
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
hyperimmune human igg or recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor as adjunctive therapy for group b streptococcal sepsis in newborn b streptococcus (gbs) continues to cause considerable morbidity and death in newborn infants despite the use of antibiotics. we investigated the use of adjunctive therapies to be used with antibiotics in the treatment of neonatal sepsis, using a neonatal rat model of established gbs disease. after the development of gbs bacteremia, a human igg preparation hyperimmune for gbs, administered with penicillin, decreased the mortality rate compared with the use of penicillin alone (14% vs 57%; p ...19938496760
prevalence of cervical pathogens in women with and without inflammatory changes on smear assess correlation between nonspecific cervicitis, inflammation, or exudate on cervical smears tests and confirmed presence of known cervical pathogens.19938499824
comparison of group b streptococcal hyperimmune globulin and standard intravenously administered immune globulin in neonates.standard intravenously administered immune globulin (ivig) contains varying amounts of group b streptococcus (gbs) antibody. a gbs hyperimmune ivig was produced by immunizing plasma donors. the gbs type-specific opsonic activity was > or = 90% in the hyperimmune ivig at a 1280 dilution-1 versus at a 10 dilution-1 in standard ivig. suckling rat survival after gbs type-specific infection was 100% when the rats were treated with hyperimmune ivig versus < or = 20% with standard ivig. to evaluate the ...19938501574
a population-based assessment of invasive disease due to group b streptococcus in nonpregnant b streptococci (streptococcus agalactiae) are a major cause of meningitis and septicemia in neonates and pregnant women, but the importance of group b streptococcal disease in nonpregnant adults has not been clearly defined.19938502269
neonatal sepsis and meningitis in mallorca, spain, a retrospective study at son dureta hospital (palma de mallorca, mallorca, spain) of the period 1977-1991, 334 cases of culture-proven sepsis and/or meningitis in neonates born at the facility were identified. overall, there was an incidence rate of 4.9 cases per 1,000 live births. the case-fatality rate was 7.5%. infection was more frequent in infants of low birth weight, with the exception of infants with meningitis and infections due to group b streptococcus and listeria species. the patte ...19938507765
chorioamnionitis and intraamniotic infection.intraamniotic infection is a common (2-4%) event in labor. the predictors of iai include preterm labor or rupture of membranes, abnormal vaginal flora (e.g., gbs, sexually transmitted disease, bacterial vaginosis), obstetric manipulations (e.g., vaginal exams, internal fetal monitoring) in the presence of ruptured membranes, and diminished host response (due to smoking, drug abuse, obesity, immunodeficiency states, etc.). group b streptococcus and enterobacteriaceae are the most important organi ...19938293582
group b streptococcal vertebral osteomyelitis in an b beta-hemolytic streptococcus (streptococcus agalactiae) vertebral osteomyelitis was diagnosed in a 65-year-old man. the patient received a 3-week course of in-hospital intravenous ampicillin followed by ceftriaxone and continued to receive ceftriaxone therapy on an ambulatory basis for 3 more weeks. hospitalization and follow-up were uncomplicated with no neurological sequelae. review of the medical literature documented only 15 cases of group b streptococcal osteomyelitis in adults and ...19938132371
detection of the c protein gene among group b streptococci using develop a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the specific detection of the c protein gene in strains of group b streptococcus.19938157750
evaluation of two rapid tests for detection of maternal endocervical group b streptococcus: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gram establish the reliability of two rapid tests for detection of group b streptococcus, the new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and the gram stain. in addition, we wished to determine whether the combination of these tests would increase test sensitivity.19937685873
neonatal group b streptococcal infection in mallorca, spain.early onset infection in neonates caused by group b streptococcus and the prevalence of colonization by this microorganism in a group of 1,003 pregnant women and their neonates were studied. the capsular serotypes of the colonizing and infecting bacterial isolates and the components of c protein expressed were determined. except for serotype iv, all the currently recognized capsular serotypes (including serotype v) were found. among the colonizing strains, serotypes iii, ia, and ib were almost e ...19938099503
co-existent cross-infection with streptococcus pneumoniae and group b streptococci on an adult oncology outbreak of respiratory infection in an adult oncology unit is described where there was evidence of co-existent cross-infection with streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14 and lancefield group b streptococcus type ia. the presumed route of transmission was droplet spread from patient to patient. no further cases arose after the ward had been closed to new admissions and all symptomatic patients were treated with erythromycin. we suggest that patients with pneumococcal pneumonia on units housin ...19938099926
pneumococcal infection in the newborn.two fatal cases of invasive pneumococcal disease in the newborn are reported, both acquired from the maternal vagina. the rarity of vaginal carriage of pneumococcus suggests that this organism has a higher invasion to colonisation ratio than group b streptococcus and maternal carriage or neonatal colonisation should be more aggressively treated.19938215574
outcome of term gestation neonates whose mothers received intrapartum antibiotics for suspected chorioamnionitis.intrapartum antibiotics are commonly given to women suspected of having chorioamnionitis. however, there is no consensus regarding management of their babies. to date, there are no data concerning the clinical courses and outcomes of term gestation, "pretreated" neonates. we performed a retrospective review to assess the clinical courses of such infants. from 1987 to 1989, chorioamnionitis was diagnosed in 123 women, 102 of whom received intrapartum antibiotics. of the 86 term gestation infants ...19938240595
effect of amrinone during group b streptococcus-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets.intravenous infusion of group b streptococcus (gbs) into neonatal animals produces pulmonary hypertension, ventilation/perfusion (va/q) mismatch, and an increase in serum levels of thromboxane b2 (txb2) and tumor necrosis factor (tnf) alpha. the vasodilator amrinone (amr) is a cgmp-inhibited phosphodiesterase inhibitor and is reported to inhibit thromboxane a2 and tnf production. we hypothesized that infusion of amr would cause pulmonary vasodilation and reduce serum txb2 and tnf levels in pigle ...19938255635
antitumor effects of gbs toxin: a polysaccharide exotoxin from group b beta-hemolytic streptococcus.a group b streptococcus (gbs) isolated from human neonates diagnosed with sepsis and respiratory distress ("early-onset disease") produces a polysaccharide exotoxin (gbs toxin) that, when infused in sheep, causes lung pathophysiology similar to that seen in humans. histological studies have demonstrated that gbs toxin induces a strong inflammatory response in the lung, with pulmonary sequestration of granulocytes and extensive capillary endothelial damage. the susceptibility of humans to gbs tox ...19938270611
directed immune globulin for the prevention or treatment of neonatal group b streptococcal infections: a review.intravenous immune globulin (ivig) is now used in many nurseries to prevent or treat neonatal infections. the most common cause of early-onset neonatal sepsis is the group b streptococcus (gbs). commercially available ivig preparations have variable levels of specific antibody directed against gbs. therefore, to ensure high levels of anti-gbs antibody, we developed a polyvalent ivig directed against gbs (gbs-ivig) by immunizing plasma donors. this gbs-ivig was superior to standard ivig both in v ...19921728993
effects of chain length on the immunogenicity in rabbits of group b streptococcus type iii oligosaccharide-tetanus toxoid method to improve the immunogenicity of polysaccharide antigens is the covalent coupling of the native polysaccharide or a derivative oligosaccharide to a carrier protein. in general, t cell-dependent properties are enhanced in conjugates of smaller saccharides, but a conformational epitope of the native polysaccharide may be better expressed in conjugates of larger saccharides. we have reported previously the synthesis and immunogenicity in animals of an oligosaccharide-tetanus toxoid conju ...19921729272
randomized trial of granulocyte transfusions versus intravenous immune globulin therapy for neonatal neutropenia and sepsis.we prospectively studied newborn infants with sepsis and neutropenia who were randomly selected to receive standard supportive care and either adjuvant granulocyte transfusions or intravenous immune globulin (ivig) infusions; 21 infants received granulocyte transfusions and 14 received ivig infusions. half of the patients were premature (gestational age less than or equal to 32 weeks); the average postnatal age was 5 days (range 3 to 8 days). all infants had neutropenia by the criteria of manroe ...19921735830
group b streptococcus has no effect on piglet diaphragmatic force generation.recent studies indicate that diaphragmatic contractility is adversely affected by bacterial infection. using transdiaphragmatic pressure (pdi) with phrenic nerve stimulation, the effect of continuous group b streptococcus (gbs) infusion on diaphragmatic force output was studied in seven anesthetized, spontaneously breathing 1-month old piglets. pdi was measured under baseline condition (50% o2/50% n2) and at 1, 2, and 4 h of gbs infusion. the gbs was infused at a level that caused a doubling of ...19921736760
[maternal carriage and vertical transmission of group b streptococcus (gbs)].the pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis are common diseases of gbs infection in infants. there are early-onset and late-onset types in this disease, the result of the infection is unknown. m. sugiyama reported that m9 is a new type of gbs in japan in 1989. analysis of gbs typing and serum specific antibody concentrations of the type are simple with new technics. by studying the infants' contamination we discovered that gbs appeared to originate from mother-infant sources. the infants were followed ...19921293221
postpartum periarticular hip abscess with later coxitis caused by group b streptococcus.intrapartum haematogenous spread of vaginal group b streptococcus is rare, but it can lead to severe complications like abscesses, endocarditis and meningitis postpartum. we report a postpartum periarticular hip abscess caused by group b streptococcus. clinically it caused pain in the hip and a compression of the femoral nerve with motor and sensory component. diagnosis was made by aspiration under computed tomography control. the only sign of infection was an increased sedimentation rate. after ...19921294415
[colonization with group b streptococcus in pregnant women taken into the care of unit k and hospitalized in the department of obstetric pathology].colonization with group b streptococci (gbs) in 714 pregnant women was investigated. among 232 were hospitalised in department of pathological pregnancy and 512 were under ambulatory control. in 13.4% of hospitalised patients and 2.8% healthy pregnant women the colonization of vagina or throat with gbs was stated. the greatest percentage of vagina colonization was found in patients hospitalised in connection with gestosis or because of abortions, premature delivery and inanimate fetus. no correl ...19921304502
delayed thromboxane synthesis inhibition, but not cholinergic blockade, reverses group b streptococcus-induced pulmonary hypertension.anisodamine, an anticholinergic drug, is widely used in china for treatment of infants with septic shock and has been reported to inhibit thromboxane synthesis in cultured cells. thromboxane a2 plays an important role in the early pulmonary hypertension in sepsis; however, the role of thromboxane a2 later in sepsis is unclear. we tested the hypothesis that thromboxane a2 synthesis inhibition with dazmegrel, and cholinergic blockade with anisodamine, would attenuate the later phase of pulmonary h ...19921307345
role of capsule in pulmonary hypertension induced by group b streptococcus.the type-specific polysaccharide capsule of group b streptococcus (gbs) is thought to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of disease. we used an acutely instrumented piglet model to assess the hemodynamic effects of rapid infusions of two heat-killed gbs type ib strains isolated from the spinal fluid of an infant with late-onset meningitis and from the vaginal culture of his mother. these strains expressed different amounts of capsule, as determined by buoyant density centrifugation and e ...19921315021
effect of stem cell factor with and without granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on neonatal hematopoiesis: in vivo induction of newborn myelopoiesis and reduction of mortality during experimental group b streptococcal sepsis.neonatal hematopoiesis and host defense are developmentally immature and under states of increased demand predispose the newborn to peripheral cytopenias and depletion of bone marrow storage pool reserves. we have previously demonstrated that recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhg-csf) can significantly modulate neonatal rat granulopoiesis and act synergistically with antibiotic therapy to reduce the mortality rate during experimental group b streptococcal sepsis. stem cell ...19921377057
a microbiological study of vaginal discharge in women attending a malaysian gynaecological clinic.vaginal discharge is a common complaint of women attending gynaecological clinics. the purpose of this study was to compare the occurrence of commonly implicated microorganisms in vaginal discharge amongst women with or without the complaint, attending a gynaecological and family planning clinic. the association of gardnerella vaginalis with bacterial vaginosis was also studied. it was found that there were no significant differences between the cases and controls in the isolation rate of gardne ...19921387449
prevention of c3 deposition by capsular polysaccharide is a virulence mechanism of type iii group b streptococci.strains of type iii group b streptococci isolated from patients with neonatal sepsis are generally resistant to complement-mediated phagocytic killing in the absence of specific antibody. it has been suggested that the resistance of type iii group b streptococci to phagocytosis results from inhibition of alternative-complement-pathway activation by sialic acid residues of the type iii polysaccharide. to better define the relationship between structural features of the type iii capsule and resist ...19921398910
group b streptococcus type ii polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate b streptococci (gbs) are the most common cause of bacterial sepsis and meningitis in neonates in the united states. although the capsular polysaccharide of gbs is an important virulence factor, it is variably immunogenic in humans. in this report, we have increased the immunogenicity of gbs type ii polysaccharide by coupling it to tetanus toxoid (tt). like other gbs capsular polysaccharides, the type ii polysaccharide has side chains terminating in sialic acid. controlled periodate oxidati ...19921398913
endocarditis caused by a group b streptococcus strain, type iii, in a nonencapsulated phase.a nontypeable blood isolate of group b streptococci (gbs) from a patient with endocarditis is suggested to be the nonencapsulated phase of a gbs strain, type iii. from the original high-density isolate, a low-density, encapsulated phase was selected by percoll gradient centrifugation. this phenomenon should be considered before a gbs strain is classified as truly nontypeable.19921401018
use of defined oligosaccharide epitopes in an elisa for group b streptococcus.a single-site elisa for group b streptococcal polysaccharide based on a monoclonal antibody against an immunodominant trirhamnoside epitope was inhibited at high capture antibody coating densities. the inhibition was eliminated when less antibody was coated or when high antigen concentrations were tested. this antigen is polyvalent with respect to the terminal trirhamnoside epitope and therefore it appears that closely spaced capture antibodies bound the epitope completely, leaving no sites for ...19921401945
significance of positive cervical cultures for chlamydia trachomatis in patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes.we tested the hypothesis that in patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes the presence of chlamydia trachomatis in the cervix shortens the latent period (time from rupture of membranes to delivery) and increases the incidence of chorioamnionitis and early endometritis. a total of 178 conservatively managed patients with prom between 22 and 35 weeks' gestation had cervical cultures for chlamydia, group b streptococcus (gbs) and neisseria gonorrhoeae performed at the time of rupture. p ...19921418135
group b streptococcal colonization in the diabetic gravida patient.previous reports have suggested that pregnant diabetic patients have higher carriage rates of group b streptococcus (gbs) than nondiabetic gravidas. in order to evaluate this in our population, we cultured the posterior pharynx, endocervix, vagina, and rectum of 101 diabetic pregnant women and 100 nondiabetic gravida patients. the colonization rate of gbs was higher in the diabetic population, 31.7%, than in the nondiabetic group 19.0%, (p < 0.039). the vagina was the site most often positive in ...19921418148
limitations in the usefulness of urine latex particle agglutination tests and hematologic measurements in diagnosing neonatal sepsis during the first week of life.we present findings regarding the usefulness of urine latex particle agglutination (lpa) testing for group b streptococcus (gbs) antigen, as well as hematologic values, in diagnosing sepsis during the 1st week of life. of 475 inborn neonates evaluated, 27 (5.7%) had confirmed sepsis, 47 (9.9%) had indeterminate findings precluding further classification, and 401 (84.4%) were not septic. we examined the following: (1) total white blood cell count (wbc); (2) total polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn ...19921432281
large, identical, tandem repeating units in the c protein alpha antigen gene, bca, of group b b streptococcus (gbs) is the leading cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis in the united states. the surface-associated c protein alpha antigen of gbs is thought to have a role in both virulence and immunity. we previously cloned the c protein alpha antigen structural gene (named bca for group b, c protein, alpha) into escherichia coli. western blots of both the native alpha antigen and the cloned gene product demonstrate a regularly laddered pattern of heterogeneous polypeptides. the nu ...19921438195
clinical application of urine antigen detection in early onset group b streptococcal disease.the aim of this study was to test the sensitivity and specificity of antigen detection for group b streptococcus (gbs) from the urine of neonates with early onset gbs sepsis. gbs sepsis was defined as early (< 48 hours) signs of sepsis in a neonate colonised with gbs. neonates of 26 weeks' gestation or more, considered at risk for sepsis, were prospectively investigated for one year. investigations included culture of superficial swabs to assess colonisation, blood culture, and the wellcogen str ...19921444559
acute infection of mice with highly virulent group b streptococci as a host resistance model for immunotoxicity assessment.this report describes a unique model for immunotoxicity evaluation in mice. the model is adapted from previously described mouse models for group b streptococcus (gbs) infections in human neonates. in this disease as well as a number of human diseases caused by highly virulent pathogens, the mechanisms of innate immunity are unable to protect the host, and survival is strictly dependent on acquired immunity. unlike other host resistance models widely used in immunotoxicity studies, the gbs model ...19921444807
[high frequency ventilation in the newborn. study of 27 cases].the clinical histories of 27 neonates ventilated with high frequency respirators (volumetric diffusive respirator vdr-2) have been analyzed in order to evaluate the efficiency of this type of ventilation in neonatal pathology. the average gestational age of these patients was 32 +/- 4 weeks. most of them (70%) presented respiratory distress due to hyaline membrane disease. of the remaining cases, three (11%) presented with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, two with pulmonary hypertension, two wit ...19921456616
unusual presentation of group b streptococcus osteomyelitis. 19921461704
group b streptococcal disease in the united states, 1990: report from a multistate active surveillance b streptococcal (gbs) disease is the most common cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis in the united states. it is also an important cause of morbidity among pregnant women and adults with underlying medical conditions. because most states have not designated gbs disease as a reportable condition, previous estimates of the incidence of gbs disease were based on studies from single hospitals or small geographic areas. this report summarizes the results of population-based active surveilla ...19921470102
[group b streptococcus]. 19921475733
early-onset group b streptococcal sepsis: a current b streptococcus (gbs) is a common cause of early-onset sepsis in neonates. the most recent reviews describing incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome evaluated data on patients from the early 1980s. to obtain current information about this disease, we retrospectively evaluated data on neonates with gbs early-onset sepsis from nine hospitals in the united states between jan. 1, 1987, and dec. 31, 1989. there were 245 infants with gbs bacteremia identified among 61,809 live births, resu ...19921517922
intravenous immune globulin therapy for early-onset sepsis in premature neonates.newborn infants may have igg deficiencies that increase their susceptibility to bacterial infection. to determine whether intravenous immune globulin (ivig) therapy improves survival rates in early-onset sepsis, we prospectively entered 753 neonates (birth weight 500 to 2000 gm, gestation less than or equal to 34 weeks, age less than or equal to 12 hours) into a multicenter, double-blind, controlled trial. blood culture specimens were obtained and infants randomly assigned to receive 10 ml (per ...19921517923
prosthetic hip-joint infection associated with a penicillin-tolerant group b streptococcus.we report a case of prosthetic hip-joint infection with streptococcus agalactiae (lancefield group b streptococcus). the infection recurred after 3 months' treatment with amoxycillin. on further investigation, the isolate was found to be amoxycillin-tolerant. addition of gentamicin abolished tolerance in vitro and the patient has remained asymptomatic since receiving a 10-day course of amoxycillin and gentamicin followed by amoxycillin alone.19921522327
[pharmacokinetic, bacteriological and clinical studies on meropenem in children].pharmacokinetic, bacteriological and clinical studies on meropenem (mepm) were performed in children. the results are summarized as follows: 1. a total of 16 patients was treated with mepm. each dose was 20 mg/kg, and administration was made 3 times daily using 30-minute intravenous drip infusion for 5-28 days. clinical efficacies of mepm in 16 patients with bacterial infections (1 with purulent meningitis, 1 with suspected subdural abscess, 2 with suspected sepsis, 4 with pneumonia, 1 with acut ...19921522674
[incidence of mycoplasma and group b streptococci in the genitourinary system of pregnant women and their effect on pregnancy].this study included 59 pregnant women and their mature infants born in term in order to establish the incidence of potential microorganisms that may transmit through the birth canal to infant and the evidence for vertical transmission in pregnancy. using isolation studies based on selective methods, it was found that u.urealyticum had the highest incidence with 26 (44%) and diphtheroid was isolated from 19 (32.2%), staphylococcus from 17 (28.8%), m.hominis from 16 (27.1%), group b streptococcus ...19921528145
[neonatal digestive implantation of streptococcus group b. influence of antibiotic therapy].group b streptococcus (gbs) is an important cause of neonatal infection. early-onset diseases are due to perinatal contamination. the epidemiology of late-onset infections is poorly known. maternal colonization may be responsible for some of them. the relationships between neonatal colonization and late disease could be a colonization of the gut. the purpose of this 3 year-prospective study was to analyse the kinetics of gut colonization in neonates and the influence of antibiotherapy. one hundr ...19921530437
therapeutic use of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in neonatal rats with type iii group b streptococcal sepsis.the use of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhgm-csf) as therapy in neonatal sepsis has been proposed because of observed defects in polymorphonuclear leukocyte (pmnl) production and function in infected neonates. newborn rats were infected intraperitoneally (ip) with type iii group b streptococcus (iii-gbs) and effects of treatment with rhgm-csf given ip 7-19 h after infection were studied. overall mortality was 67% in controls and 37% in animals treated with ...19921533238
group b streptococcus-induced acidosis in newborn swine: regional oxygen transport and lactate investigate the mechanism of metabolic acidosis resulting from group b streptococcal sepsis, oxygen metabolism and lactate flux of the cerebrum, hindlimb, liver, splanchnic organs, and systemic vascular bed as a whole were examined. nine 3- to 5-day-old awake and spontaneously breathing piglets were studied before and after 3, 4, and 5 h of continuous live group b streptococcus infusion. after 5 h, oxygen delivery was decreased to all organs and to the whole systemic vascular bed. increased o ...19921537725
preterm premature rupture of membranes: results of expectant management in patients with cervical cultures positive for group b streptococcus or neisseria gonorrhoeae.the antepartum course and short-term neonatal outcome for patients with premature rupture of membranes between 26 and 33 weeks' gestation with positive cervical cultures for group b streptococcus or neisseria gonorrhoeae were reviewed.19921550170
group b streptococcus: a cause of urinary tract infection in nonpregnant b streptococcus (gbs) is a well-known cause of infection in the perinatal and puerperal periods, but its role as a urinary tract pathogen of adults in nonobstetric situations has not yet been defined. we carried out a prospective 19-month study of all nonpregnant adult patients with significant gbs bacteriuria. this microorganism accounted for 2% of positive urine cultures. our series included 60 patients, 85% of whom were women and 95% of whom had at least one underlying condition. urinar ...19921554836
group b streptococcal sepsis in piglets: effect of combined pentoxifylline and indomethacin b streptococcus (gbs), a common neonatal gram-positive pathogen, causes similar pathophysiology in human newborns and neonatal animal models of sepsis. animal models of gbs sepsis demonstrate a two-phase response: 1) an acute phase (less than 1 h) of increased pulmonary artery pressure (ppa) and reduced arterial oxygen pressure (pao2) that is associated with increased serum thromboxane b2 (txb2) and 2) a late phase (2-4 h) of persistently increased ppa and reduced pao2, reduced systemic ar ...19921561007
once-daily ceftriaxone to complete therapy of uncomplicated group b streptococcal infection in neonates. a preliminary report.newborn infants minimally symptomatic with non-central nervous system (cns) infections due to streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococcus [gbs]) and other pathogens may not require skilled nursing care during the entire course of parenteral antibiotic therapy. in 1985, treatment guidelines were made available to private practitioners in oregon for therapy of newborn infants at low risk of complications from their infections. in 1988, patient data were collected and analyzed retrospectively. ...19921582092
development of igm antibody to group b streptococcus type iii in human elisa was developed to measure igm antibody to albumin-coupled native capsular polysaccharide of type iii group b streptococcus (gbs). the assay was standardized by two double-label methods that agreed within 33%. in quantitative assays, the range of igm antibody to type iii gbs in the sera of 94 adult pregnant women was 1.2-50.6 micrograms/ml (median, 5.4), while each of 38 cord serum samples contained less than 0.03 micrograms/ml igm antibody. neonatal rats were passively immunized with a s ...19921583322
intrapulmonary bacterial clearance of type iii group b streptococcus is reduced in preterm compared with term rabbits and occurs independent of antibody.intrapulmonary clearance of type iii group b streptococcus (gbs) and related phagocytic recruitment was studied in preterm and term rabbits at 4 and 8 h after aerosol infection using left lung homogenates to quantify gbs and right lung bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) to recover phagocytes. opsonophagocytosis of type iii gbs by pulmonary alveolar macrophages (pam) was studied in vitro with a modified differential fluorescence-quenching method using pam lavaged from preterm, term, and adult rabbits. ...19921586063
[the local prevalence of group b streptococcus in pregnant women and newborn infants].in this study, group b streptococcus (gbs) were investigated in vaginal swabs obtained from 76 pregnant women and in samples of newborn infants obtained from different areas of their bodies. gbs were determined in 5.2% of women and 3.96% of infants. gbs were recovered in 15.4% of the women in their first pregnancy and in 13.3% of women in their second pregnancy. gbs could not isolated from the women in their third and more pregnancies. all eight species of gbs were sensitive to amp + sulbactam, ...19921588850
impact of prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis blockade on disposition of group b streptococcus in lung and liver of intact b streptococci (gbs) localizing in the lungs of infant piglets is killed in part by an oxygen radical-dependent mechanism (bowdy bd, marple sl, pauly th, coonrod jd, gillespie mn: am rev respir dis 141:648-653, 1990). the source of bactericidal oxygen radicals is unknown, but cyclooxygenation of arachidonic acid, an initial event in prostanoid synthesis, is accompanied by substantial oxygen radical generation. because blockade of prostaglandin h synthase (cyclooxygenase) with indomethacin ...19921594324
a retrospective review of the efficacy and safety of prostaglandin e2 with premature rupture of the membranes at term.the purpose of this study was to assess rates of endometritis, clinical chorioamnionitis, cesarean delivery, and neonatal sepsis from the records of patients with premature rupture of the membranes (prom) and an unfavorable cervix treated with vaginal prostaglandin (pg) e2 in comparison with those in the literature.19921603502
group b streptococcus occult bacteremia. 19921603688
prepatellar bursitis in an infant caused by group b streptococcus. 19921608695
meningitis caused by group b streptococcus in association with cerebrospinal rhinorrhea. 19921623084
[persistent non-inflammatory carriage of group b streptococcus in organs of newborn mice].group b streptococcus (gbs) is an important pathogen in newborn infants and has shown a remarkable increase in japan since 1970. it has been reported that the early-onset type of gbs infection may be caused by vertical transmission whereas the late-onset type may be caused by horizontal or nosocomial transmission. however we think that the late-onset type may be caused by continuous carriage of gbs after vertical transmission. therefore, we studied the continuous carriage of gbs using mice. mice ...19921624817
prevention of neonatal group b streptococcal infections: advances in maternal vaccine development.we describe the current state of prevention of neonatal group b streptococcal infections and present recent advances toward the development of a maternal vaccine for prevention of this disease.19921635750
vulvar vestibulitis: prevalence and historic features in a general gynecologic practice population.all gynecologic patients seen by the author during a 6-month period were questioned and examined by means of a swab test to determine the prevalence of vulvar vestibulitis and the normal variation in sensitivity of vestibular skin. of 210 patients, 78 (37%) had some degree of positive testing. a total of 31 patients (15%) were found to fulfill the definition of vulvar vestibulitis. a questionnaire was administered to these patients as well as to seven patients in whom vestibulitis had been previ ...19911646569
group b streptococcus pelvic osteomyelitis presenting as foot drop in a newborn infant. 19911656378
neutropenia in an extremely premature infant treated with recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.neutropenia in the newborn is often associated with sepsis, maternal hypertension, or prematurity. we describe a 654-g infant born at 30 weeks' gestation by cesarean section due to severe maternal hypertension. his course was complicated by five episodes of sepsis, including three with group b streptococcus. the results of hematologic and immunologic studies were normal except that absolute neutrophil counts were low (less than 1 x 10(9)/l) with intermittent increases during sepsis. human recomb ...19911711773
neonatal meningitis in harare, zimbabwe: a 2-year review.a 2-year review of neonatal meningitis was undertaken at a referral hospital in zimbabwe to determine the pattern of bacterial isolates from the cerebrospinal fluid, the clinical presentation and the immediate outcome. during the study period, 94 cases were identified and the overall mortality was 41%. group b streptococcus was the predominant organism isolated (61%) and was associated with 42% mortality. low-birthweight babies and babies with gram-negative meningitis had mortality rates of 71 a ...19911714689
rapid enzyme-linked immunoassay tests for group b streptococcus infection. 19911741848
group b streptococcus infection in mother and child.despite significant advances in obstetric and pediatric health care, group b beta-hemolytic streptococcus (gbs) remains one of the most prevalent and devastating pathogens in peripartum women and their newborn infants. it may cause urinary tract infection, chorioamnionitis and endometritis, bacteremia, and cesarean wound infection in the peripartum period. moreover, gbs accounts for nearly 50% of serious neonatal bacterial infections. approximately three in every 1,000 children born in the unite ...19911744182
the hemolytic and cytolytic activity of group b streptococcal hemolysin and its possible role in early onset group b streptococcal disease.the in vitro and cytolytic properties of the hemolysin of group b streptococcus (gbs) were investigated using sheep erythrocytes and mccoy cells adapted for growth in a serum-deficient medium. the relationship between the hemolysin, various carrier molecules and phospholipids was examined. starch-based carriers interfered with the inhibitory activity of phospholipids and solvents for the phospholipids reduced the activity of the hemolysin. these technical problems were resolved by use of an albu ...19911745564
the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis.the incidence by age and causative organism of bacterial meningitis are not known on a community basis.19911746298
the changing spectrum of group b streptococcal disease in infants: an eleven-year experience in a tertiary care hospital.risk factors, clinical syndromes and the case-fatality rates associated with group b streptococcus (gbs) infections in infants managed at the university of rochester medical center during 1979 to 1989 were reviewed. overall 92 episodes of early onset disease (eod) and 54 of late onset disease (lod) were diagnosed in 143 infants (3 infants with eod presented later with lod). about one-third of patients with eod and controls were non-white compared with two-thirds of patients with lod that occurre ...19911749691
a study of group b streptococcal carrier state during late pregnancy.the carriage of group b streptococcus was investigated in 500 females in the third trimester of their pregnancy by culturing vaginal and rectal swabs and urine collected from each patient. a high rate of colonization was noted since 152 cases (30.4%) were found to harbor the organism, and 219 specimens (48%) from a total of 456 collected from these 152 cases were positive for streptococcus agalactiae. of the 219 positive specimens, 94 (42.9%) were vaginal swabs, 90 (41.1%) were rectal swabs and ...19911750107
comparison of commercially available group b streptococcal latex agglutination assays.detection of group b streptococcus (gbs) antigen in urine by latex particle agglutination (lpa) may facilitate the rapid diagnosis of gbs sepsis. we sought to compare three commercial lpa assays with specimens that were spiked with type-specific antigen, group-specific antigen, or type iii organisms. there were sensitivity differences between the assays, but the bactigen assay performed best, detecting as little as 1 ng of gbs group-specific antigen per ml in urine and as few as 10(5) cfu of gbs ...19911757570
[manifestations of streptococcus infection resulting from various serologic groups of streptococcus].44 autopsy cases (from 1985 to 1990) are studied out of which in 38 cases the diseases were produced by streptococcus of group a. in 18 cases there was a pharyngeal or extra-pharyngeal generalized streptococcus infection (scarlet fever). moderately pronounced local damage, mainly pneumonia, were found in 20 cases. in 3 other cases the disease was produced by group b streptococcus, in 2 cases by streptococcus d and in 1 case by streptococcus of g group. group a streptococcus was encountered mainl ...19911772358
the vagina of women infected with trichomonas vaginalis has numerous proteinases and antibody to trichomonad proteinases.patients with trichomoniasis have serum antibody to numerous t. vaginalis cysteine proteinases, indicating that the proteinases are expressed in vivo. it was important, therefore, to examine for the presence of soluble trichomonad proteinases and/or antibody to the proteinases in the vagina of infected women.19911774051
relationship between bacterial meningitis and acellular pertussis vaccine.we studied case reports of bacterial meningitis and estimated its incidence per 100,000 in three areas of osaka prefecture which differed in population and vaccination schedule for the years of 1987 and 1988. to estimate incidence, we used a simple mathematical method derived from surveillance data for a reported number of exanthem subitum to obtain a coverage constant. with this coverage constant, we estimated the incidence of bacterial meningitis per 100,000 population for each area. in the to ...19911778325
influence of capsular neuraminic acid on properties of streptococci of serological group b.neuraminic acid is thought to be a critical virulence factor of group b streptococci. the present study was designed to further characterize a previously described type iii group b streptococcus and its transposon-mutagenized asialo capsular mutant. the wild-type group b streptococcus grew as short chains with a uniform turbidity and had diffuse colonies in soft agar media. in contrast, the asialo mutant grew in fluid media as a granular sediment, formed significantly longer chains and had compa ...19911791427
development of a vaccine against group b streptococcus. 19911821560
non-inflammatory carriage of group b streptococcus in organs of mouse. 19911853708
prostaglandin production by amnion and decidual cells in response to bacterial from bacterial cultures have been tested for actions on prostaglandin biosynthesis by human amnion and decidual cells. the bacterial species, which are commonly associated with intrauterine infections, were group b streptococcus, escherichia coli, fusobacterium nucleatum, bacteroides fragilis, gardnerella vaginalis, neisseria gonorrhea, mycoplasma hominis and ureaplasma urealyticum. overall, low doses of bacterial products were stimulatory of amnion prostaglandin production, whereas high d ...19911857723
invasive group b streptococcal disease in adults. a population-based study in metropolitan define the incidence and clinical spectrum of group b streptococcus infection in adults. to characterize groups at increased risk for infection.19911865545
evaluation of a rapid enzyme immunoassay test for detection of group b streptococcus.the purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the icon immunoassay in detecting vaginal group b streptococcus in pregnant women. vaginal cultures were obtained at the time of sterile speculum examinations from 300 laboring women. the frequency of vaginal group b streptococcal colonization was 10%. a duplicate vaginal swab was used in the immunoassay, which required less than 10 minutes for completion. the immunoassay could reproducibly detect 3+ to 4+ growth (greater than 10(5) c ...19911876373
group b streptococcus: the effectiveness of screening and chemoprophylaxis.although antepartum screening for group b streptococcus is not ideal, it may be the most practical approach until rapid tests are proven to be useful in this clinical setting. the efficacy has been established for intrapartum chemoprophylaxis with a penicillin antibiotic of patients with a positive antepartum culture. there is evidence that supports the concept for selective intrapartum chemoprophylaxis in some populations. intrapartum chemoprophylaxis prevents maternal morbidity. rapid tests fo ...19911886704
latex agglutination detection of group-b streptococcal inoculum in is not uncommon for a newborn to be blood culture negative, but urine latex particle agglutination (lpa) positive for group-b streptococcus (gbs). we hypothesized that whole-cell gbs contamination of urine, which is possible in bag-collected specimens, could cause lpa positivity. serial tenfold dilutions through 10(-8) of an 18-hr broth suspension of gbs serotype iii were prepared in sterile urine. directigen (becton-dickenson microbiologic systems, cockeyville, md) lpa testing was performed ...19911889172
the role of c3 in mediating binding and ingestion of group b streptococcus serotype iii by murine understand how complement effects phagocytosis of type iii group b streptococcus, we assessed the specific role of c3 in mediating binding and ingestion of these bacteria by macrophages. phagocytosis of bacteria by resident mouse peritoneal macrophages was measured under conditions in which c3 deposition on bacteria was inhibited or after blockade of c3-ligands or of complement receptor type three (cr3) with specific antibodies. c3 depletion, incubation with f(ab')2 fragments of antibody to c ...19911891276
preventive efforts may reduce neonatal group b streptococcus. 19911918899
[comparison between cultures of urine sediment and of the vagina for detection of carriers of group b streptococcus (gbs) among pregnant women].an attempt was made to detect carriers of group b streptococcus (gbs) among pregnant women by vaginal culture. reported carrier rates have varied from 3% to 15% and one study has reported that cultures of urine sediment showed a very high positivity rate of 30% among non-pregnant women. in this study, we cultured urine sediment from 110 non-pregnant and 415 pregnant women. among non-pregnant women, 26% were found to be gbs carriers by culture of urine sediment. among pregnant women, the carrier ...19911919135
early onset neonatal group b streptococcus (gbs) infection: associated obstetric risk analysis of all early onset neonatal group b streptococcal (gbs) infections at the royal women's hospital, melbourne was made for the 10-year period 1979-1988. there were 104 cases with 29 neonatal deaths (28%). one or more predisposing perinatal risk factors was evident in 82% of cases (premature labour 79%, prolonged membrane rupture (greater than 12 hours) 57%, premature rupture of the membranes 69%, maternal sepsis 29%). overall, 88% of gbs infections were evident within 24 hours of birth ...19911930030
group b streptococcus (gbs) and neonatal infections: the case for intrapartum the royal women's hospital, melbourne over an 8-year period (1981-1988) all public antenatal patients were screened at 32 weeks' gestation for group b streptococcus (gbs). in a total of 30,197 livebirths there were no early onset neonatal gbs infections in infants of treated asymptomatic carrier mothers. by contrast there were 27 infections with 8 deaths in an unscreened control group of private patients (total livebirths 26,915). it is recommended that gbs screening occur antenatally at 28 w ...19911930031
[study of carrier rate and immunity to group b streptococcus (gbs) in unmarried women].in order to study the carrier rate and immunity to group b streptococcus (gbs) of unmarried women, an urinary culture was taken and blood serum was assayed by elisa for type-specific antibody in female students. heretofore there have been very few reports about gbs in unmarried women in japan. the validity of urinary culture as a substitute for vaginal culture was initially studied. the carriage of gbs was evaluated by vaginal, anal and urinary cultures in 90 pregnant women. carrier detection we ...19911932783
adjunctive clindamycin therapy for preterm labor: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerance of a course of clindamycin (administered for 3 days intravenously and 4 days orally) among hospitalized women with preterm labor at less than or equal to 34 weeks' gestation who were treated with tocolytics. one hundred three woman-perinate pairs were analyzed. univariate analysis demonstrated that pregnancies were continued longer in women treated with clindamycin than in women who ...19911951545
microbiologic causes and neonatal outcomes associated with chorioamnion infection.chorioamnion infection is associated with histologic chorioamnionitis and prematurity, but the specific chorioamnion microorganisms associated with histologic chorioamnionitis, prematurity, and poor neonatal outcome have not been identified. bacteria were recovered from the chorioamnion cultures of 32% of 112 placentas delivered at less than or equal to 34 weeks' gestation and from 19% of 156 placentas delivered at greater than 34 weeks' gestation (odds ratio 2.1; 95% confidence interval 1.1 to ...19911951562
obstetric and neonatal infection.recent advances in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infection-associated preterm labor are discussed. this includes antepartum treatment of vaginal infections, amniocentesis for culture and glucose levels, and adjunctive antibiotic treatment of preterm labor and preterm premature rupture of the membranes. risk factors for neonatal group b streptococcus sepsis are described and testing for rapid detection of maternal group b streptococcus colonization is discussed, as are recent prospectiv ...19911958805
tricuspid valve group b streptococcal endocarditis following elective abortion.streptococcus agalactiae, a group b streptococcus, has been a well-known cause of postpartum and postabortion endocarditis since the preantibiotic era. streptococcus agalactiae is capable of infecting normal valves and usually produces left-sided disease. we describe a 30-year-old woman who developed tricuspid valve endocarditis due to s. agalactiae. excision of the valve and a 4-week course of therapy with vancomycin resulted in cure.19911962116
comparison of culture for group b streptococcus versus enzyme immunoassay and latex agglutination rapid tests: results in 250 patients during labor.two hundred fifty women in labor were screened for vaginal colonization by group b streptococcus using standard culture and two rapid tests. this primarily hispanic population had a group b streptococcus vaginal colonization rate of 2.4% (95% confidence interval 0.9-5.2%) for the patients sampled. an enzyme immunoassay and a latex agglutination test for group b streptococcus antigen both had sensitivities of 33% and had specificities of 99 and 95%, respectively, when compared with culture. neith ...19911984235
comparison of functional activities between igg1 and igm class-switched human monoclonal antibodies reactive with group b streptococci or escherichia coli k1.the influence of valence and heavy chain on antibody activity was investigated using transfectoma-derived, class-switched igg1 and igm human monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reactive with the bacterial pathogens escherichia coli k1 and group b streptococcus species. igg-igm pairs were compared in vitro for antigen binding and opsonic activities and in vivo for protective efficacy in neonatal rats. for the anti-e. coli pair, the igm mab was 1000-fold more potent in all assay formats. importantly, the ...19911988519
upper genital tract isolates at delivery as predictors of post-cesarean infections among women receiving antibiotic prophylaxis.the introduction of antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean delivery has decreased the risk of postpartum endometritis and wound infection, but factors that contribute to prophylaxis failure are not understood. to determine factors that might contribute to postpartum infections following antibiotic prophylaxis, we cultured amniotic fluid, decidua, and chorioamniotic membrane specimens for anaerobic and facultative bacteria and for genital mycoplasmas at cesarean delivery. women were assessed daily f ...19911988895
aerobic and anaerobic microbiologic factors and recovery of beta-lactamase producing bacteria from obstetric and gynecologic infection.specimens obtained from 736 patients with obstetric and gynecologic infections were studied for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. bacterial growth was present in 714 specimens. these included 53 specimens of infected fallopian tubes, 470 of infected endometrium, 94 of infected amniotic fluid, 57 of aspirates of cul-de-sacs in instances of pelvic inflammatory disease, 14 labial and vaginal abscesses and 26 of bartholyn's cyst abscess. a total of 2,052 isolates (2.9 per specimen), 1,139 anaerobes (1 ...19911989117
group b streptococcus: an unusual cause of severe peritonitis in young children treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) patients is only rarely caused by beta-hemolytical streptococci species. we describe two young children, aged 15 months and 5 years, respectively, who presented an unusually severe course of peritonitis due to group b beta-hemolytical streptococci. this course of the disease showed a strong similarity with neonatal streptococcal septicemia. in neonates, igg2 deficiency is thought to be partly responsible for the severity of this con ...19911992667
phospholipase c activity in microorganisms associated with reproductive tract infection.phospholipase c (lecithinase or phosphatidylcholine phosphorylase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of lecithin into phosphorylcholine and 1,2-diglyceride. bacterial production of phospholipase c may damage reproductive tract tissues by both direct and indirect mechanisms. use of the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine phospholipase c activity was determined in 204 isolates representative of those found in female genital tract. multiple aerobic (28%) and anaerobic (28%) reproductive tract ...19911992722
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