
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
intragenomic heterogeneity and intergenomic recombination among vibrio parahaemolyticus 16s rrna genes.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium bearing 11 copies of ribosomal operons. in some strains, such as rimd2210633, the genome includes identical copies of 16s rrna genes (rrs). however, it is known that other strains of the species, such as strains atcc 17802 and rimd2210856, show conspicuous intragenomic rrs heterogeneity. the extent and diversity of the rrs heterogeneity in v. parahaemolyticus were studied in further detail by characterization of the rrs copies in environmental isolat ...200717660428
analysis of bacterial foodborne disease outbreaks in china between 1994 and gain an understanding of the outbreaks of bacterial foodborne diseases and the subsequent health impact, we reviewed 2447 papers from journals published in china that reported 1082 bacterial foodborne disease cases occurring between 1994 and 2005. among the 1082 outbreaks of bacterial foodborne disease for which the etiology was determined, vibrio parahaemolyticus caused the most outbreaks, followed by salmonella, and clostridium botulinum led to the most deaths. most of the outbreaks occurre ...200717666075
[analysis of major phenotypes and hemolysin-related genotypes of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical and seafood samples].vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative, halophilic bacterium that inhabits the marine and estuarine environments. it is an important human pathogen causing gastroenteritis when raw or partially-cooked seafoods are consumed. its pathogenicity is believed to be related to hemolysins such as thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), tdh-related hemolysin (trh) and thermolabile hemolysin (tlh). pcr method was used to examine three different hemolysin genes in isolates from clinical and seafood sample ...200717672315
nitrogen fixation by vibrio parahaemolyticus and its implications for a new ecological niche.a vibrio parahaemolyticus strain isolated from the rhizosphere of the ecosystem dominant estuarine grass, spartina alterniflora, was characterized and shown to carry nifh, the gene encoding the nitrogenase iron protein, and to fix n(2). nitrogen fixation may contribute substantially to the adaptability, niche breadth, and ecological significance of v. parahaemolyticus.200717675440
inhibitory effect of melastoma candidum d. don acetone extract on foodborne pathogenic bacteria survival in food products.melastoma candidum d. don, a taiwanese folk medicinal plant, has high levels of antibacterial and bactericidal activity. our aim was to determine whether and to what extent an acetone extract of this plant inhibits the growth of foodborne pathogenic bacteria. m. candidum acetone extract had marked inhibitory effect on test bacteria introduced into sliced pork, which was then stored at 4 degrees c. at the end of storage (day 12), the bacterial concentrations dropped by 1.59 to 2.91 log cfu/g comp ...200717685331
a novel multiplex pcr assay for rapid and simultaneous detection of five pathogenic bacteria: escherichia coli o157:h7, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, listeria monocytogenes, and vibrio parahaemolyticus.rapid and sensitive detection techniques for foodborne pathogens are important to the food industry. however, traditional detection methods rely on bacterial culture in combination with biochemical tests, a process that typically takes 4 to 7 days to complete. thus, this study was conducted to address the issue of time lag inherent in traditional methods by developing a novel pcr assay for each of five foodborne pathogenic bacteria. this new system consists of a simultaneous screening method usi ...200717685339
identification of a novel endochitinase from a marine bacterium vibrio proteolyticus strain no. 442.chitin binding proteins prepared from vibrio proteolyticus were purified and the n-terminal amino-acid sequence of a protein from a 110-kda band on sds-page was found to be 85-90% identical to the 22nd-41st residues of the n-termini of chitinase a precursor proteins from other vibrios. we cloned the corresponding gene, which encodes a putative protein of 850 amino acids containing a 26-residue signal sequence. the chitinase precursor from v. proteolyticus was 78-80% identical to those from vibri ...200717690022
antimicrobial susceptibilities of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus isolates from louisiana gulf and retail raw oysters.the antimicrobial susceptibilities of 168 vibrio parahaemolyticus and 151 vibrio vulnificus isolates recovered from 82 louisiana gulf and retail oysters in 2005 and 2006 were determined. overall, the two vibrios remained susceptible to the majority of antimicrobials tested; reduced susceptibility was detected only in v. parahaemolyticus for ampicillin (81%; mic > or = 16 microg/ml). additionally, v. parahaemolyticus displayed significantly higher mics for cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycl ...200717827331
rumphellolides a-f, six new caryophyllane-related derivatives from the formosan gorgonian coral rumphella antipathies.six new caryophyllane-related natural products, including two carboxylated sesquiterpenoids, rumphellolides a (1) and b (2), and four norsesquiterpene alcohols, rumphellolides c-f (3-6), were isolated from the formosan gorgonian coral rumphella antipathies. the structures of the above new natural products were established on the basis of extensive spectral data analysis. rumphellolides a (1), d (4), e (5), and f (6) showed weak antibacterial activity.200717827751
molecular characterization of goose-type lysozyme homologue of large yellow croaker and its involvement in immune response induced by trivalent bacterial vaccine as an acute-phase protein.lysozyme acts as an innate immunity molecule against the invasion of bacterial pathogens. here, the cdna of a goose-type lysozyme (g-lysozyme) was cloned from large yellow croaker (pseudosciana crocea) by expressed sequence tags (est) and race-pcr techniques. the full-length cdna of large yellow croaker g-lysozyme (lycgl) is 716 nucleotides (nt) encoding a protein of 193 amino acids (aa), with a theoretical molecular weight of 21.3kda. the deduced lycgl possessed the typical structural features ...200717850883
[acute vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis in dakar].the aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and bacteriological features of gastroenteritis due to vibrio parahaemolyticus diagnosed during the 2004 and 2005 cholera outbreak in senegal.200717855034
[distribution, serotype and virulent genotype of vibrio parahaemolyticus in commercial seafood in zhoushan]. 200717877188
vopa inhibits atp binding by acetylating the catalytic loop of mapk kinases.the bacterial pathogen vibrio parahemeolyticus manipulates host signaling pathways during infections by injecting type iii effectors. one of these effectors, vibrio outer protein a (vopa), inhibits mapk signaling via a novel mechanism, distinct from those described for other bacterial toxins, that disrupts this signaling pathway. vopa is an acetyltransferase that potently inhibits mapk signaling pathways not only by preventing the activation of mapk kinases (mkks) but also by inhibiting the acti ...200717881352
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of foodborne pathogens isolated from food products in china.this study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of salmonella, listeria monocytogenes, staphylococcus aureus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and escherichia coli o157:h7 in chinese food products. the prevalence of these pathogens was 3.46%, 5.79%, 7%, 0.24%, and 0%, respectively. raw meats were mainly contaminated with salmonella (39/365, 10.7%), l. monocytogenes (26/365, 7.1%), and s. aureus (40/365, 11%), while cooked food products were mainly contaminated with l. monocytogenes (45/384, 11.7 ...200717883311
pulsenet usa standardized pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocol for subtyping of vibrio parahaemolyticus.pulsenet is a national molecular subtyping network for foodborne disease surveillance composed of public health and food regulatory agencies. participants employ molecular subtyping of foodborne pathogens using a standardized method of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) for conducting laboratory-based surveillance of foodborne pathogens. the pulsenet standardized pfge protocols are developed through a comprehensive testing process. the reproducibility of the protocol undergoes an internal e ...200717883312
a novel multiplex pcr for the identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae and vibrio establish a simple multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) that will identify vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus.200717897378
effect of natural preservatives on the growth of histamine producing bacteria.present study deals with the hampering of the growth of histamine producing bacteria (hpb), by using nacl and spices which are easily available and cheaper cost wise. for this experiment, four strains of hpb viz. vibrio parahaemolyticus, bacillus cereus, pseudomonas aeruginosa and proteus mirabilis were tested against 1 to 10% concentrations of nacl and 1 to 5% concentrations of natural preservatives (turmeric, ginger and garlic) in a basal medium. hpb showed different growth rates at different ...200717915763
variability of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in northern gulf of mexico water and oysters.vibrio parahaemolyticus is indigenous to coastal environments and a frequent cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis in the united states, primarily due to raw-oyster consumption. previous seasonal-cycle studies of v. parahaemolyticus have identified water temperature as the strongest environmental predictor. salinity has also been identified, although it is evident that its effect on annual variation is not as pronounced. the effects of other environmental factors, both with respect to the seaso ...200717921270
expression and immunogenicity analysis of two iron-regulated outer membrane proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus.genes of two iron-regulated outer membrane proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus zj2003, a pathogenic strain isolated from large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea), psua and pvua, were cloned and expressed as n-terminal his(6)-tagged proteins in escherichia coli bl(21)(de(3)). the recombinant fusion proteins were purified with nickel chelate affinity chromatography. to analyze the immunogenicity of the proteins, groups of large yellow croaker were immunized with the purified recombinant psua, p ...200717928925
arp2/3-independent assembly of actin by vibrio type iii effector vopl.microbial pathogens use a variety of mechanisms to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton during infection. vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. para) is a gram-negative bacterium that causes gastroenteritis, and new pandemic strains are emerging throughout the world. analysis of the v. para genome revealed a type iii secretion system effector, vopl, encoding three wiskott-aldrich homology 2 domains that are interspersed with three proline-rich motifs. infection of hela cells with v. para induces the formation o ...200717942696
[variations in frequency of cesarean sections in denmark].an investigation is presented on the basis of the medical register of births concerning all primiparae who were delivered of a liveborn singleton infant in 1982 and 1986. on the basis of the section on complications in the notification of the births, we have made a subdivision into four "approximate indications". we find a variation in frequencies of caesarean section from 9.7% (1982) to 17.1% (1986) between the various counties and an increase during the period investigated of 19%. 50% of the i ...20072238194
[variations in frequency of cesarean sections in denmark].an investigation is presented on the basis of the medical register of births concerning all primiparae who were delivered of a liveborn singleton infant in 1982 and 1986. on the basis of the section on complications in the notification of the births, we have made a subdivision into four "approximate indications". we find a variation in frequencies of caesarean section from 9.7% (1982) to 17.1% (1986) between the various counties and an increase during the period investigated of 19%. 50% of the i ...20072238194
expanded programme on immunization. neonatal tetanus survey. 20072223562
expanded programme on immunization. neonatal tetanus survey. 20072223562
fetal macrosomia in potential diabetics with normal oral glucose tolerance: a case control study. 20072223691
fetal macrosomia in potential diabetics with normal oral glucose tolerance: a case control study. 20072223691
the silent brain infarct before and after carotid surgery.routine computed tomography was prospectively performed pre- and postoperatively in 114 consecutive patients undergoing a total of 131 procedures on the carotid artery. hemispheric cerebral infarction was found preoperatively in three of the 16 hemispheres corresponding to symptomatic lesions (19%), in 18 of 109 hemispheres corresponding to transient ischemic attacks (16.5%), and in one of four hemispheres corresponding to lesions responsible for a fixed cerebral vascular accident (25%). two sur ...20072223547
the silent brain infarct before and after carotid surgery.routine computed tomography was prospectively performed pre- and postoperatively in 114 consecutive patients undergoing a total of 131 procedures on the carotid artery. hemispheric cerebral infarction was found preoperatively in three of the 16 hemispheres corresponding to symptomatic lesions (19%), in 18 of 109 hemispheres corresponding to transient ischemic attacks (16.5%), and in one of four hemispheres corresponding to lesions responsible for a fixed cerebral vascular accident (25%). two sur ...20072223547
injury prevention. cost of injury--a report to congress, 1989. 20072223563
injury prevention. cost of injury--a report to congress, 1989. 20072223563
[comparative evaluation of clinical and economic effectiveness of preventive therapy of affective and schizoaffective psychoses].the authors provide the results of a comparative study into the action of different drug approaches to the prevention of relapses of affective and schizoaffective psychoses with the aid of multifactorial consideration of different clinical, economic and socioeconomic indicators characterizing the "benefits and losses" because of the use of carbamazepine and lithium carbonate. the comparative analysis has shown a high normothymic activity of carbamazepine and lithium carbonate in the patients exa ...20072176049
the dose rate effects on the in vitro radiolysis products of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in aqueous solutions.this study examined the effects on the radiolysis of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in deaerated aqueous solutions, investigated by fourier transform infrared (ft-ir) spectroscopy. it was found that when the system was irradiated with a dose rate of 500 rad/min (low dose rate), the oh radicals, h atoms and hydrated electrons (eaq-) produced from radiolysis of water reacted mainly by addition to the double bonds c4 = c5 and n7 = c8 of guanine. when the dose rate was 23,800 rad/min ...20072168727
an analysis of maximum mandibular movements, craniofacial relationships and temporomandibular joint awareness in children.this paper evaluates the relationship between maximum mandibular vertical opening and the following variables: chronological age, craniomandibular relationships, and temporomandibular joint awareness in children. the range of mandibular movement was evaluated in 189 children between the ages of 4 and 14 years, using the method of agerberg. measurements were found to be accurate and reliable only in the vertical plane. cephalometric tracings were made on 131 of the subjects. significant relations ...20072064068
lead use in california industry: its prevalence and health estimated 230,000 workers were reported to work in lead-using activities as a result of a 1986 statistical survey of employers in california. however, 68% of these workers worked in activities of relatively low hazard. this included 114,000 workers engaged in electronic soldering. over 1800 workers were reported to work in battery manufacture, a relatively high-hazard activity, but with consistent monitoring and protection. in contrast, over 4300 workers were involved in radiator repair activ ...20071951050
distinction of mesothelioma from carcinoma in pleural effusions. an immunocytochemical study on routinely processed cytoblock preparations.the study was designed to find out whether the commercially available antibodies bma 130 c, bma 120, v 9, kl 1, b 72.3 tag, hea 125 and ber-ep 4 would be of help in distinguishing carcinomas from a mesothelial process (mesothelioma/pleuritis) in pleural effusion specimens routinely processed by the cytoblock method. all of the 20 carcinomas included in the study but also 19 of the 20 mesotheliomas expressed cytokeratin (kl 1), whereas vimentin expression was found in 7 of the 20 carcinomas and 1 ...20071876528
lauryl sulphate haemoglobin: a non-hazardous substitute for hicn in haemoglobinometry.the haemiglobincyanide (hicn) method for measuring haemoglobin is used extensively worldwide; its advantage is the ready availability of a stable and internationally accepted reference standard/calibrator. however, its use may create a problem, especially in automated analysers, as the waste disposal of large volumes of reagent containing cyanide may constitute a potential toxic hazard. as an alternative, conversion of haemoglobin to a sulphate derivative by nontoxic sodium lauryl sulphate has b ...20071794230
intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and subdural hematoma after acute myocardial infarction and thrombolytic therapy in the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction study. thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, phase ii, pilot and clinical the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, phase ii pilot and clinical trial, 908 patients [326 (35.9%) in the pilot study and 582 (64.0%) in the randomized study] were treated with 150 mg recombinant tissue-type plasminogen (rt-pa) activator in combination with heparin and aspirin, and 3,016 patients [64 (2.1%) in the pilot study and 2,952 (97.9%) in the randomized study] were treated with 100 mg rt-pa in combination with heparin and aspirin. adverse neurological events occurred in 23 patien ...20071899364
inbreeding in saguenay-lac-st-jean (quebec, canada): a study of catholic church dispensations 1842-1971.saguenay-lac-st-jean (slsj) is a rather geographically isolated region of quebec which shows a high occurrence of hereditary disorders. it has been suggested that high inbreeding might explain this situation. we studied the inbreeding in the slsj region by 10-year periods from 1842 till 1971 using the catholic church dispensations. the values of the mean inbreeding coefficient were found to be low during the whole period, reaching a peak of 22.94 x 10(-4) during the period 1902-1911. the values ...20071797631
alpha-fetoprotein.the past year has seen major challenges to existing maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein testing protocols for both neural tube defects and chromosomal anomalies. these challenges are reviewed along with the physiology of alpha-fetoprotein; the use of amniocentesis, ultrasonography, and additional serum markers in women with elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels; and epidemiologic implications of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening.20071717020
alpha-fetoprotein.the past year has seen major challenges to existing maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein testing protocols for both neural tube defects and chromosomal anomalies. these challenges are reviewed along with the physiology of alpha-fetoprotein; the use of amniocentesis, ultrasonography, and additional serum markers in women with elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels; and epidemiologic implications of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening.20071717020
lightness, embeddedness, and contrast. 20075054071
on talc, tremolite, and tergiversation. ter-gi-ver-sate: 2: to use subterfuges. 20072039750
response by dr. alden n. haffner upon receipt of the koch memorial medal 1990. 20071852404
[membranous glomerulonephritis. experience at the instituto nacional de la nutrición salvador zubirán].the purpose of this retrospective study was to study the incidence of idiopathic and secondary forms of membranous nephropathy in our institution, its clinical course and progression to chronic renal failure, and the risk factors associated with it. two hundred fourteen (16%) of the 1,287 renal biopsies obtained between 1962 and 1988 were primary glomerular diseases and 28 of this 214 (13%) were idiopathic membranous nephropathy. on the other hand 59 of 1,287 biopsies were membranous nephropathy ...20072267443
illumination and errors in dispensing.the relationship between the level of illumination and the prescription-dispensing error rate in a high-volume army outpatient pharmacy was investigated. the prescription error rate was determined by direct, undisguised observation and retrospective prescription review under three levels of illumination (45, 102, and 146 foot-candles) during 21 consecutive weekdays. illumination was controlled in the prescription-checking area of the pharmacy by using additional fluorescent lamps and filters. th ...20071781468
[laser coagulation of the cornea with a holmium:yag laser for correction of hyperopia].we present a new technique of hyperopic correction similar to radial thermokeratoplasty. a pulsed ho: yag laser was used that emitted radiation at 2.06 microns and was guided by a quartz fiber and a focusing hand piece. the penetration depth of this light in the cornea is about 400 microns. eight or 16 concentric point coagulations result in steepening in the central cornea. this refractive change is inverse related to the distance to the cornea center, and it increases linearly with increasing ...20071855726
[laser coagulation of the cornea with a holmium:yag laser for correction of hyperopia].we present a new technique of hyperopic correction similar to radial thermokeratoplasty. a pulsed ho: yag laser was used that emitted radiation at 2.06 microns and was guided by a quartz fiber and a focusing hand piece. the penetration depth of this light in the cornea is about 400 microns. eight or 16 concentric point coagulations result in steepening in the central cornea. this refractive change is inverse related to the distance to the cornea center, and it increases linearly with increasing ...20071855726
[internal tooth resorption]. 20072206646
[retrospective epidemiologic analysis of the occurrence of measles in slovakia].the authors give a detailed account of the reported measles morbidity in slovakia during the past 50 years (almost half a million notified cases). before vaccination on a mass scale was introduced, some 1% of the notified cases died. the most frequent cause of death was pneumonia, followed by encephalitis. since 1977 there was not a single death from measles. before vaccination was introduced preschool children were affected most badly by the morbidity. after introduction of vaccination on a mas ...20071828717
hybridocytochemistry with non-radioactive probes as a tool for biomedical research and cytodiagnostics.the advent of dna and rna labelling techniques which allow non-autoradiographic detection of specific nucleic acid sequences has opened new possibilities for rapid diagnosis at the nucleic acid level. there are already practical applications. however, in order to fully compete with radioactive procedures an increase in sensitivity is still desired.20072435580
[derivative spectroscopy and its use in sanitary hygiene control].an analytical method is developed for defining the residual quantities of rodenticide "brodifacoum" (talon) used in the control of harmful field rodents and especially for species microtus. the method is based on extracting the pesticide with chloroform and making use of spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet field in intervals 340-240 nm. the second derivative of the absorption is utilized as well as the band with maximum 288 nm and minimum 228 nm. the peak height in this interval is in proportio ...20072099444
regulation of alcohol consumption by the renin-angiotensin system: a review of recent findings and a possible mechanism of action.the renin-angiotensin system has traditionally been associated with the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance. in this review we summarize the data which ascribes a completely new function to this system, i.e., the regulation of alcohol consumption. in addition, we suggest a possible mechanism for this effect based on the concept of a satiety or stop process. the approach taken was to examine the effect on alcohol intake of a wide variety of drug, genetic, dietary, surgical and neurosurgic ...20071852316
discordant expression of tuberous sclerosis in monozygotic twins.a set of 20-year-old female japanese twins, most probably monozygotic, had clinical evidence of tuberous sclerosis (ts). they were discordant for symptoms. one of the twins exhibited facial red-brown papules (adenoma sebaceum), a dorsal shagreen patch, intracerebral calcifications, angiomyolipoma in the right kidney, and hypopigmented macules; the other had only a few hypopigmented macules. modification of ts gene expression by the effects of environmental (extrinsic) factors is suggested.20071885853
[the topographic anatomical basis for ventriculosinusal shunting in hydrocephalus in nursing and young infants].the peculiarities in the structure and topographic anatomical relations of the superior longitudinal, lateral, and sigmoid sinuses were studied on block preparations of the posterior cranial fossa of 14 children under 3 years of age who died from somatic diseases. it was shown that intrasinus inclusions preventing catheterization of the sinus (bands and septa) were absent at the junction of the first angle of the sigmoid sinus with its descending part. the authors recommend this area for shuntin ...20072168650
[brain stem auditory evoked potentials in the early period after a brain concussion].acoustic truncal evoked potentials (atep) were studied in 24 patients in the first 48 hours after concussion of the brain. the absolute peak latency of components 1, 3, and 5, the interpeak intervals 1-3, 3-5, and 1-5, and the interaural difference were determined. the results were compared with those of examination of a control group of 24 healthy individuals. individual and group appraisal failed to reveal any significant differences from normal values in none of the studied parameters in pati ...20072168645
sterilization using 365 nm uv-led.there are several methods used for sterilization. in those methods chlorine, heat and uv rays are traditionally used. in recent years, the uv sterilization is taken notice as a sterilization method that the sterilized object does not change in quality and is environment-friendly. in this paper, an uv-led is focused because it does not contain harmful substance and has longer operating life. the results have showed that complete germicidal effects for e. coli and vibrio parahaemolyticus by uv-led ...200718003342
expression and characterization of a metalloprotease from a vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate.the extracellular zinc metalloprotease from vibrio parahaemolyticus (vpm) is a putative virulence factor for host infection. it is synthesized from the vpm gene of v. parahaemolyticus as a polypeptide of 814 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 89,833 da, containing a zinc metalloprotease hexxh consensus motif. to investigate the enzymatic properties of v. parahaemolyticus metalloprotease, the mature vpm gene was overexpressed in escherichia coli, and the recombinant protein (rvpm) wa ...200718026209
vibrio parahaemolyticus elevates interferon alpha production in intestinal-like epithelial caco-2 cells.vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis from seafood consumption. we tried to determine how the gene expression levels of intestinal-like epithelial cells (caco-2 cells) and mouse intestinal loop mucosal cells change upon infection with this bacterium. since we found the robust production of interferon alpha (ifn-alpha) by the v. parahaemolyticus infection, we also assessed the upregulation of a number of ifn-stimulated genes (isgs). the expressions of ifn protein were de ...200718026229
molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains associated with foodborne illness in florida.vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of bacterial seafood-based illness in the united states. real-time pcr, pandemic group-specific pcr, ribotyping, and multilocus sequence typing were used to characterize 30 strains of v. parahaemolyticus including 11 strains associated with foodborne outbreaks in florida and 6 known pandemic strains. thirteen strains were positive for four pandemic group-specific pcr markers, including 5 strains associated with outbreaks in florida. molecular typing m ...200717969625
development of a new water sterilization device with a 365 nm uv-led.ultraviolet (uv) irradiation is an effective disinfection method. in sterilization equipment, a low-pressure mercury lamp emitting an effective germicidal uvc (254 nm) is used as the light source. however, the lamp, which contains mercury, must be disposed of at the end of its lifetime or following damage due to physical shock or vibration. we investigated the suitability of an ultraviolet light-emitting diode at an output wavelength of 365 nm (uva-led) as a sterilization device, comparing with ...200717978842
global dissemination of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o3:k6 and its serovariants.vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as a cause of food-borne gastroenteritis, particularly in the far east, where raw seafood consumption is high. an unusual increase in admissions of v. parahaemolyticus cases was observed at the infectious diseases hospital in calcutta, a city in the northeastern part of india, beginning february 1996. analysis of the strains revealed that a unique serotype, o3:k6, not previously isolated during the surveillance in calcutta accounted for 50 to 80% of the infe ...200717223622
rapid detection and enumeration of trh-carrying vibrio parahaemolyticus with the alkaline phosphatase-labelled oligonucleotide alkaline phosphatase (ap)-labelled oligonucleotide probe was developed to detect and enumerate trh(+)vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood. the probe was evaluated using 40 isolates of v. parahaemolyticus, 45 isolates of other vibrios and 55 non-vibrio isolates. the probe reacted specifically with v. parahaemolyticus possessing either the trh1 or trh2 variant of the trh gene and was found to be 100% specific for trh(+)v. parahaemolyticus. using the trh probe, v. parahaemolyticus carrying trh gen ...200717227431
inhibitory activity of thai condiments on pandemic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus.antibacterial activity of 13 condiments used in thai cooking was investigated with a pandemic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus. using a disk diffusion technique, freshly squeezed extracts from galangal, garlic and lemon, at a concentration of 10 microl/disk produced a clear zone of 13.6+/-0.5, 11.6+/-0.5 and 8.6+/-1.2mm, respectively. the inhibitory activity of these 3 condiments on pandemic strains was not significantly different from that on non-pandemic strains of v. parahaemolyticus. becaus ...200717189767
the role of vanadium in the chemical defense of the solitary tunicate, phallusia nigra.ascidians (sea squirts) may defend themselves from predators, biofouling competitors, and bacterial infection by producing secondary metabolites or sequestering acid, but many species also accumulate heavy metals, most notably vanadium. the defensive functions of heavy metals in ascidians remain unclear, and to this end, the solitary caribbean tunicate, phallusia nigra, was studied to localize vanadium in its tissues and to assess the defensive properties of vanadium-containing compounds. as det ...200717265174
sodium-independent low-affinity d-glucose transport by human sodium/d-glucose cotransporter 1: critical role of tryptophan 561.although there is no evidence of significant na-independent glucose flux in tissues naturally expressing sglt1, previous kinetic and biophysical studies suggest that sodium/d-glucose cotransporter 1 (hsglt1) can facilitate sodium-independent d-glucose transport and may contain more than one sugar binding site. in this work, we analyze the kinetic properties and conformational states of isolated hsglt1 reconstituted in liposomes by transport and fluorescence studies in the absence of sodium. in t ...200717288452
virulence gene- and pandemic group-specific marker profiling of clinical vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a halophilic bacterium capable of causing food- and waterborne gastroenteritis, wound infections, and septicemia in humans. the organism has recently received increasing attention, as the emergence of a new clone, v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6, has resulted in the first documented pandemic spread of v. parahaemolyticus. we used microarray analyses to explore the presence of known virulence factors and genetic markers thought to be specific for v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 and ...200717301274
intussusception in a young female with vibrio gastroenteritis and diabetic ketoacidosis.the incidence of functional intussusception is extremely rare in adults. a 23-year-old woman, previously diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (dm), complained of colicky abdominal pain associated with vomiting of 1-day duration. currant jelly stool was observed. irrespective of hydration and intravenous insulin injection under the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis (dka), her abdominal pain and laboratory parameters did not improve. abdominal computerized tomography (ct) revealed a jejunojeju ...200717301511
identification of vibrio isolates by a multiplex pcr assay and rpob sequence determination.vibrio, a diverse genus of aquatic bacteria, currently includes 72 species, 12 of which occur in human clinical samples. of these 12, three species--vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus-account for the majority of vibrio infections in humans. rapid and accurate identification of vibrio species has been problematic because phenotypic characteristics are variable within species and biochemical identification requires 2 or more days to complete. to facilitate the identifi ...200717093013
tetrameric structure of thermostable direct hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus revealed by ultracentrifugation, small-angle x-ray scattering and electron microscopy.the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) is a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus. we have characterized the conformational properties of tdh by small-angle x-ray scattering (saxs), ultracentrifugation and transmission electron microscopy. sedimentation equilibrium and velocity studies revealed that the protein is tetrameric in aqueous solvents. the guinier plot derived from saxs data provided a radius of gyration of 29.0 a. the elongated pattern with a shoulder of a pair distance d ...200717056060
rapid separation and concentration of food-borne pathogens in food samples prior to quantification by viable-cell counting and real-time pcr.buoyant density gradient centrifugation has been used to separate bacteria from complex food matrices, as well as to remove compounds that inhibit rapid detection methods, such as pcr, and to prevent false-positive results due to dna originating from dead cells. applying a principle of buoyant density gradient centrifugation, we developed a method for rapid separation and concentration following filtration and low- and high-speed centrifugation, as well as flotation and sedimentation buoyant den ...200717056684
a pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing scheme for vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from fifteen countries.vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important foodborne pathogen in taiwan and many other maritime asian countries where seafood is frequently consumed. a total of 535 strains of v. parahaemolyticus were recovered mostly (97%) from clinical samples obtained in taiwan or in 14 other countries. these strains were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis following sfii digestion and a typing scheme was generated. the 115 different patterns identified were grouped into 13 types with dissimilarity values ...200717161487
rapid detection of vibrio species using liquid microsphere arrays and real-time pcr targeting the ftsz locus.the development of rapid and sensitive molecular techniques for the detection of vibrio species would be useful for the surveillance of sporadic infections and management of major outbreaks. comparative sequence analysis of the ftsz gene in the predominant vibrio species that cause human disease revealed distinct alleles for each examined species, including vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus. light upon extension (lux) real-time pcr assays were developed to target the ...200717172518
comparison of different biochemical and molecular methods for the identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus.multicentre evaluation of biochemical and molecular methods for the identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus.200717184339
use of linear, weibull, and log-logistic functions to model pressure inactivation of seven foodborne pathogens in milk.survival curves of six foodborne pathogens suspended in ultra high-temperature (uht) whole milk and exposed to high hydrostatic pressure at 21.5 degrees c were obtained. vibrio parahaemolyticus was treated at 300 mpa and other pathogens, listeria monocytogenes, escherichia coli o157:h7, salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis, salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, and staphylococcus aureus were treated at 600 mpa. all the survival curves showed a rapid initial drop in bacterial counts followe ...200717188197
descriptive epidemiology of vibrio parahaemolyticus and other vibrio species infections in british columbia: 2001-2006. 200718161203
a decrease in the proportion of infections by pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus in hat yai hospital, southern thailand.infection by the pandemic clone of vibrio parahaemolyticus is prevalent in southern thailand. this study actively surveyed the incidence of v. parahaemolyticus infection in this area. a total of 865 isolates of v. parahaemolyticus was obtained from patients at hat yai hospital, the main public hospital in songkhla province, thailand, from 2000 to 2005. the isolates were examined by group-specific pcr (gs-pcr) specific for the pandemic clone, and for the presence of two major virulence genes, tdh ...200718033832
antibacterial activity of guava (psidium guajava l.) and neem (azadirachta indica a. juss.) extracts against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria.the antibacterial activity of guava (psidium guajava) and neem (azadirachta indica) extracts against 21 strains of foodborne pathogens were determined--listeria monocytogenes (five strains), staphylococcus aureus (four strains), escherichia coli o157:h7 (six strains), salmonella enteritidis (four strains), vibrio parahaemolyticus, and bacillus cereus, and five food spoilage bacteria: pseudomonas aeroginosa, p. putida, alcaligenes faecalis, and aeromonas hydrophila (two strains). guava and neem e ...200718041957
recovery in culture of viable but nonculturable vibrio parahaemolyticus: regrowth or resuscitation?the objective of this study was to explore the recovery of culturability of viable but nonculturable (vbnc) vibrio parahaemolyticus after temperature upshift and to determine whether regrowth or resuscitation occurred. a clinical strain of v. parahaemolyticus vp5 was rendered vbnc by exposure to artificial seawater (asw) at 4 degrees c. aliquots of the asw suspension of cells (0.1, 1 and 10 ml) were subjected to increased temperatures of 20 degrees c and 37 degrees c. culturability of the cells ...200718043621
new water disinfection system using uva light-emitting evaluate the ability of high-energy ultraviolet a (uva) light-emitting diode (led) to inactivate bacteria in water and investigate the inactivating mechanism of uva irradiation.200718045413
bactericidal effect of tio2 on the selected vibrio parahaemolyticus and optimization using response surface this work, the bactericidal effect of tio2 on selected typical food pathogenic bacteria, vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied. v parahaemolyticus is an important pathogen of humans and aqua-cultured animals. we established the response surface methodology (box-behnken design) to investigate the effect of principal parameters on the cell sterilization such as tio2 concentration, uv illumination time, temperature, and ph. the sterilization rate reached maximum value at the tio2 concentration of ...200718047042
vmeab, an rnd-type multidrug efflux transporter in vibrio parahaemolyticus.genes vmea and vmeb, encoding a multidrug efflux transporter in the halophilic bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus, have been cloned using a drug-hypersusceptible escherichia coli strain as the host. cells of e. coli kam33 (deltaacrab deltaydhe) carrying the vmeab region from v. parahaemolyticus conferred much higher mics for a variety of antimicrobial agents than did control cells. cells possessing vmeab under energized conditions maintained very low intracellular concentrations of ethidium. this ...200718048926
evaluation of different polymerase chain reaction methods for the identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated by cultural methods.control of contamination by vibrio parahaemolyticus in fishery products is often hampered by the lack of standardized methods and by the uncertainty associated with biochemical identification of the isolates. in this study, 5 polymerase chain reaction (pcr) methods for the identification of v. parahaemolyticus to the species level were evaluated by using 25 vibrio reference strains and 163 isolates from fishery products, environmental sources, and clinical samples. sequence targets of the method ...200718193736
production and secretion of a recombinant vibrio parahaemolyticus chitinase by escherichia coli and its purification from the culture open reading frame encoding the chitinase gene and its signal sequence was cloned from the vibrio parahaemolyticus kn1699 genome. an expression plasmid containing the gene was introduced into escherichia coli cells, and recombinant chitinase (pa-rchi) was produced and secreted into the culture medium with the aid of the signal peptide. pa-rchi was purified and its substrate specificity was determined.200717986788
vibrio infections in louisiana: twenty-five years of surveillance 1980-2005.a total of 1,007 vibrio infections were reported to the infectious disease epidemiology department at the louisiana office of public heath, between 1980 and 2005. the most common were vibrio vulnificus (257 infections), vibrio parahemolyticus (249 infections), and vibrio cholerae non o1 (200 cases). other species were much less common. vibrio vulnificus infections, which are associated with consumption of raw seafood (particularly oysters) or contact with sea water, and severe immuno-suppression ...200717987958
contamination of community water sources by potentially pathogenic vibrios following sea water inundation.potentially pathogenic members of the vibrionaceae family including vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahemolyticus were isolated from domestic sources of drinking water in coastal villages following sea water inundation during the tsunami in southern india. phenotypic and genotypic studies were done to confirm the identity and detection of toxins. vibrio-gyr (gyrase b gene) was detected in all sixteen vibrio isolates. toxin regulating genes i.e.: ctx gene, tdh gene, and trh gene, however were not de ...200718697592
[growth and therapy in angle class ii/2--a longitudinal cephalometric study].the influence of both growth and functional therapy with the u-bow-activator type i on angle class ii subdivision 2 malocclusion is analysed in a cephalometric long term study. findings concerning skeletal problems: 1. therapeutically intended clockwise rotation of the mandible with vertically and sagittally controlled maxillary position, 2. achieving normal sagittal mandibular growth rates. dental problems are improved significantly. the results obtained by functional therapy and growth proved ...20072227736
[growth and therapy in angle class ii/2--a longitudinal cephalometric study].the influence of both growth and functional therapy with the u-bow-activator type i on angle class ii subdivision 2 malocclusion is analysed in a cephalometric long term study. findings concerning skeletal problems: 1. therapeutically intended clockwise rotation of the mandible with vertically and sagittally controlled maxillary position, 2. achieving normal sagittal mandibular growth rates. dental problems are improved significantly. the results obtained by functional therapy and growth proved ...20072227736
[lung cancer in women in moscow (epidemiology, etiology and surgical treatment)].in the studied period (1973-1987) the lung carcinoma morbidity rate among females of moscow, in general intensive indices (per 100,000 females), showed a tendency to reduce (18.4 in 1973 and 15.1 in 1987). a reverse tendency is mostly encountered in other countries. more than half of patients with lung carcinoma were over 70 years of age. the ratio of males with lung carcinoma to that of females grew from 3.0:1.0 in 1973-1977 to 3.6:1.0 in 1983-1987. in the period from 1979 to 1988, 380 females ...20072223213
[lung cancer in women in moscow (epidemiology, etiology and surgical treatment)].in the studied period (1973-1987) the lung carcinoma morbidity rate among females of moscow, in general intensive indices (per 100,000 females), showed a tendency to reduce (18.4 in 1973 and 15.1 in 1987). a reverse tendency is mostly encountered in other countries. more than half of patients with lung carcinoma were over 70 years of age. the ratio of males with lung carcinoma to that of females grew from 3.0:1.0 in 1973-1977 to 3.6:1.0 in 1983-1987. in the period from 1979 to 1988, 380 females ...20072223213
[lipoprotein (a)--a further risk factor in arteriosclerosis?].epidemiological studies have identified lipoprotein (a), which has been known since 1963, but has received attention only recently, as a further risk factor for premature arteriosclerosis. this substance is similar to low-density lipoprotein, but it's serum concentration (and thus the increase in risk) is genetically determined and highly variable from one individual to another. the usual dietary and drug measures have only little effect on lipoprotein (a) serum levels. although the physiologica ...20072147016
ovarian cancer. 20072042058
[long-term results of the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. study of a series of 328 patients hospitalized from 1972 to 1984].between 1972 to 1984, 328 patients were admitted in the department of neurosurgery, for the treatment of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm, and being clinically in grades i to iv. these patients were submitted to a deferred surgery protocol. 5.5% of the patients died before surgery, and 94.5% were actually operated on. the follow-up was at least over one year, and up to 14 years (mean 3 years and 8 months). the long term result was appreciated according to the physical status of the patients and ...20073374722
access to information for adult adoptees. 20071913424
paraquat poisoning with acute renal failure--a case report.paraquat poisoning is relatively rare and is associated with mortality varying from 35 to 50%. a patient who consumed paraquat developed features of non-oliguric acute renal failure and recovered following haemodialysis. renal biopsy done during the early recovery phase showed features of acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis with no disruption of tubular basement membrane. on recovery the patient had no evidence of proximal renal tubular dysfunction.20072613639
[transient polyuria in pregnancy in diabetes insipidus and gestational diabetes].two pregnant women developed overt polyuria (up to 11 l/day) and polydipsia during their second and third trimesters of pregnancy. in one patient hydronephrosis was present. both patients suffered from mild gestational diabetes mellitus. plasma sodium was 145 and 162 mmol/l. polyuria and urinary hypo-osmolality responded well to desmopressin acetate. after delivery, polyuria and polydipsia disappeared in one patient and significantly improved in the other. infusion of hypertonic saline one and t ...20071770904
renal damage in mice after sequential cisplatin and irradiation: the influence of prior irradiation on platinum elimination.doses of 4-6 mg kg-1 c-ddp given 6 months before renal irradiation caused only a modest increase in functional radiation damage (def 1.1). these effects could be explained by additive toxicities and the damage was much less than when c-ddp was given 3-6 months after irradiation. pharmacokinetic studies did not demonstrate any decrease in the rate of platinum elimination after previous low-dose renal irradiation.20071924867
effect of macrophages on interleukin-2 (il-2)- and il-4-induced murine lymphokine-activated killer activity.the enhancing effect of macrophages on interleukin-2 (il-2)- and il-4-induced murine lymphokine-activated killer (lak) activity was investigated in this study. peritoneal macrophages significantly enhanced lak activity generated from accessory cell-depleted splenic lymphocytes in both il-2 and il-4 cultures. this effect was dependent on the number of macrophages and was not replaced by a factor derived from macrophages or lymphocytes. macrophages enhanced il-2- and il-4-induced lak activity agai ...20072045201
acute intoxication as a cause of wild bird mortality in the netherlands from 1975-1989. 20071805755
[initial attitudes to orthodontic treatment--the results of a practical and clinical questionnaire study (i)].312 patients from one clinic and nine offices, between eight and 15 years of age treated with bionators, their parents and a control group were questioned on various aspects of their treatment. findings regarding opinions about dentofacial appearance, initial motives and expectations are presented. aesthetic motives proved preponderant by seeking treatment though the children's ability to verbally differentiate aesthetic concepts was poor. above all, they expected visible treatment progress, abs ...20072227739
[initial attitudes to orthodontic treatment--the results of a practical and clinical questionnaire study (i)].312 patients from one clinic and nine offices, between eight and 15 years of age treated with bionators, their parents and a control group were questioned on various aspects of their treatment. findings regarding opinions about dentofacial appearance, initial motives and expectations are presented. aesthetic motives proved preponderant by seeking treatment though the children's ability to verbally differentiate aesthetic concepts was poor. above all, they expected visible treatment progress, abs ...20072227739
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