
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
experimental retinal detachment. vii. intravenous horseradish peroxidase diffusion across the blood-retinal barrier.intravenous horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was administered to cynomolgus monkeys to study chorioretinal diffusion in eyes with retinal detachment. in control eyes, hrp was contained within the choriocapillaris and did not penetrate beyond bruch's membrane. in addition, hrp was confined within blood vessels of the sensory retina. in detached eyes, hrp diffused out of the choriocapillaris and through the intercellular spaces of the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe), where it was blocked by zonulae o ...19846721769
nadh- and oxygen-dependent multiple turnovers of cytochrome p-450-cam without putidaredoxin and putidaredoxin reductase.phenazine methosulfate (pms) has been successfully used to mediate electron transfer from nadh to cytochrome p-450-cam in the absence of putidaredoxin and putidaredoxin reductase under aerobic conditions. identification and quantitation of exo-5- hydroxycamphor , the only product, has been accomplished by gas chromatography. in the absence of cytochrome p-450-cam, or when other heme proteins (hemoglobin, myoglobin, horseradish peroxidase) are substituted for p-450-cam, no exo-5- hydroxycamphor i ...19846722135
the structural organization of the ventrobasal complex of the rat as revealed by the analysis of physiologically characterized neurons injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase.the ventrobasal complex (vb) of the rat thalamus contains neurons responding to non-noxious somatic stimuli as well as neurons driven exclusively by noxious stimuli. this study presents a comparison of morphological features of these two kinds of neurons. thirteen neurons electrophysiologically characterized were impaled with the micropipette used for the recordings and intracellularly injected with horseradish peroxidase. after revealing the marker and preparation for electron microscopic proce ...19846722537
heterotopic and homotopic callosal connections in rat visual cortex.heterotopic and homotopic callosal projections of rat visual cortex are evaluated. callosal termination zones in visual cortex are identified with a degeneration technique following complete section of the corpus callosum. the zones which receive callosal afferents are the lateral one-third of area 17, an anteroposterior strip in dorsal and in ventral areas 18a, and 4 patches in area 18b. following a large injection of lectin-bound horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into visual cortex, many retrog ...19846722538
axon arbors of functionally distinct whisker afferents are similar in medullary dorsal horn.using the intra-axonal horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique, we have found that the central axon arbors of functionally distinct mystacial whisker primary afferents in rat medullary dorsal horn were all similar with respect to their shape and density of terminal boutons. arbors from slowly adapting, rapidly adapting, velocity or nociceptive biased whisker afferents all appeared to form a series of highly localized terminal aggregates within a specific rostrocaudal segment of the superficial or ...19846722553
morphology of on-off direction-selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina.on-off direction-selective ganglion cells in rabbit retina have been stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the dendritic ramification is basically bistratified . global asymmetries related to the preferred direction are not apparent, but the small diameter dendrites, spines, and complex branching pattern are consistent with models based on local, non-linear mechanisms for direction-selectivity.19846722555
efferent acoustic neurons within the lateral superior olivary nucleus of the guinea pig.the cells of origin of the olivocochlear bundles in the guinea pig were labeled by retrograde axonal transport with either the fluorescent dye 'fast blue' or horseradish peroxidase (hrp). labeled cells were found bilaterally in the superior olivary complex, as described previously. moreover, an extremely large population of labeled cells occurred within the cell mass of the lateral superior olivary nucleus (lso) ipsilaterally to the injection site. preliminary electron microscopical observations ...19846722566
the ultrastructural morphology of the subthalamic-nigral axon terminals intracellularly labeled with horseradish peroxidase.the labeled axons of neurons intracellularly injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the rat subthalamic nucleus (sth) were studied with electron microscopy. the main axons and the efferent daughter branches were all myelinated. the morphology of the intrinsic axon terminals within sth was obscured by the dark hrp reaction products, but the labeled efferent sth terminals in the substantia nigra (sn) were revealed to contain small oval vesicles and formed asymmetrical synapses with dendrite ...19846722567
transneuronal effects of early eye removal on geniculo-cortical projection cells.iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made into the primary visual cortex of normal rats, and into the visual cortex ipsilateral to the remaining eye of neonatally enucleated rats. the distribution of retrogradely labelled cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (lgnd) in the two groups was compared. in normal animals labelled cells were found running in a discrete column through lgnd following the relevant line of projection. in enucleated animals the cells were l ...19846722589
the emergence of a discretely distributed pattern of corticospinal projection neurons.the distribution of cortical neurons which project to the spinal cord was investigated in the developing and adult rat using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following injections of hrp into the cervical spinal cord of a postnatal day 4 rat, retrogradely labeled neurons are located in layer vb throughout the neocortex. gradually, over the first two postnatal weeks, labeled cells can no longer be found laterally or caudally in the neocortex. by the end of the second postn ...19846722590
anatomical evidence for convergence of olfactory, gustatory, and visceral afferent pathways in mouse cerebral cortex.flavor perception requires the neural integration of olfactory, gustatory and, possibly, visceral afferent information. presently, it is not known where, or how this integration takes place in the brain. neuroanatomical data presented here suggest that pathways subserving these sensory modalities converge in mouse insular cortex after surprisingly few synaptic relays. orthograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was used to label main olfactory bul ...19846722597
the prefrontal cortex of a prosimian (galago senegalensis) is reached by efferent neurons originating in the nucleus basalis of meynert.efferent projections from the basal forebrain to the prefrontal cortex of the lesser bush baby (galago senegalensis) were traced with the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique. different areas of the prefrontal cortex of six bush babies were injected with small amounts of horseradish peroxidase. the entire basal forebrain was then screened for labeled neurons. following all six injections, many retrogradely labeled neurons could be detected in the nucleus basalis of meynert. these results ...19846722602
age-dependent sprouting in the dentate gyrus demonstrated with anterograde hrp.the anterograde horseradish peroxidase procedure was used to label the commissural projection to the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus in adult rats following unilateral lesions of the entorhinal cortex at either 11 or 14 days postpartum or as adults. the commissural terminal field expanded slightly into the middle molecular layer in rats that received the lesions as adults. in rats with entorhinal ablations at 14 days of age the labeled terminal field was relatively uniform in density and re ...19846722603
new ultrastructure of rat rpe cells: basal intracytoplasmic tubules.retinal pigment epithelial cells have prominent basal folds facing bruch's membrane. in addition to folds i have observed intracytoplasmic tubules 60-90 nm in diameter in the basal cytoplasm of rat pigment epithelial cells. the tubules arise from the basal plasma membrane and open to the extracellular space. the tubules are most evident when intravenous horseradish peroxidase is used as a tracer. the tracer leaks out of the fenestrated choriocapillaris, into the extracellular space of the pigmen ...19846723814
relation of callosal and striate-extrastriate cortical connections in the rat: morphological definition of extrastriate visual areas.the main purpose of this study was to correlate the tangential distributions of visual callosal and striate-extrastriate connections in the rat. cells of origin and terminations of the visual callosal pathway of one hemisphere were labeled by the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) after multiple injections of this enzyme in the contralateral hemisphere, while ipsilateral striate-extrastriate projection fields were revealed by using the autoradiographic method fo ...19846723844
brainstem afferents to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat.the ascending connections from the brainstem to the dorsal division of the lateral geniculate nucleus were examined using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. labelled cells were identified in a variety of structures, including the nucleus of the optic tract (not), the posterior pretectal nucleus (npp), the superior colliculus (sc), the parabigeminal nucleus (pbn), the midbrain reticular formation (mrf), locus coeruleus and nucleus sub-coeruleus, the substantia nigra (sn), and parts o ...19846723845
the ultrastructure of two distinct neuron populations in the hypoglossal nucleus of the ultrastructural study of the hypoglossal nucleus (xii) in the rat has revealed two distinct neuronal populations. hypoglossal motoneurons comprised the largest population of neurons in xii and were identified following injection of horseradish (hrp) into the tongue. motoneurons were large (25-50 mu), multipolar in shape and distributed throughout xii. the nucleus was large, round and centrally located, and the cytoplasm was characterized by dense lamellar arrays of rough endoplasmic reticulum ...19846723852
afferents to the cortical pupillo-constrictor areas of the cat, traced with hrp.afferents of the cortical pupillo-constrictor areas (pcas) of the cat were studied using the horseradish peroxidase method. pcas receive heavy cortical inputs from areas 7, 19, 21, the lateral suprasylvian area, the splenial visual area, and subcortically from the claustrum, the intralaminar nuclei, the pulvinar-lateral posterior nuclear complex.19846723857
corticocortical connections to the motor cortex from the posterior parietal lobe (areas 5a, 5b, 7) in the cat demonstrated by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase.neurons in the parietal region of the cerebral cortex, projecting to the ipsilateral distal forelimb area of the motor cortex (area 4 gamma) were identified in the cat brain using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde tracing method. after making microinjections of hrp into the distal forelimb area of the motor cortex, clusters of hrp-labeled cell bodies were observed in different regions of the ipsilateral parietal cortex. in particular these clusters of labeled cells were found in areas ...19846723866
the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase for studying the dendritic trees and axonal courses of particular groups of tract cells in the spinal cord.modifications have been made in mesulam 's method for labelling neurons by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase, with tetramethylbenzidine as chromogen, with the object of increasing the extent of labelling of dendrites and axons. a procedure was devised specifically for studying spinomedullary and medullospinal tract systems, involving implanting easily-made hrp-agar pellets into areas of controlled damage in particular spinal fascicles, and sealing the site of implant with cyanoacryl ...19846723869
localization of the cells of origin for primary afferent fibers supplying the gallbladder of the cat.horseradish peroxidase was utilized to study the distribution of afferent fibers from the gallbladder in cats. the afferent cell bodies were found in the nodose ganglion and t4 to l1 dorsal root ganglia.19846723891
alteration of tight junctional permeability in the rat parotid gland after isoproterenol stimulation.the permeability of junctional complexes to ultrastructural tracers of different molecular weight and the freeze-fracture appearance of junctional structure were investigated in the resting and stimulated rat parotid gland. tracers were administered retrogradely via the main excretory duct, and allowed to flow by gravity (16 mmhg) into the gland for 15-60 min. secretion was induced in some animals by intraperitoneal injection of isoproterenol. in resting glands, the tracers microperoxidase , cyt ...19846725402
diencephalic connections of the raphé nuclei of the rat brainstem: an anatomical study with reference to the somatosensory system.the present study was undertaken to analyse in detail the connections of the various raphé nuclei with thalamic structures. micropipettes filled with an aqueous solution of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase were used to produce small iontophoretic deposits restricted to the various raphé nuclei in male sprague dawley albino rats. tetramethyl benzidine was used as a chromogen to reveal both fiber terminals anterogradely labelled and retrogradely filled neurons. a detailed ...19846725629
the morphology of dorsal column postsynaptic spinomedullary neurons in the cat.dorsal column postsynaptic ( dcps ) spinomedullary neurons from the cat's lumbosacral enlargement were identified by antidromic stimulation of the cervical dorsal columns and stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase. the cell bodies were located in laminae iii-iv. their dendritic arbors were elongated rostrocaudally but narrow mediolaterally. on the average, the arbors were x 5 longer than they were wide. most of the neurons had nearly all of their dendrites in laminae iii-iv and some ...19846725631
sizes, laminar and topographic origins of cortical projections to the major divisions of the red nucleus in the monkey.the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to study the topographic and laminar origins of the cortical projections to the parvocellular and the magnocellular divisions of the red nucleus in macaca mulatta and macaca fascicularis. approximately 90% of the corticorubral projection is directed to the parvocellular division of the nucleus. corticoparvocellular (crp) neurons are pyramidally shaped, are smaller in size than corticospinal neurons, and are more numerous. they are found ...19846725640
reconstructions of corticogeniculate axons in the cat.the terminal arbors of corticofugal axons to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat were filled with horseradish peroxidase and then partially reconstructed through serial sections. the results demonstrate that these arbors are far more complex than was suspected from previous studies of axon segments in individual sections. these axons branch profusely and spread widely within the nucleus. within laminae a and a1 the terminal arbor of a single axon can be more than 800 micron wide com ...19846725642
the lateral suprasylvian corticotectal projection in cats.the projection from the lateral suprasylvian visual areas to the superior colliculus was investigated in cats using both anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques. the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat germ agglutinin-hrp (wga-hrp) from their site of deposit in the superior colliculus indicates that all divisions of the lateral suprasylvian visual areas project to both the superficial and deep layers of the superior colliculus. however, following tracer deposits i ...19846725646
on the fate of sympathetic and sensory neurons projecting into a neuroma of the superficial peroneal nerve in the cat.cell bodies of sympathetic and sensory axons projecting via the superficial peroneal (sp) nerve supplying hairy skin of the distal hindlimb have been labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) on both sides of three cats in which the left sp nerve had been cut and ligated about 5 months previously. three sp nerves from unoperated cats have also been studied. the location, size, and numbers of labeled somata have been determined from serial sections of lumbosacral dorsal root and symp ...19846725647
a study of the reciprocal connections between the septum and the entorhinal area using anterograde and retrograde axonal transport methods in the rat brain.the reciprocal connections between the septum and the entorhinal area (ea) was studied in the rat brain using antero- and retrograde axonal transport methods. after injections of large volumes (2 x 100 nl) of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) conjugated to wheat-germ agglutinin (wga) into the medial septum (ms) and the diagonal band of broca (dbb), anterogradely transported hrp-wga was found primarily in layers ii and iv of the medial and lateral ea. injections of hrp-wga (50-100 nl) or fluorescent d ...19846725648
cortical and subcortical, including sensory-related, afferents to the thalamic mediodorsal nucleus of the cat.cortical and subcortical afferents to the cat's thalamic mediodorsal nucleus (md) were investigated using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp was applied using vertical or oblique approaches and either a microsyringe or implanted pipettes filled with hrp-powder. a wide variety of cortical afferents to md was detected: aside from afferents from the cat's classical prefrontal cortex (gyri proreus, rectus, frontalis), from adjacent areas of the premotor and cingu ...19846725940
neurons with unusual response and receptive-field properties in upper laminae of cat si cortex.high-impedance micropipettes are used to record (both extra- and intracellularly) the electrical activity of neural elements located 550 micron or less from the pial surface of cerebral cortical areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 in unanesthetized cats. these elements are designated as "upper-layer si units" and most frequently are sampled within the arm and forelimb digit sectors of areas 3b and 1. mechanical stimulation of the skin is employed to determine the receptive field (rf) and response properties ...19846726311
intradendritic recordings from neurons of motor cortex of cats.the properties of neuronal spike potentials ranging from 20 to 60 mv in size were studied in stable recordings made from the motor cortex of unanesthetized, unparalyzed cats. histologic evidence that injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was confined to single neurons and appropriately high levels of potassium measured with k+ ion-sensitive electrodes indicated that these recordings were obtained from single, intracellularly penetrated neurons. pressure injection of small volumes of 4% hrp i ...19846726318
intracellular injection with horseradish peroxidase of physiologically characterized stellate and bushy cells in slices of mouse anteroventral cochlear nucleus.nissl-stained tissue from brain slice preparations of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the mouse resembles tissue fixed in situ. multipolar, spherical, globular, and granule cells can be distinguished after intracellular injection with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). stellate cells have relatively large dendritic fields; their axons have collaterals which terminate within the cochlear nuclear complex. bushy cells have smaller dendritic fields; where they can be seen, axons have no collaterals ...19846726347
afferent connections of medial precentral cortex in the rat.the principal sources of input to rat medial precentral cortex (pcm), as revealed by iontophoretically applied horseradish peroxidase, are: the ventral lateral, mediodorsal, central lateral and ventromedial thalamic nuclei; contralateral pcm; ipsilateral cortical areas related to vision, somatic sensation and audition; retrosplenial and ventrolateral orbital cortex. these results are compared to findings in monkeys and discussed in relation to the phenomenon of polymodal neglect of hemispace.19846728294
is the inferior colliculus an obligatory relay in the cat auditory system?the status of the inferior colliculus of the cat as an obligatory relay in the ascending auditory pathway was examined by attempting to infiltrate totally the fibres of the brachium of the inferior colliculus on one side with horseradish peroxidase. following a transport time of 24 h, alternate sections from thalamus to caudal brainstem were reacted with a sensitive histochemical method to reveal tracer reaction product. results for three cats revealed that the inferior colliculus is an obligato ...19846728296
evidence for a spinal afferent innervation of the guinea pig lower respiratory tract as studied by the horseradish peroxidase technique.the afferent innervation of the guinea pig lower respiratory tract was studied using a retrograde axonal transport technique with application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) onto the lining respiratory epithelium. hrp-labeled cells were observed not only in the nodose ganglia but also in the jugular and upper thoracic dorsal root ganglia (mainly at the t2-t3 levels). thus, both vagal parasympathetic and spinal sympathetic afferents seem to have peripheral branches close to or within the respirat ...19846728309
projections of the medial geniculate nucleus to layer 1 of the auditory cortex in the cat traced with horseradish peroxidase.thalamic afferents to layer 1 of the auditory cortex in the cat have been studied using retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. the magnocellular part of the medial geniculate nucleus sends fibers to layer 1 of the primary and secondary auditory areas and of the dorsal division of the posterior ectosylvian area. the dorsal principal part and the ventromedial portion of the ventral principal part send only a few fibers to layer 1 of these cortical areas.19846728316
projections from auditory structures to the superior colliculus in the rat.auditory inputs to the middle and deep layers of the central area of the superior colliculus were studied in rats with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into the superior colliculus. the most powerful projections were found from the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus bilaterally, with prevailing ipsilateral projections. a smaller number of labelled cells was observed in the ipsilateral external nucleus of the inferior colliculus and a few labelled cells were distributed in the dorsome ...19846728318
a horseradish peroxidase investigation of carotid sinus nerve components in the rat.the brainstem location of afferent and efferent components in rat carotid sinus nerve (csn) was determined by transecting the csn and applying horseradish peroxidase. afferent label was heaviest in the ipsilateral medial solitary nucleus ( mnts ). afferents were also found in the ipsilateral ventrolateral solitary nucleus, area postrema, and bilaterally in the commissural nucleus of the solitary complex. efferent labeled cells were found in the ipsilateral rostral nucleus ambiguus and the inferi ...19846728324
light and electron microscopic demonstration of hypothalamic projections to the parabrachial nuclei in the cat.hypothalamic connections with the parabrachial nuclei in the cat were studied at light and electron microscopic levels following wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase injections into the parabrachial nuclei and electrolytic lesions in the hypothalamus. the greatest concentration of retrogradely labeled neurons occurred in the paraventricular nucleus. labeled neurons were also seen within the preoptic, anterior, lateral, dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. hypothalamic lesion ...19846728329
blood-brain barrier in chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: a correlative study between cerebrospinal fluid protein concentrations and tracer leakage in the central nervous system.blood-brain barrier (bbb) permeability in chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis was studied morphologically in tracer studies with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as well as by quantitative determination of hrp, albumin, and igg in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (csf). bbb damage was found to be localized in demyelinating plaques and in blood vessels with vasculitis. actively demyelinating lesions showed massive increase in bbb permeability, whereas in inactive or remyelinated le ...19846730912
the morphogenesis of the vacuolation of liver cells.the morphogenesis of the vacuolation of liver cells caused by congestion was studied in the rat. congestion of the liver was produced by constriction of the inferior vena cava just below the diaphragm. vacuoles appeared within 5 min after the constriction (inferior vena cava pressure: 50 mm h2o or more). vacuolation began as a small and saccular invagination of the sinusoidal surface of the liver cell membrane, and at the initial stage the vacuolar lumen connected with the space of disse through ...19846732897
[callosal connections of the somatosensory area in the primate: anatomical and electrophysiological studies].in order to study the callosal connections of the hand sensory field of the second somatosensory area of the monkey, experiments were carried out by combining the method of retrograde neuronal tracing with microelectrode recording. in six monkeys, macaca irus, single or multiple (5-8) injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were performed into the cortex of the parietal operculum of one side. neurones retrogradely labelled with hrp (callosal neurones) were found in the post-central gyrus and ...19846732953
[intrinsic and extrinsic connections of the postarcuate premotor area of the monkey].horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinine was injected in restricted parts of the postarcuate cortex in the macaque monkey. anterograde and retrograde transport was found in the parietal and frontal lobes. in the parietal lobe two areas were marked: the antero-lateral part of area 7 and the superior bank of the sylvian fissure. in the frontal lobe the marked areas were the precentral motor cortex, the supplementary motor area and the gyrus cinguli. the intrinsic connections w ...19846732954
neurotensin neurons in the ventral tegmental area project to the medial nucleus accumbens.a high density of neurotensin-containing neuronal perikarya are found in the ventral tegmental area, and some of these neurons also contain dopamine. in this study, we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) coupled with immunohistochemical staining for neurotensin to determine whether ventral tegmental neurotensin neurons project to known dopamine terminal areas of the limbic forebrain. it was found that hrp injection into the medial nucleus accumbens and diagonal band of broc ...19846733462
regeneration of transected dorsal root ganglion cell axons into the spinal cord in adult frogs (xenopus laevis).the extent of regeneration of the central axonal processes of dorsal root ganglion cells was determined using anterograde horseradish peroxidase histochemistry at 1-12 weeks after dorsal root transection in adult frogs. at 4, 8 and 12 weeks axons were found to have regenerated across the dorsal root entry zone and into the spinal cord.19846733463
the efferent and afferent connections of the supplementary motor area.the efferent and afferent connections of the supplementary motor area (sma) were studied in 6 squirrel monkeys using [3h]leucine and horseradish peroxidase, respectively. efferent projections, common to all leucine-injected animals, were found to the cortical areas 9,8,44,4,2,5,7,24 and 23. subcortically , efferents were found to the putamen, caudate nucleus, claustrum, the thalamic nuclei reticularis, ventrialis anterior, ventralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, centralis lateralis, paracentrali ...19846733468
the ultrastructure of group ia afferent fiber synapses in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the cat.ia synapses in laminae vi and ix of the cat's spinal cord were examined in the electron microscope following iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into single, identified, ia afferent fibers from gastrocnemius muscles. ia boutons contacting motoneuron dendrites in lamina ix contained spherical synaptic vesicles and generally contacted only one postsynaptic profile. the ia boutons were often postsynaptic to smaller p-type axonal terminals. consequently ia boutons may be classifi ...19846733470
a projection to the striatum from the medial subdivision of the posterior group of the thalamus in the cat.injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase in the lateral part of the caudate nucleus or the putamen of the cat result in retrograde thalamic cell-labeling in the rostral extension of the medial subdivision of the posterior group (pom). autoradiography after [3h]amino acid injection of pom reveals a dense and discontinuous distribution of axons in the lateral half of the caudate and putamen concentrated at their middle rostrocaudal levels. this newly discovered thalamo ...19846733477
organization of the intercollicular pathway in rat.the intercollicular pathway of the rat was studied using autoradiographic (arg) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing techniques. the hrp experiments demonstrated that the cells of origin of the intertectal pathway were located primarily in the rostral stratum griseum intermediale ( sgi ), stratum album intermedium (sai) and stratum griseum profundum (sgp). intertectal neurons were in most cases multipolar and had average somal diameters which ranged between 8 and 33 micron. only a small numb ...19846733480
anatomical study of the rabbit's corneal-vith nerve reflex: connections between cornea, trigeminal sensory complex, and the abducens and accessory abducens nuclei.the corneal-vith nerve reflex of the rabbit, involving retraction of the eyeball by the retractor bulbi muscle and the correlated extension of the nictitating membrane, has been suggested to be mediated by retractor bulbi motoneurons in the accessory abducens-(acc) nucleus but not by those in the abducens (abd) nucleus, and to consist of both a fast, disynaptic, component and a slower component mediated by the reticular formation (rf). we, therefore, employed the anterograde and retrograde trans ...19846733495
evidence for a sympathetic component in motor branches of the facial nerve: a horseradish peroxidase study in the cat.the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to examine the location of sympathetic ganglion cells with axons in facial motor branches of the cat. large numbers of hrp-labeled neurons were observed in the rostro-anterior part of the superior cervical ganglion. in addition, some labeled neurons were found in the cervical sympathetic trunk, the accessory cervical, middle cervical and stellate ganglia.19846733496
hyperosmotic arabinose solutions open the tight junctions between brain capillary endothelial cells in tissue culture.tight junctions between bovine brain capillary endothelial cells in primary cell culture are impermeable to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) after 5 min of incubation. however, following 1-5 min of exposure to 1.6 m arabinose, hrp penetrates the extracellular space between successive tight junctions. endothelial cells in control cultures contain a small number of cytoplasmic pits and vesicles containing hrp which do not increase in number after hyperosmotic treatment.19846733518
does the early exuberant retinal projection to the superior colliculus in the neonatal rat develop synaptic connections?the retinal projections of newborn rats are more extensive than those of the adult and retract to form the adult pattern during the first week after birth. in this study, the retinal projections from one eye of newborn hooded rats were labeled by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) following intravitreal injection of the tracer, and hrp-labeled axons and terminals were then sought by electron microscopy in coronal sections of the superior colliculus cut at 3 levels: rostral, mi ...19846733532
effect of 2450 mhz microwave energy on the blood-brain barrier to hydrophilic molecules. b. effect on the permeability to hrp.alteration of blood-brain barrier (bbb) permeability by 2450 mhz cw microwaves was assessed semi-quantitatively after intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and exposure of conscious, unrestrained rats to incident power densities of 0, 20 or 65 mw/cm2 for 30, 90 or 180 min. additional rats were exposed to ambient heat (42 +/- 2 degrees c) for 30 or 90 min. none of the brain regions studied, with the exception of the normally leaky pineal gland, showed extracellular hrp leakage att ...19846733540
effect of 2450 mhz microwave energy on the blood-brain barrier to hydrophilic molecules. d. brain temperature and blood-brain barrier permeability to hydrophilic tracers.measurement of temperature within the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla of rats sham-, heat- or microwave-exposed revealed the presence of a thermal gradient within the brain. in all groups, cerebral cortex and the cerebellum were cooler than the deeper hypothalamus and medulla. exposure to 2450 mhz cw microwaves or ambient heat (42 +/- 2 degrees c) resulted in measurable elevation of regional brain temperature, but without alteration of temperature gradients normally observe ...19846733542
access and distribution of exogenous substances in the intercellular clefts of the rat model experiments with the use of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), two pathways of transport of substances to the adenohypophysis were studied, as well as the distribution of the tracer in the latter organ. the first pathway allows the tracer to penetrate from the intercellular milieu of the median eminence below the meningeal sheath covering the adenohypophysis to the surface of the pituitary gland. the second pathway transports the tracer via the capillaries of the hypophysial portal circulati ...19846733770
unidirectional transport mechanism of horseradish peroxidase in the vessels of the iris.when horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is introduced into the blood stream it is retained in the lumen of the iridial vessels. in this paper, we report that when the same tracer is perfused into the anterior chamber of macaque monkeys, it permeates the stroma of the iris and penetrates the lumen of iridial vessels by transcellular vesicular transport. this unidirectional movement of hrp out of the eye is not inhibited by ouabain or fluoroacetate.19846735647
ipsilateral cortical connections from the second and fourth somatic sensory areas in the cat.the ipsilateral corticocortical connections of the second and fourth somatic sensory areas (sii and siv) were traced with the aid of anterograde or retrograde axonal transport techniques involving horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (hrp-wga) or tritiated amino acids. the injections were placed into physiological defined components of the body representation in sii or siv. the results from cases with localized injections into sii showed precise topographically organized, r ...19846736289
efferent connections of the caudate nucleus, including cortical projections of the striatum and other basal ganglia: an autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase investigation in the cat.tritiated tracer was injected into the head of the caudate nucleus in cats. following such injections, labeling is present within extensive regions of both the globus pallidus and entopeduncular nucleus, where it presents a mottled or meshlike appearance. these projections are topographically organized in that there is simple correspondence between the mediolateral, dorsoventral, and rostrocaudal origin of the caudate projection and its input to the globus pallidus and entopeduncular nucleus. tr ...19846736295
direct connections of rat visual cortex with sensory, motor, and association cortices.each division of rat visual cortex, areas 17, 18a, and 18b, has connections with sensory, motor, and association cortices. these corticocortical connections were sampled using anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling techniques. area 17 is connected via reciprocal pathways with each division of visual cortex, the posterior one-third of motor area 8, association area 7, and posteroventral area 36 of temporal cortex. it also receives projections from perirhinal a ...19846736299
the location and morphology of preganglionic neurons and the distribution of visceral afferents from the rat pelvic nerve: a horseradish peroxidase study.preganglionic neurons of the sacral parasympathetic nucleus (spn) were located almost exclusively (98%) within the l6-s1 spinal cord segments. the spn contained approximately 550 neurons of medium size (10 x 20 micron). these were mainly located in the intermediolateral gray matter and had dendrites that extended into the dorsolateral funiculus, along the lateral marginal zone of the dorsal horn, and medially into the dorsal gray commissure. labeled dorsal root ganglion cells were almost all loc ...19846736301
the light side of horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. 19846736628
activity of commissural interneurons in spinal cord of xenopus embryos.horseradish peroxidase- (hrp) filled microelectrodes have been used to examine the anatomy and physiology of "commissural interneurons," a morphologically defined class of spinal cord interneuron in xenopus laevis embryos. commissural interneurons have unipolar cell bodies in the dorsal half of the spinal cord. their dendrites lie in the mid to ventral parts of the lateral tracts and their axons cross the cord ventrally, t branch, and ascend and descend on the opposite side of the cord. recordin ...19846737030
postnatal maturation of cerebellar mossy and climbing fibers: transient expression of dual features on single axons.we have studied the form and fine structure of developing afferent axons in postnatal mouse cerebellum, before and during the formation of synaptic connections. in slices of fresh brain, bundles of axons were injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and individual axons were examined in the light and electron microscopes. at birth, before formation of cortical layers, axons with growing tips are rare in the peduncular tracts but instead ramify throughout the cerebellar anlage. all axons have ...19846737039
electrophysiological properties of guinea-pig thalamic neurones: an in vitro study.the electroresponsive properties of guinea-pig thalamic neurones were studied using an in vitro slice preparation. a total of 650 cells were recorded intracellularly comprising all regions of the thalamus; of these 229 fulfilled our criterion for recording stability and were used as the data base for this report. the resting membrane potential for thirty-four representative neurones which were analysed in detail was -64 +/- 5 mv (mean +/- s.d.), input resistance 42 +/- 18 m omega, and action pot ...19846737292
[morphophysiologic study of the afferent projections of the posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus in the rat].afferent connections of the posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus were studied in rat using retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. it was shown that the posterolateral nucleus receives ascending projections from sc, gl, pt, vp, vl, zona incerta and hypothalamus as well as descending projections from cortical areas 18a, 20, 18, 7, 29c , 17 and 36 and from fascia dentata of rippocampus as well. in electrophysiological experiments 134 from 229 investigated neurons of the posterolat ...19846738744
[neuronal populations in the posterior group of thalamic nuclei projecting into the amygdaloid complex and auditory cortex in the cat].location of neurons in posterior thalamic nuclei and neighbouring structures of the midbrain regions projecting to the amygdaloid complex and auditory cortex of cat was studied by the method of horseradish peroxidase. the main sources of these brain region projections to amygdaloid complex are peripeduncular , subparafascicular and suprageniculate nuclei and caudal division of the medial geniculate body. the cells of origin of projections to the auditory cortex are located in all medial genicula ...19846738747
[comparative dimensions of propriospinal neurons of different structuro-functional groups in the cat].profile areas of somata and proximal dendrites and conventional diameters (c.d.--diameter of a circle equiareal to this profile) of descending propriospinal interneurons labelled by horseradish peroxidase were measured in cat spinal cord. c.d. of different units varied approximately from 12 to 80 micron. mean values of c.d. for neurons located in cervical, thoracic and lumbar segments and sending axons to l6-7 level were 39.9, 30.8 and 36.9 micron; therefore, direct correlation of the dimensions ...19846738749
organization and efferent projections of nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta with special reference to its cholinergic an attempt to evaluate the cellular organization and efferent projections of the nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta, several experiments were performed in the rat. from measurements of neurons in the nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta in nissl-stained sections, the nucleus was observed to contain many large neurons which made it possible to demarcate this nucleus from surrounding pontomesencephalic reticular formation. two other neuronal populations, medium and sma ...19846738860
drainage of interstitial fluid from different regions of rat brain.studies were carried out in anesthetized rats comparing dynamics and pathways of interstitial fluid (isf) drainage from different regions of brain. rates of drainage from brain and flow into cerebrospinal fluid (csf) were estimated from the efflux from brain and influx into csf of radioiodinated albumin (risa) following microinjection into caudate nucleus, internal capsule, or midbrain: pathways of flow through the subarachnoid space and into lymph were traced from the distribution of horseradis ...19846742132
cerebellar connections in xenopus laevis. an hrp the present study the cerebellar afferents in the clawed toad xenopus laevis have been analysed with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. in addition, data on the efferent connections of the cerebellum could be gathered, based on the phenomenon of anterograde transport of hrp. cerebellar afferents in xenopus laevis appear to arise mainly in the vestibular nuclear complex, in a primordial inferior olive and in the spinal cord. both primary (arising in the ipsilateral vestibular ganglion ...19846742456
rapid enumeration of staphylococcus aureus in foods by direct demonstration of enterotoxigenic colonies on membrane filters by enzyme immunoassay.based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a convenient method has been devised for the direct demonstration of enterotoxin b production by staphylococcus aureus colonies grown for 24 h on membrane filters. the problem of false-positive reactions due to binding of immunoglobulin g to protein a was turned to advantage by conjugating horseradish peroxidase directly to protein a, which then mediated the labeling of the antitoxin. the test requires 3 h to complete and yields a purple stain at the s ...19846742823
segmental cable evaluation of somatic transients in hippocampal neurons (ca1, ca3, and dentate).this study describes a detailed cable model of neuronal structure, which can predict the effects of discrete transient inputs. neurons in in vitro hippocampal slices (ca1 and ca3 pyramidal cells and dentate granule neurons; n = 4 each) were physiologically characterized and stained with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the hrp morphology was approximated with numerous small segments. the cable model included both these segments and spatially dispersed dendritic spines. the transient response functi ...19846743759
[corticofugal projections to the periaqueductal gray matter in the cat midbrain].stereotaxic microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (hp) were made into different parts of the rostral and caudal periaqueductal gray (pag) in cats to study corticofugal projections to the pag. the method of retrograde axonal transport of hp demonstrated labeled neurons in the i and ii somatosensory areas, frontal, cingular and insular cortex of the brain. it was shown that the ii somatosensory cortex projects to all the areas of the rostral and caudal pag. the frontal cortex projects to the d ...19846743817
size and location of the motoneuron pool supplying normal and orthotopically transplanted muscles.following intramuscular placement of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the 129rej mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle, 15 +/- 1 (s.e.m.) labeled motoneurons were found in the antero-lateral motor column, between the exits of spinal roots l3 and l4. when hrp was placed in 100-day orthotopic whole muscle transplants of the extensor digitorum longus muscle, the location of the motoneurons supplying the graft was similar to that of control muscle; however, the number of motoneurons innervating th ...19846744059
peroxidase-mediated binding of diethylstilbestrol analogs to dna in vitro: a possible role for a phenoxy order to investigate the role of peroxidase-mediated metabolic activation in the mechanism of carcinogenicity of diethylstilbestrol (des), a series of 14c-labelled analogs of des was synthesized and their binding to dna upon oxidation by peroxidases from horseradish or mouse uterus was studied in vitro. the compounds chosen for this study were the erythro and threo form of hexestrol (hes), the e,e- and z,z-isomer of dienestrol (dies) and the mono- and dimethyl ether of des. non-extractable bi ...19846744471
endogenous peroxidase-like activity in the feline dorsal column nuclei and spinal cord.endogenous peroxidase-like activity was investigated with a combined light and electron microscopical technique in 15 cats. the lateral cervical nucleus, the dorsal column nuclei, and segments c6 and l5 of the spinal cord were incubated with diaminobenzidine-tetrahydrochloride (dab) or tetramethylbenzidine (tmb). after histochemical reaction with dab a considerable amount of activity was found in nerve cells, astrocytes and pericytes. the neuronal labelling was mainly located in mitochondria of ...19846745370
retrograde impulse activity and horseradish peroxidase tracing of nerve fibers entering neuroma studied in vitro.neuroma formation was induced in rat sciatic nerve by tight ligature. at various times after placement of the ligature, the nerves were excised, desheathed, split longitudinally proximal to the neuroma, and studied in vitro in a nerve chamber. stimulation of one of the arbitrarily formed proximal branches was found to generate impulse activity in the other branch. since similar branch to branch activation did not occur in control preparations, it appeared that some form of axon to axon interacti ...19846745381
the minimum extent of corpus callosum connections required for normal visual development in the cat.the corpus callosum and its role in the development of the cat visual system was studied in terms of the minimum group of intact callosal fibers needed for normal visual development to result. additionally, the fate of these surviving callosal fibers was studied morphologically to determine whether the resulting pattern of connectivity could account for the subsequent visual development. incomplete corpus callosum sections were made in cats within the first two postnatal weeks, a time period whe ...19846746334
dendritic and axonal organization of mitral and tufted cells in the rat olfactory bulb.the output cells of the main olfactory bulb, the mitral and tufted cells, can be categorized into subclasses on the basis of their intrabulbar dendritic and axonal characteristics. their form was studied in rats following labeling by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase into the external plexiform layer (epl). the fact that these extracellular injections labeled small numbers of neurons permitted reconstruction of individual cells. the injection depth within the epl determined the t ...19846747027
callosal and intrahemispheric connectivity of the prefrontal association cortex in rhesus monkey: relation between intraparietal and principal sulcal cortex.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry and double labeling with the fluorescent dyes nuclear yellow (ny) and fast blue (fb) were used to examine and compare the laminar and tangential arrangement of ipsilateral (associational) and contralateral (callosal) neurons and their relative density in three regions of prefrontal granular cortex: walker's area 46 (principal sulcus), area 8a (superior limb of the arcuate sulcus), and area 11 (lateral orbital sulcus). in all three prefrontal regions, n ...19846747030
the neural substrate for the pupillary light reflex in the pigeon (columba livia).the neural substrate of the pupillary light reflex in the pigeon was investigated using anatomical, stimulation, and lesion techniques. in birds, as in mammals, the sphincter pupillae muscle (which constricts the iris) is innervated by cells in the ciliary ganglion (pilar and tuttle, '82). these cells are in turn innervated by cells in the edinger-westphal nucleus (ew) (cowan and wenger, '68; narayanan and narayanan, '76; lyman and mugnaini, '80). the efferent link of the pupillary light reflex ...19846747033
ultrastructural localization of lectin receptors on the surface of the rat retinal pigment epithelium. decreased sensitivity of the avidin-biotin method due to cell surface charge.monosaccharides on the apical processes of the retinal pigment epithelium were examined using lectin-affinity cytochemical methods. lectin receptor sugars were localized with lectin-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and lectin-ferritin conjugates as well as with biotinylated lectins, avidin, and biotinylated hrp. in contrast, only wheat germ agglutinin (wga) receptors were identified with biotinylated wga followed by avidin-ferritin or free avidin and biotinylated ferritin. labeling with avidin-ferri ...19846747275
potassium ferricyanide: a stabilizer for horseradish peroxidase.sodium nitroprusside has been used as a stabilizing agent for hrp histochemistry since 1919. however, it is known to have toxic effects orally, intravenously, and subcutaneously. in order to avoid the use of sodium nitroprusside as a stabilizer in hrp histochemistry, we have tested other chemically related compounds to stabilize the reaction product equally well. we will show that potassium ferricyanide is an excellent stabilizer of the chromogen reaction product. in addition, the reaction produ ...19846747278
enzyme-linked crossed immunoelectrophoresis: a technique for detection of allergens and their respective antibodies in human schistosomiasis.a method is described which allows the demonstration of allergens in complex antigens and their respective antibodies. schistosoma mansoni antigens are separated in agarose by 2-dimensional electrophoresis, using an anti-s. mansoni serum from goats in the second dimension. after extensive washing test serum is spread over the gel and allowed to bind to the precipitated antigens. after further extensive washing, horseradish peroxidase-coupled anti-ige antibodies are put on the plate and allowed t ...19846747302
synaptic input from identified muscle afferents to neurones of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract in the cat.single identified group i a and i b muscle afferent fibres were injected with horseradish peroxidase in the lumbar dorsal columns of anaesthetized cats. the morphological details of the axon collaterals and terminal boutons of these muscle afferents within clarke's column were subsequently reconstructed. the rostro-caudal extent of synaptic terminals from a single afferent fibre within clarke's column was found to be restricted to less than 1 mm. in the same experiments, dorsal spinocerebellar t ...19846747859
mechanoreceptor pathways from the distal colon to the autonomic nervous system in the guinea-pig.electrophysiological and histological techniques were used to trace sensory pathways for stretch mechanoreceptor fibres from the distal colon to dorsal root ganglia. extracellular and intracellular recording techniques revealed sensory pathways for mechanoreceptors to the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia but no further centrally. histological studies involving the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase revealed sensory pathways from the distal colon to the spinal cord, mainly to the leve ...19846747863
dt-diaphorase and peroxidase influence the covalent binding of the metabolites of phenol, the major metabolite of benzene.the role of various enzymes and biological molecules on the activation and deactivation of the metabolites of phenol was investigated in vitro. phenol, the major metabolite of benzene, is metabolized to hydroquinone and catechol. activation of these metabolites and deactivation of their oxidized forms was assessed by the amount of covalent binding to microsomal protein. [14c]phenol and nadph were incubated with hepatic microsomes isolated from phenobarbital-pretreated guinea pigs, and 2.33 nmole ...19846749127
oxidative burst-dependent tumoricidal and tumorostatic activities of paraffin oil-elicited mouse macrophages.mouse peritoneal macrophages (mpm) from c57bl/6j, balb/c, a strains, and (balb/ cfemale x c57bl/ 6jmale )f1 offspring were treated with the oxidative burst (ob)-stimulant 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, and their in vitro tumoricidal, tumorostatic , and ob activities were examined. paraffin oil-elicited, but not thioglycollate (tg)-elicited, mpm exhibited cytotoxicity only toward yac-1 cells and cytostatic activity toward yac-1, el 4, rbl-5, and rlmale 1 lymphoma cells. this activity was i ...19846587155
neuroanatomical considerations of palatal muscles: tensor and levator veli palatini.the tensor veli palatini (tvp) and levator veli palatini (lvp) muscles are intimately associated with the soft palate and knowledge of their anatomy and physiology is essential for palatoplasty. controversy regarding the function and innervation of these muscles still exists. the purpose of this study was to identify the location of motoneurons within the brainstem which innervate the tvp and lvp using the current neuroanatomical tracing technique of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish pe ...19846587949
ultrastructural study of the effect of acute hyper- and hypotension on the stria vascularis and spiral ligament.the effects of acute hyper- and hypotension on the stria vascularis and spiral ligament of the rat were studied electron microscopically with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracer method. acute hypertension was induced by i.v. infusion of methoxamine chloride (mexan), and acute hypotension by i.v. infusion of a ganglion-blocker (arfonad) and by venesection. in both acute hyper- and hypotensive experiments, a large amount of leaked hrp spread into the intercellular spaces until it was stopped b ...19846591706
somatotopic organization and transmedian pathways of the rat trigeminal ganglion.the localization of neuronal cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion for the pulpal nerves of incisors and first and second molars in the rat was determined by utilization of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. transmedian labeling was found with all teeth, but labeling was greater in the ipsilateral ganglion.19846594371
electrophysiological and hrp studies on feedback loop between inferior olivary nucleus and lateral vestibular nucleus in the cat.the role of input from the inferior olivary nucleus (io) of decerebellate cats were studied on the lateral vestibular nucleus (lvn) neurons which were monosynaptically activated by vestibular nerve stimulation. out of 168 monosynaptic neurons, test stimuli to the contralateral io elicited a monosynaptic spike in 43 neurons and an antidromic spike in 9 neurons. conditioning stimulus applied to the io preceding vestibular nerve stimulation produced an inhibition of spike generation in 22 other lvn ...19846599219
immunosuppression by d-penicillamine in vitro. inhibition of human t lymphocyte proliferation by copper- or ceruloplasmin-dependent generation of hydrogen peroxide and protection by has been suggested that d-penicillamine is active in rheumatoid arthritis because of its capacity to function as a selective inhibitor of t lymphocyte function. the basis for the immunosuppressive action of this drug as well as mechanisms whereby the effect of d-penicillamine could be modified by elements of rheumatoid synovial tissue were examined. as previously reported, d-penicillamine, in the presence of copper ions markedly inhibited mitogen-induced human t lymphocyte dna synthesis. sinc ...19846606652
effect of soluble antigen on the ellipsoid-associated cells of the chicken's spleen.the ellipsoid-associated cells (eac) localize on the surface of the ellipsoid. they bind the iv injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and bovine serum albumin (bsa), migrate to the red pulp and then enter the systemic circulation. after protein injection, the number of white blood cells increased above the normal level. the highest number of white blood cells occurred between 4 and 6 hr after hrp injection. in this period, the cell enhancement resulted in hrp-positive mononuclear cells which mig ...19846585450
evaluation of peripheral nerve regeneration following crushing or transection injuries.infraorbital nerves were subjected to experimental transection or crushing injury. repair was evaluated using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer. labeled neurons in the trigeminal ganglion were compared in both types of injury. results showed that regeneration of the infraorbital nerve after crushing injury was better than when there was nerve transection with passive reapproximation.19846585504
ultrastructural study of developing rat molar tooth germ in vitro. 1. the uptake of horseradish peroxidase by secretory ameloblast. 19836587048
electron microscopic identification of trigeminal nerve fibers in the ciliary body and the iris.the trigeminal nerve fibers in the ciliary body and the iris have been identified electron microscopically by using intra-axonally transported horseradish peroxidase injected into the trigeminal ganglion. the tracer revealed unmyelinated fiber profiles in the stroma of the ciliary body and the iris. these were not found to be associated with any particular organ but rather may terminate as free endings. large profiles of varicosities contained mitochondria. thin profiles, containing neurotubules ...19836607433
distribution of peanut agglutinin binding sites in rat lymphatic organs.distribution of peanut agglutinin binding sites was studied histologically with horseradish peroxidase labelled and fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled peanut agglutinin in terms of cell differentiation in rat lymphatic organs, (thymus, spleen, lymph nodes). in this study, alcohol-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections were used and proved to be useful for the histochemical study with peanut agglutinin. in the germinal center of the lymph node, cells were weakly positive for peanut agglutinin b ...19836607780
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