
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
lactic acid as a potential decontaminant of selected foodborne pathogenic bacteria in shrimp (penaeus merguiensis de man).fresh raw shrimps were dipped for 10, 20, and 30 min at room temperature (25°c ± 1°c) in lactic acid (la; 1.5%, 3.0%, v/v) to evaluate their antipathogenic effects against vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, salmonella entreitidis, and escherichia coli o157:h7 inoculated at a level of 10(5) cfu/g. significant reductions in the population of all these pathogenic bacteria were recorded after dipping treatments, which were correlated to the corresponding la concentrations and treatment time. ...201021034165
identification of outer membrane proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus altered in response to γ-irradiation or long-term starvation.vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus were subjected to γ-irradiation (0.5 kgy) or starvation by incubation for 8 months in seawater to study modifications in their outer membrane protein patterns. after treatment, outer membrane protein profiles of starved or γ-irradiated bacteria were found to be altered when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). altered proteins were identified by mass spectrometry (ms and ms/ms) and analyses revealed tha ...201021035543
genetic analysis of the capsule polysaccharide (k antigen) and exopolysaccharide genes in pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6.pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus has undergone rapid changes in both k- and o-antigens, making detection of outbreaks more difficult. in order to understand these rapid changes, the genetic regions encoding these antigens must be examined. in vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus, both o-antigen and capsular polysaccharides are encoded in a single region on the large chromosome; a similar arrangement in pandemic v. parahaemolyticus would help explain the rapid serotype changes. however, previous ...201021044320
the effect of preparation of cebiche on the survival of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, aeromonas hydrophila, and vibrio parahaemolyticus.cebiche is a common dish in latin america, prepared using raw fish mixed with vegetables and marinated with lime juice. the acidity of the lime juice is commonly believed to destroy bacteria and render cebiche as safe to eat. little data exist concerning rates of cebiche-associated gastroenteritis outbreaks, although these may be high given the popularity of the dish.201021050320
occurrence and distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in retail oysters in sao paulo state, brazil.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a potentially pathogenic bacterium that occurs naturally in estuarine environments worldwide, and is often associated with gastroenteritis in humans following consumption of raw bivalve mollusks, especially raw oysters. the occurrence of total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus in 74 samples of raw oysters collected in restaurants, supermarkets, groceries and beach huts in sao paulo state, was monitored between february 2006 and january 2007. enumeration of v. parahaem ...201021056785
conventional and molecular methods to detect bacterial pathogens in detect aeromonas spp., salmonella spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in mussels and water samples from a farming area, conventional and molecular methods were applied to enrichment cultures.201021070267
validation of high pressure processing for inactivating vibrio parahaemolyticus in pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas).this study identified and validated high hydrostatic pressure processing (hpp) for achieving greater than 3.52-log reductions of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas) and determined shelf life of processed oysters stored at 5°c or in ice. raw pacific oysters were inoculated with a clinical strain of v. parahaemolyticus 10293 (o1:k56) to levels of 10(4-5) cells per gram and processed at 293 mpa (43 k psi) for 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 s. populations of v. parahaemolyt ...201021106267
computational study of the na(+)/h (+) antiporter from vibrio parahaemolyticus.sodium proton antiporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that catalyze the exchange of na(+) for protons throughout the biological world. the escherichia coli nhaa is the archetypal na(+)/h(+) antiporter and is absolutely essential for survival in high salt concentrations under alkaline conditions. its crystal structure, accompanied by extensive molecular dynamics simulations, have provided an atomically detailed model of its mechanism. in this study, we utilized a combination of computational ...201021107625
molecular cloning and functional characterization of a rabgtpase in large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea).the molecular mechanisms of the immune system against pathogens in large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea) are not well known, despite its economic importance as an aquaculture species. in this investigation, a rab gene (named as lycrab gene) was obtained from this fish, which exhibited high homology with rab8 of other species. it was expressed in escherichia coli, and the specific antibody was raised using the purified fusion protein (gst-lycrab). the lycrab protein, containing characterist ...201021112380
a polyphasic approach for the differentiation of environmental vibrio isolates from temperate waters.climate change and marine traffic lead to changing species communities in the oceans. due to increasing seawater temperatures, pathogenic vibrio species could become significant even in temperate waters. we classified mesophilic vibrio isolates from the german bight (north sea) using a polyphasic approach with special emphasis on vibrio parahaemolyticus. matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight ms was used as a primary screen to classify isolates, 16s rrna gene and rpob gene se ...201021118277
characterization of a racgtpase up-regulated in the large yellow croaker pseudosciaena crocea immunity.the rac proteins are members of the rho family of small g proteins and are implicated in the regulation of several pathways, including those leading to cytoskeleton reorganization, gene expression, cell proliferation, cell adhesion and cell migration and survival. in this investigation, a rac gene (named as lycrac gene) was obtained from the large yellow croaker and it was expressed in escherichia coli and purified. subsequently the specific antibody was raised using the purified fusion protein ...201021130170
molluscan death effector domain (ded)-containing caspase-8 gene from disk abalone (haliotis discus discus): molecular characterization and expression analysis.the caspase family represents aspartate-specific cysteine proteases that play key roles in apoptosis and immune signaling. in this study, we cloned the first death effector domain (ded)-containing molluscan caspase-8 gene from disk abalone (haliotis discus discus), which is named as hdcaspase-8. the full-length hdcaspase was 2855 bp, with a 1908 bp open reading frame encoding 636 amino acids. the hdcaspase-8 had 72 kda predicted molecular mass with an estimated isoelectric point (pi) of 6.0. the ...201021130887
the mechanism of sodium and substrate release from the binding pocket of vsglt.membrane co-transport proteins that use a five-helix inverted repeat motif have recently emerged as one of the largest structural classes of secondary active transporters. however, despite many structural advances there is no clear evidence of how ion and substrate transport are coupled. here we report a comprehensive study of the sodium/galactose transporter from vibrio parahaemolyticus (vsglt), consisting of molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical characterization and a new crystal structu ...201021131949
an i-type lysozyme from the asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix potentially functioning in host immunity.lysozymes function in animal immunity. three types of lysozyme have been identified in animal kingdom and most lysozymes identified from bivalve molluscs belong to the invertebrate (i) type. in this research, we cloned and sequenced a new i-type lysozyme, named mmelys, from the asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix. mmelys cdna was constituted of 552 bp, with a 441 bp open reading frame encoding a 146 amino acid polypeptide. the encoded polypeptide was predicted to have a 15 amino acid signal pept ...201021134465
the use of genetic typing methods to discriminate among strains of vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus.this review article summarizes the findings of recent typing studies conducted on vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus. the dna-based methods used to type the vibrio spp. include whole genome approaches, such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge), ribotyping, and repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep)-pcr, single gene targets, and multiple gene targets (multilocus approaches). the goals of these studies include establishing the relatedness of isolates from disease epidem ...201021140669
multiple antibacterial histone h2b proteins are expressed in tissues of american oyster.we have previously identified a histone h2b isomer (cvh2b-1) from tissue extracts of the bivalve mollusk, the american oyster (crassostrea virginica). in this paper, we isolate an additional three antibacterial proteins from acidified gill extract by preparative acid-urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. extraction of these proteins from tissue was best accomplished by briefly boiling the tissues in a weak acetic acid solution. additio ...201021145411
first evidence of okadaic acid acyl-derivative and dinophysistoxin-3 in mussel samples collected in chiloe island, southern chile.this paper shows the detection of diarrhetic shellfish poison (dsp) phycotoxins, using hplc-fld with pre-column derivatization procedure and hplc-ms methods, in the analysis of shellfish extracts tested positive with the official dsp mouse bioassay. the shellfish samples were collected in chiloe island, southern of chile. the amount of dinophysistoxin-3 (dtx-3) measured in the shellfish extracts were in average above the international safe limits for dsp content in the shellfish extracts analyze ...201020519842
occurrence of toxigenic vibrio parahaemolyticus strains in shrimp in iran.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a common cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in people, is frequently isolated from a variety of seafood, including shrimp. the virulence of clinical v. parahaemolyticus strains is commonly associated with expression of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh), which are encoded by the tdh and trh genes. this study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of total and toxigenic v. parahaemolyticus in shrimp caught off the south coast of ir ...201020528175
refrigerated seawater depuration for reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus contamination in pacific oyster (crassostrea gigas).the efficacy of refrigerated-seawater depuration for reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus levels in pacific oyster (crassostrea gigas) was investigated. raw pacific oysters were inoculated with a mixed culture of five clinical strains of v. parahaemolyticus (10(5) to 10(6) most probable number [mpn] per g) and depurated with refrigerated seawater (5 degrees c) in a laboratory-scale recirculation system equipped with a 15-w gamma uv sterilizer. depuration with refrigerated seawater for 96 h reduced v ...201020537269
evaluation of eight and a half years of neonatal screening for haemoglobinopathies in birmingham.a pilot neonatal screening programme for haemoglobinopathies linked with screening for phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism was reviewed. during 1978 to december 1986 137,000 neonates were tested. there were improvements in the detection rate and accuracy of diagnosis for homozygotes and mixed heterozygotes, mainly associated with the introduction of citrate agarose gel electrophoresis as a follow up procedure on all specimens showing any abnormality on the initial cellulose acetate ele ...20103135019
electromagnetic articulography: use of alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract.the purpose of this paper is to present a new electromagnetic device which uses alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract. it is biologically safe, noninvasive, it does not interfere with speech movements, allows for multiple recording in the same subject, and for easy collection of large amounts of data. it is especially suitable for evaluation of patients with speech motor impairments.20103580838
tromsø: lessons from a new curriculum. 20102863501
a precision alignment frame for endosseous post dental implants.the advantages of the precision alignment frame are that it (1) accurately positions and aligns the initial pilot drill at implant surgery, (2) has no adverse effects on the diagnostic cast, (3) eliminates the need for an incision or raising a flap when locating a submerged implant root for transmucosal connection, (4) consistently and accurately records the relation of the implant root to the radiograph, (5) permits long-term evaluation of the implant after restoration, (6) has components that ...20103058942
a precision alignment frame for endosseous post dental implants.the advantages of the precision alignment frame are that it (1) accurately positions and aligns the initial pilot drill at implant surgery, (2) has no adverse effects on the diagnostic cast, (3) eliminates the need for an incision or raising a flap when locating a submerged implant root for transmucosal connection, (4) consistently and accurately records the relation of the implant root to the radiograph, (5) permits long-term evaluation of the implant after restoration, (6) has components that ...20103058942
[simplified technic for laparoscopy in cases of cryptorchism]. 20102873655
massive bladder hemorrhage. 20103080196
[use of prostacyclin in patients with ischemic stroke. a double-blind method ii].thirty patients with acute ischaemic stroke were allocated randomly into a group treated with prostacyclin and a group receiving placebo. the treatment was started 24 to 72 hours after the onset of stroke. prostacyclin sodium (wellcome, u.k. or chinoin, hpr) or its solvent (glycine buffer) were administered intravenously once daily during 2 weeks in 6-hour infusions. prostacyclin was infused at rates of 2.5-5.0 ng/kg/min. statistically significant improvement appeared from the second day on in t ...20103067105
[use of prostacyclin in patients with ischemic stroke. a double-blind method ii].thirty patients with acute ischaemic stroke were allocated randomly into a group treated with prostacyclin and a group receiving placebo. the treatment was started 24 to 72 hours after the onset of stroke. prostacyclin sodium (wellcome, u.k. or chinoin, hpr) or its solvent (glycine buffer) were administered intravenously once daily during 2 weeks in 6-hour infusions. prostacyclin was infused at rates of 2.5-5.0 ng/kg/min. statistically significant improvement appeared from the second day on in t ...20103067105
anti-idiotypic antibodies: a new generation of vaccines against infectious agents.anti-idiotypic antibodies have been suggested recently as candidates for potential vaccines against numerous infectious organisms. these antibody-based vaccines might represent a new generation of vaccines for inducing protective immunity in susceptible hosts.20103153167
regulation of autoimmune disease physiological and important question is how the immune system can control the behavior of autoimmune effector lymphocytes. my colleagues and i have investigated this question in four models. three models of organ specific autoimmune diseases were studied using the specific autoimmune lines or clones of t lymphocytes functionally involved in the disease process. the fourth model was an anti-idiotypic network triggered spontaneously by autoantibodies. this article reviews the evidence indicating that healthy ind ...20102948901
mosquito breeding in water meter chambers. 20102863184
serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels in sarcoid arthritis.the serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (sace) level is elevated in 75% of patients with sarcoidosis and often is associated with disease activity. in an attempt to correlate the sace level with sarcoid arthritis, we did a retrospective chart review of 116 patients with sarcoidosis. of the 24 patients who complained of arthritis, five were excluded from the study because they were receiving corticosteroids, sace levels were not determined, or another cause for their arthritis was found. the mean ...20103002290
densities and sizes of the main masticatory muscles in computed tomography compared with clinical findings related to temporomandibular joint (tmj) dysfunction.computed tomography (ct) has a good resolution capacity and is an excellent method for measuring tissue densities. the aim here was to compare the densities and sizes of the main masticatory muscles, the masseter, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid muscles, as obtained with ct, with clinical findings in patients with tmj dysfunction (25) and controls (29). the densities of the masseter muscles and the medial pterygoid muscles showed no statistical difference between the patients and controls ...20103008236
[treatment of chronic cardiac decompensation in patients 70 years of age and older]. 20102976342
tardive dyskinesia. 20102892565
[biochemical aspect in cardiac ischemia--ischemic changes and reperfusion injury]. 20102838873
communicating leveled clinical expectations to nursing students.nurse educators agree on the need for objectives in the classroom situation and frequently communicate them in a written form. written expectations for clinical, however, are rarely given to student nurses prior to their clinical experience. clinical expectations are understood by instructors, but communicating them to students result in mixed interpretations. the article describes the development of a written method of communicating clinical expectations to solve this problem. this method corre ...20103035139
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) enhances the capacity of murine macrophages to secrete oxygen reduction products.the capacity of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) to enhance respiratory burst activity in peritoneal macrophages was measured. macrophages incubated for 48 hr or more with concentrated l cell-conditioned medium as a source of m-csf released two to three times as much o2- in response to pma as did unexposed macrophages. stimulation was noted at concentrations of colony-stimulating activity from 0.1 to 2000 u/ml and was maximal at 10 to 100 u/ml. purified, endotoxin-free csf enhanced s ...20102991376
post-translational processing of anglerfish islet somatostatin precursors.two distinct somatostatin precursors are synthesized in anglerfish (af) islets. in addition to a precursor which has somatostatin 14 (ss-14) as a c-terminal cleavage product, a precursor which contains at its c-terminus [tyr7, gly10] ss-14 as a potential cleavage product is also synthesized. however, even though an arg-lys pair is located immediately n-terminal to ala1 of the c-terminal tetradecapeptide, [tyr7, gly10]ss-14 was not found in significant amounts in extracts of af islets. instead, a ...20102863927
activation of a cytosolic serine protein kinase by epidermal growth factor.exposure of a-431 cells to epidermal growth factor (egf) results in a rapid enhancement (approximately 10-fold) of cytosolic serine protein kinase activity. the increase in serine kinase activity may be detected using a number of peptide and protein substrates. enhancement of kinase activity occurs within 1 min of exposure of the cells to egf and reaches a maximum in 5 min. similar results were obtained with a variety of cell lines. we have partially purified the egf-activated kinase from a-431 ...20102974035
fine needle aspiration cytology of recurrent ectopic meningioma.fine needle aspiration was performed on a recurrent extracranial meningioma in the left pterygomaxillary and temporal fossas in a 39-year-old woman. cytologic and electron microscopic study of the aspirate and comparison to the previously resected specimen proved the recurrent nature of the lesion. the cytologic and ultrastructural findings in meningiomas are discussed with special consideration of the differential diagnosis in extracranial sites.20102916374
nonionic contrast agents and coagulation.the chemotoxicity of nonionic and ionic contrast media is discussed with reference to chemical structure. second-generation nonionic contrast media have the lowest chemotoxicity of any agents because of the uniform distribution of hydrophilic groups around the molecule, which mask the hydrophobic iodine atoms. previous investigations show that second-generation nonionic agents have the same qualitative hematologic effects as other contrast agents. the less marked quantitative hematologic effects ...20103058638
metastatic melanoma to the epididymis suspected on preoperative ultrasound. 20103095399
three years' experience with an ileal low pressure bladder the beginning of this century it was realised that peristalsis would cause incontinence if bowel was used for augmentation or substitution of the bladder. trans-section of the antimesenteric border and cross-folding of the intestinal segments (goodwin's cup-patch technique) is an efficient means of solving this problem and has been successfully used in the kock pouch. we anastomosed the ileal low pressure reservoir to the membranous urethra in 22 male patients following radical cystoprostatec ...20102920259
acute leukemia with extramedullary presentation and mixed myeloid and lymphoid expression. 20103153242
comparison of the gastrointestinal side effects of naproxen formulated as plain tablets, enteric-coated tablets, or enteric-coated granules in capsules.we studied the gastrointestinal side effects of three formulations of naproxen in 18 healthy male volunteers. in a latin-square design crossover study, the subjects received 500 mg naproxen twice daily for 7 days as plain tablets, enteric-coated tablets, or enteric-coated granules in capsules. the 51cr-edta absorption test was performed before and at the end of each drug period, to evaluate changes in the distal gut. the test dose was instilled distally in the duodenum to prevent lesions in the ...20102814364
99mtc dimercaptosuccinic acid (dmsa) scan as first investigation of urinary tract infection.a total of 115 children under 5 years who presented with a first symptomatic urinary tract infection and who had a 99mtc dimercaptosuccinic acid (dmsa) scan were studied to assess its value and compare the findings with those of other imaging techniques. renal cortical defects were detected in 65 kidneys by dmsa scan, intravenous urogram, and ultrasound scan combined; 62 (95%) being seen on dmsa scan. the finding of reflux on micturating cystourethrography showed a highly significant correlation ...20102849382
concentrations of thioridazine and thioridazine metabolites in erythrocytes.the concentrations of thioridazine and its main metabolites in erythrocytes from 61 thioridazine-treated patients were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. the mean and range of the erythrocyte concentrations, expressed as percentage of the corresponding plasma concentrations, were: thioridazine, 5.1% (2.0-10.6); side-chain sulfoxide, 5.6% (1.6-10.4); side-chain sulfone, 3.3% (1.1-6.8); ring sulfoxide 2.7% (0.8-4.9). the erythrocyte and plasma concentrations were significantly correlated. th ...20103088651
lowering effect of pantethine on plasma beta-thromboglobulin and lipids in diabetes mellitus.pantethine in a dosage of 600 mg for the first 3 months, and in a dosage of 1200 mg for the second 6 months was given to 16 diabetics in whom plasma beta-thromboglobulin was raised (greater than 50 ng/ml). plasma beta-tg levels decreased significantly with pantethine treatment for 9 months. plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, apo e and apo cii levels decreased significantly after 9 months. plasma ldl-c and atherogenic index (ldl-c/hdl-c ratio or apo b/apo ai ratio) tended to decrease with tr ...20102963604
antiprotease capacity in acute pancreatitis.serial measurements of circulating antiproteases were carried out on 42 consecutive patients admitted with acute pancreatitis. in the 7 days following admission the serum levels of alpha 1 antitrypsin (alpha 1 at), alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (alpha 1 act) and the trypsin inhibitory capacity (tic) increased by more than 300 per cent. the serum concentration of alpha 2 macroglobulin (alpha 2 m) alone showed a decline which was most profound in those patients with severe acute pancreatitis. initial e ...20103768647
[risks in the development of hypertension]. 20103073295
fine-needle aspiration of inguinal lymph nodes in gynecologic practice.palpable inguinal lymph nodes are a common finding in gynecologic patients. assessment of such nodes is especially important in the clinical staging of pelvic cancers. to determine the accuracy, safety, and usefulness of fine-needle aspiration in this setting, we retrospectively reviewed pathologic and clinical data from 62 consecutive aspirates of inguinal lymph nodes in 48 gynecologic patients, of whom 42 had cancer. aspirates from 37 patients yielded diagnostic material. aspirated tumor cells ...20102911432
comparison of airway pathologic lesions after high-frequency jet or conventional ventilation.high-frequency jet ventilation in neonates has been associated with airway damage ranging from focal necrosis to complete airway obstruction with mucus and severe necrotizing tracheobronchitis. however, studies have lacked consistent criteria for assessment, and jet ventilation systems have varied widely. we compared autopsy and histopathologic findings in six neonates who died after prolonged jet ventilatory support with findings in six matched controls who died after receiving conventional ven ...20102916497
retroperitoneal ganglioneuroblastoma. report of a case diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology and electron microscopy.fine needle aspiration performed on a large retroperitoneal mass in a 12-year-old boy showed neuroblasts in different stages of maturation intermingled with ganglion cells, leading to a cytologic diagnosis of ganglioneuroblastoma. this diagnosis was supported by electron microscopic study of the aspirate, which showed features of neuroblastic differentiation, and by histologic study of the resected tumor.20102916373
antihypertensive therapy with once-daily administration of terazosin, a new alpha 1-adrenergic-receptor blocker.the antihypertensive activity of terazosin, an investigational alpha 1-adrenergic-receptor blocker, and its effect on blood lipids were compared with placebo in a double-blind study. after a 3-week placebo baseline period, patients were randomized to receive terazosin (n = 22) or placebo (n = 16). the dose of terazosin was titrated over 2 weeks to a maintenance dosage of 10 mg once daily for 4 weeks. antihypertensive efficacy was assessed: (1) at the end of the 24-hour dosing interval by compari ...20102866492
[regulation of gamma-glutamyltransferase activity and synthesis in animal tissues]. 20102876560
reduction of pituitary size by the somatostatin analogue sms 201-995 in a patient with an islet cell tumour secreting growth hormone releasing factor.acromegaly is rarely caused by the ectopic secretion of growth hormone releasing factor (grf) from peripheral neuroendocrine tumours. we evaluated the ability of a recently developed somatostatin analogue (sms 201-995, sandoz) to reduce hormone levels and pituitary size in a young woman with acromegaly and zollinger-ellison syndrome secondary to a metastatic pancreatic islet cell tumour secreting grf and gastrin. gastrin, grf, and growth hormone (gh) levels declined dramatically following the in ...20102876570
[arterial hypertension in the aged]. 20102876472
therapeutic approach to the vasculitic syndromes. 20102876378
relationship between anxiety and depression. 20102929781
[primary malignant tumors of the liver in childhood: ten-year experience at the national taiwan university hospital]. 20102840483
primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of urinary bladder.a case of primary signet-ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is described clinically and pathologically. in this rare neoplasm the characteristic cells contain large amounts of cytoplasmic mucin which compresses the nucleus to one side. this tumor demonstrates nicely the ability of bladder epithelium to undergo metaplasia. most previously described cases have pursued a relentlessly progressive and fatal course despite varied forms of therapy.20102834858
a possible pain control system in a non-mammalian vertebrate (a lizard, gekko gecko).in a lizard (gekko gecko) the anterograde tracer pha-l was microiontophoretically applied to the predominantly serotonergic nucleus raphes inferior. extensive spinal projections from the rostral magnocellular part of this nucleus were demonstrated to the superficial layers of the dorsal horn and to the intermediate zone, more sparsely to the ventral horn. but, in addition, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in and just below a periventricular cell group in tegmentum mesencephali, i.e. the l ...20102831478
unexpected sex-ratios in families of language/learning-impaired children.there is a well-documented propensity of males affected with developmental language/learning impairment. results from this study demonstrate, unexpectedly, that this sex-ratio difference of males to females with developmental language/learning disorders was found to occur significantly only in families with a language/learning-impaired mother. in addition, a remarkably aberrant offspring sex-ratio was found in families of language/learning-impaired children who had an affected mother, but not fa ...20092771037
[the results of an investigation of the various factors influencing the late patency ratio of coronary bypass grafting].the purpose of this communication was to find out the factors influencing the late patency ratio of coronary artery bypass grafts of 42 patients in our institution. the following results were obtained: 1. the size of the measured diameters of coronary arteries and the graft flow rates were correlated well to the late patency ratio (p less than 0.05). 2. the regular physical exercise trainings were significantly important to keep patent grafts (p less than 0.01). 3. in blood serum studies, serum ...20092786538
a photographic study of enamel defects among south australian school children.colour photographs were taken of the anterior teeth of 1757 consenting 8-9 year old primary school children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas of south australia. children with a lifelong exposure to fluoridated water were significantly more likely to have blemished permanent incisor teeth than the children who had never resided in a fluoridated area. children who resided in a non-fluoridated area but had taken fluoride supplements at some stage in their first five years had a prevalence o ...20092818303
the american society for clinical nutrition as an academic society. 20092756907
wound hematoma: prophylaxis with topical thrombin.we studied 123 patients having elective exploratory laparotomy through a midline vertical incision for gynecologic disease; patients were randomized to receive wound irrigation with either saline or topical thrombin before closure of the incision. seven patients were not evaluable. no patient received low-dose heparin therapy perioperatively. no patient in either group had a clinically significant wound hematoma or disruption. minor wound hematomas were more common in the saline group, a finding ...20092717986
changing the school system. 20092738019
[round table on the current status of vascular surgery]. 20092729653
recurrent anorexia nervosa in a hypercholesterolemic woman treated with exercise and diet modification. 20092725596
microvascular angina and panic disorder.recent cardiac studies have suggested that patients with chest pain and angiographically normal coronaries have "microvascular angina" (mva). in contrast, prior psychiatric studies have shown that some of these patients have panic disorder (pd). we compared the clinical and psychologic characteristics of fifteen patients with mva and fifteen patients with panic disorder (pd), and examined response to lactate infusion in a subgroup of mva patients. although 40 percent of mva patients met criteria ...20092698394
an 18-month survey of infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization, gamete and zygote intrafallopian transfer, and replacement of frozen-thawed 18-month survey of infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization (ivf) and related procedures at the centre for reproductive medicine of the vrije universiteit brussel is described. during this period, 1326 treatment cycles were started in patients with long-standing infertility and 1135 oocyte retrievals were performed in 771 different patients. ivf and embryo transfer (et) after laparoscopic (n = 793) or ultrasonically guided (n = 342) ovum pickup, gamete intrafallopian transfer (gift; n ...20092708873
[occupational diseases and their reporting]. 20092734931
[the place of provisional tissues in the histologic classification, used for pedagogical purposes]. 20092730350
[spontaneous dissection of the cervical internal carotid artery disclosed by migraine attack]. 20092660657
responses to ragweed-pollen nasal challenge before and after evaluate whether immunotherapy reduces mediator release after nasal challenge, we followed previously untreated patients with ragweed hay fever through 2 years (three seasons) of treatment. eleven adult patients started immunotherapy after a season of symptom diaries and graded pretreatment challenges with 0.03, 0.3, 3.3, and 16.5 mg of ragweed pollen. repeat challenges were performed when the treatment dosage reached 0.6, 12.4, and 24.8 micrograms of amb a i (antigen e) equivalents per injec ...20092668381
no association between post-transplant erythrocytosis, thromboembolic events, and cyclosporine therapy. 20092652691
[prognostication of the development of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the hip joint in dysplasia].examined were 184 children with dysplasia of the both hip joints and initial forms of a degenerative-dystrophic lesion. the roentgenologic signs of dysplasia of the hip joint, indicating the possible development of the degenerative-dystrophic lesion were established.20092632942
[opioid peptides and their possible physiological significance]. 20092839888
morphological characterization of the somatostatin-immunoreactive dendritic skin cells in urticaria pigmentosa patients by computerized image means of computerized image analysis, the somatostatin-immunoreactive epidermal and dermal dendritic cells of certain urticaria pigmentosa patients were characterized. the evidence obtained supported the concept that the epidermal cells correspond to the langerhans cells.20092860719
morphological characterization of the somatostatin-immunoreactive dendritic skin cells in urticaria pigmentosa patients by computerized image means of computerized image analysis, the somatostatin-immunoreactive epidermal and dermal dendritic cells of certain urticaria pigmentosa patients were characterized. the evidence obtained supported the concept that the epidermal cells correspond to the langerhans cells.20092860719
complications of cardiac catheterization and angiography in patients with valvular heart disease. va cooperative study on valvular heart disease.complications were surveyed prospectively in 2,029 catheterizations performed on 1,483 patients from the 13 centers participating in the va cooperative study on valvular heart disease. complications were reported in 6.9% of 1,559 preoperative procedures of which 2.6% were major and 0.2% fatal. clinical predictors of complications were hypertension and the precatheterization diagnosis of aortic stenosis. nevertheless, patients with aortic stenosis successfully tolerated left ventriculography, whi ...20092720763
renal lesions following viper bites--a study of 14 years. 20093759161
letter: comments on scabies. 20094852728
spontaneous intramural perforation of the esophagus: case report and review of the literature.a 47-year-old male suffered spontaneous intramural perforation of his esophagus following tracheostomy and nasogastric intubation. the reports of this unusual lesion in the literature are reviewed, and the characteristic radiographic and endoscopic features demonstrated.20092663466
[the role of tracking in the perception of objects, moving toward each other in a narrow vertical slit line].it has been shown by means of calculation and device modeling that the observed subjective pressure of two objects moving toward one another behind a narrow vertical slit corresponds to the pressure of objects retinal projections, induced in its turn by a slowed down tracing. 180e turn of one of the moving objects is also explained by tracing.20092765575
effect of a high-fat meal on the bioavailability of a polymer-coated erythromycin particle tablet formulation.the effect of food on the relative bioavailability of an erythromycin particles-in-tablet formulation was studied in 27 healthy volunteers, using a four-way, crossover study design with the following treatments: one or two erythromycin capsules usp (eryc, parke-davis), or one polymer-coated erythromycin particles-in-tablet (pce, abbott) administered fasting or with a high-fat meal. under fasting conditions the erythromycin particles-in-tablet and erythromycin capsule formulations are bioequivale ...20092708552
antihypertensive therapy: newer concepts and agents.major advances have taken place in recent years with respect to our understanding of hypertensive diseases, the mechanisms of action of other therapeutic agents, and the introduction of new classes of drugs. standard therapy today uses the basic of employing nonpharmacological modalities. thereafter a stepped-care program with pharmacological entities has been advocated using diuretic, antiadrenergic, and vasodilating agents. however, new modes of action have been introduced therapeutically duri ...20092866842
lorazepam as an adjunct in the treatment of auditory hallucinations in a schizophrenic patient. 20092794102
[nursing of a pessimistic patient facing a poor postoperative prognosis]. 20092761308
comparative dna reassociation kinetics of cranes. 20092775167
comparative dna reassociation kinetics of cranes. 20092775167
[coronarography using high-flow 5f catheters. percutaneous technic using the femoral and brachial routes].in order to validate 5f catheters for assessing ischemic heart disease either by the femoral and the right brachial approaches, we prospectively studied with these catheters 125 patients by means of left ventriculogram and coronary artery angiograms. twenty-five patients were studied with pigtail and amplatz catheters using the right brachial approach (group i) and 100 patients were studied by the femoral route with pigtail and judkins catheters (group ii). results were compared to those obtaine ...20092772365
nonunion of intercondylar eminence fracture of the unusual case of symptomatic nonunion of an intercondylar eminence fracture in an adult is presented. the nonunion was successfully treated using internal fixation and bone grafting.20093290508
epiretinal membranes and cystoid macular edema in gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina.a 26-year-old woman with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina and hyperornithinemia lost central visual acuity because of cystoid macular edema associated with epiretinal membrane formation. dietary manipulation over a 5-month interval reduced the plasma ornithine levels 37% but did not halt the progression of the gyrate atrophy nor influence the cystoid edema or visual acuity.20092772421
[70 years nursing school innsbruck]. 20092694061
"i listen--i forget: i read--i remember". information booklets for patients. 20092621073
cardiac transplant recipients with preoperative pulmonary hypertension. evolution of pulmonary hemodynamics and surgical options.among 48 consecutive patients with pretransplant pulmonary vascular resistance (pvr) greater than 4 wood units, 38 patients underwent orthotopic heart replacement (oht), and the remaining 10 received a graft in a heterotopic position (hht). the oht recipients were smaller (63 vs. 73 kg, p less than 0.05) and received a larger donor heart (donor-recipient, 109% vs. 79%, p less than 0.001) with a shorter graft ischemic time (108 vs. 139 minutes, p less than 0.05) than hht recipients, reflecting pa ...20092805309
cardiac transplant recipients with preoperative pulmonary hypertension. evolution of pulmonary hemodynamics and surgical options.among 48 consecutive patients with pretransplant pulmonary vascular resistance (pvr) greater than 4 wood units, 38 patients underwent orthotopic heart replacement (oht), and the remaining 10 received a graft in a heterotopic position (hht). the oht recipients were smaller (63 vs. 73 kg, p less than 0.05) and received a larger donor heart (donor-recipient, 109% vs. 79%, p less than 0.001) with a shorter graft ischemic time (108 vs. 139 minutes, p less than 0.05) than hht recipients, reflecting pa ...20092805309
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