
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
transfer of leprosy bacilli from patients to mouse footpads by aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti mosquitoes which were first allowed to feed on untreated lepromatous leprosy patients, and then to refeed on mouse footpads were found to transfer mycobacterium leprae to the footpads as seen by the subsequent multiplication of the bacilli in the footpads. results presently available are insufficient to come to any conclusion about the actual role of mosquitoes in the transmission of leprosy in the field.1977333183
the influence of the gene sb in culex pipiens on the development of sub-periodic brugia malayi and wuchereria bancrofti.the gene sb (filarial susceptibility, brugia pahangi) in culex pipiens controls the development also of sub-periodic b. malayi, but has no influence on the development of periodic wuchereria bancrofti (ceylon strain). c.p. fatigans (kuala lumpur), c.p. molestus (london) and aedes aegypti (re fm strain) were all susceptible to the ceylon strain of w. bancrofti, with susceptibility rate of 90.3%, 92.9% and 52.6% respectively. however, a low proportion of the larvae in a. aegypti developed to matur ...1977596959
hematophagous insects as vectors for frog trypanosomes.experimental infections of three hematophagous arthropods (rhodnius prolixus, aedes aegypti, and culex pipiens) with a trypanosome of the trypanosoma rotatorium complex found in the frogs hyla crepitans and leptodactylus insularum revealed that a. aegypti is a good host for the flagellate; the course of development in the intestinal tract of the mosquito is described from 15 minutes to 168 hours. c. pipiens showed only low intestinal infections and r. prolixus did not permit development of the p ...1977615322
resistance to meiotic drive at the md locus in an indian wild population of aedes aegypti. 1977863247
studies on aedes aegypti in bangalore city. 1977863489
sterility introduced by release of genetically altered males to a domestic population of aedes aegypti at the kenya coast.the release of males heterozygous for one or two sex-linked translocations was effective in introducing a high level of sterility into a domestic population of aedes aegypti at a rabai village. the effect of the releases continued for several weeks after the release period.1977869107
induction of venezuelan equine encephalitis (mucambo) virus by iododeoxyuridine in chronically infected 'cured' cultured mosquito cells.infection of cultured aedes aegypti mosquito cells with venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (mucambo subtype) results in the establishment of a chronic non-cytopathic infection. infected cells could be 'cured' when they were grown in the presence of immune serum for 3-4 passages. 'cured' cells could then be subcultured repeatedly, in the absence of immune serum, without showing any indication of infectious virus production. when 'cured' cells were exposed to 50 microgram/ml of 5-iodo-2-deoxyuri ...1977873741
on the development of onchocerca volvulus in an attmept to find an experimental vector for onchocerca volvulus which can be easily be bred under laboratory conditions, the susceptibility of anopheles gambiae and aedes aegypti to infection with o. volvulus was studied. the mosquitoes were fed on a membrane feeding apparatus containing microfilariae of o. volvulus. whereas a. gambiae was refractory to infection. 14.9% of a. aegypti females became infected with developing stages, 11,2% showed young and mature third-stage larvae as well as ...1977888189
type 1 dengue with hemorrhagic disease in fiji: epidemiologic explosive epidemic of dengue occurred in fiji between january and july 1975. all laboratory evidence indicated that type 1 dengue was the only prevalent dengue virus. this type had probably not been in fiji for 30 years and over 70% of the population was susceptible. aedes aegypti appeared to be the major vector in urban areas, but circumstantial evidence indicated that aedes rotumae was a vector in at least one remote area. all forms of the clinical spectrum of dengue were seen and reported ...1977889018
cytoplasmic bridges within the follicular epithelium of the ovarioles of two diptera, aedes aegypti and stomoxys calcitrans.the cells of the follicular epithelium of the ovarioles of the mosquito, aedes aegypti (l.), and of the stable fly, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), have been found to be interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. cytoplasmic bridges have been reported between sibling gamete cells of both male and female insects, but these bridges have not been previously reported to exist between somatic cells of insects.1977894721
studies on the attraction of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) to man. 1977903926
population characteristics of domestic aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in villages on the kenya coast i. adult survivorship and population size. 1977903935
population characteristics of domestic aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in villages on the kenya coast. ii. dispersal within and between villages. 1977903936
aedes aegypti strain fitness for yellow fever virus transmission.three geographical strains of aedes aegypti from thailand (amphur), east africa (kampala), and the west indies (santo domingo) were compared for susceptibility to infection with low-passage yellow fever virus (french viscerotropic) as well as for ability to transmit virus by bite at varying extrinsic incubation periods. santo domingo strain appeared the most competent and kampala the least when mosquitoes were exposed to a low level virus-infecting blood meal; at higher virus levels, a similar t ...1977907058
the fate of ingested brugia pahangi microfilariae in susceptible and refractory strains of culex pipiens and aedes aegypti.the uptake and migration of microfilariae of brugia pahangi in susceptible and refractory culex pipiens and aedes aegypti were compared after membrane-feeding the mosquitoes on infected blood and anti-coagulant. there was no difference between the strains within each species in the pattern of migration, but in c pipiens only 24% of the microfilariae reached the thorax whereas in a. aegypti 73-6% were successful. in both susceptible strains the filariae in the thorax developed normally to maturit ...1977921369
a reduction in hospitalized cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever in menado (sulawesi), indonesia after aerial spraying with ulv malathion to control aedes aegypti. 1977925556
flight muscle ultrastructure of susceptible and refractory mosquitoes parasitized by larval brugia pahangi.on parasitization with larval brugia pahangi the infected flight muscle fibres of "resistant" anopheles labranchiae atroparvus undergo the following ultrastructural changes. the fibres become almost totally devoid of glycogen, their sarcoplasmic reticulum becomes elongate and closely associated with muscle fibrils. these fibrils degenerate and vesicles appear both within the degenerate fibril and within elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. vesicles accumulate around the worm and degenerate to ...197714324
influences of blood digestion on the development of plasmodium gallinaceum (brumpt) in the midgut of aedes aegypti (l.).blood digestion of aedes aegypti and development of plasmodium gallinaceum were shifted against each other by giving the mosquitoes two consecutive blood meals. in this way the parasites were exposed to an environment where blood digestion was more advanced than in single blood meals. this procedure had an inhibiting effect on oocyst production when the two blood meals overlapped; an enhancing effect when they were well separated. the results are explained by the action of trypsin-like proteases ...197719955
tree-hole breeding of aedes aegypti in poona city--a short note. 197721847
experimental brugia timori and wuchereria bancrofti infections in certain species of mosquitoes.laboratory reared aedes aegypti (black eye and jakarta strains), aedes togoi, (taiwan), aedes albopictus, (jakarta), wild caught anopheles barbirostris, (java) and mansonia uniformis, (jakarta) were fed on a carrier with mixed infection of brugia timori and wuchereria bancrofti. b. timori and w. bancrofti were able to develop in a. aegypti (black eye) and a. togoi, with development proceeding more rapidly for of b. timori than w. bancrofti. both species of parasites were readily distinguishable ...197724275
field trials for the control of aedes aegypti with abate in poona city and suburbs. 197771265
laboratory studies on the transmission of yellow fever virus by aedes (finlaya) notoscriptus (dipt., culicidae).aedes (finlaya) notoscriptus (skuse), a mosquito which occupies a similar ecological niche to aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (l), the urban vector of yellow fever virus, was screened as a possible vector of this disease. the results indicate that almost certainly ae. notoscriptus is refractory to the virus and could not act as a vector if yellow fever were introduced to australia.197796783
a field trial of suppression of aedes aegypti population by releasing sterile males into a domestic population.after release of an average of 1260 sterile male each day for a period of sixty two days, the average fertility of aedas aegypti population remained above 50% in ererwani village. it is concluded that the irradiated sterile males may not be suitable as a control measure, despite the fact that irradiation was carried out in nitrogen atmosphere.1977754134
comparative activity and properties of lactate dehydrogenase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and dihydrofolate reductase in normal and brugia pagangi-infected aedes aegypti.the amount of xanthine dehydrogenase (xdh), dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr), and lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) in crude extracts of 4- to 5-day-old adult aedes aegypti was determined, and the properties of these enzymes were partially characterized. it was then found that the amount and other selected characteristics of xdh and ldh in extracts of female ae. aegypti processed 5 to 7 days and 12 to 14 days after they had fed upon either normal or brugia pahangi-infected jirds were indistinguishable f ...1977559068
rapid isolation of a neurohormone from mosquito heads by high-performance liquid chromatography.methods were developed for the isolation of the egg development neurosecretory hormone, ednh, from heads of the mosquito aedes aegypti. this hormone stimulates ecdysone production by ovaries. methods used for the successful isolation of insulin-like peptides from vertebrate tissues were modified to develop a four-step procedure involving extraction in acidified ethanol, precipitation by neutralization, followed by sequential separation on size-exclusion, ion-exchange and reversed-phase high-perf ...19771880189
[preservation of the densonucleosis virus of the mosquito aedes aegypti l. in glycerin]. 1977875901
hepatitis b surface antigen (australia antigen) in mosquitoes collected in senegal, west africa.during july and august of 1973, 9,198 mosquitoes were collected in the republic of senegal. eight species of mosquitoes were found in the collections: culex thalassius, culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, culex trigripes, culex phillipi, aedes irritans, aedes aegypti, anopheles gambiae, and mansonia sp. specimens were sorted by biological condition; those obviously engorged were designated as (e), females with swollen abdomens not conspicuously blooded were considered gravid (g), and those with norm ...19763983
infective larvae of brugia: escape from mosquitoes into water and subsequent oral infectivity in jirds.published work showed that third-stage larvae (l-3s) escape into water from dead or dying, brugia pahangi-infected, aedes aegypti. the present study revealed the same escape phenomenon among b. pahangi-infected armigeres subalbatus, anopheles quadrimaculatus, and aedes togoi, and among brugia malayi-infected ae. aegypti and ae. togoi. l-3s maintained in water or in lum's solution for 3 hours retained infectivity when tested in orally or subcutaneously exposed jirds; furthermore, l-3s recovered f ...19768999
experimental studies on the transmission of hepatitis b by mosquitoes.culex tarsalis and aedes aegypti mosquitoes were fed on chimpanzees carrying hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag) of known infectivity and pools were tested by radioimmunoassay daily for the presence of hbs ag. hbs ag continued to be detected at low levels in mosquito tissue after digestion of the blood meal. inoculation of susceptible chimpanzees with macerated pools of a. aegypti mosquitoes at two intervals after digestion of the blood meal did not produce hepatitis or serologic evidence of he ...19769000
the pathogenesis of vesicular stomatitis virus, serotype indiana, in aedes aegypti mosquitoes. i. intrathoracic injection.analysis of infectious virus particles after intrathoracic injection revealed that aedes aegypti mosquito tissues are capable of supporting the growth of vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv), serotype indiana. although all tissues assayed (salivary gland, midgut, diverticulum, malphigian tubules, and ovary) were capable of supporting vsv growth, the salivary gland was the only organ capable of maintaining an appreciable amount of virus for periods longer than 9 days postinfection. electron microscop ...1976176893
the pathogenesis of vesicular stomatitis virus, serotype indiana, in aedes aegypti mosquitoes, after imbibition of a viremic blood meal.this study showed that vesicular stomatitis virus (indiana) in most instances was not capable of replicating in aedes aegypti when imbibed by the mosquitoes on a viremic host. rapid inactivation of the virus was observed in some cases within 24 hours after imbibition. attempts to demonstrate virus inactivation by midgut contents in vitro were not successful.1976187155
effects of gamma radiation on development of brugia pahangi in a susceptible strain of aedes aegypti. 1976957050
effect of host infection with plasmodium gallinaceum on the reproductive capacity of aedes aegypti. 1976965781
observations on the basal follicle numbers developed per female of two strains of aedes aegypti after being fed on hosts with different levels of microfilariae of brugia pahangi. 1976965782
effects of larval treatment with the insect development inhibitor ph60:40 on the vectorial capacity of aedes aegypti (l.) for brugia pahangi (buckley and edeson).the effects of ph60:40, an insect development inhibitor, on fourth instar larvae of aedes aegypti were investigated. apart from delayed lethal action, possible effects on the vectorial capacity of brugia pahangi were investigated. two strains of a. aegypti were used, one ddt-susceptible and a good filarial vector and the other ddt-resistant and a refractory vector. a baseline exposure was found which caused only low mortalities in both strains. the treatments did not have any appreciable effect ...1976971004
infection of an aedes aegypti cell line with infectious arbovirus-antibody complexes.aedes aegypti cells exposed to infectious complexes of wn or yf virus and homologous antiserum produced lower yields of virus over a 10-day observation period than were produced by aedes aegypti cells treated with a comparable dose of virus mixed with non-immune serum. when ae. aegypti cells were infected with wn virus mixed with mve, nta, den-2 or yf antisera the virus yield over 10 days was lower than in cell cultures infected at similar titres with mixtures of wn virus with non-immune serum. ...1976982518
endemic dengue virus infection in hispaniola. i. haiti.antibodies to group b arbovirus were common among coastal populations in the haitian part of the caribbean island of hispaniola. antibodies were present in 43% of children one to five years old; prevalence in older persons increased with age. in nine asymptomatic persons serodiagnostic changes indicative of group b arbovirus were detected during six of twelve consecutive months. in port cities where antibodies were common in children, aedes aegypti indices of 50%-70% were observed; in contrast, ...1976993618
infection of culicoides variipennis, culicoides nubeculosus, culicoides riethi and aedes aegypti with mansonella ozzardi. 19761006770
insecticide susceptibility studies in populations of aedes aegypti from maharashtra state, india. 19761024076
[detection of infusoria tetrahymena stegomyiae (keilin) in the larvae of culex pipiens molestus and aedes aegypti]. 19761025470
observations on the breeding habitats of aedes aegypti (l.) in jakarta, indonesia.a one-year study was done of the breeding habitats of aedes aegypti (l.) and of the water storage habits of the inhabitants in four crowded districts of urban jakarta. immature mosquitoes were found in or near houses in containers of relatively clean water used for drinking or bathing purposes. an average of 185 containers were found per 100 houses, of which 60 were positive for aedes immatures, resulting in a container index of 32%. the mean potential water storage capacity per house was 173 li ...19761030846
[results of a survey of potential dengue vectors in the neo-caledonian archipelago].the author gives the results of an entomological survey in neo-caledonian archipelago (new caledonia and loyalty islands), november-december 1972. concerning the distribution and the abundance of aedes aegypti, the local dengue vector, this study shows the presence of this culicid not only in noumea, but also all along the western developped coast of new caledonia, and in ouvea island. this constitutes a great risk of outbreak extension from noumea if a dengue virus is again imported there.19761036473
marylanders defeat philadelphia: yellow fever updated.those strategic points which influence this amateur historian to declare a victory for baltimore and maryland over philadelphia are: i. based upon clinical and epidemiological data, two marylanders, potter and davidge, were among the first to contest rush and his contagion theory; they told him so and published their views. to prove this point, potter went to the extreme of inoculating himself with presumedly infected material. stubbins ffirth, a young university of pennsylvania medical student, ...1976822563
[host range of drosophila melanogaster c virus among diptera and lepidoptera (author's transl)].the host range of the c picornavirus of drosophila melanogaster was studied, using numerous strains of drosophila together with four other genera of diptera and two species of lepidoptera. c virus was injected into the different hosts and serially passaged in them. the extracts from each passage were biologically assayed on virus free d. melanogaster. four different situations were found. 1) a high level of multiplication leading, in 45 strains of drosophilidae, to the early death of the hosts. ...1976823856
[transovarian transmission of a flavivirus, the koutango virus, in aedes aegypti l].the koutango virus dak an d 5443 isolated from rodents of the genus tatera belongs to the genus flavivirus of the faily togaviridae. this virus is very similar to the yellowfever, virus. it is experimentally transmitted from young mouse to young mouse by aedes aegypti. the following observations show on one hand that this virus is found in the eggs of infected a. aegypti and on the other that the females from these eggs transmit the virus to the young mouse by biting them.1976827342
vector competence of mosquitoes as a marker to distinguish central american and mexican epizootic from enzootic strains of venezuelan encephalitis virus.two epizootic strains of venezuelan encephalitis (ve) virus from central america and mexico were transmitted by a colonized epizootic vector mosquito, aedes taeniorhynchus, at higher rates than were two enzootic strains when the mosquitoes were infected by intrathroacic inoculation or feeding of virus. differences in transmission rates also occurred with colonized aedes aegypti, but were less marked. following intrathoracic inoculation of a. taeniorhynchus or a. aegypti, epizootic strains grew t ...19761259093
studies with brugia pahangi 12. the activity of levamisole.the effects of levamisole on adults, third stage infective larvae, and microfilariae of brugia pahangi were studied in in vitro culture and in vivo against developing stages in the vector mosquito and in infected cats. in vitro the drug was effective only at dose levels much higher than can be tolerated by mammals. it was active against the developmental stages of the worm in the vector aedes aegypti. the drug was strongly microfilaricidal in cats but less effective against adult worms.19761262689
[effect of the densonucleosis virus of the mosquito aedes aegypti l. on vertebrate animals]. 19761264036
isolation of dengue type 3 from mosquitoes in rangoon.a virus was isolated in suckling mice from aedes aegypti collected from rangoon area, during the month of july 1969. the virus was identified as a member of group b arbovirus dengue type 3, by means of its ability to agglutinate goose erythrocyte at ph 6.6, haemagglutination inhibition and complement fixation tests, and its growth characteristics in aedes albopictus cell cultures. the isolated dengue type 3 virus differs slightly from the indian dengue type 3 virus in its ability to produce haem ...1976140463
ultrastructure of the atypic muscles associated with terminalial inversion in male aedes aegypti (l).two sets of opposed, crossed muscles are present in the rotating region of the abdomen in male a. aegypti. these muscles undergo changes during rotation of the genitalia that suggest they function as the driving force for rotation. during this rotation, one muscle of each set contracts and the opposed one becomes elongated. the contracting muscles are atypic physiologically. they contract from 300 mum to about 69 mum, and this requires a period of 18 to 24 hours. they shorten only once and those ...1976974162
field competitiveness of double translocation heterozygote males of aedes aegypti (l). 1976978694
some effects of juvenile hormone and analogues on ovarian follicles of the mosquito aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 1976978693
field trials with a translocation homozygote in aedes aegypti for population replacement. 1976956496
studies on the mode of action of ecdysterone in adult female aedes aegypti.injection of ecdysterone into non-blood fed adult female aedes aegypti results in a marked stimulation of aromatic-l-amino-acid decarboxylase (formerly dopa-decarboxylase) activity (schlaeger and fuchs, 1974a). when the hormone and alpha-amanitin are injected either simultaneously or if the toxin is administered first no inhibition of subsequent enzymatic activity is observed and in fact substantial enhancement occurs. cordycepin injection along with ecdysterone gives results similar to alpha-am ...19761084837
neoaplectana carpocapsae:encapsulation in aedes aegypti and changes in host hemocytes and hemolymph proteins. 1976816666
neutral lipids of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus cells cultured in vitro. 19761254981
a new sex-linked mutant short wing in aedes aegypti.a spontaneous recessive sex-linked mutant short wing has been discovered in the mosquito aedes aegypti. it is situated less than one cross-over unit from the sex determining locus. in homozygous females, flight is impaired and the survival and fecundity is markedly subnormal. two possible uses of this gene for genetic control operations are envisaged: (a) to provide automatic sexing of males for release and (b) enhancement of the population control potential of other available genetics systems.19761062368
the effect of larval selection on adult resistance to ddt in two strains of the mosquito aedes aegypti (l).evidence is presented which confirms the influence of linkage group ii on adult ddt-resistance in one strain of aedes aegypti (bangkok-mr) but not in another strain (bangkok-hr).19761062367
comparative field cage tests of the population suppressing efficiency of three genetic control systems for aedes aegypti.cycling populations of aedes aegypti were set up in cages and managed in such a way that the populations had a maximum of threefold recovery potential in response to control measures. into three such populations daily releases were made of males which had been chemosterilised, or were double translocation heterozygotes (t1t3) or t1t3 with sex ration distortion (dt1t3). eradication of the populations was achieved with all cases, but the rate of suppression was markedly slower with t1t3 than the o ...197656331
letter: aedes aegypti complex in africa. 19761250361
changes in volume of the rhabdom in the compound eye of aedes aegypti l.the volume of the rhabdom in compound eyes of mosquitoes decreases upon illumination. this decrease is probably mediated by a bleaching of the visual pigment, since blue light is most effective in producing the change and red light is least effective. the reduction in rhabdom volume appears to be a result of rhabdomal membrane loss to coated vesicles and multivesicular bodies. these organelles were seen most frequently in blue adapted eyes, markedly less frequently in red adapted eyes, and only ...19761255121
pathology of mosquito iridescent virus of aedes taeniorhynchus in cell cultures of aedes aegypti. 19761245745
[larval density and population dynamics of aedes aegypti (l.) in laboratory conditions (author's transl)]. 19761025994
[confinement effect on population and phenotypic characteristics in aedes aegypti (l.)]. 19761025993
a receptor sensitive to oviposition site attractants on the antennae of the mosquito, aedes aegypti. 1976985640
a method for estimating blood meal volume in aedes aegypti using a radioisotope. 1976947989
inhibition of blood digestion by alpha-amanitin and actinomycin d and its effect on ovarian development in aedes aegypti. 1976944218
morphometric comparison of the midgut epithelial cells in male and female aedes aegypti l. (insecta, diptera).midgut epithelial cells of male and female aedes aegypti, 3 days after emergence, were compared morphometrically. the results of the present investigation concerning the female, are in good agreement with those of a previous study (hecker et al., 1974), demonstrating that morphometric investigation of midgut epithelia in a. aegypti can successfully be reproduced, and that the mosquito strain used did not show quantitative morphological changes due to laboratory rearing. in males, the cells of th ...1976185746
buoyancy and ventilation in aedes aegypti (l.) pupae (diptera: culicidae). 19751223305
linkage of the genes for ddt and dieldrin resistance in larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti.the ddt resistance gene rddt1, and the dieldrin resistance gene rd1 have been mapped on linkage group ii with respect to visible markers, in the mosquito aedes argypti l. the best interpretation of the data gives the order wa - rdl - ds rddt1 - s - y but was - rdl -ds - y - s - rddt1 is also possible. h is very loosely linked with rddt1. the length of the linkage group has been considerably extended from previous studies.19751203767
internal regulation of rate of digestion of blood meals in the mosquito, aedes aegypti. 19751185004
suppression of pupal esterase activity in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) by an insect growth regulator.changes in non-specific esterases of aedes aegypti were noted during pupal development. one esterase band was found to increase markedly within 3 h of pupation and this increase in activity was suppressed by prior treatment of larvae with an insect growth regulator, zr 515. it is suggested that the esterase activity may help to reduce endogenous levels of juvenile hormone during metamorphosis and that the growth regulator may prevent this normal regulation.19751204757
excretion of proteolytic enzymes by aedes aegypti after a blood meal. 19751181369
melanotic encapsulation of the nematode neoaplectana carpocapsae by aedes aegypti larvae concurrently parasitized by the nematode reesimermis nielseni. 19751159314
bioassay of mosquito iridescent virus of aedes taeniorhynchus in cell cultures of aedes aegypti. 19751159310
the influence of the brain hormone on retention of blood in the mid-gut of the mosquito aedes aegypti (l.). 1975240165
trisomy in aedes aegypti.a trisomic (2n=6+1) pupa of the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti has been found. the trisomy involved chromosome 3 which is intermediate in size between 1 and 2. the extra chromosome formed a univalent or a trivalent during meiosis.19751182593
lipase activity and stimulation mechanism of esterases in the midgut of female aedes aegypti. 19751133492
morphometric differences in midgut epithelial cells between strains of female aedes aegypti (l.) (insecta, diptera).midgut epithelial cells of female aedes aegypti deriving from 2 different mosquito strains were compared morphometrically. one of the 2 strains was recently isolated from nature (east africa). the other strain is an old laboratory strain, reared under laboratory conditions for about 30 years. the quantitative morphological comparison demonstrates, that the ultrastructural composition of the midqut epithelial cells corresponds generally in both strains. it can be shown, however, that in the old s ...19751149093
renewable fecundity of male aedes aegypti following replenishment of seminal vesicles and accessory glands. 19751141702
variation in filarial susceptibility among east african populations of aedes aegypti. 19751223294
linkage of a gene for ddt-resistance in adults of the mosquito aedes aegypti.the gene rddt2, which gives resistance to ddt in the imago of aedes aegypti l. has been mapped on linkage group iii with respect to six visible markers. the best interpretation of the order of the genes is:- blp - blt - co - fz - wi -rddt2 - min, but the order blp - blt - co - fz -rddt2 - wi - min is also possible.19751203761
uptake and metabolism of the chemosterilants hempa and thiohempa by larvae, pupae and adults of aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). 19751167184
lipid content of maturing ovaries of aedes aegypti mosquitoes. 19751116351
comparison of lipid composition of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus cells obtained from logarithmic and stationary phases of growth.the total lipids, total neutral lipids, and total phospholipids from aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus cells cultivated in vitro in a medium containing fetal calf serum were analyzed. the mosquito cells were harvested in the logarithmic and stationary phases of growth. the fatty acid profiles of the lipids showed differences during the aging of the cells but not betweeen species. there was an increase in chain elongation and unsaturation of the fatty acids in the stationary phase when compared ...19751117810
a genetical study of ddt resistance in the mosquito aedes aegypti.crosses have been carried out to determine the relationship between adult ddt resistance and the three linkage groups of the mosquito aedes aegypti. two linkage groups were implicated in the control of ddt resistance. in the bangkok-hr strain resistance derived mainly from linkage group iii, probably with the maor effect from the gene r-ddt2. when resistance was transferred into a susceptible background, by outcrossing bangkok-hr to strain 64 and reselecting, resistance in the resulting bangkok- ...1975235502
the effect of fluctuating temperature and humidity on the adult life table characteristics of five strains of aedes aegypti. 19751123832
permanent loss of male fecundity following sperm depletion in aedes aegypti (l.). 19751123830
haemolytic activity in the blood clot of aedes the present study it was demonstrated that mosquito blood clots contain a haemolytic principle which achieves haemolysis of washed erythrocytes in an isotonic medium. proteinases are thought to play a role in this process. no final proof could be given for the existence of phospholipase activity although some results suggest the presence of this group of enzymes.1975240259
the esterase patterns in the ovaries and the embryonated eggs of aedes aegypti l.the esterases of aedes aegypti were studied in the ovary before and during a gonotrophic cycle and also in fully embryonated eggs by means of disc electrophoresis. during oogenesis no significacant changes can be observed besides a marked increase in the total esterase activity. a different esterase pattern is found in eggs after embryogenesis. the electrophoretic mobility of some esterase bands is highly increased in the ovary compared to other organs. one esterase fraction in the ovary and two ...1975239551
lipase and unspecific esterase activity in the fat body of aedes aegypti the fat body of aedes aegypti a very high unspecific esterase activity and a low lipolytic activity was found. the electrophoretic isozyme patterns of the unspecific esterases show only few changes in the different physiological stages. the activity of the unspecific esterases as well as of the lipase is especially high in young sugar fed and in blood fed mosquitoes which points to special energy requirements in these stages. the role of the unspecific esterases is discussed.19751988
in vivo behavior of a sindbis virus mutant isolated from persistently infected aedes aegypti cell cultures.a mutant of the sindbis virus sv-s was found to interfere with the regular course of infection by the wild strain of the virus sv-w in a. aegypti mosquitoes and in suckling mice. in mosquitoes, this result was manifested by a reduced titer of sv-w in the presence of sv-s and by a failure of the mosquitoes to transmit sv-w. in the brains of suckling mice, in the presence of sv-s, the growth of sc inoculated sv-w was suppressed, and as a result, the usually lethal course of infection by this virus ...19751072594
infection of the mosquito aedes aegypti with infectious west nile virus-antibody complexes.aedes aegypti fed through chick skin membranes on west nile virus-homologous antiserum mixtures shown by an anti-globulin neutralization test to be highly infectious complexes (in terms of plaque formation in tissue culture) failed to become infected. control mosquitoes fed on west nile virus--normal rabbit serum mixtures containing similar or smaller amounts of infectious virus were shown to become infected. mosquitoes ingesting suspensions of west nile virus previously incubated with murray va ...19751080913
brugia pahangi: effects upon the flight capability of aedes aegypti. 19751149863
neutralization of sindbis virus by antisera to antigens of vector mosquitoes.sindbis virus harvested from infected cultures of vero cells and from aedes aegypti mosquitoes was used in neutralization tests with sera obtained from guinea pigs immunized with ground a. aegypti and from guinea pigs repetitively bitten by mosquitoes. employing these antisera, more mosquito-propagated virus was neutralized than was virus grown in cultures of vero cells. the neutralizing activity resided in the immune globulin fraction and may reflect the production of antibody to vector antigen ...19751155692
the multiplication of nodamura virus in insect and mammalian cell cultures.nodamura virus multiplied in mosquito cell lines, as determined by infectivivity assays in adult honey bees (apis mellifera) and wax moth larvae (galleria mellonella). titres of more than 10-7 and 10-5 bee ld50 /ml were obtained in culture fluids of aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti cells respectively after 10 days. comparable titres were obtained after several months, during which the cultures were subdivided up to six times. nodamura virus also multiplied in bhk cells and yielded titres of 10 ...19751168239
developmental effects of brugia pahangi (nematoda: filarioidea) to high temperature in susceptible genotypes of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19751195293
arbovirus growth in aedes aegypti mosquitoes throughout their viable temperature range.after intrathoracic inoculation of laboratory-bred aedes aegypti mosquitoes with 3 yukon isolates of california encephalitis (ce) virus (showshoe hare subtype), northway (nor) and murray valley encephalitis (mve) viruses, viral replication was observed following incubation at 13, 21, 35 and 39 degrees c, which constituted the full temperature range of viability of a. aegypti. rates of viral replication were reduced at low temperatures and accelerated at high temperatures. virus-specific immunope ...19751202569
effect of the environmental conditions on eggs and water living stages of aedes aegypti (linn.) and aedes albopictus (skuse), vectors of dengue haemorrhagic fever in viet-nam. 19751203600
results of spraying with ultra-low-volume malathion at ground level in panama city.several ultra-low-volume (ulv) sprayings of technical malathion (95 per cent) were carried out in panama city. their purpose was to find out how useful this ulv technique could be in helping to combat mosquitoes, especially aedes aegypti. two residential areas were selected as sites for the trials. one of these was san francisco, a district near the shoreline of the bay of panama with many individual houses and a few tall buildings. the other was el cangrejo, a district further inland containing ...19751212538
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