
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[tick-borne encephalitis in central europe: a rare cause of autochthonous meningo-encephalo-myelitis]. 19948140082
dengue: the risk to developed and developing countries.dengue viruses are members of the flaviviridae, transmitted principally in a cycle involving humans and mosquito vectors. in the last 20 years the incidence of dengue fever epidemics has increased and hyperendemic transmission has been established over a geographically expanding area. a severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf), is an immunopathologic disease occurring in persons who experience sequential dengue infections. the risk of sequential infections, and consequently the incidence of d ...19948146129
[flavivirus encephalitis in an urban area]. 19948029200
arboviruses causing human disease in the australasian zoogeographic region.over 65 arboviruses have been reported from countries in the australasian zoogeographic region, but only a few have been implicated in human disease. these include the flaviviruses murray valley encephalitis (mve), kunjin (kun), kokobera (kok), and dengue, particularly types 1 and 2; the alphaviruses ross river (rr), barmah forest (bf), and sindbis (sin); and the bunyaviruses, gan gan and trubanaman. in this paper recent epidemiological and clinical results pertaining to these viruses are review ...19948031248
processing of dengue type 4 and other flavivirus nonstructural proteins.dengue type 4 (den4) and other flaviviruses employ host and viral proteases for polyprotein processing. most proteolytic cleavages in the den4 nonstructural protein (ns) region are mediated by the viral ns2b-ns3 protease. the n-terminal third of ns3, containing sequences homologous to serine protease active sites, is the protease domain. to determine required sequences in ns2b, deletions were introduced into den4 ns2b-30% ns3 cdna and the expressed polyproteins assayed for self-cleavage. a 40 am ...19948032267
a case of japanese encephalitis.we report a case of japanese encephalitis that occurred in a woman who had spent only a few days in an area where she could have been exposed to the virus. the risks and protective efficacy of vaccination against japanese encephalitis virus for travellers who visit endemic areas for only a short period are discussed.19948034997
kinetic and structural analyses of hepatitis c virus polyprotein processing.recombinant vaccinia viruses were used to study the processing of hepatitis c virus (hcv) nonstructural polyprotein precursor. hcv-specific proteins and cleavage products were identified by size and by immunoprecipitation with region-specific antisera. a polyprotein beginning with 20 amino acids derived from the carboxy terminus of ns2 and ending with the ns5b stop codon (amino acids 1007 to 3011) was cleaved at the ns3/4a, ns4a/4b, ns4b/5a, and ns5a/5b sites, whereas a polyprotein in which the ...19948035505
processing of the intracellular form of the west nile virus capsid protein by the viral ns2b-ns3 protease: an in vitro study.according to the existing model of flavivirus polyprotein processing, one of the cleavages in the amino-terminal part of the flavivirus polyprotein by host cell signalases results in formation of prm (precursor to one of the structural proteins, m) and the membrane-bound intracellular form of the viral capsid protein (cint) retaining the prm signal sequence at its carboxy terminus. this hydrophobic anchor is subsequently removed by the viral protease, resulting in formation of the mature viral c ...19948057458
[a serological survey regarding flaviviridae infections on the island of réunion (1971-1989)].serological prevalence of flaviviridae was studied on reunion island by testing 2,507 human sera from a randomised sample. each serum was tested against 5 viruses (yellow fever, dengue type 1 and 2, west nile and wesselsbron) using haemagglutination inhibition test: 42.68% of human sera were found positive. the multivalent reactions represent practically three fourths of the positive ones. a severe dengue type 2 outbreak on the island in 1977-1978 and the possible circulation of a flavivirus may ...19948061530
postvaccinal plexus neuropathy following vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis and tetanus in a competitive athlete. 19948086776
[differences in susceptibility to peripheral infection with japanese encephalitis virus among inbred strains of mouse].we compared susceptibility of inbred mouse strains against intracerebral as well as peripheral challenge of a flavivirus, japanese encephalitis (je) virus, and the results were summarized as follows: (1) seven inbred mouse strains (c3h/he, c57bl/6, balb/c, akr/n, nc, nzb, dba/2) could be classified into following 3 groups by their mortality and infection rate when they were subcutaneously challenged with a wild je virus strain isolated from field-caught mosquitoes at a single passage in mouse (b ...19947900284
cryosubstitution technique reveals new morphology of flavivirus-induced structures.cryotechniques in combination with electron microscopy were used in an attempt to obtain more precise morphological details of flavivirus-induced structures. from conventional chemical fixation procedure, proliferation of endoplasmic reticulum, formation of microtubule paracrystals and clusters of smooth membrane vesicles (with 'thread-like' enclosures) were observed. these induced changes are typical for flavivirus infections. the images obtained from cryosections were disappointing as the stru ...19947868648
dengue fever virus and japanese encephalitis virus synthetic peptides, with motifs to fit hla class i haplotypes prevalent in human populations in endemic regions, can be used for application to skin langerhans cells to prime antiviral cd8+ cytotoxic t cells (ctls)--a novel approach to the protection of humans.flaviviruses were reported to induce cd8+ cytotoxic t cells in infected individuals, indicating that nonapeptides, proteolytic cleavage products of the viral precursor protein, enter the endoplasmic reticulum in infected cells and interact with hla class i molecules. the assembled hla class i molecules are transported to the plasma membrane and prime cd8+ t cells. current knowledge of the interaction of viral peptides with hla molecules is reviewed. based on this review, an idea is presented to ...19947871759
the interactions of the flavivirus envelope proteins: implications for virus entry and release.viral membrane proteins play an important role in the assembly and disassembly of enveloped viruses. oligomerization and proteolytic cleavage events are involved in controlling the functions of these proteins during virus entry and release. using tick-borne encephalitis virus as a model we have studied the role of the flavivirus envelope proteins e and prm/m in these processes. experiments with acidotropic agents provide evidence that the virus is taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis and th ...19947913359
detection of transfusion-associated hepatitis caused by non-a, non-b, non-c flavivirus.sera of patients suffering from acute hepatitis, and different forms of chronic hepatitis were found to be reactive to reagents prepared from the yellow fever virus (yf) vaccine strain. serum samples of 1974 patients were tested, and 133 of them were positive. hepatitis c virus specific antibodies were absent from the majority of them. the frequency of antibodies to other flaviviruses (tick-borne encephalitis, west nile) and hepatitis b virus markers was similar to that measured among the popula ...19947921854
specificity of the hepatitis c virus ns3 serine protease: effects of substitutions at the 3/4a, 4a/4b, 4b/5a, and 5a/5b cleavage sites on polyprotein processing.cleavage at four sites (3/4a, 4a/4b, 4b/5a, and 5a/5b) in the hepatitis c virus polyprotein requires a viral serine protease activity residing in the n-terminal one-third of the ns3 protein. sequence comparison of the residues flanking these cleavage sites reveals conserved features including an acidic residue (asp or glu) at the p6 position, a cys or thr residue at the p1 position, and a ser or ala residue at the p1' position. in this study, we used site-directed mutagenesis to assess the impor ...19947933136
processing of flavivirus structural glycoproteins: stable membrane insertion of premembrane requires the envelope signal peptide.the flavivirus structural proteins capsid (c), premembrane (prm), and envelope (e) are cleaved in that order from the n-terminus of the polyprotein by the er intralumenal enzyme signal peptidase. the prm-e and e-ns1 junctions contain hydrophobic domains with both transmembrane and signal function. these domains reside at the c-termini of prm and e, respectively, after cleavage. we studied the functions of the 37-amino-acid c-terminus of the dengue virus type 4 (den4) prm (amino acids 243-279 of ...19947941319
flavivirus west nile (sarafend) egress at the plasma membrane.west nile (sarafend) virus was distinctly observed to bud from the plasma membrane rather than mature intracellularly. this has been observed with transmission electron microscopy. using conventional scanning electron microscopy, budding at the plasma membrane especially at the filopodia was clearly illustrated. immunogold labelling against the virus envelope protein was also performed to confirm this mode of exit. the gold particles were observed to be located at the sites where virus budding w ...19947944952
generation of long flavivirus expression cassettes by in vivo recombination and transient dominant selection.assembly of expression cassettes coding for large segments of viral polyproteins is often complicated or impossible due to the instability of the resulting recombinant (re-) plasmids during propagation in escherichia coli. using the transient dominant selection approach described for the construction of vaccinia virus recombinants (re-vv), we have constructed several intermediate vectors and developed a procedure which enables direct assembly of long expression cassettes in the vv genome by in v ...19947958993
kinetics and cross-reactivity of the virus-specific antibody-forming cells in mice during primary and secondary infection with japanese encephalitis virus and related flaviviruses.a modified antibody-forming cell assay was used to enumerate splenocytes secreting antibodies to japanese encephalitis (je) virus and four other flaviviruses in infected cells as the target antigens. the optimal viral antigen expression for the assay was standardized in the infected cells for each virus and the incubation time varied depending of the cell line and the virus. the kinetics of response of je virus-infected mice readily showed igg isotype switching. antibody-forming splenocytes of m ...19947962258
expression of cloned envelope protein genes from the flavivirus tick-borne encephalitis virus in mammalian cells and random mutagenesis by pcr.the structural membrane proteins prm and e of the flavivirus tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus were expressed in mammalian cells for the purpose of probing the structure and molecular interactions of these proteins. advantage was taken of the natural error frequency of the taq polymerase used in the pcr amplification to generate a randomly mutated population of genes that were then cloned directly into plasmid expression vectors under the control of an sv40 promoter. analysis of the mutation f ...19947975266
towards a new generation of flavivirus vaccines.flavivirus diseases have caused great public health concern for over three centuries, with diseases like yellow fever, dengue, japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis causing thousands of deaths. although yellow fever epidemics can be brought under control by the use of vaccine or mosquito-control measures, there have been many examples of its re-emergence as an epidemic disease. similarly, the use of vaccines or arthropod-control measures have failed to prevent the spread of other fla ...19947975848
elisa for detecting dengue and japanese encephalitis viral antigen in indirect elisa has been developed for detecting two viruses in triturated, experimentally infected mosquitoes: dengue (den) in aedes aegypti (l.) and ae. albopictus (skuse) and japanese encephalitis (je) viral antigen in culex tritaeniorhynchus giles. den antigen from four strains of the virus, representing each of the four serotypes, and je antigen were captured with a polyclonal anti-flavivirus igg and detected with a monoclonal antibody (4g2) that reacts with all flaviviruses. minimum vira ...19947979627
mapping the flv locus controlling resistance to flaviviruses on mouse chromosome 5.genetically determined resistance to flaviviruses in mice is a dominant trait conferred by alleles at a single autosomal locus designated flv, but no gene products have been associated with this locus and the mechanism of resistance is not well understood. to further characterize this model of genetic resistance, we conducted mapping studies to determine the chromosomal location of flv. because of evidence suggesting that the flv locus is on chromosome 5, three-point backcross linkage analyses w ...19948254755
structural changes and functional control of the tick-borne encephalitis virus glycoprotein e by the heterodimeric association with protein prm.we have used tick-borne encephalitis virus to study the involvement of acidic compartments during the entry and release phases of flavivirus infection and to elucidate the role of protein prm in immature virions. elevation of the ph in acidic intracellular compartments by either bafilyomycin a1, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar type h(+)-atpase or by nh4cl had a strong inhibitory effect during virus penetration and also prevented the cleavage of prm when added in the late phase of the viral ...19948259646
reverted virulence of attenuated tick-borne encephalitis virus mutant is not accompanied with the changes in deduced viral envelope protein amino acid sequence.serial passages of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus strain 4387 isolated from the liver and lungs of the bank vole through the salivary glands of ixodes ricinus ticks led to a reduction of its virulence for laboratory mice infected via peripheral route. when attenuated mutants were passaged through mouse brains, virulent phenotypes have appeared in the 3rd mouse passage. after 5 consecutive passages the virus was more pathogenic for mice after peripheral inoculation than the parental 4387 str ...19947817894
monoclonal antibodies directed against tick-borne encephalitis virus with neutralizing activity in vivo.monoclonal antibodies (moabs) were raised against the tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus, strain k23. the reactivities of 14 selected moabs were characterized by elisa, western blot analysis, haemagglutination inhibition, immunoprecipitation, in vivo protection and in vitro neutralization tests. all moabs reacted only with the glycoprotein e. the binding epitope of one moab could be delimited by a synthetic peptide to amino acids 306-339 representing one immunodominant loop structure of the gly ...19947817895
[immuno-allergic meningeal reaction following anti-flavivirus vaccination]. 19947824472
susceptibility of the sf9 insect cell line to infection with adventitious viruses.sf9, the insect cell line commonly used for gene expression by recombinant baculovirus (bv), can be infected by st. louis encephalitis (sle) virus, a flavivirus, resulting in a persistent, productive, and cytopathic infection, while retaining the ability to be infected with a recombinant baculovirus (rbv). we now demonstrate using double immunofluorescence that single cells are dually infected with sle virus and rbv. fourteen additional viruses including additional flaviviruses, other arbovirus ...19947811453
isolations of west nile and bagaza viruses from mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in central senegal (ferlo).during october-november 1990, 31,497 mosquitoes consisting of 25 different species were collected in barkedji, ferlo area (senegal), and tested for virus infection. viruse were isolated from 55 of 407 pools. eighteen pools were found positive for both bagaza virus (bga) and west nile virus (wn). one alphavirus (babanki [bbk] and 72 flaviviruses (19 bga, 53 wn) were isolated from culex poicilipes theobald (29 wn, 8 bga), c. neavei theobald (3 wn, 1 bga), mimomyia hispida theobald (8 wn, 6 bga, an ...19947815413
dengue-3 (16562) pgmk 33 vaccine: neurovirulence, viremia and immune responses in macaca fascicularis.investigation of monkey neurovirulence of dengue-3 viruses (den-3, 16562) was undertaken to provide an evaluation of the relative safety of virus strain attenuated for potential use of live virus vaccine. ten flavivirus-negative, cynomolgus monkeys (macacafascicularis) were used in the test. the animals were inoculated intrathalamically, intraspinally and intramuscularly with den-3 pgmk 33 attenuated live virus vaccine (6 monkeys): parent virus (2) and control cell culture fluid (2). blood sampl ...19947777925
[biological properties and antigenic interconnection between tiuleniy and karshi flaviviruses].biological properties of flaviviruses tyuleny and karshi, new for the science, were studied. the viruses are highly pathogenic for laboratory animals; they replicate fairly well in primary chick embryo cells and ps cells. bhk-21 cells were found susceptible to replication of karshi virus. tyuleny and karshi viruses were found capable of initiating and maintaining a persistent infection in primary brain cell cultures from suckling syrian hamsters for at least 3 months. both the viruses showed cyt ...19947716902
studies on serological cross-reaction in sequential flavivirus infections.acute- and convalescent-phase sera from patients with dengue (den) hemorrhagic fever (dhf) and japanese encephalitis (je) that contained pre-existing flavivirus antibodies were tested for cross-reacting antibodies to den, je and yellow fever (yf) viruses by a neutralization (n) test. a fourfold or greater rise in n antibody titer in the convalescent-phase was considered significant. of 39 dhf cases, obtained at chiang mai university hospital, thailand, 15 (38.5%) showed a rise in den antibody ti ...19947723688
[stegomyian indices and epidemiological status of yellow fever in a rural area of the ivory coast].the m'bahiakro region, located in the center of ivory coast and inhabited by the n'gain, has been the scene of a yellow fever epidemic since 1982. this region reunites all the conditions for cyclic emergence of the flavivirus given the current epidemiologic pattern of yellow fever in africa. in view of this situation orstom, in collaboration with the pasteur institute of ivory coast, has created a pilot zone for epidemiologic surveillance of yellow fever in this region. the n'gain region which h ...19947746124
[epidemiological analysis of cases of tbe in 1993 in bialystok district].111 cases of tbe was 20 times increased morbidity in comparison to 1992 in bialystok district in 1993. among hospitalized dominated male patients (52.35%). first cases was reported in may and last in november with a peak in july. the age of patients was from 6 to 78 years old, 63.06%, in age group from 31 to 59 years old. we established that 78.87% patients were citizens of bialystok, spending there recreation time in forest. despite occurrence increased cases of tbe in 1993 we conclude that amo ...19947597185
an integrated target sequence and signal amplification assay, reverse transcriptase-pcr-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, to detect and characterize flaviviruses.we previously described a reverse transcriptase-pcr using flavivirus genus-conserved and virus species-specific amplimers (d. w. trent and g. j. chang, p. 355-371, in y. becker and c. darai; ed., frontiers of virology, vol. 1, 1992). target amplification was improved by redesigning the amplimers, and a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) technique has been developed to detect amplified digoxigenin (dig)-modified dna. a single biotin motif and multiple dig motifs were incorporated ...19947512096
tick-borne flavivirus ns1 gene: identification of conserved peptides and antigenic analysis of recombinant louping ill virus ns1 protein.the nucleotide sequence of the ns1 gene of louping ill (li) virus has been determined. the sequence shows a high degree of homology with other members of the tick-borne serocomplex of flaviviruses and a lower homology with the mosquito-borne flaviviruses. alignment of the deduced ns1 amino acid sequences with all tick-borne flavivirus ns1 sequences, identified four peptide regions which were conserved for all tick-borne flaviviruses, but were variable amongst mosquito-borne flaviviruses. a dendr ...19947513932
the flavivirus nonstructural protein ns3 is a dominant source of cytotoxic t cell peptide determinants.vaccinia virus recombinants encoding regions of the murray valley encephalitis virus (mve) genome, which together cover the entire viral coding region, were employed to identify the mve protein which is the dominant source of cd8+, cytotoxic, t cell antigenic determinant(s) presented by the mouse h-2kk major histocompatibility antigen. mve and west nile virus-immune, h-2k-restricted, effector cells recognized peptides derived from the mve nonstructural polyprotein segment, and in this region the ...19947516597
identification of mosquito-borne flavivirus sequences using universal primers and reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction.a reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction (rt/pcr) protocol for the rapid detection and identification of flaviviruses was developed using a set of universal oligonucleotide primers. these primers correspond to sequences in the 3' non-coding region and in the ns5 gene which are highly conserved among the mosquito-borne flaviviruses. the sequences of the resulting amplified products were analysed for dengue 1, dengue 2, dengue 3, dengue 4, japanese encephalitis, west nile, yellow fever an ...19947520190
analysis of the structural protein gene sequence shows kyasanur forest disease virus as a distinct member in the tick-borne encephalitis virus serocomplex.kyasanur forest disease (kfd) virus is a highly pathogenic member of the family flaviviridae producing a haemorrhagic disease in infected human beings. despite this high pathogenicity and potential epidemiological importance, there have been relatively few detailed antigenic or molecular studies on kfd virus. the nucleotide sequences of the genes encoding the structural proteins of the virus have now been determined. from these data we conclude that kfd virus is a distinct member in the tick-bor ...19948113732
geographic distribution and evolution of yellow fever viruses based on direct sequencing of genomic cdna fragments.we have compared the nucleotide sequence of an envelope protein gene fragment encoding amino acids 291 to 406 of 22 yellow fever (yf) virus strains of diverse geographic and host origins isolated over a 63 year time span. the nucleotide fragment of viral rna was examined by direct sequencing of a pcr product derived from complementary dna. alignment with the prototype asibi strain sequence showed divergence of 0 to 21.5% corresponding to a maximum of 5.2% divergence in the amino acid sequence. t ...19948113765
[what is the status of immune prevention of "tick bite diseases"?]. 19948147025
recombinant vaccinia viruses co-expressing dengue-1 glycoproteins prm and e induce neutralizing antibodies in mice.four recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing different portions of the dengue type 1 virus (den-1) genome (c-prm-e-ns1-ns2a-ns2b; prm-e; prm-e-ns1-ns2a-ns2b; or ns1-ns2a) were constructed in order to establish the most immunogenic configuration of den-1 proteins. both recombinants producing prm and e in the absence of c induced the synthesis of extracellular forms of e in vitro. mice inoculated with these two recombinants produced den-1 neutralizing (neut) and haemagglutination inhibiting (hai) ...19948165861
both ns3 and ns4a are required for proteolytic processing of hepatitis c virus nonstructural proteins.the proteolytic cleavages at the ns3-ns4a, ns4a-ns4b, ns4b-ns5a, and ns5a-ns5b junctions of hepatitis c virus (hcv) polyprotein are effected by the virus-encoded serine protease contained within ns3. using transient expression in hela cells of cdna fragments that code for regions of the hcv polyprotein, we studied whether viral functions other than ns3 are required for proteolytic processing at these sites. we found that, in addition to ns3, a c-terminal 33-amino-acid sequence of the ns4a protei ...19948189513
ns2b-3 proteinase-mediated processing in the yellow fever virus structural region: in vitro and in vivo studies.several of the cleavages required to generate the mature nonstructural proteins from the flaviviral polyprotein are known to be mediated by a complex consisting of ns2b and a serine proteinase domain located in the n-terminal one-third of ns3. these cleavages typically occur after two basic residues followed by a short side chain residue. cleavage at a similar dibasic site in the structural region is believed to produce the c terminus of the virion capsid protein. to study this cleavage, we deve ...19948189517
first isolations of arboviruses from phlebotomine sand flies in west africa.for the first time in west africa, arboviruses were isolated from phlebotomine sand fly pools. one strain of chandipura virus (a vesiculovirus), four strains of saboya virus (a flavivirus), and one strain of a not yet identified virus were isolated. three hundred twenty-two pools were established from a population of 33,917 sand flies caught in co2 light traps in the ferlo sahelian region of senegal from november 1991 to december 1992. this is the first isolation of chandipura virus from any art ...19948203705
completion of kunjin virus rna sequence and recovery of an infectious rna transcribed from stably cloned full-length cdna.completion of the kunjin virus (kun) rna sequence showed that it is the longest flavivirus sequence reported (11,022 bases), commencing with a 5' noncoding region of 96 bases. the 3' noncoding sequence of 624 nucleotides included a unique insertion sequence of 46 bases adjacent to the stop codon, but otherwise it had properties similar to those of rnas of closely related flaviviruses. a full-length kun cdna clone which could be stably propagated in escherichia coli dh5 alpha was constructed; sp6 ...19948207832
comparative analysis of ns3 sequences of temporally separated dengue 3 virus strains isolated from southeast a combination of pcr and direct-cycle sequencing using consensus primers, we analyzed approximately 400-bp fragments within the ns3 genes of twenty-one dengue virus type 3 strains isolated from five neighboring southeast asian countries at different time intervals from 1956 to 1992. the majority of base disparities were silent mutations, with few predicted amino acid substitutions, thus emphasizing the strict conservation of the ns3 gene. phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of these n ...19947698880
phylogenetic relationships of dengue-2 viruses.rna oligonucleotide fingerprinting studies on a large number of virus isolates previously demonstrated considerable genetic variation in isolates of dengue (den)-2 serotype. we report the entire envelope (e) glycoprotein gene and deduced amino acid sequences of 16 den-2 viruses and the phylogenetic relationships of these, plus 17 additional published den e gene sequences. comparison of den-2 e glycoprotein gene sequences revealed base substitutions scattered throughout the entire gene with as mu ...19938212556
the ns 3 nonstructural protein of flaviviruses contains an rna triphosphatase activity.the genome of flaviviruses consists of an infectious single-stranded rna molecule which contains a type 1 cap structure at the 5'-terminus. the cap is synthesized by rna triphosphatase, guanylyltransferase and methyltransferase. since flaviviruses replicate in the cytoplasm, it can be assumed that these functions are performed by virus-coded proteins. we previously showed that subtilisin treatment of membranes isolated from cells infected with the west nile flavivirus results in release of a 50 ...19938212562
ir1 genes, peripheral cross-tolerance and immunodominance in mhc class i-restricted t-cell responses: an old quagmire revisited.previous studies have shown that peripheral tolerance of one mhc molecule may influence the ability of an animal to respond to a particular antigenic determinant in the context of another mhc molecule (cross-tolerance). we describe here an investigation of the extent to which the presence of mhc molecules other than the one involved in tc cell recognition affected whether or not a particular "antigen" (mhc/peptide) was recognized during the response of mice to infection with the flavivirus, west ...19938225372
seroepidemiology of dengue and other arboviruses in a natural population of toque macaques (macaca sinica) at polonnaruwa, sri lanka.a seroepidemiological study of arboviruses infecting 115 wild toque macaques (macaca sinica) at polonnaruwa, sri lanka showed a high prevalence of antibodies to dengue and lumbo viruses. there was low seroprevalence of chandipura (2/115) and batai (1/115) virus antibodies, but no seropositivity to chikungunya or sindbis. there was no serological evidence of infection by japanese encephalitis (je) virus in spite of large human epidemics in the study area, indicating that toque macaques are unlike ...19938230174
[flavivirus infections in tropical areas]. 19938236844
use of ns3 consensus primers for the polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing of dengue viruses and other flaviviruses.consensus primers for the polymerase chain reaction were designed based on conserved motifs within the serine protease and rna helicase domains encoded by the ns 3 genes of dengue and other flaviviruses. target fragments of 470 bp were amplified on cdna templates synthesized from rnas of dengue types 1, 2, 3, and 4, japanese encephalitis, kunjin, and yellow fever viruses using random or specific downstream primers. pcr of oligo(dt)-primed cdnas from japanese encephalitis and kunjin viral rnas di ...19938240006
possible clinical infection with edge hill virus. 19938249078
classification of a new member of the tbe flavivirus subgroup by its immunological, pathogenetic and molecular characteristics: identification of subgroup-specific pentapeptides.the antigenic, pathogenic and molecular characteristics of turkish sheep encephalitis (tse) virus, strain tte80, were compared with other members of the tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus complex. monoclonal antibodies with defined specificity for the flavivirus envelope glycoprotein distinguished tse virus from louping ill (li), western or far eastern tbe, langat and powassan virus in indirect immunofluorescence, haemagglutination-inhibition and neutralization tests. on the other hand, tse vir ...19938249442
molecular approaches for the treatment of hemorrhagic fever virus infections.viruses causing hemorrhagic fevers in man belong to the following virus groups: togavirus (chikungunya), flavivirus (dengue, yellow fever, kyasanur forest disease, omsk hemorrhagic fever), arenavirus (argentinian hemorrhagic fever, bolivian hemorrhagic fever, lassa fever), filovirus (ebola, marburg), phlebovirus (rift valley fever), nairovirus (crimian-congo hemorrhagic fever) and hantavirus (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, nephropathic epidemia). hemorrhagic fever virus infections can be ...19938250543
iguape: a newly recognized flavivirus from são paulo state, brazil.a new virus, sp an 71686, was isolated from sentinel mice exposed in a forest area in iguape county, são paulo state, brazil, in 1979. the results suggest [hemagglutination inhibition (hi), complement fixation, neutralization, and elisa] that sp an 71686 virus is a new arbovirus and that it demonstrates some cross-reactivity with other members of the family flaviviridae, but can be differentiated from them. although there is an intensive circulation of several arboviruses in the area, the only d ...19938150595
[presence of antibodies against venezuelan equine encephalitis virus subtype vi in patients with acute febrile illness].in argentina, there is no record of human cases produced by dengue virus (flavivirus), but paraguay and brasil (neighbouring countries) have notified human outbreaks of dengue haemorrhagic fever. in this report, we inform the serological results of a limited human outbreak of a dengue-like acute illness that occurred in general belgrano island, formosa, argentina in april 1989. this island is 35 km far from clorinda city of paraguay river, with a human population of 150 inhabitants. the weather ...19938153352
[flavivirus meningitis after tick bite: a new case in an urban area]. 19938115337
analysis of computer-predicted antibody inducing epitope on japanese encephalitis virus.theoretical methods to delineate antibody inducing epitopes have been employed to predict antigenic determinants on envelope glycoprotein (gpe) of japanese encephalitis (je), west nile (wn) and dengue (den) i-iv viruses. a predicted region on je virus gpe 74cpttgeahnekrad87 was synthesized, conjugated to klh (klh-peptide) and used in immunization of mice. a mouse monoclonal antibody (moab ivb4) reactive to the peptide was also found to react with native je virus gpe. characterization of the idio ...19937516621
the langat model for tick-borne encephalitis virus. specific detection by rt-pcr.we have developed a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid detection of langat (lgt) virus, a flavivirus that is closely related to the highly pathogenic tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) viruses. unlike tbe viruses, lgt virus exhibits a significantly lower virulence for man. the assay serves as a safe alternative for the development and optimization of specific assays for the highly pathogenic subtypes of tbe viruses that are endemic throughout much of europe, the former so ...19937505284
epitope analysis of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) complex viruses using monoclonal antibodies to envelope glycoprotein of tbe virus (persulcatus subtype).the arrangement of envelope protein epitopes of tick-borne encephalitis viruses (tbev) (persulcatus or eastern subtype, sofjin strain and ricinus or western subtype, minsk-256 strain) and kyasanur forest disease virus (kfdv) was investigated using competitive binding of monoclonal antibodies against the sofjin e protein. the e protein of tbev sofjin strain forms three antigenic domains: e1, e2 and e3, represented by 12, 9 and 2 epitopes respectively; two additional epitopes stand alone. domains ...19937505512
[structural proteins of hepatitis c virus]. 19937510088
expression and identification of hepatitis c virus polyprotein cleavage products.hepatitis c virus (hcv) is the major cause of transfusion-acquired non-a, non-b hepatitis. hcv is an enveloped positive-sense rna virus which has been classified as a new genus in the flavivirus family. like the other two genera in this family, the flaviviruses and the pestiviruses, hcv polypeptides appear to be produced by translation of a long open reading frame and subsequent proteolytic processing of this polyprotein. in this study, a cdna clone encompassing the long open reading frame of th ...19937679746
definition of an hla-dpw2-restricted epitope on ns3, recognized by a dengue virus serotype-cross-reactive human cd4+ cd8- cytotoxic t-cell clone.we previously reported that the clone jk34 was cross-reactive for dengue virus types 1, 2, 3, and 4 and recognized ns3 (i. kurane, m. a. brinton, a. l. samson, and f. a. ennis, j. virol. 65:1823-1828, 1991). in the present experiments, we defined the epitope at the amino acid level, with 93 15-mer overlapping peptides which cover the entire ns3. a peptide 4 which contains amino acids 251 to 265 of ns3 sensitized the autologous b lymphoblastoid cell line (lcl) to the lysis by jk34. the smallest p ...19937690424
rapid identification of flaviviruses based on conserved ns5 gene sequences.two conserved regions in the sequence of the ns5 gene of flaviviruses were identified. primers were designed from the consensus sequence of these regions and were used in a reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction (rt/pcr) to amplify a region of the central european tick-borne encephalitis virus kumlinge ns5 gene. the authenticity of the amplified fragment was confirmed by nucleotide sequencing. a band of the expected size was also obtained when this rt/pcr was applied to 13 other flavivi ...19938263114
the molecular biology of tick-borne encephalitis virus. review article.tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus is a member of the flavivirus genus and the family flaviviridae. like other flaviviruses such as yellow fever, japanese encephalitis or the dengue viruses, it is an important human pathogen, endemic in many european countries, russia and china. the disease can be effectively prevented by vaccination with a formalin-inactivated whole virus vaccine. in recent years major advances have been made in the understanding of the molecular biology of tbe virus, includin ...19938267950
rapid detection of viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis virus complex by rt-pcr of viral rna.studies were performed to identify a pair of primers, specific for the tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus complex of the flaviviridae, with which to develop a rapid and specific identification system based on reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). the specificity of a putative primer pair was examined by rt-pcr of representative viruses from other antigenic complexes of the flaviviridae and by computer sequence homology checks. all viruses of the tbe complex tested, w ...19938270650
rapid dengue diagnosis and interpretation. 19938277797
localization and functions of japanese encephalitis virus nonstructural proteins ns3 and ns5 for viral rna synthesis in the infected cells.recently it has been reported that japanese encephalitis virus (jev)-specific rnas can be synthesized in vitro in the subcellular fraction including outer-nuclear membrane (takegami and hotta, 1989). the results of western blot analysis and indirect immunofluorescence test using two kinds of monospecific antisera against jev nonstructural proteins ns3 and ns5 showed that ns3 and ns5 were membrane-associated proteins and formed the complex at the perinuclear site in the infected cells. both antis ...19938321152
site-directed mutagenesis of the tick-borne encephalitis virus ns3 gene reveals the putative serine protease domain of the ns3 protein.several mutations were introduced into the putative serine protease domain of the tick-borne encephalitis virus ns3 protein and into a possible internal cleavage site within the protein. the influence of these mutations on proteolytic activity of ns3 protein and ns3' protein formation was tested in vitro. it was found that ns3' formation was not dependent on the activity of the ns3 n-terminal serine protease. mutations affecting the ser-138 residue of the ns3 protein prohibited cleavage between ...19938344415
st louis encephalitis virus establishes a productive, cytopathic and persistent infection of sf9 cells.the sf9 cell line, commonly used for gene expression by recombinant baculovirus, has been productively infected by st louis encephalitis (sle) virus, a flavivirus. sle viral infection produced a c.p.e. in the sf9 cells characterized by giant cells and the presence of 10-fold fewer cells in the infected cultures after the first week of infection compared with uninoculated control cultures. infected sf9 cells expressed sle viral antigens, and intracellular virus particles were observed by electron ...19938345362
[virologic detection of arboviruses in greater cormorants].cormorants (phalacrocorax carbo, pelecaniformes) caught in southern moravia (czech republic) in 1989-1990 were examined for arbovirus infections. isolation experiments were carried out using blood samples of 56 birds. the results were negative. serological examinations of 31 birds were performed by haemagglutination-inhibition test (hit) using 5 arboviral antigens of the genera alphavirus (sindbis--sin) and flavivirus (tick-borne encephalitis--tbe, west nile--wn) and of the family bunyaviridae ( ...19938346623
nucleotide sequence of the envelope protein gene of the tick-borne flavivirus, kumlinge a52.the envelope protein gene of the tick-borne flavivirus, kumlinge a52, the proto-type finnish strain, has been amplified and sequenced.* the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence has been analyzed and compared with the closely related tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus, western subtype, strain neudoerfl, isolated in austria. although these two virus strains were isolated 12 years apart from different hosts and in different countries, the envelope proteins only differed by a single amino aci ...19938367941
assessment of the antigenic structure of tick-borne encephalitis virus by the use of synthetic peptides.the feasibility of using synthetic peptides for the identification of individual monoclonal antibody (mab)-defined epitopes was assessed on the basis of a structural model of the tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus envelope glycoprotein e. for this purpose a series of 19 synthetic peptides was prepared, covering most of the e protein sequence. each of the peptides was tested by elisa for reactivity with 19 protein e-specific mabs raised against tbe virus strain neudoerfl. specific reactivity was ...19938376978
genetic studies of flavivirus resistance in inbred strains derived from wild mice: evidence for a new resistance allele at the flavivirus resistance locus (flv).studies of genetic resistance to flavivirus infection in laboratory mice have led to the development of a single model in which resistance is conferred by an autosomal dominant gene designated flvr. because of evidence suggesting that wild mice carry virus resistance genes which are not present in laboratory mice, we compared flavivirus resistance in the inbred strains casa/rk, cast/ei, and mold/rk, which are derived directly from wild mice, and the congenic strains c3h/rv (flvr/flvr) and c3h/he ...19938380081
wesselsbron virus haemagglutination: studies with erythrocytes of various animal species at different ph and temperatures.the haemagglutinating (ha) properties of the nigerian strain of wesselsbron virus have been investigated using erythrocytes from a wide range of animals. the results showed that wesselsbron virus possesses ha activity when extracted using the sucrose and acetone method. the erythrocytes of goose, horse, donkey, pig, cattle, sheep, goat, monkey, man, rabbit, rat, guinea pig and chicken were agglutinated by wesselsbron virus at different ph values (5.75-7.0) and temperatures of 4 degrees c, room ( ...19938380321
rna-stimulated ntpase activity associated with yellow fever virus ns3 protein expressed in bacteria.the nonstructural protein ns3 of the prototypic flavivirus, yellow fever virus, was investigated for possession of an ntpase activity. the entire ns3 protein coding sequence and an amino-terminal truncated version thereof were engineered into escherichia coli expression plasmids. bacteria harboring these plasmids produced the expected polypeptides, which upon cell disruption were found in an insoluble aggregated material considerably enriched for the ns3-related polypeptides. solubilization and ...19938380474
nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the envelope glycoprotein of omsk haemorrhagic fever virus; comparison with other flaviviruses.the gene encoding the envelope glycoprotein of omsk haemorrhagic fever (ohf) virus was cloned and sequenced. a freeze-dried preparation of infected suckling mouse brain suspension was used as the source material for viral rna. the derived cdna was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and the cloned dna sequenced by dideoxynucleotide sequencing. alignment of the ohf virus sequence with those of other known tick-borne flaviviruses showed that they shared n-glycosylation sites, cysteine re ...19938381470
deletion analysis of dengue virus type 4 nonstructural protein ns2b: identification of a domain required for ns2b-ns3 protease activity.most proteolytic cleavages in the nonstructural protein (ns) region of the flavivirus polyprotein are effected by a virus-encoded protease composed of two viral proteins, ns2b and ns3. the n-terminal 180-amino-acid-region of ns3 includes sequences with homology to the active sites of serine proteases, and there is evidence that this portion of ns3 can mediate proteolytic cleavages. in contrast, nothing is known about required sequences in ns2b. we constructed a series of deletion mutations in th ...19938383225
viruses as teratogens.the ability of certain viruses to affect prenatal development in domestic animals is well documented. however, differentiating a viral-induced malformation from those caused by genetic or other environmental causes is a diagnostic dilemma. understanding how viruses interact with their embryo-fetal hosts and the potential consequences on prenatal development requires refining and dispelling some old concepts and injecting new insights into this diagnostic challenge. this article discusses several ...19938384522
nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the envelope gene of the vasilchenko strain of tbe virus; comparison with other flaviviruses.a strain of tick-borne encephalitis virus known as vasilchenko (vs) exhibits relatively low virulence characteristics in monkeys, syrian hamsters and humans. the gene encoding the envelope glycoprotein of this virus was cloned and sequenced. alignment of the sequence with those of other known tick-borne flaviviruses and identification of the recognised amino acid genetic marker ehlpta confirmed its identity as a member of the tbe complex. however, vs virus was distinguishable from eastern and we ...19938384766
computer-assisted identification of a putative methyltransferase domain in ns5 protein of flaviviruses and lambda 2 protein of reovirus.a sequence motif that is conserved in a number of s-adenosylmethionine (sam)-utilizing methyltransferases and is implicated in sam binding was identified in the n-terminal portion of ns5 proteins of flaviviruses and in lambda 2 protein of reovirus. an additional conserved motif was shared by these viral proteins and two distinct groups of methyltransferases including as the prototypes rhodobacter capsulatus hydroxyneurosporene methylase (crtf gene product) and yeast 3,4-dihydroxy-5-hexaprenylben ...19938385698
characterization of the hepatitis c virus-encoded serine proteinase: determination of proteinase-dependent polyprotein cleavage sites.processing of the hepatitis c virus (hcv) h strain polyprotein yields at least nine distinct cleavage products: nh2-c-e1-e2-ns2-ns3-ns4a-ns4b-ns5a-ns5b-co oh. as described in this report, site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression analyses were used to study the role of a putative serine proteinase domain, located in the n-terminal one-third of the ns3 protein, in proteolytic processing of hcv polyproteins. all four cleavages which occur c terminal to the proteinase domain (3/4a, 4a/4b, ...19938386278
australian encephalitis in western australia, review the various clinical manifestations of murray valley encephalitis (mve) or kunjin virus encephalitis in patients in western australia.19938386796
presence of viral replicative intermediates in the liver and serum of patients infected with hepatitis c virus.hepatitis c virus (hcv) is a positive-polarity, single-stranded rna virus, distantly related to the pestivirus and flavivirus genera. these viruses replicate through the formation of a minus-strand rna intermediate, which encodes the positive-strand genome, which is subsequently encapsidated, enveloped, and released from infected cells. minus-strand rna is not found in the mature, circulating virions of flaviviruses. in an attempt to study the relative amounts of viral plus and minus strand in t ...19938387574
virological and immunological studies of wesselsbron virus in experimentally infected red sokoto (maradi) sokoto goats aged four to five months were experimentally infected with the nigerian strain of wesselsbron virus. viraemia commenced 24-72 hours after infection and lasted for 3-4 days. a febrile reaction which was mostly biphasic coincided with viraemia. a 50% mortality rate was observed among infected animals. the virus was re-isolated in mice from almost every tissue (liver, spleen, lungs, brain, kidney, adrenal, lymph node and heart) obtained from dead goats. complement fixing antigens w ...19938389498
invertebrate tissue culture as a tool to study insect-transmitted viruses: a brief introduction. 19938391527
flavivirus premembrane protein cleavage and spike heterodimer secretion require the function of the viral proteinase ns3.flavivirus protein biosynthesis involves the proteolytic processing of a single polyprotein precursor by host- and virus-encoded proteinases. in this study, the requirement for the proteolytic function of the viral proteinase ns3 for correct processing of a polyprotein segment encompassing the murray valley encephalitis virus structural proteins is shown. the ns3-mediated cleavage in the structural polyprotein region presumably releases the capsid protein from its membrane anchor and triggers th ...19938392191
arbovirus infections of humans in high-risk areas of south-eastern australia: a continuing determine the current immune status of high-risk populations of new south wales and victoria to the arboviral pathogens, murray valley encephalitis (mve) and kunjin (kun) viruses, which are associated with australian encephalitis (ae), and ross river (rr) and kokobera (kok) viruses which are associated with polyarthritis. further, to estimate seroconversion rates to these viruses in high-risk populations over the 10-year period 1981-1991.19938393128
evaluation of vero cell lysate antigen for the elisa of flaviviruses.the vero cell lysate antigen for the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) of flaviviruses was evaluated for sensitivity, specificity including cross-reactions, and background by comparing with the standard elisa. human sera, in serial dilutions, were taken from subjects 14, 35, and 210 days postvaccination with 17d antigen. early after injection, high sensitivity (82.9%) was shown by the cell lysate antigen method. late after infection, high sensitivity was achieved by the standard method ( ...19938395596
hepatitis c virus ns3 protein polynucleotide-stimulated nucleoside triphosphatase and comparison with the related pestivirus and flavivirus enzymes.sequence motifs within the nonstructural protein ns3 of members of the flaviviridae family suggest that this protein possesses nucleoside triphosphatase (ntpase) and rna helicase activity. the rna-stimulated ntpase activity of this protein from prototypic members of the pestivirus and flavivirus genera has recently been established and enzymologically characterized. here, we experimentally demonstrate that the ns3 protein from a member of the third genus of flaviviridae, human hepatitis c virus ...19938396675
a novel recombinant adenovirus vector expressing a flavivirus non-structural protein protects against lethal flavivirus challenge. 19938403779
mutagenesis of the yellow fever virus ns2b protein: effects on proteolytic processing, ns2b-ns3 complex formation, and viral study the role of specific regions of the yellow fever virus ns2b protein in proteolytic processing and association with the ns3 proteinase domain, a series of mutations were created in the hydrophobic regions and in a central conserved hydrophilic region proposed as a domain important for ns2b function. the effects of these mutations on cis cleavage at the 2b/3 cleavage site and on processing at other consensus cleavage sites for the ns3 proteinase in the nonstructural region were then chara ...19938411382
synthesis of dengue virus rna in vitro: initiation and the involvement of proteins ns3 and assay for flavivirus rna-dependent rna polymerase activity in vitro was established using extracts of vero cells infected with dengue virus type 2 (den-2) or kunjin virus (kun). rna synthesis was initiated on a template of viral replicative form (rf) and rf was converted to the replicative intermediate (ri). the rna-dependent rna polymerase complex of den-2 utilised either den-2 or kun rf as template, and similarly the kun polymerase complex utilised either den-2 or kun rf template. in additi ...19938418788
mutagenesis of conserved residues at the yellow fever virus 3/4a and 4b/5 dibasic cleavage sites: effects on cleavage efficiency and polyprotein processing.flavivirus proteins are produced by co- and post-translational proteolytic processing of a large polyprotein using both host- and virus-encoded enzymes. the flavivirus serine proteinase, which consists of ns2b and ns3, is responsible for cleavages of at least four dibasic sites in the nonstructural region. in this study, a number of substitutions for the conserved amino acids flanking the 3/4a and 4b/5 dibasic cleavage sites [arg(p2)-arg(p1) decreases gly(p1')] were examined for their effects on ...19938421901
processing of the dengue virus type 2 proteins prm and c-prm.a glycoprotein c-prm of 35,000 m(r) was immuno-precipitated from lysates of aedes albopictus cells infected with dengue virus type 2 (den-2) using antisera directed against the c protein or an amino-terminal fragment of the prm glycoprotein. c-prm was not detected in infected vero cells. the prm glycoprotein synthesized in infected a. albopictus and vero cells was cleaved to produce the membrane-associated virion protein (m) and the non-m fragment (pr) immediately preceding or occurring simultan ...19938429301
proper maturation of the japanese encephalitis virus envelope glycoprotein requires cosynthesis with the premembrane protein.the role of the japanese encephalitis virus (jev) premembrane (prm) protein in maturation of the envelope (e) glycoprotein was evaluated by using recombinant vaccinia viruses encoding e in the presence (vp829) or absence (vp658) of prm. immunofluorescence analyses showed that e appeared to be localized in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells infected with jev, vp829, or vp658. however, reactivity with monoclonal antibodies and behavior in triton x-114 indicated that e produced in the absence of pr ...19938437237
cleavage at a novel site in the ns4a region by the yellow fever virus ns2b-3 proteinase is a prerequisite for processing at the downstream 4a/4b signalase site.flavivirus proteins are produced by co- and posttranslational proteolytic processing of a large polyprotein by both host- and virus-encoded proteinases. the viral serine proteinase, which consists of ns2b and ns3, is responsible for cleavage of at least four dibasic sites (2a/2b, 2b/3, 3/4a, and 4b/5) in the nonstructural region. since the amino acid sequence preceding ns4b shares characteristics with signal peptides used for translocation of nascent polypeptides into the lumen of the endoplasmi ...19938445732
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