
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
genomic evolution of the pathogenic wolbachia strain, wmelpop.most strains of the widespread endosymbiotic bacterium wolbachia pipientis are benign or behave as reproductive parasites. the pathogenic strain wmelpop is a striking exception, however: it overreplicates in its insect hosts and causes severe life shortening. the mechanism of this pathogenesis is currently unknown. we have sequenced the genomes of three variants of wmelpop and of the closely related nonpathogenic strain wmelcs. we show that the genomes of wmelcs and wmelpop appear to be identica ...024190075
a phylogenetic study of drosophila splicing assembly chaperone rnp-4f associated u4-/u6-snrna secondary structure.the rnp-4f gene in drosophila melanogaster encodes nuclear protein rnp-4f. this encoded protein is represented by homologs in other eukaryotic species, where it has been shown to function as an intron splicing assembly factor. here, rnp-4f is believed to initially bind to a recognition sequence on u6-snrna, serving as a chaperone to facilitate its association with u4-snrna by intermolecular hydrogen bonding. rna conformations are a key factor in spliceosome function, so that elucidation of chang ...025419488
interaction of lipophorin with rhodnius prolixus oocytes: biochemical properties and the importance of blood feeding.lipophorin (lp) is the main haemolymphatic lipoprotein in insects and transports lipids between different organs. in adult females, lipophorin delivers lipids to growing oocytes. in this study, the interaction of this lipoprotein with the ovaries of rhodnius prolixus was characterised using an oocyte membrane preparation and purified radiolabelled lp (125i-lp). lp-specific binding to the oocyte membrane reached equilibrium after 40-60 min and when 125i-lp was incubated with increasing amounts of ...024037104
co-infection and super-infection models in evolutionary epidemiology.multiple infections are intensively studied because of their consequences for the health of the host but also because they can radically alter the selective pressures acting on parasites. i discuss how multiple infections have been modelled in evolutionary epidemiology. first, i briefly mention within-host models, which are at the root of these epidemiological models. then, i present the super-infection framework, with an original focus on how the definition of the super-infection function can l ...024516718
targeting a dual detector of skin and co2 to modify mosquito host seeking.female mosquitoes that transmit deadly diseases locate human hosts by detecting exhaled co2 and skin odor. the identities of olfactory neurons and receptors required for attraction to skin odor remain a mystery. here, we show that the co2-sensitive olfactory neuron is also a sensitive detector of human skin odorants in both aedes aegypti and anopheles gambiae. we demonstrate that activity of this neuron is important for attraction to skin odor, establishing it as a key target for intervention. w ...024315103
origin of ecdysosteroid udp-glycosyltransferases of baculoviruses through horizontal gene transfer from lepidoptera.baculoviruses infecting lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) encodes an enzyme known as ecdysosteroid udp-glycosyltransferase (egt), which inactivates insect host ecdysosteroid hormones, thereby preventing molt and pupation and permitting a build-up of the viral population within the host. baculovirus egt shows evidence of homology to insect udp-glycosyltransferases, and a phylogenetic analysis supported the closest relative of baculovirus egt are the ugt33 and ugt34 families of lepidopteran udp- ...024834437
sexually dimorphic body size and development time plasticity in aedes mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae).sexual size dimorphism (ssd) in insects often accompanies a sexual difference in development time, sexual bimaturism (sbm).025663826
countermeasure development for rift valley fever: deletion, modification or targeting of major virulence factor nss.rift valley fever (rvf) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic disease characterized by a high rate of abortion in ruminants, and febrile illness, hemorrhagic fever, retinitis and encephalitis in humans. rvf is caused by the rvf virus (rvfv), belonging to the genus phlebovirus of the family bunyaviridae. rvfv encodes a major virulence factor, nss, which is dispensable for viral replication, yet required for evasion of host innate immune responses. rvfv nss inhibits host gene upregulation at the transcript ...024910709
the basic rules and methods of mosquito rearing (aedes aegypti).the rearing of aedes mosquitoes is complex and demanding for several reasons. aedes larvae are affected by temperature, density and available nutrition, mating is not necessarily accomplished naturally and females need a blood meal to develop eggs. the climate chambers where the mosquitoes are kept are warm and sweaty. due to these tropical conditions the larvae develop fast and need to be cared for daily. the laboratory of entomology in national institute of malaria research bangalore has cultu ...024754030
phytopharmacological overview of tribulus terrestris.tribulus terrestris (family zygophyllaceae), commonly known as gokshur or gokharu or puncture vine, has been used for a long time in both the indian and chinese systems of medicine for treatment of various kinds of diseases. its various parts contain a variety of chemical constituents which are medicinally important, such as flavonoids, flavonol glycosides, steroidal saponins, and alkaloids. it has diuretic, aphrodisiac, antiurolithic, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, absorption enhancing, hypoli ...024600195
risk factors associated with death in brazilian children with severe dengue: a case-control study.the purpose of this case-control study was to evaluate risk factors associated with death in children with severe dengue.024473560
larvicidal efficacies and chemical composition of essential oils of pinus sylvestris and syzygium aromaticum against assess the chemical composition and mosquito larvicidal potentials of essential oils of locally sourced pinus sylvestris (p. sylvestris) and syzygium aromaticum (s. aromaticum) against aedes aegypti (a. aegypti) and culex quinquefasciatus (c. quinquefasciatus).024144127
close encounters: contributions of carbon dioxide and human skin odour to finding and landing on a host in aedes a wind-tunnel study, the upwind flight and source location of female aedes aegypti to plumes of carbon dioxide (co2) gas and odour from human feet is tested. both odour sources are presented singly and in combination. flight upwind along the plumes is evident for both co2 and odour from human feet when the odours are presented alone. likewise, both odour sources are located by more than 70% of mosquitoes in less than 3 min. when both co2 and odour from human feet are presented simultaneously ...024839345
innovative dengue vector control interventions in latin america: what do they cost?five studies were conducted in fortaleza (brazil), girardot (colombia), machala (ecuador), acapulco (mexico), and salto (uruguay) to assess dengue vector control interventions tailored to the context. the studies involved the community explicitly in the implementation, and focused on the most productive breeding places for aedes aegypti. this article reports the cost analysis of these interventions.026924235
longevity of animals under reactive oxygen species stress and disease susceptibility due to global warming.the world is projected to experience an approximate doubling of atmospheric co2 concentration in the next decades. rise in atmospheric co2 level as one of the most important reasons is expected to contribute to raise the mean global temperature 1.4 °c-5.8 °c by that time. a survey from 128 countries speculates that global warming is primarily due to increase in atmospheric co2 level that is produced mainly by anthropogenic activities. exposure of animals to high environmental temperatures is mos ...026981200
hexokinase is a key regulator of energy metabolism and ros activity in insect lifespan extension.developmental arrest (diapause) is a 'non-aging' state that is similar to the caenorhabditis elegans dauer stage and drosophila lifespan extension. diapause results in low metabolic activity and a profound extension of insect lifespan. here, we cloned the helicoverpa armigera hexokinase (hk) gene, a gene that is critical for the developmental arrest of this species. hk expression and activity levels were significantly increased in nondiapause-destined pupae compared with those of diapause-destin ...026852422
genetic manipulation of vectors: a potential novel approach for control of vector-borne diseases. 010984525
comparison of metabolic capacities and inference of gene content evolution in mosquito-associated spiroplasma diminutum and s. taiwanense.mosquitoes are hosts of several spiroplasma species that belong to different serogroups. to investigate the genetic mechanisms that may be involved in the utilization of similar hosts in these phylogenetically distinct bacteria, we determined the complete genome sequences of spiroplasma diminutum and s. taiwanense for comparative analysis. the genome alignment indicates that their chromosomal organization is highly conserved, which is in sharp contrast to the elevated genome instabilities observ ...023873917
dsred2 transient expression in culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes.culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes have been successfully genetically modified only once, despite the efforts of several laboratories to transform and establish a stable strain. we have developed a transient gene expression method, in culex, that delivers plasmid dna directly to the mosquito haemolymph and additional tissues. we were able to express dsred2 fluorescent protein in adult cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes by injecting plasmids directly into their thorax. the expression of dsred2 in adu ...023828005
colour cues: effects of ipomoea plant extract on culex quinquefasciatus say gravid females in choosing oviposition site.the interaction between plants and insects is dynamic, and may favour either the plant or the insect. plant chemicals are deeply implicated in this relationship and influence insect behaviour. here, we investigated the oviposition behaviour response of culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes based on the colour cues produced by ipomoea cairica leaves extract. in this study, two sets of oviposition choice experiments were conducted: (1) single solution in a cage; and (2) multiple concentration solution ...027688853
advances and perspectives in the application of crispr/cas9 in insects.insects compose more than half of all living organisms on earth, playing essential roles in global ecosystems and forming complex relationships with humans. insect research has significant biological and practical importance. however, the application of genetic manipulation technology has long been restricted to several model insects only, such as gene knockout in drosophila, which has severely restrained the development of insect biology research. recently, with the increase in the release of i ...027469253
adulticidal & larvicidal efficacy of three neonicotinoids against insecticide susceptible & resistant mosquito strains.due to ever growing insecticide resistance in mosquitoes to commonly used insecticides in many parts of the globe, there is always a need for introduction of new insecticides for the control of resistant vector mosquitoes. in this study, larvicidal and adulticidal efficacies of three neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam) were tested against resistant and susceptible populations of anopheles stephensi liston 1901, aedes (stegomyia) aegypti linnaeus, and culex quinquefasciatu ...026905244
developing antibodies from cholinesterase derived from prokaryotic expression and testing their feasibility for detecting immunogen content in daphnia yield cholinesterase (che) from prokaryotic expression, the che gene that belongs to daphnia magna was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) using forward primer 5'-cccyggngcsat gatgtg-3' and reverse primer 5'-gyaagttrgcccaatatct-3'. to express the gene, one sequence of the amplified dna, which was able to encode a putative protein containing two conserved carboxylesterase domains, was connected to the prokaryotic expression vector pet-29a(+). the recombinant v ...026834012
strong alkalinization in the anterior midgut of larval yellow fever mosquitoes (aedes aegypti): involvement of luminal na+/k+-atpase.recently, na(+)/k(+)-atpase has been detected in the luminal membrane of the anterior midgut of larval yellow fever mosquitoes (aedes aegypti) with immunohistochemical techniques. in this study, the possible involvement of this atpase in strong alkalinization was investigated on the level of whole larvae, isolated and perfused midgut preparations and on the molecular level of the na(+)/k(+)-atpase protein. ouabain (5 mm) did not inhibit the capability of intact larval mosquitoes to alkalinize th ...019048614
prevalence of malaria, dengue, and chikungunya significantly associated with mosquito breeding observe the prevalence of malaria, dengue, and chikungunya and their association with mosquito breeding sites.023610486
effects of beauveria bassiana on survival, blood-feeding success, and fecundity of aedes aegypti in laboratory and semi-field conditions.the fungus beauveria bassiana reduces aedes aegypti longevity in laboratory conditions, but effects on survival, blood-feeding behavior, and fecundity in realistic environmental conditions have not been tested. adult, female ae. aegypti infected with b. bassiana (fi-277) were monitored for blood-feeding success and fecundity in the laboratory. fungal infection reduced mosquito-human contact by 30%. fecundity was reduced by (mean ± sd) 29.3 ± 8.6 eggs per female per lifetime in the laboratory; eg ...022492151
draft genome sequences of enterobacter sp. isolate ag1 from the midgut of the malaria mosquito anopheles isolate of enterobacter sp. was obtained from the microbial community within the gut of the anopheles gambiae mosquito, a major malaria vector in africa. this genome was sequenced and annotated. the genome sequences will facilitate subsequent efforts to characterize the mosquito gut microbiome.022965099
improvised microinjection technique for mosquito technique is of primary importance during the development of transgenic mosquitoes. the study describes the variable factors that influence the viability of medically important mosquito vectors during microinjection.023391792
the role of male harassment on female fitness for the dengue vector mosquito aedes aegypti.sexual harassment studies in insects suggest that females can incur several kinds of costs from male harassment and mating. here, we examined direct and indirect costs of male harassment on components of female fitness in the predominantly monandrous mosquito aedes aegypti. to disentangle the costs of harassment versus the costs of mating, we held females at a low or high density with males whose claspers were modified to prevent insemination, and compared these to females held with normal males ...025544799
human igf1 extends lifespan and enhances resistance to plasmodium falciparum infection in the malaria vector anopheles stephensi.the highly conserved insulin/insulin-like growth factor (igf) signaling (iis) pathway regulates metabolism, development, lifespan and immunity across a wide range of organisms. previous studies have shown that human insulin ingested in the blood meal can activate mosquito iis, resulting in attenuated lifespan and increased malaria parasite infection. because human igf1 is present at higher concentrations in blood than insulin and is functionally linked with lifespan and immune processes, we pred ...023255191
gene structure and expression of nanos (nos) and oskar (osk) orthologues of the vector mosquito, culex quinquefasciatus.the products of the maternal-effect genes, nanos (nos) and oskar (osk), are important for the development of germ cells in insects. furthermore, these genes have been proposed as candidates for donating functional dna regulatory sequences for use in gene drive systems to control transmission of mosquito-borne pathogens. the nos and osk genes of the cosmopolitan vector mosquito, culex quinquefasciatus, encode proteins with domains common to orthologues found in other mosquitoes. expression analys ...018828840
aedes aegypti (l.) survival after exposure to ivermectin.ivermectin has been shown in in vitro studies to have insecticidal properties against aedes aegypti adults. this study aimed to assess these properties in vivo. aedes aegypti survival was not affected by acquiring a blood meal from humans both 5 hours and 24 hours after ingestion of a typical dose of ivermectin.023691626
loss of household protection from use of insecticide-treated nets against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes, benin.pyrethroid resistance is becoming widespread in anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, coinciding with expanded use of insecticide-treated nets (itns) throughout africa. to investigate whether nets in use are still protective, we conducted household trials in northern and southern benin, where an. gambiae mosquitoes are susceptible and resistant, respectively, to pyrethroids. rooms were fitted with window traps and monitored for mosquito biting and survival rates before and after the nets were treated wi ...022709930
morphological variants of aedes aegypti collected from the leeward island of antigua.nineteen aedes aegypti larvae were collected in rural antigua, west indies, from an 18-liter plastic bucket. the location was in a rural area at the northern end of antigua bordering the coast of dickenson bay and approximately 50 m south of halcyon cove beach (17 degrees 09'42.54"n, 61 degrees 50'44.50"w; elevation 16 m). atypical morphology was noted in larvae and 3 reared adult females. fourth instars showed a reduction in length of the lateral hair on the saddle (seta 1-x) with measurements ...022017096
state of the globe: yellow fever is still around and active! 020300379
larval habitats of mosquito fauna in osogbo metropolis, southwestern determine the larval habitats of mosquito fauna and possible impact of land use/ land cover changes on the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases in osogbo metropolis, southwestern, nigeria.023998005
subtle periodicity of pupation in rapidly developing mosquitos: with particular reference to aedes vittatus and aedes aegypti.aedes vittatus and ae. aegypti are important vectors of yellow fever and other arbovirus diseases in africa and they complete many generations, through all developmental stages, in a single year. recent studies on drosophila have offered precise techniques for analysing periodicities in populations of single developmental events in individuals. if the variability of pupation times is low, periodicities may not be recognizable by an obviously polymodal pattern in a single synchronized population. ...05312257
biologically active natural products of the genus callicarpa.about 20 species from callicarpa have reported ethnobotanical and ethnomedical uses, and several members of this genus are well known in the traditional medical systems of china and south asia. ethnomedical reports indicate their use in the treatment of hepatitis, rheumatism, fever, headache, indigestion, and other ailments. several species of callicarpa have been reported to be used against cancer (e.g., callicarpa americana root to treat skin cancer and callicarpa rubella bark to treat tumors ...019830264
light-emitting diode technology improves insect a climate of increased funding for vaccines, chemotherapy, and prevention of vector-borne diseases, fewer resources have been directed toward improving disease and vector surveillance. recently developed light-emitting diode (led) technology was applied to standard insect-vector traps to produce a more effective lighting system. this approach improved phlebotomine sand fly capture rates by 50%, and simultaneously reduced the energy consumption by 50-60%. the leds were incorporated into 2 ligh ...018666546
towards the genetic control of insect vectors: an overview.insects are responsible for the transmission of major infectious diseases. recent advances in insect genomics and transformation technology provide new strategies for the control of insect borne pathogen transmission and insect pest management. one such strategy is the genetic modification of insects with genes that block pathogen development. another is to suppress insect populations by releasing either sterile males or males carrying female-specific dominant lethal genes into the environment. ...025530773
molecular genetic manipulation of vector mosquitoes.genetic strategies for reducing populations of vector mosquitoes or replacing them with those that are not able to transmit pathogens benefit greatly from molecular tools that allow gene manipulation and transgenesis. mosquito genome sequences and associated est (expressed sequence tags) databases enable large-scale investigations to provide new insights into evolutionary, biochemical, genetic, metabolic, and physiological pathways. additionally, comparative genomics reveals the bases for evolut ...018996342
larval anopheline mosquito recta exhibit a dramatic change in localization patterns of ion transport proteins in response to shifting salinity: a comparison between anopheline and culicine larvae.mosquito larvae live in dynamic aqueous environments, which can fluctuate drastically in salinity due to environmental events such as rainfall and evaporation. larval survival depends upon the ability to regulate hemolymph osmolarity by absorbing and excreting ions. a major organ involved in ion regulation is the rectum, the last region for modification of the primary urine before excretion. the ultrastructure and function of culicine larval recta have been studied extensively; however, very lit ...018805805
larvicidal and irritant activities of hexane leaf extracts of citrus sinensis against dengue vector aedes aegypti assess the larvicidal and irritant activities of the hexane extracts of leaves of citrus sinensis (c. sinensis) against the early fourth instars and female adults of aedes aegypti (ae. aegypti).023569887
mosquitocidal bacillus amyloliquefaciens: dynamics of growth & production of novel pupicidal biosurfactant.a strain of bacillus amyloliquefaciens (vcrc b483) producing mosquito larvicidal and pupicidal biosurfactant was isolated from mangrove forest soil. the present study was aimed at studying the kinetics of growth and production of the mosquitocidal biosurfactant by this bacterium.025366212
efficacy of insecticide treated nets against mixed population of mosquitoes at dayalbagh-agra. 025905088
mosquito (aedes aegypti) flight tones: frequency, harmonicity, spherical spreading, and phase relationships.mosquito flight produces a tone as a side effect of wing movement; this tone is also a communication signal that is frequency-modulated during courtship. recordings of tones produced by tethered flying male and female aedes aegypti were undertaken using pairs of pressure-gradient microphones above and below, ahead and behind, and to the left and right over a range of distances. fundamental frequencies were close to those previously reported, although amplitudes were lower. the male fundamental f ...025234901
neural responses to one- and two-tone stimuli in the hearing organ of the dengue vector mosquito.recent studies demonstrate that mosquitoes listen to each other's wing beats just prior to mating in flight. field potentials from sound-transducing neurons in the antennae contain both sustained and oscillatory components to pure and paired tone stimuli. described here is a direct comparison of these two types of response in the dengue vector mosquito, aedes aegypti. across a wide range of frequencies and intensities, sustained responses to one- and two-tone stimuli are about equal in magnitude ...020348350
interfaces between allergen structure and diagnosis: know your epitopes.allergy diagnosis is based on the patient's clinical history and can be strengthened by tests that confirm the origin of sensitization. in the past 25 years, these tests have evolved from the exclusive in vivo or in vitro use of allergen extracts, to complementary molecular-based diagnostics that rely on in vitro measurements of ige reactivity to individual allergens. for this to occur, an increase in our understanding of the molecular structure of allergens, largely due to the development of te ...025750181
pathogenicity tests on nine mosquito species and several non-target organisms with strelkovimermis spiculatus (nemata mermithidae).nine species of mosquitoes and several species of non-target aquatic organisms were tested for susceptibility to the mernaithid nematode, strelkovimermis spiculatus. all species of anopheles, aedes, culex, and toxorhynchites exposed to s. spiculatus were susceptible. of the nine mosquito species tested, c. pipiens quinquefasciatus had the greatest tolerance to initial invasion and the highest percent infection of those that survived. high levels of infection were also achieved with aedes taenior ...019274233
quantitative analysis of harmonic convergence in mosquito auditory interactions.this article analyses the hearing and behaviour of mosquitoes in the context of inter-individual acoustic interactions. the acoustic interactions of tethered live pairs of aedes aegypti mosquitoes, from same and opposite sex mosquitoes of the species, are recorded on independent and unique audio channels, together with the response of tethered individual mosquitoes to playbacks of pre-recorded flight tones of lone or paired individuals. a time-dependent representation of each mosquito's non-stat ...027053654
neuropeptidomics of the mosquito aedes aegypti.neuropeptidomic data were collected on the mosquito ae. aegypti, which is considered the most tractable mosquito species for physiological and endocrine studies. the data were solely obtained by direct mass spectrometric profiling, including tandem fragmentation, of selected tissues from single specimens, which yielded a largely complete accounting of the putative bioactive neuropeptides; truncated neuropeptides with low abundance were not counted as mature peptides. differential processing with ...020163154
an insight into the microbiome of the amblyomma maculatum (acari: ixodidae).the aim of this study was to survey the bacterial diversity of amblyomma maculatum koch, 1844, and characterize its infection with rickettsia parkeri. pyrosequencing of the bacterial 16s rrna was used to determine the total bacterial population in a. maculatum. pyrosequencing analysis identified rickettsia in a. maculatum midguts, salivary glands, and saliva, which indicates successful trafficking in the arthropod vector. the identity of rickettsia spp. was determined based on sequencing the ric ...024605461
using the dfci gene index databases for biological discovery.the dfci gene index web pages provide access to analyses of ests and gene sequences for nearly 114 species, as well as a number of resources derived from these. each species-specific database is presented using a common format with a home page. a variety of methods exist that allow users to search each species-specific database. methods implemented currently include nucleotide or protein sequence queries using wu-blast, text-based searches using various sequence identifiers, searches by gene, ti ...020205187
detritus type alters the outcome of interspecific competition between aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae).many studies of interspecific competition between aedes albopictus (skuse) and aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) larvae show that ae. albopictus are superior resource competitors to ae. aegypti. single-species studies indicate that growth and survival of ae. albopictus and ae. aegypti larvae are affected by the type of detritus present in containers, which presumably affects the amount and quality of microorganisms that the mosquito larvae consume. we tested whether different detritus type ...018533429
a catalog for the transcripts from the venomous structures of the caterpillar lonomia obliqua: identification of the proteins potentially involved in the coagulation disorder and hemorrhagic syndrome.accidents with the caterpillar lonomia obliqua are often associated with a coagulation disorder and hemorrhagic syndrome in humans. in the present study, we have constructed cdna libraries from two venomous structures of the caterpillar, namely the tegument and the bristle. high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analyses were performed in parallel. over one thousand cdnas were obtained and clustered to produce a database of 538 contigs and singletons (clusters) for the tegument library an ...016023793
insect seminal fluid proteins: identification and function.seminal fluid proteins (sfps) produced in reproductive tract tissues of male insects and transferred to females during mating induce numerous physiological and behavioral postmating changes in females. these changes include decreasing receptivity to remating; affecting sperm storage parameters; increasing egg production; and modulating sperm competition, feeding behaviors, and mating plug formation. in addition, sfps also have antimicrobial functions and induce expression of antimicrobial peptid ...020868282
sequence analysis of the genome of the neodiprion sertifer nucleopolyhedrovirus.the genome of the neodiprion sertifer nucleopolyhedrovirus (nesenpv), which infects the european pine sawfly, n. sertifer (hymenoptera: diprionidae), was sequenced and analyzed. the genome was 86,462 bp in size. the c+g content of 34% was lower than that of the majority of baculoviruses. a total of 90 methionine-initiated open reading frames (orfs) with more than 50 amino acids and minimal overlapping were found. from those, 43 orfs were homologous to other baculovirus orfs, and 29 of these were ...015194780
early origin and adaptive evolution of the gw182 protein family, the key component of rna silencing in animals.the gw182 proteins are a key component of the mirna-dependent post-transcriptional silencing pathway in animals. they function as scaffold proteins to mediate the interaction of argonaute (ago)-containing complexes with cytoplasmic poly(a)-binding proteins (pabp) and pan2-pan3 and ccr4-not deadenylases. the ago-gw182 complexes mediate silencing of the target mrna through induction of translational repression and/or mrna degradation. although the gw182 proteins are a subject of extensive experime ...026106978
sterile-insect methods for control of mosquito-borne diseases: an analysis.effective vector control, and more specifically mosquito control, is a complex and difficult problem, as illustrated by the continuing prevalence (and spread) of mosquito-transmitted diseases. the sterile insect technique and similar methods control certain agricultural insect pest populations in a species-specific, environmentally sound, and effective manner; there is increased interest in applying this approach to vector control. such an approach, like all others in use and development, is not ...019725763
vacant lots: productive sites for aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in mérida city, méxico.we assessed the potential for vacant lots and other nonresidential settings to serve as source environments for aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) in mérida city, méxico. mosquito immatures were collected, during november 2011-june 2013, from residential premises (n = 156 site visits) and nonresidential settings represented by vacant lots (50), parking lots (18), and streets or sidewalks (28). collections totaled 46,025 mosquito immatures of 13 species. ae. aegypti was the most ...024724299
neuropeptides in the antennal lobe of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.for many insects, including mosquitoes, olfaction is the dominant modality regulating their behavioral repertoire. many neurochemicals modulate olfactory information in the central nervous system, including the primary olfactory center of insects, the antennal lobe. the most diverse and versatile neurochemicals in the insect nervous system are found in the neuropeptides. in the present study, we analyzed neuropeptides in the antennal lobe of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, a major vect ...023897410
cockroach diuretic hormones: characterization of a calcitonin-like peptide in insects.insect diuretic hormones are crucial for control of water balance. we isolated from the cockroach diploptera punctata two diuretic hormones (dh), dippu-dh(31) and dippu-dh(46), which increase camp production and fluid secretion in malpighian tubules of several insect species. dippu-dh(31) and -dh(46) contain 31 and 46 amino acids, respectively. dippu-dh(46) belongs to the corticotropin-releasing factor (crf)-like insect dh family, whereas dippu-dh(31) has little sequence similarity to the crf-li ...010841553
a survival and reproduction trade-off is resolved in accordance with resource availability by virgin female mosquitoes.the first 2-4 days after an anopheles gambiae female mosquito emerges are critical to her survival and reproductive success. yet, the order of behavioural events (mating, sugar feeding, blood feeding) during this time has received little attention. we discovered that among female cohorts sampled from emergence, sugar feeding had a higher probability than blood feeding of occurring first, and mating rarely occurred before a meal was taken. the night after emergence, 48% of females fed on sugar in ...021499504
new baseline environmental assessment of mosquito ecology in northern haiti during increased urbanization.the catastrophic 2010 earthquake in port-au-prince, haiti, led to the large-scale displacement of over 2.3 million people, resulting in rapid and unplanned urbanization in northern haiti. this study evaluated the impact of this unplanned urbanization on mosquito ecology and vector-borne diseases by assessing land use and change patterns. land-use classification and change detection were carried out on remotely sensed images of the area for 2010 and 2013. change detection identified areas that we ...026047183
plagues and peoples revisited. basic and strategic research for ingectious disease control at the intergace in the life, health and social sciences. 012789403
high frequencies of minos transposon mobilization are obtained in insects by using in vitro synthesized mrna as a source of of the most frequently encountered problems in transposon-mediated transgenesis is low transformation frequency, often resulting from difficulty in expressing from injected plasmid dna constructs adequate levels of transposase in embryos. capped rna corresponding to the spliced transcript of the minos transposable element has been synthesized in vitro and shown to be an effective source of transposase protein for minos transposon mobilization. transposase produced by this mrna is shown to ca ...012140317
evaluation of compounds for insecticidal activity on adult mosquitos. 3. properties of some n-methylthiolcarbamates.n-methylcarbamates derived from thiophenols possess negligible insecticidal activity against the mosquitos anopheles stephensi and aedes aegypti. the probable basic reason for the inactivity is that these compounds are much less efficient inhibitors of cholinesterase than the oxygen analogues.04392937
evaluation of compounds for insecticidal activity on adult mosquitos. 5. toxicity to adult mosquitos and residual properties of some pyrethrin-like compounds are compared with earlier synthetic pyrethroids and natural pyrethrins for intrinsic toxicity to adult mosquitos and for residual contact activity. two of the compounds are at least as toxic as pyrethrin i to female anopheles stephensi and aedes aegypti. residues of these compounds are very persistent in the dark or in very subdued lighting but they decompose on exposure to normal intensities of daylight and rapidly lose their insecticidal activity.04392939
development of the bg-malaria trap as an alternative to human-landing catches for the capture of anopheles darlingi.although the human-landing catch (hlc) method is the most effective for collecting anthropophilic anophelines, it has been increasingly abandoned, primarily for ethical considerations. the objective of the present study was to develop a new trap for the collection of anopheles darlingi . the initial trials were conducted using the bg-sentinel trap as a standard for further trap development based on colour, airflow direction and illumination. the performance of the trap was then compared with tho ...024037199
male accessory gland substances from aedes albopictus affect the locomotor activity of aedes aegypti females.dengue is one of the world's most important mosquito-borne diseases and is usually transmitted by one of two vector species: aedes aegypti or aedes albopictus . these two diurnal mosquitoes are frequently found coexisting in similar habitats, enabling interactions between adults, such as cross-mating. the objective of this study was to assess cross-mating between ae. aegypti females and ae. albopictus males under artificial conditions and evaluate the locomotor activity of ae. aegypti virgin fem ...024473799
infravec: research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes.mosquitoes represent a major and global cause of human suffering due to the diseases they transmit. these include parasitic diseases, i.e. malaria and filariasis, and viral infections such as dengue, encephalitis, and yellow fever. the threat of mosquito-borne diseases is not limited to tropical and subtropical regions of the world. trade and climate changes have opened new niches to tropical vectors in temperate areas of the world, thus putting previously unaffected regions at risk of disease t ...024428829
phytochemical investigation and evaluation of antinociceptive activity of ethanolic extract of dalbergia sissoo (roxb.) bark.the antinociceptive activity of ethanolic extract of the plant bark of dalbergia sissoo (roxb.) was investigated using tail flick method on wistar rats. three different dose levels (300, 500, and 1000 mg/kg) in 0.5% carboxyl methyl cellulose (cmc) were administered by p.o. route. the antinociceptive activities of the all doses were compared with that of the standard drug asprin (300 mg/kg) administered by p.o. route and the results were found to be significant (p < 0.01). at the above doses, the ...022470239
insect fat body: energy, metabolism, and regulation.the fat body plays major roles in the life of insects. it is a dynamic tissue involved in multiple metabolic functions. one of these functions is to store and release energy in response to the energy demands of the insect. insects store energy reserves in the form of glycogen and triglycerides in the adipocytes, the main fat body cell. insect adipocytes can store a great amount of lipid reserves as cytoplasmic lipid droplets. lipid metabolism is essential for growth and reproduction and provides ...019725772
molecular characterization and expression of a heat shock protein gene (hsp90) from the carmine spider mite, tetranychus cinnabarinus (boisduval).in this study, the cdna of tetranychus cinnabarinus (boisduval) (acarina: tetranychidae) hsp90 (designated tchsp90) was cloned using a combination of the homology cloning and rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) approaches. the full-length cdna of tchsp90 is 2595 bp, including a 5′-untranslated region (utr) of 177 bp, 3′-utr of 249 bp, and an open reading frame (orf) of 2169 bp. the orf encodes a polypeptide of 722 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 83.45 kda and a theoretical i ...020874569
molecular cloning and characterization of an acetylcholinesterase cdna in the brown planthopper, nilaparvata lugens.a full cdna encoding an acetylcholinesterase (ache, ec was cloned and characterized from the brown planthopper, nilaparvata lugens stål (hemiptera: delphacidae). the complete cdna (2467 bp) contains a 1938-bp open reading frame encoding 646 amino acid residues. the amino acid sequence of the ache deduced from the cdna consists of 30 residues for a putative signal peptide and 616 residues for the mature protein with a predicted molecular weight of 69,418. the three residues (ser242, glu3 ...020874389
salivary apyrases of triatoma infestans are assembled into homo-oligomers.apyrase activity is present in the saliva of haematophagous arthropods. it is related to blood-feeding because of the apyrase ability to hydrolyse adp, a key component of platelet aggregation. five apyrases with apparent molecular masses of 88, 82, 79, 68 and 67 kda were identified in the saliva of the vector of chagas disease, triatoma infestans. the large size observed during purification of these enzymes suggested oligomerization. in the present study, we confirmed, using gel-filtration and a ...016542158
bioefficacy of mentha piperita essential oil against dengue fever mosquito aedes aegypti assess the larvicidal and repellent potential of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of peppermint plant, mentha piperita (m. piperita) against the larval and adult stages of aedes aegypti (ae. aegypti).023569733
larvicidal and repellent potential of moringa oleifera against malarial vector, anopheles stephensi liston (insecta: diptera: culicidae).to evaluate the larvicidal and pupicidal potential of the methanolic extracts from moringa oleifera (m. oleifera) plant seeds against malarial vector anopheles stephensi (a. stephensi) mosquitoes at different concentrations (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 ppm).023569741
changing clinical scenario in chandipura virus infection.chandipura virus (chpv) (vesiculovirus: rhabdoviridae) garnered global attention as an emerging neurotropic pathogen inflicting high mortality in children within 24 h of commencement of symptoms. the 2003-2004 outbreaks in central india witnessed case fatality rates ranging from 56-75 per cent in andhra pradesh and gujarat with typical encephalitic symptoms. due to the acute sickness and rapid deterioration, the precise mechanism of action of the virus is still unknown. recent studies have shown ...027748295
oviposition habitat selection of dengue vectors, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in response to fish understand the effects of fish predator's kairomones on aedes mosquitoes' oviposition, we established an experiment using gravid aedes females. kairomones concentrations were established using hampala macrolepidota. one individual fish was placed inside containers with varying water levels (1 l, 5 l, and 10 l of water). the fish were kept in the containers for 24 hours and were removed immediately at the start of each trial in order to have the kairomones remnants. twenty gravid adult females ...027965749
laboratory tests on mosquito tolerance to insecticides and the development of resistance by aedes aegypti.three strains of aëdes aegypti and a strain of culex molestus were used in tests to determine the relative susceptibility levels of the larvae to various insecticides and to investigate the development of resistance in the laboratory through selection by larval treatment only. the procedures and test methods used are described and the results discussed and set out in tabular and graphic was found, inter alia, that selection of fourth-stage larvae of a laboratory strain of aëdes and culex ...013500157
effect of mouse antisera targeting the phlebotomus papatasi midgut chitinase ppchit1 on sandfly physiology and sandflies, the absence of the peritrophic matrix (pm) affects the rate of blood digestion. also, the kinetics of pm secretion varies according to species. we previously characterised ppchit1, a midgut-specific chitinase secreted in phlebotomus papatasi (ppis) that is involved in the maturation of the pm and showed that antibodies against ppchit1 reduce the chitinolytic activity in the midgut of several sandfly species. here, sandflies were fed on red blood cells reconstituted with naïve or an ...025591111
a review of chemosensation and related behavior in aquatic insects.insects that are secondarily adapted to aquatic environments are able to sense odors from a diverse array of sources. the antenna of these insects, as in all insects, is the main chemosensory structure and its input to the brain allows for integration of sensory information that ultimately ends in behavioral responses. only a fraction of the aquatic insect orders have been studied with respect to their sensory biology and most of the work has centered either on the description of the different t ...021864156
kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitors in the midgut of phlebotomus papatasi.sandflies (diptera: psychodidae) are important disease vectors of parasites of the genus leishmania, as well as bacteria and viruses. following studies of the midgut transcriptome of phlebotomus papatasi, the principal vector of leishmania major, two non-classical kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitors were identified (ppkzl1 and ppkzl2). analyses of expression profiles indicated that ppkzl1 and ppkzl2 transcripts are both regulated by blood-feeding in the midgut of p. papatasi and are also exp ...024037187
genomic, rnaseq, and molecular modeling evidence suggests that the major allergen domain in insects evolved from a homodimeric origin.the major allergen domain (ma) is widely distributed in insects. the crystal structure of a single bla g 1 ma revealed a novel protein fold in which the fundamental structure was a duplex of two subsequences (monomers), which had diverged over time. this suggested that the evolutionary origin of the ma structure may have been a homodimer of this smaller subsequence. using publicly available genomic data, the distribution of the basic unit of this class of proteins was determined to better unders ...024253356
genome sequence of the tsetse fly (glossina morsitans): vector of african trypanosomiasis.tsetse flies are the sole vectors of human african trypanosomiasis throughout sub-saharan africa. both sexes of adult tsetse feed exclusively on blood and contribute to disease transmission. notable differences between tsetse and other disease vectors include obligate microbial symbioses, viviparous reproduction, and lactation. here, we describe the sequence and annotation of the 366-megabase glossina morsitans morsitans genome. analysis of the genome and the 12,308 predicted protein-encoding ge ...024763584
an insight into the sialotranscriptome of simulium nigrimanum, a black fly associated with fogo selvagem in south america.pemphigus foliaceus is a life threatening skin disease that is associated with autoimmunity to desmoglein, a skin protein involved in the adhesion of keratinocytes. this disease is endemic in certain areas of south america, suggesting the mediation of environmental factors triggering autoimmunity. among the possible environmental factors, exposure to bites of black flies, in particular simulium nigrimanum has been suggested. in this work, we describe the sialotranscriptome of adult female s. nig ...020519601
ontology patterns for tabular representations of biomedical knowledge on neglected tropical diseases.ontology-like domain knowledge is frequently published in a tabular format embedded in scientific publications. we explore the re-use of such tabular content in the process of building ntdo, an ontology of neglected tropical diseases (ntds), where the representation of the interdependencies between hosts, pathogens and vectors plays a crucial role.021685092
is there an efficient trap or collection method for sampling anopheles darlingi and other malaria vectors that can describe the essential parameters affecting transmission dynamics as effectively as human landing catches? - a review.distribution, abundance, feeding behaviour, host preference, parity status and human-biting and infection rates are among the medical entomological parameters evaluated when determining the vector capacity of mosquito species. to evaluate these parameters, mosquitoes must be collected using an appropriate method. malaria is primarily transmitted by anthropophilic and synanthropic anophelines. thus, collection methods must result in the identification of the anthropophilic species and efficiently ...025185008
competitive reduction by satyrization? evidence for interspecific mating in nature and asymmetric reproductive competition between invasive mosquito vectors.abstract. upon mating, male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins (acps) that induce refractoriness to further mating in females. this can also occur because of cross-insemination by males of related species, a process known as mating interference (satyrization). this mechanism could explain the competitive displacement of resident aedes aegypti by the invasive aedes albopictus where they co-occur. we tested this hypothesis in mosquito populations in florida. a new polymerase chain reacti ...021813845
differential survivorship of invasive mosquito species in south florida cemeteries: do site-specific microclimates explain patterns of coexistence and exclusion?within 2 yr of the arrival of the invasive container mosquito aedes albopictus (skuse), the previously dominant invasive mosquito aedes aegypti (l.) disappeared from many florida cemeteries. at some cemeteries, however, ae. aegypti populations seem stable despite ae. albopictus invasion. we sought to understand this variation in the outcome (exclusion, coexistence) of this invasion, given that previous experiments show that ae. albopictus is the superior larval competitor. we tested experimental ...020852732
heterochromatin, histone modifications, and nuclear architecture in disease vectors.interactions between a pathogen and a vector are plastic and dynamic. such interactions can be more rapidly accommodated by epigenetic changes than by genetic mutations. gene expression can be affected by the proximity to the heterochromatin, by local histone modifications, and by the three-dimensional position within the nucleus. recent studies of disease vectors indicate that gene regulation by these factors can be important for susceptibility to pathogens, reproduction, immunity, development, ...026097808
dry season production of filariasis and dengue vectors in american samoa and comparison with wet season production.aedes polynesiensis and ae. aegypti breeding site productivity in two american samoa villages were analyzed during a dry season survey and compared with a wet season survey. both surveys identified similar container types producing greater numbers of pupae, with buckets, drums, and tires responsible for > 50% of aedes pupae during the dry season. the prevalence of containers with ae. polynesiensis and the density of ae. polynesiensis in discarded appliances, drums, and discarded plastic ice crea ...019996430
mosquito vitellogenin genes: comparative sequence analysis, gene duplication, and the role of rare synonymous codon usage in regulating expression.comparative sequence analysis of mosquito vitellogenin (vg) genes was carried out to gain a better understanding of their evolution. the genomic clones of vitellogenin genes were isolated and sequenced from all three subfamilies of the family culicidae including culicinae (aedes aegypti, ochlerotatus atropalpus, ae. polynesiensis, ae. albopictus, ochlerotatus triseriatus and culex quinquefasciatus), toxorhynchitinae (toxorhynchites amboinensis), and anophelinae (anopheles albimanus). genomic clo ...020337554
dose-dependent behavioral response of the mosquito aedes albopictus to floral odorous compounds.the value of using plant volatiles as attractants for trapping and spatial repellents to protect hosts against mosquitoes has been widely recognized. the current study characterized behavioral responses of aedes albopictus (skuse) (diptera: culicidae) to different concentrations, ranging from 6 to 96%, of several common floral odorous compounds, including linalool, geraniol, citronellal, eugenol, anisaldehyde, and citral, using a wind tunnel olfactometer system. the results indicated that female ...024779928
invertebrate carcasses as a resource for competing aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).terrestrial invertebrate carcasses are an important resource for insects developing in pitcher plants. however, little is known of the role of these carcasses in other containers, which also receive leaf fall and stemflow inputs. this experiment investigated effects of accumulated invertebrate carcasses as a resource for two competing mosquitoes, aedes albopictus (skuse) and aedes aegypti (l.), whether either species differentially benefited from accumulated carcasses, and if such a benefit affe ...015535579
monitoring temporal abundance and spatial distribution of aedes polynesiensis using bg-sentinel traps in neighboring habitats on raiatea, society archipelago, french numbers and sizes of mosquitoes were monitored for 2 yr in neighboring habitats on the western coast of raiatea (society archipelago) in anticipation of testing new vector control technologies. aedes polynesiensis marks females comprised the overwhelming majority (approximately 99%) of the three species of mosquitoes captured in biogent sentinel traps placed at fixed sites on three small satellite islands (motus) of the western lagoon and on the shoreline of raiatea. aedes polynesiensis ma ...022308771
vertebrate pheromones and other semiochemicals: the potential for accommodating complexity in signalling by volatile compounds for vertebrate management.the interaction between volatile and non-volatile, e.g. proteinaceous, components of pheromone and other semiochemical-based signalling systems presents a daunting set of problems for exploitation in the management of vertebrates, good or bad. aggravating this is the complexity of the mixtures involved with pheromones, not only by definition associated with each species, but also with individual members of that species and their positions within their immediate communities. nonetheless, already ...025109967
arthropod surveillance programs: basic components, strategies, and analysis.effective entomological surveillance planning stresses a careful consideration of methodology, trapping technologies, and analysis techniques. herein, the basic principles and technological components of arthropod surveillance plans are described, as promoted in the symposium "advancements in arthropod monitoring technology, techniques, and analysis" presented at the 58th annual meeting of the entomological society of america in san diego, ca. interdisciplinary examples of arthropod monitoring f ...026543242
history of domestication and spread of aedes aegypti--a review.the adaptation of insect vectors of human diseases to breed in human habitats (domestication) is one of the most important phenomena in medical entomology. considerable data are available on the vector mosquito aedes aegypti in this regard and here we integrate the available information including genetics, behaviour, morphology, ecology and biogeography of the mosquito, with human history. we emphasise the tremendous amount of variation possessed by ae. aegypti for virtually all traits considere ...024473798
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