
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
growth-related changes in testicular mass and plasma testosterone concentrations in long-finned pilot whales, globicephala melas.blood samples and testes were collected from long-finned pilot whales (globicephala melas) off the faroe islands at irregular intervals over a period of 3 years (july 1986-december 1989). changes in testis mass (n = 674) and plasma testosterone concentrations (n = 214), measured by radioimmunoassay, were examined with respect to age, bodylength and bodymass of the animals. corresponding to a rapid testicular growth (from 0.25 kg up to 1.9 kg), puberty occurred in male pilot whales of 4.6-5.7 m i ...19947799319
organochlorines and mercury in pilot whale blubber consumed by faroe islanders.some 22,000 pilot whales (globicephala melaena) were taken in the faroe islands between 1970 and 1992. it is known that tissues from these animals are widely consumed by the islanders. the position of these animals at the apex of a direct marine food chain renders them liable to accumulate toxic chemicals, such as metals and organochlorines. although the consumption of contaminating metals in pilot whale tissues has been studied, the significance of blubber as a dietary source of organochlorine ...19948029711
epidermal lipid in several cetacean species: ultrastructural observations.the ultrastructure of the skin of four cetacean species, bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus) long-finned pilot whale (globicephala melaena), humpback whale (megaptera novaeangliae), and fin whale (balaenoptera physalus) was investigated with particular reference to epidermal lipid. it has already been established that massive lipid reservoirs exist in whales, that the biochemical structures of cetacean lipids are unique, and that unusual intracellular lipid droplets appear in the epidermis. ...19938250278
intestinal helminth communities of the long-finned pilot whale (globicephala melas) off the faroe islands.the intestines of 170 long-finned pilot whales, globicephala melas, caught off the faroe islands (n.e. atlantic) were examined for helminth parasites. eight species were detected but only 4 occurred in at least 10% of the sample. no core or recurrent group of species were identified and no correlations between abundances of species were significant. diversity values were far below those reported for other endotherms. colonization by helminths was random, whales not being readily colonized. these ...19938488068
social structure of pilot whales revealed by analytical dna profiling.long-finned pilot whales swim in large, extremely cohesive social groups known as pods. molecular typing revealed that pod members form a single extended family. mature males neither disperse from nor mate within their natal pods, a situation unusual for mammals. such behavior could be explained in terms of inclusive fitness benefits gained by adult males helping the large number of female relatives with which they swim.19938480176
calcium-binding protein-containing neuronal populations in mammalian visual cortex: a comparative study in whales, insectivores, bats, rodents, and primates.this study is focused on comparative analysis of gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive (gabaergic) neuronal populations in primary visual cortex of totally aquatic toothed whales and select terrestrial mammals with different evolutionary histories and various ecological adaptations. the distribution of neuronal populations containing the calcium-binding proteins calbindin and parvalbumin, which are recognized markers for the gabaergic neurons in cerebral cortex, is compared in five species of toothed ...19938324371
organomercury determination in biological reference materials: application to a study on mercury speciation in marine mammals off the faröe islands.the potential use of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (gf-aas) for the organic mercury determination in marine biological tissues was evaluated. following its isolation by acid extraction in toluene, organic mercury was recovered in aqueous thiosulfate and measured by gf-aas. the detection limit was 0.01 microgram hg/g (as methyl mercury). analyses were conducted on three reference standard materials certified for their methyl mercury content, dolt-1, dorm-1, and tort-1, provided ...19921385082
conservation of polymorphic simple sequence loci in cetacean species.length polymorphisms within simple-sequence loci occur ubiquitously in non-coding eukaryotic dna and can be highly informative in the analysis of natural populations. simple-sequence length polymorphisms (sslp) in the long-finned pilot whale globicephala melas (delphinidae) have provided useful information on the mating system as well as on the genetic structure of populations. we have therefore tested whether the polymerase chain reaction primers designed for globicephala could also be used to ...19911944571
breeding behaviour of pilot whales revealed by dna fingerprinting.most species of whale spend the majority of their lives well away from land, are capable of migrating over large distances and are difficult to identify individually. however, conservation measures require a detailed understanding of their social structure, breeding behaviour and migration patterns. the advent of dna fingerprinting permits a systematic investigation of such parameters. in the faeroe islands there exists a traditional harvest of long-finned pilot whales (globicephala melas), in w ...19911917551
ultrastructure of synapses and golgi analysis of neurons in neocortex of the lateral gyrus (visual cortex) of the dolphin and pilot whale.qualitative and computerized quantitative analyses of ultrastructural features of synapses in different layers of the primary visual cortex in the dolphin (stenella coeruleoalba) and the pilot whale (globicephala melaena) were carried out. also, golgi and cytoarchitectonic analyses were performed in the same species of cetaceans and, additionally, in tursiops truncatus and phocaena phocaena. it was found that on a synaptic level, as well as in cytoarchitectonic and golgi features, the neocortex ...19902337821
organochlorine chemical and heavy metal contaminants in white-beaked dolphins (lagenorhynchus albirostris) and pilot whales (globicephala melaena) from the coast of newfoundland, canada. 19883214191
the karyotype of the long-finned pilot whale, globicephala melaena. 19883230026
the polar lipids from keratinized tissues of some vertebrates.1. the lipids from a variety of keratinized tissues from terrestrial vertebrates were extracted with chloroform:methanol and the nonpolar and saponifiable lipids were removed. the composition of the remaining polar lipids was examined by thin layer chromatography and color reactions. 2. the tissues studied included: hair from a monkey (macacca fascicularis), dog (canis familiaris), raccoon (procyon lotor) and cow (bos taurus); full-thickness epidermis from a pig (sus scrofa) and pilot whale (glo ...19827172624
candidiasis in captive cetaceans.disseminated candida albicans infections were found or suspected in 4 captive cetaceans. ketoconazole at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg, bid, administered orally for 18 days, followed by 8 biweekly oral doses of levamisole hydrochloride at the rate of 9 mg/kg, resulted in regression of clinical signs of candidiasis in an adult male atlantic bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus). a higher dosage of ketoconazole (6 mg/kg, bid) was effective in eliminating the shedding of c albicans from an adult male bel ...19826294033
bronchopneumonia caused by streptococcus equi in a north atlantic pilot whale (globicephala melaena).bronchopneumonia was observed at the necropsy of a north atlantic pilot whale (globicephala melaena). the areas of necrosis were well circumscribed clusters, disseminated throughout the left lung. streptococcus equi was isolated in pure culture from the lung parenchyma, pharynx and pericardial fluid.19807411735
complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin from the pilot whale, globicephala melaena.the complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin from the pilot whale, globicephala melaena, was determined by specific cleavage of the protein to obtain large peptides which are readily degraded by the automatic sequencer. the apomyoglobin was selectively cleaved at the two methionyl residues with cyanogen bromide and the acetimidated apomyoglobin was cleaved at the three arginyl residues by trypsin. from the sequence analysis of four of these peptides and the apoprotein, over ...1978656376
ultrasonic studies on the head oil of the north atlantic pilot whale (globicephala melaena melaena). 1976977837
variations in lipid composition and sound velocity in melon from the north atlantic pilot whale, globicephala melaena melaena.nonpolar lipids and sound velocity at different distances from the skin surface within a sample of pilot whale melon were studied. thin layer chromatography, sensitive radioisotopic methods, and an ultrasonic echo scanner were used. wax esters had a maximum concentration at 11-12 cm from the skin surface. non- and monoisovalero triglycerides both exhibited a minimum at 8-10 cm, whereas the diisovalero species increased steadily from the skin surface towards the center of the pilot whale head. a ...19761250078
unusual lipids. ii. head oil of the north atlantic pilot whale, globicephala melaena melaena. 19744366536
heterogeneity of lipid composition within the cephalic melon tissue of the pilot whale (globicephala melaena). 19734776442
[composition of the neutral lipids and the fatty acids from whale brains. 3. brains from pilot whales (globicephala melaena)]. 19685688037
helminth parasites of the pilot whale globicephala melaena (traill 1809). 19676066760
pathology of the pilot whale. globicephala melaena. a comparative survey. 19665949961
the arterial vessels of the neck in the pilot-whale (globicephala melaena traill) and the porpoise (phocaena phocaena l.) in relation to the carotid body. 195913660638
observations on the ovary and reproductive tract of the ca'aing whale, globicephala melaena. 194918224828
Displaying items 101 - 125 of 125