Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
comparative studies on antigens induced by turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. i. agar gel precipitation and neutralization studies. | 1983 | 6196928 | |
comparative studies on antigens induced by turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. ii. immunofluorescent studies. | 1983 | 6197828 | |
lymphoreticular tumour in pen-raised pheasants associated with a reticuloendotheliosis like virus infection. | an outbreak of a lymphoproliferative disease in pheasants is described. nodular or diffuse tumours were found on the head and in various internal organs. the lesions consisted of undifferentiated lymphoreticular cells. a typical c-type virus, similar to reticuloendotheliosis virus was isolated in tissue culture. however, this virus particle could not be seen in the tumours. the isolate is antigenically related to the reticuloendotheliosis group of viruses. typical reticuloendotheliosis was induc ... | 1983 | 18766763 |
effects of avian viruses on cultured chicken bone-marrow-derived macrophages. | cultured chicken bone-marrow-derived macrophages have been assayed for their susceptibility to infection with various avian viruses. three criteria of infection were employed: (1) virus-induced alterations in cell morphology ; (2) presence of intracellular viral antigens detectable by immunofluorescence; (3) kinetics of virus release by infected macrophages. macrophages proved to be resistant to marek's disease virus (mdv), herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt-fc126), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) an ... | 1983 | 18766776 |
growth inhibition of marek's disease t-lymphoblastoid cell lines by chicken bone-marrow-derived macrophages activated in vitro. | studies have been performed on the induction of cytostatic activity of cultured chicken bone-marrow-derived macrophages. cultured macrophages were exposed to supernatants of cona-stimulated spleen cell cultures (lymphokines), lipopolysaccharide (lps), cona or infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv). cytostatic activity of macrophages was examined by testing their growth-inhibiting effect on t-lymphoblastoid marek's disease cell lines rp-1, hp-2 and msb-1 as target cells. lymphokines, lps and ibdv ... | 1983 | 18766775 |
protection by attenuated and polyvalent vaccines against highly virulent strains of marek's disease virus. | tests confirmed that turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccine protected chickens poorly against challenge with the highly virulent md5 strain of marek's disease (md) virus, especially in chickens with homologous hvt antibodies. the naturally avirulent sb-1 vaccine virus was likewise poorly protective against challenge with the md5 strain. homologous antibodies reduced the protective efficacy of both vaccines, but sb-1 was not affected by hvt antibodies. in order to provide better protection against stra ... | 1982 | 18770172 |
ultrastructure of the central nervous system in marek's disease and the effect of route of infection on lesion incidence in the central nervous system. | the ultrastructure of the lesions of the central nervous system (cns) of chickens was examined at intervals after intra-abdominal inoculation of marek's disease virus (mdv). no transient paralysis occurred. peri-vascular accumulations of lymphocytes and macrophages (cuffing) were accompanied by invasion of the cns by these blood-borne leukocytes in the most severe lesions. only minor damage to axons, myelin or glial cells was detected and no structural evidence for viral replication was observed ... | 1982 | 18770186 |
characterisation of two highly oncogenic strains of marek's disease virus. | the rb-1b and ala-8 strains of marek's disease (md) virus, which were isolated from chickens with md and which had been vaccinated with the herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt), were evaluated for their oncogenic potential in genetically susceptible (p-line) and resistant (n-line, pdrc) chickens. rb-1b and ala-8 were both highly oncogenic, causing a high incidence of md in both susceptible and resistant birds. vaccination of p-line birds with sb-1 or hvt did not protect satisfactorily against rb-1b. how ... | 1982 | 18770225 |
monoclonal antibodies specific to and cross-reactive with marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys. | in order to identify the specific and cross-reactive antigens to marek's disease virus (mdv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt), we prepared hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies against these viruses. these monoclonal antibodies were screened by the indirect immunofluorescence method. the purified virus-specific antigens appeared to be more effective immunogens than unpurified virus-infected cell homogenates. totals of 50 and 14 hybridoma clones were found to produce antibodies specific to m ... | 1982 | 6191751 |
marek's disease in turkeys: lack of protection by vaccination. | herpesvirus of turkeys, a highly effective vaccine against marek's disease (md) in chickens, was ineffective in protecting turkeys against md. another tissue-culture attenuated vaccine virus also protected chickens, but not turkeys, from md. intact and immunosuppressed turkey poults inoculated with herpesvirus of turkey developed a persistent viremia, but did not have detectable gross or microscopic lesions. | 1982 | 6280536 |
inverted repeat nucleotide sequences in the genomes of marek disease virus and the herpesvirus of the turkey. | the dnas of two herpesvirus, the oncogenic marek disease virus and the serologically related herpesvirus of the turkey, were studied by electron microscopy. on the basis of fold-back molecules observed in single-stranded dna from both viruses, structures have been derived from the overall nucleotide sequence arrangement in their genomes. although differing in molecular weight, the genomes of marek disease virus and turkey herpesvirus are both constructed according to the same plan--two regions o ... | 1982 | 6281774 |
establishment of b-lymphoblastoid cell lines from marek's disease virus-induced tumors in turkeys. | four lymphoblastoid cell lines were established from tumours of turkeys inoculated with high doses of the ga strain of marek's disease virus (mdv). unlike other md lymphoblastoid cell lines of chicken origin, these mdv transformed turkey line appear to be b lymphocytes and produce immunoglobulin. growth characteristics of these cell lines are slightly different; however, they all produce low levels of mdv-specific antigen and carry the complete genome of the virus as determined by virus rescue i ... | 1982 | 6277804 |
the mechanism of genetic resistance to marek's disease in chickens. | genetic resistance to marek's disease in rpl line-6 chickens is expressed not only at the level of host immunological responses against virus an tumour antigens, but also at the level of target lymphoid cells for virus infection and transformation. the nature of the target cell involved was investigated. spleen cells from susceptible line-7 chickens adsorbed more marek's disease virus and turkey herpesvirus in vitro than line-6 spleen cells. in the case of marek's disease virus this was reflecte ... | 1982 | 6277808 |
marek's disease virus (mdv) antigens in the feather follicle epithelium: difference between oncogenic and nononcogenic mdv. | feather tips from chickens infected with oncogenic or nononcogenic marek's disease virus (mdv) were individually tested for mdv antigens by the agar-gel-precipitin test to compare antigen contents of feather follicles infected with oncogenic or nononcogenic mdv. there was a significant difference between oncogenic and nononcogenic mdv in the development of mdv antigens in the feather follicle epithelium of infected chickens. significantly more feather tips from chickens infected with oncogenic m ... | 1982 | 6297453 |
marek's disease--survey on vaccination failures. | twelve years after the initial development of efficacious vaccines against marek's disease--prepared mostly from hvt--and their subsequent use on a large scale, there is a general opinions that failures have been increasing in incidence and in severity. many factors have been held responsible for these failures, and, though efforts are being made to obviate them, no acceptable solutions have been found sofar in the control of the disease in the field. if mistakes in the preparation, storage hand ... | 1982 | 6299837 |
transplantable marek's disease lymphomas. i. growth characteristics during development in two inbred lines of chickens. | lymphomas developed in the pectoral muscle of most chickens inoculated with cells from primary marek's disease virus-induced visceral tumors obtained from chickens of the same inbred line. however, serial passaging of the lymphoma cells in histocompatible hosts generally resulted either in an eventual absence of tumor formation at the inoculation site or in tumor regression. exceptions occurred in two experiments, where tumors grew rapidly and the hosts died early. subsequent passaging of cells ... | 1982 | 7103886 |
chronological observations of feather pulp lesions in chickens inoculated with marek's disease virus. | observations of the feather pulp from chickens inoculated with marek's disease (md) virus revealed diverse lesions similar to those in the peripheral nerves of chickens infected with md. these lesions were categorized as follows: r1-type lesions = from minimal perivascular to diffuse infiltration of small lymphocytes mixed with a few medium lymphocytes or blast cells; r2-type lesion = edema and cellular infiltration consisting of plasma cells and small lymphocytes; and t-type lesion = tumorous p ... | 1982 | 7103893 |
inhibitory activity of cytosine arabinoside on marek's disease virus. | the presence of ara-c in growth medium at concentrations of 10(-4) to 10(-7) m completely or partially suppressed the formation of plaques specific for mdv or hvt and decreased proportionally the growth of hprs line 1 lymphoblastoid cells. administration of ara-c to chickens immediately after infection with mdv (1 mg/chicken/day i.p. for 5 days) reduced the incidence of marek's disease by 50%. thus ara-c appears to be an inhibitor of marek's disease. | 1982 | 6293895 |
[extraction and freeze-drying of herpes virus c3-1 isolated from turkeys]. | possibilities for producing dried preparations of turkey herpes virus c3-1 by use of various ultra-sound desintegrator-systems and different ways of processing the cell suspensions containing the virus were studied. it was established that cell-less virus of a 1.5 to 2 log smaller quantity than the initial virus containing cell suspension can be produced by ultrasound generator with an indirect action -- a vibrating membrane, which transmits the impulses through a liquid medium and the container ... | 1982 | 6291223 |
molecular-biological characterization of marek's disease virus. i. identification of virus-specific polypeptides in infected cells. | 1982 | 6287716 | |
molecular-biological characterization of marek's disease virus. ii. differentiation of various mdv and hvt strains. | 1982 | 6287717 | |
characterization of an antigen associated with the marek's disease lymphoblastoid cell line msb-1. | a marek's disease lymphoblastoid cell line (msb-1) has been analysed by immunoprecipitation for expression of tumour-associated antigen, marek's disease virus (mdv)-specific antigens and antigens specific to avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses. rabbit antisera raised against two independently derived cell lines after extensive absorption with normal chick cells reacted with a polypeptide of mol. wt. 40 000 (40k) in extracts of msb-1 cells. the 40k polypeptide was not present in myeloblasts or in chic ... | 1982 | 6286857 |
dose-dependent inhibition of virus rescue from lymphocytes latently infected with turkey herpesvirus or marek's disease virus. | the number of plaque-forming units (pfu) of turkey herpesvirus (hvt) isolated per 10(6) latently infected splenic lymphocytes was determined by co-cultivation on permissive monolayer cultures in 35-mm-diameter petri dishes. doses of 1 x 10(6) spleen cells or less per culture gave uniform dose-related titers, whereas doses of 8 x 10(6) cells often yielded less than 1-2% of the expected number of pfu. intermediate doses gave proportionally reduced virus yields. this dose-dependent inhibition was o ... | 1982 | 6285880 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of serum antibodies to marek's disease virus in vaccinated chickens. | 1982 | 6127941 | |
the immune response of the chick following viral vaccinations and immunization with sheep red blood cells. | the effects of viral vaccinations and immunization with sheep red blood cells (srbc) on the humoral response of pullets were investigated. pullets were vaccinated with marek's disease virus, newcastle disease virus (ndv), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), and infectious bursal disease virus at appropriate ages used in commercial practice. at seven weeks, the pullets were intramuscularly immunized with srbc. ndv and ibv antibodies were detected by hemagglutination-inhibition tests. hemagglutinat ... | 1982 | 6284114 |
effect of t & b cell immunosuppression on the release of marek's disease virus from the feather follicles of chickens. | 1982 | 6286472 | |
characterization of non-oncogenic marek's disease virus-infected and turkey herpesvirus-infected lymphocytes. | 1982 | 6296281 | |
propagation of virulent and avirulent turkey hemorrhagic enteritis virus in cell culture. | virulent and apathogenic isolates of turkey hemorrhagic enteritis virus (hev) were successfully propagated in lymphoblastoid cell lines of turkey origin, whereas spleen and kidney cell cultures from hev-infected turkeys failed to replicate the virus. the lymphoblastoid cell lines used were mdtc-rp16 and mdtc-rp19, which were previously established from tumors induced by marek's disease virus in turkeys. virus replication followed co-cultivation of lymphoblastoid cells with spleen cells from hev- ... | 1982 | 6297447 |
influence of maternal antibody on efficacy of embryo vaccination with cell-associated and cell-free marek's disease vaccine. | vaccination with turkey herpesvirus (hvt) of 18-day-old chicken embryos from a commercial source or from a cross (15 x 7) of two inbred lines induced better protection against early post-hatch challenge with virulent marek's disease virus (mdv) than vaccination at hatch, despite the presence in embryos of maternally derived antibodies to hvt or to hvt and mdv. however, 50%-protective-dose (pd50) assays revealed that maternal antibodies in embryos reduced vaccine efficacy. the pd50 assays were co ... | 1982 | 6297450 |
the epidemiology of avian herpesviruses in veterinary medicine. | there are ten avian herpesviruses, which have been isolated from eight orders. six of these are of veterinary importance: pacheco's parrot disease virus, pigeon herpesvirus, duck plague virus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, herpesvirus of turkeys and marek's disease virus. the knowledge on the epidemiology of each virus and the disease it causes is discussed. features in common to infections with most avian herpesviruses are: infection is persistent in individuals and ubiquitous in populati ... | 1982 | 6299838 |
collaborative study of the assay for virus content of marek's disease vaccines using a reference preparation. | 1982 | 6284759 | |
in vitro infection of lymphocytes with marek's disease virus. | suspension cultures of splenic lymphocytes, incubated at 41 degrees c, became infected with marek's disease virus (mdv) following exposure to a) other infected lymphocytes, b) infected chicken kidney monolayer cultures, or c) cell-free mdv. both viral antigen expression and virus isolation could be demonstrated after more than 40 passages made by the addition of fresh spleen cells at 2- to 3-day intervals. susceptibility of spleen cells from bursectomized chickens was markedly lower than that of ... | 1982 | 6287084 |
circular forms of viral dna in marek's disease virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cells. | the state of viral dna in three marek's disease virus (mdv)-transformed chicken cell lines (mdcc-msb-1, mdcc-hp-2, mdcc-rp-1) was investigated by cscl-density gradient centrifugation, and sedimentation analysis in neutral glycerol gradients. each cell line contained mdv dna integrated into the host cell genome. additionally, free viral dna could be identified in mdcc-msb-1 and mdcc-hp-2 cells, sedimenting at about 100 s, and banding at the position of circular dna in cscl-ethidiumbromide gradien ... | 1982 | 6287971 |
in vivo study of interference between herpes and influenza viruses. | 1982 | 6288823 | |
impaired host resistance against local jmv marek's disease tumors after thymectomy and after bursectomy. | 1982 | 6293284 | |
partial restriction map of marek's disease virus dna. | a partial restriction map of marek's disease virus (mdv) dna was constructed by digestion with endonucleases bamhi, bg/i and smai and by blotting hybridization. the data suggest that there is a terminal heterogeneous sequence at least on one end of the mdv dna molecule. the data did not reveal four different orientations of the terminal fragments of mdv dna molecules despite the observation that mdv dna contains inverted repeat sequences as also present in herpes simplex virus (hsv) dna molecule ... | 1982 | 6293927 |
[relationship between the genetic polymorphism of alkaline phosphatase and the resistance of broiler poultry to marek's disease virus]. | studied was the polymorphism of alkaline phosphatase in blood plasma samples taken from 507 poulets and cocks of lines 66 and 77 of the cornish breed, and lines 88 and 99 of the white plymouth rock breed. the birds were divided into three groups to test their resistance to marek's disease: (1) controls, (2) infected with the virus of marek's disease with 3 subgroups--resistant birds, slightly susceptible ones, and strongly susceptible ones, and (3) contacts, with two subgroups--survivals and bir ... | 1982 | 6294972 |
[breed, line and sex differences of phagocytic activity in relation to broiler poultry resistance to marek's disease virus]. | the phagocytic activity was studied of 421 poulets and cocks of lines 66 and 77 of the cornish breed, and lines 88 and 99 of the white plymouth rock breed. breed and linear differences were noticed in the changes of the phagocytic activity (phagocytic number and phagocytic index) with birds infected with the virus of marek's disease. the rise of the phagocytic activity with lines 66 and 77 was slighter as compared with that of the white plymouth rock lines 88 and 99. strongest were the changes i ... | 1982 | 6294973 |
marek's disease vaccines. | marek's disease (md) vaccines have been in almost universal use since the early 1970's and constitute the first effective practical means for the control of any neoplastic disease in man or animals. five types have been described: 1) attenuated variants of oncogenic strains (serotype 1) of marek's disease virus (mdv) produced by serial passage in cultured cells; 2) naturally nononcogenic mdv strains (serotype 2); 3) nononcogenic herpesvirus from turkeys (hvt, serotype 3); 4) inactivated cells or ... | 1982 | 6299850 |
[prevention of marek's disease using 3 vaccines in chickens belonging to different genetic varieties of meat producers]. | 1982 | 6299854 | |
surface antigens on marek's disease lymphoblastoid tumor cell lines. | a total of 32 marek's disease virus (mdv)-induced cell lines, 1 avian leukosis virus-induced cell line, and 1 reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev)-induced lymphoblastoid cell line were investigated for the presence of fc receptors, surface igm, and ia-like antigen. surface igm and fc receptors could not be demonstrated on any of the cell lines. ia-like antigen was detected on all mdv-induced cell lines and on the 1 rev-induced cell line. ia-like antigen was unrelated to other antigens reported to b ... | 1982 | 6955560 |
[virus and cancer]. | 1981 | 6294911 | |
structural changes in the dna of marek's disease virus during serial passage in cultured cells. | 1981 | 6274089 | |
[transmission of marek's disease to wild feathered game]. | the following wild feathered game were tested from 6 to 12 months of age: common pheasant (phasianus colchicus), common gray partridge (perdix perdix), european quail (coturnix coturnix), and greek partridge (alectoris graeca). only pheasant was found to be susceptible to infection with a virulent virus of marek's disease. in this bird the first clinical symptoms of the disease (nervous changes) were observed in 28 days from infection. immunoprecipitation antibodies to the marek's disease virus ... | 1981 | 6275596 |
[resistance of broilers to marek's disease virus]. | studied was the resistance, resp., susceptibility of the initial broiler lines - 66 and 77 of the cornish breed, and 88 and 99 of the plymouth rhock breed, which are used in this country for the production of the four-line hybrid, - to the virus of the marek's disease, isolate ct-1. a biologic assay was carried out with a total of 2080 young birds divided into three groups; i groups - infected abdominally; ii group - contacts; and iii group - controls. certain breed, line, and sex differences we ... | 1981 | 6283725 |
persistence and expression of marek's disease virus dna in tumour cells and peripheral nerves studied by in situ hybridization. | we have used cloned fragments of marek's disease virus (mdv) dna and in situ hybridization to search for virus dna and study its expression in infected chick embryo fibroblasts (cef), lymphoblastoid cell lines, tumours and neural lesions. dna from the hprs 16/att strain of mdv was cleaved with ecori endonuclease and several fragments were cloned in escherichia coli using the vector pbr322. seven fragments ranging in size from 2.6 to 11 kbp representing approx. 25% of the mdv genome were labelled ... | 1981 | 6275026 |
immune response and disease resistance in chickens. i. selection for high and low titer to salmonella pullorum antigen. | a selection experiment for high and low anti-salmonella pullorum antibody titer was carried out over four generations within the b1b1 blood group genotype in chickens. the study was aimed primarily at identifying different response patterns controlled by immune response genes linked to the b system, the major histocompatibility complex of the chicken. maximal divergence was obtained in the third generation of selection when agglutination titers of 1/320 and 1/80 in b1b1 high and low responders, ... | 1981 | 6267577 |
detection of normal and aberrant chromosomes in chicken embryos and in tumor cells. | 1981 | 6275374 | |
nature of genetic resistance to marek's disease in chickens. | infection of line 6 resistant and line 7 susceptible chickens with marek's disease virus (mdv) resulted in a depressed phytohemagglutinin (pha) response and the presence of marek's disease (md) tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) in the spleens. at 6-10 weeks after infection, recovery in pha response, diminution in the number of matsa cells, and the presence of significant anti-matsa immunity were observed in line 6 but not in line 7 chickens. both lines had antibody-dependent cell-mediated ... | 1981 | 6262555 |
1980 p. p. levine award (dr. r. l. witter). | 1981 | 6279067 | |
expression of forssman antigen of avian lymphoblastoid cell lines transformed by marek's disease virus or avian leukosis virus. | the expression of forssman-type heterophile antigen on marek's disease (md) virus (mdv)-transformed cell lines, mdcc-msbi 1, -hp1, -rp1 and -bp1, and avian leukosis virus (alv)-transformed cell lines, lscc-1104b1 and -1104x5 was investigated by membrane immunofluorescence and complement-dependent antibody cytotoxicity tests. forssman antigen was detected on a high percentage of the cells in two alv-transformed cell lines and on a smaller percentage of splenic lymphocytes from normal chicken. of ... | 1981 | 6267170 |
serological responses to mycoplasma synoviae in chickens infected with virulent or avirulent strains of marek's disease virus. | the pathogenicity and immunosuppressive capability of five strains of marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) was examined. three of the strains (ala, miss, ncs) were isolated from flocks experiencing vaccine breaks while the other two strains (ga, hn) represented prototype virulent and avirulent viruses. pathogenicity of mdhv strains was evaluated on their ability to cause mortality, their ability to cause gross or microscopic lesions, and the median latent period to death (mlpd) for each strain. an ... | 1981 | 6267580 |
genetic resistance to herpesvirus-induced lymphoma at the level of the target cell determined by the thymic microenvironment. | 1981 | 6270018 | |
immunoprecipitation of marek's disease virus-specific polypeptides with chicken antibodies purified by affinity chromatography. | 1981 | 6269290 | |
a simple in vitro differentiation between turkey herpesvirus and marek's disease virus. | the growth and plaque formation by turkey herpesvirus (hvt) amd marek's disease herpesvirus (mdhv) were examined in qt35 cells, a continuous fibroblast cell line derived from chemically induced tumors of japanese quail. hvt grew and formed plaques consistently in qt35 cells when inoculated with cell-culture-propagated virus or peripheral mononuclear leukocytes (pml) from chickens that had been inoculated with hvt. both oncogenic and nononcogenic strains of mdhv, however, failed to grow and induc ... | 1981 | 6279072 |
natural killer cell activity in chickens exposed to marek's disease virus: inhibition of activity in susceptible chickens and enhancement of activity in resistant and vaccinated chickens. | chickens of 2 genetic lines (lines p and n) were inoculated with a pathogenic strain of marek's disease (md) virus (mdv) and chronologically examined for disease response and natural killer (nk) cell expression. the nk cell reactivity was assayed in an in vitro cytotoxicity assay in which effector cells from the spleen of test chickens were reacted with 51cr-labeled lscc-rp9 target cells. chickens of line p developed progressive debilitating disease and a high incidence of gross tumors and death ... | 1981 | 6279075 |
activation of the alternative complement pathway by normal and transformed cells in homologous and heterologous sera. | a variety of both normal and viral transformed or infected cells have been tested for their ability to activate the alternative pathway of complement in either homologous or heterologous sera. normal cell lines fail to produce alternative pathway activation in homologous sera but readily activate the alternative pathway in heterologous sera. in contrast, human cells, persistently infected with measles virus or chicken cells transformed with oncogenic avian viruses, produce a marked activation in ... | 1981 | 6260511 |
influence of the bursa of fabricius on the pathogenesis of marek's disease. | a series of experiments was conducted to study the influence of embryonal bursectomy (ebx) on the early and late pathogenesis of marek's disease (md). the early lytic infection in the lymphoid organs normally associated with oncogenic md virus infection in intact chickens was not seen in ebx chickens. therefore, the damage to the immune system was minimal. ebx chickens also had lower viremia levels, higher lymphocyte responses to mitogens, and a lower or delayed md mortality when compared with i ... | 1981 | 6260660 |
comparative 50% protective dose assays (pd50) of marek's disease virus strain cvi988. | 1981 | 6260810 | |
reduced vaccinal protection of turkey herpesvirus against field strains of marek's disease herpesvirus. | four isolates of marek's disease herpesvirus (mdv) were obtained from 21-week-old broiler breeders with lesions and mortality from marek's disease (md). they had been properly vaccinated with turkey herpesvirus (hvt). the isolates were designated ala-7, 8, 9, and 10. these 4 mdv strains were compared with the ga isolate of mdv in chickens vaccinated with graded doses of hvt. challenge with the mdv strains was also with graded doses. all 5 isolates of mdv were similar in virulence. however, prote ... | 1981 | 7267529 |
natural killer cell activity in chickens: target cell analysis and effect of antithymocyte serum on effector cells. | a battery of lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells was examined for susceptibility to lysis by natural killer cells of chickens. several susceptible targets were recognized, and most susceptible among these were cells of line lscc-rp9, derived from a lymphoid tumor induced by rous-associated virus 2. the natural killer reactivity against lscc-rp9 target cells did not appear to be directed against an antigen(s) induced by rous-associated virus 2 because other lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells infected with ... | 1981 | 6971810 |
adult t-cell leukemia: antigen in an atl cell line and detection of antibodies to the antigen in human sera. | indirect immunofluorescence of certain human sera demonstrated an antigen(s) in the cytoplasm of 1--5% of the cells of a t-cell line, mt-1, from a patient with adult t-cell leukemia (atl), which is endemic in southwestern japan. the antigen was not detected in other human lymphoid cell lines, including six t-cell lines, seven b-cell lines, and four non-t non-b cell lines. the antigen did not show cross antigenicity with that of herpesviruses, including epstein--barr virus, herpes simplex virus, ... | 1981 | 7031654 |
induction of lymphomas and tumor antigen by marek's disease virus in turkeys. | pathogenic marek's disease (md) virus (mdv) induced a high incidence of mortality and gross and microscopic lesions in turkey poults. inoculated turkey poults became persistently viremic with mdv, although the levels of detectable circulating mdv were generally lower in turkeys than in similarly inoculated chickens. the early lytic phase of md characterized by lymphoid cell destruction and the appearance of viral antigen in lymphoid organ was not as prominent in turkeys as in chickens. gross md ... | 1981 | 6279077 |
marek's disease as a model for the landry--guillain--barré syndrome: latent viral infection in nonneuronal cells accompanied by specific immune responses to peripheral nerve and myelin. | in the chicken, marek's disease virus (mdv) induces a demyelinating peripheral neuropathy that, early in the course of the disease, is histopathologically indistinguishable from that seen in the landry--guillain--barré syndrome in man. a continuing role for a productive infection in the pathogenesis of this disease is unlikely, since neither mdv nor mdv antigens can be characteristically detected in nerves or spinal ganglia examined at necropsy. the authors investigated the possible role of a la ... | 1981 | 7234967 |
the in vivo effect of levamisole on phytohaemagglutinin stimulation of lymphocytes in normal and marek's disease virus inoculated chickens. | 1981 | 7255915 | |
influence of oncogenicity of marek' disease virus on evaluation of genetic resistance. | resistance to marek's disease ( md) is, in part, genetically determined and linked to the major histocompatability complex. the genetic resistance of 9 previously characterized lines of chickens and also of the inbred ucd-003 and 4 congenic lines was evaluated by challenge with jm-10. five lines were highly resistant. these included the n-line and two derivatives from n-line (n-2 and n-5), pdrc strain, and one of the congenic ucd lines. the pdrc genotype is unknown, but the 3 related lines carry ... | 1981 | 6283507 |
[study of viral contamination of japanese quail and cell cultures from their embryos]. | agents identified as adenovirus celo were isolated from organ suspensions of 1500 japanese quails (jq) in 4 experiments. no contaminating viruses were found in examinations of cell cultures prepared from the kidneys of 80 jq. negative results were obtained in examinations of 163 antigens from jq organs in the cofal test. agents identified as mycoplasma were isolated in 16 cases from 736 specimens of the virus-containing fluid used for manufacture of measles virus. according to the results of the ... | 1981 | 6266156 |
attempts ot activate endogenous virus expression with marek's disease virus dna. | several dnas derived from marek's disease virus-infected cells and tissues were tested for in vitro infectivity and for the ability to activate avian endogenous type c virus. the dna isolated from tumour tissue, peripheral blood buffy coat cells, mdv-infected tissue cultures, lymphoblastoid cell lines and feather follicle epithelium cells from mdv-infected birds elicited a negative response in transfection assays. the mdv dnas isolated did not activate the endogenous type c virus from cell cultu ... | 1981 | 6266886 |
mice inoculated with marek's disease tumor cells: increased number of lymphomas. | 1981 | 6269799 | |
herpesvirus infection enhances cholesterol and cholesteryl ester accumulation in cultured arterial smooth muscle cells. | in our previous experiments, atherosclerosis similar to that in humans was reproducibly induced in both normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic specific-pathogen-free (spf) chickens by infection with marek's disease herpesvirus (mdv). in contrast, uninfected chickens fed either relatively cholesterol-poor or cholesterol-supplemented diets did not develop this arterial disease. in experiments reported here, the hypothesis that infection of arterial smooth muscle cells (smcs) with mdv would ... | 1981 | 6271018 |
herpsevirus-induced atherosclerosis. | 1981 | 6271616 | |
spontaneous and induced herpesvirus genome expression in marek's disease tumor cell lines. | we incubated 31 newly established marek's disease tumor cell lines at 41 degrees c for 48 h after subculturing and then examined them to determine the spontaneous rates of expression of viral internal antigen(s), viral membrane antigen(s), and virus isolation. all but two of the lines were isolated from tumors induced by clone-purified marek's disease virus strain jm-10, ga-5, rb-1b, and bc-1a in nine different genetic strains of chickens with defined histocompatibility antigens. the line-to-lin ... | 1981 | 6273319 |
fractionation of marek's disease virus-induced lymphoma by velocity sedimentation and association of infectivity with cellular fractions with and without tumor antigen expression. | cell suspensions of lymphomas induced by marek's disease (md) virus were fractionated by sedimentation at unit gravity on a continuous gradient of bovine fetal serum. cells in various fractions were examined for md tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) by indirect immunofluorescence, using specific antibody, and for viral infectivity by cocultivating fractionated cells with permissive monolayer cells of duck embryo fibroblasts. most matsa-bearing cells in the lymphomas sedimented at a sedimen ... | 1981 | 6267963 |
difference between influences of homologous and heterologous maternal antibodies on response to serotype-2 and serotype-3 marek's disease vaccines. | marek's disease (md) vaccines representing serotypes 2 (sb-1 strain of md virus) and 3 (fc-126 strain of turkey herpesvirus) were administered to 1-day-old md-susceptible chicks that either were free of antibodies or carried maternally derived antibodies against sb-1, fc-126, or a serotype-1 md virus, cu-2 strain. homologous antibodies delayed the development of vaccine virus viremias and inhibited vaccinal immunity, as judged by protection against challenge with the virulent jm-10 strain of md ... | 1981 | 6268052 |
latency of herpesvirus of turkey and marek's disease virus genomes in a chicken t-lymphoblastoid cell line. | the properties of latent herpesvirus of turkey (hvt) and marek's disease virus (mdv) genomes have been studied in virus-non-producer mdcc-bo1(t) cells, a t-lymphoblastoid cell line derived from spleen cells of an hvt-vaccinated chicken. the numbers of the two virus genomes in bo1(t) cells remained stable at 1.6 to 1.8 hvt genome equivalents/cell and 3.4 to 3.8 mdv genome equivalents/cell throughout a number of passages and were not decreased by the presence of phosphonoacetic acid in the culture ... | 1981 | 6268738 |
restriction endonuclease analysis of the genomes of virulent and avirulent marek's disease viruses. | the dnas from virulent strain bc-1 and avirulent strains c2(a) of marek's disease virus (mdv) were compared by electrophoresis on 0.5% agarose gels of the products obtained with the restriction endonucleases bam h1, sal 1, and sma 1. the patterns of the fragments of the dnas from these two strains were very similar, but showed some significant differences in the number and mobility of the dna bands. the dna fragments obtained with the restriction endonucleases, and especially sma 1, were mostly ... | 1981 | 6268948 |
latent infections with marek's disease virus and turkey herpesvirus. | the number of plaque-forming units (pfu) from lymphocytes latently infected with oncogenic (ga-5) or nononcogenic (sb-1) marek's disease virus (mdv) was decreased after complement lysis with antisera against thymus-derived lymphocytes or bursa-derived lymphocytes; an additive effect with dual treatment was observed. complement lysis with antisera against marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (putative tumor antigen) had little effect, which suggests an absence of the antigen on latent ... | 1981 | 6259403 |
[evidence for the persistence of epstein-barr-virus in the parotid gland (author's transl)]. | ebv is associated with b-lymphocytes. it is, however, not clear whether spontaneous activation of ebv genomes in carrier lymphocytes, which are present in the lymphocyte rich area of the oropharynx, is responsible for lifelong persistence of antibody-titers directed against ebv related antigens and the shedding of virus into the oropharynx. alternatively ebv could reside in specific sites of the body and be produced there resembling somehow the situation of marek's disease virus of chicken. that ... | 1981 | 6261052 |
persistence of genomes of both herpesvirus of turkeys and marek's disease virus in a chicken t-lymphoblastoid cell line. | a cell line tentatively designated as mdcc-bo1(t), was established from spleen cells of an apparently healthy chicken inoculated with herpesvirus of turkey (hvt). bo1(t) cells were t lymphoblastoid cells and the more than 95% of them had marek's disease (md) tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa). however, no viral internal antigens or membrane antigens could be demonstrated in them by immunofluorescence tests using chicken anti-hvt and -md virus (mdv) sera. the virus could be rescued from bo1 ... | 1980 | 6254498 |
effects of infectious bursal disease on marek's disease vaccination: suppression of antiviral immune response. | studies were made to determine whether infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) infection would affect the response of chickens to turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccination in the development and level of hvt viremia and virus-neutralizing (vn) antibodies to hvt. the hvt viremia in the vaccinated chickens was not affected by ibdv, whether ibdv was inoculated simultaneously with hvt vaccination at one day of age or whether it was inoculated 3 weeks postvaccination with hvt. however, vn antibody response ... | 1980 | 6268042 |
effects of levamisole on pathogenesis of marek's disease. | levamisole was administered to chickens previously inoculated with merek's disease virus (mdv) or infected by contact, and the influence of the drug on the mortality rate of merek's disease (md) was examined. the chickens inoculated with mdv and then administered levamisole (3 mg/bird) began to die earlier than chickens not treated with levamisole. however, the chickens infected with mdv by contact and then treated with the levamisole had delayed deaths. when the capacity of peritoneal exudate c ... | 1980 | 6248672 |
[obtaining a specific antigen for the comparative testing of immunological methods in the diagnosis of marek's disease]. | comparative studies were carried out on the diagnostic possibilities of immunological methods--precipitation in agar gel, immunofluorescence and indirect hemagglutination, as well as isolation of the virus through primary cellular cultures for the diagnosis of marek's disease. for the purpose were obtained 9 series of specific antigens. the comparative studies were carried out on fowl and blood serums from different poultry yards, as well as from spf chickens, experimentally infected with hprs-1 ... | 1980 | 6163249 |
replicatin of the resident marek's disease virus genome in synchronized nonproducer mkt-1 cells. | mkt-1, a virus nonproducer lymphoblastoid cell line established from a marek's disease tumor, was synchronized by double thymidine block to determine the sequence of events in the synthesis of cellular and latent marek's disease virus dna. cellular dna synthesis was measured by incorporation of [3h]thymidine, whereas viral dna synthesis was determined by dna-dna reassociation kinetics. the results of these studies indicate that the resident marek's disease viral dna in mkt-1 cells replicates dur ... | 1980 | 6251256 |
effect of neonatal thymectomy on pathogenesis of herpesvirus of turkeys in chickens. | effect of immunosuppression on pathogenicity of herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) in chickens was studied. in three experiments, newly hatched chickens of two genetic strains were surgically thymectmized and gamma-irradiated and then exposed to hvt. lymphoid cells of thymectomized-irradiated chickens had reduced in vitro mitogenic response; this result indicated that the immunosuppressive regimen caused suppression of t cell function. the immunosuppressed chickens had more circulating hvt and had a s ... | 1980 | 6250430 |
cohelical arrangement of the dna strand in the core of marek's disease virus particles. | electron microscopic studies on marek's disease virus demonstrated that fibrils of 20 to 30 a were arranged in a cohelical configuration within an electronopaque band of about 100 a thickness in the core of immature particles. these fibrils were presumed to be the dna double helix itself. this configuration may represent an arrangement of the herpesvirus dna. | 1980 | 6246858 |
the latex particle adherence assay: inhibitory effects of protein preparations. | the latex particle adherence to peripheral chicken lymphocytes in the presence of different concentrations of various protein preparations was examined. non-specific inhibition of adherence was observed at and above concentrations of 500 microgram/ml, whereas protein concentrations at and below 250 microgram/ml gave no significant adherence inhibition in control chicken lymphocytes. the protein concentration of 250 microgram/ml of antigens prepared from mdv-infected chicken skin and hprs-1 cells ... | 1980 | 6244992 |
cell-mediated immunity in marek's disease: correlation of disease-related variables with immune responses in age-resistant chickens. | a sequential study of cytotoxic and mitogen stimulation responses of peripheral blood leukocytes (pbl) after inoculation with marek's disease (md) virus was done with the 7 x 15 chickens at 2 weeks of age (group 1) and at 12 weeks (group 3). control groups were inoculated with chicken kidney cells at 2 weeks of age (group 2) and 12 weeks (group 4). during an 8-week observation period, morbidity and mortality were greater in group 1 chickens than in group 3 chickens. the cytotoxic response of pbl ... | 1980 | 6245607 |
heterogeneous population of virus dna in serially passaged marek's disease virus preparation. | 1980 | 6247828 | |
dna of a chicken herpesvirus is associated with at least two chromosomes in a chicken lymphoblastoid cell line. | 1980 | 6251606 | |
[immunoprophylaxis against marek's disease and its perspectives]. | an account is given of the present international position in immunoprophylactic control of marek's disease. an assessment is made of the method used for immunisation in the gdr. in that context, reference is made to problems for which solutions will have to be found in the long run. | 1980 | 6251769 |
performance of 3 successive generations of specified-pathogenfree chickens maintained as a closed flock. | no antibodies against salmonella pullorum, mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma synoviae, haemophilus gallinarum, fowl pox virus, marek's disease virus, herpes virus of turkey, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, avian adenovirus, avian reovirus, infectious bursal disease virus, reticuloendotheliosis virus, avian leukosis virus, avian encephalomyelitis virus and newcastle disease virus were detectable in the sera obtained from these chickens in 3 generations at various ages. antibodies against i ... | 1980 | 6253742 |
in vitro suppression of t-cell mitogenic response and tumor cell proliferation by spleen macrophages from normal chickens. | adherent cells isolated from spleen of normal specific pathogen-free chickens inhibited mitogen-induced blastogenesis of autochthonous, syngeneic, or allogeneic lymphocytes. the adherent cells were also inhibitory to in vitro proliferation of cells of a rapidly dividing tumor line, mdcc-msb-1, derived from a lymphoma induced by marek's disease virus. the effector cell of suppression of both lymphoprolifrative functions appeared to be a macrophage because the suppressive activity of adherent cell ... | 1980 | 6447112 |
isolation and serological differentiation of a herpesvirus from bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus, l. 1758). | an infectious agent was isolated from the liver of bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus, l. 1758). the agent was sensitive to chloroform and its multiplication was inhibited by 5-iodine-2-deoxy-uridine. it passed filters with a pore diameter of 220 nm and more but not 100 nm filters. electron microscopic examination revealed numerous nucleocapsids with hollow capsomeres and few enveloped particles in the supernatant fluids of infected cultures. the nucleocapsids were calculated to have 162 capso ... | 1980 | 7447711 |
independence of chicken major histocompatibility antigens and tumor-associated antigen on the surface of herpesvirus-induced lymphoma cells. | capping of chicken major histocompatibility (mhc) antigens on normal thymus, spleen, and peripheral blood leukocytes was demonstrated, although mhc antigens appeared to be present on only 15 to 18% of normal thymus cells. mhc antigen capping also occurred on cells from a marek's disease herpesvirus-induced transplantable lymphoma (mdct-nym1). capping of a marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) could be induced on mdct-nym1 lymphoma cells as well as on cells of two marek's disea ... | 1980 | 7000703 |
cell-mediated immunity in marek's disease: cytotoxic responses in resistant and susceptible chickens and relation to disease. | two experiments were conducted to study the cell-mediated cytotoxicity of peripheral blood leukocytes (pbl) from chickens inoculated with marek's disease virus (mdv) against a marek's disease-derived lymphoblastoid cell line (msb-1) and to associate the cytotoxicity with incidence of disease. in experiment i, moderately susceptible random-bred, specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated with mdv (group 1), vaccinated with a herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) and inoculated with mdv (group 2), vac ... | 1980 | 6445171 |
cell-mediated immunity in marek's disease virus-infected chickens genetically selected for high and low concentrations of plasma corticosterone. | lines of chickens genetically selected for high (hpc)-and low-plasma corticosterone (lpc) titers were assessed for cell-mediated immunity during marek's disease tumorigenesis. lymphocyte transformation (using phytohemagglutinin and 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene-bovine serum complex) and mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity were evaluated with peripheral blood leukocytes. chickens from the lpc line showed a greater lymphocyte transformation response than those from the hpc line. all tumor-bearing chi ... | 1980 | 7362128 |
selection for virulence and organ-specific metastasis of herpesvirus-transformed lymphoma cells. | the marek's disease virus-transformed, non-producer, lymphoma cell line, mdcc-rpi, was selected by sequential transplantation to produce a highly malignant variant, mdcc-ali. this is evidenced gy an 18-fold decrease in ld50. the new cell line has an increased ability to form metastatic lesions in a distribution which mimics the natural disease. further selections for organ-specific metastasis were undertaken with the isolation of two cell lines, mdcc-al2, selected for liver metastasis, and mdcc- ... | 1980 | 7390658 |
a transmissible chicken tumour associated with reticuloendotheliosis virus infection. | histiocytic lymphosarcomas of the intestine, liver, spleen and sciatic nerve were found at necropsy in a 36-week-old laying hen that was culled from a flock of 1800 birds because of emaciation. type c particles were observed in ultrathin sections of liver and spleen. the serum of the hen contained reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) antigen, and antibody against rev, but lacked antibodies reactive with marek's disease virus or subgroups a and b of rous sarcoma virus. the tumour was transmitted to ... | 1980 | 6250524 |
virus-viral co-cancerogenesis and the other viral interactions. | the article presents the data obtained by the authors in studies of virus-viral co-cancerogenesis, the interaction between some non-oncogenic viruses and well-known oncogenic viruses, the results of co-cancerogenic effect marek's disease herpesvirus with the avian leukemia virus and the possibility of phenotype mixing between oncornaviruses belonging to different species in nature. | 1980 | 6257199 |
[continuous lymphoblastoid cell lines in virological research]. | 1980 | 6254262 |