
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
hla haplotype sharing in rheumatoid arthritis sibships: risk estimates in siblings.the distribution of the number of parental hla haplotypes shared by sibs with rheumatoid arthritis (ra) has been used to obtain information on the genetics of the disease. thirty-four ra sibships (25 sib-pairs, 9 sib-trios) were ascertained, all of which were hla typed and which satisfied the 1958 american rheumatism association criteria for "definite" ra. these were combined with other published but nonoverlapping data from the literature; thus, 143 sib-pairs, 36 sib-trios and 4 sibquads were i ...20061570492
nifedipine reduces the incidence of myocardial infarction and transient ischemia in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting.a randomized study was performed on 104 patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting to examine whether the infusion of nifedipine (n = 53) reduces the incidence of perioperative myocardial ischemia and necrosis in the early postoperative period. continuous hemodynamic and three-channel holter monitoring was performed for 24 hours and serial assessment of serum enzymes and 12-lead electrocardiography were performed for 36 hours postoperatively. nifedipine (minimum dose, 10 microg ...20061899365
nifedipine reduces the incidence of myocardial infarction and transient ischemia in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting.a randomized study was performed on 104 patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting to examine whether the infusion of nifedipine (n = 53) reduces the incidence of perioperative myocardial ischemia and necrosis in the early postoperative period. continuous hemodynamic and three-channel holter monitoring was performed for 24 hours and serial assessment of serum enzymes and 12-lead electrocardiography were performed for 36 hours postoperatively. nifedipine (minimum dose, 10 microg ...20061899365
differential modulation of monoamine levels and turnover rates by estrogen and/or androgen in hypothalamic and vocal control nuclei of male zebra finches.sexual behaviors, including singing, in male zebra finches are under the combined control of androgens and estrogens. treating castrates with androstenedione (ae), a hormone which provides both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites, restores catecholamine (ca; i.e., norepinephrine (ne) and dopamine (da] function in brain areas known to be involved in the control of these behaviors. since these behaviors can only be activated by the combined action of androgens and estrogens, the present study de ...20061698105
n-acetylcysteine and glutathione as inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor production.tnf is a major mediator in the pathogenesis of endotoxic shock, and its inhibition has a protective effect in various animal models of sepsis or endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, lps) toxicity. lps treatment also induces an oxidative damage mediated by increased production of reactive oxygen intermediates. n-acetylcysteine (nac) is an antioxidant and a precursor of the synthesis of glutathione (gsh) and was reported to protect against lps toxicity and lps-induced pulmonary edema. in this study we i ...20061544168
problems imposed by the new technology. 20061458757
health checks on patients 75 years and over in nottinghamshire after the new gp investigate annual health checks for patients of 75 years and over required by the 1990 contract for general practitioners.20061393076
[richard larsson wrote courage to live. bookseller started a new life in the health service. interview by christina mörk]. 20062095088
the cellular and molecular biology of membrane transport. aps conference. orlando, florida, november 4-7, 1992. abstracts. 20061360685
interictal hm-pao spect: a routine investigation in patients with medically intractable complex partial seizures?single photon emission computed tomography (spect) is increasingly being used as an adjunctive technique in the localisation of epileptogenic foci prior to surgery. as yet, few studies have been undertaken to establish the clinical associations of areas of reduced cerebral perfusion. sixty-three consecutive patients (15 male, 48 female; median age 30 years, range 14-57 years) with medically intractable complex partial seizures (median/month 8, range 1-36) were investigated as outpatients. all ha ...20061478200
antibiotic resistance associated with selective decontamination of the digestive tract.selective decontamination of the digestive tract (sdd) appears to reduce infection, particularly pneumonia, in intensive care, and some patients benefit markedly. gram-positive overgrowth and antibiotic resistance in both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms has been recorded. however, the clinical and epidemiological significance of these observations is still debated. future studies will need to be of sufficient size and duration to provide good quality data on which the safety and effica ...20061358943
[results of a randomized polychemotherapy study in malignant melanoma].a polychemotherapy (dtic, vincristine, ftorafur, hydroxycarbamide) devised with reference to the results of short-term sensitivity tests in cell culture is compared with single-agent chemotherapy with dtic in malignant melanoma. effectiveness was investigated in a randomized prospective study in cases of high-risk melanoma in clinical stage i, in clinical stage ii after lymphadenectomy and in clinical stage iii after tumour debulking. the results recorded allow no positive effects of either form ...20061698185
mass culture of mammalian cells as a national project. 20061367250
aluminum exposure and toxicity. 20062515266
inhibition of trypsin by t-butyloxycarbonyl-alpha-aza-(4-aminophenyl)alanine phenyl ester.t-butyloxycarbonyl-alpha-aza-(4-aminophenyl)alanine phenyl ester (iii: r = nh2) has been synthesized. the rate of inhibition of trypsin (ec by this compound (due to acylation followed by slower deacylation) shows a marked ph maximum at approximately 6. the shape of the ph-rate curve is discussed in terms of (i) the normal ph-activity curve of trypsin reacting with a charged substrate, i.e. the protonated form of the amino compound, (ii) the deprotonation of the 4-amino group with pka 4 ...20061367228
mucin-producing cells and endocrine cells of gallbladder epithelium in patients with uncomplicated this study we have investigated various morphofunctional features of gallbladder mucosa in patients with uncomplicated cholelithiasis. the histological changes, endocrine cell types and their distribution, and mucin-producing cells were characterized by immunocytochemistry and mucin histochemistry; moreover, we attempted to correlate these findings to the number and size of gallbladder stones and the type of bacteria present in the bile. our results indicate that, despite similar clinical par ...20061855773
mucin-producing cells and endocrine cells of gallbladder epithelium in patients with uncomplicated this study we have investigated various morphofunctional features of gallbladder mucosa in patients with uncomplicated cholelithiasis. the histological changes, endocrine cell types and their distribution, and mucin-producing cells were characterized by immunocytochemistry and mucin histochemistry; moreover, we attempted to correlate these findings to the number and size of gallbladder stones and the type of bacteria present in the bile. our results indicate that, despite similar clinical par ...20061855773
present status of research abroad concerning the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on immunologic functions.japan is one of the countries that have done extensive research on the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on the immunologic functions. with china first, japan ranks second among the countries in this study. concerning research in this field concerned the level abroad can scarcely reach that in china. scholars abroad fail to base their research on tcm theory. in addition not only the type of diseases studied, and the indexes observed are far less than those in china, but also the scope of the ...20061453763
[case study reports, no. 181 (society for scientific nursing)]. 20061764935
[endoscopic ultrasonographic study of gastric ulcer treated with proton pump inhibitor].we examined 70 cases of gastric ulcer by endoscopic ultrasonography. of these, 18 cases were treated with proton pump inhibitor (ppi), another cases were treated with histamine h2 receptor antagonist or mucosal protective drugs. the endoscopic cumulative healing rate at the eighth week was 71.4% in all gastric ulcers. on the other hand, all of gastric ulcers treated with ppi were healed within eight weeks endoscopically. gastric ulcers which were revealed ultrasonographically to be refractory wi ...20061347334
long-term effects of orthodontic treatment, including extraction, on signs and symptoms attributed to cmd.the prevalence of signs and symptoms attributed to craniomandibular disorders (cmd) was established in an orthodontically treated sample. the effect of orthodontic therapy upon this prevalence was studied by monitoring three groups of patients whose treatment procedures were different. the first group was treated with functional appliances, the second with begg light wire, and the third with chin cups. in addition, the effect of extraction upon the prevalence was studied by monitoring three grou ...20061563470
$100,000 aids payout is boston's new norm. 20061456317
adjuvant treatment in breast cancer. 20061346673
regulation of erythropoiesis in the newborn: a complex system. 20061418910
determining the variability of performance on wingate anaerobic tests in children aged 6-12 two parts, this study investigated variability of performance in wingate anaerobic tests (wants) of normal, healthy, male children aged six, eight, ten and twelve years. the purpose of the first part of the study was to investigate the mean coefficient of variation (c.v. = [s.d./x].100) of children who performed four wants over a period of four weeks. the results revealed age-related differences in the performance data of peak power (pp) and mean power (mp) but no differences between age grou ...20061459745
degree of associative relatedness and sentence processing by adolescents with and without mental retardation.previous research has suggested that individuals with mental retardation are less likely than individuals without mental retardation to access and incorporate information about the relations between words of sentences in the representations of those sentences in memory (e.g., merrill & bilsky, 1990; merrill & jackson, in press). a cued recall study and a semantic verification study were conducted to determine whether the magnitude of this group difference could be made smaller by increasing the ...20061418932
significant achievement awards. comprehensive mental health services for elderly citizens--positive aging services, massachusetts mental health center, boston. 20062242878
[ptfe silastic trapezius implant in peritrapezial arthrosis. preliminary report (9 cases)]. 20061698085
pruritus.pruritus is an important sign of localized or systemic disease and sometimes may be the only symptom of potentially fatal illness. localized causes of pruritus include stasis dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis and scabies. generalized pruritus may be caused by environmental factors such as low humidity, skin diseases such as urticaria, or internal diseases such as biliary obstruction, renal failure, hematologic malignancy or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. the ...20061595516
on the discrimination of missing ingredients: aging and salt flavor.this study reports on the ability of young, middle-aged, and elderly persons to discriminate the presence-absence of the salt flavoring in a published recipe for a soup. although all but one young person tested was able to make this discrimination above chance level, more than half of each of the two older groups failed to do so. both the discrimination score and the absolute threshold for nacl in water solution correlated significantly with age over a span from 18 to 89 yrs. these results add t ...20062064391
palliative bipolar electrocoagulation treatment of malignant gastroesophageal strictures.seventeen patients with non-resectable circumferential malignant strictures of the esophagus (n = 13) or the gastroesophageal junction (n = 4) were treated with a bipolar electrocoagulation tumor probe (bicap). none had received prior radiotherapy or chemotherapy. the mean tumor length was 7.2 cm. after treatment swallowing was improved in 86.7% of the patients. the mean duration of response to the first treatment was 18 days. three major complications (1 fatal hemorrhage, 2 tracheoesophageal fi ...20061702560
[imaging procedures as principle aids in functional surgical therapy of the temporomandibular joint]. 20062197195
[clinico-pharmacological evaluation of omeprazole, as a proton pump inhibitor, compared with h2-blockers].we evaluated the safety, tolerance, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of omeprazole, a new anti-ulcer agent chiefly on the basis of our studies in healthy male volunteers. the type and incidence of side effects of omeprazole have been reported to be similar to those of h2-antagonists, and in our studies too, omeprazole was estimated to be safe and tolerable. following single doses, the increase in auc was not proportional to the increase in dosage. in the multiple-dose study, the auc was gre ...20061347331
palliative bipolar electrocoagulation treatment of malignant gastroesophageal strictures.seventeen patients with non-resectable circumferential malignant strictures of the esophagus (n = 13) or the gastroesophageal junction (n = 4) were treated with a bipolar electrocoagulation tumor probe (bicap). none had received prior radiotherapy or chemotherapy. the mean tumor length was 7.2 cm. after treatment swallowing was improved in 86.7% of the patients. the mean duration of response to the first treatment was 18 days. three major complications (1 fatal hemorrhage, 2 tracheoesophageal fi ...20061702560
muscle and musculocutaneous flaps of the foot.this article describes the most common options available for reconstruction of the foot. the foot is considered a group of different regions, and it is helpful to classify it into four different anatomic and functional areas. the planning and final outcome of the reconstruction are based on the type of flap available for a specific defect in one of these four territories.20061679684
glove perforation in foot surgery.a total of 391 pairs of gloves were tested for punctures after 100 consecutive foot surgery operations to assess the rate, site, procedure, and maneuver during which glove puncture accidents took place. evidence of perforation was found in 23% of the gloves used. the surgeons are significantly more at risk of glove perforation than the other members of the operating team.20061855709
glove perforation in foot surgery.a total of 391 pairs of gloves were tested for punctures after 100 consecutive foot surgery operations to assess the rate, site, procedure, and maneuver during which glove puncture accidents took place. evidence of perforation was found in 23% of the gloves used. the surgeons are significantly more at risk of glove perforation than the other members of the operating team.20061855709
gastroepiploic artery free graft for coronary bypass. 20062064672
lung scintigraphy with [123i]imp in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.lung scintigraphy using n-isopropyl-p-[123i]iodoamphetamine (imp) was performed on 26 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. early (5 min after injection) and late images (4 h after injection) were obtained with a large-field gamma-camera equipped with a digital computer. lung scintigraphy using [99mtc]maa (maa) was also done. although early imp images showed the same findings as [99mtc]maa, images, a discrepancy between delayed imp images and [99mtc]maa images was seen in some patients. incremen ...20061629028
[treatment procedure in humeral shaft fractures with primary or secondary radial nerve damage].we give an account of 28 patients with fractured humerus diaphysis, suffering from primary and seven patients suffering from secondary lesion of the radialis nerve, all treated by operation. in each case the radialis nerve was exposed and the fracture was treated by fixation with compression plates. in case of primary lesions of the radialis nerve, we found intraoperative damages by traction (six times), contusions (seven times), intraneural hämatomas (six times) and for one time perforation of ...20061636222
angiotensinogen in chronic liver disease.the renin substrate angiotensinogen (agt) belongs to a supergene family of proteins that also includes alpha 1-antitrypsin (aat) and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (act), acute-phase reactants with known serine proteinase inhibitory (serpin) function. agt lacks a known inhibitory function but is an acute-phase reactant. in this study we have compared the plasma levels, as analysed by electroimmunoassay, of agt with aat in patients with different types of chronic liver disease. aat levels are regularly ...20061594889
[comparative study of ambulatory clients in private and public psychiatry]. 20061594864
[anesthesia and the cardiovascular system]. 20061779565
recommended practices. care of instruments, scopes, and powered surgical instruments. 20061539963
chemotherapy and surgery in a murine osteosarcoma.surgical and chemotherapeutic effects on pulmonary metastatic disease were evaluated in the mgh-ogs murine osteosarcoma. the tumor responded to three sequential injections of doxorubicin with prolonged growth delay but cisplatin administration (although given in doses sufficient to cause weight loss and significant mortality) was not effective in controlling local disease progression. using a protocol with three injections of doxorubicin (0.006 mg/g of body weight), it was observed that disease- ...20061500984
effect of age on ibuprofen pharmacokinetics and antipyretic response.the effect of age on ibuprofen pharmacokinetics and antipyretic effect was studied in 49 infants and children aged 3 months to 10.4 years. the relationship of plasma concentration to antipyretic effect was examined in 38 of the children by using an iterative least squares technique that allows estimation of drug concentration with time in a theoretical effect compartment and rate constant for elimination of drug from the effect compartment. there was a delay of 1 to 3 hours between peak ibuprofe ...20061447669
[margareta hallberg (correction of hallman), nursing instructor and researcher: male dominance is not always oppression]. 20061636318
ictal hemimacropsia. 20061579240
the influence of pigmentation and illumination on the perception of erythema.the visual assessment of erythema induced by ultraviolet radiation (uvr) involves a comparison of the irradiated site with surrounding nonirradiated skin. by viewing the skin through plastic filters of varying shades of brown to simulate different degrees of pigmentation and under either incandescent or fluorescent lighting, we were able to examine the influence of pigmentation and illumination on the perception of erythema. illuminating the skin with either light source at the same illuminance ...20061489713
osteocalcin 24-hour profiles during normal pregnancy.the interpretation of previous data on osteocalcin during pregnancy has been complicated by the fact that serum levels, at least in nonpregnant women, display a significant circadian variation. in the present study, serum concentrations of osteocalcin were recorded for 24 h in 12 individual women. in 4 nonpregnant women, there were striking diurnal fluctuations during the sampling period, with values ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 ng/ml. one woman who was investigated in the 11th week of pregnancy show ...20061487175
rapid pacing heart failure. 20061360333
[the use of ethonium electrophoresis in treating patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy].the new property of ethonium as an angioprotector makes it possible to use ethonium electrophoresis in the treatment of patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy of atherosclerotic genesis. treatment results in a hypocholesterolemic effect, improvement of rheoencephalography data and lipid peroxidation.20061448988
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
[nurses and professional secret]. 20063645907
pathways of destruction in metacarpal and metatarsal joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.219 metatarsal (mtp) and 69 metacarpal (mcp) capitulae obtained during surgery from patients with definite rheumatoid arthritis (ra) were histologically evaluated. this evaluation, focussing on primary pathways of joint destruction by tumor-like proliferated synovial cell masses revealed 3 pathways of aggression: pathway a: in 15% aggression onto the articular cartilage only. pathway b: in 49% direct invasion exclusively into the cortical bone. pathway c: in 36% a "forceps-like" aggression, a co ...20061570480
collaborative care documentation by exception system.development of a workstation-based documentation system supporting collaborative care and nurse charting by exception has been underway for the last two and one-half years at vanderbilt university medical center in nashville, tennessee. the pathways system has undergone two major revisions and is currently implemented on three nursing units. the system supports collaborative care by providing a mechanism for entry and printing of collaborative care pathways and collection of exception data. pape ...20061482850
ga-67 citrate scan in vascular graft infection.the clinical utility of the ga-67 scan has been studied in 9 patients with clinical suspicion of vascular graft infection. eleven grafts were analyzed: 4 aortobifemoral, 2 iliofemoral, 3 femoropopliteal, 1 axillofemoral, and 1 axillobifemoral. the ga-67 scan was positive in 8 grafts with bacteriological proof of infection and negative in 3 grafts in which infection was ruled out by clinical follow-up. a ga-67 scan also demonstrated the spread of infection to the thigh in two patients and to the ...20061489633
hla-drw11, dqw7 has four cellular subtypes revealed by homozygous typing cells and undetected by restriction fragment length polymorphism.hla-drw11 is in strong linkage disequilibrium with dqw7. we have investigated the heterogeneity of drw11, dqw7 by cellular typing and by hla cdna probes. the results obtained by local and other homozygous typing cells in four informative caucasoid families and 20 genotyped individuals demonstrate the existence of at least four different cellular subtypes. the frequency of drw11, dqw7 is 25.7% with the following distribution of subtypes: dw5 (17.3%), jac (4.2%), jvm (2.8%), tis (0.7%), and blank ...20061676026
comparing clinical tests of visual loss in cataract patients using a quantification of forward light scatter. 20061794427
[a case of systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with cerebral infarction]. 20061479231
ventriculopleural shunting used as a temporary diversion.due to the limited absorptive capacity of the pleural cavity, infants and young children are not generally ideal candidates for ventriculopleural shunts. we report using chest cavities as alternate for temporary diversion of csf in a young child. venous access to the cervical region could not be utilized because of scarring from previous procedures, while peritoneal access was contraindicated due to repeated pseudocyst formation. pleural effusions were removed by thoracentesis when necessary, an ...20061595400
[pelger-huët anomaly and hereditary elliptocytosis in 2 siblings].the pelger-huët anomaly (pha) and the hereditary elliptocytosis (he) are alterations affecting leukocytes and erythrocytes, respectively. most of the affected individuals do not present clinic manifestations and are casually detected in the laboratory. the pha and he were described related to other hereditary and congenital conditions, but rarely have been found in the same individual. in this paper are reported discovery of the pha and he combined both in sister and brother, with global delay o ...20061418654
[shoe supports and corrective shoes in performance athletes--a 3-year study in young cross-country skiers].51 young cross-country skiers, members of the swiss national team, were interrogated and examined relative to problems of the skeleton. in case of 36 athletes (71%), orthopedic corrections of the foot and leg position were effectuated. the annual controls showed a reduction of pain and decreased impairment of the capacity of sport from 62.7% to 21.9%. the painful inflammations decreased over the same period from 66.7% to 32%. in comparison with other epidemiologic studies without treatment, we c ...20061557584
radiotherapy of malignant melanoma of the uvea with i-125 seeds.nineteen patients with malignant uveal melanomas were treated with i-125 applicators. there were 10 males and 9 females with a median age of 61 years (range 42-76). the tumour was located in the choroid in 12 eyes and in the choroid and ciliary body in 7 eyes. the size of the tumours was 7-18 mm in maximal basal diameter (median 12), 5-16 mm in minimal basal diameter (median 10), and 5.5-15 mm in thickness (median 8.5). the volume of the tumours was 123-1890 mm3 (median 540). all tumours were cl ...20061488887
factors affecting the school placement of children with spina bifida.integrating children with disabilities into mainstream schools has been an active policy in britain since the 1981 education act. 26 children with spina bifida, 13 of whom were educated in mainstream schools, and 13 in special schools were assessed to clarify the relative importance of the following factors 1) iq, 2) mobility, 3) hand function, 4) bladder and bowel function, and 5) behaviour. a marked difference was found between those attending mainstream and special schools. 11/13 of the forme ...20061489742
16th annual symposium on computer applications in medical care. proceedings. baltimore, maryland, november 8-11, 1992. 20061482848
adjuvant treatment in breast cancer. 20061346675
the proteins of poliovirus. 20061317596
diverticuloplasty for severe mucosal injury after cricopharyngeal myotomy.cricopharyngeal myotomy with either diverticulopexy or diverticulectomy is the recommended therapy for zenker's diverticulum. mucosal injury during myotomy is rare and usually can be managed by direct mucosal closure. a technique is described to repair a serious mucosal defect that may occur during cricopharyngeal myotomy.20061540077
use of the polymerase chain reaction to isolate an s-locus glycoprotein cdna introgressed from brassica campestris into b. napus ssp. oleifera.a self-incompatible canola-quality brassica napus ssp. oleifera line (w1) was generated by introgressing the s-locus from a self-incompatible b. campestris plant into the westar cultivar. using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with primers derived from conserved regions in s-locus glycoprotein (slg) alleles, the central region of the active slg gene (910) was obtained. the remaining portions of the cdna for this 910 gene were subsequently cloned using the pcr-rapid amplification of cdna ends ...20061508146
[acute febrile polyarthritis disclosing horton's disease]. 20061828585
[acute febrile polyarthritis disclosing horton's disease]. 20061828585
effects of sex steroids on skin 5 alpha-reductase activity in 5 alpha-reductase activity is the major factor influencing the manifestation of androgen excess. although oral contraceptives have been useful for the treatment of androgen excess, little is known of the independent effects of the various progestins and estrogens on inhibition of skin 5 alpha-reductase activity. we incubated minces of normal genital and pubic skin with physiologic concentrations of 3h-testosterone to assess 5 alpha-reductase activity by its conversion to 3h-dihydrotestoster ...20061828548
effects of sex steroids on skin 5 alpha-reductase activity in 5 alpha-reductase activity is the major factor influencing the manifestation of androgen excess. although oral contraceptives have been useful for the treatment of androgen excess, little is known of the independent effects of the various progestins and estrogens on inhibition of skin 5 alpha-reductase activity. we incubated minces of normal genital and pubic skin with physiologic concentrations of 3h-testosterone to assess 5 alpha-reductase activity by its conversion to 3h-dihydrotestoster ...20061828548
the e2f transcription factor is a cellular target for the rb protein.although it is generally believed that the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (rb1) is an important regulator of cell proliferation, the biochemical mechanism for its action is unclear. we now show that the rb protein is found in a complex with the e2f transcription factor and that only the under phosphorylated form of rb is in the e2f complex. moreover, the adenovirus e1a protein can dissociate the e2f-rb complex, dependent on e1a sequence also critical for e1a to bind to rb. the ...20061828392
the e2f transcription factor is a cellular target for the rb protein.although it is generally believed that the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (rb1) is an important regulator of cell proliferation, the biochemical mechanism for its action is unclear. we now show that the rb protein is found in a complex with the e2f transcription factor and that only the under phosphorylated form of rb is in the e2f complex. moreover, the adenovirus e1a protein can dissociate the e2f-rb complex, dependent on e1a sequence also critical for e1a to bind to rb. the ...20061828392
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
acute and chronic effects of parathion and 2,4 d on the oxygen consumption of chasmagnathus granulata (decapoda, brachyura).the effect of two pesticides widely used in argentina on the oxygen consumption of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata was studied. constant pressure respirometers were employed to estimate the rate of oxygen consumption per weight unit of animals treated previously with each pesticide, both acute (96 h) and chronically (15 and 30 days). crabs exposed to parathion -an organophosphorate insecticide that causes the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase- show an increase of oxygen consumption a ...20061797200
findprobe: a computer program to locate potential probe sequences in dna. 20061426575
neglected fathers in the aetiology and treatment of sexual deviations.current researches in sexual deviations have rightly stressed deficiencies and faults in the mother/child relationship, fears of annihilation and an inability to achieve separation and independence. as a result of this the role of the father in the patient's family structure and in their psychotherapies and psychoanalyses has been somewhat neglected, also because the fathers are usually described as cold, distant, uninvolved, etc. the author believes that the obliteration of the father figure, w ...20061797713
neglected fathers in the aetiology and treatment of sexual deviations.current researches in sexual deviations have rightly stressed deficiencies and faults in the mother/child relationship, fears of annihilation and an inability to achieve separation and independence. as a result of this the role of the father in the patient's family structure and in their psychotherapies and psychoanalyses has been somewhat neglected, also because the fathers are usually described as cold, distant, uninvolved, etc. the author believes that the obliteration of the father figure, w ...20061797713
abnormal chromosome complement after normal amniocentesis result. 20061360083
determination by systematic deletion of the amino acids essential for catalysis by ricin a chain.the a chain of ricin is a rna n-glycosidase that inactivates ribosomes by depurination of a single adenosine in 28s rrna. of the 267 amino acids in the protein, 222 (83%) could be deleted from one or another of 74 mutants without loss of the capacity of the protein to recognize a single nucleotide from among the 7000 in ribosomes or to catalyze hydrolysis.20061594586
patch clamp experiments on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-ion channels in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells.nicotinic acetylcholine-receptor ion channels (achr channels) were studied in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells cultured for 1 day to 3 weeks, using a patch clamp technique. microsuperfusion of ach (2-10 microm) to the ganglion cell under the whole cell clamp produced an inward current at membrane potentials negative to -60 mv, which had a fast onset and decay. this rapid ach-induced current was accompanied by a large current fluctuation, decreased and increased in amplitude by membrane depola ...20062755769
how to produce a service specification. 20061859998
acute myocardial infarction after blunt chest trauma in young people: need for prompt intervention.we describe four cases of acute myocardial infarction in young patients, secondary to blunt chest trauma. one case was treated with intracoronary thrombolysis and angioplasty, two cases received systemic thrombolysis, and the last one did not have any reperfusion therapy. the coronary angiograms of the left anterior descending artery showed thrombosis in two cases, coronary dissection in one case, and no morphological lesions in the other. we encourage the early performance of angiographic studi ...20061764738
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
transcatheter management of pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis.hemorrhage from rupture of an arterial pseudoaneurysm is a potentially fatal complication of pancreatitis. seventeen patients underwent transcatheter embolization of 23 arteries for the treatment of 20 arterial pseudoaneurysms secondary to pancreatitis. their records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the clinical benefit of transcatheter therapy. at presentation, 15 of the 17 patients had gastrointestinal, intrasplenic, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, or postoperative wound bleeding. t ...20061797219
isolation of monocytic serine esterase and evaluation of its proteolytic activity.monocytes are characterized by high activity of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (anae), distinguishing them from all other blood cells. the physiological function of this monocyte marker enzyme has not yet been elucidated. in this study anae's potential proteolytic activity was analyzed because serine esterases/proteases can function as effector molecules in cell-mediated cytotoxicity and because monocytes-macrophages are known to exert cytotoxic effects on tumor cells. this enzyme was purified ...20061564403
"raynaud's disease" in migraineurs: one entity or two?two cases are reported of patients who were diagnosed as having both migraine and raynaud's disease. because they were able to achieve effective control of both headaches and extremity temperature after undergoing a comprehensive approach--utilizing medication, biofeedback, and psychotherapy--it is suggested that both conditions are manifestations of the same disorder. it is recommended that a first step in approaching concurrent diagnoses of this type involve combined treatment as is often used ...20061446993
beta 2 agonist therapy: oral versus inhaled delivery.although there is a place for administering oral medication, the inhaled route of administration for both bronchodilator and prophylactic purposes has been definitely shown to be the preferred route in numerous studies. the rapid onset of action, equivalent activity, and reduction in systemic effects all should lead the clinician to this form of therapy. care must be taken to ensure proper utilization of the different types of inhalational medication to optimize their effectiveness.20061347526
beta 2 agonist therapy: oral versus inhaled delivery.although there is a place for administering oral medication, the inhaled route of administration for both bronchodilator and prophylactic purposes has been definitely shown to be the preferred route in numerous studies. the rapid onset of action, equivalent activity, and reduction in systemic effects all should lead the clinician to this form of therapy. care must be taken to ensure proper utilization of the different types of inhalational medication to optimize their effectiveness.20061347526
[humoral response to selected antigens of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the course of yersiniosis in humans. i. occurrence of antibodies to yersinia lipopolisacharydes and yop proteins by elisa].the antibodies against the somatic antigens of y. enterocolitica o3, o8, o9, o5,27,y. pseudotuberculosis i, and released proteins yop were detected using the elisa in 1634 serum samples and 84 synovial fluids collected from 1290 persons suspected for yersiniosis, as well as 200 serum samples from healthy individuals (blood donors). the presence of antibody in diagnostically significant titres for somatic antigens of yersinia were detected by elisa in 20.5% and 50.6%, antibodies for released prot ...200617642308
the serodiagnosis of human infections with yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the techniques of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and immunoblotting were evaluated for the serodiagnosis of human infections with yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. lipopolysaccharide (lps) was prepared from strains comprising four serogroups of y. enterocolitica and five serogroups of y. pseudotuberculosis, tested against 200 sera submitted to the laboratory of enteric pathogens for routine serodiagnosis, and shown to contain antibodie ...200616872375
yersinia pseudotuberculosis adhesins regulate tissue-specific colonization and immune cell localization in a mouse model of systemic infection.yersinia pseudotuberculosis mutants deficient for the adhesins invasin and/or yada were injected intravenously into balb/c mice. invasin expression inhibited colonization of the liver and spleen. yada decreased liver colonization but promoted growth within the lung. the persistence of leukocytes within liver microabscesses correlated with enhanced colonization and lack of adhesin expression.200616920785
the twin arginine translocation system is essential for virulence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersinia species pathogenic to humans have been extensively characterized with respect to type iii secretion and its essential role in virulence. this study concerns the twin arginine translocation (tat) pathway utilized by gram-negative bacteria to secrete folded proteins across the bacterial inner membrane into the periplasmic compartment. we have shown that the yersinia tat system is functional and required for motility and contributes to acid resistance. a yersinia pseudotuberculosis mutant ...200616495550
veterinary and medical aspects of abortion in danish sheep.the danish sheep population totals around 144,000 animals, but little is known of the causes and prevalance of diseases. this study focuses on the causes of abortion in danish sheep. during one breeding season, aborted foetuses and stillbirths with signs of intrauterine death or malformation were submitted for laboratory examination from a population of 3,758 breeding ewes. samples from 24 incidents of abortion and 21 ewes delivering malformed lambs or lambs with ante partum decomposition were s ...200616519752
complete genome sequence of yersinia pestis strains antiqua and nepal516: evidence of gene reduction in an emerging pathogen.yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plagues, has undergone detailed study at the molecular level. to further investigate the genomic diversity among this group and to help characterize lineages of the plague organism that have no sequenced members, we present here the genomes of two isolates of the "classical" antiqua biovar, strains antiqua and nepal516. the genomes of antiqua and nepal516 are 4.7 mb and 4.5 mb and encode 4,138 and 3,956 open reading frames, respective ...200616740952
yersinia enterocolitica type iii secretion chaperone sycd: recombinant expression, purification and characterization of a homodimer.yersinia species pathogenic to human benefit from a protein transport machinery, a type three secretion system (t3ss), which enables the bacteria to inject effector proteins into host cells. several of the transport substrates of the yersinia t3ss, called yops (yersinia outer proteins), are assisted by specific chaperones (syc for specific yop chaperone) prior to transport. yersinia enterocolitica sycd (lcrh in yersinia pestis and yersinia pseudotuberculosis) is a chaperone dedicated to the assi ...200616750393
independent acquisition of site-specific recombination factors by asn trna gene-targeting genomic islands.two genomic islands, namely the high-pathogenicity island (hpi) and ecoc54n target the same asn trna genes to integrate into the bacterial chromosome. the hpi encodes the siderophore yersiniabactin in the highly pathogenic yersinia group (yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica 1b) whilst the ecoc54n island possibly encodes a polyketide synthase with an unknown function in the uropathogenic escherichia coli cft073 strain. hpi encodes the recombinase that promotes ...200616753337
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 5215