
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
in vitro activity of biapenem plus rpx7009, a carbapenem combined with a serine β-lactamase inhibitor, against anaerobic bacteria.biapenem is a carbapenem being developed in combination with rpx7009, a new inhibitor of serine β-lactamases. biapenem was tested alone and in combination with fixed concentrations of rpx7009 by agar dilution against 377 recent isolates of anaerobes. a separate panel of 27 isolates of bacteroides spp. with decreased susceptibility or resistance to imipenem was also tested. comparator drugs included meropenem, piperacillin-tazobactam, ampicillin-sulbactam, cefoxitin, ceftazidime, metronidazole, c ...201323529731
ethnic diversity of gut microbiota: species characterization of bacteroides fragilis group and genus bifidobacterium in healthy belgian adults, and comparison with data from japanese subjects.the composition of the human gut microbiota is related to host health, and it is thought that dietary habits may play a role in shaping this composition. here, we examined the population size and prevalence of six predominant bacterial genera and the species compositions of genus bifidobacterium (g-bifid) and bacteroides fragilis group (g-bfra) in 42 healthy belgian adults by quantitative pcr (qpcr) over a period of one month. the population sizes and prevalence of these bacteria were basically ...201323522670
the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteroides fragilis group strains isolated in different european countries.from the 2008-2009 european bacteroides antibiotic resistance survey, we selected 161 strains for detection of antibiotic resistance genes (cepa, cfxa, cfia, nim, ermb, ermf, ermg, lina, mefa, msrsa, tetm, tetq, tetx, tetx1, tet36 and bexa). to facilitate the throughput, the genes were detected by real-time pcr. the presence of the genes was correlated with the known mic data of the strains for the appropriate antibiotics. for the β-lactams, the cepa gene was found in 70.8% of the tested strains ...201323500457
maldi-tof ms fingerprinting facilitates rapid discrimination of phylotypes i, ii and iii of propionibacterium acnes.matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms) is widely used today for species determination of bacteria and fungi in routine microbiological laboratories, and can also be used for subtyping of bacteria, such as bacteroides fragilis. propionibacterium acnes is frequently referred to as an anaerobic skin commensal of relatively low pathogenicity. in addition to its accepted pathogenic role in acne, p. acnes is now emerging as an important opportunisti ...201323485355
recycling of bowel content: the importance of the right timing.extracorporeal stool transport (recycling of chyme discharged from the proximal stoma end to the distal end of a high jejunostomy or ileostomy) is thought to be beneficial in preventing malabsoprtion, sodium loss, cholestasis and atrophy of the distal intestine until restoration of the intestinal continuity becomes possible. however little is known about its adverse effects. our aim was to investigate the microbiological safety of recycling.201323480916
determination of disk diffusion and mic quality control guidelines for gsk2251052: a novel boron-containing antibacterial.gsk2251052 is a boron-containing antimicrobial agent in clinical development for the treatment of serious gram-negative bacterial infections. these gsk2251052 quality control (qc) studies were performed to establish ranges for control strains (broth microdilution [bmd] mic and disk diffusion zones) as follows: pseudomonas aeruginosa atcc 27853 (2-8 μg/ml and 15-24 mm), escherichia coli atcc 25922 (0.5-2 μg/ml and 23-30 mm), haemophilus influenzae atcc 49247 (0.25-1 μg/ml and 22-31 mm), streptoco ...201323461830
comparative in vitro activities of gsk2251052, a novel boron-containing leucyl-trna synthetase inhibitor, against 916 anaerobic organisms.we studied the comparative in vitro activity of gsk2251052, a novel boron leucyl-trna synthetase inhibitor, against 916 clinical anaerobic isolates using clsi methods. the gsk mic50/mic90 for all isolates tested were 2 and 4 μg/ml, and the mic90s against 302 bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron strains were 4 and 8 μg/ml, respectively. all clostridium perfringens strains had gsk2251052 mics of >32 μg/ml. there was no relationship between increased mics for any other antibiotics ...201323459482
comparative evaluation of conventional and real-time pcr assays for detecting bacteroides fragilis in clinical samples.a conventional pcr and a real-time pcr for detecting bacteroides fragilis were evaluated against clinical specimens. analytical sensitivities were 100 and 40 fg of dna, respectively. detection limits were 100 and 10 cfu/ml, respectively. a total of six culture-negative specimens were positive by pcr. altering the gold standard from "positive culture" to "positive culture or both pcr assays positive" resulted in sensitivities of 91.7% and 100%, respectively, and in specificities of 100% and 98.6% ...201323447634
expression of bacteroides fragilis hemolysins in vivo and role of hlyba in an intra-abdominal infection model.bacteroides fragilis is the most frequent opportunistic pathogen isolated from anaerobic infections. however, there is a paucity of information regarding the genetic and molecular aspects of gene expression of its virulence factors during extra-intestinal infections. a potential virulence factor that has received little attention is the ability of b. fragilis to produce hemolysins. in this study, an implanted perforated table tennis "ping-pong" ball was used as an intra-abdominal artificial absc ...201323441096
bacteroides fragilis polysaccharide a is necessary and sufficient for acute activation of intestinal sensory neurons.symbionts or probiotics are known to affect the nervous system. to understand the mechanisms involved, it is important to measure sensory neuron responses and identify molecules responsible for this interaction. here we test the effects of adding lactobacillus rhamnosus (jb-1) and bacteroides fragilis to the epithelium while making voltage recordings from intestinal primary afferent neurons. sensory responses are recorded within 8 s of applying jb-1 and excitability facilitated within 15 min. ba ...201323403566
septic thrombophlebitis of the superior mesenteric vein with bacteraemia caused by bacteroides fragilis and streptococcus intermedius as a complication of diverculitis.a 68-year-old japanese man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis was admitted to our hospital because of fever and haematemesis. on day 3, his blood culture became positive for gram-negative bacilli and gram-positive cocci, and contrast-enhanced abdominal ct revealed acute septic thrombophlebitis of the superior mesenteric vein with caecal diverculitis. antimicrobial therapy with ampicillin-sulbactam and anticoagulant therapy were started and the blood culture grew bacteroides fragilis and streptococcu ...201323389727
bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin upregulates lipocalin-2 expression in intestinal epithelial cells.enterotoxigenic bacteroides fragilis (etbf) produces an ≈ 20 kda b. fragilis enterotoxin (bft), which plays an essential role in mucosal inflammation. lipocalin (lcn)-2, a siderophore-binding antimicrobial protein, is critical for control of bacterial infection; however, expression of lcn-2 in bft-exposed intestinal epithelial cells has not been elucidated. in the present study, stimulation of human intestinal epithelial cells with bft resulted in the upregulation of lcn-2 expression that was a ...201323381626
ceftazidime-avibactam: a novel cephalosporin/β-lactamase inhibitor combination.avibactam (formerly nxl104, ave1330a) is a synthetic non-β-lactam, β-lactamase inhibitor that inhibits the activities of ambler class a and c β-lactamases and some ambler class d enzymes. this review summarizes the existing data published for ceftazidime-avibactam, including relevant chemistry, mechanisms of action and resistance, microbiology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and efficacy and safety data from animal and human trials. although not a β-lactam, the chemical structure of avibact ...201323371303
pcr-based detection of resistance genes in anaerobic bacteria isolated from intra-abdominal infections.little information is available on the distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes in anaerobes in japan. to understand the background of antimicrobial resistance in anaerobes involved in intra-abdominal infections, we investigated the distribution of eight antimicrobial resistance genes (cepa, cfia, cfxa, ermf, ermb, mefa, tetq, and nim) and a mutation in the gyra gene in a total of 152 organisms (bacteroides spp., prevotella spp., fusobacterium spp., porphyromonas spp., bilophila wadsworthi ...201323338012
bacteroides fragilis vertebral osteomyelitis complicated by percutaneous epidural adhesiolysis.a case report of anaerobic vertebral osteomyelitis after percutaneous epidural adhesiolysis.201323324937
relationship between the clinical efficacy and auc/mic of intravenous ciprofloxacin in japanese patients with intraabdominal infections.the efficacy of fluoroquinolones (fqs) correlates with the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (pk-pd) parameter, auc/mic. to our knowledge, however, no prospective studies have reported the relationship between fq efficacy and pk-pd parameters in intraabdominal infection; therefore, we prospectively investigated the relationship between the efficacy of intravenous ciprofloxacin (cpfx iv) and pk-pd parameters. the study included 16 patients diagnosed with peritonitis between 2006 and 2008: 14 patien ...201323322394
in vitro activities of levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin and garenoxacin against bacteroides fragilis strains evaluated by kill kinetics.this study was designed to investigate the killing activity of levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin and garenoxacin against 12 bacteroides fragilis strains by kill kinetics over time. mic values were determined by etest and by agar dilution. b. fragilis strains were divided according to their mic values into two groups: one group with strains with mic <8.0 µg ml(-1) and one group with strains with mic ≥ 8.0 µg ml(-1). for kill kinetics over time, the strains with mic <8.0 µg ml(-1) were incu ...201323319309
population-based assessment of the incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of anaerobic bloodstream infections.anaerobes are a relatively uncommon but important cause of bloodstream infection. however, their epidemiology has not been well defined in non-selected populations. we sought to describe the incidence of, risk factors for, and outcomes associated with anaerobic bacteremia.201323292663
effectiveness of onsite wastewater reuse system in reducing bacterial contaminants measured with human-specific ims/atp and qpcr.water shortages and the drive to recycle is increasing interest in reuse of reclaimed wastewater. timely and cost-effective ways to detect fecal pollutants prior to reuse increases confidence of residents and neighbors concerned about reuse of reclaimed wastewater. the on-site wastewater treatment and reuse systems (owtrs) used in this study include a septic tank, peat bioreactor, clo(2) disinfection and land spray irrigation system. bacteroides fragilis, escherichia coli and enterococcus spp., ...201323254156
discrimination based on gly and arg/ser at position 673 between dipeptidyl-peptidase (dpp) 7 and dpp11, widely distributed dpps in pathogenic and environmental gram-negative bacteria.porphyromonas gingivalis, an asaccharolytic gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, expresses the novel asp/glu-specific dipeptidyl-peptidase (dpp) 11 (ohara-nemoto, y. et al. (2011) j. biol. chem. 286, 38115-38127), which has been categorized as a member of the s46/dpp7 family that is preferential for hydrophobic residues at the p1 position. from that finding, 129 gene products constituting five clusters from the phylum bacteroidetes have been newly annotated to either dpp7 or dpp11, whereas the re ...201323246913
[traveller's diarrhea: epidemiology, clinical practice guideline for the prevention and treatment].bacterial causes are predominant: enterotoxigenic (etec) ou enteroadherent escherichia coli, salmonella sp., shigella sp., campylobacter jejuni, acrobacter sp., enterotoxigenic bacteroïdes fragilis. prevention relies on the hand and food hygiene standards (heat-cooked meals). watery diarrhea (toxigenic enterocolitis) is the most frequent clinical presentation associated with a risk of dehydration; the body temperature is normal except in cases of severe dehydration. less frequent are invasive en ...201323246203
synthesis of orthogonally protected bacterial, rare-sugar and d-glycosamine building blocks.bacterial glycoconjugates comprise atypical deoxy amino sugars that are not present on the human cell surface, making them good targets for drug discovery and carbohydrate-based vaccine development. unfortunately, they cannot be isolated with sufficient purity in acceptable amounts, and therefore chemical synthesis is a crucial step toward the development of these products. here we describe a detailed protocol for the synthesis of orthogonally protected bacterial deoxy amino hexopyranoside (2,4- ...201324008382
use of a genetically-engineered escherichia coli strain as a sample process control for quantification of the host-specific bacterial genetic markers.quantitative pcr (qpcr) assays targeting the host-specific bacteroides-prevotella 16s rrna genetic markers have been proposed as one of the promising approaches to identify the source of fecal contamination in environmental waters. one of the concerns of qpcr assays to environmental samples is the reliability of quantified values, since dna extraction followed by qpcr assays are usually performed without appropriate sample process control (spc) and internal amplification controls (iacs). to chec ...201323989919
multidrug-resistant bacteroides fragilis--seattle, washington, 2013.the bacteroides fragilis group consists of species of obligate anaerobic bacteria that inhabit the human gut. they are among the leading pathogens isolated in the setting of intra-abdominal infections. b. fragilis strains, especially in the united states, are virtually always susceptible to metronidazole, carbapenems, and beta-lactam antibiotics. although isolated cases of resistance to single agents have been reported, multidrug-resistant (mdr) b. fragilis strains are exceptionally rare. in may ...201323985497
comparative antimicrobial efficacy of metapex, metronidazole, biopure mtad, aztreonam on bacteroides fragilis and propionibacterium acne.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the comparative antibacterial efficacy of biopure mtad, metapex, metronidazole, and aztreonam against two obligate anerobic bacteria.201323956535
bacterial colonization factors control specificity and stability of the gut microbiota.mammals harbour a complex gut microbiome, comprising bacteria that confer immunological, metabolic and neurological benefits. despite advances in sequence-based microbial profiling and myriad studies defining microbiome composition during health and disease, little is known about the molecular processes used by symbiotic bacteria to stably colonize the gastrointestinal tract. we sought to define how mammals assemble and maintain the bacteroides, one of the most numerically prominent genera of th ...201323955152
purification and characterisation of recombinant bacteroides fragilis toxin-2.fragilysin (bft) is metalloprotease that is secreted by enterotoxigenic bacteroides fragilis. studying the mechanism of bft interaction with intestinal epithelial cells requires a pure protein sample. in this study, we cloned dna-fragments coding for the catalytic domain of fragilysin-2 and profragilysin-2 into an e. coli expression vector. purification methods for the recombinant fragilysin-2 catalytic domain and profragilysin-2 were developed. in addition, we obtained mature active fragilysin- ...201323954621
discovery of β-1,4-d-mannosyl-n-acetyl-d-glucosamine phosphorylase involved in the metabolism of n-glycans.a gene cluster involved in n-glycan metabolism was identified in the genome of bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482. this gene cluster encodes a major facilitator superfamily transporter, a starch utilization system-like transporter consisting of a tonb-dependent oligosaccharide transporter and an outer membrane lipoprotein, four glycoside hydrolases (α-mannosidase, β-n-acetylhexosaminidase, exo-α-sialidase, and endo-β-n-acetylglucosaminidase), and a phosphorylase (bt1033) with unknown function ...201323943617
tissue concentrations of antibiotics given prophylactically during colorectal cancer surgery.this study was designed to clarify the pharmacokinetics of prophylactically administered cefmetazole in serum, intestinal tissue, and subcutaneous adipose tissue in patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer.201323933929
inactivation of a fibronectin-binding tonb-dependent protein increases adhesion properties of bacteroides fragilis.bacteroides fragilis is the gram-negative strictly anaerobic bacterium most frequently isolated from clinical infections, including intra-abdominal abscess and bacteraemia. a number of factors can contribute to its virulence, including the expression of adhesins. some of them are already characterized and can recognize and bind to extracellular matrix components, such as fibronectin. one of the molecules responsible for fibronectin-binding is an outer-membrane protein previously described by our ...201323893918
glucocorticoids and microbiota regulate ontogeny of intestinal fucosyltransferase 2 requisite for gut weaning, the intestinal mucosa surface glycans change from predominantly sialylated to fucosylated. intestinal adaptation from milk to solid food is regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. the contribution by glucocorticoid, an intrinsic factor, and colonization by microbiota, an extrinsic factor, was measured as the induction of α1,2/3-fucosyltransferase and sucrase-isomaltase (si) activity and gene expression in conventionally raised, germ-free, and bacteria-depleted mice. in conventi ...201323887940
comparative in vitro activities of smt19969, a new antimicrobial agent, against clostridium difficile and 350 gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic intestinal flora isolates.the comparative in vitro activity of smt19969, a novel, narrow-spectrum, nonabsorbable agent, was studied against 50 ribotype-defined clostridium difficile strains, 174 gram-positive and 136 gram-negative intestinal anaerobes, and 40 gram-positive aerobes. smt19969 was one dilution more active against c. difficile isolates (mic range, 0.125 to 0.5 μg/ml; mic90, 0.25 μg/ml), including ribotype 027 strains, than fidaxomicin (range, 0.06 to 1 μg/ml; mic90, 0.5 μg/ml) and two to six dilutions lower ...201323877700
production of α-galactosylceramide by a prominent member of the human gut microbiota.while the human gut microbiota are suspected to produce diffusible small molecules that modulate host signaling pathways, few of these molecules have been identified. species of bacteroides and their relatives, which often comprise >50% of the gut community, are unusual among bacteria in that their membrane is rich in sphingolipids, a class of signaling molecules that play a key role in inducing apoptosis and modulating the host immune response. although known for more than three decades, the fu ...201323874157
co-evolution of had phosphatase and hotdog-fold thioesterase domain function in the menaquinone-pathway fusion proteins bf1314 and pg1653.the function of a bacteroidetes menaquinone biosynthetic pathway fusion protein comprised of an n-terminal haloacid dehalogenase (had) family domain and a c-terminal hotdog-fold family domain is described. whereas the thioesterase domain efficiently catalyzes 1,4-dihydroxynapthoyl-coa hydrolysis, an intermediate step in the menaquinone pathway, the had domain is devoid of catalytic activity. in some bacteroidetes a homologous, catalytically active 1,4-dihydroxynapthoyl-coa thioesterase replaces ...201323851007
relevance of commensal microbiota in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory bowel disease.commensal microbiota that reside primarily in the gut of mammals influence the hosts' health to a great extent. shaping of host immunity locally, a vital component of this influence, can have pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, or neutral outcomes, presumably depending on the composition of the microbiota in an individual and type of molecules expressed in the individual members of the microbiota. thus, these microbial species can be thought of as a reservoir of molecules that can be used to im ...201323846489
ferritin-like family proteins in the anaerobe bacteroides fragilis: when an oxygen storm is coming, take your iron to the shelter.bacteroides are gram-negative anaerobes and one of the most abundant members the lower gi tract microflora where they play an important role in normal intestinal physiology. disruption of this commensal relationship has a great impact on human health and disease. bacteroides spp. are significant opportunistic pathogens causing infections when the mucosal barrier integrity is disrupted following predisposing conditions such as gi surgery, perforated or gangrenous appendicitis, perforated ulcer, d ...201323842847
the role of bmor, a marr family regulator, in the survival of bacteroides fragilis during oxidative stress.the intestinal opportunistic pathogen bacteroides fragilis is among the most aerotolerant species of strict anaerobic bacteria and survives exposure to atmospheric oxygen for up to 72h. under these circumstances, a strong oxygen stress response (osr) mechanism is activated and the expression of as much as 45% of b. fragilis genes is altered. one of the most important regulators of this response is the product of the oxyr gene, but other regulation systems are in place during the osr. the marr fa ...201323827141
influence of early environmental factors on lymphocyte subsets and gut microbiota in infants at risk of celiac disease; the proficel is known that the hla genotype can explain about a 40% of the genetic risk of celiac disease (cd), thus, other genetic predisposing factors as well as factors that subtly modulate t cell activation and differentiation need to be studied. this includes environmental factors that are currently believed to impact on the immune system and gut microbiota development.201323822699
prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of bacteroides fragilis group isolated from stool samples in north lebanon.fifty one strains of the bacteroides fragilis group were isolated from 45 fecal samples. classical phenotypic identification showed that 16 isolates were b. thetaiotaomicron, 12 b. uniformis, 9 b. eggerthii, 7 b. vulgatus, 3 b. caccae, 2 parabacteroides distasonis with 1 identified b. ovatus and 1 b. fragilis. the 51 strains were tested for susceptibility against 16 antimicrobial agents and the mics for metronidazole were determined. the tests showed that imipenem, meropenem and chloramphenicol ...201324516449
microbiota modulate behavioral and physiological abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (asd), are defined by core behavioral impairments; however, subsets of individuals display a spectrum of gastrointestinal (gi) abnormalities. we demonstrate gi barrier defects and microbiota alterations in the maternal immune activation (mia) mouse model that is known to display features of asd. oral treatment of mia offspring with the human commensal bacteroides fragilis corrects gut permeability, alters microbial composition, and ...201324315484
toward effective probiotics for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.hsaio and colleagues link gut microbes to autism spectrum disorders (asd) in a mouse model. they show that asd symptoms are triggered by compositional and structural shifts of microbes and associated metabolites, but symptoms are relieved by a bacteroides fragilis probiotic. thus probiotics may provide therapeutic strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders.201324360269
identification of a tlr2-stimulating lipoprotein in bacteroides fragilis jcm 11019 (nctc 9343).bacteroides fragilis is found among the normal intestinal flora and is involved in host immunostimulation via tlr2. its cell surface components, such as lps and capsular polysaccharides, were reported to participate in host immunostimulation. in this study, we report on the existence of a lipoprotein that acts as a tlr2 stimulant in b. fragilis. the tlr2-stimulating lipoprotein was obtained using triton x-114-water phase partitioning followed by preparative sds-page. its n-terminal hydrophobic p ...201322890547
evaluation of nvb302 versus vancomycin activity in an in vitro human gut model of clostridium difficile infection.first-line treatment options for clostridium difficile infection (cdi) are limited. nvb302 is a novel type b lantibiotic under evaluation for the treatment of cdi. we compared the responses to nvb302 and vancomycin when used to treat simulated cdi in an in vitro gut model.201322966180
optimal sutures for use in the abdomen: an evaluation based on the formation of adhesions and abscesses.this study explored the optimal suture materials for use in the peritoneal cavity based on the formation of adhesions and abscesses under clean and contaminated conditions.201322797960
treatment of bran containing bread by baking enzymes; effect on the growth of probiotic bacteria on soluble dietary fiber extract in vitro.different ways of treating bran by baking enzymes prior to dough making and the baking process were used to increase the amount of water-soluble dietary fiber (df) in wheat bread with added bran. soluble df was extracted from the bread with water and separated from the digestible material with gastrointestinal tract enzymes and by solvent precipitation. the baking enzyme mixtures tested (xylanase and glucanase/cellulase, with and without lipase) increased the amounts of soluble arabinoxylan and ...201222790935
ceftaroline fosamil in the treatment of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia and acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections.ceftaroline fosamil is a cephalosporin antibacterial approved by the us food and drug administration (fda) for use in the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (absssi) and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (cabp). after intravenous administration, ceftaroline fosamil is rapidly converted to its bioactive metabolite, ceftaroline. ceftaroline has broad-spectrum in vitro activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including contemporary resistant gram- ...201222779432
inactivation of a single gene enables microaerobic growth of the obligate anaerobe bacteroides fragilis.bacteroides fragilis can replicate in atmospheres containing ≤0.05% oxygen, but higher concentrations arrest growth by an unknown mechanism. here we show that inactivation of a single gene, oxe (i.e., oxygen enabled) in b. fragilis allows for growth in concentrations as high as 2% oxygen while increasing the tolerance of this organism to room air. known components of the oxidative stress response including the ahpc, kat, bata-e, and tpx genes were not individually important for microaerobic grow ...201222778399
discerning the role of bacteroides fragilis in celiac disease pathogenesis.celiac disease (cd) is associated with intestinal dysbiosis, which can theoretically lead to dysfunctions in host-microbe interactions and contribute to the disease. in the present study, possible differences in bacteroides spp. and their pathogenic features between cd patients and controls were investigated. bacteroides clones (n = 274) were isolated, identified, and screened for the presence of the virulence genes (bft and mpii) coding for metalloproteases. the proteolytic activity of selected ...201222773639
spinal epidural abscess caused by bacteroides fragilis group after dilation and curettage for incomplete abortion.spinal epidural abscess (sea) is a rare infection complicated in patients who have some risk factors such as injection-drug use, diabetes mellitus, and several illnesses. however, no case of sea associated with abortion has been reported. here we report a case of sea in a 30-year-old woman after dilation and curettage for incomplete abortion. the diagnosis of sea was done by mri and pus was drained after the cervical discectomy. bacteroides fragilis group was cultured from the aspirated pus samp ...201222754250
intestinal microbiota and secretory immunoglobulin a in feces of exclusively breast-fed infants with blood-streaked stools.episodes of blood-streaked stools are not uncommon in exclusively breast-fed infants under 6 months of age. such bleeding is thought to be associated with food protein-induced proctocolitis, however the pathomechanism remains unclear. the aim of this study was to investigate intestinal microbiota and secretory immunoglobulin a in the feces of exclusively breast-fed infants with blood-streaked stools. fecal specimens from 15 full-term infants with blood-streaked stools and 15 breast-fed healthy i ...201222725615
the effect of uv-c radiation (254 nm) on candidate microbial source tracking phages infecting a human-specific strain of bacteroides fragilis (gb-124).the enumeration of phages infecting host-specific strains of bacteroides has been widely recognised as an effective and low-cost method of microbial source tracking (mst). a recently described human-specific bacteroides host strain (gb-124) has been shown to detect bacteriophages exclusively in human-impacted waters and is emerging as a useful mst tool. however, a better understanding of the morphology and ecological behaviour of the phages, especially in wastewater disinfection processes, is no ...201222717751
differential interleukin-10 (il-10) and il-23 production by human blood monocytes and dendritic cells in response to commensal enteric bacteria.human peripheral blood contains antigen-presenting cells (apc), including dendritic cells (dc) and monocytes, that may encounter microbes that have translocated from the intestine to the periphery in disease states like hiv-1 infection and inflammatory bowel disease. we investigated the response of dc and monocytes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) to a panel of representative commensal enteric bacteria, including escherichia coli, enterococcus sp., and bacteroides fragilis. all three ...201222695160
molecular monitoring of the development of intestinal microbiota in japanese infants.the faecal microbiota of 166 healthy japanese newborns was analysed periodically from day 1 after birth until the age of 3 years by using the reverse transcription-quantitative pcr. faecal ph and the organic acid concentration were also examined. colonisation by both facultative anaerobes and strict anaerobes was confirmed in 95% of the meconium tested. bifidobacterium-predominant microbiota was established subsequently in most of the infants by 3 months after birth. bifidobacterium breve, bifid ...201222683836
transposon mutagenesis of the anaerobic commensal, bacteroides fragilis, using the ez::tn5 transposome.genetic analysis of bacteroides fragilis (bf) is hindered because of the lack of efficient transposon mutagenesis methods. here, we describe a simple method for transposon mutagenesis using ez::tn5, a commercially available system that we optimized for use in bf638r. the modified ez::tn5 transposon contains an escherichia coli conditional origin of replication, a kanamycin resistance gene for e. coli, an erythromycin resistance gene for bf , and 19 basepair transposase recognition sequences on e ...201222639975
changes of faecal microbiota in patients with crohn's disease treated with an elemental diet and total parenteral nutrition.intestinal microbiota contributes to the pathogenesis of crohn's disease. elemental diet and total parenteral nutrition are effective therapies for crohn's disease; however, changes of microbiota as a result of both treatments have not been fully elucidated.201222622202
t cell tolerance and immunity to commensal bacteria.the commensal bacteria normally resident in the gastrointestinal tract represent an enormous pool of foreign antigen within the body. although mechanical barriers limit entry of bacteria into the host, recent data suggest that t cells routinely interact with commensal bacteria using both antigen-specific and non-specific receptors. depending on the bacterial species, either regulatory or effector t cell responses can be generated. for example, segmented filamentous bacteria (sfb) favor effector ...201222613090
multidrug-resistant bacteroides fragilis group on the rise in europe?we report a case of multidrug-resistance (mdr) in a strain of bacteroides fragilis from a blood culture and abdominal fluid in a danish patient. the patient had not been travelling for several years and had not received antibiotics prior to the present case. we also summarize the cases that have been reported to date of mdr b. fragilis group in europe. as far as we know, a case like this with mdr b. fragilis has not been described in scandinavia before.201222956754
the effect of environmental conditions on expression of bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron c10 protease genes.bacteroides fragilis and bacteroides thetaiotaomicron are members of the normal human intestinal microbiota. however, both organisms are capable of causing opportunistic infections, during which the environmental conditions to which the bacteria are exposed change dramatically. to further explore their potential for contributing to infection, we have characterized the expression in b. thetaiotaomicron of four homologues of the gene encoding the c10 cysteine protease speb, a potent extracellular ...201222943521
critical role of toll-like receptor 2 in bacteroides fragilis-mediated immune responses in murine peritoneal mesothelial this study, the role of toll-like receptor 2 (tlr2) in immune responses of murine peritoneal mesothelial cells against bacteroides fragilis was investigated. enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure cytokines and chemokines. activation of nuclear factor κb (nf-κb-α) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (map kinases) was investigated by western blot analysis. b. fragilis induced production of interleukin-6, chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 1 (cxcl1) and chemokine (c-c motif) ligand ...201222938101
[antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of aerobic gram-positive cocci and anaerobic bacteria in 2008].the activity of antibacterial agents against aerobic gram-positive cocci (25 genus or species, 1029 strains) and anaerobic bacteria (21 genus or species, 187 strains) isolated from clinical specimens in 2008 at 16 clinical facilities in japan were studied using either broth microdilution or agar dilution method. the ratio of methicillin-resistant strains among staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis was 59.6% and 81.2%, suggesting that resistant strains were isolated at high frequen ...201222808693
moxibustion inhibits interleukin-12 and tumor necrosis factor alpha and modulates intestinal flora in rat with ulcerative investigate the effect of moxibustion on intestinal flora and release of interleukin-12 (il-12) and tumor necrosis factor-α (tnf-α) from the colon in rat with ulcerative colitis (uc).201223239920
metabolic mechanism of mannan in a ruminal bacterium, ruminococcus albus, involving two mannoside phosphorylases and cellobiose 2-epimerase: discovery of a new carbohydrate phosphorylase, β-1,4-mannooligosaccharide phosphorylase.ruminococcus albus is a typical ruminal bacterium digesting cellulose and hemicellulose. cellobiose 2-epimerase (ce; ec, which converts cellobiose to 4-o-β-d-glucosyl-d-mannose, is a particularly unique enzyme in r. albus, but its physiological function is unclear. recently, a new metabolic pathway of mannan involving ce was postulated for another ce-producing bacterium, bacteroides fragilis. in this pathway, β-1,4-mannobiose is epimerized to 4-o-β-d-mannosyl-d-glucose (man-glc) by ce, ...201223093406
[assessment of susceptibility of strictly anaerobic bacteria originated from different sources to fluoroquinolones and other antimicrobial drugs].during the past 20 years, several studies at a national level in different countries followed resistance trends for bacteroides sp. and clostridium difficile. this study analysed antimicrobial susceptibility 73 anaerobic bacteria strains of bacteroides fragilis group (bfg) and c. difficile to fluoroquinolones and other antimicrobial drugs.201223072056
synthesis and biological activity of a novel series of 17-azapentacyclo [,19)]nonadeca-2,4,6,9,11,13-hexaen-16,18-dione the search for novel antimicrobial agents, a series of new derivatives - n-substituted imides were prepared. all of the compounds were characterized by 'h nmr and esi ms spectra. these derivatives were tested for antimicrobial activity. microorganisms used in this study included aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and obligatory anaerobes such as bacteroides fragilis, bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and propion ...201223061286
outer membrane vesicles of a human commensal mediate immune regulation and disease protection.commensal bacteria impact host health and immunity through various mechanisms, including the production of immunomodulatory molecules. bacteroides fragilis produces a capsular polysaccharide (psa), which induces regulatory t cells and mucosal tolerance. however, unlike pathogens, which employ secretion systems, the mechanisms by which commensal bacteria deliver molecules to the host remain unknown. we reveal that bacteroides fragilis releases psa in outer membrane vesicles (omvs) that induce imm ...201222999859
a role for tlr1, tlr2 and nod2 in cytokine induction by bacteroides fragilis.bacteroides fragilis, an intestinal flora commensal microorganism, is frequently isolated from abscesses and soft tissue infections. this study aimed to identify pattern recognition receptors (prrs) involved in b. fragilis recognition and to characterize the induced cytokine profile. human pbmcs were stimulated with heat-killed b. fragilis and cytokine levels were determined by elisa. roles of individual prrs were assessed using specific blockers of receptor signaling pathways and pbmcs carrying ...201222998942
evidence of bacteroides fragilis protection from bartonella henselae-induced damage.bartonella henselae is able to internalize endothelial progenitor cells (epcs), which are resistant to the infection of other common pathogens. bacteroides fragilis is a gram-negative anaerobe belonging to the gut microflora. it protects from experimental colitis induced by helicobacter hepaticus through the polysaccharide a (psa). the aim of our study was to establish: 1) whether b. fragilis colonization could protect from b. henselae infection; if this event may have beneficial effects on epcs ...201223166739
[role of infectious agents in the emergence of malignant tumors].according to the data of the international agency for research on cancer (iarc), at least 6 virus species (hpv, ebv, hhv-8/kshv, htlv-1, hbv, hcv), 4 helminthes species (schistosoma haematobium and japonicum, opisthorchis viverrini, clonorchis sinensis) and i bacterium species (helicobacter pylori) have been proved to be capable of causing the development of cancer. the analysis of the data available shows that merkel cell polyomavirus (mcv), herpes simplex virus (hsv), john cunningham polyomavi ...201223163048
spondylodiscitis complicated by an epidural abscess and meningitis caused by bacteroides fragilis.bacteroides fragilis is a rare causative agent of spondylodiscitis. the pathophysiology of b. fragilis in spondylodiscitis remains largely unclear because of its rare occurrence. we herein report a case of spondylodiscitis complicated by an epidural abscess and meningitis; b. fragilis was detected in the blood of the patient. moreover, the patient had a splenic abscess that was confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging. the patient completely recovered with antimicrobial therapy alone.201223154731
nationwide surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of pathogens isolated from surgical site infections (ssi) in investigate the trends of antimicrobial resistance in pathogens isolated from surgical site infections (ssi), a japanese surveillance committee conducted the first nationwide survey. seven main organisms were collected from ssi at 27 medical centers in 2010 and were shipped to a central laboratory for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. a total of 702 isolates from 586 patients with ssi were included. staphylococcus aureus (20.4 %) and enterococcus faecalis (19.5 %) were the most common iso ...201223143280
oxygen tolerance in anaerobic pathogenic bacteria.a prerequisite for successful identification of anaerobic pathogenic bacteria from samples of clinical material is the method of cultivation. currently, several methods of cultivation in anaerobic environment are used: cultivation in anaerobic box, anaerobic jar, and in nonrecurring cultivation system. here, we determined the suitability of the above methods of cultivation using the estimation of the growth (diameters of colony size) of commonly isolated anaerobic pathogens (bacteroides fragilis ...201222573259
comparative (meta)genomic analysis and ecological profiling of human gut-specific bacteriophage φb124-14.bacteriophage associated with the human gut microbiome are likely to have an important impact on community structure and function, and provide a wealth of biotechnological opportunities. despite this, knowledge of the ecology and composition of bacteriophage in the gut bacterial community remains poor, with few well characterized gut-associated phage genomes currently available. here we describe the identification and in-depth (meta)genomic, proteomic, and ecological analysis of a human gut-spec ...201222558115
contribution of hly homologs to the hemolytic activity of prevotella intermedia.prevotella intermedia is a periodontal pathogen that requires iron for its growth. although this organism has hemolytic activity, the precise nature of its hemolytic substances and their associated hemolytic actions are yet to be fully determined. in the present study, we identified and characterized several putative hly genes in p. intermedia atcc25611 which appear to encode hemolysins. six hly genes (hlya, b, c, d, e, and hlyi) of p. intermedia were identified by comparing their nucleotide seq ...201222554902
role of metabolism by human intestinal microflora in geniposide-induced toxicity in hepg2 cells.possible role of metabolism by the intestinal bacteria in geniposide-induced cytotoxicity was investigated in human hepatoma hepg2 cells. initially, toxic effects of geniposide and its metabolite genipin were compared. genipin, a deglycosylated form of geniposide, was cytotoxic at the concentrations that geniposide was not. as metabolic activation systems for geniposide, human intestinal bacterial cultures, fecal preparation (fecalase) and intestinal microbial enzyme mix were employed in the pre ...201222553067
the microbiota of the gut in preschool children with normal and excessive body weight.the aim of this study was to investigate the gut microbiota in preschool children with and without overweight and obesity. twenty overweight or obese children and twenty children with bmi within the normal range (age: 4-5 years) were recruited from the south of sweden. the gut microbiota was accessed by quantitative pcr (qpcr) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and calprotectin was measured in feces. liver enzymes were quantified in obese/overweight children. the concentration ...201222546742
a shift from colon- to ileum-predominant bacteria in ileal-pouch feces following total proctocolectomy.we previously investigated fecal flora of the pouch after total proctocolectomy using terminal restriction fragment polymorphism analysis. although the results of the cluster analysis demonstrated clearly that bacterial populations, including an unidentified bacteria generating a 213-bp pcr fragment, moved toward a colon-like community in the pouch, it did not track changes in the individual species of fecal bacteria.201222539039
bioinformatic evidence and characterization of novel putative large conjugative transposons residing in genomes of genera bacteroides and prevotella.bioinformatic evidence of the presence of a large conjugative transposon in ruminal bacterium prevotella bryantii b(1)4(t) is presented. the described transposon appears to be related to another large conjugative transposon ctnbst, described in bacteroides uniformis wh207 and to the conjugative transposon ctn3-bf, which was observed in the genome of bacteroides fragilis strain ych46. all three transposons share tra gene regions with high amino acid identity and clearly conserved gene order. addi ...201222528303
[possible role of enterotoxigenic bacteroides fragilis in the etiology of infectious vaginitis].vaginitis is a common gynecologic disorder. it is due to several causes, some even unknown. bacteroides fragilis is the most important anaerobe in clinical bacteriology, some strains of this group are notable for being enterotoxigenic and they have been associated with intestinal and extraintestinal syndromes. they have recently been isolated from patients with vaginitis. the purpose of this study was to investigate a possible association of enterotoxigenic b. fragilis with infectious vaginitis. ...201222524106
development of an iptg inducible expression vector adapted for bacteroides fragilis.the genus bacteroides are gram-negative, obligate anaerobes indigenous to the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. the bacteroides and other members of the bacteroidetes phylum have diverged from the proteobacteria. these organisms evolved a unique promoter structure for the initiation of transcription, hence common genetic tools are of limited use in the bacteroides. an expression vector that can control gene expression in the bacteroides was constructed by engineering the laco₁,₃ repr ...201222487080
evaluation of antimicrobial activity of extracts of tibouchina candolleana (melastomataceae), isolated compounds and semi-synthetic derivatives against endodontic bacteria.this work describes the phytochemical study of the extracts from aerial parts of tibouchina candolleana as well as the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of extracts, isolated compounds, and semi-synthetic derivatives of ursolic acid against endodontic bacteria. hrgc analysis of the n-hexane extract of t. candolleana allowed identification of β-amyrin, α-amyrin, and β-sitosterol as major constituents. the triterpenes ursolic acid and oleanolic acid were isolated from the methylene chloride ...201224031892
characterization of a gene cluster for sialoglycoconjugate utilization in bacteroides fragilis.recent analysis of the whole genome sequence of bacteroides fragilis revealed extensive duplication of polysaccharide utilization genes in this anaerobe. here we analyzed a unique 27-kb gene cluster (sgu) comprised of the 13 sialoglycoconjugates-utilization genes, which include the sialidase gene (nanh1) in b. fragilis strain ych46. the genes were tightly organized and transcribed polycistronically. comparative pcr scanning demonstrated that the sgu locus was conserved among the bacteroides stra ...201222449996
in vitro activities of clindamycin, imipenem, metronidazole, and piperacillin-tazobactam against susceptible and resistant isolates of bacteroides fragilis evaluated by kill kinetics.the aim of the present study was to investigate the activities of clindamycin, imipenem, metronidazole, and piperacillin-tazobactam against 12 bacteroides fragilis isolates (resistant and susceptible strains) by kill kinetics over 24 h. in contrast to the other antimicrobial agents, clindamycin did not affect strains with mics of >8.0 μg/ml. for those strains with mics of ≤ 8.0 μg/ml, all employed antibiotics except clindamycin showed nearly bactericidal activity. metronidazole proved to be the ...201222430962
isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteroides fragilis group strains recovered from broiler faeces.1. the objective was to evaluate the occurrence of cultivable components of the bacteroides fragilis group in faeces of broiler chickens and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. 2. faecal samples of 36 × 45-d-old cobb broilers of both sexes from 15 different flocks on one farm were diluted 10-fold and plated on to bacteroides-bile-esculin agar for colony count and isolation. identification was by molecular methods and antimicrobial susceptibility in the agar dilution assay. 3. a total of ...201222404807
modelling bacterial transmission in human allergen-specific ige sensitization.the impact of bacterial transmission from mother to child on human allergy development is poorly understood. the aim of the present work was therefore to use a temporal collected dataset of 117 mothers and their children to model the potential effect of mother-to-child bacterial transmission on allergy (ige) sensitization.201222385401
differential intestinal m-cell gene expression response to gut commensals.different rates of bacterial translocation across the gut mucosa have been reported but few studies have examined translocation of commensals at the level of the gut epithelial microfold (m) cell. we used an in vitro m-cell model to quantify translocation and determine the transcriptional response of m cells to various commensal bacteria. the transport kinetics and gene expression profile of m cells in response to different bacterial strains, namely lactobacillus salivarius, escherichia coli and ...201222385384
influence of milk-feeding type and genetic risk of developing coeliac disease on intestinal microbiota of infants: the proficel study.interactions between environmental factors and predisposing genes could be involved in the development of coeliac disease (cd). this study has assessed whether milk-feeding type and hla-genotype influence the intestinal microbiota composition of infants with a family history of cd. the study included 164 healthy newborns, with at least one first-degree relative with cd, classified according to their hla-dq genotype by pcr-ssp dqb1 and dqa1 typing. faecal microbiota was analysed by quantitative p ...201222319588
in celebration of sydney m. finegold, m.d.: bacteroides fragilis in the colon: the good & the bad.dr. sydney finegold is one of the most heralded leaders in the discovery, classification and scientific knowledge of anaerobic bacteria. on this occasion of his 90th birthday, this paper celebrates his lifetime of accomplishments and provides a perspective on the changes and growth in our understanding of one anaerobic species, bacteroides fragilis. over the last nearly 40 years, clinical and research data have fostered our current view that b. fragilis are essential symbiotes as well as, in som ...201222306866
the entirely carbohydrate immunogen tn-ps a1 induces a cancer cell selective immune response and cytokine il-17.the tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen/hapten thomsen-nouveau (tn; a-d-galpnac-onh2) was conjugated to a zwitterionic capsular polysaccharide, ps a1, from commensal anaerobe bacteroides fragilis atcc 25285/nctc 9343 for the development of an entirely carbohydrate cancer vaccine construct and probed for immunogenicity. this communication discloses that murine anti-tn igg3 antibodies both bind to and recognize human tumor cells that display the tn hapten. furthermore, the sera from immunization ...201222297566
pump it up: occurrence and regulation of multi-drug efflux pumps in bacteroides fragilis.bacteroides fragilis is a gram-negative anaerobic commensal that can be a virulent pathogen when it escapes its normal niche in the human gut. recent increases in reports of multi-drug resistance strains of this organism have lent urgency to understanding its mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance. we have identified and characterized rnd-type multi-drug efflux pumps in b. fragilis which can pump out a variety of substrates and whose transcription levels can be elevated by a wide variety of anti ...201222266580
susceptibility trends of bacteroides fragilis group and characterisation of carbapenemase-producing strains by automated rep-pcr and maldi tof.susceptibility testing of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria is not considered, often, mandatory in routine clinical practice and the treatments are empirically established. thus, periodic monitoring of the susceptibility patterns of anaerobic bacteria is advisable. the aim of this study was to update on resistance of bacteroides fragilis group in our institution with special attention to carbapenems reporting metallo-beta-lactamase producing strains for the first time in spain, and to comp ...201222261518
first national survey of antibiotic susceptibility of the bacteroides fragilis group: emerging resistance to carbapenems in argentina.the antibiotic susceptibility rates of 363 clinical bacteroides fragilis group isolates collected from 17 centers in argentina during the period from 2006 to 2009 were as follows: piperacillin-tazobactam, 99%; ampicillin-sulbactam, 92%; cefoxitin, 72%; tigecycline, 100%; moxifloxacin, 91%; and clindamycin, 52%. no metronidazole resistance was detected in these isolates during this time period. resistance to imipenem, doripenem, and ertapenem was observed in 1.1%, 1.6%, and 2.3% of b. fragilis gr ...201222232282
optimal suture materials for contaminated gastrointestinal surgery: does infection influence the decrease of the tensile strength of sutures?suture materials are selected based on the following factors: absorbable/non-absorbable, monofilament/multifilament, duration with sufficiently high tensile strength, and the tissue to be sutured. absorbable sutures are hydrolyzed in tissues. however, little is known about the influence of infection on the hydrolysis and decrease in the tensile strength.201222218873
evaluation of the sterility testing process of hematopoietic stem cells at canadian blood services.sterility testing of hematopoietic stem cells (hscs) at the canadian blood services stem cell laboratory is performed using bact/alert aerobic (sa) culture bottles. this study was conducted to verify the efficacy of this method and to assess the use of the bact/alert aerobic (bpa) and anaerobic (bpn) culture bottles for microbial testing of hscs.201222304655
antimicrobial activity of streptococcus salivarius k12 on bacteria involved in oral investigate the antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocin-producing strain streptococcus salivarius k12 against several bacteria involved in halitosis.201222405584
inhibitory activity of aloe vera gel on some clinically isolated cariogenic and periodontopathic bacteria.aloe vera is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic and immune-boosting properties. in the present study we investigated the inhibitory activities of aloe vera gel on some cariogenic (streptococcus mutans), periodontopathic (aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, porphyromonas gingivalis) and an opportunistic periodontopathogen (bacteroides fragilis) isolated from patients with dental caries and periodontal diseases. twenty isolates of each of these bacteria were i ...201222466882
[analysis of diversity of vaginal microbiota in healthy chinese women by using dna-fingerprinting].to analyze the diversity of healthy women's vaginal dominant flora in different physiological states with pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge), to establish the basis for the future study of lower genital tract infections, and to provide a theoretical basis for the development of vaginal probiotics adapted to chinese females.201222517004
activity of moxifloxacin, imipenem, and ertapenem against escherichia coli, enterobacter cloacae, enterococcus faecalis, and bacteroides fragilis in monocultures and mixed cultures in an in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model simulating concentrations in the human pancreas.the activities of moxifloxacin, imipenem, and ertapenem against pathogens causing severe necrotizing pancreatitis were studied in an in vitro pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (pk/pd) model. escherichia coli, enterobacter cloacae, enterococcus faecalis, and bacteroides fragilis were exposed in monocultures and mixed cultures to concentrations of the three agents comparable to those in the human pancreas. moxifloxacin was more active than the two carbapenems in monocultures and mixed cultures, re ...201223070164
nosocomial diarrhea: evaluation and treatment of causes other than clostridium difficile.diarrhea is common among hospitalized patients but the causes are distinct from those of diarrhea in the community. we review existing data about the epidemiology of nosocomial diarrhea and summarize recent progress in understanding the mechanisms of diarrhea. clinicians should recognize that most cases of nosocomial diarrhea have a noninfectious etiology, including medications, underlying illness, and enteral feeding. apart from clostridium difficile, the frequency of infectious causes such as ...201222700831
therapeutic equivalence requires pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic identities: true bioequivalence of a generic product of intravenous metronidazole.animal models of infection have been used to demonstrate the therapeutic failure of "bioequivalent" generic products, but their applicability for this purpose requires the accurate identification of those products that are truly bioequivalent. here, we present data comparing one intravenous generic product of metronidazole with the innovator product in a neutropenic mouse thigh anaerobic infection model. simultaneous experiments allowed comparisons (generic versus innovator) of potency and the c ...201222330928
"cross-glycosylation" of proteins in bacteroidales species.while it is now evident that the two bacteroidales species bacteroides fragilis and tannerella forsythia both have general o-glycosylation systems and share a common glycosylation sequon, the ability of these organisms to glycosylate a protein native to the other organism has not yet been demonstrated. here, we report on the glycosylation of heterologous proteins between these two organisms. using genetic tools previously developed for bacteroides species, two b. fragilis model glycoproteins wer ...201223258847
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