
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
dna immunization with japanese encephalitis virus nonstructural protein ns1 elicits protective immunity in mice.japanese encephalitis virus (jev), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, is a zoonotic pathogen that is prevalent in some southeast asian countries and causes acute encephalitis in humans. to evaluate the potential application of gene immunization to jev infection, we characterized the immune responses from mice intramuscularly injected with plasmid dna encoding jev glycoproteins, including the precursor membrane (prm) plus envelope (e) proteins and the nonstructural protein ns1. when injected with the p ...19989420215
mutagenesis of the ns3 protease of dengue virus type 2.the flavivirus protease is composed of two viral proteins, ns2b and ns3. the amino-terminal portion of ns3 contains sequence and structural motifs characteristic of bacterial and cellular trypsin-like proteases. we have undertaken a mutational analysis of the region of ns3 which contains the catalytic serine, five putative substrate binding residues, and several residues that are highly conserved among flavivirus proteases and among all serine proteases. in all, 46 single-amino-acid substitution ...19989420267
fulminant hepatitis and the new g/gbv-c flavivirus.a new virus within the family flaviviridae. 'hepatitis' g/gbv-c, has been incriminated by several authors as a causative factor of idiopathic or cryptogenic fulminant hepatitis, a syndrome of presumed viral aetiology. review of worldwide data from 22 studies on 364 cases indicates that g/gbv-c infection is present in approximately 20% of idiopathic cases but a similar or even higher prevalence is detected in fulminant hepatitis of viral b, d or c aetiology, reflecting a high rate of parenteral v ...19989493512
patterns of hepatitis g viraemia and liver disease in haemophiliacs previously exposed to non-virus inactivated coagulation factor concentrates.hepatitis g virus (hgv), a novel flavivirus, has been implicated as a cause of posttransfusion hepatitis. we have performed a longitudinal study in a cohort of haemophiliacs (n = 68) who previously received non-virus inactivated coagulation factor concentrates to assess both patterns of hgv viraemia and any associated liver disease. hepatitis c virus (hcv) rna was present in 58/68 and co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) was present in 15/68. hgv rna was detected in 17/68 (25%) s ...19989493578
inhibitory effect of furanonaphthoquinone derivatives on the replication of japanese encephalitis virus.japanese encephalitis still occurs in endemic and epidemic forms over a wide area of asia. although the vaccine against japanese encephalitis virus (jev) is widely used, no antiviral drug has been reported. we used several different kinds of furanonaphthoquinone derivatives and found antiviral activity against jev. especially, 2-methylnaphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione (fnq3) indicated the highest antiviral activity, followed by 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)-, 5(or 8)-hydroxy-, and 2-methyl-5(or 8)-hydroxy-anal ...19989497071
spontaneous and engineered deletions in the 3' noncoding region of tick-borne encephalitis virus: construction of highly attenuated mutants of a flavivirus.the flavivirus genome is a positive-strand rna molecule containing a single long open reading frame flanked by noncoding regions (ncr) that mediate crucial processes of the viral life cycle. the 3' ncr of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus can be divided into a variable region that is highly heterogeneous in length among strains of tbe virus and in certain cases includes an internal poly(a) tract and a 3'-terminal conserved core element that is believed to fold as a whole into a well-defined se ...19989499069
signal peptidase cleavage at the flavivirus c-prm junction: dependence on the viral ns2b-3 protease for efficient processing requires determinants in c, the signal peptide, and prm.signal peptidase cleavage at the c-prm junction in the flavivirus structural polyprotein is inefficient in the absence of the cytoplasmic viral protease, which catalyzes cleavage at the cooh terminus of the c protein. the signal peptidase cleavage occurs efficiently in circumstances where the c protein is deleted or if the viral protease complex is present. in this study, we used cdna of murray valley encephalitis virus (mve) to examine features of the structural polyprotein which allow this reg ...19989499070
characterization of defective viral rna produced during persistent infection of vero cells with murray valley encephalitis virus.defective interfering viral particles are readily produced in cell culture after a high multiplicity of infection with many animal rna viruses. due to defects that they carry in their genomes, their life cycle needs to be complemented by the helper functions provided by a parental virus which makes them both dependent on and competitive with the parental virus. in many instances, this may cause the abrogation of a lytic cycle of the parental virus, leading to a persistent infection. in this pape ...19989499109
evaluation of recombinant dengue viral envelope b domain protein antigens for the detection of dengue complex-specific increase the specificity of dengue (den) diagnosis based on antibody detection, we have evaluated recombinant proteins as antigens that incorporate most of the b domain of the den virus envelope protein fused to the trpe protein of escherichia coli (trpe-den). a pooled antigen consisting of trpe-den proteins representing all four serotypes of den virus was used in an indirect elisa for the detection of igg or igm antibody. this assay was compared with a standard igg indirect elisa and an igm- ...19989502595
hepatic histology in hepatitis c virus carriers coinfected with hepatitis g virus.a novel flavivirus has been described recently and designated hepatitis g virus (hgv). the virus is transmitted by the parenteral route but it is uncertain whether it is associated with chronic liver disease because liver biopsy is difficult to justify in this group.19989505894
african origin of gb virus c/hepatitis g virus.ninety-four gb virus c/hepatitis g virus (gbv-c/ hgv) rna-positive serum samples were obtained from all over the world. we found that all 15 gbv-c/hgv isolates from the pygmies and the bantu in the central african region had a 12-amino acid indel (i.e. insertion or deletion) in the non-structural protein (ns) 5a region. phylogenetic analyses of the ns5a region, using gbv-a as an outgroup, showed that these 15 isolates had diverged from the common ancestor much earlier than the remaining isolates ...19989512347
conversion of dengue virus replicative form rna (rf) to replicative intermediate (ri) by nonstructural proteins ns-5 and ns-3.dengue viruses infect more than 100 million people each year and cause serious clinical manifestations. it is important to understand the replication of these viruses so that therapeutic and/or prophylactic agents may be designed. dengue virus type 2 nonstructural proteins ns-5 and ns-3 were produced by in vitro transcription and translation of cloned genes. both proteins possessed rna-dependent rna polymerase activity as measured by their ability to convert purified replicative form (rf) rna to ...19989452298
dengue fever epidemic potential as projected by general circulation models of global climate change.climate factors influence the transmission of dengue fever, the world's most widespread vector-borne virus. we examined the potential added risk posed by global climate change on dengue transmission using computer-based simulation analysis to link temperature output from three climate general circulation models (gcms) to a dengue vectorial capacity equation. our outcome measure, epidemic potential, is the reciprocal of the critical mosquito density threshold of the vectorial capacity equation. a ...19989452414
definition of an epitope on ns3 recognized by human cd4+ cytotoxic t lymphocyte clones cross-reactive for dengue virus types 2, 3, and 4.the role of dengue virus-specific serotype-cross-reactive t lymphocytes in recovery from and pathogenesis of dengue virus infections is not known. in the present paper, we have defined a dengue serotype-cross-reactive epitope recognized by two cd4+ cd8- cytotoxic t lymphocyte (ctl) clones, jk36 and jk46. these t cell clones were established from the peripheral blood t lymphocytes of a dengue-3-immune donor, using a limiting dilution method. jk36 and jk46 were cross-reactive for dengue virus type ...19989454689
attenuation of the langat tick-borne flavivirus by chimerization with mosquito-borne flavivirus dengue type 4.langat virus (lgt) strain tp21 is the most attenuated of the tick-borne flaviviruses for humans. even though lgt has low-level neurovirulence for humans, it, and its more attenuated egg-passage derivative, strain e5, exhibit significant neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness in normal mice, albeit less than that associated with tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev), the most virulent of the tick-borne flaviviruses. we sought to reduce or ablate these viral phenotypes of tp21 and e5 by using a strat ...19989465088
tumor necrosis factor alpha levels in plasma and whole-blood culture in dengue-infected patients: relationship between virus detection and pre-existing specific antibodies.the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf) is not well known, but the role of host factors has been suggested. the level of immunoreactive circulating and cell-generated tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) was studied in 35 patients with dhf; its relationship with virus isolation and/or genome detection by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and specific antibodies were detected by hemagglutination inhibition (hi). large variation of tnf alpha plasma levels was o ...19989515771
neutralizing antibodies protect against lethal flavivirus challenge but allow for the development of active humoral immunity to a nonstructural virus protein.antibody-mediated neutralization of viruses has been extensively studied in vitro, but the precise mechanisms that account for antibody-mediated protection against viral infection in vivo still remain largely uncharacterized. the two points under discussion are antibodies conferring sterilizing immunity by neutralizing the virus inoculum or protection against the development of disease without complete inhibition of virus replication. for tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev), a flavivirus, trans ...19989525632
emerging emerging virus is a term applied to a newly discovered virus, one that is increasing in incidence or with the potential to increase in incidence. many viruses fit into this definition. hiv is the clearest example of a previously unknown virus that has now produced one of the largest pandemics in history. recent advances have occurred in the identification and understanding of new hantaviruses in the americas, causing an acute respiratory disease. the possible causal role of human herpesvirus ...19989529635
antibodies to alphavirus, flavivirus, and bunyavirus arboviruses in house sparrows (passer domesticus) and tree sparrows (p. montanus) in poland.sparrows from central poland were examined by a hemagglutination-inhibition test (titer > or = 20) for the presence of antibodies to arboviruses, between 1995 and 1996. in house sparrows (passer domesticus) (n = 179), antibodies to sindbis, west nile, tick-borne encephalitis, tahyna, and calovo viruses were detected at seroprevalences of 1.1%, 2.8%, 1.1%, 2.8%, and 1.1%, respectively. in tree sparrows (p. montanus) (n = 33), antibodies to the sindbis, west nile, and tahyna viruses were detected ...19989533098
hcv and hgv in b-cell non-hodgkin's lymphoma.a causative role of hepatitis c virus infection (hcv) has been discussed in the pathogenesis of mixed cryoglobulinaemia and in b-cell non-hodgkin's lymphoma. no data are available concerning the newly discovered hepatitis g virus (hgv) and extrahepatic manifestations such as haematological malignancies. but, hcv and hgv most probably belong to the same family of flavivirus. consequently, we looked for the prevalence of hcv, hgv and cryoglobulins in patients with b-cell non-hodgkin's lymphoma.19989537861
prevalence of infection with hepatitis g virus among various groups in thailand.two research groups recently and independently, isolated a hepatotropic flavivirus from human sera. the two viruses, named gb virus c and hepatitis g virus (hgv), were subsequently discovered to represent the same virus, which was associated with acute and chronic hepatitis of the non-a-e type. the prevalences of infection with hgv have now been investigated in various groups of the thai population, some of which [e.g. thalassaemic children, patients with chronic liver disease, carriers of antib ...19989614458
encapsidation of the flavivirus kunjin replicon rna by using a complementation system providing kunjin virus structural proteins in trans.kunjin virus (kun) replicon rna was encapsidated by a procedure involving two consecutive electroporations of bhk-21 cells, first with kun replicon rna c20dxrep (with prme and most of c deleted) and about 24 h later with a recombinant semliki forest virus (sfv) replicon rna(s) expressing kun structural proteins. the presence of kun replicon rna in encapsidated particles was demonstrated by its amplification and expression in newly infected bhk-21 cells, detected by northern blotting with a kun-s ...19989621059
the ns5a/ns5 proteins of viruses from three genera of the family flaviviridae are phosphorylated by associated serine/threonine kinases.phosphorylation of the expressed ns5a protein of hepatitis c virus (hcv), a member of the hepacivirus genus of the family flaviviridae, has been demonstrated in mammalian cells and in a cell-free assay by an associated kinase activity. in this report, phosphorylation is also shown for the ns5a and ns5 proteins, respectively, of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) and yellow fever virus (yf), members of the other two established genera in this family. phosphorylation of bvdv ns5a and yf ns5 was ob ...19989621090
[studying the possibility of respiratory immunization against tick-borne encephalitis].there are known 3 likely mechanisms of virus conveyance into the central nervous system (cns). these include hematogenic penetration, spread along the peripheral nerves, and the olfactory pathway which begins from the infected olfactory neuroepithelial cells. the possibility of viral spread into cns via the olfactory pathway was shown for the representatives of togaviruses, herpesviruses, coronaviruses, rhabdoviruses, and for some others. this study suggests that the olfactory pathway of viral c ...19989633235
subcellular localization and some biochemical properties of the flavivirus kunjin nonstructural proteins ns2a and a previous study on the replication of kunjin virus using immunoelectron microscopy (e. g. westaway, j. m. mackenzie, m. t. kenney, m. k. jones, and a. a. khromykh, 1997, j. virol. 71, 6650-6661), ns1 and ns3 were found associated with double-stranded rna (dsrna) within vesicle packets (vp) in infected vero cells, suggesting that these induced membrane structures may be the cytoplasmic sites of rna replication. ns2b and ns3 (comprising the virus-encoded protease) were colocalized within disti ...19989636360
genetically determined resistance to flavivirus infection in wild mus musculus domesticus and other taxonomic groups in the genus mus.inherited resistance to flaviviruses in laboratory mice is a rare trait conferred by an autosomal dominant gene (flvr). to provide information on genetic resistance to flaviviruses in wild mice, we analysed (i) wild m. m. domesticus trapped in australia, and (ii) mice representing other species and subspecies in the genus mus. mice were screened for resistance relative to c3h/hej mice by intracerebral challenge with murray valley encephalitis virus or yellow fever virus, and breeding studies wer ...19989638142
genetic control of host resistance to flavivirus infection in animals.flaviviruses are small, enveloped rna viruses which are generally transmitted by arthropods to animals and man. although flaviviruses cause important diseases in domestic animals and man, flaviviral infection of animals which constitute the normal vertebrate reservoir may be mild or sub-clinical, which suggests that some adaptation between virus and host may have occurred. while this possibility is difficult to study in wild animals, extensive studies using laboratory mice have demonstrated the ...19989638813
gb virus c: a novel pathogen or a curiosity for virologists?the recently identified gb virus c is a flavivirus related to the hepatitis c virus. it appears quite prevalent in the general population and especially in individuals at risk of parenteral transmission. many questions remain, most importantly the pathogenic role of the virus. it is unlikely that this virus has a major role in hepatic disease.19989639948
a presumptive case of fatal murray valley encephalitis acquired in alice springs.a presumptive case of murray valley encephalitis (mve) acquired in alice springs in march 1997 is reported. the patient subsequently died in mackay. the diagnosis of murray valley encephalitis was supported by the detection of flavivirus igm in cerebrospinal fluid. low titres of igm specific to murray valley encephalitis and alfuy were detected in a single serum sample. the patient's travel movements indicate that his infection was acquired in the alice springs vicinity. this conclusion was furt ...19989648367
dengue or kokobera? a case report from the top end of the northern early april 1998, the centre for disease control in darwin was notified of a possible case of dengue which appeared to have been acquired in the northern territory. because dengue is not endemic to the northern territory, locally acquired infection has significant public health implications, particularly for vector identification and control to limit the spread of infection. dengue igm serology was positive on two occasions, but the illness was eventually presumptively identified as kokobera ...19989648368
critical point mutations for hepatitis c virus ns3 proteinase.the hepatitis c virus ns3 proteinase plays an essential role in processing of hcv nonstructural precursor polyprotein. to detect its processing activity, we developed a simple trans-cleavage assay. two recombinant plasmids expressing the ns3 proteinase region and a chimeric substrate polyprotein containing the ns5a/5b cleavage site between maltose binding protein and protein a were co-introduced into escherichia coli cells. the proteinase processed the substrate at the single site during their p ...19989656998
monoclonal antibody mapping of the envelope glycoprotein of the dengue 2 virus, jamaica.although dengue (den) virus is the etiologic agent of dengue fever, the most prevalent vector-borne viral disease in the world, precise information on the antigenic structure of the dengue virion is limited. we have prepared a set of murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for the envelope (e) glycoprotein of den 2 virus and used these antibodies in a comprehensive biological and biochemical analysis to identify 16 epitopes. following domain nomenclature developed for the related flavivirus ...19989657950
recombinant dengue virus type 1 ns3 protein exhibits specific viral rna binding and ntpase activity regulated by the ns5 protein.the full-length dengue virus ns3 protein has been successfully expressed as a 94-kda gst fusion protein in escherichia coli. treatment of the purified fusion protein with thrombin released a 68-kda protein which is the expected molecular mass for the den1 ns3 protein. the identity of this protein was confirmed by western blotting using dengue virus antisera. two related activities of the recombinant ns3 protein were characterized, which were the binding of the protein to the 3'-noncoding region ...19989657959
hepatitis g infection: role in cryptogenic chronic liver disease and primary liver cell cancer in the uk. trent hepatitis c virus study group.hepatitis g virus (hgv) is a flavivirus that can cause acute hepatitis and persistent infection but its role in chronic liver disease or primary liver cancer is unproven. in this study we have examined the prevalence of hgv rna in the serum of patients with hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection and in patients with cryptogenic chronic liver disease, including non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (nash), and in patients with hcv-related hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) and hcc arising in patients with cryptog ...19989658369
the metal binding site of the hepatitis c virus ns3 protease. a spectroscopic investigation.the ns3 region of the hepatitis c virus encodes for a serine protease activity, which is necessary for the processing of the nonstructural region of the viral polyprotein. the minimal domain with proteolytic activity resides in the n terminus, where a structural tetradentate zinc binding site is located. the ligands being been identified by x-ray crystallography as being three cysteines (cys97, cys99, and cys145) and one histidine residue (his149), which is postulated to coordinate the metal thr ...19989668049
vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis virus, a flavivirus, prevents disease but not infection, although viremia is adoptive transfer of sera or immunoglobulin preparations, vaccine-induced protection against tbev has been demonstrated to be mediated by antibodies to the surface protein of tbev, glycoprotein e. nevertheless, the mechanism of vaccine-induced protection against tbev remains unclear. protection by e antibodies without in vitro neutralization was shown by one group, whereas others found a correlation between protection in vivo and neutralization in vitro. here, the authors confirm in a mouse m ...19989682362
low prevalence of hepatitis g virus antibodies in glomerular diseases.a possible agent for human non-a-e hepatitis has been identified and named hepatitis g virus (hgv). hgv is also a flavivirus, and the clinical characteristics and risk factors of hgv infection may be similar to those of hepatitis c virus infection. hepatitis c virus infection may manifest as a primary glomerulonephritis. the aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of serum hgv rna in 98 adult patients with biopsy-proven glomerular diseases. we found that only 3 patients (3%) out of 98 wi ...19989689165
trans-complementation of flavivirus rna polymerase gene ns5 by using kunjin virus replicon-expressing bhk cells.a bhk cell line persistently expressing a kunjin (kun) virus replicon rna (repbhk, similar to our recently described me/76neo bhk cell line [a. a. khromykh and e. g. westaway, j. virol. 71:1497-1505, 1997]) was used for rescue and propagation of kun viruses defective in the rna polymerase gene (ns5). a new infectious full-length kun virus cdna clone, flsdx, prepared from our previously described cdna clone pakun (a. a. khromykh and e. g. westaway, j. virol. 68:4580-4588, 1994) and possessing app ...19989696822
identification of specific nucleotide sequences within the conserved 3'-sl in the dengue type 2 virus genome required for replication.the flavivirus genome is a positive-stranded approximately 11-kb rna including 5' and 3' noncoding regions (ncr) of approximately 100 and 400 to 600 nucleotides (nt), respectively. the 3' ncr contains adjacent, thermodynamically stable, conserved short and long stem-and-loop structures (the 3'-sl), formed by the 3'-terminal approximately 100 nt. the nucleotide sequences within the 3'-sl are not well conserved among species. we examined the requirement for the 3'-sl in the context of dengue virus ...19989696848
[preparation and properties of monoclonal antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis viral nonstructural proteins].hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (mab) to tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus are obtained. immunodiffusion showed that 3 mabs to tbe protein ns3 belong to class igm and the rest to igg1. mabs to tbe protein ns1 were tested in hemagglutination inhibition, complement fixation, neutralization, and protection tests. only 1 hybridoma produced mab specific for protein ns1 of tbe strain sofyin, the rest reacted with the common antigenic determinants of nonstructural tbe complex.19989702814
epidemiology of the hepatitis c virus.according to who estimations, about 3% of the world population may be infected with the hepatitis c virus. the relative prevalences of subtypes of this virus vary in different geographic areas. the main known routes of transmission are parenteral; intravenous drug abuse, contaminated injection devices and receipt of unscreened blood. sexual, vertical, household and nosocomial transmissions may occur, but seem to be rare. the risk of screened blood or blood products is now almost eliminated, but ...19989704437
a rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test for detection of neutralizing antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus.tick borne encephalitis (tbe), is endemic in several countries in central and northern europe, in the baltic states and in russia. vaccination has been shown to lower efficiently the number of cases of this potentially very serious disease. however, the possibility to assess the neutralizing antibody response after clinical disease or vaccination has been hampered by the lack of easy and specific tests. we developed a rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (rffit) and compared it with a standar ...19989705177
design of selective eglin inhibitors of hcv ns3 proteinase.hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection is a major health problem that leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in a substantial number of infected individuals, estimated to be 100-200 million worldwide. unfortunately, immunotherapy or other effective treatments for hcv infection are not yet available, and interferon administration has limited efficacy. different approaches to hcv therapy are being explored, and these include inhibition of the viral proteinase, helicase, and rna-dependent rna p ...19989708981
yellow fever 17d vaccine virus isolated from healthy vaccinees accumulates very few mutations.the live attenuated yellow fever (yf) vaccine strain 17d is one of the safest vaccines in use today with only 22 cases of reversion to virulence documented from over 300 million doses administered. we have isolated virus in cell culture from sera of six volunteers who received 17d vaccine and found that very few nucleotide mutations were detected in the consensus sequence of the entire genome of each of the serum viruses. moreover, most of these mutations accumulated in the non-structural protei ...19989712515
detection in chimpanzees of a novel flavivirus related to gb virus-c/hepatitis g virus.infection with hepatitis g virus (hgv) or gb virus-c (gbv-c) is widely distributed in human populations. viruses related to gbv-c/hgv have been recovered from several new world primate species, including tamarins, owl monkeys and marmosets. to understand more about the relationship between gb viruses and their hosts, we used primers from the 5' non-coding (5'nc), non-structural 3 (ns3) and ns5 regions in nested polymerase chain reactions to screen for related viruses infecting non-captive chimpa ...19989714234
mutation in ns5 protein attenuates mouse neurovirulence of yellow fever 17d vaccine virus.the 17d-204 vaccine manufactured in south africa (17d-204-sa) and a large plaque variant (17d-lp) derived from it were highly virulent in adult mice. the ld50 of 17d-lp virus was 0-2 p.f.u. for mice following intracerebral inoculation. in comparison, a medium plaque variant derived from 17d-lp, termed 17d-mp virus, was found to be attenuated in adult mice following the same route of inoculation (> 10(4) p.f.u./ld50). replication of 17d-mp virus was decreased in infected mouse brains compared to ...19989714237
establishment and characterization of japanese encephalitis virus-specific, human cd4(+) t-cell clones: flavivirus cross-reactivity, protein recognition, and cytotoxic activity.we analyzed the cd4(+) t-lymphocyte responses of two donors who had received japanese encephalitis virus (jev) vaccine 6 or 12 months earlier. bulk culture proliferation assays showed that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) responded to jev antigens (ag) but also responded at lower levels to west nile virus (wnv) and dengue virus type 1, 2, and 4 (d1v, d2v, and d4v, respectively) ag. five jev-specific cd4(+) human t-cell clones and one subclone were established from pbmc of these two dono ...19989733842
an advisory committee statement (acs). committee to advise on tropical medicine and travel (catmat). statement on japanese encephalitis vaccine. 19989735509
west nile encephalitis epidemic in southeastern romania.west nile fever (wnf) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus infection endemic in africa and asia. in 1996, the first major wnf epidemic in europe occurred in romania, with a high rate of neurological infections. we investigated the epidemic to characterise transmission patterns in this novel setting and to determine its origin.19989737281
determination of dengue virus serotypes in individual aedes aegypti mosquitoes in aedes aegypti mosquitoes were collected in puerto triunfo, central colombia, where dengue is endemic, during a six month period. viral infection within the head of each individual mosquito was identified by an immunofluorescent assay (ifa) using a flavivirus-specific monoclonal antibody. the dengue virus serotype, present in each flavivirus-positive specimen, was then determined in portions of the remaining thorax using ifas with serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies. among 2065 female a ...19989737600
immune mediated and inherited defences against flaviviruses.flavivirus infection elicits an abundant immune response in the host which is directed against a number of the viral proteins. resistance to flavivirus-induced disease can also be controlled via a non-immune mechanism involving the product of a naturally occurring murine gene, flv.19989741638
the conformation of hepatitis c virus ns3 proteinase with and without ns4a: a structural basis for the activation of the enzyme by its cofactor.hepatitis c virus (hcv) ns3 proteinase activity is required for the release of hcv nonstructural proteins and is thus a potential antiviral target. the enzyme requires a protein cofactor ns4a, located downstream of ns3 on the polyprotein, for activation and efficient processing.19989741640
defective adenoviruses as novel vaccines for the flaviviridae.vaccines against many flaviviruses, such as japanese encephalitis virus (jev), yellow fever virus (yfv) and tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev), have been successfully used for many years. other diseases such as dengue fever (df) and hepatitis c are still major public health problems as no licensed vaccines are in use.19989741645
high prevalence of gb virus c/hepatitis g virus infection among homosexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1: evidence for sexual virus c/hepatitis g virus (gbv-c/hgv), a recently discovered orphan flavivirus, is distantly related to hepatitis c virus (hcv). although both gbv-c/hgv and hcv can be transmitted by the parenteral route, their principal modes of transmission and associated risk behaviors may differ. using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, the 5'-noncoding regions of gbv-c/hgv and hcv were amplified from plasma or sera of 209 individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) ...19989746067
development of viremia and humoral and cellular parameters of immune activation after vaccination with yellow fever virus strain 17d: a model of human flavivirus monitor early and late events of immune system activation after primary and secondary flavivirus infection, 17 healthy persons were vaccinated with the standard 17d vaccine virus strain of yellow fever (yf). twelve of these persons had not received yf vaccine previously and 5 had been vaccinated once at least 10 years before. viremia and various parameters of humoral and cellular immune activation were followed daily for 7 days and weekly thereafter. viremia was detected by reverse transcript ...19989746073
immunoglobulin m-capture biotin-streptavidin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to dengue viruses.a biotin-streptavidin system was adapted to an igm-capture elisa for detection of dengue antibodies in human sera. to develop this assay, high titers of antibodies to flavivirus were purified by ion-exchange chromatography (deae-cellulose) and labeled with biotin. heavy chain-specific goat anti-human igm was first bound to the wells of a polystyrene microtiter plate, followed by binding of igm in test specimens, and the use of tetravalent dengue antigens (dengue 1-4), biotin-labeled anti-flavivi ...19989749624
identification of brazilian flaviviruses by a simplified reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction method using flavivirus universal primers.we report a simplified reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) method for identification of brazilian flaviviruses based on the patterns of electrophoretic separation of the amplicons. the rt-pcr was done on the culture fluids of aedes albopictus c6/36 cells infected with brazilian flaviviruses, without previous extraction of viral rna, using flavivirus universal primers that anneal to highly conserved sequences within the nonstructural protein 5 and 3'- non translated region of ...19989749625
tick-borne encephalitis and its prevention in hungary.tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) has been registered in hungary since 1977. in the last four years a moderate decrease of cases was observed. most cases belong to the age group of 30-39 years, and the number of males is twice as high as that of the females among the tbe cases. the efficacy of tbe vaccination was proven also in field trials. the use of the specific hyperimmune gamma-globulins for postexposure prophylaxis is effective. the need to create an international standard for tbe vaccine is d ...19989769651
identification of australian arboviruses in inoculated cell cultures using monoclonal antibodies in elisa using a panel of specific monoclonal antibodies was developed to identify all alpha and flaviviruses isolated from mosquitoes caught throughout australia. this technique is sensitive and rapid and is more specific than the traditional methods used to identify flaviviruses. the ability to identify unknown virus isolates from field-caught mosquitoes quickly and accurately improves the efficiency of arbovirus surveillance programs and allows health authorities to give an early warning of a ...19989770194
dna-based and alphavirus-vectored immunisation with prm and e proteins elicits long-lived and protective immunity against the flavivirus, murray valley encephalitis virus.the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of dna-based vaccination with plasmids encoding the membrane proteins prm and e of the flavivirus murray valley encephalitis virus (mve) were investigated. gene gun-mediated intradermal delivery of dna encoding the prm and e proteins elicited long-lived, virus-neutralising antibody responses in three inbred strains of mice and provided protection from challenge with a high titer inoculum of mve. intramuscular dna vaccination by needle injection also ind ...19989770429
[detection of hgv ns5 antigen in liver tissue of patients with chronic liver disease].to investigate the existence of hepatitis g virus (hgv) in liver tissue.199811038810
targets for inhibition of hepatitis c virus replication.considerable progress has been made in characterizing the proteins involved in hepatitis c virus (hcv) replication, despite the lack of a cell culture system. a number of systems have been developed to examine the processes involved in viral replication, including the initiation and processing of the viral proteins required for rna replication, the unwinding activities of the rna helicase and the synthesis of rna by the viral polymerase. these processes have been examined using individually clon ...199810726058
the hepatitis c virus ns3 proteinase: structure and function of a zinc-containing serine proteinase.the hepatitis c virus (hcv) ns3 protein contains a serine proteinase domain implicated in the maturation of the viral polyprotein. ns3 forms a stable heterodimer with ns4a, a viral membrane protein that acts as an activator of the ns3 proteinase. the three-dimensional structure of the ns3 proteinase complexed with an ns4a-derived peptide has been determined. the ns3 proteinase adopts a chymotrypsin-like fold. a beta-strand contributed by ns4a is clamped between two beta-strands within the n term ...199810726060
[study of the antigenic structure of tick-borne encephalitis virus using synthetic peptides].a number of peptides, fragments of the envelope protein e of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (sofjin strain), were synthesized. their binding to the polyclonal antiserum to protein e was studied. rats were immunized with both the free peptides and their klh-conjugates, and the resulting antisera were tested for their reactivity toward protein e and for their neutralizing activity toward the virus in cell culture. the only peptide corresponding to the 98-113 sequence of protein e was shown to b ...199810335405
response to je vaccine among hiv-infected children, bangkok, thailand.since 1990, japanese encephalitis (je) vaccine has been part of epi in northern thailand, where there is a high prevalence of je and hiv infection. to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of je vaccine among hiv-infected children, we conducted a retrospective study of hiv-infected and uninfected children who received 2 doses of je vaccine at 12 months of age. pre- and post-immunization plasma specimens were tested by plaque reduction neutralization for antibody levels to je and dengue(1-4) vir ...199810437937
[cloning and sequencing of cdna in ns3 region of chinese hepatitis g virus isolated from henan province].to study the genetic characteristics of non-structural region 3 of hgv in china, a hgv-rna positive sample was collected from henan. hgv rna was extracted and amplified by rt-nested-pcr. we got four overlap fragments and they were cloned into plasmid vector pcdna ii. the cdna was sequenced by the sanger's method. nucleotide homology between henan strain and other reported hgv isolates (pnf2161, r10291, gbv-c) was 85.7% to 93.8% over the 2137 nucleotides examined. comparison of amino acid sequenc ...199812515161
[detection of hepatitis g virus infection among clinical patients with hepatitis/liver diseases in china by reverse transcription-nested polymerase chain reaction].according to two highly conserved genome sequences within the helicase(ns3) region and 5'-uncoding(5' utr) region, we designed two sets of primer pairs to detect hgv rna by rt-nested pcr in order to study hgv infection in chinese population. three hundred and fifty-four serum specimens of various liver diseases were collected from beijing, qin huangdao and henan areas. seventy-nine out of 354(22.3%) specimens were hgv rna positive. among 254 known clinical hepatitis/liver disease samples, 50(19. ...199812515201
[identification of hepatitis c or/and g virus rna in one tube by reverse transcription nested polymerase chain reaction].hepatitis c and g viruses belong to the flaviviridae family. they have similar modes of transmission. the dual infection of hgv and hcv were reported. a simultaneous detection for hcv or/and hgv was established by reverse transcription nested polymerase chain reaction(rt-nested pcr). the primers were derived from the 5' non-coding region of hcv and ns3 region of hgv, and the length of the pcr product was between 170 bp and 300 bp. rt-nested pcr can be finished in one test tube and hgv and/or hcv ...199812515202
[sequencing and analysis of the ns5 region of hgv/gbv-c gene].to study the genomic organization of non structural region 5 of hgv in china, 186 nucleotides of ns5 region of hgv were amplified, cloned and sequenced. the data were analyzed with computer programs. the results indicated that the gene sequence homology between 2 hgv isolates in this study was 95.2%. the comparison of these 2 isolates and 3 foreign isolates reported previously showed that the sequence homology was in the range of 84.4% to 92.4%, and was obvious by divergent from the foreign isol ...199812526350
[new hepatitis viruses]serum obtained from a surgeon (with the initials gb) with acute icteric hepatitis, permited the passages of two virus to tamarins; furthermore was possible to detect anti-bodies against the putative epitope of this viruses, designed gbv-a and gbv-b in several human populations; many years after that two different researchers teams identified a new virus gbv-c or hvg, based on very similar aminoacid sequence of both.the role of gb-viruses and hepatitis g virus in human pathology is not completely ...199712221439
[detection of flaviviruses by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction with universal primer set].for the purpose of early and rapid diagnosis of flavivirus infection, the universal primer set was selected on the ns1 gene. another five different internal primers were selected on the ns1 genes of den1, 2, 3, 4 and jev. with the universal primer set designed, the ns1 fragment about the size of 413 bp and with the five internal primers, the ns1 fragments about the sizes of 262 bp (den1), 189 bp (den2), 392 bp (den3), 97 bp (den4) and 323 bp (jev) were amplified respectively. the reverse transcr ...199715617345
[the cloning and sequence analysis of cdna of the partial e genomic region of dengue type 4 virus from a chinese patient].the partial envelope (e) protein gene of dengue virus type 4 (dv4), derived from the serum of a patient with dengue fever in an epidemic during october 1993 in guangdong province of china, was cloned and sequenced. dv rna was converted to cdna by reverse transcription with random primers before the polymerase chain reaction using dv4 specific primers was performed. the amplified product of 421bp was subsequently filled in 3' recessed ends, isolated, purified and inserted into puc18 and puc19 pla ...199715619909
studies on the serological cross-reaction between dengue and japanese encephalitis.antibody responses of sero-confirmed flavivirus-infected patients were investigated by hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) tests against acute phase sera (s1) and convalescent phase sera (s2) using je virus (jev) jagar# 01 strain antigen (j-ag) and dengue virus (dv) type 1 hawaiian strain antigen (d-ag). analysis of the test results showed that depending on the combinations of hi responses to both antigens, the sero-confirmed patients could be divided into five classes: primary je, secondary je, pr ...199710592825
gb virus c/hepatitis g virus (gbv-c/hgv) infection in chiang mai, thailand, and identification of variants on the basis of 5'-untranslated region using reverse transcription and pcr for ns3 and 5'-untranslated regions (5'utr) of the viral genome, prevalence of gb virus c/hepatitis g virus (gbv-c/hgv) infection in chiang mai, thailand, was studied. high prevalence of gbv-c/hgv infection was observed among intravenous drug users (32%) and hemodialyzed patients (25%). the prevalence was also considerably high among patients with chronic liver disease, such as chronic hepatitis (9%), liver cirrhosis (12%) and hepatocellular carcinoma (10%) ...19979672605
comparison of elisa and hi for detection of antibodies against wesselsbron disease virus.a two-graph receiver operating characteristic analysis was done to determine the optimal cut-off value of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detection of antibodies to wesselsbron disease (wsl) virus. when elisa and haemagglutination-inhibition (hi) results of wsl-positive and wsl-negative control sheep sera were compared, the sensitivity of elisa was 97.9% and that of hi, 87.5%, while the specificity of elisa and hi were 95.7% and 100%, respectively. the elisa's superior ...19979551475
[cross reactions of patients with acute dengue fever to tick-borne encephalitis].sera from 20 patients with acute dengue fever were tested on their cross reactivities to other flaviviruses, especially against tick-borne encephalitis (tbe). one of the test systems used, indirect immunofluorescence (iift), was shown to exhibit strong cross reactivity. the reactivity pattern of sera from patients with pre-existing vaccine-induced antibodies against tbe or yellow fever was found similar to dengue secondary antibody response. in plaque reduction neutralization tests (prnt) no cro ...19979471844
analysis of the structure and folding of the 3' genomic rna of flaviviruses.the structure of the 3' genomic rna of flaviviruses has been analyzed by thermal melting, and by chemical and enzymatic probing of model rnas. the 3' rna had more transitions than could be assigned to individual stem-loops and a transition in the 40-45 degrees c range was assigned to tertiary structure unfolding. in support of this assignment, mutants designed to destabilize the proposed pseudoknot tertiary structure lose the 40-45 degrees c transition. enzyme cleavage of the rna and chemical pr ...19979478204
[arbovirus infections. from virus, mosquitoes, animals and humans].arboviruses occur throughout the world in plants and animals: reptiles, birds and mammals including man. these relatively recent rna-containing viruses have great evolutionary potential and are a major cause of epidemics. arboviruses exhibit a dual life cycle involving continual transmission to and from the vertebrate host and arthropod vector which ingests or inoculates the agent during blood meals. agents belong to many different viral families and represent an important source of emerging dis ...19979513176
first record in america of aedes albopictus naturally infected with dengue virus during the 1995 outbreak at reynosa, mexico.mosquito collections were conducted during a dengue outbreak in reynosa, tamaulipas, mexico, july-december 1995. a total of 6694 adult mosquitoes (four genera and nine species) were captured, of which 2986 (78.3% females and 21.7% males) were aedes albopictus and 2339 (39.7% females and 60.3% males) were ae.aegypti. these two species comprised 84.2% of the total collection. specimens were grouped into pools, nearly 50% of them processed for detection of virus by cythopathic effect in c6-36 and v ...19979430106
vertical transmission of dengue.dengue, an important mosquito-borne flavivirus infection, is endemic in southeast asia. we describe two mothers who had acute dengue 4 and 8 days before the births of their infants. one mother had worsening of her proteinuric pregnancy-induced hypertension, liver dysfunction, and coagulopathy and required multiple transfusions of whole blood, platelets, and fresh frozen plasma. her male infant was ill at birth, developed respiratory distress and a large uncontrollable left intracerebral hemorrha ...19979431381
gb virus c, hepatitis g virus, or human orphan flavivirus? 19979141455
construction of infectious cdna clones for dengue 2 virus: strain 16681 and its attenuated vaccine derivative, strain pdk-53.we identified nine nucleotide differences between the genomes of dengue-2 (den-2) 16681 virus and its vaccine derivative, strain pdk-53. these included a c-to-t (16681-to-pdk-53) mutation at nucleotide position 57 of the 5'-untranslated region, three silent mutations, and substitutions prm-29 asp to val, ns1-53 gly to asp, ns2a-181 leu to phe, ns3-250 glu to val, and ns4a-75 gly to ala. unpassaged pdk-53 vaccine contained two genetic variants as a result of partial mutation at ns3-250. we constr ...19979143286
upregulation of signalase processing and induction of prm-e secretion by the flavivirus ns2b-ns3 protease: roles of protease components.recently, we have shown that the ability of the flavivirus ns2b-ns3 protease complex to promote efficient signalase processing of the c-prm precursor, as well as secretion of prm and e, does not appear to depend strictly on cleavage of the precursor at its lys-arg-gly dibasic site by the protease. we suggested that the association of the protease with the precursor via ns2b may be sufficient by itself for the above effects. to study the proposed association in more detail, we have developed an a ...19979151825
genetic analysis of the yellow fever virus ns1 protein: identification of a temperature-sensitive mutation which blocks rna accumulation.the flavivirus ns1 protein is a highly conserved nonstructural glycoprotein that is capable of eliciting protective immunity. ns1 homodimers are secreted from virus-infected mammalian cells, but the protein is also present at the plasma membrane and in the lumen of intracellular vesicles. based on these properties, it has been speculated that ns1 may function in virus maturation or release. to gain further insight into ns1 function, we used clustered charged-amino-acid-to-alanine mutagenesis to ...19978985349
subgenomic replicons of the flavivirus kunjin: construction and applications.several kunjin virus (kun) subgenomic replicons containing large deletions in the structural region (c-prm-e) and in the 3' untranslated region (3'utr) of the genome have been constructed. replicon rna deltame with 1,987 nucleotides deleted (from nucleotide 417 [in codon 108] in the c gene to nucleotide 2403 near the carboxy terminus of the e gene, inclusive) and replicon rna c20rep with 2,247 nucleotides deleted (from nucleotide 157 [in codon 20] in c to nucleotide 2403) replicated efficiently ...19978995675
five new or recently discovered (gbv-a) virus species are indigenous to new world monkeys and may constitute a separate genus of the previous studies, human hepatitis viruses have been experimentally transmitted to new world monkeys of the genus saguinus (tamarins). recently, two flaviviridae-like agents (gbv-a and gbv-b) were identified in tamarins that developed hepatitis following inoculation with serum of the 11th tamarin passage of a potentially new human hepatitis agent. however, it was not shown that these viruses originated from the initial inoculum. we here report the discovery of indigenous species-specific virus ...19979126255
detection of flaviviruses by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction with the universal primer set.using a universal primer set designed to match the sequence of the ns1 gene of flaviviruses, the virus rna of dengue (den), japanese encephalitis (jev), powassan and langat of flaviviridae were successfully amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) via cdna; and with different internal primers, the serotypes of the dengue viruses were identified. of the 78 clinically diagnosed dengue fever patients, 18 patients were positive for den 1, 48 patients for den 2 and 8 patients concurrently infecte ...19979130232
infection with gb virus c/hepatitis g virus in brazilian hemodialysis and hepatitis patients and asymptomatic individuals.recently, sequences from a novel human flavivirus, termed gb virus c (gbv-c) or hepatitis g virus (hgv), have been identified in serum from patients with cryptogenic hepatitis and others. sera from 116 patients with different clinical backgrounds were tested for the presence of gbv-c/hgv rna by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with primers from the nonstructural (ns) 5 region. ten (15%) patients on maintenance hemodialysis and 5 (19%) non a-c hepatitis patients were gbv-c/hgv rn ...19979131459
the epidemiology of louping-ill, a tick borne infection of red grouse (lagopus lagopus scoticus).the epidemiology of louping-ill in red grouse was studied in northern britain concentrating on the possible role of other species and mechanisms of disease persistence. this tick borne viral disease caused heavy mortality in red grouse, particularly chicks. louping-ill induced mortality reduced the strength of the density dependence that generates the tendency of grouse populations to cycle and in some populations may cause population sinks. four routes of transmission were examined and non-vira ...19979802086
ilheus virus (flaviviridae, flavivirus) is closely related to japanese encephalitis virus complex.the ilheus (ilh) virus has long been known to belong to group b of the arboviruses. previous attempts to relate it to existing serogroups within the flavivirus genus using conventional serological techniques such as hemagglutination inhibition, neutralization and complement fixation tests have been inconclusive. we have first used denaturing gel electrophoresis to estimate the molecular weight of immunoprecipitated radiolabeled viral proteins and the cross-reactivity among ilh proteins and hyper ...19979612722
human disease caused by an arbovirus closely related to ilheus virus: report of five cases.we report five cases of human disease caused by arbovirus in 5 patients from the state of são paulo, brazil, residing in the municipalities of osasco, atibaia, guarujá, and the capital são paulo, respectively. one of the patients resides in são luis, capital of the state of maranhão. the sites of infection probably were the states of paraná and goiás, both in cave regions, the state of amazonas, and rondônia in two cases. laboratory tests for malaria were negative and 1 patient showed a positive ...19979612726
specific rna aptamers to ns3 protease domain of hepatitis c order to isolate rna aptamers that bind specifically to ns3 protease domain (delta ns3) of hepatitis c virus, we carried out in vitro selection procedure using rna pool that had 30 n random core region. after repeating nine cycles of selections and amplifications, a pool of rnas that bind specifically to the delta ns3 were selected. a comparative analysis of 45 clones that were isolated from 9th cycle revealed three main classes that contain the conserved loop sequences ganugggac. moreover, t ...19979586087
characterisation of an hcv ns3/ns4a proteinase fusion protein expressed in e.coli using synthetic peptide substrates. 19979450052
phosphorylation of tick-borne encephalitis virus ns5 protein.the largest tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev) non-structural protein ns5 (100 kda) is believed to be involved in rna replication. the protein is phosphorylated in infected cell extracts in the presence of [gamma-32p]atp, as shown by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and western blot analysis using monoclonal antibodies raised against tbev ns5 protein. radioactive labeling of ns5 in cellular extracts at an early stage post-infection is higher than at 24 h po ...19979178492
towards defining a minimal functional domain for ntpase and rna helicase activities of the hepatitis c virus ns3 protein.hepatitis c virus (hcv) possesses two separate enzymatic functions in the ns3 protein: a protease and an ntpase/rna helicase. in order to determine the minimal domain for ntpase and rna helicase activities of the hcv ns3 protein, serial deletion mutants were constructed. the ns3h protein a fusion protein of 25 amino acids (aa) from an expression vector and the c-terminal 466 aa of the hcv ns3 protein, contains an ntpase/rna helicase activity. we made deletion mutants of 10, 30, 50, 97, and 135 a ...19979178493
complete sequence of two tick-borne flaviviruses isolated from siberia and the uk: analysis and significance of the 5' and 3'-utrs.the complete nucleotide sequence of two tick-transmitted flaviviruses, vasilchenko (vs) from siberia and louping ill (li) from the uk, have been determined. the genomes were respectively, 10928 and 10871 nucleotides (nt) in length. the coding strategy and functional protein sequence motifs of tick-borne flaviviruses are presented in both vs and li viruses. the phylogenies based on maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and distance analysis of the polyproteins, identified vs virus as a member of ...19979178494
[a comparative analysis of proteins from persistent and antigen-defective strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus].structural (e) and three nonstructural (ns1, ns3, and ns5) proteins of persistent and antigen-defective strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus are compared by immunoblotting with monoclonal antibodies to the corresponding proteins of strain sofyin. appreciable phenotypical differences were revealed between antigen-defective strains, but no immunological modifications as concerns the studied antigenic structures. the size of the reference ns3 protein differed from that of the persistent virus s ...19979182398
application of an immunoperoxidase monolayer assay for the detection of arboviral immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (ipma) was adapted for the detection of antibodies to six arboviruses: three viruses within the flavivirus group (dengue 2, west nile (wn) and yellow fever) and three in the phlebovirus group (rift valley fever (rvf), sandfly fever naples and sandfly fever sicilian). antibody titers of homologous hyper-immune mouse ascitic fluid (hmaf) measured by ipma were two to eight-fold less than those determined by elisa. in tests with heterologous hmaf, cross-reactions ...19979186937
communicable diseases surveillance. 19979188219
inhibition of japanese encephalitis virus infection by nitric oxide: antiviral effect of nitric oxide on rna virus replication.the antiviral effects of nitric oxide (no) on japanese encephalitis virus (jev), a member of the family flaviviridae, were investigated in this study. in vitro, inhibition of replication of jev in gamma interferon-activated raw 264.7 murine macrophages was correlated to cellular no production. when cocultured with infected murine neuroblastoma n18 cells, gamma interferon-activated raw 264.7 cells also efficiently hindered jev replication in contiguous bystanders, and this anti-jev effect could b ...19979188590
Displaying items 2201 - 2300 of 3318