
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
induction of jlba mrna synthesis for a putative bzip protein of aspergillus nidulans by amino acid starvation.the jlba (jun-like hzip) gene of aspergillus nidulans was isolated. the deduced amino acid motif of the c-terminal region of jlha encodes a putative dna-binding site composed of a basic amino acid domain and an adjacent leucine zipper motif. this region shares highest similarities to the c-terminal dna-binding domain and the basic zipper (bzip)-motifs of transcription factors like cpca from a. niger, gcn4p from saccharomyces cerevisiae, human junb and c-jun. the putative jlba protein contains a ...200111525406
colorimetric assay for antifungal susceptibility testing of aspergillus species.a colorimetric assay for antifungal susceptibility testing of aspergillus species (aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus terreus, aspergillus nidulans, and aspergillus ustus) is described based on the reduction of the tetrazolium salt 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-[(sulphenylamino)carbonyl]-2h-tetrazolium-hydroxide (xtt) in the presence of menadione as an electron-coupling agent. the combination of 200 microg of xtt/ml with 25 microm menadione resulted in a high production of form ...200111526191
the structure and domain organization of escherichia coli isocitrate lyase.enzymes of the glyoxylate-bypass pathway are potential targets for the control of many human diseases caused by such pathogens as mycobacteria and leishmania. isocitrate lyase catalyses the first committed step in this pathway and the structure of this tetrameric enzyme from escherichia coli has been determined at 2.1 a resolution. e. coli isocitrate lyase, like the enzyme from other prokaryotes, is located in the cytoplasm, whereas in plants, protozoa, algae and fungi this enzyme is found local ...200111526312
reduced function of a phenylacetate-oxidizing cytochrome p450 caused strong genetic improvement in early phylogeny of penicillin-producing strains.the single-copy paha gene from penicillium chrysogenum encodes a phenylacetate 2-hydroxylase that catalyzes the first step of phenylacetate catabolism, an oxidative route that decreases the precursor availability for penicillin g biosynthesis. paha protein is homologous to cytochrome p450 monooxygenases involved in the detoxification of xenobiotic compounds, with 84% identity to the aspergillus nidulans homologue phaca. expression level of paha displays an inverse correlation with the penicillin ...200111544206
a new class of glutaminase from aspergillus oryzae.the koji mold aspergillus oryzae is able to produce glutaminase which converts glutamine to glutamic acid, one of the most important flavor components in soy sauce. we present here the isolation and the complete nucleotide sequence of the glutaminase- encoding gene from a. oryzae u212, an industrial strain used in thailand. n-terminal and internal amino acid sequences were determined from purified glutaminase. a 700-bp fragment was amplified by pcr using oligonucleotide primers designed from par ...200111545278
ethanol catabolism in aspergillus nidulans: a model system for studying gene regulation.this article reviews our knowledge of the ethanol utilization pathway (alc system) in the hyphal fungus aspergillus nidulans. we discuss the progress made over the past decade in elucidating the two regulatory circuits controlling ethanol catabolism at the level of transcription, specific induction, and carbon catabolite repression, and show how their interplay modulates the utilization of nutrient carbon sources. the mechanisms featuring in this regulation are presented and their modes of actio ...200111550794
transcriptional autoregulation and inhibition of mrna translation of amino acid regulator gene cpca of filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.the cpca protein of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans is a member of the c-jun-like transcriptional activator family. it acts as central transcription factor of the cross-pathway regulatory network of amino acid biosynthesis and is functionally exchangeable for the general control transcriptional activator gcn4p of saccharomyces cerevisiae. in contrast to gcn4, expression of cpca is strongly regulated by two equally important mechanisms with additive effects that lead to a fivefold inc ...200111553722
srea is involved in regulation of siderophore biosynthesis, utilization and uptake in aspergillus nidulans.under conditions of low iron availability, most fungi excrete siderophores in order to mobilize extracellular iron. we show that lack of the gata-type transcription factor srea in aspergillus nidulans not only leads to derepression of siderophore biosynthesis but also to deregulation of siderophore-bound iron uptake and ornithine esterase expression. furthermore, srea deficiency causes increased accumulation of ferricrocin, the siderophore responsible for intracellular iron storage. in srea dele ...200111555288
molecular cloning of kpca gene encoding a kex2p-like endoprotease from aspergillus nidulans.we cloned and sequenced a gene, kpca (kex2p-like proprotein convertase a), from a genomic library of aspergillus nidulans. the kpca gene encodes an 820-residue protein, named kpca, which contains a putative subtilisin-like catalytic domain (residues 136-466) homologous to that of the subtilisin serine protease family. kpca shows 56, 73, and 47% amino acid identities with saccharomyces cerevisiae kex2p, aspergillus niger kexb, and mouse furin within the subtilisin-like catalytic domain, respectiv ...200111561725
the solution structure of an alcr-dna complex sheds light onto the unique tight and monomeric dna binding of a zn(2)cys(6) aspergillus nidulans, the transcription activator alcr mediates specific induction of a number of the genes of the alc cluster. this cluster includes genes involved in the oxidation of ethanol and other alcohols to acetate. the pattern of binding and of transactivation of alcr is unique within the zn(2)cys(6) family. the structural bases for these specificities have not been analyzed at the atomic level until now.200111566132
role of glutamine synthetase in nitrogen metabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans.glutamine synthetase (gs), ec, is a central enzyme in the assimilation of nitrogen and the biosynthesis of glutamine. we have isolated the aspergillus nidulans glna gene encoding gs and have shown that glna encodes a highly expressed but not highly regulated mrna. inactivation of glna results in an absolute glutamine requirement, indicating that gs is responsible for the synthesis of this essential amino acid. even when supplemented with high levels of glutamine, strains lacking a functi ...200111566979
role of ntcb in activation of nitrate assimilation genes in the cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. strain pcc synechocystis sp. strain pcc 6803, the genes encoding the proteins involved in nitrate assimilation are organized into two transcription units, nrtabcd-narb and nira, the expression of which was repressed by ammonium and induced by inhibition of ammonium assimilation, suggesting involvement of ntca in the transcriptional regulation. under inducing conditions, expression of the two transcription units was enhanced by nitrite, suggesting regulation by ntcb, the nitrite-responsive transcriptiona ...200111566981
a fungal perspective on human inborn errors of metabolism: alkaptonuria and beyond.crucial for the establishment and development of biochemical genetics as a self-standing discipline was beadle and tatum's choice of neurospora crassa as experimental organism some 60 years ago. although garrod's insights on biochemical genetics and his astonishingly modern concepts of biochemical individuality and susceptibility to disease had been ignored by their contemporaries, beadle acknowledged on several occasions how close garrod had come to the "one-gene-one-enzyme" hypothesis. in an u ...200111567547
isolation of uv-induced mutations in the area nitrogen regulatory gene of aspergillus niger, and construction of a disruption mutant.the area gene of filamentous fungi encodes a positive-acting transcriptional factor required for the expression of genes involved in the utilisation of nitrogen sources other than ammonium and glutamine. in aspergillus niger we have isolated three uv-induced area mutants and constructed a well-defined disruption allele of the area gene. the area gene was genetically localised on linkage group iii, 3.6 map units (m.u.) from bioa1 and 4.5 m.u. from lysa7. analysis of the expression of the nitrate ...200111589576
cytochrome c is not essential for viability of the fungus aspergillus nidulans.the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans is an obligate aerobe, which is capable of anaerobic survival, but not anaerobic growth. since cytochrome c forms an essential part of the oxidative respiratory pathway it was expected that mutants lacking this component would be non-viable. gene replacement of one homologue of the cyca (cytochrome c) gene was carried out in a diploid strain. benomyl-induced haploidisation of this diploid yielded all cyca+ haploid colonies, initially suggesting that lo ...200111589577
the hypocrea jecorina hap 2/3/5 protein complex binds to the inverted ccaat-box (attgg) within the cbh2 (cellobiohydrolase ii-gene) activating element.the 5' regulatory region of the chh2 gene, encoding cellobiohydrolase ii, of the filamentous fungus hypocrea jecorina contains the cbh2 activating element (cae) which is essential for cbh2 expression. the cae consists of two separate, adjacent motifs, a ccaat box on the template strand (attgg) and a gtaata box on the coding strand, which co-operate in the induction of the gene by cellulose or sophorose. emsa supershift experiments using an antibody against aspergillus nidulans hapc suggested tha ...200111589578
gamma-tubulin and the c-terminal motor domain kinesin-like protein, klpa, function in the establishment of spindle bipolarity in aspergillus nidulans.previous research has found that a gamma-tubulin mutation in schizosaccharomyces pombe is synthetically lethal with a deletion of the c-terminal motor domain kinesin-like protein gene pkl1, but the lethality of the double mutant prevents a phenotypic analysis of the synthetic interaction. we have investigated interactions between klpa1, a deletion of an aspergillus nidulans homolog of pkl1, and mutations in the mipa, gamma-tubulin gene. we find that klpa1 dramatically increases the cold sensitiv ...200111598200
stable transformation of pleurotus ostreatus to hygromycin b resistance using lentinus edodes gpd expression was reported that pleurotus ostreatus was transformed unstably using recombinant plasmids containing a hygromycin b phosphotransferase gene (hph) under the control of aspergillus nidulans expression signals, and that the plasmids were maintained extrachromosomally in the transformants. here we report a stable and integrative transformation of the fungus to hygromycin b resistance, using a recombinant hph fused with lentinus edodes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase expression signals. r ...200111601618
the aspergillus nidulans snt genes are required for the regulation of septum formation and cell cycle aspergillus nidulans, germinating conidia undergo multiple rounds of nuclear division before forming a septum. previous genetic results suggest that the ability to separate nuclear division and septum formation depends upon a threshold level of activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase nimx(cdk1). mutations in nimx and nimt, the gene encoding the nimx(cdk1)-activating phosphatase, have revealed that tyr-15 phosphorylation is important for determining the timing of the formation of the first sep ...200111606533
an inhibitor-resistant histone deacetylase in the plant pathogenic fungus cochliobolus carbonum.we have partially purified and characterized histone deacetylases of the plant pathogenic fungus cochliobolus carbonum. depending on growth conditions, this fungus produces hc-toxin, a specific histone deacetylase inhibitor. purified enzymes were analyzed by immunoblotting, by immunoprecipitation, and for toxin sensitivity. the results demonstrate the existence of at least two distinct histone deacetylase activities. a high molecular weight complex (430,000) is sensitive to hc-toxin and trichost ...200111669622
seph, a cdc7p orthologue from aspergillus nidulans, functions upstream of actin ring formation during the filamentous fungus, aspergillus nidulans, multiple rounds of nuclear division occur before cytokinesis, allowing an unambiguous identification of genes required specifically for cytokinesis. as in animal cells, both an intact microtubule cytoskeleton and progression through mitosis are required for actin ring formation and contraction. the seph gene from a. nidulans was discovered in a screen for temperature-sensitive cytokinesis mutants. sequence analysis showed that seph is 42% identica ...200111679062
genetic evidence for a microtubule-destabilizing effect of conventional kinesin and analysis of its consequences for the control of nuclear distribution in aspergillus nidulans.conventional kinesin is a microtubule-dependent motor protein believed to be involved in a variety of intracellular transport processes. in filamentous fungi, conventional kinesin has been implicated in different processes, such as vesicle migration, polarized growth, nuclear distribution, mitochondrial movement and vacuole formation. to gain further insights into the functions of this kinesin motor, we identified and characterized the conventional kinesin gene, kina, of the established model or ...200111679072
mutation of luxs affects growth and virulence factor expression in streptococcus pyogenes.adaptive responses of bacteria that involve sensing the presence of other bacteria are often critical for proliferation and the expression of virulence characteristics. the autoinducer ii (ai-2) pathway has recently been shown to be a mechanism for sensing other bacteria that is highly conserved among diverse bacterial species, including gram-positive pathogens. however, a role for this pathway in the regulation of virulence factors in gram-positive pathogens has yet to be established. in this s ...200111679074
characterization of nitrogen metabolite signalling in aspergillus via the regulated degradation of area mrna.area is the principal transcription factor involved in determining nitrogen utilization in aspergillus nidulans. nh4+ and gln are utilized preferentially but in their absence, area acts to facilitate the expression of genes involved in metabolizing alternative nitrogen sources. it is crucial to the function of area that its expression is tightly modulated by the quality and availability of nitrogen sources. one signalling mechanism involves regulated degradation of the area transcript in respons ...200111679084
expression, purification and crystallization of aspergillus nidulans nmra, a negative regulatory protein involved in nitrogen-metabolite repression.the nmra repressor protein of aspergillus nidulans was overproduced in escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. gel-exclusion chromatography showed that nmra was monomeric in solution under the buffer conditions used. the protein was crystallized in three forms, belonging to trigonal, monoclinic and hexagonal space groups. two of these crystal forms (a and b) diffract to high resolution and thus appear suitable for structure determination. crystal form a belongs to space group p3((1))21, wi ...200111679757
transcriptional regulation of the nitrate reductase gene in chlorella vulgaris: identification of regulatory elements controlling expression.nitrate reductase (nr), the rate-limiting and primary control point of the nitrate assimilation pathway, is regulated at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. to better understand how nr is regulated at the transcriptional level in chlorella vulgaris, studies were performed to identify the factors regulating nr expression. sequence analysis of the nr promoter identified a number of potential sites that were investigated by mobility shift assays. of the protein-binding sites found, sev ...200111680822
agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of the phytopathogenic ascomycete calonectria morganii.conidia of the phytopathogenic fungus calonectria morganii were transformed to hygromycin b resistance using the hph gene of escherichia coli as the selective trait, governed by a heterologous fungal promoter and the aspergillus nidulans trpc terminator. agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation yielded stable hygromycin b-resistant clones (average number (106 per 10(7)) [corrected] conidia). putative transformants appeared to be mitotically and meiotically stable. the presence of the hp ...200111680825
cloning and sequence analysis of cnaa gene encoding the catalytic subunit of calcineurin from aspergillus oryzae.calcineurin has been implicated in ion-homeostasis, stress adaptation in yeast and for hyphal growth in filamentous fungi. genomic dna and cdna encoding the catalytic subunit of calcineurin (cnaa) were isolated from aspergillus oryzae. the cnaa open reading frame extended to 1727 bp and encoded a putative protein of 514 amino acids. comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequence of cnaa genomic dna and cdna confirmed the presence of three introns and a highly conserved calmodulin binding domain ...200111682197
complex control of the developmental regulatory locus brla in aspergillus nidulans.brla is a primary regulator of asexual development in aspergillus nidulans. activation of brla is necessary and sufficient for conidiophore development. it is known that brla produces two overlapping transcripts, designated brlaalpha and brlabeta. we found that expression of brla is subject to complex regulation, in that activation of the two brla transcripts is regulated at different levels. while brlaalpha is regulated at the transcriptional level, brlabeta is regulated at both the transcripti ...200111683268
riboflavin, overproduced during sporulation of ashbya gossypii, protects its hyaline spores against ultraviolet light.riboflavin (vitamin b2), essential in tiny amounts as a precursor for oxidoreductase coenzymes, is a yellow pigment. although it causes cytotoxicity via photoinduced damage of macromolecules, several microorganisms are striking overproducers. a question, unanswered for decades, is whether riboflavin overproducers can benefit from this property. here, we report an ultraviolet (uv) protective effect of riboflavin. the spores of ashbya gossypii, a riboflavin-overproducing fungus, are more sensitive ...200111683864
evolutionarily conserved nuclear migration genes required for early embryonic development in caenorhabditis elegans.the nudf and nudc genes of the fungus aspergillus nidulans encode proteins that are members of two evolutionarily conserved families. in a. nidulans these proteins mediate nuclear migration along the hyphae. the human ortholog of nudf is lis1, a gene essential for neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex. the mammalian ortholog of nudc encodes a protein that interacts with lis1. we have identified orthologs of nudc and lis1 from the nematode caenorhabditis elegans. heterologous expre ...200111685578
identification of aspergillus nidulans genes essential for the accumulation of sterigmatocystin.the fungus aspergillus nidulans (emericella nidulans) was used as a genetic model for the identification of genes required for efficient accumulation of sterigmatocystin (st). the required gene for sterigmatocystin expression was stc, which is an intermediate penultimate product in the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. genetic analysis included studies of the sexual and parasexual cycles. the allelic segregation rates and recombination frequencies between linked and nonlinked genetic markers were ...200111686675
biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes are influenced by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source in fusarium oxysporum and aspergillus nidulans.the structural complexity of the nitrogen sources strongly affects biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi. fusarium oxysporum and aspergillus nidulans were grown in media containing glucose or starch, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids), peptides (peptone) and protein (gelatin). in glucose, when the initial ph was adjusted to 5.0, for both microorganisms, higher bi ...200111688213
mouse skin passage of a streptococcus pyogenes tn917 mutant of saga/pel restores virulence, beta-hemolysis and saga/pel expression without altering the position or sequence of the transposon.streptolysin s (sls), the oxygen-stable hemolysin of streptococcus pyogenes, has recently been shown to be encoded by the saga/pel gene. mutants lacking expression of this gene were less virulent in a dermonecrotic mouse infection model. inactivation of the saga/pel gene affect the expression of a variety of virulence factors in addition to the hemolysin. insertion of a tn917 transposon into the promoter region of the saga/pel gene of s. pyogenes isolate cs101 eliminated expression of sls, as we ...200111801184
agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of the plant pathogenic fungus, magnaporthe effective way to study the infection mechanisms of fungal pathogens is to disrupt their genes via transformation in both targeted and random manners. this isolates the mutants that exhibit altered virulence. in this paper, we report the successful transformation of magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent for rice blast, that is mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens. employing the binary vector pbht2, which carries the bacterial hygromycin b phosphotransferase gene under the control of the asperg ...200111804343
regulation of the amylolytic and (hemi-)cellulolytic genes in aspergilli.filamentous fungi produce high levels of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes and are frequently used for the production of industrial enzymes. because of the high secretory capacity for enzymes, filamentous fungi are effective hosts for the production of foreign proteins. genetic studies with aspergillus nidulans have shown pathway-specific regulatory systems that control a set of genes that must be expressed to catabolize particular substrates. besides the pathway-specific regulation, wide domain ...200112483563
beta-galactosidase formation in aspergillus nidulans. 200115954602
identification of potato genes induced during colonization by phytophthora infestans.summary suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) was applied in a search for genes induced during the compatible interaction between phytophthora infestans and potato. using potato leaves that had been treated with benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid s-methylester (bth) as the control tissue, a low redundancy library with a relatively low frequency of the classic plant pathogenesis-related (pr) genes was generated. 288 of the clones were screened for induced sequences using inverse nor ...200120573000
agrobacterium-mediated transformation of fusarium oxysporum: an efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene transfer.abstract agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (atmt) has long been used to transfer genes to a wide variety of plants and has also served as an efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis. in this paper, we report the construction of four novel binary vectors for fungal transformation and the optimization of an atmt protocol for insertional mutagenesis, which permits an efficient genetic manipulation of fusarium oxysporum and other phytopathogenic fungi to be achieved. employing the ...200118944391
[genetic analysis and relationship to pathogenicity in botrytis cinerea].botrytis cinerea is a plant-pathogenic fungus that produces the disease known as grey mould in a wide variety of agriculturally important hosts in many countries. ten strains from different locations collected on different years have been isolated and characterized by several methods (morphological, biochemical, genetical and molecular). results showed that clear morphological differences exist between strains, and showing a relationship between the presence of sclerotia and pathogenicity. the c ...200015762780
[taxonomy and identification of the species involved in nosocomial aspergillosis].although aspergillus fumigatus is the most common etiological agent of invasive aspergillosis, other aspergillus spp. such as a . flavus, a. niger, a. terreus and a. nidulans (emericella nidulans) among others, have been also implicated. in this article, the taxonomy of the genus aspergillus and the characteristics of the species most frequently isolated from patients with nosocomial aspergillosis are reviewed.200015762792
[two cases of scalp wound colonization and respiratory tract by mycelial fungi].one case of colonization of a post-traumatic scalp wound by aspergillus nidulans and fusarium solani in a healthy adult patient is discussed. a second case of respiratory colonization by acrophialophora fusispora in a child with cystic fibrosis is presented. both cases are reported to illustrate the need of combined histologic and mycologic studies in evaluating patients in order to distinguish between colonization and invasion.200015762812
species-specific profiles of mycotoxins produced in cultures and associated with conidia of airborne fungi derived from biowaste.the potential to produce mycotoxins and non-volatile secondary metabolites was investigated for approximately 250 freshly isolated fungal strains. among the eleven most relevant species, viz. aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. niger, a. parasiticus, a. versicolor, emericella nidulans, paecilomyces variotii, penicillium brevicompactum, p. clavigerum, p. crustosum, and p. polonicum, a wide range of metabolites partly of toxicological relevance was identified. several unknown metabolites were fou ...200011109562
characterization of aspergillus niger pectate lyase a.the aspergillus niger plya gene encoding pectate lyase a (ec 4.2.99. 3) was cloned from a chromosomal lambda(embl4) library using the aspergillus nidulans pectate lyase encoding gene [dean, r. a., and timberlake, w. e. (1989) plant cell 1, 275-284] as a probe. the plya gene was overexpressed using a promoter fusion with the a. niger pyruvate kinase promoter. purification of the recombinant pectate lyase a resulted in the identification of two enzyme forms of which one appeared to be n-glycosylat ...200011112543
a genetic interaction between a ubiquitin-like protein and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis in dictyostelium discoideum(1).a ubiquitination factor, nosa, is essential for cellular differentiation in dictyostelium discoideum. in the absence of nosa, development is blocked, resulting in a developmental arrest at the tight-aggregate stage, when cells differentiate into two precursor cell types, prespore and prestalk cells. development is restored when a second gene, encoding the ubiquitin-like protein sona, is inactivated in nosa-mutant cells. sona has homology over its entire length to dsk2 from saccharomyces cerevisi ...200011118648
the abaa homologue of penicillium marneffei participates in two developmental programmes: conidiation and dimorphic growth.penicillium marneffei is the only known species of its genus that is dimorphic. at 25 degrees c, p. marneffei exhibits true filamentous growth and undergoes asexual development producing spores borne on complex structures called conidiophores. at 37 degrees c, p. marneffei undergoes a dimorphic transition to produce uninucleate yeast cells that divide by fission. we have cloned a homologue of the aspergillus nidulans abaa gene encoding an atts/tea dna-binding domain transcriptional regulator and ...200011123677
deletion of the unique gene encoding a typical histone h1 has no apparent phenotype in aspergillus nidulans.we have cloned the h1 histone gene (hhoa) of aspergillus nidulans. this single-copy gene codes for a typical linker histone with one central globular domain. the open reading frame is interrupted by six introns. the position of the first intron is identical to that of introns found in some plant histones. an h1-gfp fusion shows exclusive nuclear localization, whereas chromosomal localization can be observed during condensation at mitosis. surprisingly, the deletion of hhoa results in no obvious ...200010632892
isolation, purification, and characterization of a cold-active lipase from aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus nidulans wg312 strain secreted lipase activity when cultured in liquid media with olive oil as carbon source. highest lipase productivity was found when the mycelium was grown at 30 degrees c in a rich medium. the new enzyme was purified to homogeneity from the extracellular culture of a. nidulans by phenyl-sepharose chromatography and affinity binding on linolenic acid-agarose. the lipase was monomeric with an apparent m(r) of 29 kda and a pi of 4.85 and showed no glycosylation. kin ...200010637060
molecular cloning and characterization of a glucan synthase gene from the human pathogenic fungus paracoccidioides brasiliensis.1,3-beta-d-glucan is a fungal cell wall polymer synthesized by the multi-subunit enzyme 1,3-beta-d-glucan synthase. a subunit of this integral membrane protein was first described as the product of the fks1 gene from saccharomyces cerevisiae using echinocandin mutants. other fks1 genes were also reported for candida albicans, aspergillus nidulans and cryptococcus neoformans. here, we report the nucleotide sequence of the first homologous fks gene cloned from the pathogenic fungus paracoccidioide ...200010705373
transcriptional analysis of hydrogenase genes in the cyanobacteria anacystis nidulans and anabaena variabilis monitored by rt-pcr.diverse cyanobacteria express an uptake hydrogenase, encoded by the genes hupsl, and a bidirectional, nad(p)(+)-reducing hydrogenase with the genes hox(e)fuyh. in the unicellular anacystis nidulans, the hox genes are organized on two separate loci, whereas they are contiguous in one cluster, though interspersed with two unidentified reading frames, orf 3 and 8, in the heterocystous anabaena variabilis. the hox gene clusters of these two cyanobacteria have now been transcriptionally analyzed by r ...200010706662
an unambiguous microassay of galactofuranose residues in glycoconjugates using mild methanolysis and high ph anion-exchange original, unambiguous microassay of galactofuranose (galf) residues in glycoconjugates is described. the method involves mild acid methanolysis (5 mm hcl) for 3 h at 84 degrees c followed by high ph anion-exchange chromatography using a routine monosaccharide system. the methanolysis products mealpha-galf and mebeta-galf were characterized chromatographically by comparison with the authentic compounds and by their response to treatment with mild acid and with beta-galactofuranosidase. testing ...200010706782
a new approach for the identification and cloning of genes: the pbacwich system using cre/lox site-specific recombination.with current plant transformation methods ( agrobacterium, biolistics and protoplast fusion), insertion of dna into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. associated position effects, copy number differences and multigene interactions can make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and plant phenotypes less predictable. an alternative approach to random integration of large dna fragments into plants is to utilize one of several site-specific recombination ...200010710436
methylcitrate synthase from aspergillus nidulans: implications for propionate as an antifungal agent.aspergillus nidulans was used as a model organism to investigate the fungal propionate metabolism and the mechanism of growth inhibition by propionate. the fungus is able to grow slowly on propionate as sole carbon and energy source. propionate is oxidized to pyruvate via the methylcitrate cycle. the key enzyme methylcitrate synthase was purified and the corresponding gene mcsa, which contains two introns, was cloned, sequenced and overexpressed in a. nidulans. the derived amino acid sequence of ...200010712680
architectural transcription factors and the saga complex function in parallel pathways to activate transcription.recent work has shown that transcription of the yeast ho gene involves the sequential recruitment of a series of transcription factors. we have performed a functional analysis of ho regulation by determining the ability of mutations in sin1, sin3, rpd3, and sin4 negative regulators to permit ho expression in the absence of certain activators. mutations in the sin1 (=spt2) gene do not affect ho regulation, in contrast to results of other studies using an ho:lacz reporter, and our data show that t ...200010713159
thioesterase domain of delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine synthetase: alteration of stereospecificity by site-directed mutagenesis.the carboxy-terminal thioesterase domain of delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine synthetase catalyzes the hydrolytic release of the tripeptide product (lld-acv). by site-directed mutagenesis an s3599a change was introduced into the highly conserved gxsxg motif, resulting in a more than 95 % decrease of penicillin production. purification of the modified multienzyme showed surprisingly only a 50 % reduction of the peptide formation rate, with the stereoisomer delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipy ...200010715209
construction of an equalized cdna library from colletotrichum lagenarium and its application to the isolation of differentially expressed establish an efficient screening system for differentially expressed genes of a phytopathogenic fungus colletotrichum lagenarium, we constructed an equalized (normalized) cdna library from c. lagenarium and used this library for differential screening. for the isolation of genes involved in infection-related developments of conidia, conidia undergoing appressorium differentiation were selected as the source of materials for construction of the cdna library. the equalization of cdna was perfor ...200010721483
bordetella pertussis tonb, a bvg-independent virulence gram-negative bacteria, high-affinity iron uptake requires the tonb/exbb/exbd envelope complex to release iron chelates from their specific outer membrane receptors into the periplasm. based on sequence similarities, the bordetella pertussis tonb exbb exbd locus was identified on a cloned dna fragment. the tight organization of the three genes suggests that they are cotranscribed. a putative fur-binding sequence located upstream from tonb was detected in a fur titration assay, indicating that ...200010722583
heterologous expression in aspergillus nidulans of a trichoderma longibrachiatum endoglucanase of enological aspergillus nidulans transformant expressing the trichoderma longibrachiatum endoglucanase 1 gene (egl1) has been constructed. the extracellular production of egl1 in different culture media has been studied, and a medium has been found in which egl1 is the predominant extracellular protein produced. the enzymatic properties of the heterologously produced egl1 are very similar to those of the native enzyme. grape maceration in the presence of culture filtrate enriched in egl1 resulted in incr ...200010725180
evidence that the aspergillus nidulans class i and class ii chitin synthase genes, chsc and chsa, share critical roles in hyphal wall integrity and conidiophore development.although many chitin synthase genes have been identified in a broad range of fungal species, there have been only a few reports about their role in fungal morphogenesis. in most cases, single gene disruption or replacement did not reveal their function, possibly because of functional redundancy among them. we obtained null mutants of aspergillus nidulans chsa and chsc genes encoding non-essential class ii and class i chitin synthases, respectively. the deltachsa deltachsc mutant exhibited growth ...200010731706
metabolite repression and inducer exclusion in the proline utilization gene cluster of aspergillus nidulans.the clustered prnb, prnc, and prnd genes are repressed by the simultaneous presence of glucose and ammonium. a derepressed mutation inactivating a crea-binding site acts in cis only on the permease gene (prnb) while derepression of prnd and prnc is largely the result of reversal of inducer exclusion.200010613888
mitochondrial movement and morphology depend on an intact actin cytoskeleton in aspergillus nidulans.mitochondria are essential organelles for the oxidative energy metabolism in eukaryotic cells. determinants of mitochondrial morphology as well as the machinery underlying their subcellular distribution are not well understood. in this study we constructed an aspergillus nidulans strain, in which mitochondria are stained with the green-fluorescent protein (gfp) to visualize them and study their behavior in vivo (http://www.uni-marburg. de/mpi/movies/mitochondria/mitochondria.html). mitochondria ...200010618165
lack of host specialization in aspergillus flavus.aspergillus spp. cause disease in a broad range of organisms, but it is unknown if strains are specialized for particular hosts. we evaluated isolates of aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, and aspergillus nidulans for their ability to infect bean leaves, corn kernels, and insects (galleria mellonella). strains of a. flavus did not affect nonwounded bean leaves, corn kernels, or insects at 22 degrees c, but they killed insects following hemocoelic challenge and caused symptoms ranging fro ...200010618242
requirement of monooxygenase-mediated steps for sterigmatocystin biosynthesis by aspergillus nidulans.sterigmatocystin (st) and aflatoxin b(1) (afb(1)) are two polyketide-derived aspergillus mycotoxins synthesized by functionally identical sets of enzymes. st, the compound produced by aspergillus nidulans, is a late intermediate in the afb(1) pathway of a. parasiticus and a. flavus. previous biochemical studies predicted that five oxygenase steps are required for the formation of st. a 60-kb st gene cluster in a. nidulans contains five genes, stcb, stcf, stcl, stcs, and stcw, encoding putative m ...200010618248
the chsa gene from aspergillus nidulans is necessary for maximal conidiation.a fragment from the open reading frame of the cloned chsa gene from aspergillus nidulans was deleted and replaced with the argb gene. the resulting construct was used to replace the wild-type chsa gene in an argb deletion strain. the growth and morphology of the vegetative hyphae from the resulting chsa disruptant strain were indistinguishable from those of a wild-type strain but the chitin content of the hyphae from the disruptant was reduced to approximately 90% of that of wild-type. the disru ...200010620691
pantothenate kinase regulation of the intracellular concentration of coenzyme a.pantothenate kinase (pank) is the key regulatory enzyme in the coa biosynthetic pathway in bacteria and is thought to play a similar role in mammalian cells. we examined this hypothesis by identifying and characterizing two murine cdnas that encoded pank. the two cdnas were predicted to arise from alternate splicing of the same gene to yield different mrnas that encode two isoforms (mpank1alpha and mpank1beta) with distinct amino termini. the predicted protein sequence of mpank1 was not related ...200010625688
hypomorphic bima(apc3) alleles cause errors in chromosome metabolism that activate the dna damage checkpoint blocking cytokinesis in aspergillus nidulans.the aspergillus nidulans sepi(+) gene has been implicated in the coordination of septation with nuclear division and cell growth. we find that the temperature-sensitive (ts) sepi1 mutation represents a novel allele of bima(apc3), which encodes a conserved component of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (apc/c). we have characterized the septation, nuclear division, cell-cycle checkpoint defects, and dna sequence alterations of sepi1 (renamed bima10) and two other ts lethal bima(apc3) allel ...200010628978
nmr solution structure of alcr (1-60) provides insight in the unusual dna binding properties of this zinc binuclear cluster protein.the three-dimensional structure of the dna-binding domain (residues 1-60) of the ethanol regulon transcription factor alcr from aspergillus nidulans has been solved by nmr. this domain belongs to the zinc binuclear cluster class. although the core of the protein is similar to previously characterized structures, consisting of two helices organized around a zn(2)cys(6 )motif, the present structure presents important variations, among them the presence of two supplementary helices. this structure ...200010656785
localization of wild type and mutant class i myosin proteins in aspergillus nidulans using gfp-fusion proteins.we have examined the distribution of myoa, the class i myosin protein of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, as a gfp fusion protein. wild type gfp-myoa expressed from the myoa promoter is able to rescue a conditional myoa null mutant. growth of a strain expressing gfp-myoa as the only class i myosin was approximately 50% that of a control strain, demonstrating that the fusion protein retains substantial myosin function. the distribution of the wild type gfp-myoa fusion is enriched in g ...200010658211
developmental and metabolic regulation of the phosphoglucomutase-encoding gene, pgmb, of aspergillus nidulans.we have isolated the pgmb gene from aspergillus nidulans, which encodes a phosphoglucomutase, one of the key enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism. the pgmb gene is located on chromosome vii and its orf encodes 557 amino acids. mutant phenotypes were analysed by expression of high levels of pgmb antisense rna, which lead to a loss of detectable levels of sense rna. under conditions of antisense rna expression, a 30% reduction in the growth rate was observed in comparison to wild-type. on the enzyme ...200010660061
on how a transcription factor can avoid its proteolytic activation in the absence of signal response to alkaline ambient ph, the aspergillus nidulans pacc transcription factor mediating ph regulation of gene expression is activated by proteolytic removal of a negative-acting c-terminal domain. we demonstrate interactions involving the approximately 150 c-terminal pacc residues and two regions located immediately downstream of the dna binding domain. our data indicate two full-length pacc conformations whose relative amounts depend upon ambient ph: one 'open' and accessible for proce ...200010675341
the presence of gsi-like genes in higher plants: support for the paralogous evolution of gsi and gsii genes.glutamine synthetase type i (gsi) genes have previously been described only in prokaryotes except that the fungus emericella nidulans contains a gene (flug) which encodes a protein with a large n-terminal domain linked to a c-terminal gsi-like domain. eukaryotes generally contain the type ii (gsii) genes which have been shown to occur also in some prokaryotes. the question of whether gsi and gsii genes are orthologues or paralogues remains a point of controversy. in this article we show that gsi ...200010684345
molecular characterization of ubiquitin genes from aspergillus nidulans: mrna expression on different stress and growth conditions.we are interested in studying the ubiquitin (ubi) gene expression during different stress and growth conditions in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. here, we report the cloning of a cdna clone that corresponds to a gene, ubi1, that encodes a carboxyl extension protein from a. nidulans. this cdna corresponds to a gene that encodes a protein that showed high homology to other polyubiquitin and cep-80 genes at the n- and c-terminus, respectively. we characterize the mrna expression of th ...200010684969
carbon catabolite repression in plant pathogenic fungi: isolation and characterization of the gibberella fujikuroi and botrytis cinerea crea genes.the crea genes of two plant pathogenic fungi, the gibberellin-producing rice pathogen gibberella fujikuroi and the gray mold botrytis cinerea, were isolated and characterized. the deduced amino acid sequences of both glucose repressors are 64% identical to each other and 59% (g. fujikuroi) and 61% (b. cinerea) identical to the crea protein of aspergillus nidulans. the zinc finger regions of the gibberella and botrytis crea proteins shared 98% identity with the corresponding zinc finger region of ...200010689158
the pause software for analysis of translational control over protein targeting: application to e. nidulans membrane proteins.the pause software has been developed as a new tool to study translational control over protein targeting. this makes it possible to correlate the position of clusters of rare codons in a gene, predicted to cause a translational pause, with the position of hydrophobic stretches in the encoded protein, predicted to span a membrane or to act as a cleavable signal for targeting to the secretory pathway. furthermore, this software gathers these correlations over whole sets of genes. the pause softwa ...200010689191
nitrate assimilation genes of the marine diazotrophic, filamentous cyanobacterium trichodesmium sp. strain wh9601.a 4.0-kb dna fragment of trichodesmium sp. strain wh9601 contained gene sequences encoding the nitrate reduction enzymes, nira and narb. a third gene positioned between nira and narb encodes a putative membrane protein with similarity to the nitrate permeases of bacillus subtilis (nasa) and emericella nidulans (crna). the gene was shown to functionally complement a deltanasa mutant of b. subtilis and was assigned the name napa (nitrate permease). napa was involved in both nitrate and nitrite upt ...200010692386
nuclear migration in fungi--different motors at work.lower fungi such as saccharomyces cerevisiae and aspergillus nidulans are ideal organisms for studying the molecular biology underlying nuclear migration in eukaryotic cells. in this review, the role of different motor proteins such as dynein, kinesin and myosin will be discussed.200010875281
the reliability of the aspergillus nidulans physical we report an evaluation of the aspergillus nidulans physical map (a cosmid contig map) emphasizing quantification and description of obvious mapping errors. classification and appraisal of mapping errors should be helpful to researchers working on particular regions of the map. we estimate between 47 (4.1%) and 63 (5.4%) probe/clone-linking errors. the majority of identified false links (38) permit reciprocal exchanges among linking clones located on disconnected mapping regions. the order ...200010882534
analysis of two aspergillus nidulans genes encoding extracellular proteases.characterization of prtadelta mutants, generated by gene disruption, showed that the prta gene is responsible for the majority of extracellular protease activity secreted by aspergillus nidulans at both neutral and acid ph. the prta delta mutation was used to map the prta gene to chromosome v. though aspartic protease activity has never been reported in a. nidulans and the prtadelta mutants appear to lack detectable acid protease activity, a gene (prtb) encoding a putative aspartic protease was ...200010882536
biosynthesis of pyridoxine: origin of the nitrogen atom of pyridoxine in microorganisms.the amide nitrogen atom of glutamine was incorporated into pyridoxine in four eukaryotes, emericella nidulans, mucor racemosus, neurospora crassa and saccharomyces cerevisiae, and two prokaryotes, staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtilis, but not in the following prokaryotes, pseudomonas putida, enterobacter aerogenes and escherichia coli. on the other hand, the nitrogen atom of glutamate was incorporated into pyridoxine in p. putida, e. aerogenes and e. coli, but not in s. aureus and b. subt ...200010885790
the tryptophan synthase-encoding trpb gene of aspergillus nidulans is regulated by the cross-pathway control system.the tryptophan synthase-encoding gene, trpb, of aspergillus nidulans was cloned and characterized. it was mapped to chromosome i, between the gene meda, which is required for sexual and asexual development, and an orf encoding a protein with significant similarity to subunit b of vacuolar atp synthases. the 5' untranslated region was found to be at least 142 nucleotides (nt) long, the poly(a) addition site was localized at position + 216 relative to the stop codon by sequencing of several indepe ...200010905354
a novel 'two-component' protein containing histidine kinase and response regulator domains required for sporulation in aspergillus nidulans.we have characterised a-novel aspergillus nidulans gene encoding a 'two-component' signalling protein (tcsa). tcsa encodes both a histidine kinase domain and a response regulator domain similar to those found in bacterial, lower eukaryotic and plant members of the two-component family of proteins, while two pas domains in the amino-terminal region of the predicted tcsa product may monitor the signal which regulates a tcsa histidine kinase-response regulator phosphorelay. while tcsa is nonessenti ...200010905426
an aspergillus oryzae ccaat-binding protein, aocp, is involved in the high-level expression of the taka-amylase a gene.aspergillus oryzae contains a nuclear protein designated aocp, which binds specifically to a ccaat sequence in the promoter region of the a. oryzae taka-amylase a gene. a gene encoding a homologue of aspergillus nidulans hapc, a subunit of the a. nidulans ccaat binding complex, was isolated from a. oryzae and designated aohapc. aohapc comprises 215 amino acids and shows 84% identity to a. nidulans hapc. transformation of the a. nidulans hapc deletion strain with the aohapc gene restored the ccaa ...200010905428
glucose dependent transcriptional expression of the cre1 gene in acremonium chrysogenum strains showing different levels of cephalosporin c production.the cre1 gene from the beta-lactam producer acremonium chrysogenum has been isolated and characterized in order to study glucose-dependent gene expression in this biotechnically important fungus. the deduced protein sequence is highly similar to amino-acid sequences of other known glucose repressors from filamentous fungi, and carries conserved zinc-finger and regulatory motifs. contrary to cre gene expression in trichoderma reesei and aspergillus nidulans, the transcript level of the cre1 gene ...200010905429
cloning and characterisation of a chitin synthase gene cdna from the cultivated mushroom agaricus bisporus and its expression during morphogenesis.full-length cdna of a chitin synthase gene (chs1) was cloned from agaricus bisporus by screening a cdna library with a pcr amplified fragment of the chitin synthase gene. the chs1 contains an open reading frame of 2727 bp encoding a polypeptide of 909 amino acids and deduced molecular mass 102.3 kda and pi 8.23. the central region of chs1 showed strong homology to other fungal chitin synthase genes with seven conserved domains. it belongs to the chitin synthase class iii, analogous to chsb from ...200010913868
ph regulation of gene expression in fungi.a system for the regulation of gene expression by ambient (extracellular) ph was first identified in aspergillus nidulans. this system consists of the products of the pacc and pala, b, c, f, h, and i genes. pacc encodes a zinc finger transcription factor and these pal genes encode components of an ambient ph signal transduction pathway. ph regulatory systems have also been identified in other fungi. components of these regulatory systems are homologous to those in a. nidulans. this review descri ...200010919375
a group of expressed cdna sequences from the wheat fungal leaf blotch pathogen, mycosphaerella graminicola (septoria tritici).a group of expressed sequence tags (ests) from the wheat fungal pathogen mycosphaerella graminicola utilizing ammonium as a nitrogen source has been analyzed. single pass sequences of complementary dnas from 986 clones were determined. contig analysis and sequence comparisons allowed 704 unique ests (unigenes) to be identified, of which 148 appeared as multiple copies. searches of the nrdb95 protein database at embl using the blast2x algorithm revealed 407 (57.8%) sequences that generated high t ...200010919380
prevalence and outcome of invasive fungal infections in 1,963 thoracic organ transplant recipients: a multicenter retrospective study. italian study group of fungal infections in thoracic organ transplant recipients.fungal infections (fi) after solid organ transplantation (tx) remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality. aspergillus and candida account for more than 80% of fi.200010919584
identification of a candida albicans homologue of the pho85 gene, a negative regulator of the pho system in saccharomyces a screen for the protein kinase genes of the human pathogenic yeast candida albicans, a putative homologue (capho85) of pho85, a negative regulator of the pho system of saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is one of the cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks), was isolated. an open reading frame (orf) of this gene was identified encoding a predicted protein of 326 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 37.6 kda. the amino acid sequence is highly homologous to s. cerevisiae pho85 (62% id ...200010923026
identification of domains responsible for signal recognition and transduction within the qutr transcription repressor protein.qutr (qutr-encoded transcription-repressing protein) is a multi-domain repressor protein active in the signal-transduction pathway that regulates transcription of the quinic acid utilization (qut) gene cluster in aspergillus nidulans. in the presence of quinate, production of mrna from the eight genes of the qut pathway is stimulated by the activator protein quta (quta-encoded transcription-activating protein). mutations in the qutr gene alter qutr function such that the transcription of the qut ...200010926843
increased transformation efficiency of aspergillus nidulans protoplasts in the presence of dithiothreitol. 200010929816
morphogenesis in aspergillus nidulans requires dopey (dopa), a member of a novel family of leucine zipper-like proteins conserved from yeast to humans.dopa is the founding member of a novel protein family required for correct cell morphology and spatiotemporal organization of multicellular structures in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. dopa homologues from saccharomyces cerevisiae (dop1), candida albicans, caenorhabditis elegans, rattus norvegicus and homo sapiens have been identified from genome sequencing projects. s. cerevisiae dop1 is essential for viability and, like dopa, affects cellular morphogenesis. dopa encodes a large p ...200010931277
c-jun and rack1 homologues regulate a control point for sexual development in aspergillus nidulans.amino acid limitation results in impaired sexual fruit body formation in filamentous fungi such as aspergillus nidulans. the starvation signal is perceived by the cross-pathway regulatory network controlling the biosynthesis of translational precursors and results in increased expression of a transcriptional activator encoded by a c-jun homologue. in the presence of amino acids, the gene product of the mammalian rack1 homologue cpcb is required to repress the network. growth under amino acid sta ...200010931303
the lis1-related nudf protein of aspergillus nidulans interacts with the coiled-coil domain of the nude/ro11 protein.the nudf gene of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans acts in the cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin pathway and is required for distribution of nuclei. nudf protein, the product of the nudf gene, displays 42% sequence identity with the human protein lis1 required for neuronal migration. haploinsufficiency of the lis1 gene causes a malformation of the human brain known as lissencephaly. we screened for multicopy suppressors of a mutation in the nudf gene. the product of the nude gene isolated in ...200010931877
the abc transporter atrb from aspergillus nidulans mediates resistance to all major classes of fungicides and some natural toxic compounds.this paper reports the functional characterization of atrbp, an abc transporter from aspergillus nidulans. atrbp is a multidrug transporter and has affinity to substrates belonging to all major classes of agricultural fungicides and some natural toxic compounds. the substrate profile of atrbp was determined by assessing the sensitivity of deletion and overexpression mutants of atrb to several toxicants. all mutants showed normal growth as compared to control isolates. deltaatrb mutants displayed ...200010931903
insertion of the line retrotransposon mgl causes a conidiophore pattern mutation in magnaporthe grisea.we obtained three magnaporthe grisea morphological mutants that had the line transposon mgl inserted into the acr1 locus. sequence analysis revealed that acr1 is homologous to meda, a developmental regulator of aspergillus nidulans conidiation. these results demonstrated that mgl elements could transpose and cause insertional mutagenesis in m. grisea.200010939262
isolation of replicational cue elements from a library of bent dnas of aspergillus oryzae.two fragments that could function as replicational cue elements were isolated from a genomic dna digest of aspergillus oryzae on the basis of abnormal behavior in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the vector used in this study contained a scaffold-associated region of the drosophila melanogaster ftz gene to provide nuclear retention. neither fragment contained a yeast ars consensus sequence or an eukaryotic topoisomerase ii binding sequence. one of the fragments showed sequence homology with t ...200010939521
pyrithiamine resistance gene (ptra) of aspergillus oryzae: cloning, characterization and application as a dominant selectable marker for transformation.a pyrithiamine (pt) resistance gene (ptra) was cloned from a genomic dna library prepared from a pt resistant mutant of aspergillus oryzae. it conferred high resistance to pt on an a. oryzae industrial strain as well as a. nidulans. nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the ptra gene contained one intron (58-bp) and encodes 327 amino acid (aa) residues. additionally, the deduced aa sequence has 72% and 63% identity to fusarium solani sti35 encoding a stress-inducible protein and saccharomyces ...200010945258
molecular cloning and characterization of a gene encoding glutaminase from aspergillus oryzae.a glutaminase from aspergillus oryzae was purified and its molecular weight was determined to be 82,091 by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. purified glutaminase catalysed the hydrolysis not only of l-glutamine but also of d-glutamine. both the molecular weight and the substrate specificity of this glutaminase were different from those reported previously [yano et al. (1998) j ferment technol 66: 137-143]. on the basis of its internal amino acid sequen ...200010952006
the role of abc transporters from aspergillus nidulans in protection against cytotoxic agents and in antibiotic production.this paper describes the characterization of atrc and atrd (abc transporters c and d), two novel abc transporter-encoding genes from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, and provides evidence for the involvement of atrd in multidrug transport and antibiotic production. blast analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences of atrcp and atrdp reveals high homology to abc transporter proteins of the p-glycoprotein cluster. atrdp shows a particularly high degree of identity to the amino acid se ...200010954082
fungal transporters involved in efflux of natural toxic compounds and fungicides.survival of microorganisms in natural environments is favored by the capacity to produce compounds toxic to competing organisms and the ability to resist the effects of such toxic compounds. both factors contribute to a competitive advantage of organisms in ecosystems. all organisms have evolved active transport mechanisms by which endogenous and exogenous toxicants can be secreted. two major classes of transporter proteins are the atp-binding cassette (abc) and the major facilitator superfamily ...200010955904
Displaying items 2401 - 2500 of 5149