
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
susceptibility of indian dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille) to insecticides. 19836674328
[presence, in ticks from the geneva region, of infective larvae which may be related to the dog filaria dipetalonema grassii].about forty infective filarial larvae were collected from rhipicephalus sanguineus (two ticks positive out of about 50 examined) living inside a house and presumably originally transported from the south of france or toscana. the larvae are of the genus dipetalonema; they are distinct from infective stages of the three most common european species, d. dracunculoides and d. reconditum from dogs and d. rugosicauda from roe deer. they may however be larvae of d. arassii (noé, 1907), a dog filarid w ...19826891996
anopheles stephensi and toxorhynchites amboinensis: aseptic rearing of mosquito larvae on cultured cells.aseptic larvae of anopheles stephensi and toxorhynchites amboinensis were reared on a continuous cell line (ru tae 12 v) from the mosquito, t. amboinensis, that grew in suspension as multicellular vesicles. surface-sterilized eggs were hatched in a 24-well plate containing 0.2 ml of leibovitz's l-15 medium per well and incubated in a humidified atmosphere. toxorhynchites amboinensis eggs of 36 hr or older were placed singly to assure hatching and avoid cannibalism. hatching rates were over 80%. ...19826129294
[transmission of babesia microti by nymphs of dermacentor marginatus, d. reticulatus, haemaphysalis punctata, rhipicephalus sanguineus and ixodes hexagonus]. 19827080616
the australian brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus as an experimental parasite of cattle and vector of anaplasma marginale.experiments were done to explore the possible relationship between cattle, australian dog ticks (rhipicephalus sanguineus) and anaplasma marginale. calves' ears were exposed to larval, nymphal and adult ticks on 8, 9 and 7 occasions, respectively. the immature instars fed readily, but the adults attached very poorly to calves. transtadial transmission of a. marginale was achieved on 6 occasions from 9 attempts: ticks infected as larvae or nymphs were able to transmit at the subsequent stage or s ...19827082237
change in weight and mortality rate of adult rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille, 1806 (ixodoidea : ixodidae) conditioned at different relative humidities. 19827086232
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xiv. the seasonal prevalence of rhipicephalus sanguineus and ctenocephalides spp. on kennelled dogs in pretoria north.the seasonal prevalence of rhipicephalus sanguineus and ctenocephalides spp. on kennelled dogs in pretoria north was determined by the regular examination of 3, initially, and later 2 dogs from march 1975--january 1977. once the ticks had become established in the kennel peak burdens of immature ticks (larvae plus nymphae) were present on the dogs during early summer 1975 and from midsummer--late summer 1976 and early midsummer 1976/77. peak numbers of adult ticks were present in midsummer 1975/ ...19827122067
prevalence of cattle ticks in morocco.during july 1980 the prevalence of cattle ticks was studied in 4 bioclimatic regions of morocco. all the 24 farms examined were infested. the mean number of ticks per animal varied from 6.5 to 36.3 in different regions. eight species of ticks were identified: hyalomma marginatum, h. detritum, h. lusitanicum, h. anatolicum, boophilus annulatus, rhipicephalus sanguineus, r. turanicus, r. bursa. numerically h. detritum (30.8%) h. marginatum (25.5%) and b. annulatus (29.2%) were most important. the ...19827123663
effect of medium supplements on tick cells in culture.the growth of tick cells in leibovitz's l--15 medium supplemented with various concentrations of fetal bovine serum (fbs), tryptose phosphate broth (tpb), and tick egg extract (tee) was evaluated using a protein assay. a continuous cell line from rhipicephalus appendiculatus (ra 243) was compared with young lines of cells isolated from embryos of r. appendiculatus (rae 25) and rhipicephalus sanguineus (rse 8). we found fetal bovine serum and tryptose phosphate broth both to be essential suppleme ...19827131199
immune serum transfer of cutaneous basophil-associated resistance to ticks: mediation by 7sigg1 antibodies.guinea pigs acquired resistance to amblyomma americanum larval ticks after one infestation, resulting in 46% tick rejection when challenged. intravenous transfer of immune serum from twice-infested hosts to naive animals conferred a significant level of immunity resulting in 18 to 30% tick rejection. the minimum effective dose of serum was 3 ml per recipient, and heating the serum at 56 degrees c for 4 hr had no effect on serum activity. fractionation of whole immune serum by gel filtration chro ...19827142697
scavenging dogs and the spread of tick infestation in nigeria.a dog, on whose body ticks were found early in january, 1977, was kept in the household during the night but allowed to scavenge during the day without the ticks being removed throughout the year. weekly counts of the number of different stages of ticks found on the body were made and the behaviour of the engorged dropped ones was studied. the preoviposition, oviposition and preeclosion periods of replete ticks were also studied. rhipicephalus sanguineus and haemaphysalis leachi leachi were the ...19827169311
observations on the epidemiology of house infesting rhipicephalus sanguineus in a household in lagos, nigeria. 19827186809
the temperature and humidity preferences of haemaphysalis longicornis, ixodes holocyclus and rhipicephalus sanguineus (ixodidae): studies on engorged larvae. 19817228486
observation on the saliva and salivary gland extract of haemaphysalis spinigera and rhipicephalus sanguineus sanguineus.intracutaneous injection of histamine acid phosphate (hap) and salivary gland extract (sge) of haemaphysalis spinigera and rhipicephalus sanguineus sanguineus into sensitized and nonsensitized rabbits previously injected intravenously with evans blue indicated that the ticks' saliva contained a pharmacodynamic substance in addition to having antigenic properties. a primary skin reaction in nonsensitized rabbits produced by this pharmacodynamic substance within 30 min was amplified by a more exte ...19817229815
[characteristics of the "tache noire" of boutonneuse fever].humans show little sensitivity to the bites of healthy rhipicephalus sanguineus and the skin lesion is extremely slight. the "tache noire" - innoculation eschar - corresponding to the infecting bite of the tick with r. conori is discussed and histopathological findings reported. the patient is frequently unaware of the eschar on his body and elements relating to the duration of the infecting bite are deduced. apart from its typical features, the tache noire may be very small, with surrounding hy ...19817254648
cutaneous basophil responses and immune resistance of guinea pigs to ticks: passive transfer with peritoneal exudate cells or serum.resistance to infestation by larval amblyomma americanum or rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks was transferred to naive guinea pigs with peritoneal exudate cells (pec) or serum from donors immunized by prior infestation with homologous tick larvae. in the a. americanum system, pec transfer induced 87% tick rejection, which was similar to the level of resistance in actively sensitized hosts. in the r. sanguineus system, pec conferred resistance (39% rejection) that was weaker than in actively sensiti ...19817299125
water vapour absorption and transpiration in the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus latr. (ixodidae, acarina). 19817299145
trials on cross-mating between three species of rhipicephalus sanguineus group (ixodoidea : ixodidae). 19817299168
a note on attachment sites of rhipicephalus sanguineus (lat.) (acarina) on indian hedgehog hemiechinus auritus collaris (gray) (insectivora : erinacidae). 19817343595
[the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille 1806 in the netherlands, an analysis of imported cases, including their veterinary and medical significance (author's transl)].eighteen cases of infestation with rhipicephalus sanguineus were reported during the past five years. of the cases, six were observed during the first seven months of 1979. of all infestations, four originated from sources within the territory of the netherlands. several cases of infestation with canine babesiosis were reported. there could have been a relationship between some of these cases and infestation with r. sanguineus. populations of this tick can survive and develop in dutch homes. for ...19807368198
rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille, the causative agent of foreign body in the ear: distribution on the body of dog. 19807420007
natural occurrence of coxiella burnetii in the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus. 19807191407
accidental importation of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus. 19806937810
[experimental transmission of canine babesiosis (babesia canis) by native german ticks: 1. the brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus) (author's transl)]. 1979374029
[case of mass infestation with mites of genus rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreile, 1806) in a warsaw apartment]. 1979516736
ehrlichiosis in wolves, dogs, and wolf-dog crosses.canine ehrlichiosis was diagnosed in wolves, dogs, and wolf-dog crosses at a small zoo in northcentral florida. five of 9 adult canids and all 8 pups confined to a common kennel died as a result of the infection. the epizootic was associated with a massive rhipicephalus sanguineus infestation. hematologic and pathologic findings in an adult wolf-dog cross that died were characteristic of canine ehrlichiosis. that animal and four other canids were seropositive for ehrlichia canis. no deaths occur ...1979521367
hosts of rhipicephalus sanguineus (acari: ixodidae) in northern mississippi, usa. 1979529267
[the experimental transmission of anaplasma marginale by the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus in australia]. 1979539952
[the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille, 1806) in germany, a problem in small animal practice]. 1979548027
[control of the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus l. in houses and stables]. 1979548028
epidemiology and control of anaplasmosis in australia.anaplasmosis occurs in those areas of northern and eastern australia infested by the cattle tick boophilus microplus but it has been studied intensively only in queensland. anaplasmosis is predominantly a disease of autumn and winter and of cattle greater than 1 year of age. the complement fixation test has been used in serological surveys of the tick-infested areas of the state. both clinical and subclinical infections occur only in tick-infested areas and they are both more frequent in bos tau ...1979553977
ultrastructure of rickettsia rhipicephali, a new member of the spotted fever group rickettsiae in tissues of the host vector rhipicephalus sanguineus.rickettsia rhipicephali is similar in ultrastructure to r. rickettsii while differing from other rickettsiae of the typhus group and of q fever and others by its lack of a prominently reticulated cytoplasmic matrix and in the thickness of the inner osmophilic layer of the cell wall. in tissues of the tick vector rhipicephalus sanguineus, r. rhipicephali had a mean length and width of 1.2 and 0.46 micrometer, respectively. it possessed a trilaminar cell wall with an adhering capsule-like layer. t ...1979570191
the temperature and humidity preferences of haemaphysalis longicornis, ixodes holocyclus and rhipicephalus sanguineus (ixodidae): studies on eggs. 1979571858
[attempts to infect rhipicephalus sanguineus (latr.) ticks with the rabies virus]. 1978672778
preparation of primary cultures of tick cells.primary cell cultures were prepared from preimaginal bodies from the nymphal ticks, rhipicephalus sanguineus, dermacentor andersoni, and amblyomma maculatum, and from the hemocytes of late-stage nymphal and adult ticks, ornithodoros coriaceus. the dissection methods for obtaining preimaginal bodies and hemocytes for culture are described. a culture mediu, designated rml 375, was used for both culture methods. primary cultures were established with minimal contamination. preimaginal body cultures ...1978697169
the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus and the dog as experimental hosts of ehrlichia rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks efficiently transmitted ehrlichia canis to susceptible dogs for 155 days after detachment as engorged nymphs from a dog in the acute phase of ehrlichiosis. adult ticks that had similarly engorged on a dog in the chronic phase of ehrlichiosis failed to transmit e canis to susceptible dogs. infected but unfed adult ticks may be of greater importance than the chronically infected carrier dog as a natural reservoir of e canis.1977596693
histamine blocking agent in the salivary gland homogenate of the tick rhipicephalus sanguineus sanguineus. 1977834285
possibilities of persistence in new biotopes of ticks imported by birds.survival and development of 6 tick species (hyalomma anatolicum, rhipicephalus sanguineus, haemaphysalis punctata, dermacentor marginatus, d. reticulatus and ixodes ricinus) were studied in 3 groups differing in the range of distribution with respect to the place of importation, as a model for the knowledge of their possible inclusion in the new local biocenosis during transportation by natural hosts.1977852771
changes in lymphatic fluid draining an area of inflammation induced by feeding rhipicephalus sanguineus (acarina: ixodidae) on the dog. 1976940125
development of ehrlichia canis, causative agent of canine ehrlichiosis, in the tick rhipicephalus sanguineus and its differentiation from a symbiotic rickettsia.certain aspects of the development of ehrlichia canis, causative agent of canine ehrlichiosis (tropical canine pancytopenia) in rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks were studied. it was found that partial feeding of nymphs infected as larvae with e canis was a desirable, if not necessary, preliminary treatment for successful infection of dogs with ground-up ticks. it remains unclear whether feeding increased the number or altered the virulence of ehrlichiae within tick tissues. ehrlichia canis organis ...1976944000
evaluation of the efficacy of fospirate-treated collars against the brown dog tick.experimental tick infestations on dogs were done to determine the initial kill and residual effectiveness of a 15% fospirate-treated plastic colar against the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille). the mean initial kill, determined 4 days after collar application (day 4), was 56.4%. the mean residual effectiveness of fospirate collars on test days 18, 33, 45, 61, 74, 88, and 112 was 89.1, 77.4, 89.5, 78.6, 73.2, 69.0, and 55.0% control, respectively.1976984550
extension of the range of rhipicephalus sanguineus in western australia. 19761016172
the first record of hunterellus hookeri parasitizing rhipicephalus sanguineus in indonesia. 19761025747
[new faunal and biological observations on ticks in abruzzo].ticks collected during the years 1975-76 in abruzzo (prov. l'aquila and chieti) italy are reported. the following species have been identified: ixodes canisuga, ixodes frontalis, ixodes hexagonus, ixodes ricinus, dermacentor marginatus, haemaphysalis sulcata, rhipicephalus bursa, rhipicephalus sanguineus, hyalomma marginatum. new hosts are: felis catus for ixodes canisuga; scolopax rusticola, motacilla flava, corvus cornix for ixodes frontalis; sciurus vulgaris for haemaphysalis punctata; garrul ...19761032325
rocky mountain spotted fever in mississippi: survey for spotted fever antibodies in dogs and for spotted fever group reckettsiae in dog ticks.during epidemiologic studies of rocky mountain spotted fever in mississippi in 1973, dogs were surveyed for antibodies tp spotted fever group antigens and for tick parasites infected with rickettsiae of the spotted fever group. fifty-three (46%) of 116 serum samples had complement-fixing antibody titers greater than or equal to 1:8 as compared to only one (5%) of 21 samples from a group of dogs obtained from metropolitan chicage. fifty-two per cent of the dogs tested from mississippi had microag ...1976814809
the control of ticks, fleas and lice on dogs by means of a sendran--impregnated collar.plastic collars impregnated with 9,4% sendran effectively controlled adult rhipicephalus sanguineus for a period of 49 days and immature ticks for a period possibly in excess of 70 days when fitted to four dogs. four uncollared dogs served as controls. although flea burdens were extremely low the collars were apparently effective for a period in excess of 70 days. a medicated collar killed all the ticks, fleas and lice on a severely parasited dog within a period of 48 hours.19761263190
letter: the brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus) on an imported dog. 19751060961
transmission of ehrlichia canis to dogs by ticks (rhipicephalus sanguineus).two strains of rhipicephalus sanguineus acquired ehrlichia canis by feeding as either larvae or nymphs on acutely infected dogs and, in subsequent instars, transmitted the agent to normal dogs. three strains of r sanguineus transmitted e canis as adults after their larval and nymphal stages fed on infected dogs. more than 400 adult female ticks were fed on infected dogs as larvae or nymphs or both, but none transmitted e canis transovarially.19751147359
rhipicephalus sanguineus: vector of a new spotted fever group rickettsia in the united states.a rickettsia related to but distinct from the spotted fever agent, rickettsia rickettsii, has been detected in 167 (18.9%) of 884 rhipicephalus sanguineus taken off dogs in central and northern mississippi. the organisms could readily be isolated in male meadow voles (microtus pennsylvanicus), where it produced massive infections in the tissues of tunica vaginalis. it was practically nonpathogenic for male guinea pigs, although inoculation of these animals with infected tunica vaginalis of voles ...1975806533
rocky mountain spotted fever (tick-borne typhus) in south carolina: an educational program and tick/rickettsial survey in 1973 and 1974.because the incidence of spotted fever is increasing in south carolina, campaigns were carried out in 1973 and 1974 to provide the public and medical practitioners, through pamphlets and news media, with information about spotted fever and the ticks which transmit the causative agent, rickettsia rickettsii. people were also invited to save and submit live ticks removed from vegetation, animals and humans, for examination by the hemolymph test. a total of 1,186 ticks consisting of 987 dermacentor ...1975811127
testing acaricide susceptibility of the brown dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille, 1806). ii teabag method. 19744220144
morphological variability, host range and distribution of ticks of the rhipicephalus sanguineus complex in israël. 19744440994
rhipicephalus sanguineus: sequential histopathology at the host-arthropod interface. 19744846421
transmission of haemobartonella canis by the dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus. 19734736045
[epizootics due to rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille 1806) in germany]. 19734751659
fumigants for quarantine control of the adult brown dog tick: laboratory studies. 19734770951
testing acaricide susceptibility of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille, 1806), with a disposable pipette method. 19734213418
insecticides tested for control of nymphal brown dog ticks by the "tea-bag" technique. 19725008960
hormonal rupture of larval diapause in the tick rhipicephalus sanguineus (lat.). 19725045164
[immune reaction in rabbits and guinea pigs during repeated feeding on them of ixodid ticks rhipicephalus sanguineus (latr., 1806)]. 19725055829
cytogenetics of ticks (acari: txodoidea). 9. chromosomes of rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille) and effects of gamma radiation on spermatogenesis. 19725057239
survival of rickettsia conori in nymphal rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks at different temperatures. 19715159249
rhipicephalus sanguineus: amino acid composition of egg shell. 19715167722
changing infestation rates of rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille) (ixodidae) ticks on dogs on singapore island, 1965-1966. 19715554999
neutrophils: their role in the formation of a tick feeding lesion.dogs infested with adtult rhipicephalus sanguineus were given nitrogen mustard to reduce leukocyte numbers. in the treated animals the tick lesions were insignificant, lacking the collagen destruiction found in untreated hosts, bitt the ticks engorged normally. feeding results from tick secretions causing vascitlar trauima and is independent of tissute damage associated with inflammatory responses.19705411168
[existence of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus, in denmark]. 19705468580
mechanical removal of rhipicephalus sanguineus from the dog. 19685691640
[distribution and biology of tick rhipicephalus sanguineus latr. in the crimea]. 19685734364
[on the occurrence of rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille 1806) in germany]. 19685756446
comparative changes in external respiration rates of engorged rhipicephalus sanguineus female ticks with age and oviposition in different physical environments. 19685757660
physical and biological factors affecting the longevity and oviposition of engorged rhipicephalus sanguineus female ticks. 19676022398
isolation of a virus (wad medani) from rhipicephalus sanguineus collected in sudan. 19665901632
[on the tick rhipicephalus sanguineus latr.--the vector of marseilles fever]. 19664241249
[some experiments onthepossible role as virus transmittor and reservoir of the tick rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille in myxomatosis]. 196113869785
brown dog tick. 195813522465
the insecticide-resistance problem: a review of developments in 1956 and 1957.the author reviews the growth of the insecticide-resistance problem throughout the world during the period between july 1956 and november 1957, and the developments in research on the subject during the same period.three new resistant species have been discovered-anopheles subpictus, chrysomyia putoria and rhipicephalus sanguineus-and eight new types of resistance in already resistant species have been observed. moreover, the geographical area covered by certain resistant insect populations has ...195813536795
[various biological data on rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille, 1806, transmitter of spotted fever in north & northeast mexico]. 195613453996
the isolation of coxiella burnetii from rhipicephalus sanguineus on naturally infected dogs. 195313022569
transmission of a nuttallia of a gerbil by rhipicephalus sanguineus. 195214929242
spontaneous infection of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus with coxiella burnetii. 194918148515
the white rat and guinea pig as hosts for the larvae of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus. 194720271946
the brown dog tick, with special reference to its control and eradication. 194521009482
the ticks of rodents and their nests, and the discovery that rhipicephalus sanguineus latr. is the vector of tropical typhus in kenya. 193520475254
the distribution of rickettsia in the tissues of insects and the absence of a satisfactory definition of rickettsia the observations herein recorded were arbitrarily limited to bacterium-like organisms which are intracellular and gram-negative. rickettsia of this type were found in the following species: amblyomma americana, amblyomma hebraeum, boophilus decoloratus, atomus sp., casinaria infesta, chrysopa oculata, ctenocephalus canis, dermacentor variabilis, lepisma saccharina, lucoppia curviseta, margaropus annulatus, margaropus annulatus australis, ...192319868737
single genotype of anaplasma phagocytophilum identified from ticks, camargue, france. 023697386
rickettsia monacensis as cause of mediterranean spotted fever-like illness, italy. 022469314
mitochondrial genomes suggest that hexapods and crustaceans are mutually paraphyletic.for over a century the relationships between the four major groups of the phylum arthropoda (chelicerata, crustacea, hexapoda and myriapoda) have been debated. recent molecular evidence has confirmed a close relationship between the crustacea and the hexapoda, and has included the suggestion of a paraphyletic hexapoda. to test this hypothesis we have sequenced the complete or near-complete mitochondrial genomes of three crustaceans (parhyale hawaiensis, squilla mantis and triops longicaudatus), ...016024395
in vitro effect of the ethanolic extract of tephrosia vogelii on rhipicephalus sanguineus in abomey-calavi.ticks are vectors of several diseases, of which many are zoonosis transmissible to humans. the use of tephrosia leafs' extract as a low cost acaricide is spreading among farmers in central kenya.026101758
high prevalence of rickettsia africae variants in amblyomma variegatum ticks from domestic mammals in rural western kenya: implications for human health.tick-borne spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsioses are emerging human diseases caused by obligate intracellular gram-negative bacteria of the genus rickettsia. despite being important causes of systemic febrile illnesses in travelers returning from sub-saharan africa, little is known about the reservoir hosts of these pathogens. we conducted surveys for rickettsiae in domestic animals and ticks in a rural setting in western kenya. of the 100 serum specimens tested from each species of domestic r ...025325312
genome sequence of rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis, the agent of israeli spotted fever.rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis is the agent of israeli spotted fever. the present study reports the draft genome of rickettsia conorii subsp. israelensis strain istt cdc1, isolated from a rhipicephalus sanguineus tick collected in israel.022933760
anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in domestic animals in ten provinces/cities of china.a nationwide epidemiologic investigation of domestic animal infections has been conducted in nine provinces and one city during 2007-2010. serum samples from a total of 707 goats, 433 cattle, and 219 dogs were collected for detecting anaplasma phagocytophilum igg antibody by immunofluorescence assays and the average seroprevalences were 10.05% for dogs, 3.82% for goats, and 0.69% for cattle, respectively. a total of 472 goats, 201 cattle, 102 dog blood clots, and 1,580 ticks were collected for p ...022764312
asymptomatic petechial eruption on the lower legs.the authors report an unusual case of rocky mountain spotted fever that presented as an asymptomatic petechial eruption on the lower legs. rocky mountain spotted fever is rare in new england and, as such, is typically not on the differential diagnosis when presented with such patients. what began as an asymptomatic eruption progressed to more classic signs of the disease, including a positive rocky mountain spotted fever titer. the patient was successfully treated with doxycydine and within a sh ...024062875
genome sequence of rickettsia conorii subsp. indica, the agent of indian tick typhus.rickettsia conorii subsp. indica is the agent of indian tick typhus. the present study reports the draft genome of rickettsia conorii subsp. indica strain ittr (atcc vr-597).022628514
spotted fever group rickettsiae in questing ticks, central spain. 023763913
transovarial transmission of babesia ovis by rhipicephalus sanguineus and hyalomma marginatum.rhipicephalus sanguineus and hyalomma marginatum are the most common species in sheep herds in northeast of iran. there is preliminary evidence that these species may be the vectors of babesia ovis in iran. we carried out two experiments in mashhad area, khorasan razavi province to determine whether b. ovis could be transovarially transmitted by r. sanguineus and h. marginatum.022347253
fatal monocytic ehrlichiosis in woman, mexico, 2013.human monocytic ehrlichiosis is a febrile illness caused by ehrlichia chaffeensis, an intracellular bacterium transmitted by ticks. in mexico, a case of e. chaffeensis infection in an immunocompetent 31-year-old woman without recognized tick bite was fatal. this diagnosis should be considered for patients with fever, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated liver enzyme levels.027088220
molecular investigation of hemotropic mycoplasmas in human beings, dogs and horses in a rural settlement in southern brazil.the aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of hemoplasmas in a rural brazilian settlement's population of human beings, their dogs and horses, highly exposed to tick bites; to identify the tick species parasitizing dogs and horses, and analyze factors associated with their infection. blood samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were screened using a pan-hemoplasma sybr green real-time pcr assay followed by a species-specific taqman real-time pcr. a total of 59/132 (44.7%) d ...026422162
morphology, epidemiology, and phylogeny of babesia: an overview.babesiosis is a tick-borne hemoprotozoan disease of domestic and wild animals. the disease is caused by various species of babesia and some species of babesia have also zoonotic significance. the parasite in vertebrate hosts' remains in erythrocytes and the morphology of babesia spp. is not uniform in all vertebrate hosts. with the advancement of science, particularly the use of molecular techniques made it easy to study the evolution of parasites and thereby reclassifying babesia spp. as per th ...026629451
genome sequence of rickettsia conorii subsp. caspia, the agent of astrakhan fever.rickettsia conorii subsp. caspia is the agent of astrakhan fever, a spotted fever group rickettsiosis endemic to astrakhan, russia. the present study reports the draft genome of rickettsia conorii subsp. caspia strain a-167.022887666
high prevalence of rickettsia spp. infections in small mammals in taiwan.surveillance for rickettsia spp. is urgently needed due to the recent emergence of many novel rickettsioses around the globe, but previous studies in taiwan have been limited to small areas and no investigation of infections in vertebrate hosts has ever been attempted. we surveyed rickettsial infections systematically in small-mammal hosts trapped between 2006 and 2010 throughout taiwan. fragments of ompb and glta genes in the liver, spleen, and kidney of mammals were targeted by nested polymera ...025629776
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 1724