
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
antibodies of patients with lyme disease to components of the ixodes dammini spirochete.lyme disease is an inflammatory disorder of skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. the disease is associated with a preceding tick bite and is ameliorated by penicillin treatment. a spirochete (ids) isolated from ixodes dammini ticks has been implicated as the etiologic agent of lyme disease. we examined the antibody responses of lyme disease patients to ids lysate components in order to further understand the pathogenesis of this disease. the components were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfat ...19836348092
natural distribution of the ixodes dammini spirochete.spirochetes believed to be the cause of lyme disease were isolated from white-footed mice and white-tailed deer, the preferred natural hosts of ixodes dammini, the tick vector. evidence suggests that deer act as a reservoir of the disease and provide an overwintering mechanism for both spirochetes and adult ticks. some tick larvae may acquire the spirochete by transovarial passage and the nymphal stage may transmit the disease to humans.19836836274
[chronic erythema migrans and tick-transmitted meningopolyneuritis (garin-bujadoux-bannwarth): borrelia infections?].antibodies against borrelia duttoni using indirect immunofluorescence could be demonstrated in 6 patients with erythema chronicum migrans and in 8 persons with tick-borne meningopolyneuritis. significant increases of igg and igm antibody titres in the course of the disease and igg antibodies in the csf indicate recent contact with borrelia duttoni or a closely related agent. demonstration by fluorescence serology of spirochaetaceae in ixodes ricinus in two sites of infection equally indicate suc ...19836839977
bacteriophage in the ixodes dammini spirochete, etiological agent of lyme disease.a bacteriophage with a b-3 morphology was detected by electron microscopy in a spirochete isolated from the tick ixodes dammini. it has a 40- to 50-nm elongated head and a tail 50 to 70 nm in length. it appears devoid of collars or kite-tail structure. the spirochete has been identified as the causative agent of lyme disease.19836853449
spirochetes in ixodes dammini and mammals from connecticut.spirochetes were observed in the midguts of 35% of 147 motile ixodes dammini from three locations in lyme and east haddam, connecticut. positive ticks were removed from eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus), raccoons (procyon lotor), white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus), and a red squirrel (tamiasciurus hudsonicus). spirochetes were isolated in fortified kelly's medium from nine questing or partially engorged i. dammini adults and nymphs and from the bloods of a raccoon and a white-footed mouse ...19836881431
the spirochete in erythema chronicum migrans. demonstration by light and electron microscopy.a lesion of erythema chronicum migrans was examined by light and electron microscopy. spirochetes were identified by light microscopy with steiner silver stain. electron microscopy was performed on deparaffinized tissue of the biopsy specimen and a spirochete was identified in the tissue. this treponema-like spirochete has morphological characteristics similar to those described previously for spirochetes obtained from ticks in areas endemic for lyme disease.19836881479
[the spirochetal etiology of erythema chronicum migrans and garin-bujadoux-bannwarth meningo-polyneuritis].erythema chronicum migrans and tick-born meningo-polyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth are caused by a spirochete transmitted by ixodes ricinus. the same is true of lyme disease, the erythema chronicum migrans infection of north america transmitted by ticks of the same genus. in europe demonstration of igg and igm antibodies against borrelia duttoni during the course of infection and by immunofluorescence staining of spirochetes in ticks at sites of infection indicate this etiology. in the usa a ...19836884950
[the spirochetal etiology of erythema chronicum migrans and of meningo-polyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth].erythema chronicum migrans and tick-borne meningo-polyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth are caused by a spirochete transmitted by ixodes ricinus. the same is true for lyme disease, which is the erythema chronicum migrans infection of north-america transmitted by ticks of the same genus. in europe, this etiology is indicated by demonstration of igg and igm antibodies against borrelia duttoni during the course of infection and by immunofluorescence staining of spirochetes in ticks at sites of infe ...19836659638
"endotoxicity" of the lyme disease spirochete. 19836668073
antibodies to lyme-disease spirochaete in european lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome) 19836136679
lyme disease spirochetes and ixodid tick spirochetes share a common surface antigenic determinant defined by a monoclonal antibody.ixodid tick-associated spirochetes have been implicated as the etiological agents of lyme disease. we raised a murine monoclonal antibody (h5332) against a spirochete, strain b31, isolated from ixodes dammini ticks. in indirect immunofluorescence assays and western blot analyses, h5332 reacted with whole cells or isolated components of not only strain b31 but also spirochetes isolated from ixodes ricinus ticks, a field mouse, a raccoon, and patients with lyme disease. in contrast, h5332 did not ...19836192088
[lyme disease: a new infectious disease]. 19836656464
neurologic abnormalities of lyme disease: successful treatment with high-dose intravenous penicillin.twelve patients were treated with high-dose intravenous penicillin for neurologic abnormalities of lyme disease. headache, stiff neck, and radicular pain usually began to subside by the second day of therapy and were often gone by 7 to 10 days. five of the 12 patients continued to have intermittent mild headache for several more weeks, but no patient relapsed after therapy was stopped. compared to 15 previous patients treated with prednisone alone, the duration of meningitic syndrome was signifi ...19836316826
lymphocytic meningoradiculitis in the united states.lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome) is a radicular neuralgia associated with a chronic lymphocytic pleocytosis in cerebrospinal fluid and frequently with unilateral or bilateral peripheral facial weakness. most reported cases have occurred during the summer among adults living in central europe. lymphocytic meningoradiculitis has occurred in the united states in a few patients with lyme disease and erythema chronicum migrans. however, it may occur independently. we describe a w ...19836685240
lyme disease.lyme disease is a recently described disease of unknown cause that may involve the skin, joints, heart, or nervous system with characteristic symptoms. the disease follows a bite from an ixodes tick. symptoms are generally self-limited and despite the varied and sometimes protracted manifestations, the outcome of the disease is favorable. the epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory features and treatment of lyme disease are reviewed.19836353917
[lyme disease. a new or newly recognized clinical entity]. 19836415420
lyme disease in northern california.lyme disease is a recently described clinical entity with cutaneous, neurologic, articular and cardiac manifestations. since the original description of the disease in 1977, more than 500 cases have been reported. although the vast majority of patients have been from the area near lyme, connecticut, we have seen four patients from northern california with various aspects of lyme disease. this diagnosis should be considered in patients who have traveled to tick regions and who have a distinctive ...19836636745
[erythema migrans disease. a contribution to its clinical features and relation to lyme disease].a largely prospective study averaging 33 months was undertaken in 30 patients with and one without (chronic) erythema migrans. in one case erythema migrans disappeared spontaneously, in the 29 others it persisted up to six months, but quickly responded to antibiotic treatment. measured from the tick bite in 9 patients or from onset of the erythema migrans, arthritis and arthralgia appeared in ten patients on average 6.5 months (0.7-36), and persisted for eight months (0.2-42). in seven of these ...19836872871
spirochaetal aetiology for lyme disease. 19836135024
the early clinical manifestations of lyme disease.lyme disease, caused by a tick-transmitted spirochete, typically begins with a unique skin lesion, erythema chronicum migrans. of 314 patients with this skin lesion, almost half developed multiple annular secondary lesions; some patients had evanescent red blotches or circles, malar or urticarial rash, conjunctivitis, periorbital edema, or diffuse erythema. skin manifestations were often accompanied by malaise and fatigue, headache, fever and chills, generalized achiness, and regional lymphadeno ...19836859726
ticks and lyme disease in the united states. 19836859709
treatment of the early manifestations of lyme disease.during 1980 and 1981, we compared antibiotic regimens in 108 adult patients with early lyme disease. erythema chronicum migrans and its associated symptoms resolved faster in penicillin- or tetracycline-treated patients than in those given erythromycin (mean duration, 5.4 and 5.7 versus 9.2 days, f = 3.38, p less than 0.05). none of 39 patients given tetracycline developed major late complications (meningoencephalitis, myocarditis, or recurrent attacks of arthritis) compared with 3 of 40 penicil ...19836407378
was it lyme disease? 19836880371
lyme disease in north carolina.we report two cases of lyme disease in north carolina, further expanding the distribution of known sporadic cases of this predominantly northeastern problem in southern states. physicians in areas where lyme disease has traditionally not been recognized should be alerted to its characteristic rash (erythema chronicum migrans), tick vector (ixodes species), possible severe manifestations (neurologic, arthritic, and cardiac), and response to appropriate antibiotic therapy (penicillin or tetracycli ...19836857306
lyme disease: a new entity. 19836573608
simultaneous occurrence of babesiosis and lyme disease. 19836682178
lyme disease is a spirochetosis. a review of the disease and evidence for its cause.fourteen patients with lyme disease showed typical clinical features of erythema chronicum migrans. eighteen biopsy specimens in all were obtained from the cutaneous lesions of these patients. the predominant histologic finding was a superficial and deep perivascular and interstitial infiltrate composed mostly of lymphocytes, or lymphocytes and either plasma cells and eosinophils or both. the plasma cells were found most frequently in biopsy specimens taken from the peripheries of the lesions, w ...19836410931
lyme disease--success for academia and the community. 19836828125
spirochetes isolated from the blood of two patients with lyme disease.we isolated spirochetes from the blood of 2 of 36 patients in long island and westchester county, new york, who had signs and symptoms suggestive of lyme disease. the spirochetes were morphologically similar and serologically identical to organisms recently found to infect lxodes dammini ticks, which are endemic to the area and have been epidemiologically implicated as vectors of lyme disease. in both patients, there was a rise in specific antispirochetal antibodies in paired specimens of serum. ...19836828119
the spirochetal etiology of lyme disease.we recovered a newly recognized spirochete from the blood, skin lesions (erythema chronicum migrans [ecm]), or cerebrospinal fluid of 3 of 56 patients with lyme disease and from 21 of 110 nymphal or adult lxodes dammini ticks in connecticut. these isolates and the original one from l. dammini appeared to have the same morphologic and immunologic features. in patients, specific igm antibody titers usually reached a peak between the third and sixth week after the onset of disease; specific igg ant ...19836828118
lyme disease-a tick-borne spirochetosis?a treponema-like spirochete was detected in and isolated from adult ixodes dammini, the incriminated tick vector of lyme disease. causally related to the spirochetes may be long-lasting cutaneous lesions that appeared on new zealand white rabbits 10 to 12 weeks after infected ticks fed on them. samples of serum from patients with lyme disease were shown by indirect immunofluorescence to contain antibodies to this agent. it is suggested that the newly discovered spirochete is involved in the etio ...19827043737
lyme disease: additional evidence of widespread distribution. recognition of a tick-borne dermatitis-encephalitis-arthritis syndrome in an area of known ixodes tick distribution.lyme disease is a process of unknown etiology that has been linked to bites of ticks of the ixodes ricinus complex. central minnesota is an area of known ixodes dammini distribution. this case represents the first recognition of lyme disease from this area. this case presented as a fluctuating meningoencephalitis with superimposed cranial neuropathy. the characteristic skin lesion, erythema chronicum migrans, was recognized by history, and oligoarticular arthritis subsequently developed. physici ...19827072749
lyme disease. 19827081002
lyme disease: spirochetes up to old ticks? 19827097930
spirochete isolated in tick vectors of lyme disease. 19826807821
demyelinating neuropathy accompanying lyme disease. 19826890169
lyme disease. 19826815444
lyme disease--"what's new in old lyme?". 19827119538
lyme disease in new jersey: a cluster of 4 cases and 13 sporadic cases. 19826956739
lyme disease first observed to be aseptic meningitis. 19827081166
lyme disease and erythema chronicum migrans in minnesota. 19827078540
lyme disease challenges australian clinicians: the implications of australia's first reported case of lyme arthritis. 19827132842
occurrence of erythema chronicum migrans and lyme disease among children in two noncontiguous connecticut may-november 1977 erythema chronicum migrans of lyme arthritis occurred in at least 12 children in new london county, connecticut, east of the original 3-town epidemic focus. the attack rate (0.15 cases per 1,000 persons under 18) was considerably lower than within the focus itself but similar to the rate in towns west of the focus. no cases were identified in litchfield county in northwest connecticut. observed rates of lyme disease varied markedly within connecticut in 1977.19817326064
lyme disease--united states, 1980. 19816793824
a case of "lyme disease" acquired in new jersey. 19816942167
symptomatic high grade heart block in lyme disease.we describe an unusual and remediable form of heart block which developed in the course of lyme disease. the diagnosis of lyme disease requires a careful clinical history pertaining to epidemiologic geography or a history of erythema chronicum migrans. in this case, a highly selective cardiac abnormality responded promptly to systemic steroids.19817460660
treatment of lyme disease. 19817447210
[erythema chronicum migrans with arthritis (author's transl)].in a 46-year-old woman arthritis developed in several large joints eight weeks after the onset of erythema chronicum migrans. the joints of the leg were swollen and painful. in addition there was painful involvement bilaterally of knee, hip and elbow joints. circulating immune complexes were demonstrated in serum and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was moderately increased. all other laboratory and radiological tests were within normal limits. on symptomatic treatment the arthritis regressed ...19807439072
lyme disease: a new tick-transmitted illness now recognized in delaware. 19807202773
lyme disease. 19807423274
lyme carditis: cardiac abnormalities of lyme disease.we studied 20 patients, mostly young adult men, with cardiac involvement of lyme disease. the commonest abnormality (18 patients) was fluctuating degrees of atrioventricular block; eight of them developed complete heart block. thirteen patients had evidence of more diffuse cardiac involvement: electrocardiographic changes compatible with acute myopericarditis (11 patients), radionuclide evidence of mild left ventricular dysfunction (five of 12 patients tested), or frank cardiomegaly (one patient ...19806967274
antibiotic therapy in lyme disease.we studied antibiotic efficacy in 113 patients with erythema chronicum migrans, the first manifestation of lyme disease. erythema chronicum migrans and its associated symptoms resolved faster in patients given penicillin or tetracycline (median duration, 4 and 2 days, respectively) than in untreated patients (10 days; p less than 0.001 and p = 0.005, respectively). erythromycin had no significant effect. although the frequency of subsequent neurologic and cardiac abnormalities was similar in all ...19806967272
cases of lyme disease in the united states: locations correlated with distribution of ixodes dammini.lyme disease, defined by erythema chronicum migrans and sometimes followed by neurologic, cardiac, or joint involvement, is known to have affected 512 patients in the united states. the disease seems to occur in three distinct foci: along the northeastern coast, in wisconsin, and in california and oregon, a distribution that correlates closely with that of ixodes dammini in the first two areas and with ixodes pacificus in the last. the implicated tick, saved by six patients in the northeast, was ...1979496106
neurologic abnormalities of lyme disease. 1979449663
level of awareness regarding some zoonotic diseases, among dog owners of ithaca, new york.worldwide, dogs and cats are the two most common household companion animals. because of this, they can be direct or indirect source of many human infections. fortunately, most of these zoonotic infections can be clinically prevented by appropriate prophylactic interventions.025657956
human exposure to tickborne relapsing fever spirochete borrelia miyamotoi, the netherlands. 024963562
seasonal prevalence of lyme disease spirochetes in a heterothermic mammal, the edible dormouse (glis glis).in europe, dormice serve as competent reservoir hosts for particular genospecies of the tick-borne agent of lyme disease (ld) and seem to support them more efficiently than do mice or voles. the longevity of edible dormice (glis glis) and their attractiveness for ticks may result in a predominance of ld spirochetes in ticks questing in dormouse habitats. to investigate the role of edible dormice in the transmission cycle of ld spirochetes, we sampled skin tissue from the ear pinnae of dormice in ...024705325
human infections with borrelia miyamotoi, japan.we confirmed infection of 2 patients with borrelia miyamotoi in japan by retrospective surveillance of lyme disease patients and detection of b. miyamotoi dna in serum samples. one patient also showed seroconversion for antibody against recombinant glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase of b. miyamotoi. indigenous relapsing fever should be considered a health concern in japan.025061761
geographical and environmental factors driving the increase in the lyme disease vector ixodes scapularis.the population densities of many organisms have changed dramatically in recent history. increases in the population density of medically relevant organisms are of particular importance to public health as they are often correlated with the emergence of infectious diseases in human populations. our aim is to delineate increases in density of a common disease vector in north america, the blacklegged tick, and to identify the environmental factors correlated with these population dynamics. empirica ...024371541
bartonella spp. bacteremia and rheumatic symptoms in patients from lyme disease-endemic region.bartonella spp. infection has been reported in association with an expanding spectrum of symptoms and lesions. among 296 patients examined by a rheumatologist, prevalence of antibodies against bartonella henselae, b. koehlerae, or b. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (185 [62%]) and bartonella spp. bacteremia (122 [41.1%]) was high. conditions diagnosed before referral included lyme disease (46.6%), arthralgia/arthritis (20.6%), chronic fatigue (19.6%), and fibromyalgia (6.1%). b. henselae bacteremia w ...022516098
spatially-explicit simulation modeling of ecological response to climate change: methodological considerations in predicting shifting population dynamics of infectious disease vectors.poikilothermic disease vectors can respond to altered climates through spatial changes in both population size and phenology. quantitative descriptors to characterize, analyze and visualize these dynamic responses are lacking, particularly across large spatial domains. in order to demonstrate the value of a spatially explicit, dynamic modeling approach, we assessed spatial changes in the population dynamics of ixodes scapularis, the lyme disease vector, using a temperature-forced population mode ...024772388
Displaying items 15601 - 15661 of 15661