
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
identification of novel proteins secreted by lactobacillus rhamnosus gg grown in de mann-rogosa-sharpe identify novel proteins secreted by the probiotic bacterium lactobacillus rhamnosus gg after growth in de mann-rogosa-sharpe broth (mrs), a complex medium often used for the culture of lactobacillus.200919416463
an improved method of microencapsulation of probiotic bacteria for their stability in acidic and bile conditions during storage.the purpose of this study was to develop a method for applying an extra coating of palm oil and poly-l-lysine (popl) to alginate (alg) microcapsules to enhance the survival of probiotic bacteria. eight strains of probiotic bacteria including lactobacillus rhamnosus, bifidobacterium longum, l. salivarius, l. plantarum, l. acidophilus, l. paracasei, b. lactis type bl-o4, and b. lactis type bi-07 were encapsulated using alginate alone or alginate with popl. electron microscopy was used to measure t ...200919323758
campylobacter jejuni drives myd88-independent interleukin-6 secretion via toll-like receptor 2.gastrointestinal disease caused by campylobacter jejuni is characterized by localized inflammation and the destruction of the epithelial cell barrier that forms host innate protection against pathogens. this can lead to an imbalance in fluid transport across the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in severe diarrhea. the mechanisms of host cell receptor recognition of c. jejuni and downstream immune signaling pathways leading to this inflammatory disease, however, remain unclear. the aim of this s ...200919139198
adhesion of human probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus to cervical and vaginal cells and interaction with vaginosis-associated pathogens.the ability of a probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus strain (lcr35) to adhere to cervical and vaginal cells and to affect the viability of two main vaginosis-associated pathogens, prevotella bivia, gardnerella vaginalis, as well as candida albicans was investigated.200919190778
spr1630 is responsible for the lethality of clpx mutations in streptococcus pneumoniae.the clp protease atpase subunit and chaperone clpx is dispensable in some bacteria, but it is thought to be essential in others, including streptococci and lactococci. we confirm that clpx is essential in the rx strain of streptococcus pneumoniae but show that the requirement for clpx can be relieved by point mutations, frame shifts, or deletion of the gene spr1630, which is found in many isolates of s. pneumoniae. homologs occur frequently in staphylococcus aureus as well as in a few strains of ...200919465654
quantitative strain-specific detection of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg in human faecal samples by real-time develop a strain-specific rapid assay for identification and quantification of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg in human faecal samples.200919200317
volatile sulfur compounds produced by probiotic bacteria in the presence of cysteine or investigate the abilities of various probiotic bacteria to produce volatile sulfur compounds (vscs) relevant to food flavour and aroma.200919344359
effect of growth time on the surface and adhesion properties of lactobacillus rhamnosus investigate the changes in the surface properties of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg during growth, and relate them with the ability of the lactobacillus cells to adhere to caco-2 cells.200919486400
probiotic properties of lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus paracasei isolated from human faeces.the possibility of using microbes to maintain health, and to prevent or treat disease is a topic as old as microbiology. the research of novel probiotic strains is important in order to satisfy the increasing request of the market and to obtain functional products in which the probiotic cultures are more active and with better probiotic characteristics than those already present on the market.200919365593
different effects of probiotic species/strains on infections in preschool children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled study.treatment and prevention of pediatric infectious diseases of three commercial probiotic products were evaluated by a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. test subjects under age 5, 1062 in total, were distributed randomly into four groups. this investigation showed that l. casei rhamnosus can control bacterial, viral and respiratory infections; a multi-species probiotic reduced gastrointestinal disease significantly. long-term consumption of l. rhamnosus t cell-1 decreased the incidence o ...200919114073
lactobacillus rhamnosus gg and lactobacillus casei suppress escherichia coli-induced chemokine expression in intestinal epithelial cells.recently, some strains of lactic acid bacteria (lab) have been reported to prevent the development of atopic dermatitis and to improve allergic symptoms, especially in young children. however, the mechanisms involved in these effects are not fully understood. intestinal microbiota play critical roles in the development of host immune development and are recognized and regulated by the host through intestinal epithelial cells (iecs). we thus hypothesized that lab influence the host immune system ...200918716403
probiotic supplementation in the first 6 months of life in at risk asian infants--effects on eczema and atopic sensitization at the age of 1 year.the role of probiotics in allergy prevention remains uncertain but has been shown in some studies to have a possible protective effect on eczema.200919134020
efficacy of high-dose lactobacillus rhamnosus gg in controlling acute watery diarrhea in indian children: a randomized controlled evaluate the effective dose of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) as probiotic in acute watery diarrhea (awd) in indian children.200918813028
bifidobacterium and lactobacillus dna in the human placenta.aims: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are part of the human normal intestinal microbiota and may possibly be transferred to the placenta. it was hypothesized that intestinal bacteria or their components are present in the placenta and that the foetus may be exposed to them. we investigated the presence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and their dna in the human placenta. methods and results: we studied 34 human placentae (25 vaginal and nine caesarean deliveries) for the presence bifidobacteri ...200919018955
lactobacilli facilitate maintenance of intestinal membrane integrity during shigella dysenteriae 1 infection in rats.lactobacilli are used in various dairy products and fermented foods for their potential health beneficial effects. recently we reported the protective role of lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus acidophilus during shigella dysenteriae 1 infection. nevertheless, investigations on the membrane-stabilizing effect of l. rhamnosus and l. acidophilus have not been done. hence, the present study evaluated the effect of l. rhamnosus and l. acidophilus on the maintenance of intestinal membrane inte ...200919036564
improved treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis with fluconazole plus probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 and lactobacillus reuteri determine the ability of probiotic lactobacilli to improve the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis (vvc) using a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial.200919187507
lactobacillus rhamnosus gg inhibits invasion of cultured human respiratory cells by prtf1-positive macrolide-resistant group a streptococci.this study was designed to determine whether the probiotic strain lactobacillus gg, which is extensively used in the treatment and prevention of intestinal disorders, is able to inhibit invasion of cultured human respiratory cells by macrolide-resistant group a streptococci (gas) carrying the prtf1 gene, which encodes the fibronectin (fn)-binding invasin f1.200919187508
probiotics as adjunctive treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled determine if oral probiotics as adjunctive treatment are more effective than placebo in improving quality of life in patients with chronic inflammatory rhinosinusitis.200919201289
effect of different prebiotics on the fermentation kinetics, probiotic survival and fatty acids profiles in nonfat symbiotic fermented milk.the simultaneous effects of different binary co-cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium lactis with streptococcus thermophilus and of different prebiotics on the production of fermented milk were investigated in this paper. in particular, we determined and compared the kinetics of acidification of milk either as such or supplemented with 4% (w/w) maltodextrin, oligofructose and polydextrose, as well as the probiotic survival, c ...200919000641
effect of vibrio cholerae on chemokine gene expression in ht29 cells and its modulation by lactobacillus gg.epithelial cells participate in the innate immune response to pathogenic bacteria by elaborating chemokines. this study examined the effect of vibrio cholerae and lactobacillus rhamnosus gg on inflammatory chemokine gene expression in the ht29 human intestinal epithelial cell line. ht29 cells were exposed to v. cholerae 0139, lactobacillus or both for 2 h and cultured further thereafter for 4 h. rna was extracted from the cells and expression of genes for chemokines and related molecules was qua ...200919281529
effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 supernatant and fetal sex on lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine and prostaglandin-regulating enzymes in human placental trophoblast cells: implications for treatment of bacterial vaginosis and prevention of preterm labor.the objective of the study was to determine the effect of fetal sex on the output of cytokines and prostaglandin-regulating enzymes in lipopolysaccharide (lps) and probiotic lactobacilli-treated placental trophoblast cells.200919285652
probiotics and dietary counselling contribute to glucose regulation during and after pregnancy: a randomised controlled trial.balanced glucose metabolism ensures optimal fetal growth with long-term health implications conferred on both mother and child. we examined whether supplementation of probiotics with dietary counselling affects glucose metabolism in normoglycaemic pregnant women. at the first trimester of pregnancy 256 women were randomised to receive nutrition counselling to modify dietary intake according to current recommendations or as controls; the dietary intervention group was further randomised to receiv ...200919017418
in vitro model to study the modulation of the mucin-adhered bacterial community.there is an upsurge of interest in gastro-intestinal microbiology to improve the balance between positive and negative commensals. mucosal bacteria make closer contact with the host than luminal ones and can therefore have a stronger health impact. an in vitro adhesion assay was developed to study the mucin colonization of bacteria from the mixed microbial communities of the simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem. adhesion capacity differed substantially between bacteria and decre ...200919308405
reduced expression of basal and probiotic-inducible g-csf in intestinal mononuclear cells is associated with inflammatory bowel disease.granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (g-csf) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in the hematopoiesis of granulocytes, neuroprotection, and immunomodulation. previously, we have shown that probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 induces g-csf production from bone marrow-derived macrophages. whether this probiotic also induces g-csf in intestinal mononuclear cells is unknown.200919058228
effect of various encapsulating materials on the stability of probiotic bacteria.ten probiotic bacteria, including lactobacillus rhamnosus, bifidobacterium longum, l. salivarius, l. plantarum, l. acidophilus, l. paracasei, b. lactis type bl-04, b. lactis type bi-07, howaru l. rhamnosus, and howaru b. bifidum, were encapsulated in various coating materials, namely alginate, guar gum, xanthan gum, locust bean gum, and carrageenan gum. the various encapsulated probiotic bacteria were studied for their acid and bile tolerance. free probiotic organisms were used as a control. the ...200919323757
specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute infections in infancy--a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to determine whether probiotics might be effective in reducing the risk of infections in infancy. infants requiring formula before the age of 2 months were recruited from community well-baby clinics. infant formula supplemented with the probiotics lactobacillus rhamnosus gg and bifidobacterium lactis bb-12 or placebo was administered daily until the age of 12 months. incidence of early infections (before the age of 7 months) and ...200918986600
spray bacteriotherapy decreases middle ear fluid in children with secretory otitis media.secretory otitis media (som) is characterised by persistent fluid in the middle ear cavity, but the cause is unknown. we investigated the clinical, bacteriological and immunological effects of treatment with probiotic bacteria on som.200918713796
probiotics for the treatment or prevention of eczema. 200918804270
antibacterial action of selenium-enriched probiotics against pathogenic escherichia coli.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity of selenium-enriched probiotics against pathogenic escherichia coli (e. coli) in vitro and in vivo. escherichia coli was co-cultured in vitro with each probiotic strain individually, and a mixture of the four strains and its population was counted at various time points. we also collected a cell-free culture supernatant (cfcs) of each probiotic strain and the four-strain mix to examine their antibacterial activity, using the cylin ...200918612820
effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 and lactobacillus reuteri rc-14 on the ability of candida albicans to infect cells and induce inflammation.vulvovaginal candidiasis, a high prevailing infection worldwide, is mainly caused by candida albicans. probiotic lactobacillus reuteri rc-14 and lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 have been previously shown to be useful as adjuvants in the treatment of women with vvc. in order to demonstrate and better understand the anti-candida activity of the probiotic microorganisms in an in vitro model simulating vaginal candidiasis, a human vaginal epithelial cell line (vk2/e6e7) was infected with c.albicans 315 ...200919703242
effect of homogenization techniques on reducing the size of microcapsules and the survival of probiotic bacteria therein.this study investigated 2 different homogenization techniques for reducing the size of calcium alginate beads during the microencapsulation process of 8 probiotic bacteria strains, namely, lactobacillus rhamnosus, l. salivarius, l. plantarum, l. acidophilus, l. paracasei, bifidobacterium longum, b. lactis type bi-04, and b. lactis type bi-07. two different homogenization techniques were used, namely, ultra-turrax benchtop homogenizer and microfluidics microfluidizer. various settings on the homo ...200919723206
assessment of cell surface properties and adhesion potential of selected probiotic evaluate the physicochemical cell surface and adhesive properties of selected probiotic strains for human use.200919725886
enhancement of survival of probiotic and non-probiotic lactic acid bacteria by yeasts in fermented milk under non-refrigerated conditions.the effects of yeasts on the survival of probiotic and non-probiotic lactic acid bacteria (lab) were studied in fermented milk under non-refrigerated conditions (30 degrees c) with a view to develop ambient-stable fermented milk with live lab. five yeasts tested (saccharomyces bayanus, williopsis saturnus var. saturnus, yarrowia lipolytica, candida kefyr and kluyveromyces marxianus) enhanced the survival of lactobacillus bulgaricus (but not streptococcus thermophilus) in a mixed yoghurt culture ...200919666198
effect of long-term consumption of milk supplemented with probiotic lactobacilli and fluoride on dental caries and general health in preschool children: a cluster-randomized study.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of milk supplemented with probiotic bacteria and fluoride on caries development and general health in preschool children. children 1-5 years of age (n = 248) attending 14 day care centres with 27 units in northern sweden entered the study. the centres were randomly assigned to two parallel groups: children in the intervention group were served 150 ml milk supplemented with lactobacillus rhamnosus lb21 (10(7) cfu/ml) and 2.5 mg fluoride per litre f ...200919690413
production of exopolysaccharides by lactobacillus and bifidobacterium strains of human origin, and metabolic activity of the producing bacteria in milk.this work reports on the physicochemical characterization of 21 exopolysaccharides (eps) produced by lactobacillus and bifidobacterium strains isolated from human intestinal microbiota, as well as the growth and metabolic activity of the eps-producing strains in milk. the strains belong to the species lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus vaginalis, bifidobacterium animalis, bifidobacterium longum, and bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum. the molar ma ...200919700676
salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium adhesion and cytotoxicity during epithelial cell stress is reduced by lactobacillus rhamnosus gg.physiological stressors may alter susceptibility of the host intestinal epithelium to infection by enteric pathogens. in the current study, cytotoxic effect, adhesion and invasion of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (s. typhimurium) to caco-2 cells exposed to thermal stress (41 degrees c, 1 h) was investigated. probiotic bacteria have been shown to reduce interaction of pathogens with the epithelium under non-stress conditions and may have a significant effect on epithelial viability duri ...200919589170
protective effect of milk constituents and sublethal injuries limiting process effectiveness during pef inactivation of lb. rhamnosus.the inactivation of lb. rhamnosus by pulsed electric field treatment (pef) was studied in different fractions of raw milk and ringer solution in order to evaluate the protective effect of nutrient rich media in comparison to aqueous buffer solutions. apart from monitoring of culturability, analysis of the physiological fitness of lb. rhamnosus was conducted aiming to identify sublethally damaged cells. therefore, flow cytometry and a selective medium plating technique were used and compared to e ...200919589610
comparison of in vitro models to study bacterial adhesion to the intestinal evaluate the adhesion ability of intestinal bacteria to different in vitro models of intestinal epithelia, and to estimate the suitability of these models and the type of interactions involved.200919843211
probiotics in pediatric care. 200919608114
human vaginal lactobacillus rhamnosus harbor mutation in 23s rrna associated with erythromycin resistance.little is known about the diversity and distribution of resistance determinants in human commensal bacteria. the aim of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism responsible for high-level erythromycin resistance among five human vaginal lactobacillus rhamnosus isolates. pcr screening for the presence of erma, ermb and ermc methylase genes revealed no determinants responsible for detected erythromycin resistance. therefore, sequences of 23s rrna genes from l. rhamnosus strains were stu ...200919619642
characterisation of a small erythromycin resistance plasmid plfe1 from the food-isolate lactobacillus plantarum m345.this paper reports the complete 4031 bp nucleotide sequence of the small erythromycin resistance plasmid plfe1 isolated from the raw-milk cheese isolate lactobacillus plantarum m345. analysis of the sequence revealed the coding regions for the erythromycin resistance determinant erm(b). a replication initiation protein repb was identified belonging to the repb proteins of the pmv158 family of rolling-circle replicating plasmids. the transcriptional repressor protein copg and a small counter tran ...200919640422
intestinal dysbiosis: a possible mechanism of alcohol-induced endotoxemia and alcoholic steatohepatitis in rats.clinical and animal data indicate that gut-derived endotoxin and other luminal bacterial products are necessary cofactors for development of alcoholic liver disease (ald). although gut leakiness is clearly an important cause of endotoxemia in ald, it cannot fully explain endotoxemia in all ald subjects and thus other factors may be involved. one possible factor is a change in gut microbiota composition (dysbiosis). thus, the aim of our study was to interrogate the gut bacterial microbiota in alc ...200919645728
goat whey fermentation by kluyveromyces marxianus and lactobacillus rhamnosus release tryptophan and tryptophan-lactokinin from a cryptic zone of alpha-lactalbumin.angiotensin-i-converting enzyme (ace) inhibitors peptides were produced from unsupplemented acid goat whey fermented aerobically for 168 h by kluyveromyces marxianus and lactobacillus rhamnosus. this yeast-lactobacillus association is gras. two novel lactokinins were identified: nyw and w with ic50 of 20 and 0.86 mum respectively. they both were resistant toward simulated gastrointestinal digestion. in addition, wlahk was found in the hydrolysate. these three sequences belong to f(99-110) of alp ...200919650957
fermented rice bran downregulates mitf expression and leads to inhibition of alpha-msh-induced melanogenesis in b16f1 melanoma.rice bran contains various polyphenolic compounds with anti-oxidative activities, and it has long been known to inhibit melanogenesis, but the inhibition mechanism has not been fully elucidated. cofermentation of rice bran with lactobacillus rhamnosus and saccharomyces cerevisiae significantly reduced the cytotoxicity of the resulting extract to b16f1 melanoma cells. marked reduction of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (msh) induced melanin synthesis was also observed upon treatment with fer ...200919661697
bovine lactoferrin supplementation for prevention of late-onset sepsis in very low-birth-weight neonates: a randomized trial.sepsis is a common and severe complication in premature neonates, particularly those with very low birth weight (vlbw) (<1500 g). whether lactoferrin, a mammalian milk glycoprotein involved in innate immune host defenses, can reduce the incidence of sepsis is unknown. in animal models, the probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) enhances the activity of lactoferrin but has not been studied in human infants.200919809023
lactoferrin supplementation to prevent nosocomial infections in preterm infants. 200919809031
the feasibility of serving liquid yoghurt supplemented with probiotic bacteria, lactobacillus rhamnosus lb 21, and lactococcus lactis l1a--a pilot study among old people with dementia in a residential care facility.constipation and body weight loss are prevalent among old people. treatment with different species of lactic acid bacteria has been suggested for various forms of gastrointestinal disorders. objective, participants and intervention: this pilot study was performed to assess the feasibility of administering and consuming a drinkable yoghurt containing lactobacillus rhamnosus lb 21 and lactococcus l1a, and to evaluate the influence on bowel movements and body weight in 15 people with dementia, aged ...200919812872
characterization of a small erythromycin resistance plasmid plfe1 from the food-isolate lactobacillus plantarum m345.this paper reports the complete 4031 bp nucleotide sequence of the small erythromycin resistance plasmid plfe1 isolated from the raw-milk cheese isolate lactobacillus plantarum m345. analysis of the sequence revealed the coding regions for the erythromycin resistance determinant erm(b). a replication initiation protein repb was identified belonging to the repb proteins of the pmv158 family of rolling-circle replicating plasmids. the transcriptional repressor protein copg and a small counter tran ...200919399991
[use of a probiotic in nosocomial infection: no effect in pediatric intensive care patients]. 200919405345
lactobacillus gg treatment ameliorates alcohol-induced intestinal oxidative stress, gut leakiness, and liver injury in a rat model of alcoholic steatohepatitis.because only 30% of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease (ald), a factor other than heavy alcohol consumption must be involved in the development of alcohol-induced liver injury. animal and human studies suggest that bacterial products, such as endotoxins, are the second key co-factors, and oxidant-mediated gut leakiness is one of the sources of endotoxemia. probiotics have been used to prevent and treat diseases associated with gut-derived bacterial products and disorders associated with ...200919251117
lactobacillus rhamnosus alleviates intestinal barrier dysfunction in part by increasing expression of zonula occludens-1 and myosin light-chain kinase in vivo.the effects of lactobacilli on impaired intestinal barrier function and paracellular permeability were evaluated in human epithelial caco-2 cells treated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha and in mice with colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (dss). filter-grown caco-2 monolayers were used as the intestinal epithelial model. among the 4 lactobacilli studied, lactobacillus rhamnosus oll2838 most effectively suppressed barrier impairment and increased il-8 secretion induced by tumor necrosis fa ...200919447972
analytical recovery of folate degradation products formed in human serum and plasma at room temperature.folate is not stable in serum and plasma. this may impair laboratory diagnostics and distort the outcome of epidemiological studies on folate and chronic diseases. the present study was designed to determine the kinetics of folate loss in human serum and plasma (collected into tubes containing edta, heparin, or citrate) at room temperature and the recovery of folate as 4-alpha-hydroxy-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (hmthf) or p-aminobenzoylglutamate (pabg) equivalents. different folate species and pab ...200919458027
lactic acid bacteria population in children diagnosed with human immunodeficiency determine the effect of trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole treatment on the natural population of lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal tract and to determine if any of the strains developed resistance to antibiotics.200919751380
comparison of inactivation pathways of thermal or high pressure inactivated lactobacillus rhamnosus atcc 53103 by flow cytometry analysis.the effect of thermal and pressure treatments on lactobacillus rhamnosus atcc 53103 was evaluated by flow cytometric analysis in conjunction to standard cultivation techniques. a double staining technique with fluorochromes carboxyfluorescein diacetate (cfda) and propidium iodide (pi) revealed that depending on temperature regime used heat-killed cells had different fluorescence behaviors. cells killed at 60 degrees c were not stained at all whereas heat treatment at 75 degrees c resulted in a s ...200919465252
stretching polysaccharides on live cells using single molecule force spectroscopy.the knowledge of molecular mechanisms underlying the adhesive and mechanical properties of cell surface-associated molecules is a key to understanding their functions. in this context, single-molecule force spectroscopy (smfs) has recently offered new opportunities for probing the adhesion and mechanics of polysaccharides and proteins on live cells. here we present a protocol that we have used to analyze polysaccharide chains of different nature on the bacterium lactobacillus rhamnosus gg. we de ...200919478809
heme and menaquinone induced electron transport in lactic acid bacteria.abstract:200919480672
evaluation of lactobacillus rhamnosus strain gg for the prevention of atopic dermatitis in evaluate the efficacy of the probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus strain gg for the alleviation or prevention of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis (ad) in genetically predisposed dogs.200919496662
proteome analysis of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg using 2-d dige and mass spectrometry shows differential protein production in laboratory and industrial-type growth media.lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) is one of the most extensively studied and widely used probiotic bacteria. while the benefits of lgg treatment in gastrointestinal disorders and immunomodulation are well-documented, functional genomics research of this bacterium has only recently been initiated. in the present study, a 2-d dige approach was used for the quantitative analysis of growth media-dependent changes in lgg protein abundance. proteins were isolated from cells grown in industrial-type whe ...200919780546
lactobacilli stimulate the innate immune response and modulate the tlr expression of ht29 intestinal epithelial cells in vitro.the potentially probiotic strain lactobacillus plantarum bfe 1685 isolated from a child's faeces and the probiotic strain lactobacillus rhamnosus gg were investigated for their capability to influence the innate immune response of ht29 intestinal epithelial cells towards salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. furthermore, their capacity to modulate toll-like receptor expression of ht29 cells was investigated at the mrna and protein levels. tnf-alpha was used in cell culture with ht29 cells to ...200919523707
oral supplementation with lactobacillus rhamnosus cgmcc 1.3724 prevents development of atopic dermatitis in nc/ngatnd mice possibly by modulating local production of ifn-gamma.prevalence of allergies has increased during the last two decades. alteration of the gut microbiota composition is thought to play a crucial role in development of atopic diseases. oral administration of probiotics has been reported to treat and/or prevent symptoms of atopic diseases in infants, but the results are still controversial. we investigated the potential efficacy of dietary interventions by a probiotic strain on prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis (ad) in a human-like ad mod ...200919555432
effects of enteropathogenic bacteria & lactobacilli on chemokine secretion & toll like receptor gene expression in two human colonic epithelial cell lines.the intestinal epithelium is part of the innate immune system responding to contact with pathogenic or commensal bacteria. the objective of this study was to compare innate responses of intestinal epithelial cell lines to pathogenic bacteria and to lactobacilli.200919797815
lactobacillus by-products inhibit the growth and virulence of uropathogenic escherichia coli.uropathogenic strains of escherichia coli (upec) can colonize the vagina and cause infections within the entire urogenital tract, including those associated with urinary tract devices. lactobacilli typically dominate the vaginal microbiota in healthy women, and studies have shown that they can inhibit upec growth and vaginal colonization. however, little is known regarding the mechanisms behind these effects. using a luciferase-based reporter construct, gradients of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxid ...200920224146
a pain in the neck: probiotics for ulcerative colitis. 200920008769
in vitro effects of food extracts on selected probiotic and pathogenic bacteria.a panel of 148 extracts from 37 food products was prepared using organic and aqueous solvents and both neutral and acidic conditions. the panel of food products tested included fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices, most of which are common in a normal european-style diet. the impact of these extracts on the growth of selected probiotic bacteria (lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus rhamnosus, bifidobacteria lactis) and pathogenic bacteria (escherichia coli 0157:h7 and escherichia coli lf ...200919919519
development of cost-effective media to increase the economic potential for larger-scale bioproduction of natural food additives by lactobacillus rhamnosus , debaryomyces hansenii , and aspergillus niger.yeast extract (ye) is the most common nitrogen source in a variety of bioprocesses in spite of the high cost. therefore, the use of ye in culture media is one of the major technical hurdles to be overcome for the development of low-cost fermentation routes, making the search for alternative-cheaper nitrogen sources particularly desired. the aim of the current study is to develop cost-effective media based on corn steep liquor (csl) and locally available vinasses in order to increase the economic ...200919821581
development of a pcr assay for the strain-specific identification of probiotic strain lactobacillus paracasei impc2.1.recent investigations clearly indicate that the probiotic bacterium lactobacillus paracasei impc2.1 can be incorporated into vegetables to obtain innovative probiotic foods whose marketing has been authorized by the italian ministry of health. in this study, strain impc2.1 was characterized at a molecular level in order to define its taxonomic position and to develop a pcr test for strain-specific identification. molecular methods, such as 16s rrna gene sequencing and multiplex pcr, have provide ...200919833402
probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gr-1 and lactobacillus reuteri rc-14 may help downregulate tnf-alpha, il-6, il-8, il-10 and il-12 (p70) in the neurogenic bladder of spinal cord injured patient with urinary tract infections: a two-case study.the management of urinary tract infection (uti) in individuals with spinal cord injury (sci) continues to be of concern, due to complications that can occur. an emerging concept that is a common underlying pathophysiological process is involved, wherein pathogens causing uti have a role in inflammatory progression. we hypothesized that members of the commensal flora, such as lactobacilli, may counter this reaction through anti-inflammatory mediation. this was assessed in a pilot two-patient stud ...200919753131
strain-specific probiotic (lactobacillus helveticus) inhibition of campylobacter jejuni invasion of human intestinal epithelial cells.campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacterial cause of enterocolitis in humans, leading to diarrhoea and chronic extraintestinal diseases. although probiotics are effective in preventing other enteric infections, beneficial microorganisms have not been extensively studied with c. jejuni. the aim of this study was to delineate the ability of selected probiotic lactobacillus strains to reduce epithelial cell invasion by c. jejuni. human colon t84 and embryonic intestine 407 epithelial cells we ...200919765084
the identification of a low molecular mass bacteriocin, rhamnosin a, produced by lactobacillus rhamnosus strain 68.this study focuses on the isolation and characterization of a peptide with bacteriocin-like properties isolated from lactobacillus rhamnosus strain 68, previously identified by 16s rrna gene sequencing and originating from human gastrointestinal flora.200919796123
comparative genomic analysis of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg reveals pili containing a human- mucus binding unravel the biological function of the widely used probiotic bacterium lactobacillus rhamnosus gg, we compared its 3.0-mbp genome sequence with the similarly sized genome of l. rhamnosus lc705, an adjunct starter culture exhibiting reduced binding to mucus. both genomes demonstrated high sequence identity and synteny. however, for both strains, genomic islands, 5 in gg and 4 in lc705, punctuated the colinearity. a significant number of strain-specific genes were predicted in these islands (80 ...200919805152
complete genome sequence of the probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus atcc 53103.lactobacillus rhamnosus is a facultatively heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium and is frequently isolated from human gastrointestinal mucosa of healthy individuals. l. rhamnosus atcc 53103, isolated from a healthy human intestinal flora, is one of the most widely used and well-documented probiotics. here, we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of this organism.200919820099
production of c9,t11- and t10,c12-conjugated linoleic acids in humans by lactobacillus rhamnosus pl60.lactobacillus rhamnosus pl60 was tested for whether it can produce c9,t11- and t10,c12-conjugated linoleic acids (clas) in human. after consumption of l. rhamnosus pl60, l. rhamnosus was detected in feces 1 week after the start of intake. analysis by gas chromatography showed that concentrations of c9,t11- and t10,c12-clas in serum had increased and concentrations of serum leptin had significantly decreased. results showed that l. rhamnosus pl60 can survive in human intestines and produce clas i ...200920075628
[probiotic bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract as a factor stimulating the immune system].the role of bacterial microflora of the human digestive tract in supporting the protection of the organism against food-borne pathogens and antigens is described. the effect of bacterial microflora on the immune system of the mucous surface of the intestinal tract (galt) and its effect on secretory function of the immune system, particularly regarding antibody, mainly iga, secretion, are discussed. the modulating effect of commensals and probiotics on the innate immunity response and their direc ...200920097952
effect of various rinsing protocols after use of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride toothpaste on the bacterial composition of dental plaque.this clinical study evaluated the effect of different oral hygiene protocols on the bacterial composition of dental plaque. after a 2-week period of using fluoride-free toothpaste, 30 participants followed three 1-week experimental protocols, each followed by 2-week fluoride-free washout periods in a randomized crossover examiner-blind controlled trial. the 1-week experimental protocols comprised the use of amf/snf(2) toothpaste twice daily, after which participants either (1) rinsed with tap wa ...200920016176
lactobacillus rhamnosus gg suppresses meningitic e. coli k1 penetration across human intestinal epithelial cells in vitro and protects neonatal rats against experimental hematogenous meningitis.the purpose of this study was to examine prophylactic efficacy of probiotics in neonatal sepsis and meningitis caused by e. coli k1. the potential inhibitory effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) on meningitic e. coli k1 infection was examined by using (i) in vitro inhibition assays with e44 (a csf isolate from a newborn baby with e. coli meningitis), and (ii) the neonatal rat model of e. coli sepsis and meningitis. the in vitro studies demonstrated that lgg blocked e44 adhesion, invasion, ...200920016677
living on the edge: probiotic cell surface modification and its impact on microbe-host interactions. 200920420219
phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from "alheira", a traditional fermented sausage produced in portugal.the aim of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of lactic acid bacteria (lab) isolated from "alheira", a fermented sausage produced in portugal. lab were identified to genus and species level by phenotypic characteristics, using genus or species-specific primers and sequencing of the gene encoding 16s rrna. two-hundred and eighty-three isolates were grouped into 14 species. lactobacillus plantarum was isolated from all sausages and enterococcusfaecalis from most of ...200920416703
lactocin 160, a bacteriocin produced by vaginal lactobacillus rhamnosus, targets cytoplasmic membranes of the vaginal pathogen, gardnerella vaginalis.bacterial vaginosis (bv) is a commonly occurring vaginal infection that is associated with a variety of serious risks related to the reproductive health of women. conventional antibiotic treatment for this condition is frequently ineffective because the antibiotics tend to inhibit healthy vaginal microflora along with the pathogens. lactocin 160, a bacteriocin produced by healthy vaginal lactobacilli, is a promising alternative to antibiotics; this compound specifically inhibits the bv-associate ...200920445810
detection and specific enumeration of multi-strain probiotics in the lumen contents and mucus layers of the rat intestine after oral administration.although the detection of viable probiotic bacteria following their ingestion and passage through the gastrointestinal tract (git) has been well documented, their mucosal attachment in vivo is more difficult to assess. in this study, we investigated the survival and mucosal attachment of multi-strain probiotics transiting the rat git. rats were administered a commercial mixture of the intestinal probiotics lactobacillus acidophilus la742, lactobacillus rhamnosus l2h and bifidobacterium lactis hn ...200926783165
the use of probiotics in helping to combat the effects of candida.older people are vulnerable to oral candida infection (thrush) provoked by chronic disease, medication, poor oral hygiene or reduced salivary flow. probiotic bacteria, such as lactobacillus rhamnosus, is helpful in combating the condition as it competes for adhesion sites with candida by adhering to the mucosal epithelium. lactobacillus also produces hydrogen peroxide and other antifungal substances.200827736602
probiotic pre-treatment reduces gliclazide permeation (ex vivo) in healthy rats but increases it in diabetic rats to the level seen in untreated healthy rats.aim: to investigate the influence of probiotic pre-treatment on the permeation of the antidiabetic drug gliclazide in healthy and diabetic rats. methods: wistar rats (age 2-3 months, weight 350 +/- 50 g) were randomly allocated into one of 4 groups (n = 16 each group): healthy control, healthy probiotic, diabetic control, and diabetic probiotic. probiotics (75 mg/kg, equal quantities of lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium lactis, and lactobacillus rhamnosus) were administered twice a day ...200820157366
microbiological, chemical, and sensory characteristics of swiss cheese manufactured with adjunct lactobacillus strains using a low cooking temperature.the effect of nonstarter lactobacillus adjunct cultures on the microbial, chemical, and sensory characteristics of swiss cheese manufactured using the "kosher make procedure" was investigated. the kosher make procedure, which uses a lower cooking temperature than traditional swiss cheese making, is used by many american cheese manufacturers to allow for kosher-certified whey. cheeses were manufactured using a commercial starter culture combination and 1 of 3 non-starter lactobacillus strains pre ...200818650271
effect of specific colostral antibodies and selected lactobacilli on the adhesion of helicobacter pylori on ags cells and the helicobacter-induced il-8 production.helicobacter pylori infection is the most common cause of gastritis, gastric ulcer and adenocarcinoma. it has proven difficult to cure because of its capability to develop strains resistant to antibiotics. the effect of three strains of lactic acid bacteria (lab) and bovine colostral preparations on the adhesion of h. pylori nctc 11637 on gastric adenocarcinoma (ags) cells and on the interleukin (il)-8 production was studied. before infection, h. pylori were pretreated with lactobacillus plantar ...200818627549
probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from stool samples of longevous people in regions of hotan, xinjiang and bama, guangxi, china.a total of 567 lactic acid bacteria (lab) strains were isolated from the stool samples of longevous people in regions of hotan, xinjiang and bama, guangxi, china. in order to reduce the number of strains for further examinations, 36 isolates were screened out for further examination whilst the other strains, which had lower probiotic properties, were not suitable for yogurt production due to the absence of growth in ph 3.5 mrs medium and no curding during fermentation, and so were excluded. the ...200818634896
effects of multispecies probiotic combination on helicobacter pylori infection in vitro.probiotic bacteria alleviate many gastrointestinal symptoms, but the current trend of combining bacteria for additional benefit may make their effects more complex. we characterize four probiotics and their combination in terms of pathogen adhesion, barrier function, cell death, and inflammatory response in helicobacter pylori-infected epithelial cells. h. pylori-infected caco-2 cells were pretreated with lactobacillus rhamnosus gg, lactobacillus rhamnosus lc705, propionibacterium freudenreichii ...200818579692
effects of lactobacillus gg treatment during pregnancy on the development of fetal antigen-specific immune responses.several clinical trials suggest that probiotics may have a role in the prevention of eczema. the optimal timing and mechanisms underlying this intervention are not clear. in particular it is not known whether such treatment works during pregnancy or whether postnatal exposure is important.200818823310
single bioreactor gastrointestinal tract simulator for study of survival of probiotic bacteria.the aim of the present study was to design an in vitro model system to evaluate the probiotic potential of food. a single bioreactor system-gastrointestinal tract simulator (gits) was chosen for process simulation on account of its considerable simplicity compared to multi-vessel systems used in previous studies. the bioreactor was evaluated by studying the viability of four known probiotic bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus la-5, lactobacillus johnsonii ncc 533, lactobacillus casei strain shir ...200818581109
[safety assessment of starters culture bacteria in fermented milk in china].in this study, we analysised the safety of 137 strains of starters culture bacteria in fermented milk between 2000 and 2006 in china. the study was designed to evaluate the acute oral toxicity of 137 strains to mice, and 31 of 137 strains for minimum inhibitory concentrations (mic) of 20 kinds of antibiotics by broth micro-dilution method. the result indicated that except a strain of lactobacillus rhamnosus, other probiotics were non-pathogenic and safe for human consumption. 31 strains of probi ...200818589606
carboxymethyl high amylose starch: chitosan self-stabilized matrix for probiotic colon delivery.a new hydrophilic tablet dosage system based on an ionic self-stabilization of a carboxylated (carboxymethyl high amylose starch, cm-has) and an amino (chitosan) excipient was proposed for probiotic colon delivery. cm-has (protonated and compacted in acidic medium) ensures gastro-protection and chitosan (low soluble in intestinal media) prevents early release of lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria. thus, in cm-has:chitosan monolithic tablets, increasing percentage and molecular weight (mw) of chito ...200818602991
oral probiotic and prevention of pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study in intensive care unit patients.preventing carriage of potentially pathogenic micro-organisms from the aerodigestive tract is an infection control strategy used to reduce the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units. however, antibiotic use in selective decontamination protocols is controversial. the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of oral administration of a probiotic, namely lactobacillus, on gastric and respiratory tract colonization/infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa stra ...200818489775
effect of probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gg intervention on global serum lipidomic profiles in healthy investigate the effect of three weeks' intervention with a probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (lgg) bacteria on global serum lipidomic profiles and evaluate whether the changes in inflammatory variables (crp, tnf-alpha and il-6) are reflected in the global lipidomic profiles of healthy adults.200818506924
impact of luxs and suppressor mutations on the gastrointestinal transit of lactobacillus rhamnosus is generally believed that probiotic bacteria need to survive gastrointestinal transit to exert a health-promoting effect. in this study, a genuine luxs mutant and a luxs mutant containing unknown suppressor mutations of the probiotic strain lactobacillus rhamnosus gg were compared to the wild type for survival and persistence in the murine gastrointestinal tract. the luxs enzyme, catalyzing the production of the autoinducer-2 signaling molecule, also forms an integral part of the activated m ...200818539797
the probiotic lactobacillus gg may augment intestinal host defense by regulating apoptosis and promoting cytoprotective responses in the developing murine gut.necrotizing enterocolitis (nec) remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants. although its pathogenesis is poorly understood, inappropriate apoptosis of the mucosal epithelia has been implicated. recent clinical trials have shown that probiotics may reduce the incidence of nec, and probiotics have been shown to suppress intestinal epithelial apoptosis in cultured cells. however, little is known about their mechanism of action in the developing intestine in vivo. here, we ...200818552706
gateways to clinical trials.11d10, 9vpnc-mncc; adalimumab, adefovir dipivoxil, alefacept, aln-rsv01, ame-133, amg-317, aminolevulinic acid methyl ester, amlodipine besylate/atorvastatin calcium, anisodamine, anti-il-5 receptor antibody, apremilast, aripiprazole, atacicept, atazanavir sulfate, atrasentan; banoxantrone, bevacizumab, bibw-2992, binodenoson, bms-387032; cac10, caldaret hydrate, cd-np, ceftobiprole medocaril, celivarone fumarate, certolizumab pegol, cholesteryl hydrophobized polysaccharide-her2 protein complex, ...200818773127
the probiotic lactobacillus acidophilus stimulates chloride/hydroxyl exchange activity in human intestinal epithelial cells.probiotics are viable nonpathogenic microorganisms that are considered to confer health benefits to the host. recent studies indicated that some lactobacillus species function as probiotics and have been used as alternative treatments for diarrhea, which occurs due to increased secretion, decreased absorption, or both. however, the direct effects of probiotics on intestinal electrolyte absorption are not known. therefore, we examined the effects of lactobacillus on luminal chloride/hydroxyl (cl( ...200818567760
viability of lactobacillus rhamnosus r0011 in an apple-based fruit juice under simulated storage conditions at the consumer level.lactobacillus rhamnosus r0011 was inoculated in an apple-pear-raspberry juice blend at 4.5 x 10(9) cfu/250 ml portion, and viability was followed during storage in conditions simulating consumer use. study parameters were age of the juice (2 or 4 wk), sampling size (one to three 250-ml portions), incubation temperature (between 2 and 7 degrees c), and atmosphere (aerobic compared with anaerobic). dependent variables were ph, dissolved oxygen (do) level, and viable count. the do level in the unop ...200818577004
microencapsulation of a recombinant aminopeptidase (pepn) from lactobacillus rhamnosus s93 in chitosan-coated alginate beads.a recombinant aminopeptidase (90 kda) of lactobacillus rhamnosus s93 produced by e. coli was encapsulated in alginate or chitosan-treated alginate beads prepared by an extrusion method. this study investigated the effects of alginate, cacl2, chitosan concentrations, hardening time, ph and alginate/enzyme ratios on the encapsulation efficiency (ee) and the enzyme release (er). chitosan in the gelling solution significantly increased the ee from 30.2% (control) to 88.6% (coated). this polycationic ...200818188731
meta-analysis of clinical trials of probiotics for prevention and treatment of pediatric atopic dermatitis.prenatal and postnatal probiotic supplementation for prevention and treatment of pediatric atopic dermatitis (pad) has been studied in clinical trials, but results have been mixed and hindered by heterogeneity of study design.200818206506
fecal microflora of greek healthy neonates.this study aimed to explore, in our geographical region, the development of intestinal microflora and the colonization patterns of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria during the first three months of life and to investigate the effect of the mode of delivery. fecal specimens from 82 healthy, full-term infants were collected prospectively 4, 30 and 90 days after delivery and subcultured on nonselective and selective media. identification of isolates was performed by microbiological and molecu ...200818207437
probiotic bacteria affect the composition of salivary pellicle and streptococcal adhesion in vitro.the use of probiotic bacteria is increasing worldwide and at least some of them can transiently colonize the oral cavity. several studies have shown that probiotic bacteria, which are often thought of in relation only to intestinal health, can also affect the oral ecology, but the mechanisms for this are largely unknown. the aim of this study was to investigate in vitro if the probiotic bacteria used in commercial products affect the protein composition of the salivary pellicle and the adherence ...200818582334
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