
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
molecular epidemiology of human astrovirus infections in kolkata, india.the study is aimed to determine the seasonal distribution and clinical characteristics of astroviruses associated with acute watery diarrhoea among children in kolkata and characterize them at the molecular level.200616546454
activities of aqueous extracts of mallotus oppositifolium on shigella dysenteriae a1-induced diarrhoea in rats.1. mallotus oppositifolium is reported to possess medicinal properties and is traditionally used in cameroon for the treatment of diarrhoea. in the present study, we have evaluated the acute toxicity, in vitro antibacterial and in vivo antidiarrhoeal effects of an aqueous extract of these plant leaves. 2. shigella dysenteriae a(1) (sd1)-induced diarrhoeal rats were obtained by oral administration of increasing densities of the sd1 strain isolated from bloody diarrhoea occurring in east cameroon. ...200616445705
fluoroquinolone resistance linked to both gyra and parc mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region of shigella dysenteriae type 1.we examined the quinolone resistance-determining region (qrdr) of gyra, gyrb, and parc of recently isolated fluoroquinolone-resistant s. dysenteriae type 1 strains from south asia and compared data with fluoroquinolone-susceptible strains associated with previous epidemics of 1978, 1984, and 1994. in fluoroquinolone-resistant strains, double mutations (ser83-->leu, asp87-->asn or gly) and a single mutation (ser80-->ile) were detected in the qrdrs of gyra and parc, respectively.200616450072
class 2 integron-associated antibiotic resistance in shigella sonnei isolates in dakar, senegal.forty-three shigella sonnei isolates from adult patients with diarrhoea in dakar were analysed for the presence of integrons. isolates were resistant to sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, tetracycline, streptomycin and spectinomycin. a high prevalence of class 2 integrons (93%) was found. these integrons showed three distinct structures: a class 2 integron, part of the tn7 family and its derivatives, carrying four cassettes in the order dfra1-sat-aada1-orfx; a truncated class 2 integron, without o ...200616455233
new temperate dna phage bcp15 acts as a drug resistance vector.this study was designed to determine the role of a new temperate dna phage bcp15 in relation to drug resistance. the multidrug resistant shigella flexneri nk1925 was isolated from a patient of infectious diseases hospital, kolkata, india. this strain contained five plasmids ranging in size from 3 to 212 kb. after curing of five plasmids, this strain became sensitive to antibiotics. a plasmidless multidrug-resistant strain burkholderia cepacia dr11 was isolated during the survey of microorganisms ...200616463125
bacterial invasin: structure, function, and implication for targeted oral gene delivery.the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal (gi) tract is the first line of defense against foreign pathogens and toxins ingested orally. the content of the gi tract is constantly being sampled by the immune system through specialized epithelial cells known as m-cells, which are present in the peyer's patches of the gut, providing a thin covering over lymphoid tissue. in this way, once a harmful entity is found an immune response can be activated to eliminate the threat. many bacterial pathogens ...200616472093
comparative analysis of tandem t7-like promoter containing regions in enterobacterial genomes reveals a novel group of genetic islands.based on molecular information theory, 10 t7-like promoter models were built for the t7 group of phages and used to scan their host genomes and closely related genomes. 38 genomes were scanned and 12 clusters of tandem promoters were identified in nine enteropathogens. comparative analysis of these tandem promoter-bearing regions reveals that they are similar to each other, forming prophage-like islands of 4-13 kb. each island appears to contain two or three tandem t7-like promoters within a str ...200616493139
expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of mxih, a subunit of the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system needle.a monodisperse truncation mutant of mxih, the subunit of the needle from the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system (ttss), has been overexpressed and purified. crystals were grown of native and selenomethionine-labelled mxih(cdelta5) and diffraction data were collected to 1.9 a resolution. the crystals belong to space group c2, with unit-cell parameters a = 183.4, b = 28.1, c = 27.8 a, beta = 96.5 degrees. an anomalous difference patterson map calculated with the data from the semet-labell ...200616511329
travellers' diarrhoea: contemporary approaches to therapy and prevention.travellers' diarrhoea remains a major public health problem, contributing to significant morbidity and disability. because bacterial enteropathogens cause a majority of this form of diarrhoea, antibacterial drugs are effective when used in chemoprophylaxis or for empirical treatment.a review of the medline listings for travellers' diarrhoea for the past 4 years was conducted; a library of >1,000 scientific articles on the topic was also considered in developing this review. persons who travel fr ...200616526819
differential gene expression of pathogens inside infected hosts.dna microarray is a useful technology for studying differential gene expression in the context of microbe-host interactions. this review concentrates on recent findings of the survival strategies of three intracellular pathogens: shigella flexneri, salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and mycobacterium tuberculosis.200616459132
tennessee shigella update. 200616475596
plasmid-mediated bacteriocin production by shigella flexneri isolated from dysenteric diarrhoea and their transformation into escherichia determine the production of bacteriocin by shigella flexneri strains, to relate their production to the presence of dysenteric diarrhoea and to asses the genetic determination of the bacteriocin.200616478521
detection of escherichia coli o157 using equal-length double-stranded fluorescence probe in a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay.enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (e. coli) o157 is a dangerous pathogen, which causes bloody diarrhea and severe hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus). although several assay systems based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) have been integrated to detect this pathogen, most of them are not specific. we report a real-time quantitative pcr method targeting rfbe, a gene specifically expressed in e. coli o157. this method can therefore be used to diagnose enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (e. ...200616480968
radiation processing to ensure safety of minimally processed carrot (daucus carota) and cucumber (cucumis sativus): optimization of dose for the elimination of salmonella typhimurium and listeria monocytogenes.minimally processed vegetables are in demand, because they offer convenience to consumers. however, these products are often unsafe because of possible contamination with pathogens, such as salmonella, escherichia coli o157:h7, and shigella species. therefore, this study was carried out to optimize the radiation dose necessary to ensure the safety of precut carrot and cucumber. decimal reduction doses (d-values) of salmonella typhimurium mtcc 98 were ca. 0.164 kgy in carrot samples and 0.178 kgy ...200616496592
crystal structure of hypothetical protein yfih from shigella flexneri at 2 a resolution. 200616498617
physical characterization of mxih and prgi, the needle component of the type iii secretion apparatus from shigella and salmonella.shigella and salmonella use similar type iii secretion systems for delivering effector proteins into host cells. this secretion system consists of a base anchored in both bacterial membranes and an extracellular "needle" that forms a rod-like structure exposed on the pathogen surface. the needle is composed of multiple subunits of a single protein and makes direct contact with host cells to facilitate protein delivery. the proteins that make up the needle of shigella and salmonella are mxih and ...200616501225
ptdins5p activates the host cell pi3-kinase/akt pathway during shigella flexneri infection.the virulence factor ipgd, delivered into nonphagocytic cells by the type iii secretion system of the pathogen shigella flexneri, is a phosphoinositide 4-phosphatase generating phosphatidylinositol 5 monophosphate (ptdins5p). we show that ptdins5p is rapidly produced and concentrated at the entry foci of the bacteria, where it colocalises with phosphorylated akt during the first steps of infection. moreover, s. flexneri-induced phosphorylation of host cell akt and its targets specifically requir ...200616482216
enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences in escherichia coli: evolution and implications for eric-pcr.enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences are 127-bp imperfect palindromes that occur in multiple copies in the genomes of enteric bacteria and vibrios. here we investigate the distribution of these elements in the complete genome sequences of nine escherichia coli (including shigella species) strains. there is a significant tendency for copies to be adjacent to more highly expressed genes. there is considerable variation among strains with respect to the presence of an el ...200616533821
rapid, sequence-specific detection of unpurified pcr amplicons via a reusable, electrochemical sensor.we report an electrochemical method for the sequence-specific detection of unpurified amplification products of the gyrb gene of salmonella typhimurium. using an asymmetric pcr and the electrochemical e-dna detection scheme, single-stranded amplicons were produced from as few as 90 gene copies and, without subsequent purification, rapidly identified. the detection is specific; the sensor does not respond when challenged with control oligonucleotides based on the gyrb genes of either escherichia ...200616537478
isolation of enterobacter sakazakii from stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans l. (diptera: muscidae).enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic foodborne pathogen that causes meningitis, enterocolitis, and sepsis, primarily in immunocompromised infants. previously, it was suggested that stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans, were a vector or reservoir of this pathogen. in our study, by means of a culturing approach combined with 16s rdna pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism genotyping and sequencing, we screened 928 individual stable flies collected in kansas and florida. two stable flies ( ...200616541702
altering the length of the lipopolysaccharide o antigen has an impact on the interaction of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with macrophages and complement.a panel of isogenic salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium strains that vary only in the length of the o antigen was constructed through complementation of a wzz double mutant (displaying unregulated o-antigen length) with one of two homologous (wzzst and wzzfepe) or three heterologous (wzzo139 of vibrio cholerae and wzzsf and wzzphs-2 of shigella flexneri) wzz genes. each gene was functional in the s. enterica serovar typhimurium host and specified production of o-antigen polymers with lengths ...200616547065
construction of a multivalent vaccine strain of shigella flexneri and evaluation of serotype-specific immunity.shigella flexneri causes more fatalities by shigellosis than any other shigella species. there are 13 different serotypes of s. flexneri and their distribution varies between endemic geographical regions. the immune response against s. flexneri is serotype-specific, so current immunization strategies have required the administration of multiple vaccine strains to provide protection against multiple serotypes. in this study, we report the construction of a multivalent s. flexneri vaccine strain, ...200616553820
dendritic cells in the recognition of intestinal microbiota.mucosal dendritic cells (dcs) constantly survey the luminal microenvironment which contains commensal microbiota and potentially harmful organisms regulating pathogen recognition and adaptive as well as innate defense activation. distinct mechanisms are beginning to emerge by which intestinal antigen sampling and handling is achieved ensuring specificity and contributing to redundancy in pathogen detection. distinct dc subsets are associated with these mechanisms and regulate specific innate or ...200616548882
multiple promoters control expression of the yersinia enterocolitica phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon.the widely conserved phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon encodes an extracytoplasmic stress response system that is essential for virulence in yersinia enterocolitica, and has been linked to other important phenotypes in escherichia coli, salmonella enterica and shigella flexneri. regulation of pspa operon expression is mediated through a promoter upstream of pspa that depends on sigma factor rpon (sigma(54)) and the enhancer binding protein pspf. pspa, pspb and pspc, encoded within the pspa ope ...200616549664
development of a hybrid shiga holotoxoid vaccine to elicit heterologous protection against shiga toxins types 1 and 2.the hemolytic uremic syndrome is a life-threatening sequela that occurs after infection with shiga toxin (stx)-producing escherichia coli (stec) or shigella dysenteriae type 1, and stx is responsible for initiating this syndrome. an stec isolate can express stx1, stx2, or both, but antisera to stx1 and stx2 are not cross-neutralizing. to produce a single vaccine candidate against both toxins, we created a genetic toxoid that contained the enzymatically-inactivated stxa2 subunit and the native st ...200616551486
a sitabcd homologue from an avian pathogenic escherichia coli strain mediates transport of iron and manganese and resistance to hydrogen operon encoding a member of the family of atp-binding cassette (abc) divalent metal ion transporters, homologous to salmonella enterica sitabcd, has been identified in the avian pathogenic escherichia coli (apec) strain chi7122. the sitabcd genes were located on the virulence plasmid papec-1, and were highly similar at the nucleotide level to the chromosomally encoded sitabcd genes present in shigella spp. a cloned copy of sitabcd conferred increased growth upon a siderophore-deficient e. col ...200616514154
genomic compositions and phylogenetic analysis of shigella boydii subgroup.comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) microarray analysis was used to compare the genomic compositions of all eighteen shigella boydii serotype representative strains. the results indicated the genomic "backbone" of this subgroup contained 2552 orfs homologous to nonpathogenic e. coli k12. compared with the genome of k12199 orfs were found to be absent in all s. boydii serotype representatives, including mainly outer membrane protein genes and o-antigen biosynthesis genes. yet the specific orf ...200616544575
exoproducts of the escherichia coli strain h22 inhibiting some enteric pathogens both in vitro and in vivo.the antagonistic activity of the escherichia coli strain h22 against enteric bacteria was studied both in vitro and in vivo.200616553738
in vitro antibacterial, antifungal & cytotoxic activity of some isonicotinoylhydrazide schiff's bases and their cobalt (ii), copper (ii), nickel (ii) and zinc (ii) complexes.isonicotinoylhydrazide schiff's bases formed by the reaction of substituted and unsubstituted furyl-2-carboxaldehyde and thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde with isoniazid and, their co (ii), cu (ii), ni (ii) and zn (ii) complexes have been synthesized, characterized and screened for their in vitro antibacterial activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus mirabilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella typhi, shigella dysenteriae, bacillus cereus, corynebac ...200616570512
rectal bleeding in infancy: clinical, allergological, and microbiological examination.rectal bleeding is an alarming symptom and requires additional investigation. in infants it has been explained mainly by hypersensitivity. in addition to dietary antigens, intraluminal microbial agents challenge the immature gut mucosa. although controlled in the mature gut, these antigens may induce inflammation in the developing gastrointestinal tract. the objectives of this study were to evaluate prospectively the clinical course of rectal bleeding and evaluate the impact of cow's milk allerg ...200616585287
[haemophilus influenzae].a resurgence in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (std) has occurred in germany over the past ten years. along with the classical std such as syphilis and gonorrhea, new and as yet atypical organisms such as shigella or hepatitis a virus play a role in high-risk patients. we report a case of urethritis caused by h. influenzae biotype ii in an hiv-positive patient. the prevalence of h. influenzae as a relevant pathogen causing urinary tract infections is underestimated because of a l ...200615912399
[clinical manifestation of acute dysentery caused by the polyagglutinable strain of shigella sonnei].it was established, that clinical manifestation of acute dysentery caused by the polyagglutinable strain of sonne shigellosis is characterized by acute onset of the disease, general toxic syndrome (high body temperature up mild pyrexia, chill, headache, low appetite) and in 6-24 hours followed by gastric indigestion resembling acute enterocolitis. in general, there have not been severe and lingering forms of the disease. etiotropic and pathogenetic treatments are leading procedure in care of suc ...200515915995
a secreted anti-activator, ospd1, and its chaperone, spa15, are involved in the control of transcription by the type iii secretion apparatus activity in shigella flexneri.bacteria of shigella spp. are responsible for shigellosis in humans and use a type iii secretion (tts) system to enter epithelial cells and trigger apoptosis in macrophages. transit of translocator and effector proteins through the tts apparatus is activated upon contact of bacteria with host cells. transcription of approximately 15 genes encoding effectors is regulated by the tts apparatus activity and controlled by mxie, an arac family activator, and its coactivator ipgc, the chaperone of ipab ...200515916611
a directed screen for chlamydial proteins secreted by a type iii mechanism identifies a translocated protein and numerous other new candidates.chlamydiae are strict intracellular parasites that induce their internalization upon contact with the host cell and grow inside an intracellular compartment called an inclusion. they possess a type iii secretion (tts) apparatus, which allows for the translocation of specific proteins in the host cell cytosol. in particular, chlamydial proteins of the inc family are secreted to the inclusion membrane by a tts mechanism; other tts substrates are mostly unknown. using a secretion assay based on the ...200515916612
important bacterial gastrointestinal pathogens in children: a pathogenesis perspective.this article focuses on the five most common bacterial enteropathogens of the developed world--helicobacter pylori, escherichia coli, shigella, salmonella, and campylobacter--from the perspective of how they cause disease and how they relate to each other. basic and recurring themes of bacterial pathogenesis, including mechanisms of entry, methods of adherence, sites of cellular injury, role of toxins, and how pathogens acquire particular virulence traits (and antimicrobial resistance), are disc ...200515925661
optimizing protein crystal growth through dynamic seeding.a dynamic seeding method that is different from the conventional method of seeding drops that have been equilibrated is described. the method basically consists of two steps. firstly, microseeding was used in association with adjustment of the seeding-drop components, including buffer, additive and concentrations of the precipitants and protein, in order to screen suitable seeding conditions under which microseeds are seeded into a new non-equilibrated drop as the dynamic macroseed drop for the ...200515930637
antibacterial activity of the essential oil from cymbopogon nervatus inflorescence.antibacterial activity of essential oil of dried inflorescence of cymbopogon nervatus was investigated. the essential oil remarkably inhibited the growth of tested bacteria except for salmonella typhi. the maximum activity was against shigella dysenteriae and klebsiella pneumoniae.200515896926
a gene encoding l-methionine gamma-lyase is present in enterobacteriaceae family genomes: identification and characterization of citrobacter freundii l-methionine gamma-lyase.citrobacter freundii cells produce l-methionine gamma-lyase when grown on a medium containing l-methionine. the nucleotide sequence of the hybrid plasmid with a c. freundii ecori insert of about 3.0 kbp contained two open reading frames, consisting of 1,194 nucleotides and 1,296 nucleotides, respectively. the first one (denoted megl) encoded l-methionine gamma-lyase. the enzyme was overexpressed in escherichia coli and purified. the second frame encoded a protein belonging to the family of perme ...200515901718
antidiarrhoeal activity of the methanol extract of the barks of xylocarpus moluccensis in castor oil- and magnesium sulphate-induced diarrhoea models in mice.the methanol (meoh) extract of the barks of xylocarpus moluccensis, and different fractions of this extract were studied for antidiarrhoeal activity using castor oil- and magnesium sulphate-induced diarrhoea models in mice. at the doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg, the meoh extract showed significant antidiarrhoeal activity in both models. the etoac fraction (eaf) and the residual meoh fraction (rmf) exhibited similar activity using a dose of 250 mg/kg in both models. no antidiarrhoeal activity was obs ...200515905054
salmonellosis and the food chain in khon kaen, northeastern thailand.non-typhoidal salmonellosis is a major cause of food-borne illness in thailand. specific serotyping of salmonellae, linked with certain foods, can be used to identify outbreaks, transmission, and for surveillance. we aimed to identify the chain of non-typhoidal salmonella transmission from food to humans in five slums, two open markets, four supermarkets and an abattoir in the municipality of khon kaen. during three months representing the cool-dry, hot-dry, and rainy seasons of 2002, culture sa ...200515906654
cryptic plasmid prk2 from escherichia coli w: sequence analysis and segregational stability.cryptic plasmid prk2 of the strain escherichia coli w (atcc 9637), an ancestor of production strains for penicillin g acylase, was sequenced and characterized. based on the data on replication region and origin (ori sequence aac, 924-926nt), the plasmid was classified as cole1-like plasmid. dna sequence analysis revealed five orfs hypothetical products of which shared a significant sequence similarity with putative proteins encoded by dna of plasmid pcole1. orf1 codes for protein rom involved in ...200515907542
antimicrobial-resistant shigella sonnei: limited antimicrobial treatment options for children and challenges of interpreting in vitro azithromycin susceptibility.antimicrobial-resistant shigella sonnei is a growing problem in the united states and poses treatment challenges particularly among children. azithromycin is recommended as an alternative oral agent for shigellosis.200515933557
evolutionary changes of the flhdc flagellar master operon in shigella strains.shigella strains are nonmotile. the master operon of flagellar synthesis, flhdc, was analyzed for genetic damage in 46 shigella strains representing all known serotypes. in 11 strains (b1, b3, b6, b8, b10, b18, d5, f1b, d10, f3a, and f3c) the flhdc operon was completely deleted. pcr and sequence analysis of the flhdc region of the remaining 35 strains revealed many insertions or deletions associated with insertion sequences, and the majority of the strains were found to be defective in their flh ...200515937193
mucosal lymphoid infiltrate dominates colonic pathological changes in murine experimental shigellosis.shigella species are invasive human pathogens that cause acute rectocolitis by triggering a dysregulated inflammatory reaction in the colonic and rectal mucosa. because mice are naturally resistant to shigellosis, there is no mouse model that mimics human disease. we explore the susceptibility of intestinal flora-depleted mice to shigellosis after intragastric infection with shigella strains.200515942903
phosphotidylinositol-3 kinase-mediated signals in mice immunized with the 57 kda major antigenic outer-membrane protein of shigella dysenteriae type 1.antigen-specific t-cell signalling via t-cell antigen receptor stimulation was carried out in balb/c mice immunized with the 57 kda major antigenic component of shigella dysenteriae 1 outer-membrane proteins. in presence of anti-cd3, the 57 kda antigen was found to increase the level of il-2 significantly instead of il-4. il-2 production in t cells was consistent with an increase in intracellular free ca(2+) [(ca(2+))i] concentration. the antigen-specific modulation was observed during t-cell si ...200515947427
epidemiological and microbiological aspects of acute bacterial diarrhea in children from salvador, bahia, the few cases of acute childhood diarrhea that require antimicrobial therapy, the correct choice of the drug depends on detailed previous knowledge of local strains. in order to establish such parameters in our city, we reviewed the results of all 260 positive stool cultures of children between 0 and 15 years of age during two years at a pediatric tertiary care facility in salvador, brazil. bacterial strains had been presumptively identified by culturing in selective media and by biochemical ...200515947851
construction of a novel shigella live-vector strain co-expressing cs3 and ltb/stm of enterotoxigenic construct and evaluate a polyvalent recombinant vaccine strain shigella flexneri 2a t32 against enterotoxigenic e.coli (etec).200515948247
expanding the bactericidal action of the food color additive phloxine b to gram-negative bacteria.phloxine b (d&c red no. 28) is a color additive for food, drugs, and cosmetics. it has been previously shown to have anti-staphylococcus aureus activities. in this work, the effect of phloxine b on various gram-negative bacteria and other gram-positive bacteria including bacillus cereus, bacillus thuringiensis, bacillus mycoides, bacillus subtilis, bacillus aureus, salmonella, escherichia coli and shigella was studied, along with the mechanism of anti-microbial activity. in the presence of fluor ...200515949926
epidemic strain shigella dysenteriae type 1 dt66 encodes several drug resistances by chromosome.multiple antibiotic-resistant strains of shigella dysenteriae type 1 were isolated from an epidemic in west bengal, india (1984). during the past two decades, much attention was given to reevaluation of treatment recommendations. however, there are no useful data on drug resistance encoded by chromosome.200515950082
shigella effector ipah9.8 binds to a splicing factor u2af(35) to modulate host immune responses.shigella effectors injected into the host cell via the type iii secretion system are involved in various aspects of infection. here, we show that one of the effectors, ipah9.8, plays a role in modulating inflammatory responses to shigella infection. in murine lung infection model, deltaipah9.8 mutant caused more severe inflammatory responses with increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production levels than did wild-type shigella, which resulted in a 30-fold decrease in bacterial colonization. bind ...200515950937
traveler's diarrhea.acute diarrhea affects millions of persons who travel to developing countries each year. food and water contaminated with fecal matter are the main sources of infection. bacteria such as enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, enteroaggregative e. coli, campylobacter, salmonella, and shigella are common causes of traveler's diarrhea. parasites and viruses are less common etiologies. travel destination is the most significant risk factor for traveler's diarrhea. the efficacy of pretravel counseling and ...200515952437
considerations for development of whole cell bacterial vaccines to prevent diarrheal diseases in children in developing countries.enteric pathogens constitute a major pediatric threat in the developing world through their impact on morbidity and mortality, physical and cognitive development and cause and effect relationship with malnutrition. although many bacterial pathogens can cause diarrheal diseases, a group of less than 10 including shigella spp., enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec), vibrio cholerae, and possibly, campylobacter jejuni account for a significant percentage of these diseases in developing countries. ...200515837361
use of fatty acid profiles to identify food-borne bacterial pathogens and aerobic endospore-forming bacilli.capillary gas chromatography (gc) with flame ionization detection was used to determine the cellular fatty acid profiles of various food-borne microbial pathogens and to compare the fatty acid profiles of spores and vegetative cells of the same endospore-forming bacilli. fifteen bacteria, representing eight genera (staphylococcus, listeria, bacillus, yersinia, salmonella, shigella, escherichia, and vibrio) and 11 species were used to compare the extracted fatty acid methyl esters (fames). endosp ...200515853428
model for the combined effects of temperature, ph and sodium chloride concentration on survival of shigella flexneri strain 5348 under aerobic conditions.shigella is recognized as a major foodborne pathogen; however, relatively few studies have been reported on its growth and survival characteristics, particularly under conditions relevant to food. a fractional factorial design was used to measure the effects and interactions of temperature (4-37 degrees c), ph (2-6) and nacl (0.5-9%) on survival kinetics of shigella flexneri strain 5348 in bhi broth. stationary-phase cells were inoculated into sterile media to give initial populations of 6-7 log ...200515862880
plasmid partition system of the p1par family from the pwr100 virulence plasmid of shigella flexneri.p1par family members promote the active segregation of a variety of plasmids and plasmid prophages in gram-negative bacteria. each has genes for para and parb proteins, followed by a pars partition site. the large virulence plasmid pwr100 of shigella flexneri contains a new p1par family member: pwr100par. although typical para and parb genes are present, the putative pwr100pars site is atypical in sequence and organization. however, pwr100pars promoted accurate plasmid partition in escherichia c ...200515866921
identification of shigella sonnei biotype g isolates carrying class 2 integrons in italy (2001 to 2003).phenotyping and genotyping have been carried out on 64 epidemic and sporadic isolates of shigella sonnei identified in italy in the years 2001 to 2003. class 2 integron carriage has been also investigated. isolates from four of the five outbreaks and four of six sporadic cases were biotype g, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type b, and class 2 integron positive, suggesting emergence and spread of an epidemic clone in italy.200515872285
extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in shigella flexneri from argentina: first report of toho-1 outside japan.a 9-year nation-wide survey of the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (esbls) in shigella flexneri is described. ten of 9033 (0.1%) isolates produced esbls, which were characterized by isoelectric focusing, pcr and dna sequencing. these were ctx-m-2 (five isolates), toho-1 (one isolate), shv-2 (two isolates) and per-2 (two isolates, the first report in s. flexneri world wide). the emergence of each esbl type in s. flexneri was not restricted to a particular region of argentina. toho-1 ...200515878653
shigellosis.shigellosis is a global human health problem. four species of shigella i.e. s. dysenteriae, s. flexneri, s. boydii and s. sonnei are able to cause the disease. these species are subdivided into serotypes on the basis of o-specific polysaccharide of the lps. shigella dysenteriae type 1 produces severe disease and may be associated with life-threatening complications. the symptoms of shigellosis include diarrhoea and/or dysentery with frequent mucoid bloody stools, abdominal cramps and tenesmus. s ...200515880088
fibrino-necrotic typhlitis caused by escherichia fergusonii in ostriches (struthio camelus).two adult ostriches developed anorexia, prostration, and severe hemorrhagic diarrhea, dying 24 hr after the onset of clinical signs. on postmortem examination, the cecal mucosa showed locally extensive areas of hemorrhages and fibrino-necrotic typhlitis with a white-yellowish material covering the mucosal surface. multiple serosal petequial hemorrhages and fibrinous peritonitis were present. histologic examination revealed an intense mononuclear infiltration in the lamina propria and submucosa o ...200515839434
viability of escherichia coli topa mutants lacking dna topoisomerase i.the viability of the topa mutants lacking dna topoisomerase i was thought to depend on the presence of compensatory mutations in escherichia coli but not salmonella typhimurium or shigella flexneri. this apparent discrepancy in topa requirements in different bacteria prompted us to reexamine the topa requirements in e. coli. we find that e. coli strains bearing topa mutations, introduced into the strains by dna-mediated gene replacement, are viable at 37 or 42 degrees c without any compensatory ...200515522872
description of a 111-kb pathogenicity island (pai) encoding various virulence features in the enterohemorrhagic e. coli (ehec) strain rw1374 (o103:h2) and detection of a similar pai in other ehec strains of serotype 0103:h2.human infections with enterohemorrhagic e. coli (ehec) strains of serotype o103:h2 are of increasing importance in germany. as bovines are the principal ehec reservoir behind the occurrence of human infections, we analyzed a pathogenicity island (pai i(rw1374)) of bovine o103:h2 strain rw1374 to identify putative virulence features. this pai i(rw1374) harbors a functional 34-kb locus of enterocyte effacement (lee) core region and has a total length of 111 kb. about 43 kb upstream of the lee core ...200515715170
[experimental study on pharmacodynamical of oxalis griffithii, a national medicine in guizhou].to study the on effects of anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory and pyretolysis of oxalis griffithii, it is possible safety.200515719644
genetic analysis of antibiotic-resistance determinants in multidrug-resistant shigella strains isolated from chilean children.a total of 162 clinical isolates of shigella collected from children in a semi-rural community of chile were examined for the presence of genetic determinants of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and trimethoprim. ampicillin resistance was most frequently associated with the presence of bla(oxa) in s. flexneri and with bla(tem) in s. sonnei. the bla(oxa) gene but not bla(tem) was located in class 1 integrons. the dhfria gene encoding for resistance to trimethoprim was asso ...200515724714
molecular strategies for the detection, identification, and differentiation between enteroinvasive escherichia coli and shigella spp.a strategy for the detection, identification, and differentiation of enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) and shigella spp. has been developed. the strategy includes (i) a multiplex pcr for the amplification of two virulence genes, i.e., iuc (222 bp) and ipah (629 bp); (ii) amplification of the ial gene (a 1,038-bp amplicon) located within a large plasmid; and (iii) restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) of the ial gene amplicon. the multiplex pcr provided three patterns. pattern 1 (i ...200515726963
shigella induced reactive arthritis. 200515769909
comparative analysis of shigella boydii 18 foodborne outbreak isolate and related enteric bacteria: role of rpos and adia in acid stress response.shigella boydii cdph (chicago department of public health) serotype 18 was implicated in an outbreak of foodborne illness in 1998. the suspected food vehicles were parsley and cilantro imported from mexico used to prepare bean salad. previous studies revealed that s. boydii cdph serotype 18 can survive in bean salad, which contains organic acids and whose ph decreases over time. acid challenge assays in acidified tryptic soy broth at ph 4.5, acidified luria-bertani broth at ph 4.5, and acidified ...200515771176
comparison of chromogenic shigella spp. plating medium with standard media for the recovery of shigella boydii and shigella sonnei from tomato surfaces.isolation of shigella spp. from food is difficult because of a lack of appropriate selective media and the presence of low numbers of shigellae relative to competitive microorganisms. chromogenic shigella spp. plating medium (cspm) was evaluated for use with the u.s. food and drug administration bacteriological analytical manual (bam) enrichment procedure for isolation of artificially contaminated shigella boydii ui02 and shigella sonnei ui05 from tomato surfaces. tomatoes were inoculated with v ...200515771194
frameshifting by transcriptional slippage is involved in production of mxie, the transcription activator regulated by the activity of the type iii secretion apparatus in shigella flexneri.bacteria of shigella spp. are responsible for shigellosis in humans. they use a type iii secretion (tts) system encoded by a 200 kb virulence plasmid to enter epithelial cells and trigger apoptosis in macrophages. this tts system comprises a secretion apparatus, translocators and effectors that transit through this apparatus, cytoplasmic chaperones and specific transcription regulators. the tts apparatus assembled during growth of shigella flexneri in broth is activated upon contact with epithel ...200515773990
structural and genetic characterization of the shigella boydii type 10 and type 6 o antigens.comparison of the o antigens of shigella boydii types 10 and 6 by chemical analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that their structures are similar, with the only difference being the presence or absence of d-ribofuranose, which is the immunodominant sugar in s. boydii type 10. in s. boydii type 6, a residue previously reported as alpha-d-glcpa, was shown to be beta-d-glcpa as in s. boydii type 10. s. boydii types 10 and 6 are reported not to cross-react serologically, and t ...200515774901
structure and biochemical analysis of a secretin pilot protein.the ability to translocate virulence proteins into host cells through a type iii secretion apparatus (ttss) is a hallmark of several gram-negative pathogens including shigella, salmonella, yersinia, pseudomonas, and enteropathogenic escherichia coli. in common with other types of bacterial secretion apparatus, the assembly of the ttss complex requires the preceding formation of its integral outer membrane secretin ring component. we have determined at 1.5 a the structure of mxim28-142, the shige ...200515775974
antimicrobial susceptibility of shigella sonnei isolates in japan and molecular analysis of s. sonnei isolates with reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones.we performed susceptibility testing with shigella sonnei isolates from imported and domestic cases of infection in japan during 2001 and 2002. some s. sonnei isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid, tetracycline, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. most of the nalidixic acid-resistant strains showed reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones but did not show fluoroquinolone resistance.200515728928
virulent shigella flexneri causes damage to mitochondria and triggers necrosis in infected human monocyte-derived macrophages.shigella flexneri is a gram-negative bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery in humans that is characterized by an acute inflammatory response of the colon. the fate of phagocytes that are infected in vitro with virulent shigella has been the subject of some investigation and debate. in this study we found that virulent shigella caused a rapid increase in the cell membrane permeability of infected human monocyte-derived macrophages (hmdm) but not in the cell membrane permeability of monocytes, ...200515618190
the use of a genetic algorithm search for molecular mechanics (mm3)-based conformational analysis of oligosaccharides.we have implemented a system called glygal that can perform conformational searches on oligosaccharides using several different genetic algorithm (ga) search methods. the searches are performed in the torsion angle conformational space, considering both the primary glycosidic linkages as well as the pendant groups (c-5-c-6 and hydroxyl groups) where energy calculations are performed using the mm3(96) force field. the system includes a graphical user interface for setting calculation parameters a ...200515780270
policymakers' views regarding the introduction of new-generation vaccines against typhoid fever, shigellosis and cholera in asia.face-to-face interviews and meetings with more than 160 policymakers and other influential professionals in seven large asian countries (bangladesh, china, india, indonesia, pakistan, thailand and vietnam) were conducted to survey opinions regarding the need for, and potential uses of new-generation vaccines against cholera, typhoid fever and shigellosis. despite several barriers to their uptake--notably uncertainty of the burden of enteric diseases; preference for water, sanitation and other en ...200515780724
quantitative microarray-based dna-dna hybridization assay for measuring genetic distances among bacterial species and its application to the identification of family enterobacteriaceae.quantitative dna-dna hybridization to measure the genetic distances among bacterial species is indispensable for taxonomical determination. in the current studies, we developed a method to determine bacterial dna relatedness on a glass microarray. reference dnas representing a total 93 species of enterobacteriaceae were arrayed on a glass microplate, and signal intensities were measured after 2 hr of hybridization with cy3-labeled bacterial dnas. all immobilized dnas from members of the family e ...200515781999
emergence of ctx-m-type beta-lactam resistance in shigella spp. in hong kong. 200515784319
molecular evolution of the lysine decarboxylase-defective phenotype in shigella sonnei.shigella, the etiological agent of the bacillary dysentery, belongs to the extremely diverse species of escherichia coli. in the evolutionary route of shigella from commensal e. coli ancestors towards a pathogenic lifestyle, the critical events have been the acquisition of the pinv plasmid, through horizontal transfer and the inactivation of pre-existing genes. these so-called pathoadaptive mutations affect the expression of genes negatively interfering with the newly acquired functions necessar ...200515790294
alteration in the gyra subunit of dna gyrase and the parc subunit of topoisomerase iv in quinolone-resistant shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 clinical isolates from kolkata, india. 200515793166
surprising dependence on postsegregational killing of host cells for maintenance of the large virulence plasmid of shigella flexneri.low-copy-number plasmids all encode multiple systems to ensure their propagation, including replication, partition (active segregation), and postsegregational killing (psk) systems. psk systems kill those rare cells that lose the plasmid due to replication or segregation errors. psk systems should not be used as the principle means of maintaining the plasmid. the metabolic cost of killing the many cured cells that would arise from random plasmid segregation is far too high. here we describe an i ...200515805523
shigellosis: disease burden, epidemiology and case management. 200515807074
[small treatise on art of warfare... from shigella]. 200515811311
heterogeneity among strains of diffusely adherent escherichia coli isolated in hundred twelve diffusely adherent escherichia coli strains isolated from children in a case control study were evaluated for virulence-associated characteristics, serotyping, antibiotic resistance, and plasmid profiles. half of the strains hybridized with the probes for icua (aerobactin) and fimh (type 1 pili); daae (f1845 fimbriae), afa (afimbrial dr adhesin), agg-3a (aggregative adhesion fimbria type iii fimbriae), pap (p fimbriae), asta (east1 toxin), and shet1 (shigella enterotoxin 1) se ...200515815034
comparative imaging of a bacterial surface-located gfp fusion protein by epifluorescence and scanning near-field optical microscopy.icsa is an autotransporter protein that plays a role in the virulence of shigella bacteria. we have examined the cellular localization of a fusion of an icsa fragment to the green fluorescent protein (gfp) expressed in escherichia coli using a dual epifluorescence and scanning near-field optical microscope. by combining the data obtained from far-field with near-field microscopy of the same sample, discrimination between surface-bound fusion proteins and fusion proteins located in the cellular c ...200515817062
cortactin: an achilles' heel of the actin cytoskeleton targeted by pathogens.cortactin is an actin-binding protein and a central regulator of the actin cytoskeleton. importantly, cortactin is also a common target exploited by microbes during infection. its involvement in disease development is exemplified by a variety of pathogenic processes, such as pedestal formation [enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli (epec and ehec)], invasion (shigella, neisseria, rickettsia, chlamydia, staphylococcus and cryptosporidium), actin-based motility (listeria, shigel ...200515817388
oiling the key hole.many bacteria have been found to interact with specialized domains, rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids, of the host plasma membrane, termed lipid rafts. the mechanisms that underlie this interaction are starting to be unravelled. in this issue, hayward et al. show that early effector proteins secreted by type iii secretion harbouring gram-negative bacteria are in fact cholesterol-binding proteins. combined with other recent findings, this work shows that multiple steps leading to infection by ...200515819615
cholesterol binding by the bacterial type iii translocon is essential for virulence effector delivery into mammalian cells.a ubiquitous early step in infection of man and animals by enteric bacterial pathogens like salmonella, shigella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) is the translocation of virulence effector proteins into mammalian cells via specialized type iii secretion systems (ttsss). translocated effectors subvert the host cytoskeleton and stimulate signalling to promote bacterial internalization or survival. target cell plasma membrane cholesterol is central to pathogen-host cross-talk, but the p ...200515819617
isolation and characterization of provisional serovar shigella boydii e16553 from diarrhoeal patients in previous studies with strains of the shigella dysenteriae provisional serovars e22383 and e23507 from diarrhoeal stools from patients in bangladesh, two strains of shigella species were identified as shigella boydii provisional serovar e16553 by a reference laboratory. further tests with an antiserum to an international type strain of the provisional serovar e16553 identified an additional 15 isolates. none of the isolates reacted with antisera to the established shigella serovars or any othe ...200515824427
an unusual cluster of dysentery due to shigella dysenteriae type 4 in dhaka, bangladesh. 200515824434
multidrug-resistant shigella sonnei and salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium isolates producing ctx-m beta-lactamases as causes of community-acquired infection in france. 200515825010
shigella sonnei meningitis due to interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-4 deficiency: first association with a primary immune deficiency.inherited interleukin-1-receptor-associated kinase-4 (irak-4) deficiency is a recently described immunodeficiency associated with pyogenic bacterial infections and a poor inflammatory response. shigella sonnei is generally associated with outbreaks of rectocolitis in developed countries, but systemic illnesses have occasionally been reported. an underlying primary immunodeficiency has not been found in such cases before now.200515825022
a millennium update on pediatric diarrheal illness in the developing world.more than one billion diarrhea episodes occur every year among children younger than 5 years of age in socioeconomically developing countries causing 2 to 2.5 million deaths. more than twenty viral, bacterial, and parasitic enteropathogens are currently associated with acute diarrhea. rotavirus and diarrheagenic escherichia coli are the most common pathogens responsible for acute diarrhea episodes in children; shigella spp., salmonella spp, campylobacter jejuni/coli, vibrio cholerae, aeromonas s ...200515825143
frequency and characteristics of selected enteropathogens in fecal and rectal specimens from childhood diarrhea in trinidad, determine the prevalence and characteristics of selected enteric pathogens in diarrheic children in six counties of the island of trinidad.200515826396
trends in shigella outbreaks in the israeli military over 15 years. 200515578249
a sensor of the two-component system cpxa affects expression of the type iii secretion system through posttranscriptional processing of inve.the chief function of the cpx two-component system is perceiving various cell envelope stresses, but cpxr is also known to regulate the expression of the type iii secretion system (ttss) of shigella sonnei through transcription of the primary regulator virf. here, we have isolated novel cpxa mutants that exhibited decreased ttss expression from escherichia coli hw1273, which carries the virulence plasmid of s. sonnei. the cpxa deletion strain of hw1273 expressed beta-galactosidase activity level ...200515601694
porin of shigella dysenteriae enhances toll-like receptors 2 and 6 of mouse peritoneal b-2 cells and induces the expression of immunoglobulin m, immunoglobulin g2a and immunoglobulin a.porin of shigella dysenteriae type 1 increased the mrna levels for toll-like receptors tlr2 and tlr6, by 1.8-fold and twofold, respectively, in peritoneal cavity b-2 cells from c57bl/6 mice, implicating that the co-expression of tlr2 and tlr6 occurs as a combinatorial repertoire in response to porin. among the two key tlrs, tlr2 and tlr4, which are primarily responsible for recognizing the majority of bacterial products, tlr2 alone participates in porin recognition. tlr2 expression was increased ...200515606799
intravenous infection of virulent shigellae causes fulminant hepatitis in mice.shigella spp. are pathogenic bacteria responsible for bacillary dysentery in humans. the major lesions in colonic mucosa are intense inflammation with apoptosis of macrophages and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. the study of shigellosis is hindered by the natural resistance of rodents to oral infection with shigella. therefore, animal models exploit other routes of infection. here, we describe a novel murine model in which animals receive shigellae via the caudal vein. mice infected with ...200515617528
transcriptional adaptation of shigella flexneri during infection of macrophages and epithelial cells: insights into the strategies of a cytosolic bacterial pathogen.shigella flexneri, the etiologic agent of bacillary dysentery, invades epithelial cells as well as macrophages and dendritic cells and escapes into the cytosol soon after invasion. dissection of the global gene expression profile of the bacterium in its intracellular niche is essential to fully understand the biology of shigella infection. we have determined the complete gene expression profiles for s. flexneri infecting human epithelial hela cells and human macrophage-like u937 cells. approxima ...200515618144
crystal structure of the copper homeostasis protein (cutcm) from shigella flexneri at 1.7 a resolution: the first structure of a new sequence family of tim barrels. 200515624211
structural and genetic characterization of enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o145 o antigen and development of an o145 serogroup-specific pcr assay.enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o145 strains are emerging as causes of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. in this study, we present the structure of the e. coli o145 o antigen and the sequence of its gene cluster. the o145 antigen has repeat units containing three monosaccharide residues: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose (glcnac), 2-acetamidoylamino-2,6-dideoxy-l-galactose, and n-acetylneuraminic acid. it is very closely related to salmonella enterica serovar touera and s. enteri ...200515629947
bacteria spurned by self-absorbed cells. 200515635436
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 13650