
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
histochemical analyses of biliary development during metamorphosis of xenopus laevis mammalian liver development, intrahepatic biliary morphogenesis takes place in periportal, but not in pericentral, regions. liver progenitor cells transiently form epithelial plate structures and then intrahepatic bile ducts around the portal veins under the influence of the mesenchyme. the present study was undertaken to histochemically examine normal biliary development and its dependence on the action of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (t3) in xenopus laevis tadpoles. in these tadpole ...201525660701
microtubule-associated protein tau promotes neuronal class ii β-tubulin microtubule formation and axon elongation in embryonic xenopus laevis.compared with its roles in neurodegeneration, much less is known about microtubule-associated protein tau's normal functions in vivo, especially during development. the external development and ease of manipulating gene expression of xenopus laevis embryos make them especially useful for studying gene function during early development. to study tau's functions in axon outgrowth, we characterized the most prominent tau isoforms of xenopus embryos and manipulated their expression. none of these fo ...201525656701
cnrip1 is a regulator of eye and neural development in xenopus laevis.cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1 (cnrip1), which has been originally identified as the binding partner of cannabinoid receptor 1 (cnr1), is evolutionarily conserved throughout vertebrates, but its physiological function has been unknown. here, we identify a developmental role of cnrip1 using xenopus laevis embryos. during early embryogenesis, expression of xenopus laevis cnrip1 is highly restricted to the animal region of gastrulae where neural and eye induction occur, and afterward it ...201525652037
understanding early organogenesis using a simplified in situ hybridization protocol in xenopus.organogenesis is the study of how organs are specified and then acquire their specific shape and functions during development. the xenopuslaevis embryo is very useful for studying organogenesis because their large size makes them very suitable for identifying organs at the earliest steps in organogenesis. at this time, the primary method used for identifying a specific organ or primordium is whole mount in situ hybridization with labeled antisense rna probes specific to a gene that is expressed ...201525651461
long-range gap junctional signaling controls oncogene-mediated tumorigenesis in xenopus laevis addition to the immediate microenvironment, long-range signaling may be an important component of cancer. molecular-genetic analyses have implicated gap junctions-key mediators of cell-cell communication-in carcinogenesis. we recently showed that the resting voltage potential of distant cell groups is a key determinant of metastatic transformation and tumor induction. here, we show in the xenopus laevis model that gap junctional communication (gjc) is a modulator of the long-range bioelectric ...201425646081
involvement of histidine residue his382 in ph regulation of mct4 activity.monocarboxylate transporter 4 (mct4) is a ph-dependent bi-directional lactate transporter. transport of lactate via mct4 is increased by extracellular acidification. we investigated the critical histidine residue involved in ph regulation of mct4 function. transport of lactate via mct4 was measured by using a xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. mct4-mediated lactate transport was inhibited by zn2+ in a ph physiological condition but not in an acidic condition. the histidine modifier depc (d ...201425919709
enabling comparative gene expression studies of thyroid hormone action through the development of a flexible real-time quantitative pcr assay for use across multiple anuran indicator and sentinel species.studies performed across diverse frog species have made substantial contributions to our understanding of basic vertebrate development and the natural or anthropogenic environmental factors impacting sensitive life stages. because, anurans are developmental models, provide ecosystems services, and act as sentinels for the identification of environmental chemical contaminants that interfere with thyroid hormone (th) action during postembryonic development, there is demand for flexible assessment ...201424503578
molecular characterization and mrna expression of ribosomal protein l8 in rana nigromaculata during development and under exposure to xenopus laevis, some species of the rana genus are also used to study endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs). although ribosomal protein l8 (rpl8) is the most-used reference gene for analyzing gene expression by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in rana, its suitability as the reference gene has never been validated in any species of the rana genus. we characterized rpl8 cdna in rana nigromaculata, a promising native species in east asia for assaying endocrine disr ...201425458689
molecular characterization and developmental expression patterns of thyroid hormone receptors (trs) and their responsiveness to tr agonist and antagonist in rana nigromaculata.considering some advantages of rana nigromaculata as an experimental species, we propose that this species, like xenopus laevis, could be used to assay thyroid hormone (th) signaling disrupting actions. to validate the utilizability of r. nigromaculata, we investigated the responsiveness of r. nigromaculata to a th receptor (tr) agonist (t3) and antagonist (amiodarone) by analyzing expression, based on characterizing tr cdna and developmental expression patterns. with high levels of identity wit ...201425288553
cranial muscle development in frogs with different developmental modes: direct development versus biphasic development.normal development in anurans includes a free swimming larva that goes through metamorphosis to develop into the adult frog. we have investigated cranial muscle development and adult cranial muscle morphology in three different anuran species. xenopus laevis is obligate aquatic throughout lifetime, rana(lithobates) pipiens has an aquatic larvae and a terrestrial adult form, and eleutherodactylus coqui has direct developing juveniles that hatch from eggs deposited on leaves (terrestrial). the adu ...201424877162
commitment to nutritional endoderm in eleutherodactylus coqui involves altered nodal signaling and global transcriptional repression.the vegetal cells of a xenopus laevis embryo commit to mesendoderm via the nodal-signaling pathway. in the direct developing frog eleutherodactylus coqui, mesendoderm is specified at the marginal zone of the early gastrula, and vegetal core cells transform into nutritional endoderm. nutritional endoderm, a novel tissue, consists of transient, yolky cells that provide nutrition but remain undifferentiated. we report a dual regulation for the generation of nutritional endoderm. first, differential ...201424323742
effect of cytosolic ph on inward currents reveals structural characteristics of the proton transport cycle in the influenza a protein m2 in cell-free membrane patches of xenopus oocytes.transport activity through the mutant d44a of the m2 proton channel from influenza virus a was measured in excised inside-out macro-patches of xenopus laevis oocytes at cytosolic ph values of 5.5, 7.5 and 8.2. the current-voltage relationships reveal some peculiarities: 1. "transinhibition", i.e., instead of an increase of unidirectional outward current with increasing cytosolic h(+) concentration, a decrease of unidirectional inward current was found. 2. strong inward rectification. 3. exponent ...201425211283
expression of g proteins in the olfactory receptor neurons of the newt cynops pyrrhogaster: their unique projection into the olfactory bulbs.we analyzed the expression of g protein α subunits and the axonal projection into the brain in the olfactory system of the semiaquatic newt cynops pyrrhogaster by immunostaining with antibodies against gαolf and gαo , by in situ hybridization using probes for gαolf , gαo , and gαi2 , and by neuronal tracing with dii and dia. the main olfactory epithelium (oe) consists of two parts, the ventral oe and dorsal oe. in the ventral oe, the gαolf - and gαo -expressing neurons are located in the apical ...201424771457
the lateral line system in anuran tadpoles: neuromast morphology, arrangement, and innervation.anuran larvae have been classified into four morphological types which reflect intraordinal macroevolution. at present, complete characterizations of the lateral line system are only available for xenopus laevis (type i) and discoglossus pictus (type iii). we analyzed the morphology, arrangement, and innervation of neuromasts related to the anterodorsal and anteroventral lateral line nerves in 10 anuran species representing types i, ii, and iv with the aim of interpreting the existing variation ...201424863412
evolutionary innovation and conservation in the embryonic derivation of the vertebrate skull.development of the vertebrate skull has been studied intensively for more than 150 years, yet many essential features remain unresolved. one such feature is the extent to which embryonic derivation of individual bones is evolutionarily conserved or labile. we perform long-term fate mapping using gfp-transgenic axolotl and xenopus laevis to document the contribution of individual cranial neural crest streams to the osteocranium in these amphibians. here we show that the axolotl pattern is strikin ...201425434971
proteomic analysis of fibroblastema formation in regenerating hind limbs of xenopus laevis froglets and comparison to gain insight into what differences might restrict the capacity for limb regeneration in xenopus froglets, we used high performance liquid chromatography (hplc)/double mass spectrometry to characterize protein expression during fibroblastema formation in the amputated froglet hindlimb, and compared the results to those obtained previously for blastema formation in the axolotl limb.201425063185
ectopic blastema induction by nerve deviation and skin wounding: a new regeneration model in xenopus laevis.recently, the accessory limb model (alm) has become an alternative study system for limb regeneration studies in axolotls instead of using an amputated limb. alm progresses limb regeneration study in axolotls because of its advantages. to apply and/or to compare knowledge in axolotl alm studies to other vertebrates is a conceivable next step. first, xenopus laevis, an anuran amphibian, was investigated. a xenopus frog has hypomorphic regeneration ability. its regeneration ability has been consid ...201427499859
two different network topologies yield bistability in models of mesoderm and anterior mesendoderm specification in amphibians.understanding the gene regulatory networks (grns) that underlie development is a major question for systems biology. the establishment of the germ layers is amongst the earliest events of development and has been characterised in numerous model systems. the establishment of the mesoderm is best characterised in the frog xenopus laevis and has been well studied both experimentally and mathematically. however, the xenopus network has significant differences from that in mouse and humans, including ...201424650939
regulation of melanopsins and per1 by α -msh and melatonin in photosensitive xenopus laevis melanophores.α-msh and light exert a dispersing effect on pigment granules of xenopus laevis melanophores; however, the intracellular signaling pathways are different. melatonin, a hormone that functions as an internal signal of darkness for the organism, has opposite effects, aggregating the melanin granules. because light functions as an important synchronizing signal for circadian rhythms, we further investigated the effects of both hormones on genes related to the circadian system, namely, per1 (one of t ...201424959583
saprolegnia strains isolated from river insects and amphipods are broad spectrum pathogens.saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. however, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. here we demonstrate that saprolegnia spp. can have multiple h ...201424295914
reprint of: saprolegnia strains isolated from river insects and amphipods are broad spectrum pathogens.saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. however, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. here we demonstrate that saprolegnia spp. can have multiple h ...201425088072
expression analysis of integrin β1 isoforms during zebrafish embryonic development.integrins are a superfamily of the major metazoan receptors for cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion. integrins and their ligands play critical roles in a variety of fundamental cellular processes. integrins are heterodimeric cell surface glycoproteins comprised of non-covalently bound α- and β-subunits. a variety of integrin subunits have been identified in mouse, chicken, zebrafish, xenopus laevis and other vertebrates. in zebrafish multiple integrin β1 homologs have been identifie ...201425305346
the chicken left right organizer has nonmotile cilia which are lost in a stage-dependent manner in the talpid(3) ciliopathy.motile cilia are an essential component of the mouse, zebrafish, and xenopus laevis left right organizers, generating nodal flow and allowing the reception and transduction of mechanosensory signals. nonmotile primary cilia are also an important component of the left right organizer's chemosensory mechanism. it has been proposed in the chicken that signaling in hensen's node, the left right organizer of the chicken, is independent of cilia, based on a lack of evidence of motile cilia or nodal fl ...201424700455
phagocytosis by thrombocytes is a conserved innate immune mechanism in lower vertebrates.thrombocytes, nucleated hemostatic blood cells of non-mammalian vertebrates, are regarded as the functional equivalent of anucleated mammalian platelets. additional immune functions, including phagocytosis, have also been suggested for thrombocytes, but no conclusive molecular or cellular experimental evidence for their potential ingestion and clearance of infiltrating microbes has been provided till date. in the present study, we demonstrate the active phagocytic ability of thrombocytes in lowe ...201425278940
enthalpic consequences of reduced chloride binding in andean frog (telmatobius peruvianus) hemoglobin.based on the exothermic nature of heme oxygenation, the o2 affinity of hemoglobin (hb) decreases with increasing temperature, which may be physiologically advantageous in augmenting o2 unloading from blood in warm tissues with elevated metabolic rates. this negative oxygenation enthalpy (∆h (o)) may, however, become maladaptive, as in cold-tolerant ungulates where it may hamper o2 unloading in cold extremities and commonly is mitigated by an 'additional' chloride-binding site that decreases the ...201424677177
a single amino acid polymorphism in the drosophila melanogaster dα1 (als) subunit enhances neonicotinoid efficacy at dα1-chicken β2 hybrid nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes.polymorphisms are sometimes observed in native insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nachr) subunits, which are important insecticide targets, yet little is known of their impact on insecticide actions. here we investigated the effects of a polymorphism involving the substitution of histidine108 by leucine in the drosophila melanogaster dα1 subunit on the agonist actions of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ach) and two commercial neonicotinoid insecticides (imidacloprid and clothianidin). ...201425036948
actions of agonists, fipronil and ivermectin on the predominant in vivo splice and edit variant (rdlbd, i/v) of the drosophila gaba receptor expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes.ionotropic gaba receptors are the targets for several classes of insecticides. one of the most widely-studied insect gaba receptors is rdl (resistance to dieldrin), originally isolated from drosophila melanogaster. rdl undergoes alternative splicing and rna editing, which influence the potency of gaba. most work has focussed on minority isoforms. here, we report the first characterisation of the predominant native splice variant and rna edit, combining functional characterisation with molecular ...201424823815
evolutionary diversification of mcm3 genes in xenopus laevis and danio rerio.embryonic cell cycles of amphibians are rapid and lack zygotic transcription and checkpoint control. at the mid-blastula transition, zygotic transcription is initiated and cell divisions become asynchronous. several cell cycle-related amphibian genes retain 2 distinct forms, maternal and zygotic, but little is known about the functional differences between these 2 forms of proteins. the minichromosome maintenance (mcm) 2-7 complex, consisting of 6 mcm proteins, plays a central role in the regula ...201425485507
noggin expression in the adult retina suggests a conserved role during vertebrate evolution.vertebrates share common mechanisms in the control of development and in the maintenance of neural and retinal function. the secreted factor noggin, a bmp inhibitor, plays a crucial role in neural induction during embryonic development. moreover, we have shown its involvement in retinal differentiation of pluripotent cells. here we show noggin expression in the adult retina in three vertebrate species. four noggin genes are present in zebrafish (danio rerio; zbnog1, 2, 3, 5), three in frog (xeno ...201424752827
organophosphate pesticides induce morphological abnormalities and decrease locomotor activity and heart rate in danio rerio and xenopus laevis.organophosphate pesticides (ops), a class of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, are used widely in agriculture to reduce insect populations. because of the conservation of acetylcholinesterase between invertebrates and vertebrates, ops also can adversely affect nontarget species, such as aquatic and terrestrial animals. this study used uniform conditions to analyze the morphological and physiological effects caused by developmental exposure to 3 commonly used ops-chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, and diaz ...201424677261
effect of light on expression of clock genes in xenopus laevis melanophores.light-dark cycles are considered important cues to entrain biological clocks. a feedback loop of clock gene transcription and translation is the molecular basis underlying the mechanism of both central and peripheral clocks. xenopus laevis embryonic melanophores respond to light with melanin granule dispersion, response possibly mediated by the photopigment melanopsin. to test whether light modulates clock gene expression in xenopus melanophores, we used qpcr to evaluate the relative mrna levels ...201424438110
balbiani body, nuage and sponge bodies--term plasm pathway many animal species, germ cells are specified by maternally provided, often asymmetrically localized germ cell determinant, termed the germ plasm. it has been shown that in model organisms such as xenopus laevis, danio rerio and drosophila melanogaster germ plasm components (various proteins, mrnas and mitochondria) are delivered to the proper position within the egg cell by germline specific organelles, i.e. balbiani bodies, nuage accumulations and/or sponge bodies. in the present article, w ...201424398038
in silico analysis of the conservation of human toxicity and endocrine disruption targets in aquatic species.pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals, both in the environment and in research settings, commonly interact with aquatic vertebrates. due to their short life-cycles and the traits that can be generalized to other organisms, fish and amphibians are attractive models for the evaluation of toxicity caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) and adverse drug reactions. edcs, such as pharmaceuticals or plasticizers, alter the normal function of the endocrine system and pose a significant hazar ...201424392850
an unconventional secretory pathway mediates the cilia targeting of peripherin/ is unclear how unconventional secretion interplays with conventional secretion for the normal maintenance and renewal of membrane structures. the photoreceptor sensory cilium is recognized for fast membrane renewal, for which rhodopsin and peripherin/rds (p/rds) play critical roles. here, we provide evidence that p/rds is targeted to the cilia by an unconventional secretion pathway. when expressed in ciliated htert-rpe1 human cell line, p/rd is localized to cilia. cilium trafficking of p/rds ...201424431457
a domain-based approach for analyzing the function of aluminum-activated malate transporters from wheat (triticum aestivum) and arabidopsis thaliana in xenopus oocytes.wheat and arabidopsis plants respond to aluminum (al) ions by releasing malate from their root apices via al-activated malate transporter. malate anions bind with the toxic al ions and contribute to the al tolerance of these species. the genes encoding the transporters in wheat and arabidopsis, taalmt1 and atalmt1, respectively, were expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes and characterized electrophysiologically using the two-electrode voltage clamp system. the al-activated currents generated by ma ...201425311199
cpk13, a noncanonical ca2+-dependent protein kinase, specifically inhibits kat2 and kat1 shaker k+ channels and reduces stomatal (+)-dependent protein kinases (cpks) form a large family of 34 genes in arabidopsis (arabidopsis thaliana). based on their dependence on ca(2+), cpks can be sorted into three types: strictly ca(2+)-dependent cpks, ca(2+)-stimulated cpks (with a significant basal activity in the absence of ca(2+)), and essentially calcium-insensitive cpks. here, we report on the third type of cpk, cpk13, which is expressed in guard cells but whose role is still unknown. we confirm the expression of cpk13 in ...201425037208
the novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide fluralaner: selective inhibition of arthropod γ-aminobutyric acid- and l-glutamate-gated chloride channels and insecticidal/acaricidal activity.isoxazolines are a novel class of parasiticides that are potent inhibitors of γ-aminobutyric acid (gaba)-gated chloride channels (gabacls) and l-glutamate-gated chloride channels (glucls). in this study, the effects of the isoxazoline drug fluralaner on insect and acarid gabacl (rdl) and glucl and its parasiticidal potency were investigated. we report the identification and cdna cloning of rhipicephalus (r.) microplus rdl and glucl genes, and their functional expression in xenopus laevis oocytes ...201424365472
members of the npf3 transporter subfamily encode pathogen-inducible nitrate/nitrite transporters in grapevine and arabidopsis.vitis vinifera, the major grapevine species cultivated for wine production, is very susceptible to erysiphe necator, the causal agent of powdery mildew (pm). this obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen attacks both leaf and berry, greatly affecting yield and quality. to investigate possible mechanisms of nutrient acquisition by successful biotrophs, we characterized a candidate nitrate transporter1/peptide transporter family (npf, formerly nrt1/ptr) member, grapevine nfp3.2, that was up-regulated i ...201424259683
evolutionary trend for metamery reduction and gonad shortening in anurans revealed by comparison of gonad development.the gonads develop as the metameric mesodermal structures at the ventral surface of the mesonephroi. to study the evolutionary trends for anuran gonads, we performed comparative analysis of three species from the basal paraphyletic group - archaeobatrachia (bombina bombina, xenopus laevis, pelobates fuscus) and five species from more derived monophyletic neobatrachia group (hyla arborea, bufotes viridis, rana dalmatina, rana arvalis, rana temporaria). light and scanning electron microscopy analy ...201426154333
exon 3 splicing and mutagenesis identify residues influencing cell surface density of heterologously expressed silkworm (bombyx mori) glutamate-gated chloride channels.glutamate-gated chloride channels (glucls) mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission in invertebrate nervous systems. insect glucls show alternative splicing, and, to determine its impact on channel function and pharmacology, we isolated glucl cdnas from larvae of the silkworm (bombyx mori). we show that six b. mori glutamate-gated chloride channel variants are generated by splicing in exons 3 and 9 and that exons 3b and 3c are common in the brain and third thoracic ganglion. when expressed in x ...201425261427
glucl a target of indole alkaloid okaramines: a 25 year enigma 1989, indole alkaloid okaramines isolated from the fermentation products of penicillium simplicissimum were shown to be insecticidal, yet the mechanism of their toxicity to insects remains unknown. we therefore examined the action of okaramine b on silkworm larval neurons using patch-clamp electrophysiology. okaramine b induced inward currents which reversed close to the chloride equilibrium potential and were blocked by fipronil. thus it was tested on the silkworm rdl (resistant-to-dieldrin) ...201425155752
sbhkt1;4, a member of the high-affinity potassium transporter gene family from sorghum bicolor, functions to maintain optimal na⁺ /k⁺ balance under na⁺ halophytic plants, the high-affinity potassium transporter hkt gene family can selectively uptake k⁺ in the presence of toxic concentrations of na⁺. this has so far not been well examined in glycophytic crops. here, we report the characterization of sbhkt1;4, a member of the hkt gene family from sorghum bicolor. upon na⁺ stress, sbhkt1;4 expression was more strongly upregulated in salt-tolerant sorghum accession, correlating with a better balanced na⁺ /k⁺ ratio and enhanced plant growth. hete ...201424325391
host-defense peptides from skin secretions of the octoploid frogs xenopus vestitus and xenopus wittei (pipidae): insights into evolutionary relationships.the primary structures of host-defense peptides have proved useful in elucidating the evolution history of frogs. peptidomic analysis was used to compare the diversity of host-defense peptides in norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions from the octoploid frogs, xenopus vestitus (kivu clawed frog) and xenopus wittei (de witte's clawed frog) in the family pipidae. structural characterization demonstrated that the x. vestitus peptides belong to the magainin (3 peptides), peptide glycine-leucine-a ...201425086320
the morphology and attachment of protopolystoma xenopodis (monogenea: polystomatidae) infecting the african clawed frog xenopus laevis.the african clawed frog xenopus laevis (anura: pipidae) is host to more than 25 parasite genera encompassing most of the parasitic invertebrate groups. protopolystoma xenopodis price, 1943 (monogenea: polystomatidae) is one of two monogeneans infecting x. laevis. this study focussed on the external morphology of different developmental stages using scanning electron microscopy, histology and light microscopy. eggs are released continuously and are washed out when the frog urinates. after success ...201424823278
phylogenetic analysis and positive-selection site detecting of vascular endothelial growth factor family in vertebrates.vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf), known to play an important role in vascular homeostasis, vascular integrity and angiogenesis, is little known about the evolutionary relationship of its five members especially the role of gene duplication and natural selection in the evolution of the vegf family. in this study, seventy-five full-length cdna sequences from 33 vertebrate species were extracted from the ncbi's genbank, uniprot protein database and the ensembl database. by phylogenetic ana ...201424200960
molecular cloning, characterization and functional assessment of the myosin light polypeptide chain 2 (mylz2) promoter of farmed carp, labeo rohita.we cloned the 5'-flanking region (1.2 kb) of a muscle-specific gene, encoding myosin light chain 2 polypeptide (mylz2) of a farmed carp, labeo rohita (rohu). sequence analysis using transfac-database search identified the consensus cis acting regulatory elements of tata-box and e (canntg)-box, including the monocyte enhancer factor 2 motif, implying that it is likely to be a functional promoter. the proximal promoter (~620 bp) was highly homologous with that of danio rerio (zebrafish) as compare ...201424740361
characterization of the distal-less gene homologue, nldll, in the brown planthopper, nilaparvata lugens (stål).the brown planthopper, nilaparvata lugens (stål), is a globally devastating insect pest of rice, particularly in eastern asia. distal-less or dll is a highly conserved and well studied transcription factor required for limb formation in invertebrates and vertebrates. we have identified a homologue of this gene, nldll, and demonstrated that it is expressed in all life stages of n. lugens, particularly in adult brachypterous females. when we compared between specific adult tissues it was expressed ...201424321689
erythrocyte lysis and xenopus laevis oocyte rupture by recombinant plasmodium falciparum hemolysin iii.malaria kills more than 1 million people per year worldwide, with severe malaria anemia accounting for the majority of the deaths. malaria anemia is multifactorial in etiology, including infected erythrocyte destruction and decrease in erythrocyte production, as well as destruction or clearance of noninfected erythrocytes. we identified a panspecies plasmodium hemolysin type iii related to bacterial hemolysins. the identification of a hemolysin iii homologue in plasmodium suggests a potential ro ...201425148832
chlorpheniramine analogues reverse chloroquine resistance in plasmodium falciparum by inhibiting pfcrt.the emergence and spread of malaria parasites that are resistant to chloroquine (cq) has been a disaster for world health. the antihistamine chlorpheniramine (cp) partially resensitizes cq-resistant (cqr) parasites to cq but possesses little intrinsic antiplasmodial activity. mutations in the parasite's cq resistance transporter (pfcrt) confer resistance to cq by enabling the protein to transport the drug away from its site of action, and it is thought that resistance-reversers such as cp exert ...201424900883
diverse mutational pathways converge on saturable chloroquine transport via the malaria parasite's chloroquine resistance transporter.mutations in the chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt) are the primary determinant of chloroquine (cq) resistance in the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum. a number of distinct pfcrt haplotypes, containing between 4 and 10 mutations, have given rise to cq resistance in different parts of the world. here we present a detailed molecular analysis of the number of mutations (and the order of addition) required to confer cq transport activity upon the pfcrt as well as a kinetic characteriza ...201424728833
quinine dimers are potent inhibitors of the plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter and are active against quinoline-resistant p. falciparum.chloroquine (cq) resistance in the human malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum is primarily conferred by mutations in the "chloroquine resistance transporter" (pfcrt). the resistance-conferring form of pfcrt (pfcrt(cqr)) mediates cq resistance by effluxing the drug from the parasite's digestive vacuole, the acidic compartment in which cq exerts its antiplasmodial effect. pfcrt(cqr) can also decrease the parasite's susceptibility to other quinoline drugs, including the current antimalarials quin ...201424369685
functional characterization of the trypanosome translational repressor scd6.the storage of translationally inactive mrnas in cytosolic granules enables cells to react flexibly to environmental changes. in eukaryotes, scd6 (suppressor of clathrin deficiency 6)/rap55 (rna-associated protein 55), a member of the lsm14 (like-sm14) family, is an important factor in the formation and activity of p-bodies, where mrna decay factors accumulate, in stress granules that store mrnas under adverse conditions and in granules that store developmentally regulated mrnas. scd6 from trypa ...201424087925
requirements for 5'drp/ap lyase activity in ku.the non-homologous end joining (nhej) pathway is used in diverse species to repair chromosome breaks, and is defined in part by a requirement for ku. we previously demonstrated mammalian ku has intrinsic 5' deoxyribosephosphate (5'drp) and apurinic/apyrimidinic (ap) lyase activity, and showed this activity is important for excising abasic site damage from ends. here we employ systematic mutagenesis to clarify the protein requirements for this activity. we identify lysine 31 in the 70 kd subunit ...201425200085
the na(+) transporter, tahkt1;5-d, limits shoot na(+) accumulation in bread wheat.bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.) has a major salt tolerance locus, kna1, responsible for the maintenance of a high cytosolic k(+) /na(+) ratio in the leaves of salt stressed plants. the kna1 locus encompasses a large dna fragment, the distal 14% of chromosome 4dl. limited recombination has been observed at this locus making it difficult to map genetically and identify the causal gene. here, we decipher the function of tahkt1;5-d, a candidate gene underlying the kna1 locus. transport studies us ...201425158883
trypanosoma brucei eflornithine transporter aat6 is a low-affinity low-selective transporter for neutral amino acids.amino acid transporters are crucial for parasite survival since the cellular metabolism of parasitic protozoa depends on the up-take of exogenous amino acids. amino acid transporters are also of high pharmacological relevance because they may mediate uptake of toxic amino acid analogues. in the present study we show that the eflornithine transporter aat6 from trypanosoma brucei (tbaat6) mediates growth on neutral amino acids when expressed in saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants. the transport was e ...201424988048
changes in acetyl coa levels during the early embryonic development of xenopus laevis.coenzyme a (coa) is a ubiquitous and fundamental intracellular cofactor. coa acts as a carrier of metabolically important carboxylic acids in the form of coa thioesters and is an obligatory component of a multitude of catabolic and anabolic reactions. acetyl coa is a coa thioester derived from catabolism of all major carbon fuels. this metabolite is at a metabolic crossroads, either being further metabolised as an energy source or used as a building block for biosynthesis of lipids and cholester ...201424831956
a new set of highly efficient, tag-cleaving proteases for purifying recombinant proteins.engineered protein tags that confer specific binding to standardized affinity resins have revolutionized recombinant protein purification. ideally, these tags should, however, be removed during or following purification to restore an authentic n-terminus. we introduce here a new set of proteases and corresponding protease recognition modules that are optimally suited for this purpose: a sumo-specific and a nedd8-specific protease from brachypodium distachyon (bdsenp1 and bdnedp1), the nedp1 prot ...201424636565
teratogenic effects of organic extracts from the pearl river sediments on xenopus laevis embryos.toxicity of organic extracts from the pearl river sediments was investigated with xenopus laevis embryos. the effects of sediment organic extracts on the mortality, body length and malformation of x. laevis embryos were tested by the frog embryo teratogenesis assay-xenopus (fetax). the 96-h lc₅₀ values for x. laevis embryos ranged from 62 to 137 g/l (g extracted sediment per l), and the toxicity effect on body length of larvae was not significant under 20 g/l. however, the teratogenic effects pr ...201424361698
the 5' untranslated region of the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 mrna enables cap-independent translation initiation.the human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-1) is a complex human retrovirus that causes adult t cell leukemia and of htlv-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. the mrna of some complex retroviruses, including the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (hiv and siv), can initiate translation using a canonical cap-dependent mechanism or through an internal ribosome entry site (ires). in this study, we present strong evidence showing that like hiv-1 and siv, the 5'-untranslated r ...201424623421
comparative pharmacology of flatworm and roundworm glutamate-gated chloride channels: implications for potential anthelmintics.pharmacological targeting of glutamate-gated chloride channels (glucls) is a potent anthelmintic strategy, evidenced by macrocyclic lactones that eliminate numerous roundworm infections by activating roundworm glucls. given the recent identification of flatworm glucls and the urgent need for drugs against schistosomiasis, flatworm glucls should be evaluated as potential anthelmintic targets. this study sought to identify agonists or modulators of one such glucl, smglucl-2 from the parasitic flat ...201425516835
opposing effects of the anesthetic propofol at pentameric ligand-gated ion channels mediated by a common site.propofol is an intravenous general anesthetic that alters neuronal excitability by modulating agonist responses of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (plgics). evidence suggests that propofol enhancement of anion-selective plgics is mediated by a binding site between adjacent subunits, whereas propofol inhibition of cation-selective plgics occurs via a binding site contained within helices m1-m4 of individual subunits. we considered this idea by testing propofol modulation of homomeric human g ...201424501356
proteome compression via protein domain this paper, we study domain compositions of proteins via compression of whole proteins in an organism for the sake of obtaining the entropy that the individual contains. we suppose that a protein is a multiset of domains. since gene duplication and fusion have occurred through evolutionary processes, the same domains and the same compositions of domains appear in multiple proteins, which enables us to compress a proteome by using references to proteins for duplicated and fused proteins. such ...201424486717
evolution of nonclassical mhc-dependent invariant t cells.tcr-mediated specific recognition of antigenic peptides in the context of classical mhc molecules is a cornerstone of adaptive immunity of jawed vertebrate. ancillary to these interactions, the t cell repertoire also includes unconventional t cells that recognize endogenous and/or exogenous antigens in a classical mhc-unrestricted manner. among these, the mammalian nonclassical mhc class i-restricted invariant t cell (it) subsets, such as inkt and mait cells, are now believed to be integral to i ...201425117267
family of prokaryote cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels.cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels are molecular pores that mediate the passage of ions across the cell membrane in response to camp or gmp. structural insight into this class of ion channels currently comes from a related homolog, mlok1, that contains six transmembrane domains and a cytoplasmic cyclic nucleotide binding domain. however, unlike eukaryote hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-modulated (hcn) and cyclic nucleotide-gated (cng) channels, mlok1 lacks a c-linker region, ...201424821777
inflammation-induced reactivation of the ranavirus frog virus 3 in asymptomatic xenopus laevis.natural infections of ectothermic vertebrates by ranaviruses (rv, family iridoviridae) are rapidly increasing, with an alarming expansion of rv tropism and resulting die-offs of numerous animal populations. notably, infection studies of the amphibian xenopus laevis with the ranavirus frog virus 3 (fv3) have revealed that although the adult frog immune system is efficient at controlling rv infections, residual quiescent virus can be detected in mononuclear phagocytes of otherwise asymptomatic ani ...201425390636
negative effects of low dose atrazine exposure on the development of effective immunity to fv3 in xenopus laevis.the recent dramatic increase of the prevalence and range of amphibian host species and populations infected by ranaviruses such as frog virus 3 (fv3) raises concerns about the efficacies of amphibian antiviral immunity. in this context, the potential negative effects of water contaminants such as the herbicide atrazine, at environmentally relevant levels, on host antiviral immunity remains unclear. here we describe the use of the amphibian xenopus laevis as an ecotoxicology platform to elucidate ...201424984115
the amphibian (xenopus laevis) type i interferon response to frog virus 3: new insight into ranavirus pathogenicity.the increasing prevalence of ranavirus (rv; iridoviridae) infections of wild and commercially maintained aquatic species is raising considerable concerns. while xenopus laevis is the leading model for studies of immunity to rv, amphibian antiviral interferon (ifn) responses remain largely uncharacterized. accordingly, an x. laevis type i interferon was identified, the expression of the gene for this ifn was examined in rv (frog virus 3 [fv3])-infected tadpoles and adult frogs by quantitative pcr ...201424623410
identification, immunolocalization, and immunological characterization of nitric oxide synthase-interacting protein from clonorchis sinensis.recently, accumulating evidences indicate that nitric oxide (no) is a potent mediator with diverse roles in regulating cellular functions, signaling pathways, and variety of pathological processes. in the present study, using data from the published genomic for clonorchis sinensis (c. sinensis), we investigated a gene encoding nitric oxide synthase-interacting protein (nosip) of c. sinensis. recombinant csnosip (rcsnosip) was expressed and purified from escherichia coli bl21. the open reading fr ...201424604383
inhibition of local immune responses by the frog-killing fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.amphibians are suffering unprecedented global declines. a leading cause is the infectious disease chytridiomycosis caused by the chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. chytridiomycosis is a skin disease which disrupts transport of essential ions leading to death. soluble factors produced by b. dendrobatidis impair amphibian and mammalian lymphocytes in vitro, but previous studies have not shown the effects of these inhibitory factors in vivo. to demonstrate in vivo inhibition of immunity ...201425156734
host-defense peptides from skin secretions of fraser's clawed frog xenopus fraseri (pipidae): further insight into the evolutionary history of the xenopodinae.peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of the tetraploid frog xenopus fraseri boulenger, 1905 (pipidae) led to identification of 13 host-defense peptides. the primary structures of the peptides demonstrate that they belong to the magainin (3 peptides), peptide glycine-leucine-amide, pgla (4 peptides), and xenopsin-precursor fragment, xpf (2 peptides) families, first identified in xenopus laevis, together with caerulein precursor fragment-related peptides, cpf-rp (4 pept ...201425463057
[optimization of coding sequences and expression of antimicrobial peptide magainin ii in escherichia coli and pichia pastoris].the antimicrobial peptide magainin ii is expressed in the skin of the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis, and exhibits a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity as well as tumoricidal properties at low concentrations. in addition, magaininii plays a synergistic role during antimicrobial and tumoricidal processes with another antimicrobial peptide pgla that is also expressed in xenopus laevis. the optimized cdna sequence of magainin ii and magainin ii-pgla hybrid peptide according to e. coli or ...201425195251
magainin 2 induces bacterial cell death showing apoptotic properties.magainin 2 is pore-forming antimicrobial peptide on lipid matrix of bacterial membrane, secreted from the skin of the african clawed frog xenopus laevis. the aim of this study was to investigate a new concept for antibacterial mechanisms called bacterial apoptosis-like cell death. we examined the morphological changes induced by magainin 2 in escherichia coli, regarding apoptosis. specifically, phosphatidylserine externalization from the inner to outer membrane surface was detected by annexin v ...201425023640
isolation and characterization of xenopus soluble epoxide hydrolase.soluble epoxide hydrolase (seh) contributes to cell growth, but the contribution of seh to embryonic development is not well understood. in this study, xenopus seh cdna was isolated from embryos of xenopus laevis. the xenopus seh was expressed in escherichia coli and was purified. the epoxide hydrolase and phosphatase activities of purified seh were investigated. the xenopus seh did not show phosphatase activity toward 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate or several lysophosphatidic acids although it ...201424681163
mechanisms of amphibian macrophage development: characterization of the xenopus laevis colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor.macrophage-lineage cells are indispensable to vertebrate homeostasis and immunity. in turn, macrophage development is largely regulated through colony-stimulating factor-1 (csf1) binding to its cognate receptor (csf1r). to study amphibian monopoiesis, we identified and characterized the x. laevis csf1r cdna transcript. quantitative analysis revealed that csf1r tissue gene expression increased with x. laevis development, with greatest transcript levels detected in the adult lung, spleen and liver ...201426154317
characterization of the ca2+-gated and voltage-dependent k+-channel slo-1 of nematodes and its interaction with emodepside.the cyclooctadepsipeptide emodepside and its parent compound pf1022a are broad-spectrum nematicidal drugs which are able to eliminate nematodes resistant to other anthelmintics. the mode of action of cyclooctadepsipeptides is only partially understood, but involves the latrophilin lat-1 receptor and the voltage- and calcium-activated potassium channel slo-1. genetic evidence suggests that emodepside exerts its anthelmintic activity predominantly through slo-1. indeed, slo-1 deficient caenorhabdi ...201425521608
antennal-expressed ammonium transporters in the malaria vector mosquito anopheles gambiae.the principal afrotropical malaria vector mosquito, anopheles gambiae remains a significant threat to human health. in this anthropophagic species, females detect and respond to a range of human-derived volatile kairomones such as ammonia, lactic acid, and other carboxylic acids in their quest for blood meals. while the molecular underpinnings of mosquito olfaction and host seeking are becoming better understood, many questions remain unanswered. in this study, we have identified and characteriz ...201425360676
ltr retroelements are intrinsic components of transcriptional networks in frogs.ltr retroelements (ltr res) constitute a major group of transposable elements widely distributed in eukaryotic genomes. through their own mechanism of retrotranscription ltr res enrich the genomic landscape by providing genetic variability, thus contributing to genome structure and organization. nonetheless, transcriptomic activity of ltr res still remains an obscure domain within cell, developmental, and organism biology.201425056159
structural requirements in the transmembrane domain of glic revealed by incorporation of noncanonical histidine analogs.the cyanobacterial pentameric ligand-gated ion channel glic, a homolog of the cys-loop receptor superfamily, has provided useful structural and functional information about its eukaryotic counterparts. x-ray diffraction data and site-directed mutagenesis have previously implicated a transmembrane histidine residue (his234) as essential for channel function. here, we investigated the role of his234 via synthesis and incorporation of histidine analogs and α-hydroxy acids using in vivo nonsense sup ...201425525989
distinct features of cap binding by eif4e1b proteins.eif4e1b, closely related to the canonical translation initiation factor 4e (eif4e1a), cap-binding protein is highly expressed in mouse, xenopus and zebrafish oocytes. we have previously characterized eif4e1b as a component of the cpeb mrnp translation repressor complex along with the eif4e-binding protein 4e-transporter, the xp54/ddx6 rna helicase and additional rna-binding proteins. eif4e1b exhibited only very weak interactions with m(7)gtp-sepharose and, rather than binding eif4g, interacted w ...201425463438
the xenopus alcohol dehydrogenase gene family: characterization and comparative analysis incorporating amphibian and reptilian genomes.the alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) gene family uniquely illustrates the concept of enzymogenesis. in vertebrates, tandem duplications gave rise to a multiplicity of forms that have been classified in eight enzyme classes, according to primary structure and function. some of these classes appear to be exclusive of particular organisms, such as the frog adh8, a unique nadp+-dependent adh enzyme. this work describes the adh system of xenopus, as a model organism, and explores the first amphibian and r ...201424649825
an isoprenylation and palmitoylation motif promotes intraluminal vesicle delivery of proteins in cells from distant species.the c-terminal ends of small gtpases contain hypervariable sequences which may be posttranslationally modified by defined lipid moieties. the diverse structural motifs generated direct proteins towards specific cellular membranes or organelles. however, knowledge on the factors that determine these selective associations is limited. here we show, using advanced microscopy, that the isoprenylation and palmitoylation motif of human rhob (-cincckvl) targets chimeric proteins to intraluminal vesicle ...201425207810
rna-binding protein vg1rbp regulates terminal arbor formation but not long-range axon navigation in the developing visual system.local synthesis of β-actin is required for attractive turning responses to guidance cues of growth cones in vitro but its functional role in axon guidance in vivo is poorly understood. the transport and translation of β-actin mrna is regulated by the rna-binding protein, vg1rbp (zipcode-binding protein-1). to examine whether vg1rbp plays a role in axon navigation in vivo, we disrupted vg1rbp function in embryonic xenopus laevis retinal ganglion cells by expressing a dominant-negative vg1rbp and ...201423853158
preparation of developing xenopus muscle for sarcomeric protein localization by high-resolution imaging.mutations in several sarcomeric proteins have been linked to various human myopathies. therefore, having an in vivo developmental model available that develops quickly and efficiently is key for investigators to elucidate the critical steps, components and signaling pathways involved in building a myofibril; this is the pivotal foundation for deciphering disease mechanisms as well as the development of myopathy-related therapeutics. although striated muscle cell culture studies have been extreme ...201423806641
effects of tributyltin on metamorphosis and gonadal differentiation of xenopus laevis at environmentally relevant concentrations.tributyltin (tbt), a well known endocrine disruptor, has high teratogenicity to embryos of amphibian (xenopus tropicalis). an amphibian metamorphosis assay (ama) and a complete ama (cama) were conducted for tbt. in ama, the body weight, the snout-to-vent length and the hind limb length of x. laevis tadpoles were decreased in tributyltin chloride (tbtcl; 12.5-200 ng/l) treatment groups after 7 days exposure. tbt greatly retarded the development of tadpoles, decreased the number of follicle and in ...201422903176
allosteric modulation of alpha4beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by hepes.a number of new positive allosteric modulators (pams) have been reported that enhance responses of neuronal alpha7 and alpha4beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes to orthosteric ligands. pams represent promising new leads for the development of therapeutic agents for disorders involving alterations in nicotinic neurotransmission including autism, alzheimer's and parkinson's disease. during our recent studies of alpha4beta2 pams, we identified a novel effect of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-pipe ...201422732654
cellular and molecular targets of benzo[a]pyrene and metal toxicity in xenopus laevis embryos and in hep g2 cells.this paper describes the use of two in vitro systems (stage 35 xenopus laevis embryos and the human hepatoblastoma cell line, hep g2) to study effects of some environmental contaminants (benzo[a]pyrene, copper and zinc), which are representative of chemicals with different cell targets and mechanisms of action. the ability to activate benzo[a[pyrene and to metabolise it with the cytochrome p4501a isozyme were demonstrated in both in vitro systems by assessing the formation of water-soluble and p ...201425470671
functional properties of human ferroportin, a cellular iron exporter reactive also with cobalt and zinc.iron homeostasis is achieved by regulating the intestinal absorption of the metal and its recycling by macrophages. iron export from enterocytes or macrophages to blood plasma is thought to be mediated by ferroportin under the control of hepcidin. although ferroportin was identified over a decade ago, little is understood about how it works. we expressed in xenopus oocytes a human ferroportin-enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion protein and observed using confocal microscopy its exclusive p ...201424304836
restriction of the xenopus deadsouth mrna to the primordial germ cells is ensured by multiple mechanisms.deadsouth mrna encoding the rna helicase ddx25 is a component of the germ plasm in xenopus laevis. we investigated the mechanisms underlying its specific mrna expression in primordial germ cells (pgcs). based on our previous findings of several microrna mir-427 recognition elements (mres) in the 3' untranslated region of the mrna, we first examined whether deadsouth mrna was degraded by mir-427 targeting in somatic cells. injection of antisense mir-427 oligomer and reporter mrna for mutated mres ...201424291337
environmental (anti-)androgenic chemicals affect germinal vesicle breakdown (gvbd) of xenopus laevis oocytes in vitro.progesterone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (gvbd) of xenopus oocytes in vitro was used to study endocrine disrupting activity of chemicals in previous studies. in this study, we investigated for the first time effects of environmental androgens on oocyte maturation and effects of anti-androgens on androgen-induced oocyte maturation, using xenopus gvbd in vitro. trenbolone and nandrolone, two environmental androgens, were found to induce xenopus gvbd at low concentrations. the potential of t ...201424362045
pax3 and zic1 trigger the early neural crest gene regulatory network by the direct activation of multiple key neural crest specifiers.neural crest development is orchestrated by a complex and still poorly understood gene regulatory network. premigratory neural crest is induced at the lateral border of the neural plate by the combined action of signaling molecules and transcription factors such as ap2, gbx2, pax3 and zic1. among them, pax3 and zic1 are both necessary and sufficient to trigger a complete neural crest developmental program. however, their gene targets in the neural crest regulatory network remain unknown. here, t ...201424360906
targeted mutagenesis of multiple and paralogous genes in xenopus laevis using two pairs of transcription activator-like effector nucleases.transcription activator-like effector nucleases (talens) have been extensively used in genome editing in various organisms. in some cases, however, it is difficult to efficiently disrupt both paralogous genes using a single pair of talens in xenopus laevis because of its polyploidy. here, we report targeted mutagenesis of multiple and paralogous genes using two pairs of talens in x. laevis. first, we show simultaneous targeted mutagenesis of three genes, tyrosinase paralogues (tyra and tyrb) and ...201424329851
scaling of dorsal-ventral patterning in the xenopus laevis embryo.scaling of pattern with size has been described and studied for over a century, yet its molecular basis is understood in only a few cases. in a recent, elegant study, inomata and colleagues proposed a new model explaining how bone morphogenic protein (bmp) activity gradient scales with embryo size in the early xenopus laevis embryo. we discuss their results in conjunction with an alternative model we proposed previously. the expansion-repression mechanism (exr) provides a conceptual framework un ...201424323952
microvascularization and histomorphology of lateral line organs in adult xenopus laevis.the microvasculariaztion of the lateral line organs (llos) of the adult pipid frog, xenopus laevis was studied by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts (vccs) and correlative light microscopy of paraplast embedded tissues sections. scanning electron micrographs of vccs revealed that each neuromast within the llo rests on a distinct bowl-like capillary network (vascular bowl). one to three vascular bowls were supplied by an ascending arteriole and drained by a descending venule ...201424323840
dominant-negative effects of kcnq2 mutations are associated with epileptic encephalopathy.mutations in kcnq2 and kcnq3, encoding the voltage-gated potassium channels kv 7.2 and kv 7.3, are known to cause benign familial neonatal seizures mainly by haploinsufficiency. here, we set out to determine the disease mechanism of 7 de novo missense kcnq2 mutations that were recently described in patients with a severe epileptic encephalopathy including pharmacoresistant seizures and pronounced intellectual disability.201424318194
developmental expression and role of kinesin eg5 during xenopus laevis embryogenesis.the neural crest is a transient multipotent migratory cell population unique to vertebrates. these cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and migrate extensively through the embryo. they differentiate into numerous diverse derivatives including the peripheral nervous system, melanocytes,and craniofacial cartilages. the development of the neural crest is mediated by complex interactions of multiple signals and transcription factors. the kinesin eg5 is a plus end-directed microtubul ...201424357413
the role of sdf-1α signaling in xenopus laevis somite morphogenesis.stromal derived factor-1α (sdf-1α), a chemoattractant chemokine, plays a major role in tumor growth, angiogenesis, metastasis, and in embryogenesis. the sdf-1α signaling pathway has also been shown to be important for somite rotation in zebrafish (hollway et al., 2007). given the known similarities and differences between zebrafish and xenopus laevis somitogenesis, we sought to determine whether the role of sdf-1α is conserved in xenopus laevis.201424357195
nicotine decreases the activity of glutamate transporter type 3.nicotine, the main ingredient of tobacco, elicits seizures in animal models and cigarette smoking is regarded as a behavioral risk factor associated with epilepsy or seizures. in the hippocampus, the origin of nicotine-induced seizures, most glutamate uptake could be performed primarily by excitatory amino acid transporter type 3 (eaat3). an association between temporal lobe epilepsy and eaat3 downregulation has been reported. therefore, we hypothesized that nicotine may elicit seizures through ...201424355585
regulation of α-endosulfine, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2a, by multisite phosphorylation.progression into m phase requires inhibition of heterotrimeric pp2a containing the regulatory b55 subunit (pp2a-b55) as well as the activation of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (cdk1). α-endosulfine (ensa)/cyclic amp-regulated 19 kda phosphoprotein (arpp-19) family proteins phosphorylated at s67 by greatwall kinase bind and inhibit pp2a-b55. this study shows that endogenous kinases phosphorylate not only s67 but also two additional sites in ensa (t28 and s109) with different kinetics at different cel ...201424354984
comparative expression analysis of cysteine-rich intestinal protein family members crip1, 2 and 3 during xenopus laevis embryogenesis.members of the cysteine-rich intestinal protein (crip) family belong to the group 2 lim proteins. crip proteins are widely expressed in adult mammals but their expression profile and function during embryonic development are still mostly unknown. in this study, we have described for the first time the spatio-temporal expression pattern of the three family members crip1, crip2 and crip3 during xenopus laevis embryogenesis by rt-pcr and whole mount in situ hybridization approaches. we observed tha ...201426154325
epithelial cell division in the xenopus laevis embryo during vertebrate epithelial cells divide in vivo and how the cellular environment influences cell division is currently poorly understood. a sine qua non condition to study cell division in situ is the ease of observation of cell division. this is fulfilled in the xenopus embryo at the gastrula stage where polarized epithelial cells divide with a high frequency at the surface of the organism. recently, using this model system, we have shown that epithelial cells divide by asymmetric furrowing and ...201426154319
Displaying items 2001 - 2100 of 17138