
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
experimental macular edema of commotio retinae: preliminary report.experimental macular edema of commotio retinae was studied in rhesus monkeys. clinically, opacification of the retina in these experimental animals closely resembled commotio retinae of man. no pigment epithelial damage was detected by ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography showed no leakage from the retinal and choroidal circulations in the macular region. histologically, macular swelling was apparent and was due primarily to changes of the outer plexiform layer. in this layer, swelling of ...19836855008
cholecystokinin-like immunoreactive neurons in rat cerebral cortex.the distribution and form of cholecystokinin immunoreactive neurons in neocortical areas within the posterior pole of the rat cerebral hemisphere was examined using the immunoperoxidase technique. although cholecystokinin-positive neurons are present throughout the cortex, they are most frequent in the supragranular layers. these neurons are of three kinds: layer i neurons, bipolar cells, and other non-pyramidal cells with either multipolar or bitufted dendritic trees. in electron-microscopic pr ...19836856084
claustral neurons projecting to the visual cortical areas in the cat: a retrograde double-labeling study.double retrograde axonal tracers (horseradish peroxidase, (hrp) and [3h]apo-hrp) have been used to study the distribution of labeled cells in the cat claustrum. paired injections were made into different fields of the visual cortical areas. although the areas of distribution of single-labeled claustral neurons from different cortical injection sites overlapped somewhat, no double-labeled neurons were found in the claustrum. thus, it is suggested that individual claustral cells project only to on ...19836856200
brainstem projections of aortic baroreceptor afferent fibers in the rat.brainstem projections of the aortic nerve in the rat were studied using the transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase. labeled axons were found to project predominantly to the ipsilateral interstitial nucleus and to the ipsilateral dorsolateral aspect of the nucleus of the solitary tract near the level of the obex. lighter bilateral projections were also found to the medial, ventrolateral and dorsolateral aspects of the solitary complex, and to the commissural nucleus. these data provi ...19836856201
disaccharide feedings enhance rat jejunal macromolecular absorption.disaccharide feedings to post-weaning rats alters their jejunal barrier to macromolecular absorption. penetration of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) across the jejunum was enhanced after short-term high concentration gavage (30 g . kg-1 . day-1) of lactose that produces weight loss, osmotic diarrhea, and jejunal mucosal damage. hrp absorption was also increased by longer term feedings of lower levels of disaccharide that did not produce body weight alterations, diarrhea, or cell damage. rats withou ...19836856399
morphology and permeability of junctional complexes in maturing ameloblasts of rat incisors.thin sections of newborn rat incisors were examined by tracer experiments and freeze-fracture replication in order to clarify the morphology and permeability of ameloblast junctional complexes in the maturation stage. ameloblast junctional complexes consisted of gaps and tight junctions at the proximal and distal ends. whereas the proximal junctional complexes sealed extracellular spaces incompletely, the distal ones formed complete, belt-like barriers around the cell. tight junctions of these j ...19836858606
changes in the juxtapapillary retinal pigment epithelium following intravenous injection of sodium iodate. a light and electron microscopic study using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer.the effect of an intravenous injection of sodium iodate on the retinal pigment epithelium immediately surrounding the optic nerve head has been investigated using horseradish peroxidase as a morphological tracer. a sodium iodate injection leads to a necrotic reaction of practically the complete retinal pigment epithelium. the juxtapapillary pigment epithelium, however, showed only attenuation and depigmentation without any necrotic reaction 4 and 12 days after the injection. twenty-six days foll ...19836858641
quantitative determination of macromolecular transport rate across intestinal peyer's patches.we used horseradish peroxidase (hrp) (mol wt, 40,000) to compare in vitro, in ussing chambers, the rates of protein transport across segments of piglet jejunum with and without peyer's patches. the mean hrp transport rate across intestinal segments with a patch, 25.2 +/- 4.2 se ng . min-1 . cm-2 (22 animals), was increased threefold (p less than 0.0005) compared with control (no patch) tissue, 7.9 +/- 1.0 ng . min-1 . cm-2 (n = 29). neither rate showed saturation with increasing concentrations o ...19836859271
topographic arrangement of motoneurons innervating the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. a horseradish peroxidase study in cats.the topographic arrangement of motoneurons innervating the muscles which participate in the rostrocaudal movement of the larynx was studied in cats by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. after hrp injection into these muscles, all labeled neurons were found in the nuclei of the brainstem and cervical nerves (c1, c2) ipsilaterally. the mylohyoid and anterior digastric motoneurons were seen in a cluster in the medial part of the rostrocaudal area of the motor trigeminal nucleus. with ...19836859743
effects of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine on hrp retrograde transport from hippocampus to midbrain raphe nuclei in the rat.the combination of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde tracing and specific lesioning using 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-dht) was applied to the midbrain raphe-hippocampal system. serotonergic fibers from the median raphe nucleus (mrn) of the rat reach the dorsal hippocampus (hipp) through the cingulum bundle (cb) and the fornix-fimbria (ff). intracerebral microinjections of 5,7-dht in these two bundles were made at various times before hrp injections into the dorsal hipp. after both cb and ...19836860973
topographical organization of the thalamic projections to the cortex of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus in the cat.the thalamic afferents of the anterior ectosylvian sulcal region were studied in the cat using retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. following peroxidase injections in the cortex of both banks and fundus of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, retrograde labeling was always very abundant in the ventromedial thalamic nucleus, whichever part of the sulcus was injected. consistent numbers of labeled neurons were also identified in the lateral medial subdivision of the lateral posterior ...19836861931
localization of motoneurons innervating deep and superficial facial muscles in the rat: a horseradish peroxidase and electrophysiologic the rat, distribution of the motoneurons supplying the deep facial muscles (dfm)--the posterior belly of the digastric (vp) and the stylohyoid (sh) muscles--and the superficial facial muscles (sfm) was studied using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method and the antidromic field-potential method. the hrp was injected individually into the vp or sh or applied directly to the central end of the facial nerve cut immediately before it enters the parotid gland. electrical stimulation was administ ...19836861941
local immune response to repeated topical antigen application in the simian labial mucosa.minor salivary glands of the oral mucosa in healthy monkeys (macaca fascicularis and macaca mulatta) contain organized structural units suitable for recognizing and processing antigens. a previous study of m. fascicularis monkeys provided experimental evidence of retrograde access of oral antigens deep into the minor salivary glands. the present study aimed at exploring the possible immune response of simian oral mucosa to repeated topical application of a chemically defined antigenic solution a ...19836862630
ultrastructure of blood-retinal barrier permeability in rat phototoxic has been shown previously that the blood-retinal barrier (brb) of rats with phototoxic retinopathy is permeable to sodium fluorescein and to fluoresceinated dextrans as large as 32a esr (einstein-stokes radius). the leakage presumably occurs from retinal capillaries that have invaded the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) and become fenestrated. in this report, the ultrastructural tracers horseradish peroxidase and catalase were used to further localize the leakage site, and to evaluate the siz ...19836862798
collaterals of spinothalamic cells in the rat.spinothalamic (stt) cells were investigated in the rat to determine the distribution of subpopulations with terminals in both the lateral and medial thalamus, the thalamus bilaterally, or the thalamus and the medullary reticular formation. two or more retrogradely transported substances (fluorescent dyes, and/or horseradish peroxidase) were injected in each animal. three combinations of injections were most commonly used: (1) injections of the medullary reticular formation and thalamus, (2) sepa ...19836863593
the morphology of corticofugal axons to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat.the structural features of corticogeniculate axons were studied in adult cats after labeling them with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injections of hrp into the optic radiations near the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus result in golgi-like filling of both geniculate relay neurons and corticogeniculate axons. in the present material at least two main types of axons could be defined. the most common type is called the type i axon because it so closely resembles the type i axons described by guill ...19836863597
segmental distribution and central projections of renal afferent fibers in the cat studied by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase.the segmental and central distributions of renal nerve afferents in adults cats and kittens were studied by using retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). transport of hrp from the central cut ends of the left renal nerves labelled afferent axons in the ipsilateral minor splanchnic nerves and sensory perikarya in the dorsal root ganglia from t12 to l4. the majority of labeled cells (85%) were located between l1 and l3. a few neurons in the contralateral dorsal ro ...19836863600
mechanisms of blood-brain barrier breakdown after microembolization of the cat's brain.unilateral microembolization of the cat brain with carbonized microspheres 15 microns in diameter ten minutes (min) before death induced multifocal disruption of the blood-brain barrier (bbb) to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in nine adult cats. the gross pattern of hrp extravasates was studied: (a) after five min of in vivo circulation, (b) following infusion of hrp immediately before chemical fixation, and (c) following infusion of hrp after 60 min of aldehyde fixation. examination of the materi ...19836864236
frequency-specific projections of individual neurons in chick brainstem auditory nuclei.nucleus magnocellularis and nucleus laminaris in the avian brainstem contain second- and third-order auditory neurons thought to be homologous to the mammalian anteroventral cochlear nucleus and medial superior olivary nucleus, respectively. nucleus laminaris in the chicken is a tonotopically organized sheet of bipolar neurons; each of these neurons receives spatially segregated bilateral innervation from the two magnocellular nuclei. in the present study, this projection was studied at the sing ...19836864252
laminin in glomerular basement membranes of aminonucleoside nephrotic rats. increased proteinuria induced by antilaminin immunoglobulin g.the amount and distribution of the glycoprotein laminin was investigated in the glomerular basement membranes (gbm) of rats made nephrotic by 10 daily subcutaneous injections of the aminonucleoside of puromycin (amn). affinity-purified, sheep antilaminin immunoglobulin g (s alpha l) was injected intravenously into amn rats, and kidney-bound s alpha l was compared with normals. photometric measurements of glomerular-bound s alpha l showed that intravenous injections of 1.5 mg of s alpha l saturat ...19836865329
intracellular labelling of rat subthalamic neurones with horseradish peroxidase: computer analysis of dendrites and characterization of axon arborization.neurones of the rat subthalamic nucleus were identified by their response to cortical stimulation and then intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase. after fixation, the brains were cut serially in sagittal plane and processed by the cobalt chloride-diaminobenzidine procedure. the morphology of nine of the twenty stained neurones strictly located inside the subthalamic nucleus is described by means of quantitative parameters following light-microscopic examination and three-dimensiona ...19836866263
evidence that the early postnatal reduction in the number of rat retinal ganglion cells is due to a wave of ganglion cell death.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the retino-recipient nuclei of each hemisphere in newborn rats. the animals were perfused 3--9 days after the injections; the number of retinal ganglion cells in retinal wholemounts was estimated by counting cells containing granules of hrp reaction product. the mean number (150,500) of labelled cells in 3-day-old rats was significantly higher than those in older animals (117,000, 121,000, 113,000 respectively on 6th, 8th and 9th postnatal days). ho ...19836866331
altered jejunal macromolecular barrier induced by alpha-dihydroxy deconjugated bile salts.the effect of deconjugated bile salt hydroxy group position and numbers on the ability of these agents to alter the normal lumen-to-blood jejunal barrier to intact protein penetration was analyzed. only in vivo jejunal perfusion with 0.5 mm alpha-dihydroxy deconjugated bile salts chenodeoxycholate and deoxycholate led to increased penetration of the 40,000-molecular-weight protein horseradish peroxidase (hrp). this increased absorption of hrp with 0.5 mm chenodeoxycholate and deoxycholate was de ...19836869544
horseradish peroxidase transport across rabbit jejunum and peyer's patches in vitro.uptake and transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been observed in both peyer's patches (pp) and jejunal epithelium (je), and the quantities transported across each tissue were compared. steady-state was reached much faster in pp than in je. in ringer solution, no significant difference was found between the hrp fluxes conveyed through pp and je. in the presence of 10 mm glucose, slight net secretion was observed in je but not in pp. in both tissues, the transport mechanism was shown to ...19836869547
the cerebellar corticovestibular projection in the cat as studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the cerebellar corticovestibular projection in the cat was studied by means of retrograde transport of hrp. after injections confined to the vestibular nuclei retrogradely labelled purkinje cells were found ipsilaterally in vermal lobules i through x, crus i, the ventral paraflocculus and flocculus. the neurons projecting to the vestibular nuclei are located in all parts of the cerebellar folia (bottom, side and top). most of the vestibular projecting purkinje cells are located within a sagittal ...19836869852
distinct heme-substrate interactions of lactoperoxidase probed by resonance raman spectroscopy: difference between animal and plant peroxidases.resonance raman scattering from cow milk lactoperoxidase (lpo) and its complexes with various electron donors and inhibitors was investigated. the raman spectrum of lpo is strikingly close to that of hog intestinal peroxidase but distinctly dissimilar to that of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the v10 frequency suggested the six-coordinate high-spin structure of heme for native lpo in contrast with the five-coordinate high-spin structure for hrp. for the v10 band, benzohydroxamic acid caused a fre ...19836871162
brain stem afferents of hypoglossal neurons in the rat.the origin of afferent connections of the hypoglossal nucleus in rats was investigated using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a retrograde tracer. pressure injections (0.15-0.17 mu1) of 15% hrp were introduced into the rostral, middle and caudal portions of the nucleus. projections to the hypoglossal nucleus originated from 3 regions of the brainstem: the reticular formation, the spinal v complex and the nucleus of the solitary tract. bilateral projections with ipsilateral predominance came from ...19836871701
convergence of basolateral amygdaloid and mediodorsal thalamic projections in different areas of the frontal cortex in the rat.the extent of convergence of mediodorsal thalamic and amygdalar afferents on the rat's frontal cortex was studied by tracing retrogradely labeled cells following injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp was applied iontophoretically in extremely small injections throughout all areas of the frontal cortex. the following organization was revealed: converging inputs from the mediodorsal nucleus and the amygdala are observed in the posterior parts of the pre- and infralimbic areas, in the pos ...19836871734
restriction of glycolipids to the outer half of a plasma membrane: concanavalin a labeling of membrane halves in acanthamoeba castellanii.fracture-label, a method that permits the cytochemical characterization of faces produced by freeze-fracture, was used to determine the partition and distribution of a glycolipid on membrane fracture faces of acanthamoeba castellanii cells. after treatment with concanavalin a (con a), the glycolipid (a lipophosphonoglycan, lpg) was labeled with colloidal gold coated with horseradish peroxidase. the label was abundant over exoplasmic fracture faces (face e) of plasma membranes, but absent from pr ...19836872002
in vitro metabolism of 3-t-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole and its irreversible binding to proteins.a method for the preparation of methyl-labelled 3-t-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (bha) is described. metabolism of [14c]bha using four different enzyme systems (liver microsomes + nadph; liver microsomes + cumene hydroperoxide (chp); sheep seminal vesicle (ssv) microsomes (as a source of prostaglandin synthetase) + arachidonic acid (aa); horseradish peroxidase (hrp) + hydrogen peroxide) was investigated. in all systems, bha was oxidized to a variety of products including formaldehyde, a dimer di-bha, ...19836872096
enzymic creatinine assay: a new colorimetric method based on hydrogen peroxide measurement.we describe a new colorimetric method for measuring creatinine in serum and urine. creatinine hydrolysis is catalyzed by creatinine amidohydrolase, and the creatine so produced is assayed in reactions catalyzed sequentially by creatine amidinohydrolase and sarcosine oxidase in a system that generates hydrogen peroxide. the hydrogen peroxide is measured at 510 nm in a reaction catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase, with 3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid/4-aminophenazone as the chromogen. t ...19836872208
monoclonal antibody recognizing rabbit igg (fab). a specific reagent for second antibody applications.a monoclonal mouse antibody, which recognizes a determinant on the fab portion of rabbit igg, has been obtained following fusion of hyperimmune mouse spleen cells with ns-1 plasmacytoma cells. the monoclonal antibody, rig9c, has a gamma 1 heavy chain and a kappa light chain. rig9c binds rabbit igg but not human or bovine igg. it has been conjugated with horseradish peroxidase for application in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay as well as for detection of antigens transferred from polyacrylam ...19836874700
motor neuron columns in the lumbar spinal cord of the rat.the location in the rat spinal cord of motor neurons innervating 23 muscles or muscle groups of the hind limb has been determined by using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the motor neurons supplying a single muscle form a discrete longitudinal column in the lateral ventral horn. the columns extend through up to three adjacent spinal segments and their longitudinal location varies by as much as one segment in different animals. the relative positions of the columns supplying diffe ...19836875053
projections of upper structure to the spinal cardioacceleratory center in cats: an hrp study using a new microinjection method.we studied, with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method, the supraspinal structure projections to the cardioacceleratory center in the intermediolateral nucleus (iln) of t3-4 segments of the cat spinal cord. a fiber-filled double-barrel coaxial electrode was devised. the inner barrel electrode, filled with 3 m nacl solution, was used for stimulating intraspinal structures to determine the cardioacceleratory center. the outer barrel electrode with an agar stop, filled with a 20% hrp solution, wa ...19836875185
monoclonal antibodies against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide: studies of structure and related antigens.hybridomas secreting monoclonal anti-vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) antibodies were constructed from spleen cells sensitized to vip in vitro. the secreted antibodies were characterized by binding to vip in indirect radioimmunoassays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. two monoclonal antibodies, characterized for their binding activities with synthetic fragments of vip, were found to bind different sites on the vip molecule. these monoclonal antibodies may recognize tertiary structur ...19836875552
auditory input to neurons in mesencephalic and rostral pontine reticular formation: an electrophysiological and horseradish peroxidase study in the cat. 19836875625
synaptic interactions between mammalian central neurons in cell culture. i. reversal potential for excitatory postsynaptic potentials.intracellular recording and stimulation techniques were used to study the electrical properties of neurons in cell cultures from fetal mouse spinal cord (sc). the morphology of sc neurons and the distribution on sc neurons of boutons formed by synaptically connected sc or dorsal root ganglion (drg) neurons were demonstrated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection. postsynaptic polarization in conjunction with synaptic activation of sc neurons was used to determine the reversal potential for ...19836875631
compartmental relationships between anuran primary spinal motoneurons and somitic muscle fibers that they first innervate.the compartmental and clonal relationships between primary motoneurons and the myotubes they innervate have been studied in xenopus laevis embryos by initiating clones at blastula stages (32 to 512 cells) with intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). primary motoneurons and ventral myotome belong to the posterior-ventral compartment, whereas sensory neurons and dorsal myotome belong to the posterior-dorsal compartment (jacobson, m. (1983) j. neurosci. 3: 1019-1038). the pathways ...19836875662
macromolecular absorption by histologically normal and abnormal small intestinal mucosa in childhood: an in vitro study using organ culture.knowledge of the mechanism of macromolecular absorption in the small intestine is based largely on animal studies. we have attempted to assess qualitatively and quantitatively the amount and the mechanism of uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a model macromolecule, in human small intestine, employing biopsy material from children undergoing gastrointestinal investigations. the biopsy material was incubated in culture medium containing hrp, and a comparison was made between histologically no ...19836875748
comparison of antidromic and orthodromic action potentials of identified motor axons in the cat's brain stem.recordings were made from identified central axons at a known distance from their somata, to compare the action potentials resulting from antidromic and synaptic excitation. by taking advantage of the anatomical configuration within the brain stem of the motoneurones innervating the retractor bulbi muscle in the orbit, their axons were penetrated in the vith nucleus and labelled by electrophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase. excitatory post-synaptic potentials recorded in the retractor ...19836875874
reinnervation of skeletal muscles by vagal sensory fibres in the sheep, cat and rabbit.fibres of the sterno-cleido-mastoid (s.c.m.) muscle normally innervated by the accessory nerve have been reinnervated by afferent fibres of the vagus nerve after supranodose vagal-accessory nerve anastomoses or direct implantation of the vagus nerve into the s.c.m. in cats, rabbits and sheep. the afferent fibres contributing to this reinnervation were confirmed to be cholinergic as transmission was blocked by gallamine, and histochemical evidence obtained of cholinergic motor end-plates. the ass ...19836875888
reinnervation of striated muscle by peripheral vagal fibres cut above or below the nodose ganglion in the cat and cats and rabbits, the peripheral stump of the vagus nerve cut above the nodose ganglion (supranodose anastomoses: s.n.) or below this ganglion (infranodose anastomoses: i.n.) was either sutured with epineurial sutures to the peripheral stump of the branch of the spinal accessory motor nerve innervating the sterno-cleido-mastoid (s.c.m.) muscle, or directly implanted in this muscle after resection of its motor nerve. after about six months, reinnervation of this muscle by vagal fibres was stud ...19836875889
simultaneous visualization of aortic and [3h]5-hydroxytryptamine-accumulating cell bodies in the nodose ganglion of the cat.1. single- and double-tracer experiments were performed in cats to investigate the relationship between the aortic cells and the cell bodies accumulating 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) in the nodose ganglion. in one series of experiments, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the central end of the aortic nerve, anterogradely transported and accumulated in ganglionar perikarya. the distribution of hrp-positive neurones was reconstructed in serial sections through the nodose ganglion. in a seco ...19836875933
effects of dorsal root section on spinocervical tract neurones in the cat.1. in nine cats, dorsal roots l(6) and l(7) were sectioned under pentobarbitone anaesthesia using strict aseptic precautions. in two cats all lumbosacral roots except l(6) were sectioned under similar conditions. 27-75 days after the dorsal rhizotomies, under chloralose anaesthesia, neurones of the spinocervical tract (s.c.t.) were recorded electrophysiologically both extracellularly and intracellularly, their response properties and receptive fields were analysed, and they were injected with ho ...19836875949
apportionment of the terminals from single preganglionic axons to target neurones in the rabbit ciliary ganglion.we have studied the apportionment of terminals from single preganglionic axons to target neurones in the ciliary ganglion of adult rabbits. both electrical recording and intra-axonal injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) showed that each preganglionic axon innervates only a small fraction of the ganglion cell population (about 10-20 of the approximately 400 ganglion cells). examination of ganglia in whole mounts showed that neurones whose cell bodies were enveloped by hrp-labelled boutons fr ...19836875959
glial endocytosis of protein in the traumatized brain.the effect of trauma on the clearance of exogenous protein from the extracellular space of the brain was examined in monkeys and rats. manual contusion of the monkey temporal lobe or air puff contusion of the rat parietal cortex resulted in intense glial uptake of the protein marker, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). there was no evidence of punctate or diffuse material in neurons at or distant from the trauma site. cellular uptake was evident as early as 4 hr post trauma and reached maximal express ...19836876198
heterogeneity in anticatalytic activity of antibody specific for horseradish peroxidase.rabbit antibodies specific for horseradish peroxidase are heterogeneous in their ability to inhibit enzyme activity. heterogeneity was demonstrated by fractionation of the total antiperoxidase pool by differential ammonium sulfate precipitation and differential elution of antibody from enzyme affinity columns. both fractionation methods yielded antibody subpopulations that differed in anticatalytic activity. some antibody subpopulations decreased enzyme activity almost completely at low molar ra ...19836877246
[horseradish peroxidase labeled sources of descending propriospinal tracts in the cat].propriospinal interneurons with descending axons were labelled after unilateral horseradish peroxidase microinjections to the cat spinal cord at different segmental levels. main part of long propriospinal units were bilaterally localized in the ventral quadrants (laminae vii, viii) of cervical segments; some neurons with long ipsilateral projections were also found in the marginal layer (lamina i) and lateral regions of the dorsal horn basis (laminae iv-vi). propriospinal neurons with short axon ...19836877432
growing corticospinal axons by-pass lesions of neonatal rat spinal cord.the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to label newly growing corticospinal axons after they had entered lesioned regions of the neonatal rat spinal cord. two types of lesions were made at thoracic and lumbar levels before the arrival of the first corticospinal axons. (1) thermal lesions were produced by the brief application of a heated rod to the vertebral column and could destroy the normal growth path over several spinal segments. corticospinal axons, when successful in ...19836877595
afferents to the periaqueductal gray in the rat. a horseradish peroxidase study.afferent projections to the periaqueductal gray matter in the rat have been studied by use of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were made in dorsal, lateral and medial areas of the periaqueductal gray, primarily at intercollicular levels. the pattern of projections was similar in all of the injections restricted to the periaqueductal gray. within the brainstem, numerous reticular formation nuclei were labeled, including ...19836877597
afferent connections of the mesencephalic reticular formation: a horseradish peroxidase study in the rat.the afferent connections of the mesencephalic reticular formation were studied experimentally in the rat by the aid of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase tracer technique. the results suggest that the rostral portion of the mesencephalic reticular formation receives its main input from the cerebral cortex, the zona incerta and the fields of forel, the central gray substance, the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis, and the deep cerebellar nuclei. substantial input to the same territ ...19836877601
projections from brain stem nuclei to the spinal trigeminal nucleus in the cat.afferent projections to the trigeminal nucleus oralis and caudalis from the brain stem have been investigated by the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. both n. oralis and n. caudalis receive a projection from nucleus raphe magnus but not from other raphe nuclei in the medulla or pons. n. oralis and n. caudalis receive a bilateral projection from n. paragigantocellularis lateralis. n. oralis receives a projection from n. reticularis gigantocellularis and n. reticula ...19836877602
axonal trajectories of masticatory motoneurons: a genu formation of axons of jaw-opening motoneurons in the cat.axonal courses of jaw-opening motoneurons were examined in the cat by applying horseradish peroxidase to the central cut end of the nerve branch which supplies the mylohyoid and/or the anterior digastric muscle. the axons of mylohyoid and anterior digastric motoneurons, which are located in the ventromedial division of the trigeminal motor nucleus, initially swing dorsally before running ventrolaterally to leave the pons; axons proceeding in the more rostral levels make turns in the more dorsome ...19836877657
the loss of motorneurons corresponding to specific muscles in the wobbler mutant mouse.the spinal motorneuronal pools specific to a peripheral muscular territory were studied in the wobbler mutant mouse, with the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase, which was injected into the musculo-cutaneous nerve and into the distal part of the sciatic nerve. counts of labeled cells showed that the mean percentage of surviving motorneurons was 48.4% in the case of the musculo-cutaneous nerve and 83.6% in the case of the sciatic nerve. the cell loss was not found to be differe ...19836877663
a new experimental method for the dynamic study of the antibody transfer mechanism from mother to fetus in the rat.the yolk-sac is known to be a route for the transport of passive immunity from mother to fetus in the rat. the main purpose of the present paper is to describe an experimental system for ultrastructurally studying the kinetics of the uptake and transport of immunoglobulin by rat yolk-sac. this system has the advantage of enabling the membrane to be externalized and then exposed to protein under controlled environmental conditions whilst at the same time maintaining the conceptus in connection wi ...19836878185
a possible high molecular weight precursor to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide sequestered into pheochromocytoma chromaffin granules.chromaffin granules, the catecholamine storage granules of pheochromocytoma were isolated from five human pheochromocytoma tumors. vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) immunoreactivity was detected in all chromaffin granule preparations, paralleling the synthetic vip antibody binding curve over a range of serial dilutions. in addition, gel filtration revealed an immunoreactive peptide peak coeluting with vip. however, high molecular weight immunoreactive material was also detected on the colu ...19836878752
circumventing the blood-brain barrier with autonomic ganglion transplants.superior cervical ganglia, whose vessels are fenestrated and permeable to protein tracers such as horseradish peroxidase, were transplanted to undamaged surfaces in the fourth ventricle of rat pup brains. horseradish peroxidase, infused systemically into the host, was exuded from the graft's vessels into the graft's extracellular stroma within 1 minute. at later times the glycoprotein reached the extracellular clefts of adjacent brain tissue, the vessels of which appeared to retain their imperme ...19836879186
rod pathways in the retina of the cat.neurons involved in the transfer of rod signals to the ganglion cells in the retina of the cat have been recorded from and stained with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and their synaptic connections determined by electron microscopy. the single morphological type of rod bipolar cell responds with a sustained hyperpolarization to light and in turn drives at least five morphologically different types of amacrine cells, each of which has a unique response pattern. two amacrines respond with either a t ...19836880030
ionic lanthanum passage across cerebral endothelium exposed to hyperosmotic arabinose.hyperosmotic media infused into the cerebral circulation open the blood-brain barrier to protein and colloid. the mechanism whereby such substances cross the affected vessels is still disputed. we describe here the transendothelial route taken by ionic lanthanum (la3+), a small electron-dense tracer which, unlike colloidal lanthanum, can be administered to the living animal. in adult rats, 2.9 ml of hyperosmotic (1.4 m) arabinose was infused into the internal carotid artery as a 30-s bolus, foll ...19836880622
[ultrastructural observations of cat cortical neurons, labeled by the retrograde method, 8 days after injection of horseradish peroxidase].the ultrastructural characteristics of cat's cortical neurons labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been studied; the cats were sacrificed 8 days after the injection of the enzyme. the aim of this study was principally to observe the evolution of neurons in which hrp had been assumed in diffused as well as in granular form - "diffuse-granular hrp neurons" -, or only in diffused form - "golgi-like neurons" -. the results obtained show the scanty presence of diffuse- ...19836882533
sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the isolated spinal cord of the neonatal rat.a preparation of the isolated spinal cord of the neonatal rat was developed for the study of sympathetic preganglionic neurons (pgns). pgns were identified for extracellular single unit recording by their location and by antidromic activation by ventral root stimulation. pgns could be synaptically activated by stimulation of the dorsal root and spinal pathways. spontaneous firing was observed in 18% of the pgns. the average firing rate was 1 hz with a range of 0.3 to 2 h z. pgns (and motoneurons ...19836883079
retinal projections to the inferior and medial pulvinar nuclei in the old-world monkey.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to hrp (wga-hrp) were used as anterograde tracers to study the macaque monkey retinofugal pathways. labeled axons were mapped beyond the lateral geniculate nucleus to the inferior (pi) and medial (pm) pulvinar nuclei, where they terminated. retinofugal fibers project to the medial part of pi, adjacent to the brachium of the superior colliculus. a smaller projection to pm leaves the ventrolateral aspect of the lateral geniculate nu ...19836883081
a direct projection from the perirhinal cortex (area 35) to the subiculum in the efferent projection from the perirhinal cortex (area 35) in the rat was studied using the anterograde transport of tritiated amino acids as well as horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following injections of either tracer in either the dorsal or ventral parts of area 35, anterogradely transported label was observed in the molecular layer of the subiculum, adjacent prosubiculum and cala. regardless of the dorsoventral level of the injection, the label was most dense at mid-dorsoventral levels of the ...19836883086
retinal axons to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system in old world monkeys.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and hrp conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) were used as anterograde tracers in the monkey visual pathways. in addition to known optic pathways, we observed labeled fibers which left the lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system, traveled around the cerebral peduncle, and could be followed as far as the medial terminal nucleus.19836883088
identification of motoneurons innervating the tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini muscles in the cat.the somatotopic arrangement of the motoneurons associated with the two non-masticatory muscles innervated by the trigeminal motor nerve, tensor tympani (tt) and tensor veli palatini (tvp), was determined in the cat using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the motoneurons of the tt are distinct and separate, ventral and ventral-lateral to the rostral two-thirds of the trigeminal motor nucleus. the cells are smaller than those of the motor nucleus and constitute a parvocellular divisi ...19836883092
afferent connections of area 20 in the cat studied by means of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase.following injections of horseradish peroxidase in area 20 of the cat neuronal labeling was observed in visual areas 19, 21 and lateral suprasylvian as well as in other sensory, association and limbic related neo- and allocortical regions, both ipsi- and contralaterally. labeled neurons in the thalamus were identified in the lp-pu complex, in the lic, in the midline and intralaminar nuclei, and in the nuclei ventralis anterior, dorsalis medialis, lateralis anterior, lateralis medialis, ventralis ...19836883099
influence of neonatal cochlear removal on the development of mouse cochlear nucleus. iii. its efferent projections to inferior order to determine the transneuronal developmental influences of auditory deafferentation, the right cochleas, with the first order spiral ganglion neurons, were removed in 6-day-old mice to eliminate all peripheral input to the right cochlear nucleus (cn). at 45 days, some of the efferent projections of right cn in these unilaterally lesioned mice and their unoperated controls were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the contralateral (left) inferior colliculus ...19836883124
studies on membrane transport in sensitized rats. i. absorption of horseradish peroxidase from the intestine of sensitized and non-sensitized rats. 19836883586
stimulation-dependent uptake of an extracellular marker to subcellular fractions of isolated neurohypophysial tissue.slices of ox neurohypophyses and groups of isolated rat neurointermediate lobes were incubated in a medium containing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and stimulated by high k+ concentrations in the medium. after washing, the tissue was homogenized and subjected to subcellular fractionation in a percoll/sucrose gradient. hrp was exclusively taken up by particles banding at a low density of the gradient. the hrp containing particles located to this region included vacuoles of a size comparable to sec ...19836884487
susceptibility of blastomyces dermatitidis strains to products of oxidative metabolism.three strains of blastomyces dermatitidis which differ in their virulence for mice were exposed in their yeast form to various components of the peroxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system. susceptibility to h2o2 alone correlated with virulence, with the most virulent strain (atcc 26199) least susceptible (50% lethal dose, greater than 50 mm) and an avirulent strain (atcc 26197) most susceptible (50% lethal dose less than 3.3 mm). a strain of intermediate virulence (atcc 26198) was of intermediat ...19836885169
competition between glycoprotein hormones and horseradish peroxidase for mannose-specific binding sites in cells of endocrine organs.mannose-specific binding sites for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were studied in paraformaldehyde-fixed, frozen sections of endocrine organs by a cytochemical method reported previously. in the testis, hrp was bound to interstitial cells, probably macrophages, and to sites extending along the surface of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules. in the epididymis, cells in the connective tissue, probably fibroblasts or macrophages, showed the specific reaction. in the ovaries, the reaction for lect ...19836885515
a comparative study of vitreous-body and zonular glycoconjugates that bind to the lectin from ulex europaeus.eyes from adult rodents, rabbits and humans were fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin and incubated with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectin from ulex europaeus to localize vitreous-body and zonular glycoconjugates. rodent eyes had reaction product for peroxidase activity in fibrous structures in the posterior chamber, vitreous base and vitreous cortex. the zonules and the internal limiting membrane region of the retina also were stained. rabbit eyes had more stained fibrous material i ...19836885517
ultrastructure of neurons in the nucleus basalis of meynert in squirrel monkey.the nucleus basalis of meynert in the squirrel monkey exhibits numerous labeled neurons following the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from occipital cortical injection sites. the typically large, often clustered, labeled cells are seen most frequently in association with the fibrous bordering structures of the substantia innominata and in the internal and external laminae of the globus pallidus. ultrastructurally the copious cytoplasm of nucleus basalis neurons abounds with organe ...19836886049
different granule cell populations innervate superficial and deep regions of the external plexiform layer in rat olfactory bulb.studies on the morphological organization of the main olfactory bulb have indicated that there are subpopulations of granule cells with different dendritic patterns in the external plexiform layer (epl). small, extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made iontophoretically into superficial and deep parts of the epl and the granule cell layer (gcl) in adult rats. superficial epl injections principally labeled superficial granule cell somata, whereas deep epl injections label ...19836886054
afferent connections of the lateral agranular field of the rat motor cortex.retrograde axonal transport techniques were used to identify the afferent connections of the lateral agranular field (ag1) of the rat frontal cortex. this cytoarchitectonically distinct cortical field forms the bulk of the primary motor cortex (mi) as defined by intracortical microstimulation studies (donoghue and wise, '82). following injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to hrp into ag1, retrogradely labeled cells are found in the forebrain, thalamus, a ...19836886060
the distribution of neocortical projection neurons in the locus coeruleus.the present study was conducted to examine the spatial organization of locus coeruleus (lc) neurons that project to rat cerebral cortex. long-evans hooded rats received unilateral pressure injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in either frontal (n = 6) or sensorimotor (n = 11) or occipital (n = 7) cortex to determine the intranuclear location of lc neurons which project to specific neocortical regions. coronal and sagittal sections (40-100 micron) through the lc were examined by light micro ...19836886061
olivocerebellar connections in sheep studied with the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.we describe here the morphology of the inferior olive and the localization of labeled cells after hrp injections into various lobules of vermis and hemisphere of the cerebellum of the sheep. the medial part of the caudal half of the medial accessory olive projects to a medial zone in the anterior lobe, the simple lobule, and the lobules vii and viii. the lateral part of the medial accessory olive projects to more lateral parts of these lobules with the exception of lobule vii. the group beta pro ...19836886062
visceral representation within the nucleus of the tractus solitarius in the pigeon, columba livia.this study describes the distribution of organ-specific populations of vagal afferent fibers within the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) in the pigeon. the central projections of vagal sensory neurons were visualized by the centripetal and trans-ganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase from either the central cut ends of peripheral vagal branches or from hrp injection sites in peripheral vagal target tissues. this paper also includes a detailed description of the cytoarchitectural organ ...19836886066
the effect of forebrain lesions in the neonatal rat: survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and the crossed nigrostriatal projection.lesions were placed in the striatum and the olfactory tubercle of 1-day-old rat pups. control and experimental animals were raised to adulthood. efferent projections of mesencephalic neurons were examined by injecting the retrograde tracers horseradish peroxidase or fast blue into the undamaged striata of some experimental animals. the survival of the mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons was monitored by using immunocytochemical localization of tyrosine hydroxylase. small lesions in the caudate-pu ...19836886067
space-mapped auditory projections from the inferior colliculus to the optic tectum in the barn owl (tyto alba).the optic tectum of the owl contains a topographic representation of auditory space. we have investigated the source of this space-mapped auditory activity by using retrograde tracing with horseradish peroxidase. the major source of auditory input to the optic tectum is the ipsilateral external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (icx), which is known to contain a map of auditory space also. additional minor projections originate in the superficial nucleus of the inferior colliculus and the nucle ...19836886071
death of motorneurons during the postnatal loss of polyneuronal innervation of rat muscles.a study was made of the decline in the number of motor neurons and axons of the brachial spinal cord of the rat during postnatal development. the injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the biceps muscle showed that it was innervated by motor neurons located in the dorsolateral position of the lateral motor column in segments c5 and c6; hrp injections into the triceps muscle showed that it was innervated by motor neurons located in the ventrolateral position of the lateral motor column in ...19836886080
thalamic afferents to the anterior and middle suprasylvian gyri in the cat traced with horseradish peroxidase.the anatomical organization of thalamic projections to the anterior and middle suprasylvian gyri in the cat has been studied by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. area 5 receives a large number of fibers from the posterior lateral nucleus, and a few fibers from the dorsal lateral nucleus. it receives many fibers from the ventrolateral part of the medial pulvinar nucleus and from the suprageniculate and lateral pulvinar nuclei. area 5 receives a considerable number of fibers f ...19836886388
connectivity of the hilar region of the hippocampal formation in the rat.injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the hilar region (fascia dentata/ca4/ca 3c) of the dorsal hippocampal formation in the rat resulted in labeling of cell bodies in the ipsilateral fields ca 4 and ca 3, and in the contralateral field ca 4. injection into ca 3 labeled many granular cells in the ipsilateral fascia dentata, and a few neurons in ca 4. a small number of ca 4-cells were labeled after hrp-injections into the retrosplenial cortex. the results support the notions, suggested ...19836886390
glutamic acid decarboxylase-immunoreactive neurons and horseradish peroxidase-labeled projection neurons in the ventral posterior nucleus of the cat and galago senegalensis.immunocytochemical methods were used to identify neurons in the ventral posterior nucleus of the cat and galago senegalensis that contain glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad), the synthetic enzyme for the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gaba. in both species gad-immunoreactive neurons make up about 30% of the total neurons in the ventral posterior nucleus and form a distinct class of small cells. after cortical injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), gad-immunoreactive cells are not labeled with h ...19836886749
pathophysiology of periventricular tissue changes with raised csf pressure in cats.intraventricular pressure (ivp) is increased in the early stages of acute hydrocephalus. pressure falls, however, when compensatory routes for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) absorption develop. in order to better understand the pathophysiology of acute hydrocephalus, the authors performed ventriculocisternal perfusions on adult cats with outflow pressures maintained at either -5, 20, or 40 cm h2o. cerebral blood flow (cbf) was determined by the iodoantipyrine method. penetration of an extracellular m ...19836886780
tonic and reflex synaptic activity recorded in ciliary ganglion cells of anaesthetized rabbits.we have studied patterns of synaptic activity in rabbit ciliary ganglion cells by intracellular recording in vivo, and have examined the morphology of functionally characterized neurones by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. nearly all of the neurones studied (293 of 300) received tonic synaptic input from preganglionic neurones. this tonic activity was not decreased by darkness or by acute optic nerve section. the rate of tonic synaptic activity recorded in the vast majority of ...19836887037
[preservation of the enzyme activity of horseradish peroxidase administered into the gastrointestinal tract of adult dogs and rats].enzymatic activity of horse radish peroxidase administered to the gastrointestinal tract of adult dogs and rats was assessed. it was discovered that in adult dogs, 30% of the protein reached the distal parts of the small intestine in a non-splitted form. as early as two hours after administering horse radish peroxidase over 15% of active enzyme was detectable in the gastrointestinal tract of adult rats. 0.5% of non-splitted enzyme was found in the rat large intestine.19836613075
the effect of dexamethasone on serum protein extravasation and edema development in experimental brain tumors of cat.experimental brain tumors were produced in 20 cats by stereotaxic xenotransplantation of a blastomatous glial cell clone into the internal capsule of the left hemisphere. ten of these animals were treated after 2 weeks with a single injection of 10 mg dexamethasone in crystalline suspension. three weeks after xenotransplantation vascular permeability was studied by electron microscopy with horseradish peroxidase as the barrier tracer (four animals), and extravasation of serum proteins was visual ...19836613532
the organization of the olivocerebellar projection in the chicken.the olivocerebellar pathway in the chicken was studied, using the horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique. the inferior olivary nuclear complex (ioc) of the chicken comprises a dorsal and a ventral lamella and projects to the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere. in this paper the organization of the olivocerebellar pathways in the chicken is compared with the mammalian olivocerebellar pathway. the present results, taken in conjunction with data on the embryogenesis of the rat ioc, su ...19836616173
demonstration of axonal projections of neurons in the rat hippocampus and subiculum by intracellular injection of hrp.hippocampal formation neurons of rat were injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase in order to trace intrinsic and extrinsic axonal projections. ca3 pyramids (n = 9) projected axons rostrally toward the fimbria, one or more schafer collaterals toward ca1, and in two cases fibers that crossed the hippocampal commissure. pyramids of ca1 (n = 5) projected axons to the alveus where they proceeded caudally toward the subiculum. a subset (n = 3) also projected an axonal branch rostrally to ...19836616174
massive retinotectal projection in rats.retinal ganglion cells were labeled with horseradish peroxidase injected into the superior colliculus of normal pigmented rats. it is shown that virtually all ganglion cells with crossed axons project to the tectum, thus including all cell types described so far in the rat. the results contrast with the conclusion that only one-third of the ganglion cell population project to the tectum in normal hamsters.19836616190
afferent projections from the brainstem to the three floccular zones in cats. i. climbing fiber projections.the cat's flocculus can be divided into 3 zones on the basis of differences in their efferent projection sites. in the present study, climbing fiber projections from the inferior olive to each zone of the flocculus were studied by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following large injections of hrp into the flocculus, labeled cells appear in the dorsal cap and the ventrolateral outgrowth of the principal olive. no hrp-labeled somata are present in other parts o ...19836616197
afferent projections from the brainstem to the three floccular zones in cats. ii. mossy fiber projections.mossy fiber projections from the brainstem to the flocculus were studied following injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the flocculus and following microinjections of hrp into each of the three zones of the flocculus. it has been found that the flocculus receives mossy fiber projections from 4 main sources. (1) perihypoglossal nucleus--dense projections originate from discrete areas of the rostral pole of the intercalated nucleus, the ventral part of the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus ...19836616198
cortico-darkschewitsch-olivary projection in the cat: an electron microscope study with the aid of horseradish peroxidase tracing technique.the nucleus of darkschewitsch (nd) of the cat was observed electron microscopically after surgical ablation of the motor cortex and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection into the inferior olive of the same animals. degenerated axon terminals containing pleomorphic synaptic vesicles were observed to synapse chiefly with medium-sized or small dendritic processes, some of which were labeled with hrp retrogradely. therefore, a cortico-olivary projection which was relayed at the nd was revealed at a ...19836616251
infant lesion effect: iii. anatomical correlates of sparing and recovery of function after spinal cord damage in newborn and adult cats.we have demonstrated that sparing of tactile placing occurs after neonatal but not adult spinal cord damage and that the spared tactile placing of one limb depends on the corresponding (contralateral) sensorimotor cortex. in order to determine whether anatomical reorganization of the corticospinal or brainstem-spinal pathways also occurred which might account for the sparing of the tactile placing response, we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to map supraspinal neurons which p ...19836616261
an hrp study of the brainstem afferents to the accessory abducens region and dorsolateral pons in rabbit: implications for the conditioned nictitating membrane response.brain projections to the accessory abducens region and dorsolateral pons were investigated in rabbit using implants of crystalline horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following implantation of hrp in the accessory abducens region (n = 3), labeled cells were observed in the sensory trigeminal nuclei and other regions implicated in the reflex pathway of the defensive nictitating membrane (nm) response. neurons in the supratrigeminal zone were also labeled, as were portions of the contralateral red nucle ...19836616268
the islands of calleja complex of rat basal forebrain ii: connections of medium and large sized cells.the connections of the medium (10-20 microns) and large (20-35 microns) cells of the islands of calleja complex (icc) were studied in the albino rat with anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and fluorescent tracers. the medium and large size cells were found to project to the ipsilateral olfactory tubercle, ventral pallidum, septum, piriform cortex, periamygdaloid cortex, cortical nuclei of the amygdala, ventral endopiriform nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area, for ...19836616269
heterotopic interhemispheric cortical connections in the the rat, contrary to other species, interhemispheric cortical connections have been considered to travel largely between homotopical regions only. based on iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase, the present study reports extensive heterotopic interhemispheric connections between posterior insular (perirhinal) regions of the lateral part of the hemisphere and anterior prefrontal regions of the medial hemisphere and vice versa. generally, the areas connected interhemispherically ar ...19836616271
endocytosis, intracellular transport, and turnover of anionic and cationic proteins in cultured mouse peritoneal was previously shown that cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages ingest anionic derivatives of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and ferritin by fluid-phase endocytosis and accumulate them in lysosomes. cationic derivatives were taken up by adsorptive endocytosis and transported to lysosomes but subsequently appeared also in stacked cisternae, tubules, and vesicles of the golgi complex. in the present investigation, the effect of molecular net charge on the rate of cellular inactivation of a protei ...19836617670
vesicular transport of horseradish peroxidase during chronic bile duct obstruction in the rat.the vesicular transport system for biliary secretion of plasma-derived proteins was investigated in rats with chronic bile duct obstruction. horseradish peroxidase, previously demonstrated to be a suitable tracer for vesicular transport, was employed in these studies. both the time course of horseradish peroxidase secretion into bile and the morphological events in its uptake, transport, and biliary secretion were found to proceed in a manner essentially identical to that of sham-operated contro ...19836618434
Displaying items 16601 - 16700 of 20690