
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[studies of bacterial resistance. iii. growth of staphylococcus aureus in serial cultures and development of resistance to streptomycin]. 195713495143
[staphylococcic skin infections in a medical department; occurrence of micrococcus pyogenes aureus, phage type 80]. 195713496347
[staphylococcic enterotoxin]. 195713496651
[research on coagulase metabolism of pathogenic staphylococci]. 195713496899
observations on the sensitization of erythrocytes with staphylococcal polysaccharide products. 195713497688
inhibiting effect of sodium nucleate on the production of alpha-hemolysin by certain staphylococci. 195713497698
chemotherapy for staphylococcus aureus infections. 195720325588
socio-cultural factors affecting breast feeding and other infant feeding practices in an urban community.a study of infant feeding practices was carried out as part of a larger longitudinal study of an urban birth cohort in an area of south delhi, india. 802 mothers of children over 1 year of age were selected randomly for interview. the study group is considered to be a representative sampling of the economic, cultural, and ethnic groups within the population of all of delhi. breast feeding was almost universal but for varying durations. 5.5%, 11.7%, and 22.8% of the children were breast fed for l ...19571024090
fibromyalgia.there has been confusion surrounding regional medical conditions, primary psychological conditions, and fibromyalgia in practice and in the literature. confusing terminology and inappropriate use of diagnostic criteria have contributed to this problem. use of the 1990 acr criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia together with the symptom and physical examination definitions in that report should go far to correct these problems. problems of selection and identification bias filter patient ...19572217965
letter: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. 19571200104
kids vs. commercials.a game show with fifth and sixth graders effectively demonstrated their ability to critically evaluate television commercials about health-related products. while the family physician is in a unique position to affect future drug utilization patterns of children by counseling parents, a more active role, such as this exercise in the evaluation of tv messages, may be even more effective.19571199906
care, not treatment. a personal view from the u.s. 19571024003
the effects of vancomycin, oleandomycin, and novobiocin and staphylococci in vitro. 195724544513
the in vitro antibiotic activity of novobiocin on m. pyogenes and some intestinal gram-negative bacteria. 195724544434
reversal of the anti-staphylococcal action of tetracycline by magnesium. 195724544429
in vitro sensitivity of erythromycin-resistant strains of staphylococci and enterococci to vancomycin and novobiocin. 195724544426
the effects of various antibiotics upon the coagulase activity of antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive staphylococcus strains. 195624544093
the action of antibiotic combinations on pathogenic staphylococci in vitro. 195624544085
the effect of culture media components on the sensitivity of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus to bacitracin. 195624544084
novobiocin and pa 105: in vitro and in vivo studies on effectiveness against micrococcus pyogenes. 195624544026
nutritional requirements of staphylococci with in vivo acquired antibiotic resistance, grown in a minimal medium. 195624543932
selection of stable multiple antibiotic-resistant variants of micrococcus pyogenes in the absence of antibiotics. 195624543914
molecular model of postsynaptic potential.a molecular model of the excitatory postsynaptic membrane is given in terms of two biochemical cycles intimately associated: an acetylcholine cycle and a calcium cycle. the acetylcholine controls the na ionophores while calcium ions control the tk ionophore. the two ionophores are spatially separated but interact in such a way that the variation in k conductance precedes that in na conductance. digital simulation shows that our model accounts quantitatively for both the evolution of excitatory p ...19561057167
[malignant facial furuncles caused by a strain of staphylococcus aureus of varying sensitivity of antibiotics]. 195613419630
[mass food poisoning caused by consumption of pastry infected with staphylococcus aureus]. 195613419646
[a new fungicide: copper ammonium laurylsulfonate; experimental study]. 195613419984
[sensitization of penicillin-resistant staphylococci]. 195613421053
[not available]. 195613421131
[not available]. 195613421132
[variations of the mucous coating in relation to culture medium]. 195613415391
[pigment formation in micrococcus pyogenes]. 195613410026
[penicillin and thiamine as growth factors for micrococcus pyogenes]. 195613410027
[staphylococcus aureus infections at a obstetric clinic]. 195613400543
[lamellar method of quantitative determination of sterile foci]. 195613401494
[studies of the effect of combined penicillin and aureomycin on staphylococci]. 195613401973
data to the action of cosmic rays on bacteria. 195613402118
[comparative study of the sensitivity of various strains of the same bacterial species to various inhibitory agents]. 195613397077
electron microscopic study of phagocytosis of staphylococcus by human leukocytes. ii. virulent and non-virulent staphylococci. 195613398359
electron microscopy and serology of staphylococcus phages. 195613398376
[research on the sensitivity to various antibiotics of staphylococcal strains isolated from healthy individuals in hospital and extra-hospital environments. i. sensitivity to penicillin]. 195613328990
[research on the sensitivity to various antibiotics of staphylococcal strains isolated from healthy individuals in hospital and extra-hospital environments. ii. sensitivity to streptomycin, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and erythromycin]. 195613328991
behaviour in vitro of some new antistaphylococcal antibiotics. 195613329383
[micrococcus pyogenes strains isolated from health carriers in hospitals]. 195613388182
[novobiocin; its experimental activity in vitro and in vivo; its value in severe staphylococcal diseases]. 195613389248
[bacteriological research on a hospital epidemic of staphylococcal infection]. 195613390922
respiratory carrier rates of staphylococcus aureus and other potential pathogens in surgical personnel. 195613391415
[electron microscopic considerations on morphology and multiplication of staphylococcus albus]. 195613391603
[ability of intestinal staphylococci to produce enterotoxin]. 195613392699
[problem of carriage of staphylococcus and of streptococcus hemolyticus in the nasopharynx in normal subjects and in anginas and catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract]. 195613393648
[characteristics of pharyngeal coccal bacteria in anginas and in normal subjects]. 195613393650
[antigenic properties of enterotoxin, a toxic factor in staphylococcal cultures]. 195613394256
[direct determination of staphylococcal toxic agents in food extracts]. 195613394257
[antibiotic sensitivity of staphylococci from various sources; role of hospitals in dissemination of resistant strains]. 195613395045
[an erythrocyte-sensitizing factor common to staphylococci and hemolytic streptococci]. 195613395046
effect of curing ingredients and procedures on the survival and growth of staphylococci in and on cured meats. 195613395367
[reversible modification of the character of gram's reactions in escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus under the influence of hexaethyleneglycol stearate, a non-ionic detergent]. 195613382125
influence in vitro of panthenol on the resistance of staphylococci to antibiotics and sulfonamides. 195613382134
some data on the character of staphylococci surviving the action of penicillin. 195613382138
[changes of electrokinetic potentials caused by adaptation of staphylococci to penicillin]. 195613382189
[incidence of micrococcus pyogenes and its sensitivity to antibiotics in various collective environments]. 195613383551
[properties of preserved staphylococci in contact with tissue substances]. 195613383860
[alpha-hemolysin and gelatinolysine production by conserved micrococci pyogenes in the presence of penicillin and streptomycin]. 195613383871
[problem of hospital cross-infection. iii. variations of the staphylococcal antitoxin titer in patients]. 195613384561
[antibacterial activity of quinoline derivatives. ix. in vitro effects of various quinoline thiols, sulfides and disulfides on staphylococcus aureus]. 195613317985
[staphylococcal infections in infant and child]. 195613318479
[primary staphylococcal pneumonia in infants and small children]. 195613318480
studies on bacteriemia. i. mechanisms relating to the persistence of bacteriemia in rabbits following the intravenous injection of staphylococci.during the course of studies on the characteristics of experimental bacteriemia, staphylococci were swiftly cleared from the blood stream of rabbits during the initial 10 to 15 minutes following intravenous injection of microorganisms. a subsequent abrupt decline in the rate of clearance ensued, resulting in a low grade bacteriemia which was demonstrable for many hours. the experiments reported have indicated that this strain of staphylococcus is rapidly phagocyted within the vascular system of ...195613319588
some observations on the influence of the micro-environment on loss of m substance in strains of streptococcus pyogenes. 195613319694
an anomalous finding in a sensitivity test. 195613320048
[problem of chronic staphylococcic infections in childhood]. 195613320709
mixed staphylococcal infections; the development of penicillin-resistant strains. 195613320854
staphylococci harboured by people in western highlands of new guinea. 195613320855
staphylococcal pneumonia in infants. 195613320873
staphylococcal infection of the lower respiratory tract in adults with influenza. 195613320874
neonatal infection of the skin by staphylococcus pyogenes. 195613321208
staphylococcal pneumonia. 195613321222
[studies on the resistance of staphylococci to ordinary antibiotics in a large city in western germany from 1952 to 1955]. 195613321426
[comparative investigations on certain properties of original strains and strains adapted to albomycin]. 195613321527
[the appearance of staphylococci in the natural cavities of the newborn in relation to some intrinsic conditions of labor]. 195613321626
production of opacity on serum agar plates by some strains of staphylococcus aureus. 195613321995
staphylococcus aureus septicemia, meningitis, endocarditis, and septic embolization. 195613322293
[derivative of diglycylcystine with antimicrobial effects]. 195613323377
[not available]. 195613323643
[sensitivity to various antibiotics of staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients in the medical clinic of catania]. 195613323968
[inhibition and increase of hemolysis by diphtheria virus]. 195613325823
[effect of antibiotics on variability of staphylococcus]. 195613325876
[simultaneous action of hemotoxins of b. perfringens and staphylococcus]. 195613325892
[effect of cobalt salt solutions on escherichia coli and on staphylococcus]. 195613325897
[combined action of synthomycin, streptomycin and penicillin on staphylococcal strains sensitive and resistant to antibiotics]. 195613325905
epidemic staphylococcal gastroenteritis in a newborn nursery. 195613326042
quantitative studies on the reaction of chlorine with bacteria in water disinfection; an experimental investigation with radioactive chlorine (c136). 195613326432
eye infections following cataract extraction, with special reference to the role of staphylococcus aureus. 195613327006
[active immunization and chronic staphylococcias in humans]. 195613327469
[fatal occupational accident caused by therapeutics]. 195613327540
[problem of staphylococcal enteritis after administration of antibiotics; prevention and treatment with special reference to rovamycin, a new antibiotic]. 195613331309
electron microscopic study of phagocytosis of staphylococcus by human leukocytes. 195613331867
bacteriophage typing of enteric pathogens and staphylococci and its use in epidemiology. 195613332068
antibiotic-resistant staphylococcal pseudomembraneous enteritis. 195613332070
reversible changes in the susceptibility of mice to bacterial infections. ii. changes brought about by nutritional disturbances.a study has been made of the time variations in the susceptibility of albino mice to experimental infections with klebsiella pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and mycobacterium tuberculosis. susceptibility to infection was determined by two criteria: (a) mortality rates following intravenous injection of a known infective dose; (b) numbers of bacterial colonies that could be recovered from the tissues of the infected animals at various times after infection. when measured in terms of either one ...195613332181
[not available]. 195613332370
Displaying items 162201 - 162300 of 163583