
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
prediction of human targets for viral-encoded micrornas by thermodynamics and empirical constraints.micrornas (mirnas) are small rna molecules that modulate gene expression through degradation of specific mrnas and/or repression of their translation. mirnas are involved in both physiological and pathological processes, such as apoptosis and cancer. their presence has been demonstrated in several organisms as well as in viruses. virus encoded mirnas can act as viral gene expression regulators, but they may also interfere with the expression of host genes. viral mirnas may control host cell prol ...201020628498
kaposi's sarcoma of the stomach and duodenum in human immunodeficiency virus infection.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) of the upper gastrointestinal tract without extensive cutaneous disease is uncommon and usually asymptomatic. herein, the case of a 37-year-old man who presented with iron deficiency anemia is reported. a colonoscopy was unremarkable and upper endoscopy revealed multiple raised, hemorrhagic, plaque-like lesions throughout the stomach and the small intestine. histopathology confirmed ks; further testing revealed the patient to be hiv-positive and a diagnosis of aids-related ...201020642618
the prevalence of antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 and hepatitis b virus in patients in two hospitals in tanzania.the aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) and the immunization status for hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection in febrile patients in two districts of the united republic of tanzania. between february and march 2007, blood samples were collected in pemba island and tosamaganga from 336 outpatients and sent to the virology laboratory in rome (italy) for testing. hhv-8 dna and hbv-dna were amplified by two in-house molecular methods, anti-hhv-8 antibody ...201020648611
patterns of antibodies against latent and lytic antigens of human herpesvirus 8 in an endemic population and patients with kaposi's sarcoma in mozambique.the patterns of antibodies against latent and lytic antigens of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) were assessed using immunofluorescence assays of samples from 155 persons seropositive for hhv-8 seen at public health centers and 24 patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) from mozambique. of the 155 persons without ks, 48 (31%) had antibodies against latent antigens only, 29 (18.7%) had antibodies against lytic antigens only, and 78 (50.3%) had antibodies against both types of antigen. the hhv-8 antibody t ...201020648612
analysis of rhesus rhadinovirus micrornas expressed in virus-induced tumors from infected rhesus macaques.rhesus rhadinovirus (rrv), a primate gamma-herpesvirus related to human kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), causes a similar pattern of pathogenesis. previously, rrv was shown to express 7 pre-micrornas (pre-mirnas) in latently infected cells. using deep sequencing, we analyzed the pattern of small rna expression in vivo using latently rrv-infected b-cell lymphoma and retroperitoneal fibromatosis tissues. we identified 15 virally encoded pre-mirnas in both tumors, including all previ ...201020655562
a gammaherpesvirus complement regulatory protein promotes initiation of infection by activation of protein kinase akt/pkb.viruses have evolved to evade the host's complement system. the open reading frames 4 (orf4) of gammaherpesviruses encode homologs of regulators of complement activation (rca) proteins, which inhibit complement activation at the level of c3 and c4 deposition. besides complement regulation, these proteins are involved in heparan sulfate and glycosaminoglycan binding, and in case of mhv-68, also in viral dna synthesis in macrophages.201020657771
bub1 and cenp-f can contribute to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus genome persistence by targeting lana to kinetochores.the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) encoded by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is critical for segregation of viral episomes to progeny nuclei and allows for maintenance of the viral genome in newly divided daughter cells. lana binds to kshv terminal repeat (tr) dna and simultaneously associates with chromatin-bound cellular proteins. this process tethers the viral episomes to host chromosomes. however, the mechanism of tethering is complex and involves multiple protein- ...201020660191
viral g protein-coupled receptor up-regulates angiopoietin-like 4 promoting angiogenesis and vascular permeability in kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is an enigmatic vascular tumor thought to be a consequence of dysregulated expression of the human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8 or kshv)-encoded g protein-coupled receptor (vgpcr). indeed, transgenic animals expressing vgpcr manifest vascular tumors histologically identical to human ks, with expression of the viral receptor limited to a few cells, suggestive of a paracrine mechanism for vgpcr tumorigenesis. both human and vgpcr experimental ks lesions are characterized by prominent ...201020660728
epigenetic analysis of kshv latent and lytic genomes.epigenetic modifications of the herpesviral genome play a key role in the transcriptional control of latent and lytic genes during a productive viral lifecycle. in this study, we describe for the first time a comprehensive genome-wide chip-on-chip analysis of the chromatin associated with the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) genome during latency and lytic reactivation. depending on the gene expression class, different combinations of activating [acetylated h3 (ach3) and h3k4me3] a ...201020661424
in search of a function for bclaf1.bclaf1 was originally identified as a protein that interacts with antiapoptotic members of the bcl2 family. initial studies indicated a role for this protein as an inducer of apoptosis and repressor of transcription. subsequent studies have shown that bclaf1 plays criticals roles in a wide range of processes that are not normally associated with actions of bcl2 family members, including lung development, t-cell activation, and control of the lytic infection program of kaposi's sarcoma-associated ...201020661537
identification and analysis of expression of novel micrornas of murine gammaherpesvirus 68.murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (mhv-68) is closely related to epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) and provides a small-animal model with which to study the pathogenesis of gammaherpesvirus (gammahv) infections. to completely explore the potential of the mhv-68 system for the investigation of gammahv micrornas (mirnas), it would be desirable to know the number and expression patterns of all mirnas encoded by mhv-68. by deep sequencing of small rnas, we systemat ...201020668074
abdominal nodal localization of castleman's disease: report of a case.castleman's disease (cd) is a rare benign disorder that may grow in any area where lymphoid tissue is normally present but the most frequent site is mediastinum (67%); the abdomen is rarely affected by this pathology. in the pathogenesis of cd an important role could be played by hhv-8. diagnosis is difficult and the diagnostic certainty is obtained only by histological examination. for this disease there is no gold-standard treatment.201020674810
characterization of entry and infection of monocytic thp-1 cells by kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv): role of heparan sulfate, dc-sign, integrins and signaling.kshv effectively binds, enters and establishes infection in thp-1 cells with initial concurrent expression of latent orf73 and lytic orf50 genes and subsequent persistence of orf73. kshv genome persisted for 30 days and lytic cycle could be activated. kshv utilized heparan sulfate for binding to thp-1 cells and primary monocytes. blocking dc-sign did not inhibit kshv binding; however, virus entry in thp-1 cells and in primary monocytes was reduced. in addition to the previously identified integr ...201020674951
common vascular endothelial growth factor variants and risk for posttransplant kaposi sarcoma. 201020683431
the viral latency-associated nuclear antigen augments the b-cell response to antigen in vivo.gammaherpesviruses, including kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), establish latency in b cells. we hypothesized that the kshv latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana/orf73) provides a selective advantage to infected b cells by driving proliferation in response to antigen. to test this, we used lana b-cell transgenic mice. eight days after immunization with antigen without adjuvant, lana mice had significantly more activated germinal center (gc) b cells (cd19(+) pna(+) cd71(+)) than co ...201020686032
convergence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation with epstein-barr virus latency and cellular growth mediated by the notch signaling pathway in coinfected cells.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent of primary effusion lymphoma (pel). all pel cell lines are infected with kshv, and 70% are coinfected with epstein-barr virus (ebv). kshv reactivation from latency requires promoter-specific transactivation by the kshv rta protein through interactions with rbp-jk (csl), the cellular dna-binding component of the notch signal transduction pathway. ebv transformation of primary b cells requires ebv nuclear antigen 2 (ebna-2) to i ...201020686042
orf57: master regulator of kshv mrna biogenesis. 201020686356
murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 hijacks mavs and ikkbeta to initiate lytic replication.upon viral infection, the mitochondrial antiviral signaling (mavs)-ikkbeta pathway is activated to restrict viral replication. manipulation of immune signaling events by pathogens has been an outstanding theme of host-pathogen interaction. here we report that the loss of mavs or ikkbeta impaired the lytic replication of gamma-herpesvirus 68 (gammahv68), a model herpesvirus for human kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and epstein-barr virus. gammahv68 infection activated ikkbeta in a mavs-de ...201020686657
primary effusion lymphoma: genomic profiling revealed amplification of selplg and coro1c encoding for proteins important for cell migration.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is associated with kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv) but its pathogenesis is poorly understood. many kshv-associated products can deregulate cellular pathways commonly targeted in cancer. however, kshv infection alone is insufficient for malignant transformation. pel also lacks the chromosomal translocations seen in other lymphoma subtypes. we investigated 28 pels and ten pel cell lines by 1 mb resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) and found fre ...201020690162
the human cytomegalovirus microrna mir-ul112 acts synergistically with a cellular microrna to escape immune elimination.although approximately 200 viral micrornas are known, only very few share similar targets with their host's micrornas. a notable example of this is the stress-induced ligand micb, which is targeted by several distinct viral and cellular micrornas. through the investigation of the microrna-mediated immune-evasion strategies of herpesviruses, we initially identified two new cellular micrornas that targeted micb and were expressed differently both in healthy tissues and during melanocyte transforma ...201020694010
kaposi's sarcoma: hiv-negative man with isolated penile localization.kaposi's sarcoma is the malignant proliferation of the endothelial cell vessels. its genesis is still unclear; however, it seems to be related to the herpes virus infection (hhv-8). this neoplasia usually affects the lower limbs and the affected persons are mostly from the mediterranean region. the exclusive penile localization of the kaposi's sarcoma in a patient with a negative hiv serologia is exceptional. our case is of a 73-year old patient with a negative hiv serology presenting an exclusi ...201020699519
coexistent lymphoma with tuberculosis and kaposi's sarcoma with tuberculosis occurring in lymph node in patients with aids: a report of two cases.although there have been a few reports of simultaneous infections and neoplasm in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, no reports of coexistent lymphoma with tuberculosis and kaposi's sarcoma with tuberculosis occurring in the same lymph node have been described. in this article, we describe coexistent lymphoma with tuberculosis in one case and kaposi's sarcoma with tuberculosis in another case of human immune deficiency virus-infected individuals.201020699524
bim nuclear translocation and inactivation by viral interferon regulatory factor.viral replication efficiency is in large part governed by the ability of viruses to counteract pro-apoptotic signals induced by infection of the host cell. human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) uses several strategies to block the host's innate antiviral defenses via interference with interferon and apoptotic signaling. contributors include the four viral interferon regulatory factors (virfs 1-4), which function in dominant negative fashion to block cellular irf activities in addition to targeting irf sig ...201020700448
endogenous cd317/tetherin limits replication of hiv-1 and murine leukemia virus in rodent cells and is resistant to antagonists from primate viruses.human cd317 (bst-2/tetherin) is an intrinsic immunity factor that blocks the release of retroviruses, filoviruses, herpesviruses, and arenaviruses. it is unclear whether cd317 expressed endogenously in rodent cells has the capacity to interfere with the replication of the retroviral rodent pathogen murine leukemia virus (mlv) or, in the context of small-animal model development, contributes to the well-established late-phase restriction of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). here, we sh ...201020702620
characterization of the interactions of vmip-ii, and a dimeric variant of vmip-ii, with glycosaminoglycans.chemokines are important immune proteins, carrying out their function by binding to glycosaminoglycans (gags) on the endothelial surface and to cell surface chemokine receptors. a unique viral chemokine analogue, viral macrophage inflammatory protein-ii (vmip-ii), encoded by human herpesvirus-8, has garnered interest because of its ability to bind to multiple chemokine receptors, including both hiv coreceptors. in addition, vmip-ii binds to cell surface gags much more tightly than most human che ...201020712376
kaposi sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus microrna sequence analysis and ks risk in a european aids-ks case control study.we recently identified polymorphisms in kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)-encoded microrna (mirna) sequences from clinical subjects. here, we examine whether any of these may contribute to ks risk in a european aids-ks case-control study.201020715927
prospects of a novel vaccination strategy for human gamma-herpesviruses.due to the oncogenic potential associated with persistent infection of human gamma-herpesviruses, including epstein-barr virus (ebv or hhv-4) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv or hhv-8), vaccine development has focused on subunit vaccines. however, the results using an animal model of mouse infection with a related rodent virus, murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (mhv-68, γhv-68, or muhv-4), have shown that the only effective vaccination strategy is based on live attenuated viruses, inc ...201020717741
role of il-12 in hiv infection and vaccine.among cytokines that dictate the fate of developing immune responses, il-12 represents an important nexus for the development of type i cell-mediated immune responses (cmi). this factor is primarily produced by monocytic cell lineages in response to stimuli such as pathogen-associated molecular patterns, dictating the development of naive t cells as they differentiate into antigen-specific t cells. hiv infection results in an early loss of effective th1 prototype cmi when such responses appear t ...201020719709
systematic analysis of viral and cellular microrna targets in cells latently infected with human gamma-herpesviruses by risc immunoprecipitation assay.the mrna targets of micrornas (mirnas) can be identified by immunoprecipitation of argonaute (ago) protein-containing rna-induced silencing complexes (riscs) followed by microarray analysis (rip-chip). here we used ago2-based rip-chip to identify transcripts targeted by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) mirnas (n = 114), epstein-barr virus (ebv) mirnas (n = 44), and cellular mirnas (n = 2337) in six latently infected or stably transduced human b cell lines. of the six kshv mirna tar ...201020413099
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and innate immunity.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the most recently discovered human herpesvirus, first isolated and identified from a kaposi's sarcoma lesion in 1994. it is the etiological agent of kaposi's sarcoma, a vascular lesion that is the predominant cancer among aids patients. kshv is also the primary etiological agent of two b-cell lymphomas, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease. kshv can exist in either a lytic phase, in which the viral dna is actively replic ...201020414330
[primary effusion lymphoma in two kidney transplant recipients].primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a highly malignant non-hodgkin lymphoma associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus-8 infection (kshv/hhv-8). it is chiefly seen in hiv patients and is rare in transplant recipients, possibly going unrecognized.201020417362
human i-mfa domain proteins specifically interact with kshv lana and affect its regulation of wnt signaling-dependent transcription.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv)-encoded latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) protein has been reported to interact with glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (gsk-3beta) and to negatively regulate its activity, leading to stimulation of gsk-3beta-dependent beta-catenin degradation. we show here that the i-mfa domain proteins, hic (human i-mfa domain-containing protein) and i-mfa (inhibitor of myod family a), interacted in vivo with lana through their c-terminal i-mfa domains. this ...201020417616
mir-132 regulates antiviral innate immunity through suppression of the p300 transcriptional co-activator.micrornas are small, non-coding rnas that negatively regulate gene expression. it has been proposed that micrornas could function in the regulation of innate immunity, but this has not been demonstrated for viral infection. here we test this hypothesis using the human pathogenic virus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) and one of its putative natural cellular targets, primary lymphatic endothelial cells (lecs). we show that an early antiviral microrna response (6 h post-infection) in ...201020418869
hsp90 and hsp40/erdj3 are required for the expression and anti-apoptotic function of kshv k1.kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a member of the gammaherpesvirus family. it is the etiological agent of three different human cancers, kaposi sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and multicentric castleman disease. the far left end of the kshv genome encodes a unique transmembrane glycoprotein called k1. k1 possesses the ability to transform rodent fibroblasts and block apoptosis. k1 has also been shown to activate the pi3k/akt/mtor pathway in different cells. using tand ...201020418907
the ring-ch ligase k5 antagonizes restriction of kshv and hiv-1 particle release by mediating ubiquitin-dependent endosomal degradation of tetherin.tetherin (cd317/bst2) is an interferon-induced membrane protein that inhibits the release of diverse enveloped viral particles. several mammalian viruses have evolved countermeasures that inactivate tetherin, with the prototype being the hiv-1 vpu protein. here we show that the human herpesvirus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is sensitive to tetherin restriction and its activity is counteracted by the kshv encoded ring-ch e3 ubiquitin ligase k5. tetherin expression in kshv-infect ...201020419159
vaccines to prevent infections by has been estimated that viruses are etiological agents in approximately 12% of human cancers. most of these cancers can be attributed to infections by human papillomavirus (hpv), hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis c virus (hcv), epstein-barr virus (ebv), and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). prophylactic vaccines against other pathogenic viruses have an excellent record as public health interventions in terms of safety, effectiveness, and ability to reach economically disadvanta ...201020420520
microrna mir-155 inhibits bone morphogenetic protein (bmp) signaling and bmp-mediated epstein-barr virus reactivation.microrna mir-155 is expressed at elevated levels in human cancers including cancers of the lung, breast, colon, and a subset of lymphoid malignancies. in b cells, mir-155 is induced by the oncogenic latency gene expression program of the human herpesvirus epstein-barr virus (ebv). two other oncogenic herpesviruses, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and marek's disease virus, encode functional homologues of mir-155, suggesting a role for this microrna in the biology and pathogenesis of thes ...201020427544
kaposi's sarcoma in a psoriatic arthritis patient treated with infliximab. 201020433950
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf57 protein interacts with pym to enhance translation of viral intronless mrnas.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) expresses numerous intronless mrnas that are unable to access splicing-dependent cellular mrna nuclear export pathways. to circumvent this problem, kshv encodes the open reading frame 57 (orf57) protein, which orchestrates the formation of an export-competent virus ribonucleoprotein particle comprising the nuclear export complex htrex, but not the exon-junction complex (ejc). interestingly, ejcs stimulate mrna translation, which raises the intriguin ...201020436455
human herpesvirus 8-encoded cytokines.human herpesvirus (hhv)-8, also called kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, was discovered in 1994 and was rapidly sequenced, revealing several unique and surprising features of its genetic makeup. among these discoveries was the identification of the first viral homolog of il-6 and three cc/beta-chemokine ligands (viral ccl-1, -2 and -3), not previously found in gamma-herpesviruses. viral il-6 was immediately recognized as a potential contributor to hhv-8 pathogenesis, specifically endothel ...201020436945
18f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography findings in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus-associated castleman's disease and kaposi sarcoma, disorders associated with human herpes virus 8 infection.we report a case of a 38-year-old man affected by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) with a diagnosis of castleman's disease, plasmablastic type human herpes virus 8 infection, and kaposi sarcoma based on a histological examination of one cervical lymph node biopsy. the patient underwent (18)f-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ((18)f-fdg-pet/ct). (18)f-fdg-pet/ ct seems to be a valuable tool in patients with hiv-associated castleman's disease and kaposi ...201020437136
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus viral protein kinase interacts with rna helicase a and regulates host gene expression.rna helicase a (rha) containing the dexh motif is a human homolog of maleless protein that regulates expression of genes located in the drosophila x chromosome during dosage compensation. rha exerts helicase activity that unwinds double-stranded rna and dna to a single-strand form. the protein acts as a bridging factor mediating interactions of cbp/p300 and rna pol ii, and consequently affects gene expression. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a member of the gamma-herpesvirus su ...201020437153
accumulation of oxidized proteins in herpesvirus infected cells.oxidative stress gives rise to an environment that can be highly damaging to proteins, lipids, and dna. previous studies indicate that herpesvirus infections cause oxidative stress in cells and in tissues. the biological consequences of virus-induced oxidative stress have not been characterized. studies from many groups indicate that proteins which have been damaged through oxidative imbalances are either degraded by the 20s proteasome in a ubiquitin-independent fashion or form aggregates that a ...201020441790
induction, regulation, and biologic function of axl receptor tyrosine kinase in kaposi sarcoma.axl is an oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase that plays multiple roles in tumorigenesis and metastasis of many cancers. this study is the first to demonstrate that axl is induced in kaposi sarcoma and kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv) transformed endothelial cells. conditionally, expression of one kshv latency protein vflip induces axl expression in endothelial cells. this induction can be blocked by nuclear factor-kappab inhibitor, consistent with the known vflip mechanism of action. ks cell li ...201020442363
distinct profiles of antibodies to kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus antigens in patients with kaposi sarcoma, multicentric castleman disease, and primary effusion lymphoma.antibody responses against lytic and latent kaposi sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus antigens were investigated in patients with ks, multicentric castleman disease (mcd), and primary effusion lymphoma. antibodies against the lytic antigen k8.1 were 5-fold higher in patients with mcd than those with ks, whereas antibodies to the sum of latent antigens v-cyclin and lana were 27-fold higher in patients with ks, compared with patients with mcd (p < 001). the sum of anti-v-cyclin and anti-lana anti ...201020443737
[aids related lymphomas: histopathological subtypes and association with epstein barr virus and human herpes virus type-8].non-hodgkin lymphomas (nhl) of the b-cell type are the second most common neoplasm among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection and aids. here, we evaluated 48 cases of aids-related lymphomas (arl) diagnosed at the histopathological division of the instituto de investigaciones hematológicas of the national academy of medicine. five were females and 43 were males with a median of age of 37 years at the time of the diagnosis. micrometer sections were prepared and stained with h ...201020447898
extracellular hsp90 serves as a co-factor for mapk activation and latent viral gene expression during de novo infection by kshv.the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. kshv interaction with the cell membrane triggers activation of specific intracellular signal transduction pathways to facilitate virus entry, nuclear trafficking, and ultimately viral oncogene expression. extracellular heat shock protein 90 localizes to the cell surface (cshsp90) and facilitates signal transduction in can ...201020451233
nf-kappab signaling modulation by ebv and kshv.the nuclear factor (nf)-kappab signaling pathway is pivotal for immune system function. not surprisingly, pathogenic microorganisms have developed strategies to subvert it. two examples are epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv), oncogenic gammaherpesviruses that establish a lifelong latent infection in their human hosts. the modulation of nf-kappab signaling by ebv and kshv is not only important for viral infection, but also contributes to the development of malignant ne ...201020452220
kaposi sarcoma in a hiv uninfected man who has sex with men.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a rare angioproliferative tumor associated with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection. four clinical variants of ks have been described: classic, endemic, iatrogenic and hiv-associated. we describe a 53-year-old men who had sex with men with a rapidly growing nodule on his left foot. histologically ks was confirmed. our patient did not match the clinical subgroups as hiv infection or other immune disorders could be ruled out. ks in hiv-negative msm has only been reported ...201020452888
update on hhv-8-associated malignancies.the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is the oncogenic virus associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and lymphoproliferative disorders, namely, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease. ks is among the most common malignancies seen in hiv-infected patients despite the decreased incidence of ks in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. advances in molecular pathology reveal hhv-8 tumorigenesis is mediated through molecular mimicry wherein viral-encoded proteins can activat ...201020461118
primary gamma-herpesviral infection in zambian children.hhv-8 is closely related to epstein-barr virus (ebv), but the clinical presentations of these two infections in early childhood are not well understood. also, it is not known whether infection by one virus correlates with another. here, we compare the natural history of infection by these two viruses along with the clinical manifestations and risk factors that are associated with early childhood infection in zambia, which is an endemic area for hhv-8.201020462453
herpes viruses in transplant recipients: hsv, vzv, human herpes viruses, and ebv.the herpes viruses are responsible for a wide range of diseases in patients following transplant, resulting from direct viral effects and indirect effects, including tumor promotion. effective treatments and prophylaxis exist for the neurotropic herpes viruses hsv-1, hsv-2, varicella zoster virus, and possibly hhv-6. antivirals seem to be less effective at prevention of the tumor-promoting effects of epstein-barr virus and hhv-8. reduction in immunosuppression is the cornerstone to treatment of ...201020466275
stabilization of an e3 ligase-e2-ubiquitin complex increases cell surface mhc class i expression.the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded ubiquitin e3 ligase k3 ubiquitinates cell-surface mhc class i molecules (mhc i), causing the internalization and degradation of mhc i via the endolysosomal pathway. k3 recruits the cellular e2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme ubc13 to generate lysine-63-linked polyubiquitin chains on mhc i, leading to the clathrin-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of mhc i. in this study, we identify a ubiquitin isoleucine-44-alanine mutant (i44a) that ...201020483773
use of a virus-encoded enzymatic marker reveals that a stable fraction of memory b cells expresses latency-associated nuclear antigen throughout chronic gammaherpesvirus integral feature of gammaherpesvirus infections is the ability to establish lifelong latency in b cells. during latency, the viral genome is maintained as an extrachomosomal episome, with stable maintenance in dividing cells mediated by the viral proteins epstein-barr nuclear antigen 1 (ebna-1) for epstein-barr virus and latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) for kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. it is believed that the expression of episome maintenance proteins is turned off in the ...201020484501
enhancement of autophagy during lytic replication by the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus replication and transcription activator.autophagy is one of two major degradation systems in eukaryotic cells. the degradation mechanism of autophagy is required to maintain the balance between the biosynthetic and catabolic processes and also contributes to defense against invading pathogens. recent studies suggest that a number of viruses can evade or subvert the host cell autophagic pathway to enhance their own replication. here, we investigated the effect of autophagy on the kshv (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) life cycl ...201020484505
mutational analysis of the latency-associated nuclear antigen dna-binding domain of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reveals structural conservation among gammaherpesvirus origin-binding proteins.the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus functions as an origin-binding protein (obp) and transcriptional regulator. lana binds the terminal repeats via the c-terminal dna-binding domain (dbd) to support latent dna replication. to date, the structure of lana has not been solved. sequence alignments among obps of gammaherpesviruses have revealed that the c terminus of lana is structurally related to ebna1, the obp of epstein-barr virus. based on sec ...201020484563
kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus type 8)-associated extracavitary lymphoma: report of a case in an hiv-positive patient with simultaneous kaposi sarcoma and a review of the literature.kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), or human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv8), is consistently identified in 2 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated lymphoproliferative disorders: primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and multicentric castleman disease. rarely, kshv/hhv8-positive extracavitary solid tissue lymphomas occur, often at extranodal sites, which are not associated with an effusion. these solid variants of pel are similar morphologically, immunophenotypically, clinically and geneti ...201020484888
antagonism of host antiviral responses by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus tegument protein orf45.virus infection of a cell generally evokes an immune response by the host to defeat the intruder in its effort. many viruses have developed an array of strategies to evade or antagonize host antiviral responses. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is demonstrated in this report to be able to prevent activation of host antiviral defense mechanisms upon infection. cells infected with wild-type kshv were permissive for superinfection with vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv), suggesting that ...201020485504
the great escape: viral strategies to counter bst-2/tetherin.the interferon-induced bst-2 protein has the unique ability to restrict the egress of hiv-1, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), ebola virus, and other enveloped viruses. the observation that virions remain attached to the surface of bst-2-expressing cells led to the renaming of bst-2 as "tetherin". however, viral proteins such as hiv-1 vpu, simian immunodeficiency virus nef, and kshv k5 counteract bst-2, thereby allowing mature virions to readily escape from infected cells. since th ...201020485522
[ocular manifestations in hiv/aids patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral treatment (haart) in togo].the twofold purpose of this study in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (plhiv/aids) and undergoing highly active antiretroviral treatment (haart) was to determine the prevalence of ocular manifestations and its correlation with cd4 t-cell count.201020486347
induction of the warburg effect by kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus is required for the maintenance of latently infected endothelial cells.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most commonly reported tumor in parts of africa and is the most common tumor of aids patients world-wide. ks-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent of ks. although ks tumors contain many cell types, the predominant cell is the spindle cell, a cell of endothelial origin that maintains kshv latency. kshv activates many cell-signaling pathways but little is known about how kshv alters cellular metabolism during latency. the warburg effect, a common metabol ...201020498071
variations in human herpesvirus type 8 seroprevalence in native americans, south determine the epidemiology of human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8) among non-amazonian native populations, we conducted a cross-sectional study in brazil, bolivia, and paraguay. our data show striking ethnic and geographic variations in the distribution of hhv-8 seroprevalences in amazonian (77%) and non-amazonian native populations (range 0%-83%).201020507758
human herpesvirus 8 viral flice-inhibitory protein retards cell proliferation via downregulation of id2 and id3 expression.death receptor-mediated apoptosis is potently inhibited by viral flip (flice/caspase 8 inhibitory protein) through reduced activation of procaspase 8. in this study, we show that the human herpesvirus 8-encoded vflip retards cell proliferation. overexpression of vflip caused cell cycle arrest, with an apparent decrease of cells in the s phase. the id (inhibitor of dna binding) proteins are considered as dominant negative regulators of differentiation pathways, but positive regulators of cellular ...201020512523
seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 infection in individuals from health care centers in mozambique: potential for endemic and epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection is common in sub-saharan africa, but its prevalence in mozambique is unknown. the seroprevalence of hhv-8 in a cohort of individuals seen at public health centers in northern (n = 208), central (n = 226), or southern (n = 318) mozambique was examined. all individuals were interviewed to obtain socioeconomic, demographic and clinical data and were tested for serum anti-hhv-8 antibodies using an immunofluorescence assay. the overall frequency of hhv-8 antibodi ...201020513087
spindle cells from aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma lesions express telomerase activity that is enhanced by kaposi's sarcoma progression factors.the activity of telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein maintaining the length of chromosome ends (telomeres) to levels allowing cells to replicate indefinitely, is undetectable in normal, differentiated cells, is present at low levels in some activated cell types (including endothelial cells) and it is highly expressed by tumor cells. kaposi's sarcoma (ks), the most frequent tumor in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) patients (aids-ks), arises as a disorder of new blood vessel formation (angio ...201020514465
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus processivity factor-8 dimerizes in cytoplasm before being translocated to nucleus.the processivity factor-8 (pf-8) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) plays an essential role in viral lytic replication. pf-8 forms homodimers in solution and is observed as a dimer on the dna. here, we show that pf-8 dimerizes in cells and that amino acid residues 1-21 and residues 277-304 of pf-8 (396r) are required for dimerization in vivo. importantly, we demonstrate that pf-8 dimerizes in the cytoplasm before being translocated to the nucleus. the significance of pf-8 cytoplas ...201020515658
expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of orf60, the small subunit (r2) of ribonucleotide reductase from kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv).ribonucleotide reductase (rnr) is responsible for converting ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides, which are the building blocks of dna. the enzyme is present in all life forms as well as in some large dna viruses such as herpesviruses. the alpha-herpesviruses and gamma-herpesviruses encode two class ia rnr subunits, r1 and r2, while the beta-herpesvirus subfamily only encode an inactive r1 subunit. here, the crystallization of the r2 subunit of rnr encoded by the orf60 gene from the oncoviru ...201020516613
northwestern china: a place to learn more on oesophageal cancer. part one: behavioural and environmental risk factors.oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (oscc) remains a public health problem in many countries, especially in emerging and developing countries. epidemiology of oscc is characterized by marked differences in prevalence between countries/regions/ethnical groups. the highest incidence in the world is reached by populations living in specific areas of northwestern xinjiang, china where age-adjusted mortality may reach 150 of 100 000. in fact, there are also marked differences among the various geogra ...201020520561
negotiating exclusion: msm, identity, and blood policy in the age of the us, blood donors face a variety of restrictions that leave many people excluded entirely from the donor pool. this paper explores the specific circumstances and meanings surrounding the donor ban on men-who-have-sex-with-men (msm). the ban on msm is one of the few existing donor guidelines to receive considerable criticism on grounds that it effectively prohibits any sexually active gay man from donating blood and thus discriminates against gays. due in part to these questions of fairness ...201020527321
hiv-1 vpu and hiv-2 env counteract bst-2/tetherin by sequestration in a perinuclear the absence of the vpu protein, newly formed hiv-1 particles can remain attached to the surface of human cells due to the action of an interferon-inducible cellular restriction factor, bst-2/tetherin. tetherin also restricts the release of other enveloped viral particles and is counteracted by a several viral anti-tetherin factors including the hiv-2 env, siv nef and kshv k5 proteins.201020529266
the epigenetic landscape of latent kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus genomes.herpesvirus latency is generally thought to be governed by epigenetic modifications, but the dynamics of viral chromatin at early timepoints of latent infection are poorly understood. here, we report a comprehensive spatial and temporal analysis of dna methylation and histone modifications during latent infection with kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), the etiologic agent of kaposi sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma (pel). by use of high resolution tiling microarrays in conjunction ...201020532208
lymphoproliferative response to herpes simplex virus type 1, cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr virus, varicella zoster virus, human herpes virus 6, 7, and 8 antigen stimulation in pediatric allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients.we evaluate the recovery of cmi to various herpes viruses by measuring in vitro lpr to specific recall antigens. cmi was evaluated by the in vitro lpr of pbmc to specific purified hsv-1, vzv, cmv, ebv, hhv-6, -7, -8, antigens. results were expressed as si. si > or = 3 was regarded as positive lpr. serial measurements were taken prospectively from pretransplant till 12-month post-transplant. thirty-six patients (m = 19; f = 17) with median age 10.5 yr old were recruited. most transplants were fro ...201020534025
role of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus k15 sh3 binding site in inflammatory signaling and b-cell activation.the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) contains several open reading frames (orfs) that encode proteins capable of initiating and modulating cellular signaling pathways. among them is orf k15, encoding a 12-transmembrane-spanning protein with a cytoplasmic c-terminal domain. through conserved binding motifs, such as src homology 2 (sh2) and sh3 binding sites, k15 interacts with cellular proteins, activates the nf-kappab, mek/erk, and jun n-terminal protein kinase (jnk) pathways, and ...201020534855
the lytic transcriptome of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reveals extensive transcription of noncoding regions, including regions antisense to important genes.genomewide analyses of the mammalian transcriptome have revealed that large tracts of sequence previously annotated as noncoding are frequently transcribed and give rise to stable rna. although the transcription of individual genes of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) has been well studied, little is known of the architecture of the viral transcriptome on a genomewide scale. here we have employed a genomewide tiling array to examine the lytic transcriptome of the kaposi's sarcom ...201020534856
[infectious agents in ocular adnexal tumours].in recent years, infectious agents have been increasingly recognised as an important pathogenetic factor for various malignant tumours of the ocular adnexa. many of these viruses and bacteria affect the cell cycle and physiological apoptosis. ocular adnexal lymphoma (oal), especially extranodal marginal cell lymphoma, is associated with chlamydophila psittaci and helicobacter pylori in certain geographic regions. epstein-barr virus seems to play a role in the natural killer/t-cell lymphoma subty ...201020535664
plasmablastic lymphomas with light chain restriction - plasmablastic extramedullary plasmacytomas?it is diagnostically difficult to differentiate plasmablastic lymphomas (pbls) from plasma cell neoplasms with plasmablastic differentiation. plasmablastic lymphomas are currently classified as 'pbl of the oral mucosa' and 'pbl with plasmacytic differentiation'.201020537055
comparative study of murid gammaherpesvirus 4 infection in mice and in a natural host, bank voles.gammaherpesviruses are archetypal pathogenic persistent viruses. the known human gammaherpesviruses (epstein-barr virus and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) are host-specific and therefore lack a convenient in vivo infection model. this makes related animal gammaherpesviruses an important source of information. infection by murid herpesvirus 4 (muhv-4), a virus originally isolated from bank voles (myodes glareolus), was studied here. muhv-4 infection of inbred laboratory mouse strains (m ...201020538905
kaposi sarcoma herpes virus antibody response and viremia following highly active antiretroviral therapy in the swiss hiv cohort describe the effect of haart on kaposi sarcoma herpes virus (kshv) antibody response and viremia among hiv-positive msm.201020543658
cell transformation mediated by the epstein-barr virus g protein-coupled receptor bilf1 is dependent on constitutive signaling.epstein-barr virus (ebv) open reading frame bilf1 encodes a seven trans-membrane (tm) g protein-coupled receptor that signals with high constitutive activity through galpha(i) (beisser et al., 2005; paulsen et al., 2005). in this paper, the transforming potential of bilf1 is investigated in vitro in a foci formation assay using retrovirally transduced nih3t3 cells, as well as in vivo by using nude mice. bilf1 revealed a substantial transforming potential that was dependent on constitutive signal ...201020543866
characterization of cytoplasmic motifs important in rhesus rhadinovirus gb processing and trafficking.rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) is highly related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), a human gamma-herpesvirus etiologically-linked with several cancers. glycoprotein b (gb) homologues are encoded by all herpesviruses and play a role in virus attachment, entry, and in egress. we have found that rrv gb, like kshv gb, is cleaved at a consensus furin cleavage site and is modified by both n-linked and o-linked glycosylation. mutagenesis of three tyrosine- based trafficking motifs, a ...201020060555
characterization of the rhesus fibromatosis herpesvirus march family member rfk3.retroperitoneal fibromatosis-associated herpesvirus (rfhv) is a gamma-herpesvirus of macaques that is closely related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). herein, we present characterization of the k3 gene from rfhv, a homologue of the kshv k3 and k5 genes. like the kshv proteins, kk3 and kk5, the rfk3 protein decreases cell surface mhc i levels. similar to kk5, rfk3 also modulates icam-1, but not another kk5 target, b7.2. inhibitors of dynamin or mutations in the rfk3 ring-ch e3 u ...201020060556
kaposi sarcoma: the african hiv epidemic's partner in crime. 201020066714
human herpesvirus 8 in healthy blood donors, argentina. 201020031066
the latency-associated nuclear antigen interacts with mecp2 and nucleosomes through separate domains.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)-infected cells express the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) involved in the regulation of host and viral gene expression and maintenance of the kshv latent episome. performance of these diverse functions involves a 7-amino-acid chromatin-binding motif (cbm) situated at the amino terminus of lana that is capable of binding directly to nucleosomes. lana interacts with additional chromatin components, including methyl-cpg-binding protein 2 (me ...201020032179
upregulation of xct by kshv-encoded micrornas facilitates kshv dissemination and persistence in an environment of oxidative stress.upregulation of xct, the inducible subunit of a membrane-bound amino acid transporter, replenishes intracellular glutathione stores to maintain cell viability in an environment of oxidative stress. xct also serves as a fusion-entry receptor for the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). ongoing kshv replication and infection of new cell targets is important for ks progression, but whether xct regulation within the tumor microenvironment play ...201020126446
distinct p53, p53:lana, and lana complexes in kaposi's sarcoma--associated herpesvirus lymphomas.the role of p53 in primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is complicated. the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) binds p53. despite this interaction, we had found that p53 was functional in pel, i.e., able to induce apoptosis in response to dna damage (c. e. petre, s. h. sin, and d. p. dittmer, j. virol. 81:1912-1922, 2007), and that hdm2 was overexpressed. to further elucidate the relationship between lana, p53, and hdm2, we purified lana comple ...201020130056
hhv-6 and atypical lymphoproliferative disorders: are only qualitative molecular examinations sufficient to support a pathogenetic role? 201020141437
substantial regional differences in human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence in sub-saharan africa: insights on the origin of the "kaposi's sarcoma belt".equatorial africa has among the highest incidences of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in the world, thus earning the name "ks belt." this was the case even before the hiv epidemic. to date, there is no clear evidence that hhv-8 seroprevalence is higher in this region but interpretation of the available literature is tempered by differences in serologic assays used across studies. we examined representatively sampled ambulatory adults in uganda, which is in the "ks belt," and in zimbabwe and south africa w ...201020143397
development of kaposi's sarcoma after complete remission of multicentric castlemans disease with rituximab therapy in a hhv8-positive, hiv-negative patient. 201020146033
a population-based study of how children are exposed to saliva in kwazulu-natal province, south africa: implications for the spread of saliva-borne pathogens to sub-saharan africa, many viral infections, including epstein-barr virus, cytomegalovirus, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and hepatitis b are acquired in childhood. while saliva is an important transmission conduit for these viruses, little is known about how saliva is passed to african children. we endeavoured to identify the range and determinants of acts by which african children are exposed to saliva.201020149165
primary effusion lymphoma in two hiv-negative patients successfully treated with pleurodesis as first-line therapy.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) mostly occurring in hiv-positive patients. it is characterized by the development of effusion in one or more body cavities, with no tumor masses and a positive human herpes virus-8 (hhv8) status. it has a poor survival profile and no optimal treatment is yet defined. we report two hiv-negative, hhv8-positive patients with pel of the pleural cavity who achieved a durable remission after pleurodesis with bleomycin and no system ...201020150647
classic kaposi sarcoma in 3 unrelated turkish children born to consanguineous kindreds.infection by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) in childhood is common in the mediterranean basin; however, classic kaposi sarcoma (ks) is exceedingly rare in children not infected with hiv and not receiving immunosuppression, with only 30 cases having been reported since 1960. we recently reported 2 children with autosomal and x-linked recessive primary immunodeficiencies underlying ks in a context of multiple clinical manifestations. these reports suggested that classic ks in otherwise healthy childr ...201020156905
caspase-7 cleavage of kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf57 confers a cellular function against viral lytic gene expression.kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) orf57 is a viral early protein essential for kshv multiplication. we found that b cells derived from cavity-based b cell lymphoma with lytic kshv infection display activation of caspase-8 and cleavage of orf57 in the cytoplasm by caspase-7 at the aspartate residue at position 33 from the n terminus. caspase-7 cleavage of orf57 is prevented by pan-caspase inhibitor z-vad, caspase-3 and caspase-7 inhibitor z-devd, and caspase-7 small interfering rnas. t ...201020159985
vinblastine, rituximab and haart, treatment of an hiv -positive patient with multicentric castleman's hiv-positive man from somalia presented with severe malaise, weight loss, relapsing fever, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. an fdg-pet-scan-guided lymph node biopsy revealed the characteristic histological features of the plasma cell variant of castleman's disease. a high hhv-8 viral load was detected in the serum (7980 copies/ml). treatment with haart, rituximab and vinblastine resulted in a full and rapid recovery and lowered hhv-8 viral load to undetectable levels.201020167961
kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus (kshv) induced cox-2: a key factor in latency, inflammation, angiogenesis, cell survival and invasion.kaposi's sarcoma (ks), an enigmatic endothelial cell vascular neoplasm, is characterized by the proliferation of spindle shaped endothelial cells, inflammatory cytokines (ics), growth factors (gfs) and angiogenic factors. kshv is etiologically linked to ks and expresses its latent genes in ks lesion endothelial cells. primary infection of human micro vascular endothelial cells (hmvec-d) results in the establishment of latent infection and reprogramming of host genes, and cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) ...201020169190
glycoprotein gene sequence variation in rhesus monkey rhadinovirus.gene sequences for seven glycoproteins from 20 independent isolates of rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) and of the corresponding seven glycoprotein genes from nine strains of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) were obtained and analyzed. phylogenetic analysis revealed two discrete groupings of rrv gh sequences, two discrete groupings of rrv gl sequences and two discrete groupings of rrv gb sequences. we called these phylogenetic groupings gh(a), gh(b), gl(a), gl(b), gb(a) and gb( ...201020172576
kshv-infected pel cell lines exhibit a distinct gene expression profile.we analyzed the gene expression profiles of lymphocyte-originated tumor cell lines - primary effusion lymphoma (pel) cell lines, t-cell leukemia (tcl) cell lines, burkitt lymphoma (bl) cell lines - and two sets of normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) - in order to determine characteristic gene expression profiles for each of the former three groups. and we found that these cell lines showed respective typical gene expression profiles and classified into clear four groups, pel, tcl, ...201020175997
the de novo methyltransferases dnmt3a and dnmt3b target the murine gammaherpesvirus immediate-early gene 50 promoter during establishment of latency.the role of epigenetic modifications in the regulation of gammaherpesvirus latency has been a subject of active study for more than 20 years. dna methylation, associated with transcriptional silencing in mammalian genomes, has been shown to be an important mechanism in the transcriptional control of several key gammaherpesvirus genes. in particular, dna methylation of the functionally conserved immediate-early replication and transcription activator (rta) has been shown to regulate epstein-barr ...201020200245
tumors induced by murine herpesvirus 60 or by cell line nb-78 derived from a tumor induced by murine herpesvirus 78 show presence of the inducing viruses.murine herpesviruses 60 and 78 (mhv-60, mhv-78), closely related to mouse herpesvirus strain 68 (mhv-68), are oncogenic lymphotropic gammaherpesviruses, which may serve as models for study of human oncogenic gammaherpesviruses such as epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). in this work, we attempted to detect an analog of the mhv-68 orf73 gene in tumors induced in mice either directly by mhv-60 or indirectly by mhv-78 via inoculation of nb-78 cells derived f ...201020201615
human herpesvirus 8, southern siberia. 201020202458
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 7010