Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
[effect of bacterial filtrates with spreading factor on the skin of rats in deep hypothermia]. | 1954 | 13147741 | |
[evolution of the types of resistance of pathogenic staphylococcus to antibiotics common in 1950 to 1953; action of bacitracin, erythromycin, magnamycin and soframycin in vitro]. | 1954 | 13156849 | |
staphylococcal enteritis. | 1954 | 13157174 | |
[method of the treatment of pyoderma with intracutaneous injections of a mixture containing small doses of penicillin and of staphylococcal vaccine; results of application of the method in the practice of therapeutic institutions]. | 1954 | 13157269 | |
[specific toxoid therapy in staphylodermatitis]. | 1954 | 13157555 | |
the change in the oxidation-reduction potential of staphylococcus aureus on the action of penicillin; a preliminary report. | 1954 | 13158077 | |
bacteriophage types, sensitivity to antibiotics, and penicillinase production of staphylococcus aureus (pyogenes); a survey. | 1954 | 13158161 | |
public health aspects of the development of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. | 1954 | 13158669 | |
[the comparative value of different biological characteristics of pathogenic staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13158908 | |
[study with the aid of p32 of the accumulation of nucleic acids in micrococcus pyogenes aureus and salmonella enteritidis resistant and sensitive to streptomycin]. | 1954 | 13158937 | |
[influence of cobalt on the multiplication of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus and on the antimicrococcic activity of penicillin]. | 1954 | 13158959 | |
biochemical properties and the production of toxins and enzymes by staphylococci isolated from cases of secondary pneumonia following influenza. | 1954 | 13159171 | |
the isolation and some characteristics of bacteriophages from staphylococci present in cases of secondary pneumonia following influenza. | 1954 | 13159172 | |
[penicillin resistance following penifen]. | 1954 | 13159712 | |
[in vitro induced resistance of erythromycin in penicillin-sensitive and penicillin-resistant staphylococcal strains]. | 1954 | 13160171 | |
[studies on the alpha toxin of staphylococcus pyogenes. relations between growth and toxinogenesis]. | 1954 | 13161263 | |
[streptomycin resistance of staphylococcal lines derived from the same clone]. | 1954 | 13161408 | |
antibiotic principle from moringa pterygosperma. v. effect of pterygospermin on the assimilation of glutamic acid by micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. | 1954 | 13162512 | |
observations on some biochemical reactions of staphylococci, with special reference to coagulase and phosphatase production. | 1954 | 13162515 | |
a strain of staphylococcus resistant to five antibiotics. | 1954 | 13163199 | |
incidence of staphylococci resistant to penicillin and streptomycin. | 1954 | 13163297 | |
the binding of penicillin in relation to its cytotoxic action. ii. the reactivity with penicillin of resistant variants of streptococci, pneumococci, and staphylococci. | 1. in a previous study, the differing sensitivity of bacterial strains as they occur in nature appeared to be correlated with their correspondingly differing reactivity with penicillin. presumably, the over-all reactivity of the cell with penicillin paralleled that of the vulnerable cell component(s). however, when penicillin-resistant variants of these strains (streptococcus pyogenes, micrococcus pyogenes, diplococcus pneumoniae, and streptococcus faecalis) were produced by serial passage throu ... | 1954 | 13163342 |
staphylococcal enterotoxin; neutralization by rabbit antiserum. | 1954 | 13163414 | |
[effect of trypsin on the growth of staphylococcus aureus and glycolytic effect of the yeast cell]. | 1954 | 13164137 | |
[wire phlebitis after a staphylococcic infection; functional improvement by cortisone]. | 1954 | 13164467 | |
acute staphylococcal enterotoxin food poisoning in a victorian town. | 1954 | 13164637 | |
[food poisoning caused by enterotoxin-forming staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13165499 | |
effect of penicillin on the pathogenicity of penicillinase-producing aureus staphylococci. | 1954 | 13165632 | |
phage typing of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. iii, infection, cross-infection and superinfection. | 1954 | 13165950 | |
[pulmonary staphylococcia in the form of multiple abscesses in a 3-year-old child]. | 1954 | 13166471 | |
[staphylostatic activity of compounds of benzophenarsazine group]. | 1954 | 13183058 | |
[three cases of secondary pulmonary staphylococcus infection]. | 1954 | 13184505 | |
[clinical study of a new antibiotic: magnamycin, in staphylococcic infections of children; preliminary report]. | 1954 | 13184714 | |
bacterial endocarditis due to a penicillin-resistant staphylococcus: report of a case successfully treated with erythromycin, oxytetracycline and streptomycin. | 1954 | 13185401 | |
[possibility of the study of staphylococcal toxin with paper chromatography]. | 1954 | 13185466 | |
[present concepts of staphylococcic septicemia and its treatment]. | 1954 | 13186603 | |
bacteriophage-typing of staphylococcus aureus pyogenes. ii. an analysis of strains isolated from purulent lesions in hospitalized patients, including sensitivity tests to antibiotics. | 1954 | 13188699 | |
[experimental erysipelas produced by staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13188795 | |
[technical considerations on the determination of magnamycin]. | 1954 | 13189204 | |
[bacteriological assay of framycetin]. | 1954 | 13189208 | |
the use of staphyloccus toxoid in otolaryngology. | 1954 | 13189303 | |
[antibiotic sensitivity of some hundred strains of staphylococcus aureus isolated from the skin]. | 1954 | 13189563 | |
[glucide modifications in experimental staphylococcal septicemia and influence of cytochrome c]. | 1954 | 13190027 | |
[staphylolytic and streptolytic activities of culture filtrates of streptomyces species]. | 1954 | 13190769 | |
[mechanism of granulocyte disorders of the young rabbit following the introduction of staphylococci into the bone marrow]. | 1954 | 13190805 | |
[formation of staphylococcal enterotoxin in food products in experimental conditions]. | 1954 | 13191557 | |
pyruvate oxidation system and acetoin formation. | 1954 | 13192087 | |
studies on staphylococci from hospital patients. i. predominance of strains of group iii phage patterns which are resistant to multiple antibiotics. | 1954 | 13192181 | |
a study of diffusible lipase produced by staphylococci and of its immunological activity. | 1954 | 13192299 | |
transport of phosphate across the osmotic barrier of micrococcus pyogenes; specificity and kinetics. | 1954 | 13192304 | |
[pleuro-pulmonary staphylococcic infections of infant and child]. | 1954 | 13192416 | |
a method for the isolation of an organism from a mixed growth of b. proteus vulgaris. | 1954 | 13192449 | |
use of blood-bank plasma for the coagulase test. | 1954 | 13193291 | |
postoperative wound infections due to staphylococcus aureus. | 1954 | 13194085 | |
[microorganisms causing poisoning from contaminated food]. | 1954 | 13194559 | |
effect of hyaluronic acid on skin lesions produced by staphylococci. | 1954 | 13194689 | |
[staphylococci and antibiotic combination in vitro; results; significance]. | 1954 | 13195285 | |
[septicemia from micrococcus aureus resistant to antibiotics]. | 1954 | 13195315 | |
[studies on synthesis of carotene and on the role of carotenoids in staphylococcus aureus. i. effect of glucose on chromogenesis of staphylococcus aureus (oxford strain)]. | 1954 | 13195463 | |
[wound infection by resistant staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13196183 | |
infections, especially with penicillin-resistant staphylococci, following thoracic surgery treated with large doses of penicillin. | 1954 | 13196860 | |
postoperative infection in surgery of the lung: prophylaxis with high level systemic penicillin therapy. | 1954 | 13196861 | |
observations on the extracellular nature of staphylococcal penicillinase. | 1954 | 13197036 | |
staphylococcus pseudomembranous enterocolitis, a complication of antibiotic therapy. | 1954 | 13197634 | |
[studies on antigenic composition of nonpathogenic staphylococci. i. occurrence of specific agglutinogens and of a common agglutinogen in pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains]. | 1954 | 13197845 | |
[comparative bacteriological and experimental studies and clinical observations on tetracycline]. | 1954 | 13198747 | |
[pre-existence of phlogosis of the thyroid as a factor responsible for localization of sepsis]. | 1954 | 13199102 | |
[basal cell epithelioma: excision and radium therapy; vast staphylococcal erosion of the face, specifically sensitive to chloramphenicol]. | 1954 | 13199596 | |
[attempted treatment of furunculosis by intravenous bacteriophage of micrococcus pyogenes]. | 1954 | 13199606 | |
the international standard for dihydrostreptomycin. | in 1950, the department of biological standards, national institute for medical research, london, was authorized by the who expert committee on biological standardization to proceed with the establishment of an international standard for dihydrostreptomycin. a 50-g batch of dihydrostreptomycin was obtained and was compared with the standard preparation of dihydrostreptomycin of the food and drug administration (fda), united states department of health, education and welfare, in a collaborative a ... | 1954 | 13199653 |
antibiotic-resistant micrococci (staphylococci). | 1954 | 13201367 | |
phagocytosis by human leucocytes. i. effect of fibrin on phagocytosis of staphylococci and of encapsulated pneumococci by normal human leucocytes. | 1954 | 13201636 | |
phagocytosis by human leucocytes. ii. relation of nutritional deficiency in man to phagocytosis. | 1954 | 13201637 | |
[two-year study of sensitivity of pathogenic staphylococci to antibiotics]. | 1954 | 13203468 | |
[penicillin resistance of staphylococci and its significance for the course of the primary suppurative pneumonia of infants]. | 1954 | 13203491 | |
[surface disinfection]. | 1954 | 13203626 | |
pathogenic staphylococci in a maternity annexe. | 1954 | 13203764 | |
a bacteriologic and clinical study of breast abscess. | 1954 | 13205404 | |
[conditioned reflex leukocytosis and effect of a dynamic stereotype on the number of leukocytes]. | 1954 | 13205442 | |
[electrophoretic investigation of bacteria. ii. electrophoretic mobility of penicillin resistant and of penicillin sensitive staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13205469 | |
[clinical aspects of pleuropulmonary staphylococcal infections in infants]. | 1954 | 13206631 | |
[not available]. | 1954 | 13206655 | |
[studies on the distribution of pathogenic staphylococci]. | 1954 | 13206696 | |
[antagonistic staphylococcus pyogenes strains against corynebacteria]. | 1954 | 13206697 | |
[pathogenic staphylococci in digestive pathology of the infant]. | 1954 | 13206751 | |
bacteriophage-typing of staphylococcus aureus pyogenes. iii. an analysis of strains isolated from purulent lesions in out-patients, including sensitivity tests to antibiotics. | 1954 | 13206760 | |
bacteriophage-typing of staphylococcus aureus pyogenes. iv. an analysis of strains isolated from the upper respiratory tract of infants in a maternity hospital. | 1954 | 13206761 | |
penicillinase-producing aureus staphylococci in a department for burns and their importance in mixed infections. | 1954 | 13206776 | |
the occurrence of staphylococci in the intestinal content after treatment with antibiotics; a bacteriological and anatomical study of routine autopsy material. | 1954 | 13206786 | |
immunochemical studies of staphylococcal polysaccharides. i. methods for extraction and purification. | 1954 | 13206787 | |
antibodies for hemolysins of micrococcus pyogenes in whey and serum of dairy cattle. | 1954 | 13207570 | |
[increased prevalence of staphylococcal pneumonia in children]. | 1954 | 13208213 | |
[pathogenic power of staphylococci in various cutaneous lesions]. | 1954 | 13208465 | |
factors affecting the lysis of erythrocytes treated with staphylococcal beta toxin. | 1954 | 13208475 | |
a corynebacterial agent which protects ruminant erythrocytes against staphylococcal beta toxin. | 1954 | 13208477 | |
resistant staphylococcal infections. | 1954 | 13209507 | |
sensitivity of staphylococci and streptococci to antibiotics and infections caused by penicillin resistant staphylococci. | 1954 | 13209712 | |
the amino acid requirements of penicillin resistant and penicillin sensitive strains of micrococcus pyogenes. | 1954 | 13211568 | |
bacterial butylene glycol dehydrogenase and diacetyl reductase. | 1954 | 13211662 | |
the influence of antibiotics on the origin of small colonies (g variants) of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. | 1954 | 13211817 |