribitol. the extracts of all these mycobacteria reduce, nadp in the presence of glycerol, ribitol or erythritol, though very slowly.1977408036
binding of nucleotides to purified coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei.binding studies of various nucleotides to the purified coupling factor-latent atpase from mycobacterium phlei have been carried out using gel filtration, equilibrium dialysis, and ultrafiltration methods. the purified latent atpase binds 3 mol of adp per mol of the enzyme with an apparent dissociation constant of 68 mum. binding of nucleotides occurred in the decreasing order: adp, epsilon-atp, epsilon-adp, udp, adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (amp-p(nh)p), idp, and adenosine 5'-(alpha,beta-methyl ...197714131
purification and properties of l-asparaginase from mycobacterium phlei.1. l-asparaginase from m. phlei was purified about 170-fold with an 11% yield. the purification procedure consisted of: fractionation with ammonium sulphate; adsorption of contaminating proteins on calcium phosphate gel; chromatography on sephadex g-150 and deae-cellulose. the specific activity of the final preparation was 32.6 i.u./mg protein. 2. molecular weight of the enzyme as determined by sephadex g-100 filtration amounted to 126 000. optimum ph was 8.8-9.2. the enzyme did not hydrolyse l- ...19767091
the specificity of the fluorescent antibody test using the sera of rabbits inoculated with strains of myocobacteria.sera from experimentally infected rabbits were used to test the specificity of the fluorescent antibody test. it was possible using mono-specific sera to differentiate antigenically mycobacterium phlei, m fortuitum, m smegmatis, m avium, m intracellulare, m bovis (bcg) and m johnei. the cross-reactivity within the m avium and m intracellulare group was such that one antigen from these groups would detect infection within that group and exclude m johnei infection. the m phlei growth factor indepe ...197656767
stimulation of proline transport by cupric ion in membrane vesicles from mycobacterium phlei. 1976178313
alterations in lipid constituents during growth of mycobacterium smegmatis cdc 46 and mycobacterium phlei atcc 354.phospholipids of mycobacterium phlei atcc 354 and mycobacterium smegmatis cdc 46 consist of cardiolipin, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, tri-acylated dimannophosphoinositide, tetra-acylated dimannophosphoinositide and tetra-acylated pentamannosphosphoinositide. a comparative study of lipid patterns of m. phlei atcc 354 and of m. smegmatis cdc 46 in relation to age of culture revealed higher total lipid level and increased activity of malate-vitamin k reductase, a phospholipid requiring enzyme, during ...1976196159
adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in mycobacterium phlei and mycobacterium tuberculosis h37ra.adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (camp) is present in slow growing as well as fast growing mycobacteria. apparently there does not seem to be any direct relationship between either intra- or extracellular camp content with the growth rate of bacilli. as compared to that of e. coli grown on a similar energy source, camp content is much higher in mycobacteria. camp content inside the cells remains unaltered throughout the growth period and this may be due to lack of complete utilization of the major ...1976196160
a study on the receptor for a mycobacteriophage : phage phlei.from mycobacterium phlei, glycolipid fractions have been isolated which inactivate phage phlei. on the basis of the characteristics of the inactivation (specificity, kinetics, requirement for ca++) typical of the phage-host cell system, it was concluded that these fractions contain the receptor sites for phage phlei ; this conclusion was supported by electron microscopic studies. all the active fractions contain four kinds of components : fatty acids, glycerol, sugars (d-lyxose, 6-0-methyl-d-glu ...1976953052
effect of oxygen tension on oxidative phosphorylation in mycobacterium phlei. 1976955666
ultraviolet susceptibility of bcg and virulent tubercle test the effectiveness of irradiating the upper air of a room with ultraviolet light at reducing the concentration of airborne tubercle bacilli, the susceptibility to the germicidal effects of ultraviolet light, z, was determined for various mycobacteria. virulent tubercle bacilli and bacille calmette-guérin (bcg) were equally susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, whereas mycobacterium phlei had 10 times their resistance (z, approximately one-tenth that for m. tuberculosis). the effectiveness ...1976817628
restoration of oxidative phosphorylation by purified n,n'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive latent adenosinetriphosphatase from mycobacterium phlei.the n,n'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (dccd)-sensitive latent adenosinetriphosphatase (atpase) (ec; atp phosphohydrolase) from mycobacterium phlei has been purified to homogeneity and used to resotre oxidative phosphorylation to detergent-extracted membranes. the phosphorylation was inhibited by dccd any by tetraphenylboron and valinomycin. the enzyme was solubilized from the membrane vesicles by treatment with cholate followed by extraction with triton x-100. after partial purification on a ...1976135258
different mechanisms of energy coupling for transport of various amino acids in cells of mycobacterium phlei.whole cells of mycobacterium phlei were shown to actively accumulate proline, leucine, lysine, tryptophan, histidine, glutamine, and glutamic acid to different steady state levels. the transport of proline, in contrast to that of other amino acids, was found to be insensitive to various respiratory inhibitors, e.g. cyanide, arsenate, azide, and sulfhydryl reagents. however, oxygen was an obligatory requirement for the uptake of proline, as well as for the other amino acids. the results indicate ...19761262332
site of action of nonheme iron in the malate (flavine adenine dinucleotide) pathway of mycobacterium phlei.irradiation with ultraviolet light (360 nm) of cell-free extracts, electron-transport particles, and soluble components from mycobacterium phlei resulted in the loss of malate oxidation by the flavine adenine dinucleotide pathway both in cell-free extracts and reconstituted systems. addition of vitamin k1 restored the loss to the extent of 14% and 11% in cell-free extracts and reconstituted systems respectively. electron-transport particles from m. phlei upon reduction with malate exhibited elec ...1976963613
concentration and purification of mycobacteriophages with polyethylene glycol 6000.experiments were performed to concentrate and purify mycobacteriophages with polyethylene glycol 6000; 6, 9, and 8 per cent polyethylene glycol 6,000 proved to be optimal concentrations for precipitating phages of mycobacterium phlei, mycobacterium smegmatis strain butyricum, and mycobacterium smegmatis strain rabinowitz, respectively. preparative polyethylene glycol reverse gradients were constructed for further concentration and purification of the precipitated phages. with the method describe ...1976779553
[phosphotransacetylases from bcg and mycobacterium phlei]. 1976788798
mutagenic action of nitrofurans on euglena gracilis and mycobacterium phlei.there is a pronounced difference between the action of antibiotics and nitrofurans on euglena gracilis. those antibiotics that induce hereditary loss of chloroplasts do so only when they affect dividing cells. on the other hand, nitrofurans induce a mass mutation in both dividing and nondividing cells (under conditions of continuous illumination of cultures). it was found that a breakdown product, 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde, is liberated from furadantin and furoxone. this intermediate is responsible ...1976817666
stereochemistry of a methyl-group rearrangement during the biosynthesis of lanosterol.1. (3rs,6r)-[6-2h1,6-3h1,6-14c], (3rs,6s)-[6-2h1,6-3h1,6-14c] and (3rs)-[6-3h1,6-14c]mevalonolactones were synthesised from r-[2h1,3h1,2-14c], s-[2h1,3h1,2-14c] and [3h1,2-14c]acetic acids respectively. 2. each mevalonate was converted into cholesterol by a rat liver preparation. 3. each cholesterol specimen was converted into androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione by incubation with mycobacterium phlei in the presence of 2,2'.dipyridyl. each specimen of androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione was converted into a ...19761245185
mapping of the chromosome of mycobacterium phlei by means of mutagenesis of the replication point.the aim of the present work was to construct a replication map of the chromosome of mycobacterium phlei. the method of mutagenesis of the replication point by means of nitrosoguanidine was applied to synchronously multiplying populations. back mutations and forward mutations were induced in auxotrophic mutants pa met and pa leu as well as in double auxotrophic mutants with methionine as the reference marker and the following order of replication of eleven genes on the chromosome was thus establi ...19761248781
[study of the biosynthesis of phleic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids synthesised by mycobacterium phlei (author's transl)].because of their structures, phleic acids (general formula: ch3-(ch2)m-(ch=ch-ch2-ch2)n-co2h; main component: m = 14, n = 5) cannot be synthesized by the same kinds of enzymatic systems as other natural polyunsaturated fatty acids. by using specifically labelled 14c compounds, we have tested the ability of different molecules to be incorporated in the phleate skeletons by mycobacterium phlei. the localisation of radioactive carbon atoms has been studied by chemical degradation of labelled phleat ...19761261559
[separation of structural studies of the molecular species of monomycolates and dimycolates of alpha-d-trehalose present in mycobacterium phlei (author's transl)].mixtures of dimycolates of alpha-d-trehalose (cord factor) and monomycolates have been isolated from mycobacterium phlei and separated as trimethylsilyl derivatives according to the polarity of the fatty acid residues. the free glycolipids can be recovered by mild hydrolysis. silylation and disilylation reactions did not induce any isomerisation. the structure of these trehalose esters has been determined by using a series of reactions elaborated on synthetic acyl-sugar models. free hydroxyl gro ...19761261561
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 608