
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
biomarkers of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection: specific neutrophil and cytokine levels provide increased accuracy in predicting disease severity.despite fundamental advances in the research on respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) since its initial identification almost 60 years ago, recurring failures in developing vaccines and pharmacologic strategies effective in controlling the infection have allowed rsv to become a leading cause of global infant morbidity and mortality. indeed, the burden of this infection on families and health care organizations worldwide continues to escalate and its financial costs are growing. furthermore, strong e ...201526074450
ige anti-respiratory syncytial virus antibodies detected in serum of pediatric patients with asthma.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) causes lower respiratory tract disease in infants and young children, and is a public health concern, as is the increase in pediatric asthma. respiratory viral infections may trigger asthma exacerbations. however, it remains unknown whether rsv infection may have a specific association with asthma. total serum ige, and ige- and igg-anti-rsv ab responses were studied in older asthmatic compared with non-asthmatic children (m/f, mean age: 14) (n=30, n=43, respecti ...201526074414
infants born before 32 weeks of gestation or with respiratory disease are most likely to receive palivizumab in the netherlands.palivizumab is reported to be effective in reducing respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation. its licensed uses include infants younger than six months of age, born before 35 weeks of gestation or under two years old with congenital heart disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia. we redressed lack of research in the netherlands by studying whether infants who met the licensed indications received the drug.201526073782
respiratory syncytial virus infection down-regulates antioxidant enzyme expression by triggering deacetylation-proteasomal degradation of nrf2.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most important cause of viral acute respiratory tract infections and hospitalizations in children, for which no vaccine or treatment is available. rsv infection in cells, mice, and children leads to rapid generation of reactive oxygen species, which are associated with oxidative stress and lung damage, due to a significant decrease in the expression of airway antioxidant enzymes (aoes). oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of rsv-i ...201526073125
respiratory syncytial virus infection increases chlorine-induced airway hyperresponsiveness.exposure to chlorine (cl2) damages airway and alveolar epithelia resulting in acute lung injury and reactive airway hyperresponsiveness (ahr) to methacholine. however, little is known about the effect of preexisting respiratory disease on cl2-induced lung injury. by using a murine respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection model, we found that preexisting rsv infection increases cl2 (187 ppm for 30 min)-induced lung inflammation and airway ahr at 24 h after exposure (5 days after infection). rs ...201526071553
hypertonic saline for bronchiolitis in infants.recently, a 1-year-old patient returned from admission in the hospital for bronchiolitis, and the report i received indicated that he was treated with inhaled hypertonic saline, among other treatments. is this therapy recommended for children in the acute care setting?201526071156
novel antigens for rsv vaccines.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) remains a leading global cause of infant mortality and adult morbidity. infection, which recurs throughout life, elicits only short-lived immunity. the development of a safe and efficacious vaccine has, thus far, been elusive. recent technological advances, however, have yielded promising rsv vaccine candidates that are based on solving atomic-level structures of surface glycoproteins interacting with neutralizing antibodies. the class i fusion glycoprotein, f, ...201526070108
respiratory syncytial virus in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and solid-organ transplantation.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), one of the most common causes of respiratory infections in immunocompetent individuals, can cause significant pulmonary morbidity and mortality in hematopoietic stem cell (hsct) and less often in solid-organ transplant recipients. early diagnosis and medical intervention prior to the progression from upper to lower respiratory tract viral involvement is essential to positively affect the clinical course. the greatest risk of disease progression from upper to lo ...201526068871
eighteen years of respiratory syncytial virus surveillance: changes in seasonality and hospitalization rates in southwestern alaska native children.alaska native infants from the yukon-kuskokwim delta (ykd) experienced respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) hospitalization rates 5 times higher and an rsv season twice as long as the general us infant population. we describe trends in hospitalization rates and seasonality during 18 years of continuous rsv surveillance in this population and explore contributions of climate and sociodemographic factors.201526065863
immunological, viral, environmental, and individual factors modulating lung immune response to respiratory syncytial virus.respiratory syncytial virus is a worldwide pathogen agent responsible for frequent respiratory tract infections that may become severe and potentially lethal in high risk infants and adults. several studies have been performed to investigate the immune response that determines the clinical course of the infection. in the present paper, we review the literature on viral, environmental, and host factors influencing virus response; the mechanisms of the immune response; and the action of nonimmunol ...201526064963
trends of respiratory syncytial virus infections in children under 2 years of age in puerto rico.the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most significant viral pathogen causing bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, today. in tropical climates the rsv infection may occur throughout the year. the purpose of this study was to asses rsv infections during the 2009‒2010 rsv season in children under 2 years of age and to evaluate the trend of positive rsv tests in the period of 2007 to 2009.201526061061
adult patients with respiratory syncytial virus infection: impact of solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on outcomes.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a common community-acquired pathogen responsible for a substantial disease burden in adults. we investigated the outcomes after rsv infection in hospitalized adults over a 3-year period.201526059180
the danish national prescription registry in studies of a biological pharmaceutical: palivizumab - validation against two external data sources.national prescription databases are important tools in pharmacoepidemiological studies investigating potential long-term adverse events after drug use. palivizumab is a biological pharmaceutical used as passive prophylaxis against severe infection with respiratory syncytial virus in high-risk children.201526056490
characteristics and their clinical relevance of respiratory syncytial virus types and genotypes circulating in northern italy in five consecutive winter order to investigate the genetic diversity and patterns of the co-circulating genotypes of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and their possible relationships with the severity of rsv infection, we studied all of the rsv-positive nasopharyngeal samples collected from children during five consecutive winters (2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014). the rsvs were detected using the respiratory virus panel fast assay and single-tube rt-pcr, their nucleotides were sequenced, and ...201526047100
natural helper cells contribute to pulmonary eosinophilia by producing il-13 via il-33/st2 pathway in a murine model of respiratory syncytial virus has been reported that natural helper cells, which are a non-t, non-b innate lymphoid cell type expressing c-kit and st2, mediate influenza-induced airway hyper-reactivity by producing substantial il-13. however, little is known about natural helper cells for the development of rsv-induced airway inflammation, particularly eosinophilic infiltration. by using balb/c mice that were infected intranasally with rsv, it became clear that infection with rsv can induce an increase in the absolute num ...201526044350
resveratrol suppresses persistent airway inflammation and hyperresponsivess might partially via nerve growth factor in respiratory syncytial virus-infected mice.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is involved in persistent and recurrent wheezing. there are no effective and safe drugs for the sequelae of persistent wheezing after early bronchiolitis. in this study, we investigated the effect of resveratrol on persistent airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (ahr) induced by rsv infection. rsv-infected mice were sacrificed at serial time points after infection to collect samples and measure the number of inflammatory cells and levels ...201526044349
incidence, risk factors and hospital burden in children under five years of age hospitalised with respiratory syncytial virus infections.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infections are among the most common lower respiratory tract infections in infants, but few studies have determined the age-specific incidence of hospitalisation in defined populations. this study gathered swedish data on rsv in gothenburg and its 10 surrounding municipalities from 2004 to 2011.201526036725
objectives, design and enrollment results from the infant susceptibility to pulmonary infections and asthma following rsv exposure study (inspire).respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) lower respiratory tract infection (lri) during infancy has been consistently associated with an increased risk of childhood asthma. in addition, evidence supports that this relationship is causal. however, the mechanisms through which rsv contributes to asthma development are not understood. the inspire (infant susceptibility to pulmonary infections and asthma following rsv exposure) study objectives are to: 1) characterize the host phenotypic response to rsv in ...201526021723
respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in children up to 5 years of age in spain: epidemiology and comorbidities: an observational study.this epidemiological survey in spain estimates the burden of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection in children up to 5 year of age during a 15-year period (1997-2011). observational retrospective survey was conducted by reviewing data of the national surveillance system for hospital data, including >98% of spanish hospitals. all hospitalizations related to rsv infection for children up to 5 years, reported during 1997-2011 period, were analyzed. codes were selected by using the internation ...201526020386
functional analysis of the 60-nucleotide duplication in the respiratory syncytial virus buenos aires strain attachment glycoprotein.there are two subgroups of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), a and b, and within each subgroup, isolates are further divided into clades. several years ago, multiple subgroup b isolates which contained a duplication of 60 nucleotides in the glycoprotein (g) gene were described. these isolates were given a new clade designation of ba based on the site of isolation, buenos aires, argentina. ba rsv strains have since become the predominant circulating clade of rsv b viruses. we hypothesized that t ...201526018171
[prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus infection in hospitalized children at a children's hospital and effects of climate change on the prevalence in suzhou, china].to investigate the prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection in hospitalized children and the relationship between the prevalence and the climate change in suzhou, china.201526014700
antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a non-human primate model.the study assessed the antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a preclinical non-human primate challenge model with a viral shedding pattern similar to that seen in humans, following continuous infusion (ci).201526010881
risk factors for bronchiolitis hospitalization during the first year of life in a multicenter italian birth cohort.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is one of the main causes of respiratory infections during the first year of life. very premature infants may contract more severe diseases and 'late preterm infants' may also be more susceptible to the infection. the aim of this study is to evaluate the risk factors for hospitalization during the first year of life in children born at different gestational ages in italy.201526006025
respiratory syncytial virus inhibitor az-27 differentially inhibits different polymerase activities at the promoter.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of pediatric respiratory disease. rsv has an rna-dependent rna polymerase that transcribes and replicates the viral negative-sense rna genome. the large polymerase subunit (l) has multiple enzymatic activities, having the capability to synthesize rna and add and methylate a cap on each of the viral mrnas. previous studies (h. xiong et al., bioorg med chem lett, 23:6789-6793, 2013,; c. l. tiong-yip ...201525995255
nk cell immunophenotypic and genotypic analysis of infants with severe respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of severe lower respiratory tract infection in infants. reduced numbers of nk cells have been reported in infants with severe rsv infection; however, the precise role of nk cells during acute rsv infection is unclear. in this study the nk and t cell phenotypes, lilrb1 gene polymorphisms and kir genotypes of infants hospitalized with rsv infection were analyzed. compared to controls, infants with acute rsv infection showed a higher proportion ...201525988502
estimating the hospitalization burden associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in new york city, 2003-2011.hospitalization burden associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is uncertain due to ambiguity in the inference methodologies employed for its estimation.201525980600
discovery of β-d-2'-deoxy-2'-α-fluoro-4'-α-cyano-5-aza-7,9-dideaza adenosine as a potent nucleoside inhibitor of respiratory syncytial virus with excellent selectivity over mitochondrial rna and dna polymerases.novel 4'-substituted β-d-2'-deoxy-2'-α-fluoro (2'd2'f) nucleoside inhibitors of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) are reported. the introduction of 4'-substitution onto 2'd2'f nucleoside analogs resulted in compounds demonstrating potent cell based rsv inhibition, improved inhibition of the rsv polymerase by the nucleoside triphosphate metabolites, and enhanced selectivity over incorporation by mitochondrial rna and dna polymerases. selectivity over the mitochondrial polymerases was found to be ...201525978965
effect of preexisting serum and mucosal antibody on experimental respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) challenge and infection of adults.we studied preexisting respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-specific serum and nasal antibodies and their correlation with infectivity, viral dynamics, and disease severity in a human experimental infection model. higher preinoculation serum neutralizing antibody titers and nasal immunoglobulin (ig) a predicted lower infectivity and lower measures of viral replication. however, once individuals were infected, no significant protective effect of preexisting antibodies was seen. lack of correlation b ...201525977264
population-based incidence and etiology of community-acquired neonatal viral infections in bangladesh: a community-based and hospital-based surveillance study.the etiology of >90% of cases of suspected neonatal infection remains unknown. we conducted community-based surveillance in conjunction with hospital-based surveillance in a rural region in bangladesh from june 2006 to september 2007 to assess the incidence and etiology of community-acquired viral infections among neonates.201525961894
blocking respiratory syncytial virus entry: a story with twists.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is responsible for majority of infant hospitalizations due to viral infections. despite its clinical importance, no vaccine against rsv or effective antiviral therapy is available. several structural classes of small-molecule rsv entry inhibitor have been described and one compound has advanced to clinical testing. mutations in either one of two resistance hot spots in the f protein mediate unusual pan-resistance to all of these inhibitor classes. based on the b ...201525961744
respiratory syncytial virus as a cause of acute respiratory infections in adults. an emerging disease? 201525956018
long-term burden and respiratory effects of respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization in preterm infants-the spring study.the health status of premature infants born 321-350 weeks' gestational age (wga) hospitalized for rsv infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for rsv (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. the primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. a significantly hig ...201525955487
three-weekly doses of azithromycin for indigenous infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis: a multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.bronchiolitis is a major health burden in infants globally, particularly among indigenous populations. it is unknown if 3 weeks of azithromycin improve clinical outcomes beyond the hospitalization period. in an international, double-blind randomized controlled trial, we determined if 3 weeks of azithromycin improved clinical outcomes in indigenous infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis.201525954737
discovery of imidazopyridine derivatives as highly potent respiratory syncytial virus fusion inhibitors.a series of imidazolepyridine derivatives were designed and synthesized according to the established docking studies. the imidazopyridine derivatives were found to have good potency and physical-chemical properties. several highly potent compounds such as 8ji, 8jl, and 8jm were identified with single nanomolar activities. the most potent compound 8jm showed an ic50 of 3 nm, lower microsome clearance and no cyp inhibition. the profile of 8jm appeared to be superior to bms433771, and supported fur ...201525941547
frequent asymptomatic respiratory syncytial virus infections during an epidemic in a rural kenyan household cohort.the characteristics, determinants, and potential contribution to transmission of asymptomatic cases of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection have not been well described.201525941331
inhibition of respiratory syncytial virus replication and virus-induced p38 kinase activity by berberine.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) causes severe lower respiratory tract infection and poses a major public health threat worldwide. no effective vaccines or therapeutics are currently available; berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid from various medicinal plants, has been shown to exert antiviral and several other biological effects. recent studies have shown that p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) activity is implicated in infection by and replication of viruses such as rsv and the influ ...201525939536
rsv p-protein impairs extrinsic apoptosis pathway in a macrophage-like cell line persistently infected with respiratory syncytial virus.disabling apoptosis is practically a mandatory step for establishing and maintaining viral persistence in host cells. thus, persisting viruses have evolved strategies to impair apoptosis mechanisms. apoptosis can be induced through either the intrinsic or the extrinsic pathway. previously, we reported that staurosporine-induced intrinsic apoptotic pathway was down-regulated in a macrophage cell line persistently infected with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv, mφp). in the present study, our resu ...201525937519
detection of adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exacerbation versus stable condition.latent infection with adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd). the role of respiratory viral infections are emerging in copd exacerbations. the present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of adenovirus and rsv serotypes a and b in individuals with acute exacerbations of copd (copd-ae) and stable copd. twenty seven patients with copd-ae were evaluated using a prospective longitudinal study design. induced sputum, sera ...201525936369
addressing a challenge with a challenge. investigating respiratory syncytial virus immunity with the human challenge model. 201525932761
respiratory syncytial virus in children with influenza-like illness. 201525929636
caspase-1 independent viral clearance and adaptive immunity against mucosal respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is recognized by the innate immune system through toll like receptors (tlrs) and retinoic acid inducible gene i. these pathways lead to the activation of type i interferons and resistance to infection. in contrast to tlrs, very few studies have examined the role of nod-like receptors in viral recognition and induction of adaptive immune responses to rsv. caspase-1 plays an essential role in the immune response via the maturation of the proinflammatory ...201525922596
computerized assessment of wheezing in children with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis before and after hypertonic saline nebulization.studies suggest an effect of nebulized hypertonic saline solution on air-flow limitation in subjects with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) bronchiolitis, but results are based on subjective scores of clinical severity and are not clear. in this observational study, we used a noninvasive computerized tool to quantify wheezing before and after nebulization with hypertonic saline in children admitted for rsv infection.201525922547
new options in the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus disease.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in infants, immunocompromised patients and the elderly. despite the high disease burden, an effective vaccine or specific therapy are lacking which is largely due to our limited understanding of the immune response to rsv and how it relates to clinical disease severity. current treatment for rsv remains largely supportive and rsv-specific options for prophylaxis and/or treatment are limited to palivizumab an ...201525922289
respiratory syncytial virus in infants: is maternal vaccination a realistic strategy?respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) remains an important cause of serious and sometimes fatal acute lower respiratory tract disease in infants, yet no effective antiviral treatment or vaccine for the prevention of rsv in early life is available. vaccination of women during pregnancy is considered to be the most plausible strategy to provide direct rsv antibody protection to young infants during a period of greatest vulnerability.201525918956
the impact of viral dynamics on the clinical severity of infants with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis.the impact of dynamic respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) load on the clinical severity of hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis has not been clarified. nasopharyngeal aspirates were obtained from 60 infants who were diagnosed with bronchiolitis within 96 hr of wheezing onset upon admission and on days 3, 5, and 7 in the hospital, and 17 respiratory viruses were detected. the rsv load was quantified by real-time qpcr for rsv subtypes a and b at different time points. scoring criteria were used t ...201525907780
high viral load and respiratory failure in adults hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus infections.a prospective study among adults hospitalized for polymerase chain reaction-confirmed respiratory syncytial virus infections (n = 123) showed frequent occurrence of lower respiratory-tract complications causing respiratory insufficiency (52.8%), requirement for assisted ventilation (16.3%), and intensive care unit admission/death (12.2%). high viral rna concentration was detected at time of hospitalization, including in patients who presented later than 2 days of illness (day 1-2, 7.29 ± 1.47; d ...201525904604
editorial commentary: can a reduced-dose prophylaxis schedule provide adequate coverage against respiratory syncytial virus infection? 201525904371
reduced-dose schedule of prophylaxis based on local data provides near-optimal protection against respiratory syncytial virus.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of respiratory infections among young children and can lead to severe disease among some infants. infants at high risk for severe rsv infection receive monthly injections of a prophylactic monoclonal antibody during the rsv season based on national guidelines. we considered whether a reduced-dose schedule tailored to the local rsv season in the continental united states would provide adequate protection.201525904370
viral coinfection in acute respiratory infection in mexican children treated by the emergency service: a cross-sectional study.acute respiratory infections (aris) cause illness. children under five years of age are highly vulnerable to these infections. viral coinfection or multiple viral infection is a variable that can have a significant impact on the evolution of these diseases.201525903455
the importance of bacterial and viral infections associated with adult asthma exacerbations in clinical practice.viral infection is one of the risk factors for asthma exacerbation. however, which pathogens are related to asthma exacerbation in adults remains unclear.201525901797
alveolar macrophage-derived type i interferons orchestrate innate immunity to rsv through recruitment of antiviral monocytes.type i interferons (ifns) are important for host defense from viral infections, acting to restrict viral production in infected cells and to promote antiviral immune responses. however, the type i ifn system has also been associated with severe lung inflammatory disease in response to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv). which cells produce type i ifns upon rsv infection and how this directs immune responses to the virus, and potentially results in pathological inflammation, is unclear. here, we s ...201525897172
influenza and other respiratory viruses detected by influenza-like illness surveillance in leyte island, the philippines, 2010-2013.this study aimed to determine the role of influenza-like illness (ili) surveillance conducted on leyte island, the philippines, including involvement of other respiratory viruses, from 2010 to 2013. ili surveillance was conducted from january 2010 to march 2013 with 3 sentinel sites located in tacloban city, palo and tanauan of leyte island. ili was defined as fever ≥38°c or feverish feeling and either cough or running nose in a patient of any age. influenza virus and other 5 respiratory viruses ...201525893441
structured performance assessment in three pediatric emergency scenarios: a validation develop and validate 3 performance evaluation checklists (pecs) for systematic performance assessment in 3 clinical scenarios: cardiopulmonary arrest, dyspnea with oxygen desaturation after intubation, and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv).201525890675
host response to respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is the leading cause of bronchiolitis and hospitalization in young infants and causes 100, 000-200, 000 deaths annually. there is still no licensed vaccine against rsv infection and the therapeutic options are mainly supportive. despite almost six decades of research, important knowledge gaps remain with respect to the characterization of immune mechanisms responsible for protection and pathogenesis, as well as to the identification of risk factors tha ...201525887611
nasal mucosal microrna expression in children with respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is a common cause of pediatric hospitalization. microrna, key regulators of the immune system, have not previously been investigated in respiratory specimens during viral infection. we investigated microrna expression in the nasal mucosa of 42 rsv-positive infants, also comparing microrna expression between disease severity subgroups.201525884957
transmission of respiratory syncytial virus infection within families.background.  because the production of an effective respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) vaccine for infants is challenging, vaccination of other family members is one viable alternative to prevent severe rsv illnesses in infants. methods.  in a prospective study, we enrolled all family members of children who were hospitalized with rsv infection. nasal swabs for rsv detection were obtained from all participating family members. data on respiratory symptoms in the family members prior to and after ...201525884006
a network flow approach to predict protein targets and flavonoid backbones to treat respiratory syncytial virus infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is the major cause of respiratory disease in lower respiratory tract in infants and young children. attempts to develop effective vaccines or pharmacological treatments to inhibit rsv infection without undesired effects on human health have been unsuccessful. however, rsv infection has been reported to be affected by flavonoids. the mechanisms underlying viral inhibition induced by these compounds are largely unknown, making the development of new drug ...201525879022
receipt of palivizumab before birth hospitalization discharge among preterm infants in the united states.this study aims to determine predischarge palivizumab receipt prevalence among infants ≤ 36 weeks' gestational age.201525877742
viral bacterial co-infection of the respiratory tract during early childhood.acute respiratory infection (ari) is an important cause of morbidity in children. mixed aetiology is frequent, with pathogenic viruses and bacteria co-detected in respiratory secretions. however, the clinical significance of these viral/bacterial co-infections has long been a controversial topic. while severe bacterial pneumonia following influenza infection has been well described, associations are less clear among infections caused by viruses that are more common in young children, such as res ...201525877546
poor performance characteristics of conventional pcr in detection of respiratory syncytial virus-experience of a tertiary care centre in southern india.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a significant cause of contagious acute respiratory infections in children and older adults. since there are contradictory reports regarding the efficacy of different methods to detect rsv, we evaluated the performance of the conventional pcr versus real-time pcr in 222 patients with acute respiratory infections (ari) recruited between january 2012 and march 2013. conventional pcr had a very poor sensitivity of 40% (95% ci: 19.2-63.9%) and failed to detect rs ...201525865982
a phenotypic high-throughput screen with rsv-infected primary human small airway epithelial cells (saecs).respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a commonly occurring pathogen that can cause severe disease in children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals with a large, unmet clinical need. we developed a high-throughput, primary cell-based antiviral rsv assay to enable identification of small molecules using cytopathic effect (cpe) as a phenotypic end point. to provide increased biological relevance, we developed our assay with primary human small airway epithelial cells (saecs), which origin ...201525862685
prevalence of rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.chronic rhinosinusitis (crs) is one of the most common chronic illnesses, but the etiology and pathogenesis of crs are not well understood. few studies have been carried out on the role of viruses in patients with chronic sinusitis so far.201525861437
recombinant soluble respiratory syncytial virus f protein that lacks heptad repeat b, contains a gcn4 trimerization motif and is not cleaved displays prefusion-like characteristics.the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion protein f is considered an attractive vaccine candidate especially in its prefusion conformation. we studied whether recombinant soluble rsv f proteins could be stabilized in a prefusion-like conformation by mutation of heptad repeat b (hrb). the results show that soluble, trimeric, non-cleaved rsv f protein, produced by expression of the furin cleavage site-mutated f ectodomain extended with a gcn4 trimerization sequence, is efficiently recognized by ...201526107504
cx3cr1 is expressed in differentiated human ciliated airway cells and co-localizes with respiratory syncytial virus on cilia in a g protein-dependent manner.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the principal cause of bronchiolitis in infants and a significant healthcare problem. the rsv glycoprotein (g) mediates attachment of the virus to the cell membrane, which facilitates interaction of the rsv fusion (f) protein with nucleolin, thereby triggering fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. however, a host protein ligand for g has not yet been identified. here we show that cx3cr1 is expressed in the motile cilia of differentiated human airway epi ...201526107373
detection of influenza vaccine effectiveness among nursery school children: lesson from a season with cocirculating respiratory syncytial the winter influenza epidemic season, patients with respiratory illnesses including respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infections increase among young children. therefore, we evaluated the effectiveness of influenza vaccine against influenza-like illness (ili) using a technique to identify outbreaks of rsv infection and to distinguish those patients from ili patients. the study subjects were 101 children aged 12 to 84 months attending nursery school. we classified the cases into 6 levels based ...201525714791
challenges and opportunities in developing respiratory syncytial virus therapeutics.two meetings, one sponsored by the wellcome trust in 2012 and the other by the global virology foundation in 2013, assembled academic, public health and pharmaceutical industry experts to assess the challenges and opportunities for developing antivirals for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infections. the practicalities of clinical trials and establishing reliable outcome measures in different target groups were discussed in the context of the regulatory pathways that could acc ...201525713060
comparison of three magnetic bead surface functionalities for rna extraction and detection.magnetic beads are convenient for extracting nucleic acid biomarkers from biological samples prior to molecular detection. these beads are available with a variety of surface functionalities designed to capture particular subsets of rna. we hypothesized that bead surface functionality affects binding kinetics, processing simplicity, and compatibility with molecular detection strategies. in this report, three magnetic bead surface chemistries designed to bind nucleic acids, silica, oligo (dt), an ...201525710198
efficacy and optimization of palivizumab injection regimens against respiratory syncytial virus infection.infection with the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading cause of hospitalizations in children, accounting for more than 90,000 hospitalizations every year in the united states. for children who are at risk for severe rsv infections, the american academy of pediatrics recommends immunoprophylaxis with a series of up to 5 injections of the antibody palivizumab administered monthly, beginning on november 1 of each year. however, many practitioners initiate injections at the onset of rsv ...201525706618
human bocavirus infection as a cause of severe acute respiratory tract infection in 2005 human bocavirus (hbov) was discovered in respiratory tract samples of children. the role of hbov as the single causative agent for respiratory tract infections remains unclear. detection of hbov in children with respiratory disease is frequently in combination with other viruses or bacteria. we set up an algorithm to study whether hbov alone can cause severe acute respiratory tract infection (sari) in children. the algorithm was developed to exclude cases with no other likely cause than ...201526100374
a cysteine zipper stabilizes a pre-fusion f glycoprotein vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus.recombinant subunit vaccines should contain minimal non-pathogen motifs to reduce potential off-target reactivity. we recently developed a vaccine antigen against respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), which comprised the fusion (f) glycoprotein stabilized in its pre-fusion trimeric conformation by "ds-cav1" mutations and by an appended c-terminal trimerization motif or "foldon" from t4-bacteriophage fibritin. here we investigate the creation of a cysteine zipper to allow for the removal of the phag ...201526098893
multicenter evaluation of bd veritor system and rsv k-set for rapid detection of respiratory syncytial virus in a diagnostic laboratory setting.the recently introduced bd veritor system rsv laboratory kit (becton dickinson, sparks, md, usa) with automatic reading was evaluated and compared with the rsv k-set (coris bioconcept, gembloux, belgium) for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) using 248 nasopharyngeal aspirates of children younger than 6 years old with respiratory tract infection. compared to reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction as gold standard, both tests had an identical sensitivity of 78.1% and a sp ...201526092509
impact of formulation and particle size on stability and immunogenicity of oil-in-water emulsion adjuvants.oil-in-water emulsions have gained consideration as vaccine adjuvants in recent years due to their ability to elicit a differentiated immunogenic response compared to traditional aluminum salt adjuvants. squalene, a cholesterol precursor, is a natural product with immunostimulatory properties, making it an ideal candidate for such oil-in-water emulsions. particle size is a key parameter of these emulsions and its relationship to stability and adjuvanticity has not been extensively studied. this ...201526090563
rsv-induced h3k4 demethylase kdm5b leads to regulation of dendritic cell-derived innate cytokines and exacerbates pathogenesis in vivo.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection can result in severe disease partially due to its ability to interfere with the initiation of th1 responses targeting the production of type i interferons (ifn) and promoting a th2 immune environment. epigenetic modulation of gene transcription has been shown to be important in regulating inflammatory pathways. rsv-infected bone marrow-derived dcs (bmdcs) upregulated expression of kdm5b/jarid1b h3k4 demethylase. kdm5b-specific sirna inhibition in bmdc ...201526083387
respiratory syncytial virus: more than a pediatric infection. 201526083298
respiratory viruses associated with community-acquired pneumonia in children: matched case-control pneumonia (cap) is the leading cause of death in children worldwide and a substantial proportion of childhood cap is caused by viruses. a better understanding of the role of virus infections in this condition is needed to improve clinical management and preventive measures. the aim of the study was therefore to assess the association between specific respiratory viruses and childhood cap.201526077969
viral load in infants hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis correlates with recurrent wheezing at thirty-six-month follow-up.the relationship between viral infection, host immune response in infants with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) bronchiolitis and subsequent wheezing is discussed. we measured rsv-rna load and interferon-λ1-3 expression in the nasopharyngeal washings from 68 infants hospitalized for rsv bronchiolitis, and wheezing was assessed 36 months after the first episode of bronchiolitis. higher rsv-rna load and higher interferon-λ2/3 levels were found in children with recurrent wheezing at 36-month follo ...201526132826
effect of prophylactic palivizumab on admission due to respiratory syncytial virus infection in former very low birth weight infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.the aim of this study was to observe the effects of prophylactic palivizumab on hospitalization secondary to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection (rsvhospitalization) in former very low birth weight infants (vlbwi) with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (bpd). this study also sought to identify the risk factors of rsvhospitalizationin this particular infant population. a prospective observational study was conducted between september 2007 and april 2008 in seven korean hospitals. children with a ...201526130956
a respiratory syncytial virus persistent-infected cell line system reveals the involvement of socs1 in the innate antiviral response.hep-2 cells persistently infected with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) are a heterogeneous mixture of viral antigen-positive and -negative variants; however, the mechanism through which viral replication becomes latent remains unclear. in this study, we investigated the potential mechanism by which rsv escapes from innate immune surveillance. persistent-infected rsv hep-2 cells were isolated and cell clones were passaged. the rsv-persistent cells produced viruses at a lower titer, resisted wil ...201526122642
clinical endpoints for respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis trials in infants and children in high-income and middle-income countries.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) continues to cause significant clinical and economic burden around the world. historically, rsv-associated hospitalization was used as a primary endpoint for rsv prophylaxis trials in infants. however, because of the changing epidemiology and healthcare system landscape, this endpoint has become a critical bottleneck on the pathway to licensure for new therapeutics. a panel of 7 rsv experts was convened (chicago, il, may 22, 2014) to evaluate the challenges of d ...201526121204
detection of multiple respiratory viruses associated with mortality and severity of illness in children.respiratory viral infection is a common source of morbidity and mortality in children. coinfection with multiple viruses occurs frequently; however, the clinical significance of concomitant viral pathogens is unclear. we hypothesized that presence of more than one respiratory virus is associated with increased morbidity and mortality when compared with children with a single respiratory virus.201526121097
estimating the contribution of influenza to hospitalisations in new zealand from 1994 to 2008.influenza has a substantially but poorly measured impact on population health. estimating its true contribution to hospitalisations remains a challenge.201526143611
two cases of pneumatoceles in mechanically ventilated infants.pulmonary pneumatocele is a thin-walled, gas-filled space within the lung that usually occurs in association with bacterial pneumonia and is usually transient. the majority of pneumatoceles resolve spontaneously without active intervention, but in some cases they might lead to pneumothorax with subsequent hemodynamic instability. we report two cases presented to the pediatric intensive care unit at the royal hospital, oman with pneumatoceles. the first was a 14-day-old baby who underwent surgica ...201526366266
mammalian cell-derived respiratory syncytial virus-like particles protect the lower as well as the upper respiratory tract.globally, respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a leading cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children less than one year of age and in usa alone, between 85,000 and 144,000 infants are hospitalized every year. to date, there is no licensed vaccine. we have evaluated vaccine potential of mammalian cell-derived native rsv virus-like particles (rsv vlps) composed of the two surface glycoproteins g and f, and the matrix protein m. results of in vitro testing showed that the vlps were functionall ...201526172453
influence of respiratory viruses on the evaluation of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine effectiveness in children under 5 years old: a time-series study for the 2001-2013 period.s treptococcus pneumoniae is the main agent in bacterial consolidated pneumonias. in 2012, the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was introduced in the argentine national immunization schedule for immunocompetent children as of two months old with a two-dose schedule plus a booster.201526172005
[research progress in the f gene and protein of the respiratory syncytial virus].the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) belongs to the family paramyxoviridae and subfamily pneumovirinae. the rsv can cause acute infections of the lower respiratory tract in infants. the f gene of the rsv is a conservative gene and varies only slightly in its expression. few studies focusing on the variability of the f gene have been carried out. f protein (fusion glycoprotein) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that mediates fusion and penetration between the virus and host cells. neutralizing ant ...201526164949
olfactomedin 4 serves as a marker for disease severity in pediatric respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection.respiratory viral infections follow an unpredictable clinical course in young children ranging from a common cold to respiratory failure. the transition from mild to severe disease occurs rapidly and is difficult to predict. the pathophysiology underlying disease severity has remained elusive. there is an urgent need to better understand the immune response in this disease to come up with biomarkers that may aid clinical decision making.201526162090
sirtuin 1 regulates dendritic cell activation and autophagy during respiratory syncytial virus-induced immune responses.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infection in children worldwide. sirtuin 1 (sirt1), an nad(+)-dependent deacetylase, has been associated with the induction of autophagy and the regulation of inflammatory mediators. we found that sirt1 was upregulated in mouse lung after rsv infection. infected animals that received ex-527, a selective sirt1 inhibitor, displayed exacerbated lung pathology, with increased mucus production, elevated viral load, and en ...201526157176
respiratory syncytial virus utilizes a trna fragment to suppress antiviral responses through a novel targeting identification is highly instructive in defining the biological roles of micrornas. however, little is known about other small noncoding rnas; for example, trna-derived rna fragments (trfs). some trfs exhibit a gene-silencing mechanism distinctly different from that of typical micrornas. we recently demonstrated that a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-induced trf, called trf5-gluctc, promotes rsv replication. rsv is the single most important cause of lower respiratory tract infection in ...201526156244
cell-contact dependent inhibition of monocytes by airway epithelial cells and reversion by infection with respiratory syncytial virus.airway epithelial cells (aec) are the first line of defense against airborne infectious microbes and play an important role in regulating the local immune response. however, the interplay of epithelial cells and professional immune cells during both homeostasis and infection has only been partially studied. the present study was performed to determine how bronchial epithelial cells affect the activation of monocytes. under healthy conditions, aecs were shown to inhibit reactivity of monocytes. w ...201526153873
respiratory syncytial virus infections in pediatric transplant recipients: a canadian paediatric surveillance program study.the incidence and spectrum of severity of rsv infections in sot or hsct recipients is not known. from september 2010 through august 2013, pediatricians were surveyed monthly by the cpsp for sot or hsct recipients with rsv infection within two yr post-transplant. there were 24 completed case report forms that fit the inclusion criteria (10 hsct and 14 sot recipients). six of 24 cases (25%) remained outpatients, and 11 (46%) were managed on an inpatient ward, while seven (29%) required intensive c ...201526152857
chemotherapy of respiratory syncytial virus infections: the final breakthrough.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection is the leading cause of hospitalisation for children under 5 years of age and causes excess mortality in the elderly. there is still no approved vaccine available, although the disease can be curtailed by rsv-specific monoclonal antibody. the only antiviral drug approved for the treatment of rsv infection is ribavirin aerosol, but this treatment is cumbersome and its efficacy is questionable. a new antiviral, gs-5806, which interferes with virus-cell f ...201525684638
epidemiology and virology of acute respiratory infections during the first year of life: a birth cohort study in vietnam.understanding viral etiology and age-specific incidence of acute respiratory infections in infants can help identify risk groups and inform vaccine delivery, but community-based data is lacking from tropical settings.201525674708
prevalence and incidence of respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory viral infections in children aged 6 months to 10 years with influenza-like illness enrolled in a randomized trial.the high burden of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-associated morbidity and mortality makes vaccine development a priority.201525673560
molecular epidemiology of the human rhinovirus infection in mongolia during 2008-2013.rhinovirus infections are common in all age groups world-wide, and they occur throughout the year. in this study, we examined 2,689 nasopharyngeal swabs collected in mongolia during 2008-2013. human rhinoviruses (hrvs) were detected in 295 (11.0%) samples, and 85 (28.8%) patients were co-infected with other respiratory viruses. hrv was co-detected with bocavirus, human coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus in 21 (24.7%), 17 (20.0%), and 14 (16.5%), respectively. we tested 170 (57.6%) of t ...201525672409
epigenetic control of foxp3 by smyd3 h3k4 histone methyltransferase controls itreg development and regulates pathogenic t-cell responses during pulmonary viral infection.the generation of regulatory t (treg) cells is driven by foxp3 and is responsible for dampening inflammation and reducing autoimmunity. in this study, the epigenetic regulation of inducible treg (itreg) cells was examined and an h3k4 histone methyltransferase, smyd3 (set and mynd domain 3), which regulates the expression of foxp3 by a tgfβ1/smad3 (transforming growth factor-β1/smad3)-dependent mechanism, was identified. using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, smyd3 depletion led to a reducti ...201525669152
deficiency of autophagy protein map1-lc3b mediates il-17-dependent lung pathology during respiratory viral infection via er stress-associated il-1.while recent studies suggest that interleukin (il)-1β production is modulated by macroautophagy or sensors of endoplasmic reticulum (er) stress upon pro-inflammatory insult, autophagy and il-1β production during viral infection has not been fully investigated. this was addressed using respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), which is associated with lung immunopathology, il-1, and il-17a secretion in severely infected patients. mice deficient in the autophagy-associated protein map1-lc3b (lc3b(-/-)) d ...201525669150
prospective and retrospective evaluation of the cepheid xpert® flu/rsv xc assay for rapid detection of influenza a, influenza b, and respiratory syncytial virus.a total of 281 clinical specimens (nasal swabs and nasopharyngeal aspirates) were tested with the xpert® flu/rsv xc. the results were compared to those obtained with the real-time retro transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assays routinely used in our laboratory. the xpert® flu/rsv xc showed sensitivity/specificity of 97.8%/100% and 97.9%/100% for flu and respiratory syncytial virus, respectively.201525662018
ginseng protects against respiratory syncytial virus by modulating multiple immune cells and inhibiting viral replication.ginseng has been used in humans for thousands of years but its effects on viral infection have not been well understood. we investigated the effects of red ginseng extract (rge) on respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection using in vitro cell culture and in vivo mouse models. rge partially protected human epithelial (hep2) cells from rsv-induced cell death and viral replication. in addition, rge significantly inhibited the production of rsv-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine (tnf-α) in murine d ...201525658239
children with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease can be identified through population-based registers.epidemiological research is facilitated in sweden by a history of national health care registers, making large unselected national cohort studies possible. however, for complex clinical populations, such as children with congenital heart disease (chd), register-based studies are challenged by registration limitations. for example, the diagnostic code system international classification of diseases, 10th version (icd-10) does not indicate the clinical significance of abnormalities, therefore may ...201525657596
high-throughput hit screening cascade to identify respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) inhibitors.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infects 99% of children by age 2 years and is a leading cause of serious lower respiratory tract infection (lrti) and infant hospitalization in the united kingdom. identification of efficacious rsv therapeutics has been hindered by the lack of a robust and appropriate primary assay for high-throughput screening (hts). here we report an hts cascade that identified inhibitors of rsv replication using a robust rsv replicon luminescence-reporter assay for the primar ...201525656237
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