
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
balanitis caused by group b streptococcus.the lancefield group b streptococcus is a cause of serious genitourinary tract infections in peripartum women. however, it rarely has been implicated as a pathogen in genital infections of male subjects. we report severe recurrent balanitis owing to group b streptococcus in a sexually active young man. group b streptococcus was cultured from the vagina of his asymptomatic consort on 1 occasion. it is postulated that penile cellulitis developed by invasion of group b streptococcus through a traum ...19863514966
surface-bound capsular polysaccharide of type ia group b streptococcus mediates c1 binding and activation of the classic complement pathway.the role of surface-bound type ia group b streptococcus (gbs) capsular polysaccharide in antibody-independent binding of c1 and activation of the classic complement pathway was investigated. in a radiolabeled bacterial-polymorphonuclear leukocyte (pmn) association assay, a measure of bacterial opsonization, preincubation of 3h-type ia gbs with purified f(ab')2 to the organism blocked the association of the bacteria with pmn', and the inhibitory effect was dose dependent. the specificity of f(ab' ...19863517165
functional activities of various preparations of human intravenous immunoglobulin against type iii group b streptococcus.two preparations of human immunoglobulin modified for intravenous use (iv immunoglobulin) by different methods (reduction-and-alkylation, or ph 4 treatment) were evaluated for in vitro and in vivo activity against a strain of type iii group b streptococcus (gbs). both preparations contained similar amounts of total igg and specific igg antibody against the type-specific polysaccharide. in vitro, opsonophagocytic studies revealed that ph 4-treated iv immunoglobulin was significantly more effectiv ...19863517187
pectoralis pyomyositis: an unusual cause of chest wall pain in a patient with diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis.we describe a case of isolated pectoralis swelling and tenderness, without systemic signs of infection, in a north american adult with diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis. the etiology was discovered to be pyomyositis, usually thought to be a disease of tropical climates. it is the first such case with group b streptococcus as the causative organism.19863522899
sternoclavicular joint infection with group b streptococcus. 19863522900
ceftazidime vs. standard therapy for pediatric meningitis: therapeutic, pharmacologic and epidemiologic hundred patients ages 1 month to 15 years received either ceftazidime (cz) at a dose of 150 mg/kg/day divided every 8 hours or conventional treatment with chloramphenicol and ampicillin (ca). seventy-eight had isolates recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid: 40 (51%) were haemophilus influenzae (all ampicillin-susceptible); 16 (21%) were streptococcus pneumoniae; 14 (18%) were neisseria meningitidis; 3 (4%) were salmonellae; 1 (2%) was pseudomonas; and 1 (2%) was group b streptococcus. six p ...19863523457
streptococcal puerperal sepsis and obstetric infections: a historical perspective.the streptococcus, responsible for inestimable morbidity and mortality among parturient women since the 16th century, is no longer a significant cause of puerperal infection. although the problem of the group a streptococcus in obstetrics has abated, the obstetrician is now confronted with the group b streptococcus, which is a major cause of fetal, neonatal, and maternal morbidity and mortality. some historical insight into the infectious disease problems encountered by obstetric practitioners d ...19863523698
determination of asymptomatic carrier rate of beta-haemolytic group b streptococcus in vaginas of pregnant women in ibadan, nigeria.bacteriological studies of 500 vaginal swabs from pregnant women in second and third trimester from 4 government hospitals in ibadan showed that 8 (1.6 per cent) were found to be culture-positive for group b streptococcus. five (1.0 per cent) were found to harbour group d streptococci. all the 8 group b streptococcus isolates were sensitive to erythromycin, methicillin, penicillin g, ampicillin and chloramphenicol in decreasing order. they were resistant to tetracycline, sulphafurazole and strep ...19863526761
influence of polysaccaride capsule and ionic strength on buoyant density of group b streptococci.density fluctuation during the cell cycle was investigated with group b streptococcus (gbs), type ia, in isotonic medium. maximum density occurred at late lag-phase, with a minimum at the middle of logarithmic growth. during the stationary phase the density remained stable. the buoyant density of serotypes ia, ib, ii, iii and a rough variant was determined by means of gradient centrifugation. in an isotonic milieu at the early stationary phase, the density of the strains varied in the range betw ...19863526813
the carrier state: group b streptococcus. 19863528112
influence of prostaglandin d2 on hemodynamic effects of group b streptococcus in neonatal lambs.infusions of group b streptococci cause pulmonary hypertension in several neonatal animal models. a continuous infusion of prostaglandin d2 reduced the magnitude of this pulmonary hypertensive response; indomethacin completely blocked the response. prostaglandin d2 or cyclooxygenase inhibitors may be important therapeutic agents for infants with group b streptococcal sepsis who manifest pulmonary hypertension.19863530674
pelvic inflammatory disease.acute pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) is a major public health problem. an estimated 1 million cases occur annually in the united states. pid is a major cause of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. prevention of the significant medical and economic sequelae of acute pid relies on the institution of appropriate treatment regimens that are based on the true microbiologic etiology of acute pid and take cognizance of the polymicrobic nature of this etiology. the clinician must maintain a high index ...19863532371
perinatal colonization of group b streptococcus--an epidemiological study in a chinese epidemiological study of perinatal colonization of group b streptococcus (gbs) was carried out prospectively in a chinese population. one hundred and sixty-eight mother-infant pairs were studied. maternal carriage rate from multiple sites was 19.0%, with an overall neonatal colonization rate of 19.6%. there was no neonatal sepsis due to gbs. no obstetrical risk factors that could influence material carriage could be identified. neonatal colonization was associated with premature/prolonged rup ...19863533034
in vitro stimulation prior to fusion generates antigen-binding human-human hybridomas.production of useful human monoclonal antibodies has been limited by the inability to reliably generate and isolate antigen-specific b cells by in vivo immunization. an in vitro culture system employing antigen and mitogen to stimulate lymphocytes derived from solid lymphoid organs has been developed. human tonsilar or splenic lymphocytes were stimulated in vitro with antigen and mitogen in short term culture and then fused with either of two enzyme deficient human b cell lines. this approach ap ...19863534099
perinatal group b streptococcal infection in a series of 32 fetuses and neonates studied at autopsy at women and infants hospital, group b streptococcus (gbs) was isolated from the right atrial blood or from the lung. eleven or 34% (5 stillborn fetuses and 6 liveborn infants) were delivered in midgestation, between 18 and 28 weeks, and all weighed less than 1000 g. maternal clinical features in gbs infection during midgestation included vaginal hemorrhage in 4 and premature rupture of membranes in 8. the high rate of fetal death associa ...19863537995
group b streptococcal bacteremia in men.twenty-three episodes of bacteremia due to group b streptococcus (gbs) in men were reviewed for both clinical and microbiologic features. the commonest sources of bacteremia were infections of the respiratory tract (seven cases), skin (five cases), urinary tract (four cases), and intravenous access sites (four cases). sixteen (70%) of the cases of bacteremia were hospital acquired, and 10 (43%) were polymicrobial (seven with staphylococcus aureus). gbs bacteremia was generally low-grade and brie ...19863541125
ceftriaxone administered once or twice a day for treatment of bacterial infections of childhood.twenty-six children received a single daily intravenous dose of ceftriaxone, 50 mg/kg, for a variety of bacterial infections including abscess (5), cellulitis (5), periorbital cellulitis (5), bacteremia without focus (4), osteomyelitis (2), pneumonia (2), pyelonephritis (2) and otitis media (1). organisms isolated from infectious foci were staphylococcus aureus (9), streptococcus pneumoniae (6), streptococcus pyogenes (3), escherichia coli (2); and haemophilus influenzae type b, nontypable h. in ...19853969362
early detection of bacteremia in an outpatient clinic.a total of 570 patients, aged less than 24 months, who were seen in the emergency room at texas children's hospital for evaluation of acute febrile illness had a wbc count, differential count, and a blood culture obtained. bacteremia occurred in 7.7% (n = 44) (22 haemophilus influenzae; 17 streptococcus pneumoniae; three escherichia coli; one group b streptococcus; one staphylococcus aureus). the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of morphologic changes (vacuolization and to ...19853991267
cefotaxime monotherapy of bacterial meningitis caused by gram-positive pathogens.primary meningitis in children is caused by two gram-negative bacterial species, neisseria meningitidis and haemophilus influenzae, and one gram-positive bacterial species streptococcus pneumoniae. despite optimal penicillin susceptibility, with few exceptions, therapeutic results in pneumococcal meningitis are by far worse than with the other two pathogens. therefore, and because of the detection of penicillin-resistant rods, the study of alternatives in therapy is justified and was started wit ...19854055057
efficacy of imipenem/cilastatin in endocarditis.imipenem, a potent new beta-lactam antibiotic, which is bactericidal against most pathogenic bacteria, and cilastatin, a dehydropeptidase inhibitor combined with imipenem to prevent the metabolism of imipenem in the kidney, were evaluated in the treatment of bacterial endocarditis. seventeen patients, including 14 who used intravenous drugs, were treated with imipenem/cilastatin in a dose of 500 mg each infused over 30 minutes every six hours. the mean duration of treatment was 29 days with a ra ...19853859210
microbiology of the lower genital tract in postmenarchal adolescent girls: differences by sexual activity, contraception, and presence of nonspecific vaginitis.the prevalence of selected microorganisms in the lower genital tract in postmenarchal adolescent girls was assessed, including vaginal gardnerella vaginalis, group b streptococcus, lactobacillus, mycoplasma species, ureaplasma urealyticum, staphylococcus aureus, and yeast, and endocervical mycoplasma species, u. urealyticum, chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, and trichomonas vaginalis. specific attention was focused on important sexually transmitted disease organisms, and differences ...19853877803
isolation of gardnerella vaginalis from high vaginal swabs.vaginal swabs from 2715 consecutive unselected women with vaginal discharge were examined for gardnerella vaginalis, candida albicans and trichomonas vaginalis. of 2715 women, 2043 had non-specific vaginitis and g. vaginalis was isolated from 269 cases (13.2%). thirty five of the strains were isolated together with c. albicans, eight with t. vaginalis, six with bacteroides species and three each with group b streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. two hundred and sixteen (80%) of the isolates w ...19853879398
human antibody to the group-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus.igg antibody to purified group polysaccharide of group b streptococcus was detected with a specific, reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sera of 178 human subjects: 106 parturient patients, 67 of their healthy infants, and 5 adults with invasive infection. antibody concentrations in 44 parturient carriers of group b streptococci were significantly greater than in 44 noncarriers (geometric mean level, 3.5 and 1.2 micrograms/ml, respectively). cord serum levels agreed closely with ma ...19853881538
changing pattern of neonatal streptococcal recent years viridans streptococcus has emerged as a new and significant cause of neonatal septicemia. this article reports our experience over a 6-year period with respect to the prevalence and clinical presentation of viridans streptococcal vis-à-vis group b streptococcal septicemia in neonates. viridans streptococcus was the organism most frequently isolated taking into account all positive blood cultures for streptococci in newborns. although some similarities were observed between the tw ...19853881743
newborn sepsis following antepartum group b streptococcal maternal infection in b streptococcus is an important pathogen in man and infection due to this bacteria is responsible for significant mortality and morbidity in neonates. an animal model of neonatal infection caused by group b streptococcus that results from vertical transmission is described. nine pregnant sprague-dawley rats received intraperitoneal inoculation of 10(9)-10(10) colony forming units of group b streptococcus on day 20 or 21 of gestation. four of nine rats died following inoculation. a total of ...19853885151
group b streptococcus. 19853885235
toxicity of group b streptococcus agalactiae in adult rats.several strains of group b streptococcus agalactiae were found to be lethal for young adult rats. when bacteria were heat killed and then injected intraperitoneally into rats, rapid death (14 to 18 h) of the rats occurred, characterized by labored breathing, hemolyzed serum, hemoglobinuria, and subungual hemorrhages. sections of tissues from these rats failed to reveal the cause of death. rats injected with toxic or nontoxic strains of group b s. agalactiae had reduced numbers of circulating leu ...19853886550
short-term responses in neonatal lambs after infusion of group b streptococcal extract.short-term (0 to 30 minutes) physiologic responses of neonatal lambs infused with a trichloroacetic extract of a type iii (strain 878) group b streptococcus (878-tca) were studied. bolus injections of 878-tca were associated with pulmonary hypertension, peripheral arterial hypoxemia, and reductions in circulating white blood cell and platelet counts. these events were associated with a rise in plasma levels of prostaglandins f2 alpha and e and could be prevented by proper treatment with ibuprofe ...19853889746
group b streptococcus causing a shunt infection in an older child. 19853889878
opsonization of group b streptococcus type iii: studies using clinical strains and maternal sera.luminol-dependent phagocytic chemiluminescence was used to measure opsonins to group b streptococcus type iii in serum samples from pregnant women. mean levels were similar amongst patients colonized with this organism and those who were not. values remained fairly constant for individual women during pregnancy apart from a small, but consistant fall in cord blood samples. again using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, 54 clinical isolates of group b streptococcus type iii were evaluated for s ...19853890914
antibody-independent and -dependent opsonization of group b streptococcus requires the first component of complement c1.the role of the classical complement pathway and specifically the first component, c1 in antibody-independent opsonization of type ia group b streptococcus (gbs) was investigated. for these studies a radiolabeled bacterial uptake assay was developed that was dependent on time and bacterial concentration and that required an intact classical complement pathway. to directly investigate the role of c1 in opsonization of type ia gbs, c1 was isolated by chromatography on an immunoglobulin g (igg) aff ...19853891622
a sialic-acid-specific lectin from cepaea hortensis that promotes phagocytosis of a group-b, type-ia, streptococcal streptococci that possess a type-specific surface polysaccharide undergo phagocytosis only in the presence of antibodies to this, and complement. the snail cepaea hortensis forms a lectin that is specific for sialic acid; treatment with this promoted the phagocytosis of a group-b streptococcus of serotype ia (strain o90) in the absence of opsonic antibodies. the effect of the lectin was dose-dependent and required the presence of complement. the specificity of the lectin reaction for sia ...19853892008
rapid in vitro replication of group b streptococcus in term human amniotic fluid.4-hour in vitro growth curves of a type iii group b streptococcus (gbs) and escherichia coli were examined in sterile term human amniotic fluid specimens. both bacterial strains proliferated despite ratios of phosphate to elemental zinc in the range reportedly inhibitory for e. coli. after 4 h of incubation, despite comparable inocula, gbs numbers exceeded those of e. coli by 10-fold. the strikingly rapid growth of some gbs strains in amniotic fluid may represent yet another factor responsible f ...19853894177
mercuric reductase enzymes from streptomyces species and group b streptococcus.mercury volatilization (hg2+ reductase) activity has been found with hg2+-resistant isolates of three streptomyces species and with three hg2+-resistant strains of group b streptococcus from clinical sources in japan. hg2+ reductase activities in crude cell extracts showed the temperature sensitivity, the requirement for an added thiol compound and the characteristic dependence on nad(p)h cofactors of similar enzymes isolated from other bacteria.19853894571
evaluation of the spot-camp test for the rapid presumptive identification of group b streptococci.a rapid spot-camp test was evaluated for its ability to accurately identify colonies of streptococcus agalactiae (lancefield group b) growing on primary sheep blood agar plates. the test uses a beta-lysin-containing filtrate, which is prepared from a broth culture of staphylococcus aureus. a drop of beta-lysin filtrate is applied adjacent to a suspected group b streptococcus (gbs) colony and the plate is incubated and then examined for a zone of synergistic hemolysis. the spot-camp test demonstr ...19853895888
prevalence of type-specific group b streptococcal antibody in human sera: a study of 405 pregnant women.presence of immunoglobulin g antibody against the five standard serotypes of group b streptococcus was measured by means of indirect immunofluorescence in the sera of 405 women at the time of delivery in the obstetric hospital in vancouver. antibody to all five serotypes was present in 22% of women whereas only 9.6% had no detectable antibody to any serotype. among 47 women with group b streptococcus vaginal colonization, igg antibody was detected against the homologous colonizing serotype in 10 ...19853895953
group b streptococcal recent years group b streptococcus (gbs) has been recognized as a major perinatal pathogen. as with other encapsulated bacteria, protective immunity appears to correlate with serum antibody specific for the homologous capsular polysaccharide antigen of each serotype. since susceptibility of the young infant to disseminated gbs infection relates to type-specific antibody deficiency in maternal serum, immunization of women with purified gbs type-specific polysaccharides has been proposed as a m ...19853898306
comparison of ceftazidime with cefamandole for therapy of community-acquired pneumonia.ceftazidime and cefamandole were compared in the treatment of pneumonia. the median mic of ceftazidime for all streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 17) and haemophilus influenzae (n = 10) isolates was 0.125 microgram/ml. all other isolates were inhibited by less than 0.5 microgram of ceftazidime per ml, with the exception of a group b streptococcus (mic = 4 micrograms/ml). satisfactory clinical responses were observed in 91% (20 of 22) of cefamandole-treated patients and 85% (17 of 20) of ceftazidime-t ...19853899002
chlamydia, group b streptococcus, and herpes in pregnancy. 19853899134
[isolation of group b streptococcus from clinical specimens and the methods of its identification]. 19853907213
[neonatal septicemia caused by group b streptococcus associated with right diaphragmatic hernia with delayed disclosure]. 19853907475
postsplenectomy sepsis caused by group b streptococcus (s. agalactiae) in an adult patient with diabetes mellitus.overwhelming postsplenectomy infection (opsi) due to group b streptococcus developed in an insulin-dependent diabetic patient. the illness began with nonspecific symptoms, followed rapidly by hypotension and disseminated intravascular coagulation. the early institution of appropriate antibiotics, fluid replacement and pressor agents resulted in a favorable clinical outcome. the association of group b streptococcal infection and diabetes mellitus is discussed. the defects in normal host defenses ...19853908027
purification and characterization of camp-factor from streptococcus agalactiae by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and from streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococcus) was purified 60-fold from the culture supernatant to electrophoretic homogeneity in 57% yield. the purification procedure involved ammonium sulphate precipitation, ultrafiltration, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on octyl-sepharose and chromatofocusing on polybuffer exchanger pbe 94. the purified camp-factor consists of a single polypeptide chain with an apparent molecular weight of 25 kd and an isoelectric point of 8.9. th ...19853908464
[indicators of the persistence of l-forms of group b streptococcus in experimental infection of animals]. 19853909686
application of the directigen group b strep-test kit to the rapid identification of group b streptococcus strains. 19853916235
immune globulin for intravenous use: enhancement of in vitro opsonophagocytic activity of neonatal serum.neonates born with less-than-protective levels of transplacentally derived specific antibody are at risk for the development of disease due to type iii, group b streptococcus (iii-gbs). the effect of immune serum globulin modified for intravenous use (misg) on in vitro opsonophagocytosis of iii-gbs was evaluated. cord blood was obtained from 13 healthy, full-term neonates, and bactericidal activity for iii-gbs was measured. before the addition of misg, one of three serum specimens with moderate ...19853918123
group b streptococcus type ii antisera have anti-galactan has been confirmed by immunochemical methods that group b streptococcal capsular polysaccharides of type ii contain terminal non-reducing beta-(1-6)-d-galactosyl groups. this immunodominant structure is detected by immune antisera from rabbits. as beta-(1-6)-d-galactosyl residues are the predominant end groups of a number of plant and animal galactans, anti-type ii streptococcus antisera can also be used as anti-galactans. on the other side, different anti-galactans from various origins (lect ...19853925659
neonatal septicaemia.a total of 410 proved cases of neonatal septicaemia from seven finnish hospitals seen between 1976 and 1980 were reviewed. the annual incidence of neonatal septicaemia was 3 per 1000 births, and overall mortality was 23%. onset was early in most patients. symptoms of septicaemia occurred within the first 24 hours of life in 44% and within the first week of life in 90%. in the very early onset disease (within 24 hours) mortality was 30%, compared with 17% in all other cases. group b streptococcus ...19853925895
cervicitis and urethritis caused by group b streptococcus: case b streptococcus is not often isolated by gynaecologists when a clinical diagnosis of cervicitis is made. i report on a patient suffering from cervicitis and urethritis caused by this organism, whose symptoms completely resolved after she was treated with phenoxymethylpenicillin.19853930385
molecular size affects antigenicity of type iii, group b streptococcus capsular polysaccharide. 19853939504
kinetic and chemical analyses of the biologic significance of lipoteichoic acids in mediating adherence of serotype iii group b streptococci.the mechanism(s) involved in the binding of lipoteichoic acid (lta), isolated from virulent, asymptomatic, or avirulent serotype iii strains of group b streptococci, to human embryonic epithelial cells (hec), human fetal epithelial cells (hfc), and human adult buccal epithelial cells was investigated. it was determined that the binding of purified [3h]lta to human adult buccal epithelial cells differed from the binding to hec and hfc. lta from all group b streptococcus strains bound to human adu ...19852995256
does cytomegalovirus play a role in community-acquired pneumonia?cytomegalovirus (cmv) is recognized as an important pathogen in the immuno-suppressed patient. sporadic case reports of cytomegalovirus community-acquired pneumonia have appeared. we studied 443 patients with community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization to define the role of cytomegalovirus in this illness. four patients (0.9%) had good evidence that cytomegalovirus caused their pneumonia: 2 had the virus isolated from pulmonary tissue and 2 had cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies visuali ...19853000667
group b streptococci colonization among saudi women in labor and neonatal acquisition.rates of high vaginal group b streptococcus colonization and the perinatal transmission were determined in 260 saudi women admitted for delivery to the obstetrical unit of the king fahd hospital of the university, al-khobar. of these women, 24 mothers in labour had vaginal colonization (9.2%). three neonates acquired group b streptococci soon after birth on more than one body site and the perinatal transmission rate was 12.5%. implication of these findings are reviewed.19852860027
seroepidemiological studies of group b streptococcus type the course of prospective epidemiological studies of group b streptococcal (gbs) colonization and infection, we surveyed 401 paired maternal and cord sera (obtained at delivery) and 23 sera from patients with systemic type ii infection for igg antibody to gbs type ii. type ii carriers were more likely to have antibody (greater than 2 micrograms/ml) than were those carrying other gbs types, whereas noncolonized patients were the least likely to have antibody. the overall prevalence of levels o ...19852582066
review of group b streptococci and their infections.this review article discusses the stages in the development of research on group b streptococcus (gbs), otherwise called streptococcus agalactiae. emphasis was placed on the bacteriology, clinical spectrum of disease, immunity to gbs infections and antibiotic susceptibility of the causative organism. the organism, first recognized by billroth in 1873, is classified into order eubacteriales, family lactobacillceae, class schizomycetes and genus streptococcus on the basis of its biochemical and ph ...19852418664
pharmacokinetics and clinical evaluation of cefotaxime in children suffering with purulent meningitis.seventy-five children with bacterial meningitis were included in a multicentre trial for evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid (csf) pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of cefotaxime. mean age of patients was 4 years. causative pathogens were haemophilus influenzae in 28 patients (37%), neisseria meningitidis in 27 patients (36%), streptococcus pneumoniae in 10 patients (13%), group b streptococcus in 2 patients (2%) and unknown in 8 patients. all isolated pathogens were susceptible to cefotaxime ...19846094436
cefotaxime therapy of bacterial meningitis in children.thirty children with bacterial meningitis were randomized to receive either ampicillin and chloramphenicol in standard doses or cefotaxime (50 mg/kg/dose every 6 h) for 10 to 14 days. eighteen patients received ampicillin and chloramphenicol and 12 patients received cefotaxime. cerebrospinal fluid isolated included: haemophilus influenzae (20), streptococcus pneumoniae (4), neisseria meningitidis (3), group b streptococcus (2), and salmonella enteritidis (1). five of the h. influenzae isolates w ...19846094438
characterization of the group-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus.the group-specific polysaccharide of the group b streptococcus was isolated by nitrous acid extraction followed by gel filtration on sepharose 6b and chromatography on deae-bio-gel a. it was composed of rhamnose, galactose, n-acetylglucosamine, and glucitol phosphate. mild periodate oxidation of the polysaccharide resulted in a rapid reduction in molecular weight, indicating that the glucitol was located in the backbone of the polymer. high-resolution 31p nmr showed the presence of a single type ...19846097185
quantitation of igg antibody to the type-specific polysaccharide of group b streptococcus type 1b in pregnant women and infected infants. 19846207281
comparison of ceftriaxone and traditional therapy of bacterial meningitis.forty-five children (aged 1 day to 15 years) with bacterial meningitis were randomized to receive either traditional therapy (ampicillin and chloramphenicol or gentamicin, pending sensitivity) or ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg per day in two doses for a minimum of 10 days). the etiological agents involved were similar for the two groups and included haemophilus influenzae type b, neisseria meningitidis, streptococcus pneumoniae, and group b streptococcus. repeat spinal taps were carried out 24 to 48 h a ...19846322681
maternal and infant sexually transmitted diseases.sexually transmitted infection may result in serious damage to the reproductive tract of the mother, damage to the fetus, wastage of pregnancy, or illness or death of the infant. the effects of gonorrhea, chlamydia trachomatis infection, mycoplasmal infections, group b streptococcus infections, syphilis, and viral infections are discussed separately for both mother and infant.19846324439
rapid diagnosis of group b streptococcal infection utilizing a commercially available latex agglutination assay.the wellcogen strep b latex assay rapidly identifies all cases of culture-positive sepsis and meningitis and may be more sensitive than standard culture techniques for identifying group b streptococcus disease and assessing the degree of severity. the quantitation of antigen concentration combined with the peripheral wbc count proves helpful in predicting poor outcome.19846361678
cutaneous group b streptococcal infection.a 20-year-old man had a penile ulceration from which a pure, heavy growth of group b streptococcus was cultured. cutaneous infection with this organism is unusual, and it is most often reported in postpartum women, diabetic patients, and immunocompromised individuals. vaginal colonization with group b streptococcus is common. since traumatic erosions or ulcerations of the penis are not uncommon, it is likely that a certain number of unrecognized infections of this type occur.19846362569
group b streptococcal meningitis appearing as acute deafness in an adult.a case of group b streptococcal meningitis developed in a previously healthy adult. the group b streptococcus may be underrecognized as a pathogen in human disease. survival is good after appropriate therapy, with only six fatalities in 33 cases reported in the literature. however, our patient showed the unusual neurologic complication of bilateral deafness in group b meningitis in adults.19846362629
transplacental passage of igg antibody to group b streptococcus serotype ia. 19846368784
rapid detection of group b streptococcal antigen by monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme b streptococcus (gbs) is the most common cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. infants at greatest risk to develop invasive disease are delivered to women colonized with gbs in their birth canals and lacking immunity to the colonizing serotype. we have investigated the sensitivity and specificity of a recently developed monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme immunoassay for detection of gbs antigen. the sandwich enzyme immunoassay detected types ii and iii gbs at a concentration of 5 x 10( ...19846371047
protective efficacy of hybridoma type-specific antibody against experimental infection with group-b streptococcus.murine monoclonal antibodies to group-b streptococcus type iii were developed by fusion of splenic lymphocytes from immunized balb/c mice with the mouse-myeloma cell line sp 2/0. the four type iii-specific antibodies, which were of the igm class, protected neonatal rats against intraperitoneal infection with homologous-type group-b streptococci; survival rates were 95%-100% for protected rats but only 17% for unprotected rats. one antibody preparation offered excellent protection against any of ...19846371154
failure of inhibition of in vivo group b streptococcus growth in rhesus amniotic fluid. 19846372490
the role of the vaginal colonization of the medical and paramedical staff in the nosocomial transmission of group-b streptococcus.the authors consider the presence of streptococcus of group b in the vaginal flora of the medical and paramedical staff who work at the obstetrical and gynaecological clinic and at the department of neonatology at the s. matteo polyclinic. the identification of fellows (6 cases, 6.8%) colonized by gbs improves the hypothesis of the possibility of a hospital-transmission of the microorganism , and this transmission explains the possible bacterial colonization of newborns, whose mothers are gbs ne ...19846373057
studies of short-term pulmonary and peripheral vascular responses induced in oophorectomized sheep by the infusion of a group b streptococcal extract.short-term (0-30 min) pulmonary and systemic vascular responses of oophorectomized ewes infused intravenously with a trichloroacetic acid (tca) extract of a type iii (strain 878) group b streptococcus (gbs) were studied. tca-878 extract induced significant pulmonary hypertension, reduction in femoral artery pressure and reduced femoral artery po2. these responses were similar to those observed after the infusion of sublethal doses of e. coli endotoxin and could be prevented by priming the animal ...19846374597
characteristics and functional capacities of human cord blood granulocytes and monocytes.cord blood phagocytic cells were characterized with respect to cytochemical activities, fc gamma and c3b receptors, and capacity to phagocytose and kill various species of bacteria. the percentages of peroxidase-positive granulocytes and monocytes from neonates and adults were comparable; the percentage of esterase-positive cord-blood monocytes was about two-thirds of that of adults' blood monocytes. the numbers of cord blood and adults' monocytes with fc gamma and c3b receptors were similar. ph ...19846240017
epiglottic abscess due to group b streptococcus. communication.a group b streptococcus caused epiglottitis with abscess formation in an adult with diabetes mellitus. group b streptococci are being more commonly isolated from adults, and epiglottitis is another infection in which this organism has been implicated.19846375519
group b streptococcus amnionitis with intact membranes associated with quintuplet delivery.chorioamnionitis is a frequent cause of premature labour and delivery, as well as of maternal and neonatal mortality. group b streptococcus (gbs) has emerged over the past decade as a common pathogen in the etiology of neonatal sepsis. the case of chorioamnionitis reported here is unusual for three reasons: the premature labour was associated with intact membrane and amniotic fluid infected with gbs; all 5 infants were contaminated with gbs and all infants survived. chorioamniotitis with intact ...19846376193
[fundamental and clinical studies of ceftazidime in the field of pediatrics].we have studied ceftazidime (caz), a cephem antibiotic of the new generation, for its antibacterial activity against h. influenzae and clinical effects. antibacterial activity: mics of caz for 142 strains of h. influenzae including 11 abpc-resistant strains which were clinically isolated, were determined, and the results were good for all the strains. clinical effects: caz was administered to 9 children with infections. suspected causative organisms were h. influenzae, e. coli, p. aeruginosa, gr ...19846376849
use of the becton-dickinson urine culture tube with the abbott ms-2 urine screening system.urine specimens were obtained from 312 obstetric outpatients by sterile midstream technique and aliquots placed in both becton-dickinson urine culture tubes and sterile conventional tubes. quantitative cultures were made from each tube, and each tube was screened for bacteria with the abbott ms-2 urine screening system. the time required to detect bacteriuria was recorded for both specimens. isolates from specimens containing greater than or equal to 50,000/ml gram-positive cocci or greater than ...19846378504
protective levels of human immunoglobulin g antibody to group b streptococcus type ib.we studied the concentration of circulating human immunoglobulin g (igg) antibody to the native capsular polysaccharide of group b streptococcus (gbs) type ib necessary to protect mice against lethal challenge by laboratory and clinical gbs ib strains. antibody was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in which native polysaccharide antigen coupled to human serum albumin was used. the assay was standardized by a quantitative precipitation test, using native antigen and specific human ...19846381309
diminished bactericidal capacity for group b streptococcus in neutrophils from "stressed" and healthy neonates.this study compared the bactericidal capacity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) from neonates and adults for type ic group b streptococcus (gbs), and examined the effect of severe stress on the bactericidal capacity of pmns from newborn infants. pmns were obtained from three study groups: 26 adults, 13 healthy neonates (cord blood), and 29 stressed neonates. stress was defined as an acute respiratory illness or bacterial infection requiring assisted ventilation. bacterial killing was assess ...19846382134
the effect of dilution during culture on detection of low concentrations of bacteria in blood.the standard procedure for culturing blood is to inoculate 5 ml of blood into 50 ml of broth, resulting in a blood-broth ratio of 1:10. in infants, where only 0.5 to 1.0 ml of blood is available for culture, blood:broth ratios may be as dilute as 1:100. the purpose of this study was to determine whether a blood-broth ratio of 1:100 was as sensitive as a ratio of 1:10 for detecting low concentrations of bacteria in blood. blood (0.5 ml) seeded with 2 to 30 organisms/ml of one of four common pedia ...19846382188
maternal and neonatal colonization with group b streptococcus and neonatal outcome. 19846384038
[fatal intrauterine infection after maternal group b streptococcus haemolyticus (agalactiae) disease]. 19846384877
group-b streptococcus--profile of an organism. 19846387125
immediate postmortem cultures in an intensive care nursery.the results of several published studies suggest that bacterial infection plays an important role in the mortality of neonatal intensive care unit (nicu) patients. to evaluate more thoroughly this role we have routinely performed postmortem cultures of blood and cerebrospinal fluid on all infants who die in our nicu. during a 5-year review period 25.9% of infants who died had one or both cultures positive for an organism considered to be pathogenic in the neonate. the organisms most commonly cul ...19846393077
pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime in newborn infants.doses of 50 mg of ceftazidime per kg were administered intravenously to 29 newborn infants every 8 or 12 h for 3 to 5 days. mean peak concentrations in plasma ranged from 102 to 124 micrograms/ml. mean elimination half-life values ranged from 2.9 to 6.7 h and varied inversely with gestational age and plasma clearances. peak and trough plasma bactericidal titers against an escherichia coli and a group b streptococcus strain were at least 1:16 and 1:32, respectively.19846393862
bactericidal kinetics of newborn polymorphonuclear leukocytes against group b streptococci type vitro intracellular and total bacterial group b streptococcus type iii (gbs-iii) survival as well as bactericidal indices at incubation times ranging from 0 to 120 minutes were comparable in newborn and adult polymorphonuclears (pmn). it appears that under appropriate opsonic conditions the phagocytic kinetics of normal newborn pmn against gbs-iii are not different from those of adult pmn.19846394504
[group b streptococcus infections in newborn infants]. 19846394978
recent advances in management of bacterial meningitis in neonates.the current incidence of neonatal sepsis in the united states varies from less than 1 to 8.1 per 1000 live births. the incidence of bacterial meningitis is about one-third of the number of infants with sepsis. the mortality is 20 to 30% and many survivors are severely impaired. group b streptococcus and escherichia coli are the most frequent causes of meningitis. because of the difficulty of clinical diagnosis, many infants receive presumptive therapy for suspected sepsis or meningitis although ...19846397449
[frequency of colonization of beta-hemolytic group b streptococci in a sample of 939 pregnant women. epidemiologic and clinical study].a prospective study of group b streptococcus colonization in 939 pregnant women from vicenza and its region, disclosed an overall rate of 9.58% of genital colonization. only two cases of group b streptococcal infant disease occurred in the study period (0.21%). no statistically significant difference between culture-positive and culture-negative pregnant women was found in mean age, parity, place of residence, blood group, presence of clinical disease during pregnancy, type of delivery and gesta ...19846398425
type-specific capsular antigen is associated with virulence in late-onset group b streptococcal type iii disease.strain differences have been postulated to explain the observation that group b streptococcus type iii (gbs iii) late-onset disease occurs in only a fraction of colonized infants. to determine the distribution of type-specific polysaccharide antigen (ag) in gbs iii, ag was measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis in both supernatant fluids and edta extracts and by radial immunodiffusion in multiple hcl extracts of the pellet from cultures of 10 strains of gbs iii. capsular ag was defined as the ...19846423540
comparative anti-pseudomonas aeruginosa activity of chemically modified and native immunoglobulin g (human), and potentiation of antibiotic protection against pseudomonas aeruginosa and group b streptococcus in vivo.immunoglobulin g intravenous is prepared by controlled reduction and alkylation of approximately four interheavy chain disulfide bonds per molecule. to determine if the protective activity of antibody modified by this process is diminished, mice were treated with identical doses of reduced and alkylated igg and native igg prepared from the same plasma pool. three hours later mice were given a 10 percent body surface burn followed by challenge with the seven fisher-devlin-gnabasik immunotypes of ...19846424444
two unlinked genetic loci interact to control the human immune response to type iii group b streptococcal antigen.serum samples were collected from 30 healthy adult caucasian volunteers before and after immunization with native type iii polysaccharide of group b streptococcus. serum antibody to this polysaccharide was measured and sera were typed for several gm and km(1) allotypes. a significant interactive effect of gm(23) and km(1) was found on immune responsiveness to native type iii group b streptococcus polysaccharide antigen.19846427356
[a study of group b streptococcus with special reference to the relationship between serological types and virulence]. 19846434661
the effects of group b streptococcus and other organisms on the pulmonary this article, the authors review the effects of group b streptococcus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and escherichia coli on the pulmonary vasculature and the possible mechanisms involved in their genesis.19846435923
management of neonatal meningitis, 1984.neonatal bacterial meningitis continues to cause substantial mortality and morbidity despite the advent of new antimicrobial agents and of modern intensive care facilities. in dallas, the case-fatality rate for bacterial meningitis in newborn and young infants is 17% (40 of 231 patients). three pathogens, group b streptococcus, escherichia coli and listeria monocytogenes, accounted for 84% of the causative agents. although new beta-lactam antibiotics have been extensively evaluated in experiment ...19846438045
improved detection of bacterial antigens by latex agglutination after rapid extraction from body fluids.nonspecific agglutination of antibody-coated latex particles, unrelated to the presence of specific bacterial antigens, is a major difficulty with commercial latex particle agglutination tests. rheumatoid and other factors are known to interfere with latex tests. we studied the use of six chelating, reducing, and anticoagulatory reagents in a rapid extraction of antigen procedure to free heat-stable antigens of haemophilus influenzae type b and group b streptococcus which had been added to human ...19846439735
neonatal meningitis in nigerian infants.53 nigerian infants with neonatal meningitis were prospectively studied. the striking features were: (a) the higher predisposition (26.7-fold) of lbw infants to developing meningitis than has been previously reported in the literature; (b) the predominant role of e. coli and staphylococcus aureus; and (c) the rarity of salmonella organisms and the conspicuous absence of group b streptococcus as aetiological pathogens. the outcome was related to the age of onset and type of micro-organism. the pr ...19846464736
vaginal and endocervical bacterial contamination in iud users.the use of intrauterine devices is clearly related to a new aspect of infective pathology: bacterial contamination of the uterine cavity and its repercussions throughout the genital apparatus. therefore the authors decided to carry out a study of the vaginal and endocervical flora of 61 iud users. this study has shown that pathogenic germs are present to a significant extent (82.3%) even when no clinical symptoms can be detected. the group b streptococcus was detected in a high number of cases ( ...19846713661
experimental group b streptococcal endocarditis treated with penicillin g versus ceftizoxime. in vitro-in vivo disparity.aortic valve endocarditis due to a penicillin g (pnc) and ceftizoxime (cz)-sensitive group b streptococcus (gbs) was induced in 72 rabbits. animals received either procaine pnc (300 mg/kg per day) or cz (150 mg/kg/day) for 3, 6, or 9 days. pnc rapidly sterilized blood cultures (less than or equal to 3 days) and significantly reduced vegetation gbs titers versus controls at all three sacrifice times (p less than 0.0005). in contrast, cz exerted a slow in vivo bactericidal effect with vegetation t ...19836311493
structure of native polysaccharide antigens of type ia and type ib group b streptococcus. 19836838851
nontypable haemophilus influenzae (biotype 4) as a neonatal, maternal, and genital pathogen.between 1976 and 1981 haemophilus influenzae was identified in 16 women with postpartum bacteremia and 36 neonates with bacteremia or meningitis. h. influenzae was also recovered from neonatal or genital cultures of 50 additional patients. by counter-immunoelectrophoresis 17% of neonatal isolates from blood or cerebrospinal fluid (csf) were type b. all remaining strains (94% overall) were nontypable (nt). of the nt blood or csf isolates, 38% belonged to biotype 4. of all the nt biotype 4 isolate ...19836600849
age-dependent effects of aminobutyryl muramyl dipeptide on alveolar macrophage function in infant and adult macaca monkeys.we compared the antimicrobial function of alveolar macrophages (am) from adult and 3- to 5-wk-old infant primates (macaca nemestrina) and the effects of the immunomodulator, aminobutyryl muramyl dipeptide (abu-mdp) on this function. phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus (sa) and group b streptococcus (gbs) by adult and infant am was comparable. adult and infant am killed sa equally within 15 min of incubation; however, after 45 min, with phagocytosis of additional bacteria, adult am had greater ...19836638675
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