
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
long-term biological investigations in space.missions in space within the next two decades will be of longer duration than those carried out up to the present time, and the effects of such long-term flights on biological organisms are unknown. results of biological experiments that have been performed to date cannot be extrapolated to results in future flights because of the unknown influence of adaptation over a long period of time. prior experiments with axolotl, fishes, and vertebrates by our research team (in part with sounding rockets ...197511841093
development of locomotor behavior in wild type and spastic (sp/sp) axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum.the homozygous recessive spastic mutant found in the mexican axolotl shows violent coiling and thrashing behavior when subjected to strong tactile or electrical stimulation. in order to establish the time of onset of the first behavioral manifestation of the spastic gene, an etiological analysis of the ontogeny of swimming behavior in mutants and wild type siblings was undertaken. the locomotor patterns shown by embryos in response to an electrical stimulus were analyzed quantitatively from the ...19751202151
the effects of rotation and positional change of stump tissues upon morphogenesis of the regenerating axolotl limb. 19751204936
proceedings: the brain stem of the axolotl ambystoma mexicanum and the frog rana esculenta. 19751082712
[influence of environmental salinity on blood ion concentration of the intact and hypophysectomized axolotl. effect of prolactin]. 19751205118
[effect of prolactin on mucous epidermal cells in the intact and hypophysectomized axolotl]. 197554279
neural crest and early fore limb development in amphibia.anterior trunk neural folds were exchanged between neurula stages 15 to 16 (harrison) of several triturus species and ambystoma mexicanum. donor neural crest cells migrated ventrad before and during initial bud formation. they lined the early lumb epidermis and became incorporated into the young blastema. donor melanophores and non-melanophores contributed substantially to host limb buds.19751211655
[studies of the activity and the isoenzyme patterns of ldh during the development ofxenopus laevis, triturus alpestris andvulgaris andambystoma mexicanum].the present paper deals with studies of the activity and the isoenzyme patterns of ldh during the development ofxenopus laevis, triturus alpestris andvulgaris andambystoma mexicanum. activity measurements have been performed with the optical test method using pyruvate as substrate and the isoenzymes have been separated by vertical starch gel electrophoresis. a) substrate optima for enzyme extracts from embryonic stages 1-38 are identical in the three speciestriturus alpestris, ambystoma mexicanu ...197528304825
[transplantation into the blastocoel of pleurodeles waltlii michah., of blastomers isolated from blocked blastulae obtained from interspecific nuclear transplants between ambystoma mexicanum shaw. and ambystoma dumerilii dugès (urodele amphibians)].ectodermic blastomeres from arrested nucleocytoplasmic blastulae obtained by nuclear graft between ambystoma mexicanum (a. m.) and ambystoma dumerilii (a. d.), are transplanted in the blastocoele of recipient pleurodeles waltlii blastulae. histo-autoradiographic analysis shows that hybrid cells have cellular affinities and multiplication capacities very different from normal ambystoma mexicanum blastulae isolated cells. the possibility that a revitalisation of lethal blastomeres can occur should ...1975813905
proceedings: development of the ipsilateral visual projection in axolotls treated with thyroxine. 19751177125
[demonstration of rna synthesis during segmentation in the axolotl embryo].study of the incorporation of 3h-uridine in cleaving embryo of axolotl has shown a nuclear rna synthesis during the period of synchronous cleavage (6th cycle) as well as after the onset of asynchronous divisions (9th or 10th cycle). in the early development of the axolotl, the extent of the transcription phase looks to be an essential element of the quantitative control of gene activity.1975811409
[evolution of xenografts of embryonic gonads and juvenile ovaries from ambystoma mexicanum shaw, transplanted into triturus alpestris laur].gonad primordium of ambystoma mexicanum when grafted at tail-bud stage on triturus alpestris is indefinately tolerated. testis or ovaries derived from those grafted embryonic gonads follow their differentiaion and reach sexual maturity. axolotl juvenile ovaries transplanted in triturus alpestris are also tolerated; the ovocytes achieve the entire vitellogenesis but are not able to be laid.1975809199
inter- and intramyotomal gap junctions in the axolotl embryo. 19751181218
multiple regeneration from axolotl limb stumps bearing cross-transplanted minced muscle regenerates. 19751181217
re-innervation of axolotl limbs. ii. sensory nerves. 1975237288
re-innervation of axolotl limbs. i. motor nerves. 1975237287
[morphogenesis of the anterior limb primordium and its histochemical aspects in the pleurodele and the axolotl].in both species, the primary mesodermal blastema of the forelimb bud derives from a regional proliferation of somatopleural cells under the ectoderm. a cellular sheet of somitic origin invades the limb blastema early. morphological and histochemical changes suggest the establishment of early ecto-mesodermal interactions in the young limb bud.1975808278
cell cycles in the early development of axolotl embryos, during the course of development, the generation time increases, chiefly on account of a lengthening of the phase of dna synthesis, the longest in the cell cycle. at the stages of the middle blastula and early gastrula, the g1 phase is shorter than in the g2 phase, while at the neurula stage, the g1 phase is far longer than the g2 phase. cells of the chordamesoderm pass through the cycle nonuniformly during gastrulation: a period with a very low index of labeled nuclei and sl ...19751124434
proceedings: axolotl-liver in organ culture. i. some morphological and biochemical parameters. 19751163296
isozymic patterns of lactate dehydrogenase in whole embryos and adult tissues of the mexican axolotl. 19751109827
normal stages of development of the axolotl. ambystoma mexicanum. 19751167837
hormonal stimulation as an aid to artificial insemination in ambystoma mexicanum. 19751116071
[a change in the concentration of potassium and sodium during early axolotl embryogenesis]. 19751214990
pathological changes of golgi complex in hemocytoblasts of spleen of young axolotls after x-irradiation. 19751172336
experimental studies on a lethal gene (1) in the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum.1. gene ł is a recessive lethal factor found in the white strain of axolotls. animals heterozygous for the gene are phenotypically normal. when mated with each other they give offspring 25% of which exhibit the lethal effects of the gene. 2. the ł/ł homozygotes develop normally to an advanced embryonic stage (harrison stage 40) before the effects of the gene are first manifested. they then come to display a characteristic combination of abnormalities, including a disproportionately small head, s ...19751167371
[axolotl 1975]. 19751164736
growth and respiration of regenerating tissues of the axolotl tail.changes in the weight and oxygen consumption were studied during regeneration of the tail in adult axolotls and larvae. the curve of the increase in weight of the regenerating tail in both age groups is s-shaped. the intensity of respiration of the regenerating tail increases in adult axolotls and in larvae at the blastema stage; in adult axolotls there is also a second increase in the intensity of respiration of the regenerating tail during differentiation of the muscles. the relationship betwe ...19751114357
association of an ultraviolet irradiation sensitive cytoplasmic localization with the future dorsal side of the amphibian egg.drastic alterations in neural morphogenesis can be induced by ultraviolet irradiation of the amphibian egg. the target area of u.v. was determined either by direct irradiation of various regions of the egg or by comparing the area of the u.v. hit with the location of the dorsal lip. axolotl eggs which displayed easily recognizable gray crescents were employed for the direct irradiation experiments and albino axolotl eggs were used for a comparison of the u.v. sensitivity of the animal and vegeta ...19751078573
[early activation of ribosomal rna synthesis in axolotl embryos].the incorporation of labeled precursors (3h- and 14c-uridine) into the fractions of salt-insoluble rnas and or rrna was studied in the axolotl embryos at different stages of early development (from the end of synchronous cleavage divisions until the end of gastrulation). rna preparations isolated from the embryos at all stages studied contained incorporated radioactivity. the radioactivity of salt-insoluble rnas markedly increased at the beginning of blastulation and continued to grow, but less ...19751052341
[oxygen consumption and cytochrome oxidase activity of muscle tissue from the limbs of axolotls following restoration of regenerative capability suppressed by x-ray irradiation].the intensity of oxygen consumption and the activity of cytochrome oxidase have been studied in the homogenate, mitochondria and nuclei of the limb muscle tissue in axolotls after the suppression of regenerative ability by x-irradiation and its experimental restoration. under the suppression of regenerative ability, the oxygen consumption was inhibited. the cytochrome oxidase activity in the homogenate and mitochondria decreased and in the nuclei remained at the same level or even increased as c ...1975175338
[histochemical study comparing the activity of delta5-3beta -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase of the testicle of the normal axolotl with that transplanted into a male or female host]. 19744430443
the role of trh in the neoteny of the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19744214731
effect of tsh and long-acting thyroid stimulator on thyroid 131i-metabolism and metamorphosis of the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19744214730
the inheritance of cell differentiation during limb regeneration in the axolotl. 19744140121
lactate dehydrogenase isozymes before and after initiation of the heartbeat in embryos of the mexican axolotl. 19744417959
modulations in the electrophoretic spectrum of newly synthesized protein in early axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) development. 19744442676
dna synthesis without mitosis in amputated denervated forelimbs of larval axolotls. 19744436617
ontogeny and localization of gamma-crystallins in rana temporaria, ambystoma mexicanum and pleurodeles waltlii normal lens development. 19744214710
[determination, by tritiated thymidine incorporation, of the stages of cellular cycle in the axolotl germ in synchronous period of segmentation]. 19744218510
measurement of electrical coupling between cells of axolotl embryos during cleavage divisions. 19744473832
[interspecific nucleocytoplasmic hybridization produced by nuclear graft between the species ambystoma mexicanum shaw and ambystoma dumerilii, duges urodela amphibians]. 19744216429
[development of gonads transplanted into the limb. axolotl. effect of castration of the host animals]. 19744216428
morphogenetic interactions between rotated skin cuffs and underlying stump tissues in regenerating axolotl forelimbs. 19744853261
precocious appearance of the gray crescent in heat-shocked axolotl eggs. 19744857975
variation in rdna redundancy level and nucleolar organizer length in normal and variant lines of the mexican axolotl. 19744855372
patterning in synaptic knobs which connect with mauthner's cell (ambystoma mexicanum). 19744836655
development of pigmentation after transplantation of presumptive epidermis between embryos of white axolotls ambystoma mexicanum of different ages. 19744610790
mutant genes in the mexican axolotl. 197417756293
[the thyroid gland of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum): morphological and functional heterogenicity]. 19744837802
[some electrophysiological characteristics of the dividing axolotl eggs]. 19744837557
the influence of l-thyroxine on the change in red blood cell type in the axolotl. 19744826287
the occurrence of biochemical metamorphic events without anatomical metamorphosis in the axolotl. 19744826286
[electron microscopic study of the endocrine and acinar-islet (transitlonal) cells in the axolotl pancreas]. 19744601346
the effect of ascorbic acid and potassium ferricyanide as melanogenesis inhibitors on the development of pigmentation in mexican axolotls. 19744207619
correlation between karyo- and cytokinesis during the first cell divisions in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum cope). 19744857046
comparative study of the early embryonic cytology and nucleic acid synthesis of ambystoma mexicanum normal and o mutant embryos. 19744820344
patterns of purine synthesis related to iridophore development in the wild type, melanoid, and axanthic strains of the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum shaw. 19744814566
[relation between the periods of cyclic changes in membrane electrical characteristics and phases of cyto- and karyokinesis in cleaving loach and axolotl eggs]. 19744858162
[study of the growth of cartilaginous tissue using the meckel cartilage of the amphibian axolotl]. 19744534473
the chiasmata of axolotls. 19744469154
a comparison of morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand during ontogenesis and regenerationin the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). ii. the development of muscular pattern in the embryonic and regenerating limb. 19744446672
a comparison of morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand during ontogenesis and regeneration in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). i. anatomical description of muscles of the forearm and head. 19744446671
the ultrastructure of lateral line sense organs in the juvenile salamander ambystoma mexicanum. 19744442075
ultrastructure of pigment cells in wild type and color mutants of the mexican axolotl. 19744140038
[localisation by immunofluorescence of secretions related to thyreotropins, gonadotropins and corticotropins in axolotl pituitary(ambystoma mexicanum, shaw (author's transl)]. 19734358329
heart development in the mexican salamander, ambystoma mexicanum. i. gross anatomy, histology and histochemistry. 19734684349
experimental studies on a mutant gene (e) preventing the differentiation of eye and normal hypothalamus primordia in the axolotl. 19734787600
structurally specialized contacts between the photoreceptors of the retina of the axolotl. 19734731301
morphology of developing heart in cardiac lethal mutant mexican axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum. 19734789609
iron kinetics in axolotls (siredon mexicanum). 19734146110
cell division and ribonucleic acid synthesis during the initiation of limb regeneration in larval axolotls (ambystoma mexicanum). 19734717556
the ultrastructure of lateral line sense organs in the adult salamander ambystoma mexicanum. 19734775765
a stereoscan study of the origin of ciliated cells in the embryonic epidermis of ambystoma mexicanum. 19734717981
the oxygen affinity of axolotl blood and haemoglobin before and after metamorphosis. 19734713849
competition between nerves for functional connexions with axolotl muscles. 19734706290
heart development in the mexican salamander, ambystoma mexicanum. ii. ultrastructure. 19734692975
impulse propagation through the cardiac junctional regions of the axolotl and the turtle. 19734541959
[allophenic intergeneric chimera between pleurodeles waltlii michah and ambystoma mexicanum shaw. (amphibia, urodeles). demonstration of tegument chimerism]. 19734202593
[influence of experimental metamorphosis on plasma and erythrocyte lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes in ambystoma mexicanum shaw]. 19734202592
[development of gonads transplanted in the axolotl limb, as a function of the sex of the host. ovary]. 19734196411
[relationship between spontaneous behavior and operant conditioning in an amphibian (axolotl)]. 19734785097
[regeneration after spinal cord dissection in ambystoma mexicanum]. 19734772912
[effect of prolactin on sodium retention in intact and hypophysectomized ambystoma mexicanus (axolotl)]. 19724114885
histological observations on allografts and reciprocal xenografts in newts (notophthalmus viridescens) and axolotis (ambystoma mexicanum). 19724561282
further studies on the maternal effect of the o gene in the mexican axolotl. 19725047366
development of pigmentation in the eyeless mutant of the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum, shaw. 19725047358
muscle morphogenesis in axolotl limb regenerates after removal of stump musculature. 19725042376
[phylogeny of immunoglobulins: immune reaction of the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. kinetics of the immune response and characterization of antibodies]. 19724640729
adaptation in retinal rods of axolotl: intracellular recordings.intracellular recordings of the late receptor potential from rods of isolated axolotl retinas revealed the existence of a dark adaptation mechanism that is independent of rod pigment regeneration. response amplitude of individual rods was measured as a function of intensity both before and at various times after exposure to bleaching illumination. the rod sensitivity increased by at least 3 to 4 log units during a period of 15 to 25 minutes following the bleach. during this time rod pigment rege ...19725033642
[evolution of transplanted gonads in the axolotl limb, in relation to the host's sex. testis]. 19724625224
gene action on proliferation and migration in the developing neural crest of black and white axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum, shaw. 19725016290
genetic and experimental studies on a mutant gene (c) determining absence of heart action in embryos of the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19724553242
effects of thalidomide on the embryonic development of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19725067388
[morphological studies of blood cell differentiation in the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum shaw]. 19725007500
ultimobranchial gland ultrastructure of larval axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum shaw, with some observations on the newt, pleurodeles waltlii micahelles. 19724346500
pathologic changes in the ultrastructure of hepatocytes in the axolotl (ambystoma tigrinum green) under the influence of roentgen rays. 19715562662
an evaluation of myotypic respecification in axolotls. 19715161046
the reactions to carcinogens in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) in relation to the "regeneration field control" hypothesis. 19714111936
electrophoretic analysis of the haemoglobins of ambystoma mexicanum. 19715133344
genetic control of qualitative changes in protein synthesis during early amphibian (mexican axolotl) embryogenesis. 19715165792
Displaying items 1501 - 1600 of 1847