
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
yersinia pseudotuberculosis mnth functions in intracellular manganese accumulation that is essential for virulence and survival in cells expressing functional nramp1.manganese has an important yet undefined role in the virulence of many bacterial pathogens. in this study we confirm that a null mutation in yersinia pseudotuberculosis mnth reduces intracellular manganese accumulation. an mnth mutant was susceptible to killing by reactive oxygen species when grown under manganese limited conditions. the mnth mutant was defective in survival and growth in macrophages expressing functional nramp1, but in macrophages deficient in nramp the bacteria were able to su ...201021183572
systematic analysis of cyclic di-gmp signalling enzymes and their role in biofilm formation and virulence in yersinia pestis.cyclic di-gmp (c-di-gmp) is a signalling molecule that governs the transition between planktonic and biofilm states. previously, we showed that the diguanylate cyclase hmst and the putative c-di-gmp phosphodiesterase hmsp inversely regulate biofilm formation through control of hmshfrs-dependent poly-β-1,6-n-acetylglucosamine synthesis. here, we systematically examine the functionality of the genes encoding putative c-di-gmp metabolic enzymes in yersinia pestis. we determine that, in addition to ...201021219468
reduction of enteropathogenic yersinia in the pig slaughterhouse by using bagging of the evaluate the effectiveness of bagging of the rectum in mitigating the contamination of carcasses with enteropathogenic yersinia at the slaughterhouse and to estimate the hidden prevalences of these pathogens in different farm types and capacities, samples from pigs, carcasses, and slaughterhouse environment were collected, and a bayesian probability model was constructed. in addition, the contamination routes were studied with molecular typing of the isolated strains. according to the model, ...201021219732
[variability of the inv gene fragment encoding a functionally important domain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin].a total of 84 y. pseudotuberculosis isolates were studied. the isolates were obtained in russian federation in 1967-2008. the majority of y. pseudotuberculosis isolates (n = 55) were of clinical origin and were isolated from feces of patients with the clinically and serologically proved diagnosis of pseudotuberculosis/far east scarlet-like fever. these isolates included 18 isolates obtained from 3 outbreaks. nine isolates were isolated from the internal organs of wild rodents. other isolates wer ...201020364476
the c-terminal tail of yersinia pseudotuberculosis yopm is critical for interacting with rsk1 and for virulence.yersinia spp. undermine the immune responses of infected animals by translocating yops directly into host cells with a type iii secretion system. yopm, a leucine-rich repeat protein, is a critical virulence factor in infection. yopm localizes to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm in cultured cells, interacts with mammalian p90 ribosomal s6 kinase 1 (rsk1), and causes a decrease in nk cell populations in spleens. little is known about the molecular interaction between yopm and rsk1 and its signif ...201020368345
characterization of an aspartate-dependent acid survival system in yersinia pseudotuberculosis.enteric bacteria have developed various survival systems that protect against acid stress. in this study, an aspartate-dependent acid survival system is characterized in yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the expression of aspartase (aspa) was confirmed to be increased at acidic ph by proteomic and lacz fusion analyses. addition of aspartate increased acid survival of the wild type but not the aspa knockout mutant. aspa increases acid survival by producing ammonia as demonstrated by mutation and in vi ...201020371246
a solvent-exposed patch in chaperone-bound yope is required for translocation by the type iii secretion system.most effector proteins of bacterial type iii secretion (t3s) systems require chaperone proteins for translocation into host cells. such effectors are bound by chaperones in a conserved and characteristic manner, with the chaperone-binding (cb) region of the effector wound around the chaperone in a highly extended conformation. this conformation has been suggested to serve as a translocation signal in promoting the association between the chaperone-effector complex and a bacterial component requi ...201020382763
identification and characterization of small-molecule inhibitors of yop translocation in yersinia pseudotuberculosis.type three secretion systems (ttsss) are virulence factors found in many pathogenic gram-negative species, including the family of pathogenic yersinia spp. yersinia pseudotuberculosis requires the translocation of a group of effector molecules, called yops, to subvert the innate immune response and establish infection. polarized transfer of yops from bacteria to immune cells depends on several factors, including the presence of a functional ttss, the successful attachment of yersinia to the targ ...201020498321
["autophagy and microorganisms": hotspots of a mini-symposium]. 201020510155
yersinia pseudotuberculosis as a cause of ocular disease in goats. 201020511658
delineation of regions of the yersinia yopm protein required for interaction with the rsk1 and prk2 host kinases and their requirement for interleukin-10 production and virulence.the yopm protein of yersinia sp. is a type iii secreted effector that is required for virulence in murine models of infection. yopm has previously been shown to contain leucine-rich repeats (lrrs) and to interact with two host kinases, rsk1 and prk2, although the consequence of these interactions is unknown. a series of yopm proteins missing different numbers of lrrs or a c-terminal domain were produced and used for in vitro binding reactions to map domains required for interaction with rsk1 and ...201020515922
yopd self-assembly and binding to lcrv facilitate type iii secretion activity by yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yopd-like translocator proteins encoded by several gram-negative bacteria are important for type iii secretion-dependent delivery of anti-host effectors into eukaryotic cells. this probably depends on their ability to form pores in the infected cell plasma membrane, through which effectors may gain access to the cell interior. in addition, yersinia yopd is a negative regulator essential for the control of effector synthesis and secretion. as a prerequisite for this functional duality, yopd may n ...201020525687
the importance of the small rna chaperone hfq for growth of epidemic yersinia pestis, but not yersinia pseudotuberculosis, with implications for plague biology.yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague, has only recently evolved from yersinia pseudotuberculosis. hfq deletion caused severe growth restriction at 37 degrees c in y. pestis but not in y. pseudotuberculosis. strains from all epidemic plague biovars were similarly affected, implicating hfq, and likely small rnas (srnas), in the unique biology of the plague bacillus.201020543069
post-translational modification of the deubiquitinating enzyme otubain 1 modulates active rhoa levels and susceptibility to yersinia invasion.microbial pathogens exploit the ubiquitin system to facilitate infection and manipulate the immune responses of the host. in this study, susceptibility to yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasion was found to be increased upon overexpression of the deubiquitinating enzyme otubain 1 (otub1), a member of the ovarian tumour domain-containing protein family. conversely, otub1 knockdown interfered with yersinia invasion in hek293t cells as well as in primary monocytes. this ef ...201020553488
enantioselective intermolecular aldehyde-ketone cross-coupling through an enzymatic carboligation reaction. 201020191639
a dominant-negative needle mutant blocks type iii secretion of early but not late substrates in yersinia.yersinia pseudotuberculosis uses a type iii secretion system (t3ss) to deliver effectors into host cells. a key component of the t3ss is the needle, which is a hollow tube on the bacterial surface through which effectors are secreted, composed of the yscf protein. to study needle assembly, we performed a screen for dominant-negative yscf alleles that prevented effector secretion in the presence of wild-type (wt) yscf. one allele, yscf-l54v, prevents wt yscf secretion and needle assembly, althoug ...201020199604
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) enhances the capacity of murine macrophages to secrete oxygen reduction products.the capacity of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (m-csf) to enhance respiratory burst activity in peritoneal macrophages was measured. macrophages incubated for 48 hr or more with concentrated l cell-conditioned medium as a source of m-csf released two to three times as much o2- in response to pma as did unexposed macrophages. stimulation was noted at concentrations of colony-stimulating activity from 0.1 to 2000 u/ml and was maximal at 10 to 100 u/ml. purified, endotoxin-free csf enhanced s ...20102991376
electron microscopy after direct ultracentrifugation.a direct ultracentrifugation technique was used in the preparation of skin lesion specimens for examination by electron microscopy. the concentration factor of centrifuged specimens was estimated to be in excess of 1,000-fold compared to conventional adsorption techniques. this resulted in an increase of over 300% in the detection rate of herpesviruses and poxviruses from skin lesion specimens.20102987776
[relationship of hand temperature and blood beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive substance with electroacupuncture induction of ovulation]. 20102949892
uremia and anemia. 20104254661
[specific trophoblastic beta-glycoprotein in obstetric practice]. 20102948407
carbohydrate structures of nonspecific cross-reacting antigen-2, a glycoprotein purified from meconium as an antigen cross-reacting with anticarcinoembryonic antigen antibody. occurrence of complex-type sugar chains with the gal beta 1----3glcnac beta 1----3gal beta 1----4glcnac beta 1----outer chains.nonspecific cross-reacting antigen-2 (nca-2) is a glycoprotein purified from meconium as a closely correlated entity with carcinoembryonic antigen (cea). as in the case of cea, only asparagine-linked sugar chains are included in nca-2. in order to elucidate the structural characteristics of the sugar chains of nca-2, they were quantitatively released from the polypeptide backbone by hydrazinolysis and reduced with nab3h4 after n-acetylation. the radioactive oligosaccharides were fractionated by ...20102808357
activation of a cytosolic serine protein kinase by epidermal growth factor.exposure of a-431 cells to epidermal growth factor (egf) results in a rapid enhancement (approximately 10-fold) of cytosolic serine protein kinase activity. the increase in serine kinase activity may be detected using a number of peptide and protein substrates. enhancement of kinase activity occurs within 1 min of exposure of the cells to egf and reaches a maximum in 5 min. similar results were obtained with a variety of cell lines. we have partially purified the egf-activated kinase from a-431 ...20102974035
[flexion-distraction injuries of the thoracolumbar spine with complete pancreatic rupture. description of a case].a case is reported of an unstable fracture dislocation of the thoracolumbar vertebral column combined with complete rupture of the pancreas. this combination of injuries is rarely encountered but is dangerous in severely injured patients. rapid and decisive operative treatment of both injuries should be performed, whereby adequate treatment of the pancreatic rupture has the highest priority.20102916133
[creatinine clearance in the elderly. comparison of results obtained by different methods of evaluation]. 20102950506
principles of the diagnostic system 'orfèvre' for computerized analysis in radiology. 20102980470
regional and global biventricular function during dipyridamole stress testing.this study assesses the relation between regional ventricular performance (using 2-dimensional echocardiography) and global systolic and diastolic indexes of biventricular myocardial function (using hemodynamic monitoring) during dipyridamole stress testing. simultaneous 2-dimensional echocardiographic and biventricular hemodynamic monitoring during dipyridamole infusion (0.56 mg/kg over 4 minutes) was performed in 19 patients. all patients had a normal resting function. eleven of the 19 patient ...20102916426
plasma prostacyclin levels in behçet's disease. 20102863511
epidemiological aspects of tardive dyskinesia.although there continues to be some debate as to the extent to which neuroleptic drug treatment is either necessary or sufficient to produce abnormal involuntary movements in various psychiatric populations, the consensus at present is that neuroleptics do play a major role in producing, precipitating or evoking abnormal involuntary movements. no doubt a variety of other factors play a critical role in predisposing particular individuals to the development of the condition. numerous prevalence s ...20103063513
letter: evaluation of laboratory tests. 20104137770
letter: evaluation of laboratory tests. 20104137770
[pathogenetic aspects of schönlein-henoch disease]. 20102940752
ergotism as a consequence of thromboembolic prophylaxis.vasospasm related to ergot intoxication is unusual. the authors report the case of 15-year-old boy who developed vasospasm necessitating amputation, due to an ergot derivative prescribed for thromboembolic prophylaxis. the importance of prompt angiographic recognition and therapy is stressed.20102911661
[comparison of the effects of loprazolam and alcohol on psychomotor performance and memory in healthy subjects]. 20102895966
the influence of intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and beta-1 receptor selectivity on the recovery of finger skin temperature after finger cooling in normotensive subjects.a double-blind randomized study was designed to investigate differences in the recovery of finger skin temperature after finger cooling during dosing with placebo or one of four beta-blockers: propranolol, atenolol, pindolol, and acebutolol. in 11 normotensive nonsmoking subjects, finger skin temperature was measured with a thermocouple before and 20 minutes after immersion of one hand in a water bath at 16 degrees c. this finger cooling test caused no significant changes in systemic hemodynamic ...20102868824
neuroendocrine tumours of the gut: long-term therapy with the somatostatin analogue sms 201-995.nine patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumours of the gut were treated for over 100 days with the long-acting octapeptide of somatostatin, sms 201-995. two patients had unusually aggressive tumours (neuroendocrine tumours are typically slow-growing) with only modest elevation of tumour secretory products. sms 201-995 was given in an attempt to slow tumour growth, but tumour size continued to increase. three patients had glucagonomas and uncontrolled skin rashes, and four patients had vipom ...20102876495
world-wide trends in multiple sclerosis mortality.mortality attributed to multiple sclerosis (ms) was analyzed for 35 countries around the world using world health organization reports from 1965 to 1984. trends were plotted for the united states and canada, for various regions of europe, israel, south america, asia, australia and some pacific countries. in general, ms mortality has declined steadily in north america and most of western europe as well as in countries with a western culture but has remained stable or increased in eastern and nort ...20102922099
implications of involuntary outpatient commitment for community mental health agencies.mental health laws regarding involuntary commitment are under pressure for reform in many states. one popular proposal is to use direct involuntary commitment to outpatient treatment without initial hospitalization or preventive detention. this article reviews the empirical evidence concerning this approach, and discusses administrative and policy implications for community mental health agencies that will bear the burden of such reform.20103067583
implications of involuntary outpatient commitment for community mental health agencies.mental health laws regarding involuntary commitment are under pressure for reform in many states. one popular proposal is to use direct involuntary commitment to outpatient treatment without initial hospitalization or preventive detention. this article reviews the empirical evidence concerning this approach, and discusses administrative and policy implications for community mental health agencies that will bear the burden of such reform.20103067583
[application of ptca steerable guide wire for abdominal and peripheral interventional angiography]. 20102975374
an improved synthesis of (3-n-[11c]methyl) improved radiochemical synthesis of (3-n-[11c]methyl) spiperone is reported. the radiotracer was prepared by n-alkylation of spiperone in dimethylformamide in the presence of equimolar aqueous tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and was purified by semi-preparative reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (c-18 hplc). the average radiochemical yield was approximately 21% end-of-synthesis (eos) with an average specific activity of over 2750 mci/mumol eos. the total time for synthesis and ...20103019944
an improved synthesis of (3-n-[11c]methyl) improved radiochemical synthesis of (3-n-[11c]methyl) spiperone is reported. the radiotracer was prepared by n-alkylation of spiperone in dimethylformamide in the presence of equimolar aqueous tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and was purified by semi-preparative reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (c-18 hplc). the average radiochemical yield was approximately 21% end-of-synthesis (eos) with an average specific activity of over 2750 mci/mumol eos. the total time for synthesis and ...20103019944
the power over death. 20103045617
the power over death. 20103045617
a double-blind, randomized study of naproxen and acetylsalicylic acid after surgical removal of impacted lower third molars.100 patients had an impacted lower 3rd molar surgically removed in a double-blind study. naproxen (500 mg b.i.d.) or acetylsalicylic acid (asa) (1 g t.i.d.) were administered to the patients. paracetamol was allowed as escape medication. 49 patients received naproxen and 51 asa. 4 patients from each group were excluded because they took other analgesics, took too few tablets, were lost to follow-up or had misunderstood the instructions. there was a significantly better over all analgesic effect ...20103091717
phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase and camp, cgmp phosphodiesterases in lymphocytes and monocytes in sarcoidosis.among the various hypotheses proposed to explain immune cell defect in sarcoidosis, we examined thoroughly that of faguet who described abnormalities of signal transmission at lymphocyte membrane level. phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase and camp cgmp phosphodiesterases were studied in blood lymphocytes and monocytes from 8 subjects with sarcoidosis disease. phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase (pmt1) plays an important regulatory role in membrane signal transmission. camp and cgmp ...20103034451
[testicular metastasis of prostatic carcinoma: presentation of a case and a review of the literature]. 20102976183
ex vivo platelet studies following oral nisoldipine in normotensive insulin-dependent diabetics and non-diabetic controls.the effect of 24 hours and 7 days treatment with nisoldipine (10 mg, twice daily) on platelet function was studied in 12 normotensive volunteers of whom six were insulin-dependent diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular complications. platelet aggregation was assessed by platelet rich plasma (prp) and whole blood (wb) techniques. in addition, the effect of nisoldipine on platelet hyperaggregability following exercise was assessed. after taking nisoldipine for 24 hours, in vitro platelet ...20102976336
use of laboratories owned by nonphysicians. 20104407829
can orthodontia influence pituitary gland function and learning ability? 20102944505
[regional differences in the use of cholecystectomy in denmark during the period 1977-1985].in a register-based study of all cholecystectomized patients in denmark during the period from 1977-85 (37,048 patients) an account is given of the regional variations observed in connection with the intervention. the cholecystectomy operation is sub-divided into four types of operation dependent on whether the intervention is merely a matter of cholecystectomy or it involves the choledocus, the duodenum, the small intestine or other organs. the variation analysis is based on a division of the c ...20102919465
familial malignant blood disease in the country of jämtland, a material of 942 patients with malignant hematological disease, encompassing all diagnosed cases in the country of jämtland in sweden during a 22-yr period, 36 families with multiple cases of such disease were found. approximately 5% of the patients have at least one close relative who also suffers from a malignant hematological disease. an especially strong familial occurrence was found in the group of chronic lymphoproliferative diseases and it is concluded that this tendency comprises all ...20103595812
[association between alkaptonuria and selected polymorphic systems]. 20102937509
the role of immunoglobulin e receptors in allergic diseases.recent studies presented evidence that subpopulations of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils carry immunoglobulin (ige)-specific membrane receptors which differ from the classical fc epsilon-receptors on basophil granulocytes and mast cells. the analysis of ige-receptor interactions with various cells has led to important insights as to the requirements of ige-antibody regulations. in addition, the membrane biochemical mechanisms in the induction of mediator release became better understood. ...20102937412
modern medicine and old dilemmas. 20103068685
diurnal variations in pain perception and thermal sensitivity.pain and thermal sensitivity thresholds in healthy volunteers were examined for diurnal variations. the subjects were 11 men aged between 22 and 27 years (means = 23.5, s.d. = 1.5). data were collected for 2 days, with 7 measurements per day. to ensure the pain specificity of the results the subliminal modality, i.e., thermal sensitivity thresholds to warm and cold stimuli, was investigated in addition to the threshold for perception of heat pain. assessments were made on the right hand and foot ...20102919090
aids estimates. 20102916352
assessment of male infertility: correlation between results of semen analysis and phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance evaluate the usefulness of phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31p-mrs) in assessing male infertility, we compared it with conventional semen analysis. specimens were obtained from otherwise healthy patient groups as follows: group a, 7 fertile control subjects; group b, 12 azoospermic men after vasectomy; and group c, 11 patients presenting for infertility evaluation. correlations between established semen analysis parameters and the 31p-mrs-derived ratio of glycerylphosphorylchol ...20102916284
[phonocardiographic and two-dimensional and pulsed doppler echocardiographic studies of still's murmurs].the prevalence of still's murmur was examined by phonocardiographic study, and the clinical significance of this murmur was investigated using pharmacodynamic phonocardiography and echocardiography. still's murmur was present in 224 of 9,478 cases (2.4%) in school children. its prevalence was 143 in 4,524 (3.2%) in elementary school children and this was significantly greater than that in middle school youngsters who numbered 81 among 4,954 (1.6%) (p less than 0.001). there were neither abnormal ...20102907914
bionic ballerinas. 20102863497
the psychiatric management of the globus syndrome.controversy surrounding the term "globus hystericus" points up the historical dichotomy between organic disease and conversion disorder that has hampered the understanding of this syndrome. regardless of its sometimes incapacitating nature, there is little information in the literature regarding the treatment of globus when an organic cause cannot be established. regarding the syndrome as psychosomatic in nature, rather than merely hysterical, we suggest the need for an integrated treatment appr ...20102897941
[granulosa cell myoblastoma of the chin: clinical study].an interesting of granular-cell myoblastoma occurred on the chirny area of a patient bearer of an inferior dental prosthesis gives the starting point for a revision of all histopathogenetic theory about the true origin of these rare and discussed neoformations mostly sealed on the oral cavity.20102856289
long-term results of tibiotalar hundred and one tibiotalar arthrodeses were performed using a single surgical technique that has not been previously reported. the average follow-up was ten years (range, two to twenty-five years). the rate of pseudarthrosis was 5 per cent, four to five times less than in other recent large reports. pseudarthrosis occurred only in patients with a sensory deficit. secure fusion was radiographically documented in 95 per cent and the functional clinical result was good to excellent in 90 per ce ...20103980499
liquid chromatographic determination of total formaldehyde in drinking water.formaldehyde is readily quantitated at micrograms/l levels in drinking water. the analyte present in 1 l water samples is derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in a 2m acid medium and then extracted with chloroform. after the solvent is exchanged for methanol, the product is separated and quantitated using reverse-phase liquid chromatography with uv detection (365 nm). reporting limits as low as 20 micrograms/l (corrected for laboratory blank) are routinely achieved. formaldehyde recovery ...20102808246
[diagnosis of endogenous puerperal psychoses with reference to suicidal and forensic complications]. 20103564551
[poisoning by geromitra esculenta].gyromitra esculenta (persoon ex fries) mushrooms have been responsible for severe intoxications and even deaths. clinical data are characterized primarily by vomiting and diarrhoea, and, afterwhile, by jaundice, convulsions and coma. the species of concern are mainly g. esculenta, g. fastigiata and g. gigas; nevertheless, recent advances in chromatography, biochemistry and toxicology have established that other species within the ascomycetes may prove also toxic. the toxins, i.e. gyromitrin (n-m ...20092681713
prevalence of specific reading disability in egypt.2878 children from the 2nd and 3rd grades in elementary schools were assessed for their reading ability by means of standardised tests for linguistic ability and rate of letters identification. 84 children (3%) with iq 90 or more and no evidence of sensory or motor impairment were backward in their reading ability. they were left to proceed in their conventional educational programme for the next 3 years, then reassessed. 47 (2%) children had attained satisfactory reading skills. the 37 (27 boys ...20092902276
prevalence of specific reading disability in egypt.2878 children from the 2nd and 3rd grades in elementary schools were assessed for their reading ability by means of standardised tests for linguistic ability and rate of letters identification. 84 children (3%) with iq 90 or more and no evidence of sensory or motor impairment were backward in their reading ability. they were left to proceed in their conventional educational programme for the next 3 years, then reassessed. 47 (2%) children had attained satisfactory reading skills. the 37 (27 boys ...20092902276
[role of the neuroglia in the pharmacokinetics of psychotropic agents]. 20092858402
a safe, pre-fabricated, immediate postoperative prosthetic limb system for rehabilitation of below-knee amputations.thirty-eight below-knee amputees were treated with a commercially available pneumatic prosthetic limb system, applied immediately postoperatively, that would allow immediate weight bearing following lower extremity amputation. thirty-four limbs were amputated for peripheral vascular insufficiency and four were amputated due to trauma. weight bearing was initiated an average of 4.7 days following surgery and patients were discharged with a non-removable temporary prosthesis at an average of 8.9 d ...20092798243
a safe, pre-fabricated, immediate postoperative prosthetic limb system for rehabilitation of below-knee amputations.thirty-eight below-knee amputees were treated with a commercially available pneumatic prosthetic limb system, applied immediately postoperatively, that would allow immediate weight bearing following lower extremity amputation. thirty-four limbs were amputated for peripheral vascular insufficiency and four were amputated due to trauma. weight bearing was initiated an average of 4.7 days following surgery and patients were discharged with a non-removable temporary prosthesis at an average of 8.9 d ...20092798243
response properties of normal observers and patients during automated perimetry.automated perimetry was performed on both eyes of 54 normal subjects, 36 patients with ocular hypertension and normal visual fields, and 20 patients with early glaucomatous visual field loss to evaluate false-positive errors, false-negative errors, fixation losses, consistency of double determinations, and testing time. for all subject groups and response measures, large interindividual variation was found. no meaningful age-related changes were obtained for false-negative errors, false-positive ...20092818281
response properties of normal observers and patients during automated perimetry.automated perimetry was performed on both eyes of 54 normal subjects, 36 patients with ocular hypertension and normal visual fields, and 20 patients with early glaucomatous visual field loss to evaluate false-positive errors, false-negative errors, fixation losses, consistency of double determinations, and testing time. for all subject groups and response measures, large interindividual variation was found. no meaningful age-related changes were obtained for false-negative errors, false-positive ...20092818281
cardiovascular reflexes and low long-term exposure to mercury vapour.subjective symptoms related to autonomic dysfunction and quantitative non invasive tests measuring both sympathetic and parasympathetic functions of the autonomic nervous system were studied among a group of 41 chlorine-alkali workers with low long-term exposure to mercury (hg degree) vapour and their matched referents. the test battery included measurements of pulse rate variation in normal and deep breathing, in the valsalva manoeuvre and in vertical tilt as well as blood pressure responses du ...20092744870
day care in teaching hospitals. 20092778250
discussion of diffusion of medical innovations. 20092726946
improved subclavian introduction technique of the pulmonary artery catheter sheath. 20092766775
patient's advocate: children with cancer still deserve a childhood. 20092772527
multiplanar reconstructions in the study of ethmoid anatomy.multiplanar and surface reconstructions are useful tools in anatomical studies. details of ethmoid architecture which are hard to image in axial and coronal scans are well displayed by means of oblique sections. this paper addresses reformatted images of a) the nasal lateral wall; b) the middle meatus lateral wall; c) the lamina basilaris of the middle turbinate and d) the frontonasal duct.20092747893
incidence of local complications after intramedullary nailing and after plate fixation of femoral shaft fractures.a consecutive series of 378 patients with 381 acute adult femoral shaft fractures in previously intact femora admitted during a 10-year period was reviewed for the incidence of local complications including malunion. the majority, 282 fractures (74%), were caused by motor vehicle accidents. the median age of the patients was 28 years. the policy of management was internal fixation of the fracture on the day of admission. the method of treatment was intramedullary nailing (küntscher or interlocki ...20092724381
wound hematoma: prophylaxis with topical thrombin.we studied 123 patients having elective exploratory laparotomy through a midline vertical incision for gynecologic disease; patients were randomized to receive wound irrigation with either saline or topical thrombin before closure of the incision. seven patients were not evaluable. no patient received low-dose heparin therapy perioperatively. no patient in either group had a clinically significant wound hematoma or disruption. minor wound hematomas were more common in the saline group, a finding ...20092717986
imaging of brain tumors with l-3-[123i]iodo-alpha-methyl tyrosine and spect.carbon-11-labeled amino acids have been successfully used to image brain tumors by pet. this study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of l-3-[123i]-iodo-alpha-methyl tyrosine (123imt) for metabolic imaging of brain tumors. ten patients (glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma, lymphoma, and metastases) had early and delayed brain spect with a rotating gamma camera after i.v.-injection of 200-300 mbq 123imt. in nine patients the tumors showed intense uptake of the radiotracer. tumor-to-brain tissue ...20092783455
[round table on the current status of vascular surgery]. 20092729653
enhanced survival of motoneurons in the chick lateral motor column: effects of embryonic skeletal muscle extracts and myoblast-conditioned medium.muscle-derived factors have shown neurotrophic effects in culture, but their possible effects on the maintenance of embryonic motoneurons have not been demonstrated in vivo. soluble extracts derived from embryonic chick muscle, or medium conditioned by chick myoblasts, were instilled onto the chorioallantoic membrane (cam) between the 5th and 11th days of incubation. counts of the lumbar lateral motor column (lmc) at embryonic day 12 revealed modest but significant increases (12-15%) in motoneur ...20092776960
from exodontia to oral and maxillofacial surgery: the evolution of a specialty. 20092698413
[early functional treatment following sports injuries]. 20092718517
[cataract surgery 220 years ago].the author reports on the first 14 cataract extractions performed by karl kaspar von siebold, a würzburg surgeon, in 1766/67. he used daviel's method. at that time there was no anesthesia, no sterility or even antisepsis, and no optical correction of aphakia for his patients. four eyes were lost due to infection and another four had much poorer vision after surgery due to irregular corneal scarring. in six cases both patient and physician were satisfied with the result. siebold's case reports ex ...20092689768
large colon resection.with large colon resection and anastomosis, up to 95 per cent of the length of the large colon has been successfully removed. a hand-sewn end-to-end anastomosis is effective for lesions in the left dorsal colon and pelvic flexure. transection and a side-to-side anastomosis with stapling equipment is most effective for extensive resections (greater than 50 per cent). horses with extensive colon resection (95 per cent) have permanent deficiencies of water absorption and digestion of cellulose and ...20092670114
[general concepts on the possibilities offered today by subperiosteal implantology]. 20092698490
[studies of the effect of ischemia of the legs on the degree of osteoporosis of the femur and tibia using the cortex-shaft index].on the basis of arteriographs in 98 patients with chronic arterial ischemia of lower limbs, degree of osteoporosis was determined in symmetrical femoral and tibial bones using cortical index and statistical calculations. the study demonstrates similar level of mineralization of the examined bones in limbs with similar degree of ischemia. in patients with more pronounced unilateral osteoporotic changes more severe obliterations of the arteries was observed in the respective limb as compared with ...20092772240
histological changes in the airway after antigen inhalation challenge in asthma. 20092681901
an impending shortage of community hospital pathologists. 20092707791
how to handle the unexpected. 20092639701
units for therapeutic drug monitoring toxicology. 20092871279
utilization of formal social support services by non-institutionalized ill elderly. 20092948279
[the peutz-touraine-jeghers syndrome complicated by multiple invaginations of the small intestine]. 20092770168
hypersensitivity myocarditis and hepatitis associated with imipramine and its metabolite, desipramine.we present two cases of myocarditis and hepatitis with histologic characteristics of hypersensitivity-mediated drug reactions associated with imipramine and its metabolite, desipramine. in one case, death was directly attributed to myocarditis; in the second case, the patient died of an acute myocardial infarct, but myocarditis may have played a contributory role. one patient was taking imipramine, and therapeutic concentrations of imipramine and desipramine were documented in postmortem blood. ...20092760582
distribution of axial combinations in astigmatism patients.a total of 527 astigmatic patients were examined for their axial distribution. the values taken for all eyes together confirmed the preponderance of "+" cylinder at an axis of 90 degrees. however, only a small percentage of patients demonstrated a 90 degree axis for each eye separately. mirroring and parallel axes were more common and an asymmetric axial distribution was found most frequently. the influence of lid pressure on the development of astigmatism thus seems, according to our findings, ...20092747933
pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of cefepime.the pharmacokinetics of cefepime were studied following a 2 g intravenous infusion, by measuring concentrations in plasma, inflammatory fluid and urine. mean peak plasma concentrations of 193.1 mg/l were achieved at the end of the 30 min infusion. the mean plasma elimination half-life was 2.1 h. penetration into inflammatory fluid was rapid, with mean peak levels of 91.5 mg/l occurring 0.9 h after the end of the infusion. urinary elimination accounted for 98.9% of the dose within 8 h. therapeuti ...20092777727
lumen-side topography of the alpha-subunit of the chloroplast cytochrome b-559.removal of the extrinsic 33 kda polypeptide increased the accessibility to trypsin of a cooh-terminal tridecapeptide epitope of the alpha subunit of cytochrome b-559 (psbe gene product). the sensitivity of the cytochrome epitope to trypsin was not measurably affected by removal of the 16 and 23 kda extrinsic polypeptides, nor increased by removal of the oec manganese along with the 33 kda protein. while protecting alpha-cytochrome b-559 against trypsin, the 33 kda protein is also proteolyzed, su ...20092689226
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