
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
natural contamination of manitoba barley by 3,15-diacetyldeoxynivalenol and its detection by immunochromatography.contamination of canadian barley samples by 3,15-diacetyldeoxynivalenol was detected by enzyme immunoassays combined with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. this is the first reported natural occurrence of this mycotoxin. the barley was infected mainly with fusarium graminearum. deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, and zearalenone were also found.19968967776
how do highly branched (colonial) mutants of fusarium graminearum a3/5 arise during quorn myco-protein fermentations?chlorate-resistant, highly branched (colonial) mutants and auxotrophic mutants were used to study the nuclear distribution, morphology and growth of heterokaryons of the quorn myco-protein fungus, fusarium graminearum a3/5. the results showed that for several complementary homokaryons, even a strong selective pressure was insufficient to maintain heterokaryons in a 'balanced' condition (i.e. exhibiting a wild-type or near wild-type phenotype). furthermore, the margins of heterokaryotic colonies ...19968868427
effects of the infection of toxigenic fungi and an antagonistic streptomyces strain on wheat spikes.the objective of the present study was to determine the effect on infection of wheat spikes by toxigenic fungi (aspergillus parasiticus nrrl 2999, fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3299, fusarium graminearum ceremic 136/92) and a strain of streptomyces sp. that is antagonistic to the above-mentioned fungi. wheat grains (variety granero inta) were sown in 8 pots containing natural soil and kept in a greenhouse chamber. in the period of the early anthesis the wheat spikes were inoculated with conidial susp ...19969011829
structural and antifungal properties of a pathogenesis-related protein from wheat kernel.we have purified and characterized a protein from the water-soluble fraction of wheat kernel (triticum aestivum cv. s. pastore) consisting of a single polypeptide chain blocked at its n-terminus by a pyroglutamate residue; the complete amino acid sequence has been determined by automated sequence analysis performed on peptide fragments obtained by enzymatic hydrolyses of the protein. homology studies have shown that this protein is very similar (97% sequence identity) to the previously character ...19968838588
ph oscillations and constant low ph delay the appearance of highly branched (colonial) mutants in chemostat cultures of the quorn(r) myco-protein fungus, fusarium graminearum a3/ ph 5.8, highly branched (colonial) mutants appear in glucose-limited chemostat cultures of fusarium graminearum a3/5 after ca. 400 h (ca. 107 generations) of growth. the appearance of these mutants was delayed by up to 144 h (45 generations) when the culture was switched at intervals of 120 h between ph 4.8 and 6.6. the concentration of cycloheximide-resistant macroconidia in the culture was used as an indicator of the periodic selection of advantageous mutants and it was found that, in chemo ...199618627088
variation in 8-ketotrichothecenes and zearalenone production by fusarium graminearum isolates from corn and barley in korea.a total of 214 fusarium graminearum isolates were obtained from corn and barley which were collected from kangwon province and the southern part of korea, respectively, and were tested for 8-ketotrichothecenes and zearalenone (zea) production on rice grains. the incidences of trichothecene production by 105 isolates of f. graminearum from corn were 59.0% for deoxynivalenol (don), 37.1% for 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol(15-adon), 13.3% for 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-adon), 7.6% for 3,15-diacetyldeoxyniv ...199620882466
reduced virulence of gibberella zeae caused by disruption of a trichothecene toxin biosynthetic gene.the production of trichothecene mycotoxins by some plant pathogenic species of fusarium is thought to contribute to their virulence. gibberella zeae (f. graminearum) is an important cereal pathogen that produces the trichothecene deoxynivalenol. to determine if trichothecene production contributes to the virulence of g. zeae, we generated trichothecene-deficient mutants of the fungus by gene disruption. the disrupted gene, tri5, encodes the enzyme trichodiene synthase, which catalyzes the first ...19958589414
fusarium graminearum a 3/5 as a novel host for heterologous protein production.we describe a novel fungal expression system which utilizes the quorn myco-protein fungus fusarium graminearum a 3/5. a transformation system was developed for f. graminearum and was used to introduce the coding and regulatory regions of a trypsin gene from fusarium oxysporum. the protein was efficiently expressed, processed and secreted by the recombinant host strain. in addition, the promoter and terminator of the f. oxysporum trypsin gene have been successfully utilized to drive the expressio ...19959636307
choline- and acetylcholine-induced changes in the morphology of fusarium graminearum: evidence for the involvement of the choline transport system and acetylcholinesterase.the response of fusarium graminearum to choline, acetylcholine and a number of related analogues was investigated and their ability to induce a morphological response quantified. a number of mutants resistant to the alkylating agent nitrogen mustard (nim strains) were generated and found to have lost the ability to transport choline. these mutants were found to be insensitive to choline and acetylcholine but not to betaine, ethanolamine and other analogues. in addition, the non-competitive inhib ...19957670634
mycotoxins and fungi in wheat stored in elevators in the state of rio grande do sul, brazil.samples of wheat harvested from 1988 to 1990 and stored in elevators in the south of brazil (12 brazilian, 4 argentinian and 2 uruguayan) were analysed in 1990 for 14 mycotoxins: deoxynivalenol (don), nivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol (das), t-2 and ht-2 toxins, t-2 triol, t-2 tetraol, aflatoxins b1, b2, g1, g2, ochratoxin a (ochra a), zearalenone and sterigmatocystin. one sample (1988 harvest) was contaminated with ochra a (0.04 microgram/g) and three other samples (1990 harvest) were contaminated ...19958522033
phytotoxic effect of deoxynivalenol and gibberella ear rot resistance of corn.the fusarium graminearum mycotoxin deoxynivalenol was shown to be more phytotoxic to corn genotypes susceptible to gibberella ear rot than resistant genotypes. the toxin caused greater damage to the membranes of the susceptible genotypes, as evidenced by the release of na and k ions into solution. isolated protoplasts of ear rot-resistant genotypes were able to bind more radiolabelled deoxynivalenol than those of susceptible genotypes, providing a partial explanation for the membrane tolerance t ...19958581324
mycoprotein reduces glycemia and insulinemia when taken with an oral-glucose-tolerance test.this study investigated the effects of mycoprotein, a food produced by the continuous fermentation of fusarium graminearum (schwabe), on acute glycemia and insulinemia in normal healthy individuals. subjects participated in two single-meal study periods in a crossover design. after an overnight fast, subjects were given milkshakes containing mycoprotein or a control substance, which were isoenergetic and nutrient balanced. each milkshake contained 75 g carbohydrate, equivalent to a standard worl ...19957825525
mycotoxin producing potential of fusarium graminearum isolates from uruguayan barley.twelve isolates of fusarium graminearum were obtained from barely grains collected from different uruguayan regions (harvest 1993-94). this was the predominant fungal species contaminating the crop due to a particular humid and warm season with cold nights conductive to toxin production the isolates were grown on moist, sterile rice, extracted with aqueous methanol, and examined for mycotoxin production. zearalenone (zea) and the trichothecenes deoxynivalenol (don), 3- and 15-acetyl-don (acdon), ...19958684431
the 1994 marjory stephenson prize lecture. evolution of the quorn myco-protein fungus, fusarium graminearum a3/5. 19947952168
production of trichothecene mycotoxins by fusarium graminearum and fusarium culmorum on barley and wheat.wheat cultivars (stoa, mn87150, sumai-3, ymi-6, wheaton) and barley cultivars (robust, excel, chevron, m69) were inoculated in the field with isolates of fusarium graminearum and f. culmorum. the disease (fusarium head blight) kernels were analyzed for deoxynivalenol (don), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-adon) and nivalenol (niv). f. culmorum produced all three trichothecenes on all cultivars tested whereas f. graminearum only produced don and 15-adon. there was no well defined correlation between ...19947708088
production of hormones by fungi.twenty species of filamentous fungi were tested for their gibberellin and sterol production, with emphasis on the action of some factors on these products. while all cultures produced both gibberellin and sterol in variable amounts, aspergillus flavus, a. niger, a. ochraceus, cladosporium cladosporioides, gibberella zeae, penicillium funiculosum, p. italicum and p. rubrum were the best producers. the isolates of a. niger isolated from soil and p. italicum isolated from citrus fruit were selected ...19947740983
use of a series of chemostat cultures to isolate 'improved' variants of the quorn mycoprotein fungus, fusarium graminearum a3/5.variants (designated a23-s and a24-s) of the quorn myco-protein fungus, fusarium graminearum a3/5 were isolated from a series of glucose-limited cultures grown at a dilution rate of 0.18 h-1 for a combined total of 109 d. these variants had unchanged mycelial morphologies but, when grown in mixed culture with the parental strain (a3/5) in glucose-limited chemostat culture at 0.18 h-1, a23-s and a24-s had selection coefficients of 0.013 and 0.017 h-1, respectively, and supplanted a3/5. when a mon ...19947812441
evolution of fusarium graminearum a3/5 grown in a glucose-limited chemostat culture at a slow dilution rate.the evolution of fusarium graminearum a3/5 grown in a glucose-limited chemostat at a dilution rate of 0.05 h-1 (doubling time of 13.9 h) was followed for 957 h or 69 generations. periodic selection of advantageous mutants was monitored in the culture by determining increases and decreases in the concentration of cycloheximide-resistant macroconidia in the population. six peaks in the concentration of cycloheximide-resistant macroconidia were observed representing five adaptive changes in the pop ...19947812442
inhibition of phosphatidylcholine and chitin biosynthesis in pyricularia oryzae, botrytis fabae and fusarium graminearum by edifenphos.colony growth of the fungi pyricularia oryzae, botrytis fabae and fusarium graminearum was reduced by 50% (ed50) by edifenphos concentrations of 7, 25 and 190 microm respectively; the phosphatidylcholine (pc) content of biomass of p. oryzae, b. fabae, and f. graminearum harvested from fungicide-containing-cultures was reduced by 50% by 6, 95 and 350 microm-edifenphos respectively. by contrast, the activities of membrane-bound chitin synthase preparations isolated from the three fungi were approx ...19938360628
mapping quantitative trait loci (qtls) for resistance to gibberella zeae infection in maize.the basic prerequisite for an efficient breeding program to improve levels of resistance to pathogens in plants is the identification of genes controlling the resistance character. if the response to pathogens is under the control of a multilocus system, the utilization of molecular markers becomes essential. stalk and ear rot caused by gibberella zeae is a widespread disease of corn: resistance to g. zeae is quantitatively inherited. our experimental approach to understanding the genetic basis ...19937901750
restriction enzyme fragment patterns of mtdna from a galactose oxidase-producing mold.1. mitochondrial dnas from dactylium dendroides, hypomyces rosellus, fusarium graminearum, gibberella fujikuroi, fusarium tricinctum strains and a galactose oxidase (gao)-producing mold (original strain) presented distinctive restriction enzyme fragment patterns with the endonucleases hind iii and ecori. 2. a small number of comigrating bands was found when the gao-producing mold was compared with the others. the molecular size of mtdna from the gao-producing mold, as judged by summation of frag ...19937906173
[identification of aurofusarin in fusarium graminearum isolates, causing a syndrome of worsening of egg quality in chickens].twenty isolates of fusarium graminearum have been isolated from infested grain. when laying hens were fed with biomass of most isolates, the quality of eggs deteriorated. it was found that all the isolated produced a yellow-orange metabolite with an antibiotic activity against mycelial fungi and yeasts. the metabolite was identified by physico-chemical methods as the dimeric naphthoquinone aurofusarin. the production of the other mycotoxins zearalenone and deoxynivalenol by the fungal isolates d ...19938415517
fungicide inhibition of aflatoxins, diacetoxyscirpenol and zearalenone production.the effect of fungicides on the production of aflatoxin by aspergillus flavus imi 89717, diacetoxyscirpenol and zearalenone by fusarium graminearum was studied. in a yeast extract-sucrose medium, dicloran, iprodione and vinclozolin fungicides significantly inhibited mycelial growth of a. flavus at 250 ppm and significantly decreased aflatoxin production at 100, 250 and 500 ppm, respectively. in potato-dextrose broth, these fungicides diminished the mycelial growth of f. graminearum and productio ...19938112694
acute effects of mycoprotein on subsequent energy intake and appetite variables.the effect of mycoprotein, a food produced by continuous fermentation of fusarium graminearum (schwabe), on energy intake and appetite was investigated. female subjects, all classified as nonrestrained eaters, participated in two 3-d study periods. subjects weighed food consumed on the day before the study, on the day of the meal, and on the following day. subjects were presented with an isoenergetic meal containing either mycoprotein or chicken and visual analogue scales were completed immediat ...19938257542
periodic selection in longterm continuous-flow cultures of the filamentous fungus fusarium monitoring increases and decreases in the proportion of cycloheximide-resistant macroconidia, periodic selection was observed in populations of the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum, grown in glucose-limited chemostat cultures. the results indicated that periodic selection of advantageous mutants of f. graminearum occurred at intervals of about 124 h at both high (d = 0.19 h-1, approximately 34 generations) and low (d = 0.06 h-1, approximately 11 generations) dilution rates. several 'ad ...19938277261
choline: its role in the growth of filamentous fungi and the regulation of mycelial morphology.choline is an essential metabolite for the growth of filamentous fungi. it occurs most notably as a component of the major membrane phospholipid, phosphatidyl choline (lecithin), and fulfills a major role in sulphate metabolism in the form of choline-o-sulphate in many species. choline is usually synthesised endogenously, but exogenous choline can also be taken up, either to compensate for metabolic deficiencies in choline-requiring mutants such as those of aspergillus nidulans and neurospora cr ...19938318261
investigation of possible adverse allergic reactions to mycoprotein ('quorn').mycoprotein ('quorn') is a food produced for human consumption from fusarium graminearum. crossreactivity studies showed that mycoprotein shared multiple common allergenic determinants with aspergillus fumigatus and cladosporium herbarum and some with alternaria alternata. there is, therefore, a potential for mould allergic patients to react adversely to inhaled or ingested mycoprotein. mycoprotein rast screening of mycoprotein production workers was made during a 2 year period. two of the produ ...19938319120
multiple isomers of phosphatidyl inositol monophosphate and inositol bis- and trisphosphates from filamentous fungi.the range of inositol phosphates and inositol phospholipids present in three filamentous fungi, neurospora crassa, fusarium graminearum and phanerochaete chrysosporium has been investigated by hplc analysis. the profiles obtained demonstrate that two isomers of phosphatidyl inositol monophosphate are present, and that an apparent complexity in the number of isomers of inositol bis- and trisphosphates is found in filamentous fungi that has not been observed in animal or plant cells.19938394259
toxins derived from fusarium graminearum, f. culmorum and f. crookwellense: zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol and fusarenone x. 19938411625
experimental study of the effects of known quantities of zearalenone on swine reproduction.experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of known quantities of zearalenone on reproductive performance of gilts. zearalenone was produced on autoclaved corn using pure cultures of fusarium graminearum schwabe (local strain of leskovac). the amount of 22.09 mg/kg of zearalenone in the ration of breeding gilts had an obvious harmful effect on their reproductive performance decreased number of corpora lutea, decreased weight of ovaries, decreased number of live embryos, increased ...19921533420
purification and characterization of a novel antimicrobial peptide from maize (zea mays l.) kernels.several small, acid-soluble, basic peptides with anti-microbial properties have been isolated from maize (inbred b73) kernels. one of these peptides (mbp-1) has been purified to homogeneity and characterized. the peptide has a molecular weight of 4127.08 as determined by plasma desorption mass spectroscopy, has no free cysteines, and is predominantly alpha-helical as determined by circular dichroism. the primary sequence of the peptide (33 residues) has been determined by edman degradation and s ...19921527010
evaluation of filamentous fungi isolated from petals of bean and rapeseed for suppression of white mold.the influence of filamentous fungi isolated from petals of bean and rapeseed on white mold caused by sclerotinia sclerotiorum was evaluated. in laboratory trials, macerates of agar plugs containing hyphal fragments of the pathogen in combination with individual fungi were applied onto celery petioles, and subsequent lesion diameters were recorded. the efficacy of 10 fungi exhibiting a spectrum of lesion suppression on celery was correlated with the efficacy of the same fungi in growth-room (r = ...19921521186
the regulatory gene nit-2 of neurospora crassa complements a nnu mutant of gibberella zeae (fusarium graminearum).the nnu mutant of gibberella zeae (=fusarium graminearum) is unable to catabolize many of the nitrogen sources utilized by its wild-type parent, and may have suffered a mutation in the major nitrogen regulatory locus. transformation of this mutant with the major nitrogen regulatory gene from neurospora crassa, nit-2, restored the wild-type phenotype, thus confirming that the nnu mutation is in the major nitrogen regulatory locus of g. zeae. our results are consistent with the premise of conserva ...19921465117
choline transport in fusarium graminearum a 3/5.fusarium graminearum a 3/5 possesses a high affinity system (km = 32 +/- 8 microm; mean +/- se) for uptake of choline, which was shown to be energy-dependent and constitutive. the maximum rate of choline uptake by this system was repressed by ammonia and glucose, showing a three-fold increase in maximum activity after nitrogen (2 h) or carbon (4 h) starvation. the system was highly specific for choline with only dimethylethanolamine (ki = 198 +/- 29 microm), betaine aldehyde (ki = 95 +/- 14 micr ...19921624123
hydrolysis of vicine and convicine from fababeans by microbial beta-glucosidase enzymes.the toxic glycosides vicine and convicine which are present in fababeans have been implicated in favism, an anaemic disease of humans. vicine and convicine concentrations are reduced by growth of lactobacillus plantarum on fababean suspensions. the glycosides are eliminated from the fababean substrate by the growth of the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum. incubation of fababean suspension with concentrated culture filtrate of aspergillus oryzae, induced for extracellular beta-glucosidase ...19921644702
mycoprotein reduces blood lipids in free-living subjects.mycoprotein is a food produced by continuous fermentation of fusarium graminearum (schwabe). a previous metabolic study showed that mycoprotein decreased total and low-density-lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol and increased high-density-lipoprotein (hdl) cholesterol. this study was undertaken to determine the effects of mycoprotein under free-living conditions. two groups of subjects with slightly raised cholesterol concentrations participated in the 8-wk study. the experimental group was fed cookie ...19921734679
nutrient-dependent selection of morphological mutants of fusarium graminearum a3/5 isolated from long-term continuous flow cultures.highly branched (colonial) mutants (mc1-1-, cc1-1, and c106) of fusarium graminearum a3/5 were each grown with the parental strain (a3/5) in continuous flow cultures at high and low dilution rates using a variety of nutrient limitations. mc1-1 replaced a3/5 in all nutrient-limited cultures tested (glucose-, mg(2+)-, ammonium-, and sulphate-limited cultures), suggesting that it has a higher maximum specific growh rate than a3/5. compared with a3/5, c106 was positively selected for in mg(2+)-limit ...199218601069
dilution rate as a determinant of mycelial morphology in continuous culture.the morphology of mycelial fungi in liquid culture effects culture rheology and this in turn may affect product yield. it is therefore important to understand how environmental factors influence mycelial morphology and this paper describes the effect of dilution rate on two strains of fusarium graminearum, the relatively sparsely branched parental strain (a3/5) and a relatively highly branched "colonial" variant (c106). at any given dilution rate, the concentration of mycelial fragments present ...199118600700
isolation and characterization of zearalenone sulfate produced by fusarium spp.a water-soluble compound related to zearalenone was isolated from a culture of fusarium graminearum 30 grown in rice. the structure of the novel metabolite was determined to be zearalenone-4-sulfate on the basis of fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry, proton nuclear magnetic resonance, uv spectroscopy, and by chemical and enzymatic reactions. strains representing fusarium equiseti, fusarium sambucinum, and fusarium roseum produced the sulfate conjugate as well. in the rat uterus enlargement ...19911827972
production of mycotoxins by selected fusarium graminearum and f. crookwellense isolates.corn cultures (five isolates each of fusarium graminearum group 1 from wheat crowns, group 2 from scabby wheat grains and from ear rot of corn and five isolates of f. crookwellense) were screened for their ability to produce deoxynivalenol (don), nivalenol (niv), fusarenon-x (fus-x) and zearalenone (zea). nine of the ten f. graminearum isolates from wheat produced don (5-165 micrograms g-1) but none produced either niv or fus-x. conversely, 3/5 and 2/5 of the f. graminearum isolates from corn pr ...19911826664
influence of temperature on zearalenone production by regional strains of fusarium graminearum and fusarium oxysporum in culture.zearalenone production by fusarium graminearum and fusarium oxysporum was studied under two temperature conditions. incubation at 25 degrees c for 4 weeks enhanced zearalenone synthesis, improving detection of zearalenone-producing strains of fusarium oxysporum. zearalenone production was either totally or partially inhibited when temperature was lowered to 12-14 degrees c during the last 2 weeks of incubation.19911832924
exogenous camp and cgmp modulate branching in fusarium graminearum.a study was made of the effects of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp), guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cgmp) and choline on the morphology and growth of a wild-type strain (a 3/5) and a highly branched, 'colonial' mutant strain (c106) of fusarium graminearum. addition of up to 50 mm-camp or cgmp to the medium had no effect on the specific growth rate of strain a 3/5. for strain a 3/5, but not for strain c106, exogenous camp caused significant decreases in both mean hyphal extensio ...19911649893
effect of apiforol and apigeninidin on growth of selected fungi.selected fungi were grown on agar plates in the presence of naringenin, apiforol, apiforol 7-o-rhamnoglucoside, or apigeninidin. of the four compounds tested, only apigeninidin inhibited the growth offusarium oxysporum, gibberella zeae, gliocladium roseum, altemaria solani, and phytophthora infestons. in contrast, the growth ofrhizoctonia solani, sclerotium rolfsii, and rhizopus stolonifer (- and +) was not effected by any compound. since apigeninidin is present in seeds ofsorghum sp., we hypoth ...199124258604
biosynthesis, isolation, purification and seperation of zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol.fusarium graminearum kf-376 isolate was found to be able to form simultaneously three toxic metabolites: zearalenone (ff-2), deoxynivalenol (don) and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-acdon). toxins were extracted with methanol - water 3:1 (v/v) and purified by liquid chromatography on charcoal - kieselgel 60 column (preliminary) and aluminiumoxid 90 column. final separation of the metabolites was achived on kieselgel 60 - aluminiumoxid 90 column.199123605897
mechanism by which ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium sulfate inhibit mycotoxigenic this study we examined the mechanism by which ammonium bicarbonate inhibits mycotoxigenic fungi. elevated extracellular ph, alone, was not responsible for the antifungal activity. although conidia of penicillium griseofulvum and fusarium graminearum had internal ph (phi) values as high as 8.0 in buffer at an external ph (pho) of 9.5, their viability was not markedly affected. the phi values from conidia equilibrated in glycine-naoh-buffered treatments without ammonium bicarbonate or ammonium ...19902082821
mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi on cereal grains in western canada.toxins occasionally present on cereal grains in the field in western canada include ergot alkaloids produced by claviceps purpurea and trichothecenes produced by fusarium species, particularly fusarium sporotrichiodes and fusarium graminearum. ht-2 toxin, t-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and deoxynivalenol are the main trichothecenes encountered. during storage of cereals, the predominant toxins and toxigenic fungi are ochratoxin a and citrinin produced by penicillium aurantiogriseum, p. chrysogen ...19902200591
[the mitogenic properties of fusarium graminearum and rhodococcus erythropolis enzymes].blast transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in healthy people is studied by enzymes of the microbic origin possessing the lectin activity. galactose oxidase of fusarium graminearum imv-f-1060 is shown to be mitogenically active with respect to the lymphocytes in the culture in vitro and may be one of home sources of lymphocytic mitogens for the laboratory investigations.19902215288
effect of mycoprotein on blood lipids.this metabolic study was designed to investigate the effects of mycoprotein on blood lipids. mycoprotein is a food produced by continuous fermentation of fusarium graminearum (schwabe) on a carbohydrate substrate. two groups of subjects with slightly raised cholesterol concentrations took part in the 3-wk study. the experimental group was fed mycoprotein in place of meat and the control diet contained meat. there was no change in plasma cholesterol in the control group but there was a 13% reduct ...19902169701
[relation between the production of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone and the mycelial growth of fusarium graminearum on solid natural substrates].a toxicogenic strain of fusarium graminearum which produces don and zea was cultivated on natural solid substrates (wheat, polished rice and hulled rice) under different environmental conditions. the production of both toxins and mycelium growth (in terms of glucosamine) were evaluated to establish the relation between the production of don and zea and the different mycelium growth on the substrates mentioned above. polished rice was the substrate on which most production of both toxins was obta ...19902151302
mycotoxins in cereal grain. part 13. deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol in wheat kernels and chaff with head fusariosis the period of harvest at 1987 field samples of wheat heads with fusariosis symptoms were collected in 18 provinces of poland. subsamples of heads infected with fusarium culmorum ( sacc. and fusarium graminearum schwabe were analyzed for fusarium metabolites. in fractions of kernels with visible fusarium-damage deoxynivalenol (don) was present in average amount of 18.7 mg/kg (range 9.6-25.3 mg/kg) and 3-acetyl don 1.9 mg/kg. fractions of kernels without symptoms of visible fusarium-dama ...19902388686
occurrence of gibberella zeae strains that produce both nivalenol and single ascospore isolation, several sets of asci containing eight ascospores were isolated from perithecia of gibberella zeae. of these sets, seven were investigated for their ability to produce 8-ketotrichothecene mycotoxins on rice grains. analyses were made with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with 63ni electron capture detection. of 56 total isolates, 11 produced nivalenol, 4-acetylnivalenol, and deoxynivalenol, 1 produced nivalenol and deoxynivalenol, 7 produc ...19902285316
effect of gamma-irradiation on f-2 and t-2 toxin production in corn and rice.fusarium graminearum and f. tricinctum were grown on moistened corn and rice. after inoculation the substrates were exposed to gamma-irradiation and growth rate together with mycotoxin production were measured. a delay in mycelium growth and an increase in f-2 and t-2 toxin production occurred after irradiation with 1 and 3 kgy. the maximum f-2 production was 10.7 mg/kg on rice at 3 kgy, whereas t-2 was 735 micrograms/kg on rice at 3 kgy. at 9 kgy neither growth nor toxin production could be det ...19892530143
influence of zearalenone on some metabolic pathways of the rat liver.zearalenone, a natural product isolated from fusarium graminearum, has anabolic properties and affects glycogen catabolism in the rat liver. in the isolated perfused liver, l-lactate production, glucose release from endogenous glycogen and oxygen uptake are increased upon infusion of the compound. fructose metabolism is only slightly affected by zearalenone, except for the transformation of fructose into glucose which is decreased. the action of zearalenone seems to be related to the amount of d ...19892529942
effect of choline on the morphology, growth and phospholipid composition of fusarium graminearum.studies were made of the growth kinetics, morphology and phospholipid composition of two strains of fusarium graminearum, a wild-type strain (a3/5) and a highly branched variant (c106) which arose spontaneously during cultivation of a3/5. no significant difference was observed between the hyphal diameters of the two strains and therefore increased branching of c106 could not be explained in the terms of an increase in hyphal radius in the absence of a change in hyphal growth unit volume. the two ...19892634081
variation in deoxynivalenol, 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, and zearalenone production by fusarium graminearum isolates.of 88 isolates of fusarium graminearum collected from soil or cereals in the united states, 49 produced 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-adon) as the major isomer; one produced 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-adon). a total of 26 isolates collected from cereals or soil in australia, new zealand, norway, china, and poland were used for comparison. of these, 15 produced 3-adon as the major isomer and 2 produced 15-adon.198916347922
use of molecular markers for monitoring fungi involved in stalk rot of corn.separate genes conferring antibiotic drag resistance have been inserted into fusarium graminearum and fusarium moniliforme. these organisms are associated with stalk rot of corn, a disease of uncertain cause. antibiotic resistant fungi were obtained by developing a gene transfer system using whole cells as recipients for dna. hygromycin b and benomyl-resistant colonies were isolated by treating fungal tissue with lithium acetate and adding plasmid vectors containing the respective genes which gi ...198924232721
determination of ergosterol as a measure of fungal growth using si 60 order to determine to fungal growth of fusarium graminearum 480, a method was developed for the extraction and estimation of ergosterol, a sterol specific for fungi. this method includes the direct saponification of bound ergosterol to fungal mycelia followed by n-hexane extraction and quantification using. high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) with uv-detection. this procedure proved to be superior compared with other methods, since the yield of ergosterol yields was higher (up to 40 ...19882973698
isolation and characterization of trichothecin from corn cultures of fusarium graminearum mrc 1125.trichothecin was isolated and purified from corn cultures of a toxic strain of fusarium graminearum. this strain, designated mrc 1125, was obtained from corn in southern africa. the brine shrimp toxicity assay was used throughout the isolation procedure to monitor the toxicity of the fractions. the compound was characterized by detailed 1h (500-mhz) and 13c (125-mhz) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. this is the first report of the production of trichothecin by a fus ...19883415233
influence of water activity and temperature on the accumulation of zearalenone in corn.the influence of water activity (aw) and temperature on the zearalenone biosynthesis in corn has been examined. viable corn kernels were conditioned at different values of water activity (0.90, 0.95 and 0.97), inoculated with fusarium graminearum and incubated at different temperatures. zearalenone was determined at selected times. for the strain used, a constant temperature of 25 degrees c resulted more favorable than 15 degrees c, 20 degrees c and the combination of two weeks at 25 degrees c f ...19882978950
effects of metals on 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol production by fusarium graminearum r2118 in submerged cultures.the effects of selected metals (mg, mn, zn, and fe) on 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-adn) production by fusarium graminearum r2118 and on its mycelial growth were investigated by using a two-stage submerged-culture technique. in certain concentrations ranges, mg and fe stimulated growth but suppressed 3-adn production; at other concentrations, mg, fe, and zn suppressed growth but stimulated 3-adn production. in contrast, mn stimulated growth but totally inhibited 3-adn production at all concentratio ...198816347603
production of fusarenon-x, nivalenol, and zearalenone by gibberella zeae isolates, and their toxicity in fibroblasts and rats.three isolates ofgibberella zeae, the perfect stage offusarium graminearum, were isolated from ground corn cultures obtained from taiwan in 1985 and identified asgibberella zeae l-1, g. zeae i-5, andg. zeae l-7. the isolates were grown on a solid rice medium and extracts prepared with 75% aqueous methanol. the extracts were examined for toxicity in the following systems: (1) cytotoxicity to cultured normal human diploid skin fibroblasts and mouse fibroblasts; and (2) toxicity to rats of unextrac ...198823605160
pathogenicity of fusarium graminearum schwabe isolates from poland towards seedlings of cereal species.ten isolates offusarium graminearum schwabe originating from diseased cereal plants and kernels were tested for pathogenicity to various cultivars of wheat, rye, triticale and oats. the isolates varied greatly in their pathogenicity to the seedlings of the species, and were most pathogenic to rye and triticale, less pathogenic to barley and wheat and least pathogenic to oats.198723605008
suppression of immune response in the b6c3f1 mouse after dietary exposure to the fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) and zearalenone.the effect that dietary exposure to the naturally-occurring fusarium graminearum toxins deoxynivalenol (don) and zearalenone (zea) may have on immune function was assessed in the b6c3f1 mouse. dietary don depressed the plaque-forming response to sheep red blood cells, the delayed hypersensitivity response to keyhole limpet haemocyanin and the ability to resist listeria monocytogenes. listerial resistance was similarly decreased in control mice fed restricted diets comparable to the dietary restr ...19872953660
feeding grain contaminated with fusarium graminearum and fusarium moniliforme to pigs and chickens. 19873675418
production of mycotoxins by fusarium species isolated in germany. 2. time course of deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol formation by fusarium graminearum in different liquid media.several semisynthetic liquid media were examined for the large-scale production of deoxynivalenol (don) und 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (acdon) by fusarium graminearum 183. only in three of the eight media used could high toxin yields of don and acdon be detected. the maximum levels of don in a medium according to miller were 3 mg/l and of acdon 32 mg/l. in glucose-yeast extract-peptone (gyep) medium containing 1% glucose, the acdon concentrations reached 33 mg/l and the don yields were 19 mg/l. in a ...19873439351
impact of high dietary vomitoxin on yolk yield and embryonic mortality.single comb white leghorn hens at 58 weeks of age were given control (c) and vomitoxin (v)-contaminated feed for 4 weeks; then the v treatment was changed to c for 2 subsequent weeks. fusarium graminearum-infected corn was substituted for sound corn to attain a practical extreme of 38 ppm v. hen-day production, feed consumption, body weight, and gross pathology were the same between treatments. egg weight, internal quality, and shell strength were not adversely affected; however, dietary v led t ...19873658889
decreased feed consumption and body-weight gain in the b6c3f1 mouse after dietary exposure to 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol.15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-adon), a biosynthetic precursor of deoxynivalenol (don), was extracted from rice cultures of fusarium graminearum r6576 and purified. growing female b6c3f1 mice were fed semi-purified diets containing 0, 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0 ppm 15-adon over 56 days and assessed for effects on feed intake, body-weight gain, terminal organ weights and blood clotting function. a significant reduction in feed intake was observed at the 5.0-ppm level after 44 days, whereas reduced rates of we ...19863804133
production of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone by isolates of fusarium graminearum schw.the production of deoxynivalenol (doni) on rice, corn, wheat, and barley grains by fusarium graminearum schw. nrrl 5883 was investigated. highest yields (91.9-202 ppm) were obtained on rice; yields on the other substrates were: corn (34.1-84.5 ppm), wheat (3.6-24.4 ppm), and barley (0-6.6 ppm). fifty isolates of fusarium from corn inoculated in the field in 1979 with a mixture of strains of f. graminearum, originally collected from corn plants infected with stalk rot, were tested for doni produc ...19862951515
mycological survey of korean cereals and production of mycotoxins by fusarium isolates.the fungal species isolated from korean cereals (barley, polished barley, wheat, rye, and malt) were alternaria spp., aspergillus spp., chaetomium spp., drechslera spp., epicoccum sp., fusarium spp., and penicillium spp., etc. the number of fusarium strains isolated was 36, and their ability to produce fusarium mycotoxins on rice was tested. nivalenol (niv) was produced by fusarium graminearum (7 of 9 isolates), fusarium oxysporum (3 of 10 isolates), and fusarium spp. (7 of 15 isolates). of 15 i ...19862947538
production of deepoxy-diacetoxyscirpenol in a culture of fusarium graminearum.deepoxy-diacetoxyscirpenol was isolated from a laboratory culture of fusarium graminearum grown on a solid rice substrate. it was characterized as 3-hydroxy-4,15-diacetoxy-trichothec-9,12-diene by proton nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. this is the first report of the occurrence of this metabolite in a fungus culture.198616347128
13c nmr study of the biosynthesis of toxins by fusarium graminearum.13c nmr spectroscopic investigations on the biosynthesis of mycotoxins produced by fusarium graminearum (m69) were carried out through the incorporation of [1-13c]- and [2-13c]acetate precursors. the major secondary metabolites produced by this species in still culture were deoxynivalenol (3,7,15-trihydroxy-12,13-epoxytrichothec-9-en-one), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and butenolide. [1-13c]- and [2-13c]acetate were incorporated in alternate carbon atoms in zearalenone, consistent with ...19853156854
rejection by pigs of mouldy grain containing deoxynivalenol.weaner pigs on a farm near beaudesert in south eastern queensland refused to eat feed comprised largely of wheat and barley. older pigs consumed small amounts and some prepubertal gilts subsequently displayed enlarged and reddened vulvas. wheat, barley and triticale were grown on the farm during 1983, which was unusually and persistently wet. the wheat and triticale were harvested and stored for about 3 weeks with moisture contents above 14% before being fed. samples of the wheat and triticale c ...19853158298
deoxynivalenol-contaminated wheat in swine diets.two studies were conducted using fusarium graminearum-infected (scabby) wheat containing 6.8 ppm deoxynivalenol (don), commonly called vomitoxin, substituted for normal wheat in starter pig diets to give varying levels of don. after 3 wk on experimental treatments, one-half of the pigs in trial one were sacrificed to evaluate the effects of don on heart, kidney, spleen and liver. analyses for don residues in these tissues were also performed. the remaining 16 pigs were placed on a conventional d ...19853972745
ingestion of vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol)-contaminated wheat by nonlactating dairy cows.our objective was to determine if there were serious deleterious effects of wheat naturally contaminated with vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol) on nonlactating dairy cows. comparisons were between two quebec spring wheat sources contaminated with fusarium graminearum in a feeding trial involving 10 nonlactating holstein dairy cattle offered good quality hay for ad libitum intake supplemented with wheat-oats concentrate (1 kg concentrate/100 kg body weight). initially, for 3 wk all cows were fed hay plu ...19853998233
assessment of extraction procedures in the analysis of naturally contaminated grain products for deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin).a comparison of 2 extraction solvent systems (acetonitrile-water, 21 + 4 and methanol-water, 1 + 1) and 3 mixing apparatus (high-speed blender, wrist-action shaker, and mechanical stirrer) was carried out for different extraction time periods. methods were evaluated using uncontaminated corn spiked with pure deoxynivalenol (don), field-inoculated (fusarium graminearum) corn, and uncontaminated and naturally infected wheat in swine diets. after sample extraction, aliquots were passed through alum ...19854030633
effect of cleaning, milling, and baking on deoxynivalenol in wheat.samples of wheat naturally infected by fusarium graminearum schwabe were obtained from mills in oklahoma, missouri, kansas, and minnesota and fields in nebraska and kansas in 1982; they were analyzed for deoxynivalenol (don). the wheat was milled, and don was found throughout all the milling fractions (bran, shorts, reduction flour, and break flour). the don recoveries for each mill run ranged from 90 to 98%. these samples, regardless of don concentration, also gave similar fractional distributi ...19854051489
deoxynivalenol and 15-monoacetyl deoxynivalenol production by fusarium graminearum r6576 in liquid media.growth and toxigenesis by fusarium graminearum r6576, were compared in four liquid media. parameters monitored during the fermentation were deoxynivalenol (don) and 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol (15-adon) production, fungal mass, carbohydrate utilization, and ph. factors which were varied included basal medium composition, corn steep liquor (csl) concentration, sucrose concentration and ammonium tartrate concentration. growth in modified fries medium resulted in only low levels of don (0.25 mg/l) and ...19853840229
[various properties of galactose oxidase from fusarium graminearum imv-f-1060 immobilized on aminoorganosilochromes].galactose oxidase preparations are obtained from fusarium graminearum imv-f-n 1060 immobilized on aminoorganosilochromes activated by cyanuron chloride and 2.4-toluylene diizocyanate. the immobilized preparations were studied for their selective action on different carbohydrate substrates and for the ph-medium dependence of the obtained preparation activity. potassium ferricyanide is established to have an activating effect on the immobilized enzyme. it is shown that the immobilized galactose ox ...19846093302
survey of vomitoxin-contaminated feed grains in midwestern united states, and associated health problems in swine.during the 1981 corn harvest season in illinois and surrounding states, cold wet weather enhanced the growth of fusarium graminearum, with resulting contamination by vomitoxin and, to a lesser extent, zearalenone. of 342 feed samples analyzed, 274 contained vomitoxin at a concentration ranging from 0.1 to 41.6 ppm (mean, 3.1 ppm) and 40 samples contained zearalenone at a concentration ranging from 0.1 to 8 ppm (mean, 0.66 ppm). animal health problems and reduced growth performance were observed ...19846230342
simple method for isolation of 4-deoxynivalenol from rice inoculated with fusarium graminearum.a new method for preparative isolation of 4-deoxynivalenol (don) is presented. this method avoids the loss of material during purification on silica gel by column chromatography. don and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol in crude extracts of rice inoculated with fusarium graminearum were converted to triacetyldeoxynivalenol; the acetylated product was easier to purify by silica gel chromatography than don is. after hydrolysis and further purification on a charcoal-alumina column, the 71% pure don was recov ...19846508304
preparation of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) from field-inoculated corn.a process was developed for production of gram quantities of deoxynivalenol (don) from corn that had been inoculated in the field with fusarium graminearum and was estimated to contain 400-500 mg don/kg. steps in the purification procedure included extraction with methanol-water (1 + 1), partition from an aqueous solution into ethyl acetate by using a hydrophilic matrix, defatting, florisil column chromatography, methylene chloride-water partition, semipreparative liquid chromatography (lc), and ...19846698925
[properties of fusarium graminearum galactose oxidase].the kinetics and action mechanism of the galactose oxidase from fusarium graminearum were studied. ph-optimum of the enzyme activity and stability was 7.0, the activity and stability of the galactose oxidase being decreased at any other values of ph. the enzyme is destabilized at acidic ph that is connected with protonization of its ionogenic group with pk 4.7. the temperature optimum of the galactose oxidase is 35 degrees c. when studying the enzyme thermoinactivation, it was found that at temp ...19836647421
[characteristics of purified preparations of the galactose oxidase of fusarium graminearum imv-f no. 1060]. 19836400788
[affinity chromatography of galactose oxidase of fusarium graminearum imv-f 1060 on sepharose 6b]. 19836865809
distribution of vomitoxin in dry milled fractions of wheat infected with gibberella zeae. 19836886223
deoxynivalenol, acetyl deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone formation by canadian isolates of fusarium graminearum on solid substrates.three isolates of fusarium graminearum (daom 180377, 180378, and 180379) were screened for their ability to produce mycotoxins on the solid substrates corn and rice. they all produced deoxynivalenol and zearalenone on corn. on rice, only daom 180378 and 180379 produced significant amounts of these mycotoxins, with levels of deoxynivalenol being much higher than those of zearalenone. the effects of the initial moisture content before autoclaving, incubation temperature, and time were studied with ...19836227284
chemotaxonomy of gibberella zeae with special reference to production of trichothecenes and adopting a single-spore isolation technique, 113 isolates of gibberella zeae, the perfect stage of fusarium graminearum, were isolated from rice stubbles in barley and wheat fields and tested for production of trichothecenes and zearalenone on rice grains. of the isolates, 93% produced the trichothecenes, and they could be subdivided into two chemotaxonomic groups: nivalenol and fusarenon-x producers and deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol producers. no cross production of these two typ ...19836229218
production of vomitoxin on corn by fusarium graminearum nrrl 5883 and fusarium roseum nrrl 6101.two vomitoxin-producing isolates of fusarium spp. were grown on cracked corn for 1 to 8 weeks at 15, 20, 25, 28, and 32 degrees c. maximum production of vomitoxin by fusarium graminearum schw. nrrl 5883 occurred at 30 degrees c and 40 days, and that by fusarium roseum schw. nrrl 6101 occurred at 26 degrees c and 41 days. these optimum production points were determined from response surface contour graphs in relation to temperature and time. only small amounts of vomitoxin were produced at 15 and ...19827081990
the effects of "gasol" grain preservative dosages on the growth of fusarium graminearum and the quantity of the toxin earlier experiments regarding the effects of preservative "gasol" (containing various acids and additional compounds and intended for whole grain preservations) in recommended dosages, prevents the growth of fusarium graminearum and reduces the amount of zearalenone when added to milled grain. it was proved in the tests carried out that the smaller dosages of "gasol" were sufficient for the prevention of growth of the fungus and reduction in quantity of zearalenone. the degree to which the to ...19826217444
comparison of extracts of "fusarium graminearum" as antigens and three immunization procedures for the production of anti-fusaria sera. 19827171244
high tolerance of broilers to vomitoxin from corn infected with fusarium graminearum.corn purposely infected with fusarium graminearum was found to contain 800 to 900 mg vomitoxin/kg. contaminated corn was substituted for control corn at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24% in a corn-soybean meal ration. broiler cockerels were given each experimental diet from 6 to 11 days of age; then sample groups were necropsied. remaining birds were subsequently offered commercial starter for 2 days and sample groups again necropsied. growth and diet consumption were not significantly reduced until contami ...19826215643
photochemical interaction of dictamnine, a furoquinoline alkaloid, with fungal dna.the furoquinoline alkaloid dictamnine has been shown to provoke lethal damage to filamentous fungi in near ultraviolet light. the phototoxicity was more pronounced against mucor hiemalis and mucor ramannianus than against fusarium graminearum and penicillium italicum. in vitro, labeled dictamnine was shown to form covalent monoadducts with purified dna from m. hiemalis in the presence of long-wave ultraviolet light. addition of [3h]dictamnine to cultures of the same organism showed photobinding ...19827104872
selective isolation of fusarium graminearum mutants derepressed for production of beta-glucosidase.a strain of fusarium graminearum produced extracellular beta-glucosidase (beta-d-glucoside glucohydrolase [ec]) subject to carbon catabolite repression. derepressed mutants were selectively isolated by the use of 2-deoxyglucose, a nonmetabolizable catabolic repressor. on each plate of cellobiose and 2-deoxy-glucose inoculated with 10 spores and irradiated with uv light, a few colonies emerged. comparative growth experiments with one of the derepressed mutants and the parent strain showe ...198216346101
the effect of grain preservatives on the growth of the fungus fusarium graminearum and on the quantity of zearalenone. 19816211963
fungal contamination and mycotoxin-producing potential of dried beans.a total of 604 samples of about 7 different types of beans was examined to determine their mycological profiles, and suitability for use as solid substrates for mycotoxin production. all of the samples were collected from bean jam makers in tokyo by the official food examiners. genera penicillium and aspergillus were predominant, and genus wallemia was also found commonly in all types of beans. mycotoxin-producing aspergillus strains were isolated from 52 samples of beans, approximately 9% of th ...19816783913
decomposition of the fusarium graminearum toxin zearalenone in storage conditions.the studies illustrate the effects of preservatives - "luprosil" (propionic acid) and "gasol" (contains organic acids and some additional compounds) on the growth of fusarium graminearum and the quality of zearalenone in contaminated grain. the laboratory conditions resembled, concerning the supply of oxygen, the circumstances in the surface layers of preserved grain mass. the mycelium growth of the fungus fusarium graminearum was visually observed. three successions of studies of grain cultures ...19816460219
laboratory screening for zearalenone formation in corn hybrids and inbreds.grains from 14 corn inbreds and 4 single cross hybrids were inoculated with 3 isolates of gibberella zeae to determine their inhibition of zearalenone production. the corn hybrids: pa762 x a632 (50 mg/kg zearalenone production), a619 x a632 (17 mg/kg zearalenone production), h95 x mo17 (132 mg/kg zearalenone production), and b73 x mo17 (33 mg/kg zearalenone production) appear to have less resistance than the inbreds to toxin formation. inbred h95 (64 mg/kg zearalenone production) supported the h ...19806450196
melting fine structure of filamentous fungus nuclear dna.melting fine structure of the nuclear dna isolated from the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum schwabe is presented. optical melting profiles of nuclear dna were analyzed by using a combination of curve fitting and derivative techniques. the "melting components" were obtained from the derivative curve by a simple decomposition technique. differential optical melting curves of unsheared nuclear dna indicate the presence of 15 "melting components" in filamentous fungus nuclear genome. it shou ...19807443512
microbial acetyl conjugation of t-2 toxin and its derivatives.the acetyl conjugation of t-2 toxin and its derivatives, the 12,13-epoxytrichothecene mycotoxins, was studied by using mycelia of trichothecene-producing strains of fusarium graminearum, f. nivale, calonectria nivalis, and f. sporotrichoides, t-2 toxin was efficiently converted into acetyl t-2 toxin by all strains except a t-2 toxin-producing strain of f. sporotrichoides, which hydrolyzed the substrate to ht-2-toxin and neosolaniol. ht-2 toxin was conjugated to 3-acetyl ht-2 toxin as an only pro ...19807396487
[identification of the mycotoxin zearalenone in argentina].zearalenone, an estrogenic toxin produced by several fusarium sp., was detected by two chromatographic methods in grain and food samples from several farms of th buenos aires province. suspected zearalenone spots were identified by comparing their rf against that of the pure substance, by their change of behaviour under ultraviolet light of different wavelengths, by comparing the rf against a standard preparation after thin layer chromatography in four different solvent systems, and by color rea ...19806216499
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