
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[effeet of rapamycin on mtor and eif-4e expression in coxsackievirus b3-induced rat myocardial cells].to observe the effeet of rapamycin, an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin (mtor), on mtor and eukaryotic initiation factor-4e(eif-4e)expression in coxsac-kievirus b3 (cvb3)-induced rat myocardial cells and to investigate the role of mtor/eif-4e signal pathway in viral myocarditis.200818667775
[outbreak of viral meningitis caused by echovirus type 4 in misiones province].a descriptive retrospective study was carried out to describe an epidemic outbreak of enteroviral meningitis in misiones. we reviewed records of 143 children from 1 month to 14 years of age who were hospitalized with aseptic meningitis in the pediatric hospital of posadas from august to december 2005. increased number of cases was observed between weeks 33 to 50 which reached a maximum peak in weeks 47 and 48, confirming an outbreak. the median of age was 8 years old, 55.2% were males. eighty pe ...200818669052
maternal enterovirus infection during pregnancy as a risk factor in offspring diagnosed with type 1 diabetes between 15 and 30 years of age.maternal enterovirus infections during pregnancy may increase the risk of offspring developing type 1 diabetes during childhood. the aim of this study was to investigate whether gestational enterovirus infections increase the offspring's risk of type 1 diabetes later in life. serum samples from 30 mothers without diabetes whose offspring developed type 1 diabetes between 15 and 25 years of age were analyzed for enterovirus-specific immunoglobulin m (igm) antibodies and enterovirus genome (rna), ...200818670622
multiplex masstag-pcr for respiratory pathogens in pediatric nasopharyngeal washes negative by conventional diagnostic testing shows a high prevalence of viruses belonging to a newly recognized rhinovirus clade.respiratory infections are the most common infectious diseases in humans worldwide and are a leading cause of death in children less than 5 years of age.200818674964
besides increasing surveillance and waiting for an effective vaccine to emerge in the future, what else can be done to save the lives of hfmd victims? 200818678541
a convenient rapid culture assay for the detection of enteroviruses in clinical samples: comparison with conventional cell culture and rt-pcr.a convenient rapid culture assay (rca) for the detection of enteroviruses was evaluated against rt-pcr using 576 stool and 102 cerebrospinal fluid (csf) samples. one hundred and ninety stool samples were also tested by conventional cell culture (ccc). the rca used immunoperoxidase staining of cell culture plates with a blend of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against enterovirus vp1 on the second and sixth days after inoculation. this blend was composed of 5d8/1 (dako) and four 'in-house' mabs. ccc ...200818628502
[ventricular dysfunction during acute fever in dakar, senegal. clinical data and serological studies].during a study, the authors observed clinical and ultrasound evidence of "ventricular dysfunction during acute fever" due to ue to "severe acute myocarditis" supports therapeutic management since 4/8 patients in this study were infected either by chlamydia (ct and especially cp) or by mycoplasma pneumoniae, that are both sensitive to antimicrobial therapy using macrolides. five of 8 patients presented coinfection with 2 and even 3 infectious agents (cp-enterovirus-adenovirus).200818630048
[genetic evolution of poliovirus: success and difficulties in the eradication of paralytic poliomyelitis].poliovirus, the aetiological agent of poliomyelitis, is an enterovirus of the picronaviridae family. despite the success of the world health organisation (who) worldwide vaccination campaign against poliomyelitis, poliovirus remains a public health problem in several developing countries, in africa and asia in particular. this is partly due to the considerable capacity of poliovirus strains to circulate and spread in populations with insufficient vaccine coverage. in addition, the attenuated str ...200818630055
cleavage of poly(a)-binding protein by poliovirus 3c proteinase inhibits viral internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation.the two enteroviral proteinases, 2a proteinase (2a(pro)) and 3c proteinase (3c(pro)), induce host cell translation shutoff in enterovirus-infected cells by cleaving canonical translation initiation factors. cleavage of poly(a)-binding protein (pabp) by 3c(pro) has been shown to be a necessary component for host translation shutoff. here we show that 3c(pro) inhibits cap-independent translation mediated by the poliovirus internal ribosome entry site (ires) in a dose-dependent manner in hela trans ...200818632855
the crystal structure of coxsackievirus b3 rna-dependent rna polymerase in complex with its protein primer vpg confirms the existence of a second vpg binding site on picornaviridae polymerases.the rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) is a central piece in the replication machinery of rna viruses. in picornaviruses this essential rdrp activity also uridylates the vpg peptide, which then serves as a primer for rna synthesis. previous genetic, binding, and biochemical data have identified a vpg binding site on poliovirus rdrp and have shown that is was implicated in vpg uridylation. more recent structural studies have identified a topologically distinct site on the closely related foot-an ...200818632861
crystal structure of coxsackievirus b3 3dpol highlights the functional importance of residue 5 in picornavirus polymerases.the crystal structure of the coxsackievirus b3 polymerase has been solved at 2.25-a resolution and is shown to be highly homologous to polymerases from poliovirus, rhinovirus, and foot-and-mouth disease viruses. together, these structures highlight several conserved structural elements in picornaviral polymerases, including a proteolytic activation-dependent n-terminal structure that is essential for full activity. interestingly, a comparison of all of the picornaviral polymerase structures show ...200818632862
an enterovirus strain isolated from diabetic child belongs to a genetic subcluster of echovirus 11, but is also neutralised with monotypic antisera to coxsackievirus enterovirus strain (designated d207) isolated from a slovakian diabetic child and originally serotyped as coxsackievirus a9 (cav-9) was found to cause rapid cytolysis coinciding with severe functional damage of the surviving cells in primary cultures of human pancreatic islets. this finding prompted us to clone the isolate for full-length genome sequencing and molecular characterization as the prototype strain of cav-9 is known to cause only minimal damage to insulin-producing beta-cells. bas ...200818632967
poliovirus 2b insertion into lipid monolayers and pore formation in vesicles modulated by anionic phospholipids.enterovirus 2b viroporin has been involved in membrane permeabilization processes occurring late during cell infection. even though 2b lacks an obvious signal sequence for translocation, the presence of a lys-based amphipathic domain suggests that this product bears the intrinsic capacity for partitioning into negatively charged cytofacial membrane surfaces. pore formation by poliovirus 2b attached to a maltose-binding protein (mbp) has been indeed demonstrated in pure lipid vesicles, a fact sup ...200818634749
a novel mode of transmission for human enterovirus infection is swimming in contaminated seawater: implications in public health and in epidemiological surveillance. 200818637754
an outbreak of concurrent echovirus 30 and coxsackievirus a1 infections associated with sea swimming among a group of travelers to mexico.enteroviruses are shed in human stool and can cause a wide spectrum of illness. they are the leading cause of aseptic meningitis.200818637756
aseptic meningitis and encephalitis because of herpesviruses and enteroviruses in an immunocompetent adult population.human herpesviruses (hhvs) and enteroviruses (evs) are the major causative agents of cns viral infections. the aim of the study was to identify the etiology and determine the frequency of aseptic meningitis and encephalitis due to hhvs and evs in an immunocompetent adult population.200818637823
an outbreak of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) caused by coxsackievirus a24 variant in pakistan.acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) is a self-limiting viral infection of the eyes but having epidemic potential. in winter 2004-2005, an outbreak of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) occurred in islamabad, pakistan. the etiological agent was confirmed as coxsackievirus a24 variant (ca24v) by virus isolation and sequencing of a part of the vp1/vp3 gene. phylogenetic analysis in vp1 region showed that pakistan isolates has closest matches both in asia and europe while in vp1/vp3 region th ...200818638510
isolation of sabin-like polioviruses from wastewater in a country using inactivated polio vaccine.from 2001 to 2004, switzerland switched from routine vaccination with oral polio vaccine (opv) to inactivated polio vaccine (ipv), using both vaccines in the intervening period. since ipv is less effective at inducing mucosal immunity than opv, this change might allow imported poliovirus to circulate undetected more easily in an increasingly ipv-immunized population. environmental monitoring is a recognized tool for identifying polioviruses in a community. to look for evidence of poliovirus circ ...200818641161
molecular epidemiology of human enterovirus 71 in the united kingdom from 1998 to 2006.the last decade witnessed a significant increase in epidemic activity of human enterovirus 71 (ev71) in the western pacific region (wpr). in most european countries, this risk is unrecognized despite occasional cases of severe disease and two severe outbreaks in eastern europe 30 years ago. in this study we report the first examination of the molecular epidemiology of ev71 in the united kingdom from 1998 to 2006. genomic regions encoding the 1d coat protein (vp1) and 3d polymerase (pol) from 32 ...200818650362
the linker domain of poly(rc) binding protein 2 is a major determinant in poliovirus cap-independent translation.poliovirus, a member of the enterovirus genus in the family picornaviridae, is the causative agent of poliomyelitis. translation of the viral genome is mediated through an internal ribosomal entry site (ires) encoded within the 5' noncoding region (5' ncr). ires elements are highly structured rna sequences that facilitate the recruitment of ribosomes for translation. previous studies have shown that binding of a cellular protein, poly(rc) binding protein 2 (pcbp2), to a major stem-loop structure ...200818656221
a myocarditis outbreak with fatal cases associated with adenovirus subgenera c among children from havana city in 2005.among multiple causes of acute myocarditis, viral infection, especially that due to enteroviruses and adenoviruses, is the leading cause. in the summer 2005 an outbreak of a febrile syndrome accompanied by acute cardiac decompensation occurred in infants and young children in havana city. eleven patients had a rapid evolution of disease and there were 8 fatalities from cardiac failure secondary to myocarditis.200818657472
aseptic meningitis and viral myelitis.meningitis and myelitis represent common and very infrequent viral infections of the central nervous system, respectively. the number of cases of viral meningitis that occurs annually exceeds the total number of meningitis cases caused by all other etiologies combined. focal central nervous system infections, such as occur in the spinal cord with viral myelitis, are much less common and may be confused with noninfectious disorders that cause acute flaccid paralysis. this article reviews some of ...200818657719
quick identification of effective small interfering rnas that inhibit the replication of coxsackievirus a16.coxsackievirus a16 (ca16) is a major causative agent of hand, foot, and mouth disease (hfmd). it can cause myocarditis, pericarditis and fatal shock. there is no effective therapy against ca16. rna interference (rnai) is a powerful tool to silence gene expression. the small interfering rna (sirna) that induces rna degradation has recently been used as an anti-virus agent to inhibit virus replication. in this study, we established the complete nucleotide sequence of ca16 strain shzh05-1, and then ...200818662724
autophagosome supports coxsackievirus b3 replication in host cells.recent studies suggest a possible takeover of host antimicrobial autophagy machinery by positive-stranded rna viruses to facilitate their own replication. in the present study, we investigated the role of autophagy in coxsackievirus replication. coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3), a picornavirus associated with viral myocarditis, causes pronounced intracellular membrane reorganization after infection. we demonstrate that cvb3 infection induces an increased number of double-membrane vesicles, accompanied b ...200818596087
identification of enteroviruses in naturally infected captive a recent study, we investigated cases of diarrheal disease among monkeys at a u.s. primate center. in that study, enteroviruses were detected in a high proportion of the fecal specimens tested. to determine whether the enterovirus detections represented the circulation of one or more simian enteroviruses within the colony or the transmission of human enteroviruses from animal handlers, we determined in the present study the serotype identity of each virus by reverse transcription-pcr and sequ ...200818596147
molecular detection of human enteric viruses in urban rivers in korea.we performed rt-nested pcr to study the distribution of human enteric viruses in urban rivers in korea. during 2002-2003, water samples were collected from four rivers in gyeonggi province, south korea. among 58 samples, 45 (77.6%), 32 (55.2%), 12 (20.7%), 2 (3.4%), 4 (6.9%), and 4 (6.9%) showed positive results with adenoviruses (advs), enteroviruses (evs), reoviruses (revs), hepatitis a viruses (havs), rotaviruses (rovs), and sapoviruses (svs), respectively. according to the binary logistic re ...200818600062
mirror syndrome due to coxackie b virus associated to maternal peripartum cardiomyopathy. 200818601628
sheng-ma-ge-gen-tang inhibited enterovirus 71 infection in human foreskin fibroblast cell line.sheng-ma-ge-gen-tang (smggt), a popular prescription of chinese traditional medicine, has been used to manage measles infection of children for thousands of years. there are evidences to presume a wider spectrum of antiviral activity of smggt. however, smggt has not been proven to have activity against ev71 infection.200818601992
molecular detection and characterization of human enteroviruses in korean surface this study, the genetic epidemiology of enteroviruses (evs) in korean surface water was evaluated by conducting phylogenetic analyses of the nucleotide sequences of the 5' non-coding region (5' ncr), which was determined by rt-pcr analysis of total culturable virus assay-positive samples. the results showed that the nucleotide sequences of the evs could be classified into 4 genetic clusters, and that the predominant presence of korea evs were very similar to echoviruses type 30. interestingly ...200818604502
attention-deficit/hyperactivity-related symptoms among children with enterovirus 71 infection of the central nervous study has investigated the association between enterovirus 71 central nervous system infection and symptoms related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. in this study we evaluated attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder-related symptoms and internalizing problems as long-term sequelae resulting from enterovirus 71 central nervous system infection in children.200818606624
[epidemiological and virological study of aseptic meningitis in children caused by echovirus type 30 in fukushima in 2004].an outbreak of aseptic meningitis caused by echovirus type 30 (e-30) occurred in the southern area of fukushima prefecture from march to september in 2004. the data of 54 patients with e-30 meningitis were analyzed. the median age was 7.3 years and the age range was 4 to 14 years. the male to female ratio was 2.2:1. the major symptoms of fever, headache and nausea/vomiting were observed more than 80% of the patients. the mean cerebrospinal fluid cell count was 104/microl, and polymorphonuclear c ...200818546846
cardiac-targeted rna interference mediated by an aav9 vector improves cardiac function in coxsackievirus b3 cardiomyopathy.rna interference (rnai) has potential to be a novel therapeutic strategy in diverse areas of medicine. in this paper, we report on targeted rnai for the treatment of a viral cardiomyopathy, which is a major cause of sudden cardiac death or terminal heart failure in children and young adults. rnai therapy employs small regulatory rnas to achieve its effect, but in vivo use of synthetic small interfering rnas is limited by instability in plasma and low transfer into target cells. we instead evalua ...200818548221
effective chemokine secretion by dendritic cells and expansion of cross-presenting cd4-/cd8+ dendritic cells define a protective phenotype in the mouse model of coxsackievirus myocarditis.enteroviruses such as coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) are able to induce lethal acute and chronic myocarditis. in resistant c57bl/6 mice, cvb3 myocarditis is abrogated by t-cell-dependent mechanisms, whereas major histocompatibility complex (mhc)-matched permissive mice develop chronic myocarditis based on virus persistence. to define the role of t-cell-priming dendritic cells (dcs) in the outcome of cvb3 myocarditis, dcs were analyzed in this animal model in the course of cvb3 infection. in b ...200818550677
antigen-induced immunomodulation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterised by the accumulation of monocytes/macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and lymphocytes within the arterial wall in response to the release of proinflammatory molecules. such accumulation results in the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque, which would eventually evolve to complications such as total artery occlusion, rupture, calcification, or aneurysm. although the molecular mechanism responsible for the development of atherosclero ...200818551190
comparison of automated nucleic acid extraction methods with manual extraction.automated nucleic acid extractors can improve workflow and decrease variability in the clinical laboratory. we evaluated qiagen ez1 (valencia, ca) and biomérieux (durham, nc) easymag extractors compared with qiagen manual extraction using targets and matrices commonly available in the clinical laboratory. pooled samples were spiked with various organisms, serially diluted, and extracted in duplicate. the organisms/matrices were bordetella pertussis/bronchoalveolar lavage, herpes simplex virus ii ...200818556770
human parechoviruses as an important viral cause of sepsislike illness and meningitis in young children.enteroviruses (evs) belong to the family picornaviridae and are a well-known cause of neonatal sepsis and viral meningitis. human parechoviruses (hpevs) type 1 and 2, previously named echovirus 22 and 23, have been associated with mild gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms in young children. six hpev genotypes are currently known, of which hpev3 is associated with neonatal sepsis and meningitis.200818558876
role of respiratory pathogens in infants hospitalized for a first episode of wheezing and their impact on order to evaluate the infectious agents associated with the first episode of severe acute wheezing in otherwise healthy infants and to define the role of each of them in recurrences, 85 patients in italy, aged <12 months, hospitalized because of a first acute episode of wheezing, were prospectively enrolled between 1 october 2005 and 31 march 2006. upon enrollment, nasopharyngeal swabs were collected for the real-time pcr detection of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) types a and b, influenza ...200818558940
[isolation of enterovirus 75 in a child with a fever syndrome of unknown origin]. 200818559212
sequence-specific cleavage of hepatitis c virus rna by dnazymes: inhibition of viral rna translation and replication.dnazyme (dz) molecules have been shown to be highly efficient inhibitors of virus replication. hepatitis c virus rna translation is mediated by an internal ribosome entry site (ires) element located mostly in the 5' untranslated region (utr), the mechanism of which is fundamentally different from cap-dependent translation of cellular mrnas, and thus an attractive target for designing antiviral drugs. inhibition of hcv ires-mediated translation has drastic consequences for the replication of vira ...200818559927
the molecular basis of mouse adaptation by human enterovirus 71.a mouse-adapted strain of human enterovirus 71 (hev71) was selected by serial passage of a hev71 clinical isolate (hev71-26m) in chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells (cho-26m) and in newborn balb/c mice (mp-26m). despite improved growth in cho cells, cho-26m did not show increased virulence in newborn balb/c mice compared with hev71-26m. by contrast, infection of newborn mice with mp-26m resulted in severe disease of high mortality. skeletal muscle was the primary site of replication in mice for bo ...200818559932
management of enteroviral conjunctivitis outbreaks in the singapore military in 2005.between 8 august and 9 october 2005, tropical singapore experienced a national epidemic of acute viral conjunctivitis. we report the epidemiological and virological findings of outbreaks of viral conjunctivitis in military facilities during the same time period, and the outbreak control measures taken. outbreaks of viral conjunctivitis were identified by medical officers in military medical facilities. epidemiological and virological investigations were carried out, and a standard set of control ...200818564678
elevated levels of mmp-9 and timp-1 in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with echovirus type 30 and mumps meningitis.matrix metalloproteinases are involved in leucocyte invasion into the central nervous system (cns) during meningitis. the aim of the study was to determine whether there are differences in the expression patterns of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (mmp-9) and the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (timp-1) in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of patients with meningitis caused by one of two known distinct viral agents. concentrations were measured by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa ...200818565120
gastrointestinal uptake of trace elements are changed during the course of a common human viral (coxsackievirus b3) infection in mice.most infectious diseases are accompanied by a change in levels of several trace elements in the blood. however, it is not known whether changes in the gastrointestinal uptake of trace elements contribute to this event. coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3), adapted to balb/c mice, was used to study whether infection induces gene expression of metallothionein (mt1) and divalent-metal transporter 1 (dmt1) in the intestine and liver and hepcidin in the liver, as well as whether trace elements in these tissues a ...200818565424
monocistronic mrnas containing defective hepatitis c virus-like picornavirus internal ribosome entry site elements in their 5' untranslated regions are efficiently translated in cells by a cap-dependent mechanism.the initiation of protein synthesis on mrnas within eukaryotic cells is achieved either by a 5' cap-dependent mechanism or through internal initiation directed by an internal ribosome entry site (ires). picornavirus ires elements, located in the 5' untranslated region (5'utr), contain extensive secondary structure and multiple upstream aug codons. these features can be expected to inhibit cap-dependent initiation of translation. however, we have now shown that certain mutant hepatitis c virus-li ...200818567818
utility of dna microarrays for detection of viruses in acute respiratory tract infections in assess the utility of a panviral dna microarray platform (virochip) in the detection of viruses associated with pediatric respiratory tract infections (rtis).200818571541
cleavage of eukaryotic initiation factor eif5b by enterovirus 3c proteases.the enteroviruses poliovirus (pv), coxsackie b virus (cvb) and rhinovirus (hrv) are members of picornaviridae that inhibit host cell translation early in infection. enterovirus translation soon predominates in infected cells, but eventually also shuts off. this complex pattern of modulation of translation suggests regulation by a multifactorial mechanism. we report here that eif5b is proteolytically cleaved during pv and cvb infection of cultured cells, beginning at 3 hours post-infection and in ...200818572216
distinct signature type i interferon responses are determined by the infecting virus and the target cell.type i interferons (ifn) include multiple ifn-alpha subtypes which exhibit considerable amino acid identity and activate the same cell-surface receptor. the promoter regions of the ifn-alpha genes, however, have different transcription factor binding sites, implying differential transcriptional activation. evolutionary conservation of multiple subtypes may have resulted from external pressures associated with the crucial nature of an ifn response, namely that different viruses that are tropic fo ...200818572754
[laboratory testing of specimens from patients with viral encephalitis from some regions of china].to understand the viral etiology of viral encephalitis in china by detecting igm antibody and viral rna in the clinical samples of patients from some provinces of china by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction.200818574526
[genome analysis of a newly isolated enterovirus].to demonstrate molecular characterization of a newly isolated enterovirus.200818574530
[circulation of coxsackieviruses in the slovak population in 1985-2007].enteroviral infections are of the most common infections in the human population. circulation of these viruses is high in population and they cause a wide range of clinical syndromes in human. the aim of this study was to compare the coxsackievirus circulation intensity in the population of the slovak republic during the period of last 23 years and to identify changes also in relation to modification in polio vaccination scheme. marker indicating suffered infection was the presence of virus spec ...200818578411
acute and recurrent viral meningitis.acute viral meningitis is the most common infection of the central nervous system. most cases occur in children and young adults and are due to enteroviruses. although the common causes of acute viral meningitis still lack treatment with an effective antiviral agent, management of patients is changing because of better and more rapid diagnostic tests to determine the exact viral etiology. these tests reduce the cost of workups and shorten hospitalizations. recurrent meningitis is less common, wi ...200818579020
impact of exogenous sequences on the characteristics of an epidemic type 2 recombinant vaccine-derived poliovirus.pathogenic circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cvdpvs) have become a major obstacle to the successful completion of the global polio eradication program. most cvdpvs are recombinant between the oral poliovirus vaccine (opv) and human enterovirus species c (hev-c). to study the role of hev-c sequences in the phenotype of cvdpvs, we generated a series of recombinants between a madagascar cvdpv isolate and its parental opv type 2 strain. results indicated that the hev-c sequences present in t ...200818579607
a geographical mystery: do cardiotropic viruses respect national borders? 200818582640
design, synthesis, and evaluation of 3c protease inhibitors as anti-enterovirus 71 agents.human enterovirus (ev) belongs to the picornavirus family, which consists of over 200 medically relevant viruses. a peptidomimetic inhibitor ag7088 was developed to inhibit the 3c protease of rhinovirus (a member of the family), a chymotrypsin-like protease required for viral replication, by forming a covalent bond with the active site cys residue. in this study, we have prepared the recombinant 3c protease from ev71 (tw/2231/98), a particular strain which causes severe outbreaks in asia, and de ...200818583140
enterovirus 71 in taiwan, 2004-2006: epidemiological and virological features.we report unusual cases of myocarditis caused by enterovirus 71 (ev71) and a declining trend in the incidence of ev71 in taiwan since 2005. furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of the 5' untranslated region, vp4, and vp1 genes of ev71 isolates in 2004-2005 revealed a divergent phylogeny from the previous taiwanese isolates. no obvious phylogenetically distinct clones or clusters were found related to varying degrees of disease severity or clinical manifestations.200818584550
coxsackievirus b3-induced myocarditis: infection of females during the estrus phase of the ovarian cycle leads to activation of t regulatory cells.transgenic female mice expressing the tnfalpha gene under the cardiac myosin promoter (tnf1.6) develop substantially increased myocarditis and increased numbers of cd4+th1 (interferon gamma+) cells when infected with coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) during the diestrus and proestrus phases of the estrus cycle compared to females infected during the estrus and metestrus phases. cardiac virus titers were increased in females infected in estrus compared to females infected during the other phases. t regula ...200818586295
the role of rhinoviruses and enteroviruses in community acquired pneumonia in adults. 200818587038
[the etiological pattern of acute respiratory virus infections in baku in 2002-2006].the etiological pattern of respiratory viral infections was detected in baku in 2002-2006. there was a high proportion of influenza a virus in the occurrence of respiratory infections in baku in 2002-2006. there was no relationship of the detection of various respiratory viral infections to age and sex in baku in the above period.200818590132
purification and partial characterization of coxsackievirus b3 2a protease expressed in escherichia coli.reported here is the overexpression, purification and partial characterization of recombinant coxsakievirus b3 2a protease (cvb3 2apro) from bacterial cells transformed with a plasmid containing the cvb3 2apro cdna sequences. the structural investigation showed that the protein contains mostly beta-strand elements and requires zn2+ ions as a structural component which appeared to be inhibitory if added exogenously. the purified enzyme activity was optimal at 4 degrees c and had a short half-life ...200818590760
severe neonatal parechovirus infection and similarity with enterovirus infection.enteroviruses (ev) are an important cause of neonatal disease including hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, and myocarditis that can lead to death or severe long-term sequelae. less is known about severe neonatal infection caused by the parechoviruses (pev) of which type 1 (pev1) and type 2 (pev2) were previously known as echovirus 22 and echovirus 23. they belong to the same family of picornaviridae as the ev. of the pev, so far only pev3 has been associated in 2 recent reports with severe neonatal ...200818277927
viral upper respiratory tract infection and otitis media complication in young children.the common cold or upper respiratory infection (uri) is highly prevalent among young children and often results in otitis media (om). the incidence and characteristics of om complicating uri due to specific viruses have not been well studied.200818279042
ribavirin reduces mortality in enterovirus 71-infected mice by decreasing viral replication.enterovirus 71 (ev71) causes fatal encephalitis in young children. however, there is no effective antiviral drug available for infected patients. ribavirin is currently used for the treatment of several rna virus infections clinically, so its anti-ev71 efficacy was evaluated. in vitro results showed that ribavirin effectively reduced the viral yields (with an ic50 of 65 microg/ml) and virus-induced cytopathic effect in human and mouse cell lines. in vivo results showed that ribavirin reduced the ...200818279075
subcellular distribution of swine vesicular disease virus proteins and alterations induced in infected cells: a comparative study with foot-and-mouth disease virus and vesicular stomatitis virus.the intracellular distribution of swine vesicular disease virus (svdv) proteins and the induced reorganization of endomembranes in ibrs-2 cells were analyzed. fluorescence to new svdv capsids appeared first upon infection, concentrated in perinuclear circular structures and colocalized to dsrna. as in foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv)-infected cells, a vesicular pattern was predominantly found in later stages of svdv capsid morphogenesis that colocalized with those of non-structural proteins 2 ...200818279902
prevalence of human pathogenic enteric viruses in bivalve molluscan shellfish and cultured shrimp in south west coast of india.the prevalence of human enteric viruses in bivalve molluscan shellfish and shrimp collected off the south west coast of india was studied to assess the extent of fecal pollution of coastal environment. out of 194 samples analyzed, 37% of oyster, 46% of clam and 15% of shrimp samples were positive for enteroviruses (ev). adenoviruses (adv) were detected in 17% of oyster and 27% of clam samples. however, other enteric viruses such as noroviruses (nov) and hepatitis a virus (hav) were not detected ...200818279989
detection of naturally occurring enteroviruses in waters using direct rt-pcr and integrated cell culture-rt-pcr.viruses detected by rapid molecular assays are not always infectious. in this study we compared enterovirus levels in natural waters using culture and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) techniques to determine whether molecular units of naturally occurring enteroviruses can be utilized to predict viral infectivity. viruses were concentrated from 12 river water and effluent samples using 1 mds filter-filtration and beef extract-elution. an integrated cell culture-rt-pcr (icc ...200818280589
reductions of e. coli, echovirus type 12 and bacteriophages in an intermittently operated household-scale slow sand filter.point-of-use (pou) drinking water treatment technology enables those without access to safe water sources to improve the quality of their water by treating it in the home. one of the most promising emerging pou technologies is the biosand filter (bsf), a household-scale, intermittently operated slow sand filter. over 500,000 people in developing countries currently use the filters to treat their drinking water. however, despite this successful implementation, there has been almost no systematic, ...200818281076
monitoring of waterborne pathogens in surface waters in amsterdam, the netherlands, and the potential health risk associated with exposure to cryptosporidium and giardia in these waters.the water in the canals and some recreational lakes in amsterdam is microbiologically contaminated through the discharge of raw sewage from houseboats, sewage effluent, and dog and bird feces. exposure to these waters may have negative health effects. during two successive 1-year study periods, the water quality in two canals (2003 to 2004) and five recreational lakes (2004 to 2005) in amsterdam was tested with regard to the presence of fecal indicators and waterborne pathogens. according to bat ...200818281429
potent oncolytic activity of human enteroviruses against human prostate cancer.oncolytic virotherapy offers a unique treatment modality for prostate cancer, especially stages that are resistant to current therapies, with the additional benefit of preferentially targeting tumor cells amongst an environment of healthy tissue. herein, the low pathogenic enteroviruses; coxsackievirus a21 (cva21), as well as a bio-selected variant of coxsackievirus a21 (cva21-dafv) and echovirus 1 (ev1) are evaluated as novel oncolytic agents against human prostate cancer.200818288643
[serum types of enterovirus and clinical characteristics of 237 children with hand, foot and mouth disease in shenzhen].to study the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics and the serum types of enterovirus of hand, foot and mouth disease (hfmd) in children.200818289469
detection of viral bioagents using a shear horizontal surface acoustic wave biosensor.viruses are of high medical and biodefense concern and their detection at concentrations well below the threshold necessary to cause health hazards continues to be a challenge with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and selectivity. ideally, assays for accurate and real time detection of viral agents would not necessitate any pre-processing of the analyte, which would make them applicable for example to bodily fluids (blood, sputum) and man-made as well as naturally occurring bodies of water ( ...200818262781
bactericidal and virucidal activity of the alkalophilic p395d/l241v/t343a mutant of vanadium chloroperoxidase.vanadium chloroperoxidase and its directed evolution mutant p395d/l241v/t343a were investigated for their antibacterial and antiviral potential at slightly alkaline ph and at a h(2)o(2) concentration that is low compared to current nonenzymatic formulations.200818266697
mutation variants generated from nonvirulent coxsackievirus b3 acquire virulence phenotypes by active virus understand coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) virulence at the molecular level.200818268408
fetal exposure to herpesviruses may be associated with pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders and preterm birth in a caucasian investigate the role of fetal viral infection in the development of a range of adverse pregnancy outcomes (apos), including pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders (pihd), antepartum haemorrhage (aph), birthweight <10th percentile (small for gestational age, sga) and preterm birth (ptb).200818271886
development of multiplex real-time hybridization probe reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for specific detection and differentiation of enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus a16.large outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease have been reported in the asia pacific region over the last few years and resulted in significant fatalities. the 2 main etiologic agents are enterovirus 71 (ev71) and coxsackievirus a16 (ca16). both viruses are closely related genetically and show similar clinical symptoms. however, ev71 are associated with neurologic complications and can lead to fatalities. in this study, we developed a multiplex real-time hybridization probe reverse transcript ...200818394844
[the enter of viruses family picornaviridae in residents macrophages].viruses enter in cells through clathrin- and dinamin-mediated uptake route-endocytosis, caveolae-mediated local destruction of cell plasma membranes, and macropinocytosis. the non-enveloped viruses to which picornaviridae famiy is attributed are important human and animal pathogens. the aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of penetration of viruses of this family (polio-, echo 11-, entero 71- and coxsackie b1-viruses) into resident macrophages. after attachment to the plasma membrane ...200818540199
the cis-acting replication elements define human enterovirus and rhinovirus species.replication of picornaviruses is dependent on vpg uridylylation, which is linked to the presence of the internal cis-acting replication element (cre). cre are located within the sequence encoding polyprotein, yet at distinct positions as demonstrated for poliovirus and coxsackievirus-b3, cardiovirus, and human rhinovirus (hrv-a and hrv-b), overlapping proteins 2c, vp2, 2a, and vp1, respectively. here we report a novel distinct cre element located in the vp2 region of the recently reported hrv-a2 ...200818541697
outbreak news. enterovirus, china. 200818472450
a case of enteroviral meningoencephalitis presenting as rapidly progressive dementia.a 70-year-old immunocompetent male presented to a memory disorders clinic with a 7-month illness that had begun with somatic complaints including transient right temporal head pain, left buttock pain, and right conjunctival injection. about 3 months after the first signs of illness, the patient had begun to develop insidious cognitive and behavioral decline, which progressed most rapidly in the 2 months before presentation. an assessment completed during hospitalization for intermittent fevers a ...200818477991
[dr guillermo contreras da silva, a relevant figure in the development of chilean microbiology].the influence of the work of dr. guillermo contreras da silva and his colaborators on the evolution of microbiology in chile is briefly analyzed. dr. contreras was trained in modern virology at yale university with dr. j. melnick under the sponsorhip of the rockefeller foundation. during this training, he used serological methods to classify cocksakie viruses. after his return to chile, he studied the epidemiology of enteroviruses, including poliovirus. his laboratory, the country's first in mod ...200818483682
viral loads of cerebrospinal fluid in infants with enterovirus meningitis.for a better understanding of the role of the viral load, free radicals, and cytokines in viral meningitis, we surveyed cerebrospinal fluid (csf) obtained from patients below 1 year of age who showed positive for enterovirus. in their first examinations interleukin (il)-6 and free radicals increased whereas pleocytosis was rarely observed. il-6 decreased within the short period. viral loads and free radicals increased simultaneously. il-6 and free radicals of csf are helpful for diagnosis and tr ...200818484653
viral myocarditis and coagulopathy: increased tissue factor expression and plasma thrombogenicity.we investigated the effects of viral infection on tissue factor (tf) expression and activity in mice within the myocardium to understand increased thrombosis during myocarditis. mice were infected with coxsackie virus b3 (cvb3) and the hearts were collected at day 4, 8 and 28 post infection (p.i.). myocardial tf expression and cellular activity as well as plasma activity were analyzed from cvb3 infected mice by western blot, chromogenic factor xa generation assay, in situ staining for active tf ...200818495150
increased detections and severe neonatal disease associated with coxsackievirus b1 infection--united states, 2007.enteroviruses generally cause mild disease; however, neonates are at higher risk for severe illness because of the immaturity of their immune systems. neonatal systemic enterovirus disease, characterized by multiorgan involvement, is among the most serious, potentially fatal conditions associated with enterovirus infection. typical clinical presentations include encephalomyocarditis (characteristic of group b coxsackieviruses) and hemorrhage-hepatitis syndrome (typical of echovirus 11). to descr ...200818496504
[who polio eradication programme:status quo and implementation in austria].in 1988 the 41(th) world health assembly declared polio to be worldwide eradicated until the year 2000. although this ambitious aim could not be reached completely, the yearly worldwide incidence was reduced by 99% and three who-regions were declared polio-free (americans, west pacific, europe). to maintain this status the following measures have to be carried out: polio vaccination, enterovirus surveillance, afp-surveillance, quality control of laboratories and notification of labs keeping stoc ...200818500595
analysis of monthly isolation of respiratory viruses from children by cell culture using a microplate method: a two-year study from 2004 to 2005 in yamagata, japan.although well over 200 viral agents have been implicated in acute respiratory infections (aris) among children, no system able to detect such a wide range of viruses has been established. between january 2004 and december 2005, a modified microplate method, including hef, hep-2, vero e6, mdck, rd-18s, and gmk cell lines (hhve6mrg plate), was adopted to isolate viruses. a total of 1,551 viruses were isolated, representing both outbreaks and sporadic cases, from 4,107 nasopharyngeal specimens, at ...200818503168
prevalence of enterovirus from patients with herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease in nagano prefecture, japan, 2007. 200818503184
new tools for the study and direct surveillance of viral pathogens in water.half a century ago scientists attempted the detection of poliovirus in water. since then other enteric viruses responsible for gastroenteritis and hepatitis have replaced enteroviruses as the main target for detection. however, most viral outbreaks are restricted to norovirus and hepatitis a virus, making them the main targets in water. the inclusion of virus analysis in regulatory standards for viruses in water samples must overcome several shortcomings such as the technical difficulties and hi ...200818508257
remission of cvb3-induced viral myocarditis by in vivo th2 polarization via hydrodynamics-based interleukin-4 gene transfer.regulation of th polarization was critical for the prevention of coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) induced myocarditis. in the present study, interleukin (il)-4 was over-expressed by hydrodynamics-based gene transfection (hgt) to induce the in vivo th2 bias and evaluate the influence of th polarization on the pathogenesis of cvb3-myocaditis.200818512734
a case for developing antiviral drugs against polio.polio eradication is within sight. in bringing the world close to this ultimate goal, the global polio eradication initiative (gpei) has relied exclusively on the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (opv). however, as eradication nears, continued opv use becomes less tenable due to the incidence of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis (vapp) in vaccine recipients and disease caused by circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cvdpvs) in contacts. once wild poliovirus transmission has ...200818513807
a laboratory study of survival of selected microorganisms after heat treatment of biowaste used in biogas plants.the aim of the study was to assess the effect of pasteurisation, as set by the european regulation ec 1774/2002, on selected pathogens and indicator organisms. unpasteurised substrate (biowaste), including animal by-products from a full-scale biogas plant was heat treated under laboratory conditions at 70 degrees c and 55 degrees c for 30 min and 60 min. heat treatment at 55 degrees c for 60 min was not sufficient to achieve a hygienically acceptable product. heat treatment at 70 degrees c for 3 ...200818513960
mutations at nucleotides 573 and 579 within 5'-untranslated region augment the virulence of coxsackievirus b1.two mutants of coxsackievirus b1 (cvb1), cvb1c and cvb1e, with mutations in the stem-loop h of 5'-utr were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. the a at nt579 of cvb1c was substituted by g. the u at nt573 and a at nt579 of cvb1e were substituted by a and g. the virulences of these mutants had been assessed by means of cytopathic effect (cpe), plaque formation, one-step growth curve, and 50% lethal dose (ld50) assays. the pathogenesis of these mutants was evaluated by attacking suckling balb/c ...200818514346
proteasome inhibition attenuates coxsackievirus-induced myocardial damage in mice.coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) is one of the most prevalent pathogens of viral myocarditis, which may persist chronically and progress to dilated cardiomyopathy. we previously demonstrated a critical role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (ups) in the regulation of coxsackievirus replication in mouse cardiomyocytes. in the present study, we extend our interest to an in vivo animal model to examine the regulation and role of the ups in cvb3-induced murine myocarditis. male myocarditis-susceptible a/j ...200818515649
pathologic characterization of a murine model of human enterovirus 71 encephalomyelitis.we describe a model of enterovirus 71 encephalomyelitis in 2-week-old mice that shares many features with the human central nervous system (cns) disease. mice were infected via oral and parenteral routes with a murine-adapted virus strain originally from a fatal human case. the mice succumbed to infection after 2 to 5 days. vacuolated and normal-appearing cns neurons showed viral rna and antigens and virions by in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy; inflammation wa ...200818520772
performance of the genexpert enterovirus assay for detection of enteroviral rna in cerebrospinal fluid.the genexpert dx system allows for automated extraction, processing, amplification and real-time detection of target nucleic acids.200818524674
detection of all known parechoviruses by real-time pcr.the parechovirus genus of the picornaviridae family contains two species, human parechovirus (hpev) and ljungan virus (lv). the hpevs (including the former echoviruses 22 and 23, now hpev type 1 (hpev1) and hpev2, respectively) cause a wide spectrum of disease, including aseptic meningitis, gastroenteritis, encephalitis, acute respiratory illness, and neonatal sepsis-like disease. the lvs were isolated from bank voles in sweden during a search for an infectious agent linked to fatal myocarditis ...200818524969
the structure and function of a cis-acting element located upstream of the ires that influences coxsackievirus b3 rna translation.we have investigated the importance of a conserved hexa-nucleotide stretch in the apical loop within stem-loop c (sl c, nt 104-180), upstream of the ribosome landing site, on cvb3 ires function. the deletion or substitution mutation at this apical loop resulted in significant decrease in ires activity. both the mutant ires rnas failed to interact with certain trans-acting factors. furthermore, expression of cvb3 2a protease significantly enhanced ires activity of the wild type, but the effect wa ...200818533219
groundwater microbiological quality in canadian drinking water municipal verify previous conclusions on the use of bacterial indicators suggested in regulations and to investigate virological quality of groundwater, a 1-year study was undertaken on groundwater used as a source of drinking water in 3 provinces in canada. raw water from 25 municipal wells was sampled during a 1-year period for a total of 167 samples. twenty-three sites were selected on the basis of their excellent historical bacteriological water quality data, and 2 sites with known bacteriological ...200818535633
fatal neonatal myocarditis caused by a recombinant human enterovirus-b variant.we report a case of fatal myocarditis in a newborn infant who was infected with a human enterovirus detected by throat culture and rt-pcr for viral rna in plasma. whole genome sequence analysis revealed the virus to be a genomic chimera that likely arose from recombination between coxsackievirus b3 and two recently identified enteroviruses, ev 86 and ev97.200818536618
large-scale freshwater microbiological study: rationale, results and risks.a fifteen-month fortnightly survey of microbial health risk indicators and pathogens has been carried out at 25 freshwater recreational and water supply sites distributed throughout new zealand, for: e. coli, clostridium perfringens spores, f-rna bacteriophage, somatic coliphage, human enteroviruses, human adenoviruses, cryptosporidium oocysts, giardia cysts, salmonella and campylobacter. sites were selected to represent five geographical areas covering new zealand and five categories of predomi ...200818401110
water reuse for urban landscape irrigation: aspersion and health related regulations.the mediterranean seaside resort of le grau du roi includes 40 hectares of landscaped areas spray irrigated with river water supplied through a separate network. wastewater collected from several municipalities is treated in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) and polished in waste stabilization ponds (wsps). planned substitution of treated wastewater for river water is hindered by spray irrigation prohibition within a 100 m distance from houses and recreational areas. wwtp and ...200818401152
calu-3/a-549 mixed cells as a replacement for primary rhesus monkey kidney cells for virus detection.primary kidney cells derived from rhesus macaques (prhmk) are heavily relied upon for the detection and culture of a wide range of clinically relevant viruses. the use of these cultures is problematic due to the possible presence of endogenous viruses, the need to sacrifice a primate, and the inherent variance found in primary cultures.200818403257
Displaying items 1301 - 1400 of 12545