
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
perfluoroalkyl acid concentrations in livers of fox (vulpes vulpes) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) from germany and austria.the concentrations of 11 perfluorinated alkyl acids (pfaas) were measured in the livers of foxes (vulpes vulpes) from germany, a primarily carnivorous species, and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) from austria, an herbivorous species. perfluorooctanesulfonate (pfos) at concentrations [all results refer to wet weight (ww)] of 3.2-320 µg/kg were detected in all 40 fox livers tested, yielding an arithmetic mean of 46.6 µg/kg and a median of 29.8 µg/kg. long-chain pfaas were detected at concentrations ...201626714691
heterogeneity in primary productivity influences competitive interactions between red deer and alpine chamois.habitat heterogeneity can promote coexistence between herbivores of different body size limited to different extents by resource quantity and quality. red deer (cervus elaphus) are known as superior competitors to smaller species with similar diets. we compared competitive interactions and habitat use between red deer and alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) in two adjacent valleys in a strictly protected area in the central alps. red deer density was higher in the valley with higher primary pro ...201626824867
genetic diversity analyses reveal first insights into breed-specific selection signatures within swiss goat breeds.we used genotype data from the caprine 50k illumina beadchip for the assessment of genetic diversity within and between 10 local swiss goat breeds. three different cluster methods allowed the goat samples to be assigned to the respective breed groups, whilst the samples of nera verzasca and tessin grey goats could not be differentiated from each other. the results of the different genetic diversity measures show that appenzell, toggenburg, valais and booted goats should be prioritized in future ...201627436146
effect of shortening the prefreezing equilibration time with glycerol on the quality of chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), ibex (capra pyrenaica), mouflon (ovis musimon) and aoudad (ammotragus lervia) ejaculates.the present study reports the effect of shortening the prefreezing equilibration time with glycerol on the quality of frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm from four mediterranean mountain ungulates: cantabrian chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), mouflon (ovis musimon) and aoudad (ammotragus lervia). ejaculated sperm from these species were divided into two aliquots. one was diluted with either a tris-citric acid-glucose based medium (tcg-glycerol; for chamois and ibex sperm) ...201627346588
evaluation of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sarcoptic mange diagnosis and assessment in the iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica.sarcoptic mange is a contagious skin disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, affecting different mammalian species worldwide including the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), in which mortalities over 90 % of the population have been reported. no efficient diagnostic methods are available for this disease, particularly when there are low mite numbers and mild or no clinical signs. in this study, three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) developed for dog (elisa a), cantabrian chamois (r ...201627769278
pestiviruses infections at the wild and domestic ruminants interface in the french southern alpine pasture, interspecies transmission has recently been incriminated in the epidemiology of pestivirus infection. the aim of this study was to investigate pestivirus infections in wild and domestic ruminants sharing pastures in the french southern alps. animal sera were screened for pestivirus antibodies against the pestivirus ns3 protein by a commercial blocking enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). all 38 domestic herds tested were positive for pestivirus-specific antibodies. indiv ...201525532780
ameloblastic fibroma in an alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra).spontaneous odontogenic tumors are neoplasms characterized by a mixed odontogenic ectomesenchymal and odontogenic epithelial origin; they are rare in both humans and animals. a 3-year-old male alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) was found dead in north-west italy, and was referred for the necropsy to the department of veterinary sciences of the university of turin (italy). at the external examination a 10 × 8 cm, exophytic, red-pink, smooth, firm and ulcerated mass was observed on the inferior ...201525660399
beyond mice and men: environmental change, immunity and infections in wild the face of rapid environmental change, anticipating shifts in microparasite and macroparasite dynamics, including emergence events, is an enormous challenge. we argue that immunological studies in natural populations are pivotal to meeting this challenge: many components of environmental change--shifts in biotic assemblages, altered climate patterns and reduced environmental predictability--may affect host immunity. we suggest that wild ungulates can serve as model systems aiding the discove ...201525354672
a novel epidemiological model to better understand and predict the observed seasonal spread of pestivirus in pyrenean chamois populations.seasonal variations in individual contacts give rise to a complex interplay between host demography and pathogen transmission. this is particularly true for wild populations, which highly depend on their natural habitat. these seasonal cycles induce variations in pathogen transmission. the seasonality of these biological processes should therefore be considered to better represent and predict pathogen spread. in this study, we sought to better understand how the seasonality of both the demograph ...201526208716
upscaling the niche variation hypothesis from the intra- to the inter-specific level.the "niche variation hypothesis" (nvh) predicts that populations with wider niches should display higher among-individual variability. this prediction originally stated at the intra-specific level may be extended to the inter-specific level: individuals of generalist species may differ to a greater extent than individuals of a specialist species. we tested the nvh at intra- and inter-specific levels based on a large diet database of three large herbivore feces collected in the field and analyzed ...201526198049
neanderthal exploitation of ibex and chamois in southwestern europe.there is increasing evidence that neanderthals had a diverse and flexible diet. they exploited a wide range of resources from large proboscideans to small animals like turtles, rabbits, and marine species. here, we discuss the importance of ibex and chamois in neanderthal hunting strategies. the exploitation of both animals has traditionally been regarded as typical of homo sapiens hunting behavior but was not a feature of neanderthal behavior, which was thought to have focused on other kinds of ...201525481629
detection of invasive borrelia burgdorferi strains in north-eastern piedmont, italy.following reports of human cases of lyme borreliosis from the ossola valley, a mountainous area of piemonte, north-western italy, the abundance and altitudinal distribution of ticks, and infection of these vectors with borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato were evaluated. a total of 1662 host-seeking ixodes ricinus were collected by dragging from april to september 2011 at locations between 400 and 1450 m above sea level. additional 104 i. ricinus were collected from 35 hunted wild animals (4 chamois, ...201525220838
giardia duodenalis in alpine (rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and apennine (rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) chamois.although chamois rupicapra spp. are the most abundant mountain ungulates in europe, no data are available on the presence of giardia duodenalis infecting these species.201526691178
hepatitis e virus antibody prevalence in wildlife in poland.hepatitis e is an important public health problem mostly in developing but occasionally also in industrialized countries. domestic and wildlife animals are considered reservoirs of the hepatitis e virus (hev). since no information on the prevalence of autochthonous hev infections in human and animal in poland is available, the aim of the study was to investigate the hev seroprevalence of different wildlife species as potential virus reservoirs in the country. no hev antibodies were found in any ...201524655475
the two sides of border disease in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica): silent persistence and population 2001, border disease virus (bdv) was identified as the cause of a previously unreported disease in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) in spain. since then, the disease has caused a dramatic decrease, and in some cases collapse, of chamois populations and has expanded to nearly the entire distribution area in the pyrenees. chamois bdv was characterized as bdv-4 genotype and experimental studies confirmed that it was the primary agent of the disease. the infection has become endemic in the ...201526050575
first molecular characterization of sarcocystis tenella in tatra chamois (rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) in this study, sarcocysts from three polish tatra chamois were isolated and identified using morphological and molecular methods for the first time. six cysts were found in the latissimus dorsi muscle and another two in the diaphragm. no sarcocysts were detected in the myocardium, tongue, and esophagus. the isolated cysts were long with rounded ends, 0.35-0.61 mm in length, and 0.02-0.06 mm in width. all the sarcocysts were identified as sarcocystis tenella on the basis of light microscopy and s ...201526202841
terrain adaptability mechanism of large ruminants' feet on the kinematics view.ruminants live in various parts of land. similar cloven hooves assist ruminants in adapting to different ground environment during locomotion. this paper analyzes the general terrain adaptability of the feet of ruminants using kinematics of the equivalent mechanism model based on screw theory. cloven hooves could adjust attitude by changing relative positions between two digits in swing phase. this function helps to choose better landing orientation. "grasping" or "holding" a rock or other objec ...201527019579
sequence analysis of bitter taste receptor gene repertoires in different ruminant species.bitter taste has been extensively studied in mammalian species and is associated with sensitivity to toxins and with food choices that avoid dangerous substances in the diet. at the molecular level, bitter compounds are sensed by bitter taste receptor proteins (t2r) present at the surface of taste receptor cells in the gustatory papillae. our work aims at exploring the phylogenetic relationships of t2r gene sequences within different ruminant species. to accomplish this goal, we gathered a colle ...201526061084
prevalence of subtilase cytotoxin-encoding subab variants among shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli strains isolated from wild ruminants and sheep differs from that of cattle and pigs and is predominated by the new allelic variant subab2-2.subtilase cytotoxin (subab) is an ab5 toxin produced by shiga toxin (stx)-producing escherichia coli (stec) strains usually lacking the eae gene product intimin. three allelic variants of subab encoding genes have been described: subab1, located on a plasmid, subab2-1, located on the pathogenicity island se-pai and subab2-2 located in an outer membrane efflux protein (oep) region. subab is becoming increasingly recognized as a toxin potentially involved in human pathogenesis. ruminants and cattl ...201525488108
border disease virus: an exceptional driver of chamois populations among other threats.though it is accepted that emerging infectious diseases are a threat to planet biodiversity, little information exists about their role as drivers of species extinction. populations are also affected by natural catastrophes and other pathogens, making it difficult to estimate the particular impact of emerging infectious diseases. border disease virus genogroup 4 (bdv-4) caused a previously unreported decrease in populations of pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) in spain. using a po ...201526733943
novel sequence types of chlamydia pecorum infect free-ranging alpine ibex (capra ibex) and red deer (cervus elaphus) in switzerland.chlamydia pecorum, a recognized pathogen of domesticated ruminants and koalas (phascolarctos cinereus), has been recently reported in a broad range of other wildlife species including water buffalo (bubalus bubalis), ibex (capra ibex), chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), red deer (cervus elaphus), and birds. this identification raises questions as to whether cross-host transmission may be a factor in the epidemiology of infections in these species. to begin to address this question, we employed a c. ...201525647593
foraging ecology of three sympatric ungulate species - behavioural and resource maps indicate differences between chamois, ibex and red deer.the spatial distribution of forage resources is a major driver of animal movement patterns. understanding where animals forage is important for the conservation of multi-species communities, since interspecific competition can emerge if different species use the same depletable resources. however, determining forage resources in a spatially continuous fashion in alpine grasslands at high spatial resolution was challenging up to now, because terrain heterogeneity causes vegetation characteristics ...201526807258
horn growth patterns in alpine chamois.the analysis of horn growth may provide important information about the allocation of metabolic resources to secondary sexual traits. depending on the selective advantages offered by horn size during intra- and inter-specific interactions, ungulates may show different investment in horn development, and growth variations within species may be influenced by several parameters, such as sex, age, or resource availability. we investigated the horn growth patterns in two hunted populations of alpine ...201525869383
senescence in breeding success of female alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra): the role of female quality and age.although numerous studies have reported reproductive senescence in wild animal populations, we still know very little on inter-individual differences in rates of ageing and on the factors accounting for these differences. to investigate age-related variation in breeding success in a natural population of alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), we used 15 years of data obtained by monitoring individual ear-tagged females. analyses at the population level confirmed the occurrence of a decline in fem ...201525556530
age-specific survival and annual variation in survival of female chamois differ between many species, population dynamics are shaped by age-structured demographic parameters, such as survival, which can cause age-specific sensitivity to environmental conditions. accordingly, we can expect populations with different age-specific survival to be differently affected by environmental variation. however, this hypothesis is rarely tested at the intra-specific level. using capture-mark-recapture models, we quantified age-specific survival and the extent of annual variations in survival ...201526290356
immobilizing the vulnerable apennine chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) with a low-dose xylazine-ketamine combination, reversed with idazoxan or atipamezole.little information is available on chemical capture of the vulnerable subspecies within the genus rupicapra. low-dosage combinations of xylazine and ketamine were tested for immobilization of captive and free-ranging apennine chamois, rupicapra pyrenaica ornata (85 and 66 immobilizations, respectively) in a retrospective analysis. of the six dosage groups, all of them providing an acceptable level of immobilization, the optimal trade-off between safety and efficacy was found following administra ...201526056871
male-biased gastrointestinal parasitism in a nearly monomorphic mountain ungulate.pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) is a nearly monomorphic mountain ungulate with an unbiased sex-specific overwinter adult survival. few differences in gastrointestinal parasitism have been reported by coprology as yet. this study aims to assess diversity, prevalence, intensity of infection and aggregation of gastrointestinal nematodes in male and female adult chamois. we expect no differences in the parasite infection rates between sexes.201525888900
mineral levels in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).the effects of mineral deficiencies are often sub-clinical, and the importance of mineral status is often underestimated in wildlife populations. to our knowledge, this is the first study that gives reference intervals of hepatic minerals for pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica). we determined macro and trace mineral concentrations in liver samples from 100 animals (44 healthy and 56 sick) collected in the catalan pyrenees (ne spain) from 1995 to 2008. after wet digestion, we determined na, k, ...201424446193
the shared mitochondrial genome of rupicapra pyrenaica ornata and rupicapra rupicapra cartusiana: old remains of a common past.mitochondrial dna (mtdna) has largely been used for species delimitation. however, mtdna introgression across species boundaries can lead to inconsistent phylogenies. partial sequences of the mitochondrial genome in the chamois, genus rupicapra, show the presence of three well differentiated clades, west (mtw), central (mtc) and east (mte), each with a geographically restricted distribution. the complete mtdnas of the clades mtw and mte (main representatives of the two currently considered speci ...201425047552
physiological response to etho-ecological stressors in male alpine chamois: timescale matters!from a life history perspective, glucocorticoids secreted by the neuroendocrine system, integrating different sources of stress through an adaptive feedback mechanism, may have important consequences on individual fitness. although stress responses have been the object of several investigations, few studies have explored the role of proximate mechanisms responsible for the potential trade-offs between physiological stress and life history traits integrating social and environmental stressors. in ...201424908399
babesia spp. in european wild ruminant species: parasite diversity and risk factors for infection.babesia are tick-borne parasites that are increasingly considered as a threat to animal and public health. we aimed to assess the role of european free-ranging wild ruminants as maintenance mammalian hosts for babesia species and to determine risk factors for infection. edta blood was collected from 222 roe deer (capreolus c. capreolus), 231 red deer (cervus e. elaphus), 267 alpine chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra) and 264 alpine ibex (capra i. ibex) from all over switzerland and analysed by pcr ...201424925474
brucella melitensis in france: persistence in wildlife and probable spillover from alpine ibex to domestic animals.bovine brucellosis is a major zoonosis, mainly caused by brucella abortus, more rarely by brucella melitensis. france has been bovine brucellosis officially-free since 2005 with no cases reported in domestic/wild ruminants since 2003. in 2012, bovine and autochthonous human cases due to b. melitensis biovar 3 (bmel3) occurred in the french alps. epidemiological investigations implemented in wild and domestic ruminants evidenced a high seroprevalence (>45%) in alpine ibex (capra ibex); no cases w ...201424732322
toxoplasma gondii in sympatric wild herbivores and carnivores: epidemiology of infection in the western alps.toxoplasma gondii is an apicomplexan parasite that is able to infect almost all warm blooded animals. in europe, the domestic cat is the main definitive host. worldwide, 6 billion people are infected with this parasite. the goal of our research is to evaluate the prevalence of t. gondii infection in wild animals from a previously unsampled area in northern italy where 0.1% of women seroconvert during pregnancy each year.201424766665
evolutionary dynamics of endogenous jaagsiekte sheep retroviruses proliferation in the domestic sheep, mouflon and pyrenean chamois.the oncogenic exogenous jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (jsrv), responsible for ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, has several endogenous counterparts termed enjsrvs. although many of these elements have been inactivated over time by the accumulation of deleterious mutations or internal recombination leading to solo long terminal repeat (ltr) formation, several members of enjsrvs have been identified as nearly intact and probably represent recent integration events. to determine the level of enjsrv pol ...201424690757
piroplasmosis in wildlife: babesia and theileria affecting free-ranging ungulates and carnivores in the italian alps.piroplasmosis are among the most relevant diseases of domestic animals. babesia is emerging as cause of tick-borne zoonosis worldwide and free-living animals are reservoir hosts of several zoonotic babesia species. we investigated the epidemiology of babesia spp. and theileria spp. in wild ungulates and carnivores from northern italy to determine which of these apicomplexan species circulate in wildlife and their prevalence of infection.201424533742
wild ungulates as sentinel of btv-8 infection in piedmont areas.bluetongue caused by the genotype 8 virus (btv-8) appeared for the first time in btv free areas in northern italy in 2008. the presence of domestic animals outbreaks, abundant wild ungulates populations, and ongoing regional btv control plans, made this area interesting to evaluate the role of wild ruminants in btv-8 epidemiology. we analyzed spleen samples from hunted red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) by quantitative rt-pcr. sampl ...201425306211
reliable discrimination of 10 ungulate species using high resolution melting analysis of faecal dna.identifying species occupying an area is essential for many ecological and conservation studies. faecal dna is a potentially powerful method for identifying cryptic mammalian species. in new zealand, 10 species of ungulate (order: artiodactyla) have established wild populations and are managed as pests because of their impacts on native ecosystems. however, identifying the ungulate species present within a management area based on pellet morphology is unreliable. we present a method that enables ...201424637802
acute die-off of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) in the eastern austrian alps due to bacterial bronchopneumonia with pasteurellaceae.monitoring circulating pathogens in wildlife populations is important in evaluating causes and sources of disease as well as understanding transmission between wild and domestic animals. in spring 2010, a sudden die-off in a chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) population sharing habitat with livestock occurred in northeastern austria. nineteen animals were submitted for examination. necropsy and pathohistologic and bacteriologic results yielded lesions associated with pasteurellaceae species. addition ...201424807183
blood-feeding patterns of horse flies in the french flies can mechanically transmit besnoitia besnoiti, the agent of bovine besnoitiosis. although previously limited to enzootic areas, especially the french pyrenees mountains, bovine besnoitiosis is now considered a re-emerging disease in western europe. to improve understanding of the role of horse flies as mechanical vectors, this study investigated their blood-feeding ecology in the eastern french pyrenees, in two high-altitude summer pastures whose main domestic ungulates were cattle, a ...201424210525
genetic epidemiology and pathology of raccoon-derived sarcoptes mites from urban areas of germany.the raccoon, procyon lotor (carnivora: procyonidae), is an invasive species that is spreading throughout europe, in which germany represents its core area. here, raccoons mostly live in rural regions, but some urban populations are already established, such as in the city of kassel, or are starting to build up, such as in berlin. the objective of this study was to investigate sarcoptes (sarcoptiformes: sarcoptidae) infections in racoons in these two urban areas and to identify the putative origi ...201425171612
orf virus infection in a hunter in western austria, presumably transmitted by game.a variety of animals host parapoxviruses. orf virus is prevalent in sheep and goats in the tyrol region of austria and northern italy. zoonotic infections in humans mostly occur after occupational exposure. we report here a case of a hunter with a typical orf lesion (contagious ecthyma) on the finger, with no history of direct contact with domestic animals. three weeks previously he had been hunting chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and cut his finger while handling a carcass. parapoxvirus infection ...201423995221
serological evidence for parapoxvirus infection in chamois from the tyrol regions of austria and italy.orf-virus (orfv) is a parapoxvirus that infects small ruminants worldwide causing sporadic zoonotic infections, mainly transmitted by direct contact with sheep and goats. following an orfv case in a hunter of alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), who did not report previous contact to domestic animals, a serological survey in western austria was conducted to assess the seroprevalence of orfv in this species. in addition, this study also tested blood/tissue samples of chamois from different areas ...201425273967
toxoplasmosis in natural populations of ungulates in france: prevalence and spatiotemporal variations.toxoplasmosis is characterized by a complex epidemiology. the risk of infection for humans depends on their contact with infective oocysts in a contaminated environment and on the amount of tissue cysts located within consumed meat. unfortunately, the prevalence of tissue cysts is largely unknown for game species. although herbivorous game species are a source of infection for humans, the level of infection found in wildlife can also be used to estimate environmental contamination. the aim of th ...201424745359
leptospira spp. infection in wild ruminants: a survey in central italian alps.leptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease diffused worldwide, and wildlife species are commonly considered to be important epidemiological carriers. four-hundred and forty-one serological and 198 renal samples from red deer, roe deer and chamois collected in the province of sondrio were analysed using the microscopic agglutination test and histopathologic examination. positive serological findings were found only in 15 red deer and 19 positive serologic reactions were recorded. the most fre ...201425546066
clonal diversity, virulence-associated genes and antimicrobial resistance profile of staphylococcus aureus isolates from nasal cavities and soft tissue infections in wild ruminants in italian alps.staphylococcus aureus is a commensal and a pathogenic bacterium that causes a wide variety of diseases in humans and animals with a high impact on public health and the livestock industry. s. aureus virulence pattern, antimicrobial resistance profile and host specialization are of great concern both in livestock and in companion animals. concerning wild animals, s. aureus carriage and antimicrobial resistance profile has been recently investigated in free-ranging species both in aquatic and terr ...201424565474
serosurvey for schmallenberg virus in alpine wild ungulates.because schmallenberg virus (sbv) was first reported in domestic ruminants in northern italy in february 2012, we conducted a serosurvey to assess the presence of sbv-specific antibodies in free-ranging alpine ruminants. the tested serum samples were from chamois (23) and red deer (352) hunted from 2007 to 2013. all of the serum samples collected through september, 2012, tested negative, whereas a single chamois serum and 21 red deer sera taken during the 2012-2013 hunting season tested positive ...201424034277
predicting potential responses to future climate in an alpine ungulate: interspecific interactions exceed climate effects.the altitudinal shifts of many montane populations are lagging behind climate change. understanding habitual, daily behavioural rhythms, and their climatic and environmental influences, could shed light on the constraints on long-term upslope range-shifts. in addition, behavioural rhythms can be affected by interspecific interactions, which can ameliorate or exacerbate climate-driven effects on ecology. here, we investigate the relative influences of ambient temperature and an interaction with d ...201424957266
a novel papillomavirus isolated from a nasal neoplasia in an italian free-ranging chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra).most amniotes are the hosts of many, distantly related papillomaviruses (pvs). infection by pvs can be asymptomatic, or lead instead to benign or malignant lesions. however, pvs infecting animals and associated with malignancies are still largely understudied. in the present study, we communicate the complete genome of a novel pv found in a nasal neoplasia of a free-ranging alpine chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra) in an italian national park. long-pcr and cloning approaches followed for sanger se ...201424910075
effect of perphenazine enanthate in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).perphenazine enanthate was used to allow adaptation to captivity in 11 pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica). at the time of capture, all animals received 0.10 mg/kg of acepromazine maleate and 2.5 mg/kg of perphenazine enanthate intramuscularly. the effect was evaluated by means of three behaviors: alertness, defecation, and flight distance. the tranquilization and lack of fear of humans of all animals were determined and the usefulness of this long-acting tranquilizer for chamois adaptation t ...201324450074
growth patterns of italian local chicken populations.predictions of growth are important factors that contribute to the profitability of an operation in poultry production. modern commercial hybrids have a higher body growth in comparison with the local purebreds. however a niche market for meat and egg poultry production needs to be established using local purebreds to promote biodiversity. the aim of this study was to model the growth response of male and female chickens belonging to 5 local italian populations: a commercial slow-growing hybrid ...201323873574
a new tabanid trap applying a modified concept of the old flypaper: linearly polarising sticky black surfaces as an effective tool to catch polarotactic horseflies.trapping flies with sticky paper sheets is an ancient method. the classic flypaper has four typical characteristics: (i) its sticky paper is bright (chamois, light yellow or white), (ii) it is strip-shaped, (iii) it hangs vertically, and (iv) it is positioned high (several metres) above ground level. such flypapers, however, do not trap horseflies (tabanids). there is a great need to kill horseflies with efficient traps because they are vectors of dangerous diseases, and due to their continuous ...201323500071
xanes analysis of dried and calcined bones.the structure of dried and calcined bones from chicken, bovine, deer, pig, sheep and chamois was examined using x-ray absorption near edge structure (xanes) spectroscopy. the oxygen k-edge absorption edge indicates that the surface of dried bone has a larger proportion of carbonate than the interior that is made up of phosphates. the phosphorus l and k edge clearly indicate that pyrophosphates, α-tricalcium phosphate (α-tcp) and hydrogen phosphates of ca do not exist in either the dried bone or ...201323910303
genetic epidemiology of sarcoptes scabiei in the iberian wolf in asturias, spain.during the last decades, attempts have been made to understand the molecular epidemiology of sarcoptes scabiei, and to detect and clarify the differences between isolates from different hosts and geographic regions. two main phenomena have been described: (i) host-taxon derived-sarcoptes mite infection in european wild animals (revealing the presence of three separate clusters, namely herbivore-, carnivore- and omnivore-derived sarcoptes populations in europe) and (ii) prey-to-predator sarcoptes ...201323664709
pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica o:3 isolated from a hunted wild alpine ibex.occurrence of yersinia spp. in wild ruminants was studied and the strains were characterized to get more information on the epidemiology of enteropathogenic yersinia in the wildlife. in total, faecal samples of 77 red deer, 60 chamois, 55 roe deer and 27 alpine ibex were collected during 3 months of the hunting season in 2011. the most frequently identified species was y. enterocolitica found in 13%, 10%, 4% and 2% of roe deer, red deer, alpine ibex and chamois, respectively. interestingly, one ...201322697252
first serosurvey of besnoitia spp. infection in wild european ruminants in spain.besnoitia besnoiti has been reported to affect cattle, wildebeest, kudu and impala, and b. tarandi other wild ruminants (caribou, reindeer, mule deer and musk ox), causing similar characteristic clinical signs and lesions. however, both besnoitia species have been reported in different geographical areas and the link between the sylvatic and domestic life cycles of besnoita spp. in wild ruminants and cattle remains unknown. the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of specific antibodie ...201323790546
occurrence of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in fecal samples of hunted deer, chamois and ibex in switzerland. 201323985097
mycoplasma conjunctivae in domestic small ruminants from high mountain habitats in northern spain.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) is a clinical condition affecting eyes of domestic and wild caprinae worldwide, and mycoplasma conjunctivae is considered the primary causative agent of ikc in sheep, goats and wild caprinae. domestic ruminants from high mountain habitats share grazing areas with wild mountain ungulates, such as chamois (rupicapra spp.), alpine ibex (capra ibex) and european mouflon (ovis aries musimon), and domestic sheep seem to act as m. conjunctivae reservoir. in this st ...201324330682
experimental infection of pregnant pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) with border disease virus subtype 4.border disease virus (bdv) causes high mortality in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) on the french and spanish sides of the pyrenees mountains. we investigated the pathology induced by bdv in pregnant chamois via experimental infection. three females were inoculated during the second third of pregnancy with a bdv-4 subgroup strain isolated from a wild pyrenean chamois during an acute epizootic. a fourth pregnant chamois and one nonpregnant ewe were kept as negative controls. animals were m ...201323307372
survey of bluetongue virus infection in free-ranging wild ruminants in 2006, bluetongue virus serotype 8 (btv-8) was detected for the first time in central europe. measures to control the infection in livestock were implemented in switzerland but the question was raised whether free-ranging wildlife could be a maintenance host for btv-8. furthermore toggenburg orbivirus (tov), considered as a potential 25th btv serotype, was detected in 2007 in domestic goats in switzerland and wild ruminants were considered a potential source of infection. to assess prevalences ...201323941229
dynamics of an infectious keratoconjunctivitis outbreak by mycoplasma conjunctivae on pyrenean chamois rupicapra p. pyrenaica.between 2006 and 2008, an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) affected pyrenean chamois rupicapra p. pyrenaica, an endemic subspecies of mountain ungulate that lives in the pyrenees. the study focused on 14 mountain massifs (180,000 ha) where the species' population is stable. cases of ikc were detected in ten of the massifs and, in five of them, mortality was substantial. the outbreak spread quickly from the first location detected, with two peaks in mortality that affected one (2 ...201323637923
rutting behaviour of territorial and nonterritorial male chamois: is there a home advantage?males using alternative male mating tactics (amts) may express their mating effort in a variety of ways. in polygynous species with limited sexual dimorphism, differences in male aggressiveness may affect mating opportunities. we recorded the behaviour of 8 territorial and 7 nonterritorial male alpine chamois rupicapra rupicapra, a nearly monomorphic ungulate, during the 2011 rut in the gran paradiso national park (italy), to analyse differences in mating effort and mating opportunities between ...201323182914
evolution of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (mc1r) in chamois (rupicapra spp.).the taxonomy of chamois and the effects of historical and evolutionary events on its diversification are still under discussion given that different morphological and genetic features presented partially discordant views. one of the morphological features that differentiate the two currently considered species, rupicapra pyrenaica (southern chamois) and r. rupicapra (northern chamois) is coat color pattern. the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (mc1r) is related with differences in coloration in diff ...201323499612
intraseasonal variation in reproductive effort: young males finish last.age-dependent reproductive timing has been observed in females of a number of species; older females often breed earlier in the season and experience higher reproductive success as a result. however, to date, evidence for within-season variation in reproductive effort (re) for males has been relatively weak. males are expected to time re in light of intraseasonal variations in the availability of receptive females and competition with other males. young males, which are typically smaller and les ...201223149406
skin penetration surrogate for the evaluation of less lethal kinetic energy munitions.although the benefits of the use of less lethal kinetic energy munitions are numerous, there is a need to evaluate the munitions prior to deployment to ensure their intended effect. the objective of the current research was to validate a surrogate that could be used to predict the risk of penetration of these devices. existing data from biomechanical testing with post-mortem human specimens (pmhs) served as the foundation for this research. development of the surrogate involved simulating the va ...201222405483
bluetongue virus serotype 1 in wild ruminants, france, 2008-10.the persistence of bluetongue virus serotype 1 (btv-1) circulation was evaluated in red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), mouflons (ovis ammon), and pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) sampled during two hunting seasons between september 2008 and february 2010 in the east pyrenean mountains, france. the prevalence of btv antibody in red deer was high and not significantly different between the two hunting seasons (50.9% and 49.6%, respectively). the prevalence o ...201223060507
antibiotic resistance and restriction endonucleases in fecal enterococci of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra linnaeus, 1758).two hundred eighty-four isolates of enterococci from feces of wild living chamois from alpine environments were tested for sensitivity to three antibiotics. low frequency of resistance was observed in studied enterococcal populations (about 5 % for tetracycline and erythromycin and 0 % for ampicillin). in six animals, the population of enterococci lacked any detectable resistance. our data indicated that enterococcal population in feces of the majority of studied animals did not encounter mobile ...201222528312
polymorphisms at mhc class ii drb1 exon 2 locus in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica).chamois (rupicapra spp.) are mountain ungulates from southern and central europe and the near east. a newly reported border disease virus (bdv) has affected the easternmost populations of pyrenean chamois, leading to a dramatic population decrease that may drive to genetic variability loss. the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) is a sensitive marker for genetic variation of populations: polymorphism on the mhc genes is affected both by pathogens and population dynamics and it is ecologicall ...201222425496
bovine viral diarrhea virus in free-ranging wild ruminants in switzerland: low prevalence of infection despite regular interactions with domestic livestock. 201223107231
sex-specific selection for mhc variability in alpine mammals, males typically have shorter lives than females. this difference is thought to be due to behavioural traits which enhance competitive abilities, and hence male reproductive success, but impair survival. furthermore, in many species males usually show higher parasite burden than females. consequently, the intensity of selection for genetic factors which reduce susceptibility to pathogens may differ between sexes. high variability at the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) genes is ...201222335968
two different epidemiological scenarios of border disease in the populations of pyrenean chamois (rupicapra p. pyrenaica) after the first disease outbreaks.since 2001 several outbreaks of a new disease associated with border disease virus (bdv) infection have caused important declines in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) populations in the pyrenees. the goal of this study was to analyze the post-outbreak bdv epidemiology in the first two areas affected by disease with the aim to establish if the infection has become endemic. we also investigated if bdv infected wild and domestic ruminants sharing habitat with chamois. unexpectedly, we found di ...201223251417
discovery of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing escherichia coli among hunted deer, chamois and ibex.the aim of the present study was to assess for the first time the dissemination of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl) producing escherichia coli in the wild animal ecosystem in switzerland. fecal samples of 84 red deer, 64 roe deer, 64 chamois, and 27 ibex were investigated. one sample from a roe deer tested positive for esbl-producing e. coli. the isolate harboured blactx-m-1 and tested negative for both blatem and blashv. based on these results low occurrence of esbl-producing enterobacte ...201223117989
shiga toxin subtypes associated with shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli strains isolated from red deer, roe deer, chamois, and ibex.a total of 52 shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) strains, isolated from fecal samples of six ibex, 12 chamois, 15 roe deer, and 19 red deer were further characterized by subtyping the stx genes, examining strains for the top nine serogroups and testing for the presence of eae and ehxa. eleven of the 52 strains belonged to one of the top nine stec o groups (o26, o45, o91, o103, o111, o113, o121, o145, and o157). eight stec strains were of serogroup o145, two strains of serogroup o113, ...201222891940
shedding of foodborne pathogens and microbial carcass contamination of hunted wild assess the shedding of selected bacterial foodborne pathogens, fecal samples from 239 hunted wild red deer, roe deer, chamois, and ibex were examined. all samples tested negative for salmonella spp. and l. monocytogenes, but other listeria species were occasionally found. of the 239 fecal samples, 32.6% tested positive for stx (shiga toxins), 6.7% for eae (intimin) and 13.8% for both stx and eae genes. among the 56 isolated shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) strains, 44.6% harbored ...201222503394
surveillance of border disease in wild ungulates and an outbreak in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) in andorra.the principality of andorra is surrounded by areas in which pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) populations were severely affected by infection with border disease virus (bdv) which caused disease outbreaks between 2001 and 2009. nevertheless, the andorran chamois populations were not affected during this period. in light of the severe impact of bdv on several of the neighboring pyrenean chamois populations, we monitored local andorran populations in an effort to detect pestivirus a ...201223060503
evidence of anaplasma phagocytophilum in game animals from slovenia.anaplasma phagocytophilum is a tick-borne rickettsial pathogen responsible for granulocytic anaplasmosis in mammalian hosts including humans. wild animals may play an important role in the epidemiology of this disease. the aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of infection with a. phagocytophilum among wildlife in slovenia. serum samples (n = 376) from the most important game species [red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), wild boar (sus scrofa), chamois (rupicapra ...201223160026
detection of rickettsia helvetica in ixodes ricinus ticks collected from pyrenean chamois in france.seventy-one ixodes ricinus ticks collected from pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) in the french pyrenees were tested by real-time polymerase chain reaction to detect the presence of rickettsia and bartonella. four ticks (6%) were positive for r. helvetica. the chamois carries infected ticks, and this enables the dissemination throughout the environment with this bacterium, a potential human pathogen.201223141107
occurrence, quantification, and genotyping of mycoplasma conjunctivae in wild caprinae with and without infectious keratoconjunctivitis.mycoplasma conjunctivae, the causative agent of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc), was recently detected in asymptomatic alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex). this suggested that an external source of infection may not be required for an ikc outbreak in wildlife but might be initiated by healthy carriers, which contradicted previous serologic investigations in chamois. our aims were to 1) assess the prevalence of m. conjunctivae among asymptomatic ibex and alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra rupica ...201222740528
emergence of atypical mycoplasma agalactiae strains harboring a new prophage and associated with an alpine wild ungulate mortality episode.the bacterium mycoplasma agalactiae is responsible for contagious agalactia (ca) in small domestic ruminants, a syndrome listed by the world organization for animal health and responsible for severe damage to the dairy industry. recently, we frequently isolated this pathogen from lung lesions of ibexes during a mortality episode in the french alps. this situation was unusual in terms of host specificity and tissue tropism, raising the question of m. agalactiae emergence in wildlife. to address t ...201222522685
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined with multidimensional scaling, binary hierarchical cluster tree and selected diagnostic masses improves species identification of neolithic keratin sequences from furs of the tyrolean iceman oetzi.the identification of fur origins from the 5300-year-old tyrolean iceman's accoutrement is not yet complete, although definite identification is essential for the socio-cultural context of his epoch. neither have all potential samples been identified so far, nor there has a consensus been reached on the species identified using the classical methods. archaeological hair often lacks analyzable hair scale patterns in microscopic analyses and polymer chain reaction (pcr)-based techniques are often ...201222777774
enzyme-free detection and quantification of double-stranded nucleic acids.we have developed a fully enzyme-free serrs hybridization assay for specific detection of double-stranded dna sequences. although all dna detection methods ranging from pcr to high-throughput sequencing rely on enzymes, this method is unique for being totally non-enzymatic. the efficiency of enzymatic processes is affected by alterations, modifications, and/or quality of dna. for instance, a limitation of most dna polymerases is their inability to process dna damaged by blocking lesions. as a re ...201222695500
a novel serrs sandwich-hybridization assay to detect specific dna this study, we have applied surface enhanced resonance raman scattering (serrs) technology to the specific detection of dna. we present an innovative serrs sandwich-hybridization assay that allows specific dna detection without any enzymatic amplification, such as is the case with polymerase chain reaction (pcr). in some substrates, such as ancient or processed remains, enzymatic amplification fails due to dna alteration (degradation, chemical modification) or to the presence of inhibitors. c ...201121655320
thoraco-omphalopagus conjoined twins in chamois-coloured domestic goat kids.with 2 figures summary: conjoined twins have been observed in a wide range of mammalian and non-mammalian species; they are considered to be more common in bovine, less frequent in sheep and pig and extremely rare in horse and goat. a pair of female conjoined twins was delivered from a 2-year-old chamois-coloured domestic goat. post-mortem examination revealed two identical and symmetrical twins, fused from the manubrium sterni to the region just caudal to the umbilicus. the rib cages were conjo ...201122070788
occurrence of chlamydiaceae, mycoplasma conjunctivae, and pestiviruses in alpine chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra) of grisons, switzerland.because interactions between livestock and chamois occur on alpine pastures, transmission of infectious diseases is considered possible. thus, the occurrence of chlamydiaceae, mycoplasma conjunctivae, and pestiviruses in alpine chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra) of the surselva region (eastern swiss alps) was investigated. in total, 71 sera, 158 eye swabs, 135 tissue samples, and 23 fecal samples from 85 chamois were analyzed. the sera were tested by 2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) kit ...201121398458
species composition and morphology of protostrongylids (nematoda: protostrongylidae) in ruminants from bulgaria.lungs of 52 ruminants from different regions of bulgaria, 16 from goats (capra aegagrus f. domestica l.), 15 from sheep (ovis ammon f. domestica l.), 11 from mouflons (ovis musimon l.), and 10 from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.), were investigated. the aim of the study was to determine the species composition of small lungworms in these hosts. the obtained results are summarized with those of previous studies, and a picture of the present status of the species composition of protostrongylids i ...201121461727
temporal stability in the genetic structure of sarcoptes scabiei under the host-taxon law: empirical evidences from wildlife-derived sarcoptes mite in asturias, spain.abstract: background: implicitly, parasite molecular studies assume temporal genetic stability. in this study we tested, for the first time to our knowledge, the extent of changes in genetic diversity and structure of sarcoptes mite populations from pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) in asturias (spain), using one multiplex of 9 microsatellite markers and sarcoptes samples from sympatric pyrenean chamois, red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and red fox (vulpes vulpes). ...201121794141
verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli in chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and cattle in austria.we assessed the prevalence of verotoxigenic escherichia coli (vtec) in chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and livestock grazing on a mountain pasture in austria during june-august 2009. we detected vtec throughout the sampling period in high numbers in cattle as well as in chamois, leading to the assumption that the degree of contamination of the environment is high. this is the first report of pathogenic e. coli identified in chamois, implicating chamois as a new potential reservoir of these zoonoti ...201121719837
[alban köhler (1874-1947): inventor of grid therapy.]grid (or sieve) therapy ("gitter-" oder "siebtherapie"), spatially fractionated kilo- and megavolt x-ray therapy, was invented in 1909 by alban köhler, a radiologist in wiesbaden, germany. he tested it on several patients before 1913 using approximately 60-70kv hittorf-crookes tubes. köhler pushed the x-ray tube's lead-shielded housing against a stiff grid of 1 mm-square iron wires woven 3.0-3.5mm on center, taped tightly to the skin over a thin chamois. numerous islets unshielded by iron in the ...201121862299
Y-chromosome phylogeny in the evolutionary net of chamois (genus Rupicapra).The chamois, distributed over most of the medium to high altitude mountain ranges of southern Eurasia, provides an excellent model for exploring the effects of historical and evolutionary events on diversification. Populations have been grouped into two species, Rupicapra pyrenaica from southwestern Europe and R. rupicapra from eastern Europe. The study of matrilineal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and biparentally inherited microsatellites showed that the two species are paraphyletic and indicated a ...201121943106
haematology and serum chemistry of pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) naturally infected with a border disease 2005 and 2006 an outbreak of disease associated with border disease virus (bdv) infection caused high mortality in the pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) in the catalan pyrenees (ne spain). the aim of this study was to determine values for different haematological and serum biochemical analytes in 32 free-ranging pyrenean chamois affected by the disease and to compare them with those obtained from healthy chamois. in the affected chamois red blood cell counts, haemoglobin concentrations, ...201120656309
genetic variants of anaplasma phagocytophilum in wild caprine and cervid ungulates from the alps in tyrol, austria.the occurrence of genetic variants of anaplasma phagocytophilum was studied in wild ungulates from the northern and central eastern alps in tyrol, austria. for this purpose, spleen samples collected from 53 game animals during the hunting season 2008/2009 (16 roe deer [capreolus capreolus], 10 red deer [cervus elaphus], 16 alpine chamois [rupicapra r. rupicapra], 7 alpine ibex [capra i. ibex], and 4 european mouflons [ovis orientalis musimon]) were analyzed. thirty-five animals originated from t ...201121323423
experimental infection with chamois border disease virus causes long-lasting viraemia and disease in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).since 2001, severe outbreaks of disease associated with border disease virus (bdv) infection have been reported in the pyrenean chamois. the disease is characterized by variable degrees of cachexia, alopecia and neurological manifestations prior to death. the aim of this study was to investigate this disease under experimental conditions. to assess viral virulence, humoral immune response, dissemination and probable routes of transmission, seven chamois (five seronegative and two seropositive to ...201121775580
epidemiology of pestivirus infection in wild ungulates of the french south alps.inter-species transmission is often incriminated in the epidemiology of pestivirus diseases. the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pestivirus in some mountain wild ungulates and to determine their role in pestivirus transmission, as mountain pastures are a place where cohabitations between wild and domestic ungulates are particularly high. between 2003 and 2007, a longitudinal epidemiological study was carried out on hunted ungulates in the french hautes-alpes department ...201120709472
adaptation of a species-specific multiplex pcr assay for the identification of blood meal source in culicoides (ceratopogonidae: diptera): applications on palaearctic biting midge species, vectors of orbiviruses.culicoides are small biting midges involved worldwide in the transmission of bluetongue and african horse sickness viruses. feeding behaviours of palaearctic biting midge species and their spatio-temporal dynamics remain unclear at the specific level. three multiplex species-specific pcr-based assays were developed and used to identify blood meal source of engorged females of palaearctic midge species of veterinary interest. species-specific primers of potential hosts from livestock, domestic an ...201121511056
contrasting life histories in neighbouring populations of a large mammal.a fundamental life history question is how individuals should allocate resources to reproduction optimally over time (reproductive allocation). the reproductive restraint hypothesis predicts that reproductive effort (re; the allocation of resources to current reproduction) should peak at prime-age, whilst the terminal investment hypothesis predicts that individuals should continue to invest more resources in reproduction throughout life, owing to an ever-decreasing residual reproductive value. t ...201122125651
haloperidol and azaperone in drive-net captured southern chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).we investigated the effect of haloperidol and azaperone in drive-net captured southern chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica). both tranquilizers have been successfully used in a wide range of wild species for reducing postcapture stress response. during 2005, 39 free-ranging chamois were captured, randomly injected intramuscularly with haloperidol (0.29 +/- 0.12 mg/kg; n=24), azaperone (1.1 +/- 0.82 mg/kg; n=6), or saline (0.5 ml; n=9), and restrained for 3 hr. heart rate was higher in the treated chamo ...201020688698
an sei model for sarcoptic mange among chamois.we consider a simple model to study the dynamics of sarcoptic mange in a population of chamois. the epidemiological patterns observed during an epidemic in italy are reconstructed and key parameters of the model are estimated from field data. in particular, we calculate the basic reproductive ratio r (0), a threshold value for chamois density for the occurrence of an epidemic and the speed of propagation of the epidemic wave. the model is then used to obtain indications on the effect of culling ...201022876983
polycystic liver disease in senile chamois (rupicaprae rupicaprae).a polycystic disease of the liver was diagnosed in 12 adult, free-living chamois (rupicaprae rupicaprae) from alpine regions in the western part of austria. the animals (eight female, four male), all in advanced age (average 13 yr old), were killed by local hunters, most because of emaciation or abnormal behavior. the livers of the animals were enlarged and contained multiple, thin-walled cysts of various sizes filled with serous, amber fluid. no evidence for parasites was found in the cysts. th ...201020688671
experimental infection of pigs with border disease virus isolated from pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica).between 2001 and 2007, several outbreaks of disease associated with border disease virus (bdv) infection were reported in the central pyrenees (northeast spain) and were associated with a major reduction in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) populations. at the same time, wild boars (sus scrofa) from the same area were found to be seropositive to this pestivirus, without showing clinical signs. the present study examines the susceptibility of domestic swine and the course of the infection with a bdv ...201020453208
genetic variability of haemonchus contortus (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea) in alpine ruminant host species.genetic variability of the ovine parasite haemonchus contortus from the alpine area was investigated using mitochondrial dna (nd4 gene), internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 and microsatellites, in order to assess whether cross-transmission between domestic and wild ruminants occurs. the dataset was composed of 78 individual adult male h. contortus collected from chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex), domestic goat (capra hircus) and shee ...201019889245
streptococcus rupicaprae sp. nov., isolated from a pyrenean chamois (rupricapra pyrenaica).biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on an unknown gram-positive catalase-negative coccus-shaped organism isolated from clinical samples of a pyrenean chamois. the microorganism was identified as a streptococcal species based on its cellular morphological and biochemical tests. 16s rrna gene sequence comparison studies confirmed its identification as a member of the genus streptococcus, but the organism did not correspond to any species of this genus. the nearest phylogenetic ...201020851916
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 401