
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
listeriosis during pregnancy.listeriosis is an uncommon infection that has a unique predilection for pregnant women and may result in pregnancy loss. contaminated food is the usual source of infection, and increased federal surveillance of foodstuffs is the most effective strategy for prevention of disease. although dramatic epidemics have received the most publicity, more cases of perinatal listeriosis are isolated. if listeria chorioamnionitis is diagnosed preterm, in contrast to other types of chorioamnionitis, in utero ...19989870235
management of preterm premature rupture of the many cases, the management of preterm prom will be dictated by the presence of advanced labor, intrauterine infection, placental abruption, or nonreassuring fetal testing. these patients should be delivered expeditiously, with group b streptococcus prophylaxis given where possible, and cesarean delivery reserved for routine obstetric indications. the stable patient with pprom and documented fetal pulmonary maturity is best treated by early induction. alternatively, the patient with pprom remo ...19989917942
eight-year outcome of universal screening and intrapartum antibiotics for maternal group b streptococcal report the outcome of intervention to reduce early-onset group b streptococcal disease (eogbsd) at a tertiary maternity hospital in sydney and to review all cases of eogbsd since intervention to improve outcomes further.19989417166
timing of intrapartum ampicillin and prevention of vertical transmission of group b evaluate the relationship between the time elapsed from the administration of ampicillin prophylaxis to delivery and its efficacy in interrupting intrapartum transmission of group b streptococcus.19989464732
properties of human anti-group b streptococcal type iii capsular igg antibody.the group b streptococcus is the commonest cause of bacterial infection in the newborn. in an attempt to prevent these infections, various vaccines are in development, most of which contain at least one of the capsular carbohydrates of the bacterium. we present new detailed data on the natural human antibody response to the type iii capsular carbohydrate as we believe it is important to ascertain equivalent data for any new candidate vaccine in order to predict efficacy. we demonstrate that natu ...19989473378
group b streptococcal metastatic endophthalmitis in an elderly man without predisposing illness.our patient, an 83-year-old man, suddenly experienced acute lumbago and was prescribed bed rest. later, pneumonia was diagnosed, even though he had no predisposing illness, and endophthalmitis developed in both eyes. cultures of anterior chamber and vitreous specimens were positive for group b streptococcus. treatment with systemic antibiotics, to which this bacteria is sensitive, was begun and his condition gradually improved. nevertheless, the patient became blind in his right eye and the eye ...19989749872
[neonatal pneumonia].early neonatal pneumonia is mainly caused by bacteria, group b streptococcus, escherichia coli and listeria being the most frequently involved; herpes simplex is the main viral agent. these agents may also be responsible for late forms, besides chlamydia trachomatis and the pathogen agents of community acquired pneumonia. due to the severity of the bacterial pneumonias, treatment must be started with a large spectrum antibiotherapy, and later on adapted according to the results of bacteriologica ...199810223164
fatal maternal beta-hemolytic group b streptococcal meningitis: a case report.meningitis secondary to beta-hemolytic group b streptococcus is rare and represents less than 1% of cases of adult meningitis. we report the first known case of maternal mortality attributed to beta-hemolytic group b streptococcal meningitis. a 23-year-old african-american woman with a benign prenatal course delivered a viable male infant at term. labor was complicated by thick meconium for which a saline amnioinfusion was utilized. on postpartum day 1, the patient complained of right hip pain a ...199810064199
assessment of office-based care of sexually transmitted diseases and vaginitis and antibiotic decision-making by obstetrician-gynecologists.survey office-based obstetric-gynecologic practitioners regarding their knowledge of infectious disease care and antibiotic use.19989972486
epizootic of group b streptococcus agalactiae serotype v in dba/2 mice.beta-hemolytic streptococcus agalactiae serotype v was identified as the cause of an infection in laboratory mice. principally, the organism induced fatal septicemia in dba/2 breeding-age mice. the syndrome appeared to originate as an ascending pyelonephritis, which progressed to septicemia. microscopic lesions were found in the heart, kidneys, spleen, and liver, and less commonly in the uterus, thoracic cavity, lymph nodes, and lungs. the epizootic was controlled by eradication of the breeding ...19989517886
prophylaxis for neonatal group b streptococcus infections.for the past two decades, group b streptococcus (gbs) has been the pathogen most frequently isolated from neonates with invasive bacterial disease. this is a review of the relevant aspects of microbiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations and a summary of the major studies of prevention strategies that led to the development of the 1996 consensus guidelines for prevention of perinatal gbs disease. there is now sufficient experience to know that > or = 80% of cases of early onset gbs dis ...19989523398
fever without apparent source on clinical examination, infectious diseases, and lower respiratory infections in children.this section focuses on issues in infectious diseases that are commonly encountered in pediatric office practice. paul mccarthy discusses recent literature regarding the evaluation and management of acute fevers without apparent source on clinical examination in infants and children, and the evaluation of children with prolonged fevers of unknown origin. jean klig reviews recent literature about lower respiratory tract infection in children. jeffrey kahn and eugene shapiro discuss recent develop ...19989529649
concepts and controversies in the management of group b streptococcus during b beta-hemolytic streptococcus colonizes 20 percent of pregnant women. intrapartum fetal colonization leads to invasive disease in 1 to 2 infants of every 1000 births in the united states, and has a mortality of approximately 6 percent. several protocols using intrapartum chemoprophylaxis have been devised to improve management of the disease, but confusion continues about details and implementation. this review examined the clinical issues, current management protocols, and advantages and ...19989534505
attachment of group b streptococci to macrophages is mediated by a 21-kda b streptococcus (gbs) is able to bind to human macrophages in vitro in the absence of exogenous opsonins. the exact mechanisms that mediate this attachment are unclear. this study was undertaken to determine what protein adhesins are present on the surface of gbs that mediate attachment to macrophages. we have identified a 21-kda protein from the envelope of gbs type iii that directly binds to macrophages as determined by western blot analysis. antiserum against this protein was able to in ...19989544775
recurrent group b streptococcal disease in infants: who should receive rifampin?a preterm breast-fed infant had three episodes of type ia/c group b streptococcus septicemia. after the second episode rifampin was given to the infant, but further ia/c exposure to maternal breast milk ensued. we propose rifampin treatment for both the mother and infant in cases of recurrent group b streptococcus disease.19989544918
group b streptococcus (gbs) colonisation among expectant irish b streptococci (gbs) have been recognised for more than three decades as a serious cause of perinatal morbidity and neonatal mortality. the aim of this study was to accurately determine the prevalence of gbs carriage and the serotype distribution among pregnant irish women. 504 women attending antenatal clinics had two swabs (one perianal and one low vaginal) taken in the last four weeks of their pregnancy. these were placed in todd hewitt broth and then subcultured onto solid media. serot ...19989563251
the use of lumbar puncture and laboratory tests for sepsis by australian ascertain the current use of lumbar puncture (lp) and laboratory tests for possible or suspected sepsis by australian neonatologists.19989568947
meconium: a marker for peripartum test the hypothesis that the presence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid (af) is associated with maternal and neonatal infection, both before and after delivery.19989572222
structural properties of group b streptococcal type iii polysaccharide conjugate vaccines that influence immunogenicity and this study, we tested the hypothesis that the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines are influenced by three variables: (i) molecular size of the conjugate, (ii) molecular size of the polysaccharide used for conjugation, and (iii) extent of polysaccharide-to-protein cross-linking. type iii group b streptococcus capsular polysaccharide was linked by reductive amination at multiple sites to tetanus toxoid to create a polysaccharide-protein conjugate ...19989573106
persistence of penicillin g benzathine in pregnant group b streptococcus carriers. 19989581103
cytokine response to group b streptococcus infection in mice.this study was undertaken to better understand the complex relationship between specific and non-specific host defence mechanisms and group b streptococci (gbs). a comprehensive kinetics analysis of cytokine mrna expression was performed, by northern blot assay, in peritoneal exudate cells (pec) and spleen cells (sc) recovered from cd-1 mice at various times during the course of an intraperitoneal infection with a lethal dose (5 x 10(3) microorganisms/mouse) of type ia gbs, reference strain 090 ...19989600312
an adult male with group b streptococcus bacteremia, meningitis, and endocarditis. 19989617307
ozonolysis for selectively depolymerizing polysaccharides containing beta-d-aldosidic linkages.the depolymerization of polysaccharides, particularly those containing acid-sensitive components, into intact constituent repeating units can be very difficult. we describe a method using ozonolysis for depolymerizing polysaccharides containing beta-d-aldosidic linkages into short-chain polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. this method is carried out on polysaccharides that have been fully acetylated whereby beta-d-aldosidic linkages are selectively oxidized by ozone to form esters, from which t ...19989618455
amniotic fluid prolactin is decreased by experimental intrauterine infection or interleukin-1beta infusion but not via prostaglandins in pregnant rhesus macaques.amniotic fluid contains a high concentration of prolactin produced and secreted by the decidua. in vitro models have suggested that bacterial products inhibit prolactin secretion by decidual cells. to further examine this potentially important regulatory mechanism in the whole animal, chronically instrumented pregnant rhesus monkeys were prepared. experimental infection was induced by intraamniotic or choriodecidual inoculation of 10(3)-10(6) group b streptococcus. alternatively, interleukin (il ...19989623597
neonatal mouse immunity against group b streptococcal infection by maternal vaccination with recombinant anti-idiotypes.we investigated whether immunization with recombinant anti-idiotypic antibody fragments mimicking the conformation of the capsular antigen can protect against infection by group b streptococcus, an important neonatal pathogen. single-chain fragment-variable anti-idiotypes competed with the type iii carbohydrate for binding to type-specific antibodies and elicited, in mice, the production of protective immunoglobulins reacting against the type iii polysaccharide. moreover, maternal immunization w ...19989623980
screening of potential semen donors for sexual transmitted diseases.the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (stds) is of great concern to couples undergoing therapeutic donor insemination. goal of study: we sought to determine the prevalence of stds in potential semen donors and assess the rate of acquisition of new infection during the follow-up period.19989643155
[group b streptococcus infections: new forms. new preventive measures]. 19989646557
oral quinolone in the treatment of experimental polymicrobial puerperal infection in evaluate the efficacy of oral levofloxacin in the treatment of experimental polymicrobial puerperal infection in the rabbit.19989649087
sudden increase in isolation of group b streptococci, serotype v, is not due to emergence of a new pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type.until recently, group b streptococcus, serotype v (gbs-v), was an infrequent cause of disease. it is now recognized as a significant cause of infections in both children and adults. to determine if this increase was due to the recent introduction and spread of a single clone of gbs-v, we analyzed, by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge), the smai chromosomal dna digests of 45 bacteria: 41 isolated from human infections between 1986 and 1996 in the united states, 2 from human infections in arg ...19989650978
maternal carriage of group b streptococci in developing b streptococcus (gbs) is a leading cause of neonatal sepsis in many industrialized countries, but reports from the developing world infrequently identify this pathogen among newborns with sepsis. studies of gbs colonization among women living in developing countries were reviewed to determine whether lower colonization rates might account for these findings.19989655542
fatal myocarditis associated with a lancefield group b streptococcus. 19989661962
epidemiology of group b streptococcal disease in the united states: shifting paradigms.since its emergence 25 years ago, group b streptococcus has become recognized as a cause of serious illness in newborns, pregnant women, and adults with chronic medical conditions. heavy colonization of the genital tract with group b streptococcus also increases the risk that a woman will deliver a preterm low-birthweight infant. early-onset infections (occurring at < 7 days of age) are associated with much lower fatality than when they were first described, and their incidence is finally decrea ...19989665980
intrapartum management relating to the risk of perinatal transmission of group b review the incidence of neonatal group b streptococcal (gbs) sepsis and its associated risk factors in our obstetrical population.19989678144
antibody responses in invasive group b streptococcal infection in adults.nonpregnant adults with group b streptococcus bacteremia were identified by active surveillance in three hospitals. serum samples collected within 2 days of the time of blood culture were assayed for igg antibodies to the capsular polysaccharide of the infecting strain: serotype ia (3 isolates), iii (5 isolates), or v (4 isolates). in 7 of 12 bacteremia episodes, the serum level of igg to the infecting isolate was > or = 3.5 microg/ml, higher than the 1-2 microg/ml level thought to be protective ...19989697746
acquired brachial-plexus neuropathy in the neonate: a rare presentation of late-onset group-b streptococcal osteomyelitis.acquired brachial-plexus neuropathy outside the immediate neonatal period is uncommon. pseudopalsy of a limb, associated with osteomyelitis, is well recognized. acquired brachial-plexus neuropathy as the initial presentation of osteomyelitis of the humerus in the neonatal period is described. three infants presented at 3, 15, and 21 days respectively, with acute monoplegia consistent with brachial-plexus neuropathy. the infants were afebrile and generally well. initial radiographs of the humerus ...19989698064
group b streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome in adults.necrotizing fasciitis, which is a severe and uncommon infection involving the subcutaneous tissues, is usually caused by group a streptococci. to our knowledge, however, group b streptococci (streptococcus agalactiae) have been reported to cause necrotizing fasciitis in only 4 instances (2 involving neonates) over the past 4 decades. we report 3 cases of group b streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis in adults that occurred in southern ontario and quebec within a 10-month period. all 3 patients had ...19989701105
acute prostatitis with prostatic abscess caused by group b streptococcus. 19989709900
[neonatal type 1 pneumococcal meningitis and maternal septicemia].the most common organisms in neonatal meningitis are group b streptococcus and gram negative enteric bacteriae. although neisseria meningitidis, haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae are the most frequent causes of meningitis in infancy and childhood, they are uncommon in newborns. we report one case of neonatal meningitis and maternal septicemia.19989713210
streptococcus suis and group b streptococcus differ in their interactions with murine macrophages.streptococcus suis type 2 and group b streptococcus type iii (gbs) are important encapsulated bacterial species causing meningitis. in the present study we compared quantitatively the uptake and intracellular survival of s. suis type 2 and gbs type iii with murine macrophages in non-opsonic conditions. the role of the capsule of both pathogens was also studied using previously obtained unencapsulated isogenic mutants. encapsulated s. suis wild-type strain was practically not phagocytosed, while ...19989718208
binding of influenza and paramyxoviruses to group b streptococcus with the terminal sialyl-galactose linkage.using the virus-binding assay and scanning electron microscopy (sem), influenza a and b type viruses and two paramyxoviruses, parainfluenza (sendai) and mumps viruses, were found to bind to group b streptococcus (gbs), type ia and ii, with the terminal sialyl-galactose linkage, although some viruses detached during the sample processing for sem, and mumps virus did not bind to gbsia. binding of viruses eluted from gbs at 37 degrees c depended on combination of virus and gbs. the biological signi ...19989723158
adoption of hospital policies for prevention of perinatal group b streptococcal disease--united states, b streptococcal (gbs) infections are the leading bacterial cause of disease and deaths among newborns in the united states. in 1993, the annual cost of caring for newborns with sepsis caused by group b streptococcus was an estimated $294 million. a survey of hospital gbs disease prevention practices in 1994 indicated that those hospitals with a prenatal screening policy had fewer neonatal gbs disease cases. in 1996, to promote a coordinated approach to prevention, cdc issued consensus guid ...19989729032
detection of group b streptococcus: comparison of an optical immunoassay with direct plating and broth-enhanced culture methods.the aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of an optical immunoassay (strep b oia, biostar) to direct plating and broth-enhanced culture for the detection of group b streptococcus (gbs) colonization of the lower genital tract in pregnant women. gbs cultures from the lower genital tract were obtained in a prospective fashion using a dual swab transport system from patients with risk factors for perinatal gbs infection. one swab was used to inoculate a trypticase soy agar plate w ...19989730482
group b streptococcal b streptococcal infection is the most common cause of neonatal sepsis and is responsible for significant neonatal morbidity and mortality. group b streptococcus is also the causative agent in 50,000 maternal infections per year. approximately 30% of women have asymptomatic group b streptococcal colonization at some time during pregnancy, but the neonatal attack rate is only about 2 per 1,000 deliveries. maternal and neonatal risk factors contribute to the rates of vertical transmission and ...19989738991
adaptation in neonatology of the once-daily concept of aminoglycoside administration: evaluation of a dosing chart for amikacin in an intensive care unit.the bactericidal efficacy of aminoglycosides is directly related to peak serum concentration (cmax), particularly the first one. transitory high concentrations of aminoglycosides do not result in such a high drug uptake by renal and cochlear tissues because of the saturation of cell binding sites. these observations have led to the concept that less frequent administration of relatively larger doses of aminoglycosides would be of interest in treating infectious diseases.19989742264
oligosaccharide fragments of the type iii group b streptococcal polysaccharide derived from s. pneumoniae type 14 capsular polysaccharide by a chemoenzymatic method.partial n-deacetylation fo the glcnac residues in s. pneumoniae type 14 capsular polysaccharide (pn14-ps) backbone was achieved by treatment with base, and the product was subsequently enzymatically sialylated at the 3-o-positions of the terminal galactose residues. the resultant, partially n-deacetylated type iii group b streptococcus capsular polysaccharide (gbsiii-ps) was subjected to nitrous acid deamination, which resulted in the degradation of gbsiii-ps polysaccharide into oligosaccharides ...19989742691
prevention of group b streptococcal infection in neonates.most publications on the subject of group b streptococcus since december 1996 have concentrated on supporting and to some degree extending our existing knowledge of the epidemiology of group b streptococcus and of intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis, which is the only approach available for reducing the incidence of group b streptococcal infection. of greatest importance clinically are the reviews and studies on intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis, which continue to show that this is a worth ...199817033399
functional studies on the anti-pathoangiogenic properties of b streptococcus (gbs) isolated from human neonates diagnosed with sepsis and respiratory distress produces a polysaccharide exotoxin (cm101) which has been previously described as gbs toxin. cm101 infused i.v. into tumor-bearing mice causes rapid tumor neovascularitis, infiltration of inflammatory cells, inhibition of tumor growth and tumor apoptosis. cm101 has successfully completed phase i studies in refractory cancer patients with very encouraging results. we have now demonstrated a mec ...199814517462
neonatal deaths in the asir region of saudi arabia: experience in a referral neonatal intesive care unit.we reviewed a total of 169 deaths among 969 infants referred from various health institutions in the asir region to the neonatal intensive care unit of asir central hospital, abha, saudi arabia, during a four-year period (january 1992 to december 1995). the results showed that the major causes of neonatal mortality in the region were low birth weight (lbw) (45%), congenital malformations (cm) (30.8%), infection (13.6%), and birth asphyxia (7.7%). the majority of the lbw infants died from respira ...199717339782
longitudinal study of group b streptococcus carriage in pregnancy. 199718476144
statistical models for vaginal microflora: identifying women at risk for group b streptococcus colonization as a test of concept.objective: the purpose of this study was to formulate a statistical model that relates human microflora to probabilities for vaginal colonization by group b streptococcus (gbs).methods: longitudinal observations of total bacterial concentrations at various times during the menstrual cycle were obtained from overtly healthy, non-pregnant, menarcheal women. during each menstrual period and at appropriate intermenstrual times, the duplicate swab technique was used to sample the vaginal vault to obt ...199718476181
preterm birth: the role of infection and inflammation.preterm birth is the leading preventable cause of neonatal morbidity. evidence shows that common genitourinary infections, which can easily be treated, cause large numbers of babies to be born prematurely. because of their biologically immature organs, these newborns require intensive neonatal care, which leads to excess hospital costs early in life (approximately $3000/day at the university of colorado). long term, these children require follow-up for a range of disabling conditions, such as ce ...19979746700
group b streptococcus bacteremia in nonpregnant adults.we report the largest series of group b streptococcal (gbs) bacteremia cases reported at a single institution.19979009979
group b streptococcus colonization in pregnant diabetic evaluate the influence of maternal diabetes on the risk of group b streptococcus colonization during pregnancy.19979015031
the role of ureaplasma urealyticum in adverse pregnancy outcome.we investigated ureaplasma urealyticum genital tract colonization rates in an australian population to determine whether colonization was associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. women attending an antenatal clinic were evaluated for lower genital tract colonization at their first antenatal visit (162 women) and at 28 weeks' gestation (120 women). placentas from 92 women were cultured. u. urealyticum was the predominant isolate from the lower (57.4%) and upper (17.4%) genital tract in this pop ...19979075546
influence of diabetes on group b streptococcus colonization in the pregnant compare the incidence of group b streptococcus colonization in diabetic (n = 98) and nondiabetic (n = 10) patients, 199 pregnant women were cultured at the vaginal introitus using a standardised technique. eight diabetic patients had positive findings for group b streptococcus cultures, and three nondiabetic patients had positive cultures. no significant difference (p = .109) was found in the group b streptococcus colonization rates between these two groups of patients. in addition, no signif ...19979086431
nmr and molecular dynamics studies of the conformational epitope of the type iii group b streptococcus capsular polysaccharide and derivatives.the conformational epitope of the type iii group b streptococcus capsular polysaccharide (gbsp iii) exhibits unique properties which can be ascribed to the presence of sialic acid in its structure and the requirement for an extended binding site. by means of nmr and molecular dynamics studies on gbsp iii and its fragments, the extended epitope of gbsp iii was further defined. the influence of sialic acid on the conformational properties of gbsp iii was examined by performing conformational analy ...19979116006
characterization of two distinct opsonic and protective epitopes within the alpha c protein of the group b b streptococcus (gbs) is a major cause of neonatal sepsis, meningitis in early infancy, postpartum endometritis, and serious invasive infections in adults in the united states. we previously cloned, sequenced, and characterized the alpha antigen gene, bca, and showed that the alpha c protein of gbs is a trypsin-resistant, surface-associated polypeptide that contains a signal sequence, a unique n terminus, nine identical tandem repeats, and a c-terminal membrane anchor structure. polyclonal ...19979119488
soluble e-selectin in cancer patients as a marker of the therapeutic efficacy of cm101, a tumor-inhibiting anti-neovascularization agent, evaluated in phase i clinical trail.a polysaccharide toxin, gbs toxin, is produced by group b streptococcus (gbs) isolates from neonates who died of "early-onset disease". gbs toxin, named cm101 in the clinic, was hypothesized, on the basis of our previous in vivo studies, to induce inflammation in pulmonary neovasculature in neonates by cross-linking of embryonic receptors still expressed after birth and in tumor neovasculature in adults. immunohisto chemical in vitro analysis of human biopsies showed that tumor neovasculature is ...19979119883
surfactant protein a-deficient mice are susceptible to group b streptococcal determine the role of surfactant protein a (sp-a) in host defense, the murine sp-a locus was targeted by homologous recombination to produce mice lacking sp-a. sp-a -/- and control mice were infected with group b streptococcus (gbs) by intratracheal instillation. pulmonary infiltration 6 and 24 h following infection was more severe in sp-a -/- than in control mice, and was associated with increased numbers of gbs in lung homogenates. dissemination of gbs to the spleen was observed more freque ...19979126996
streptococcus b meningitis in post-partum.we report a case of post-partum meningitis due to group b-streptococcus developing 24 h after vaginal delivery. diagnosis was established by latex agglutination of streptococcus b-antigenes and confirmed by cerebrospinal fluid-culture later on. clinical and haematological signs of meningitis disappeared after treatment with ampicillin. in a review of the literature we found eight other cases of streptococcal post-partum meningitis. in all of these cases, delivery was vaginal and no antibioprophy ...19979138140
ampicillin susceptibilities of vaginal and placental isolates of group b streptococcus and escherichia coli obtained between 1992 and 1994.vaginal group b streptococcus (gbs) and escherichia coli isolates were tested for their susceptibilities to ampicillin. all 414 gbs isolates tested were susceptible to ampicillin; the mic at which 90% of the isolates were inhibited (mic90) was 0.125 microg/ml, and the range was 0.06 to 0.25 microg/ml. the mic50 for the 342 e. coli isolates tested was 4.0 microg/ml, and 27% were resistant to ampicillin.19979145894
[neonatal meningitis: study of 56 cases].the objective of this study was to know the most common organisms causing neonatal meningitis in a defined region of southern madrid, the developmental outcome of these babies and the risk factors associated with the prognosis.19979157811
endocarditis caused by nonhemolytic group b streptococcus.we report a case of bacterial endocarditis caused by nonhemolytic group b streptococcus (gbs) in a 67-year-old man with no predisposing risk factors. nonhemolytic gbs strains rarely cause illness and are usually detected in perinatal infections. we believe this to be the first reported case of endocarditis caused by a nonhemolytic strain of gbs.19979163498
increase of staphylococci in neonatal septicaemia: a fourteen-year study.all cases of neonatal septicaemia during 1981-94 were studied at orebro medical centre hospital, sweden. one hundred and thirty-two children fulfilled laboratory and clinical criteria for neonatal septicaemia and were included. staphylococcus aureus (n = 41), group b streptococcus (gbs) (n = 32) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (cons) (n = 27) were the dominating aetiologies. the annual incidence of septicaemia increased significantly, from 2.3 cases during the first 7-year period to 3.3 per ...19979183495
blood-brain barrier permeability during the development of experimental bacterial meningitis in the an attempt to examine whether routes of bacterial entry into the central nervous system have any bearing on subsequent changes in blood-brain barrier permeability, we examined cerebrospinal fluid (csf) penetration of circulating 125i-albumin in two different models of experimental meningitis due to k1 escherichia coli, type iii group b streptococcus, or haemophilus influenzae type b in infant rats: hematogenous meningitis subsequent to subcutaneous inoculation of bacteria vs meningitis induce ...19979184127
destructive polyarthritis due to a group b streptococcus.a new case of destructive polyarthritis due to a group b streptococcus is reported. the patient was a 55-year-old male whose predominantly axial manifestations in the absence of evidence of an infection initially suggested psoriatic arthritis. although rare, group b streptococcal arthritis has been reported outside the postpartal and neonatal periods. monoarthritis with a favorable outcome has been the most common clinical pattern. several cases of destructive polyarthritis with axial involvemen ...19979190008
[spondylodiscitis caused by streptococcus agalactiae].two previously healthy adults, a man aged 69 and a woman aged 51 years, presented with spondylitis caused by streptococcus agalactiae. one patient had fever and acute pain in the neck, the other progressive pain in the lower back. from cultures of blood and bone respectively. s. agalactiae was isolated. both patients recovered after treatment with benzylpenicillin. s. agalactiae (group b streptococcus) is a wellknown cause of invasive infections in neonates and pregnant adults. infections in non ...19979190511
[evaluation of three rapid methods for intrapartum detection of group b streptococcus].the goal of this study was to evaluate three methods for rapid group b streptococcus (gbs) intrapartum vaginal detection.19979214232
[characteristics of group b streptococcus vertical transmission].the goal of this study was to compare the characteristics of group b streptococcus (gbs) or streptococcus agalactiae vertical transmission in woman, receiving or not intrapartum. antimicrobial prophylaxis, at risk of delivering an infant with grs disease.19979214233
prevention of group b streptococcus infection in review the epidemiology of group b streptococcus (gbs) infection, risk factors for infection, and clinical manifestations of disease in the neonate, as well as the role of chemoprophylaxis and immunoprophylaxis in prevention of gbs disease and current recommendations for prevention.19979220054
persistence of penicillin g benzathine in pregnant group b streptococcus determine if streptococcicidal levels of penicillin g benzathine can be detected in maternal serum 4 weeks after treatment with 4.8 million units.19979241301
[factors associated with the prognosis of bacterial meningitis in children].treatment of bacterial meningitis depends on its severity. the signs, symptoms, and laboratory values of 51 patients with bacterial meningitis admitting to the department of pediatrics at sendai city hospital from january 1985 to december 1994 were analyzed in order to evaluate their prognostic value. the overall mortality rate was 3.9%. the incidence of neurological deficit on discharge was 31.4%. according to their prognoses, patients were divided into two groups: those who recovered with no d ...19979248288
effect of cleansing the birth canal with antiseptic solution on maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality in malawi: clinical determine if cleansing the birth canal with an antiseptic at delivery reduces infections in mothers and babies postnatally.19979253269
clinical characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility of invasive group b streptococcal infections in nonpregnant adults in understand group b streptococcal infections other than peripartum events in adults and to provide a regional antimicrobial therapy guide, we conducted a retrospective analysis of invasive diseases caused by group b streptococcus (gbs) in 33 nonpregnant adults treated in a medical center in southern taiwan, from january 1993 to july 1994. antimicrobial susceptibility tests were performed using the agar dilution method. the incidence of the disease was 1.6 per 1,000 nonpregnant adult admissions ...19979290273
group b streptococcus and pregnancy: update and recommendations. 19979290283
antibiotic therapy for reduction of infant morbidity after preterm premature rupture of the membranes. a randomized controlled trial. national institute of child health and human development maternal-fetal medicine units network.intrauterine infection is thought to be one cause of preterm premature rupture of the membranes (pprom). antibiotic therapy has been shown to prolong pregnancy, but the effect on infant morbidity has been inconsistent.19979307346
immunization with a single-repeat alpha c protein may prevent escape of lower repeat mutants of group b streptococcus. 19979331787
role of complement and complement receptor c1qr in the antibody-independent killing of group b streptococcus. 19979331805
development of a group b streptococcus (gbs) cloning system. 19979331820
specificity of the hyaluronate lyase of group-b streptococcus toward unsulphated regions of chondroitin sulphate.the purification and properties of a hyaluronate lyase secreted by streptococcus agalactiae, which is believed to facilitate the invasion of host tissues by the organism, have been described previously [pritchard, lin, willingham and baker (1994) arch. biochem. biophys. 315, 431-436]. the specificity of the limited cleavage of chondroitin sulphate by the enzyme is the subject of this report. to simplify the task, a chondroitin sulphate from the swarm rat chondrosarcoma, which contains only 4-sul ...19979355736
patient preference for self-collected cultures for group b streptococcus in determine pregnant women's preference for self-culture technique, 251 women between 24 and 42 weeks' gestation were interviewed after performing self-collected cultures (vaginal and rectal) for group b streptococcus. patient receptiveness to self-culture, the ability to perform self-culture, and the desire for choice in the future were derived using the patient preference tool. the majority of women (77%, n = 194) gave positive descriptions of self-culture technique, and the majority of women ...19979358704
minimization of the number of pregnant women to be treated with preventive procedure against gbs infection by means of antibody measurement. gbs infection study preventive strategies, it is essential to screen pregnant women having group b streptococcus (gbs) infection in the birth canal. for the purpose of studying preventive measures against this infection, nationwide multicenter research was performed in gbs-carrying pregnant women. of a total of 10,267 pregnant women, 1860 cases (18.1%) had gbs. the most common serotypes of detected gbs were type nt6 and jm9, followed by type iii, type ia and then type ib. type-specific antibody titer was b ...19979363650
maternal colonization with group b streptococcus and prelabor rupture of membranes at term: the role of induction of labor. termprom study group.our purpose was to determine the effect of induction of labor on neonatal infection if mothers are group b streptococci positive and have prelabor rupture of membranes at term.19979369819
inactivation of the alpha c protein antigen gene, bca, by a novel shuttle/suicide vector results in attenuation of virulence and immunity in group b streptococcus.the alpha c protein of group b streptococcus (gbs) is a major surface-associated antigen. although its role in the biology and virulence of gbs has not been defined, it is opsonic and capable of eliciting protective immunity. the alpha c protein is widely distributed among clinical isolates and is a potential protein carrier and antigen in conjugate vaccines to prevent gbs infections. the structural gene for the alpha c protein, bca, has been cloned and sequenced. the protein encoded by bca is r ...19979371832
prolonged rupture of membranes in the term newborn.of 8791 consecutive newborns, we studied 205 (2.3%) women with a history of prolonged rupture of membranes (prom) greater than 24 hr to assess the incidence of infection, to identify the rate of clinical symptoms, and to examine the use of the white blood count (wbc) and neutrophil values as screening tools to predict infection. blood culture and complete blood counts (cbc) were obtained in 175 (85%). fifteen (8.2%) had positive blood cultures including group b streptococcus, streptococcus virid ...19979376011
bacterial meningitis in the united states in 1995. active surveillance team.before the introduction of the conjugate vaccines, haemophilus influenzae type b was the major cause of bacterial meningitis in the united states, and meningitis was primarily a disease of infants and young children. we describe the epidemiologic features of bacterial meningitis five years after the h. influenzae type b conjugate vaccines were licensed for routine immunization of infants.19979395430
group b streptococcus: maternal carriage rate and early neonatal septicaemia.between january 1984 and december 1994, 30 cases of early neonatal group b streptococcus (gbs) septicaemia were managed in the neonatal unit, university hospital, kuala lumpur. two neonates were outborn and 28 were inborn, giving an average annual incidence of neonatal gbs septicaemia of 0.4/1000 livebirths among inborn babies. in a separate survey over a three-month period, gbs genital carriage rate among 196 parturients was found to be 9.7%. of the infants with gbs septicaemia, the mean gestat ...19979395802
group b streptococcal meningitis in adults: report of twelve cases and b streptococcus (gbs) is the leading etiologic agent of bacterial meningitis and sepsis during the neonatal period, but it is an infrequent cause of meningitis in adults. we report 12 episodes of group b streptococcal meningitis in adults and review 52 cases reported in the literature. a total of 24 men and 40 women were included in the study; the mean age (+/- sd) was 49.2 +/- 20.5 years (range, 17-89 years). all the patients had cerebrospinal fluid cultures positive for gbs. eighty-six p ...19979402379
postpartum epidural abscess due to group b streptococcus. 19979402395
[the role of lower genital tract infection in prom].the authors conducted a prospective study of the role of lower genital tract infection in ptl and prom in high risk obstetric population with special interest in pathogens colonizing the maternal tract. a total amount of 62 women within 28 to 37 weeks of gestation were enrolled and interviewed. subjects were cultured for gardnerella vaginalis, group b streptococcus, trichomonas vaginalis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, bacterioides fragilis, m. hominis, u. urealyticum, chlamydia trachomatis, candida gal ...19979780503
[role of group b streptococcus serotype v in materno-fetal infections].the classification of serogroup b streptococci in serotype is based on the structural differences of capsular polysaccharides and on presence or absence of a protein c antigen. they are classified as ia, ia/c, ib/c, ii, ii/c, iii, iv and v. the serotype v, unknown in 1970, seems emerging, and is placed in third position of frequency in some american studies. we have therefore decided to evaluate its frequency in paris.19979488740
can pregnant women obtain their own specimens for group b streptococcus? a comparison of maternal versus physician screening. the mount sinai gbs screening group.we aimed to compare the group b streptococcus (gbs) detection rate when pregnant women performed their own vaginal/anorectal swabs with that from the standard practice of physician-performed swabs.19979472376
penetrating mitral valve annular abscess.we report a rare case of occult myocardial abscess due to group b streptococcus that arose several weeks following streptococcal pneumonia. hemopericardium was the initial presentation. visualization of the abscess cavity was not possible with transthoracic echocardiography. a definitive diagnosis was made by left ventricular imaging during coronary arteriography. rupture of the left ventricular free wall occurred during induction of anesthesia for operative exploration and debridement. patch re ...19979427131
use of gen-probe accuprobe group b streptococcus test to detect group b streptococci in broth cultures of vaginal-anorectal specimens from pregnant women: comparison with traditional culture method.detection of vaginal-anorectal colonization with group b streptococci (gbs) is critical to the prevention of neonatal gbs disease. the recommended method for the detection of gbs is culture of the distal vagina and anorectum in a selective broth medium followed by subculture to solid media and identification of gbs on the solid media. the purpose of this study was to compare this standard culture method with the detection of gbs directly from an enrichment broth by utilizing the gen-probe accupr ...19978968896
streptococcus difficile is a nonhemolytic group b, type ib streptococcus.whole-cell protein electrophoretic analysis of the type strain of streptococcus difficile (lmg 15799) revealed that this organism was indistinguishable from streptococcus agalactiae strains. although lmg 15799t (t = type strain) was originally described as serologically untypeable, we found that this strain was a group b streptococcus belonging to the capsular polysaccharide antigen type ib group. the biochemical reactivity of s. difficile, which differed from the biochemical reactivity of typic ...19978995807
chemoprophylaxis for group b streptococcus transmission in neonates.gbs causes infection in 1.35-5.4 neonates per 1000 live births. early-onset gbs infection in neonates develops rapidly and has a high mortality rate. preventing the transmission of gbs to neonates is of considerable value to avert neonatal morbidity and mortality. although some controversy exists regarding who should receive chemoprophylaxis and when, aap guidelines suggest that all pregnant women be screened between 26 and 28 weeks' gestation for gbs colonization by obtaining swabs form vagina ...19978997476
carriage of group b streptococcus in pregnant women and newborns: a 2-year study at perugia general hospital.objective: to study the prevalence of group b streptococcus (gbs) colonization in pregnant women and their newborns at perugia general hospital. methods: the number of mother---child pairs examined was 2300. vaginal swabs were collected from the mothers at delivery, and auricular and pharyngeal swabs and gastric aspirate from the newborns at birth. maternal risk factors for gbs disease, including premature delivery, intrapartum fever, prolonged rupture of membranes and multiple births, were eval ...199711864128
group b streptococcus: rapid intrapartum detection and influence of density of maternal colonization on vertical transmission. 199711864170
rhabdomyolysis and group b streptococcus meningitis in an elderly patient with hairy cell leukemia. 199711864218
clinical trials of anti-vascular agent group b streptococcus toxin (cm101). 199714517391
Displaying items 1301 - 1400 of 2215