
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
basal forebrain efferents reach the whole cerebral cortex of the cat.efferent projections from the basal forebrain to the cat's cerebral cortex were traced with the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique. different areas of the cerebral cortex of 51 cats were injected with small amounts of horseradish peroxidase. the entire basal forebrain was screened for labeled neurons. following all injections, retrogradely labeled neurons could be detected in either the medial septum, or the vertical and horizontal limb of the diagonal band of broca, or the substantia i ...19846432220
pseudomonas exotoxin-anti-tac. cell-specific immunotoxin active against cells expressing the human t cell growth factor immunotoxin was constructed with an activity that discriminated between two t cell lines based on the expression of the t cell growth factor (tcgf) receptor on their cell surface. a toxic protein conjugate, designated pe-anti-tac, was made by chemically coupling pseudomonas exotoxin (pe) to a monoclonal antibody (anti-tac) that recognizes the human tcgf receptor. this conjugate was toxic to hut-102 cells, a cell line that expresses the tcgf receptor, but was nontoxic for molt-4 cells, a recep ...19846432853
somatosensory thalamocortical connections in the raccoon: an hrp the north american raccoon (procyon lotor), representations of the glabrous surfaces of the hand digits are found within separate subnuclei of the thalamic ventrobasal complex (vb) and on separate subgyri of the somatosensory cortex (smi). in the present study, the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from smi to vb was utilized to study relationships between physiologically identified cortical subgyri and somatotopically corresponding thalamic subnuclei. single large or multiple sm ...19846432861
localization of nigrostriatal, nigrothalamic and nigrotectal neurons in ventricular coordinates in macaques.the topography of the substantia nigra and its subdivisions was first analysed in macaques by using a topographic technique based on ventricular landmarks. this study shows the stability of the contours of the substantia nigra and its subdivisions in various species of macaques. the anteroposterior sequence of four subdivisions was standardized by defining eight verticotransverse levels, regularly interspaced and systemically used for each experimental case. neurons of the substantia nigra sendi ...19846387531
immunoelectron microscopic localization of immune deposits in iga glomerulonephritis.renal biopsy specimens obtained from twelve patients with iga glomerulonephritis (iga gn) were studied by immunoelectron microscopy (iem) concomitantly with light microscopy (lm), immunofluorescence microscopy (if), and electron microscopy (em). for iem, we used horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-conjugated antisera to human immunoglobulins (ig) and to the complement component c3, and a diffusion technique with periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde (plp)-fixed tissue-chopper or cryostat sections. due to w ...19846388242
the dorsal tegmental nucleus: an axoplasmic transport study.the afferent and efferent connections of the dorsal tegmental nucleus (dtn) were studied in the rat using axoplasmic transport techniques. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and fast blue were injected stereotaxically into either pars centralis or pars ventromedialis of the dtn, two subdivisions of the nucleus with distinctive connections. the pars centralis is reciprocally connected with the ipsilateral lateral mammillary and interpeduncular nuclei; these projections constitute the major afferent and ...19846434154
localizing spinal-cord-projecting neurons in adult albino rats.following horseradish peroxidase injection into the cervical and lumbosacral cords of adult albino rats, labeled neurons were seen in the first cervical segment, brain stem, and cerebellar and diencephalic nuclei. a new pathway, the faciospinal projection, originating in the medial portion of the rostral part of the facial nucleus, was traced. another new pathway, the olivospinal pathway, is probably also present. our results for neurons projecting to the spinal cord (spinal-projecting neurons) ...19846434598
covalent binding of the antitumor agent n2-methyl-9-hydroxy-ellipticinium acetate (nsc 264137) on rna and poly a in vitro.the antineoplastic compound n2-methyl-9-hydroxyellipticinium (9-oh-nme) is able to bind to different biological molecules after an oxidative activation by horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide. in this study, the efficient covalent binding in vitro of 9-oh-nme onto rna and poly a is described. the phenomenon is analyzed by different hplc methods and the yield of binding is determined using [3h]9-oh-nme. for an initial ratio drug per nucleotide of 0.07, the rb obtained (ratio of drug bound ...19846388575
demonstration of pemphigus antibodies on the cell surface of murine epidermal cell monolayers and their internalization.the pathogenic effects of pemphigus vulgaris (pv) antibodies on epidermal cells can be demonstrated both in vitro using skin organ culture or primary epidermal cell cultures (pecc) and in vivo by passive transfer of pv antibodies into neonatal balb/c mice. although pv antibodies have been localized on the epidermal cell surface by several techniques, little is known about the fate of these autoantibodies subsequent to their surface binding. we have examined this, using murine pecc which express ...19846389716
direct connections between hypothalamus and lumbar spinal cord in rabbits.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the l6 spinal cord in seven rabbits and the labeling in the hypothalamus traced. the distribution of the retrogradely labeled cells was studied and the anterogradely labeled fibers and terminal branches were unequivocally identified. hypothalamo-spinal projection cells were found predominantly on the ipsilateral side, mainly distributed in the posterior, dorsal, and lateral hypothalamic areas, and the paraventricular nucleus. some were found in the ...19846390677
afferents to the ventral tegmental nucleus of gudden in the mouse, rat, and cat.afferents to the ventral tegmental nucleus of gudden (vt) were investigated in mice, rats, and cats. unilateral and bilateral injections or iontophoretical applications of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made into the region of the vt. the entire cerebrum was then screened for labeled neurons. following injections situated principally within the vt, in all three species many retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the mamillary bodies and the lateral habenular nuclei. fewer labeled cells ...19846436341
tumor-associated expression of glycosphingolipid hanganutziu-deicher antigen in human cancers.expression of heterophile hanganutziu-deicher (hd) antigen on the cell surface of various human malignant tumor tissues was studied by membrane immunofluorescence staining with chicken antiserum against n-glycolylneuraminyllactosylceramide (hd3) and fluorescein-conjugated rabbit anti-chicken igg. the hd antigen was demonstrated in samples from 38 of 77 (38/77, 49%) cases, consisting of gastric (9/16), breast (8/14), colorectal (3/12), nasopharyngeal (4/7), and uterine (2/3) carcinomas, leukemias ...19846394416
thalamic projections to the somatosensory cortex of the echidna, tachyglossus aculeatus.evoked potential studies (lende, '64) suggest that echidnas have a single, topographically organized somatosensory area (smi) that spans a mediolaterally oriented sulcus called sulcus alpha. a motor area (mi) is situated on the prealpha gyrus. this study examines the cytoarchitecture and thalamic afferents of smi in the echidna, tachyglossus aculeatus. smi contains two cytoarchitectonic fields. a caudal field extends across the postalpha gyrus and onto the floor of sulcus alpha. it has a well-de ...19846438189
immunocytochemical localization and determination of hormone-induced synthesis of the sulfated oviductal glycoproteins.secretory products of the oviduct provide part of the milieu for the critical events of fertilization and embryo development. past work from this laboratory has indicated that three large sulfated glycoproteins can be isolated from rabbit oviductal fluid and are synthesized by oviductal epithelium incubated in vitro. these three glycoproteins are antigenically similar. this paper presents evidence for their localization within the oviductal tissue and their hormonal control of synthesis. utilizi ...19846380601
enhanced luminescent enzyme immunoassays for rubella antibody, immunoglobulin e and digoxin.a novel firefly luciferin- enhanced luminescent procedure for the quantitation of horseradish peroxidase labels has been directly incorporated into established enzyme immunoassays. the procedure is rapid and sensitive and uses readily available reagents. light emission from the enhanced reaction is high and relatively constant and thus easily measured. the luminescence procedure has been successfully incorporated into immunometric assays for rubella antibody and human ige and into a competitive ...19846370245
ultrasound-accelerated immunoassay, as exemplified by enzyme immunoassay of choriogonadotropin.the rate-limiting step in many solid-phase immunoassays is associated with the slow kinetics of binding of macro-molecular antigen and conjugate to the immobilized phase. we demonstrate that the use of ultrasonic energy to enhance mass transport across liquid/solid interfaces can dramatically accelerate antigen binding to immobilized antibodies. we use an ultrasound-accelerated procedure with an enzyme-channelling test strip containing glucose oxidase and specific antibody to the alpha-subunit o ...19846380810
participation of cell surface anionic sites in the interaction between trypanosoma cruzi and macrophages.cationized ferritin particles, which bind to cell surfaces, were used to analyse the role of cell surface anionic sites during the t. cruzi-macrophage interaction. incubation of bloodstream trypomastigotes of t. cruzi with cationized ferritin before the interaction reduced significantly their surface charge, measured by determination of the cellular electrophoretic mobility, and increased markedly their ingestion by macrophages. the same treatment of cellular electrophoretic mobility, and increa ...19846381750
bilateral alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormonergic fiber system from zona incerta to cerebral cortex: combined retrograde axonal transport and immunohistochemical study.we employed a highly sensitive combination method of retrograde tracing and immunohistochemistry to identify an alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-msh)-containing fiber pathway from zona incerta to cerebral cortex. biotin-horseradish peroxidase injected into the parietal cortex of the rat labeled a number of neurons in the zona incerta bilaterally, and simultaneous staining with an alpha-msh antiserum revealed that a part of these neurons are alpha-mshergic.19846383519
determination of lysozyme in serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and feces by enzyme immunoassay.conjugates of human lysozyme and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were prepared by means of the heterobifunctional reagent n-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate. a conjugate containing 2 mol hrp/mol lysozyme was isolated by gel filtration and used as a labeled antigen in competitive enzyme immunoassays, in which anti-lysozyme rabbit igg had been bound to wells of microtiter plates. the assay can detect as little as 1 microgram lysozyme/l. the following reference intervals have been establish ...19846383662
a practical enzyme immunoassay for anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies in myasthenia gravis.a practical enzyme immunoassay (eia) has been developed for the measurement of anti-acetylcholine receptor (achr) antibodies in sera from patients with myasthenia gravis (mg). this system is based on the double antibody technique, using denervated rat muscle achr labeled with horseradish peroxidase-linked alpha-bungarotoxin (hrp-alpha bgt). this method has the following advantages compared to conventional radioimmunoassay (ria): (1) hrp-alpha bgt is more stable than [125i]alpha bgt and can be us ...19846384263
evidence for an alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormonergic hippocampal commissural connection in the rat, revealed by a double-labeling technique.a new double-labeling method combining immunocytochemistry and a retrograde tracer technique using biotin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (b-hrp) was developed. retrogradely accumulated b-hrp was visualized in the soma by incubation with avidin-conjugated fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc-green fluorescein) solution. texas red (red fluorescein)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit igg was used for simultaneous demonstration of the antigen. using this method, the present study reports a newly demonstrate ...19846387544
the organization of immature callosal newborn kittens, the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase, alone or bound to wheat-germ agglutinin, indicates that callosal axons have entered selectively the restricted portions of the neocortical gray matter (e.g., the area 17/18 border) which receive callosal afferents in adults. the callosal axons do also reach regions where they lack in the adult, but there they seem not to penetrate far into the gray matter. neonatal injections of retrograde fluorescent tracers restricted to ...19846439760
the termination of spinomesencephalic fibers in cat. an experimental anatomical study.the projections to the midbrain from the spinal cord have been investigated in the cat with the degeneration technique and by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as an anterograde tracer. two types of spinal cord lesions were performed: 1) cordotomies at cervical or thoracic levels transecting the ventral and lateral funiculi. 2) transections of the ventral, ventrolateral, dorsolateral or dorsal funiculus, respectively, at cervical levels. in the anterograde tracing experiments hrp was injected i ...19846441483
different tissue distributions of two types of thiol proteinase inhibitors from rat liver and epidermis.the concentrations of two types of endogenous inhibitors of thiol proteinases were determined in soluble extracts of various rat tissues by means of a sensitive enzyme immunoassay method, which consisted of solid-phase immobilized anti-rat liver inhibitor or anti-rat epidermal inhibitor and antibodies labeled with horseradish peroxidase. the minimum detectable amounts of inhibitors from liver and epidermis were 30 pg and 3 pg/assay, respectively. the tissue distributions of the epidermal and liv ...19846441803
projections from the edinger-westphal complex of monkeys as studied by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase, an experimental study was made in the japanese monkey of the projection from the anteromedian nucleus (am) and edinger-westphal nucleus (ew) to the ciliary ganglon, cerebellar nuclei and spinal cord. special attention was paid on the labeled cell forms. neurons projecting to the cerebellar nuclei or the spinal cord were small (8-11 microns in diameter) and spindle-shaped, and they were located in almost the entire parts of both a ...19846442128
endocytotic pathways at the ruffled borders of rat maturation ameloblasts.using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a soluble protein tracer, electron microscopic studies were carried out in order to analyze endocytosis in the ruffle-ended ameloblasts of rat incisors. accumulated hrp was initially incorporated from the ruffled border into the cytoplasm by means of pinocytic vacuoles ( pinosomes ) and pinocytotic coated vesicles. the majority of the hrp was taken up by the large number of pinosomes , which then formed large endocytotic vacuoles by fusing either with each o ...19846427140
development of x- and y-cell retinogeniculate terminations in kittens.the cat retinogeniculocortical pathways are organized chiefly into two parallel independent neuronal streams, one involving x-cells of the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus, and the other, y-cells. development of the y-cell pathway is more seriously affected by visual deprivation than is the x-cell pathway and we reasoned that some insight into the underlying mechanisms of these effects could be gained from studies of normal development. we therefore injected horseradish peroxidase into phys ...19846462208
fine structure of normal and degenerating primary afferent boutons associated with characterized spinocervical tract neurons in the cat.spinocervical tract neurons in the dorsal horn of the cat spinal cord were intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase. the neurons came from one intact animal and from animals with dorsal rhizotomies (l3-s2) 3, 5, 10, 28 and 42 days previously. the morphology of terminals associated with spinocervical tract neurons was examined in a combined light and electron microscopical study. some terminals containing agranular, circular vesicles degenerated as a result of deafferentation; these ar ...19846462444
cluster-and-sheet pattern of enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the superior colliculus of the cat.the distribution of enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the superior colliculus has been studied in the cat with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. two striking patterns of immunoreactivity were observed. in the superficial layers there is a thin, dense horizontal band of immunoreactivity in the neuropil of the most dorsal tier of the superficial gray layer (sublamina 1). because this sublayer corresponds to the zone of densest contralateral retinotectal projection, an intraocular injection o ...19846462445
claustral efferents to the cat's limbic cortex studied with retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques.the claustral projections to the cat's limbic cortex were investigated with horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique and with autoradiography. autoradiographic injections covered small portions of either the dorsal anterior claustrum or intermediate to posterior regions of the claustrum. injections of horseradish peroxidase were made into the subicular, insular, entorhinal, prepiriform, cingulate, retrosplenial and prefrontal cortex. both methods revealed fully consistent data for sub ...19846462456
spatio-temporal organization of a branched tecto-spinal/tecto-diencephalic neuronal system.the aim of the present study was to identify in the rat the diencephalic nuclei addressed by ascending collaterals of tecto-spinal neurons. for this purpose we made use of anterograde axonal transport method to determine the pattern of diencephalic projections arising from the lateral portion of the superior colliculus where most of tecto-spinal neurons are lying. next, we used the antidromic activation method to analyse whether some of these colliculo-diencephalic projections were provided thro ...19846462457
application of the silver-gold intensified 3,3'-diaminobenzidine chromogen to the light and electron microscopic detection of the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone system of the rat brain.a highly sensitive, recently developed immunohistological method is introduced in the present study with special emphasis on the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone system of the rat brain. the method utilizes the specific capability of the diaminobenzidine endproduct, a frequently used chromogen in immunocytochemistry, to produce and bind silver grains from a special physical developer, following suppression of the argyrophilia of the nervous tissue by thioglycolic acid. metal deposition into ...19846392927
prostaglandin synthase and horseradish peroxidase catalyzed dna-binding of p-phenetidine.the prostaglandin synthase and horseradish peroxidase catalyzed binding of p-phenetidine to dna was investigated. the addition of arachidonic acid to an incubation containing ram seminal vesicle microsomes, [14c]p-phenetidine and dna resulted in a rapid incorporation of radioactivity into dna. this was inhibited by greater than 75% by indomethacin (0.1 mm) or butylated hydroxyanisole (0.5 mm). hydrogen peroxide was as efficient as arachidonic acid in mediating the activation of p-phenetidine thu ...19846421501
neuroanatomy of penile erection: its relevance to iatrogenic impotence.the neuroanatomy of erection in men is not well defined. recently, we isolated successfully the cavernous nerves for acute and chronic neurostimulation to induce penile erection in dogs and monkeys. we then investigated the anatomy of these nerves in humans by cadaveric dissection and serial histologic sectioning. our experience in tracing the spinal nuclei responsible for vesical and urethral function by transportation of horseradish peroxidase enabled us to explore the location and organizatio ...19846422055
the cerebrovascular effects of intraarterial co2 in quantities required for diagnostic imaging.the recent development of digital subtraction angiography (dsa) has renewed interest in the use of gases, especially carbon dioxide, as contrast agents. both early physiologic studies and recent clinical reports suggest that arterial co2-dsa is a safe and useful diagnostic tool in the examination of extremity circulation. the present study examined the neurologic sequelae, pathologic changes, and effects on the blood-brain barrier to intravenous evans-blue and horseradish peroxidase of intracaro ...19846424174
distribution of the cells of origin of the corpus callosum and anterior commissure in the marmoset monkey.the neurons of origin of the great cerebral commissures of the marmoset monkey were identified by horseradish peroxidase histochemistry and their distribution was studied. six adult marmosets were used. three were normal: the others were subjected to section of the corpus callosum (cc), sparing the anterior commissure (ac). all six were injected with horseradish peroxidase throughout one cerebral hemisphere. the three normals provide information on the origins of both the cc and ac, whereas the ...19846426345
metabolic activation of procarbazine. evidence for carbon-centered free-radical intermediates.the metabolism of procarbazine was studied using spin-trapping techniques. the oxidation of procarbazine, catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase, prostaglandin synthetase [ram seminal vesicle (rsv) microsomes] or rat hepatic microsomal cytochrome p-450, produced carbon-centered free radicals. cytochrome p-450 also catalyzed this oxidation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. horseradish peroxidase activation of procarbazine formed both the methyl radical and the n-isopropylbenzylamide radical [(ch ...19846431996
somatotopic representation of facial muscles within the facial nucleus of the mouse. a study using the retrograde horseradish peroxidase and cell degeneration techniques.the somatotopic representation of facial muscles within the facial nucleus was investigated by means of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase and cell degeneration techniques in the mouse. the nasolabial muscle is represented in the dorsolateral, lateral, and dorsal intermediate subnucleus; the mentalis muscle, in the ventral intermediate subnucleus; the platysma, in the dorsomedial part of the dorsal intermediate subnucleus and along the lateral border of the dorsomedial and ventromedial subnuc ...19846466963
some neural connections subserving binocular vision in ungulates.using a combination of anatomical and physiological techniques we have studied some of the neural connections subserving binocular vision in two species of artiodactyl ungulates (the sheep, ovis sp., and the goat, capra hircus). after monocular injections of tritiated proline, transsynaptic transport was observed bilaterally in layers 4 and 6 of visual cortical areas v1 and v2, but there were no sharply defined ocular dominance columns of the kind seen in cats and rhesus monkeys. in coronal sect ...19846466965
reorganization of corticorubral synapses following cross-innervation of flexor and extensor nerves of adult cat: a quantitative electron microscopic study.a quantitative electron microscopic study of corticorubral synapses was performed in the red nucleus (rn) of adult cats to determine the morphological correlates for the changes in time course of corticorubral excitatory post-synaptic potentials, which occur following cross-innervation of forelimb extensor and flexor nerves. corticorubral synaptic endings were identified by anterograde degeneration after lesions of the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex. rubrospinal neurons innervating upper spinal ...19846466979
histochemical studies on concanavalin a-binding in experimental carcinoma of the mouse submandibular gland.the lectin, concanavalin a(con a) has been used to localize specific sugar residues (d-glucose, d-mannose and d-fructose) in premalignant lesions and squamous-cell carcinomas induced following cryosurgery of the mouse submandibular gland. the original con a-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique as well as its combination with periodate oxidation and subsequent reduction by borohydrate were used to compare the epithelial elements during submandibular gland carcinogenesis. granules in the granula ...19846432986
brainstem cells of origin of the cervical vagus and cardiopulmonary nerves in the neonatal pig (sus scrofa).the distribution of the cells of origin of the cervical vagus and cardiopulmonary nerves has been studied in neonatal piglets (sus scrofa) ranging in age from 1 to 60 days. cardiopulmonary nerves were identified physiologically and anatomically prior to injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the nerves. following injection of hrp into the cervical vagus nerve retrogradely labeled neurons were present in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (dmv), the nucleus of the solitary tract, ...19846466988
brainstem projections to the phrenic nucleus: a hrp study in the cat.brainstem neurones which project to the phrenic nucleus were identified using retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a marker. following iontophoretic injection of hrp into the phrenic nucleus, labelled cells were encountered throughout large areas of the medulla and pons, but occurred with characteristic high densities in those regions known to contain phasic respiratory neurones: namely, the ventrolateral solitary tract nucleus (vl-nts), known as the dorsal respiratory group ...19846467035
vagus nerve stimulation modifies the electrical activity of the olfactory bulb.evoked potential and unit activity recording techniques were used to study the effects of the vagus nerve stimulation on the olfactory bulb. a biphasic potential was evoked in the olfactory bulb by a single pulse delivered to the vagus nerve. half of the neurons studied decreased discharge frequency after single pulse or train stimulation. the interval during which neurons ceased activity corresponded to the duration of the negative wave of the evoked potential. responsive neurons were marked wi ...19846467039
in vivo uptake of insulin into hepatic golgi fractions: application of the diaminobenzidine-shift protocol.the hypothesis that insulin is internalized into the hepatic golgi apparatus was tested by the diaminobenzidine-shift protocol of courtoy et al. (1984, j. cell biol. 98, 870). highly purified golgi fractions were isolated after the coinjection of [125i]insulin and the synthetic ligand, galactose-bovine serum albumin-horseradish peroxidase. golgi fractions were subsequently reacted in the presence or absence of diaminobenzidine, then subjected to percoll gradient centrifugation. for incubations c ...19846435623
spectral intermediates of prostaglandin hydroperoxidase.microsomes from ram seminal vesicles or purified prostaglandin h synthase supplemented with either arachidonic acid or prostaglandin g2 formed an unstable spectral intermediate with maxima at 430 nm, 525 nm and 555 nm and minima at 410 nm, 490 nm and 630 nm. at -15 degrees c the band at 430 nm disappeared within 4 min whereas the trough at 410 nm increased three fold. at higher temperatures (10-37 degrees c) spectral complex formation and decay were observed in less than 1 s. an apparent ks-valu ...19846436022
comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent and indirect hemagglutination assays for determining anthrax enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been established to measure anthrax antibody titers. the protective antigen component of anthrax toxin was used as the capture antigen. two types of conjugates (protein a-horseradish peroxidase and anti-human immunoglobulin g plus immunoglobulin a plus immunoglobulin m-horseradish peroxidase) were tested. results from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay testing were compared with those from indirect hemagglutination titers on serum from vaccinees. the overa ...19846436303
evidence for pseudomonas exotoxin a receptors on plasma membrane of toxin-sensitive lm fibroblasts.pseudomonas exotoxin a enters mouse lm fibroblasts by receptor-mediated endocytosis and ultimately causes cell death. here we present evidence for the existence of a specific receptor for the toxin. toxin association with lm cells at 18 and 37 degrees c, but not at 4 degrees c, was highly specific. at 37 degrees c, the association increased with time, reaching a steady state by 5 h. binding to paraformaldehyde-fixed cells at 37 degrees c was saturable (kd = 5.4 nm), was reversible, and indicated ...19846469348
comparison of beta-d-galactosidase from escherichia coli and horseradish peroxidase as labels of anti-human ferritin fab' by sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique.beta-d-galactosidase from escherichia coli and horseradish peroxidase were compared as labels of anti-human ferritin fab' by sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique using fluorogenic substrates for enzyme assay. the anti-human ferritin fab'-peroxidase conjugates gave lower nonspecific bindings and higher specific bindings than the corresponding fab'-beta-d-galactosidase conjugates. as a result, the former provided more sensitive dose response curves for human ferritin than the latter. however, the ...19846438074
cells of origin of fibres to the retrochiasmatic area: a horseradish peroxidase study.the afferent connections of the retrochiasmatic area were examined in the rat after microintophoretic application of horseradish peroxidase. labelled cells were found in amygdaloid nuclei, in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, in the zona incerta and in all hypothalamic nuclei. in the brainstem reactive neurones were seen in the caudal part of the nucleus of the solitary tract (a2-c2 catecholaminergic cell groups), in and adjacent to the lateral reticular nucleus (a1-c1 catecholaminergic cell g ...19846440428
urethane-induced rat retinopathy. plasticity of the blood-retinal barrier in disease.sodium fluorescein and fluoresceinated dextrans penetrate the blood-retinal barrier (brb) of rats with urethane-induced retinopathy. we have extended these observations, using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as an ultrastructural probe of the brb. intravenous hrp penetrated the brb 7 weeks after urethane treatment began. this occurred where retinal capillaries invaded the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) after photoreceptor degeneration. the penetration intensified with duration of the retinopathy, ...19846469486
olivary projections from the mesodiencephalic structures in the cat studied by means of axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated amino means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and autoradiographic methods, olivary projections from mesodiencephalic structures were studied in the cat. following hrp injections in various parts of the inferior olive, many cells were labeled ipsilaterally in the nucleus of darkschewitsch, the nucleus accessorius medialis of bechterew, the nucleus of the fields of forel, and the subnucleus dorsomedialis and ventrolateralis of the parvocellular red nucleus. some labeled cells also occurred ipsilateral ...19846470209
capillary junctions of the rat are not affected by osmotic opening of the blood-brain barrier.osmotic opening of the blood-brain barrier had no effect on the structure of the interendothelial tight junctions located within approximately 9 micron 2 of brain capillary endothelial plasma membrane (junction-containing) examined in this study. these tight junctions restrict the passive diffusion between the blood and the brain and constitute the anatomic basis of the blood-brain barrier. increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier in the cerebral cortex of the right hemisphere of rats, ...19846464674
the accessory optic system of rodents: a whole-mount hrp study.the three-dimensional fiber pathways of the accessory optic system in three species of rodents (rat, golden hamster, guinea pig) were examined on whole-mounted preparations of the diencephalon and the midbrain, without sectioning, by anterograde labeling of retinal axons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp histochemical studies on the serial coronal sections were also done. in this study, only the accessory optic system on the side contralateral to the eye injection of hrp was clearly detecte ...19846470217
topographic and cytoarchitectonic organization of thalamic neurons related to their targets in low-, middle-, and high-frequency representations in cat auditory cortex.we studied the topographic organization of thalamic projections upon different ranges of cortical frequency representation. thalamic neurons were labeled by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or tritiated bovine serum albumin into auditory cortex. injections in individual brains were confined to the same range of frequency representation, and distributed through three or four tonotopic cortical fields in order to label as much of the thalamic projection upon a limited range of frequency repr ...19846470221
production of leukocidin by clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa and antileukocidin antibody from sera of patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis.the ratio of leukocidin-producing strains to clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated together with the production of protease, elastase, and exotoxin a. we also examined whether these strains contain the common antigen which resides in the cell wall. by using the agar gel diffusion test with specific antisera, we found that 87 of 90 (96.7%) of clinical isolates produced leukocidin. protease, elastase, and exotoxin a were also produced at high percentages. the common antigen ...19846439729
identification of the sympathetic preganglionic pathway to the cat stellate ganglion.both intraspinal and segmental preganglionic pathways to sympathetic ganglia have been proposed based on different methods of horseradish peroxidase application. the present study mapped the projections of preganglionic neurons to the stellate ganglion in the cat by horseradish peroxidase injection into ganglia with various white rami intact. central and peripheral cut ends of the severed white rami were tied to eliminate leakage of peroxidase from the ganglia. in control cats with all white ram ...19846470406
ultrastructural localization in the mouse lung of venom from the western diamondback (crotalus atrox) rattlesnake.procedures which make immune complexes between venom antigens and their complementary antibodies visible have been applied to detect the site of deposition of rattlesnake venom in the lung tissue of mice after in vivo envenomation. lung tissue, from mice envenomated with reconstituted but otherwise unmodified crotalus atrox venom, was incubated in commercially available polyvalent antiserum (against north american crotalid snakes) which had been conjugated to the enzyme horseradish peroxidase. t ...19846441312
the permeability of the blood-brain barrier in mice suffering from fatal lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection.the ultrastructure and the blood-brain-barrier (bbb) permeability were studied in mice suffering from lymphocytic choriomeningitis (lcm). brains and meninges from mice suffering from lcm virus-induced lymphocytic choriomeningitis were studied by investigating the bbb function and by electron and light microscopy. the cellular exudate in the leptomeninges was located in the subarachnoid space, in arachnoidea and pia, and it was dominated by proliferated pial cells and mononuclear cells, most of w ...19846464679
distribution and subcellular localization of a hepatic proliferation inhibitor in rat liver.the subcellular and intralobular distributions of a protein which specifically inhibits the proliferation of normal liver cells were determined in rat liver, using a combination of immunological and biochemical techniques. the igg fraction from an antiserum raised against the hepatic proliferation inhibitor was isolated by protein a-sepharose cl-4b chromatography and shown to be highly specific for the antigen using electroimmunodiffusion and affinity chromatography. to determine the intracellul ...19846420414
evaluation of three simple and rapid immunological tests for detection of heat-labile enterotoxin of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli.three simple immunological tests, the modified elek (biken) test, the modified staphylococcal coagglutination test, and the rapid gm1-horseradish peroxidase-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay have been evaluated for detection of heat-labile enterotoxin of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli. of the 100 coded e. coli strains tested, 94 gave consistent results with all the three immunological tests; a discrepancy was observed in only 6 strains. identical results were obtained when the biken test was c ...19846421871
distribution of hrp in the inner ear after injection into the middle ear cavity.the distribution patterns of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) reaction products in the inner ears of guinea pigs were studied after injections into the middle ear cavities and perilymphatic and subarachnoid spaces. the normal round window membrane resisted hrp penetration from the middle ear side, but when it became pathological after repeated applications, its permeability increased. hrp deposits were found in the cochlear and vestibular sensory cells and in the lumen of the endolymphatic sac. hrp ...19846464711
fine structure of primary afferent axon terminals of slowly adapting cutaneous receptors in the cat.three slowly adapting type i and two slowly adapting type ii afferent fibres from the lumbosacral cord of the cat were intra-axonally labelled with horseradish peroxidase and processed for light and electron microscopy. terminals from both types of afferent exhibited similar ultrastructural features in that both formed contacts with one to five post-synaptic profiles, including dendritic shafts and spine heads, some of which contained vesicles. the stained axons were themselves post-synaptic in ...19846473695
the connections between the parabigeminal nucleus and the superior colliculus in the golden hamster.the present study in hamsters shows that the horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) injected into the eye can be transported transneuronally in both anterograde and retrograde directions to the parabigeminal nuclei (pbn). moreover, the patterns of labelling in the pbn are similar to those observed after introduction of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the superior colliculus. these results suggest that the wga-hrp is a reliable pathway tracer for studying second- ...19846542631
neuroanatomical considerations of palatal muscles: tensor and levator veli palatini.the tensor veli palatini (tvp) and levator veli palatini (lvp) muscles are intimately associated with the soft palate and knowledge of their anatomy and physiology is essential for palatoplasty. controversy regarding the function and innervation of these muscles still exists. the purpose of this study was to identify the location of motoneurons within the brainstem which innervate the tvp and lvp using the current neuroanatomical tracing technique of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish pe ...19846587949
evaluation of elisa with abts, 2-2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonic acid), as the substrate of peroxidase and its application to the diagnosis of schistosomiasis.a micro-technique of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using abts, 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonic acid), as a substrate for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) conjugate was studied. in a comparative study among 4 substrates, namely; 5-aminosalicylic acid (5as), o-phenylenediamine (opd), o-tolidine (ot) and abts, for hrp in terms of sensitivity, it was found that abts was the most sensitive, stable and the best in visuality by its bluish-green color. the precise reproducibility o ...19846542945
somatotopic organization and transmedian pathways of the rat trigeminal ganglion.the localization of neuronal cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion for the pulpal nerves of incisors and first and second molars in the rat was determined by utilization of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. transmedian labeling was found with all teeth, but labeling was greater in the ipsilateral ganglion.19846594371
electrophysiological and hrp studies on feedback loop between inferior olivary nucleus and lateral vestibular nucleus in the cat.the role of input from the inferior olivary nucleus (io) of decerebellate cats were studied on the lateral vestibular nucleus (lvn) neurons which were monosynaptically activated by vestibular nerve stimulation. out of 168 monosynaptic neurons, test stimuli to the contralateral io elicited a monosynaptic spike in 43 neurons and an antidromic spike in 9 neurons. conditioning stimulus applied to the io preceding vestibular nerve stimulation produced an inhibition of spike generation in 22 other lvn ...19846599219
reorganization of the facial motor nucleus after peripheral nerve regeneration. an hrp study in the rat.the normal function of the mimetic muscles may depend on the somatotopic organization in the facial motor nucleus (fmn). the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique has been used to examine whether this organization is maintained after facial nerve (fn) transection, epineurial suture and subsequent reinnervation of the mimetic muscles in the rat. eleven months after nerve repair, hrp was applied bilaterally to the zygomatic or buccal rami. the distribution of hrp-labelled neurons in the operated ...19846464712
uptake of horseradish peroxidase in denervated skeletal muscle occurs primarily at the endplate region.the spatial distribution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) uptake has been studied by light- and electron microscopy in the denervated hemidiaphragm of the mouse. segments with high hrp uptake were observed in a band centrally located in the denervated muscle. this distribution is similar to the well-known innervation pattern of the diaphragm. ultrastructural studies demonstrated a high incidence of postsynaptic folds in close proximity of fibre areas with high intracellular content of hrp. 8-12 d ...19846530615
experimental brain tumors and edema in rats. iii. peritumorous rats experimental brain tumors were produced by intracerebral implantation of a glioma cell clone. peritumorous edema was investigated by light and electron microscopy, using exogenous tracers [human serum albumin (hsa), horseradish peroxidase] and immuno-histochemical methods for localization of endogenous serum proteins. an infiltration by serum proteins was observed in peritumoral grey and white matter. peroxidase was found in pinocytotic vesicles of vascular endothelial cells, in pericyte ...19846543342
metabolic variation among alpha-motoneurons innervating different muscle-fiber types. i. oxidative enzyme activity.we have examined the oxidative metabolism of rat alpha-motoneurons innervating muscles composed predominantly of one muscle-fiber type. intramuscular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the tensor fasciae latae (tfl) (approximately 94% fast-twitch glycolytic fibers, fg), tibialis anterior (ta) (approximately 66% fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic, fog; 32% fg), and soleus (sol) (approximately 84% slow-twitch oxidative, so) muscles permitted identification of motoneurons innervating the ...19846546583
differences between the endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase and its conjugate with wheat germ agglutinin by cultured fibroblasts.a covalent conjugate of wheat germ agglutinin (wga) with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used for a morphologic study of its adsorptive endocytosis by cultured human fibroblasts. initial binding at 4 degrees c of the conjugate was observed over the entire plasma membrane, including "coated" and smooth pits. endocytosis of hrp and the wga-hrp conjugate was observed in lysosomes, but only the conjugate was seen in a cisterna of the golgi apparatus (gerl), and in adjacent coated vesicles.19846546763
aflatoxin b1 dihydrodiol antibody: production and specificity.a specific antibody for 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxyaflatoxin b1 (afb1-diol) was prepared, and its reactivity was characterized for the major aflatoxin (af) b1 (afb1) metabolites. reductive alkylation was used to conjugate afb1-diol to ethylenediamine-modified bovine serum albumin (eda-bsa) and horseradish peroxidase for use as an immunogen and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) marker, respectively. high reactant ratios, 1:5 and 1:10, for afb1-diol-eda-bsa (wt/wt) resulted in precipitate ...19846546848
retrograde double labeling of neurons: the combined use of horseradish peroxidase and diamidino yellow dihydrochloride (dy x 2hcl) compared with true blue and dy x 2hcl in rat descending brainstem pathways.three series of double-labeling experiments were carried out in a study of the collateralization of brainstem nuclei which project to the spinal cord in the rat. the fluorescent tracer diamidino yellow dihydrochloride (dy x 2hcl) was injected in one half of the spinal gray and white matter at t7-t8 or t13-l1. subsequently, either true blue (tb), wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) or free hrp were injected ipsilaterally in the gray matter at c5-c8. the distributions ...19846548167
the efferent connections of the nuclei of the descending trigeminal tract in the mallard (anas platyrhynchos l.).the efferent and intranuclear connections of the nuclei of the descending trigeminal tract of the mallard have been studied with lesion methods, and by axonal transport techniques following injections of tritiated leucine, and of horseradish peroxidase. the large subnucleus oralis neurons, including those belonging to the nucleus of the ascending glossopharyngeal tract, have proven to be the sole origin of trigeminocerebellar connections. the cerebellar afferents are of the mossy fiber type, and ...19846527779
isolated rat brain capillaries possess intact, structurally complex, interendothelial tight junctions; freeze-fracture verification of tight junction integrity.populations of isolated brain capillaries have been proposed as useful models for in vitro studies of the blood-brain barrier. preliminary investigations of barrier properties using such preparations of brain microvessels have suggested that the tight interendothelial junctions (zonulae occludentes) are intact and retain the impermeability to the protein tracer horseradish peroxidase, exhibited by them in vivo. the endothelial junctions of isolated capillaries are therefore assumed to be functio ...19846529622
application of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of platelet antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to detect serum antibodies reactive to canine platelets. the method used an anti-canine immunoglobulin g horseradish peroxidase conjugate, o-dianisidine, as a water-soluble chromagen, and pooled platelets as a temporary antibody support. the elisa was compared with a conventional immunoinjury method measuring the accelerating effect of platelet factor 3 on coagulation. the elisa was more sensitive in the detection of antiplatelet antibod ...19846543103
chronic lead administration in neonatal rats: electron microscopy of the retina.the morphologic effects on the retina resulting from chronic lead exposure were assessed in neonatal rats. newborn rats nursed from dams were given a low (0.115%) or a high (4.5%) concentration of lead in their diet. at day 21 the pups were weaned to the mother's diet. the retinas of the pups were studied by electron microscopy at various ages up to day 60. high and low lead concentrations produced necrosis of photoreceptor cells and cells of the inner nuclear layer. the high lead concentration, ...19846608578
immunosuppression by d-penicillamine in vitro. inhibition of human t lymphocyte proliferation by copper- or ceruloplasmin-dependent generation of hydrogen peroxide and protection by has been suggested that d-penicillamine is active in rheumatoid arthritis because of its capacity to function as a selective inhibitor of t lymphocyte function. the basis for the immunosuppressive action of this drug as well as mechanisms whereby the effect of d-penicillamine could be modified by elements of rheumatoid synovial tissue were examined. as previously reported, d-penicillamine, in the presence of copper ions markedly inhibited mitogen-induced human t lymphocyte dna synthesis. sinc ...19846606652
accessory innervation of mandibular anterior teeth in cats: a horseradish peroxidase 10 cats, an ipsilateral section of the inferior alveolar nerve was performed following which horseradish peroxidase was deposited in cavity preparations of either ipsicentral incisors (8) or canines (2). the animals were sacrificed in 24 h, and the ipsilateral nerve to mylohyoid and both semilunar ganglia were prepared histochemically for observation. labeled axons were found in 6 of 8 cats, whose incisors were prepared, and 4 of the 6 had labeled ganglion cells. in the two remaining cats wit ...19846609747
endosomes and golgi vesicles in adsorptive and fluid phase endocytosis.we studied with morphometric methods the endocytosis by pheochromocytoma cells of a conjugate of wheat germ agglutinin with ferritin (wga-ft) and of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). quantitative studies indicated that wga-ft was cleared slowly from cell surfaces and that it was not recycled to the surface. cells labeled with wga-ft for 15 min at room temperature were washed and incubated in medium containing hrp for 15 or 30 min at 37 degrees c. the greatest proportion of labeled vesicles and tubul ...19846548223
stabilization of the tetramethylbenzidine (tmb) reaction product: application for retrograde and anterograde tracing, and combination with immunohistochemistry.tetramethylbenzidine (tmb) as a substrate for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry is more sensitive than other chromogens. its instability in aqueous solutions and ethanol, however, has limited its application. we now report a method for stabilizing tmb by incubation in combinations of diaminobenzidine (dab)/cobalt (co2+)/h2o2. the stabilized tmb product was unaffected by long-term exposures to ethanol, neutral buffers, and subsequent immunohistochemical staining procedures. a procedure ...19846548485
emergence of a surface immunoglobulin recycling process during b lymphocyte differentiation.surface immunoglobulin (ig)-mediated endocytosis has been investigated in rat b lymphocytes and plasma cells, using horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled sheep anti-rat ig fab' fragment of antibody and hrp as monomeric ligands, respectively. quantitative estimates of hrp activity associated either with plasma membrane or with endomembrane compartments were made in several experimental conditions. binding of hrp-conjugate on b lymphocytes was followed by its endocytosis in combination with surface ...19846609161
the development of specific antibody-containing cells in the spleen of rabbits during the secondary immune response against free or liposome-associated albumin order to study the distribution pattern of specific antibody-containing cells in the spleen of rabbits during the secondary immune response, rabbits were given two intravenous injections of either free or liposome-associated human serum albumin (hsa) within an interval of 2 months. demonstration of specific antibody-containing cells was performed by incubation of sections of spleen with hsa-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) conjugates, followed by peroxidase cytochemistry. specific anti-hsa antibo ...19846610367
reversible pinocytosis of horseradish peroxidase in lymphoid cells.a detailed study of fluid phase endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in rat lymph node cells (lnc) is presented in this paper. preliminary experiments have shown that hrp was internalized by non-receptor-mediated endocytosis and interacted minimally or not at all with plasma membrane of lnc, and can then be considered as a true fluid phase marker for these cells. kinetics of uptake of hrp was found not to be linear with incubation time at 37 degrees c and deviation from linearity can be a ...19846610561
brainstem projection to the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus in the rat: a cck-containing long ascending order to identify the source and topography of cholecystokinin-containing fibers innervating the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (vmn), radioimmunoassay, immunocytochemistry, retrograde tracing of horseradish peroxidase and anterograde degeneration techniques were used. cholecystokinin (cck) disappeared almost totally from the vmn following a caudal diencephalic knife cut, which transected the medial fibers of the internal capsule, and the dorsolateral portion of the medial forebrain bundle ...19846611191
ultrastructural study of the effect of acute hyper- and hypotension on the stria vascularis and spiral ligament.the effects of acute hyper- and hypotension on the stria vascularis and spiral ligament of the rat were studied electron microscopically with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracer method. acute hypertension was induced by i.v. infusion of methoxamine chloride (mexan), and acute hypotension by i.v. infusion of a ganglion-blocker (arfonad) and by venesection. in both acute hyper- and hypotensive experiments, a large amount of leaked hrp spread into the intercellular spaces until it was stopped b ...19846591706
changes in permeability of rabbit articular cartilage caused by joint contracture as revealed by the peroxidase method.changes in permeability of adult rabbit articular cartilage caused by joint contracture were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy, employing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as an indicator. the knee joint was plaster-immobilized for 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks in the flexion position. one ml of 4% hrp was administered in the articular cavity of the knee joint and allowed to diffuse and permeate into the articular cartilage. distribution of the permeated hrp was visualized in the cartila ...19846532371
prenatal and early postnatal exposure to ethanol permanently alters the rat hippocampus.three separate groups of pregnant sprague-dawley rats were (1) fed a liquid diet containing 35% ethanol-derived calories, or (2) pair-fed this diet containing an isocaloric amount of maltose-dextrin instead of ethanol,or (3) fed laboratory chow ad libitum. their offspring were killed after reaching at least 60 days of age, and their brains were processed with the timm's or horseradish peroxidase histochemical techniques. both procedures revealed that intrauterine exposure to ethanol produced a d ...19846563993
effect of soluble antigen on the ellipsoid-associated cells of the chicken's spleen.the ellipsoid-associated cells (eac) localize on the surface of the ellipsoid. they bind the iv injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and bovine serum albumin (bsa), migrate to the red pulp and then enter the systemic circulation. after protein injection, the number of white blood cells increased above the normal level. the highest number of white blood cells occurred between 4 and 6 hr after hrp injection. in this period, the cell enhancement resulted in hrp-positive mononuclear cells which mig ...19846585450
oxidative burst-dependent tumoricidal and tumorostatic activities of paraffin oil-elicited mouse macrophages.mouse peritoneal macrophages (mpm) from c57bl/6j, balb/c, a strains, and (balb/ cfemale x c57bl/ 6jmale )f1 offspring were treated with the oxidative burst (ob)-stimulant 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, and their in vitro tumoricidal, tumorostatic , and ob activities were examined. paraffin oil-elicited, but not thioglycollate (tg)-elicited, mpm exhibited cytotoxicity only toward yac-1 cells and cytostatic activity toward yac-1, el 4, rbl-5, and rlmale 1 lymphoma cells. this activity was i ...19846587155
pulsing electromagnetic field therapy in nerve regeneration: an experimental study in the cat.a multidisciplinary approach to the study of peripheral nerve regeneration in the cat has been presented. the purpose of this work has been to determine if pulsing electromagnetic field (pemf) therapy can enhance peripheral nerve regeneration after injury. in equal groups of animals, two types of pulsing electromagnetic field treatment were compared with untreated controls. all animals underwent quantitative electrophysiologic and morphologic assessment at the area of injury. in addition, muscle ...19846695016
the spinomesencephalic tract in the cat: its cells of origin and termination pattern as demonstrated by the intraaxonal transport method.the cells of origin and terminal areas of the feline spinomesencephalic tract were investigated by the intraaxonal transport method. following injection of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate into the cervical and lumbar enlargements, anterograde labelling was observed in several regions of the dorsal midbrain. the main terminal areas were the periaqueductal gray matter, the intercollicular nucleus, the posterior pretectal nucleus and the nucleus of darkschewitsch. in addition ...19846697174
topography of neurons of the raccoon main cuneate nucleus with projections to the inferior colliculus.the origin of the projection from the raccoon main cuneate nucleus to the inferior colliculus has been demonstrated by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. neurons of the polymorphic division of the main cuneate nucleus project to the inferior colliculus via the medial lemniscus. neurons projecting to the inferior colliculus are only found caudal to the obex and do not overlap significantly with the distribution of cuneocerebellar neurons as in the cat.19846697178
evidence for spinal origin of neurons synapsing with dorsal root ganglion cells of the cat.dorsal root ganglia (c3) of the cats have been examined with the electron microscope after dorsal and ventral rhizotomies and horseradish peroxidase injection into the ventral horn of the spinal cord (c3). axo-somatic synapses were found in the dorsal root ganglia and, moreover, they showed early signs of anterograde terminal degeneration after a 48 h survival period. on the other hand, several synapses were anterogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase. the present study strongly suggests, ...19846697216
cholinergic and non-cholinergic septo-hippocampal projections: a double-label horseradish peroxidase-acetylcholinesterase study in the rabbit.the existence of a massive cholinergic projection from cells in the medial septal nucleus (ms) and nucleus of the diagonal band (db) to the hippocampal formation has been recognized for some time. however, the actual percentages of cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons in the ms and db which project to the hippocampus have not been reported. a procedure which combines horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and acetylcholinesterase (ache) histochemistry in the same tissue was used to determine these perc ...19846692131
arborizations of single corticofugal axons in the feline cuneate nucleus stained by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase.terminal aborizations and synaptic boutons of cortical afferents to the cuneate nucleus were examined by light and electromicroscopy following intra-axonal staining with hrp. two populations of afferents are described: (1) direct corticocuneate fibers, and (2) fibers destined for the spinal cord which issue collateral branches to the cuneate nucleus. corticocuneate terminals primarily contact fine dendrites located in the ventral parts of the nucleus. these results are discussed in relation to p ...19846692133
ascending and descending projections from nucleus reticularis magnocellularis and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis: an autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase study in the rat.the projections of the rostral medulla were studied using retrograde and orthograde transport techniques in the rat. the present horseradish peroxidase (hrp) studies indicate that the ventral portion of nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (ngc) and nucleus reticularis magnocellularis (nmc) project to both rostral and caudal levels of the spinal cord, while dorsal ngc projects only to the rostral cord. a differential density distribution of labeled cells was observed, with the greatest density ...19846692154
pancreatic duct glands. ii. lectin binding affinities of ductular epithelium, ductular glands, and brunner glands.secretory epithelia and ductular glands were studied in main pancreatic ducts of guinea pig, rabbit, rat, and man. brunner glands were studied for comparison. semithin sections from epon-embedded tissues were etched with sodium methylate and incubated with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. columnar cells in the epithelium of pancreatic ducts are endowed with well-developed microvillar borders. these apical regions strongly stain with lotus a-, wheat germ-, and ricinus i-lectins. basolat ...19846698813
Displaying items 16101 - 16200 of 20690