
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus-induced orchitis in syrian hamsters.testes of 8-week-old male syrian hamsters which were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10(5) plaque-forming units of the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d) were examined virologically and histologically. viral replication was detected from 1 day post inoculation (1 dpi), became more prominent 3 dpi, and was no longer demonstrated 7 dpi. the weight of testis decreased in course of time and it was about 2% of that of control 6 weeks post inoculation (6 wpi). histopathologically, degen ...19911662983
lesions in the central nervous system of dba/2 mice infected with the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d).the central nervous system (cns) of dba/2 mice inoculated i.p. with the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d) (10(3) pfu/head) was examined up to 28 days postinoculation (28 dpi). the virus titer of cns reached a maximum level at 4 dpi, and infectious viruses became undetectable by 28 dpi. histopathologically, degeneration of neurons with virus antigens was observed in st. pyramidale hippocampi, nuc. amigdaloideus corticalis and st. granulosum cerebelli of the brain and in cornu ventra ...19911665080
[dilated cardiomyopathy]. 19911665925
cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus.cardiac and pancreatic lesions were observed in guinea pigs infected with 2 variants (b and d) of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus. cardiac changes were characterized by focal myocardial necrosis and subsequent replacement by immature granulation tissue, and the pancreatic ones by vacuolar degeneration of acinar cells. in the electron microscopic examinations, the affected cardiomyocytes showed intracellular oedema, swelling and/or partial destruction of mitochondria, and distortion and disrupti ...19911666316
seroprevalence of antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus in swine of iowa.a total of 2,614 swine from 104 herds located throughout iowa were tested for antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) by use of the microtitration serum neutralization test. the sample was composed of 587 sows and gilts and 2,027 finishing swine. a statistically significant (p less than 0.002) difference was observed between prevalence in sows and gilts (17.2%) and that in finishing swine (12.2%). breeding swine maintained in total confinement (20.5%) had significantly (p = 0.04) hi ...19911667528
indirect role of t cells in development of polioencephalitis and encephalomyelitis induced by encephalomyocarditis virus.infection of female balb/c mice with encephalomyocarditis virus results in the development of a paralytic syndrome in 7 to 10 days postinoculation. previous studies had suggested the involvement of an immune component in the development of central nervous system pathology. we have examined the effects of t-cell depletion on the development of polioencephalitis (neuronal necrosis and inflammation of the brain and brain stem) and the relative contribution of the cd4+ and cd8+ subsets following the ...19911674548
beta-blocker treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy. beneficial effect of carteolol in mice.the effects of carteolol, a nonselective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, were compared with those of metoprolol in a murine model of viral myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy caused by encephalomyocarditis virus.19911674900
the functional state of the beta cells in the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.besides the thymus-dependent immune system, growing evidence suggests that the functional state of the beta cell plays a role in the pathogenesis of type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. increased incidence of diabetes has been described after increased insulin production and vice versa, and actual hyperinsulinemia has been observed in relation to the diabetogenesis. prophylactic insulin treatment and intensive insulin therapy at diagnosis are discussed. the studies referred to are mostly animal ...19911742424
[monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies simulating the biological effects of human alpha-interferons].the method of somatic hybridization was used to generate a panel of hybridomas producing monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (mono-ai-ab) imitating biological effects of human alpha-interferons (hif-alpha). induction of syngeneic anti-idiotypic antibodies in balb/c mice was achieved with monoclonal antibodies (mca) if-39 capable of neutralizing three kinds of hif-alpha (lymphoblastoid, leukocyte, genetic-engineering). the screening of mono-ai-ab was done by determinations of antiviral activity ...19911803774
mystery swine disease in the netherlands: the isolation of lelystad early 1991, the dutch pig-industry was struck by the so-called mystery swine disease. large-scale laboratory investigations were undertaken to search for the etiological agent. we focused on isolating viruses and mycoplasmas, and we tested paired sera of affected sows for antibodies against ten known pig viruses. the mycoplasmas m. hyosynoviae, m. hyopneumoniae, and acholeplasma laidlawii, and the viruses encephalomyocarditis virus and porcine enterovirus types 2 and 7 were isolated from indi ...19911835211
stable antiviral expression in balb/c 3t3 cells carrying a beta interferon sequence behind a major histocompatibility complex promoter fragment.we are exploring the use of interferon (ifn) genes for somatic cell gene therapy and have investigated the possibility of transforming cells into low constitutive ifn producers over prolonged periods of time without impeding cell survival or replication. here we report the possibility of conferring a permanent antiviral state to cells by introducing an ifn-beta gene with a modified transcriptional control. this was achieved by placing the murine ifn-beta-coding sequence behind the ifn-inducible ...19911846190
chloroquine enhances replication of semliki forest virus and encephalomyocarditis virus in mice.chloroquine (chl) has been suggested to play an important role in the development of burkitt's lymphoma by enhancing epstein-barr virus expression. herpes zoster virus incidence is markedly increased following malaria infection in children being treated with chl. recently, chl has also been shown to dramatically increase the transactivation of tat protein purified from human immunodeficiency virus. these previous studies indirectly suggest that chl may be involved in the enhancement of virus rep ...19911846212
natural evolution of cardiac function, cardiac pathology and antimyosin scan in a murine myocarditis model.serial technetium-99m radionuclide ventriculograms, indium-111 antimyosin antibody scans and tissue biodistribution studies were performed in c3h/he mice with experimentally induced viral encephalomyocarditis and the results were compared with pathologic assessments of myocardial necrosis. postinfection ejection fraction decreased on days 10 (20.7 +/- 5.5%, n = 6), 20 (18.6 +/- 15.2%, n = 5), 30 (18.5 +/- 7.7%, n = 5) and 150 (30.0 +/- 18.7, n = 6) (p less than 0.001) in comparison with that in ...19911847155
inactivation of viruses in blood with aluminum phthalocyanine derivatives.the inactivation of viruses added to whole blood and a red cell concentrate with aluminum phthalocyanine and its sulfonated derivatives was studied. a cell-free form of vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv), used as a model, was completely inactivated (greater than 10(4) infectious units; tcid50) on treatment of whole blood with 10 microm (10 mumol/l) aluminum phthalocyanine chloride (aips) and visible light dosage of 88 to 176 j per cm2. at 44 j per cm2, complete vsv inactivation was achieved on rai ...19911847558
isolation of encephalomyocarditis virus among stillborn and post-weaning pigs in quebec.encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus was isolated from aborted fetuses and lungs of suckling pigs from three quebec pig farms that experienced outbreaks of reproductive failure in sows and respiratory problems in suckling and post-weaning piglets. multifocal interstitial pneumonia and mild non-suppurative myocarditis and meningoencephalitis were the more significant histopathological lesions observed in piglets. vero cells were found to be more sensitive than bhk-21 cells and pig cell lines for prim ...19911848748
a complex rna sequence determines the internal initiation of encephalomyocarditis virus rna translation.translation initiation on emcv rna occurs via binding of ribosomes to an internal sequence within the 5' noncoding region. to investigate the organization of the internal ribosome entry site (ires) we have determined the translational efficiencies of a series of deletion mutants within the 5' noncoding region of emcv rna. three functional regions have been distinguished: a sequence between nts 315-484 and the upper parts of the double-helical structural domains iii (nts 488-647) and iv (nts 701- ...19911849266
potassium salts influence the fidelity of mrna translation initiation in rabbit reticulocyte lysates: unique features of encephalomyocarditis virus rna is widely assumed that in vitro translation of mrna is more efficient in the presence of potassium acetate rather than kcl, that the optimum concentration of potassium acetate is higher than for kcl, and that uncapped rnas exhibit a lower optimum salt concentration than capped mrnas. when these assumptions were examined using several different mrna species in four batches of rabbit reticulocyte lysate, some notable exceptions were found. the translation of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) rn ...19911849749
encephalomyocarditis virus rna polymerase preparations, with and without rna helicase activity.rna template- and primer-dependent preparations of rna polymerase were purified from encephalomyocarditis virus-infected krebs-2 cells, using a three-step chromatographic procedure. the rna duplex-unwinding activity of these preparations was investigated by two assays, using a partially double-stranded rna template (encephalomyocarditis virus rna annealed with a long segment of antisense transcript). less purified preparations of the polymerase appeared to be able to efficiently displace, in an ...19911850044
translation of hepatitis a virus rna in vitro: aberrant internal initiations influenced by 5' noncoding region.hepatitis a virus (hav) rnas were translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. the pattern of proteins synthesized from full-length hav rna was highly complex, consisting of a continuous spectrum of polypeptides ranging from less than 20,000 to greater than 200,000 da. the pattern was not significantly altered by varying incubation times, ion, or other reaction parameters, or by the addition of hela or bs-c-1 cell extracts to the translation reactions. plasmids engineered with mutations i ...19911850924
relative antiviral activity of in vitro-synthesized murine interferon-alpha 4 and -alpha 1.murine interferon-alpha 4 (muifn-alpha 4) is notable among the muifn-alpha subtypes because it lacks 5 amino acids corresponding to positions 103-107 of the other subtypes, yet is the most highly expressed subtype. site-directed in vitro mutagenesis has been used to modify the genes coding for muifn-alpha 4 and muifn-alpha 1. the modifications have allowed (i) the in vitro expression of the mature form of each muifn-alpha subtype and (ii) the insertion of five amino acids, corresponding to amino ...19911851507
expression, purification, and properties of recombinant encephalomyocarditis virus rna-dependent rna polymerase.encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus rna-dependent rna polymerase was expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione s-transferase (gst), which allowed easy purification of the fusion protein by affinity chromatography on immobilized glutathione. inclusion of a thrombin cleavage site between the gst carrier and the viral enzyme facilitated the release of purified mature emc virus rna polymerase from the gst carrier by proteolysis with thrombin. the purified recombinant enzyme has ...19911851868
[experimental animal models of diabetes mellitus]. 19911851902
the atp requirement for initiation of eukaryotic translation varies according to the mrna species.the requirement for atp for initiation of eukaryotic mrna translation was tested using gel-filtered rabbit reticulocyte lysates incubated with labelled met-trnafmet and exogenous rna templates, and assaying the formation of labelled 80s initiation complexes in the presence of gtp, or labelled 40s initiation complexes in the presence of a non-hydrolysable analogue of gtp. initiation complex formation on globin mrna, or on capped viral rnas such as papaya mosaic virus rna and tobacco mosaic virus ...19911889398
elimination of eggplant mottled crinkle virus using virazole in explant cultures of solanum melongena l.virazole (1-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide; 100 and 150 mg/l) incorporated into brinjal explant culture medium induced in complete elimination of eggplant mottled crinkle virus - indian isolate (emcv-1) from infected explant cultures of s. melongena l. and production of virus free plant progeny. acridine orange and ethidium bromide (150 ml/l) were also potent antiviral agents to some extent.19911889835
overproduction of adenovirus dna polymerase and preterminal protein in hela cells.adenovirus (ad) dna polymerase (adpol) and the preterminal protein (ptp) form a complex that is involved in the in vitro initiation of ad dna replication. recombinant vaccinia viruses (vv) were constructed in which the genes encoding adpol and ptp were cloned into a vaccinia/t7 hybrid expression-based vector downstream from the t7 promoter (pt7)/encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) 5'-untranslated region (utr). hela cells infected with the recombinant vv-adpol or vv-ptp or a mixture of both, togeth ...19911937014
interferon action: binding of viral rna to the 40-kilodalton 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase in interferon-treated hela cells infected with encephalomyocarditis virus.the 40-kda 2'-5'-oligoadenylate [(2'-5') (a)n] synthetase isoenzyme was proven to be a mediator of the inhibition of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) replication by interferon (ifn). when activated by double-stranded rna, this enzyme converts atp into 2'-5'-oligoadenylate [(2'-5') (a)n], and (2'-5') (a)n was found to accumulate in ifn-treated, emcv-infected cells. the only known function of (2'-5') (a)n is the activation of rnase l, a latent rnase, and this was also implicated in the inhibition ...19911705989
immunoenhancing properties and antiviral activity of 7-deazaguanosine in mice.the nucleotide analog 7-deazaguanosine has not previously been reported to possess biological (antiviral or antitumor) properties in cell culture or in vivo. up to 10(5) u of interferon per ml was detected in mouse sera 1 to 4 h following oral (200-mg/kg of body weight) and intraperitoneal (50-mg/kg) doses of the compound. 7-deazaguanosine also caused significant activation of natural killer and phagocytic cells but did not augment t- and b-cell blastogenesis. intraperitoneal treatments of 50, 1 ...19911707603
immune inhibition of virus release from human and nonhuman cells by antibody to viral and host cell determinants.immune inhibition of release of the dna viruses, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and pseudorabies virus by anti-viral and anti-host cell sera occurred while two rna viruses, influenza and encephalomyocarditis, were inhibited only by anti-viral sera (not anti-host cell sera). simian virus 40 and surprisingly two herpes viruses, bovine mamillitis and equine abortion, were not inhibited by either anti-viral or anti-host sera. using the herpes simplex virus model, inhibition of virus release was ...19911707865
immunomodulation of encephalomyocarditis virus-induced disease in a/j mice.the e variant of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus causes an encephalomyelitis and coagulative necrosis of the pancreas and parotid glands in some but not all strains of inbred and outbred mice. in other models of disease caused by picornaviruses, depletion of specific lymphocyte subsets abrogates the development of tissue lesions. in this study, severe encephalomyelitis and acinar pancreatitis and parotitis developed in adult male a/j mice infected with 100 pfu of emc virus. depletion of the cd4 ...19911707984
preventive effects of ok432 on murine acute myocarditis due to encephalomyocarditis virus.ok432, one of the immunomodulators used for cancer treatment in japan was examined for its effects on murine myocarditis due to encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus. the survival rate of mice administered with 1 ke of ok432 intraperitoneally every other day starting 2 days before viral inoculation was significantly higher than that of the control mice administered virus alone on days 10-21 (16/20 vs. 4/20, p less than 0.001), and the viral titer in the heart, the heart weight/body weight ratio, and ...19911713056
anti-idiotypic and anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies as highly specific tools in epitope and active site studies on human interferon-gamma.immunization of rabbits with f(ab')2 fragments of different monoclonal antibodies directed against human interferon-gamma yielded antisera with anti-idiotypic characteristics. isolation of the anti-idiotypic fraction, resulting in a highly specific antiserum, allowed us to prove that out of six competing monoclonal antibodies directed against human interferon-gamma, only two really recognize the same epitope. the other monoclonal antibodies compete on the basis of steric hindrance, which is not ...19911713296
the effect of poliovirus proteinase 2apro expression on cellular metabolism. inhibition of dna replication, rna polymerase ii transcription, and translation.infection of cells with poliovirus results in a rapid inhibition of host rna and protein synthesis. concordant with this shutoff, the p220 subunit of the cap-binding protein complex is cleaved, probably indirectly, by the poliovirus proteinase p2a (2apro). to elucidate the mechanism of action of 2apro in inhibiting protein synthesis in vivo, we studied the effect of transient expression of 2apro in cos-1 monkey kidney cells. in cells transfected with a 2apro expression plasmid, p220 was cleaved ...19911713590
transforming growth factor-beta inhibits the antiviral action of interferons in human embryonic fibroblasts.transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta) at concentration of 10 ng/ml inhibited the development of the interferon-alpha- (ifn-alpha) or ifn-gamma-induced antiviral state in quiescent human embryonic fibroblasts. the action of the cytokines was dose-related; tgf-beta had no direct effect on the replication of either vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) or encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) used as the challenge viruses in the ifn assays. we suggest that despite the fact that tgf-beta acts mainly as ...19911714487
comparative susceptibility to mouse interferons of rickettsia tsutsugamushi strains with different virulence in mice and of rickettsia rickettsii.three strains of rickettsia tsutsugamushi (karp, gilliam, and ta716, representing three virulence types in mice) were examined for their sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of recombinant gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) and purified ifn-alpha/beta in two cultured mouse fibroblast cell lines. the susceptibilities of another species, rickettsia rickettsii, and of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) were also tested for comparative purposes. ifn-gamma inhibited rickettsial replication in only one of t ...19911718869
regulation of viral and cellular rna turnover in cells infected by eukaryotic viruses including hiv-1.the following reviews the role of mrna stability in the regulation of both viral and cellular gene expression in virus-infected cells. indeed, several eukaryotic viruses, including the human immunodeficiency virus, hiv-1, regulate cellular protein synthesis via such control mechanisms. the following systems will be discussed: (i) the degradation of viral and cellular mrnas in cells infected by herpes simplex virus (hsv) and advances made using the hsv virion host shutoff mutant; (ii) the degrada ...19901724218
influence of hyperthermia on experimental viral infections in vitro.the effects of hyperthermia (39 and 41 c) on virus multiplication in vitro (hsv-1, vsv on vero cells and emc on l929 cells) have been explored. the cells were infected with hsv-1, vsv or emc viruses and heated to 39 or 41 c before, during or after the viral infection. the titer of the virus show that temperature of 41 c acts as an inhibitory agent on hsv-1 and vsv virus replication in vero cells.19901965095
serologic diagnosis of encephalomyocarditis virus infection in swine by the microtiter serum neutralization test. 19901965640
translation of poliovirus mrna.ribosome binding to cellular eukaryotic mrnas is proposed to occur by initial attachment at or near the mrna 5' cap structure (m7 gppn, where n is any nucleotide) followed by scanning till the appropriate initiator aug is encountered. a pivotal aspect of this model is the obligatory entry of the ribosomes at the 5' end of the mrna (regardless if it contains a cap structure). recent experiments, however, demonstrated that ribosomes can access certain mrnas by internal binding to the 5'-untranslat ...19901966842
agm1+ spleen cells contain gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) gene transcripts in the early, sex-dependent production of ifn-gamma after picornavirus infection.encephalomyocarditis d variant (emcv-d)-infected spleen cell cultures prepared from diabetes-resistant icr swiss female mice produce more gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) activity over a 24-h period than do spleen cell cultures from diabetes-susceptible male mice of this strain. pretreatment of mice with anti-asialo gm1 eliminates early in vitro ifn-gamma production from 4 to 16 h postinfection (p.i.) and reduces ifn-gamma production from 16 to 24 h p.i. in this study, depletion of spleen cells with ...19901974653
evidence for a group-specific enteroviral antigen(s) recognized by human t cells.human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 15 normal, healthy adult volunteers proliferated in vitro against a panel of enteroviral antigens, including coxsackievirus b3, coxsackievirus b2, coxsackievirus b6, coxsackievirus a16, and poliovirus 1. no proliferation against the cardiovirus encephalomyocarditis virus occurred. lymphocytes obtained from cord blood drawn from seven neonates were uniformly nonresponsive to enteroviral antigens. although serum neutralization antibody titers indicated ...19901975596
construction and characterization of two infectious molecular clones of encephalomyocarditis virus.we constructed and characterized two infectious molecular clones of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus. both constructs, pdl and pda, were assembled from five overlapping cdna clones derived from the diabetogenic variant of emc virus (emc-d) and from two synthetic oligonucleotide cartridges. pda contained a single point mutation at position 1720 within the "puff" region of capsid protein 1ab that was derived from the nondiabetogenic variant of emc virus (emc-b). this point mutation resulted in an ...19902153252
d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv-d)-induced diabetes following natural killer cell depletion in diabetes-resistant male c57bl/6j mice.the involvement of natural killer (nk) cells in the development of diabetes in the normally resistant 9-10 week old c57bl/6j male mice by the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv-d) was examined. inoculation of purified emcv-d induced maximum nk cell activity in splenic cell populations on day 4 post-inoculation as determined by lysis of yac-1 target cells in a standard 51chromium release microcytotoxicity assay. selective depletion of nk cells by the administration of rabbit anti-asial ...19902153386
genetic transfer of a functional human interferon alpha receptor into mouse cells: cloning and expression of its cdna.a cdna coding for the human interferon alpha receptor has been cloned using a gene transfer approach. this consists of transferring human dna to mouse cells and selecting for cells sensitive to human interferon alpha. the transfected cells expressed the human interferon alpha receptor, and a 5 kb human dna was isolated from a secondary transfectant. this dna defects an mrna present in human cells and was used to clone a 2.7 kb cdna from a library constructed from human daudi cells. the sequence ...19902153461
reproductive and neonatal losses associated with possible encephalomyocarditis virus infection in pigs.a possible infection with encephalomyocarditis virus was investigated on two minnesota pig farms which experienced an increase in stillborn and mummified fetuses, high pre-weaning mortality and reduced farrowing rates. the monthly averages for the numbers of piglets born dead per litter on farms a and b reached 4-6 and 3-6, the pre-weaning mortalities 50 per cent and 31 per cent, and the farrowing rates 52 per cent and 63 per cent, respectively. serological and histopathological examinations sup ...19902154074
kidney complications in emc virus-induced diabetes in conventional dba/2 male mice.conventional dba/2 male mice of about 9 weeks of age were inoculated by intraperitoneally injecting emc virus m variant (10(4) tcid50/0.1 ml/animal) which is passaged in mice. the mice which tested positive for glycosuria and hyperglycemia were examined histopathologically 2 or 5 months after inoculation. the kidneys were examined for thickening of bowman's capsule and the mesangial matrix. these changes were more clearly observable 5 months after inoculation than they were 2 months after inocul ...19902154384
limited expression of poliovirus by vaccinia virus recombinants due to inhibition of the vector by proteinase 2a.a recombinant vaccinia virus was constructed that expressed poliovirus coat precursor protein p1 fused to about two-thirds of the 2a proteinase. the truncated 2a segment could be cleaved away from the p1 region by coinfecting with poliovirus type 1, 2, or 3 or with human rhinovirus 14 but not with encephalomyocarditis virus. further cleavage of the vector-derived p1 to yield mature poliovirus capsid proteins was not observed. attempts to isolate vaccinia virus recombinants containing portions of ...19902154618
inhibition of vesicular stomatitis virus replication in dexamethasone-treated l929 cells.we previously demonstrated that dexamethasone treatment of l929 cells inhibited plaque formation by vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv), encephalomyocarditis virus, or vaccinia virus. we now have characterized the antiviral effects of glucocorticoids in l929 cells. dexamethasone did not directly inactivate vsv nor did steroid treatment of l929 cells affect virion adsorption or penetration. the vsv yield in l929 cells treated with dexamethasone for a period of only 4 or 8 hr was decreased by 50% whe ...19902154755
a factor that specifically binds to the 5'-untranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus rna.a protein factor that specifically binds to the 5'-untranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) rna has been found in extracts of ascites carcinoma krebs-2 cells. this was done using uv-irradiation on extracts supplemented with in vitro synthesized 32p-labelled transcripts followed by analysis of crosslinked proteins by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the transcripts represented the viral rna sequence from nt 315 to 1155, its derivatives with internal deletions or truncated f ...19902155820
blocking by anti-idiotypic antibodies of monoclonal antibody mediated protection in mice against encephalomyocarditis virus induced diabetes and lethal disease.monoclonal antibodies (ma) um 21.1 and um 21.2 protect mice against encephalomyocarditis virus (d-variant) induced diabetes and lethal disease. ma-mediated protection in vivo as well as neutralization in vitro could be specifically blocked by anti-idiotypic antibodies.19902156488
the involvement of pineal gland and melatonin in immunity and aging. i. thymus-mediated, immunoreconstituting and antiviral activity of thyrotropin-releasing hormone.circadian, continued treatment with melatonin during the dark cycle produces changes in the blood level of thyroid hormones in aging mice. thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (trh) antagonize the involution of the thymus produced by prednisolone. this effect of trh does not seem thyroid dependent. trh restores antibody production in non-responder athymic nude mice but does not exert this effect in neonatally thymectomized mice. moreover, this activity does not cor ...19902159021
echovirus 22 is an atypical enterovirus.although echovirus 22 (ev22) is classified as an enterovirus in the family picornaviridae, it is atypical of the enterovirus paradigm, typified by the polioviruses and the coxsackie b viruses. cdna reverse transcribed from coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) rna does not hybridize to genomic rna of ev22, and conversely, cdna made to ev22 does not hybridize to cvb3 genomic rna or to molecular clones of cvb3 or poliovirus type 1. ev22 cdna does not hybridize to viral rna of encephalomyocarditis virus or to a ...19902159539
encephalomyocarditis of swine in greece. 19902159671
diverse patterns of immune and non-immune-mediated disease in emc m-variant-infected mice.the m variant of emc virus exhibits unique tropism for the beta cells of the islets of langerhans. however, the severity and character of the lesion differ in various strains of animals. this paper briefly reviews the features of these lesions and considers their pathogenesis.19902160243
inhibition of rate of tumour growth in rodent species by inoculation of herpesviruses and encephalomyocarditis virus.inoculation of herpesviruses and encephalomyocarditis virus into subcutaneous tumours in hamsters and mice reduced the rate of tumour growth compared to untreated tumours or secondary tumours which had arisen following surgical excision of the primary tumour; in addition, survival times were increased in animals whose tumours were inoculated with virus. it is suggested that the role of virus in the modification of tumour growth merits further exploration.19902160515
gross rearrangements within the 5'-untranslated region of the picornaviral analysis of reported nucleotide sequences revealed several cases of gross rearrangements in the 5'-untranslated region (5-utr) of picornaviral genomes. a large (greater than 100 nt) duplication was discovered in a downstream region of poliovirus 5-utr involved in the translational control. properties of the poliovirus mutants with large deletions [kuge and nomoto (1987) j. virol. 61, 1478-1487] show that a single copy of the appropriate repeating unit is compatible with a wild type phenotype ...19902162521
[the effect of high molecular weight interferon inducers (dsrna) on virus adsorption].interrelationship between phosphorylation of plasmatic membrane proteins in brain cells and the rate of mice encephalomyocarditis virus adsorption was studied. phosphorylation of proteins induced by dsrna (laryphane) was most distinctly manifested in membrane fraction and cytosol of rat brain neuronal cells. similarity of molecular mass spectra in dsrna- and camp-dependent phosphorylation enabled to suggest that dsrna activated protein kinase. an increase in the rate of plasmatic membrane protei ...19902163564
[an experimental study of human recombinant gamma interferon with a proteolytically reduced c-end area of the protein].the work presents the results of experimental study of gamma interferon obtained by gene engineering techniques on the basis of escherichia coli producer strains. the study has revealed that gamma interferon, whose molecular weight is 15 kd, due to intracellular proteolytic degradation shows the absence of some amino acids at the c-end of protein and is electrophoretically homogeneous, while its antiviral, antiproliferative and immunomodulating effects are less pronounced than those of gamma int ...19902164292
reversibility of acid denaturation of recombinant has been shown that interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) loses activity after acid treatment and this property can be used to distinguish it from other types of interferons. therefore, reversibility of acid denaturation of ifn-gamma was examined using the recombinant human protein. the fluorescence spectra showed that conformation of the protein is similar before and after acid treatment, suggesting reversibility of the acid denaturation. the antiviral activity of the protein was also identical in th ...19902164426
paradoxical lessening of autoimmune processes in non-obese diabetic mice after infection with the diabetogenic variant of encephalomyocarditis order to gain insight into the interaction between autoimmunity and viral infection in the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes, non-obese diabetic (nod) mice which spontaneously develop autoimmune diabetes were inoculated with the diabetogenic variant of the encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv-d) before the onset of the disease. the pre-diabetic period was divided into two phases: the early phase (days 88 to 116) during which development of spontaneous diabetes is rare and the late phase (day 12 ...19902164479
[encephalomyocarditis syndrome (emc syndrome)].among 28 autopsy-cases with emc had been none diagnosed clinically before. typically we found an interstitial myocarditis and perivenous encephalitis with a preferred participation of the brain stem, eventually resulting in a central failure. there were only 5 cases with meningitis. myelitis was not found. former cardiac, less often cerebral lesions are likely risks for the lethal event.19902165622
synthesis of functional mrna in mammalian cells by bacteriophage t3 rna polymerase.we found that the 5' nontranslated leader sequence from encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) allowed transcripts that were synthesized by the t3 rna polymerase in mammalian cells to be translated in a cap-independent fashion. stable mouse cell lines that carry the t3 rna polymerase gene expressed the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene under the control of a phage promoter when the cat gene was fused to the emcv leader and introduced into the cells by transient dna uptake. the level of gen ...19902167433
tumour necrosis factor enhances induction by beta-interferon of a ubiquitin cross-reactive protein.tumour necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) elicited an antiviral response in some cell lines (mg-63 and hep-2) but not in others (mdbk). cell lines that generated an antiviral response to tnf-alpha also showed induction of a 15k protein which shared sequence homology with ubiquitin and reacted with an antibody to ubiquitin. this ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (ucrp) had been demonstrated previously to be induced by interferon. the tnf-alpha induction of ucrp occurred at the level of transcriptio ...19902167923
effect of rearing conditions on encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus-induced diabetes in compare the incidence in the diabetic syndrome in mice reared under sterile and non-sterile conditions, both conventional and spf dba/2 n male mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with two doses (10(4) tcid50/0.1 ml or 10(5) tcid50/0.1 ml) of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus m variant. the incidence of diabetic symptoms was higher in mice reared under sterile conditions than under non-sterile conditions. it appeared that a difference in animal rearing conditions would affect the sensitivity ...19902169428
an initiation signal in the 5' untranslated leader sequence of encephalomyocarditis virus rna.a 593 nucleotide fragment of the 5' leader of encephalomyocarditis virus rna (emcv-rna) was linked to the sp6 promoter and inserted upstream of the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat). the presence of the 5'-utr of emcv-rna in the rna transcripts, made in vitro with the sp6 polymerase, resulted in a strong translational enhancement when tested in the micrococcal nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate. the transcripts were equally active with or without a 5' methylated capstructur ...19902169887
initiation of encephalomyocarditis virus rna translation: the authentic initiation site is not selected by a scanning mechanism.the authentic initiation site on encephalomyocarditis virus (strain r) rna is the 11th aug codon (at nt. 834) from the 5' end of the viral rna, the downstream of the two augs in the sequence....acgaugauaauauggcc... in order to assess the role of ribosome scanning in the selection of the correct initiation site, transcripts of a construct comprising the viral 5' noncoding sequence fused to a reporter gene were translated in vitro and the relative frequency of initiation at these two aug codons, a ...19902170120
a full-length murine 2-5a synthetase cdna transfected in nih-3t3 cells impairs emcv but not vsv replication.treatment of cells with interferons (ifns) induces resistance to virus infection. the 2'-5'oligo a (2-5a) synthetase/rnase l is one of the pathways leading to translation inhibition induced by ifn treatment. a murine cdna encoding the 43-kda 2-5a synthetase was cloned and sequenced. nih-3t3 cell clones transfected with this cdna expressed the enzymatic activity to various extents and exhibited resistance to encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) but not to vesicular stomatitis virus replication. the ...19902171206
pharmacokinetics of indium-111-labeled antimyosin monoclonal antibody in murine experimental viral myocarditis.the pharmacokinetics of indium-111-labeled antimyosin monoclonal antibody fab were investigated with use of murine experimental viral myocarditis as a model. the biodistribution of indium-111-labeled antimyosin antibody fab on days 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after encephalomyocarditis virus inoculation demonstrated that myocardial uptake increased significantly on days 5, 7 and 14 (maximum on day 7) in infected versus uninfected mice (p less than 0.001). in vivo kinetics in infected mice on day 7 de ...19902172346
inhibition of the uncoating of bovine enterovirus by short chain fatty acids.short chain fatty acids inhibit the replication of bovine enterovirus but are almost ineffective against poliovirus type 1, coxsackievirus b5, encephalomyocarditis virus and human rhinovirus 1b. lauric acid binds to bovine enterovirus, thereby stabilizing the virus particle to heat degradation. fatty acid-bound virions attach to susceptible cells but fail to undergo cell-mediated uncoating. the inhibitory effect is reversible with chloroform and may result from a hydrophobic interaction between ...19902172446
effects of a diabetogenic strain of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus on protein synthesis in mouse islets of langerhans.the effects of a diabetogenic strain of encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus on total protein and insulin biosynthesis in mouse islets of langerhans have been studied in tissue culture. in dispersed mouse islets, the rates of protein biosynthesis were assessed by measuring the incorporation of [3h]leucine into proteins. in infected dispersed islets incubated in 20 mm-glucose, both insulin and total protein biosynthesis were decreased at 6 h; only insulin biosynthesis was significantly decreased at 3 ...19902173551
role of macrophages in the pathogenesis of encephalomyocarditis virus-induced diabetes in mice.pancreatic islets from sjl/j mice infected with the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d virus) showed lymphocytic infiltration with moderate to severe destruction of beta cells. immunohistochemical staining of the islet sections with several monoclonal antibodies, anti-mac-1, anti-mac-2, and f4/80 for macrophages, anti-l3t4 for helper/inducer t cells, and anti-lyt2 for cytotoxic/suppressor t cells revealed that the major population of infiltrating cells at the early stage of viral inf ...19902173763
persistent infection of k562 cells by encephalomyocarditis virus.infection of human erythroleukemic k562 cells by encephalomyocarditis virus readily resulted in establishment of persistently infected cultures. in contrast to the usual typical lytic infection by encephalomyocarditis virus, in which trypan blue staining of cells reaches close to 100% by about 15 h postinfection, k562 cell cultures required 3 to 4 days postinfection to reach a maximum of about 80 to 90% cell staining. the proportion of k562 cells taking up stain gradually decreased to about 10% ...19902173779
primate viral diseases in perspective.the recent occurrence of fatal herpesvirus simiae (b virus) infection in human subjects has again focused the attention of primatologists on this virus. b virus, however, is only one of a number of viral diseases that plays a role in primate colony management. this report is to emphasize to the primatologist a number of viruses other than h. simiae, with high morbidity and mortality rates, of importance for health management of nonhuman primate animal colonies. this concept is supported by the r ...19902174083
cap-independent translation of encephalomyocarditis virus rna: structural elements of the internal ribosomal entry site and involvement of a cellular 57-kd rna-binding protein.translation of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) mrna occurs by ribosomal internal entry into the 5'-nontranslated region (5' ntr) rather than by ribosomal scanning. the internal ribosomal entry site (ires) in the emcv 5' ntr was determined by in vitro translation with rnas that were generated by in vitro transcription of emcv cdnas containing serial deletions from either the 5' or 3' end of the emcv 5' ntr. regions downstream of nucleotide 403 and upstream of nucleotide 811 of emcv were require ...19902174810
sex hormone modulation of interferon (ifn) alpha/beta and gamma production by mouse spleen cell subsets following picornavirus infection.replication of the diabetogenic variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv-d) in spleen cells and its association with subpopulations of spleen cells (l3t4+, lyt-2+, mac 1+, 33d1+ and agm1+ cells) from both sexes of icr swiss mice were examined. virus replication was limited to less than 0.5 log in suspensions of whole spleen cells, nonadherent cells or a b cell subfraction from both sexes of icr swiss mice following infection with emcv-d at an moi of 10; no virus replication was seen in adhere ...19902175195
evidence for a direct role for sialic acid in the attachment of encephalomyocarditis virus to human erythrocytes.sialic acid residues are required in cellular receptors for many different mammalian viruses. sialic acid could have a direct role, being an integral part of the virus binding site on the receptor. alternatively, negatively charged sialic acid could have an indirect role, being responsible for holding the receptor in the required configuration for virus recognition, for instance, by interacting with positively charged amino acid residues found in the polypeptide chain of receptors. we have inves ...19902176879
selective reduction of insulin mrna in islets infected with encephalomyocarditis virus. 19902177410
protein synthesis initiation factor modifications during viral infections: implications for translational control.infection of tissue culture cells with certain viruses results in the shutoff of host cell protein synthesis. we have examined virally infected cell lysates using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting to ascertain whether initiation factor protein modifications are correlated with translational repression. moderate increases in eukaryotic initiation factor (eif)-2 alpha phosphorylation are detected in reovirus- and adenovirus-infected cells, as reported previously (samuel et al. ...19902188834
recombinant equine interferon-beta 1: purification and preliminary characterization.equine interferon-beta 1 (eqifn-beta 1) was purified from extracts of recombinant escherichia coli by sequential chromatography on hydroxylapatite, anion-, and cation-exchangers. the resulting protein was greater than 98% pure as determined by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis, gel permeation hplc, and reverse-phase hplc. amino-terminal amino acid sequencing revealed that essentially all molecules contained an additional amino-terminal methionine. the specific antiviral activity of eqifn ...19902200832
cytoplasmic expression system based on constitutive synthesis of bacteriophage t7 rna polymerase in mammalian cells.a mouse cell line that constitutively synthesizes the bacteriophage t7 rna polymerase was constructed. fluorescence microscopy indicated that the t7 rna polymerase was present in the cytoplasmic compartment. the system provided, therefore, a unique opportunity to study structural elements of mrna that affect stability and translation. the in vivo activity of the bacteriophage polymerase was demonstrated by transfection of a plasmid containing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene flan ...19902204064
theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus--characterization of newly isolated viruses from japanese mouse colonies.the hemagglutinating-inhibition (hi) test was used to detect antibodies for theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (tmev), and the virus was isolated from sero-positive mice derived from colonies in japan. hi antibody was detected in conventional mice (38.7%; 137/354) at titers ranging from 1:8 to 1:512, but it not in spf mice (0/90). to isolate the virus, weanling mice inoculated intracerebrally with samples obtained from sero-positive mice were sacrificed and 10% brain homogenates were subcu ...19902242766
two amino acids, phe 16 and ala 776, on the polyprotein are most likely to be responsible for the diabetogenicity of encephalomyocarditis virus.the diabetogenic d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d) was previously shown to differ from the non-diabetogenic b variant (emc-b) by 14 nucleotides out of 7829 bases. similar approaches with a new nondiabetogenic variant, emc-dv1, obtained by plaque purification of the emc-d variant stock pool, enabled us to narrow down further the possible genomic area responsible for the diabetogenicity of emc virus. emc-dv1 does not induce interferon in vitro, differing from the highly interferon-in ...19901690262
monoclonal antibodies and enzyme immunoassays specific for human interferon (ifn) omega 1: evidence that ifn-omega 1 is a component of human leukocyte ifn.four hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal igg antibodies to human interferon (ifn) omega 1 (= ifn-alpha ii 1) were developed, using spleen cells of mice immunized with ifn-omega 1 and/or a novel hybrid interferon, ifn-omega 1/alpha 2. all antibodies (omg-2, -4, -5, and -7) neutralize the antiviral activity of ifn-omega 1 and show distinct patterns of reactivity with the hybrid proteins, ifn-omega 1/alpha 2 and ifn-alpha 2c/omega 1. however, none of the antibodies is able to neutralize human ...19901691561
[double-stranded rna from phage f6: its interferon-inducing and antiviral properties].double stranded rna was isolated from bacteriophage phi 6 parasitizing on phytobacteria. its interferon-inducing and antiviral activities were shown in vitro and in vivo. in the culture of l-929 cells, interferon resistant to heat and acids was synthesized. the interferon could be practically completely neutralized by specific anti-interferon serum. the phage phi 6 preparation dsrna in the lyophilized form was studied. the preparation retained its biological activity. it was shown that a prepara ...19901694424
in vivo significance of t cells in the development of coxsackievirus b3 myocarditis in mice. immature but antigen-specific t cells aggravate cardiac injury.acute myocardial damage similar to that seen in human myocarditis occurs in balb/c mice after infection with coxsackievirus b3 (cb3) or encephalomyocarditis virus (emc). to investigate the role of antigen-specific t cells in the pathogenesis of this disorder, we compared cb3 disease expression in t cell-deficient, athymic nude (nu/nu) mice, in heterozygote (nu/+) mice with normal t cell function, and in nu/nu mice reconstituted with spleen cells from cb3- or emc-infected nu/+ mice. acute myocard ...19901697791
modified subcellular localization of interferon-induced p68 kinase during encephalomyocarditis virus infection.the double-stranded (ds) rna-activated protein kinase from human cells is a 68,000 mr protein (p68 kinase) induced by interferon. when autophosphorylated, p68 kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of the protein synthesis eukaryotic initiation factor-2, thus mediating inhibition of protein synthesis. the level of p68 kinase is dramatically reduced in nonionic detergent np-40 extracts, obtained from interferon-treated cells during infection with encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) (a. g. hovanessian ...19901700539
survey for antibodies to selected viruses in laboratory mice in south africa.serum samples (n = 184) from 3 conventional laboratory mouse colonies were tested for antibodies with an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) test to theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (tmev), encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv), and reovirus type 3. the percentage of mice with antibodies to reovirus type 3, were comparable in all 3 groups, namely 40, 46 and 60%. antibodies to tmev showed the greatest variation, namely 0, 10 and 31%, whereas antibodies to emcv were confirmed in only one colon ...19909022849
ontario. encephalomyocarditis virus outbreak among suckling pigs. 198917423242
ontario. antibodies to encephalomyocarditis virus in aborted and stillborn pigs. 198917423427
rapid bioassay of human interferon by direct enzyme immunoassay of encephalomyocarditis virus in hep-2 cell monolayers after a single cycle of infection.multiplication of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) in human hep-2 cells, and its suppression by interferon (ifn), was demonstrated by direct enzyme immunoassay (eia) in cell culture. emcv was detected in glutaraldehyde fixed hep-2 cell monolayers, in wells of 96-well plates, with a horse radish peroxidase (hrpo) labelled emcv specific monoclonal antibody. multiplication of emcv (multiplicity of infection: 50) was indicated by a steep rise of absorbance values measured against infected monolayer ...19892474560
differing attachment of diabetogenic and nondiabetogenic variants of encephalomyocarditis virus to beta-cells.the d variant of encephalomyocarditis (emc-d) virus does not induce the production of interferon (ifn) and produces an insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm)-like syndrome in certain mouse strains. in contrast, the b variant (emc-b) virus, which is serologically identical to emc-d virus, is a good inducer of ifn and is nondiabetogenic. it has been postulated that ifn may play a major role in determining the ability of these two viruses to infect pancreatic beta-cells. however, recent studies ...19892475377
competition binding assay in cell culture for identification of epitopes on enveloped and naked viruses.virus infected monolayers, in wells of 96-well plates, could be used as antigen in competition binding assays to identify epitopes on respectively semliki forest virus, encephalomyocarditis virus and mumps virus.19892476138
antisense oligonucleotide inhibition of encephalomyocarditis virus rna translation.we report the inhibition of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) rna translation in cell-free rabbit reticulocyte lysates by antisense oligonucleotides (13-17-base oligomers) complementary to (a) the viral 5' non-translated region, (b) the aug start codon and (c) the coding sequence. our results demonstrate that the extent of translation inhibition is dependent on the region where the complementary oligonucleotides bind. non-complementary and 3'-non-translated-region-specific oligonucleotides had n ...19892476310
murine cell-mediated immune response recognizes an enterovirus group-specific antigen(s).splenocytes taken from mice inoculated with coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) (nancy) developed an in vitro proliferative response against cvb3 antigen. this response could not be detected earlier than 8 days postinoculation but could be detected up to 28 days after exposure to cb3. cvb3-sensitized splenocytes responded not only to the cvb3 antigen but to other enteroviruses as well. this response was found to be enterovirus specific in that no response was detected to a non-enteroviral picornavirus, enc ...19892476566
constitutive expression of a 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase cdna results in increased antiviral activity and growth suppression.the interferon (ifn)-induced enzyme 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5a) synthetase has been implicated in the development of antiviral activity in human and animal cells. however, its role in ifn-mediated growth inhibition remains unclear. to elucidate the function of 2-5a synthetase, we have stably introduced a human 2-5a synthetase cdna into a human glioblastoma cell line (t98g). constitutive expression of the cdna in these cells is associated with increased levels of resistance to infection by enceph ...19892481699
the role of interferon in the protection of icr swiss male mice by the nondiabetogenic variant of encephalomyocarditis virus against virus-induced diabetes mellitus.the production of murine diabetes mellitus by the diabetogenic variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv-d) is prevented in mice preinfected for 24 h with nondiabetogenic virus (emcv-b). it has been suggested that the protection of the animals is due to the induction of interferon (ifn) by emcv-b. the present study was done to investigate further the role of ifn in the protection of male icr swiss mice against the diabetogenic effects of emcv-d virus. the results show that this mouse strain is ...19892481700
influence of flavonoids on combined experimental infections with emc virus and staphylococcus aureus in mice.activity of elected flavonoids in emc virus and staphylococcus aureus infected mice were investigated, to determine the influence on mortality rate. some of the flavonoids: quercetin, hypoletin, hesperidin, rutin and quercitrin showed significant protective effect given before single as well as combined viral-bacterial infections.19892482663
different antiviral activity and cell specificity of interferon preparations produced by mouse peritoneal cells at 37 degrees c and at 26 degrees c.three sublines of mouse l cells and mouse embryo fibroblasts were used for determination of the antiviral activity of mouse interferons produced by nonadherent peritoneal exudate cells incubated either at 37 degrees c or at 26 degrees c. ifn produced at 37 degrees c or at 26 degrees c had the same antiviral activity in l borgen, l929 cells. however, in mec ifn-37 degrees had relatively higher activity than ifn-26 degrees. of the interferon investigated only ifn-37 degrees exhibited antiviral act ...19892484831
experimental encephalomyocarditis virus infection in mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus).two strains of mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus), tumble brook (tum) and japan medical science (jms), were intraperitoneally inoculated with the d variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (emc-d) and killed 3 days later. mortality was significantly higher in females than in males. evidence of viral replication was detected in the heart of both strains and in the pancreas of the tum strain. histopathological alterations were found in the heart and pancreas. heart lesions involved foci of nec ...19892536510
myocardial uptake of antimyosin monoclonal antibody in a murine model of viral myocarditis.the myocardial uptake of 125i- and 131i-antimyosin monoclonal antibody fab in experimental myocarditis in balb/c mice induced by encephalomyocarditis virus was studied. the biodistribution of 125i-antimyosin demonstrated that the highest ratio of radioactivity appears in the heart of infected mice on day 14 (the ratio of percent dose per gram for the organ to percent dose per milliliter for blood; 9.75 +/- 2.79 vs. 1.27 +/- 0.78 at 24 hours in inoculated mice vs. control mice). there was no stat ...19892536600
proteolytic cleavage of encephalomyocarditis virus capsid region substrates by precursors to the 3c enzyme.picornavirus protease 3c is normally released from its p3 precursor by two successive self-cleavage reactions. the free enzyme can then catalyze most of the remaining processing events within the viral polyprotein. to investigate the role of the 3c precursors in the processing cascade, we constructed cdna clones which expressed genetically altered forms of the encephalomyocarditis p3 region in vitro. site-specific substitutions were introduced into the gln-gly residues at the 3b-3c and 3c-3d jun ...19892536819
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