
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
neonatal bacteremia. a 4-year prospective study.during the 4-year period 1978-81, 14,527 neonates were born at assaf harofeh hospital, including 793 (5.5%) premature infants. during the same period, 41 bacteremias were recorded, making an overall incidence rate of 2.8/1,000 live births. thirty of the 41 bloodstream infections occurred in premature infants (incidence rate 38/1,000) and 11 in full-term infants (incidence rate 0.8/1,000). the overall case fatality rate was 19.5%, and in the premature group it was 26.7%. aside from prematurity, t ...19836662686
platelet aggregation by streptococcus pyogenes.heat-killed group a streptococcus pyogenes induced platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma. aggregation was dependent upon the ratio of platelets to bacteria, with maximal aggregation occurring at 0.8 platelets per bacterium (final concentration, 300,000 per microliter). inhibition of the reaction by 3 mm edta indicated it was a true aggregation and not merely adhesion and agglutination. lactic acid dehydrogenase assays indicated lysis of platelets did not occur during a 6-min incubation pe ...19836403459
evaluation of the phadebact csf test for detection of the four most common causes of bacterial meningitis.a five-center collaborative study was undertaken to determine the suitability of the phadebact csf test kit and the phadebact group b streptococcus reagent for routine use by clinical laboratories to detect antigens of common organisms causing bacterial meningitis. the kits employ staphylococcal protein a coagglutination to detect the antigens of haemophilus influenzae types a, b, c, d, e, and f, neisseria meningitidis groups a, b, c, y, and w135, streptococcus pneumoniae (83 serotypes), and gro ...19836418756
group b streptococcus arthritis.serious infections with group b streptococcus (streptococcus agalactiae) are rare in adults. a 81-year-old patient with cirrhosis who developed a septic arthritis due to this germ, is described. only eleven cases of group b streptococcal arthritis have been previously reported.19836378495
protection of mice from experimental infection with type iii group b streptococcus using monoclonal antibodies.mouse hybridoma antibodies of several major classes against group b streptococcus type iii have been produced. mice were immunized with either whole heat-killed or acid-treated organisms to obtain antibodies against both the complete (sialated) or incomplete (nonsialated) forms of the type iii polysaccharide. resulting monoclonal antibodies showed exclusive specificity for either the complete or incomplete antigen. the ability of these antibodies to protect mice from a lethal challenge of live t ...19836193228
[rectovaginal colonization by group b streptococcus].the influence of various factors, including age, pregnancy, contraceptive methods, menstrual cycle and use of vaginal tampons, on rectal and vaginal colonization with group b streptococci was investigated in 81 women, 25 of whom were pregnant. the organism was found more frequently in the anus (22.2%) than in the vagina (16%) or the pharynx (2.4%). the colonization rate was higher in women younger than 20, and higher in non pregnant (30%) than in pregnant (12%) women. it was also higher during t ...19836220385
[bacteriological studies of materno-fetal infections caused by group b streptococcus].a screening, that we have carried out on pregnant women, has allowed to isolate 33 strains of group b streptococci (19.8%) on the vervical -vaginal mucous membrane. the newborn's colonization was of 20%. no infectious disease was observed in the newborn. the simplicity and the practicability of the methodology are an useful contribution to the prevention of these possible maternal-foetal diseases.19836374737
structural determination of the capsular polysaccharide antigen of type ii group b streptococcus. 19836337145
the isolation and immunochemical characterisation of a cell-wall carbohydrate and a membrane lipocarbohydrate antigen of group b streptococcus, type ii.two distinct carbohydrate antigens were isolated from the cell surface of group b streptococcus, type ii. one antigen was extracted from sds-purified cell walls by cold trichloroacetic acid and contained galactose, glucose, rhamnose, glucosamine and sialic acid in the approximate molar proportions 1.7:1.0:3.4:0.9:0.21 respectively. the serological activity of this polymer indicated that it is the group-specific antigen common to all group b streptococci. the second antigen was extracted by pheno ...19836337263
[streptococcus group b septicemia. analysis of 18 cases in adults and 10 in newborn infants].from 1976 to 1981, 28 episodes of group b streptococcus (gbs) septicemia were identified in our hospital (chuv, university hospital lausanne), 18 in 17 adults and 10 in newborns. the latter had acute respiratory distress syndrome (8 cases) or meningitis (2 cases). in adults the skin was the main source of infection (6 diabetic foot, 4 acute cellulitis complicating chronic skin diseases, 2 infections secondary to diagnostic procedures (capillary and ascitic taps) and 1 meningitis secondary to neu ...19836338580
biosynthesis of cell wall peptidoglycan and polysaccharide antigens by protoplasts of type iii group b streptococcus.the formation of a nascent peptidoglycan-group-specific antigen of type iii group b streptococcus at the cell membrane level was demonstrated with an m-1 mutanolysin-prepared protoplast system. protoplasts of group b streptococci in suitably stabilized medium (20% sucrose) readily incorporated [3h]acetate into cell surface macromolecules. four major polysaccharides were isolated from the protoplast cultural supernatant fluid: the peptidoglycan group-specific antigen polymer, the group b-specific ...19836339471
quantitation of in vitro opsonic activity of human antibody induced by a vaccine consisting of the type iii-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus.human antibody, induced by a vaccine consisting of undegraded and highly purified extracellular type iii-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus, was shown to increase the rate of phagocyte-mediated killing of bacteria of the homologous type. the bactericidal effect was mediated by type iii-specific antibody and was complement dependent. an assay which permitted quantitation of "opsonic activity" was developed. in this assay, loss of cfus occurred at a constant rate, and the rate consta ...19836341229
group b streptococcus in neonatal infection: identification of the mother at high-risk of fetal colonization. 19836341332
selection of antimicrobial agents for treatment of neonatal sepsis.the incidence of sepsis among neonates born in the united states varies from less than one to more than eight per 1,000 live births. bacterial meningitis occurs in about one-third of infants with sepsis and is more frequent during the first month of life than during any subsequent period. the clinical diagnosis of sepsis in newborn infants is difficult since signs are subtle and nonspecific. because of the difficulty of diagnosis, many infants receive treatment although few significant bacterial ...19836342099
phagocytosis of group b streptococcus by neutrophils from newborn infants.the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of severe "stress" on neonatal neutrophil (pmn) phagocytosis, and to compare the ability of neonatal and adult pmns to ingest [3h]-labeled type ic group b streptococcus (gbs). three patient populations were studied: healthy and "stressed" newborn infants and healthy adults. severe "stress" was defined as an acute, noninfectious respiratory illness, sepsis or severe birth asphyxia; 94% of these infants required assisted ventilation. radiolab ...19836343997
[use of cephalosporins as antibiotic prophylaxis in cesarean section].cefoxitin, a second-generation cephalosporin, was compared with cefazolin, a first-generation cephalosporin, and a placebo in a prospective, double-blind study of antibiotic prophylaxis in women undergoing nonelective cesarean section. in the groups that received cefazolin or the placebo there eas no statistically significant change in colonization of the cervix by aerobic bacteria by the fourth day after the operation, but there was a statistically significant increase in colonization by anaero ...19836344970
antibody to type iii group b streptococcus in the rhesus monkey.susceptibility to infection due to intra-amniotic type iii group b streptococcal infection was studied in 27 rhesus monkeys. sera from mothers and their offspring were tested to determine the concentration of antibody to the native type iii group b streptococcus antigen. among 17 controls there was a statistically significant association between the concentration of maternal antibody prior to infection and both the neonatal survival rate and survival time (p less than 0.05). neonatal survival wa ...19836349364
isolation and characterization of type iii group b streptococcal mutants defective in biosynthesis of the type-specific antigen.four classes of mutants of type iii group b streptococcus were isolated by serial subculture of the wild-type strain in the presence of type iii-specific rabbit antiserum. class i mutants no longer synthesized sialic acid but still elaborated the core antigen. class ii mutants maintained the ability to synthesize sialic acid but could not attach it to the core antigen. class iii mutants did not produce the core antigen but still synthesized intracellular sialic acid. class iv mutants synthesized ...19836352490
diagnosis and treatment of right bochdalek hernia associated with group b streptococcal pneumonia and sepsis in the neonate.neonatal sepsis due to group b beta-hemolytic streptococcus (gbs) is reported to occur in about 1 out of 330 live births. right-sided bochdalek hernia (rbh) occurs in about 1 of 20,000 live births. the combination of group b streptococcal sepsis and delayed appearance of a right bochdalek hernia is an infrequently reported phenomenon--18 patients have been previously reported in the english literature. we add four patients from our own experience to these previous reports. since approximately 10 ...19836352894
estimation of the protective level of human igg antibody to the type-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus type ia.human igg antibody to the type-specific polysaccharide antigen of group b streptococcus type ia in the sera of mice was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, previously standardized by quantitative precipitation, 24 hr after passive immunization with human serum or affinity-chromatographed antibody. the concentrations of antibody needed to protect mice against 90% lethal dose challenge varied with the bacterial inoculum and ranged from 0.25 to 1 microgram/ml using five strains of group ...19836355310
bacterial meningitis in older neonates.during a five-year period, 24 patients' conditions (age range, 2 to 6 weeks) were diagnosed, and they were treated for bacterial meningitis. organisms recovered from the csf included group b streptococcus (n = 6), escherichia coli (n = 5), listeria monocytogenes (n = 5), hemophilus influenzae (n = 4), streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 2), and group d and group a streptococcus (one each). initial antimicrobial therapy must include antibiotics that are effective across this spectrum of potential patho ...19836356881
a non-hemolytic, group b streptococcus infection of cultured bullfrogs, rana catesbeiana, in brazil.a systemic streptococcal infection in cultured bullfrogs in brazil was characterized by necrotizing splenitis and hepatitis with hepatic and renal hemorrhage. a non-hemolytic group b streptococcus appeared to be the cause of the lesions, and the stimulus for the splenic reticuloendothelial hyperplasia observed in the animals. stress may have been a factor in the development of the pathological condition.19836358536
selective pigment medium for streptococcus agalactiae.increased awareness of the importance of streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococcus) in neonatal morbidity and mortality has demonstrated the need for a selective and differential primary plating medium. in this report we describe a selective pigment medium containing colistin and nalidixic acid that allows presumptive identification of s. agalactiae from the primary plate, even when specimens are polymicrobic. a preliminary study compared the value of three media for pigment production by ...19836359879
moxalactam in the treatment of pediatric infections.the clinical efficacy and safety of the new oxacephalosporin moxalactam disodium were evaluated in 54 children with a variety of pediatric infections. except for a terminally ill neutropenic leukemic patient with pneumonia and sepsis due to pseudomonas aeruginosa who died shortly after initiation of therapy, moxalactam treatment was effective in all patients. no recurrent infections were observed. the rate of clinical response to moxalactam appeared to be at least comparable to that of patients ...19826214182
mouse protection assay for group b streptococcus type iii.the mucin model for group b streptococcus (gbs) type iii was used to assay the protective effect of sera against a type iii challenge in mice. hyperimmune rabbit sera, prepared by the lancefield method against the laboratory reference strain (ss620) and a clinical isolate (m732), protected against a lethal challenge with either strain of gbs type iii. absorption of the sera with either of these type iii strains removed the protective effect. neither normal rabbit sera nor heterologous antisera ( ...19826172381
bacteremia in diabetic patients with infected lower extremities.eleven cases of bacteremia in diabetic patients with infected lower extremities at rancho los amigos hospital (rlah) were observed over a 34-mo period. the yearly incidence was 0.6% of admissions to the ortho-diabetes service. aerobic bacteria were recovered in six cases and anaerobic bacteria in five. bacteroides fragilis was isolated four times, staphylococcus aureus three times, and nonfragilis bacteroides sp., escherichia coli, group b streptococcus, and viridans streptococcus were each seen ...19826927718
fever in full-term newborns in the first four days of life.over a period of 18 months, 100 full-term newborns developed an axillary or a rectal temperature greater than or equal to 37.8 c during the first four days of postnatal life. these febrile term newborns represented 1% of all full-term newborns in the normal nursery. of the febrile newborns, 10% had culture-proven bacterial disease (bd). fever developed in 54%, 27%, 13%, and 6% on the first, second, third, and fourth days, respectively. in 17 newborns fever developed within the first hour of life ...19827033912
antibody-independent classical pathway-mediated opsonophagocytosis of type ia, group b streptococcus.the opsonophagocytic requirements of human sera containing endogenous complement for a variety of type ia, and group b streptococcal strains were defined. significant reduction (>==90%) in colony-forming units was noted after a 40-min incubation for the highly encapsulated, mouse-passed prototype strain 090 by sera containing moderate to high concentrations of antibody to type ia polysaccharide (mean, 16.5 mug/ml), whereas bacterial growth occurred in 25 sera with low levels of specific antibody ...19827035495
perinatal group b streptococcal colonization and infection.of 2,169 patients screened in labor for vaginal group b streptococcal colonization, 164 (7.6%) had positive results. five hundred twenty-four of the patients were screened in the antenatal period, and 57 patients with positive tests for group b streptococcus were treated in labor with intravenous ampicillin. four of the treatment group gave birth to colonized infants but none became infected. of the 136 untreated mother-infant pairs with positive tests, 62 neonates were colonized, nine became in ...19827039316
antepartum versus intrapartum selective screening for maternal group b streptococcal colonization.selective antepartum culturing was performed in pregnant women at high risk for low-birth-weight delivery and neonatal infection, in order to identify the presence of the group b streptococcus (gbs). intrapartum culturing was performed in an additional group of gravid women when they presented either in premature labor or with prematurely ruptured membranes. antepartum screening for gbs offered no additional advantage over intrapartum culturing in predicting pregnancies that resulted in neonatal ...19827044127
association of type- and group-specific antigens with the cell wall of serotype iii group b streptococcus.the type-specific antigens (tsa) of group b streptococcus (gbs) represent the primary virulence factors for these organisms, yet little is known about their relationship to the cell surface of gbs. crude cell walls of serotype iii gbs strain 110 were purified by extraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate, licl, and urea, which removed essentially all of the protein associated with the cell wall as determined by amino acid analysis. only those amino acids found in peptidoglycan were present, which in ...19827047392
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for human igg antibody to the type ia polysaccharide of group b elisa was developed to measure human igg antibody to the native polysaccharide antigen of gbs serotype ia. because the polysaccharide binds poorly to polyvinyl chloride, its adherence was enhanced by activation with cyanogen bromide and coupling to hsa in a molar ratio of polysaccharide to albumin of 1:4.5. there was minimal loss of sialic acid during coupling, and the coupled antigen showed identity with uncoupled native antigen by ouchterlony analysis. od values obtained by elisa showed a l ...19827050270
age-dependent susceptibility of neonatal rats to group b streptococcal type iii infection: correlation of severity of infection and response of myeloid pools.a distinct age-dependent susceptibility to group b streptococcus type iii (gbs) was demonstrated, utilizing a neonatal rat model. the most dramatic changes in susceptibility occurred within the first 7 days of postnatal life. to further investigate this susceptibility, experiments were performed utilizing two age groups of rats: (i) animals within the first 24 h of life (nb) and (ii) 7-day-old animals (7d). the infective dosage used was 10(4) gbs per g of body weight, a dose lethal to 100% of nb ...19827107007
vaginitis in sexually active women: relationship to nine sexually transmitted organisms.women seen for symptoms suggestive of vulvovaginitis were studied for the detection of mycoplasma hominis. ureaplasma urealyticum, yeast, neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis, gardnerella vaginalis, herpes simplex virus, group b beta-hemolytic streptococci, aerobes, anaerobes, and trichomonas vaginalis. asymptomatic women who reported to be sexually active and agreed to undergo comprehensive genital cultures were used as controls. there was a significant association of vulvovaginitis wit ...19826280502
[fundamental and clinical investigations of cefotaxime in neonates].fundamental and clinical investigations of cefotaxime were carried out in neonates. the following results were obtained. 1. seven neonates with serious infections caused by identifiable pathogens, including group b streptococcal meningitis and group a streptococcal sepsis, were treated by intravenous bolus injection of 20-200 mg/kg of cefotaxime 2 or 3 times daily (60-400 mg/kg/day). the clinical efficacy of cefotaxime was assessed to be good in 6 patients and fair in 1 patient. bacteriological ...19826294355
type-specific protection of neonatal rats from lethal group b streptococcal infection by immune sera obtained from human volunteers vaccinated with type iii-specific polysaccharide.sera obtained from human volunteers at 6 weeks after vaccination with highly purified type iii polysaccharide antigen prepared from a group b streptococcus, strain m732, were found to protect neonatal rats from otherwise lethal infection by the homologous strain. the specific antibody content of the sera, expressed in micrograms of antibody protein per milliliter, was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in conjunction with quantitative precipitin analysis. for two sera studied in ...19826752032
neonatal group b streptococcus infections: laboratory and animal studies. 19826752619
comparison of carriage rates of group b streptococcus in diabetic and nondiabetic several published studies, diabetic persons appeared to be at increased risk for group b streptococcal disease. since colonization with pathogens frequently antedates disease, the authors studied the carriage rate of group b streptococcus in 38 diabetic and in 39 nondiabetic age- and sex-matched subjects. fifty-four per cent of the controls and 34% of the diabetics carried group b streptococci in at least one of five sites cultured (p less than 0.05). the data indicate that an increased carri ...19826753572
in vitro bactericidal assay of bovine polymorphonuclear leucocytes against a group b streptococcus. 19826755595
scrotal ecchymosis: sign of intraperitoneal hemorrhage in the newborn.ecchymosis of the scrotum and lower abdominal wall occurred in four newborn boys. all were anemic. three had coagulation abnormalities and evidence of sepsis. in two, group b streptococcal septicemia was documented. intraperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured subcapsular hematoma of the liver was the source of blood in the scrotum in three, and most probably in the fourth as well. two infants died in spite of antibiotics, vigorous blood replacement, including exchange transfusion, and desperation ...19826755734
pathogenesis of neonatal group b streptococcal infections.infections of the neonate due to the group b streptococcus have been recognized since the 1930s, but it was during the 1970s that their incidence grew alarmingly throughout the world. a research effort stimulated by this problem has yielded significant new information about many facets of the pathogenesis of these infections. immunologic investigations have pinpointed a lack of transplacentally acquired antibody as a significant risk factor. in the laboratory, assays of antibody which have a fun ...19826758375
detection of group b streptococcal antigen in early-onset and late-onset group b streptococcal disease with the wellcogen strep b latex agglutination test.the wellcogen strep b latex agglutination test (wellcome diagnostics, dartford, england) was evaluated as a method of detecting group b streptococcal antigen in urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and serum from neonates with early-onset (less than or equal to 7 days of age) and late-onset group b streptococcal disease. urine was the best source of antigen, which was detected in 100% of six neonates with early-onset group b streptococcal disease who had urine available in the first 12 h of illness and i ...19826759523
[group b streptococcus infection in newborns]. 19826761247
cerebritis due to group b streptococcus.a premature infant who died of early-onset group b streptococcal meningitis was found to have cerebritis with direct bacterial infection of the basal ganglia. although the organism was sensitive to penicillin by in vitro testing, it was not eradicated from the cerebrospinal fluid after 48 h of antibiotic treatment. these findings illustrate that suppurative extension with cerebritis of the basal ganglia as a complication of group b streptococcal meningitis may be one of the factors responsible f ...19826761855
[streptococcus group b - streptococcus agalactiae as an important agent of human disease]. 19826762671
[culture medium for the isolation of group b streptococcus].comparative studies were carried out on a new medium--a soybean agar of the difco type with the addition of beta-staphylococcus toxin, washed sheep erythrocytes, esculin, and congo red to isolate and differentiate the streptococci of the serologic b group. congo red was used in dilution of 1:10000 to suppress the beta-hemolysis of the streptococci belonging to other serologic groups. the higher objectivity of the final results required the use of a blood agar and a medium with thallium sulfate a ...19826763812
quantitative bacteriological analysis of amniotic fluid.quantitative bacteriological analysis of amniotic fluid (af) was performed on 60 fluid samples collected by catheter from 50 selected labor patients regarded as liable to infection. af cultures were positive in 52 cases. the bacterial colony counts ranged from less than 10(2) colony-forming units (cfu) per milliliter to 10(9) cfu/ml. pathogenic bacteria in neonates such as group b streptococcus, escherichia coli, and listeria monocytogenes were encountered with numerations equal to or greater th ...19826814539
[clinical and bacteriological study on microbial flora in the vagina. (4) the influences of lactobacilli to group b streptococcus (gbs) an other flora and the variations of vaginal microbial flora by age (author's transl)]. 19816798140
group b streptococcus: a venereal-nosocomial infection. 19817006350
group b streptococcus.the group b streptococcus has only recently been recognized as a cause of serious clinical disease, especially in infants under three months of age. these organisms are normally found in the female genital tract and also exist, at a lower rate, in male urethras. during labor and delivery, they are transmitted to the fetus in utero or during passage through the birth canal. group b streptococcal infections in infants are associated with high mortality and sequelae rates despite antibiotic adminis ...19817006351
rapid laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.the countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis and latex particle agglutination tests are rapid, do not require expensive apparatus, and are easy to perform if specific antigens and antisera are available. both tests have been shown to be of value in the diagnosis of bacterial infections (such as those caused by h. influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae, n. meningitidis, e. coli, staphylococcus aureus and group b streptococcus) and of viral infections (hrvla and hepatitis b); they may also be of value i ...19816976583
adherence of staphylococcus aureus to influenza a virus-infected madin-darby canine kidney cell cultures.madin-darby canine kidney cells infected with influenza a virus (strains pr8, fm1, jap 305, and tex 1) were tested with nine strains of staphylococcus aureus and group b streptococcus type ic to determine whether mammalian cells become susceptible to bacterial adherence as a result of virus infection. bacterial adherence to virus-infected cells varied depending on the virus strain and on the strain of bacteria tested. a quantitative radioassay was developed to study the parameters of adherence. ...19817216481
antibody to group b streptococcus type iii in human sera measured by a mouse protection test.antibody to group b streptococcus type iii (gbs-iii) was measured in human plasma and sera by using a test which measures the ability to protect outbred albino mice from an intraperitoneal challenge of gbs-iii calculated to be lethal to 90% of the mice (ld90 dose). of three samples from three different lots of commercial human immune serum globulin, none were protective despite the presence of antibody to the native type iii polysaccharide. nine specimens were tested from recipients of multivale ...19817216494
bacteremia in obstetrics: clinical course.the authors reviewed all documented cases of bacteremia in obstetric patients between 1975 and 1979, with emphasis on the clinical course. the incidence of bacteremia was 7.5:1000 obstetric admissions and 9.7% of those patients sampled. one hundred seventy-six bacteremic obstetric patients had the following diagnoses: endoparametritis (123), pyelonephritis (29), chorioamnionitis (14), and other (10). no deaths, clinical evidence of septic shock, or cases of postinfection endocarditis were found. ...19817301239
the significance of nt1, nt2, and nt3 antigens in epidemiological investigations of bovine group-b streptococcus infections. 19817046399
immunochemical studies on the cell-wall antigen of group b streptococcus, type ib.a polysaccharide antigen of group b streptococcus type ib was extracted from sodium dodecyl sulphate-treated cell walls by trichloroacetic acid. in crossed immunoelectrophoresis the polymer reacted with specific antisera to serotypes ia, ib and ic of group b streptococci and with commercial grouping antiserum to give one precipitin line. however, the antigen did not react with antisera to types ii and iii. the evidence suggests that this polymer confers the group specificity to type ib of group ...19817040600
overwhelming post-splenectomy infection with group b streptococcus. 19817036122
[endocarditis caused by group b streptococcus (s. agalactiae). report of a case]. 19817036257
lysis of erythrocytes by a hemolysin produced by a group b streptococcus improved procedure for the isolation and purification of the hemolysin produced by a group b streptococcus was developed, and the inactivation of partially purified hemolysin by several enzymes was studied. hemolysin obtained in buffer containing starch and tween 80 was inactivated by subtilisin and alpha-amylase, suggesting that the hemolysin may consist of a protein hemolytic moiety complexed to starch which acts as a carrier or stabilizer. properties of the hemolytic reaction were studied ...19817037641
[sensitivity of group b streptococcus to various antibiotics (author's transl)].group b streptococcus was isolated from the clinical materials of the patients examined in the kobe central municipal hospital, in 1974 to 1979. 1. clinical isolates were all resistant to bacitracin. 2. serotypes of 19 isolates were type iii in 12 strains, ia in 3, ic in 2 and untypable in 2. 3. the mics were determined to 15 antibiotics, and the results showed that penicillin g was the best and in the order of decreasing potency, cefotaxime, ampicillin, ceftizoxime and cefoperazone. 4. compared ...19817019475
variations in the opsonic requirements of group b streptococcus type iii.the opsonic requirements of strains of type iii group b streptococci (gbs) were studied using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence and microscopy. growth and storage conditions, particularly any reduction in the ph of the medium, affected gbs resistance to opsonization. opsonization was complement-dependent but there was considerable variation in the requirements of individual strains for the classical and alternative pathways. antibody was also necessary for opsonization. a few type iii gbs str ...19817028075
antagonism of ampicillin and chloramphenicol for meningeal isolates of group b streptococci.the increasing prevalence of ampicillin-resistant haemophilus influenzae type b has led to the recommendation that ampicillin and chloramphenicol be given as the initial therapy for suspected bacterial meningitis in infants and children. however, during the first 2 months of life, h. influenzae type b is a rare cause of meningitis, whereas group b streptococcus is the most frequently isolated agent. since ampicillin and chloramphenicol have been shown to be antagonistic for other streptococci, a ...19817030197
serious infection in an adult due to penicillin-tolerant group b streptococcus.this report describes a patient with group b streptococcal (gbs) bacteremia with pyelonephritis and septic arthritis whose condition failed to improve after two weeks of therapy with penicillin g sodium. the organism was found to be tolerant to penicillin (minimal inhibitory concentration, 0.06 iu/ml; minimal bactericidal concentration [mbc], 10 iu/ml). antimicrobial synergy with gentamicin sulfate was demonstrated (mbc of penicillin was 0.07 iu/ml in the presence of 2.5 micrograms/ml of gentami ...19817030251
rapid identification of material colonization with group b streptococci by use of fluorescent identify women colonized with group b streptococci during parturition, we used pooled type-specific fluorescent antibody to examine vaginal swabs enriched by preincubation in selective broth medium. in preliminary experiments, group b streptococcus strain iii-bell was reliably detectable with fluorescent antibody at concentrations of greater than 10(5) colony-forming units per ml, achieved after 6 h of incubation of small inocula (18 to 26 colony-forming units). of the vaginal swabs from 924 ...19817031086
type iii group b streptococcal infections in mice: bacteremia and meningitis following oral inoculation.the successful production of disease in mice by a type iii group b streptococcus is described in this report. when injected intravenously, 106 organisms produced a fulminating sepsis and resulted in 100% mortality within 48 h. inoculation of 108 - 109 organisms directly onto the surface of the oropharynx progressed to bacteremia and meningitis in greater than 50% of animals. in a group of mice treated with penicillin immediately after oropharyngeal inoculation, the incidence of invasive bacterem ...19817032679
role of antibody to native type iii polysaccharide of group b streptococcus in infant infection.the role of maternally acquired antibody to native type iii polysaccharide of group b streptococcus as a determinant of susceptibility for infant systemic infection was investigated. sera from 111 acutely ill infants with type iii group b streptococcal bacteremia and/or meningitis and their mothers, and cord sera from 45 healthy neonates and their mothers who had type iii group b streptococcal vaginal colonization at delivery were studied. sera from each of 111 acutely ill infants contained very ...19817033911
natural history of group b streptococcus colonization and its therapy during hundred twenty-two pregnancies were studied in a private-practice setting to determine the natural history of colonization by group b streptococcus (gbs) over time. the colonization rate remained constant at 7% to 8% in each trimester, with 19% of the women colonized at some time during pregnancy. the organism was lost spontaneously at some time during pregnancy in 51%. treatment of third-trimester pregnant women and their husbands with penicillin g resulted in a significant reduction in g ...19817008613
antibody response to group b streptococcus type iii and ab blood group antigens induced by pneumococcal vaccine.the effect of pneumococcal vaccination on antibodies to streptococcus pneumoniae type 14, group b streptococcus type iii, and ab blood group antigens was studied in 40 vaccinated adults. fourfold or greater increases in type-specific igg antibody to pn-14 were found in 26 of 40 vaccines (mean increase 6.4-fold) and against gbs-iii in 16 of the 40 (mean increase 2.9-fold) by an indirect immunofluorescence assay. however, only six of the 26 vaccinees with low levels (titers less than or equal to 2 ...19817009817
transmission of group b streptococci. traced by use of multiple epidemiologic markers.during a three-week period, septicemia caused by group b streptococcus, serotype iii, developed in four infants born at a community hospital. the first infant had early-onset disease; late-onset disease that appeared, from epidemiologic data, to be nosocomial developed in the other three infants. bacteriophage typing and antimicrobial susceptibility testing confirmed the relatedness of the isolates. a prospective study designed to differentiate between vertical and nosocomial transmission of gro ...19817010996
effects of route and time of administration of antiserum on protection of mice from lethal infection due to group b streptococcus type iii.the present study examines a mouse model of infection due to group b streptococcus serotype iii (gbs-iii) as to the route and timing of antiserum administration for protection and quantitation of bacteremia with and without antiserum. data for these parameters are contrasted with those after challenge with serotype ia of group b streptococcus (gbs-ia). an intraperitoneal injection of gbs organisms and protective antiserum from a single syringe can be used to create an animal model of disease. in ...19817011999
colonization of mexican pregnant women with group b streptococcus. 19817012243
maternal blood group and colonization with the group b streptococcus.a recent report showing a significant association of maternal blood type b and cervical colonization with the group b streptococcus prompted this review of blood types and vaginal group b streptococcal colonization. no association of blood type and group b streptococcal colonization was found. possible reasons for the difference in results are discussed, and further research is suggested.19817013482
minimum number of bacteria needed for antigen detection by counterimmunoelectrophoresis: in vivo and in vitro studies.threshold concentrations of streptococcus pneumoniae type 3, haemophilus influenzae type b, and streptococcus sp. group b type ib required for positive counterimmunoelectrophoresis reactions were determined in vivo and in vitro. animals were infected intraperitoneally with various concentrations of microorganisms: adult mice with s. pneumoniae, suckling rats with h. influenzae, and 3-week-old mice with streptococcus sp. group b. at 24 h after infection a minimum blood concentration of 10(3) colo ...19817014618
urinary tract infection caused by group-b streptococcus in infancy and childhood. 19817015668
cyclic variation in the adherence of group b streptococci to human vaginal epithelial cells.studies conducted on three normally menstruating women demonstrated a distinct cyclic variation in adherence of group b streptococcus type iii to vaginal epithelial cells. this cyclic variation consisted of a gradual rise in adherence during the first half of the menstrual cycle, reaching a maximum on day 14, followed by a sharp decline to low levels of adherence that persisted through the second half of the cycle. these changes in adherence correlated directly with the variation in the pyknotic ...19817018246
isolation of polysaccharide antigens from the cell wall of group b streptococcus, type ib. 19817018399
pharmacokinetics and bacteriologic efficacy of moxalactam, cefotaxime, cefoperazone, and rocephin in experimental bacterial meningitis.the pharmacokinetics and bacteriologic efficacy of four beta-lactam antibiotics were studied in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of rabbits using two test strains, escherichia coli type k1 and group b streptococcus type iii, and 24 gram-positive isolates. although moxalactam, cefotaxime, cefoperazone, and rocephin are active in vitro against gram-negative bacilli, the gram-positive bacteria listeria monocytogenes and streptococcus faecalis were resistant to all four drugs; group b strepto ...19816260870
homology among tet determinants in conjugative elements of streptococci.a mutation to tetracycline sensitivity in a resistant strain of streptococcus pneumoniae was shown by several criteria to be due to a point mutation in the conjugative omega (cat-tet) element found in the chromosomes of strains derived from bm6001, a clinical strain resistant to tetracycline and chloramphenicol. strains carrying the mutation were transformed back to tetracycline resistance with the high efficiency of a point marker by donor deoxyribonucleic acids from its ancestral strain and fr ...19816270063
neonatal septicemia resulting from group b streptococci: a case report.a case of neonatal septicemia resulting from group b streptococcus, type ic is reported. the infection occurred in a premature infant delivered by cesarean section, which followed fetal distress. the same organism was isolated from a high vaginal swab taken from the mother who had had premature rupture of the membranes 48 hours before admission to the hospital. both infant and mother made satisfactory recoveries. this is the first case of neonatal group b streptococcal infection reported from ni ...19806102067
soluble group- and type-specific antigens from type iii group b streptococcus.two soluble polysaccharide antigens of a type iii group b streptoccus were isolated from the culture medium after growth of strain m732 in a chemically defined broth supplemented with acid-hydrolyzed casein. the type- and group- specific antigens were isolated from the culture supernatant by anion-exchange chromatography with diethylaminoethyl-sephacel. two carbohydrate-containing peaks, which had serological reactivity with group b or type iii antiserum, respectively, were eluted with a linear ...19806155346
influence of preimmunization antibody levels on the specificity of the immune response to related polysaccharide antigens.we studied the influence of preimmunization antibody level on the immune response of adults to one of two structurally related yet immunologically distinct type-specific polysaccharides from type iii group b streptococcus and type 14 pneumonococcus. four weeks after immunization with multivalent pneumococcal vaccine, 20 subjects with low levels of antibody to type iii group b streptococcus antigen had no significant increase in antibody to this antigen (p greater than 0.05), but all volunteers w ...19806155612
structural determination and serology of the native polysaccharide antigen of type-iii group b streptococcus. 19806155983
structure and serology of the native polysaccharide antigen of type ia group b streptococcus.the native polysaccharide antigen isolated from type ia group b streptococcus by using ph-controlled growth conditions and extraction procedures contains d-galactose, d-glucose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose, and sialic acid in the molar ratio of 2:1:1:1. the structure of the native type ia antigen has been elucidated; it can be represented by the following repeating unit in which all the side-chain beta-d-galactopyranose units are masked by sialic acid residues: [formula: see text] removal of a ...19806156459
group b streptococcus-comparison of streptococcus agalactiae isolated from humans and cows in the republic of south africa.the serological and biochemical characteristics of 100 strains of streptococcus agalactiae isolated from quarter mild of dairy cows and of 107 strains cultured from various sites of human patients, were determined and compared. all the isolates were camp-phenomenon and na-hippurate positive, aesulin negative, fell into lancefield's group b and could be placed into one of the 6 recognised serotypes. no human isolates fell into type r but for the rest all the other types were represented in the se ...19807019445
[neonatal osteomyelitis and arthritis caused by group b streptococcus]. 19807025563
[cefmetazole in the treatment of bacterial infections in the newborn (author's transl)].clinical evaluation of cefmetazole were made in the treatment of bacterial infections in the newborn infants and the following results were obtained. 1) five infants, 7 approximately 58 days of age, received a single intravenous one-shot injection of 22.2 approximately 24.5 mg/kg dose of cefmetazole, and blood concentrations were determined. the average level was 62.6 micrograms/ml (30 minutes), 46.3 micrograms/ml (1 hour), 26.8 micrograms/ml (2 hours), 8.7 micrograms/ml (4 hours) and 2.4 microg ...19806941035
intrapartum and postpartum pyrexia and infection after induction with extra-amniotic prostaglandin e2 in hundred and twenty-four women, bearing 127 children, in whom labour was induced with extra-amniotic prostaglandin e2 in tylose were studied. high vaginal swabs taken from 111 patients immediately before insertion of prostaglandin e2 were examined, specific identification of microbes being restricted to those present in the amniotic fluid, to haemolytic streptococci, and to other specific microbes. lancefield group b streptococci were isolated from nine patients, and in eight of these the mic ...19807397085
transplacental ampicillin: inhibitory concentrations in neonatal serum.concentrations of ampicillin were measured in maternal serum at delivery, in cord serum, and in neonatal serum sampled at 1, 4, and 8 hours after ampicillin had been administered prophylactically to 22 mothers who were undergoing cesarean section. the concentrations of ampicillin in maternal serum at delivery ranged from 4.6 to 50 micrograms per milliliter and were inversely related to the time between administration of the drug and delivery. concentrations in cord serum ranged from 4.4 to 23 mi ...19807446612
luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence for evaluation of type iii group b streptococcal opsonins in human sera.a luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (cl) assay was developed to evaluate type iii group b streptococcal opsonins. sera from 11 adults that contained high (greater than 25 microgram/ml), intermediate (3-24 microgram/ml), or low (less than 2 microgram/ml) antibody concentrations were assessed by cl, indirect immunofluorescence (if), and bactericidal assays. total cl activity correlated with antibody concentration (p less than 0.005), igg- and c3-if values, and phagocytic and bactericidal indices. ...19806988524
the natural history of group b streptococcal colonization in the pregnant woman and her offspring. i. colonization studies.a longitudinal study of colonization by group b streptococcus (gbs) was conducted in 93 pregnant women and 92 of their infants. positive cultures were obtained from vaginal swab specimens on at least one occasion during pregnancy from 20.4% of the women. three types of carriage were observed: chronic, transient, and intermittent. at the time of delivery, 12.9% of the mothers were colonized by gbs. gbs colonization occurred in 41.7% of the infants of the mothers colonized intrapartum. only 1.2% o ...19806989247
the natural history of group b streptococcal colonization in the pregnant woman and her offspring. ii. determination of serum antibody to capsular polysaccharide from type iii, group b investigation of the prevalence and persistence of the concentration of antibody to capsular polysaccharide from type iii, group b streptococcus in sera from 93 pregnant women and their newborn infants is reported. in the majority of women, the concentrations of antibody detected in the sera were low (less than 1 microgram/ml). however, sera from women who were colonized with type iii strains of group b streptococci contained significantly higher concentrations of antibody than those from non ...19806989248
use of monoclonal antibodies in an enzyme immunoassay for rapid identification of group b streptococcus types ii and iii.streptococci belonging to lancefield group b are frequently recognized as the etiological agents of sepsis and meningitis in young children. current methods of identifying these organisms have not been universally accepted because of the time and complexity in performing the studies and a lack of reference antisera. we have developed hybrid myeloma (hybridoma) cell lines which secrete large amounts of antibody against types ii and iii group b streptococci. antibodies harvested from supernatants ...19806989855
adherence of influenza a viruses to group b streptococci.previous studies have revealed a similarity between hemadsorption and bacterial adherence to virus-infected cells. this observation led to the question of whether mature virions can interact directly with bacteria in a manner similar to hemagglutination. thus, hemagglutination inhibition, direct immunofluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy were used to detect adherence of five prototype strains of influenza a virus to 34 strains (five serologic prototypes and 29 isolates from ill infants ...19806989927
comparison of assays for antibody to group b streptococcus, type iii. 19806989928
the role of specific antibody in alternative complement pathway-mediated opsonophagocytosis of type iii, group b streptococcus.the native capsular polysaccharide antigen of type iii, group b streptococcus contains a terminal sialic acid residue on each repeating unit that masks all end-group galactopyranose residues and prevents alternative pathway complement activation by adult human sera in the absence of type-specific antibody. the critical role of the sialic acid residues in allowing the organism to evade activating the alternative complement pathway was shown when neuraminidase treatment of the organism converted t ...19806989947
prevalence of type-specific group b streptococcal antibody in pregnant women.immunoglobulin g antibody against the four major serotypes of group b streptococcus was measured by indirect immunofluorescence in the sera of 200 consecutive pregnant women seen in the obstetric screening clinic of an urban teaching hospital. antibody was detectable in 26% of undiluted sera against serotype ia, 52% against serotype ib, 82% against serotype ii, and 45% against serotype iii. only 9% had antibody against all four gbs types. when serotype-specific antibody prevalences in 108 women ...19806989972
group b streptococcal neonatal infection: clinical review of plans for prevention and preliminary report of quantitative antepartum cultures.the neonatal and obstetric approaches to preventing group b streptococcal neonatal infections are reviewed. although recent reports recommend prophylactic antibiotic treatment of antepartum and intrapartum group b streptococcal carriers and low-birth-weight infants, acceptance of these schemes is not widespread. a preliminary study to evaluate the value of semiquantitative vaginal and cervical cultures of antepartum women for group b streptococcus in predicting maternal and neonatal infectious m ...19806990332
changes in the vaginal and rectal carriage of group b streptococci during pregnancy.the group b streptococcus carrier status of pregnant women appears to be relatively unstable. by using multiple low vaginal and rectal samples cultured on 2 or more media, an overall carrier rate of 38% was found in 187 women. sequential samples commonly showed changes in the nature of the carrier status with time. more carriers were detected late in pregnancy; women giving negative results early in pregnancy often produced positive cultures later and there was a significant tendency towards rec ...19806992763
kinetics of phagocyte response to group b streptococcal infections in newborn test the hypothesis that inadequate in vivo mobilization of leukocytes may contribute to the unique susceptibility of neonates to infection, we studied the kinetics of phagocyte response to neonatal and adult rats to intraperitoneal infection with group b streptococcus, type ia. the 50% lethal dose was considerably greater for adults than for neonates (1.1 x 10(7) colony-forming units per g versus 2.7 x 10(2) colony-forming units per g). after challenge with group b streptococcus, type ia, th ...19806995304
conjugative transfer of multiple antibiotic resistance markers in streptococcus pneumoniae.two antibiotic-resistant isolates of streptococcus pneumoniae were investigated for conjugative transfer of their drug resistance markers into streptococcal (groups b and d) and pneumococcal (encapsulated and non-encapsulataed) recipients. of these, 7 wild-type donor pneumococci transferred all their resistance markers (except pc [penicillin], su [sulfonamide], and tp [trimethoprim]) into group d streptococcus and non-encapsulated s. pneumoniae recipients at a low frequency (10(-5) to 10(-6)). t ...19806995434
Displaying items 2001 - 2100 of 2215