
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
juvenile hormone controls ovarian development in female anopheles albimanus mosquitoes.anophelinae mosquitoes are vectors of human malaria, a disease that infects hundreds of millions of people and causes almost 600,000 fatalities annually. despite their medical importance, laboratory studies on key aspects of anophelinae reproductive biology have been limited, and in particular, relatively little is known about the role of juvenile hormone (jh) in the control of female reproduction. the study presented here attempts to fill a gap of knowledge in our understanding of the jh contro ...201930765796
female resistance and harmonic convergence influence male mating success in aedes aegypti.despite the importance of mosquito mating biology to reproductive control strategies, a mechanistic understanding of individual mating interactions is currently lacking. using synchronised high-speed video and audio recordings, we quantified behavioural and acoustic features of mating attempts between tethered female and free-flying male aedes aegypti. in most couplings, males were actively displaced by female kicks in the early phases of the interaction, while flight cessation prior to adoption ...201930765779
surveillance of aedes aegypti indoors and outdoors using autocidal gravid ovitraps in south texas during local transmission of zika virus, 2016 to 2018.the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, has facilitated the re-emergence of dengue virus (denv) and emergence of chikungunya virus (chikv) and zika virus (zikv) in the americas and the caribbean. the recent transmission of these arboviruses in the continental united states has been limited, to date, to south florida and south texas despite ae. aegypti occurring over a much larger geographical region within the country. the main goal of our study was to provide the first long term longitudinal ...201930763563
potential for sylvatic and urban aedes mosquitoes from senegal to transmit the new emerging dengue serotypes 1, 3 and 4 in west africa.dengue fever (den) is the most common arboviral disease in the world and dengue virus (denv) causes 390 million annual infections around the world, of which 240 million are inapparent and 96 million are symptomatic. during the past decade a changing epidemiological pattern has been observed in africa, with den outbreaks reported in all regions. in senegal, all denv serotypes have been reported. these important changes in the epidemiological profile of den are occurring in a context where there i ...201930759080
exome-wide association of deltamethrin resistance in aedes aegypti from mexico.aedes aegypti is the major vector of a number of arboviruses that cause disease in humans. without vaccines or pharmaceuticals, pyrethroid insecticides remain the major tool for public health protection. pyrethroid resistance is now widespread. replacement substitutions in the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) that reduce the stability of pyrethroid binding account for most of the resistance, but metabolic mechanisms also inactivate pyrethroids. high-throughput sequencing and the a. aegypti l5 ...201930758862
risk of dengue transmission in cocody (abidjan, ivory coast).in recent years, an upsurge of vector-borne diseases has been reported in several parts of the world. among these is dengue fever, the first arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus aedes. after the detection of the dengue virus serological types (type 1, 2, and 3) in the health district of cocody-bingerville in ivory coast, entomological investigations were carried out in the city of cocody (host of most cases) to evaluate the risk of transmission of the disease in view of an effective ...201930755798
[effect of attraction of transfluthrin and linalool on the mosquito vector aedes aegypti]. 201930753763
citywide control of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) during the 2016 zika epidemic by integrating community awareness, education, source reduction, larvicides, and mass mosquito trapping.this investigation was initiated to control aedes aegypti and zika virus transmission in caguas city, puerto rico, during the 2016 epidemic using integrated vector management (ivm), which included community awareness and education, source reduction, larviciding, and mass-trapping with autocidal gravid ovitraps (ago). the epidemic peaked in august to october 2016 and waned after april 2017. there was a preintervention period in october/november 2016 and ivm lasted until august 2017. the area unde ...201930753539
quantitative evaluation of the behavioral response to attractant and repellent compounds in anopheles pseudopunctipennis and aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) larvae.the mosquito anopheles pseudopunctipennis (theobald) is the principal vector for malaria in latin-america. aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) is the key vector of four important arboviral diseases: dengue, yellow fever, zika, and chikungunya. controlling larval stages to reduce the production of new adult mosquitoes is part of the integrated vector management strategies. however, there are few studies about the olfactory behavior on immature stages of mosquitoes, especially in an. pseudopun ...201930753516
vector competence of biting midges and mosquitoes for shuni virus.shuni virus (shuv) is an orthobunyavirus that belongs to the simbu serogroup. shuv was isolated from diverse species of domesticated animals and wildlife, and is associated with neurological disease, abortions, and congenital malformations. recently, shuv caused outbreaks among ruminants in israel, representing the first incursions outside the african continent. the isolation of shuv from a febrile child in nigeria and seroprevalence among veterinarians in south africa suggests that the virus ma ...201930753187
feasibility of feeding aedes aegypti mosquitoes on dengue virus-infected human volunteers for vector competence studies in iquitos, peru.transmission of dengue virus (denv) from humans to mosquitoes represents a critical component of dengue epidemiology. examinations of this process have generally been hampered by a lack of methods that adequately represent natural acquisition of denv by mosquitoes from humans. in this study, we assessed artificial and natural blood feeding methods based on rates of denv infection and dissemination within mosquitoes for use in a field-based epidemiological cohort study in iquitos, peru.201930753180
bacteria: a novel source for potent mosquito feeding-deterrents.antibiotic and insecticidal bioactivities of the extracellular secondary metabolites produced by entomopathogenic bacteria belonging to genus xenorhabdus have been identified; however, their novel applications such as mosquito feeding-deterrence have not been reported. here, we show that a mixture of compounds isolated from xenorhabdus budapestensis in vitro cultures exhibits potent feeding-deterrent activity against three deadly mosquito vectors: aedes aegypti, anopheles gambiae, and culex pipi ...201930746455
the long and short of hearing in the mosquito aedes aegypti.mating behavior in aedes aegypti mosquitoes occurs mid-air and involves the exchange of auditory signals at close range (millimeters to centimeters) [1-6]. it is widely assumed that this intimate signaling distance reflects short-range auditory sensitivity of their antennal hearing organs to faint flight tones [7, 8]. to the contrary, we show here that male mosquitoes can hear the female's flight tone at surprisingly long distances-from several meters to up to 10 m-and that unrestrained, resting ...201930744970
detection of rna-dependent rna polymerase of hubei reo-like virus 7 by next-generation sequencing in aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes from brazil.advancements in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics have expanded our knowledge of the diversity of viruses (pathogens and non-pathogens) harbored by mosquitoes. hubei reo-like virus 7 (hrlv 7) was recently detected by the virome analysis of fecal samples from migratory birds in australia. we now report the detection of rna-dependent rna polymerase sequences of hrlv 7 in pools of aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes species from the brazilian amazon forest. phylogenetic ...201930744159
modeling the present and future distribution of arbovirus vectors aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus under climate change scenarios in mainland china.aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus are two important mosquito species which transmit various infectious arbovirus diseases represented mainly by dengue fever. these two species of mosquito have a wide range of distribution and strong transfer capacity. with ongoing global climate change, we are facing an increasing public health threat from the rapid spread of vectors in wider geographical areas. based on observed occurrence records of ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus and high-resolution environme ...201930743113
acceptability of aedes aegypti blood feeding on dengue virus-infected human volunteers for vector competence studies in iquitos, part of a study to investigate drivers of dengue virus (denv) transmission dynamics, this qualitative study explored whether denv-infected residents of iquitos, peru, considered it acceptable (1) to participate in direct mosquito feeding experiments (lab-reared aedes aegypti mosquitoes fed directly on human volunteers) and (2) to provide blood meals indirectly (ae. aegypti fed on blood drawn from participants by venipuncture). twelve focus group discussions (fgds; 94 participants: 82 females ...201930742621
mathematical modeling of dengue epidemic: control methods and vaccination strategies.dengue is, in terms of death and economic cost, one of the most important infectious diseases in the world. so, its mathematical modeling can be a valuable tool to help us to understand the dynamics of the disease and to infer about its spreading by the proposition of control methods. in this paper, control strategies, which aim to eliminate the aedes aegypti mosquito, as well as proposals for the vaccination campaign are evaluated. in our mathematical model, the mechanical control is accomplish ...201930740641
small-molecule agonists of ae. aegypti neuropeptide y receptor block mosquito biting.female aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite humans to obtain blood to develop their eggs. remarkably, their strong attraction to humans is suppressed for days after the blood meal by an unknown mechanism. we investigated a role for neuropeptide y (npy)-related signaling in long-term behavioral suppression and discovered that drugs targeting human npy receptors modulate mosquito host-seeking. in a screen of all 49 predicted ae. aegypti peptide receptors, we identified npy-like receptor 7 (npylr7) as the ...201930735632
the perfect appetizer: a pharmacological strategy for a non-biting possibilities for vector-borne disease control are revealed by duvall et al. (2019), who link host-seeking behavioral modulation in aedes aegypti to neuropeptide y (npy)-like receptor 7. small-molecule screening yields agonist compounds able to activate npylr7 and suppress attraction to hosts.201930735629
loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) for the identification of invasive aedes mosquito species.invasive aedes mosquito species (diptera: culicidae) are of public health concern in europe because they are either recognized or potential vectors of pathogens. loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) is a rapid and simple method for amplifying dna with high specificity and efficiency, with the technique having potential for application in the field, including in high-throughput format. specific lamp assays based on rdna internal transcribed spacers 1 or 2 sequences, considering intraspec ...201930734975
the efficiency of a new automated mosquito larval counter and its impact on larval achieve consistent and standardized rearing for mosquito immature stages, it is crucial to control the initial number of larvae present in each larval tray. in addition, maintaining an optimal and synchronized development rate of larvae is essential to maximize the pupal production and optimize male sorting in a mass-rearing setting. manual counting is labor intensive, time consuming and error prone. therefore, this study aimed to investigate the use of a customized automated counter for the ...201931092868
infection of aedes albopictus mosquito c6/36 cells with the wmelpop strain of wolbachia modulates dengue virus-induced host cellular transcripts and induces critical sequence alterations in the dengue viral genome.dengue virus (denv) causes frequent epidemics infecting ∼390 million people annually in over 100 countries. there are no approved vaccines or antiviral drugs for treatment of infected patients. however, there is a novel approach to control denv transmission by the mosquito vectors, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, using the wolbachia symbiont. the wmelpop strain of wolbachia suppresses denv transmission and shortens the mosquito life span. however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understoo ...201931092581
microencapsulation of citrus grandis peel oil using interfacial precipitation chemistry technique for repellent application.essential oil of citrus family plant is known to have repellent effect against mosquito. unfortunately, due to its high volatility effect, its repellency effect was compromised. the incorporation of essential oil in a microencapsulation formulation has been shown to help improve the stability and potency of the repellent. in this study, citrus grandis peel oil (cgpo) was encapsulated by using the interfacial precipitation chemistry technique. the microencapsulated cgpo was then formulated into l ...201931089355
larvicidal, adulticidal, and oviposition-deterrent activity of piper betle l. essential oil to aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti is a primary vector of many arthropod-borne diseases. one of the diseases, dengue fever, is an endemic disease in indonesia causing high mortalities for decades. there are no preventive and specific treatments for dengue so far. therefore, prevention of this disease largely depends on the mosquito control. since resistance to chemical insecticides occurred worldwide, the study on alternate and new mosquito insecticides are mandatory. this study aimed to demonstrate the effect of es ...201931089304
efficacy of the in2care® auto-dissemination device for reducing dengue transmission: study protocol for a parallel, two-armed cluster randomised trial in the philippines.mosquito-borne viruses are imposing an ever increasing health burden worldwide. in addition to the recent zika and chikungunya virus epidemics, dengue viruses have become the fastest growing problem with a 40-fold increase in the number of reported cases over the past five decades. current mosquito control techniques involving larval source reduction, larviciding, and space spray of adulticides are costly, laborious, and of debatable efficacy. there remains an urgent need for the development of ...201931088515
glycosaminoglycan compositional analysis of relevant tissues in zika virus pathogenesis and in vitro evaluation of heparin as an antiviral against zika virus infection.zika virus (zikv) is an enveloped rna virus from the flavivirus family that can cause fetal neural abnormalities in pregnant women. previously, we established that zikv-ep (envelope protein) binds to human placental chondroitin sulfate (cs), suggesting that cs may be a potential host cell surface receptor in zikv pathogenesis. in this study, we further characterized the gag disaccharide composition of other biological tissues (i.e., mosquitoes, fetal brain cells, and eye tissues) in zikv pathoge ...201930698412
presence of the point mutations val1016gly in the voltage-gated sodium channel detected in a single mosquito from panama, arboviroses such as dengue fever, and more recently chikungunya fever and zika disease, are transmitted by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. their control is based on the elimination of breeding sites and fogging with pyrethroid insecticides. however, one of the significant issues derived from the prolonged use of pyrethroid insecticide is the development of resistance mechanisms, such as knockdown resistance or kdr. the objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of kdr mu ...201930691518
identification of potential inhibitors from pyriproxyfen with insecticidal activity by virtual screening.aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue fever transmission, yellow fever, zika, and chikungunya in tropical and subtropical regions and it is considered to cause health risks to millions of people in the world. in this study, we search to obtain new molecules with insecticidal potential against ae. aegypti via virtual screening. pyriproxyfen was chosen as a template compound to search molecules in the database zinc_natural_stock (znst) with structural similarity using rocs (rapid overlay of c ...201930691028
factors affecting short-range host-seeking for the yellow fever mosquito (diptera: culicidae).understanding short-range cues (e.g., host odorants, heat, moisture) of host-seeking female aedes aegypti l. is very important for attempts to reduce mosquito bites, to complement current control strategies, and to develop potential spatial repellents. we investigated behavior under semi-field conditions utilizing a new portable uni-port taxis box with a caged chicken host. the combined influences of airflow regimes (0, 1.5, 3, 5, and 6 m/s), distance from host odor (10, 50, 100 cm), host-odor c ...201930689913
predation on eggs of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae): temporal dynamics and identification of potential predators during the winter season in a temperate temperate regions, the populations of aedes aegypti (l.) remain in the egg stage during the cold season. the ability of these eggs to survive until the next favorable season is affected by several mortality factors, including the action of predators. in the present study, we analyzed the temporal dynamics of the loss of eggs and identified predators of ae. aegypti eggs along the unfavorable season in a temperate region of argentina. to this end, eggs were exposed in field conditions in pitfal ...201930689912
microbial exopolymer-capped selenium nanowires - towards new antibacterial, antibiofilm and arbovirus vector larvicides?arboviral diseases and microbial pathogens resistant to commercially available drugs are on the rise. herein, a facile microbial-based approach was developed to synthesize selenium nanowires (se nws) using microbial exopolymer (mep) extracted from the bacillus licheniformis (probiotic bacteria). mep-se nws were characterized using uv-visible, xrd, ftir, hr-tem, fe-sem and edx. an uv-visible peak was detected at 330 nm while xrd spectrum data pointed out the crystalline nature of mep-se nws. ftir ...201930685584
complete nmr chemical shift assignments of odorant binding protein 22 from the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, bound to arachidonic acid.aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the vector for transmission of dengue, zika and chikungunya viruses. these mosquitos feed exclusively on human hosts for a blood meal. previous studies have established that dengue virus infection of the mosquito results in increased expression of the odorant binding proteins 22 and 10 within the mosquito salivary gland and silencing of these genes dramatically reduces blood-feeding behaviors. odorant binding proteins are implicated in modulating the chemosensory per ...201930684234
toxicity and possible mechanisms of action of honokiol from magnolia denudata seeds against four mosquito species.this study was performed to determine the toxicity and possible mechanism of the larvicidal action of honokiol, extracted from magnolia denudata seeds, and its 10 related compounds against third-instar larvae of insecticide-susceptible culex pipiens pallens, aedes aegypti, and aedes albopictus and anopheles sinensis resistant to deltamethrin and temephos. honokiol (lc50, 6.13-7.37 mg/l) was highly effective against larvae of all of the four mosquito species, although the toxicity of the compound ...201930674912
chemical composition, aedes mosquito larvicidal activity, and repellent activity against triatoma rubrofasciata of severinia monophylla leaf essential oil.aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus are key vectors in the spread of arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and zika. triatoma rubrofasciata is an "assassin bug" whose populations and association with humans have dramatically increased and may represent a serious health concern. control of insect vectors is a logical course of action to prevent the spread of these insect-borne infections. this work presents the leaf essential oil composition, mosquito larvicidal activities, and inse ...201930671730
comparative efficacy of eucalyptus globulus (labill) hydrodistilled essential oil and temephos as mosquito this study eucalyptus globulus essential oil was tested on major mosquito species and toxicity was compared with temephos. mortality was calculated after 24 h and 48 h post treatment. in 24 h treatment essential oil show strong larvicidal activity with lc50 and lc90 values were 30.198ppm, 103.389ppm for anopheles stephensi, 13.578ppm, 106.755ppm for aedes aegypti; and, 7.469ppm, 32.454ppm for culex quinquefasciatus and 48 h post treatment lc50 and lc90 values were, 12.576, 49.380ppm for anoph ...201930623679
a novel entomological index, aedes aegypti breeding percentage, reveals the geographical spread of the dengue vector in singapore and serves as a spatial risk indicator for dengue.aedes aegypti is an efficient primary vector of dengue, and has a heterogeneous distribution in singapore. aedes albopictus, a poor vector of dengue, is native and ubiquitous on the island. though dengue risk follows the dispersal of ae. aegypti, the spatial distribution of the vector is often poorly characterized. here, based on the ubiquitous presence of ae. albopictus, we developed a novel entomological index, ae. aegypti breeding percentage (bp), to demonstrate the expansion of ae. aegypti i ...201930621762
matching the genetics of released and local aedes aegypti populations is critical to assure wolbachia invasion.traditional vector control approaches such as source reduction and insecticide spraying have limited effect on reducing aedes aegypti population. the endosymbiont wolbachia is pointed as a promising tool to mitigate arbovirus transmission and has been deployed worldwide. models predict a rapid increase on the frequency of wolbachia-positive ae. aegypti mosquitoes in local settings, supported by cytoplasmic incompatibility (ci) and high maternal transmission rate associated with the wmelbr strain ...201930620733
identification and characterization of a mosquito-specific eggshell organizing factor in aedes aegypti mosquitoes.mosquito-borne diseases are responsible for several million human deaths annually around the world. one approach to controlling mosquito populations is to disrupt molecular processes or antagonize novel metabolic targets required for the production of viable eggs. to this end, we focused our efforts on identifying proteins required for completion of embryonic development that are mosquito selective and represent potential targets for vector control. we performed bioinformatic analyses to identif ...201930620728
adaptation of aedes aegypti to salinity: characterized by larger anal papillae in larvae. 201930618451
epidemic potential of zika virus in australia: implications for blood transfusion safety.zika virus (zikv) is transfusion-transmissible. in australia the primary vector, aedes aegypti, is established in the north-east, such that local transmission is possible following importation of an index case, which has the potential to impact on blood transfusion safety and public health. we estimated the basic reproduction number (r 0 ) to model the epidemic potential of zikv in australian locations, compared this with the ecologically similar dengue viruses (denv), and examined possible impl ...201930618208
larvicidal and pupicidal activities of eco-friendly phenolic lipid products from anacardium occidentale nutshell against arbovirus vectors.aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus are vectors of diseases that constitute public health problems. the discovery of products capable of inhibiting their development which are less harmful to the environment would have a huge impact on vector control. here, natural cashew nut shell liquid (cnsl), technical cnsl, anacardic acid, cardanol, and cardol were isolated from anacardium occidentale and evaluated for larvicidal and pupicidal activity against ae. aegypti and cx. quinquefasciatus under ...201930610586
assessment of combined tools and strategies for aedes aegypti control with low environmental impact.the control of the mosquito vector aedes aegypti l. (diptera: culicidae) is the main action against dengue, chikungunya, and zika. the excessive use of conventional insecticides has promoted the development of other control methods and strategies with lower environmental impact. we evaluated the effectiveness of applying triflumuron 1 ppm and emptying water-filled containers in a field trial in temperate argentina. both control methods were implemented either individually or combined and regular ...201930607607
alternative strategies for mosquito-borne arbovirus control.mosquito-borne viruses-such as zika, chikungunya, dengue fever, and yellow fever, among others-are of global importance. although vaccine development for prevention of mosquito-borne arbovirus infections has been a focus, mitigation strategies continue to rely on vector control. however, vector control has failed to prevent recent epidemics and arrest expanding geographic distribution of key arboviruses, such as dengue. as a consequence, there has been increasing necessity to further optimize cu ...201930605475
laboratory evaluation of repellency of traditional czech homemade repellents against aedes the czech republic, autochtonous transmission of mosquito borne diseases is not common; however, the need for personal protection should not be underestimated. many people still rely on homemade repellents utilizing recipes based on local folk wisdom that are published annually in local czech media. despite minimal disease risk, nuisance biting and potential allergic responses make it essential to evaluate the chemical composition, effect, and duration of four homemade repellents often used a ...201930602280
igg1 and igg4 antibodies against aedes aegypti salivary proteins and risk for dengue infections.dengue virus (denv) is an arbovirus responsible for a significant number of deaths in latin america. this virus is transmitted through the bite of aedes aegypti, the main mosquito vector, and ae. albopictus. during blood uptake, the mosquito injects its saliva into the host to facilitate the feeding process. mosquito saliva contains potent immunogens capable of inducing antibody production directly related to mosquito bite exposure intensity and disease risk. in this study, we first determined t ...201930601814
a gut commensal bacterium promotes mosquito permissiveness to arboviruses.mosquitoes are hematophagous vectors that can acquire human viruses in their intestinal tract. here, we define a mosquito gut commensal bacterium that promotes permissiveness to arboviruses. antibiotic depletion of gut bacteria impaired arboviral infection of a lab-adapted aedes aegypti mosquito strain. reconstitution of individual cultivable gut bacteria in antibiotic-treated mosquitoes identified serratia marcescens as a commensal bacterium critical for efficient arboviral acquisition. s. marc ...201930595552
a simple model to predict the potential abundance of aedes aegypti mosquitoes one month in advance.the mosquito aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (l.) is the primary vector of dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses in the united states. surveillance for adult ae. aegypti is limited, hindering understanding of the mosquito's seasonal patterns and predictions of areas at elevated risk for autochthonous virus transmission. we developed a simple, intuitive empirical model that uses readily available temperature and humidity variables to predict environmental suitability for low, medium, or high potential ...201930594264
density-dependent enhanced replication of a densovirus in wolbachia-infected aedes cells is associated with production of pirnas and higher virus-derived sirnas.the endosymbiotic bacterium wolbachia pipientis has been shown to restrict a range of rna viruses in drosophila melanogaster and transinfected dengue mosquito, aedes aegypti. here, we show that wolbachia infection enhances replication of aedes albopictus densovirus (aaldnv-1), a single stranded dna virus, in aedes cell lines in a density-dependent manner. analysis of previously produced small rnas of aag2 cells showed that wolbachia-infected cells produced greater absolute abundance of virus-der ...201930583288
the aedes aegypti imd pathway is a critical component of the mosquito antifungal immune response.successful infection of the insect body by entomopathogenic fungi is the result of complex molecular interactions between the host and the invading pathogenic fungi. the mosquito antifungal response is multifaceted and is regulated in part by the toll and jak-stat pathways. here, we assessed the role of the imd pathway in the mosquito ae. aegypti antifungal immune response when challenged with one of two entomopathogenic fungi, beauveria bassiana and isaria javanica. imd pathway components of th ...201930582948
green synthesis of silver-nanoparticles from annona reticulata leaves aqueous extract and its mosquito larvicidal and anti-microbial activity on human pathogens.silver nanoparticles play a important role in controlling mosquito population as well as multi drug resistant pathogens without causing much harm to humans. in the present study was focused on green synthesis of silver nanoparticles against dengue causing vector (aedes aegypti) and pathogens affecting humans. the synthesized silver nanoparticle was confirmed using uv- absorption spectrum range obtained at 416 nm, xrd, ftir and hr-tem analysis were used to determine the silver nanoparticle morpho ...201930581768
distinctive regulatory properties of pyruvate kinase 1 from aedes aegypti mosquitoes.female aedes aegypti mosquitoes are vectors of arboviruses that cause diseases of public health significance. the discovery of new metabolic targets is crucial for improving mosquito control strategies. we recently demonstrated that glucose oxidation supports ammonia detoxification in a. aegypti. pyruvate kinase (pk, ec catalyzes the last step of the glycolytic pathway. in most organisms, one or more allosteric effectors control pk activity. however, the kinetic properties and structur ...201930578824
production of tetravalent dengue virus envelope protein domain iii based antigens in lettuce chloroplasts and immunologic analysis for future oral vaccine development.dengue fever is a mosquito (aedes aegypti) -transmitted viral disease that is endemic in more than 125 countries around the world. there are four serotypes of the dengue virus (denv 1-4) and a safe and effective dengue vaccine must provide protection against all four serotypes. to date, the first vaccine, dengvaxia (cyd-tdv), is available after many decades' efforts, but only has moderate efficacy. more effective and affordable vaccines are hence required. plants offer promising vaccine producti ...201930578710
the tudor protein veneno assembles the ping-pong amplification complex that produces viral pirnas in aedes mosquitoes.piwi-interacting rnas (pirnas) comprise a class of small rnas best known for suppressing transposable elements in germline tissues. the vector mosquito aedes aegypti encodes seven piwi genes, four of which are somatically expressed. this somatic pirna pathway generates pirnas from viral rna during infection with cytoplasmic rna viruses through ping-pong amplification by the piwi proteins ago3 and piwi5. yet, additional insights into the molecular mechanisms mediating non-canonical pirna producti ...201930566680
container size alters the outcome of interspecific competition between aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) and aedes albopictus.aedes aegypti l. and aedes albopictus skuse co-occur in a variety of water-filled containers where they compete for resources. larvae of ae. albopictus skuse often outcompete those of ae. aegypti l., but variation in biotic and abiotic parameters can modify the outcome of this interspecific competition. we tested whether container size can alter the magnitude and direction of intra- and interspecific competition by rearing three ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus larval combinations (100:0, 50:50 an ...201930566608
bioactivity of wild carrot (daucus carota, apiaceae) essential oil against mosquito larvae.invasive alien plants wreak havoc on native ecosystems and using them as a source of biopesticides could improve their management. we examined the toxicity of essential oil of wild carrot (also known as 'queen anne's lace', daucus carota linnaeus), an aggressive invader throughout the united states, against aedes aegypti l., culex pipiens l., and culex restuans theobald larvae. comparisons were made between essential oil extracted from umbels of local populations of wild carrot versus a commerci ...201930566578
mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in aedes (stegomyia) aegypti from colombia aedes (stegomyia) aegypti is the main vector of urban arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya and zika. this urban mosquito has a well-established capacity to develop insecticide resistance to different types of insecticides (pyrethroids, organochlorides, organophosphates), using multiple resistance mechanisms. an understanding of ongoing resistance mechanisms is critical to determining the activities of vector control programs. in order to identify the biochemical and molecular mech ...201930552882
proteins, transcripts, and genetic architecture of seminal fluid and sperm in the mosquito aedes aegypti.the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti,, transmits several viruses causative of serious diseases, including dengue, zika, and chikungunya. some proposed efforts to control this vector involve manipulating reproduction to suppress wild populations or to replace them with disease-resistant mosquitoes. the design of such strategies requires an intimate knowledge of reproductive processes, yet our basic understanding of reproductive genetics in this vector remains largely incomplete. to accelerate ...201930552291
fine-scale spatial and temporal dynamics of kdr haplotypes in aedes aegypti from resistance to insecticides increases in disease vectors, it has become exceedingly important to monitor populations for susceptibility. most studies of field populations of aedes aegypti have largely characterized resistance patterns at the spatial scale of the city or country, which may not be completely informative given that insecticide application occurs at the scale of the house or city block. phenotypic resistance to pyrethroids dominates in ae. aegypti, and it has been partially explai ...201930626410
seroprevalence of zika virus among asymptomatic pregnant mothers and their newborns in the najran region of southwest saudi arabia.zika virus (zikv) is a teratogenic flavivirus that can cause microcephaly. its main vector, aedes aegypti, has been previ.ously identified in saudi arabia, but no zikv infection has yet been reported. nevertheless, the country is at risk from zikv because it receives many travelers throughout the year, including pilgrims from zikv-endemic countries.201930531174
differential suppression of persistent insect specific viruses in trans-infected wmel and wmelpop-cla aedes-derived mosquito lines.wolbachia suppresses the replication of +ssrna viruses such as dengue and zika viruses in aedes aegypti mosquitoes. however, the range of viruses affected by this endosymbiont is yet to be explored. recently, novel insect-specific viruses (isvs) have been described from numerous mosquito species and mosquito-derived cell lines. cell-fusing agent virus (flaviviridae) and phasi charoen-like virus (bunyaviridae) persistently infect the ae. aegypti cell line aag2 which has been used for experimental ...201930503908
[new altitudinal registration of aedes aegypti in the region of piura, peru]. 201930517515
phylogeography and invasion history of aedes aegypti, the dengue and zika mosquito vector in cape verde islands (west africa).aedes-borne arboviruses have spread globally with outbreaks of vast impact on human populations and health systems. the west african archipelago of cape verde had its first outbreak of dengue in 2009, at the time the largest recorded in africa, and was one of the few african countries affected by the zika virus epidemic. aedes aegypti was the mosquito vector involved in both outbreaks. we performed a phylogeographic and population genetics study of a. aegypti in cape verde in order to infer the ...201931548858
panophthalmitis associated with scleral necrosis in dengue hemorrhagic fever.dengue is a mosquito-borne flavivirus disease affecting humans. the aedes aegypti mosquito spreads it. ophthalmic manifestations of dengue range from subconjunctival hemorrhage to optic neuropathy. panophthalmitis in dengue fever is a rare finding. we report a case of a 22-year-old male having dengue fever, who presented with pain, redness, swelling and loss of vision in his right eye. he was diagnosed as panophthalmitis with subretinal hemorrhage and required right eye evisceration.201931546563
the difference of sve-cadherin levels between dengue hemorrhagic fever patients with shock and without shock.dengue virus infection is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus and transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito. dengue virus (den-v) consists of 4 serotypes, namely den-1, den-2, den-3, and den-4. the most feared result of dhf is death. death in children is caused by hypovolemic shock due to plasma leakage from intravascular to extravascular space due to endothelial dysfunction.201931592274
a peridomestic aedes malayensis population in singapore can transmit yellow fever virus.the case-fatality rate of yellow fever virus (yfv) is one of the highest among arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses). although historically, the asia-pacific region has remained free of yfv, the risk of introduction has never been higher due to the increasing influx of people from endemic regions and the recent outbreaks in africa and south america. singapore is a global hub for trade and tourism and therefore at high risk for yfv introduction. effective control of the main domestic mosquito vec ...201931589616
resistance status of aedes aegypti to deltamethrin, malathion, and temephos in ecuador, the status of insecticide resistance for aedes aegypti, the principal arboviral vector in the country, has not been previously evaluated. the aim of this research was to describe the resistance status of ae. aegypti to the principal insecticides used for vector control in provinces with high reports of arboviral clinical cases. this was a descriptive study performed on ae. aegypti collected from 2016 to 2017 in 14 localities of ecuador. the larvae were reared and tested using bioassa ...201931442135
a survey for aedes aegypti in delaware and the virus-positive pool rates of aedes albopictus and aedes triseriatus for west nile and zika viruses.the introduction of zika virus to the usa in 2015 engendered heightened interest in its known vectors. aedes aegypti is the primary vector, with ae. albopictus considered a potential secondary vector, together with several other possible marginal vectors. in delaware, ae. aegypti has been collected rarely, but no breeding populations were detected during past intensive statewide surveillance efforts. however, there is an abundance of ae. albopictus statewide. both species are container breeders ...201931442131
field efficacy trials of aerial ultra-low-volume application of insecticides against caged aedes aegypti in mexico.we evaluated the efficacy of aerial ultra-low-volume (ulv) insecticide spraying in field bioassays with caged aedes aegypti in may 2017 in puerto vallarta, jalisco, mexico. the insecticides tested included an organophosphate (mosquitocida uno ulv) and a neonicotinoid-pyrethroid combination (cielo). two ae. aegypti populations were evaluated: a field pyrethroid-resistant local strain (puerto vallarta) and an insecticide-susceptible laboratory strain (new orleans). knockdown after 1 h by both prod ...201931442128
evaluation and comparison of spray equipment for indoor residual spraying.the world health organization (who) has recently recommended indoor residual spraying (irs) as part of a vector control strategy to combat aedes-borne diseases, including dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses. hand compression sprayers have been used in malaria prevention and control programs worldwide since the 1950s and are a standard for irs application. however, there are technological advances that should be considered to improve irs application (e.g., flow-control valves, rechargeable-batt ...201931442127
semi-field evaluation of modified 00zzzero® traps with sticky paper to increase the collection efficacy of gravid aedes aegypti.the 00zzzero® trap (0z) is a small black plastic container with permethrin and pyriproxyfen, designed and marketed to both attract and kill gravid aedes mosquitoes (unmodified trap ([umt] or modified trap [mt]). the 0z trap without the insecticide was modified with addition of a sticky paper, coated with an adhesive glue (mt) and evaluated for collection efficacy of released gravid mosquito, aedes aegypti (l.) in outdoor screened enclosures in st. augustine, in northeastern florida. the mean num ...201931442126
influence of sex ratio and density on the comparative repellency of ir3535® against caged aedes, anopheles, and culex mosquitoes.studies on topical repellent efficacy conducted with caged mosquitoes in the laboratory are important to both the development and regulation of insect repellents. guidelines for laboratory studies stipulate specific densities, sex ratios, and biting rates, whereas those for field studies are governmentally required before a promising repellent can be registered for human use. these protocols stipulate minimum biting rates alone. relatively little is known, however, about the influence of mosquit ...201931441773
dynamics and diversity of bacteria associated with the disease vectors aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus.aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus develop in the same aquatic sites where they encounter microorganisms that influence their life history and capacity to transmit human arboviruses. some bacteria such as wolbachia are currently being considered for the control of dengue, chikungunya and zika. yet little is known about the dynamics and diversity of aedes-associated bacteria, including larval habitat features that shape their tempo-spatial distribution. we applied large-scale 16s rrna amplicon se ...201931434963
systematic identification and characterization of aedes aegypti long noncoding rnas (lncrnas).long noncoding rnas (lncrnas) play diverse roles in biological processes. aedes aegypti (ae. aegypti), a blood-sucking mosquito, is the principal vector responsible for replication and transmission of arboviruses including dengue, zika, and chikungunya virus. systematic identification and developmental characterisation of ae. aegypti lncrnas are still limited. we performed genome-wide identification of lncrnas, followed by developmental profiling of lncrna in ae. aegypti. we identified a total o ...201931434910
copper(ii)-binding induces a unique polyproline type ii helical structure within the ion-binding segment in the intrinsically disordered f-domain of ecdysteroid receptor from aedes aegypti.reproduction of the dominant vector of zika and dengue diseases, aedes aegypti mosquito, is controlled by an active heterodimer complex composed of the 20-hydroxyecdysone receptor (ecr) and ultraspiracle protein. although a. aegypti ecr shares the structural and functional organization with other nuclear receptors, its c-terminus has an additional long f domain (aafecr). recently, we showed that the full length aafecr is intrinsically disordered with the ability to specifically bind divalent met ...201931433630
identification of anti-flaviviral drugs with mosquitocidal and anti-zika virus activity in aedes aegypti.zika virus (zikv), an emerging arbovirus belonging to the genus flavivirus, is transmitted by aedes mosquitoes. zikv infection can cause microcephaly of newborn babies and guillain-barré syndrome in adults. because no licensed vaccine or specific antiviral treatment is available for zikv infection, the most commonly used approach to control the spread of zikv is suppression of the mosquito vector population. a novel proposed strategy to block arthropod virus (arbovirus) transmission is based on ...201931430351
detecting wmel wolbachia in field-collected aedes aegypti mosquitoes using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp).the world mosquito program uses wolbachia pipientis for the biocontrol of arboviruses transmitted by aedes aegypti mosquitoes. diagnostic testing for wolbachia in laboratory colonies and in field-caught mosquito populations has typically employed pcr. new, simpler methods to diagnose wolbachia infection in mosquitoes are required for large-scale operational use.201931416478
the major oligosaccharyl transferase complex genes are not involved in dengue virus replication in aedes aegypti mosquitoes.replication of the dengue virus (denv) genome occurs in a vesicle in the endoplasmic reticulum by a complex of host and viral proteins. two host proteins, stt3a and stt3b, as members of the oligosaccharyl transferase complex, have been implicated in playing structural roles in the vesicle in mammalian cells, and the absence of these proteins has been shown to decrease denv replication. aedes aegypti is the main vector of the virus and has been used previously as a model organism to study mosquit ...201931414286
antibiotic resistant bacteria and commensal fungi are common and conserved in the mosquito microbiome.the emerging and increasing prevalence of bacterial antibiotic resistance is a significant public health challenge. to begin to tackle this problem, it will be critical to not only understand the origins of this resistance but also document environmental reservoirs of antibiotic resistance. in this study we investigated the possibility that both colony and field caught mosquitoes could harbor antibiotic resistant bacteria. specifically, we characterized the antibiotic resistant bacterial populat ...201931412044
midgut barriers prevent the replication and dissemination of the yellow fever vaccine in aedes be transmitted to vertebrate hosts via the saliva of their vectors, arthropod-borne viruses have to cross several barriers in the mosquito body, including the midgut infection and escape barriers. yellow fever virus (yfv) belongs to the genus flavivirus, which includes human viruses transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, such as dengue and zika viruses. the live-attenuated yfv-17d vaccine has been used safely and efficiently on a large scale since the end of world war ii. early studies have shown, ...201931412040
nature of complex network of dengue epidemic as a scale-free network.dengue epidemic is a dynamic and complex phenomenon that has gained considerable attention due to its injurious effects. the focus of this study is to statically analyze the nature of the dengue epidemic network in terms of whether it follows the features of a scale-free network or a random network.201931406610
impacts of hurricanes irma and maria on aedes aegypti populations, aquatic habitats, and mosquito infections with dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses in puerto rico.puerto rico was severely impacted by hurricanes irma and maria in september 2017. the island has been endemic for dengue viruses (denv) and recently suffered epidemics of chikungunya (chikv 2014) and zika (zikv 2016) viruses. although severe storms tend to increase the number of vector and nuisance mosquitoes, we do not know how they influence aedes aegypti populations and arboviral transmission. we compared the abundance of female ae. aegypti in autocidal gravid ovitraps (ago traps), container ...201930963992
publisher correction: past and future spread of the arbovirus vectors aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus.this article was mistakenly not made open access when originally published; this has now been amended, and information about the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license has been added into the 'additional information' section.201930962571
differences in mosquito communities in six cities in oklahoma.vector-borne diseases in the united states have recently increased as a result of the changing nature of vectors, hosts, reservoirs, pathogens, and the ecological and environmental conditions. current information on vector habitats and how mosquito community composition varies across space and time is vital to successful vector-borne disease management. this study characterizes mosquito communities in urban areas of oklahoma, united states, an ecologically diverse region in the southern great pl ...201930950499
vector competence of australian aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus for an epidemic strain of zika virus.recent epidemics of zika virus (zikv) in the pacific and the americas have highlighted its potential as an emerging pathogen of global importance. both aedes (ae.) aegypti and ae. albopictus are known to transmit zikv but variable vector competence has been observed between mosquito populations from different geographical regions and different virus strains. since australia remains at risk of zikv introduction, we evaluated the vector competence of local ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus for a braz ...201930946747
linking water quality to aedes aegypti and zika in flood-prone neighborhoods.the ability of ecosystems to regulate water quality and flood events has been linked to health outcomes, including mosquito-borne illnesses. in the san juan bay estuary watershed of puerto rico, habitat alterations and land-use development have disrupted watershed hydrology, exacerbating wastewater discharges and subjecting some neighborhoods to frequent flooding events. in 2016, the mosquito-borne illness zika became a new cause for concern. we hypothesized that nutrient-enriched flood water co ...201930945160
interpreting mosquito feeding patterns in australia through an ecological lens: an analysis of blood meal studies.mosquito-borne pathogens contribute significantly to the global burden of disease, infecting millions of people each year. mosquito feeding is critical to the transmission dynamics of pathogens, and thus it is important to understanding and interpreting mosquito feeding patterns. in this paper we explore mosquito feeding patterns and their implications for disease ecology through a meta-analysis of published blood meal results collected across australia from more than 12,000 blood meals from 22 ...201930944025
v1016g point mutation: the key mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) gene of pyrethroid-resistant aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in indonesia.resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widespread in indonesian aedes aegypti (linnaeus), the primary vector of dengue viruses. this study aims to investigate the mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) conferring pyrethroid resistance against ae. aegypti populations from indonesia. molecular genotyping of mutations using polymerase chain reaction assay and direct dna sequencing were performed at positions 989 and 1,016 in iis6 region, and 1,534 in iiis6 region of the voltage-gate ...201930942885
influence of strategic points in the dispersion of aedes aegypti in infested evaluate whether sites with large amount of potential breeding sites for immature forms of aedes aegypti, called strategic points, influence in the active vector's dispersion into properties in their surroundings.201930942271
detrimental effects of induced antibodies on aedes aegypti reproduction.aedes aegypti (linnaeus) (diptera: culicidae) is the main vector of viruses causing dengue, chikungunya, zika, and yellow fever, worldwide. this report focuses on immuno-blocking four critical proteins in the female mosquito when fed on blood containing antibodies against ferritin, transferrin, one amino acid transporter (naat1), and acetylcholinesterase (ache). peptides from these proteins were selected, synthetized, conjugated to carrier proteins, and used as antigens to immunize new zealand r ...201930941675
correction to: complete nmr chemical shift assignments of odorant binding protein 22 from the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, bound to arachidonic acid.the article listed above was initially published with incorrect copyright information. upon publication of this correction, the copyright of the article is changed to "the author(s)". the original article has been corrected.201930941584
glycoprotein hormone receptor knockdown leads to reduced reproductive success in male aedes aegypti.glycoprotein hormone receptors mediate a diverse range of physiological functions in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. the heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone gpa2/gpb5 and its receptor lgr1, constitute a recently discovered invertebrate neuroendocrine signaling system that remains to be functionally characterized. we previously reported that lgr1 is expressed in the testes of adult aedes aegypti mosquitoes, where its immunoreactivity is particularly regionalized. here, we show that lgr1 imm ...201930941056
enhanced mosquitocidal efficacy of colloidal dispersion of pyrethroid nanometric emulsion with benignity towards non-target species.the rising threat of vector-borne diseases and environmental pollution has instigated the investigation of nanotechnology-based applications. the current study deals with a nanotechnological application involving the usage of nanometric pesticides such as permethrin nanoemulsion. the mean droplet diameter and zeta potential of the prepared permethrin nanoemulsion were found to be 12.4 ± 1.13 nm and -20.4 ± 0.56 mv, respectively. the temporal stability of permethrin nanoemulsion was found to be 4 ...201930939406
endogenous non-retroviral elements in genomes of aedes mosquitoes and vector competence.recent extensive (re)emergences of arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) such as chikungunya (chikv), zika (zikv) and dengue (denv) viruses highlight the role of the epidemic vectors, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, in their spreading. differences of vector competence to arboviruses highlight different virus/vector interactions. while both are highly competent to transmit chikv (alphavirus,togaviridae), only ae. albopictus is considered as a secondary vector for denv (flavivirus, flavivirida ...201930938223
larvicidal, histopathological, antibacterial activity of indigenous fungus penicillium sp. against aedes aegypti l and culex quinquefasciatus (say) (diptera: culicidae) and its acetylcholinesterase inhibition and toxicity assessment of zebrafish (danio rerio).fungal metabolites are considered to be most efficient tools to overcome the issues related to insecticide resistance and environmental pollution. the present study focus on the evaluation of the mosquito larvicidal efficacy of metabolites of seven indigenous fungal isolates (penicillium sp. aspergillus niger, a. flavus, a. parasiticus, rhizopus sp. mucor sp. and aspergillus sp.) on the larvae of aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus under the laboratory condition. the preliminary screening o ...201930936853
local transmission of zika virus in miami-dade county: the florida department of health rises to the early as 2015, florida and centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) public health officials recognized the potential danger of zika for us residents and visitors. the zika virus, a mosquito-borne flavivirus, is transmitted through the bite of the aedes aegypti mosquito. a physician in miami-dade notified the florida department of health (doh) of the first non-travel-related zika case in the united states. a 23-year old pregnant woman had presented on july 7, 2016, at 23 weeks of gesta ...201930933006
aedes aegypti mosquitoes detect acidic volatiles found in human odor using the ir8a pathway.mosquitoes use olfaction as a primary means of detecting their hosts. previously, the functional ablation of a family of aedes aegypti olfactory receptors, the odorant receptors (ors), was not sufficient to reduce host seeking in the presence of carbon dioxide (co2). this suggests the olfactory receptors that remain, such as the ionotropic receptors (irs), could play a significant role in host detection. to test this, we disrupted the ir8a co-receptor in ae. aegypti using crispr/cas9. we found t ...201930930038
evaluation of toxicity and environmental safety in use of spinosad to rationalize control strategies against aedes aegypti.spinosad is a naturally-occurring insecticide used for the management of ae. aegypti larvae. the assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of spinosad is required for verifying the environmentally-friendly behavior of the compound and for evaluating toxicity values on non-target species. thus, the aim of the study was to conduct toxicity tests using daphnia magna as model organism after exposure to different concentrations of spinosad. immobility effects were observed in both acute and chronic t ...201930927668
preliminary screening of mosquito spatial distribution in togo: with special focus on the aedes (diptera: culicidae) species.the togolese republic has a tropical and humid climate which constitutes an ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed and transmit diseases. the aedes mosquito is known to transmit yellow fever (yf), dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses in west africa. togo has been suffering from yf virus transmission, despite vaccination efforts. unfortunately, there is scarcity in the data that reflect mosquito spatial distribution in togo, specifically possible yf vectors. in the current study, mosquito sur ...201930927005
voltage-gated sodium channel intron polymorphism and four mutations comprise six haplotypes in an aedes aegypti population in taiwan.knockdown resistance (kdr) to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) and pyrethroids is known to link amino acid substitutions in the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) in aedes aegypti. dengue fever primarily transmitted by ae. aegypti is an annual public health issue in taiwan. accordingly, pyrethroid insecticides have been heavily used for decades to control mosquito populations in the summer and autumn. in taiwan, an ae. aegypti population with two vgsc mutations, v1016g and d1763y, was desc ...201930925149
the electronic song "scary monsters and nice sprites" reduces host attack and mating success in the dengue vector aedes aegypti.sound and its reception are crucial for reproduction, survival, and population maintenance of many animals. in insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals from conspecifics and hosts. despite evidence that mosquitoes respond to sound frequencies beyond fundamental ranges, including songs, and that males and females need to struggle to harmonize their flight tones, the behavioral impacts of music as control targets remain unex ...201930922800
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 14974