
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
postnatal development of caudate input neurons in the cat.lectin-bound horseradish peroxidase (wg-hrp) was pressure-injected into the caudate nucleus (cd) of neonatal (less than 24 hours of age) and adult cats in order to assess the postnatal development of monosynaptic cd input neurons. tissue was processed for peroxidase activity with a benzidine dihydrochloride chromagen. the injection of wg-hrp produced relatively similar labelled zones of marker uptake in the caudate nuclei of both neonates and adults. similar axonal projections were also labelled ...19836619332
morphology of cat phrenic motoneurons as revealed by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase.the morphology of phrenic motoneurons (pms) of adult cat was examined by utilizing the technique of intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. twenty-one cells were reconstructed from serial sections in transverse, sagittal, and horizontal planes. the cell bodies were ellipsoid, with the major diameter oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the spinal cord. the dendrites of pms are not distributed in a radially symmetric fashion, but rather project to four separate fields. the fie ...19836619333
corticotectal terminals in the superior colliculus of the rabbit: a light- and electron microscopic analysis using horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-tetramethylbenzidine (tmb).the projection from the striate cortex to the superior colliculus was studied light- and electron microscopically by means of anterogradely transported horseradish peroxidase and tetramethylbenzidine histochemistry. labeled boutons were found in the stratum zonale (sz) and in the stratum griseum superficiale (sgs), not in stratum opticum (so). there are two maxima of frequency of labeled boutons, one in middle sgs at about 500 microns depth, and a smaller one in upper sgs at about 200 microns de ...19836619334
postnatal development of corticotectal neurons in the kitten striate cortex: a quantitative study with the horseradish peroxidase technique.postnatal development of striate cortical neurons projecting to the superior colliculus (sc) was studied in cats, ranging in age from newborn to adult, by injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the sc. at birth hrp-labelled cells were widely distributed throughout the cortex between the splenial and suprasylvian sulci, although a very rough topographic correspondence seemed to exist between the striate cortex and sc. the labelled cells were confined to layer v of the cortex, as in the ad ...19836619335
the dual origins of the olivocochlear bundle in the albino rat.recent studies of the origins and terminations of the olivocochlear bundle (ocb) in the cat provide evidence that separate efferent systems differentially innervate the two types of hair cells in the organ of corti. to begin to test the generality of these separate olivocochlear systems, the cells of origin of the ocb were determined in the albino rat by using axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. our findings are that, as in the cat, two classes of olivocochlear (oc) neurons project to th ...19836619338
organization of the projections of a circumventricular organ: the area postrema in the rat.the projections of the rat area postrema were analysed using anterograde and retrograde axonal transport techniques. discrete injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into the area postrema produced anterograde labeling in specific medullary and pontine nuclei. in the medulla, anterograde labeling was present in the internal solitary zone and dorsal division of the medial solitary nucleus, both of which also contained a small number of retrogradely label ...19836619341
postnatal changes in retinal ganglion cell and optic axon populations in the pigmented rat.the number of ganglion cells in the retina of the postnatal rat has been examined. we estimated both the number of axons in the optic nerve and the number of cells which can be retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase from injections into the brain. in the retina of the newborn rat there are at least twice as many ganglion cells as in the adult rat. by retrograde labelling of the ganglion cells and following transection of their axons 24-48 hrs later we can find no evidence that ganglio ...19836619343
afferent connections to cardiovascular sites in the amygdala: a horseradish peroxidase study in the investigate afferent connections to nuclei of the amygdala that have been shown electrophysiologically to receive inputs from baro- and chemoreceptors, small discrete deposits of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were placed in the region of the central and lateral nuclei of the amygdala in cats. hrp deposits localized to the medial central nucleus of the amygdala labeled neurons in the ipsilateral hypothalamus, primarily in the paraventricular and ventromedial nuclei. in addition, the parabrachia ...19836619513
transport of immune complexes from the subcapsular sinus to lymph node follicles on the surface of nonphagocytic cells, including cells with dendritic morphology.the objective of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of antigen migration from the site of initial localization in the lymph node subcapsular sinus (ss) to regions of follicular retention in the cortex. the migration of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), used as a histochemically identifiable antigen, was followed by light and electron microscopy in c3h mouse popliteal lymph nodes obtained 1, 5, 15, and 30 min, and 5 and 24 hr after hindfoot pad injection of hrp. the observations showe ...19836619542
connections of the multiple visual cortical areas with the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex and adjacent thalamic nuclei in the cat.the present report describes the patterns of cat thalamocortical interconnections for each of the 13 retinotopically ordered visual areas and additional visual areas for which no retinotopy has yet emerged. small injections (75 nl) of a mixture of horseradish peroxidase and [3h]leucine were made through a recording pipette at cortical injection sites identified by retinotopic mapping. the patterns of thalamic label show that the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex of the cat is divided into three ...19836619917
electrophysiological and anatomical demonstration of a bulbar relayed pathway towards the medial thalamus in the the rat cells antidromically activated by stimulation of the thalamic centrum medianum and centralis lateralis were searched for in the bulbopontine region which receives spinoreticular pathways. antidromically activated cells were found in the nuclei gigantocellularis and pontis oralis and they possessed peripheral receptive fields that were large, bilateral and often responded to nociceptive stimuli. injections of horseradish peroxidase or iron-dextran at the same thalamic level revealed re ...19836621935
neonatal retinal ganglion cell cultures of high purity: effect of superior colliculus on their survival.a method is described for obtaining retinal ganglion cell (rgc) cultures of high purity. rgc were retrogradely labelled in vivo with either the fluorescent dye true blue and horseradish peroxidase (hrp), or with fitc-conjugated hrp. following dissociation, rgc were separated from the intrinsic cells of the retina using fluorescent activated cell sorters, on the basis of their greater size and fluorescent intensity. when the sorted cells were cultured, rgc could be subsequently identified by thei ...19836621939
survival of purified motor neurones in vitro: effects of skeletal muscle-conditioned medium.spinal motor neurones in the adult mouse were labelled retrogradely with both true blue and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). using the cell sorter, motor neurones were separated on the basis of cell size and the intensity of true blue fluorescence. cultures of the sorted cells were then prepared and the motor neurones were identified by their hrp labelling. there was found to be a 4.8-fold increase in motor neurones over the unsorted population such that 40% of the cells present in culture was labe ...19836621940
tracing the origin of the sympathetic afferent nerve of the ventriculus cordis by means of horseradish peroxidase method in the rat. 19836621969
[detection of the origin of the afferent sympathetic nerve fibers of the rat ventricular wall using the horseradish peroxidase method]. 19836621970
reactive lesions at the chorio-retinal junction. an experimental study.addition of increased amounts of serum and a protein (peroxidase from horseradish) to the culture medium caused structural alterations in previously confluent cultures composed of cells from the human retinal pigment epithelium and choroid. the alterations consisted in the formation of bi- and multi-layered strands, plaques and nodular structures and in the detachment of cells with formation of nude areas. these alterations resemble the frequently observed reactive alterations at the chorio-reti ...19836624404
afferent projections of the rat major occipital nerve studied by transganglionic transport of hrp.the central projection fields of cutaneous neurons of the rat's major occipital nerve have been investigated using the method of transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), with tetramethylbenzidine according to mesulam (1978) as the chromogen. furthermore, the course of the nerve, diameter distribution of myelinated axons, and diameter distribution of hrp-labeled perikarya of spinal ganglion cells belonging to this nerve, diameter distribution of myelinated axons, and diameter di ...19836625196
the cerebellar corticonuclear and nucleocortical projections in the cat as studied with anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. v. the posterior lobe vermis and the flocculo-nodular lobe.the cerebellar corticonuclear and nucleocortical connections of the posterior lobe vermis and the flocculonodular lobe were studied in the cat by means of anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the main terminal area for corticonuclear fibres from the posterior lobe vermis is the ipsilateral fastigial nucleus. a mediolateral topography is indicated: midvermal regions project to the medial part of the fastigial nucleus, more lateral regions project to the lateral part of ...19836625198
microwave effects on immobilized peroxidase chemiluminescence.protein gels formed by crosslinking bovine serum albumin and horseradish peroxidase with glutaraldehyde were used to measure effects on peroxidase activity of 400-mhz (cw) radiofrequency radiation (rfr) at an average specific absorption rate (sar) of 1.45 w/kg. the enzyme activity was measured by luminol chemiluminescence recorded on photographic film after hydrogen peroxide activation. activity was measured during rfr exposure of gels or after exposure of gels polymerized in the rfr field. duri ...19836626271
alterations in connections of the corpus callosum following convergent and divergent strabismus.the connectivity of the corpus callosum in visual cortical areas 17 and 18 was studied in normal cats, in cats reared with unilateral convergent or divergent surgically-induced strabismus, and in a siamese cat. the extents of the callosal cell and terminal zones were determined following multiple injections of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated amino-acids into one hemisphere. following surgically-induced strabismus, abnormally wide callosal cell zones were seen in both the left and the right ...19836626949
hrp studies on thalamocortical neurons related to the cerebellocerebral projection in the monkeys (macaca fuscata and mulatta), horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected in the cerebral cortices, areas 4 (medial and lateral parts), 5, 6 and 9 (a part just rostral to area 6), in which stimulation of cerebellar nuclei was known to elicit superficial or deep thalamocortical responses. retrogradely labelled thalamic neurons consisted of two separate clusters of neurons, as judged by the continuity of labelled thalamic cells; lateral (vapc, vlo, vlm, vplo, vplc, lp) and medial (vamc, x ...19836626950
a pretectofacial projection in the cat: a possible link in the visually-triggered blink reflex pathways.a direct projection from the pretectum to the facial motor nucleus was shown to exist in the cat by the anterograde and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) methods. pretectofacial fibers arise from the olivary pretectal nucleus and end mainly in the dorsal division of the facial motor nucleus, bilaterally, with a contralateral predominance. it is known that the olivary pretectal nucleus receives retinal fibers, and that the dorsal division of the facial motor nucleus contains orbicularis ocu ...19836626961
a reciprocal axonal connection between the subthalamic nucleus and the neostriatum in the cat.injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into several small regions of the head and body of the caudate nucleus and the putamen of the cat result in retrograde cell-labeling of neurons in the ipsilateral subthalamic nucleus. a mediolateral but no rostrocaudal or dorsoventral topography is apparent in the subthalamostriatal projection. anterograde transport of wga-hrp and autoradiography after [3h]amino acid injection of the caudate suggest also a reciproc ...19836626972
organization of spinal motor nuclei in the stingray, dasyatis sabina.the atlantic stingray, dasyatis sabina, has enlarged pectoral fins consisting of a series of antagonist dorsal (elevator) and ventral (depressor) muscles. each muscle is divided into superficial and deep components. the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to determine the organization of motoneuron pools innervating fin and epaxial muscles. hrp applied to a single peripheral nerve labeled motoneurons within a single spinal segment. following intramuscular injection of h ...19836627006
direct retinal projections to the lateroposterior and pulvinar nuclear complex (lp-pul) in the cat, as revealed by the anterograde hrp method.retinal projections to the lateroposterior and pulvinar nuclear complex (lp-pul) in the cat were studied using anterograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing. after injecting hrp into the vitreous cavity of one eye, hrp-labeled presumed axon terminals were found in the lp-pul bilaterally, with a contralateral predominance. the areas of distribution of these terminals were seen as a thin sheet at the lateral extreme of the lp-pul, and as a few small spots within the lp-pul, especially in the re ...19836627013
survival of hrp-labeled spinal motoneurons of chick embryo in tissue and cell cultures.motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord of chick embryos 6 days old, the age when their cell death starts, were labeled in vivo by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and then cultured as cord fragments or isolated cells. in eagle's minimum essential medium with no additives, spinal cord cells survived well, but among them, the survival of hrp-labeled motoneurons was poor. muscle-conditioned medium and a mixture of horse serum (hs) and whole chick embryo extract (cee) promo ...19836627030
morphology of posterior canal related secondary vestibular neurons in rabbit and cat.the morphology of secondary vertical vestibular neurons was investigated by injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into cells connected to the posterior canal system in rabbits (lateral-eyed animals) and cats (frontal-eyed animals). vestibular neurons were identified by stimulation with bipolar electrodes implanted into the ampullae of the anterior and posterior (pc) semicircular canals of pigmented rabbits; in the cat, these cells were identified by natural and electrical stimulation. axons ...19836628591
topographic organization of septal cells innervating the dorsal hippocampal formation of the rat: special reference to both the ca1 and dentate theta generators.we determined the topographic organization of septal cells innervating monosynaptically the two generators of theta rhythm of the rostral hippocampal formation of the rat. under ether anesthesia, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the dorsal ca 1 region close to the corpus callosum, the ventral part of ca 1 region close to the hippocampal fissure, and the dentate hilus. the hrp micropipet tip was positioned in these hippocampal-dentate sites by recording the hippocampal eeg through t ...19836628624
oxidation of glutathione by free radical intermediates formed during peroxidase-catalyzed n-demethylation reactions.horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed n-demethylation of aminopyrine and dimethylaniline results in generation of free radical intermediates which can interact with glutathione (gsh) to form a glutathione radical. this can either dimerize to yield glutathione disulfide or react with o2 to form oxygenated products of glutathione. ethylmorphine is not a substrate in the peroxidase-mediated reaction, and free radical intermediates which react with gsh, are not formed from aminopyrine and dimethylaniline ...19836628678
the re-innervation of olfactory glomeruli following transection of primary olfactory axons in the central or peripheral nervous system.the re-innervation of the olfactory bulb has been studied in rats in which the primary afferent axons were transected either in the peripheral nervous system, on the intracranial side of the cribriform plate, or in the central nervous system, in the nerve fibre layer of the bulb. both procedures resulted in denervation of glomeruli on the dorsal surface of the olfactory bulb. re-innervation of these glomeruli was first seen approximately three weeks after operation and was largely completed by t ...19836630027
innervation of capillaries by local neurons in the cat hypothalamus: a light microscopic study with horseradish peroxidase.the protein tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been used in an attempt to define the cell bodies of origin of "nonadrenergic" varicose axons which terminate on the walls of hypothalamic capillaries. capillaries in this region are also known to receive direct axonal contacts from adrenergic neurons in the pontine locus ceruleus. solutions of hrp were infused into the lateral ventricles of adult cats of either sex and permitted to circulate in the cerebrospinal fluid spaces for 10 min, 20 min ...19836630324
electrical characteristics of dendrites and dendritic spines in intracellularly stained ca3 and dentate hippocampal neurons.theoretical parameters of synaptic efficacy were studied in a detailed cable model of in vitro hippocampal neurons. ca3 pyramidal cells (n = 9) and dentate granule neurons (n = 6) were injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) after brief physiological analysis. the dendrites of these hrp-stained neurons were measured and approximated by a series of cylindrical segments. specific electrical values of the neurons were calculated on a steady-state basis, using a cable analysis of the dendritic se ...19836631486
inhibition of dorsal spinocerebellar tract cells by interneurones in upper and lower lumbar segments in the cat.the topographical distribution of interneurones mediating disynaptic inhibition of dorsal spinocerebellar tract (d.s.c.t.) cells from group i muscle afferents in the cat was investigated using both physiological and morphological techniques. lesions of either the dorsal funiculi or of the lateral and ventral funiculi were made between l4 and l5 segments in two groups of cats. i.p.s.p.s. evoked from group i afferents were seen after both these lesions, showing that the i.p.s.p.s were evoked by in ...19836631728
synaptic connections of morphologically identified and physiologically characterized large basket cells in the striate cortex of cat.neurons were studied in the striate cortex of the cat following intracellular recording and iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase. the three selected neurons were identified as large basket cells on the basis that (i) the horizontal extent of their axonal arborization was three times or more than the extent of the dendritic arborization; (ii) some of their varicose terminal segments surrounded the perikarya of other neurons. the large elongated perikarya of the first two basket cells were loca ...19836633861
the laminar arrangement of limbic thalamocortical neurons in the lateropulvinar nuclei of the cat thalamus.the topical organization of limbic cortical projections of the lateropulvinar nuclei of the thalamus in the cat was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. the dorsal margins of the dorsal lateral, medial pulvinar and lateral pulvinar nuclei project to the postsubicular and presubicular areas (presubiculum in a wide sense), the most dorsal parts of these nuclei projecting to the retrosplenial area, and the dorsal parts to the cingular area. these three zones of limbic thalamocor ...19836633928
hypothalamo-retinal centrifugal projection in the dog.horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-filled neurons and their processes were consistently detected in the ventral portion of the dog hypothalamus after intraocular injection of hrp. the number of hrp-filled neurons decreased in parallel with the extent of the resection of the optic nerve. hrp-filled neurons were never detected in specimens with a complete resection of the optic nerve. these findings strongly indicate that these hrp-filled neurons in the ventral hypothalamus are the source of centrifugal ...19836633962
quantitative morphological changes in phrenic and intercostal motor columns and their respective spinal cord segments during postnatal development in the newborn kittens, the nervous control of breathing appears more mature than that of motricity which follows a cephalo-caudal evolution. in order to determine if the different postnatal evolutions of the respiratory and the motor function have an anatomical support at the spinal cord level, we made morphometric comparisons of the postnatal development of the spinal segments including motor columns sustaining both limb and respiratory movements (cervical and thoracic segments), with the postnata ...19836633971
uptake of horseradish peroxidase in spontaneous adenomas of the rat pituitary.the uptake of horseradish peroxidase was investigated by electron microscopy in 9 non-tumorous adenohypophyses and 13 spontaneous pituitary adenomas of adult female long-evans rats. pituitary adenoma cells retained their ability for endocytosis and exhibited more extensive deposition of horseradish peroxidase than non-tumorous adenohypophysial cells.19836636972
the cells of origin of cat trigeminothalamic projections: especially in the caudal medulla.thalamic projections from the caudal medulla of the cat were examined using the method of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injections were made unilaterally in various thalamic regions. large injections labeled cells in the subnuclei: zonalis (vcz), gelatinosus (vcg), magnocellularis (vcm), reticularis dorsalis (vcrd) and ventralis (vcv) medullae oblongatae. the largest number of labeled cells were in vcz, vcrd and vcrv. most of the labeled cells in vcz and vcrd were ...19836640296
localization of motoneurons innervating the levator veli palatini muscle in the cat.recent investigations of the nucleus ambiguus (na) have attempted to identify motoneurons associated with the branchiomeric muscles of the larynx and pharynx. however, relatively little attention has been directed to the levator veli palatini muscle (lvp) which is critical in respiration, deglutition and eustachian tube function. although the consensus is that cranial nerve x (vagus) innervates this muscle, some investigators have suggested that the lvp is innervated by either cranial nerve vii ...19836640360
structure elucidation of a 6-methylbenzo[a]pyrene-dna adduct formed by horseradish peroxidase in vitro and mouse skin in vivo.activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pah) by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) with h2o2 has been studied as a model system for one-electron oxidation. this peroxidase has been used to catalyze binding of 6-[14c]methylbenzo[a]pyrene (bp-6-ch3) to dna, which was purified, hydrolyzed to deoxyribonucleosides and analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (hplc). the predominant hydrocarbon-dna adduct observed was identified as bp-6-ch3 bound at the 6-methyl group to the 2-amino group of ...19836640783
identification and input-output properties of bulbar reticular neurons involved in the cerebral cortical control of trigeminal motoneurons in cats.neurons found in the medial bulbar reticular formation were activated by stimulation of the orbital gyrus and responded with antidromic spike potentials to selective stimulation of either the masseter or anterior digastric motoneuron pool in the trigeminal motor nucleus in cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose. these two kinds of reticular neurons were assumed to be inhibitory neurons projecting to masseter motoneurons (im neurons) and excitatory neurons projecting to anterior digastric motone ...19836641834
basal telencephalic origins of the anterior commissure of the rat.the cells of origin of the three limbs of the rat's anterior commissure (ac) have been identified by horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. following transection of the corpus callosum and hippocampal commissure, rats were subjected to multiple, unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase throughout one cerebral hemisphere. the cells of origin of the rat's ac are found in the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory tubercles, the anterior piriform cortex, the nucleus of the lateral olfacto ...19836641853
physiological and morphological properties of identified basket cells in the cat's visual 87 cells studied physiologically, and filled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), we have found four cells which make multiple contacts with the perikarya of their post-synaptic targets. these cells are all multipolar non-pyramidal neurones with elongated smooth dendrites. three resemble the classical "basket cells" of ramón y cajal (1911), having widely distributed axons which contribute to the "nids pericellulaires" around pyramidal cell perikarya. the fourth cell has a much m ...19836641854
cerebellar cortical afferents from the red nucleus in the cat.a crossed projection from the red nucleus to the cerebellar cortex in the cat has been demonstrated by means of retrograde transport of the wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase complex. the majority of projecting neurons are situated in the rostral part of the red nucleus and have a maximum diameter of more than 20 microns. the findings indicate that rubrocerebellar fibers terminate in intermediate parts of the anterior and posterior cerebellar cortical lobes.19836641868
electrophysiological and anatomical demonstration of an overlapping striate and tectal projection to the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex of the cat.extracellular unit activity was recorded in the lateral posterior (lp)-pulvinar complex. the responses of 254 neurons after electrical stimulation of the central-paracentral part of cortical area 17 and of 84 neurons after stimulation of both area 17 and the superior colliculus (sc) were investigated. neurons in the lp-pulvinar complex responded to area 17-stimulation with excitatory-inhibitory effects; in some cases only with inhibition. neurons affected by striate stimulation were found in the ...19836641881
a direct projection from the retina to the intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus demonstrated by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in monkey, cat and rat.the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to re-examine the retinal projection to the superior colliculus in the monkey, cat and rat. by a somewhat novel application of the hrp in which the enzyme is deposited intravitreally in two or three sequential installments at 24 h intervals and by modifications that increase the sensitivity of the tetramethylbenzidine reaction procedure, we have successfully mapped the distribution of a significant number of retinal ganglion cell ...19836641887
afferent projections to the cerebellar flocculus in the pigmented rat demonstrated by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde transport method was used to identify brainstem afferents to the cerebellar flocculus in the pigmented rat. injections of the enzyme were made through recording microelectrodes, making it possible to localize the injection site by physiological criteria. clearly, the largest number of afferents arise from the bilateral vestibular and perihypoglossal nuclei and from the contralateral dorsal cap (of kooy) of the inferior olive. additionally, a substantia ...19836641889
diphtheria toxin does not enter resistant cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis.diphtheria toxin (dt) and pseudomonas toxin are two distinct microbial toxins which inhibit protein synthesis in an identical manner, i.e., by the inactivation of cytoplasmic elongation factor 2. although murine cells bind both toxins, they are 10,000-fold less sensitive to dt than to pseudomonas toxin. this suggests that the level of resistance resides at some event after binding. we have previously shown that pseudomonas toxin enters mouse lm fibroblasts by receptor-mediated endocytosis, a pro ...19836642652
unidirectional vesicular transport mechanism in retinal vessels.when horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is introduced into the bloodstream, it is retained in the lumen of the retinal vessels (blood-retina barrier). in this paper, we report that when the same tracer is injected into the vitreous body, it penetrates the lumen of retinal vessels by transcellular vesicular transport. this unidirectional movement of macromolecules out of the eye is not inhibited by ouabain, fluoroacetate, or low temperatures.19836642926
autoradiographic and cytochemical studies of phagocytic cells in selected fibre tracts of the mouse periodontium.proliferative and protein synthetic activities of phagocytic cells of specific fibre tracts of the periodontium of c57bl mice were employing autoradiographic techniques; these were combined with a histochemical technique for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a marker for phagocytic activity. animals were injected either with [3h]thymidine as a marker for proliferative activity, or with [3h]proline as a marker for protein synthetic activity prior to hrp injection. blocks from the maxillae of experi ...19836643115
light microscopic detection of sugar residues in glycoconjugates of salivary glands and the pancreas with lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. i. mouse.mouse salivary glands and pancreases were stained with a battery of ten horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. lectin staining revealed striking differences in the structure of oligosaccharides of stored intracellular secretory glycoproteins and glycoconjugates associated with the surface of epithelial cells lining excretory ducts. the percentage of acinar cells containing terminal alpha-n-acetylgalactosamine residues varied greatly in submandibular glands of 30 male mice, but all submandibu ...19836643118
bioelectric properties and ion transport of airways excised from adult and fetal sheep.segments of fetal and maternal trachea, maternal bronchi from near-term sheep, and trachea and bronchi from nonpregnant adult sheep were excised and mounted as sheets in ussing chambers. the conductance (g) for each group of tissues was similar (approximately 4 ms/cm-2); the short circuit current (isc) ranged from 45-90 microa/cm-2. under short-circuit or open-circuit conditions trachea and bronchi from pregnant and nonpregnant adult animals absorbed na+, whereas fetal trachea secreted cl-. shor ...19836643190
the use of intramolecular isotope effects to distinguish between deprotonation and hydrogen atom abstraction mechanisms in cytochrome p-450- and peroxidase-catalyzed n-demethylation reactions.intramolecular isotope effects were determined for the n-demethylation of n-methyl-n-trideuteriomethylaniline catalyzed by two isozymes of cytochrome p-450 and several peroxidases in order to differentiate between deprotonation and hydrogen atom abstraction steps. lactoperoxidase, hemoglobin, myoglobin, and two isozymes of horseradish peroxidase catalyzed the hydroperoxide-dependent n-demethylation at initial rates ranging from 20 to 1700 min-1. these hemeproteins exhibited large and comparable ...19836643495
establishment of plasma membrane domains in hepatocytes. i. characterization and localization to the bile canaliculus of three antigens externally oriented in the plasma membrane.a membrane fraction denoted n2 upper was isolated from homogenates of rat liver by sucrose gradient centrifugation. this fraction, which was enriched 65-fold over the homogenate in 5'-nucleotidase activity, was used as an immunogen in goats. the antisera obtained contained antibodies to three predominant polypeptides in the n2 upper membrane fraction, as shown by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. these polypeptides had molecular weights of 105,000, 110,000, and 160,000 after recovery from the cross ...19836643579
the relation of corpus callosum connections to architectonic fields and body surface maps in sensorimotor cortex of new and old world monkeys.corpus callosum connections of parietal and motor cortex were studied in new world owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) and old world macaque monkeys (macaca fascicularis) after multiple injections of 3h-proline and horseradish peroxidase, hrp, into one cerebral hemisphere, and extensive microelectrode mapping of architectonic areas 3b, 1, and 2 of the other hemisphere. results were obtained both from parasagittal brain sections cut orthogonal to the brain surface and from sections from flattened bra ...19836643713
long descending projections of the hypothalamus in the pigeon, columba autoradiographic analysis was performed on the descending projections of nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis (pvm) of the hypothalamus in the pigeon. a pvm-medullospinal pathway was observed coursing posteriorly through the lateral hypothalamus, ventrolateral midbrain tegmentum, and into the spinal lemniscus (ls) in the ventrolateral pons and medulla. in the pons, some fibers course dorsomedially from ls and terminate at the lateral border of the locus coeruleus. at medullary levels, fi ...19836643721
studies of the principal sensory and spinal trigeminal nuclei of the rat: projections to the superior colliculus, inferior olive, and cerebellum.we have analyzed the connections between the sensory trigeminal nuclei and two major sensorimotor areas (i.e., the superior colliculus and crura i and ii of the cerebellar cortex) in which tactile input from peri-oral and other facial regions is a prominent feature. following injections of horseradish peroxidase into the superior colliculus, retrogradely labeled cells occupy the ventral one-third of the contralateral principal sensory and spinal trigeminal nucleus; trigeminocollicular neurons ar ...19836643723
afferent connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat.connections of the perirhinal cortex in the rat brain were studied using anterograde (3h-proline/leucine) and retrograde (horseradish peroxidase) tracers. the perirhinal cortex receives major projections from medial precentral, anterior cingulate, prelimbic, ventral lateral orbital, ventral and posterior agranular insular, temporal, superior and granular parietal, lateral occipital, agranular retrosplenial, and ectorhinal cortices, and from the presubiculum, subiculum, and diagonal band of broca ...19836643724
contralateral termination of primary afferent axons in the sacral and caudal segments of the cat, as studied by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.contralateral termination of primary afferent axons in the sacral and caudal segments was studied with the anterograde horseradish peroxidase technique in the cat. the distribution of terminals and branching pattern of terminal fibers were examined on sections incubated in a diaminobenzidine-cobalt chloride medium. the crossed primary afferent axons passing in the dorsal commissure projected to (1) the dorsal gray commissure, (2) small, dorsomedial and ventrolateral parts of laminae iii and iv, ...19836643726
the posteromedial ventral nucleus of the thalamus (vpm) of the cat: direct ascending projections to the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions.the posteromedial ventral nucleus (vpm) of the cat is divided cytoarchitectonically into the magnocellular (vpmmc), lateral parvocellular (vpmpcl), and medial parvocellular (vpmpcm) divisions. cell bodies of neurons in the vpmpcm are small, while those in the vpmpcl are small to medium-sized. the vpmmc contains large neurons. direct projections from the lower brain stem structures to each of the three divisions of the vpm were examined by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. when ...19836643727
anatomical and physiological studies of the gray matter surrounding the spinal cord central canal.recent histochemical evidence suggests that neurons in the gray matter surrounding the central canal may play a role in nociception. we attempted to evaluate this possibility by studying the response properties and ascending projections of these cells in the rat. in the first series of experiments, the ascending projections of neurons around the central canal were studied by the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). predominantly contralateral labeling of neurons around ...19836643730
the percentage of interneurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat and observations on several variables that affect the sensitivity of horseradish peroxidase as a retrograde marker.ten cats ranging in age from 4 weeks postnatal to adult received large bilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into cortical areas 17 and 18. in one cat additional unilateral injections of hrp were made into the lateral suprasylvian visual areas (pmls). the purpose of these injections was to label relay cells in lamina a of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn), in order to distinguish them from neurons that could not be labeled retrogradely. several factors thought to influen ...19836643731
spinal neurons reaching the lateral reticular nucleus as studied in the rat by retrograde transport of horseradish anatomical technique based on the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to investigate the projections of spinal cord neurons to the lateral reticular nucleus (lrn). labeled cells were found at all spinal levels and in particular large numbers in cervical and lumbar segments. various spinal areas gave rise to cells of origin of this tract, which appears to be more prominent than any other tract previously studied with a similar approach. labeling common to all spinal s ...19836643737
structural basis of orientation sensitivity of cat retinal ganglion cells.we investigated the structural basis of the physiological orientation sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells (levick and thibos, '82). the dendritic fields of 840 retinal ganglion cells labeled by injections of horseradish peroxidase into the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (lgnd) or optic tracts of normal cats. siamese cats, and cat deprived of patterned visual experience from birth by monocular lid-suture (md) were studied. mathematical techniques designed to analyze direction were used to fi ...19836643739
the olivocerebellar projection to the uvula in the mouse.the organization of the olivocerebellar projection in the mouse was studied with the use of microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or hrp conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp). injections were made in medial, intermediate, and lateral sites along the width of the uvula. the purpose of this investigation was to determine the subnuclear origin of olivary afferents to different mediolateral regions of the uvula. injections made in or adjacent to the midline of the uvula resulted in ...19836643746
the time course of synaptic potentials evoked in cat spinal motoneurones at identified group ia synapses.excitatory post-synaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.s) were evoked in motoneurones by impulses in single group ia axons. after recording the e.p.s.p., the motoneurone and the group ia axon were injected with horseradish peroxidase. the morphological details of the connexion formed by each group ia axon with a motoneurone were subsequently reconstructed. four ia axon-motoneurone pairs were obtained. the electrotonic distance from the soma to each synaptic bouton in the connexion was calculated. the elec ...19836644614
post-natal development of the cerebello-cerebral projection in development of the cerebello-cerebral response was investigated in 126 kittens from birth to 142 days of age by analysis of laminar field potentials in the cerebral cortex; the thalamocortical projection mediating the cerebello-cerebral response was examined on four new-born and three one-month-old kittens by means of anterograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. a marked response was evoked in the frontal motor cortex from birth and an appreciable response could be evoked i ...19836644616
a golgi study of the opossum ventral basal complex.the morphology of neurons in the ventral basal complex (vbc) of the adult opossum (didelphis virginiana) is described from thick coronal brain sections, using golgi-, horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-, and nissl-staining methods. soma cross-sectional area, dendritic field shape, and the number of appendages (spines) in a defined major branch zone (mbz) are quantified and statistically analyzed. results indicate that neurons in opossum vbc have relatively large cell bodies, dendrites which branch in ...19836644824
[divergence of axon collaterals of substantia nigra neurons in the forebrain of the rat: double labeling with fluorochromes and horseradish peroxidase].the origin of divergent and non-divergent pathways from substantia nigra to the thalamus were studied in experiments on rats using retrograde axonal transport of luminescent tracers and horse-radish peroxidase. two efferent projection systems are shown: the first--with divergence of axon collaterals to the caudato-putamen of both hemispheres, caudato-putamen and globus pallidus, caudato-putamen and nucleus accumbens, ipsilaterally; the second system is directed to the thalamus, and does not form ...19836646287
cerebral ischaemia in the rat: increased permeability of post-synaptic membranes to horseradish peroxidase in the early post-ischaemic earlier study of the rat hippocampal stratum radiatum after transient cerebral ischaemia has shown cell membrane breaks, mainly post-synaptically, occurring as early as 20 min after an ischaemic episode. in the present study hrp was injected into the lateral ventricle 10-15 min after ischaemia and allowed to diffuse until 60 min post-ischaemia. ultrastructural examination in the control animals, showed that hrp was localized exclusively in the extracellular space. after 10 min of transient is ...19836646347
morphological properties of physiologically characterized lamina iii neurones in the cat spinal cord.six lamina iii interneurones of the cat spinal cord were impaled and stained with intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase. the responses of these neurones varied considerably: 1 neurone responded to light brushing of its receptive field, whilst 4 cells were excited by strong pressure. morphologically, they were also a heterogeneous population. two neurones had rostro-caudally orientated dendritic arbors that were confined to the lamina, while four of the cells were vertically orientat ...19836646416
nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus: efferent connections with special reference to the basal ganglia, studied in the rat by anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the efferent connections of the brain stem nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus were studied in the rat using the techniques of anterograde and retrograde transport of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase, laying particular emphasis on that part of pedunculopontinus which receives direct descending projections from the basal ganglia and related nuclei. in a preliminary series of experiments horseradish peroxidase was injected into either the entopeduncular nucleus or the subthalamic nucleus and, foll ...19836646427
light and electron microscopy of dorsal spinocerebellar tract neurones in the cat: an intracellular horseradish peroxidase study.intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase were made into dorsal spinocerebellar (d.s.c.t.) neurones in clarke's column of the cat. all the d.s.c.t. neurones were excited from group i muscle afferent fibres. the stained neurones were examined at the light and electron microscope level, and light microscope material was subjected to computer-aided reconstruction and quantitative analysis. the dendritic trees of d.s.c.t. neurons extended about 3 mm in the long axis of the spinal cord and w ...19836647745
a spatial analysis of on- and off-ganglion cells in the cat retina.using reduced silver staining methods it was possible to stain all alpha-ganglion cells of the cat retina. the dendritic trees of alpha-cells are unistratified in either of two laminae within the inner plexiform layer. this stratification difference was shown physiologically to correspond to the on-off dichotomy. for all alpha-cells recorded, the dendritic field was covered by the corresponding receptive field centre. in addition the general shape of the receptive field centre corresponded to th ...19836649435
ultracytochemical studies of vesicular and canalicular transport structures in the injured mammalian blood-brain ultracytochemical investigation was performed to study the origin of pinocytic vesicles and canalicular structures within endothelial cells (ec) of the injured mammalian blood-brain barrier (bbb). to accomplish this goal, two electron-dense tracers, native ferritin (nf) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp), were used in conjunction with the detection of alkaline phosphatase (ap) activity, a known marker of ec plasmalemma of brain micro-blood vessels. brain ecs from (1) mice subjected to crude lep ...19836650137
uptake and transport of exogenous macromolecules from the tongue to the facial nerve complex in the rat.according to a current theory about the pathogenesis of bell's palsy, the motorfibers of the facial nerve are affected by a viral neuropathy, transmitted to the facial nerve via the axons of the chorda tympani nerve. we have used horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to test to what extent and under what conditions uptake and transport of macromolecules can take place from the tongue. when hrp was applied directly onto the mucosa, no labeling was observed. however, when applied to localized superficial l ...19836650668
effect of allergic bronchoconstriction on airways epithelial permeability to large polar solutes in the guinea pig.the effect of allergic bronchoconstriction on the permeability of the airway mucosa to large hydrophilic polar solutes was investigated in the guinea pig. after specific antigen (ovalbumin) challenge, there was a significant increase in the plasma levels of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) (molecular weight, approximately 40,000 daltons), 3h-dextran (approximately 10,000 daltons), and 14c-mannitol (approximately 182 daltons) compared with that in control animals aerosol-challenged with a nonspecific ...19836650980
[peroxidation of arachidonic acid and brain edema].recent studies suggest that peroxidation of arachidonic acid (aa) accumulating during ischemic insult, may be related to the occurrence of post-ischemic brain damage. since the influence of the increased brain content of aa remains unclear, the present study was undertaken to explore whether the intracerebral injection of aa is associated with the injury of the surrounding brain tissues such as brain edema. rats received the intracerebral injection of 10 microliters of test solution (160 microgr ...19836651981
the development and restriction of the ipsilateral retinofugal projection in the chick.although it is generally believed that the central projections of the retina in birds are entirely crossed, using wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) as an anterograde tracer, we have found that in normal posthatched chicks there is a small ipsilateral retinofugal projection to the diencephalon and midbrain. most of the ipsilateral fibers appear to be directed to the lateral anterior and dorsolateral anterior nuclei of the thalamus, to the pretectal region, and to t ...19836652510
development of embryonic spinal cord transplants in the rat.although fetal brain tissue, grafted into the cns of neonatal and adult animals, has been shown to survive and differentiate, relatively little information has been obtained regarding the development of embryonic spinal cord transplants, especially in the injured host cns. the survival and differentiation of fetal spinal cord transplants in either intracerebral cavities or the lateral ventricles of the adult rat brain were thus examined with light and electron microscopy. approximately 90% of th ...19836652515
neuron morphology and synaptic architecture in the medial superior olivary nucleus. light- and electron microscope studies in the cat.dendritic arborization pattern, spatial and synaptic relations of various neuron types and the terminal distribution of afferent axons of various origin were studied in the medial superior olivary nucleus of the cat using golgi, degeneration, electron microscope and horseradish peroxidase techniques. three types of neurons clearly different in morphological features, distribution, neighbourhood relations, input and output characteristics were distinguished: (1) fusiform cells having specific den ...19836653694
postnatal dendritic development in motoneurons: evaluation by a monte carlo technique.a monte carlo method was used to quantitate the dendritic characteristics of horseradish peroxidase-injected lumbar motoneurons (mns) from kittens 44 to 73 days old (during the postnatal interval when motor cortical input/output linkages mature) and compared with those from adults. all of the 6 mns analyzed were within the same range of somal sizes (40-61 micron) and dendritic domain volumes. however, two-dimensional distributions of dendritic diameter versus distance from the soma revealed that ...19836653705
ultrastructure of commissural neurons of the hilar region in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.previous studies have described the polymorph neurons in the hilus of the dentate gyrus at the light microscopic level and have indicated that many of those neurons are the cells of origin for both ipsilateral associational and commissural projections to the dentate gyrus. because previous studies have not described the ultrastructural characteristics of the hilar neurons, we identified these features of the commissural neurons in the hilus. the method of retrograde transport of horseradish pero ...19836653712
cytoarchitectonic organization of laryngeal motoneurons within the nucleus ambiguus of the cat.the central distribution of laryngeal motoneurons was studied in the cat by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. the enzyme was injected selectively into the cricothyroid (ct), lateral cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid (lca-ta), and posterior cricoarytenoid (pca) muscles of the larynx with or without the previous sectioning of the left laryngeal recurrent nerve (lr) or the left superior laryngeal nerve (sl). the ct motoneurons appeared as a compact group of medium-size cells lo ...19836653714
altered sterol synthesis and its relationship to fluid-phase endocytosis in a macrophage cell line a previous study glucocorticoids have been shown to depress the rate of fluid-phase endocytosis in a macrophage cell line, p388d1. this effect was observed when either fluorescein-labeled dextran or horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to measure endocytosis. in this report the relationship between cholesterol synthesis and endocytosis was examined in light of the ability of glucocorticoids to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis. two known inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis, ml-236b and 25- ...19836654378
effects of acrylamide and botulinum toxin on horseradish peroxidase labelling of trigeminal motor neurons in the rat.the extent of neuronal labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was examined in rat trigeminal motor neurons at various stages of acrylamide intoxication, following hrp uptake by motor nerve endings in the anterior digastric muscle. after 7 days of acrylamide (5 daily injections of 30 mg acrylamide/kg body weight), the pattern of hrp labelling was altered from normal, and this changed pattern persisted without further alteration when survival time and dosage were increased to 14 and 21 days ( ...19836654740
localization of iga and igm in human colostral elements using immunoelectron addition to the free form, iga is associated with cellular and noncellular elements present in human colostrum. to resolve the existing controversy as to the cell type(s) containing iga, we used immunoelectron microscopy with horseradish peroxidase-labeled f(ab')2 or fab' fragments of anti-iga or anti-igm to determine the distribution of these immunoglobulins in colostral elements. iga and igm were localized in phagocytic vacuoles of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages in the vicinit ...19836655037
transient cerebrocerebellar projections in kittens: postnatal development and topography.orthograde and retrograde labeling techniques were used to study the ontogenesis of transient cerebrocerebellar projections in kittens. tritiated amino-acid or horseradish peroxidase injections were made into the coronal gyrus of the primary somatosensory cortex of kittens 1-70 postnatal days old. orthogradely labeled axons were observed bilaterally in the superior and inferior cerebellar peduncles in kittens between 6 and 49 postnatal days of age. most cerebrocerebellar axons labeled on the ips ...19836655083
an intracellular hrp study of the rat globus pallidus. ii. fine structural characteristics and synaptic connections of medially located large gp order to classify the presynaptic elements contacting the principle class of globus pallidus neurons, electron microscopic examination of serial sections made from a medially located large globus pallidus neuron, labeled with intracellular horseradish peroxidase, was undertaken. in addition, the use of labeled and light microscopically reconstructed material allowed us to quantitatively determine the distribution of each bouton type along the soma and dendrites. six types of presynaptic termi ...19836655084
glutamate decarboxylase-immunoreactive terminals of golgi-impregnated axoaxonic cells and of presumed basket cells in synaptic contact with pyramidal neurons of the cat's visual cortex.glutamate decarboxylase (gad)-immunoreactive varicosities were found around cell bodies of nonimmunoreactive and immunoreactive neurons in the cat's visual cortex; they also occurred along apical dendrites and axon initial segments of pyramidal neurons. by examination in the electron microscope of structures first identified in the light microscope, it was established that the gad-immunoreactive varicosities were boutons in symmetrical synaptic contact with pyramidal cells in layers ii-iv. more ...19836655085
the development of facial motoneurones in the mouse--neuronal death and the innervation of the facial muscles.the relationship between neuronal death and the formation of patterned connections was studied in the facial neuromuscular system of foetal, neonatal, and adult mice. the facial neuromuscular system was selected because two large, widely separated, facial muscles (the nasolabial and posterior auricular muscles) are innervated by clearly separated parts of the facial motor nucleus in the adult mouse. the number of motorneurones in the facial nucleus was counted in nissl-stained sections at differ ...19836655429
the connections of the middle temporal visual area (mt) and their relationship to a cortical hierarchy in the macaque monkey.the cortical and subcortical connections of the middle temporal visual area (mt) of the macaque monkey were investigated using combined injections of [3h]proline and horseradish peroxidase within mt. cortical connections were assigned to specific visual areas on the basis of their relationship to the pattern of interhemispheric connections, revealed by staining for degeneration following callosal transection. mt was shown to be reciprocally connected with many topographically organized cortical ...19836655500
charge-related alterations of the cerebral a short-term rat brain perfusion model, the luminal surface of cerebral endothelium was exposed to the following solutions: (a) the polycation protamine sulfate (ps) in a dose of 50, 100, and 500 micrograms/ml for 1 or 2 minutes; (b) ps in a dose of 100 micrograms/ml (or 500 micrograms/ml) for 1 or 2 minutes followed by the polyanion heparin in an equivalent dose of 12 units/ml (or 60 units/ml) for 1 or 2 minutes; (c) heparin alone for 1 or 2 minutes, and (d) krebs-ringer-bicarbonate solution ...19836656198
the effect of alternate substrates and substrate concentration on the antibody-mediated inhibition of horseradish peroxidase.inhibition of the catalytic activity of horseradish peroxidase by rabbit antisera was measured using alternate enzyme substrates. the same general inhibition curve patterns were obtained regardless of the electron donor or hydroperoxide used. in all cases typical biphasic inhibition patterns were found and complete inhibition of enzyme activity was never observed. measurement of the degree of inhibition as a function of substrate concn revealed a dependence of anticatalytic activity on hydropero ...19836656780
increased transendothelial channel transport of cerebral capillary endothelium in stroke-prone shr.permeability of brain capillaries of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (shrsp) was studied using labelling (horseradish peroxidase) and cytochemical techniques at the cellular level. in the cerebral capillary endothelium the tracer molecules were quickly transported by abundant transendothelial channels which directly connected the capillary lumen to the subendothelial space. transendothelial channels are abundant and should be postulated as structural formations engaged in the increa ...19836658937
variations in structure and response properties of horizontal cells in the retina of the rabbit.the response waveform of rabbit horizontal cells to diffuse white light stimulation was correlated with their anatomy by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. in both axonless horizontal cells and the somatic end of axon-bearing cells the light evoked hyperpolarization may exhibit a transient at the onset of high intensity stimuli and is consistently followed by a rod aftereffect at stimulus cessation. in both types of cells the on-transient may be small and the rod aftereffect very ...19836659372
a whole-mount horseradish peroxidase study of the retinal central projection in normal and monocular rats.anatomical mapping of the retinal central projection in albino rats was performed by whole-mount hrp histochemistry, after intraocular injection of hrp. the overall features of the retinal central pathways from the optic chiasma to the superior colliculus as well as the accessory optic systems in normal and monocular rats were clearly visualized, following application of a modified tetramethyl benzidine method on the whole-mounted brain stems including the diencephalon and the mid-brain. when co ...19836660559
[callosal connections in the cat parietal cortex during postnatal ontogenesis].by means of the method based on the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase topography, quantitative and qualitative composition of homotopic neurons in the cat cerebral parietal associative cortex performing callosal connections have been studied. when comparing the data of the experiment with those previously obtained on distribution of the axonal terminals in the comissural neurons, certain places are revealed where concentration of the homotopic callosal connections of the pari ...19836661046
diethylstilbestrol (des) quinone: a reactive intermediate in des metabolism.the quinone of e-diethylstilbestrol (des), a postulated metabolic intermediate derived from des, has been synthesized by oxidation of des in chloroform using silver oxide. the reaction product was structurally characterized by infrared, ultraviolet, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectrometry. the product of oxidation of des by hydrogen peroxide, catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase and also by rat uterine peroxidase, was shown to be identical with synthetic des quinone based on identical u ...19836661246
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