Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
a pallidostriatal projection in the cat and monkey. | using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase-labeled wheat germ agglutinin, a direct projection from the globus pallidus to the caudate nucleus and putamen was shown in the cat. the retrograde transport of the fluorescent dye granular blue was used in a squirrel monkey to demonstrate a similar projection from the external pallidal segment to the putamen. no cell-labeling occurs in the cat's entopeduncular nucleus or the monkey's internal pallidal segment. in the cat, the pallidostria ... | 1983 | 6661668 |
an electron microscopic study of primary afferent terminals from slowly adapting type i receptors in the cat. | primary afferent fibers transmitting impulses from slowly adapting (sa) type i receptors in the glabrous skin of the hind paw of the cat were injected intraaxonally in the spinal cord with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). at the light microscopic level, terminal arborizations were observed in the medial dorsal horn extending up to 6 mm rostrocaudally in and near the seventh lumbar segment. boutonlike swellings labelled with hrp were distributed in clusters in rexed's laminae iii-vi. there was a ten ... | 1983 | 6662983 |
dorsalization and neural induction: properties of the organizer in xenopus laevis. | we have studied the action of the organizer in xenopus laevis using grafts labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). orthotropic grafts of the dorsal marginal zone (the organizer) from an hrp-labelled embryo into an unlabelled host showed that this region contributes to the anterior archenteron wall, to the entire craniocaudal extent of the notochord and to a few cells in the somites. little or no contribution was made to the neural tube. orthotopic grafts of the ventral marginal zone (the tis ... | 1983 | 6663230 |
projection lines and the ipsilateral retino-geniculate pathway in the hooded rat. | the organization of the hooded rat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus was studied with anatomical techniques, with particular regard to the representation of temporal retina and the binocular field. the ipsilateral and contralateral retinal terminal fields were examined in three stereotaxic planes following injections of horseradish peroxidase into the eye. projections arising from the temporal crescent of the retina were studied with silver staining techniques for anterograde degeneration prod ... | 1983 | 6664492 |
development of the retinal pathway to the pretectum of the cat. | the development of retinal projections to the pretectal complex of prenatal and early postnatal cats has been examined using the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated amino acids. as early as embryonic day 38, the entire dorsal pretectum is penetrated by retinal ganglion cell axons. at this stage the bilateral complement of retinal efferents appears to be dispersed uniformly within the pretectal anlage. a week later, on embryonic day 46, indistinct foci of peroxidase reac ... | 1983 | 6664493 |
electron microscopic demonstration of horseradish peroxidase-tetramethylbenzidine reaction product as a method for identifying sensory nerve fibers in the rat tooth pulp. | the purpose of the present investigation was to determine if the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique could be used as a method for labeling sensory nerve fibers (specifically, tooth pulp afferents) for detailed ultrastructural analyses. hrp injected into the trigeminal ganglion of adult rats was taken up by ganglion cell bodies and transported anterogradely to their peripheral endings in the dental tissues. following perfusion-fixation, the teeth were decalcified in edta, sectioned, reacted f ... | 1983 | 6664612 |
central distribution of afferent fibers in the intermediate nerve: a transganglionic hrp study in the cat. | afferent fibers in the two components of the intermediate nerve of the cat, i.e. the chorda tympani (ctn) and greater petrosal (gpn) nerves, were traced into the lower brainstem transganglionically after applying horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to the central cut end of the ctn or gpn. ctn fibers ended in the trigeminal (principal sensory and spinal trigeminal nuclei) and solitary (medial, interstitial and dorsal solitary nuclei) nuclei, whereas gpn fibers ended only in the solitary nucleus. | 1983 | 6664613 |
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in visceral afferent pathways to the sacral spinal cord of the cat. | immunohistochemical studies revealed that vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) is localized primarily to sacral segments of the cat's spinal cord. vip is most prominent in afferent axons and terminals in lissauer's tract and in lateral laminae i and v of the dorsal horn. the distribution of vip terminals is very similar to that of visceral afferent projections identified by horseradish peroxidase. dye-tracing experiments combined with immunohistochemistry demonstrated that vip is located in v ... | 1983 | 6664634 |
thin-section, tracer, and freeze-fracture study of the smooth-ended maturation ameloblasts in rat incisors. | the morphology and functional roles of the smooth-ended maturation ameloblasts (sas) of rat incisors were examined by means of routine thin sections, tracer experiments, and freeze-fracture replication. sas possessed two sets of junctional complexes consisting of tight junctions (fasiae occludentes) and gap junctions at the proximal and distal ends. neither the proximal nor the distal junctional complex formed a complete barrier around the cell; intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp ... | 1983 | 6666532 |
the permeability to exogenous protein of the wall of the superior sagittal sinus of the cat. | the permeability of the wall of the superior sagittal sinus of the cat has been studied using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as an exogenously applied tracer. cats were given intracisternal or intravascular injections of hrp before being perfused transcardially for examination of sinus tissues with the electron microscope. tissues were processed with diaminobenzidine to reveal peroxidase activity. a diffusion barrier to the protein tracer was seen to occur at the level of the arachnoid mater. when ... | 1983 | 6667385 |
the afferent and preganglionic parasympathetic innervation of the rat liver, demonstrated by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the afferent and parasympathetic preganglionic innervations of the rat liver were investigated by the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). vagal nerve fibers reach the rat liver by way of the left and right hepatic nerves, which originate from the homonimous abdominal vagal trunks. three different experimental protocols were used: (i) intraparenchymal hrp injections; (ii) retrograde hrp injection through the common bile duct; (iii) hrp application to the central end of th ... | 1983 | 6668387 |
central projections of afferent renal fibers in the rat: an anterograde transport study of horseradish peroxidase. | the projections of afferent renal fibers (arn) to dorsal root ganglia and into the spinal cord of the rat were studied using the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). crystalline hrp was applied to the proximal cut ends of renal nerves or injected as a concentrated solution into the kidney, on either the right or left side. after a survival time of 40-120 h, sections of thoraco-lumbar dorsal root ganglia (drg) and spinal cord were cut and processed according to the tetramethyl b ... | 1983 | 6668388 |
ultrastructural studies of the mouse aorta and its endothelial pinocytosis in diet-induced arteriosclerosis. | in mice fed on an atherogenic diet for 4 to 8 months, the aortas were examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. after 8 months of being fed a high cholesterol diet, the animals developed aortic intimal lesions composed mainly of proliferated modified smooth muscle cells with an increase of connective tissues. scanning electron microscopy showed changes in aortic luminal surface consisting primarily of altered distribution of microvilli. quantitative analysis of these changes sho ... | 1983 | 6670550 |
the sensory innervation of the ovary: a horseradish peroxidase study in the rat. | injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the right or left ovary of the rat produced labeling of perikarya in both nodose ganglia and ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia (drgs) from t10 to l2. the greatest concentration of labeled cells was in t13 and l1, drgs. it is suggested that visceral afferent fibers from the ovary may mediate visceral reflexes that modulate ovarian function. | 1983 | 6670757 |
afferent innervation of the lower oesophageal sphincter of the cat. an hrp study. | labeling of afferent neurons by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was performed on anaesthetized cats in order to examine the afferent innervation of the lower oesophageal sphincter (los), involving both the vagal and the sympathetic nerves. the labeled cells, whose fibres follow the sympathetic pathways were found in dorsal root ganglia from t1 to l2. nerve section experiments indicated that the main pathways involved were the splanchnic nerves, as expected from cl ... | 1983 | 6672050 |
location and quantitative analysis of the motoneurons innervating the extraocular muscles of the guinea-pig, using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and double or triple labelling with fluorescent substances. | the location of the motoneurons innervating the extraocular muscles of the guinea-pig was investigated using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and the fluorescent substances fast blue, propidium iodide and nuclear yellow as retrograde tracers. the innervation of the inferior rectus, medial rectus and inferior oblique muscles is exclusively ipsilateral, and these neurons form three well-defined and mutually separate subnuclei in the oculomotor nucleus. the subgroup innervating the medial rectus lies e ... | 1983 | 6672094 |
location of short neck muscle motoneurons in the cat as revealed by horseradish peroxidase. | the locations of short neck muscle motoneurons have been determined by means of the horseradish peroxidase technique. although rectus capitis dorsalis major, rectus capitis dorsalis minor and obliquus capitis caudalis muscles have different functions implicated in head movements, their motoneurons are located in a common area of the ventromedial nucleus of the spinal cord, with no noticeable somatotopic organization. the three motoneuronal populations showed similar morphometric parameters with ... | 1983 | 6672688 |
laminar origin of the tecto-thalamic projections in the albino rat. | cells of origin of the tecto-lp (lateroposterior nucleus of the thalamus) projection and the tecto-lgnd (dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body) projection were studied in the albino rat by means of retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). tecto-lgnd neurons with small spindle form were located in the stratum griseum superficiale of the superior colliculus (sc), whereas tecto-lp neurons with polygonal shape were found in the stratum opt ... | 1983 | 6672689 |
the termination pattern of sciatic nerve afferents in the substantia gelatinosa of neonatal rats. | a study was carried out to determine at what stage of development the adult pattern of primary afferent projections to the substantia gelatinosa (sg) is first established. horseradish peroxidase conjugated wheat-germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) was applied to cut ends of sciatic nerves at mid-thigh level in adult and neonatal rats aged 1-16 days. the distribution of transganglionically transported label in primary afferent terminals in sg was reconstructed from transverse sections of spinal cord segmen ... | 1983 | 6672690 |
direct projections to the prestriate cortex from the retino-recipient zone of the inferior pulvinar nucleus in the macaque monkey. | it was found by the anterograde and retrograde horseradish peroxidase methods that the medial border region of the inferior pulvinar nucleus of the japanese monkey (macaca fuscata), where optic fibers have been shown to end [8], was connected reciprocally with the ipsilateral prestriate cortical regions around the compensatory sulcus on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. | 1983 | 6672691 |
morphophysiological study on the divergent projection of axon collaterals of medial vestibular nucleus neurons in the cat. | (1) spikes of single neurons were extracellularly recorded in the medial vestibular nucleus (mvn) in decerebrate cats and were functionally identified as secondary type i neurons by observing their responses to horizontal rotation and monosynaptic activation after stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve. axonal projection of these neurons was examined by their antidromic responses to stimulation of the contralateral abducens nucleus, the spinal cord, and the ascending and descending mlf. ... | 1983 | 6673993 |
brainstem projections of different branches of the vestibular nerve. an experimental study by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. i. the horizontal ampullar and utricular nerves. | twenty-seven adult cats were used to study the central projection of the horizontal ampullar nerve and the utricular nerve using transganglionic transport of hrp. the nerve to be investigated was exposed transtympanally, cut, and a capsule containing 50% hrp applied to the proximal stump for one hour; 2-8 days later the animals were perfused. frozen serial sections were cut from the brainstem and processed for the demonstration of hrp using tetramethyl benzidine as chromogen. maximal labelling w ... | 1983 | 6675532 |
the corticocuneate pathway in the cat: relations among terminal distribution patterns, cytoarchitecture, and single neuron functional properties. | a combined anatomical and physiological strategy was used to investigate the organization of the corticocuneate pathway in the cat. the distribution of the corticocuneate projection was mapped by means of the anterograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labeling technique and correlated with the nuclear cytoarchitecture in nissl and golgi material, the distribution of retrogradely labeled relay cells after hrp injections in the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus, and the topographic organization de ... | 1983 | 6679919 |
ultrastructural identification of satellite interneurons in the rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. | multiple injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were placed in the occipital cortex of rats, including all striate and extrastriate visual areas, to examine with the electron microscope the population of retrogradely labeled and unlabeled cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn), for the purpose of ultrastructurally identifying geniculate interneurons. o-tolidine was used as chromogen in the histochemical procedure. em analysis of lgn showed dense hrp reaction products diffusely ... | 1983 | 6680994 |
retrograde transport in corticospinal neurons after spinal cord transection. | complete spinal cord transection at t-6/t-7 in rats caused a decrease in the number of surviving corticospinal neurons. cell death began 5 and 10 weeks after cord injury. the number of surviving cells decreased progressively for at least 25 weeks after injury. surviving cells were identified by their ability to transport horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde from a t-1/t-2 insertion site to cortical cell somas. therapy aimed at promoting corticospinal tract regeneration must be started early a ... | 1983 | 6682195 |
specific antibody formation in mouse spleen. histology and kinetics of the secondary immune response against hrp. | specific antibody formation in the spleen was described in mice primed subcutaneously with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and boosted intravenously with the same antigen. the first specific antibody-forming cells responding to the booster injection were observed after one day in the periarteriolar lymphocyte sheath (pals). the number and staining intensity of these cells greatly increased subsequently. between day 3 and 6 after the booster injection a shift was observed in the distribution of anti ... | 1983 | 6682709 |
effects of cytochalasin d and colchicine on the uptake, translocation, and biliary secretion of horseradish peroxidase and [14c]sodium taurocholate in the rat. | the roles of microfilaments and microtubules in the hepatocellular uptake, translocation, and biliary excretion of horseradish peroxidase and [14c]sodium taurocholate were investigated using the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin d and the microtubule inhibitor colchicine. in separate studies, horseradish peroxidase and [14c]taurocholate were injected separately as a bolus into rat portal veins after treatment with cytochalasin d or colchicine, and bile was collected and analyzed for the prese ... | 1983 | 6683208 |
histological observations on the intestinal immune response towards horseradish peroxidase in rats. | the intestine immune response in rats following immunization with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was studied morphologically. various routes of immunization (intraperitoneal, intravenous, intraenteric and intra-peyer's patch) were tested. single injections did not evoke any specific antibody-containing (anti-hrp) cells in peyers' patches (pp) and lamina propria of the small intestine. only an intraperitoneal or intraenteric booster injection following intraperitoneal priming induced the formation ... | 1983 | 6684100 |
increased blood-brain barrier permeability in scrapie-infected mice. | the present investigation was designed to study the ultrastructural integrity of the blood-brain barrier (bbb) in the cerebral microvasculature of scrapie-infected mice showing clinical illness. cerebral microvessels from either im, vm, or c57bl/6j mice, terminally affected with various strains of scrapie agent showed a focal leakage of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in all agent-strain and mouse-strain combinations. this leakage was most pronounced in and near the primary site of agent inoculatio ... | 1983 | 6685171 |
effects of reducing sensory-motor feedback on the appearance of crossed nigro-thalamic projections and recovery from turning induced by unilateral substantia nigra lesions. | this experiment addressed the question of whether the increase in interhemispheric nigrothalamic projections, found after unilateral lesions of the substantia nigra (sn), is related to recovery from the lesion-induced sensory-motor asymmetry. we examined the effects of diminished information feedback about the animals' own behavior on recovery from turning induced by unilateral substantia nigra lesions, and the appearance of an increase in number of crossed nigro-thalamic projections. the animal ... | 1983 | 6686469 |
the spinothalamic tract in the primate: a re-examination using wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. | the sites of termination of the primate spinothalamic tract have been reinvestigated using the anterograde transport of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. monkeys which received an injection of the conjugate at the spinal cervical level (c7-c8) displayed a "patchy" pattern of labelling in the coronal plane in the ventral posterior lateral and caudal ventrolateral nucleus. in three dimensional reconstructions this labelling appeared to be rod-like in shape. a more homogene ... | 1983 | 6688662 |
fiber connections between the thalamic posterior lateral nucleus and the cingulate gyrus in the cat. | wheat germ agglutinin and horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp) was injected into the anterior part of the cat cingular area as designated by rose and woolsey. this produced ipsilaterally numerous labeled neurons and fibers in the lateral marginal band of the rostral part of the thalamic posterior lateral nucleus (lp), where hypothalamic afferents terminate. other fiber connections with the thalamic intralaminar and midline nuclei suggest that the anterior part of the cingular area correspo ... | 1983 | 6688863 |
is lectin-coupled horseradish peroxidase taken up and transported by undamaged as well as by damaged fibers in the central nervous system? | uptake and transport of horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate (hrp-wga) in intact and damaged passing fibers were studied by injections of the medulla and pons in 11 cats. injections with evidence of damage to olivocerebellar fibers and cranial nerve fibers invariably lead to retrograde labeling of neurons in the inferior olive and cranial motor nuclei. with staining around--but apparently no damage of--cranial nerve root fibers, no labeling was found in their motor nuclei. inje ... | 1983 | 6688963 |
distribution in area 17 of neurons projecting to the pontine nuclei: a quantitative study in the cat with retrograde transport of hrp-wga. | the number and distribution of corticopontine neurons within area 17 of the cat were studied quantitatively with the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin. eight cats received stereotactic injections in the pontine nuclei; in three of these complete staining of the parts of the pontine nuclei receiving fibers from the visual cortex was achieved. labeled cells were counted in frontal sections through the hemisphere, spaced at 0.5 mm. the borders of area 17 we ... | 1983 | 6689170 |
electroanatomy of a unique amacrine cell in the rabbit retina. | intracellular electrophysiological recordings were obtained from a specialized class of "starburst" amacrine cells by using an isolated superperfused retina-eyecup preparation of the rabbit. these cells were injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase and identified with light microscopy. a computer-controlled image-processing system was used to map and display the three-dimensional dendritic organization and provide information on length and sublaminar distribution of dendritic process ... | 1983 | 6574470 |
a morphological, tracer and cytochemical study of the role of the papillary layer of the rat-incisor enamel organ during enamel maturation. | thin-section, freeze-fracture, tracer and cytochemical methods showed that papillary cells were characterized by the presence of numerous mitochondria and microvilli. the cytoplasms contained golgi apparatus, multivesicular bodies (mvb), tubular structures and coated vesicles. in freeze-fracture replicas, some tubular structures and vesicles were continuous with the cell surfaces. intravenously-injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was rapidly incorporated into the papillary cells via coated ves ... | 1983 | 6574732 |
retrograde access of antigens to the minor salivary glands in the monkey macaca fascicularis. | several authors have postulated that the ducts of minor salivary glands may provide pathways for the presentation of oral antigens to cells involved in a local immune response. this would imply a retrograde passage of oral antigens into the minor salivary glands. various sites of the oral mucosa of anaesthesized m. fascicularis monkeys were labelled topically with a multiple tracer consisting of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), ferritin and indian ink for a continuous period of 4-5 h. serial cryose ... | 1983 | 6575746 |
immunocytochemical localization of alpha-d-mannosidase ii in the golgi apparatus of rat liver. | mannosidase ii is involved in the trimming of alpha-1,6-mannosyl residues during the biosynthesis of glycoproteins containing n-linked oligosaccharides of the complex type. a highly specific polyclonal antibody (igg) was isolated from rabbits immunized with a homogeneous preparation of mannosidase ii prepared from rat liver. with this antibody, light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies on rat liver reveal that essentially all mannosidase ii in hepatocytes is localized in the golg ... | 1983 | 6576342 |
beta-adrenergic stimulation of ca2+ fluxes, endocytosis, hexose transport, and amino acid transport in mouse kidney cortex is mediated by polyamine synthesis. | we recently found that the beta-adrenergic agonist 1-isoproterenol evokes a rapid (less than 5 min) ca2+- and receptor-dependent stimulation of endocytosis, hexose transport, and amino acid transport in mouse renal cortex involving proximal tubule cells. this response is associated with increased ca2+ fluxes and a mobilization of mitochondrial calcium, suggesting that stimulus-response (stimulus-"transport") coupling is mediated by cytosolic ca2+. we show here that 1 microm isoproterenol evokes ... | 1983 | 6580640 |
brain-blood barrier? yes and no. | ventriculo-cisternal perfusion of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the mouse brain has demonstrated that a brain-blood barrier exists at the microvascular endothelium in brain parenchyma but not in the median eminence of the hypothalamus. the brain-blood barrier is similar to the blood-brain barrier in that: tight junctions prevent the movement of protein between endothelial cells, hrp taken into the endothelial cells is directed to lysosomal dense bodies, and, contrary to the literature, a vesic ... | 1983 | 6580650 |
presence of hla-dr antigen on synovial type a and b cells: an immunoelectron microscopic study in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and normal traumatic joints. | the hla-dr antigen was investigated in synovial epithelia of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and normal traumatic joints, using monoclonal anti-human hla-dr antibody and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibody. the hla-dr staining was observed in an electron microscope. hla-dr antigen was observed to be present on the surface of both macrophage-like (type a) and fibroblast-like (type b) cells in synovial epithelia in all rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and normal joints. since type ... | 1983 | 6581119 |
mycoplasma interaction with lymphocytes and phagocytes: role of hydrogen peroxide released from m. pneumoniae. | interferon (ifn) production by human peripheral lymphocytes stimulated with m. pneumoniae was investigated. the hydrogen peroxide released from m. pneumoniae was responsible for the induction of ifn from lymphocytes, since horseradish peroxidase inhibited the ifn production and abrogated the activity of ifn production in the supernatant of m. pneumoniae. the antiserum neutralizing ifn alpha and ifn beta failed to neutralize partially interferon produced by lymphocytes. treatment either with ph 2 ... | 1983 | 6433574 |
measurement of apolipoprotein a-i concentration in nonhuman primate serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). | a sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for nonhuman primate serum apolipoprotein a-i (apoa-i) is described. the assay is a noncompetitive, sandwich elisa in which polystyrene microtiter plates were used with purified, monospecific goat anti-monkey apoa-i antibodies adsorbed on the wells. the serum samples were added to the coated wells, incubated, and after washing, antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase were added. after further washing, the bound label was ... | 1983 | 6421975 |
the permeability of the capsule of autonomic ganglia to horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the capsules of various autonomic ganglia in vivo. the capsules of the inferior mesenteric ganglion and superior cervical ganglion of guinea-pigs and the inferior mesenteric ganglion of mice were readily penetrated by the enzyme. the capsule of the mouse superior cervical ganglion was apparently impermeable to hrp, while that of the guinea-pig lumbar sympathetic trunk was intermediate in permeability, being most readily penetrated by hrp around the blo ... | 1983 | 6365869 |
a projection from the raphe nuclei to the lateral reticular nucleus in the cat. | by means of retrograde transport of the wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase complex afferent fibres to the lateral reticular nucleus from the raphe nuclei were demonstrated in the cat. the projection is bilateral and has its main origin in nucleus raphe pallidus and magnus, but there appear to be contributions also from nucleus raphe obscurus, dorsalis and linearis rostralis. | 1983 | 6372720 |
spatial distribution of acetylcholine receptors at developing chick neuromuscular junctions. | the development of high-density clusters of acetylcholine receptors (achrs) and the relationship of these clusters to nerve contacts on embryonic chick wing muscle fibres has been studied. fluorescent labelling of achrs with rhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin (r-bgt) revealed the presence of irregularly shaped achr clusters in wing buds at 4 1/2-5 days of incubation. this is within a day of when myotubes first appear in the wing bud, and close to the time when functional innervation becomes ... | 1983 | 6363632 |
flat, whole-mount nerve preparations: a useful tool for studying the process of regenerating axon outgrowth. | a method, which is based on the use of flat, whole-mount nerve preparations, has been developed for studying the process of regenerating axon outgrowth, employing the rat sciatic nerve as a model. at various intervals after a nerve crush, animals are perfused with aldehyde fixatives, the nerve dissected out, and its epineurium removed. next the nerve is flattened between two glass slides, removed and reacted (floating), then whole-mounted on a micro slide and cover-slipped. regenerating axons ha ... | 1983 | 6363826 |
immunocytochemical evidence for a serotoninergic innervation of dorsal column postsynaptic neurons in cat and monkey: light- and electron-microscopic observations. | dorsal column postsynaptic neurons in the lumbosacral enlargements of cats and a monkey were retrogradely labeled by placing horseradish peroxidase on their severed axons in the thoracic dorsal columns. after visualizing the retrogradely-labeled neurons, the tissue was immunocytochemically stained with an antiserum directed against serotonin. immunoreactive axonal varicosities contacted the perikarya and proximal dendrites of every retrogradely-labeled neuron examined in cat (mean 61 contacts/ce ... | 1983 | 6363966 |
axonal polypeptides cross-reactive with antibodies to neurofilament proteins. | antibodies were prepared to mammalian cns neurofilament proteins (nfps) and the antibody specificities were compared using a sensitive immunoblotting method. this procedure was used to detect and characterize cross-reactive proteins and their degradation products in neurofilament preparations. nfps were prepared by axon flotation. rabbits were immunized with 200,000, 140,000, and 70,000 nfps (200k, 140k, and 70k) that had been electrophoretically purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (p ... | 1983 | 6401798 |
identification and quantitation of bovine t cell antigen with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). | the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was used to identify and quantitate t cell antigen(s) in bovine thymocytes and peripheral blood t cells. the elisa, employing non-ionic detergent-solubilized lymphocyte membranes as antigen, and goat anti-bovine thymocyte serum (gabts) and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated rabbit anti-goat immunoglobulin (porag) as direct and indirect reactants, respectively, showed that thymocytes and peripheral blood t cells separated by erythrocyte-antibody-comple ... | 1983 | 6402545 |
the prenatal development of the cat's retinogeniculate pathway. | the prenatal development of connections between the retina and the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) was studied by means of the anterograde axonal transport of 3h-amino acids or horseradish peroxidase injected intraocularly in fetal cats older than embryonic day 27 (e27) and in newborn cats. (gestation is 65 days.) a retinothalamic pathway exists as early as e28, when label can be seen in both ipsilateral and contralateral optic tracts. afferents from the contralateral eye are the first to invad ... | 1983 | 6402566 |
[double labeling of antibodies with fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc) and horseradish peroxidase (hpod)]. | this paper presents a method for labeling antibodies with fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc) and additional with horseradish peroxidase (hpod). with this double labelled antisera the fluorescence-serologic antibody technique (fat) as well as the enzyme-serologic antibody technique (eat) was done bit by bit for the same object. how the presented pictures demonstrate the result of both techniques, fat and eat, are the same with the described method. so, it is possible after fluorescence-microscopic ... | 1983 | 6402648 |
stimulus-secretion coupling in isolated bovine adrenal medullary cells. | adrenal medullary cells can be obtained in high yield by protease digestion of slices of bovine adrenal medulla. the properties of catecholamine release from these isolated cells have been determined and compared with the intact perfused gland. exposure to carbamylcholine, veratridine or high k evokes a transient increase in the rate of catecholamine release in association with dopamine beta hydroxylase but not lactate dehydrogenase. exposure to a23187 releases catecholamine together with lactat ... | 1983 | 6402798 |
detection of brucella antibodies of different immunoglobulin classes in cow milk by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were conducted on milk of cows from which brucella abortus was isolated and that of noninfected controls. horseradish peroxidase-labeled rabbit antibovine immunoglobulins igg, igg1, and iga were used as conjugates. a heat-killed whole-cell suspension of b abortus strain 19 was used as the antigen. differences in antibody profiles were observed in milk of cows from which b abortus was isolated and in milk of noninfected cows. antibody profiles were similar in mi ... | 1983 | 6402961 |
effect of colchicine and s,s,s-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (def) on the biliary excretion of sucrose, mannitol and horseradish peroxidase in the rat. | the purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effect of colchicine and s,s,s-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (def) on vesicular transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into bile at the same time that permeability changes occur in the canalicular membrane. anesthetized sprague-dawley rats were surgically prepared with a bile duct cannulae. four hours after colchicine pretreatment (10 mg/kg, i.p.), biliary excretion of intravenously injected sucrose and mannitol was increased, while that of hrp ... | 1983 | 6403017 |
peroxidase metabolism of the urinary bladder carcinogen 2-amino-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)thiazole. | metabolism of 2-amino-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)thiazole (anft) by a variety of different peroxidases was examined. metabolism of anft was measured by the binding of radiolabeled substrates to protein and dna. prostaglandin hydroperoxidase but not horseradish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, or chloroperoxidase metabolically activated anft. all four peroxidases catalyzed the binding of benzidine to protein and dna. with peroxide substrates, peroxidase-catalyzed binding of both carcinogens was observed with ... | 1983 | 6403225 |
"sandwich" enzyme immunoassay for serum ferritin with polypropylene test tubes as the solid phase. | a "sandwich" enzyme immunoassay for ferritin in human serum is described, in which horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody and a very sensitive chromogen, 2,2'-azino-di(3-ethyl-benzthiazolin-6-sulfonate), are used. the solid phase is polypropylene test tubes treated with glutaraldehyde; immunologic reactions are developed during constant rotation of the tubes. the assay requires 20 microl of serum per assay and takes less than 3 h. the standard curve is linear between 0 and 400 micrograms of ser ... | 1983 | 6403260 |
hydroperoxide-dependent activation of p-phenetidine catalyzed by prostaglandin synthase and other peroxidases. | p-phenetidine is metabolized by ram seminal vesicle (rsv) microsomes, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and rat liver microsomes to protein-binding products. these reactions are very rapid and depend on the presence of arachidonic acid (aa) or various hydroperoxidases. the rsv- and hrp-mediated binding was inhibited more than 80% by the addition of reduced glutathione (1 mm) or the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole (0.5 mm). indomethacin (100 microm) and acetylsalicylic acid (1 mm) reduced the aa- ... | 1983 | 6404283 |
immunohistochemical detection of trypanosoma cruzi in tissues of mice with experimental chagas' disease. | we compared two immunoperoxidase procedures for the identification of trypanosoma cruzi antigens in wax sections of infected mouse tissues. both an indirect immunoperoxidase and an avidin-biotinated horseradish peroxidase complex (abc) procedure gave identical patterns of localization. the abc procedure could be used with greater dilutions of antisera than the indirect procedure. individual organisms were clearly identified in the absence of inflammation at scanning magnifications. in addition, ... | 1983 | 6404859 |
direct projections from the centre median-parafascicular complex to the subthalamic nucleus in the cat and rat. | single injections of a mixture of l-[3h] leucine and l-[3h] proline were made into the centre median-parafascicular complex (cm-pf) of the cat. the ipsilateral subthalamic nucleus (stn) was most heavily labeled at its rostral pole and moderately in the ventral and ventromedial portions of its rostral third. at middle subthalamic levels, label was more sparse and disappeared over the caudal third of the nucleus. labeled fibers appeared to outline the borders of the stn throughout its rostral half ... | 1983 | 6404957 |
the oxidation of 2-aminofluorene by prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase. comparison with other peroxidases. | we have examined the prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase-dependent metabolism of the arylamine carcinogen 2-aminofluorene (2-af). ram seminal vesicle microsomes fortified with arachidonic acid metabolize 2-af to products covalently bound to microsomal macromolecules, water-soluble metabolites, and two organic extractable metabolites. the organic extractable metabolites were identified by co-chromatography, uv-visible spectrophotometry, and mass spectrometry as 2-nitrofluorene and 2,2'-azobisfl ... | 1983 | 6408086 |
immunocytochemical localization of lysosomal beta-galactosidase in rat liver. | beta-galactosidase is a ubiquitous lysosomal hydrolase that specifically cleaves terminal beta-galactosyl residues from glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans, oligosaccharides, and glycolipids. to study the intracellular distribution of this enzyme, we prepared a specific polyclonal antibody to lysosomal beta-galactosidase by immunizing rabbits with a highly purified preparation of beta-galactosidase from rat liver. using this antibody we employed an immunocytochemical technique (protein a coupled t ... | 1983 | 6415069 |
yeast mannans inhibit binding and phagocytosis of zymosan by mouse peritoneal macrophages. | we have examined the effects of various mannans, glycoproteins, oligosaccharides, monosaccharides, and sugar phosphates on the binding and phagocytosis of yeast cell walls (zymosan) by mouse peritoneal macrophages. a phosphonomannan (po(4):mannose ratio = 1:8:6) from kloeckera brevis was the most potent inhibitor tested; it inhibited binding and phagocytosis by 50 percent at concentrations of approximately 3-5 mug/ml and 10 mug/ml, respectively. removal of the phosphate from this mannan by mild ... | 1983 | 6298248 |
studies on the cerebellocerebral and thalamocortical projections in squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus). | laminar field potential analysis of the cerebellocerebral and thalamocortical (t-c) responses was carried out in the cerebral cortex of squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) under pentobarbital anesthesia. anatomical studies using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were combined with electrophysiological studies. stimulation of the fastigial nucleus induced bilaterally surface positive-depth negative potentials, i.e., deep t-c responses, in the medial part of the motor cortex and in the parietal cortex ... | 1983 | 6295799 |
behavioral and central visual correlates of inherited retinal degeneration in the domestic chicken (gallus domesticus). | a developmental, posthatch loss of cutaneous and ocular melanocytes in the mutant dam (delayed amelanotic) chicken is accompanied by severe retinal degeneration. using a food-location task, increased ocular pigment loss was associated with increased latency of response, both developmentally in young dams, and among adults with differing degrees of amelanosis. analysis of optic nerve fiber composition in normals and dams showed a reduction in the small diameter optic axon population in severely a ... | 1983 | 6297951 |
topography of locus ceruleus neurons projecting to the area dentata. | the distribution of locus ceruleus neurons projecting to the dorsal and ventral area dentata was studied using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). furthermore, the possibility that collaterals of single locus ceruleus neurons innervate both the dorsal and ventral area dentata was explored with a retrograde double-label technique using hrp and the fluorescent dye 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole 2 hcl (dapi). fusiform and multipolar neurons of the pars dorsalis of the locus cer ... | 1983 | 6297953 |
prostaglandin h synthase metabolism of the urinary bladder carcinogens benzidine and anft. | prostaglandin h synthase (phs) and horseradish peroxidase catalyze the oxidation of benzidine to the same free radical species. no radical was observed if either benzidine, h2o2 or enzyme was omitted. the similarity of the fine structure of this radical to a computer-simulated model suggests the presence of a free cation radical of benzidine. neither superoxide nor hydroxyl radicals appear to be involved in the co-oxidation of benzidine or 2-amino-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-thiazole (anft) by phs. prod ... | 1983 | 6299601 |
an electrophysiological characterization of projections from the pedunculopontine area to entopeduncular nucleus and globus pallidus in the cat. | stimulation of the pedunculopontine region (ppn), in which neurons are filled by horseradish peroxidase injected into the entopeduncular nucleus (ento) or globus pallidus (gp) of the cat, excites ento and gp neurons both orthodromically and antidromically. stimulus threshold mapping experiments and intracellular records of epsps provide evidence that the orthodromic excitation may be produced monosynaptically by the axons of ppn neurons. antidromic excitation of ento axons from stimulation in pp ... | 1983 | 6299773 |
physiological response properties of cells labeled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase in cat dorsal cochlear nucleus. | the physiology and morphology of fusiform cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus were studied using extracellular and intracellular recording and intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. fusiform cells displayed a variety of responses to tone pips presented at the characteristic frequency; most often these cells exhibited the pauser/buildup pattern defined in earlier studies. the response pattern of each neuron was dependent on frequency and sound-pressure level. tone pips evoked short-l ... | 1983 | 6300199 |
physiological response properties of cells labeled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase in cat ventral cochlear nucleus. | to determine the correspondence between anatomical and physiological cell types in the ventral cochlear nucleus of the cat, intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase were made into cells whose extracellular and intracellular responses to sound had been studied. three identified cells responded to a short tone burst at their characteristic frequencies with an onset pattern. this pattern is characterized by a strong response to the onset of the stimulus. one was an octopus cell. the secon ... | 1983 | 6300200 |
oxidation of p-aminophenol catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase and prostaglandin synthase. | p-aminophenol oxidation is catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. esr spectroscopy demonstrates the formation of the p-aminophenoxy free radical, the one-electron oxidation product of p-aminophenol. the same radical is formed by alkaline autoxidation of this compound. the ultimate products of p-aminophenol oxidation are mainly polymeric; however, indophenol was isolated in low yield. oxidation of p-aminophenol is also catalyzed by the hydroperoxidase activity of prostaglandin synthase, using ram s ... | 1983 | 6300652 |
distribution and morphology of functionally identified neurons in the visual cortex of the rat. | the distribution and morphology of functionally identified neurons were examined in the visual cortex of long evans pigmented rats. the results, based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of single cell spike activity, have shown that neurons in the rat visual cortex have well-defined receptive field properties and are similar to those reported for animals with more highly developed visual systems. unlike the cat and monkey, the distribution of receptive field types appeared even throughout ... | 1983 | 6301626 |
efferent connections of the subfascicular area of the mesodiencephalic junction and its possible involvement in stimulation-produced analgesia. | stimulation-produced analgesia (spa) can be induced in animals and humans from an ill-defined area of the mesodiencephalic junction lying beneath the parafascicular complex of the medial thalamus. neurons projecting to the spinal cord, the subnucleus caudalis of the trigeminal complex, the nuclei raphé magnus and dorsalis, the inferior olivary complex and the amygdala could be observed in this area, using the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. on ... | 1983 | 6301646 |
thalamic inputs to identified commissural neurons in the monkey somatic sensory cortex. | commissurally projecting neurons were identified in the monkey first somatic sensory area (si) by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injected into the contralateral cortex. neurons identified in this way have large pyramidal somata primarily in layer iiib of the si area. their basal dendrites lie within the terminal plexus of thalamocortical afferents. electron microscopy was used to examine the synaptic relations of the labelled commissural cells, in particular to d ... | 1983 | 6302232 |
organization of the olivocerebellar projection in the rat. | the olivocerebellar projection has been studied in the rat using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde tracing technique. all regions of the cerebellum, except for the flocculonodular lobe, were injected with small volumes of hrp. the overall organization of the rat olivocerebellar projection is similar in all major respects to that found in other mammals. for example, in the rat crus 1 and crus 2 receive afferents from the principal olive, medial part of the rostral dorsal olive, the rost ... | 1983 | 6303493 |
brain stem projections to the facial nucleus of the rat. | horseradish peroxidase was injected into the medial and lateral columns of the facial nucleus of the rat. following medial injections, cells were labelled by retrograde transport in the ipsilateral spinal trigeminal nucleus (caudalis) both medial vestibular nuclei, contralateral midbrain reticular formation and nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. the periaqueductal grey, interstitial nucleus and nucleus of darkschewitch were also labelled ipsilaterally. injections into the lateral column of the fa ... | 1983 | 6303494 |
pallidal inputs to subthalamus: intracellular analysis. | neuronal responses of the subthalamic nucleus (sth) to stimulation of the globus pallidus (gp) and the substantia nigra (sn) were studied by intracellular recording in the decorticated rat. (1) gp and sn stimulation evoked antidromic spikes in sth neurons with a mean latency of 1.2 ms and 1.1 ms, respectively. based on the above latencies, the mean conduction velocity of the sth neurons projecting toward gp was estimated to be 2.5 m/s, and that toward sn was 1.4 m/s. many sth neurons could be ac ... | 1983 | 6303502 |
co-oxidation of benzidine by prostaglandin synthase and comparison with the action of horseradish peroxidase. | 1983 | 6304093 | |
the role of the mannose/n-acetylglucosamine receptor in the pinocytosis of horseradish peroxidase by mouse peritoneal macrophages. | saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan inhibits the pinocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) by resident, thioglycollate-,proteose peptone-, and corynebacterium parvum-elicited macrophages from 30 to 70% when 1 mg/ml hrp is used, and 65 to 87% when 250 micrograms/ml hrp is used. in contrast, hrp uptake by j774 cells, a macrophage cell line reported to have little mannose receptor activity, is inhibited only about 25% by mannan. hrp uptake by resident and thioglycollate-elicited (thio) macrophages is ... | 1983 | 6304124 |
the superior vestibular nucleus: an intracellular hrp study in the cat. ii. non-vestibulo-ocular neurons. | superior vestibular neurons were penetrated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-loaded glass microelectrodes in anesthetized cats and identified electrophysiologically following electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerves and oculomotor complex. neurons that were not antidromically activated from the oculomotor complex were stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. three types of neurons are identified according to their initial axonal trajectories into the cerebellum, the ... | 1983 | 6304153 |
the morphology of intracellularly labeled rat subthalamic neurons: a light microscopic analysis. | light microscopic analysis of rat subthalamic (sth) neurons which were intracellularly labeled with horseradish peroxidase, following the acquisition of electrophysiological data, revealed the following: (1) the somata of sth neurons were polygonal or oval with occasionally a few somatic spines. usually three or four primary dendrites arose from the soma. dendritic trunks tapered slightly and divided into long, thin, sparsely spined branches. dendrites of some sth neurons extended into the cereb ... | 1983 | 6304154 |
cytology of periolivary cells and the organization of their projections in the cat. | projections of cells located near principal nuclei of the superior olive, periolivary cells, were studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase or fluorescent tracers into the cochlea, cochlear nucleus, and inferior colliculus. at least two distinct cytological classes of periolivary cells were found to project to each of these structures. "large" and "small" olivocochlear cells were labelled. their cytology and locations were found to be as had been previously described. some olivocochlear cells ... | 1983 | 6304156 |
a light and electron microscopic study of premotor neurons for the trigeminal motor nucleus. | premotor neurons sending their axons to the trigeminal motor nucleus were observed in the cat by light and electron microscopy after labeling the neurons retrogradely or anterogradely with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). after hrp injection into the trigeminal motor nucleus, retrogradely labeled neurons were seen most frequently in the parvocellular reticular formation bilaterally. many labeled neurons were also seen contralaterally in the intermediate zone at the rostralmost levels of the cervica ... | 1983 | 6304157 |
the permeability of nonhuman primate vaginal epithelium: a freeze-fracture and tracer-perfusion study. | the lining of the vaginal mucosa in primates is a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. as in other structurally similar epithelia, one function of the vaginal epithelium is to provide a barrier between the external environment and the underlying tissues. the vaginal lining is aglandular and the source of true vaginal fluid has been suggested to be the intercellular channels of the epithelium. on the other hand, other structurally similar epithelia have been shown to have a barrier to the ... | 1983 | 6304332 |
study of h2o2-supported n-demethylations catalyzed by cytochrome p-450 and horseradish peroxidase. | h2o2-supported oxidative demethylation reactions catalyzed by cytochrome p-450 and horseradish peroxidase have been compared. in contrast to peroxidase catalyzed reactions no free substrate radicals could be detected by epr stopped flow measurements in demethylation reactions catalyzed by highly purified cytochrome p-450 although the rate of product formation for both enzyme systems was identical. these findings cause doubts in a general peroxide dependent demethylation mechanism valid for all h ... | 1983 | 6305355 |
evidence for a ventral non-strial pathway from the amygdala to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the male golden hamster. | male hamsters in which the stria terminalis (st) had been interrupted either by electrolytic lesions or knife cuts, or normal control males, received iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase in either the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bnst) or the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (mpoah). comparison of intact and st-lesioned brains revealed the existence of a ventral non-strial pathway, from cells in the medial amygdaloid nucleus (m) to the preoptic portion of the bnst ... | 1983 | 6305458 |
hydroxyl radical-mediated, cytochrome p-450-dependent metabolic activation of benzene in microsomes and reconstituted enzyme systems from rabbit liver. | the mechanism of benzene oxygenation in liver microsomes and in reconstituted enzyme systems from rabbit liver was investigated. it was found that the nadph-dependent transformation of benzene to water-soluble metabolites and to phenol catalyzed by cytochrome p-450 lm2 in membrane vesicles was inhibited by catalase, horseradish peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and hydroxyl radical scavengers such as mannitol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and catechol, indicating the participation of hydrogen peroxide, s ... | 1983 | 6305935 |
the organization of the thoracic spinal nerve projection in the rat dorsal horn demonstrated with transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase. | transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to study the organization of the thoracic spinal nerve projection to the dorsal horn in rats. labeling was found in the superficial dorsal horn 16-20 hours after application of hrp to the cut ends of various spinal nerve rami. labeling was restricted to the outer part of the substantia gelatinosa at these stages. longer survivals (25-48 hours) gave rise to labeling of the deep part of substantia gelatinosa and deeper parts of the ... | 1983 | 6306061 |
the locations of stapedius and tensor tympani motoneurons in the cat. | the numbers and locations of motoneurons to the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles were determined by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. stapedius motoneurons lay outside the traditionally recognized facial nucleus, in several distinct locations: (1) in the interface between the facial nucleus and the superior olive; (2) in a thin, scattered lamina of somewhat smaller cells spread dorsal to the facial nucleus; and (3) in a cluster located ventromedial to the rostral third of the f ... | 1983 | 6306062 |
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons and visceral primary afferents in monkey sacral spinal cord revealed following application of horseradish peroxidase to pelvic nerve. | 1983 | 6306063 | |
intrinsic laminar lattice connections in primate visual cortex. | intracortical injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) reveal a system of periodically organized intrinsic connections in primate striate cortex. in layers 2 and 3 these connections form a reticular or latticelike pattern, extending for about 1.5-2.0 mm around an injection. this connectional lattice is composed of hrp-labeled walls (350-450 microns apart saimiri and about 500-600 microns in macaque) surrounding unlabeled central lacunae. within the lattice walls there are regularly arranged pu ... | 1983 | 6306066 |
papillomavirus structural antigens in condyloma acuminatum of the male urethra. | current developments in the technology of viral identification have rekindled interest in the relationship of human papillomaviruses, condylomata acuminata and neoplasia. although important observations are being reported in the female genital system the association of human papillomavirus and mucosal condylomata in male patients has not been well documented. using the horseradish peroxidase technique and antisera to papillomaviruses, viral antigens were identified in 62 per cent of male patient ... | 1983 | 6306287 |
peripheral neuropathy in the twitcher mutant. a new experimental model of endoneurial edema. | the twitcher mouse (twi/twi) is a recently identified mutant experimental model for human globoid leukodystrophy. affected mice develop neurologic abnormalities with demyelination of white matter and peripheral nerve due to an inherited enzyme deficiency. the neuropathy has unusual pathologic features:severe interstitial edema and infiltration by eosinophils. to investigate its pathogenesis and to identify the mechanism of demyelination, we studied vascular permeability and measured endoneurial ... | 1983 | 6306338 |
blood-brain barrier integrity and host responses in experimental metastatic brain tumours. | the effect of brain implants of walker 256 carcinosarcoma tumour cells on the integrity of the blood-brain barrier was examined in rats using labelled albumin, horseradish peroxidase and trypan blue. barrier integrity was intact within 1 hour of implantation but was gradually reduced within the tumour after 3.5 days. this was related to alterations in the fine structure of the tumour capillaries. dissociated tight junctions were apparent within the tumour centre, but no fenestrated endothelium o ... | 1983 | 6546201 |
early changes in experimental allergic neuritis. | edema and increased endoneurial fluid pressure (efp) accompany the inflammatory process in experimental allergic neuritis. efp was measured at regular intervals 6 to 21 days after intradermal inoculation of lewis rats with an emulsion of peripheral nerve in complete freund's adjuvant. control rats received similar injections of an emulsion containing all other ingredients, except peripheral nerve. altered vascular permeability was illustrated by leakage of horseradish peroxidase into rat sciatic ... | 1983 | 6338293 |
staphylococcal protein a labeled with horseradish peroxidase for the immunohistologic diagnosis of canine autoimmune diseases. | 1983 | 6338770 | |
elisa for specific anti-toxoplasma igm antibodies: aspects related to serum interference. | two different methods were used to prepare solid-phase antigen (ag) from soluble extracts of tachyzoites of toxoplasma gondii: (a) physical adsorption on polystyrene beads; and (b) formaldehyde fixation of ag previously dried in microtitration wells. in both cases a horseradish peroxidase conjugate with anti-igm igg was used as tracer. the assay scheme consisted of sequential incubations of diluted serum samples and tracer solution (1 or 2 h, 37 degrees c), colour development in the presence of ... | 1983 | 6339639 |
a controlled serial ultrastructural tracer study of first-set cardiac allograft rejection in the rat. evidence that the microvascular endothelium is the primary target of graft destruction. | in order to define the serial morphologic correlates of unmodified first-set cardiac allograft rejection in an inbred rat strain combination, a series of wistar-furth cardiac allografts transplanted to normal nonsensitized lewis recipients were studied as a function of time with the use of well-documented ultrastructural tracer techniques. colloidial carbon was employed as a vascular label for detection of microvascular endothelial structural alterations, and horseradish peroxidase was used as a ... | 1983 | 6342410 |
evidence for protein absorption from the lumen of the seminiferous tubule and rete of the rat testis. | as luminal fluid moves from the seminiferous tubule and enters the rete testis, its protein concentration declines from approximately 6 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml. it was therefore suggested that protein is either 1) utilized by the spermatozoa, 2) transported across the epithelium of the terminal segment of the seminiferous tubule, the tubuli recti or rete testis, or 3) absorbed and degraded by the epithelium. horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a protein marker, was microperfused into single seminiferous tubu ... | 1983 | 6342800 |
labelling of amoeboid microglial cells in the supraventricular corpus callosum following the application of horseradish peroxidase in the cerebrum and spinal cord in rats. | following an injection of horseradish peroxidase solution into the cervical or lumbosacral segments of the spinal cords, or into the parietal cortices, of postnatal (1-10 days), developing (15-20 days) and mature (2 months and older) rats, only postnatal rats demonstrated peroxidase-positive amoeboid microglial cells in the supraventricular part of the corpus callosum. the amoeboid microglial cells were bilaterally labelled following a unilateral injection into the parietal cortex or the spinal ... | 1983 | 6343325 |