
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a review of vaccine research and development: human enteric infections.worldwide, enteric infections rank third among all causes of disease burden, being responsible for some 1.7-2.5 million deaths per year, mostly in young children and infants in developing countries. the main infectious agents responsible for human enteric infections include several viruses (enteric adenoviruses, astroviruses, human caliciviruses (hucv), rotaviruses (rv)) and several bacterial agents, such as campylobacter jejuni, a variety of pathogenic escherichia coli strains including enterot ...200616483695
comparison of bactericidal activity of six lysozymes at atmospheric pressure and under high hydrostatic pressure.the antibacterial working range of six lysozymes was tested under ambient and high pressure, on a panel of five gram-positive (enterococcus faecalis, bacillus subtilis, listeria innocua, staphylococcus aureus and micrococcus lysodeikticus) and five gram-negative bacteria (yersinia enterocolitica, shigella flexneri, escherichia coli o157:h7, pseudomonas aeruginosa and salmonella typhimurium). the lysozymes included two that are commercially available (hen egg white lysozyme or hewl, and mutanolys ...200616487612
comparative analysis of tandem t7-like promoter containing regions in enterobacterial genomes reveals a novel group of genetic islands.based on molecular information theory, 10 t7-like promoter models were built for the t7 group of phages and used to scan their host genomes and closely related genomes. 38 genomes were scanned and 12 clusters of tandem promoters were identified in nine enteropathogens. comparative analysis of these tandem promoter-bearing regions reveals that they are similar to each other, forming prophage-like islands of 4-13 kb. each island appears to contain two or three tandem t7-like promoters within a str ...200616493139
a chromogenic plating medium for the isolation and identification of enterobacter sakazakii from foods, food ingredients, and environmental sources.a chromogenic agar, r&f enterobacter sakazakii chromogenic plating medium (espm), was developed for isolating presumptive colonies of e. sakazakii from foods and environmental sources. espm contains two chromogenic substrates (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-alpha-d-glucopyranoside and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-beta-d-cellobioside), three sugars (sorbitol, d-arabitol, and adonitol), a ph indicator, and inhibitors (bile salts, vancomycin, and cefsulodin), which all contribute to its selectivity and d ...200616496571
radiation processing to ensure safety of minimally processed carrot (daucus carota) and cucumber (cucumis sativus): optimization of dose for the elimination of salmonella typhimurium and listeria monocytogenes.minimally processed vegetables are in demand, because they offer convenience to consumers. however, these products are often unsafe because of possible contamination with pathogens, such as salmonella, escherichia coli o157:h7, and shigella species. therefore, this study was carried out to optimize the radiation dose necessary to ensure the safety of precut carrot and cucumber. decimal reduction doses (d-values) of salmonella typhimurium mtcc 98 were ca. 0.164 kgy in carrot samples and 0.178 kgy ...200616496592
epidemiology, etiology and pathophysiology of traveler's diarrhea.traveler's diarrhea (td) is the most frequent health problem in travelers to developing countries. several personal and environmental risk factors are at the basis of td acquisition and are discussed in this paper. td is caused by a wide range of infectious organisms, etec and eaec bacteria strains being the main enteropathogens incriminated in td. other causative bacteria are: shigella spp., campylobacter spp., vibrio spp., aeromonas spp., salmonella spp., and plesiomonas spp. parasite species ...200616498258
crystal structure of hypothetical protein yfih from shigella flexneri at 2 a resolution. 200616498617
physical characterization of mxih and prgi, the needle component of the type iii secretion apparatus from shigella and salmonella.shigella and salmonella use similar type iii secretion systems for delivering effector proteins into host cells. this secretion system consists of a base anchored in both bacterial membranes and an extracellular "needle" that forms a rod-like structure exposed on the pathogen surface. the needle is composed of multiple subunits of a single protein and makes direct contact with host cells to facilitate protein delivery. the proteins that make up the needle of shigella and salmonella are mxih and ...200616501225
rapid, sequence-specific detection of unpurified pcr amplicons via a reusable, electrochemical sensor.we report an electrochemical method for the sequence-specific detection of unpurified amplification products of the gyrb gene of salmonella typhimurium. using an asymmetric pcr and the electrochemical e-dna detection scheme, single-stranded amplicons were produced from as few as 90 gene copies and, without subsequent purification, rapidly identified. the detection is specific; the sensor does not respond when challenged with control oligonucleotides based on the gyrb genes of either escherichia ...200616537478
isolation of enterobacter sakazakii from stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans l. (diptera: muscidae).enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic foodborne pathogen that causes meningitis, enterocolitis, and sepsis, primarily in immunocompromised infants. previously, it was suggested that stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans, were a vector or reservoir of this pathogen. in our study, by means of a culturing approach combined with 16s rdna pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism genotyping and sequencing, we screened 928 individual stable flies collected in kansas and florida. two stable flies ( ...200616541702
genomic compositions and phylogenetic analysis of shigella boydii subgroup.comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) microarray analysis was used to compare the genomic compositions of all eighteen shigella boydii serotype representative strains. the results indicated the genomic "backbone" of this subgroup contained 2552 orfs homologous to nonpathogenic e. coli k12. compared with the genome of k12199 orfs were found to be absent in all s. boydii serotype representatives, including mainly outer membrane protein genes and o-antigen biosynthesis genes. yet the specific orf ...200616544575
antibacterial activities of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diarrhoea in limpopo province, south africa.the ethnobotanical survey conducted in this study showed that 21 plant species belonging to 14 families are used in traditional medical practice in limpopo province, south africa, for the treatment of diarrhoea. methanol, ethanol, acetone and hot water extract from different plant parts (leaves, roots, bark and stem rhizome), of several of these plants (indigofera daleoides, punica granatum, syzygium cordatum, gymnosporia senegalensis, ozoroa insignis, elephantorrhiza elephantina, elephantorrhiz ...200616545928
molecular epidemiology of human astrovirus infections in kolkata, india.the study is aimed to determine the seasonal distribution and clinical characteristics of astroviruses associated with acute watery diarrhoea among children in kolkata and characterize them at the molecular level.200616546454
altering the length of the lipopolysaccharide o antigen has an impact on the interaction of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with macrophages and complement.a panel of isogenic salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium strains that vary only in the length of the o antigen was constructed through complementation of a wzz double mutant (displaying unregulated o-antigen length) with one of two homologous (wzzst and wzzfepe) or three heterologous (wzzo139 of vibrio cholerae and wzzsf and wzzphs-2 of shigella flexneri) wzz genes. each gene was functional in the s. enterica serovar typhimurium host and specified production of o-antigen polymers with lengths ...200616547065
dendritic cells in the recognition of intestinal microbiota.mucosal dendritic cells (dcs) constantly survey the luminal microenvironment which contains commensal microbiota and potentially harmful organisms regulating pathogen recognition and adaptive as well as innate defense activation. distinct mechanisms are beginning to emerge by which intestinal antigen sampling and handling is achieved ensuring specificity and contributing to redundancy in pathogen detection. distinct dc subsets are associated with these mechanisms and regulate specific innate or ...200616548882
multiple promoters control expression of the yersinia enterocolitica phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon.the widely conserved phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon encodes an extracytoplasmic stress response system that is essential for virulence in yersinia enterocolitica, and has been linked to other important phenotypes in escherichia coli, salmonella enterica and shigella flexneri. regulation of pspa operon expression is mediated through a promoter upstream of pspa that depends on sigma factor rpon (sigma(54)) and the enhancer binding protein pspf. pspa, pspb and pspc, encoded within the pspa ope ...200616549664
development of a hybrid shiga holotoxoid vaccine to elicit heterologous protection against shiga toxins types 1 and 2.the hemolytic uremic syndrome is a life-threatening sequela that occurs after infection with shiga toxin (stx)-producing escherichia coli (stec) or shigella dysenteriae type 1, and stx is responsible for initiating this syndrome. an stec isolate can express stx1, stx2, or both, but antisera to stx1 and stx2 are not cross-neutralizing. to produce a single vaccine candidate against both toxins, we created a genetic toxoid that contained the enzymatically-inactivated stxa2 subunit and the native st ...200616551486
shia abrogates the innate t-cell response to shigella flexneri infection.shigella spp. are the causative agent of bacillary dysentery. infection results in acute colonic injury due to the host inflammatory response. the mediators of the damage, infiltrating polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn), also resolve the infection. shigella flexneri's virulence effectors are encoded on its large virulence plasmid and on pathogenicity islands in the chromosome. the shi-2 pathogenicity island encodes the virulence factor shia, which down-regulates shigella-induced inflammation. in ...200616552062
immunocapture uppcr combined with dgge for rapid detection of shigella develop an immunocapture universal primer pcr (iuppcr) combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) and evaluate it as a method permitting rapid detection of shigella species and their serotypes.200616553735
exoproducts of the escherichia coli strain h22 inhibiting some enteric pathogens both in vitro and in vivo.the antagonistic activity of the escherichia coli strain h22 against enteric bacteria was studied both in vitro and in vivo.200616553738
construction of a multivalent vaccine strain of shigella flexneri and evaluation of serotype-specific immunity.shigella flexneri causes more fatalities by shigellosis than any other shigella species. there are 13 different serotypes of s. flexneri and their distribution varies between endemic geographical regions. the immune response against s. flexneri is serotype-specific, so current immunization strategies have required the administration of multiple vaccine strains to provide protection against multiple serotypes. in this study, we report the construction of a multivalent s. flexneri vaccine strain, ...200616553820
population-based incidence of infection with selected bacterial enteric pathogens in children younger than five years of age, 1996-1998.previous studies of bacterial enteric infections have suggested a disproportionate disease burden for children younger than 5 years of age.200616462289
new temperate dna phage bcp15 acts as a drug resistance vector.this study was designed to determine the role of a new temperate dna phage bcp15 in relation to drug resistance. the multidrug resistant shigella flexneri nk1925 was isolated from a patient of infectious diseases hospital, kolkata, india. this strain contained five plasmids ranging in size from 3 to 212 kb. after curing of five plasmids, this strain became sensitive to antibiotics. a plasmidless multidrug-resistant strain burkholderia cepacia dr11 was isolated during the survey of microorganisms ...200616463125
the use of fluoroquinolones in children.the fluoroquinolones are an important group of antibiotics widely used in the treatment of various infectious diseases in adults, as a result of an excellent spectrum of activity, good tissue penetration and convenient ways of administration. their use in children is limited as a result of possible fluoroquinolone-induced joint/cartilage toxicity observed mainly in juvenile animal studies.200616470165
bacterial invasin: structure, function, and implication for targeted oral gene delivery.the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal (gi) tract is the first line of defense against foreign pathogens and toxins ingested orally. the content of the gi tract is constantly being sampled by the immune system through specialized epithelial cells known as m-cells, which are present in the peyer's patches of the gut, providing a thin covering over lymphoid tissue. in this way, once a harmful entity is found an immune response can be activated to eliminate the threat. many bacterial pathogens ...200616472093
expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of mxih, a subunit of the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system needle.a monodisperse truncation mutant of mxih, the subunit of the needle from the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system (ttss), has been overexpressed and purified. crystals were grown of native and selenomethionine-labelled mxih(cdelta5) and diffraction data were collected to 1.9 a resolution. the crystals belong to space group c2, with unit-cell parameters a = 183.4, b = 28.1, c = 27.8 a, beta = 96.5 degrees. an anomalous difference patterson map calculated with the data from the semet-labell ...200616511329
a sitabcd homologue from an avian pathogenic escherichia coli strain mediates transport of iron and manganese and resistance to hydrogen operon encoding a member of the family of atp-binding cassette (abc) divalent metal ion transporters, homologous to salmonella enterica sitabcd, has been identified in the avian pathogenic escherichia coli (apec) strain chi7122. the sitabcd genes were located on the virulence plasmid papec-1, and were highly similar at the nucleotide level to the chromosomally encoded sitabcd genes present in shigella spp. a cloned copy of sitabcd conferred increased growth upon a siderophore-deficient e. col ...200616514154
is the enthesitis-related arthritis subtype of juvenile idiopathic arthritis a form of chronic reactive arthritis?enteric organisms are known to trigger reactive arthritis. the enthesitis-related arthritis (era) form of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (jia) clinically resembles reactive arthritis. therefore, we looked for a role of enteric bacteria in era.200616522678
thermal inactivation of water-borne pathogenic and indicator bacteria at sub-boiling temperatures.the use of harvested rainwater in domestic hot water systems can result in optimised environmental and economic benefits to urban water cycle management, however, the water quality and health risks of such a scenario have not been adequately investigated. thermal inactivation analyses were carried out on eight species of non-spore-forming bacteria in a water medium at temperatures relevant to domestic hot water systems (55-65 degrees c), and susceptibilities to heat stress were compared using d- ...200616524613
travellers' diarrhoea: contemporary approaches to therapy and prevention.travellers' diarrhoea remains a major public health problem, contributing to significant morbidity and disability. because bacterial enteropathogens cause a majority of this form of diarrhoea, antibacterial drugs are effective when used in chemoprophylaxis or for empirical treatment.a review of the medline listings for travellers' diarrhoea for the past 4 years was conducted; a library of >1,000 scientific articles on the topic was also considered in developing this review. persons who travel fr ...200616526819
enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences in escherichia coli: evolution and implications for eric-pcr.enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences are 127-bp imperfect palindromes that occur in multiple copies in the genomes of enteric bacteria and vibrios. here we investigate the distribution of these elements in the complete genome sequences of nine escherichia coli (including shigella species) strains. there is a significant tendency for copies to be adjacent to more highly expressed genes. there is considerable variation among strains with respect to the presence of an el ...200616533821
[primarily study on a multiplex pcr-based system for the rapid detection of salmonella spp., shigella spp. and escherichia coli o157:h7].to establish a multiplex pcr-based system for the simultaneous detection of salmonella spp., shigella spp. and escherichia coli 0157:h7 in 12 hours.200516535845
direct immunofluorescence assay for rapid environmental detection of vibrio cholerae immunofluorescence assay for direct detection of v. cholerae o1 was developed using polyclonal antibodies raised against outer membrane proteins (omps) of v. cholerae o1. production of omps varied with growth media used; maximum production was found in tryptic soy broth. the detection system was specific because no cross-reactivity was observed with other bacteria including v. cholerae o139, e. coli, s. dysenteriae and salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhi. the technique was able ...200516475506
preparation, crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from shigella flexneri 2a.diadenosine tetraphosphate (ap4a) hydrolase (ec hydrolyzes ap4a symmetrically in prokaryotes. it plays a potential role in organisms by regulating the concentration of ap4a in vivo. to date, no three-dimensional structures of proteins with significant sequence homology to this protein have been determined. the 31.3 kda ap4a hydrolase from shigella flexneri 2a has been cloned, expressed and purified using an escherichia coli expression system. crystals of ap4a hydrolase have been obtain ...200516511239
aerobic heterotrophic bacterial diversity in sediments of rajakkamangalam estuary, south west coast of india.the abundance of aerobic heterotrophic bacterial population in the sediment sample of six experimental stations (s1 to s6) at rajakkamangalam estuary was studied for a period of one year from march, 1998 to february, 1999. the important bacterial genera encountered were pseudomonas, bacillus, vibrio, escherichia, micrococcus, enterobacter, salmonella, aeromonas, shigella, klebsiella, proteus, alkaligenes, staphylococcus, citrobacter and flavobacterium. the bacterial population based on numerical ...200516459565
anti-bacterial alkaloids of saracococca saligna.the crude ethanolic extract of saracococca saligna was found to be cytotoxic and antibacterial but produced no platelet aggregation induced by adp. antibacterial activity of two known alkaloid, pachyaximine-a and saracodine was determined. pachyaximine-a possessed significant antibacterial activity against escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium diphtheriae and corynebacterium pyrogenes. saracodme showed moderate activity against staphylococcus pyrogenes, escherichia coli, staph ...200516431389
erythromycin synergism with essential and trace order to establish the role of various essential and trace element complexation on the antibacterial activity of various macrolide antibiotics, the synergistic or antagonistic behavior of erythromycin metal complexes have been studied and compared with the parent drug. metal complexes of erythromycin with magnesium, calcium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc and cadmium have been investigated for their antibacterial activity and compared with erythromycin by observing th ...200516431396
detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic bacteria by hybridization to oligonucleotide detect the common intestinal pathogenic bacteria quickly and accurately.200516437687
cephalosporin resistant shigella flexneri from a clinical isolate--a rare finding.shigellosis is an important public health problem, especially in developing countries. antibiotic treatment of dysentery aimed at resolving diarrhea or reducing its duration, and to prevent transmission to other close contacts. isolates with resistance to first line drugs have been reported throughout world, third generation cephalosporins and quinolones are mainstay of treatment. shigella flexneri resistant to third generation cephalosporins in a clinical isolate is a rare finding, and this has ...200516438280
sepsis caused by food-borne infection with escherichia coli.we report a case of sepsis caused by escherichia coli (e. coli) of serotype o-143. a 78-year-old man developed symptoms of gastroenteritis after ingesting raw meat on noodles. he rapidly developed respiratory failure. blood culture grew e. coli. the sepsis seemed to have directly spread from a food-borne infection. the development of primary sepsis after ingesting e. coli is very rare. we suspect that bacterial translocation played a major role. serotype o-143 is recognized in enteroinvasive e. ...200516415557
[the colicynogenic activity and anthibiotic sensitivity of collected and newly isolated strains of shigella flexneri and shigella sonnei].among the collection strains of s. flexneri 10.5; 5.5; 2.6; 2.6 and 7.9% of strains were resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline, ceftryaxon, cefasoline, chloramphenycol, respectively. the maximum number of r-determinants of one strain was 4. the strains resistant to cefalosporynes were not revealed; among newly isolated strains of this agent, these strains resistant to ampicilline, tetracycline and chloramphenycol made 20%. among the collection and newly isolated strains of s. flexneri, isolated ...200516396114
immunoproteomics of membrane proteins of shigella flexneri 2a screen the immunogenic membrane proteins of shigella flexneri 2a 2457t.200516425402
re-emergence of multi-drug resistant shigella dysenteriae with added resistance to ciprofloxacin in north india & their plasmid profiles.multi drug resistant shigellae pose a major threat in control of shigellosis with. shigella dysenteriae being the most prevalent species at our centre before 1994. a gradual decrease in s. dysenteriae occurred over the years with a corresponding increase in s. flexneri which became the predominant serotype. from may to november 2003, an increase in number of patients admitted with clinical diagnosis of dysentery was noted in comparison to previous years, with a corresponding increase in the isol ...200516394329
shigella dysenteriae type 1-induced diarrhea in rats.with the aim of setting up an animal model of shigella dysenteriae-induced diarrhea, wistar rats received per os increasing densities of s. dysenteriae type 1 (sd1). inoculum of 12 x 10(8) sd1 provoked dysenteric diarrhea within 24 h. feces of healthy rats were molded, brown to black and rough. rats developing diarrhea presented blood at the anal orifice; stools were soft or liquid containing mucus, or molded, smooth and mucus-coated. at times, stools appeared longer, dark and shiny due to the p ...200516377862
antibiotic principles from a streptomyces species and their sub-acute toxicity studies on hepatic, renal and haemopoietic system of rats.two promising antibiotics, jf-a and jf-b were isolated from the chloroform extract of a banglaeshi streptomyces strain. the mean zones of inhibition produced by the chloroform extract (400 microg/disc), jf-a (200 microg/disc) and jf-b (200 microg/disc) against 19 pathogenic bacteria were found to be 9-50, 12-38 and 10-41 mm while those produced by a standard antibiotic, kanamycin were 11-40 mm at 30 microg/disc. mics of jf-a and jf-b were determined to be 64 microg/ml against bacillus subtilis a ...200516380336
new vaccines against enteric bacteria for children in less developed countries.diarrheal diseases represent a major threat to infant survival in less developed countries. a real opportunity now exists to help alleviate this problem through the development of safe and effective multicomponent whole-bacterial cell vaccine(s) against enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and shigella, two important pathogens for which no licensed vaccine exists. what is preventing realization of this achievement is a lack of focus on the unique needs of children in less developed countries, along ...200516372876
detection and isolation method for bacterial lysozyme inhibitors by use of lysozyme affinity chromatography. 200516366278
a ph dependent mechanism for inactivation of gram-negative bacteria by hen egg white and lambda lysozymes under high pressure. 200516366309
[symptoms of food-borne diseases and gastroenteritis in kyushu, japan].in this study we analyzed the symptoms of gastroenteritis or food-borne disease caused by the 10 most prevalent pathogens: norovirus, salmonella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter jejuni, clostridium perfringens, shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec), enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec), shigella sonnei/flexneri (shigella), staphylococcus aureus, and emetic-type bacillus cereus. the symptoms diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, and headache, and the incubation period in 646 cases i ...200516366357
evolution of foodborne pathogens via temperate bacteriophage-mediated gene transfer.temperate bacteriophages have always been central to the evolution of bacteria, although their importance has been consistently underestimated compared to transformation and conjugation. in the last 20 years, as more gene and genome sequences have become available and researchers have more accurately determined bacteriophage populations in the environment, we are gaining a clearer picture of their role in the past and potential role in the future. the transductive and lysogenic capacities of thi ...200516366852
the utility of lactoferrin in differentiating parasitic from bacterial infections.lactoferrin is an iron binding glycoprotein found in the 2ry granules of pmn. in order to determine the usefulness of such marker for neutrophilic activity in differentiating cases suffering from amoebic and bacillary dysentery, schistosoma and bacterial uti infections, we examined stool and urine specimens using anti-lactoferrin antibodies (lactoferrin latex agglutination test: lfla), compared with different standard gold techniques. our results demonstrated that cases with either shigllosis or ...200516363291
[alibi verification and the pcr method to estimate the source of epidemic for a few notified cases of s. sonnei].a few culture-confirmed cases of s. sonnei have been notified from korean hospitals. the source of epidemic can't be firmly determined in such cases because of the rarity of this illness in the local communities and the timing of the outbreaks. the objective of this study is to estimate the source of epidemic by investigating the patients' lifestyles.200516358827
carriage by the housefly (musca domestica) of multiple-antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are potentially pathogenic to humans, in hospital and other urban environments in misurata, libya.using standard microbiological procedures, bacteria that are potentially pathogenic to humans were isolated from 150 houseflies collected in the libyan city of misurata (50 flies each from the central hospital, streets and abattoir). salmonella spp., yersinia enterocolitica and edwardsiella tarda were isolated from flies collected on the streets and in the abattoir but not from those collected in the hospital. shigella sonnei was detected in just one fly, which was collected in the abattoir. of ...200516297293
identification of core and variable components of the salmonella enterica subspecies i genome by microarray.we have performed microarray hybridization studies on 40 clinical isolates from 12 common serovars within salmonella enterica subspecies i to identify the conserved chromosomal gene pool. we were able to separate the core invariant portion of the genome by a novel mathematical approach using a decision tree based on genes ranked by increasing variance. all genes within the core component were confirmed using available sequence and microarray information for s. enterica subspecies i strains. the ...200516299280
community-based safety, immunogenicity, and transmissibility study of the shigella sonnei wrss1 vaccine in israeli volunteers.we describe the first community-based evaluation of shigella sonnei strain wrss1, a live, oral candidate vaccine attenuated by a 212-bp deletion in the virg (or icsa) plasmid virulence gene. three single-dose regimens of wrss1 (5 x 10(3) cfu, 2 x 10(4) cfu, and 4 x 10(5) cfu) were tested with cohorts of 15 adult volunteers. the vaccine was generally well tolerated at the 10(3)- and 10(4)-cfu doses. there were no fevers and there was one report of moderate diarrhea in 30 vaccinees; five additiona ...200516299296
shiga toxin 2 and lipopolysaccharide induce human microvascular endothelial cells to release chemokines and factors that stimulate platelet function.shiga toxins (stxs) produced by shigella dysenteriae type 1 and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli are the most common cause of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (hus). it is well established that vascular endothelial cells, mainly those located in the renal microvasculature, are targets for stxs. the aim of the present research was to evaluate whether e. coli-derived shiga toxin 2 (stx2) incubated with human microvascular endothelial cells (hmec-1) induces release of chemokines and other factors that m ...200516299328
flashlights on bacterial virulence proteins. 200516299473
secretion of type iii effectors into host cells in real time.type iii secretion (t3s) systems are key features of many gram-negative bacteria that translocate t3s effector proteins directly into eukaryotic cells. there, t3s effectors exert many effects, such as cellular invasion or modulation of host immune responses. studying spatiotemporal orchestrated secretion of various effectors has been difficult without disrupting their functions. here we developed a new approach using shigella flexneri t3s as a model to investigate bacterial translocation of indi ...200516299482
ready-to-eat shrimp as an international vehicle of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.the occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in foods of animal origin is a potential health threat because resistance can be transferred among bacteria, and antibiotic-resistant pathogens may not respond to antibiotic treatments. thirteen brands of ready-to-eat shrimp representing four countries of origin were obtained from local grocery stores. total heterotrophic plate counts were determined, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria were isolated. total heterotrophic colony counts ranged from 3.3 ...200516300079
pneumonia complicating shigella sonnei dysentery in an hiv-infected adult hiv-1-infected adult presented with a short history of dyspnoea, productive cough and myalgia with fever. shortly after presentation, he developed the abrupt onset of high-volume watery diarrhoea: stool culture grew shigella sonnei. at the same time, he became hypoxaemic, and thoracic imaging showed bilateral lower lobe consolidation/collapse. culture of sputum and blood was negative. the patient recovered with fluid resuscitation and ciprofloxacin monotherapy. this is the first reported case ...200516303074
purification and preliminary crystallographic studies of cutc, a novel copper homeostasis protein from shigella flexneri.cutc is a novel copper homeostasis protein containing 248 amino acids. here we report the cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of cutc from shigella flexneri 2a. purification of cutc and its selenomethionine (semet) derivate were done using immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, size-exclusion and ion-exchange chromatography. the purified proteins were crystallized using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method. the diffraction ...200516305556
analysis of the mechanisms of resistance to several antimicrobial agents in shigella spp. causing travellers' diarrhoea.eighty isolates of shigella spp. (37 shigella flexneri and 43 shigella sonnei) from patients with travellers' diarrhoea were studied. susceptibility tests revealed high levels of resistance, especially to ampicillin (65%), tetracycline (78%) and trimethoprim (75%), and particularly among the s. flexneri isolates. dihydrofolate reductase 1 genes (dfra1) were prevalent among the trimethoprim-resistant isolates, while oxa genes predominated among the ampicillin-resistant isolates. chloramphenicol r ...200516307563
[significance of determination of shigella antibiotic resistance in bacteriological diagnosis of dysentery].the results of the shigella antibiotic susceptibility assay within 1995-2002 are presented. 1472 cultures from 1158 patients with intestinal infections and bacteria carriers were isolated. the isolates were tested for their susceptibility to tetracycline, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, ampicillin and ofloxacin. it was shown that s. flexneri and s. sonnei were resistant to tetracycline. the s. flexneri isolates were highly resistant to chloramphenicol (73.3 to 96.0%) while resistance to ...200516308937
etiology of childhood diarrhea in zliten, determine the etiological agents of diarrhea in children from a small semi-urban city in libya and the association of age, gender, seasonal variation, breast-feeding, source of water for drinking, or antibiotic use with the isolation of enteropathogens and whether such agents are community or hospital acquired.200516311662
fur regulates acid resistance in shigella flexneri via ryhb and ydep.shigella flexneri requires iron for survival, and the genes for iron uptake and homeostasis are regulated by the fur protein. microarrays were used to identify genes regulated by fur and to study the physiological effects of iron availability in s. flexneri. these assays showed that the expression of genes involved in iron acquisition and acid response was induced by low-iron availability and by inactivation of fur. a fur null mutant was acid sensitive in media at ph 2.5, and acid sensitivity wa ...200516313621
[changing patterns of communicable diseases in korea].before twentieth centuries and during early twentieth centuries, communicable diseases were the major cause of morbidity and mortality in korea. but reliable data are not available. after 1975, the overall morbidity and mortality from communicable diseases, rapidly declined. recently many new pathogenic microbes were recognized: l. monocytogenes, hantaan virus, y. pseudotuberculosis, p. multocida, l. pneumophilia, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), g. seoi, h. capsulatum, c. burnetii, v. choler ...200516315747
[epidemiologic investigation on sporadic occurrence of shigellosis in a subcounty of cheongwon county in chungbuk province in 2003].this study was undertaken to investigate the source of infection and mode of transmission of shigellosis, which occurred sporadically among residents and students in a subcounty of cheongwon county, chungbuk province, korea, from june 4 to july 3 2003.200516315756
[epidemiologic investigation on an outbreak of shigellosis in seongju-gun, korea, 2003].an outbreak of shigellosis occurred among students and staff of s primary and middle school, seongju-gun, in 2003. this investigation was carried out to institute an effective counterplan, and study the infection source and transmission of the shigellosis.200516315757
detection of cryptosporidium in immunosuppressed patients.cryptosporidium is an important cause of diarrhoeal disease in children and immunosuppressed persons. it is an opportunistic pathogen. a study was done to determine the frequency of cryptosporidium in immunosuppressed persons.200516320794
use of ramification amplification assay for detection of escherichia coli o157:h7 and other e. coli shiga toxin-producing strains.escherichia coli o157:h7 and other shiga toxin-producing e. coli (stec) strains are important human pathogens that are mainly transmitted through the food chain. these pathogens have a low infectious dose and may cause life-threatening illnesses. however, detection of this microorganism in contaminated food or a patient's stool specimens presents a diagnostic challenge because of the low copy number in the sample. often, a more sensitive nucleic acid amplification method, such as pcr, is require ...200516333102
in-vitro antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of cobalt (ii), copper (ii), nickel (ii) and zinc (ii) complexes of the antibiotic drug cephalothin (keflin).keflin (kefl) interacts with co(ii), cu(ii), ni(ii) and zn(ii) metal ions leading to complexes of the type m(kefl)2cl2 and m(kefl)cl2, which have been characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic methods. magnetic moment, ir, electronic spectral and elemental analyses data suggest that keflin behaves tridentately forming octahedral or trigonal bipyramidal complexes with the metal ions mentioned above. the new compounds have been screened in-vitro for antibacterial and cytotoxic activity ag ...200516335054
[construction and characterization of a live attenuated shigella flexneri 2a vaccine strain, sf301 delta virg and dsba33g].construction and characterization of a live attenuated shigella flexneria 2a sf301 vaccine strain to prevent the endemic of shigellosis. using chinese majority epidemic shigella flexneri 2a serotype sf301 as the target, p delta virg, a deletion derivation of the virg gene in the sacb suicide vector pcvd442 and pdsba33g, an mutant of a disulfide bond catalyst dsba, replaced its 33 amiano acid cystine by glycerin in pcvd442, were used to generate a attenuated mutant strain sf301: delta virg: dsba3 ...200516342769
quinine sulfate inhibits invasion of salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri: a preliminary study.the incidence of typhoid fever and shigellosis parallels that of malaria, so many individuals who are on antimalarial drugs can be found in areas where these diseases are widespread. we investigated the effect of quinine sulfate on the growth and invasion of salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri m90t to determine whether people on antimalarials can have secondary gain from some protection against typhoid fever and shigellosis.200516343387
comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of s. dysenteriae subgroup.genomic compositions of representatives of thirteen s. dysenteriae serotypes were investigated by performing comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) with microarray containing the whole genomic orfs (open reading frames, orfs) of e. coli k12 strain mg1655 and specific orfs of s. dysenteriae a1 strain sd51197. the cgh results indicated the genomes of the serotypes contain 2654 conserved orfs originating from e. coli. however, 219 intrinsic genes of e. coli including those prophage genes, molecula ...200516248434
the needle component of the type iii secreton of shigella regulates the activity of the secretion apparatus.gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with eukaryotic host cells by using type iii secretion systems (ttsss or secretons). ttsss serve to transfer bacterial proteins into host cells. two translocators, ipab and ipac, are first inserted with the aid of ipad by shigella into the host cell membrane. then at least two supplementary effectors of cell invasion, ipaa and ipgd, are transferred into the host cytoplasm. how ttsss are induced to secrete is unknown, but their activation appears to requir ...200516227202
the epidemiology of travel-associated shigellosis--regional risks, seasonality and give a detailed risk estimate of contracting travel-associated shigellosis in various regions of the world.200516230220
molecular markers for detection of pathogenic escherichia coli strains belonging to serogroups o 138 and o 139.escherichia coli strains belonging to o-serogroup 138 and 139 are important as disease agents in pigs causing post-weaning diarrhea and edema disease. several types of shiga toxin-producing o 138 and o 139 strains were isolated from diarrheic humans and from cattle and food of bovine origin. serotyping is the current method for detection of o 138 and o 139 strains but its applicability can be limited due to the presence of capsules and capsular-like bacterial surface antigens and in the case of ...200516280204
immunoproteomics of outer membrane proteins and extracellular proteins of shigella flexneri 2a 2457t.shigella flexneri 2a is an important pathogen causing bacillary dysentery in humans. in order to investigate any potential vaccine candidate proteins present in outer membrane proteins (omps) and extracellular proteins of s. flexneri 2a 2457t, we use the proteome mapping and database analyzing techniques. a subproteome map and database of omps were established first. one hundred and nine of the total 126 marked spots were cut out and processed to maldi-tof-ms and pmf. eighty-seven spots were ide ...200516281178
late detection of a shigellosis outbreak in a school in madrid.even though shigellosis in spain is rare, an indigenous outbreak is occasionally detected. we describe an outbreak in a school in madrid caused by person-to-person transmission of shigella sonnei. after the detection of shigella sonnei in a stool sample from a 3 year old girl, an investigation at her school was initiated. questionnaires were distributed to the parents of 520 pupils attending the school. a case was defined as a school case if it was the first case in a child's household, and as a ...200516282643
estimating the burden of shigellosis in thailand: 36-month population-based surveillance estimate incidence of shigellosis in the kaengkhoi district, saraburi province, thailand.200516283050
risk factors for mortality due to shigellosis: a case-control study among severely-malnourished children in determine the risk factors for death of severely-malnourished bangladeshi children with shigellosis, a case-control study was conducted at the clinical research and service centre of icddr,b: centre for health and population research in dhaka, bangladesh. one hundred severely-malnourished children (weight-for-age <60% of median of the national center for health statistics), with a positive stool culture for shigella dysenteriae type 1 or s. flexneri, who died during hospitalization, were comp ...200516262023
the mreb and min cytoskeletal-like systems play independent roles in prokaryotic polar differentiation.establishment of an axis of cell polarity and differentiation of the cell poles are fundamental aspects of cellular development in many organisms. we compared the effects of two bacterial cytoskeletal-like systems, the mreb and mincde systems, on these processes in escherichia coli. we report that the min proteins are capable of establishing an axis of oscillation that is the initial step in establishment of polarity in spherical cells, in a process that is independent of the mreb cytoskeleton. ...200516262780
construction of prophylactic human papillomavirus type 16 l1 capsid protein vaccine delivered by live attenuated shigella flexneri strain express human papillomavirus (hpv) l1 capsid protein in the recombinant strain of shigella and study the potential of a live attenuated shigella-based hpv prophylactic vaccine in preventing hpv infection, the icsa/virg fragment of shigella-based prokaryotic expression plasmid phs3199 was constructed. hpv type 16 l1 (hpv16l1) gene was inserted into plasmid phs3199 to form the phs3199-hpv16l1 construct, and phs3199-hpv16l1 was electroporated into a live attenuated shigella strain sh42. western ...200516270153
shigella flexneri perinephric abscess and bacteremia. 200516270768
peptidoglycan degradation by specialized lytic transglycosylases associated with type iii and type iv secretion systems.specialized lytic transglycosylases are muramidases capable of locally degrading the peptidoglycan meshwork of gram-negative bacteria. specialized lytic transglycosylase genes are present in clusters encoding diverse macromolecular transport systems. this paper reports the analysis of selected members of the specialized lytic transglycosylase family from type iii and type iv secretion systems. these proteins were analysed in vivo by assaying their ability to complement the dna transfer defect of ...200516272370
in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial action of tea: the commonest beverage of asia.the methanolic extract of leaves of camellia sinensis (l) o. kuntze was screened for antimicrobial property against 111 bacteria comprising 2 genera of gram positive and 7 genera of gram negative bacteria. most of these strains were inhibited by the compound at 10-50 microg/ml level and few strains were sensitive even at lower concentrations (5 microg/ml). the bacteria could be arranged in the decreasing order of sensitivity towards the compound in the following manner: staphylococcus aureus, vi ...200516272702
preparation of monoclonal antibody and development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for escherichia coli o157 in prepare monoclonal antibodies (mab) and antisera specific for escherichia coli (e. coli) o157, and to develop a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) to detect e. coli o157 in foods.200516274107
species diversity and antimicrobial resistance of shigella spp. isolated between 2001 and 2004 from hospitalized children with diarrhoea in kolkata (calcutta), india.the incidence, phenotypic characteristics and antimicrobial resistance patterns of 193 shigella strains isolated from 2489 hospitalized children with acute diarrhoea were studied during january 2001 to august 2004. s. flexneri (60%) was the most prevalent serogroup, followed by s. sonnei (23.8%), s. dysenteriae (9.8%) and s. boydii (5.7%). since 2002, s. flexneri 2a was the most dominant serotype. almost all s. flexneri strains exhibited resistance to ampicillin, co-trimoxazole, tetracycline, na ...200516274506
genome dynamics and diversity of shigella species, the etiologic agents of bacillary dysentery.the shigella bacteria cause bacillary dysentery, which remains a significant threat to public health. the genus status and species classification appear no longer valid, as compelling evidence indicates that shigella, as well as enteroinvasive escherichia coli, are derived from multiple origins of e.coli and form a single pathovar. nevertheless, shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 causes deadly epidemics but shigella boydii is restricted to the indian subcontinent, while shigella flexneri and shigel ...200516275786
the burden of diarrhoea, shigellosis, and cholera in north jakarta, indonesia: findings from 24 months preparation of vaccines trials to estimate protection against shigellosis and cholera we conducted a two-year community-based surveillance study in an impoverished area of north jakarta which provided updated information on the disease burden in the area.200516242013
functional effects of japanese style fermented soy sauce (shoyu) and its components.the functional effects of japanese style fermented soy sauce (shoyu) have been studied. soy sauce promotes digestion, because the consumption of a cup of clear soup containing soy sauce enhances gastric juice secretion in humans. soy sauce possesses antimicrobial activity against bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, shigella flexneri, vibrio cholera, salmonella enteritidis, nonpathogenic escherichia coli and pathogenic e. coli o157:h7. soy sauce also contains an antihypertensive component. an ...200516243270
helical packing of needles from functionally altered shigella type iii secretion systems.gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with eukaryotic host cells using type iii secretion systems (ttsss or secretons), which comprise cytoplasmic, transmembrane and extracellular domains. the extracellular domain is a hollow needle-like structure protruding 60 nm beyond the bacterial surface. the ttss is activated to transfer bacterial proteins directly into a host cell only upon physical contact with the target cell. we showed previously that the monomer of the shigella flexneri needle, mxi ...200516243352
characterization of microorganisms in argentinean honeys from different sources.seventy polyfloral honeys including commercial samples obtained from supermarkets, harvested from apiaries and purchased in bulk were initially examined for total antibacterial activity. from each sample, numbers of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, total coliforms, moulds and yeasts were determined and the presence of salmonella spp., shigella spp., clostridium sulfite-reducers, paenibacillus larvae and bacillus spp. was investigated. moisture content, ph and total acidity were also determined for a ...200516169624
in-vitro antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities of some coumarins and their metal complexes.a series of new antibacterial and antifungal coumarin-derived compounds and their transition metal complexes [cobalt (ii), copper (ii), nickel (ii) and zinc (ii)] have been synthesized, characterized and screened for their in vitro antibacterial activity against escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus mirabilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella typhi, shigella dysenteriae, bacillus cereus, corynebacterium diphtheriae, staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes bacterial strains ...200516206827
identification of the plasmid and the structural gene of colicin type 7 of shigella sonnei.shigella sonnei colicin 7 (scol7) is a unique bacteriocin acting only on certain dysentery-causing bacteria, like enteroinvasive escherichia coli, s. sonnei or s. boydii. we identified a 4.2 md plasmid (pscol7) conferring scol7 production to the transformants. the entire plasmid was sequenced (gene bank accession number aj318075) and the structure gene of scol7 production (sc7a) was identified. analyzing the sequence of the plasmid revealed extensive homology to other colicin plasmids, particula ...200516196210
abl kinases regulate actin comet tail elongation via an n-wasp-dependent pathway.microbial pathogens have evolved diverse strategies to modulate the host cell cytoskeleton to achieve a productive infection and have proven instrumental for unraveling the molecular machinery that regulates actin polymerization. here we uncover a mechanism for shigella flexneri-induced actin comet tail elongation that links abl family kinases to n-wasp-dependent actin polymerization. we show that the abl kinases are required for shigella actin comet tail formation, maximal intracellular motilit ...200516199863
emergence of quinolone-resistant shigella dysenteriae type 1 in canada. 200516200675
the shigella flexneri effector ospg interferes with innate immune responses by targeting ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes.bacteria of shigella spp. are responsible for shigellosis in humans. they use a type iii secretion system to inject effector proteins into host cells and induce their entry into epithelial cells or trigger apoptosis in macrophages. we present evidence that the effector ospg is a protein kinase that binds various ubiquitinylated ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, including ubch5, which belongs to the stem cell factor scf(beta-trcp) complex promoting ubiquitination of phosphorylated inhibitor of nf-ka ...200516162672
a survey of antimicrobial resistance in a tertiary referral hospital in the united arab emirates.published data on antimicrobial resistance are lacking for the united arab emirates (uae). knowledge of local patterns of resistance is essential to optimize guidelines for empirical antimicrobial treatment. awareness of susceptibility patterns in other parts of the world may be important for determining empirical antimicrobial therapy for travelers or patients transferred from abroad. antibiograms from unique isolates of common hospital and community bacteria are described in a tertiary referra ...200516167515
genetic diversity of shigella species from different intercontinental hundred and twenty three strains of shigella spp. (mostly shigella sonnei and shigella flexneri) were isolated between 1995 and 2000 from patients suffering from traveller's diarrhoea. seventy nine of them have been typed by digestion of their chromosomal dna with xba i and pulsed field gel electrophoresis. results show a high degree of heterogeneity in both s. sonnei and s. flexneri isolates. this is the first time that the molecular typing of such a high number of geographically unrelated ...200516168941
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