
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a survey of oysters (crassostrea gigas) in new zealand for vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus.a microbiological survey was conducted to determine the levels of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp) and vibrio vulnificus (vv) in pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas) collected from commercial growing areas in the north island, new zealand. the survey was intended to be geographically representative of commercial growing areas of pacific oysters in new zealand, while selecting the time frame most likely to coincide with the increased abundance of pathogenic vibrio species. vp was ...201121501884
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses of the vertical distribution and diversity of vibrio spp. populations in the cariaco basin.the cariaco system is the second largest permanently anoxic marine water body in the world. its water column is characterized by a pronounced vertical layering of microbial communities. the goal of our study was to investigate the vertical distribution and diversity of vibrio spp. present in the cariaco basin waters using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of pcr-amplified 16s rdna fragments. representatives of the vibrio genus were detected by nested and direct pcr in seawater at 10 ...201121507026
a bivalent vibrio harveyi dna vaccine induces strong protection in japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus).vibrio harveyi is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can infect a large number of fish species. in previous studies, we have identified two protective immunogens, degq and vhp1, from pathogenic v. harveyi strains. in this study, we examined the potentials of degq and vhp1 as monovalent and bivalent dna vaccines in a japanese flounder (paralichthys olivaceus) model. for this purpose, the dna vaccine plasmids pdegq, pvhp1, and pdv were constructed. pdegq and pvhp1 express, respectively, degq and v ...201121513763
cloning of a novel collagenase gene from the gram-negative bacterium grimontia (vibrio) hollisae 1706b and its efficient expression in brevibacillus choshinensis.the collagenase gene was cloned from grimontia (vibrio) hollisae 1706b, and its complete nucleotide sequence was determined. nucleotide sequencing showed that the open reading frame was 2,301 bp in length and encoded an 84-kda protein of 767 amino acid residues. the deduced amino acid sequence contains a putative signal sequence and a zinc metalloprotease consensus sequence, the hexxh motif. g. hollisae collagenase showed 60 and 59% amino acid sequence identities to vibrio parahaemolyticus and v ...201121515782
multiplex pcr assay for identification of three major pathogenic vibrio spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus.a multiplex pcr assay was developed based on atpa-sequence diversification for molecular identification of 3 major pathogenic vibrio species: vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus. it specifically identified them from among 133 strains of various vibrio species and other genera, and was applicable for testing seawater, suggesting its usefulness.201121530641
rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus by pcr targeted to the histone-like nucleoid structure (h-ns) gene and its genetic characterization.aims:  the aim of this study was to explore a new pcr target gene for vibrio parahaemolyticus, based on the histone-like nucleoid structure (h-ns) gene. methods and results:  primers for the h-ns gene were designed for specificity to v. parahaemolyticus, and incorporated into a pcr assay. the pcr assay was able to specifically detect all of the 82 v. parahaemolyticus strains tested, but did not result in amplification in the 47 other vibrio spp. and non-vibrio spp. strains. the detection limit o ...201121535049
microarray analysis of gene expression in disk abalone haliotis discus discus after bacterial this study, we investigated the gene expression profiling of disk abalone, haliotis discus discus challenged by a mixture of three pathogenic bacteria vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahemolyticus, and listeria monocytogenes using a cdna microarray. upon bacteria challenge, 68 (1.6%) and 112 (2.7%) gene transcripts changed their expression levels ≥2 or ≤2 -fold in gills and digestive tract, respectively. there were 46 tissue-specific transcripts that up-regulated specifically in the digestive ...201121215803
cloning and characterization of a hsp70 gene from asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix which is involved in the immune response against bacterial the present study, a 71.43 kda heat shock protein cdna was cloned from asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix. the cdna was 2292 bp, containing an open reading frame (orf) of 1959 bp, which encodes a protein of 652 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 71.43 kda and an isoelectric point of 5.32. based on the amino acid sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis, this hsp70 cdna is a member of cytoplasmic hsc70 (constitutive genes) subfamily in the hsp70 family, and is designated as ...201121215805
vibrio parahaemolyticus, enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli and vibrio cholerae.this review highlighted the following: (i) pathogenic mechanism of the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus, especially on its cardiotoxicity, (ii) heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxins produced by enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, especially structure-activity relationship of heat-stable enterotoxin, (iii) rna n-glycosidase activity of vero toxins (vt1 and vt2) produced by enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o157:h7, (iv) discovery of vibrio cholerae o139, (v) iso ...201121233598
the development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with lateral flow dipstick for detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the current study was aimed to develop a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) combined with amplicon detection by chromatographic lateral flow dipstick (lfd) assay for rapid and specific detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.201121244453
development of monoclonal antibody based sandwich elisa for the rapid detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) are considered important virulence factors of vibrio parahaemolyticus and strains producing either of these or both are considered pathogenic. in this study, we generated monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against purified trh recombinant protein of pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus. sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) using the hybridoma clone 4b10 showed higher sensitivity of detection compared to other clones. using ma ...201121276628
development of a dna microarray for detection and identification of legionella pneumophila and ten other pathogens in drinking water.the safety and accessibility of drinking water are major concerns throughout the world. consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals or radiological hazards represents a significant health risk and is strongly associated with mortality. therefore, we have developed an oligonucleotide-based microarray using the sequences of 16s-23s rdna internal transcribed spacer regions (its) and the gyrase subunit b gene (gyrb) found in the most prevalent and devastating waterborne ...201121276629
identification of vibrio cholerae type iii secretion system effector is a pathogenic o39 serogroup vibrio cholerae strain that lacks the typical virulence factors for colonization (toxin-coregulated pilus [tcp]) and toxin production (cholera toxin [ct]) and instead encodes a type iii secretion system (t3ss). the mechanism of pathogenesis is unknown, and few effector proteins have been identified. we therefore undertook a survey of the open reading frames (orfs) within the ~49.7-kb t3ss genomic island to identify potential effector proteins. we identified ...201121282418
identification and evaluation as a dna vaccine candidate of a virulence-associated serine protease from a pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate.a putative serine protease gene was cloned from the genomic dna of vibrio parahaemolyticus fyz8621.4. the gene consisted of 1779 base pairs and encoded a 592 amino acid protein. the gene was expressed in escherichia coli. the expressed protease was purified by ni-nta his-bind resin column and showed a 63 kda band on sds-page. the protease exhibited proteolytic activity on gelatin agar plate and showed maximal proteolytic activity at ph 8.0 and 37 °c. it hydrolyzed n-α-benzoyl-l-tyrosine p-nitroa ...201121536140
[experiences in the epidemiological surveillance of foodborne pathogens by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge) in peru.]foodborne diseases and other enteric infections often occur as outbreaks and cause morbidity and mortality all over the world. in perú, they represent a serious public health problem, and are caused by a great variety of infectious agents. for epidemiological research, a wide array of typification methods are used. one of the most important tools for the molecular subtyping of bacterial pathogens is the pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge), which is a highly precise method that allows the dis ...201121537781
purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic analysis of the putative vibrio parahaemolyticus resuscitation-promoting factor yeaz.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a human pathogen associated with gastroenteritis caused by the ingestion of contaminated raw seafood. v. parahaemolyticus is able to survive exposure to low temperatures typical of those used for the refrigeration of foods by entering a viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state. the vbnc cells can regain culturability and renewed ability to cause infection upon temperature upshift. the resuscitation-promoting factor protein (rpf, yeaz) plays a key role in reactivation of g ...201121543872
genetic markers of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus: are they truly unique? 201121548769
vibrio parahemolyticus septicaemia in a liver transplant patient: a case report.abstract: introduction: vibrio parahemolyticus is the leading cause of vibrio-associated gastroenteritis in the united states of america, usually related to poor food handling; only rarely has it been reported to cause serious infections including sepsis and soft tissue infections. in contrast, vibrio vulnificus is a well-known cause of septicaemia, especially in patients with cirrhosis. we present a patient with v. parahemolyticus sepsis who had an orthotic liver transplant in 2007 and was on i ...201121548914
influence of growth conditions on pressure resistance of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters and the optimization of postpressure treatment recovery conditions.vibrio parahaemolyticus atcc 43996 was grown at 15°c for 53 h, 20°c for 24 h, 25°c for 12 h, 30°c for 9 h, 35°c for 9 h, or 40°c for 6 h to early stationary phase. oyster meats were blended, autoclaved at 121°c for 15 min, inoculated with v. parahaemolyticus, and pressure treated at 250 mpa for 2 and 3 min and at 300 mpa for 1 and 2 min at 21°c. overall, growth temperatures of 20 and 40°c yielded the greatest pressure resistance in v. parahaemolyticus. the effects of salt concentration and h(2)o ...201121549045
characterization of toll-like receptor 3 gene in large yellow croaker, pseudosciaena crocea.toll-like receptor 3 (tlr3) plays an important role in innate immune responses. in this report, the full-length cdna sequence and genomic structure of pseudosciaena crocea tlr3 (pctlr3) were identified and characterized. the full-length cdna of pctlr3 was of 3384bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (utr) of 65bp, a 3'-terminal utr of 589bp and an open reading frame (orf) of 2730bp encoding a polypeptide of 909 amino acid residues. the full-length genome sequence of pctlr3 was composed ...201121549197
transcriptional analysis of disk abalone (haliotis discus discus) antioxidant enzymes against marine bacteria and virus challenge.diverse antioxidant enzymes are essential for marine organisms to overcome oxidative stress as well as for the fine-tuning of immune reactions through activating different signal transduction pathways. this study describes the transcriptional analysis of antioxidant enzymes of disk abalone by challenging with bacteria (vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahemolyticus, and listeria monocytogenes) and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv). upon bacteria and vhsv challenge, manganese superoxide dis ...201121549200
genome sequence of a clinical o4:k12 serotype vibrio parahaemolyticus strain 10329.vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of foodborne illnesses worldwide. here we report a draft genome of v. parahaemolyticus strain vp10329 of o4:k12 serotype. it belongs to the main u. s. west coast clonal complex of v. parahaemolyticus (st36) causing oyster-associated human illness. it contains the virulence determinants tdh and trh but appears to infect at much lower doses than v. parahaemolyticus strains with these same determinants from other areas such as the u.s. gulf and atlantic ...201121551294
x-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry studies of the salmonella zinc transporter zntb.the zntb zn(2+) efflux system is important for maintenance of zn(2+) homeostasis in enterobacteria. we report crystal structures of zntb cytoplasmic domains from salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (stzntb) in dimeric and physiologically relevant homopentameric forms at 2.3 å and 3.1 å resolutions, respectively. the funnel-like structure is similar to that of the homologous thermotoga maritima cora mg(2+) channel and a vibrio parahaemolyticus zntb (vpzntb) soluble domain structure. however, ...201121565704
heterodisaccharide 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine is an effective chemotactic attractant for vibrio bacteria that produce chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase.aims:  to investigate the attractant effect of 4-o-(n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminyl)-d-glucosamine (glcnac-glcn) in the chemotaxis of vibrio bacteria that produce carbohydrate esterase (ce) family 4 chitin oligosaccharide deacetylase (cod), an enzyme that catalyzes the production of glcnac-glcn from n,n'-diacetylchitobiose (glcnac)(2) . methods and results:  the chemotactic effect of disaccharides from chitin on several strains of vibrio bacteria was investigated using an agar gel lane-migration metho ...201121575022
occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus in the german bight over a seasonal cycle.bacteria of the genus vibrio are an important component of marine ecosystems worldwide. the genus harbors several human pathogens, for instance the species vibrio parahaemolyticus, a main cause for foodborne gastroenteritis in asia and the usa. pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus strains emerged also in europe, but little is known about the abundance, pathogenicity and ecology of v. parahaemolyticus especially in northern european waters. this study focuses on v. parahaemolyticus and its close relati ...201121598011
two types of calmodulin play different roles in pacific white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) defenses against vibrio parahaemolyticus and wssv infection.calmodulin (cam) plays an important role in calcium-dependent signal transduction pathways. in the present study, two alternative splicing isoforms of cam (named lvcam-a and lvcam-b) cdna were cloned from the pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei. lvcam-a was of 1101 bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (utr) of 70 bp, a 3'-terminal utr of 581 bp and an open reading frame (orf) of 450 bp encoding a polypeptide of 149 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight (mw) of 17 kda a ...201121620975
gut cavp is an innate immune protein against bacterial challenge in amphioxus branchiostoma belcheri.the importance of calcium-binding proteins in immune response of vertebrates is determined, but whether they have the role in invertebrates is largely unknown. in the present study, phylogenetic analysis indicated that calcium vector protein (cavp), a protein unique to amphioxus, shared 68% similarity in amino acid sequence with human and mouse calmodulin (cam). cavp cdna was cloned into a bacterial vector pet-32a, and its his-tagged fusion protein was produced in eschherichia coli cells (bl21). ...201121624472
thermostable direct hemolysin downregulates human colon carcinoma cell proliferation with the involvement of e-cadherin, and β-catenin/tcf-4 signaling.colon cancers are the frequent causes of cancer mortality worldwide. recently bacterial toxins have received marked attention as promising approaches in the treatment of colon cancer. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) secreted by vibrio parahaemolyticus causes influx of extracellular calcium with the subsequent rise in intracellular calcium level in intestinal epithelial cells and it is known that calcium has antiproliferative activity against colon cancer.201121625458
kanagawa-negative, tdh- and trh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from fresh oysters marketed in fortaleza, brazil.between october 2008 and june 2009, 15 samples of 10 live oysters each (crassostrea rhizophorae) measuring 8.31-10.71 cm were purchased from a restaurant on the seashore of fortaleza, brazil. the vibrio count ranged from 75 (estimated) to 43,500 cfu/g. fourteen species were identified among the 56 isolated vibrio strains, with v. parahaemolyticus as the most prevalent. two of the 17 v. parahaemolyticus strains were urease-positive and tdh- and trh-positive on multiplex pcr, but neither produced ...201121626146
acquired type iii secretion system determines environmental fitness of epidemic vibrio parahaemolyticus in the interaction with bacterivorous protists.genome analyses of marine microbial communities have revealed the widespread occurrence of genomic islands (gis), many of which encode for protein secretion machineries described in the context of bacteria-eukaryote interactions. yet experimental support for the specific roles of such gis in aquatic community interactions remains scarce. here, we test for the contribution of type iii secretion systems (t3ss) to the environmental fitness of epidemic vibrio parahaemolyticus. comparisons of v. para ...201121629787
the use of multiple typing methods allows a more accurate molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the italian adriatic sea.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a natural inhabitant of estuarine and marine environments and constitutes part of the autochthonous microflora but is also associated with human gastroenteritis, wound infections and septicemia. recently, a number of clinical cases of infection due to ingestion of seafood contaminated with v. parahaemolyticus have been reported in europe. moreover, v. parahaemolyticus potentially pandemic marine strains have been isolated from water and plankton. to identify the source ...201121631547
characterization of the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o6 lipopolysaccharides.structural characterization studies have been carried out on the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o6 lipopolysaccharides (lps). the carbohydrate backbone isolated from o6 lps by sequential derivatization, i.e., dephosphorylation, o-deacylation, pyridylamination, n-deacylation and n-acetylation, is a nonasaccharide consisting of 3 mol of d-glucosamine (glcn) (of which one is pyridylaminated), 2 mol of l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (hep), and 1 mol each of d-galactose (gal), d ...201121639862
temporal and spatial variability in culturable pathogenic vibrio spp. in lake pontchartrain, louisiana, usa, following hurricanes katrina and rita.we investigated the abundance, distribution, and virulence gene content of v. cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus in the waters of southern lake pontchartrain in louisiana, usa, on four occasions from october 2005 to september 2006, using selective cultivation and molecular assays. the three, targeted pathogenic vibrios were generally below detection in january 2006 when the water was cold (13° c), and highest in september 2006 when lake water was warmest (30° c). the maximum values for ...201121642406
comparative genomic analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus: serotype conversion and virulence.abstract: background: vibrio parahaemolyticus is a common cause of foodborne disease. beginning in 1996, a more virulent strain having serotype o3:k6 caused major outbreaks in india and other parts of the world, resulting in the emergence of a pandemic. other serovariants of this strain emerged during its dissemination and together with the original o3:k6 were termed strains of the pandemic clone. two genomes, one of this virulent strain and one pre-pandemic strain have been sequenced. we sequen ...201121645368
evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid and simple detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in naturally contaminated seafood samples.we investigated the efficacy of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay for rapid screening of seafood samples naturally contaminated with vibrio parahaemolyticus. a total of 171 seafood samples enriched in alkaline peptone water (apw) were assessed by lamp assay and conventional culture methods, which consist of a combination of apw enrichment culture and plating onto chromagar vibrio and tcbs agars. compared with v. parahaemolyticus isolation using the conventional culture test, ...201121645826
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in mediterranean mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) in slovenia.the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish samples harvested along the slovenian coast. shellfish samples of mediterranean mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) were collected along the slovenian coast at four locations (se─ìa, piran, strunjan and debeli rti─ì) between 2006 and 2008. samples were examined and analysed for the presence of v. parahaemolyticus by conventional and molecular methods. the presence of vibrio in the samples was examined b ...201121665569
design and validation of a novel multiplex real-time pcr assay for vibrio pathogen detection.three species--vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio vulnificus--account for the majority of vibrio infections in humans. rapid and accurate identification of vibrio species has been problematic because phenotypic characteristics are variable within species. additionally, biochemical identification and confirmation require 2 or more days to complete. rapid and sensitive molecular techniques for the detection of vibrio pathogens would be useful for the surveillance and management o ...201121669071
[development of the soft independent modelling of class analogies model to discrimination vibrio parahemolyticus by smartongue].to explore a new rapid detection method for detecting of food pathogens.201121796990
[characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus obtained from environment and cases of foodborne disease in shenzhen, during 2006 - 2008].to analyze the serological and genetic divergence in the vibrio parahaemolyticus from environment and cases of foodborne disease, and to compare these two groups in terms of virulence and other biological traits.201121796987
characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated in chile in 2005 and in 2007.vibrio (v.) parahaemolyticus has endemically established in chilean sea shores, causing outbreaks every year, with an important number of cases. in order to know the genetic relationship, genotype dominance and antibiotic resistance of isolates obtained from two outbreaks, this study characterized 110 strains isolated from environmental and clinical samples in years 2005 and 2007 in chile.201121795818
comparative analysis of histophilus somni ibpa with other fic enzymes reveals differences in substrate and nucleotide specificities.a new family of adenylyltransferases, defined by the presence of a fic domain, was recently discovered to catalyze the addition of adenosine mono-phosphate (amp) to rho gtpases (yarbrough et al., 2009, science, 323:269; worby et al., 2009, mol. cell, 34:93). this adenylylation event inactivates rho gtpases by preventing them from binding to their downstream effectors. we reported that the fic domain(s) of the protein ibpa from the pathogenic bacterium histophilus somni adenylylates mammalian rho ...201121795713
antioxidant and antibacterial activity of six edible wild plants (sonchus spp.) in china.the total phenolic and flavonoid, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of six sonchus wild vegetables (sonchus oleraceus l., sonchus arvensis l., sonchus asper (l.) hill., sonchus uliginosus m.b., sonchus brachyotus dc. and sonchus lingianus shih) in china were investigated. the results revealed that s. arvensis extract and s. oleraceus extract contained the highest amount of phenolic and flavonoid, respectively. among the methanol extracts of six sonchus species, s. arvensis extract exhibit ...201121793765
aeromonas hydrophila polar flagellum gene transcriptional hierarchy.aeromonas hydrophila polar flagellum class i gene transcription is s(70)-dependent, which is consistent with the fact that a. hydrophila polar flagellum is constitutively expressed. in contrast to other bacteria with dual flagella systems such as vibrio parahaemolyticus, the a. hydrophila lafk protein does not compensate for the lack of the polar flagella regulator flra (v. parahaemolyticus flak homologue). this is consistent with the fact that the a. hydrophila flra mutation abolishes polar fla ...201121784933
vibrio parahaemolyticus cell biology and pathogenicity determinants.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a significant cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. characterization of this pathogen has revealed a unique repertoire of virulence factors that allow for colonization of the human host and disease. the following describes the known pathogenicity determinants while establishing the need for continued research.201121782964
hemoglobin of the bloody clam tegillarca granosa (tg-hbi) is involved in the immune response against bacterial infection.hemoglobins (hb) are the major protein components of erythrocytes circulating in the red blood, but can serve additional functions besides the transport of oxygen. here, the cdna of the bloody clam (tegillarca granosa) hb dimer (designated tg-hbi) was cloned and was found to be 748 bp in length, consisting of an open reading frame of 441 bp encoding a polypeptide of 147 amino acids. the deduced amino acid sequence of tg-hbi shared 81.6% similarity with hbi from two species of the genus scapharca ...201121782953
antimicrobial and hemolytic activity of fish epidermal mucus cynoglossus arel and arius study the antimicrobial, hemolytic activity and immunomodulatory activity of fish epidermal mucus and their chemical constituents from cynoglossus arel (c. arel) and arius caelatus (a. caelatus). mucus plays an important role in the prevention of colonization by parasites, bacteria and fungi.201121771475
in vitro antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic moringa leaf evaluate the antibacterial effect of aqueous and ethanolic moringa leaf extracts (moringa oleifera) on the growth of gram-positive and negative bacteria.201121771453
proteomic identification of the related immune-enhancing proteins in shrimp litopenaeus vannamei stimulated with vitamin c and chinese herbs.recently, strong interest has been focused on immunostimulants to reducing the diseases in shrimp aquaculture. however, information regarding to the related immune-enhancing proteins in shrimps is not available yet. in this study, vitamin c (vc), chinese herbs (ch), and the mixture of vitamin c and chinese herbs (mix) were tested for their enhancement on shrimp's immune activity. compared with those in the control group, values of phenoloxidase (po), superoxide dismutase (sod) and antibacterial ...201121767650
a new leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 from marine fish grouper, epinephelus coioides: molecular cloning and expression analysis.leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 (lect2) is a multifunctional protein involved in cell growth, differentiation and autoimmunity. in this study, a new leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 (eclect2) gene was cloned from grouper, epinephelus coioides, by rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) pcr. the full-length cdna sequence of eclect2 was 595 bp in size, containing a 5'-untranslated region (utr) of 44 bp and a 3'-utr of 83 bp. the deduced protein sequence of the open reading frame (465 bp) sh ...201121763428
antibacterial polyketides from the jellyfish-derived fungus paecilomyces variotii.four new polyketides (1-4) were isolated from the fungus paecilomyces variotii, which was derived from the jellyfish nemopilema nomurai. the planar structures and relative configurations of these polyketides were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, including 2d nmr experiments. the compounds showed inhibitory activity against pathogenic bacteria including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 3089 and multi-drug-resistant vibrio parahemolyticus 7001 with mic values in the ra ...201121744790
development of a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) test for the detection of virulent forms of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium and some strains cause gastroenteritis in humans. clinical isolates are thought to possess virulence factors that are absent from the majority of environmental isolates. use of randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd)-pcr produced a unique 600-ábp amplicon (band y) in the majority of clinical isolates and rarely in environmental isolates tested. the dna from band y was cloned and sequenced and found to code for an outer membrane protein (omp). two p ...201121725864
antibiotic prescription for adults with acute diarrhea at king chulalongkorn memorial hospital, thailand, acute diarrhea is one of the most common problems among ambulatory patients at the outpatient department (opd). overuse of antibiotics is associated with increased rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, unnecessary increased cost of treatment, and significant incidence of adverse effects. in thailand, how frequently antibiotic is prescribed in adult patients with acute diarrhea is not known.201121675442
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and pcr characterization of environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus strains of different origins.the present study used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) characterization to examine the intraspecies variability and genetic relationships among environmental isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus from different european countries. this is first study performed on environmental v. parahaemolyticus that included more than one european country.201121742917
outer membrane adhesion factor multivalent adhesion molecule 7 initiates host cell binding during infection by gram-negative pathogens.the initial binding of bacteria to host cells is crucial to the delivery of virulence factors and thus is a key determinant of the pathogen's success. we report a multivalent adhesion molecule (mam) that enables a wide range of gram-negative pathogens to establish high-affinity binding to host cells during the early stages of infection. mam7 binds to the host by engaging in both protein-protein (with fibronectin) and protein-lipid (with phosphatidic acid) interactions with the host cell membrane ...201121709226
application of the new logistic model to microbial growth prediction in food.recently a microbial growth model, the new logistic model, which could precisely describe and predict microbial growth at various patterns of temperature, was developed by the author (biocontrol science, 15, 75-80, 2010). the author shows several software programs developed with the model in this review. first, a program that analyzes microbial growth data and generates growth curves fitted to the model was developed. second, a growth prediction program for escherichia coli, staphylococcal aureu ...201121719989
vibrio illness in florida, 1998-2007.this study characterized the current epidemiology of vibrio infections in florida and examined cases reported from 1998 to 2007. logistic regression was used to determine risk of death. there were 834 vibrio infections in 825 individuals (average annual incidence rate 4·8/1,000,000). common vibrio species reported were vibrio vulnificus (33%), v. parahaemolyticus (29%), and v. alginolyticus (16%). most exposures were attributed to wounds (42%), and the most common clinical syndromes were wound i ...201120546636
tissue reaction to implant corrosion in 38 internal fixation devices.the corrosion characteristics, metallurgical properties, and clinical performance of 38 retrieved internal fixation devices were correlated with the tissue reaction to these devices. metallurgical parameters included thin and heavy inclusion content, rockwell hardness, and grain size. the excised fibrous tissue strip was directly overlying each plate at removal and sectioned between screw-hole sites. the material studied from the 38 plates consisted of 201 screw-hole junctions with associated ti ...20113368412
analysis of 585 burn patients hospitalized over a 6-year period. part ii: aetiological a population of 585 burn patients from a well-defined urban area, the contribution of a number of factors to the occurrence of the burn injury is examined. these are: place where burned; activity of the patient at the time; contribution of various appliances and materials; the influence of clothing on the extent of the injury. these findings should prove helpful in future efforts at burn prevention.20113768750
pelvic fused kidneys: magnetic resonance imaging and intravenous pyelogram correlation.this is a case presentation of pelvic fused kidneys as demonstrated by intravenous pyelogram and magnetic resonance imaging (mri). the authors wish to stress the importance of anatomical imaging with mri in the coronal plane. no reconstruction is required as with computerized tomography.20113246706
[rheumatoid arthritis treated with penicillamine and bronchiolitis obliterans]. 20113231931
[epidemiology of blindness in the bouche-du-rhône area. methodological approach]. 20113168117
withdrawal of barbiturate anticonvulsant drugs: prospective controlled study.a barbiturate (phenobarbital or primidone) was withdrawn over a period of 3 months from 25 institutionalized residents, all of whom had had three seizures or less in the past 6 months and were maintained on a nonsedating drug (phenytoin, carbamazepine, or valproic acid). results were compared with a matched comparison group maintained on both drugs. subjects withdrawn from primidone, but not those withdrawn from phenobarbital, had increased seizure frequency, probably due to withdrawal. after 14 ...20113147687
possible interactions between zolpidem, a new sleep inducer and chlorpromazine, a phenothiazine neuroleptic.the combined use of a hypnotic and a neuroleptic is a rather frequent situation, encountered especially in the psychiatric sphere. we therefore tested zolpidem and chlorpromazine in six healthy subjects by using a double-blind latin square design. all of them received single doses of 20 mg zolpidem (zol), 50 mg chlorpromazine (cpz) and the combination of zol + cpz. the medication was given as a single dose in the morning and each treatment being separated by a 1-week interval. zolpidem produced ...20113147477
pseudoanaphylaxis: two case studies. 20113143943
lower oesophageal contractility as an indicator of brain death in paralysed and mechanically ventilated patients with head injury. 20113111608
[peyronie's disease: an objective review]. 20113070700
departmental divisions and the crisis in undergraduate medical education. 20113133048
the nature of time: implications for research on aging.contemporary research on aging gives little evidence of recognition of the underlying concepts of time. researchers have been much concerned with age as a variable but little with the explication of aging as a process. most authors do not define aging as they use the term or explain how time enters their causal explanations. in this article major concepts of time are reviewed and distinctions are made between physical, biological, psychological, and social time or age, which all might be classif ...20113076507
transfusion of bone marrow red cells during bone marrow harvests.large volumes of bone marrow may be required for certain types of autologous bone marrow transplants. the present study was done to determine whether red cells obtained during a bone marrow harvest would be useful in reducing homologous transfusion requirements. a group of patients receiving standard transfusion support during the harvest (group 1) was compared to a group that received processed bone marrow red cells (pbmrbc) (group 2). using the cobe 2991 cell processor, 90% of the harvested bo ...20113042443
[malignant lymphomas of various histological types in pike from the eastern portion of the baltic sea].malignant lymphomas have been found in pikes (esox lucius l.) caught in the eastern part of the baltic sea. the frequency of the disease has increased in recent years. three different histological types of malignant lymphoma are described in 32 pikes: poorly differentiated diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma, mixed (histiocytoid-lymphocytic) diffuse lymphoma and undifferentiated (anisomorphic) diffuse lymphoma.20113053150
[pharmacokinetics of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the elderly]. 20113067421
limitations in the use of 14c-glycocholate breath and stool bile acid determinations in patients with chronic diarrhea.analysis of a modified 14c-glycocholate breath test on 165 consecutive in-patients being investigated for chronic diarrhea showed that the measurement of 14co2 between 3 and 6 h after oral dosing of 5 microci of 14c-glycocholic acid was of only limited use to distinguish between patients with crohn's disease (cd), idiopathic bile salt wastage (ibw), or ileal resection (ir) from those with the irritable bowel syndrome (ibs). continuing 14co2 collections for up to 24 h was of little more help in e ...20113090133
psychochemistry in psychiatry. papers presented in memory of ole j. rafaelsen. 20113067535
[clinical pharmacology of converting enzyme inhibitors]. 20113375761
lessons from a nursing home. 20113103447
[ultrasonic capsulotomy]. 20113241728
ibuprofen in bronchial asthma. 20113246509
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome after treatment with metronidazole.this paper describes the clinical features of six children who developed the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome after treatment with metronidazole. these children were older and were more likely to have undergone recent bowel surgery than are other children with this condition. while the involvement of metronidazole in the aetiology of the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome is not established firmly, the action of this drug in sensitizing tissues to oxidation injury and the reported evidence of oxidation chan ...20113173180
multiple pregnancies among adolescents: incidence and correlates.the study of adolescent fertility traditionally has focused on understanding and predicting the occurrence of an initial adolescent pregnancy. the complex problem of multiple pregnancies among teenagers is explored. current knowledge regarding the incidence and correlates of repeated pregnancy is summarized and reviewed. intervention strategies and directions for further research are suggested.20113265925
[respiratory problems in patients with muscular dystrophy]. 20113285556
[phenylketonuria: current status of the problem]. 20113064840
the 'holy plane' of rectal surgery. 20113184105
divalent cation-dependent atpase activities in ciliary membranes and other surface structures in paramecium tetraurelia: comparative in vitro studies.cilia membrane preparations from axenically grown paramecium contain atpase activities with distinct electrophoretic mobilities on triton-polyacrylamide gels [m.j. doughty and e.s. kaneshiro (1983) j. protozool. 30, 569-575]. such gel analyses also show additional atpase activity bands associated with ciliary axonemes (dyneins), cell pellicles, exocytotic trichocysts, and the external cell surface (ectoenzyme). in the present report, the in vitro properties of these activities in various cell fr ...20113157347
surgical aspects of drug smuggling. 20113133033
risk of upper respiratory tract infection and malaria prophylaxis. 20113133070
age and the selectivity of visual information processing.two experiments were conducted to assess age differences in the selectivity of visual information processing. selectivity was measured by the amount of interference caused by nontarget letters when subjects detected a target letter in a visual display. in both experiments, young and elderly groups participated in search and nonsearch conditions; in the search condition targets appeared anywhere in the display, whereas in the nonsearch condition targets were confined to the center position of the ...20113267377
age and the selectivity of visual information processing.two experiments were conducted to assess age differences in the selectivity of visual information processing. selectivity was measured by the amount of interference caused by nontarget letters when subjects detected a target letter in a visual display. in both experiments, young and elderly groups participated in search and nonsearch conditions; in the search condition targets appeared anywhere in the display, whereas in the nonsearch condition targets were confined to the center position of the ...20113267377
high progesterone/estradiol ratio in follicular fluid at oocyte aspiration for in vitro fertilization as a predictor of possible pregnancy.eighteen women undergoing in vitro fertilization (ivf) procedures were studied. all had optimal (900 to 1600 pg/ml) peak serum estradiol (e2) response to the same stimulation regimen with clomiphene citrate and menotropins; fertilization rate was above 64%; and two to four embryos in two to eight cell stages were replaced in each patient. all were considered to have optimal chances for conception. the authors compared progesterone (p), e2, and p/e2 ratio in serum and follicular fluid (ff) at the ...20113131157
correcting for selection bias in estimation of within-individual variance.consider a variable whose expected value distributes among individuals in a population, and which also has an important component of within-individual variance. in a screening study that involves repeated observations only for those individuals whose initial observation exceeds an arbitrary cutoff point, the usual estimator of within-individual variance is biased. assuming normality and independence, this note gives the derivation of the expected value of the estimator and uses it to obtain an u ...20113358021
correcting for selection bias in estimation of within-individual variance.consider a variable whose expected value distributes among individuals in a population, and which also has an important component of within-individual variance. in a screening study that involves repeated observations only for those individuals whose initial observation exceeds an arbitrary cutoff point, the usual estimator of within-individual variance is biased. assuming normality and independence, this note gives the derivation of the expected value of the estimator and uses it to obtain an u ...20113358021
ganglion cells in the turtle retina contain the neuropeptide lant-6.this study investigated the presence of the neurotensin-related hexapeptide, lant-6, in retinal ganglion cells and their central projections in the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. immunocytochemical techniques demonstrated that many of the cells in the ganglion cell layer of the turtle retina could be labeled with an antiserum specific for lant-6. radioimmunoassay and chromatographic analysis confirmed the presence of lant-6-related peptides in retina, as well as brain. several molecular forms ...20113339403
interaction of fibronectin-coated beads with attached and spread fibroblasts. binding, phagocytosis, and cytoskeletal reorganization.after 15 min incubations, binding of 0.8-, 6-, and 16-microns fibronectin-coated latex beads occurred primarily at the margins of chick embryo fibroblasts that previously were attached and spread on fibronectin-coated glass coverslips. extensive phagocytosis of the smallest beads and some phagocytosis of the larger beads occurred within 2 h. following binding of the 16-micron beads, there were no changes in overall cell shape or in the distribution of several cytoskeletal proteins. there was, ho ...20113080317
evaluation of tenoxicam in rheumatology--clinical trial results in argentina and brazil.the therapeutic activity of tenoxicam, a thienothiazine derivative with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, has been studied by 15 investigators in argentina and brazil. twenty-nine clinical trials were performed in a total of 747 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (270), cox- and gonarthrosis (190), extra-articular inflammation (250) and acute gout (37). out of the patients studied, 507 received tenoxicam and 240 were given comparative preparations. in 76% of the patients 20 m ...20113329108
evaluation of tenoxicam in rheumatology--clinical trial results in argentina and brazil.the therapeutic activity of tenoxicam, a thienothiazine derivative with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, has been studied by 15 investigators in argentina and brazil. twenty-nine clinical trials were performed in a total of 747 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (270), cox- and gonarthrosis (190), extra-articular inflammation (250) and acute gout (37). out of the patients studied, 507 received tenoxicam and 240 were given comparative preparations. in 76% of the patients 20 m ...20113329108
ferriprotoporphyrin ix mediated oxygen activation/insertion reactions: the anerobic reduction of the aniline-fe3+-microperoxidase-8 complex by nadh.a spectrophotometric study of the reduction of the fe3+ microperoxidase-8-aniline (fe3+-mp-8-an) complex has been carried out. addition of nadh to a solution of fe3+-mp-8-an under strictly anerobic conditions results in the formation of a species with lambda max = 414 nm (fe3+-mp-8-an lambda max 407 nm). the kinetics of formation of this species show an induction period (tau) which follows saturation kinetics with respect to [aniline] with km(app) = 2.2 x 10(-3) mol dm-3, i.e., close to that obt ...20113236002
[accidental inversion of the gastroscope in the esophagus]. 20113197612
hypopigmented mycosis fungoides. speculations about the mechanism of hypopigmentation.hypopigmented, nonatrophic macules are an unusual manifestation of lesions of early mycosis fungoides. presented herein is a patient with such lesions and an unusual mask-like hypopigmentation of the face. we review both the clinical and microscopic findings in this patient and in previously reported patients with hypopigmented lesions of mycosis fungoides. finally, speculation is made as to the mechanisms of the hypopigmentation.20113766921
[enterostoma therapy--a pilot course in the essen education center of the german nursing association]. 20113127632
physical and psychological sequelae to torture. a controlled clinical study of exiled asylum applicants.the study comprised 24 male lebanese refugees living in denmark. twelve of them alleged having been tortured in lebanon during the period 1981-85. the remaining twelve had neither been imprisoned nor tortured and thus acted as control persons. all the testimonies were found to be valid according to a method previously used by the author. the most common forms of torture were blows against the head, body and foot soles, suspension and asphyxiation. threats and solitary confinement were frequent, ...20113209147
[placenta percreta: a danger in pregnancy].repeated massive bladder haemorrhages of a patient during the 22nd week of her third pregnancy was treated symptomatically for more than three weeks. the cause of the bleeding could not be found. only the knowledge of the clinical features of a placenta percreta led to the survival of the patient.20113234719
Displaying items 1901 - 2000 of 6009