
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
molecular and functional characterization of a novel cc chemokine in large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea).a full-length cc chemokine cdna was isolated from large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea) by expressed sequence tag (est) analysis (lyccc2). its open reading frame (orf) is 282 nucleotides (nt), encoding a polypeptide of 93 amino acids (aa). the deduced lyccc2 contains a 20-aa signal peptide and a 73-aa mature polypeptide, which possesses the typical arrangement of four cysteines as found in other known cc chemokines (c(34), c(35), c(61) and c(75)). it shares 17.4-40.4% and 10.0-24.5% aa seq ...200818835451
necrotizing fasciitis due to vibrio parahaemolyticus.a report of a fatal case of necrotizing fasciitis of the leg due to vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. this organism frequently causes minor infections in seawater-exposed wounds. in this case the patient died due to fulminant sepsis caused by necrotizing fasciitis, despite surgical debridement. this case serves as a reminder for targeted antibiotic coverage for vibrio in any serious saltwater-related infection, and as an illustration of the rapid and severe systemic toxicity associated with vib ...200818841190
a novel dna microarray for rapid diagnosis of enteropathogenic bacteria in stool specimens of patients with diarrhea.a microarray technique for the detection and identification of enteropathogenic bacteria at the species and subspecies levels was developed in this study, and the target bacteria included pathogenic escherichia coli, vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, salmonella enterica, campylobacter jejuni, shigellae, yersinia enterocolitica, and listeria monocytogenes. the virulence gene of each pathogen was chosen as the amplification target, labeled with a fluorescence dye by multiplex polymerase ch ...200818834908
cloning and expression analysis of two alternative splicing toll-like receptor 9 isoforms a and b in large yellow croaker, pseudosciaena crocea.toll-like receptors (tlrs) are the archetypal pattern-recognition receptors in sensing foreign pathogens. in this report, two alternative splicing isoforms of tlr9 (named pctlr9a and pctlr9b) cdna were cloned from the large yellow croaker, pseudosciaena crocea. the full-length cdna of pctlr9a was of 3637bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (utr) of 111bp, 3'-terminal utr of 355bp and an open reading frame (orf) of 3171bp encoding a polypeptide of 1056 amino acids. however, the full-le ...200818824108
comparison of v. parahaemolyticus isolated from seafoods and cases of gastrointestinal disease in the this study the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish and estuarine waters from the uk was examined using cultural and nucleic acid hybridisation approaches. forty-nine isolates derived from environmental sources were characterised using serotyping, pcr, nucleic acid hybridisation and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge). the serotypic and molecular profiles of these isolates were compared to 20 clinical isolates, including representatives of the pandemic o3:k6 clone. thirty pe ...200818668416
effectiveness of icing as a postharvest treatment for control of vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus in the eastern oyster (crassostrea virginica).the focus of this research was to investigate the efficacy of icing as a postharvest treatment for reduction of the levels of vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus in commercial quantities of shellstock oysters. the experiments were conducted in june and august of 2006 and consisted of the following treatments: (i) on-board icing immediately after harvest; (ii) dockside icing approximately 1 to 2 h prior to shipment; and (iii) no icing (control). changes in the levels of pathogenic vibri ...200818680950
genetic diversity among norwegian vibrio examine the variability among environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus (including trh+ isolates) from norway, and to compare these to clinical isolates and isolates from imported foods.200819120665
regulation of phagocytosis against bacterium by rab gtpase in shrimp marsupenaeus japonicus.rab gtpases, members of the ras superfamily, play important roles in phagosome formation and maturation. however, the involvement of rab protein in phagocytosis against invading pathogens in crustacean remains unknown. in the present study, the rnai and mrna overexpression assays were conducted to elucidate the function of shrimp rab gene (designated as pjrab) in hemocytic phagocytosis against bacterium. the results indicated that the phagocytic percentage and phagocytic index using fitc-labeled ...200818650102
rapid quantitative detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood by mpn-pcr.this study aimed to adopt mpn-pcr (most probable number-polymerase chain reaction) for rapid detection of the quantity of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood. v. parahaemolyticus in seafood could be quantitated by mpn statistics according to pcr products. the sensitivity of mpn-pcr was 100 times higher than that of direct pcr. of 225 seafood samples from qingdao, 165 were positive for the presence of v. parahaemolyticus, with an mpn value of >719 per gram, and about 41.5% of samples were positive ...200818612685
antibacterial compounds from rose bengal-sensitized photooxidation of beta-caryophyllene.the bactericidal activity of beta-caryophyllene photooxidized in acetonitrile was examined for 5 gram-positive and 4 gram-negative foodborne bacteria. the beta-caryophyllene (5 x 10(-3) m) was photooxidized in acetonitrile containing rose bengal (6.25 x 10(-4) m) for 24 h under fluorescent light. the antimicrobial activities of samples were determined by the agar-disc diffusion method. active compounds from the photooxidized beta-caryophyllene were isolated by silica gel open-column chromatograp ...200818803699
detection and molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood harvested along the southwest coast of india.the levels of total and tdh(+)vibrio parahaemolyticus were estimated in 83 seafood samples from southwest coast of india by colony hybridization. conventional enrichment and isolation technique was also used to study the prevalence. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed on bacterial cell lyates for detection of total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus by amplification of specific genes. of 83 samples tested, v. parahaemolyticus could be detected in 74 (89.2%) samples and tdh(+)v. parahae ...200818620975
detection of a functional insertion sequence responsible for deletion of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the thermostable direct hemolysin coded by the tdh gene is a marker of virulent strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the tdh genes are flanked by insertion sequences collectively named as isvs or their remnants; but the isvs so far examined have accumulated mutations in the transposase genes and underwent structural arrangements and their transposition activity could not be expected; the tdh gene was thus considered to have been acquired by v. parahaemolyticus through horizontal transfer in the p ...200818598741
molecular analysis of the emergence of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is abundant in the aquatic environment particularly in warmer waters and is the leading cause of seafood borne gastroenteritis worldwide. prior to 1995, numerous v. parahaemolyticus serogroups were associated with disease, however, in that year an o3:k6 serogroup emerged in southeast asia causing large outbreaks and rapid hospitalizations. this new highly virulent strain is now globally disseminated.200818590559
molecular cloning and responsive expression of macrophage expressed gene from small abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta.the complete cdna sequence of macrophage expressed gene (sampeg1), a perforin-like molecule, was isolated from small abalone (haliotis diversicolor supertexta) by homology cloning and rapid amplification of cdna ends (race). the full-length cdna of sampeg1 was 2781 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (utr) of 252 bp, a 3'-terminal utr of 342 bp with a signal sequence taa and a poly (a) tail, and an open reading frame of 2184 bp. the deduced protein (sampeg1) was composed of 728 a ...200818255313
genome plasticity of vibrio parahaemolyticus: microevolution of the 'pandemic group'.outbreak of v. parahaemolyticus infections occurred since 1996 was linked to a proposed clonal complex, the pandemic group. the whole genome sequence provides an unprecedented opportunity for dissecting genome plasticity and phylogeny of the populations of v. parahaemolyticus. in the present work, a whole-genome cdna microarray was constructed to compare the genomic contents of a collection of 174 strains of v. parahaemolyticus.200819038058
conditions for high pressure inactivation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters.the objective of this study was to identify the high pressure processing conditions (pressure level, time, and temperature) needed to achieve a 5-log reduction of vibrio parahaemolyticus in live oysters (crassostrea virginica). ten strains of v. parahaemolyticus were separately tested for their resistances to high pressure. the two most pressure-resistant strains were then used as a cocktail to represent baro-tolerant environmental strains. to evaluate the effect of temperature on pressure inact ...200818547664
comparative genomic analysis using microarray demonstrates a strong correlation between the presence of the 80-kilobase pathogenicity island and pathogenicity in kanagawa phenomenon-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus strains.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative marine bacterium. a limited population of the organisms causes acute gastroenteritis in humans. almost all of the clinical v. parahaemolyticus isolates exhibit beta-type hemolysis on wagatsuma agar, known as the kanagawa phenomenon (kp). kp is induced by the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by the organism and has been considered a crucial marker to distinguish pathogenic strains from nonpathogenic ones. since 1996, so-called "pandemic clones," th ...200818195030
ethanol shock changes the fatty acid profile and survival behavior of vibrio parahaemolyticus in various stress conditions.vibrio parahaemolyticus 690, a clinical strain, was subjected to ethanol shock in the presence of 5% ethanol for a period of 30 and 60 min. survival behaviors of the ethanol shocked and control cells of v. parahaemolyticus in the presence of h(2)o(2) (20 ppm), crystal violet (3 ppm), nacl (20%), and low ph solution (ph 4.4) containing various organic acids including lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid (25 mm) were compared. in addition, the effects of ethanol shock on the fat ...200818206778
cyclic dimeric gmp signaling and regulation of surface-associated developmental programs. 200818065536
multiple-locus variable-number of tandem-repeats analysis distinguishes vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic o3:k6 strains.a specific serotype of vibrio parahaemolyticus, o3:k6, has recently been linked to epidemics of gastroenteritis in southeast asia, japan, and north america. these pandemic o3:k6 strains appear to have recently spread across continents from a single origin to reach global coverage, based on profiling of strains by several molecular typing methods. in this study, variable-number tandem repeats (vntr)-based fingerprinting was applied to clinical and environmental v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strains i ...200818258320
variation of extracellular proteases produced by vibrio vulnificus clinical isolates: genetic diversity of the metalloprotease gene (vvp), and serine protease secretion by vvp-negative strains.vibrio vulnificus is a causative agent of septicemia or wound infection in human and eel; however, the genetic variation between human and eel isolates has been reported. in the present study, the difference in the vvp gene encoding a tissue-damaging metalloprotease was investigated. the gene of strain e86 from a diseased eel (type b vvp) was 95.2% identical with that of strain l-180 from human blood (type a vvp). pcr using oligonucleotide primers designed to differentiate two types of the gene ...200818262748
determination of molecular phylogenetics of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains by multilocus sequence typing.vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important human pathogen whose transmission is associated with the consumption of contaminated seafood. there is a growing public health concern due to the emergence of a pandemic strain causing severe outbreaks worldwide. many questions remain unanswered regarding the evolution and population structure of v. parahaemolyticus. in this work, we describe a multilocus sequence typing (mlst) scheme for v. parahaemolyticus based on the internal fragment sequences of seve ...200818281404
the crystal structure of a sodium galactose transporter reveals mechanistic insights into na+/sugar symport.membrane transporters that use energy stored in sodium gradients to drive nutrients into cells constitute a major class of proteins. we report the crystal structure of a member of the solute sodium symporters (sss), the vibrio parahaemolyticus sodium/galactose symporter (vsglt). the approximately 3.0 angstrom structure contains 14 transmembrane (tm) helices in an inward-facing conformation with a core structure of inverted repeats of 5 tm helices (tm2 to tm6 and tm7 to tm11). galactose is bound ...200818599740
enteric bacteria isolated from acute diarrheal patients in the republic of korea between the year 2004 and an epidemiological survey of human enterobacterial infections in the republic of korea during three years from 2004 to 2006, we isolated 1,784 (6.2%, isolation rate of enteropathogens from stool samples) in 2004, 2,547 (9.5%) in 2005 and 3,506 bacteria (12.3%) from people who visited clinics. among the isolated bacteria, pathogenic escherichia coli, especially, eaec was the most frequently identified pathogen in both urban and rural regions followed by staphylococcus aureus, salmonella specie ...200818604503
quorum sensing influences vibrio harveyi growth rates in a manner not fully accounted for by the marker effect of bioluminescence.the light-emitting vibrios provide excellent material for studying the interaction of cellular communication with growth rate because bioluminescence is a convenient marker for quorum sensing. however, the use of bioluminescence as a marker is complicated because bioluminescence itself may affect growth rate, e.g. by diverting energy.200818301749
environmental vibrio spp., isolated in mozambique, contain a polymorphic group of integrative conjugative elements and class 1 integrons.circulation of mobile genetic elements linked to drug resistance spread was studied in vibrio strains isolated from surface urban water (river and sea) and shellfish samples in 2002-2003 in maputo, mozambique. class 1 integrons and integrating conjugative elements (ice) were investigated by pcr and mating experiments in strains of major health interest: 10 vibrio cholerae, six vibrio parahaemolyticus, two vibrio alginolyticus and one vibrio fluvialis. resistance to at least two antibiotics (pred ...200818318712
evaluation of restriction enzymes for standardizing pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocol for rapid subtyping of vibrio parahaemolyticus.we evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the restriction enzymes with rare-cutting sites in the genome of vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633 for pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) analysis. the evaluation indicated that pfge with both noti and sfii was discriminatory, but noti was more cost-effective. based on the results of this study, we suggest using noti and sfii as the 1st and the 2nd restriction enzyme for standardizing the pulsenet pfge protocol for molecular subtyping and global sur ...200818343074
[investigation and culture of microbial contaminants of caulerpa lentillifera (sea grape)].caulerpa lentillifera is a kind of edible seaweed, known as 'sea grape' or 'green caviar'. it is used in fresh salads. however, it is sensitive to low temperature and osmotic pressure, and is easily spoilt by storage in a refrigerator or washing with tap water. that is the reason why it is difficult to prevent food poisoning, especially due to vibrio parahaemolyticus. in this study we investigated of marine bacteria and v. parahaemolyticus in c. lentillifera and cultured them in order to develop ...200818344653
bacteria flora and heavy metals in cultivated oysters crassostrea iredalei of setiu wetland, east coast peninsular malaysia.slipper oyster crassostrea iredalei is a species of good demand for its sweet flavor and white coloured flesh. the filter feeding nature predisposes oysters to accumulation of pathogenic and heavy metals in waters impacted by sewage pollutions and may thus render the oysters unfit for human consumption. a study was undertaken to investigate the presence of bacteria flora and heavy metal concentrations in cultivated oysters crassostrea iredalei at setiu wetland, terengganu, the only source of cul ...200818369732
occurrence of pandemic clones of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from seafood and clinical samples in a chinese coastal province.fifty-four isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus were examined for hemolytic and urease-producing phenotypes as well as presence of virulence markers by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). all clinical isolates (11/11, 100%) and one out of 42 isolates from seafood (2.4%) possessed the tdh gene and showed hemolysis. this tdh-positive seafood isolate as well as four clinical isolates belonged to the new pandemic clone o3:k6 according to serotyping and sequencing of the toxrs locus. the new o3:k6 clone, ...200818370608
increased prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in vembanadu lake: a function of salt water regulator, along south west coast of india.prevalence of faecal indicator bacteria, escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria, vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and salmonella were analysed in vembanadu lake (9 degrees 35'n 76 degrees 25'e), along south west coast of india for a period of one year from ten stations on the southern and northern sides of a salt water regulator constructed in vembanadu lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. while the northern side of the lake has a connectio ...200818401119
quantitative modeling for risk assessment of vibrio parahaemolyticus in bloody clams in southern thailand.a risk assessment of vibrio parahaemolyticus in bloody clams (anadara granosa) consumed in southern thailand was conducted. this study estimated the prevalence and concentration of pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus in bloody clams at harvest and retail stages; and during this process, methods to detect the total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus were investigated. consumption of bloody clams and cooking efficiency were studied using interviews and on-site observation of consumers. a beta-poisson d ...200818405992
differential gene expression and extracellular secretion of the collagenolytic enzymes by the pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a causative agent of wound infections as well as food poisoning, harbors two collagenase genes: vppc and prtv. when cultivated at 26 degrees c in gelatin broth supplemented with 3.0% nacl, significant collagenolytic activity was detected in the culture supernatant at the early stationary phase. native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed a 90-kda protein, and n-terminal amino acid sequencing showed that this protein was vppc, generated through truncation ...200818422626
structural biology. symmetric transporters for asymmetric transport. 200818687947
the development of rapid real-time pcr detection system for vibrio parahaemolyticus in raw develop a new rapid real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) based detection system for vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. parahaemolyticus) applicable to raw oyster samples.200818422939
first clinical report of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 infection in italy. 200818448694
isolation and molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus from fresh, low-temperature preserved, dried, and salted seafood products in two coastal areas of eastern china.a total of 1293 seafood samples from fishing farm, retail markets, restaurants and cooking rooms of hotels in jiangsu province and shanghai city of china were collected and analyzed for the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus during july to october in 2007. two hundred and fifty one isolates of v. parahaemolyticus were identified, of which 8 isolates were positive for tdh and 2 were positive for trh gene. three tdh positive isolates were identified from low-temperature preserved seafood sample ...200818514344
vibrio parahaemolyticus orchestrates a multifaceted host cell infection by induction of autophagy, cell rounding, and then cell lysis.the bacterial pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus utilizes a type iii secretion system to cause death of host cells within hours of infection. we report that cell death is completely independent of apoptosis and occurs by a mechanism in which injection of multiple type iii effectors causes induction of autophagy, cell rounding, and the subsequent release of cellular contents. autophagy is detected by the appearance of lipidated light chain 3 (lc3) and by increases in punctae and vacuole formation. ...200818713860
antimicrobial activity of extracts of edible wild and cultivated mushrooms against foodborne bacterial strains.the antimicrobial activity of aqueous, methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts from edible wild and cultivated mushrooms against nine foodborne pathogenic bacterial strains (escherichia coli o157:h7, salmonella enteritidis, shigella sonnei, vibrio parahaemolyticus, yersinia enterocolitica, bacillus cereus, clostridium perfringens, listeria monocytogenes, and staphylococcus aureus) was screened with a disk diffusion assay. twenty-nine of the 48 species tested had antimicrobial activity. meth ...200818724768
on the origin and function of an insertion element vpai-1 specific to post-1995 pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus strains.since 1995, new virulent strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus have emerged and spread throughout the world. these "pandemic" strains have four strain specific genomic islands (gis), which are considered to be potential factors of the pandemicity. we investigated the origin and function of 24 genes in the so-called vpai-1, one of the four gis, by searching homologs in various species in bacteria and archaea. of these 24 genes, two are found only in vibrio vulnificus cmcp6 and shewanella sp. mr-7. t ...200818506094
[application of pulse-field gel electrophoresis analysis in source-tracking of food-borne disease caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus].to apply pulse-field gel electrophoresis analysis(pfge) in analysing a case of food poisoning caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus.200818512325
efficiency of real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect vibrio vulnificus in seawater.the growth of vibrio vulnificus in an enriched culture of seawater during the summer in japan was monitored by a plating technique used as the culture method and a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay as the molecular method. v. vulnificus was detected by the real-time pcr assay in the samples of august and september but not by the culture method. vibrio parahaemolyticus, however, was detected among all of the samples with both the culture method and real-time pcr assay. in the analys ...200818162438
pathogenetic characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical and seafood sources.a total of 216 vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from seafood and clinical samples in eastern china were investigated for their hemolytic and urea-producing phenotypes, presence of putative virulence genes tdh and trh. twenty-one clinical isolates (84%, 21/25) and 3 seafood isolates (1.57%, 3/191) were tdh-positive while only 3 clinical isolates (12%) and 7 seafood isolates (3.66%) were positive for trh gene. we further examined the pathogenicity of selected v. parahaemolyticus isolates in in vit ...200818538875
detection and characterization of a functional insertion sequence, isvpa2, in vibrio parahaemolyticus.pcr analysis of the pandemic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus, kx-v237 (total genome sequenced) showed a subculture where the size of the amplicons had increased. the purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanism of this change. we found a 1,243-bp dna sequence inserted in one of the pandemic marker genes in this strain. the inserted dna sequence possessed the genetic structures shared by insertion sequences (iss) of the is3 family. this is had 26-bp imperfect terminal inverted repeats (ir ...200818164873
identification of two translocon proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion system 2.the type iii secretion system (t3ss) translocon complex is composed of several associated proteins, which form a translocation channel through the host cell plasma membrane. these proteins are key molecules that are involved in the pathogenicity of many t3ss-positive bacteria, because they are necessary to deliver effector proteins into host cells. a t3ss designated t3ss2 of vibrio parahaemolyticus is thought to be related to the enterotoxicity of this bacterium in humans, but the effector trans ...200818541652
immunomagnetic separation and coagglutination of vibrio parahaemolyticus with anti-flagellar protein monoclonal antibody.mice were immunized by injection of vibrio parahaemolyticus atcc 17802 polar flagellin in order to produce monoclonal antibodies (mabs). mabs were analyzed by anti-h enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using v. parahaemolyticus polar flagellar cores. the mab exhibiting the highest anti-h titer was coated onto cowan i staphylococcus aureus cells at a concentration of 75 microg/ml cell suspension and used for slide coagglutination. of 41 isolates identified genetically as v. parahaemolyticus, 100% c ...200818753337
a model of the effect of temperature on the growth of pathogenic and nonpathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from oysters in korea.vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as the leading cause of human gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of seafood. the objective of this study was to model the growth kinetics of pathogenic and nonpathogenic v. parahaemolyticus in broth and oyster slurry. primary growth models of v. parahaemolyticus in broth and oyster slurry fit well to a modified gomperz equation (broth r(2)=0.99; oyster slurry r(2)=0.96). the lag time (lt), specific growth rate (sgr), and maximum population densi ...200818541160
vibrio parahaemolyticus serovar o3:k6 gastroenteritis in northeast examine the virulence factors and the genetic relationship isolates of the serogroup o3 of vibrio parahaemolyticus in outbreaks of diarrhoea in the northeast region of brazil.200818341555
dynamic localization of mreb in vibrio parahaemolyticus and in the ectopic host bacterium escherichia coli.mreb, a homolog of eukaryotic actin, participates in morphogenesis, cell division, cell polarity, and chromosome segregation in prokaryotes. in this study, a yellow fluorescent protein conjugate (yfp-mreb(vp)) was generated to investigate the behavior of mreb in merodiploid strain sc9 of the enteropathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus. under normal growth conditions, yfp-mreb(vp) formed helical filaments with a pitch of 0.64 +/- 0.09 microm in about 85% of exponential-phase cells, and different clust ...200818791022
hfq regulates the expression of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the hfq gene is conserved in a wide variety of bacteria and hfq is involved in many cellular functions such as stress responses and the regulation of gene expression. it has also been reported that hfq is involved in bacterial pathogenicity. however, it is not clear whether hfq regulates virulence in vibrio parahaemolyticus. to evaluate this, we investigated the effect of hfq on the expression of virulence-associated genes including thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), which is considered to be ...200818803872
antibacterial activity of xanthorrhizol isolated from curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb. against foodborne pathogens.xanthorrhizol, isolated from the ethanol extract of curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb., is a sesquiterpene compound with a molecular weight of 218. the aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of xanthorrhizol against foodborne pathogens. the antibacterial activity of xanthorrhizol was measured in terms of the mic and the mbc. mics and mbcs of xanthorrhizol against bacillus cereus, clostridium perfringens, listeria monocytogenes, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella typhimurium, and ...200818810881
localization and expression of mreb in vibrio parahaemolyticus under different stresses.mreb, the homolog of eukaryotic actin, may play a vital role when prokaryotes cope with stress by altering their spatial organization, including their morphology, subcellular architecture, and localization of macromolecules. this study investigates the behavior of mreb in vibrio parahaemolyticus under various stresses. the behavior of mreb was probed using a yellow fluorescent protein-mreb conjugate in merodiploid strain sc9. under normal growth conditions, mreb formed helical filaments in expon ...200818820055
development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for sensitive and rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine seafood-borne pathogen causing gastrointestinal disorders in humans. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) are known as major virulence determinants of v. parahaemolyticus. most v. parahaemolyticus isolates from the environment do not produce tdh or trh. total v. parahaemolyticus has been used as an indicator for control of seafood contamination toward prevention of infection. detection of total v. parahaemolyticus using conventio ...200818823567
evaluation and validation of a pulsenet standardized pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocol for subtyping vibrio parahaemolyticus: an international multicenter collaborative study.the pandemic spread of vibrio parahaemolyticus is an international public health issue. because of the outbreak potential of the organism, it is critical to establish an internationally recognized molecular subtyping protocol for v. parahaemolyticus that is both rapid and robust as a means to monitor its further spread and to guide control measures in combination with epidemiologic data. here we describe the results of a multicenter, multicountry validation of a new pulsenet international standa ...200818579720
impact of compounding error on strategies for subtyping pathogenic bacteria.comparative-omics will identify a multitude of markers that can be used for intraspecific discrimination between strains of bacteria. it seems intuitive that with this plethora of markers we can construct higher resolution subtyping assays using discrete markers to define strain "barcodes." unfortunately, with each new marker added to an assay, overall assay robustness declines because errors are compounded exponentially. for example, the difference in accuracy of strain classification for an as ...200818713065
state transitions of vibrio parahaemolyticus vbnc cells evaluated by flow cytometry.vibrio parahaemolyticus, in response to environmental conditions, may be present in a viable but nonculturable state (vbnc), which can still be responsible for cases of infectious diseases in humans.200818500741
physicochemical properties of diheme cytochrome c4 of unknown function from vibrio parahaemolyticus strain characterize a diheme cytochrome c4 of unknown functional of the vibrio genus for the first time, the vibrio parahaemolyticus cytochrome c4 was overexpressed in escherichia coli periplasm using the endogenous signal sequence. the physicochemical properties of the purified recombinant protein, viz., molecular mass, uv/vis, and cd spectra, and the redox potentials of the n- and c-terminal domain hemes were determined.200818838782
isolation of a vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic strain from a marine water sample obtained in the northern adriatic. 200818768128
surveillance of health status on eight marine rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), farms in denmark in 2006.the health status of eight marine rainbow trout farms was followed from mid-june to mid-september 2006 by sampling both dead and healthy fish approximately every 2 weeks for bacteriological and virological investigation. no fish pathogenic viruses were detected, but all farms experienced disease and mortality as a result of various bacterial infections. yersinia ruckeri was found on four and renibacterium salmoninarum on five of the farms, but only during the first part of the surveillance perio ...200818786028
the ecology of vibrio vulnificus, vibrio cholerae, and vibrio parahaemolyticus in north carolina estuaries.while numerous studies have characterized the distribution and/or ecology of various pathogenic vibrio spp., here we have simultaneously examined several estuarine sites for vibrio vulnificus, v. cholerae, and v. parahaemolyticus. for a one year period, waters and sediment were monitored for the presence of these three pathogens at six different sites on the east coast of north carolina in the united states. all three pathogens, identified using colony hybridization and pcr methods, occurred in ...200818545963
challenges associated with heterologous expression of flavobacterium psychrophilum proteins in escherichia coli.a two-parameter statistical model was used to predict the solubility of 96 putative virulence-associated proteins of flavobacterium psychrophilum (csf259-93) upon over expression in escherichia coli. this analysis indicated that 88.5% of the f. psychrophilum proteins would be expressed as insoluble aggregates (inclusion bodies). these solubility predictions were verified experimentally by colony filtration blot for six different f. psychrophilum proteins. a comprehensive analysis of codon usage ...200818551344
type iii secretion system 1 genes in vibrio parahaemolyticus are positively regulated by exsa and negatively regulated by exsd.vibrio parahaemolyticus harbours two distinct type iii secretion systems (t3ss1 and t3ss2). a subset of 10 t3ss1 genes are transcribed when v. parahaemolyticus is grown in tissue culture medium [dulbecco's modified eagle's medium (dmem)], while transcription of these genes (except exsd) is minimal upon growth in luria-bertani-salt (lb-s). transcription of t3ss1 genes and cytotoxicity towards hela cells was prevented by deletion of exsa while complementation with exsa restored these traits. overe ...200818554322
genetic analyses of the putative o and k antigen gene clusters of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus.pandemic v. parahaemolyticus strains have rapidly changed their serotypes, but its determinants, especially k antigen, and the genes involved in serotype have been an open question. the purpose of this study was to gain insights into these points. although v. parahaemolyticus is known to be lacking o-side chain on its lipopolysaccharide, and o antigens are thought to be represented by core os, the genome sequence of v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strain rimd2210633 suggests that this bacterium potent ...200818557895
vibrios in association with sedimentary crustaceans in three beaches of the northern adriatic sea (italy).in the marine environment, vibrios adhere to a number of substrates including chitin-rich organisms such as crustaceans. their wide diffusion in coastal waters and pathogenic potential require knowledge of the lifestyle and environmental reservoirs of these bacteria. to test the presence of culturable vibrios in coastal areas and their association with benthic crustaceans, vibrios were isolated from water, sediments and crustaceans (copepods and anphipods) at three stations placed in front of he ...200818243247
extraintestinal vibrio infections in mauritius.few extraintestinal vibrio infections have been reported in the african region. we report 3 cases from mauritius: one case of vibrio alginolyticus otitis externa; one case of soft tissue infection caused by non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus; and one fatal case of non-o1 v. cholerae cellulitis and septicaemia.200819745511
assessment of safety, nutritional, and spoilage characteristics of different lagoon grey mullets (liza ramada, liza aurata, and liza saliens).different lagoon grey mullets such as liza ramada (thinlip mullet), liza aurata (golden grey mullet), and liza saliens (leaping grey mullet) were analyzed for their nutritional, microbiological, and safety parameters. the microbiological values never exceeded the lower limits stipulated by the italian higher institute of health. the pathogenic species frequently associated with seafood (salmonella, listeria monocytogenes, vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and aeromonas hydrophila) were n ...200819244917
[detection and identification of seven clinical common pathogenic bacteria by oligonucleotide microarray].using 16s rdna and 23s rdna genes as the target sequences to develop a system based on oligonucleotide microarray and to detect the seven clinical pathogenic bacteria, commonly seen.200819103121
[rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus by taqman-based real-time pcr assay targeting the toxr gene].we designed a pair of specific primers and a taqman fluorescent probe targeting the toxr gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp). after optimizing the conditions, the specialty, sensitivity and reproducibility of the detection method were evaluated. results: (1) the developed real-time pcr assay protocol detected only vp and was not affected by other normal food pathogens such as staphylococcus aureus, salmonela, listeria monocytogenes. (2) the limit of detection was 25 copies of toxr gene in the d ...200819149202
antibiotic resistance in the shellfish pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from the coastal water and sediment of georgia and south carolina, usa.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative pathogen commonly encountered in estuarine and marine environments, and a common cause of seafood-related gastrointestinal infections. we isolated 350 v. parahaemolyticus strains from water and sediment at three locations along the atlantic coast of georgia and south carolina during various seasons. these isolates were tested for susceptibility to 24 antibiotics. isolate virulence was determined through pcr of tdh and trh genes. the breadth of resistanc ...200819244914
selection of lactic acid bacteria from fermented plant beverages to use as inoculants for improving the quality of the finished product.lactic acid bacteria (lab) from fermented plant beverages were selected based on their antibacterial actions against potential food borne pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus aureus psscmi 0004, escherichia coli psscmi 0001, salmonella typhimurium psscmi 0034 and vibrio parahaemolyticus vp 4). antibacterial activities were measured using an agar spot method. the lactobacillus plantarum w90a strain isolated from a wild forest noni (morinda coreia ham) beverage was used as an inoculant. three diffe ...200819260331
preparation and use of media for protease-producing bacterial strains based on by-products from cuttlefish (sepia officinalis) and wastewaters from marine-products processing factories.cuttlefish powder (cfp) from sepia officinalis by-products was prepared and tested as a fermentation substrate for microbial growth and protease production by several species of bacteria: bacillus licheniformis, bacillus subtilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacillus cereus bg1, and vibrio parahaemolyticus. all microorganisms studied grew well and produced protease activity when cultivated in medium containing only cfp indicating that the strains can obtain their carbon and nitrogen source requireme ...200816962303
vibrio parahaemolyticus scrc modulates cyclic dimeric gmp regulation of gene expression relevant to growth on vibrio parahaemolyticus, scrc participates in controlling the decision to be a highly mobile swarmer cell or a more adhesive, biofilm-proficient cell type. scrc mutants display decreased swarming motility over surfaces and enhanced capsular polysaccharide production. scrc is a cytoplasmic membrane protein that contains both ggdef and eal conserved protein domains. these domains have been shown in many organisms to respectively control the formation and degradation of the small signaling nucle ...200817993539
antimicrobial activity of an endophytic xylaria sp.yx-28 and identification of its antimicrobial compound endophytic xylaria sp., having broad antimicrobial activity, was isolated and characterized from ginkgo biloba l. from the culture extracts of this fungus, a bioactive compound p3 was isolated by bioactivity-guided fractionation and identified as 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin by nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, and mass spectrometry spectral data. the compound showed strong antibacterial and antifungal activities in vitro against staphylococcus aureus [minimal inhibitory concentrations (mic) ...200818092158
precise region and the character of the pathogenicity island in clinical vibrio parahaemolyticus this study, we determined the borders of the pathogenicity island in v. parahaemolyticus rimd2210633 (vp-pai). vp-pai has features in common with tn7 and other related elements at both terminal ends. our findings indicate that the mobile element with a transposase which contains the dde motif may have been involved in vp-pai formation.200818156272
complement-mediated killing of vibrio species by the humoral fluids of amphioxus branchiostoma belcheri: implications for a dual role of o-antigens in the resistance to bactericidal activity.the functional properties of complement in invertebrate deuterostomes are rather ill-defined. here we showed that the humoral fluids from amphioxus branchiostoma belcheri were capable of causing lysis of some vibrio species including vibrio alginolyticus hw284, vibrio parahaemolyticus hw458 and vibrio harvey sf-1, the first such data in the invertebrate deuterostomes. the fluid bacteriolytic activity was abolished by pre-incubation with heat-inactivated rabbit anti-human c3 serum, heating at 45 ...200818178103
molecular typing of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood harvested along the south-west coast of india.evaluation of protein profiling for typing vibrio parahaemolyticus using 71 strains isolated from different seafood and comparison with other molecular typing techniques such as random amplified polymorphic dna analysis (rapd) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence (eric)-pcr.200818179449
translocation of vp1686 upregulates rhob and accelerates phagocytic activity of macrophage through actin, we report that vibrio parahaemolyticus induces a rapid remodeling of macrophage actin and activates rhob gtpase. mutational analysis revealed that the effects depend on type iii secretion system 1 regulated translocation of a v. parahaemolyticus effector protein, vp1686, into the macrophages. remodeling of actin is shown to be necessary for increased bacterial uptake followed by initiation of apoptosis in macrophages. this provides evidence for functional association of the vp1686 in trigg ...200818239436
identification of a novel sugar 5,7-diacetamido-8-amino-3,5,7,8,9-pentadeoxy-d-glycero-d-galacto-non-2-ulosonic acid present in the lipooligosaccharide of vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6.a novel sugar, 5,7-diacetamido-8-amino-3,5,7,8,9-pentadeoxy-d-glycero-d-galacto-non-2-ulosonic acid (nonla), has been identified as a component of the oligosaccharide (os) isolated from the lipooligosaccharide (los) of the emerging strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 associated with a global pandemic. in the present study we report the identification and characterization of this novel sugar present in the os of v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6, using chemical analysis, nmr spectroscopy and mass spe ...200817994291
[epidemiology and laboratories: the missing link on the plans to study and prevent infectious diseases in chile].viral meningitis, hantavirus and vibrio parahaemolyticus infections are used as examples to demonstrate that important shortcomings and limitations exist in chile to study the epidemiology of infectious diseases with modern methods. the lack of a national network of well-connected local and national microbiology laboratories is one of these important shortcomings. the author summarizes the evolution of the systems and institutions that deal with the infectious diseases in the world and in chile.200818273517
biostimulation of estuarine microbiota on substrate coated agar slides: a novel approach to study diversity of autochthonous bdellovibrio- and like organisms.characterization of bdellovibrio- and like organisms (balos) from environmental samples involves growing them in the presence of gram-negative prey bacteria and isolation of balo plaques. this labor-intensive enrichment and isolation procedure may impede the detection and phylogenetic characterization of uncultivable balos. in this article, we describe a simple slide biofilm assay to improve detection and characterization of balo microbiota. agar spiked with biostimulants such as yeast extract ( ...200817968612
rapid detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus by a sensitive and specific duplex pcr-hybridization probes assay using develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) hybridization probe assay for rapid and specific detection of thermostable direct haemolysin-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus.200818312565
lysine decarboxylase of vibrio parahaemolyticus: kinetics of transcription and role in acid resistance.the aim of this study was to investigate the detailed mechanisms of acid resistance in vibrio parahaemolyticus.200818031521
orf334 in vibrio phage kvp40 plays the role of gp27 in t4 phage to form a heterohexameric complex.kvp40 is a t4-related phage, composed of 386 open reading frames (orfs), that has a broad host range. here, we overexpressed, purified, and biophysically characterized two of the proteins encoded in the kvp40 genome, namely, gp5 and orf334. homology-based comparison between kvp40 and its better-characterized sister phage, t4, was used to estimate the two kvp40 proteins' functions. kvp40 gp5 shared significant homology with t4 gp5 in the n- and c-terminal domains. unlike t4 gp5, kvp40 gp5 lacked ...200818326574
environmental determinants of the occurrence and distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the rias of galicia, spain.infections associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus on the coast of galicia (in northwestern spain) were reported to be linked to large outbreaks of illness during 1999 and 2000. little information is available about the ecological factors that influence the emergence of v. parahaemolyticus infections in this temperate region. we carried out a 3-year study to investigate the occurrence and distribution of v. parahaemolyticus at 26 sites located in the four main rias of galicia in association with ...200817981951
vibrio parahaemolyticus inhibition of rho family gtpase activation requires a functional chromosome i type iii secretion system.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a leading cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis; however, its virulence mechanisms are not well understood. the identification of type iii secreted proteins has provided candidate virulence factors whose functions are still being elucidated. genotypic strain variability contributes a level of complexity to understanding the role of different virulence factors. the ability of v. parahaemolyticus to inhibit rho family gtpases and cause cytoskeletal disruption was examin ...200818347050
antibacterial action of l-amino acid oxidase from the skin mucus of rockfish sebastes schlegelii.l-amino acid oxidase (lao) shows broadly antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by h(2)o(2) generated in the oxidative process of l-amino acids. however, lao (termed ssap) isolated from the rockfish sebastes schlegelii skin mucus acted selectively on gram-negative bacteria. therefore, this study was undertaken to clarify the antibacterial action of ssap as compared with h(2)o(2). ssap inhibited potently the growth of aeromonas salmonicida, photobacterium damselae ...200818055243
antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of zingiberaceae plants in taiwan.the rhizomes of the zingiberaceae family are a vegetable widely used in many asian countries, and their medicinal functions have been broadly discussed and accepted in many traditional recipes. in this study, 18 species of five genus of zingiberaceae plants from taiwan area were collected and analyzed for their functional properties. methanolic extracts of the plants were analyzed for their total phenol compounds, alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl (dpph) scavenging activity, and reducing ...200818157743
expression of superoxide dismutase, catalase and thermostable direct hemolysin by, and growth in the presence of various nitrogen and carbon sources of heat-shocked and ethanol-shocked vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus 690 was subjected either to heat shock at 42 degrees c or ethanol shock in the presence of 5% ethanol. the effects of those shocks on superoxide dismutase (sod) and catalase (cat) activities, and thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) production were examined. in addition, the growth behaviors of the stressed and unstressed cells of v. parahaemolyticus in the presence of various nitrogen and carbon sources were compared. both heat shock and ethanol shock reduced the levels o ...200818158197
[therapy of ulcer recurrence after vagotomy of oxyntic cells with sucralfate].several methods of treatment have been proposed for the recurrences of peptic ulcers after surgery; they consist of different forms of re-operation, medical treatment (h2 receptors antagonists, cytoprotectors, etc...). first, it is convenient to establish the cause of the recurrence and to rule out the presence of hypersecretory conditions, as inadequate previous surgery or a non identified gastrinoma. because of the enhancing effect of the cytoprotective drugs on the defense mechanisms of the m ...20082346677
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced calcium mobilization is localized in xenopus oocytes.injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (ins(1,4,5)p3) into the animal pole of xenopus oocytes induced membrane depolarization due to the internal mobilization of calcium, which activates a chloride conductance. repetitive injections of ins(1,4,5)p3 results in desensitization probably as a result of depletion of the internal store of calcium. desensitization was restricted to the region surrounding the site of injection. injection of ins(1,4,5)p3 at one position induced desensitization, which ...20082575752
mucilaginous plants and their uses in medicine.throughout the world but especially in the tropical and subtropical zones, there are succulent and non-succulent plants which harbor readily releasable mucilage in their tissues, on the surface of their seeds or in their bark. this mucilage may have diverse practical uses. among these, it functions as a healing agent, casually or in the practice of traditional-folk or conventional medicine. the mucilage of some of these plants is well known to science and has been studied by pharmacologists and ...20082214811
[re-evaluation of the improved double eyelid surgery using the suture and ligation method]. 20082397442
minimizing the risk of oral aluminium exposure in chronic renal failure. 20082680268
effect of neuroleptics on positive and negative symptoms and the deficit state.the concept of negative symptoms tries to operationalize a deficit syndrome observed in schizophrenia, but also in other disorders. the instruments for the measurement developed so far are unclear in their dimensional structure and validity. further methodological development is needed. a new scale for measuring negative symptoms was derived from the amdp-system and applied to results of drug trials with clozapine, fluperlapine, and haloperidol. the three drugs were equally effective on negative ...20082573105
[arthroscopic surgery of the knee joint cartilage].the arthroscopic surgery of articular cartilage of the knee is beside conservative therapy and invasive surgical procedures an important enrichment in treatment of chondromalacia stage ii and iii. in the department of surgery of the municipal hospital of berlin-weissensee 3250 arthroscopic operations were performed between january 1983 and december 1988. in 227 patients chondromalacia stage ii and iii was found which had to be treated by arthroscopic surgery. four different operation methods wer ...20082386466
preventing nervous system sports injuries.physical fitness and sports remain integral components of overall good health and a cornerstone of preventive medicine. when performed safely, under adequate supervision, and with appropriate protective gear, most of these activities are enjoyable, healthful and psychologically gratifying. when not performed safely by trained athletes, these same activities can be treacherous, injurious and permanently disabling. the goals of this article are to review and describe low-risk and high-risk sports ...20082648209
preventing nervous system sports injuries.physical fitness and sports remain integral components of overall good health and a cornerstone of preventive medicine. when performed safely, under adequate supervision, and with appropriate protective gear, most of these activities are enjoyable, healthful and psychologically gratifying. when not performed safely by trained athletes, these same activities can be treacherous, injurious and permanently disabling. the goals of this article are to review and describe low-risk and high-risk sports ...20082648209
[regional blood lactate level in arterial occlusive diseases].fifty-seven patients with obliterating diseases of the lower limb arteries were examined. the concentration of lactate in the venous blood and the venous-arterial difference in the blood lactate level in the affected limb were found to be increased. a relationship between the marked character of these shifts and the severity of the ischemic syndrome was noted. the authors discuss the possibility of using the values of the lactate content in the regional blood as criteria for evaluating the effic ...20082292851
[humeroscapular periarthritis]. 20082620726
[humeroscapular periarthritis]. 20082620726
Displaying items 2501 - 2600 of 6009