
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
lead toxicity and iron deficiency in utah migrant children.we determined the frequency of presumptive iron deficiency and lead toxicity in 198 utah migrant children, ages 9-72 months, during the summer of 1985. there were no confirmed cases of lead toxicity. thirteen per cent of those tested and 30 per cent of the children ages 9-23 months were iron deficient. hematocrit determinations accurately predicted iron deficiency in only 35 per cent of the children confirmed to have this disorder via erythrocyte protoporphyrin screening.20092650572
lead toxicity and iron deficiency in utah migrant children.we determined the frequency of presumptive iron deficiency and lead toxicity in 198 utah migrant children, ages 9-72 months, during the summer of 1985. there were no confirmed cases of lead toxicity. thirteen per cent of those tested and 30 per cent of the children ages 9-23 months were iron deficient. hematocrit determinations accurately predicted iron deficiency in only 35 per cent of the children confirmed to have this disorder via erythrocyte protoporphyrin screening.20092650572
[surgical therapy of post-infarct aneurysm of the left ventricle. immediate and long-term results].between january 1982 and december 1986, 62 patients (59 male and 3 female) ranging in age from 37 to 69 years (mean 53) underwent resection of postinfarction left ventricular aneurysm. the indication for operation was angina in 23 cases (37%), congestive heart failure (chf) in 7 (11.2%), angina and chf in 29 (46.8%), rupture in 1; 2 patients were low symptomatic. ventricular arrhythmias were present in 6 (9.7%) cases and previous systemic embolism in 4 (6.4%). forty-seven (75.8%) patients had le ...20092812446
[surgical therapy of post-infarct aneurysm of the left ventricle. immediate and long-term results].between january 1982 and december 1986, 62 patients (59 male and 3 female) ranging in age from 37 to 69 years (mean 53) underwent resection of postinfarction left ventricular aneurysm. the indication for operation was angina in 23 cases (37%), congestive heart failure (chf) in 7 (11.2%), angina and chf in 29 (46.8%), rupture in 1; 2 patients were low symptomatic. ventricular arrhythmias were present in 6 (9.7%) cases and previous systemic embolism in 4 (6.4%). forty-seven (75.8%) patients had le ...20092812446
[pulmonary hydatidosis]. 20092799221
[results of screening for hearing disorders using the ewing test].late developments support that deaf children have an urgent need for rehabilitation and hence for early search for hearing defects. one of the modalities to achieve this goal is mass screening of populations. in belgium the long established well-baby-clinics provide a commodity for these programs. as most infants attend regularly these clinics, it was evident to perform here the testing procedure. the ewing-test was chosen as the tool for the screening. we started about 1980. in this discussion ...20093063060
breast volume measurement of 598 women using biostereometric analysis.a study of the volumes of the right and left breasts of 598 subjects was undertaken using biostereometric analysis. this measurement uses close-range stereophotogrammetry to characterize the shape of the breast, and is noncontact, noninvasive, accurate, and rapid with respect to the subject involvement time. using chi-square tests, volumes and volumetric differences between breast pairs were compared with handedness, perception of breast size by each subject, age, and menstrual status. no signif ...20092729845
rna polymerase ii allows unwinding and rewinding of the dna and thus maintains a constant length of the transcription bubble.ternary complexes of rna-dna-rna polymerase ii, originating from the in vivo transcriptionally active sv40 minichromosomes, can be detected and analyzed by a method previously developed (choder, m., bratosin, s., and aloni, y. (1984) embo j. 3, 2929-2936). using this method, we compared the electrophoretic mobilities of sv40 ternary complexes with those of sv40 rna-dna complexes obtained after the removal of the polymerases. independent of the in vitro elongation of the nascent rna, topoisomers ...20092843504
becker's melanosis and associated abnormalities. 20092798263
becker's melanosis and associated abnormalities. 20092798263
meningococcal meningitis.meningococci continue to cause outbreaks of disease throughout the world. the uk is currently experiencing an upsurge due to organisms of groups b and c. there is substantial under-reporting of meningococcal disease, only meningitis currently being notifiable. all significant meningococcal strains should be typed by a reference laboratory. new approaches to vaccine development permit cautious optimism for the future.20093325120
the effect of dentinal pretreatment on microleakage in class v composite resin restorations with two dentinal adhesive systems. 20092700814
the absolute and relative bioavailability of dipyridamole from different preparations and the in vitro-in vivo comparison.the in vitro liberation and the bioavailability (bv) of dipyridamole (d) in three different brands (a, b, c) were determined in a three way cross-over study on 12 healthy subjects. also, the pharmacokinetics of d given intravenously was investigated. the in vitro liberation of b is only to be achieved by repeated touching. the tmax for the preparations, expressed as mean +/- s mean amounts as follows: a: 0.8 +/- 0.06; b: 1.1 +/- 0.1; c: 0.8 +/- 0.09 hours and is in the case of b significantly di ...20093733279
[single photon emission computed tomography by using n-isopropyl-p-[123i]-iodoamphetamine and 99mtc-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime in a patient with herpes simplex encephalitis].single photon emission computed tomographies (spects) by using n-isopropyl-p-[123i-imp]-iodo-amphetamine (123i-imp) and 99mtc-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime (99mtc-hm-pao) were serially performed in a 70 yrs. old male with herpes simplex encephalitis (hse), and the chronological changes of accumulations were studied. accumulations of both 123i-imp and 99mtc-hm-pao increased initially, and then decreased with the stage of hse being advanced. the sequential appearance of the lesion in hse with 12 ...20092786584
when newborns die: do we practice what we preach? 20092809785
multi-probe-fluorescence in situ hybridization for the rapid enumeration of viable vibrio parahaemolyticus.a one-step multi-probe fish method of detecting viable vibrio parahaemolyticus was developed. three candidate regions, corresponding to helix 440+441, helix 588, and helix 1241 in 16s rrna, were selected for detection, the thermodynamic parameters (δg(overall)) of the probes were optimized, and vp437, vp612 and vp1253, whose fluorescence were 1.7 to 11.3 times that of δg(overall)-unadjusted sequences, were designed. the addition of competitive oligonucleotides to reactions with vp612 and vp1253 ...200921566382
[development of taqman real-time pcr in detection of aeromonas hydrophila].to develop a taqman real-time pcr for the detection of aeromonas hydrophila.200919954074
dynamics of clinical and environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus strains during seafood-related summer diarrhea outbreaks in southern chile.seafood consumption-related diarrhea became prevalent in chile when the pandemic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o3:k6 reached a region in the south of chile (region de los lagos) where approximately 80% of the country's seafood is produced. in spite of the large outbreaks of clinical infection, the load of v. parahaemolyticus in shellfish of this region is relatively low. the pandemic strain constitutes a small but relatively stable group of a diverse v. parahaemolyticus population, ...200919801458
detection and identification of tdh- and trh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from four species of cultured bivalve molluscs on the spanish mediterranean coast.presented here is the first report describing the detection of potentially diarrheal vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from cultured bivalves on the mediterranean coast, providing data on the presence of both tdh- and trh-positive isolates. potentially diarrheal v. parahaemolyticus strains were isolated from four species of bivalves collected from both bays of the ebro delta, spain.200919801467
[vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteremia: case report and literature review].vibrio parahaemolyticus is a facultative anaerobic gram negative rod responsible of sea food-associated diarrhoea. although less common, it also causes wound infections and bacteraemia. we present a case of bacteraemia by this agent and a review of the literature.200919802406
effect of temperature on uptake and survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters (crassostrea plicatula).this study investigated accumulation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in zhe oyster (crassostrea plicatula) from culture water and effectiveness of frozen and chilled storage on reducing v. parahaemolyticus in oysters. freshly harvested oysters were placed in artificial seawater containing v. parahaemolyticus (10(4)cfu/ml) at 16, 20, 26, and 32 degrees c for 96 h. contaminated oysters were stored at chilled temperatures (0, 5, and 15 degrees c) and frozen at -18 and -30 degrees c and changes of v. par ...200919818520
vibrioferrin, an unusual marine siderophore: iron binding, photochemistry, and biological implications.vibrioferrin (vf) is a member of the carboxylate class of siderophores originally isolated from vibrio parahaemolyticus, an enteropathogenic estuarine bacterium often associated with seafood-borne gastroenteritis. recently we have also isolated this siderophore from several species of marinobacter, which are closely associated or "symbiotic" with toxic, bloom-forming dinoflagellates such as gymnodinium catenatum. we have measured the overall metal-ligand binding constant for iron-vibrioferrin (f ...200919821595
evaluation of dna colony hybridization and real-time pcr for detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in postharvest-processed oysters.the applicability of real-time pcr was examined for detection of vibrios from postharvest-processed (php) oysters to allow for a more rapid assay and higher sample throughput than currently used. during june to october 2004, 68 php oyster samples were collected directly from php firms or from retail markets across the united states. php oysters were examined to determine the effectiveness of treatments in the reduction of vibrio levels and to compare the analytical methods utilized. the latter i ...200919833033
survey of postharvest-processed oysters in the united states for levels of vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus.from june through october 2004, the u.s. food and drug administration collected oysters (61 samples) that had been subjected to postharvest processing (php) methods, including mild heat treatment, freezing, and high hydrostatic pressure, from processors and retail markets in various states to determine vibrio vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus levels. presence in a 25-g sample and most probable number (mpn) using standard enrichment and selective isolation procedures were utilized. suspect colon ...200919833034
effect of x-ray treatments on inoculated escherichia coli o157: h7, salmonella enterica, shigella flexneri and vibrio parahaemolyticus in ready-to-eat shrimp.this study was conducted to evaluate the inactivation effect of x-ray treatments on escherichia coli o157: h7, salmonella enteric (s. enterica), shigella flexneri (s. flexneri) and vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. parahaemolyticus) artificially inoculated in ready-to-eat (rte) shrimp. a mixed culture of three strains of each tested pathogen was used to inoculate rte shrimp. the shrimp samples were inoculated individually with selected pathogenic bacteria then aseptically placed in sterile plastic cup ...200919835772
the mannitol operon repressor mtlr belongs to a new class of transcription regulators in bacteria.many bacteria express phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems (pts). the mannitol-specific pts catalyze the uptake and phosphorylation of d-mannitol. the uptake system comprises several genes encoded in the single operon. the expression of the mannitol operon is regulated by a proposed transcriptional factor, mannitol operon repressor (mtlr) that was first studied in escherichia coli. here we report the first crystal structures of mtlr from vibrio parahemeolyticus (vp-mtlr) and ...200919840941
[type iii secretion system of vibrio parahaemolyticus--a review].vibrio parahaemolyticus is a halophilic gram-negative bacterium that causes food borne acute gastroenteritis in human being or certain diseases in aquatic species. in addition to thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh), two sets of type iii secretion systems (t3ss) were recently found to be associated closely with virulence. t3ss1 located on chromosome 1 is involved in cytotoxicity to host cells and orchestrates a multifaceted host cell infection by induction of autop ...200919873746
improved isolation and detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood using a new enrichment broth.the efficiency of a new enrichment broth containing bile salt, sodium taurocholate (st broth) in detecting pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood was compared with the traditional alkaline peptone water (apw). both the enrichment broths were compared using 58 seafood samples harvested along the southwest coast of india using conventional isolation, colony hybridization following enrichment (cfe) and pcr. v. parahaemolyticus carrying tdh gene were isolated from 6.9% (4/58) and 3.4% (2/58 ...200919103467
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in tropical shellfish by sybr green real-time pcr and evaluation of three enrichment media.a rapid, sensitive and highly reproducible sybr green based real-time pcr assay was developed for detection of tdh positive pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus. minimum detection limit was 0.1 pg of pure v. parahaemolyticus genomic dna with typical r(2) values >0.99 and coefficient of variation (cv) values ranging from 1.2 to 4.2 on three different days. the method was also used to evaluate the effect of three different enrichment media alkaline peptone water (apw), sodium taurocholate (st) broth ...200919106013
detection of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish: comparison of pcr protocols using pr72h or toxr targets with a culture method.pcr protocols directly applied to enrichment broth cultures were compared with a culture method based on the iso reference for detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in 57 natural bivalve mollusc samples. comparisons were made on different primer pairs specifically targeting the v. parahaemolyticus-specific toxr gene (vp-toxr) and pr72h fragment, and also tdh and trh hemolysin genes. the pcr method using these different primer pairs and the culture method were also examined for their limits of det ...200919106014
susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus to tris-dependent dna degradation during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. 200919129409
evaluation of different procedures for the optimized detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in mussels and environmental samples.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium with a worldwide distribution and is frequently associated with human outbreaks of infection. detection and isolation of v. parahaemolyticus from natural sources is often problematical because of limitations in the analytical procedures. we evaluated a combination of conventional and molecular protocols previously described for the investigation of v. parahaemolyticus, with the aim of identifying the best procedures for improved detection of this org ...200919131137
type iii secretion system 1 of vibrio parahaemolyticus induces oncosis in both epithelial and monocytic cell lines.the vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion system 1 (t3ss1) induces cytotoxicity in mammalian epithelial cells. we characterized the cell death phenotype in both epithelial (hela) and monocytic (u937) cell lines following infection with v. parahaemolyticus. using a combination of the wild-type strain and gene knockouts, we confirmed that v. parahaemolyticus strain ny-4 was able to induce cell death in both cell lines via a t3ss1-dependent mechanism. bacterial contact, but not internalization ...200919246755
identification and characterization of genes required for utilization of desferri-ferrichrome and aerobactin in vibrio parahaemolyticus.during the course of our investigation on the iron acquisition systems in vibrio parahaemolyticus, a causative agent of seafood-related gastroenteritis, we found that this species utilizes desferri-ferrichrome for growth as a heterologous siderophore (a siderophore produced by other bacteria and fungi) under iron-limiting conditions. n-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the iron-repressible outer membrane proteins followed by searches of the reported genomic sequences of this species ident ...200919252278
multiplexed bead-based mesofluidic system for detection of food-borne pathogenic the present study, a simple and rapid multiplexed bead-based mesofluidic system (bms) was developed for simultaneous detection of food-borne pathogenic bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, listeria monocytogenes, salmonella, enterobacter sakazakii, shigella, escherichia coli o157:h7, and campylobacter jejuni. this system is based on utilization of isothiocyanate-modified microbeads that are 250 mum in diameter, which were immobilized with specific amino-modified ...200919717622
growth and survival differences of vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus strains during cold storage.vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus are the most common vibrio species associated with seafood illness in the united states. our study was conducted to determine if strain-to-strain differences exist in the growth and survival of 8 different v. vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus strains at low temperatures. by day 10, v. vulnificus strain 515-4c2 had significantly higher counts (p < 0.05) (1.97 log cfu/g) compared with strains 3315, 1007, 29306 at 5 degrees c, which reached nondetectab ...200919723217
occurrence of potentially pathogenic vibrios in final effluents of a wastewater treatment facility in a rural community of the eastern cape province of south africa.we assessed the occurrence of vibrio pathogens in the final effluents of a rural wastewater treatment facility in the eastern cape province of south africa as free or plankton-associated (180 microm, 60 microm and 20 microm plankton sizes) entities using standard culture-based and molecular techniques. the free-living vibrio densities varied from 0 to 3.45 x 10(1) cfu ml(-1), while the plankton-associated vibrio densities vary with plankton sizes as follows: 180 microm (0-4.50 x 10(3) cfu ml(-1) ...200919732825
alterations of outer membrane proteins and virulence genes expression in gamma-irradiated vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus.gamma-irradiation technology sterilizes microorganisms and thereby prevents decay and improves the safety and shelf stability of food products. in this study we treated the foodborne pathogens vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus with gamma-irradiation (0.5 kgy) to evaluate their adaptative response. outer membrane protein patterns of irradiated bacteria were found altered when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. these modifications were manifested ...200919735197
change of protein profiles in the induction of the viable but nonculturable state of vibrio parahaemolyticus.this work reports on the metabolic response in the induction of the viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state of the seafood enteropathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus, as determined by analyzing the corresponding change in protein profiles. v. parahaemolyticus st550 was incubated at 4 degrees c in the morita mineral salt-0.5% nacl medium to induce the vbnc state in six weeks. starving the cells by incubation at 25 degrees c for 24 h prior to 4 degrees c incubation inhibited the cells from entering vbnc ...200919735955
presence of t3ss2 and other virulence-related genes in tdh-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus environmental strains isolated from marine samples in the area of the venetian lagoon, italy.vibrio parahaemolyticus-mediated disease has traditionally been associated with two virulence factors, thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related haemolysin (trh), which are present in most clinical isolates. recently, it has been suggested that other virulence-related factors, such as some type iii secretion system (t3ss) proteins, urease and dna-methyltransferase, among others, might also play a role in disease caused by this bacterial species and have been shown to be carried by cli ...200919744242
structural analysis of sensor domains from the tmao-responsive histidine kinase receptor tors.histidine kinase receptors respond to diverse signals and mediate signal transduction across the plasma membrane in all prokaryotes and certain eukaryotes. each receptor is part of a two-component system that regulates a particular cellular process. organisms that use trimethylamine-n-oxide (tmao) as a terminal electron acceptor typically control their anaerobic respiration through the tmao reductase (tor) pathway, which the tors histidine kinase activates when sensing tmao in the environment. w ...200919748340
rapid identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus by whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a pathogenic marine bacterium that is the main causative agent of bacterial seafood-borne gastroenteritis in the united states. an increase in the frequency of v. parahaemolyticus-related infections during the last decade has been attributed to the emergence of an o3:k6 pandemic clone in 1995. the diversity of the o3:k6 pandemic clone and its serovariants has been examined using multiple molecular techniques including multilocus sequence analysis, pulsed-field gel elec ...200919749061
development of a predictive program for vibrio parahaemolyticus growth under various environmental this study, we developed a predictive program for vibrio parahaemolyticus growth under various environmental conditions. raw growth data was obtained with a v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strain cultured at a variety of broth temperatures, ph, and salt concentrations. data were analyzed with our logistic model and the parameter values of the model were analyzed with polynomial equations. a prediction program consisting of the growth model and the polynomial equations was then developed. after the ...200919785287
detection of the tdh and trh genes in vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates in fish and mussels from middle black sea coast of turkey.the aim of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of potential pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafoods using dna-based techniques in comparison with bacteriological methods.200919793194
characterization of a new plasmid-like prophage in a pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strain.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a common food-borne pathogen that is normally associated with seafood. in 1996, a pandemic o3:k6 strain abruptly appeared and caused the first pandemic of this pathogen to spread throughout many asian countries, america, europe, and africa. the role of temperate bacteriophages in the evolution of this pathogen is of great interest. in this work, a new temperate phage, vp882, from a pandemic o3:k6 strain of v. parahaemolyticus was purified and characterized after mitomy ...200919286788
osmoadaptation among vibrio species and unique genomic features and physiological responses of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a moderately halophilic bacterium found in estuarine and marine coastal ecosystems worldwide. although the ability of v. parahaemolyticus to grow and proliferate in fluctuating saline environments is well known, the underlying molecular mechanisms of osmoadaptation are unknown. we performed an in silico analysis of v. parahaemolyticus strain rimd2210633 for genes homologous to osmotic stress response genes in other bacteria. we uncovered two putative compatible solute ...200919286794
inactivation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in pure culture, whole live and half shell oysters (crassostrea virginica) by study the inactivation effect of different doses of x-ray on vibrio parahaemolyticus in pure culture, inoculated whole live and half shell oysters and to evaluate the efficacy of x-ray doses on reduction of inherent microflora on oysters.200919291215
bacterial fic proteins amp up infection.proteins containing fic (filamentation induced by cyclic adenosine monophosphate) domains are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, but their function has remained elusive. recent studies indicate that bacterial fic domain-containing proteins disrupt host cell processes after being delivered into eukaryotic host cells: the vibrio parahaemolyticus vops protein interferes with rho guanine triphosphatase (gtpase) function, and the legionella pneumophila ankx protein disrupts the micro ...200919293428
growth inhibition of foodborne and pathogenic bacteria by conjugated linoleic acid.the influence of conjugated linoleic acid (cla) on the growth of some foodborne and pathogenic bacteria was examined. a potassium salt of cla (cla-k) was tested against three gram-positive strains ( bacillus cereus , staphylococcus aureus , and streptococcus mutans ) and five gram-negative strains ( pseudomonas aeruginosa , salmonella typhimurium , vibrio parahemolyticus , klebsiella pneumoniae , and proteus mirabilis ). cla-k-mediated growth inhibition was evident for all tested strains, partic ...200919317483
temperature effects on the depuration of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus from the american oyster (crassostrea virginica).this study investigated temperature effects on depuration for reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in american oyster (crassostrea virginica). raw oysters were inoculated with 5-strain cocktail of v. parahaemolyticus or v. vulnificus to levels of 10(4) to 10(5) mpn (most probable number)/g and depurated in artificial seawater (asw) at 22, 15, 10, and 5 degrees c. depuration of oysters at 22 degrees c had limited effects on reducing v. parahaemolyticus or v. vulnificus in the oy ...200919323759
suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 (socs-2) homologue in disk abalone: cloning, sequence characterization and expression analysis.suppressor of cytokine signaling (socs) proteins are inhibitors of cytokine signaling pathways and key physiological regulators of both innate and adaptive immune systems in vertebrates. in present study, we provided the initial characterization of socs-2 homologue from the mollusk abalone haliotis discus discus as a member of invertebrate socs-2. the disk abalone socs-2 cdna (absocs-2) contains 1700-bp full length with 771-bp coding sequence, which codes 257 amino acids protein. based on the se ...200919340953
[vibrio species in the waters of southern sweden caused bath-wound fever. increased bacteria frequency according to studies on clams]. 200919350770
enzymatic, outer membrane proteins and plasmid alterations of starved vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus cells in seawater.the marine bacteria vibrio parahaemolyticus and v. alginolyticus were incubated in seawater for 8 months to evaluate their adaptative responses to starvation. the starved cells showed an altered biochemical and enzymatic profiles, respectively, on api 20e and api zym systems and an evolution to the filterable minicells state capable to pass membrane pore size 0.45 microm. outer membrane proteins patterns of stressed bacteria were also altered. indeed, these modifications were manifested by the a ...200919373459
survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus under environmental stresses as influenced by growth phase and pre-adaptation this study, the susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus in different growth phases after exposure to lethal stresses including 47 degrees c and 8% ethanol was first investigated. the effect of a culture's growth phase on both the heat and ethanol shock response of v. parahaemolyticus was then examined. it was found that cells of v. parahaemolyticus in the mid-exponential phase, regardless of adaptation, were most susceptible to environmental stresses, while cells in the stationary phase wer ...200919376460
multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis for clonal identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates by using capillary electrophoresis.epidemics of vibrio parahaemolyticus in chile have occurred since 1998. direct genome restriction enzyme analysis (dgrea) using conventional gel electrophoresis permitted discrimination of different v. parahaemolyticus isolates obtained from these outbreaks and showed that this species consists of a highly diverse population. a multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat (vntr) analysis (mlva) approach was developed and applied to 22 clinical and 91 environmental v. parahaemolyticus isolates fr ...200919376898
phenotypic and genetic differences between opaque and translucent colonies of vibrio alginolyticus.many pathogens undergo phase variation between rugose and smooth colony morphology or between opaque and translucent colony morphology, which is mainly due to the variation in the surface polysaccharides. in this study, vibrio alginolyticus zj-51 displayed phase variation between opaque, rugose colonies (op) and translucent, smooth colonies (tr). unlike the vibrios reported previously, tr cells of zj-51 enhanced biofilm formation and motility, but they did not differ from op cells in the quantit ...200919408137
identification of immune responsible fibrinogen beta chain in the liver of large yellow croaker using a modified annealing control primer this article, we used a modified acp system (macp) developed in our laboratory to analyze differentially expressed genes in the liver of large yellow croaker, pseudosciaena crocea (richardson). by using 20 pairs of macps, 7 differentially expressed genes were obtained. one of the genes we identified encodes for a fibrinogen beta chain (fgb). the full-length cdna of fgb was 1645 bp, including 5 bp of 5' untranslated region (5'-utr), 1479 bp of open reading frame (orf), and 161 bp of 3'-utr. th ...200919422918
systematic functional pandemic strain-specific genes, three genomic islands, two t3sss in foodborne, and clinical vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates in china.vibrio parahaemolyticus is one of the most important pathogens capable of causing foodborne gastroenteritis in china, japan, and other countries. pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus has been known to produce either thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), tdh-related hemolysin (trh), or both. the emergence of a new clone in 1995, v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6, has resulted in the first documented pandemic spread of v. parahaemolyticus. in this study, 235 isolates from clinical and food sources were character ...200919425827
molecular cloning and characterization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor from small abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta.the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif) cdna and its genome were cloned from small abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta. small abalone mif (samif) was originally identified from an expressed sequence tag (est) fragment from a normalized cdna library. it's 5' untranslated region (utr) was obtained by 5' rapid amplification of cdna end (race) techniques and its genomic dna was cloned by pcr. the full-length cdna of samif was of 535 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal utr of 49 bp, an open ...200919426810
rapid and specific detection of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene in vibrio parahaemolyticus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification.several investigators have reported that thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin are important virulence factors of vibrio parahaemolyticus, but it has been difficult to detect these factors rapidly in seafood and other environmental samples. a novel nucleic acid amplification method, termed the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp), which amplifies dna with high specificity and rapidity under isothermal conditions, was applied. in this study, we designed tdh gene-s ...200919435222
determination of foodborne pathogenic bacteria by multiplex pcr-microchip capillary electrophoresis with genetic algorithm-support vector regression optimization.a rapid and sensitive method based on microchip capillary electrophoresis with condition optimization of genetic algorithm-support vector regression (ga-svr) was developed and applied to simultaneous analysis of multiplex pcr products of four foodborne pathogenic bacteria. four pairs of oligonucleotide primers were designed to exclusively amplify the targeted gene of vibrio parahemolyticus, salmonella, escherichia coli (e. coli) o157:h7, shigella and the quadruplex pcr parameters were optimized. ...200919446070
[recombinant expression and antibacterial activity of i-type lysozyme from sea cucumber stichopus japonicus].the cdna of an i type lysozyme was cloned from stichopus japonicus (named as sjlys). the dna fragment of the mature sjlys was subcloned into expression vector of pet-32a (+) to construct the recombinant plasmid of pet32a (+)-sjlys. the recombinant plasmid was then transformed into escherichia coli bl21 (de3) plyss and induced by isopropylthio-beta-d-galactoside (iptg). the recombinant protein expressed as inclusion bodies was denatured, partially purified and refolded to be an active form. the b ...200919459322
identification and characterization of a type iii secretion-associated chaperone in the type iii secretion system 1 of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus causes human gastroenteritis. genomic sequencing of this organism has revealed that it has two sets of type iii secretion systems, t3ss1 and t3ss2, both of which are important for its pathogenicity. however, the mechanism of protein secretion via t3sss is unknown. a characteristic of many effectors is that they require specific chaperones for efficient delivery via t3sss; however, no chaperone has been experimentally identified in the t3sss of v. parahaemolyticus. in this ...200919459967
rapid detection of intestinal pathogens in fecal samples by an improved reverse dot blot develop a new, rapid and accurate reverse dot blot (rdb) method for the detection of intestinal pathogens in fecal samples.200919469006
expression and characterization of the periplasmic cobalamin-binding protein of photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida.abstract cobalamin (vitamin b(12)) is an essential cofactor in a variety of enzymatic reactions and most prokaryotes contain transport systems to import vitamin b(12). a gene coding for a periplasmic cobalamin-binding protein of photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida was identified by in silico analysis of sequences from a genomic library. the open reading frame was composed of 834 bp encoding a protein of 277 amino acids. the protein showed 61% identity with the vitamin b(12)-binding protein ...200919490395
fido, a novel ampylation domain common to fic, doc, and avrb.the vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secreted effector vops contains a fic domain that covalently modifies rho gtpase threonine with amp to inhibit downstream signaling events in host cells. the vops fic domain includes a conserved sequence motif (hpfx[d/e]gn[g/k]r) that contributes to ampylation. fic domains are found in a variety of species, including bacteria, a few archaea, and metazoan eukaryotes.200919503829
predictive model of vibrio parahaemolyticus growth and survival on salmon meat as a function of temperature.the growth and survival curves of a strain of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus tgqx01 (serotype o3:k6) on salmon meat at different storage temperatures (range from 0 degrees c to 35 degrees c) were determined. in order to model the growth or inactivation kinetics of this pathogen during storage, the modified gompertz and weibull equations were chosen to regress growth and survival curves, respectively, and both equations produced good fit to the observed data (the average r2 value equals to 0.99 ...200919527836
[application study on multicolor combinational probe coding real-time pcr in detection of foodborne pathogens].to investigate the detection limit of multicolor combinational probe coding real-time pcr (mcpc-pcr) in detection of salmonella and staphylococcus aureus suspended in the food samples, and to apply mcpc-pcr to detect the samples of food poisoning.200919534927
[pathogenicity island region of clinical and environmental strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, isolated in chile].most clinical isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus produce a major virulence factor known as the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh). tdh is encoded by the tdh gene which is located in a genomic pathogenicity island (pai). most environmental isolates are described as tdh negative.200919543642
benthic ecology of vibrio spp. and pathogenic vibrio species in a coastal mediterranean environment (la spezia gulf, italy).we carried out a 16-month in situ study to investigate the ecology of vibrio spp. and pathogenic vibrio species in coastal sediments of the mediterranean sea, employing multiple-regression analysis to reveal the major environmental factors controlling their occurrence in the benthic environment. in addition, association between vibrios and sediment-inhabiting meiofauna, which is a major component of benthic ecosystems, was investigated. culturable and total vibrio spp. estimates by most-probable ...200919543938
heterodisaccharide 4-o-(n-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine is a specific inducer of chitinolytic enzyme production in vibrios harboring chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase genes.vibrio parahaemolyticus kn1699 produces 4-o-(n-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine (glcnac-glcn) as a major end product from chitin using two extracellular hydrolases: glycoside hydrolase family 18 chitinase, which produces (glcnac)(2) from chitin, and carbohydrate esterase (ce) family 4 chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase (cod), which hydrolyzes the n-acetyl group at the reducing-end glcnac residue of (glcnac)(2). in this study, we clarified that this heterodisaccharide functions as an ind ...200919553519
comparative evolutionary analysis of the major structural subunit of vibrio vulnificus type iv pili.type iv pili contribute to virulence in vibrio vulnificus, the bacterium responsible for the majority of fatal seafood-related infections. here, we performed within- and between-species evolutionary analysis of the gene that encodes the major structural subunit of the pilus, pila, by comparing it with pild and gyrb, the genes encoding the type iv prepilin peptidase and beta subunit of dna gyrase, respectively. although the diversity in pild and gyrb is similar to each other and likely to have ac ...200919556347
a novel fas ligand in mollusk abalone: molecular characterization, immune responses and biological activity of the recombinant protein.fas ligand is a member of the tnf superfamily that plays an important role by inducing apoptosis and homeostasis of immune responses. the gene encoding fas ligand was isolated from a disk abalone (haliotis discus discus) cdna library, denoted as the abfas ligand. it contains an 1832bp transcript with a 945bp open reading frame, encoding 315 amino acids. the abfas ligand showed characteristic transmembrane and tnf family signature domains. the deduced amino acid comparison showed that the abfas l ...200919576285
in vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of leaves and flowers extracts from lippia alba.the research was conducted to investigate the in vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of leaves and flowers extract extracted from lippia alba. disc diffusion technique was used for in vitro antibacterial and antifungal screening. zones of inhibition were observed in disc diffusion for antibacterial screening against 4 gram-positive pathogenic and 6 gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. among crude extracts chloroform extract showed good activity against all test organisms. a large zone of ...200919579925
the linear plasmid prophage vp58.5 of vibrio parahaemolyticus is closely related to the integrating phage vhml and constitutes a new incompatibility group of telomere phages.vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pandemic strains recovered in chile frequently possess a 42-kb plasmid which is the prophage of a myovirus. we studied the prototype phage vp58.5 and show that it does not integrate into the host cell chromosome but replicates as a linear plasmid (vp58.5) with covalently closed ends (telomeres). the vp58.5 replicon coexists with other plasmid prophages (n15, py54, and phiko2) in the same cell and thus belongs to a new incompatibility group of telomere phages. we det ...200919587034
selective sterilization of vibro parahaemolyticus from a bacterial mixture by low-amperage electric current.the objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using low-amperage electrical treatment (laet) as a selective bacteriocide. mixtures containing escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, and vibrio parahaemolyticus were treated with different electric current intensities and for different times. the results showed that at 263 ma, treating bacteria for 100 ms eliminated all v. parahaemolyticus colonies. although laet reduced the populations of the three microorganisms, v. parahaem ...200919597309
simultaneous identification of seven foodborne pathogens and escherichia coli (pathogenic and nonpathogenic) using capillary electrophoresis-based single-strand conformation polymorphism coupled with multiplex pcr.the objective of this study was to develop a novel technique for parallel analysis of eight important foodborne microbes using capillary electrophoresis-based single-strand conformation polymorphism (ce-sscp) coupled with multiplex pcr. specific primers for multiplex pcr amplification of the 16s rrna gene were designed, corresponding to eight species of bacteria, including escherichia coli, clostridium perfringens, campylobacter jejuni, salmonella enterica, listeria monocytogenes, vibrio parahae ...200919610337
a comparative study on the influence of manganese on the bactericidal response of marine invertebrates.manganese, mn, is a naturally abundant metal in marine sediments. during hypoxic conditions the metal converts into a bioavailable state and can reach levels that have been shown immunotoxic to the crustacean nephrops norvegicus. for this species it has previously been shown that exposure to 15 mg l(-1) of mn decreased the number of circulating haemocytes while it for the echinoderm asterias rubens increased the number of coelomocytes. here, we compared if five days of exposure to the same conce ...200919615449
in vitro antibiotic susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus from environmental sources in northern england. 200919625170
vibrio vopq induces pi3-kinase-independent autophagy and antagonizes phagocytosis.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative bacterium responsible for gastroenteritis acquired from the consumption of contaminated shellfish. this bacterium harbours two type iii secretion systems, one on each chromosome. the type iii secretion system on chromosome i induces cell death by a temporally controlled sequence of events that is caspase-independent and first involves induction of autophagy, followed by cellular rounding, and finally cellular lysis. vopq is a type iii secreted effector ...200919627496
[functional analysis of type iii secretion system 2 of vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 200919628928
serodiversity, pandemic o3:k6 clone, molecular typing, and antibiotic susceptibility of foodborne and clinical vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates in jiangsu, china.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a major foodborne pathogen in china, japan, and other asian countries. in this study, we collected 437 strains of v. parahaemolyticus and investigated their serotypes, distribution of virulence genes, and presence of pandemic o3:k6 clone strains. a total of 327 strains were isolated from food and 110 strains were isolated from active surveillance hospitals or food outbreaks during 2005 to 2008. presence of the tdh and trh genes is the key characteristic of virulent str ...200919630509
[development of single base extension-tags microarray for the detection of food-borne pathogens].we developed single base extension-tags (sbe-tags) microarray to detect eight common food-borne pathogens, including staphylococcus aureus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, listeria monocytogenes, salmonella, enterobacter sakazaki, shigella, escherichia coli o157:h7 and campylobacter jejuni. with specific pcr primers identified and integrated for eight food-borne pathogens, target sequences were amplified and purified as template dna of single base extension-tags reaction. the products were hybridized t ...200919637631
[bacteriological load of the fishes cynoscion squamipinnis and lutjanus gutattus in the marketing chain, costa rica].bacteriological load of the fishes cynoscion squamipinnis and lutjanus gutattus in the marketing chain, costa rica. to determine the bacteriological quality of fishery products in the different stages from commercialization, monthly samples were taken during march 2004 and february 2006 from a costa rica marketing chain. microbiological analyses were made to determine total coliforms (ct), faecal coliforms (cf), escherichia coli (ec), aerobic total count (rta), salmonella sp., staphylococcus aur ...200919637687
the dimer formed by the periplasmic domain of epsl from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the type 2 secretion system (t2ss), occurring in many gram-negative bacteria, is responsible for the transport of a diversity of proteins from the periplasm across the outer membrane into the extracellular space. in vibrio cholerae, the t2ss secretes several unrelated proteins including the major virulence factor cholera toxin. the t2ss consists of three sub-assemblies, one of which is the inner membrane complex which contains multiple copies of five proteins, including the bitopic membrane prot ...200919646531
structure and electrostatic property of cytoplasmic domain of zntb transporter.zntb is the distant homolog of cora mg(2+) transporter within the metal ion transporter superfamily. it was early reported that the zntb from salmonella typhimurium facilitated efflux of zn(2+) and cd(2+), but not mg(2+). here, we report the 1.90 a crystal structure of the intracellular domain of zntb from vibrio parahemolyticus. the domain forms a funnel-shaped homopentamer that is similar to the full-length cora from thermatoga maritima, but differs from two previously reported dimeric structu ...200919653298
whole-genome microarray analyses of synechococcus-vibrio interactions.microbes live in diverse communities yet their physiologies are typically studied in axenic culture. to begin to address this dichotomy, whole-genome microarray analyses were used and revealed that several major metabolic pathways were affected in synechococcus sp. wh8102, a model phototroph, when grown with vibrio parahaemolyticus, a model heterotroph. in co-cultures with v. parahaemolyticus, although phosphate was not depleted, synechococcus sp. wh8102 may have experienced phosphate stress sin ...200919659554
foodborne and indicator bacteria in farmed molluscan shellfish before and after depuration.galicia's coast (northwestern spain) is a major producer of bivalve molluscs. over an 18-month period, the presence of salmonella, aeromonas, plesiomonas shigelloides, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and clostridium botulinum was determined by pcr methods in mussels (22 batches) and infaunal bivalves (31 batches of clams and cockles) before and after depuration. all batches were harvested from galician class b harvesting areas where bivalve molluscs must not exceed 4,600 escherichia coli per 100 g of f ...200919681267
serogroup, virulence, and genetic traits of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the estuarine ecosystem of bangladesh.forty-two strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus were isolated from bay of bengal estuaries and, with two clinical strains, analyzed for virulence, phenotypic, and molecular traits. serological analysis indicated o8, o3, o1, and k21 to be the major o and k serogroups, respectively, and o8:k21, o1:kut, and o3:kut to be predominant. the k antigen(s) was untypeable, and pandemic serogroup o3:k6 was not detected. the presence of genes toxr and tlh were confirmed by pcr in all but two strains, which also ...200919684167
study of the efficacy of a closed cycle depuration system on bivalve molluscs.the aim of this study was to develop and apply protocols for the microbiological depuration of bivalve molluscs (chamelea gallina and mitylus galloprovincialis). the study was divided into the following phases: preparation of two closed-circuit tanks fitted with mechanical, chemical and biological filtration systems for the depuration of bivalve molluscs, mollusc contamination and depuration, analyses of molluscs and depuration waters (biometric and microbiological tests) and statistical process ...200920391418
[analysis of tdh gene and its adjacent loci of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from seafoods].to analyze the structural characteristics of tdh gene and its adjacent loci of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from seafoods.200920222441
[etiological analysis of enteric infectious diseases during beijing olympic games].to understand pathogen patterns of enteric infectious diseases and its impact on this pattern due to aggregation of a great deal of foreign visitors during beijing olympic games.200920137562
purification and characterization of phocaecin pi80: an anti-listerial bacteriocin produced by streptococcus phocae pi80 isolated from the gut of peneaus indicus (indian white shrimp).a bacteriocin-producing strain pi80 was isolated from the gut of penaeus indicus (indian white shrimp) and identified as streptococcus phocae pi80. the bacteriocin was purified from a culture supernatant to homogeneity as confirmed by tricine sds-page. reverse-phase hplc analysis revealed a single active fraction eluted at 12.94 min, and maldi-tof mass spectrometry analysis showed the molecular mass to be 9.244 kda. this molecular mass does not correspond to previously described streptococcal ba ...200919996693
temperature-dependency urease activity in vibrio parahaemolyticus is related to transcriptional activator urer.vibrio parahaemolyticus possessing urease-positive property is relatively rare, but such strains consistently exhibit the tdh-related hemolysin (trh) gene. in this study, we examined the effects of incubation temperature on urease activity expression, using the th3996 and aq4673 strains where the enzyme activity is known to be temperature-dependent and -independent, respectively. in the th3996 strain, beta-galactosidase activity was 4.4-fold lower after 30 degrees c cultivation than after 37 deg ...200919996701
[isolation and characterization of shewanella spp. from patients of food poisoning].to identify the isolates of shewanella spp. from specimens of food poisoning based on biological and biochemical analysis.200920193210
[effect of ultra high pressure treatment on vibrio parahaemolyticus].we explored the mechanism of the microbial inactivation by high hydrostatic pressure.200920112678
[a multipathogen selective enrichment broth (svv) for simultaneous growth of salmonella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio cholerae].we formulated a selective enrichment broth (svv) for simultaneous growth of salmonella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio cholerae by single factor experiment and response surface method. we evaluated the enrichment effect of svv by conventional culture method and real-time pcr assay. we obtained the svv broth by supplementting the buffered peptone water (bpw) with bile salt no. 3, potassium tellurite, and sodium citrate as inhibitors, and glucose, mannitol, snhydrous sodium sulfite and sodium ...200920112694
vibriocidal activity of certain medicinal plants used in indian folklore medicine by tribals of mahakoshal region of central india.screening of the medicinal plants and determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) against vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus.200920442821
genetic relatedness among tdh+ and trh+ vibrio parahaemolyticus cultured from gulf of mexico oysters (crassostrea virginica) and surrounding water and sediment.pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp) (tdh(+)/trh(+)) represent a small percentage of environmental vp populations, and very little is known about this subpopulation. repetitive extragenic palindromic pcr and multilocus sequence analysis revealed heterogeneity among 41 vp containing thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) that were isolated from mississippi coastal environments from october 2006 to april 2007. there was no source-specific sequestering in oysters, wa ...200918607657
bactericidal effect of lactoferrin and lactoferrin chimera against halophilic vibrio parahaemolyticus.infections caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus, an halophilic member of the genus vibrio, have increased globally in the last 5 years. diarrhea caused by v. parahaemolyticus results from eating raw or undercooked seafood. the aim of this work was to investigate whether lactoferrin and some lactoferrin-peptides have bactericidal activity against vibrio parahaemolyticus atcc 17802, the pandemic strain o3:k6, and the multidrug resistant isolate 727, as well as against vibrio cholerae strains o1 and n ...200918625283
Displaying items 2301 - 2400 of 6009